HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-10-09, Page 6r -7 44. THE HURON EXPOSITOR PriZ Th ful c Bru Ho List of Brussels Show. following is a list of the success- mpetitors at the show held at Is on Thursday and Friday last i Es.- Heavy Draught,- Brood nlarei having raiaed a foal in 1891, Allan Speir, Jae Shaw, 11 Hamilton; Horse colt, 11 Hamilton, Jas Shaw, Allan Speir ; Two year old filly, W J Carter, lst artd 2nd •' Two year old gelding, 1) Robertson,Thos 11 Taylor; Yearling stalliOn, Thos Simpson, Conrad Watson; Yearling filly, Thos McLaughlin, Smith Brae, Ab Crich; Yearling gelding, John tilcCallum ; Heavy draught team, Wm Po11e0, Samuel Dickson, Thos Mc- Laughlin. Geeeral Parpose,-Brood mare ha rs v- ing bed a foal in 1891, John McCallum, Thos 11 Taylor, D Milne; Horse colt, Thos H Taylor, John McCallum; Mare colt, Wm Telford, D Milne, Two year old Ifilly, Jas Love, Alex Gardiner, Robt .MolAughlin ; Two year old gelding, Thos 11 Taylor, A Dundee, S Snell; One year old filly, , John Robb jr, Wm Jos g.1,118 Barn Ro a foa Pete Thou Two Two Pete ham Scot geld R-14 C high Spring foal (colt or filly), John Sibbon, John Mooney 2nd and 3rd, Yearling gelding, John Sibbon • Yearling filly, Thoe Wilkinson; Yearling stallion, David Knight, in Roddick; Two year l old geiding, Geo Barker, Thos Wilkinson - Two year old filly, David Knight, Alex Gardiner R Leatherclale. CATTLE.-Durbam,-Alilch cow, hav- ing calved since last show, Smith 'Bros, David Milne, John Hewitt ; Two year old heifer, John Armour, David Milne, Smith Bros; One year old heifer, David Milne, Smith Bros, 1' Robertson • Bull calf, David Milne, Mrs Richard M'eKee David Milne; Heifer calf, Thos Ei Taylbr, Da.vid Milne, Thais II Taylor. Jerseys, -Milch cow, J R Smith ; Two, year old heifer, G A Deadman 1st and 2nd; Heifer calf, J R Smith. Native or Grade Cattle, -Cow, having Ric ard Cerley ; Two year old heifer, calvir since last show, P Robertson, Thos Et Taador, Thos McLaughlin ; One year old heifer, John Armour, Thos Wilkinson; Two year old steer, Thos Wilkinson 1st and 2nd; One year old steer, Thoa Wilkinson, Thos McLaugh- lin; Steer calf, Thos 11 Taylor, Thos McLaughlin; Heifer calf, Richard Cor- ley, Thos Wilkinson ; Fat cow or heifer, Richard Corley, David Milne ; Fat ox or eteer, Alex 13rians 1st and 2nd. SREEP.-Leicesters and Their Grades, -Aged Ram, N Cummings, John II Johnaton ; Shearling ram, Geo Hyslop; Ram lamb, N Cumming, John II John- ston ; Pair of ewes having raised lambs in 189-1, John ki Johnston, David Milne ,- Pair of shearling ewes, N Cum- ming, John H Johnston • Pair of ewe lambs, Jos Duncan N Gumming. Southdowns and 'Their Grades, -Aged ram, shearling ram, John Hewitt let in each; Ram lamb, Jahn Hewitt, let and 2nd; Pair of ewes, having raieed lambs in 1891, pair of shearling ewes, pair of ewe Iambs, John Hewitt let and 2nd in each. Shropshire Downs and Their Grades, -Aged ram, Alex Ross, Samuel Dick- son; Shearling ram, Joseph Stewart, Jas Spier • Ram lamb, Jas Spier, Jog Stewart ; 'Pair of ewes having raised lambs in 1891, Thos Anderson, Joseph Stewart; Pair of shearling ewes, Wm Pollard, John Carrey • Pair of ewe lambs, Jas Spier, Alex Ross. Pies. -Berkshire, - Boar, Samuel Walker ; Boar, under one year, John Armour, Smith Bros; Sow, under one year, John Armour, Cameron; One year old gelding, uncan, John McCallum ; Span of al purpose horses, Smith Bros, II 1ton. stenn-Brood mare, having raised In 1891, John Sibbon, Thos Roe, Scott; Spring foal (colt or filly), Roe, E McNamara, Thee Strachan; year old filly, Thom McLaughlin ; year old gelding, John Sibbon, Scott; Yeerling stallion, Abra- Crich ; One year old filly, Peter , E McNamara-; One year old ng, Alex Gardiner; Buggy horse, atherdale, not known. rriage,-Carriage span, 16 hands John Lambkin, Jos Campbell; Yorkshire, -Boar, Robert ▪ Nichol; Boar, under one year, Thos Bsylia ; Sow, undies one year, Robt Nichol, John Armour. Cheater Whites, -Boar, , Ab Crich, Samuel Walker; Boar, under one iyear, WneBennett, Angus Shaw ; Sow, hay- ing Ittered in 1891, Thos Baylis, Saml Snel ; Sow, under one year, Angus Shaw, Thos Baylis. POULTRY. -Guinea fowl, Fred Mc- Cracken, Jas Harrison; Dark brahma,s, W Henderson & Son, Charles Hender- son ; Light brahmas, Jas Harrison, Fred McCracken; Black Spanish, Chas Henderson let and 2nd ; Plymouth Rocks, white leghorns, brown leg - horns, Jas Harrison let in each, Walter Taylor 2nd in each ; Silver spangled Homburgs Jas Harrison, John H John- ston ; Biel Hamburge, Wm Hender- son lst and 2nd; Polands, Fred Mc - ()racoon, David Milne; Bantams, Walter Taylor, Chas Henderson ; Hou - dans, Fred McCracken ; Dorkins, Jas Harrison let and 2nd ; Langshan, Fred MeCtackeri, W Henderson & Son; Coehins, Fred McCracken, Jas Harri- son ; Wynndottes, Chas Henderson, Fred McCracken; Turkeys, R Leather - dale, Chas Henderson; Geese, Jas Har- rison Chas Henderson ; Rouen ducks, McCracken; Pekin ducks, Chas ersou ; Canaries, F Burgess 1st nd; ollection of Fancy Pigeons, Fred MeCeacken ; Game fowl, Jas Har- rison! lat and 2nd, IMPLEMENTS. - Patent arm wagon, John Wynn; One horse buggy, open, D E an ; One horse buggy, covered, Jas W y Wa Fred Hen and Thom. Anderson; Northern spies, Wm. McArthur; Newton Pippin, Thos. Wilkinson; Peck's Pleasant, *bort English; Pomme Grine, Robt Eneiah Rambo, Alex Stewart : Rhode Island Greeninp, David Moore; Golden Rus- sets, Robt English; Spitzenburg, Mrs. T. Ballantyne; Seek no Further, Thos Wilkinson ; Tolman Sweets, Wm Cam- Valker, John Wynn ; Cutter, John n let and 2nd; Road cart, James ker ; Field roller, T T Coleman ; Gen red purpose plow, T T Coleman; Wheelbarrow, John Wynn.a -- G AIN.White fall wheat, Charles He dereoe,John Currey,Alex. Stewart ; Reifall wheat, John McCallum, Alex Gardiner,' Charles Henderson; Spring Wheat, aey variety, Theo McLaughlin, Wnli Cameron, Wm Wilkinson •' Barley 2 rawed, Jam Wilkinson, S Walker, Jaw Harrison ; Barley 4 or 6 rowed, Geo Moffatt, Chas Henderson; Black oats, Geoi Moffatt, John McCallum, Wm ' Wilkinsoo - White oats, II Edwards, Alex GaTdiner, David Milne -, Small peals, Tiles Davidson, John Currey ; Medium eas, Jas Speir, David Milne; Large pe e, Geo. Moffatt ; One bushel Titriothy eeed, Robt English, Geo Nott, Smith Brieth ere. I1rma. - Baldwins Quinton Me- Bla n • Yellow Belleflower, Robert EntSlial ; Winter Belleflower, J R Smith.; F mense, David Milne ; Grimes' Golden,Robt Engliah ; King of Tomp- kins, Rob a Engliah ; Mammoth Pippins, eron; 20 ounce Pippins, Jo Wagner, Chas Henderson; Pippins, F S Scott ; Colver Milne; Roxboro Russets, G Alexander, Smith brothers; Oldenburg, Chas Henderson; pins, Robt English; Hawtho Wilkinson; Maiden's Blush, Porter, Alex Stewart; Swaa English; St. Lawrence, Geor Chanango Strawberry, Geo varieties winter apples, Chas Robt English; Six varieties f David Moore, Alex Stewart ter pears, John Wynn, A Six fat ars, John Hewitt, n Wynn ; Ribston David- -o Kelly; nohess of Fall Pip- nden, Jas eo Moffatt Robert e Kelly ; ally ; Six enderson, 11 apples, Six win - ex Ross; hos Wilk- inson ; gli3x Plums, Thor Didion, W 41 McCracken; Four clustersi of Grapes, 8. Burgess John Hewitt; Cabs, Thom Davidson, ?David Milne. ROOTS. -Early potatoes, n Henderson & Sons, Wm Ti McCallum, E Garvin; Late named, Walter Taylor, W & Sen,'W 11 McCracken; Swe med, Wm lor, John potatoes, enderson e turnips, Not known, Wm Smith; Turni s, any other variety, Jos Wilkinso derson & Son; White fiel David Milne, Wm Cameron ; ham carrots, Wm Pollard, Craoken ; Scarlet nantes, W lor, W 11 McCracken; Early rots, Walter Taylor, W H M Long blood beets, Thos David McCracken; Blood turnip b Davidson, W H McCracke sugar beets, W 11 McCrac McCallum; Parsnips, W H M Walter Taylor; Mangel wurFzels, long red, Mrs T Ballantyne, Thee Davidson; Yellow globe mange's Geo Kelly, W H Hen - carrots, Altring- - Mc - iter Tay - horn car- Cracken ; on, W H eta, Thee ; White en, John Cracken, McCracken; Red glo'be mangels, Thos Davidson, W McCracken; Long yellow mangels, W II McCracken. VEGETABLES. -Onions -Red, W 11 McCracken Walter Taylor; Yellow danvers, W 11 McCracken, Geo Nott; Giant roeca, W R McCracken; From top sets'W McCracken, E Garvin; From Dutch sets, W 11 McCracken, A Stewart; Top onion sets, W II McCrack- en, E Garvin; Dutch sets, W 11 Mc- Cracken; Potato, W H McCracken, John McCallum. Other vegetables' -Corn, yellow Can- ada, A Stewart, Wm. Taylor; Corn, white flint, John McCallum, W H Mc- Cracken;Corn, named varieties, W H McCracken; Butter beans, John Me - Canute, Samuel Snell; White beans, 11 Edwards, Mrs E Stewart; Beans, any other variety, Geo Nott, George Kelly; Citrons'round striped, E Garvin, S Snell; Citrons, long Californian, W ft McCracken, Fred McCracken; Musk- melons, D Stewart, E Garvin; Cucum- bers, J R Smith, Mrs T Ballantyne; Celery, white, Walter Taylor, Chas Henderson; Celery, pink, W H Mc- Cracken • 'Winter cabbage, John Staf- ford, Waiter Taylor; Curled eavoy, W H McCracken; ked pickling cabbage, Walter Taylor, W 11 McCracken; Cauliflower, Walter Taylor, W 11 Mc- Cracken; Pumpkin, D Stewart, Walter Taylor; Squash, E Garvin, W 11 Mc- Cracken ; Collection of garden produce, Fred McCracken; W II McCracken; Tomatoes, Walter Taylor, D Stewart; Plum or cherry tomatoes, Walter Tay.. Ion W H McCraeken. 4‘ lantyne ; Ribbos George Nott; Maggie Stewart; Mrs T Ballanty_ work, George N Sofa Pillow Berli Ballantyne M Pillow, Berlin wo W 11 McCracken work, Mrs T Ball Stockings, woole Cracken ; Stock St::wart lst and W 11 McCracke cotton'Geo Nott NellieRoss ; Tin Mrs T Ballantyn Mrs E Stewart flowers, Mrs T B Craeken ; Wax Nott. , FINE ARTS. - birds in case, Leatherdale ; Co male, R Leather Jae Cameron; 0l oolor figures, Dr. Graham, F C Rogers ; Oil Painting landscape, F C Black Crayon D G A Deadman; ing, G A Deadma Rogers, Kate pottery, David. or velvet, Mrs T mack ; Painting Ross, Kate Corm manship, John penmsnship, Jo Moore ; Kelly, David Mo FLOWERS AND ion Flowering B hoquet, Jas Har Hand boquet,-M Anderson; Calle gie Stewart, Tho Dahlias, Alex Stewart Maggie Stewart; 6 Pansies, Alex Stewart, Jas Harrison ; • di, Maggie Stewart; awart, Maggie Stew - Jas Harrison, Maggie ks; Maggie Stewart, ; African - Marigolds, ggie Stewart; French Stewart, Alex Stew- alsams, Zinnias Mag - x Stewart; Gladiolus as, Perennial Phlox, s, cox Combs, all by lleetion of home grown es, John D Stewart; fied in above list, Mag - as Anderson. •rge Thompson, for the e made bread, John Deadman, fot the best one year, aired by his ott ; Thomas Farrow, ()ails penmanship, sub - Commandment, John rter W H McCracken. ngolds, Mrs T Ballain- vidson ; Yellow Globe Kelly, Thomas David - •f cattle, any breed, vid Milne. UDGES. J Brethour, :he, Morris. Mary Richmond, At - Ross; Mount Forest ; eknow. tables, -Wm. Pollard, tev Mr Salton, Brus• ; Listowel. ts,-George Richmond, DAIRY PRODUC.-Tub butter, Jos Wilkinson, Wm Pollard, Wm Wilkin- son, S Walker; Table butter, Jos Wilk- inson, Mrs E Stewart, Wm 'Wilkinson, E Garvin; Factory cheese, Wm Edgar; Home-made cheese, Mrs E Stewart, Thos Anderson. , DOMESTIC MASVFACTURES.-Flannel, Thos Anderson, •Geo Nott; Blankets, Geo Johnston, Geo Nott; Counterpane, P Robertson Man E Stewart; Home spun Yarn, if/ McCracken, Geo Mof- fatt; Maple sugar, W 11 McCracken, Mrs T Ballantyne; Maple molasses, S Burgees, Geo Nott; Honey in comb,GA Deadman, S Walker • Extracted honey, G A Deadman, Chas 'Henderson ; Grape Wine,Jas WilkinSon, Mrs T Ballantyne; Rhubarb wine S Burgess Mrs T Ballan- tyne; Strawberry wine 'W H McCrack- en; Elderberry wine, H McCracken, Thos Anderson; Tomato catsup, Chas Henderson, W McCracken; Apple ljelly, Mrs T Ballnntyne, David Milne ;, lithubarb jelly,Mes T Ballantyne; Rasp- berry jelly, Chas iMeLelland, Fred Mc- Cracken ; Jelly from any other fruit, J R Smith, Mrs 1 Ballantyne; White home made bread, John Robb jr, Mrs John Wynn, MrsIT Ballantyne; Brown home made breed, Mrs T Ballantyne, John McCallum, D Milne; Fruit cake, S Burgess, Mre T Ballantyne; Jelly cake Mrs T Ballantyne, D Milne; Oat• meal cake, John McCallum, Thos An• derson-; Collection canned fruits, W H McCracken. MANUFACTUREs. -Double Farm Har- ness Harry Detanis, J. C. Richarda ; Singie Buggy haroess, let and 2nd J C Richards; Axe handle, John Wynn, John McCallum ; Tinware, Ballantyne & Wilson; Picture frames, R Leather - dale; Turner's work, R Lea,therdale ; Joiner's work, R Leatherdale. LADIES' WORK-Arasene work, Miss Nellie Ross, Sateuel Snell; Applique work, Mrs. T Ballantyne, Nellie Ross; Braiding, Samuel Snell, Mrs T Ballan- tyne ; Berlin wool work flat, Nellie Ross, Mrs T Ballantyne; Berlin wool work raised, Nellie Ross; Berlin wool and Bead work, Nellie Ross, Mrs E Stewart; Berlin wool flowers, Chas Mc- Clelland Bead work, Miss Nellie Ross, Imre. 'Charles McClelland; Fine shirt, Charles McClelland, George Moffatt; Fancy knitting in cotton Geo Moffatt, Mrs E! Stewart; Fancy 'knit- ting in wool, 1st and 2nd Nellie Rose; Fancy flannel shirt, George Nott, George Moffatt ; Feathei flowers, George Nott; Feather stitching, Nellie Rose, Mrs. E Stewart; Hair flowers, J R Smith; Point lace, Nellie Ross, J T S Kirk; Lace Honiton, George Nott, Nellie Rose; Lambrequin,Berlin wool and bead, Mrs T Ballantyne, J T S Kirk; Lamp mat, Nellie Ross George Nott ; Leather work, W Et Ross, Fred McCrac- ken ; Pair oil woolen W Mc- Cracken, Andrew Moffatt ; Woolen gloves, W McCracken Fred Mc- Cracken • Nettitig, Mrs T' Ballantyne; Nellie Itt'ass ; ,Tufted quilt, Mrs E Stew- art ; Crochet, quilt, John Hewitt, W Henderson & Son • Patchwork quilt, F Regers, Mrs: 'T Ballantyne ; Log cabin quilt, Charles McClelland, George Nott; Fanoilt, Mrs II Spieran, Charles Henderson ; Knitted quilt, Mrs E Stewart, A Stewart (Queen street) ; Rag Mat, Mrs John Wynn, Mrs T Bal - • . . , ne, Mrs T Ballantyne, pe silk, Nellie Ross, Roman Embroidery, e, Nellie Ross ; Shell tt, Mrs -E Stewart; wool fiat, Mrs. T H Spieran ; Sofa I raised, Geo Moffitt, Sofa Pillow, patch- ntyne, Nellie Rose; , Geo Nott, W H Me- nge, cotton; Mrs E nd ; Socks, woolen, Geo Nott; Socks, Tatting, Geo Nott, el work, Nellie Rose, ; Tissue paper flower, Nellie Ross ; Wax llantyne, W I Mo- ruit coilection, Geo ollection of stuffed re John Wynn, R lection of stuffed ani- le; Pencil Drawing, gers, Kate Cormack; awing, R Leatherdale, olored crayon draw- ; Spatter work, F rmack ; Painting on oore ; Painting on silk Ballantyne, Kate Core on placquee, Nellie ck ; Ornamental pen - D Stewart; Business n D Stewart, David penmanship, George re. LANTS.-Best Collect- lbs,D. Stewart; Table son, Maggie Stewart; ggie Stewart, Thomas tion cut flowers;_ Mag - Anderson; Collection 11 6 Phlox Drummo 6 Asters, Alex S art; 6 Petunias, Stewart • 6 Sto Thos Anderson Alex Stewart, M Marigolds Maggi art; Dianthus, gie Stewart, Al Spikes, Verb Double Hollyhoe Maggie Rosa; C ornamental gras Flowers not spec gie Stewart, Tho Seecines.-Ge best loaf of ho Robb, jr; G A heifer calf under Jersey, F S S Postmaster, for ject, the Fifth Stewart, Wm C six long red m tyne, Thomas D mangolds, Georg son ; Beat herd Silver medal, D I Manufactures, Wroxe- ter ; Robert Hu Ladies' Work, wood • Maggie Aggieithier, L Fru t and: Veg Leadbury. Fine Arts, - tele ; Mies Dixo Grain and Ro Newry. Cattle, -Wm Winter, Seaforth ; L Lovell, Turnbe ry ; John Jamieson, Wroxeter. Heavy Horses, -James Moffatt, Tees - water ; Alexan er Nicholson,Lucknow ; Peter Fowler, ji, Wingham. Light Horses, Jonas Heiman, Ford - with ; R Leitch John Ross. Sheep and Pis, -Walter Rutherford, Blueeale ; Arch bald Simpson, Newry ; Thomas Musgro e, Wroxeter. Implements nd Poul try, -Thomas Collis. The Patr ns of Industry. A special season of the Grand Associ- tion of Patrons If Industry of Ontario was held at Lon i on last week. There were over 60 de egates present. Huron was represented ey Messrs. James Grant and J. A. McKe wn. The grand se retary reported that a platform provisi nally adopted at Chat- ham on March 1 0, had been submitted to 303 subordinate alsociations with the following results the figures after each plank signifying the number of associa- tions favorable, and the balance being either opposed oj undecided: T 1. Maintenanc of British connection; 297. • 2. The reserve ion of public lands for the actual settle ; 303. 3. Purity of administration and ab- solute independe ce of Parliament; 299. 4. Regid minty in every department of the public ser ice ; 303. 5. Simplificati n of the law and a gen- eral reduction in machinery of Governt ment ; 303. 6. The abolitio of the Canadian Sen- ate; 288. 7. The aboliti n of the grand jury; 226. 8. A system of civil service reform that will give each country power to ap- point its own c unty officials, except county judges; 81. • 9. Tariff for re enue only, and so ad- justed as to fall a far as possible upon the luxuries, and not upon the necessar- ies of life; 301. 10, Reciprocal trade on fair and equit- able terms bet een Canada and the United/States; 294. 11. Effectual 1 gislation that will pro- tect labor and tbte results of labor from those combinatio a and monopolies which unduly enhance he price of the articles produced by auch combinations or mon- opolies • 299. 12. -irohibitio of the bonuaing of railways by Gov rnrnent grants as con- arary to the pub ic interclass; 288. 13. The form tion of a loan and in- vestment societ in connection with ' the order for the pu pose of negotiating loans on farm propert at reduced rates of in- terest; 288. 14. Preparat on of the Dominion and Provincial voter 'lists by the municipal officers; 296. 15. Conformi y of electoral districts for both Domini et and Provincial repre- sentation to cou ty boundaries, as con- stituted for mun cipa1 purposes; 292. • -English Sp vin Liniment removes all hard, soft o calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, dweeney, Stifles, Sprains, ore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. S ve $50 by use of one bottle. Warra ted the most wonderful Blemish Cure e er known. Sold by J. S. Roberts. 1237y NEW FALL if WINTER GOO cOMING DAILY. 111..• mi..,son,•••••11. Last week we opened up a large new stock of Men's, Yon lhs', Boys' and Children's made up Suits and Overcoats; also Tweeds, Coat- i* and Pantings for our order department; also Carpets, rndersicar, Hosiery, Gloves, Flannels, Ina() and Grey Cottons, &c. This week we have been very busy opening and marking our importations of British and French Dress Goods Scotch Tweeds and Coatings, and numerous lines of notions. Also a large line of ies' Girls' and Children's readymade Jackets and Ulsters direct from fo manufacturers, to which we would especially beg to draw public tion, as they will be found particularly good value. Our Miss McLachlan has returned from the Eastern- markets, log completed purchases of Millinery goods, and gleaned from thsi Canadian and American artists the latest and nobbiest id trimming. The harvest being good, we are laying ourselves out to dp largest fall and winter trade in the annals of our business. If we get there, it will not be any fault- in the variety and quality o goods, nor the prices at which we will sell them, for we assure yo the confidence which the purchasing public have placed in us iu the past, that our PRICES WILL BE ROCK BOTTOM. * 4". ign tent, v - best in the on't our 11 on W11. PIcKARD, Corner Main and Markt streets, Seaforth. I Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH-. Ethel - Brussels Bluevale . Wingham.. Gouts Sotrret- Wingham Bluevile Brussels Ethel.... .. Passenger. 2.51 r. m. 9.41 Lie 8.65 r.m. 8.08 1455 9.45 3.21 10.10 10.10 3.31 10.20 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. 6.30 .e.m.11.10 A. m. 7.36 r. m 6.39 11.29 . 8.05 OM 11.52 9.05 7.05 12.07 9.41 London, Huron and .Bruce, Gomm NORTH - Landon, depart Exeter Hensel]. Hippen Brucefield Clinton Londesboro Blyth. . Belgrave Wingham arrive GOING SOUTH- Wingham, depart Belgrave . Blyth 7.14 Londesboro 7.22 Clinton' 7.55 13rueefield 8.15 Kippen. 8.24 Hensall 8.32 Exeter 8.50 Passenger. 8.16A.v. 4.85P.N, 9.16 5.67 9.28 8.09 9.34 6.17 9.42 6.26 10.00 6.45 10.19 7.03 10.28 7.12 10.42 7.27 11.00 7.60 Passenger. 8.45A.m 3.20p.m. 7.00 3.46 4.06 4.19 4.4F 5.04 5.12 6.19 6.33 Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton station 1 allows: GOING WEST- SEAPORIM. Passenger 1.12 P. M. Passenger... .. 9.16 r. Mixed Train.. ...... 9.20 a. fr.' Mixed Train.. ., 6.16 r. m. Gomm Muer- Passenger. .. .. 7.59 A. m. Passenger........2.50 P. m. klixeti Tram.. ...... 6.30 e m. Freight Train.. .. 4.30 P. 14. as Ciaviros 1.28r. v. S.n A. M. 10.06.a.m 6.55. M. 7.43 A. M. 2.33 r. m 4.66 P. m 3.30 P. V. Mut I N Head InToHnEta OriNo being dulyi carrying on ance and so i andFobrrteued jrtehct 1164 10 McKillop Directory for 1891. JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Brodhagen P. 0. JOHN M.ORRISON, Deputy Rseve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Lead - bury. JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- throp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. HAND -MADE Boots and Shoes D. McINTYRE Has on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of his own make, best material and Warranted to give Satisfaction. If you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair of our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds' of Boots and Shoes made to order. All parties who have not paid their accounts for, last year will please call and settle up. 1162 D. MeISTYRE, Seaforth. J. C. SMITH & CO., 13.A.m.Tic=ts_ A General Banking business trans- acted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for collection. OFFICE --First door north of Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store. SEAFORTH ICI1\1-33TT 1\T _ BOOTS AND 70ES. Look to your understami g, I am jest receiving a well selected stock of readymade Boots and Shoes which I will sell at the least living profit. Special attenting given to repairing and custom work. Inspection solicited, Yours, 11241 3 JAS. STANLEY, Constance. Notice to Depositors -IN THE -- Post Office Savings Bank. Deposits in the above Bank may now be re- ceived to the amount of 81,000 during each year, ending 30th of June, and a total balance of 83,000, exclusive of interest, which, if desired, may at any time be transferred to the Finance Department for investment in -INSCRIBED STOCK - in sums of 8100 or multiples thereof. Th stook will bear interest at the rate of 3a- per cent. per annum, payable on let of March and let of September of each year, and is redeem- able let of March, 1896. SAMUEL DICKSON, Postmaster, Post Office, Seaforth, March:2nd, 1891. 121C-23 ?s* cp Live Stock RANCE 00.4 ffice: Seaforth. Live Stock . Insurance Comply* vine' a Government Deposit and loeneed by 'the same. Are now he business of LiveStock Insur It the patronage of the importere the Province. particulars address N AVERY, Sec.-Treas. N KIN P WDE THEC OK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. The -uiKil1opMutual Fire ance Company. Ins FARM PROP 11.1••••••••:111•M.I., ND ISOLATED TOWN RTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. 1ay, President, Seaforth P. 0.•, W. J. ShannonSecy-Treas. Seaforth P. 0.; John Hannah M nager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas Piro f t, Seaforth ; Donald NOSS, Clin• ton; Gab e ,Elliott, Clinton; George Watt, Harlock Jkseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan- non, Walto Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Nerlans, Harloek ; Robt. McMillan, Sea- orth ; S. Carinochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd Geo. Mjailie, Auditors. Parties id sirous to effect Insurances or transact oth r business will be promptly attend- ed to nn app ication to any of the above officers, addres§ed to their respective post offices. 1189 , CTOBER 9 1891.., .dememennums VETERINARY. °DaftetenD°mthandedryeetitos°a dnimalohatayirg.. esiosir"mote3dierAatteewa.liseV:eoter°172rinavR:i TOHN GR1rVE, V. 8.4 Honor gr a drinatneAet fej Ontario Veterinary College. All disowns Hotel, Seaforti . MIRANK S. Beattie, Y. S., graduate of Ontask X Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of tha e, Veterinary Medical Society, oto., treats alt d. attended to either by day or night Charges moderate. Special attention given Am veterinary dntistry. Office on Main Street Seaforth, one, door south of Kidd's Hardwire eases of the Domesticated Animals. All ogle store., ; EAFORTH ;HORSE INFIRMARY.--Cornar a 0 Jarvis and Goderioh Streets, next door to WI Presbyterian teinroh, Seaforth, Ont. All die OSION 0 Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. medicated animals, aumeseMlly treated s,t she • ampere or elsewhere, on the shortest notice =Merges in Aerate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter. nary Surreme P. 8.-A large stook of Voiotia ary Medicines tic constantly on handl LEGAL if.ATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Inenranoe Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances, &o. Money to loan at the lowest rates. M. Mosateom, Welton. T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, ten efi Office-B.00ms five doors north of Com. mewls' Hotel, ground floor, next- dobr to G. L. Papst's jewilry store, Main street, Seaforth. Goderichagents-C ameron, Holt and Cameron. NOSNHOF "HISO1V3S `133ILLS NIVRI I 0 0 cD CD -64 Cn CO CD (D • ,..., PA r:1 5 s.Ft- CD c.$ - ;z 0 cr ,54 • g+D_ 1.7cr (1) CD CD p P /•1 CfQ CD 5..1,) Pg.ICS 20-1 ci 0 I:1 ▪ 1▪ :10- ri: go nse 4:11 p CD p 6._H-ta) rc3. ,;)i 0 pc - CCD rn co P-1 ga-s- GODERICH Steam Boiler Woilks. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) Chrystal & Bla,,k, Manufacturers of all kinds of StStion ary, Marine, Upright & Tubule BOILER Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet. Works, etc Iror Also dealers in Upright and Hori.F.zontalSlid , i Valve Engines. Automatic Cut 0al • ness 4 21 specialty. All sizes of pipe and p..pe,i tting constantly on hand. EEtimates furnis ed short notice. Works opposite G. T. h Station Gone ieh. i Seaforth Dai7y. Having purchased the Dairy Bu iness from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to olicit i con- tinuance of the patronage which he 14ae re- ceived in the past. With the advait4ges I have in my refrigerator and situation, 1 h pe to be able to give my customers satisfacticin as to quality of milk even in the very hot weah1er. Realizing that the cash system is t4h4 motA justi nd satisfactory to all concerned, I halt ) decided to sell for cash only. Vir Tickets supplied at reduce c rates 1171 D. D. WILSON MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE BEAFORTH, ON *TAM NO WITNESSES REOUI ED =------------ • e Knight's Blood Cure. STAN ful u cure for tion, Cons Stomach a DARD household remedy in success e more than 40 years. A positiVe yspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra ipation and all diseases of the Blood, d Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear Complexion. A botanical compound, put up in packages and sent by mail at one third the cost of ordin- ary medicin . Large packages, ?sufficient for 3 quarts, $1.0 ; half size packages, sufficient fax 3 pints, 50c.; sample packaps, 25c. A reliable Agent wanted in this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles n their worst form. Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites Chapped Hanps, and all'Skin Diseases. . HIRST PAIN'EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neura gia, Toothache, Pains in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co .1,1•••••VIIIIMOMI NEW BUTCHER SHOP IN SEAFORTH. JONES & McCUAIG, Beg to irlform the people of Seaforth and vicini- ty that they have started the Butchering busi- ness on Lain Street, Seaforth, in the shop for- merly occupied by Mr. George Ewing, and will be glad to serve all who may call on them, with fresh meat of all kinds. They both have a prac- tical knowledge of the business and guarantee a good article and prompt attention to custom. era. Orders solicited and meat delivered in any part of the town. 1239 tf. JONES & McCUAIG. 1216 /1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barrister,, Sallee kx ton, Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROWe Q. C.; Wm. Piounroor. 680 cAMERON, HOLT k CAMERON, Barristen, Solicitors in Chancery, &o., Goderich, Ont. . C. CAMERON, Q. C., Fiume Hour, M. 61. CAMERON. 606 J. -DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Ito „ Late ;of Victoria, B. C. Office -Over Bane of Coninierce, Main street, Seaforth: Pre vats funds to 'Oen at 5i and 6 per cent 1085 itirANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, .1.1/1 Convec.ers, &o. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Thdale & Gale. 'Loney to loan. Offloe-Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. Ms.mmuro, JAMIE SOOT% 781 FHOLMESTED, successor to Uh.. late firm . McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicdtor for the Canadian Bonk of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Matz Street, Seaforth. TIICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich; Bar- risters, Solicitors eto., Seaforth and Brawls. Seaforth Office- Solicitors, Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON. Money to Loan. 1121 W.OAMERON SMITH, BARRISTER. Solicitor of Superior Court, Commissiorer for taking Affidavits in the High Court of Justice, Commissioner, • Money to. Lend OFFICE. -Scott's Block, over Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store. 1234 DENTISTRY. FW. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Ham- ' ilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, eorner Main andJohn Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. 1169 DR. BELDEN, Dentist, Graduate Royal Col lege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. As- sistant -Dr. Atkinson, Graduate Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgeons, Philadelphia. Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, Sea - forth. Will visit every Wednesday forenoon at Dixon's Hotel, Brucefield, and at Eippen in the afternoon. Every Friday forenoon at Prender- gast's Hotel, Dublin. 1226 TT KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. 1.. S., Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, en the LAST THURSDAY IN EACH moms, and at Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth ex- tracted with the least pain possible. All work first-class at liberal rates. 971 DR. C. H. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to H. L. Billings), member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario Teeth inserted with or without a plate in gold celluloid or rub- ber. A safe aniesthetic given tor the painless extraction of teeth. Office -over O'Neil's bank, Exeter, Ontario. 1204 N. B. -Plates secured firmly in the mouth by Yemens' Patent Valve. MONEY TO LOAN. TONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per Ili cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Sesforth. 850 MEDICAL. "FIR. C. SHEPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, Bayfield, Ontario, successor to Dr. W. H. Wright. 1225-62 TIE. T. P. McLAUGHL1N, M.C.P.S., Ontario Physician, Surgeon And Aecoutheur Night calls promptly attended. Office, Dash- wood, Ont 1225 DRS. SCOTT & MAOKAY, OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Methodist Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricul- tural Grounds. J. G. SCOTT, M. D. C. M., (Ann Arbor and Victoria,) M. C. P. S. 0. - C. MACKAY, M. D. C. M., (Trinity,) F. T. M. C., M. C. P. S. 0. DR. McFAUL, Member of the College o Physicians and Surgeons, etc., Seaforth, Ontario. Office, Cady's Block, opposite- Com- mercial Hotel. Night bell at residence, north side of Goderich St., seventh door west of the Methodist Church. 1210 tf. -1-) E. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon 1A), and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127 TARS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brumfield, Lien. tiates Royal College of Physicians Surgeons, Edieburgh. Brucefield, Ont. ow - 1100 W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M., Member Its. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &o., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 ' ALEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid. Oitloe lately occupied by Dr. Ilackid, Main Street Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Square, in house lately occupied by L. E. Dancey. 1127 AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINK, Licensed Auctioneer for the r) County of Huron. Sales attended in a pa;te of the County. All orders len at Tie Erreez Office will be promptly attended to. DH. PORTER. General Auctioneer and Land Valuator. Orders sent by Mail 10 my a:ddress, Bayfield P. 0., will receive prompt attention. Terme moderate. 1185-52 • W. a DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Convey: ancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant; Real Estate, Life, Accident and Fire Insurance Agent; Money to Loan, Correspondence, &c. Parties requiring his services in any of these branches will receive prompt attention. (WIG" IN DALEY'S BLOCR, (UPSTAIRS), MAUI STREIT, SEA ?DEM, MONEY TO LOAN. GEORGE HART, BRUCEFIELD. Having been appointed Agent and Valuator for the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society is now prepared to receive applications and to loan money in any amount on the mostreason- able terms and at low rates of interest. The ex- penses of effecting a loan through Mr.' Hart will be very light as he is also valuator for the Society. All applications strictly private. For full particulars apply to er address, GEORGIE HART, Brucefield. Allevy A woodg inst:b-0. r ty an ern bo se de xfipgeIrtri Ith 0 pr fl 11 n -1 ni dws cot nelargei Bet lens agio tshp, rs widthr a tu s an:s ptes only tw 7 open, and la setion, and free f will perfectly fini to two thousand rend from wie tehro pieces of panellin Per -The Mitche 41041:teesauebrO:UtTtThio1r5so,Oris: ljeF"praki:11:peagnDirnaliT'ff°0*Wenrin:Mret'f: -Dr. Towle, Jr. Wood and _-Mrs. Thorn Brown and Miss ersinThviechlRiteyv:a: fever. Rev. R. great e.ceeptan6 Isifo_thmerrw. forTelhlos. c has rented a lark and intends to n next year's wort, -Mr. Howlari inglaiadang.hie and Mrs. u. abso visited Mi yIlia ion, Dr. Hoi forraer grain died recently 21: tWhee 111/1111 -Gee. Bird, Henry Jame's' st Mitchell, had hi ed the other dal in-comrinre. eittioobnw eri iseU Daniel kel Marys for the g 18u64esspaida TdayofllisYti of 27 years. NoTtThhEeamstehnloplb erect a new ai worship, and ar material for be. 1892. -OnawsyonMd e oefethe;1 hope, in Mr. It advanced ac settledinNg eri3t 24 years of age -Miss Efocia tally blind, vira ting machine ie Exhibition, are admiration of Miss Hodge wi at the Westerr -On Monde Seebachiof Mi from his son i hasten -west to He has over -I although he el board was tine Seebaeh left ti --Since tie vicinity foanre xef e somee odif t: Mgr 01 bushels per ex 'Wheat are els M Dublin,-rwas a men suffocate< from muriatic the firemen di •suffocationb of fa Gg Mhr -ter eya ijt'noo*h1 weeksiand adgoci llie. to Listowel, onThursday cw oiarrtkb. cbeomth dale, e: -Mr. Join aSaturday. iwer e day. 5h the section ei trixeudstdethdaithute: -Oned Woodwa St.Marys,Glelg3waagaint&: Wasaeert The against 11 naryedf s.urogr.e° bop1 aenoug-ri erwr. "el4raen. last wiek at don, tasb l?vythe bride •rose e4tin, rb8c)rma nuLidejrdi, 33thrwsn'S date t hte i through 7fmoore-u sCn Tghr shi celaugLi Poa purchases bll chases This me a thousand t received $ I Thisyear havebee:Thiseo dutisof thefarmr _vl tree the eight MY ground, alight n tree: length oefx <inked 13 progrew and the n -ultimate . 3th )32- -On I. an P ' a 4'