The Huron Expositor, 1891-10-16, Page 6News Notes.
--" Pnee Pena" font, the property o
Mr, Geo. Hemet Blenheim township, is
for sale. This Is the ferm -64fchan "
BUPPOled t, 0 have been teking &Dwelt
to see.
-1dr.ohn Whitney, an old and
much res Setl resident 4:Df Poole, died
on the Mt 111‘y having had a long and
pausal meant He leaves two on mad
a dartglitei.
-Mr. John White and son ka-ve en-
tered into PstteterehiP 12 the Mitchell
pork factory business.
-met pied 'Coureey., of Logan,
ed niue prizes, representing $75,
at the Toronto exhibition, for Poland
Chinas, and Chester pigs, anti fourteen
at Montreal, representing -Z290. Re
aIo sold at the fairs, for big prices,
thirteen° hia hogi
& tomato
high and I
inily, the largisst flow on record.
hunt, on
of age,
-'rtie t snow of the season fell in
the north n part of Colorado,on Tluers-
day, 1st i4.t.
-E(dorado county, California, baa
been Wept by forest fires. Reny farm-
er* and teachers have been rendered
komelest.• '
,.-Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone intend to
pass the Winter months in Florence.
--Mrs. Frank Leslie wale married in
New York on the 3rd inst., to W. C.
K. Witde,l lg. A., of London, eldest eon
of the late Sir W. Wilde, M. 1), of
Dublin, and brother of Oscar Wilde.
-One Of the crew of the American
ship, FanUi Tucker, which was burned
M see, hen e,onfessed that he conspired
with the naptsin to destroy the boat.
--Dealing in grain futures has been
declared to be unlawful by the State
Supreme Courts of Minnesota. Thia
strikes Mioneapolis and Duluth rather
- heavily. 1 1
' -Attracted by the loose divorce laws
of RhoderIsland, many persons seek re-
nd in that State. The other day
eight divOrces were granted in Newport,
-General Boulanger, the French
revolutionist, committed suielde an the
39th ult., on the grave of his mietress,
Madame de Bottnemain, in Brussels, by
blowing out hie brains.
-The .Princese Bentriee, youngest
daughter of the Queen, and wife of
Prince delay of Betteaberg, has been
deliveredl of a son at &Amoral castle,
Saitlandl The Princese Beatrice has
two- other sone and one daughter.
-Mrs.! Grover Cleveland hat become
a mother. The new comer in the ex-
Presidenra family is a daughter.
-Ravi Mr. Spurgeon, who is recov-
ering front a serious illness, has arrived
at Easthournet a watering. place on the
coast of Sussex. He expresies himself
AS confident of complete recovery. He
still needs much care, however.
-A searcher after Buffalo bones in
.North Dekota set a match to the prairie
grass because . it iaterfered with his
work, and the confl -gretion destroyed
propertY worth half a million dollars.
, Dachus, of Listowel, ,bas
vine in his garden tea feet
tided with fruit
well in Waehington county,
ia, is yielding 15,00& barrels
Schermerhorn, worth 00,-
ied at Newport, Rhode Is -
41 -1st instlie was 7.n years
-The convention of the Irish Nation-
al Leagize of America was opened in
Chicagotthe other day. Neither the
Pernenite nor McCerthyite party was
-A Frenchwomaa named Cobouret
has bequeathed $1,690,000 to any
Frenehnian who, et the bead of 500
compatriots, will penetrate beyond the
already known regions of Central Africa.
-Andrew Quinlan, aged 719 years,
the oldest raitroad conductor in the
- United State', was killed by a train at
Avon, New Jersey, the other day, while
attempting to cross the New York and
LOWit Branch tracks.
-Mr. James Cox, aged 60 years, a
well known peblic accountant, rnysteri
ously disappeared from ' his hoine in
Brooklyn last July. All his friends
were anatzed the other day to bear that
he was charged with embezzling $16,000
from the American Horde Exchange of
New YOrk city. Cox spoke seven
language* and could translate 27, He
had a literary valued at $15,000. De-
tectives ltraced Cox to Celifornia, but
then lost the clue.
-Andrew Carnegie,- the millionaire,is
to presenito Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, a t
series of ibraries. His offer consists of
one main building to cost in the neigh-
borhood of $425.000, and a nutnb-er of
branches distributed throughout the
city, the total cost of which will be
.$300,000. ,
--About two weeks ago inWoodetocle,
a "DrawingRoom Meeting" for Juliet§
was held in the rooms, conducted by
Staff Captain Blanche B. Cox and Cap-
tain Gait, of the Salvation Army Social
Wing. espite .the intense heat, the
room wasl comfortably filled, and after
the singi g of an appropriate hynan and
prayer, C ptain Galt gave an interesting
aceeunt o the Rescue work being done
by the Army throughout Canada. Cap-
tain Cox followed with accounts of the
work in England, especially in " the
modern Bibylon," London, in which,
according to the lowest computation,
there are fifty thousand fallen women.
She urged on, those present to Jive for
God and eternity and do all that they
possibly can to aid the rescue of their
fallen sisters.
-A strong effort is being made in
London to aeparate the liquor and groc-
ery business.
-The train service between Winnipeg
and Port Arthur has been seriously im-
peded by washouts,
-The Ottawa Fair shows a surplus of
$2,000, while the Western Exhibition at
London is $4,000 on the right side.
-The law faculty of McGill Univer-
sity, Montreal, is going to have hand-
some quarters erected as the gift. of
wealthy citizens of 'Montreal,
-Dynamite employed by American
fishermen is Bald to be destroying large
quantities of fish on the Cenadian side
of the Niagara river.
-Farmers along the Bay of Quinte
are snipping their barley to the Eoglish
market, where they get better prices
than in the United States.
-Senecal is packing up his at
Ottawa, and ha going to Montreal to re-
side. He says he sees no harm in ac-
cepting tips as a Government servant.
-An advance guard of the Salvation
Army has pitched its camp inDeaderood,
Dakota, and is throwing up fortifica-
tions. These warriors will venture
almost anywhere, but they have been a
long while making up their minds to
tackle Deadwood. The Black Hills
region iit not what it once was.
-Church circles in Winnipeg were
startled the other Sunday upon learning
of the arrest of Jas. Chi3holm, a promi-
nent meraber of the Congregational
body in that city. A week ago that
night he was engaged, as has been his
custom for years, ushering church -goers
into their seats. To -night he is pacing a
felon's cell. He i charged with ruining
girls under fourteen years of age, the
penalty for which, under the Thompson
Aet, ie life imprisonment, with a whip-
ping. It is alleged that he brie been
seducing girls_ under age, and the police
authorities claim they have a straight
case against. him. Chisholm is owner of
a barb wire msnufactory in Win:linage
Children aryl*s
and s fthought to be worth 4onsiderable
mammy. It is said t at the olice know
at least balf a dozen girls w o hey° lost
the& virtue -through Ibis ma.. A Pink •
erten detective from Chloe o, essisted
'Chief of Police McR e in g thering evi-
dente uponwhich t e warrant was is-
sued. Ohisbolm ha been committed
for•trial, bail was reused.
-Mrs. Seavy, wh comm tted suicide
in ,Chicago the ot er day, was well
known in Hamilton, havin lived there
for several yeare. S e wa a wealthy
lady, but very eceentric. he came to
Hamilton a Widow, but a ortly after-
wardo married Professor oemans, an
artist, who Atilt lives in Mo treal. Fin-
ally Mrs. Loerao,ns left er husband
and went to Chicago, here she assumed
her former married n me, .
-Andrew Eiston, a we !thy fermer
residing on the tenth oncension of Blen-
heim townehip, was onnd dead in bed
theother morning. ¶e ha been ailing
if or aboot two yeare, and eath is sup,
posed te have been t e res It of hear t
failure. He was 48 years of age and
had bean a readof lenheim for
about AO years. Be was a euccessful
farmer and etockrais r, an owned one
of the finest farms tin the t wnahip.
-The extensive bick remise, own-
ed, in by Dr. W. . Shaw, and
deeigned. fer use as a pr vete hospital
for surgical caseinevere bur ed down last
Sunday 10erning. Loss • bout $4,500.
The origin of the fire is attributed to
ince"' diarilm.
-Wan. Tobin, -an o14 eteran of the
rebellion of t37, wh was stationed at
Toronto, was found dead n his bed the
other day. He Iived sio o and is sup-
posed to have died tI4ree d ys before be-
fore being found.
-Mr, Thomas Wi isms for 25 years
a resident of St. Tho as, nd one of the
pioneers of the Tab t Se tlement, died
on Saturday, the 3r brat, in the 89th
year of his age. He WAS striken with
apoplexy the previon Mo iday morning.
He leaves consider* le pre perty. Some
years ago he gave ome $300 to the
Ladies' Temperance an Benevolent
Society of the city wip out the debt
on the home which ow bars his risme.
-A sad accident o curs d at the home
of Mr.. Wm. Ashbury, ear Holland
Center, Grey county be o her day. In
the bustle and hurry' of reparing din
ner, Mrs. Aehbury t rew pan of scald
ing water out of th4 kit hen wiudow,
which was inatantir f llowed by a
scream that thrilled thro gh her like an
electric shock. Her dar ing two-year-
old boy was todd1inj pas the window
at the time and rec ivei the scalding
water upon the back of he head, neck
and back. Convulsi ns et in the fol-
lowing day, resultin in t e death of the
child in a little ove 94 ours after the
accident happened.
-The British pu lie re discussing
the recent suicide o a Gaiety chorus
girl, with whose nom th t of a Royel
Prince has been assoc ate .
-No court balls are o be given hi
St Petersburg this wi ter, • but the
money usually devoted th reto will go to
relieve the famishing peaantry..
-On Sunday, 4th i st., an awful
tragedy occurred in tit township of
Limerick, near Gre nb nk. A man
named John Hailstone sh t his wife with
a revolver, and, thinki]ng he bad killed
her, went outside,en ' putting the
weapon to his mouth 1611 d the. trigger,
killing himself instan ly. The woman,
who was shot under th arm, will re-
cover. Family jars CAU ed the trouble.
-There is only twe • ty inches of
water in the Ohio riner round Cincin-
nati, and teams are or ing the river.
Eighteen steamboats are ground.
-The Czar's silver we. ding is to be
celebrated at his fathe lawti place in
Denmark sit his own e p nse.
-Boulanger beque t ed his black
charger to his friend ar, ier, and each
of hie servanta receive a sum of money.
-Dr. Finney, has ee conVicted of
forgery at Lindsay, nd sentenced to
twenty-three months the Central
--Heavy rains hay c gsed floods in
Oklahoma territory, a d many boomers
bees loet their horses, w gone and cat-
tle by the floods.
Petit, of Br dg
chusetts, has been find
for bringing French Ja
contract into that State.
-A curious weddiiig ook place re-
cently in Ashley, ertt amptonshire,
England. The contra tin parties were
a man aged 66 and a w man aged 77
years. The banns ha been published
in Church 56 years ag bitt they 'oper-
ated and married diffe ent people. The
wife of one and the ha band of the -other
dying, they found the selves at liberty
to renew their Old eng ge ent,aud have
now married, presnn abl for the lest
-Jamet G. Blaine, jr., in answering
his wife's application or • ivorce, likens
poverty, and asks f r c stody-of the
child, which is said to resemble ite
grandfather. Mrs. Bain wants a di-
vorce, Euitable alimon an the child.
water, Massa -
300 and costs
adians under
-Special UnitedSt tes Treasury
Agent Stone, who hi ben watching
for Chinamen who se4 to muggle them-
selves over the Can dia border into
the United States, says th present eye.
tem for detecting and 'sent ing back the
intruders is almost a tirtal failure. Be
tween Pembina. and M nt na there are
not a dozen inspectors to itrol the vast
stretch, and hundreds pf 'hinamen sue-
ceed in getting across. e suggests a
mounted police force.
-The elite of the town of Amherst.
burg the other night g ne banquet to
retiring United State. Uonsul Judge
Turner, at_ which som fi e quail were
among the dainties se ve . Amherst
burg 'sportsmen are up in rine over tbe
breach of the game lawa d threaten to
rnake it warm for the pro oters of the
banquet. The fine for ill gaily killing
quail is $5 to $25 for each 'ird. -
-Four Chinamen whre sent back to
Canada from Buffalo, ;n he 6th inst.,
per ferry boat. Two f t e Celestials
were without the neca. ry entrance
certificates and were ot allowed to
land. Being taken bac , they were not
allowed to land on the 1lu tato sideand
the ferryman had to xtow them about
not knowing what to do ith his pas-
sengers. Toward evenin • the China-
men paid $50 each and wer allckired to
land in Canada.
-Recently a man, prpfe sing to be a
laborer out of work, iip lied to Mr.
James Anderson, at 4ot ererell, and
was engaged to cut coin. During the
deep silence of night h r attacked the
house but was alarmed ad decamped
without any prey. Den g the next
afternoon a parcel of 575 w s abstracted
from the Fullerton hotel
---Itliss Tillie Spring is a rather pleas-
ant looking young lady, who lives at
Dorchester etetion. He n me is 'smile
iar to many on account ,o her alleged
prophesies in connection ith the die -
appearance of the late 5 uire Sifton.
Last year Miss Spring was fined $50 for
a breach of the Medical Ac, while liv-
ing in South London.. On he 2nd inst.,
she again appeared before S uire Smyth,
of London, on a similar cb rge, but the
case was dismiesed onount of in.
sufficient evidence. She rs to have
a fondness for the healin sot. When
very young she declaredIshe had fallen
into a trafice and had been 1v.n np for
dead: but the unexpeotal recovered,
Pitcher's Cs Ha.
from whioh time she dated th origin of
her alleged curative powe s. Miss
Spring claimed to have taken the pro-
per course of medical stod in the
United States and to be at iberty to
practice there, as oho was the holder of
thenequired medical cortifibat .
-A short time ago a Mite ell road
pedagogue was wheeling repit ly to be-
gin his duties when he had the misfor-
tune to meet a gang of gy sies near
Motherwell, They halted, a d amidet
considerable chattsring and t reateuing
gestures proclaimed their in sent,on of
thrashing the bicyclist becaus his ma.
chine had frightened their hor es. Dur-
ing tibia intereating proceed ng Jack
with terrified look and brio liug hair
was etanding near by, hold ng in his
trembliug hands his rattli ig wheel.
The neighbors interpoeed, a d instead •
of thebicyclist being maimed by -gipsy
fists he was sent on his way r joieing.
-David Clarke, of Strati rd, has a
valuable mere and colt which he intend-
ed exhibiting at the Stratfor Fair. One
night before the Fair some /retch cut
their tails disfiguring them/ so as to
make it useless to put them on ex-
- .
-Fred Parker, of Sebr ngville, 18
studying medicine in Toront
-Mr. John Baird, matr oulate, of
Motherwell, has gone to take the place
of Mr. Wen. Tier, of Monkton, who
leaves his school to attend Ttronto (Job
V e -The"ltAnnual Provincia Sabbath
School Convention will this year be held
in Ottawa on the 27th, 28 and 29th
days of October. Mr. B. F. Jacobs, of
Chicago, chairanan of the I ternational
Sabbath School association exeeutive
committee. has promised to e present,
also Rev. Principal MoVicari
-A nice little fashionalble party,
given recently by an acoom lished and
much esteemed society belie of Brant-
ford, was ruderspoiled by number of
dieagreeable arid naughty lit le boys the
other day. The lemonade and cakes
had been placed in a cool c liar he the
rear of the house, when e veral little
boys, living in the neighbo hood clone
acroes the cellar and its teMpting don•
tents. Without considering the Pro-
prietorship to any great lextent, the
little boys fells to, and whe the young
lady sought her cakes, well, they were
not to be found.
--The fetidness of the public to be
gulled was amply shown in Paisley
recently, by the operatio a of some
gipsies who drove a trade n the dry
goods business. These dea ere went in-
to some of our snores in town, and
bought low-priced unsala le webs of
tweeds whieh they took ri ht out and
sold to parties for over dou le the price
which they paid the 8torel keeper, in
one case they sold to a rpan in that
town a web for $12, which ithey bought
from the storekeeper for $3. The best ;
'feature of the thing is, t at in most
cases those who were ca ght are not
short of funds and are con dered to be
knowing ones generally.
--Inetructions have be n given to
station agents, road mas ers, section
bosses, and employes of rail oada gener-
ally to thoroughly carry o t the On-
tario laws regarding cattl runeing at
large, and, that is to im ound every
cow, !terse, sheep or pig f und running
at large within one half mile of any
crossing in city, town, village or coun-
try, and to prosecute the cfrners there-
of where they persist in Iviolating the
Hibbert Shor.
The following is the priz list of the
Hibbert Show held at Staff on Tuesday
and Wednesday, October 6tlh and 7th:
HORSES. -Imported Hea
-Brood mare with foal, Le
D McKinnon. Thos We
foal, D McKinnon, Pete
Lewis Goodwin; Two-year
gelding, Thos Werry ; One
or gelding, Tires Werry 1st
y Draught,
is Goodwin,
ry ; Sucking
old filly or
eareold filly
nd 2nd.
General Purpose, -Span eneral pur-
pose horses, Jas Patterson, JJo1n Kemp,
M Heffernan ; Brood mare with foal,
P O'Connor, Neil Gillespie, L Heal;
Sucking foal, Joseph Miller, L Heal;
T,wo year old filly or gelding, Wm Kers-
lake, John Lynoch, Hugh Hamilton •
One year old filly or geldingi, 4 Heal, R
Canadian Heavy Draligh t,- Span
heavy draught, Wm Cornish, John
Lynoch ; Brood mare with 4oa1, Thomas
Gourley; Sacking foal, Thcs Ryan, P
O'Connor, Thos Gourley ; Two year old
filly or gelding, John Kemp, John
Lynoch ; One year old filly or gelding,
Thos Gourley.
Road and Carrlage,-Spai of Carriage
Horses, John McKay, & Sons, Jemes
Elamilton ; Brood mate witft foal, Suck-
ing foal, Chas Brook 1st in e ch, Jno A
Nortis 2nd in each; Two ye r old filly
Or gelding, Henry James, t obt Norris;
One<year old tilly or geldi g, Jno A
Norris, Chis Brook..
Saddle and Buggy,---Sa dle horse,
Jno A Norris; Buggy bo se, Joseph
Norrie, Jobn Fell.
Cnrmen-Thorough Bred Durhams,-
Cow, with pedigree, that alved since
last fall show, R Hotham ; 1 wo year old
heifer, *oho Smale, D Mc emu ; One
year old heifer, John Fell.
Ayrshires,-Cow, with certificate,
calved since last fall show, R ilotharn.
Grade Cattle, -Mitch c w, calved
since last fall show, F R He niltou, Jno
McLellan 2nd and 3rd; Tw year old
heifer, John Smale, John Fell, John Mc-
Lellan i • One year old heifer, Juo Smale,
D MeLaren 2nd and 3rd; effer calf
under 1 year, Jno Fell.
All Classes, -Herd of four steers, D
McLaren, F R Hamilton; T n yeareold
steer, One year old steer, Jn Smale Ilst
in each, F R Hamilton 2n, in eaieh ;
Steer calf, Jno Smale, Jno F II ; Fa fi ox
or steer, D McLaren, Thos McLaren,
Jno Fell; Fat cow or heifer, J MaLitren
1st and 2nd, Jno Fell.
Sneer. -Fat Sheep, -Jas Colquhoun
1st, 2od and 3rd.
Leicestershires and Their Grades, -
Ram, twp shears and over, hos Gour-
ley, 'rhos Correlly ; Shear ing ram,
Thos Correlly ; Ram lamb, ' hos Correl-
ley 1st and 2ad ; Pair bree ing ewes,
lambed in '91, Thos Correll n Thomas
Gourley; Pair sheerling ewe, Pair ewe
lamb3, Thos Gourley lat in ach, Thos
Correlly 2od in each.
PIGS. -Berk shire,- Boar,
year old, P DeCourcey ; Roe
year-old, John Leonhardt.
Suffolk, -Boar over one ye
under one year old, Sow that
'91, Sow under one year old,
ltardt let and 2nd in eech.
Chester White, -Boar ove
old, Boar under one year old,
littered in '91, Sow under on
P DeCourcey let and 2nd in
POULTRY. -Geese, male a
Hugh Hamilton; Duette,'
female, Jas Colquhoun, Hug
Black Spanish, male and fern
Laren let and 2od ;‘ Polands,
female, W M ,Harburn; Dar
• colored Brahmas, male and fems
le, Miss
Pringle Hugh Hamilton;
male and female, Miss Pr
Gillespie Plymouth Rocks,
female, 1st and
keys, Jos Miller, D MoLare
D McLaren 1st end 2nd.
over one
, under one
r old, Boar
littered in
no Leon -
one year
Sow that
year old,
d female,
ale and
le, D Mc -
male and
or light
gle Neil
male- and
2nd; Tur-
; Pigeons,
te winter
eldiehlan ;
wheat. Wm Kerslake, Jam
Red winter wheat, J Sheir.
Spring wheat, Wm Kerslake,
Whits oat., J :nett, D
Black crate, M Brethour 4, Barley, J
Sheir, M Brethour ; Large peas, W M
Harburn Small peas,Thomas Scott, M
Brethour; Beans, r) McLachlan, J
Sheir; Timothy! seed, J Sheir, M
Brethour Flax' seed, M Brethour ; In-
dian core, George Smale, F R Hamil-
ROOTS, tT0,--Ear1y potatoes, John
Kemp, John Smale, F R Hamilton ;
Late potatoes, Neil Gillespie, Jas Colgu-
houn, Peter Campbell; Collection pota-
toes, John Cerrachael, Thos
John Simile; SseileTurnips,Geo Smele,
John Smale,JaiBarbour• Other turnips, ,
Thee Scott, David Mitchell; Globe
marigolds, R itainilton, Thoe Smale;
Loug rnangolds, Thos Smale, F R Ham-
ilton; Field carrots; lhos M
Brethour ; Garden carrots, J Shirr, R
lloggerth ; Parsnips John Carmichael,
R lioggarth ; Biood beets, Thos Senate,
John Carmichael ; Turnip beets, Thos
Smale, Peter Moore; Red onions, Thos
Swale, Miss Pringle; White onions,
Donald Park • Yellow onions, Thomas
Smale, Thoe 'Park ; Cabbage, George
Seattle, John Carmichael ; Cauliflowers,
John Carmichael,F R ainiltou ; Water
melons,Gedo Smale,Joseph Miller; Musk
melons Jas Barbour, F 8 Hamilton;
Pumpkins, John Carmichael, Joseph;
Miller; Table hquashes, Peter Moore,
John Carmichael; Mammoth equesh,
Joseph Miller, D McLachlan; Citrons,
.Neil Gillespie, Jae Colquhoun ; Toms -
toed, J Sheer, R Hoggarth;. Collection
tnble vegetables, Peter Moore, F R
DAIRY, - Dairy Cheeee T Laing ;
Salt butter, John Kemp, John A Norris,
D McLachlan; Newly made butter,
John Kemp, Thos Scott; A McLellan.
Shier;FRiIT.-PIupis, •J Northern
Spies, F 8 Hamilton, John Kemp ;
Rhode Island Greening'', F L :Hamilton,
James Hamilton; lisLdwine, R Hog-,
garth, T Laing; Golden Russete, D Mc
Lachlan, W Vipond; King of Tomkins
County, R Hoggarth, Thoe Scott.; Snow
apples, W Vipond, Hugh Norris ; Tar
man Sweets, T Laing, F It Hamilton;
Maiden's Blush, F R Hamilton, James
Hatnilton ; Colverte, W Vipond, George,
Smale; Grimet Golden, 8 Hoggarth
Fellowaters, Joseph Miller, F 8 Hama
ton; WealtbYs, Joseph Miller; Any
other variety tipples, A McLellan, Hugh
Norris; Collection of apples, R Hog-
garth, F R Hamilton ; Crab appless,
Brethour, Hugh Hamilton; Grapes, D
Park ; John Kemp; Winter pears, Thos
Scott, J Sheir Fall pears, A ,Ferguaon,
Peter Campbell ; Peaches, Jas
ton, A Ferguson. •
.MISCELLANEOUS. -Maple sugar, Mat
thew Miller, I Joseph Miller; Honey,
Matthew Miller, D McLachlan; Home
made bread, Peter Moore, George Nott;
Home made seep, M I3rethour. J Shier ;
Preserved Frits, -Peaches, F L Ham-
ilton, Peter Moore; Leer,. F L Hamil-
ton, John Kemp; Plume, J Sheir, John
Kemp; Cherries, F L Hamilton, Jessie
Allen ; Gooseberries, J Sheir, Peter
Moore; Strawberries, Peter Moore T
Smale; Tom toes, Jas Colquhoun,Peter
Moore; Ri8 berries, Jessie Allen, F L
Hamilton • elly, Neil Gillespie, Ed
Hamilton. Specimen of writing, Wm
Harburn, John A Norris, R Hoggarth ;
Cut fiewere, Eitinid Mitchell ; Potted.
plants, Jan Hamilton.
MANUFACTII7RES. -Home made fulled
cloth, Geo Nott ; Home made blankets,
Elle Creight n, Peter Moore; Home
made flanne 1) MoKellar, Geo Nott;
Home made 1Jnion Flannel,M Brethour,
rhos Vivian ; Rag carpetiog, Geo NOtt,
Ella Creighton; Home Made Union
blankets, Neil Gilleepie, John Kemp;
Home made horse lelankets,D McKellar;
Home made shawl. David Mitchell;
Celf boots, John S McIlwraith ; Coarse
boots, John S Mcllwraith ; Horse sheen
letend 2nd Brown & Clark.
IMPLEMENTS:- Top Buggy, let and
2nd Brown & Clark; Cutter, F L Ham-
ilton; Iron beam plow, T T Coleman, F
L Hamilton; Iron harrows, Brown &
Clerk, F L Hamilton; Drill senffier, T
McLaren; Root cutter, T McLaren,
Wm Elder; Gang plow, F L Hamilton;
Land roller, T T Coleman.
LADIES' WO. -Gent's home made
fine shirt, Geo Nott; Gent's home made
flannel shirt, Geo Nott, D McLachlan;
Wonlen stockings, Hugh Currie, Peter
Moore; Woolen :rocks, J Sheir, D Mc-
Lsehlan ; Woolen mitts, Ella Creighton,
Geo Nott; Woolen gloves, Geo Nott;
Single yarn, It Kennedy, E Creighton;
Double yarn,' J Sheir, Peter Moore;
Rag mat, R Kennedy; Patchwork quilt,
L Heal ; Thee Scott; Log cabin quilt,
Geo Nott, L Heal; Knitted quilt, R
Kennedy, Geo Nott; Ground work
quilt, Thos Scott, Hugh HamPton ;
Home made woven coverlet; Donald
Park, George Not; Crazy patchwork,
Miss Pringle, F L Hamilton ; Tidy in
cotton, Ella Creighton, Geo Nott; Sofa
cushion, Gee Nott, L Heal ; Braiding,
Ella Creighten, David Mitchell ; Erie
broidery in cOtton, Ella Creighton, Geo
Nott; Embroidery in silk, ElleeCreigh-
ton, Miss Pringle • Embroidery in wool,
Ella Creightoo, deo Nett; Fancy Knit.
tirg in cotton,' Gee Nett, Miss Pringle;
Fency Knitting in wool, Ella Creighton;
Fancy Needlework, Geo Nott, Ella
Creighton; Crochet in wool, Ella
Cteighton, Ge Nott; Crochet in cot-
ton, Ella Creighton, D McLachlan;
Sampler work, MBrethour, Ella Creigh-
ton; Macrame work, J Sheir, M Broth -
our; Arasene work,, Geo Nott, Elba
Creighton; Etching,Geo Nott; Darn-
ing, Ella 2Creightini, Peter Moore;
Leundried shirt, Jessie Allen, Ella
Creighton; Button holes, Elle Creigh-
ton, John Kemp: Worked panels, Ella
Creighton, Mite Pringle; Toilet set,
Nott, Ella Creighton ; Painting on silk,
Hugh Norris, Thos Vivian; Pencil
drawing, Hugh Currie, John A Norris;
Crayon drawing. Joseph Senior, John A
Norris; Paintrng in Water colors, John
A Norris, JoelhSeonEios.r.
Horses, - Thomas Worden, James
Reynolds, Simon Hunter.
Cattle and Sheep, -,Duncan Mein.
teal), Geo Sutherland, Geo Murdie.
Implements,, Poultry and Pigs, -Hen-
ry James, John Hazlewood, David Mc.
Grain and Reote,-James Ballantyne,
John Hudson.
Fruit and Dairy Produce, -T El Race,
Curiosity of Motion.
-When a wheel is in motion, does
t he top move faster than the bottom?
Nine people out of ten,says an exchange,
would cry nonsense at the mere quee.
tion. Both the top and the bottom of
the wheel must of the wheel must of
necessity, it wenld seem, be moving for-
ward at one and the same rate -i. e.,the
speed at which the carriage is traveling.
Not so, however, as a little reflection
would convince you. The top is moving
in the direction of the wheel's motion of
translation, while the bottom is moving
in opposit!on to this motion. In other
words, the top is moving forward in the
same directionn which the carriage is
progressing, while the bottom is moving
backward, or in an -opposite direction.
That is wby an instantaneous photo-
graph of a carriage in motion shows the
upper part of the wheel a confused blnr,
while the spokes in the lower part are
distincttly visible.
What is
ant te
1 = ; = M ,‘ M
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's pl;cription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither plum, Morphine nor
ether Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
• It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is 'thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents ‘Tomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constip4ti,on and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stoxnach
and bowels, giving healthy and natura sleep. Cam.
torts is the Children's Panacea -the Moti4er's Friend.
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for chll-
Iran. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
;ood effect upon their children."
Lowell, Masse
"Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
•ar distant when mothers will consider the real
nterest of their children, and uee Castor's in -
teed of the variousquack nostnmeswleich are
Iestroying their loved ones, by forcingopium,
norphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
ben] to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Kntatzeol,
Conway, Ark.
Ca rim. •
"Castoria is so well adapted to children the
I recommend it NS sirperior toany prescriptia
knoweete me."
•H. A. Axone'', M.
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.
"Our physicians pi the children's depari
ment have spoken highly of their exper
ence in their outside practice with Casket
and aIthough we only have among ou
medical supplies what is known as regula
produdtss yet we are free to confess that th
merits of Castoria has won us to look wit:
favor npon it."
Uranus Mamie. AND DirswitNsasir,
Boston, Mew
Arsexe:C. Stem Pres.,
The Centaur Company, TT Murray iStroet, Now York City.
Last week we opened up a large new stock of Men's, Youths',
Boys' and Children's made up Suits and Oiercoats ; also Tweeds, Coat-
ings and Pantings for our order department?, also Carpets, Underwear,
Hosiery, Gloves, Flannels, White and GreY'Cottons, Sce.
• This week we have been very busyopeninat'and marking our
importations of British- and French Dress !Goods, Scotch Tweeds and
Coatings, and numerou3 lines of notions. Also a large line of Ladies';
Girls'. and Children's readymade Jackets andWlsters direct from foreign
manufacturers, to which we would especially beg to draw public atten-
tion, as they will -be found particularly good j value.
Our Miss McLachlan has returned from the Eastern markets, hav-
ing completed purchases of Millinery goods and gleaned from the best
Canadian and American artists the latest and nobbiest ideas in
The harvest being good., we are laying ourselves out to do the
largest fall and winter trade in the annals of our businesb. If we don't
get there, it will not be any fault in the xs.riety and quality of our
goods, nor the prices -at which we will sell tbem, for we assure you on
the confidence which the purchasing public :have placed in us in the
Corner Main and Market Streets, Seaforth.
Beautify Your
Homes With
I can do it with the
and at Bottom Prices.
Newest Goods
If tun conteniplate repairing
should see my selection and get
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
ethel...e.„ .
Clouse Scent-
I Bluovalei
Ethel.... ..
. 2.61 r. 19. 9.41. r,x, 8.56
3.04 0.56 9.45
8.21 10.10 10.10
3.81 10.20 11.10
Passenger. Mixed.
6.30 A4.11.10 A. N. 7.35 P.
6.39 11.29 8.05
6.e3 11.62 9.05
7.05 12.07 9.41
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING NORTH- Patieenger.
Londen,'depart . 8.15a.w, 4.35r.,
Exeter 9.16 6.67
Mansell.; 9.28 .6.09
Kippen.' 9.34 6.17
Brueefield 9.42 6.2ft
Clinton;... ....... - • . 10.00 6.95
Londesboro 10.19 7.03
Blyt. ,
10.28 7.12
Molgravd . • 10.42 7.27
Winghatin arrive 11.00 • 7.60 ou
0 0 IN 0 SOUTH- •Passenger.
my Wingharn, d apart 6.45a.11 Y.201..ti.
Belgrave ; . 7.00 3.46
Biyth 4 7.14 •4s 6
Londesbnro 7.22 4.19
Clinton .3 7.65 4.4F
Brumfield 8.15 1 6.04 _
Hippen .',. ...... 8.2/1 6.12
Hensel . 8.32 , 6.19
Exeter ' 8.60 , 6.83
Steam Boiler Works,
Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station
ary, Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror
Works, ete
• Also dealers in Uptight and Horizontal Slid
Valve Engines. Aotornatic Cot Enginesa
specialty. All sizes of pipe and 1 tting
constantly on hand. Est'mates furnished
short notice.
Works ormosite G. T. R Station Gooerich.
McKillop Directory for 1891.
JOHN BENNEWIES, Recve, Brodhagen P. 0.
JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop.
DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood.
JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood,
WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, Councillor, Lead -
JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop.
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win.
o ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop.
ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth.
ford's Saniteryi Lotion. Sold by J. S.
-Itch cured in 30 minutes, by, Wool- I • BRATIORTN, ONTARIO.
Roberts. 1237y NO RIEOUIRLD
Grand Trunk Railway.
aloni ve Seaforth and Clinton station as
(1°ma LT
, nasse.. 1.12 r. 1.28 r. w.
Pasisenges... .. 9,16r. re 9.32 a. X.
Mixed Train., 9,20 A. X. 10..5o5er.74
Mixed Train. 6.16 r. 8
Goma Eaar-
e.. .Paeseng 7.59 L. N. • 7.48 A. /4.
Passenger2,60 r. 2.33 r. x
Mixesi Tram_ b.W r n. 4.65 r.
Freight Train.. .. 4.30 r. e. 330r. a.
Boots and Shoes
1 Has on hania large number of Boots and Shoes.
of his own , ake, best material and
Warranted to give Satisfaction.
If you want Your feet kept dry con3o and.get
a pair of owl boots, which will be sold
Repairing prOmptly attended to. All kinds of
Boots and Shoes made to order_ All peaks who
have not paid their accounts for last year will
please call and settle up.
1162 D. lel cISTYRE, heaforth.
J. C SMITH 8c,c0.
A Gene al Banking business trans-
Farmers' notes discounted,
Drafts bought and sold.
Interest llowed on deposits.
SALE NOTES discounted, or taken
for collection.
OFFICE -First door no
& Wilson'siliard ware Store
rth of Reid
Mutual Livp Stock
Head Office: Seaforth.
THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Camper)}
in Ontario having a Governrrent Deposit and
being duly licensed by the sante. Are now
Carrying on the businees of Live Stock Insur
once and solicit the patronage of the importere
and breeders of the Province.
• For further particulars address
VHIN AVERY, Sec.-Treas.
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0.; W.
J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth O.; John
Hannah Manager, Seaforth 0.
Jae Broadfo t, Seaforth • Donald Rosa, Olin -
ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt,
Matlock Joseph Evans, Becohwood ; J. Shan-
non, Walton; Thos, Garbutt, Clinton.
Theo, Neilans, Harlock ; Robt. 31eMillan. Sea.
orth ; 8, Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or
transact other business will be promptly attend.
ed to nn application to any of the above officers,
addteesed to their respective post offices.
en -
Knight's Blood Cure.
_LkSTANDARD household remedy in suceess
fill use more than 40 years, A positive
cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra
tion, Constipation and all diseases of theBlood.
Stomach and Liver.
Unequalled for Producing a Clear
. A botanical compound, put up in packages
and sent by mail at one third the rost of ordin
ary inedieine. Large paeltases, eullieient for
(Luang, 81.00 ; half size packages, sufficient L
' i
3 pints, 60e.• sample-packages725e.
A reliableAgent wanted in this locality.
1183-52 252 itroa.dway, New York.
Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles n their worst form
Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites
Chapped Haps, and all Skin Diseases.
Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neura
gia, Toothache, Tains in every form.
By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co
3K1 INT 33 TT JR i\T
Look to your understending, I am
just receiving a well selected stock of
readymade Boots and Shoes, which I
will sell at the leant living profit.
Special attenting given to repairing and
custom work. Inspeetion solicited,
1241 3 JAS, STANLEY, Constaece.
Beg to inform the people et Seaforth and vicini-
ty that they have started the Butchering busi-
ness on Maia Street, Seaforth, in the shop for-
merly occupied by Mr. George Erving, and will
be glad to serve all who may call on them, with
fresh meat of all kinds. They both have a prac-
tical knowledge of the bueiness and gnanuatee
a good article and prompt attention to custom -
Orders *elicited and meat delivered -in any
"1". r)/401 k MOW
OCTOBER 16, 1891
JOHN GRIEVE, V. 8., Honor graduata Ontario Veterinary College. all „muI);m_
of Domestic Animals treated. Calls prear,707
attended to and charges moderate. V
Dentistry a specialty. Office -At 'woes Rap,
Hotel, Seaforth.
•UIRANR 8. Beattie, V. 8,, graduate Of Ont. -4
r Veterinary College, Toronto, Menher al;
Veterinary Medical Society, ete., treats atm.;
eases of the Domesticated Animals. All 04
promptly attended to either by day or nigh%
Charges moderate. Special attention gitea
veterinary dentietry. Office OD Main arm
Seaforth, one door south of Ridd
store.'a Mardwss;
s.-3 Jarvis and Goderieh Streets, next door a te
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, ont. d14
311es o Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of teett
uesticated animals, successfully treated st
„aviary or elsewhere, tie the ahorteet Dales
;barges in Aerate. JAMES W. ELDER, V*,
nary Stine in. P. S. -A large tenni of entre,
they Medicines x constantly on banal
ATTNEW MORRISON, Walton111 , Insures"
Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavit.
Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the lerreil
rates. M. lifeeinsee, Walton,
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Nckty,
Office -Rooms, the dotes north of Coes
enercial Motel, ground floor, next door es
Papst's jewelry store, Main street, &aka
Goderich agents -Cameron, Holt and Cam,erae,
GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barrieters, sew,
tors, &c., Goderioh, Ontario. J. T, GAREDR,
• Solloitore in Chancery, &a, Gedorich, est
. C. Ceasatoe, Q. C., Paw Hour, 1t,
I). Late of Victoria, B. C. 0 DOWNEY,
J. Solicitor, Convy
enion ke
Bank of Commerce, Main street, seatorth.
vete funds th loan st4t5i and 6 per cent.
'P TANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, &di111 eito-n,
Conveyancers, ere. Solicitors fortholase
of Johnidon, Tiede° & Gale. Money to ken.
Office -Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontraio. A le
Mamma, Jesse Some, 781
11 HOLMESTED, successor to tin. ate tits
£. McCaughey & Holmested, &tenter, So-
licitor, Conveyeacer and Notary, &Bettor lot
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to 'WI
Farms for sale. Office in fieott's Block, lish -
Street. Seaforth.
ICKSON & MAYS, forrneily ws Messr• e
Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderieh ; Bars
risters. Solielters, etc., Seaforth and Brussels
Seaforth Office- Cardno's Block, Main Street.
• Money to Loan. - 1121
Solicitor of Superior Court, Commissiorer for
taking Affidavits in the High Court
of Justic!, Commissioner,
• Money to Lend
OFFICE. -Scott's Block, over Lowden &
Wilson's Drug Store. • 1234
W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Ham-
. ilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Maio
and John Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous
Oxide Gas administered for the painless extrae-
tion of teeth. 1160
DR. BELDEN, Dentist, Graduate Royal COI
lege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. As-
sistant -Dr. Atkinson, Graduate Pennsylvania
College of Dental Surgeons, Philadelphia. Gas
administered for painless extraction of teeth.
Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, Ses,
forth. Will visit every Wednesday forenoon at
Dixon's Hotel, Bruceileld, and at Iiippen inthe
afternoon. Every Friday forenoon at Prender-
gast's Hotel, Dublin. 1223
-LT KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D.
11. S., Exeter, Ont. Will be al
Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, matte
and at Murdock's Hotel, /Tongan, on the erten
AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth ex.
tracted with the least path possible; All work
first, -class at liberal rates. 971
DR. C. IL INGRAM, Dentist, (glimmer to IL
L. Billings), member of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons, Ontario Teeth inserted
with or without a plate in gold celluloid or rub.
ber. A safe anteethetic given tor the poinleis
extraction of teeth. Office -over O'Neirs bank,
Exeter, Ontario. 1204
N. B. -Plates secured firmly in the month by
Yemens' Patent Valve.
e-ONEY TO LOAN. --Straight loans at 6 pet
DIL cent., with the privilege to borrower
of repaying part of the principal money et sty
time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, BanbUs;
Seaforth. 850
'FIR. C. SHEPPARD, Physielan and Surgeon,
• Hayfield, Ontario, successor to Dr. W. 11.
Wright.• 1225.52
TNR. T. I'. McLAUGHL1N, M.C.P.S , Ontario
• Ph s sician, Surgeon and Accoucheur
Night calls promptly attended. Office, Dash-
wood, Ont 1225
OFFICE, Ocderich Street, opposite Methodist
Church, Sea.fneth. • RESIDENCE, next Agricul-
tural Grounds.
J. G. SCOTT,. M. D. C. .31,„ (Ann Arbor and
Vietoria,) 31. C. P. 8, 0.
C. MACKAY, M. D. C. M., (Trinity,) P. T. 3f. C.,
31 C. P. 8.0.
R.McFAUL, Member of the College
▪ Physicians and Surteons, etc., Seaforib,
Ontario. Office, Cad' '8 Block, oppose Com-
mercial Hotel. Night bell at residence, north
side of Goderieh St, seventh door west of the
Methodist Church. 1210 IL
ItE. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon
and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1.121
nRS. ELLIOT/ & GUNN, Brucefleld, Limn
1.1 Cates Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. 13rucefield, Ont. 980
BD W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. 31, Meratau
jai, of the College of Physicians and SurgeOhe•
Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residence
same as occupied by Dr, Vereoe, 818
- --
A LEX. BETITUNE, M. D., Fellow of the
1As Royal College of Phyrdelans and Surgeons
Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid. Mee
lately oecupied by Dr. Maekid, 31a15 Street,
Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Square
in house lately occupied by L. E. Dances. 1127
T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for nu
ely.t. C70 ult of Hutson. AltSaloesrdettelnerialn
gresrroe Office wil7be promptly attended io,
DH. PORTER General auctioneer end
. Land Valuator. Orders sent by mall to
my address, BaytieldV. 0., will receive prompt
attention. Terms moderate. 118542
encer, Collector, Book-keeper and Amountest
Real Estate. Life, Accident and Fire Insurance
Agent; Money to Loan, Correspondences_dh.
Parties requinng his services in any of 0.09 nes will receive prompt attention. AVMs
DAT2, 113'
Having been appointed Agent and Valuator
for the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society is
now prepared to receive applicatiors and to
loan money in any amount on the most reason-
able terms and at low rates of interest. The ex-
penses of effecting a loan through Mr. Hart will
be very licht as he is also valnator for the
Society. All applications strictly private. For
full particulars apply to or address,
GEORGE HART, Bruse1341.5.
Notice to Depositors
Post Office Savings Bank
Deposits in the above Bank DK now be re-
ceived to the amount of $1,000 during each year,
ending 30th of June, and a total balance of
83,000, exclusive of interest, wbiele if desired,
may at any time be transferred to the Finance
Department for investment in
In sums of $100 or multiples thereof. Th
stock will bear interest et the rate of 31j per
cent, per annum, payable on 1st of Morehead
Jet ot September ot each year, and is redeem-
able lit otMaroh, 1896.
SAMUEL DICKSON, Pootimaeter;
Post Moe, &Worth, MasokAnd, VOL
• 12106
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