The Huron Expositor, 1891-10-02, Page 64.4 A THE HURON EXPOSITOIR„ 8 11 0 a I er Boarders and What 1 They Leave Behind Them. Lingering in the country after the "city folks" were gone, I had im oppor- tunity of realizing all that these slimmer people do- for the quiet country homes and their inm tee. The first revelation came throug that too familiar song, tAnnie Roone •' -Some one was singing jt, when the °stems said: "That is 'A nie Rooney,' isn't it ? I never heard it till our boarders came, they sang it etery day and all the time, till we got to now it." The questio±1 carne to my mind, did not we city pe pie, with all our musical advantages, know some melody more exalting! 1 The young boy, rnowing the weeds in the fence corner'.and stopping to wipe his wet brow, tito ped from his pocket a WOElt magaldn . r contained ono of lugersoll'a pr4fsn. addresses. Sur/kind to find it in t • possession of such a boy, Ike question came involuntarily: "De you resd Ingersoll, Mr. Dick ?" 1 "I never h rd of him till this sum- ' Mer. Mr. Bi wn, of your city, was teanere a while, i. got lots of man, and ded this t me one day because I nt for his i ail. It is about worn out now, I've reac it so much. It's queer, but sphly." Kr. Brown i a philanthropist when at horns.' A re, -hearted men. There was tea party one day. Some •it se said that t woke to show off the new bite and fit bed -room set. The *stem told u more about that dainty urniturs when she took us up the stairs. "Nellie want* you should see her new bedroom set. You see Mrs. Smyth was here this aumrnsr, and she told Nellie that the city girls all have white and gilt furnitura, and so Neale set up to vs it, too. She towed fath r, and he 4. so nitrite& ted about her, ief course the got it. 1 smash; her no to be be- hind the city tirbs. I was sorry, for he was going t see his folks M the old home, but he ald he would rather see Nellie enjoy t 1e money, and he would go next year. Mrs, Smyth is pleasant, but she hae so many notions, and she puts them in "Ilia's head; so this nine ; just told her I wasn't allowing to have any boarders regularly next summer; so Oho and her set won't be coming. But I didn't &by x word here to home about 1 There are 4-eered copes of shallow *swine* and books and packs of play - its cards driiUug to the surface from bureau drawer* and closets, each with its influence,t ough the one who brought And discarded them hat forgotten it long ago. A rainy day coming when the mail Was delayed and there was nothing to read, encouraged the hostess to bring gut a pile of r !igloos weeklies. 1 "I thought you might like to see i them. There s one for every week of -July and August. hire. Graham left them, she took it all the time, and said I could read it, but I never got the time. But after she was gone I found all on the bureau tep in plain sight. I sup- pose she left them on purpose, and I'm ;lad she did, Ake it; we ne Sunday mo istemory of th the family dr and the cerri "Yes, we had given it tome people down to stay hither I or cause we have decided to d a family paper." ning brings out another summer time, 'when all as themselves for church, ge goes away filled. ot to going again. We p some way, but we had ere who couldn't settle at home from church,.and husband had to drive for them, and then the children had a curiosity to go, solve just kept on going, for it seemed as easy as to stop." I Another la y had left hersign manual 6 m a recipe fo good yeast bread, which' had replaced the daily presence of hot "light" bread, eeldom light. I was told that "mether" thought she did not have the headache so much now as she peed to have when eating hot bread. • So one may glean every year from the harvest of words and deeds which the summer pe4ple sow broadeaet so thoughtlessly. Perhaps a me time we ahall know What the oity folks find besides rest and country air. N. Y. Observer. PiesEprving Peaches. A preserved peach is quite a different 1xticle from a canned one, although the two proceases are so often confounded. A preserved each depends for its pre- servation on he quantity of sugar used rather than upon ,its being sealed up like a oannedl peach in an air -tight can. To preserve I peaches prepare a syrup three-quartenii of the weight of the peaches need. Pat the sugar over to boil, adding a cup of cold water to every pound of sugar. Beat the whites of two eggs with the r eggshells, and stir them t into the cold sugar and water. Place the syrup where it will come to a boil- ing point ver it slowly. An iron kettle, lined with porcelain, is the best thing to pook it in. 4 tir the syrup often while It is coming tb the boiling point, but the moment it boils cover the kettle closely, and draw it back where the syrup will merely simmer or bubble up only at the sides of the kettle. Leave it to cook this way for half an hour. Then re- move the cover and skim off the thiok white scum which will cover the syrup. The remaindet Iii clarified sump and is the proper syrupto be used toreeerve so rich a fruit as peaches. are the ! peaches, dropping them, one b one, as they are peeled and halved, into a pan pf acidulated water, or water in which a teaspoonful of wine vinegar is mixed to the quart. This prevente the peaches from turning Mack while peeling. Do not leave in the pits in preserving, but crack one-third of them, selecting firm and sound ones. Blanch the kernels and add them' to the syrup. Cook the peaches in the syrup till they are tender enough to be pierced easily with a straw, but not till they bresk - to pieces. Set pans or jare in pane of boiling water, fill them. with the hot peaches, set them away immedhitely till they are cold, then cover them with brandied paper and seal them up, or you may sail them up boiling hot, as in canning, if you pre- fer. They will keep in either way but the firat is the old-fashioned way, and most old families prefer it. The Picnic. The summer season which brings the picnic also brought with it an explan- ation of the origin of the term. Ac- cording to an item which is HOW going the rounds of the papers, this is the way the word came into use: Excursions of this character date from 1802, so that the pionic is an institution of the nine- teenth oentury. It seems in olden times, I when a pi nio was the gustoinoriginal to Wended be p the eatell and d these neoe sarbes h it was paI iad aro picked ou the arti that he or she was and the na ne of t o ticked ff the li f t rtainme t thus ' pick -an -nick," became sh rtened being arranged for, y WO111 that those who sent ahould supply inkables. A list of Ting been drawn up, nd, and each] erson le cf food or drink willing to fu nigh, • article was i ioked t. , The open- ir en - became known as a nd the term nally 4' pic-nic." Bon to ea Lawyer. What is the obi f oharacteristic of a "born la yer ?" Some people [fancy that it is admit but andacitl has Perhaps .polled lawyer's ancoMs as often as jt has ade it. Craftiness, another quality often attributtd to lawyers as a class is as likely tp get them into trouhl as it is to wii4 them omen. T • real master -quality of a good lawyer, woo ding to many nlodemu authoriti is a 'genius for det 11."- ansbUlty osee brough a ease to the uttermost partici r and keep very - thing in ind, dy for use t the right mo nent. The following story has probe ly bee told by more than no lawye to Wu trate this fact: A lawy r adve for a clerk. The next mori Ing officio was orbwded with appl cants 11 bright, and many suitable. He • them watt i;,itil all should a ve, • then ranged am in a row an said li would till tlem a story, n te othe r comments, aa4 so hedge wh in he ould choose. i "A ter 1 er,"began the 1 wyer, "was trout led wi a red squlrret that got in trough a hole In his ba n and stole his s -co . Ha resolved kill the squ 1 at tb first opporinni .11 ' "Seeing him, o in at the hole one noon, he took is shot -gun and fired away. T • first ot eet the bjmn on fire." _ "Did th barn rn ?" said one f the hero. 1 The la y.r, Mont answer, con- tinued; 'And ing the barn on fire, She farms seised pail of water, and ✓ 'riI I 31 it out.' put it ut?" "aid another. , "As he ss..d I side, the door .but to Mid the b rn was on in flames. When the hired girl milled out with more water-" "Did they all beim up ?" said another boy.e ,_ 1 I Th. sawyer wen oft without a ewer: "Then the old I dy came out, and all as wnoise end oonf sion, and ever body was trying to put ut the fire." t "Did any one bu n up ?" said another. The lawyer said, "There, that wijI do; you have in show great interest in the i . story." But ob rving o e little bright-eyed fellow in eep silen e, he said, 'Plow, my little man, whi t have you to hay ?" The little fellow blushed, gre un- easy, and stammer d out, "I •ant to know whet beat ie of that sq irrel; that's whet I want to know." , "You'll! do,"' s id the lawyer "you are my man. 'on have not been switched (1)ff by a • onfusion and s barn burning. and the hired girls and! water pails. You have k pt your eye on the squirrel." Cheerfllness I anted in the Sick Room. A lady 'whose h called upon the Koren Mackenzie, ance upon the pat With many tear him to tell heel th knew that the do sband was very ill embus surgeop, Sir who was in Attend- ant. and sobs she begged worst at once: She tor was eure that he could never reeover. =, Indeed, she had felt from the flint that he had no hope of him, and so on through the wholeigamut of lamentation. "And now, doctor," she concluded, "1 beg of you to, ell me the truth. Is 1 there any chance or him ?" it "No," said Sr Morel': "The fact is, your husband inches, but by fe "Oh, I knew i the lady, "but w him?" "His wife," gravely; "and if should want to ge as possible." The visitor n sway, and stood room the very inc being killed, not by t." , I knew it," moaned hat is it that is killing replied the doctor, I were in his place I out of it as quickly w dashed the tears in the center of the rnation of dignity and power. "There, mad-s[tri," said the great practitioner, witi his most courtly bow and sweetest srni e, "that is not your most agreeable xpression, but it is vital and courage us. Take that back to the sick -room, ind when you recover from your indign tion, if you wili try to infuse a little ho1 into it, I think we on pull your hus and through. But no skill can fight si ccessfully against the chronic depressio of the patient's near- est and dearest c mpanion." "Bat my hea t has ached so," the lady remarked, pologetically, as she hurried away, po limed now with anew idea. "Make your eart obeyyour will, m,adam," said the doctor, ' and your eyes and your lip and your hand", and remember that an excess of sympithy is a thousand times worse -for a patient than indifference. Eleanor Kirk ! 1 -English Spayin Liniment removes all hard, soft or I calloused Lumps and Blemishes from orees, Blood Spavin, Curbe, Splints g Bone, siweeney, li Stifles'Sprains:iSo e nd Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Sa e L$50 by use of one bottle. Warrant d the most wonderful Blemish Cure eve known. Sold by J. S. Roberts. ' 1237y lilimeelft e -Blind Rat. A laborer at the Dundee harbor Lately told his wife, on akening, a curious dream which he 1ad during the night. He dreamed that e saw coming toward him, in order, fon rats. The first was very fat, and seas ollowed by two lean rats, the rear r t being blind. The dreamer was gre tly perplexed as to what evil might f llow, as it is under- stood that to dream of rats denotes com- ing calamity. He ooncerning this,' b could not help hi lad, who heard his appealed to his wife ut she, 'poor svninan. . His son, a sietrp father tell the 'tory, volunteered to be the interpreter. f' The fat rat," he said, is the man whoikeeps the public house, that ye gang till so often and the twa lean snes are me and my mother, and the blind ane is yerself, father." -Scotch Paper. -The Western Football Association series of games began on Saturday. Preston won from Galt, and Detroit de- feated Chatham. • es - Never broke; -Kabo.' The "bones" in tilt B. & C. corset are mado of t -warranted for a year, too. . It's 'a corset you can we 3, few weeks, and then ge vour money back if it doesrr Wits But it's pretty sure to si3i -else it wouldn't be •old o A8K YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER F THESE CORSETS, 01N111'.A.P,I 0, Mutual Live Sto4 INSURANCE CO. 114•MilS11. Head Office: Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stook Insurance Comport o Ontsrio having a Government Deposit and being duly lioensed by fibs same. Ass now carrying on the business of LITO Stock Inoue once and solloit the patronage of the impeders rend breeder@ of the Province. For further particulars addrem JOHN AVERY, See.-Tieas. 1106 • DUNN'S BAKINC OWDE THsecaPEERFNA4D The McKillop Mutual Fire • Insurance Corapani. . FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN, PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0.•, W. J. Shannon:Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; John Hannah Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIREGTORS. Jae Broadfo t, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Olin. ton; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt, Harlock Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan. non, Walton; Tho3. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS, Thos. Neilans, Hariock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea. orth ; S. Carnochan Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd Geo. Hurdle, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances ,01 transact other business will be promptly attend. ed nn application to any of the above officers, addrekied to their respective post offices. , 11811 O ED, e'• rad 0 co 0 ...9) 5 (D. CD 0 5 a' 0 to Po on fa'. P•Pi - .9) to 03 0 1:5 at 0.- 0 $0 5` 5. cm O to P,P• 0 "I Ma .0 205 I VC) I.+. „ CD C". Pr, CD O'CI c 5 re(cli) a,- ere • S° 1 CI, ri2 " •C:te 02';eo 11-:•1 • - 5. neS IP Cot • c• re co SID IC I 1\7" 13 "0- _R. 1NT_ BOOTS AND SHOES. Look to your understanding, I am just receiving a well selected at4ck of readymade Boots and Shoes, w ich I will -sell at the least living profit. Special attenting given to repairing and custom work. Inspection solicited, • Yours, NC 3 JAS. STANLEY, Constance. PREPARE TO BE PLEA ED. , Never before.Iave better goods been shown ! Never have greater varieties been offered 1 Never have prices been so low. Thiere is no room for improvement in the bargains we are offering in HOUSEHOLD FURNIV6RE Of levery description. It's a blessing to be within reach • o such an opportunity. Our beautiful stock is all bright, clean and fresh, and consists wholly of the latest and most popular styles., and 1 at prices hich° you cannot resist. No experienced and judicious buyer can cape such temptations. If the best is good enough for you, come and et, it at rock bottom prices. M. Robertson's Central Furniture House OPPOSITE E. McFAUL'S DRY GOODS STORt, MAIN STREET, AfEW FALL. d WINTER G COMING DAILY. SEAF RTH. 008 Last week we opened up a large new stock of Men's Youths', Boys' and Children's made up Suits and Overcoats; also Tweed, Coat- ings and Pantings for our order department; also Illarpets, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Flannels, White and Grey Cottons, Ste. This week we have been very busy opening and marking our importations of British and French Dress Goods, Scotch Tweeds and Coatings, and nutherous lines of notions. Also a large line of Ladies', Girls' and Children's readymade Jackets and IJ1sters direct from foreign manufacturers, to which we would especially beg to draw public atten- tion, as they will be found particularly good value. Our Miss McLachlan has returned from the Eastern markets, hav- ing completed purchases of Millinery goods, icnd gleaned from the best Canadian and American artists the latest and nobbiest ideas in trimming. The harvest being good, we are laying ourselves out to do the largest fall and winter trade in the annals of our businesh. If we don't get there, it will not be any fault in, the variety and quality of our goods, nor the prices at which we wilt sell them, for we assure you on the confidence which the purchasing public have placed in is in the pat, that our PRIOE$ WILL 13E ROCK BOTTOM, WM. PICKARD, Corner Main and Market streets, Seaforth. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Aro Goats Norm-. Paasenger. ., Z el . 2.51 a m. 9.41 refei8.55 P.M. Buals - B uevale 8.210 10.10 10.10 Ingham.. .. len 10.20 11.10 Go e Sours- Passenger. Mixed. ingharir.... 6.80 A.m.11.10 A. m. 7.36 r. a luevale .. .. 6.39 11.29 8.05 • russets 6.53 11.52 9.05 ther.... .. .... 7.05 12.07 9.41 Go London, Huron and Bruce, NO NORTH- Passenger. ndon, depart. 8.15A.m. 4.86 P.X . eter 9.16 5.57 mean.. .. 9.28 6.09 ippon 9.84 6.17 rucefield 9.42 6.26 nton. 10.00 6.45 10.19 7.03 10.28 7.12 10.42 7.27 11.00 7.60 Passenger. 6.45A.m 8.20r.m. 7.00 3.46 7.14 4.C6 ndeeboro 7.22 4.19 ton' 7.55 4.4e rucelleld 8.16 6.04 8.24 5.12 8.32 6.19 * • •1 • • 8.60 5.83 Grand Trunk Railway, I,ondesboro Blyth.... Itelgrave Wingham arrive Gouge SOUTH- Wingham, depart gelgrave lyth • • Sippen Bengali Exeter....... Trains leave Sealorth and Clinton station follows : Goma War- BRAOILTH. Passenger .. .. .. .. 1.12 1. m. iassenger... .. .. .. 9.15 r. O. ixed Troin.. ...... 9.20 A. m. ixed Train. " 6.15 r. m. Goitre Kw-, gassenger. O, .. .. 7.59 A. m. assenger .. .. .. 2.50y. W. Mixed Tram.. 5.30 1 m. Freight Train.. .. 4.30 r. m. beicliillop Directory for 1891. )011 JOHN BENNEWIES, Recve, Brodhagen P. 0. 2 JOHN MORRISON. Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. FyMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood. ILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Lead- _ bu . - - JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. RS Clams 1.28 r. 8. 9.82 A. M. 10.05A.m 6.65r. to 7.48 A. M. 2.33P. m 4.65 re M. 8.80 P. r. 10 1'0 1430105 30 NIS 5 OP ).-1 • mP P.4(1) )--L-15 • 0-4 CD • of„ 2 0 " P 5°D. " (IQ sorJ `• )"'t CD P4 24 /-3 cn ot 1_:I,, 17S 5.4e eee toe )-cto' sQl L-2 P Mr/ CD •CD tz, --cio • . ,c(2 tn, F2. tar" cn 0 0 , Ca coo PO-' CO go IA 0 rtss k•r+) a) ct• 111 r11 C:7' '7110 cbQ Ft_ gimi 3 1:1 ° e co s rn Ilk P2. 2.cf, ca,oe cat ooq GP) !•-i t..t• to 91), ZLL • 1-3 rn" od 0 I nk-1 Cio • (-.) 3 co• Cr, ei gp)- (1) 0co 1:1 I 1:11 300 po CD CI) Pa °*1-‘alacl CD CD Ru O a, IR CO ri far co IWP 0 p am/• CD ee lora !.-er CD 0 8 :ootN eo • so.• /ol ter PT' en CD CD , • SOLOMON J. SHA.NNON,--Treaeurer, Win- mil thrOp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Asseesor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. GODERICH rn Steam Boiler Works, zul (ESTABLISHED 1880.) Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary, Marine, Upright& Tubular BOILERS i • Salt Pans, Smoke_ Stacks, Sheet Iror Works, etc Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slid Valye Engines. .AutomatiCut ?If Engines* specialty. All sizes of pipe and p.pe L tting constantly on hand. Et mates furnished Mont notice. Works opposite G. T. h button Gouerleir. Notice to Depositors -IN THE - Post Office Savings Bank. Deposita in the above Bank may now be re. ceived to the amount of 81,000 during each year, entog -30th of June, and la total balance of 83, , exclusive of interest, which, if desired, may at any time be transferrOd to the Finance Department for inveatment in . INSCRIBED STOCK - In sums of 8100 or multiples thereof. Th - stock will bear interest at the rate of ee per cent. per annum, payable on! 1st of March and 1st of September of eich year, and is redeem- able lst of March, 1896. SAMUEL DICKSON, Postmaster, Post Office, Seaforth, March:2nd, 1891. • 121e-26 BULLS FOR SER,ViCE. TERSEY BULL. -Th undersiined will keep ey during the presen season o his farm, 2nd concession, H. R. S,_ /Commit , a thorough- bred Jersey Bull, siredi y Can 's John Bull. Terms -81.50, payable at the ti e of service with privilege of returning i1neceery. JOHN HANNAH. N. B. --4A180 for sae'a Jersey bull call, eleven months old, thoroughpred. 1164 PURE BRED HOLSTEIN FRiESIAN CAT- TLE. -The undersigned breeder of Pure Bred lioletein Friesian cattle will 1 keep for ger- ' vice on his premises a thoroughbred bull. He hag also a number of young but* for sale, de- scendents of "Netherland Prince ' all registered pedigrees. Price% reasonable. pply on Lot 8, Concession 11, Mullett, or a4drese JOHN, McGREGIOR, Constance P. 0. FACT SI For Seaforth people who are not parti- cularly anxious to have to call in an undertaker ; TO THINK ABOUT. I have been a greet sufferer from a female weakness of long standirag, and have been treat- ed by several physicians, and have also been -un- der treatment in the Toronto Hospital, and all failed to cure me. I saw a medical book explain- ing the Histogenetio System, and resolved to give it a trial. I consuld Dr. Rear, who pre- scribed these remedies, s,nd assured ine they would cure me. I had my doubts, but was de- termined to try once more. I took trestn.ent two weeks, and am utterly astonished -at the resulte. 1 am nearly well, and no language cao clueribe how thankful I am that my life is spar- ed. This testimony is voluntary, and I give -it hoping that hundreds of my sex may try the medicines and receive the same marvellous good that I have. They are good to take, and, unlike any medicine I ever took before, leave no bad effects • - MRS. J. FAWCETT, 102 John Street, Toronto. June 50, 1890. I was attacked with congestion of ths liver and inflammation of the kidneys attended with micruciating pins in triy ads and babk. Could not lie en either side -could ecaeuely breathe. The slightest movement caused agon- izing pain. Nothing gave ms relief. I wit for Dr. Resroknowing he had cured my daughter of a dangerous illness with Histogenetic Medtcine after she had been given up by four skilful phy- sioasne. In one Week my pain wee gone and liver and kidaeys acting as well se ever. The Ctlf0 is oomplete. It acts the most like magic of any medicine I ever took. I sincerely hope that the suffering ladies of Toronto and elsewhere may -try. the superior merits of these pure and tasteless medieWes. My object in giving th1lt. testimony is purely through sympathy for the sick and dying McCULLOUGH, 601 Adelaide St, east, Toroute. 41,•••••••4•0414=1111111 Our representative will he at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 9th, From 10 a. m. to 4.30 le m., for convenience of Seaforth Patients, CONSULTATION FREE. Send for free book explaining Syetern. Histogenetic Medicine A88n. Rooms 2 and 3, Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, heal office for Western Ontario. Head office for Canada -19 Yonge tree* market, Toronto. 1222-52 ilLETrs PURE., POWDERED PUREST, ST RO N C EST, BESY. • toady for use in any quantity. For making Som Amino Water. Dleinserting, and a hundred othr is. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. Sold by All Grours and Druggists. .W.11:3141:XaMairX"I'l, Woe:ow:vac THE BIO MILLS, SEAF6oRTH. The above wills have now beeia thoroughly _ built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS • -AND- Flour Dressing Machines From the beet Manufacturing i'irres have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping hove also deen extensively improved. Grain can new A taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and osded into oars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE CUpTC) M CHOPPING • , - Bag been Fit in, and Pe nece•ssary nuu3hinery for hendlinechop and Odense grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons ems be unloaded and reloaded under oover. WHEAT EXCHANGES PromPtlisttended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. OITEEST02,4E ITIMM/3 Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. .ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN SHORTS, And all kinds of APPLE BARRELS AND - FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR BALE. CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. Only erst-ohiss and obliging men will be kept ; attend ouskmers. The liberal patronge of sun and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. OGILVIE & CO.. PROPRIETORS Seaforth Dairy. Having purchased the Dairy Business from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage which he hae re- ceived in the put. With the advantages I have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to, be able to give my customers satisfaction as to gaslity of milk even in the very hot weather. Realizing that the cash system is the mosi just' nd satisfactory to all concerned, I hen ; decided to sell for cash only. tar Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 D, D. WILSON OCTOBER 2,1891 VETERINARY. TWIN GR1EVE, V. S., Honor goaduate es ej Ontario Veterinary College. All disc , of Domestic Anhnals treated. Calls promptly attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty. Office -At Weir's • 'Ron Hotel, Seaforth. 11124 MIRANE S. Beattie, V. 8,, graduate of Onto° J t Veterinary College, Toronto, Meriber of the Veterinary Medical Society, etc., treate sli dire eases of ,the Domesticated Animals. On otos promptly attended to either by ditO or night Cherries moderate. Special attention given te veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Stook Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's thirteen store. . 1112 QEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.---Cornals - ra Jarvis and Godesich Street*, next door to tir Presbyterian Chureh, Seaforth, Ont. Mt oil issue o Horses, Cattle, Sheep, 01 107 of see as„ ineatioated animals, tr000ssiWully treated as ' go Amery or elsewhere, on the shortest sole. Merges m /dente. JAMES W. ELDER, Teter. nary Stiqe rn. 8.-A large stook of ,44.11. ary Medidnes k constantly on handl LEGAL NvATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Ineurtalos Agent, Commissioner for taking eyanees, dm Money to loan at the rates. M. Mattison, Walton. T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Oe Office -Rooms, Ave dome north of Como presets' Hotel, ground floors next door to C. L.. Papist's jewelry store, Main street, Saha, Goderich agents -Cameron, Holt 01111.1011.. 1216 GARROW, & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, asnee, ton, ifs:, Goderioh, Ontario. J. 2. thaw, Q. C.; Wit. Footroreor. 011 iAMEEON, HOLT is CAMERON, Barrbesero, • Solicitors 40 °Niamey, &e., Goderithlt _ . 0. CAM11110X, Q. 0., P1111117 Em ies, ositsam of Victoria, B. C. trines-onle J1Lt. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Clonv_ ,eyanotr of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Prt vats funds to loan at 6i and 6 per mat. 1016 %NANNING & BOOTT, Barri@kos, Soilsitsee, en °env lc. Solicitors iornisimet of Johneion, & Gale. Money fer keel Offiee-Elliolit Block, Clinton, 0111111/4), A. IL MANW0111, dans Soon. TI HOLIMITHD, moaner bo bbMdm NoCianghey dr Hobnailed, &MAW, SW tee, oeuveyaneee and Notary. lonelier Ise the Canadian Bank oi Clonnaaroe. llons7 het YAMS for MIL Moe in Soctits Bleck, Street ileaf01111. DICKSON & BAYS, formerly with Maim (Jarrow Proudfoot, Godmich ; At. sisters. Solicitors, etc., Sesforth and Drastic Seaforth Office- Cardno's Block, Main Street, R, S. HAYS. W. B. MESON. Money tee Loan. 1117 W.OAMERON SMITH, BARRISTER. Solicitor of Superior Court, Commiesioner foe taking Affidavits in the High Court of Justice, Commissioner, Money to Lend OFFICE. -Scott's Block, over Lumiden & Wilson's Drug Store. 1284 DENTISTRY. MI W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, °nice over Am. jp• ilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Math and Jethn Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Ritmo Oxide Gas administered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. • nee DR. BELDEN, Dentist, Graduate Royal Col lege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. As- sistant -Dr. Atkinson, Graduate Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgeons, PhiladelpIda. Gss administered for painless extraction of teeth. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, San fortb. Will visit every Wednesdaytoreetoonst Dixon's Hotel, Brucefield, and at Kippen in the afternoon. Every Friday forenoon at Prender- gast's Hotel, Dublin. 1226 TT- KINSMAN, Dentist, L. B. re-eiriTt • S Exeter Ont. Will be M Ofttayo• Zurich, at the Huron Rotel, nth LAST THURSDAY IN EACH XOETE, and at Murdock's Hotel, Bengali, on the 71181 AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth et- traeted with the least pain possible. A11 work first-class at liberal rates. 971 TAIL C. H. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to 11. lor L. Billings), member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario Teeth i/lBened with or without a plate in gold celluloid or rub- ber. A safe anmathetic given tor the pahrlese extraction of teeth. Office -over O'Neirs bank Exeter, Ontario. lAtt N. B. -Plates secured firmly in the mouth by Yeznens' Patent Valve. MONEY TO LOAN. itie-ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 pet 1N1 cent., with the privilege to borroleet of repaying part of the prinolpal money 11 airy time. Apply to F. HO.LM TED, Barristet Seaforth. 860 MEDICAL. DR. C. SHEPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, Bayfield, Ontario, successor to Dr. W. Wright. 1225.52 TIR, T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, ALC.P.S., Ontario elan Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Night calls promptly attended. Office, Dago wood, Ont 1225 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY, OFFICE, _Goderich Street, opposite Methodist Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricul- tural Grounds. J. G. SCOTT, M. D. C. M., (Ann Arbor an& Victoria,) 11.0. P. S. 0. C. MACKAY, AL D. C. 31, (Trinity,) P. T..M. a, " If. C. P. 8.0. DR. McFAUL, Member of the College o Physicians and Surgeons, to., Sesforth, Ontario. Office, Cady's Block, opposite Com. mereial Hotel. Night bell at residence, north side of Goderieh St., seventh door west of the Methodist Church. 1210 if. 1D E. COOPER, M. Do Physician, Surgeon kle„ and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1117 TIES. ELLzarr a GUNN, Brucefield, Lima- tistes Royal College Of Physioiane an& Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 980 Tie W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D, 0.31. lisonbet _ree of the College of Physicians and S &e., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and reVdeflOs- same as °coupled by Dr. Verooe. 848 A LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of ilte 1-1, Royal College of PhyslciansandSurgeone. Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid. Offiee, lately occupied by Dr. Mackld, Main Stru1,. Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Squetoe in house lately occupied by L. E. Daucey. 1127 AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINi, Licensed Auctioneer for tble 5.! • County pi Huron. Sales attended 15g Ear* 01 the iCounty. All orders left at TIE Eteeesrrox Office win be promptly attended to. -11-1H. PORTER. General Auctioneer suet .> Lind Valuator. Orders sent by mail to, my address, Bayfield P. 0., will receive prompt - attention. Terme moderate. 118542 W. G. DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY,- Convey; sneer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant. Real Estate. Life, Accident and Bre Insurance Agent; Money to Loan,Correspondence, *6.. Parties requirWg his services in any of then branches will receive prompt attention. DOM' DI DALEY'S BLOCH, (wsrauts), MAIN STREET, SIA FORTH. MONEY TO LOAN. GEORGE HART, BRUCEFIELD. Having been appointed Agent and Valuator - for the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society 18 now preOared to receive applications and to loan money in any amount on the most reasofl. able terms and at low rates of interest. The ex- penses of effecting a loan through Mr. Hart wfll be very light as he is also valuator for the Society. All applications strictly private. For full particulars apply to er address, GEORGE HART, Brileefleld. 00TOBE Ma We roust be 44114"Wn lishie sei: ra:e I I et fsneep e e tblot11:1011:nnffiluel itoh::hge e°11teoofetarful+:11licati i nelleetterde:retre. ' .4:matelot to exp over-pauctatti to others, in 141".°9111:litailn:Yeefaf:mYst:211:auningln:a:eaecit habit bears ir..i tie and alweys lithkeessarorreeere: puts the mode behevior and liarenkdeesr tthheatfier6 -altrouilthlgesfirwaet.t xeception ; an oArbtitOgieCOintricort Some A.31 It was my i 45dvseynsinefg iMnetthhet not WiadiSateyof14 ras . 0° could other younger one perienoe„ *pd -down by his It must he and self deeds took him, sive Tv: uheTdneehtr,ei nbeaterilhuee: though its me region of Vire te---1 sen matter of cote allowed his gt -couldn't take I open shed eith get dewn the ?unheard of Entering th at the corner him : "I'm powe git yer suppe washin' my fe Sureneoesuen oaryauht When it was some cola ea be nice warg 'em fer ye." To used lildfoi o ut. N eeeded to war ed to be the i ,see e•aiii he was ' was forced t side diehes, 4 eg fo eatingAt otanotherbeaht ih house, and where a hfor this opening -which was t time herbs ender, bonei, midst of thee feather bed. ber, and the by the tedde Mr. i. at. ba a w IlSirl eanhlruentsg la: renovated. on his bed, 79 *enc. He s and didn't t At anothe fires in sleep luxuries. filled her kil whose sap b grew Leate sticks in the what that evas incline( Stiii anOt -real pree,chi shall be fict forMarsn.eTwrui call his wif< before her i Mpiaini r.Trnum.it. thought en 'eery; idsh uYMrs.iappeared°Bn But, tTherrtcuoi mw bhouusbgahntdm was not, i the servtoe aisle, he •Sc Lr i pthuerrees , 'bureau on .Awake. The ?known in - have been canned fr which are metadee. prepare -a I ripe and b TICK poitO stone ten three qua sugar to el fruit and porelain The wher the, ink -el from the 'tending• . juicy, de cook. L • quarters Add to t over *hot each pil Let the]; thick,1 -.Ping a ni ,finger th If it curl eif when dissolve -delicione .exactly 1