The Huron Expositor, 1891-10-09, Page 1ler to - ith aus,. are, nto- teeI ad- une gly be )nte on was son HEM ran. by- rhe- aw- end in a. ney rap pres The- rk'tt teat t B. t en Weir t day lithe joie ce, re se- hele ese, the sees and trey the - gait - hoe hia "aye. her 012 W.. of 1*.w- znifl ;bed like rohn lage• life. flt� ,50Qt eau- nee - re of ee in ;gest [ithis have, leek, ivere Ir 4vuti hera atc.p thus .was ford of„ .the NTY-THIRD YEAR. OLE NT.INCRE 1,243. r \ TIT sights Worth Startlers n Monda Yen's, Youtl s' and Boy Overcoats at ,exactly cos going out of this bra= E Great. all wo 1 fine Tw 75e, for '40c nd150c. them. Another Bargain facturers lot of heavy a derwear, all collars and qualities, to be sold at 113 Don't pass this by. A pn—Regular F2e 1' with Us. This , was b down. 11 avy all w Goods, dolt') e width ; erg, all color' - lovely - onals in bl ful plain Checks ; h ck. and fa nd brok avy Sept _$erges ated Melt Meltons, Striped Melt host of other makes Goods, Man le Goods, lacket, Goo at are sure tosatisfy,. cut by our It oven hers in style as been w and made u who_ has p, a superior since she Popular L tie with Goods. ,W certain' Popular ;1- akes this Black, Nav, Garnet, Scotch 0 , euiet, Ser .es doikble_ rnirin ' glances, as well as ex width, Zibiline Check {ii- of ad iratiou. e. I Dress Mat rials, Chec :llresi °so,ttTd horsesdt;awuna.Ntvsda:ps:aerra ts di indoor. 6P81 fegunol Tto' dhiof,en anottsahhd: show anis oearcol;fl . eon? Morm . Suits -and ' We are I of tra e. eds wor h sk to s e A ma 1 wool makes a ker'spn oer B r- amie” 19c u- n - id e. ught aw ol Ins eavy Be vide Di n; bea ti- n Stan ey h °hey' ns, Ch ns, and a of T.T1 ter ape Goo s, rices tat and fit ed s. Ken ey, 3.1 with ut and fit th s is D. have season rown, G er v- cr- •••••• SE he Searfortl Show. The Tnekersmith Branch Agricultural Society held their annual fall fair on Thursday and , Friday, October 1st and 2nd, and a good show it was, b ing one of the best that has ever been held in. Seaforth. The weather on bo h •days was MI hat could have been des red,and large or vide turned out to wit .es the fun and ,see tlae sights. The ate fee had this year been lowered,t fifteen and ten cents, and when we ay that the rece'pts at the gate amo nted to about $4i50, an idea may be formed of the large number present. On he first re were rincipal en gen- ge from imilarly itement up and al the neither lay was ot very e teams to score . Gre t as was speeta ars ap- ot initde by both ally and day run among t one was ing races and lady rid e attractions, but the a foat ball match betw rs of team op. Ex s lined citemen demon lover fifty •ye TuckersMith against composed from McKil ran high as the tea -higher still ran the e match as nearing the close, a ei had sea ed a goal, alth 'ugh the most vi orous, but p rhaps scientifle. So evenly were t matched that neither as able before time was calle the eXcitement, the plaude every good a nn friend ;led foe most en husiasti throws all were able o see the humor - t ek ous side and had Irian, a hear y laugh. The shbw the building w s one of the best that has been seen t ere for a long time, the neat and prett dieplays of the ty of the the Woe P akin for D ttraction ten( t were in D , as were Rd. Ladies' Sp tures, as No arts, was E Big I3is of soul town a men's the sal of aprons, etc. of the business me ding no little to thebea g, while the counter of hristion Temperance ,was an in itself. Vegetables -end fru mg abundince and of prime qualit A also grains and. dairy iproduce 'ess work land domestic Imanufa the well as the display in fine e above the average, and were there in in abundance. The large and beautiful 'ey, display of flowers called forth many ad- lamations of fiv shipping ste Ay hires, -Co Hills ; 'Two year Hills • Dr Scott ; Dr S ott. II steins, - C w, J Heif r calf, let an 2nd Bull elf, John M • Greg Sli EP.-Leices er,- Gourlay, G Penh le; S Pen ale, Elcoat rothe Rob Charters,2ci and ' Ewe James Snel Geo Snel Shearlings 'lst a hale, Jas Snell ; Ewe Gou ey, 2nd and 3rd G So thdowns,- ix 1 -take by G E Creswell F Sheep, any lsree Tas r. S ropshires,- kin ; Shearling ra lam., John Dunk 1st 4 d 2ad John Joh Dunkin, W 0 ord Downs; 2nd taken by L elbPr 1st 1st Spri Co Cou SOW ebr°sact 2ad era, John T Diokron. Wm Kyle; An , John WardeThomas Govenlock, GE old heifer, Thomas tity of g -rapes, One year old heifer, Thompso Thompso hn McGregor; Johnston ohn McGregor; John Th r. peaches, ged ram, Thos lection ea earring tram, G Peter Mo o; Ram lamb, Firm rd Geo Peehale; Morrison. Penhalet dames FLOWE d 2nd 6 Pen- Phloxes, lambs, Thomas Verbenas Penhalel. Beattie; to and five 2r:ids ohne Joh . zies, Joh ; Wm Cooper, L T E 'tion of a and S aU to old T s, Plain ve all c es, Auraocr Cloths, doatkle folc- - double • ass- crasser! the competition was keen. Striped. I fact we h represented and some es . and kind for all kin s of pe ple. Sheep were well fine animals were to be seen. The com- Dress and rantle ma -ing has be- petitdan in most of the classes was keen, come a g eat succe..s with us. but Southdowns the. veteran breed.er, (hr enney is ertainly the Mr.GIE.Cresswell carriecloff everything. right person to suit ti There was a good show of cattle, par - bright and amiable .of one welc an interes t everyone he workm ish of her her havin the Art Mantle M king. be pleased to see you of any of tlhe lines of , by us. Y urs Respec J. C. GI makes eve ifests such tomers th pleased. ' Et and fi come frou peop manner, me andi in :her goes nship, arraent hacl a f Dress We w she ticularly of Burhams and Grades. Pigs were Well represented and of excellent an" quality. There was also a fine display GUS- of iMplements and carriages. The way- poultry was also there in abundance, enie and the competition was keen. The Lti birds shown were all of a high standard • all and were the centre of much attraction. city In mentioning all other things we must and not forget the mother's special competi- uld tion, namely; the prize for the mother having the prettiest -baby under eleven months of age. As far as we can learn the judging was most fair, and the judge escaped with all his hair and with- out any scratches. The following is the prize list : Honsete-Imported Heavy Draught, -Brood mare, S Smillie, D McKinnon, I-1 G Taylor; Foal, 1891, D McKinnon, W IsiColemen, C Dale jr; Three year old filly or gelding, C Dale jr Two year old filly or gelding, John Avery, J Hulliston. , Heavy Draught, Canadian Bred, - Brood mare, Thos Gourley, Geo Bole, Chesney Bros • Foal, 1891, II G Taylor, Chesney-Bros:Chas Wilson; Three„year old filly or gelding, J T -Dale ; Two year - old filly oe gelding, J T Dale, Geo Dale, Jae MeIntesh ; One year old filly or gelding, Geo Dale, J T Dale, Thos Gour- Tie rapid prOgress made by the SU'S LIFE may lay ; Draught' team, James Reynolds,. be seen front the follow ng statement : Simon McKenzie. Agricultural or General 'Purpose'- ) e. astir- Broo raw, P O'Connor, Chaa Wilson, Net ASset. be- L -i lie. sides unca Ied vhen #eed oods carried fully, ,. ROY if CIANTION. ROGRES7 V E PROSPER US AND -.71-1E-- SUN,. fe Assurance oiy„ 'OF CANADA. VEIT Du Ro oth Bi lee let A PI Br tbu buA Ge br In a Capital Jos ervey • Foal, 1891, P O'Connor, $ 9646 .9ti 1.064,350-00 Chesney Bros, J. T Dale ; Three year Mice ir force. 1876.. 1.02,s22 14 .. 265,94 .61 .. 2,414 063.32 old filly or geldings- Harry Mason, Wm 1880_ 141,102 31 .. 413,632.03 .. 3,897 139.11 / , 1.. 2-78,37P.63 - 636,69-.21 .. 6,641,401.04 Fotheringham, John Avery, ; Two year nee_ eseeneeee .. .21. .. 11,931,316.21 c)1(1 fitly or gelding, Jas McIntosh, P M filly or gelding, A Marx/rale, Geo 1899.. 2,473,51 49 .. 16,159,355.92 Chesiry, D McTavish ; One year old dal Life Fondles. Dalej D McDonald ; General purpose The SC.:.`i ismes Un-conditi Robertson MaanIly, Pres Ogilvie, NI- •Pr -.dent ; T.. tary; Maria London. 1242 JOHN FAI1LE1 dent ; Hon- ). Macaulay, ter London D , Agent, Seaforth. -k- W. team D Tiplady, S Mc -Kenzie, c- Seem- (41.g, r. istriet, Ca ria c -Brood mare, G Cresswell, John 0 Sproat, Geo Dale e, Foal, 1891, r, Alex Davidson, John . G Sproat, Geo Robt Charter Dale.; Two year old gelding or filly, Jae Cumming Robert ‘Vilson, Pinkney, 11 Kirkby ; ' er, Jas Gilch On^ year cdcl gelding or 'filly. Thos apples, E C The Tuckersmith Cider Min, • ROGER PEP21:it. NTIT.1 his 'Cid '4r Milt , ged ram, John Dun- , W Cooper; Ram n,W Cooper; Ewes, Dun In ; Ewe lambs, Coo ler. - Thr lsts ad three wake. s.--Berkshi ged boar, It Bei- ge lat and 3 d,I' eCoursey ; Sow, d 2nd -R D lbrid e; Spring boar, nd 2nd R Delbrh:Ige, Ge Hill ; g sow, let a d 2n R,Delb idge, non. ester Whit -A ed boar, P De- ist and 2ncl P De oursey ; Spring ey, leogerion • ratters ; Aged lot aud 2n P )cCoursey, Rog• Brothers; Spring sow,lst and DeCourse Ito LTRY. -Li mnpson ; D n, W Fortt W neon, W Gaines A gled Gaines, ; Black 11 hittenden ; •tt, D Thom seat, G Ir ,E Hous selbridge, - ty, W J G s A Bias en Ducks, Ir variety, TanEgmond s, G Irvine ion any oth and 2nd. irds Bred inI1890, issett ; Bar t Bra mouth Roc., D asted Red ame, go, Richard • Elli go, Jas Gilc riot; Bissett ; Br wn dson ; Blau Sp• se, any va iety, eke, Wen S therh dge ; Banta 3, Th 11) ht Br rk lee ; rtun isse urge nibur White Leghorn's, A son.; -Brown Leghornse ;„,, lack • Spanish, A Tar eys, any variety, Iry ne ; Geese, any ieve, Dr Scott; Pekin tt, ugh J Grieve; J G lee° ; Decks, any m Su hmiland ; Pigeons, 1st nd 2nd Singing I 1st ad 2nd • Best col - r var. ety, D 'Thompson Light Brahmas, mas, W Fortune ; Wilson; Black A Bissett; Ham- tt • Black Ham' White Leghorne, eghorns, Joseph nish, A Bissett; rlrvine; Rouen ncl ; Owls, R Dil- e D,Leyy. Yerson roth er s hmas, A Bissett, rahrnas, E Chit- nymouth Rocks, ; Black Breasted t, D Thompson ; Griey, Geo go,Jae Gilchrist, in flower, in flower, in flowe ; Ora ; Ro Stun mpson ober ned re. RTS. 1• 1• s. -A otfl John Wel W ark aye, nuals,, Folia Tho , Tho Hinging basket Cottle, T 0 Ke • DOMES* MA cloth, Ge flannel, sey wol Aiteheso Woolen A Johns ets, Wm Coope yarn, R bert Craeken • • Fac Cooper; Set si John W and 2nd 1st and of morel one doze MPLE3IENTS F rrn wagon, bur gy,P W He wood 0 en buggy, J hn w od ; Iron be itapl T oleman ; bble T T Coleman; Subs m n; Horse he, 0 11 its; Gang low, C leman ; Iron I on land rolle c tter, 0 C Wi h rVester, Jam C urn, 00 illso ; 1:t and 2nd S W,e1 eid & Wilso ; Hr iGlinsient AND itzel, George s ph Hudson barley,' John Two rowed b oats, A Johnst mon oats, A J Large peas, Small peas, J othy-Seed, A J Flax seed, Ro Shelled corn, McCracken ; Cracken, Joh Peter Moore, AND olnite & Hughey; Top Golnitz &Hughey; torsey, P W Hey - w, 0 C Willson, T plow, 0 C Willson, il plow,' T T Cole- Willson, Thomas O C Willson, T T bar ows, Thee Hills; , T T Coleman ; Turnip lson ; T T Coleman; Pea a Mat-ttn, Thos Brown; n Wooden pump, h; Iron pump, Shoes, Thomas other variety, Rob rt Nott, George Dale; Berlin wool work, resswell; Best qu n- raised, E Symington, Andrew Johnston; ober t Govenlock, John Berlin wool work, fiat, Thos Downey, E ford • peaches, J al' George peaches p the World Pea° hn Symington. A SPECIAL PRIZES.- John McMillan, M 13, for the best pair of eteers two years old, C Dale jr, Chas Wilson. M Morris, for the best 10 lbs. of dairy butter, Mee J C McLean. The Turkish Dye Co, for specimens of rag carpets and mats dyed with Tur- kish dyes, Wm Chapman, Thos D Levy. John 5 Porter, the prettiest baby not over 11 months old, Mrs Jas Sproat. R Jamieson; for lady driver of a single rig, Mrs Spooner, Mrs 11 M Chesney. rhos Coleman, the beat lady horse- back rider, Mrs fi M Chesney. Robert Scott, for the best two bushels of spring wheat of any variety, Joseph Hudson. G E Cresswell, for the member who will run 100 yards, saddle his horse, and ride once around the track in the shortest time, not decided. Y McLean, for the beet and most useful farmer's driving horse in harness and huggy, P Chesney, Harry Mason. es, ; Any other variety Govenlock; Best 001- ruit, -Robert Charters, Painting in oil, Alm tors, John Walker ; taker,- James Scott ; alker ; Petunies,J s,ThomasCottle ; GI er, John Beattie ; r, James Scott r D hn di- art- hl- ohn Walker ; Collec• ohn Walker; Fucia e plants and Bego lee as Cottle; Gerani me as Cottle, R Den ie ; filled with plants., hoe p. UFACTURES.-Dom stie Nett A Johnston.; All ool eorge ott, A Johnston ; in- ey, obert Govenlock, Vm ; Sa'inett, A Johns on ; ome ade quilt, George ott, on ; P ir of home made hi nk- , A Johnston ; Woolen 4.oven1ock, W g Mc- ory made (Dila Wm gle harnees, 1st and 2nd rd; Dsuble teeth harness, lot John % ard ; Sewing machine, 2od ames Watson ; . B rrel ants our, T 0 Kemp, ; est brie 8, John Sproat, 3r. 4ETAELES. -Half blishel tobert Dodds, Win J y of Hebron, Hiram tee Cumrning ; White rt Dodds,Sirnon Huhter; atoes, Charles Mu g ; Early rose vlurray, John Sbafl Four va ieties f late rose potatoe J Griev Char es Murray s Sugar W H. MIcracken ; Winter cabbag M Merge, J AllansoTh golds, Henry Glebe John M 'Gourley carrots, ,son ; Not K rots, T dian c Water Hinchl J Allan on ; . ston, J Aliens son, Jo onions, Tomat Celery, TODE1, nine, T collection of v M Morries. MA.NUPAGTURES.- ' HORTICULT -7--Winter app Fall apples, (.. realer!) of app strong; Rho rmstrong, C ' 'pies, Robt toxbero Ru ohn 8 Brow live ready for w.:.r:tb: thy Itst of, October, ai d Ns ill Govenlock,' J Little & Son, John Sproat quantity of apples and convert them i to t c / -jr • Pair carriage horses; W Ilawkshaw, beprepared en and atter that date to tat: n an most dulteiJus fresh eider Parties b ingiug 8 finnter, J N Howard[; Siogle driver, apples out hate the eider ioine with th m. It T 0 Kemp, A -McMurchie, John Cam - would oblige Mr. Pepper i parties woul bring- Jordan. their apples in the afternoo reasonable as usual. eider cession 3, L. B. S., Tiinker boihng cult:r will be rented Also a number of small ROGER FEITIL E. eron ; Three year old Lilly, Readsters -Brood mare eeompanied by her foal, John Camp ell, W M Morris;rFoal, 1891, W M. orris, John Campbell ; Three year old lly or geld- ing,' Alex Da,videon, D Crawford, R. Luker; Two year old filly, or gelding, Robt Wilson, W Smith, W Pinkney; One year old filly or gelding, H G Taylor, Robt B McLean, hos Daly; Roadster! team, T F Cole an, Andrew Scott; Single driver, Ale Cardno, W Ament, John Grieve. CATTLE. --Thoroughbre Durharns, -Cow, Elcoat Brothers, 2nd arid 3rd Wre Carnochan ; Two year old heifer, James Broadfoot, Wm Ca nochan, El - coat Brothers ; One year °lel heifer,Wm Carnochan, Elcoat Brot!ere • Heifer calf, ist and .2nd Junes Br, adfoot, John T Dickson ; Bull calf,Eletat Brothers, George Sproat, Elcoat Bro hers. - • Grad.e,-- Cow,-- Thome Govenlock, John Campbell, 'GI E Creswell; Two year old heifer, G E Cress ell, 2nd and 3rd John Campbell; One y ar old heifer, D ID Wilson, Elcoa,t. Br there, James Carnocha,n ; Heifer calf, ohn T Dick- son, Samuel Broedfoot, El oat ,Brothers; Two year old steer, Chri topher Dale, Jr, 2nd and 3rd Charles " ilson ; One year old *steer, Chrietop er Dale, jr, Joseph Scott, Jelin T Dickson • ' Fat ox or eteer, Christopher Dale, jr; Fat cow or heifer, Thomas Govenlo k ; Best herd a possIble. Teruis niiI1 on Lot 3,6, Con< faith A kettle for for 35 cents per day. ligs for sale i cheap. 12.42x4 AUCTION 8 A SPLEN-iiIA D —IN TIIE— L E RBI Township of HIBB RT, COUNTY OF P'EFTti, Mr. W. Duff has bden etrutka by .31r. Win. Ehyrhardt, to sell by rile auction, at the On. SATURDAY, OCT. 17, 189-1, At 2 o'cloek p. m., Lot 29, Concession S, Town- ship of Ilib'Jert, containing 100 acres, about 95 acres cleared, widerdrained, free from stumps, and in a high state of cultivation, There 19 fir good fra l'e barn and stables and a log house, I also a god bearing orchard. There is a never - failing si. ring creek runulug through the farm, and no w ste land. It ia within eight miles of Seaforth mad is surrounded by good gravel roads. his farm will positively be sold without reserve. Posse,sion given as soon as sold. TERM *-Ten per rent. of the purchase money ) to be pal on the day of sale, enough Of the balance o make 81,000 within 30 days, and the remaied6r can remain on morty,ag-e at 6 per cent. interest. WM. BBERHART, Proprietor. W. G. DUFF, auctioneer. 1242-3 COMMERCIAL ROTEL, ;AFORTII, Grevenstems a:ley ; Brock; Por Cr1esswell ; Smith, R De MOD, Robt C burg, Elcoat Ben Davis, Wagner, Jo Golden Rue St, Lawren McMichael ; Smith, ltIenr ard Elliott, Jas Gilchris Pears, - son, Robt G Govenlock, Beauty, It ledge; Due Wilson; Gr son ; Vicar Elcoat Brot lock; Loui Hinchley, • GARD of pota Grieve; Blaneha Elephan Late ro Wm A toes, C N VE Beau d; Ja , Rob e pot metro arks ra, ot ord , an 1, ilanson ; Biood beets, ti• n)as Hills • Long mail. Forsythe, ivm Co peel e, John T Govenlock, mango', ; Swede turnips, Thos Sim n Hunter; Early horn 'James Cumming, Alex David- hite-B lgian, H McCracken, own; Long orange or red car- omas ill, j D Hinchley • In• rn J Allanson Wm Kyle ; eions W M'cCracken J D y; Mu k melons, J.D ainehley, auliflowereAndrew Johut n; Red onions, J n St fford ; White or yellow W cCracken, W M Mendes; es; W M Monies, Thomas Hill ; Wm ' yle, W M Moreies ; cit - m M rries, J Allanson ; Pars- •omas it ills JD Hinchley Best geta'bles, J Allapson, W EEDS:-Fall wheateChas DaleSpring wheat, Jo - A 1 yndall •' Six rowed McB -We, AJohnston; rley, T E Hays ; Large on, J seph Hudson; com- hnston, Joseph Hudson; st and nd A Johnston ;- s Spottt A Tyndall; Tim- ohnston, Win Aiteheson ; t Arnnetreng,A Johnston; Robt Akinstrong, W H White beans, W HNC - 8 Brown; Grain in ear, John Stafford. - ' RAL RO D L Grs . --Apples, es, Geo Nott ; 0 Irvine; Irvine, Geo Nott; Col- es, R Bennie, RobtArmt e Island Greening, Robt lin Campbell; Northern eatherland, Joseph Scott ; seta, ' Robt Armstrong, • S itzenburgs, R Grey, dwins, R Anderson, Afield Seek -no -fur th • E Cresswell; Snow n, Robt Armstrong ; ; 13a ; We ist, elms, C Routleclge, S M Ches- ippins, G Irvine, Robt erre •nie ; arter Brot Robt Vin Aitcheson, 0 le of Tornkins, Robert Alexander, R Com - s ; Duchess of Olden - hers, Wm Aitcheson ; Armstrong, R Grey; JUDGES. Heavy Horses, -John McNevin, Kip, pen. Light Horse, -W II Millman, Wood- stock. • Cattle, -John Gibsou, Ilderton. - Sheep, -John Cowan, Seaforth. Pigs, -J B Murray. Poultry, -Wm McLeod, Lucan, Implements, -Win Kyle, Kippen. Grain and Seeds, -T 0 Kemp, Jas Lowrie, Seaforth. Vegetables and Dairy Produce, -John Hannah, James Beattie, Seaforth. Fruit and Flowers, -John Stewart, Benmiller. Ladies' Work, -Mrs Carder, Blyth; Miss Shaw, Wingham ; Miss Stephfo Constance. DAIRY PRO -John Hann home Made b John Burdge John Bu.rdge, ter fit for ta Burdge; Fac eau,. G E cheese, Robe Loaf of home Peter Motere Cardiab ; Ho enlock, Wm Wm 4r midi - tion of home Gilehrist, R Robertson; ets, G Irvine, Geo Not; ; e, Robt Leatherland, A Ma den's blush, Robt For ythe ; Colvert, Rich - A 11,14N1iehael ; Vandevere, inter pears, John T Dick- venlock ; Fall pears, Robt John 0 Wilson; Flemish gerson Brothers, C Rout. eats lAngouleme, John G y D yenne, John T Dick - of Wakefield, C Routledge, ers ; Bartlett, Robt Govens- Bonhe de Jersey, J 1) obt Govenlock; Collection, Rob1 Govenlock, John Ce deans, Robert Govenllock, dge • Duanes Purple, Chas Lombard, John G Wilson • variety, John, Walker, W 131 elaware,John Thomp- artford Prolific, John Govenlock; Concord, E Creswell; Rogers enlock ; Rogers No. 4, DOTS. -Creamery butter, h, George Watt; Tub of tter, Mrs J C McLean, Butter suffieiently salted, Mrs J C McLean; But - le use, Wm -Dale, John ory made cheese, P Pepin- eTaggart ; Priyate made t. Smith, E SYmington ; made bread,P M Chesuey, Loaf of baker's bread, A ey in comb, Robert Gov- rmstrong ; Honey in jar, ng, Peter Moore; C Ilec- made wiues Peter M ore, John Thompson ; Special for loa of bread, by yo ing lady under 16 years, T Downey, Wm Aitcheson. le McLEAN .tROS. Publishers. $1.50 a ear, in Advance. Shearling ram, ram Iamb, Geo Penhale Haywood ;B lst in each, Elcoat Bros 2nd in each ; mer, Jacob Pair ewes, having raieed lambs in '91, without ski wo shears and over, Geo Penhale; Pair. Miller; Set .- hearling ewes, pair ewe lambs, Geo Pen- rwin. hale let in each, Diaries Salkeld- 2nd in. MANUFAOTtRES.-White home made each • Pair fat sheep, any breed, Geo flannel, Wm Sterling, John Reid Col- Penh'ale A Duncan. lored home made flannel, George 'Nott, Shrop'etiredownin - Aged ram two A Johnston, Home made fulled cloth. G hears and over, John Dunkin ; Shear- Nutt, A Johnston ; Home Made sat- . nston • Woolen blankets, Wm. 'Sterling ; Skein of %Vrn. Stesling, John Reid; hag yarn, A Johnston, n stockings hA Johnston, Woolen soek'a, Susan Wil- ott; Home made cotton stockings, AlJohnston, Mrs. Grainger; Home made ;cotton s eke, A Johnston, George Notth Woole -gloves A John- ston, G Neal; Woole mite, Lire Gran- ger, A JohOton ;• Set of buggy harness, T Cairterone Coope 's work, James ork, John Gem- st chilled plow with skim - Miller ; Iron beam plow iner, let and 2nd Jacob of horse shoes, George ing ram, A Duhkin John Salkeld; tmette, A Jo ain lamb, John Dunkin, Jerkin Salkeld; A Johnston, air ewes, having raised lambs in '91, woolen yarn, wo shears and over,,,John Dunkin 1st Skein of stem gend 2nd ; Pair shearling ewes, A Duncan Nett • Wool ist and 2nd • Pair ewe lambs, John Jliosh, nGlteoeridge; Dunkin lot and 2nd. Southdowns - Pair ahearling ewes, . I, saac Salkeld '1st and 2nd; Pair ewe ambs, Isaac Salkeld; Aged ram, Isaac aalkeld, T J Marks; Ram lamb, T J Marks. t Pies.-Berltshire,-Aged boar, W Me- l'Allister, Robt Turner; Brood sow, W cAllister, Jas Johnston ; Boar, six entire or under, sow six Months or ;under, W McAllister lot and 2nd leach. • _ Suffolk, -Sow having littered in 1891, Jas Johnston, W II Woods; Sow six months or under, jas Johnston. I DAIRY PnoneteEs-Tub salt butter, 50 lbs or over, Geo Nett, Mrs Burdge; 25 lbs salt butter, Mrs J Berdge ; Five lbe table butter, Joseph Henderson, Mre J Burdge; Cheese, home Made, Mrs J Burdge A Johnston; Home made wine, 0 hi Huston, Joseph Wild; Honey in comb, R Mellveen ; Honey in jar, A •Johnston ; Home made bread, Geoltiott, Win Sterling ; Baker's bread, J King. -,- GRAIN AND SEEDS. -White Winter wheat, A Johnston, J. Wild ; Red winter wheat, John Salkeld, P Penhale ; Spring wheat, John Salkeld, Isaac Salkeld; Large peas, John Salkeld, A Johnston; Mummy peas, R Perthelejsaac Salkeld; Small peas, Wm Townsend, A Johnston; Four -rowed barley, A Armstrong, i Johnston ; Small white . oats, A John- ston, 31 Hudson; Black oats, J Hudson, Isaac Salkeld; Timothy seed, A John- ston, Isaac Salkeld; Corn, J Wild, J Spreadbury. Fnern-Collection of grapes, Cr Hus- ton, J Wild; Fallapples, Isaac Salkeld, W E Elliott; Winter apples, Isaac Salkeld, Jos Hayter; Collection of ap- ples, W Elliott, J Wild ; Pears, four varieties, W Elliott, W Sterling; Col- lection of pears, J Wild; Peaches, Jno Reid, J Wild • Six bunches grapes, G If Huston, Geo 'Woods ; Crab apples, j Ferguson, J Wild' Plums or prunes, J Wild, W Elliott. VEGETABLES. -Early potatoes, Joseph Hayter; Late potatoes, Jno Ferguson, Jno Dunn; Field mangolds, long red, R E Snowdon, W II Woods • Field mangolds, yellow globe, W 121 Woods, R E Snowdon; Beets for table use, John Salkeld, Geo Woods; Cabbage, J R Balfour, Geo Woods ; Cauliflower, A Johnston, Wm Townsend; Carrots, J R Balfour, W Sterling; Parsnips, Geo Wood, Joseph Spres,dbury ; Pumpkins, Wm Townsend, W Elliott; Squashes, B. E Snowdon • Potato onions, R E Snowdon, Geo Woods; Potato onions, Canadian, Geo Woods, A Granger; Other onions, J R Batfour, J Spread - bury; Field turnips, John Johnston, R E Snowdon; Field carrots, Jos Wild, Jos Hayter • White celery, '''J - lis Bal- four, Geo 'Wilds ; Red celery, Geo_ Woods, G H :Hewson; Winter radishes, Geo Woods, Joie Wild; Citrons, Joseph Spreadbury, l'i'Vsn Townsend; , Musk melons, R E Sitowdon, W H Woods ; Watermelons, W Townsend, A John- ston; Large b ans, Joseph Spreadbury, Wm Townsen hale, A Johns LADIES' WORK. -Patch quilt in wool, George Nott Andrew Johnston; Patch quilt in cotters, E Symington, 11, Grey e Silk or crazy l quilt; George Nbtt ; Knit- ted quilt, James Lee, R. Grey ; Darned net spread, 1E Symington ; Darned net pintas sham4, Miss Mcielicheel, George Nott; Braided -pillow' shams, George Nott, E SyMington ; Silk embroidery on silk or velvet, Donald McIntyre, G Nott; Cot on embroidery, Miss Mc - Mich el, E ymington ; Wool embroid- ery, Johneto-n, Gr Nott ; Arrasence or cheui Sy ini Geor work Crot Colin Sy mi braidi lace, 1 E -S • The Bayfield Show. The Bayfield show was held on Tues- day and Wednesday bait, Tuesday was a. delightful dirty and as a consequence the indoor department was filled right up. There was -a splendid show. The fruit both as regards quality and quan- tity made a splendid display, roots, grain, vegetables and dairy products were also well represented, while th ladies' wcnk,fancy articles and fine art were as mind as we ,have seen at any show this season... The flowers an plants also made aebeautiful display an were the delight of all observers. Wed -nesday. however, was a disappointrnen to tall. The directors and citizens had made preparations for a big day and th grounds were in splendid conditiofl with a nice, seta level track around th outside for driving on, but they coul not regulate the weather and hence th disappointment. A steady, soaking rai set in early in the morning -and continu ed throughout the day. This, togethe 'with a piercing cold wind made it ex ceedingly uncomfortable for both .ma and beast and there was, therefore, comparatively small crowd of peopl and many of the departments weri somewhat light, although it was sure prising thateo many ventured out a were present. There was a fair show o horses; a very good show of cattle an sheep and a goodly number of hogs There was, also, a very nice collection of poultry: The show grounds hav been • greatly enlarged and improve since last year, and this society now ha as well equipped grounds as can let found in the county. Had the weathey been favorable the gate receipts woulel have been three times what they weret but those .who were disappointed coat only hope for better luck next time The following is the Prize List. ,FlonsEs.:--Heavy Draught, - Broo mare with foal, Levi Trick, Jame Campbell ; Foal, Levi Trick, James - Campbell; Two year olds, J Izzartil„ John Sperrow ; Working horses, R Snowden T Nicholson. General Purpose, -Brood mare wit foal, John Stevenson, John Reid ; - Fort , T NicholscenJohn Reid; T;vo year old, Henry Durand, W MeClinclsey ; On year olds, Ralph Stevenson, W Woods; • Work" tre Ilorses, Gcor Bates ; Special 'for Yearling aired b Cam pbleton Chief, Ralpli Stephensor Henry Oster; Sucking colt sired b Canapbleton Chief, T Nicholson, Joh Stevenson. Chas Routl Routledge; Any other M cCrackenI Grapes, sone R Gre Thoinpscn, . E C Celina No. 19, Ro Robert G Rogers N Kyle; Ro Rob n, G t Go venlock, John Thompson.; . 45, John Thompson, Wm ere N. 15, John Thompson, le WO gtou ; e. Not M re het in Camp ton, g, G WOr tabl bell E Syming ngton tool, Fano tyre ; Mrs C Colin flowe n-; W Liael ; 7aggar 1, E ; PM er ; on; M s in o Oen nd 2n on, lo in pa •on s ch, T • Bes slaugl ingto *let Ge e wo dm neton ning, Id • ore-; NOtt ; M George N m de wo M Crack k, Donald McIntyre, E Applique or plueh w rk, , E - Symington ; Cr wel olin Campbell, George N tt; wool, P M Chesney, Mrs sell ; Crotchet in cottou, E Robert Leatherland ; Fancy Nett, E Symington ; Point De nie, G Nott ; lioniton lace, ing on, G Nott ; Crazy poach CS ott, E Symington ; Fancy scarf R Gray, Mrs Colin Camp Fanc Sym foot ton Mei ton, Mrs Wa ingt M ic Mc in o bell We ing gla Ca lat cra rai Ora ske bel lda Syn wo ma 11 Jo da, • slippers, Mrs 0. H Pyper, on ; Fancy sofa pillow, E Maggie Stephen on ; Fancy rs D McIntyre i1 Syming- chair, let and ad Mrs I) Fancy wall panel lin Campbell; F Campbell, E s, Miss MeMich x fruib,lat and 2 Armstrong ; inhart. POITLTRY. Cabinet Backs, se, W El den; Dorkiags, Joh Dunkin ; Black Spanish, J mes Joh istim ; Plymouth' rocks, ' let rid. 2nd John Johnston ; Brown legh rns, Jose h Hudson, George Nott ; Tut eys,R Pe hale,Wm Elliott. JUDO- S. E Snowdon, W Elliott; Ge iott, R E Snow - La -dies' Work,-MissNoble,Seaforth ; on, Varna ; Miss Robineon, Blake; n. , Zurich ; J Scott, homes Johnston, Varna. Yin _holey Byfield ; Robert ayfield ; enry Cole,Chnton. S H Smi h and Jae Hearne, . m Grebe , Stanley. George Anderson , Stanley. Poultry, --Oliver Clinton John Beichert, ier and R McMil- Connoily, Gode- Mies Kate McNaugh Dunn, Blake. Vegetables, -Rich. Joseph Ellison, Clint Grain, -„T Witham Brucefield. Manufactures, - Zurich; J Secord, • Fruit,- MeIlveen, Cattle, Clinton; 'Sheep and Swine, and George Stanbur Implements and Johnston, Zurich. Horses, John Go ran, ; Jame rich township. I Roadster florsess-Brood mare, John Sparrow, R, Lawrasou ; Foal, Wm Clarit, Dr Stanbury ; Two year olds, Josegh Hater,•A Duncan; One year olds, 11 McGinnis; Span, T F Coleman, J Swartz; Single Roadsteei A Forbes, Burton. , • Carriage Horses, -Brood mare, D Purvis'John Salkeld; Foal, D A Pule vie John Salkeld; Lady driver, ncy riereen, SPEEDING CONTEST, - The speeding 'ymington ; contests, wet though it was, caus d el, E Sym- much interest. In the open trot thee d Miss Me. were three horses, viz.: R •Roche's E Syming- W Elliott, Mrs Spoonei. hadow painting in oil, G E , R Grey -; Painting on satin mington, Mrs Colin amp - ting on plush in oil, Jacob ainting on tin in oil, E Sym- s D, McIntyre; Painting on 1, E Symington, Mrs Colin Painting landseape in oil, iJohn Morrison Portrait in and 2nd A Baus augh; Port• telle, Mrs Colin Campbell ; etch, E Symington ; Pen,oil omas Cottle,Mrs polin Camp - collection of ph to ra hs A ; Embroidery ijn outline, E , Mrs D MeInt re ; Ribbon Nott, T 0 Kern; Machine len socks, Robt 'Hawthorne; de woolen socks, Andrew George Nott; Specimen Richard Robertson, Peter and made gent's fine shirt, G chine made gents' fine shirt, • tt, Andrew Johnston; Hand len mitts, E Symington, W 11 n; Fancy Knitting, George "Baron Cole," A Forbes "Dan NA, I- som" and Swartz's Gray Bird." The race was won easily by "Baron Cole," with "Dan Wilson" a good second. The Farmers' Trot caused a spiritkl contest, but it being late before jit closed we did not get the inarne_s of t ie successful competitors. CATTLE. -Grade Cattle, -Milch co John Newcombe, John ;Woods; T year old heifer, W J Stinson,, Jas Rei One year old heifer, John Reid, Elliott; Fat cow, heifer or taperer, Elliott, Jae Reid; Heifer calf, J Woods, - Jas Campbell ; Bull c thoroughbred, Elcoat Bros., John Reid; Heifer calf, thoroughbred, Wm ; Pair three year old steers, Jae Canap- bell, W J Stinson; Pair two year old steers, W J Stinson, W H Woods; Pair one year old steers, • Jas Reid, JOhn Reid; Holstein calf, Chas Cook lst and. 2nd; Durham call, John Woods lst and 2nd. SHEne.--Leicester,-Ram, two share and over, Isaac Salkeld, Geo Penhale ; ; Small beans, R Pen - on; Large tomatoes, Jno Salkeld, A Jo neten ; Small tomatoes, Geo Woods, J It Balfour. 'OBE- Knotted pillow organ,. Mrs Grainger ; shams, Geo Nott, Wm broidered pillow shams, pbell, Mrs Geo Nott; iss Brownett,tAggie Me- cheted table nutts, Addie rs Colin Campbell • Toilet lin Campbell, Mrs Geo drape, Miss Johnston, is very ill at St. £nomae. plaell ; Table drape, Sofa —Mrs. W. N. Warburton, Of &rat - lin Campbell 1st in each, ford, one of the m st respected 'teachers itt ea -ch; Crochet in twine, ia the PublioSeho Is, who has "taught pbell, Addie Arnistronthe young ideas how to shoot," for g - Mrs J Budge, Joseph many yeare, has ecu placed upon the roidery on silk, satin or superannuated lis of tsachers. A well •lin Campbell,. Geo Nett; n. Wm, Moore; of the flowers, large, G. - (sods ; Bouquet of flowers, LADIES' shams, Lily Braided pillot Sterling ; E Mrs Colin Ca Crazy work, Clinehey ; Cr Armstrong, h mats, Mrs Nntt ; Croch Mrs Colin Ca pillow, Mrs C Mrs Nott 2u Mrs Colin Ca Hooked masts Hayter; velvet, MreICT Bouquet 0 Hevssoe, 0- 'N small, Mr' 3 Sparrow, 0 11 Heveson ; anniversary of th in wool Mre Geo Irwin, day even ng, last -An a ,sociatio dustry, wtith 24 ganized in school romoti rul Mrs rank 1 airway refreshment Stratford, celebrated the 6th ir marriage Wednes- eek. of the Patrons of M- embers, has -been or- ection No. 5, Downie. -The Harvest Thanksgiving collec- tions in Trinity Church, Mitchell, amounteet to $100. -Mr. James Watson, an employe at Moore's planing mill, St. Marys, met t the other day, by of the thumb and the f his right hand, ings ago a valuable sroperty of Mr. Wm. he South Boundary, und dead in one of the By some, means the gled in a rail fence, o extricate itself had ffects of a part of the n it. It was a heavy eat promiee. Brothers, of Mother - sed a Dicker Thresher onald Manufacturing Company, of Stratford. This machine was on exhibition at the Western Fair, and excited the admiration of the farm- ers who -examined it, Perth -A number of h have organized a known as the Owl C tems. itchell yohng men ancing club, to be ub. They purpose to hold weekly dane ng assemblies. -Mr. H. J. Hurl his house and lot on chell; to Mr. 0. S. He has also sold the erty to Mt. A. B. B -On a recent Su F. E. Nugent preached a sermon in Trafalgar tstreet Chnrch, Mitchell, bear-- ing upon i political ! depravity as re- vealed in the recentk. exposures at Ottawa. -Mr. Harry Brishint of Mitchell, has been appointed to a position on the Canadian Pacific Railway at Port Francis. -Hon.1Thomaa for the Old Countr pees As a ciheese exp stantly on the rush -Mr, G. Hower Carroll, of the sat clerk, are vieing wi big potato line, bol bring down the s pounds eaeh. , -As Mrs. Edwa ton, was driving Road, and about to cross Roy's bridge, a few days ago, th horse started back- ing up over the em ankroent, upsetting the buggy and occ pants into the gully below, Mrs. Ha child received slig -Mrs. James G Ross and lt,Irs. W urt has disposed of Water street, Mit- Kerr, of Toronto. planing mill prop- rron, of Forest. day evening Rev. llantyne hes aailed again. His -busi- rter keeps him core?- . of Dublin, and Mr. e place, township h each other in the ing up spuds which ales at nearly two d Haynes, of Fuller - est on the Thames nes and her infant t injuries-. urley, Mrs. Alfred . Cornish, all of the vicinity of Rueseldale, returned from Maniteba!a few days ago, having had a splendid trip. They were pleased with the appearance of home ancl Perth co -Prcfessor J. Marys, the Editor and a very cleve he country, but like nty better than ever. B. Watson, of St. of Pen and Platform; platform speaker, deserved -Mr. Grand Crochet wor Mrs Geo No Mrs Colin ; Crochet work in cotton, Embroidery en silk Mrs Colin Campbell, ref Mrs Geo Nott; Fancy whisk hode', Mrs Geo Nett, Mrs Colin Camp ell ; Knitting in Worsted, MrsiJohnston,elei Colin Carnpell ; Knitting in worsted, fancy, Mrs Colin Campbell,. Mrs Geer Nott ; Quilt in patch work,Not Known, t r Fancy quilt, Mrs Geo' arsons ; Log cabin quilt, mpbell, Mrs -Geo Nott; crocheted quilt,Mrs Colin ents' linen ton; Ladies' take, Addie tton or silk, Ferguson; re Geo Nott, on; Plain hand sewing, be, Mies Johnston; Wax Morgan, Mrs Perin Camp - r flowers, lIrs'Nott, Addie Armstrong;i Dented socks or stockings, Mrs J Bistdges Win Sterling; Berlin wool workant, -Miss Johnston, John Salkeld ; Berlin wool work,raised,Addie Armstrong, Mrs Conn Campbell ; Drawn wor ,Mrs Colin Campbell,Addie Armstron Colin Ca drawing, mpbell, Mrs Geo No; ; Mrs Geo NoNett, Miss Mrs Colin C Knotted or Campbell, Miss Johnsten ; shirt, Miss Nott,Mies John underclothing, machine ATMEltran ; Etching in c Mrs Colin djimpbehl1 Nor Gents' fancyl flannel shirt, Miss Johns Mrs Newco fruit, -• Lily bell; Feath Fatiey pin cushion, Mrs bell, -Mrs Geo Nott; Pencil Irs Colin Campbell, 0 11 liewson ; Crayon drawing, Miss Burk, Mrs Colin Campbell'Water color painting, Mrs Colin Campbell, G- H Hewson; House flowersn pots, Mrs J Sparrow, 0 H Hewson. IMPLEM NTS. -Single buggy, P Hay- wood; Co ered buggy, George Irwin, P I with an accide which he lost p,ar three last fingers -A f w mor spring colt, the Sutherland, of Blanshard, was f fields of his farm. colt became ent and being unable died from the fence falling up draught colt of g -The Bolton Well, have purch from the Mac -The excursi over the three r terminus is Win and it is estim sionists passed section on the long that the make tWo trips Wabash. ns on Friday, 1st inst., ilroads, whose Canadian sor, were monster ones, ted that .,000 excur- ver the river. The first rand Trunk road was so erry Lansdowne had to o get on the ears for the