HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-09-18, Page 7th. • si -Ann to. wt. :01hFer` *4/.. MOO SEPTEMBER 18,1891 News Notee, T. W. Elliott, of Leamington, has ealleit heir to $25,600. --Over 25 miles of Valuable itimber keg been swept by fire in the Cascade illountans, Washington Territory. -Granite was strUck ou Friday in the eras well at West Belleville at 287 feet. Thie is the second Well in which granite has been reached at about the sane die- ' $411-"W' . Muokle, of Rond Ballo Kent Countye threshed ent one day la.St week and natural gas wes used to rim the engine. The neighbors were greatly i nterested in this uovel mode of sup - fuel. _city Girl (pointing to a wild plant by the wayside) "What's that ?" =Country Cousin " That's milkweed." ',City Girl: "0 yes, what you feed the cow& on, I suppose." A mare belonging to John Chaplow, .Seuthwold, while fighting in a field kicked a rail, running a splinter into the hind leg and breaking the metatarus bone. Dr. J. C. Burke had to remove rthreeinchea of the bone. -Rev. Mr. McIntyre, pastor of As - .kin Street Methodist Church, Loudon, has returned from his holiday trip to Grimsby Park and places in the east, much refreshed in body and mind. He occupied his own pnlpit on the 6th inst., and preached two vigorous sermons. -Mr. Samuel Kingsborough, a re- -tired farmer residing in Ayr, went out tehing in Cedar Creek one morning last week, and to his own great surprise, ,caught a very large speckled trout, a magnificent specirnen, which weighed about five pounds. -The marriage of Miss Mary Linsoln, daughter of the United States Minister, at London, England,to Charles B.Isham, .of Chicago, Illinois, took place on the 2ed inst., in the Brampton parish ;church, near London. • -The two barna of Charles Benedict, Southwold, weat of Fingal, containing large quantity of hay and 600 bushels ,of wheat were totally destroyed by fire tecently. The loss, will probably reach 43,000, on which there was no insurance. The fire originated from the sparks of a stettrn threshing engine.. --James Austin died suddenly in 'Teeswater on Thursday last week of heart failure. Ife had been in his usual health and was in the orehard helping (pick fruit. His daughter heard the heavy fail and found her father dead. Mrs. Austin was in Hamilton visiting a .daughter there. He leaves a widow and grown up family. -At International Bridge a Buffalo -mechanical engineer, S. P. Stiker, has -discovered by means of experiments -that he can manufacture ice, using maturei gas as the productive power. He lute produced e temperature 80 de - Atom below zero. Widespread interest ja shown in the mechinery now in oper- ation. -At the barn of H. M. Carver, a farmer, one mile from Walsh, Norfolk .county, the threshing engine boiler of Henry 13. Palmeraton exploded with tremendous force. The machine was in .action at the time of the explosion and the engineer had just stepped into the rbarn. The threshing were thrown about malI directions,but Arorte was seriously injured. The engine is a total wreck. -A Montreal despatch says The ex- ports of live stock are beginning to fall toff, Last week there were only 3,235 head of cattle shipped. The reason for this is the bad 'state of the Btitish mar- kets. Prices have been low and the ex- porters have lost money. No new space is being engaged. Exports of sheep so far this season ;are 28,459, as compared with about 40,000 shipped to date last season. Cattle exports are considerably less. -A sad and fatal accident happened Monday afternoon last week near Dray- ton, whereby the 16 year old son of r Joseph Hills, of Maryborough tounship, lost his life. He was driving a reaper, .• and in reaching forward to throw it out of gear, one of the revolving rakee caught his head and threw him in front -of the knives. Both arms and a leg were •completely severed from his body. He was also severely cut about the face, and died in two hours after the accident. -The engagement of Miss May Mor- timer Talmage, eecend daughter of Rev. 'Dr. Talmage, the well-known Brooklyn Divine, to Daniel. D. Mamgam, jr,, a wealthy young grain 'merchant, is an- nounced. The marriage, which will not take place uutil the early winter, will bethe first celebrated in the new Brook- lyn tabernacle. Miss Talmage is Beautiful young woman and a great favorite in society. She accompanied her father on his famous trip to the Holy Land, and has assisted him in his literary work. The Greeley Union Colony WAS found- ed in northern Colorado fifty-two miles north of Denver. The city was laid oat on barren pian and a systetn of irrigating ditches patterned afterethose the Mor- .monse built; aid operated in Utah were run, and what was co the colonists an textperimental undertaking has since • proven a phenomenel ,succese. At this -time upwards of 2,000 carloads of pot. -toes are shipped from Greeley to -points all over the country, and thousands of bushels of grain, hay and vegetables are •grown to perfeetion •unattained in a vouutry dependent on rainfall. The success of Greeley farmers is due to irrigation.H-onolulu advices abate that Hon. .John Deminis, Prince Consort of Hawaii, died August -27th. He had been ill for some time with gout, which -turned bo inflammatory rheumatism. ?rumple:Ida subsequently set in. Queen Liliokanielani was much affected by the death of her husband. Prince Dominis was born in Schenectady, New York, on May 10th, 1832. His father was an • Italian and hit mother was an American lady of Boston, He was taken to Hawaii Aen a child. He came to California in 1849, dunieg the gold excitement, and spent some time in San Francisco. He was mareied to the present Queen of Hawaii some years ago. -Thar Lakeside Hospital in Toronto for Siok Children was an Saturday, th inst., formally handed over to the true- teee by- Ur. John Ross Robertson, the denon Hon. 3. M. Gibson, Provincial Secretary, presided. Outside of time and labor Mr. Robertson has given $25,000 to the furtherance of this charity of charities. In 1882 the original build- ing was ereated by Mr. Robertson and consisted of a metre building anewing two storeys high, with lenge verandas. In 1886 another wing was added an accommodatiou afforded for -60 child ren and 10 nurses and, domestice. Th . good work done in reetering and build 'jug an the heath o( ,the little ones led Mr. Robertson to, consider flans let sti .] HE• HURON EXPOSITOR. - further enlargement, andthe- result ir that to -day, Toronto has probably the finest children's sanitarium on the con. eed 4n the world. The be seen from the boats e lake, and it is a con - to exenrsionists of a may find pleasure in aiding. There are about 60 children en- joying the ben' tits of the home, but next season abo t 100 more will be able to find aOCOMMO ation„ , -The saddestaffair that has occurred in Garafraxa, oeunty of Dufferin, for some time took' place on VVedneaday morning last week on the farm of Robert Donaldson, near Reading. On Tues- day, Archibald Malloy, a stout young man 20 years of age, came to the Don aldeon farm to astist in taking in the harvest, but during the afternoon took sick and went toithe barn to rest. There was no house on the pies:would when the other heroes' restarted home in the evening the. a, the young man in the barn, as he ferred to walk home after he had rest( atvhile. On Wednesday tnorning th lead body of the young Man was for in the barn,where he had died alone in the early houraof morning. Previous to Tuesday afternoon the de - Ceased had enjoyed robust health. ! -Army and navy officers at home and ebroad . watched the recent warfare in Chili very closely, and the arms used have been closely scrutinized by the ex- perts. It seems that it was the_Mann- licher gun, loaded with cartridges the size of cigarettes charged- with a first cousin to gun cotton, and sending a ball nearly two inches long and three -tenths of an inch thick against Balmaceda's troops at the rate of from 40 to 60 per minute from each gun, that did the business for the insurgent troops. The long, slender, hard -pointed bullets were of steel, covered with a thin coat of copper, the soft metal being designed to follow the rifling of the barrrel more accurately and with less wear to the gu than the naked steel would make. Sin gle bullets went through two or thre men at a time. 1 -The London Advertiser says th Young Men's Christian Association' work in that city was opened for th season on Sabbath, 6th inst., by an ad- dress delivered by Rev. W. J. Clark, popular city clergyman,on "The Missin Link," He said in reference to "Th; Missing Link" that * the Darwinia theory was that man had sprung fro the monkey. He preferred to adop another theory and to believe that ma had a higher and nobler origin, and tha he was made after God's own image. But there is a gap that separates me from God. It is "The Missing Link.' Portions of Mark 10, Genesis 3 an Hebrews 11 were read, and the lecture said that the virtues of the ma referred to in Mark were not to be un dervalned. • It is good to be moral an to observe the commandments; but th man who is good after tit* fashio truly is never satisfied. Everything i vanity and vexation of spirit unless th 'missing link is discovered. Moralit wealth, social position and intellectua attainments do not fill the void, and the gap must be filled if man would be truly happy. Th missing link is faith. - The woma fell because she lacked fitith in God, wh always rewards those who - diligentl. seek him. It is not to be understoo that eternal life may be purchased. Me must alwaye believe that God giv something better than all that may b given up for hie sake. If God could b known as a mueician underatands.musi as 1 a poet appreciates poetry, as r a hunter gloeies he th woods and valleys, he would b loved, and men would have the sant faith in him as the musician, the poi) and the hunter possess. The wort+ cannot satisfy; faith in God is needed to complete man's 'happiness, and tho e who etijoy this faith will do the Masteri s will. Faith is a habit of the mind tit touches man's life st eery point ; it ,s the vital principle; it is the missing link. •. -The Berlin Telegraph's Farm editOr while taking an outing among Whited*, farmers the other week made a call at the dairy farm of Mr. Henry S. Stro of which he says : Well, for a .genui surprise its here where we got it. Thir talent, if not in new building tan that daily cross t *tent reminder charity that al 110 - 0tis nOt hire the same bOys everitime. He pays for the lot at the office, and ;presents every boy with a ten -cent top. In his service the usually lather& measenger boy becomes the personification of activity and speed. Perth Items. -St. Marys population has inereated one in ten years; CnI1 has sold his drug store in Mitchell to -Howard Thompson. -The Grend Trunk has declined Stratford's offer for the construction of car shops. -Mr. Smith, late of Ingersoll, suc- ceeds Mr. Bold as teacher in Mitchell High School. -Monkten is in need of a tinsmith, a baker, a butcher, a doctor, and a rail- road to mike the village complete. -The fall term of theStratford Model School °petted on Tuesday, last week. The attendance numbered thirty-five. -The excise collections in the Strat- ford division for the month of August , were $6,580.21, -Mr. Thomas McLaren, sr., while walking through his park lot on Sunday, accidentallY slipped and sprained one of his legs. ! L -Miss Mabel Devis, of Mitchell, has returned to l'orontO to resume her dia.. tee as teacher in one of the publicschools of that city. - Messrs, Heiry, Hoar, W. R. Hum- phreys and R, Johnston left Atwood last week. They Were bound for a trip to the." Old Sod." •-Mr. Wm: Tier, who has been a succesaful teacher in the Monkton school for some time, leaves at the end of this moinra. th, will be succeeded by Mr. Ba - The other day Mt -Jacob Horst left, at the Stratford Beacon office, a pea stem, on whieh there were seventy- seven pods! - Stratford surplus after paying all expenses connected with the 'civic hol- iday was $125. The city council's grant of $200 wag not required. --Thirtyrfive ho, averaging *about 230 lbs., were a few days ago, shipped from Downie cheese factory at $5.40 a hundred. The August make of that ' factory is ebout 400 chee -Mr. E. Brodhagen o fortned a bend at Seebac are ten members at pres will be increased to have bought, and paid struments.i -Rev. Thomas Howl to, ty years ago we used to cail at the o d Knechtel farrn,but what a transformati n since then. The hills that used to e barren were covered with shocks grain, and growing roots, turnips, ca. bage, corn) etc. What Caused all t growth? Well, here it is. Mr. Str keeps at present 29 firat class milch co in the cleanest stables we have so f come across. Mr. °toper' Rieser has e elusive control of these milkers and fluids them on only the best grain and fodder (no malt is used here.) All of the itk ie put into sealed bottles and then itet over night into troughs of ice cold spring water. The bottles, over 300, are kept as clean as pbssible .by little Nelsen Stroh, son of ;Yost Stroh. Miss Mel - vine, one of Mr. Stroh's handlsorhe I5 'h 78 daughters, oversees the battling bran and also delivers to customers. h Stroh and another boy also deliver, b Miss Melvin& has the most onstome Mrs. Stroh is a jolly and hap farmer's wife and worksas if s enjoyed it, and such a table she tipreads, we almost felt li making our home here. Mt. Geo Zimmer attends to the farm and loo after the horses. We noticed anet matter here, 'name*, adjoining t manure heap is a water lined cistern where all the juice of the. heap runs 43. When full it is pumped into 3 wa r tight wagon and delivered on the Not a particle * wasted; Wo won these hills are so prolific. We also no- ticed a fine lot of ducks and poulal here. -Taken altogether we mast clOa troh as the beet drily SO far met, and hope wife -and indastriOna ong live to supply he leo with such excel! nt d, OT Henry S. farmer we have and his good 'daughters may people of Wate and pure milk. Pleasan; for the Boys. There is an o d Frenchman living Fifty-ninth Str et, New -York who g to Brooklyn ab itt once a week, hires messenger boys and takes them to P pect Park to fly Kites, play marbina spin tops. 11 has a collection of o 100 kites, var ing in superficial from the size o a dinner plate to tha a barn door. The old gentleman dir the boys in their play, but does ft grave, joyless way, as if it was w He says when he was a boy his life dull and cheerless and he *as n allowed to play, but bad to work tw to 16 hours a day. t Now that he afford the time and expense he pr to make up for the past in ploying e. Stratford, has 's hill. There nt in it which sixteen. They or all their in - and, B. D., of Chicago, has been visiVng his sisters, Mrs. Watson -and Mrs. Mitchell, and left a few the latter to attend the brother, Mr. Benjami Thedford. -George Keith, a far wel, threshed 4i acres o • J. Hurlburt; days ago with uneral of their Howland, at et near Listo- oats, the other day, which yielded 343 bushels by measure, and Wm. Burnett threshed from 13 acres of fall what 460 bushels by measure. This whea was grown on pea and hay stubble. -The streets of Tr wbridge have been over, run with ho and the citizens, growin ravages, have determine the nuisance. Hencefor be allowed free common and byways of that vill -Mr. J. A. Tanner, of Listowel High Soho faintly from a trip to th He spent !nest of his ti ish Islands, but visited etc., for a few days. Montreal in the Beaver ing a more than usually $ all summer, iweary of their ' to get rid of h no .hogs will is on the streets ge. 1. A., Principal. 1, returned re - Old Country. e in the Brit - aria, Brussels, e returned to tine, experienc- stormy trip. About Trees, ood and Lurabe -Over -mpg trees in South Australia have stroyed by grasshoppers -Dynamite is being Iresorted to in breaking eel- log jams ir many United States streams, and wit , it is said, good results, I -Mr. Gladstone is n tthe only fam- ous woodman. It is re orted that tbe Czar of Russia is very fondt of wood - chopping. -A Pacific coast tim or and lumber dealer who located a ill in a South American State vows itat brush will grow there a height of s feet in one day succeeding a night's red -John-C. Risteen, o Hartford, Con: necticut, has just latel been in New 'Brunswick in the interests of the Amen- uttle company. birch lands with hether it will spool, wood. ✓ pipes were un - itis h •Columbitai he sewer work. font- feet below pipes were re- ed. They were were made at row Yale. They ith a diameter he oldfashionefd well their pur- refullytreaSured y in Victoria's forest reserves tely been -de- feet In Mame r. The same journal fur- nishes its read nrwith an illustration of a pine stump 10 feet high and 25 feat in diameter' on Moll are standing and seated 78pars me -Itch cure' ford's Sanitar Roberts. • iOons mption Cured. An old physic' n, retired from practice, hav Ing had placed n his hands by an East India mieeionery the 1 rmula of a simple vegetable remedy for the s eedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Br nchitis Catarrh, Asthma and in -30 minutes by Wool - Lotion. Sold by J. S. • 1237y all throat and and radical cure Nervous Compla nts, after having tested its wonderful _curet' ve powers in thousands of cases, has felt it lei duty to make it known to his suffering felloWs. Actuated by thiernotive and a desire to relieve human sufferingI will i send free of charge, to all who desire t, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for p eparing and using. Sent by ung Affections, also a positive for Nervous Debility and all mail by address Isaper, W. A. Nov er, N. Y. ng with stamp, naming this Ea 820 Power's Block, Roches- 1128-26-e.o.w Ask Your Your distress' know it because I few years has cur in this eotnintinit won entirely by i friend who has u Balsam! There i effective. Large drugglits. A CUre1 fo Friends About It. g cough can be cured. We emp's Balsam within the past 'd HO Many coughs and colds . Its remarkable sale has been s genuine merit. Ask some ed it'what he thinks of Kernp's no medicine so pure. none so bottles , 50c. and 81 at all Dr. Silas Lane, discovered a root herbs, makes an L asy and certain cure for con- stipation. It is i the torn' of dry mote and leaves, and is kno 'n as Lape's Family Medicine. It will cure sick esclaohe hnd is the best spring Medicine. For t e blood, hiver and incineys,and for clearing up the complexion it does wonders. 'Druggists eell it at 50c and 81 a package. Constipation and eadache. vhile in the Rocky Mountains, hat when combined with other Oil • tie OS- nd er ea of cts a rk. vet lve an by can bobbin,- spool and He hag been looking up a view of ascertaining pay to erect nulls to cu -Two old fir -log evat earthed -in, Victoria, B by the men eugagedite They were found abou the surface. The two warkably ;well preser laid= Yeast, 'ago and Hive mill, a few mills are fir logs; bored' out of about four inches. ' water pipes have serve pose, and now will be a as relics of an early d history. I .=-A new industry ha:been started .at York Mina, New Brun Wick, by A. W. Little. Finding a poo eupply of luieber for his mill, he has be un the manufac- ture of excelsior. • Pop er wood,of which there toe, large growth near his mill, is used in the manufaetur of this material, which is pricked au& sh pped from Prinoe William statiou, The business is pay• ing well, and it is likel to be continued for some time. -Citimees of St. Pa 1 and Minnea- polis were tread a fe • nights ago to a nonel sight to them. • jam of twenty million feet of logs was ormed at Tay- lor's Faliser the gt. C • ix River, having been carri d into the n rrows by a and - den rise of the wate The railroad eompanies learned of t eattraction and advertised it. Excurs ens were formed w-hicit:took the curiou to the scene of the log pile for the em ileum el $175. --A World's Fair bi tree committee has been scouring the oods of Puget Sound region of Was ington for mon- strous growths, the orthern Pacific having offered to haul to Chicag the largest ad' k of timber tat can be found in the State. The co nittee has mean- etred a good many firs some standing in a bunch Were 10, 11 : •ti 14i feet in diameter; six feet fro • the ground, and 100 feet tei the .fiiit -Those of an- other group were not • er nine feet in diatrinter, but 350 to 4 feet -thigh. A • single tree of similar • a meter Is t tid to be 200 feet to the fir t limb. On the northiork of the Woo nick, is a perfect praise, said to meson el 14 feet in dia- meter, and on the eo th fork there is a esdar tren, blackened by lire, that is 21 • Clint had for yea end sick relief until I got made a perfect c ever used in my I Clinton, Ont. n Clippings. s been troubled with dyspepsia eadache, and found but little iirdovic Blood Bittrs, which ire. It is the best medicine I fe."—Hattie Davis,Mary street, Could Mrs. John 'Ma writes : " I ,very bad headac times could sea dock Blood Bit case, and I wish 't Scarcely See. n, of Montague Bridge, P. E. as troubled last summer with es and constipation, and some- cely see. One bottle of Bur- rs made a eomplete cure of my you every IMMO. Re!', na Ripples. - "1 took six battles of Burdock Bood Bitters for liver complaint, headache and dull, stupid feeling, but -now eutirely well and healthy, having also.. good appetite which I did uot have previously." -Mrs. T. Davis, Regina, Northwest Territory. Out in Peril. T JIVES of children are often endangered by anciden Aud violent attacks of cholera, cesoleri morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery and bowel complaints. A reasonable and certain pre- caution is to keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry always on hand. Timely Wisdom. Great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It has no equal for cholera, cholera mor- bus, diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps, and all summer compiaints or looseness of the bowels What Say. They. • In popularity increasing. In reliability the standard. In merit the first. In fact the best remedy for all summer complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, crimps, colic, cholera, intatitunaetc., is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. All medicine dealers sell it. It can do no harm to try Freeman's Worn, Powders if your child is ailing, feverish or -:fret- ful. All ages and conditions of people may use Netiopal Pills without injury and with great benefit. A single scratch may cause a festering Victotia Carbolic Salve rapidly heals wounds, bruises, burns and all sores. MEW sore. cuts, Purity of ingredients and accuracy of com- pounding, make hiilburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine the criterion of excellence. Change .of Busl iness, a The undersigned desirei to stet)) to his cue - tamers and the general public that he has- dis- posed of his Hardware, Stove and Tin brisiness in Sea orth, which he has carried en for so many years to Mesons AIULLETT & J 'CKSON, late of Toronto, who will hereafter arry on the bueiness in all its branches in t e old stand. He also desires to thank his manylcustomers for the kind and liberal patronage they have ex- tended to him, and he hopes they ! will continue this to his successors, who he hasIcatifldence in . , recommending to them. . . 1 C. I1.WHITNEY, 1 In coil,pection with the Above , MULLET&JACKSON liave to state that they ake prepared to give thel patrons of the above ablejand favorably known eetablishment and all wit nifty favor them with their patronage every sat sfactiorel They intend to largely increase the st ck and will offer ducements which cannot fail to draw trade!. They are practical workmen and have a thorougli knowledge of every branch of the busines They intend to devote spebial atte Akin to HEATING FURNAGES • kAND ROOFING, Of which Mr. Jackson bai had long:practical exl- perence in Toronto ,We mile a trial and guarantee satisfaction. Call and see our stock And lea+ our pricee and you will go away conainced thet we can give what you want at the aoWese 1'OSgIBLI4 PRICE. MorrIthly Prizes for Boys and Th " Sunlight " Soap Co., Toronto, offer the following prizes every month till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Pro- vince of Ontario, who send the•greatest number of " Sunlight " wrappers : let. 810; 2nd, 86 ; 3rd, 83; 4411, 81; 6th to 14th,a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture to -those -Who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to " Sunligeit" Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, cet later than 29th Of each month, and marked " Co'mpeti- tion ;" also give fult name, addrese, age and number of wrappers. Winners' names will be published in the Toronto Mail on first Saturday In eaeh month.' 1218-62 • Mullett & Jackson Successors to C. M. WHITNEY, Seafhrth MORTGAGE -SALE. 1 OF I i Farm_ Property, —INTEIE---; I;ownship of McKillop, In the COUNTY OF HURON. 9 Under and by virtue of a power of sale con - tined in a certain mortgage, whlh will be pro- djieed at the time of sale, mad d by Samuel Gam - h e to John Crosbie, and assigned by him to the Vendoathere will be sold by Public Makin, on the premises, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on Monday, Septembeir14,1891, At the hour of 3 o'clock in the Itfternoon, the following Real Estate, viz: The est half of Lot No. 3, on the 12th Concession of he said Town- ship of McKillop, containing 60 acres, of land, more or less. This is a very desirabletfarm pro- perty, and is Well situated as to roads and mar- kets. The locality is well settled and the farm is in a good agricultural distriet. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. -Ten per cent. of the purchase money down on the dary of sale, and the balance within one week thereafter. Further particulars made known on the ctay of sale. For further particulars in the Meantime apply to J. 31. BEST, Vendor's Solicitor, Dated at Seaforth-, August 14th, 1891. Seaforth. • 1236-4 OAN5 ARRAN GED BY', ALLING 1:IR WRITING 1TH STAMP ENCLOSED TO , • E•R •REYN,E1LID, •:-• RicrimoND.sTw tO.RoNt. Something for the Ladies. , The best Washing Machine ever offered the public. No tearing the clothes, no breaking battens, no boiling the clothes, no slopping or splaihIng stroutai the floor, no steaming the houoe, no hae*ache from working ita traehes all kinds of clotting thorougly, given cfut oslarial or gold on approval, Call and see them. Also latest improved wringere, SEWING MACHINES. The celebrated "Davis" and "New Williams, the leading machines, Satisfactiou guaranteed or no sale, 0. C. WILLSOfff, Seaforth. FINE CARIIAGES, Inclhdiag Top Buggies. Phlietons, Gladstones, leneington's, Salisbury's, &c., superior finish, workmanship and material, Road Carts, -Daisy, Rill, and others by Gananeque Carriage Co., Thompson and othease Agricultural Implements Of every deseription, Fars Wagono,/te. Sppeial attentkm given to Wind 11111s for pumping. , Dthder Twine. Also a few Horses for sale and a few good second` hand double and single lingglis Amp. 0. 0 WILLSON, nestorth ••,. • 31- CIRCULAR SAW, EAST SIDE MAIN STREET, t,71 ri 4:4$ it.t1rnejv ii--" ot p 0 ea aa ea • tj a) ..i P :::: wt.:_i_ 1----4 7 . ,.., • 0 Pt P cp bd , CD '''' • 0 en 1-• a • txj et. ,..,) • 5 c+- l'.4 ee- CD CD i --,- a tee • P--• P /-d =A tt el- + -Ci -•° • cCID) 0 9.--1 00 1_,I...-4 II ii E CD Cr P F..) •-i el- 5- " ,-, 0 -• 0 ,--• r,---,.. 0 111 mili 0 -4 1' 7 grs CD ff:j t'll 0 710. v...., Cf2 0 121 CD CD E -11- C/2 rn CD 1-4.5 0 r:s4 SPECIAL NOTICE -TO THE - P1:3 -131_1I Charlesworth & Brownell, Sea - forth, is headquarters for Tea. We are importers and profit sharers. We have the ch icest India and Ceylon brands, the inest and most delicious Tea the can produce. Also a large st Hysons, Blacks and 'Japan Look and see if you can find thing to match our cup quali the prices we offer you. W your personal inspection. We as squarely by our qualities our prices. Why 'shouldn't We can well be frank, we can be fair with such goods and prices. Whyl Because w port in large lines, buy and tons every few weeks. Partiesi buy- ing in 20 lb. lots we will sell at wIltolesale prices. A word to the farmers who are buying Tea from certain tea companies outside of their own county. We will guar- 1 antee to sell equally as good—we think better,a may pickings Japan Tea at from k five to ten cents a pound less, according to quility, and take your butter, eggs and pro- duce in payment.' By doing this you save money, leave your noney in your own county where it will ,do you the most good, and su )port • your own merchants inste d of sending the wealth of the c unty to assist to build up outsid sec- tions. Remember, we warra t the Tea, and it can be returned not fully better in cup quality at from five to ten cents per pound less. Please do not forget this. One trial will convince you this is no blow. We do but very litt e ad- vertising, as the public knows. This is the first printer's ink we have used for over two years. Our business does not, nor never has, required any booming—it ha been gradually increasing and bee ming more solid every day, for wh ch we are thankful. Farmers and thers will please call and secure their Tea, and in every case the TO can be returned if not more thau satis- factory. . • We keep a full stock of General Groceries. • Yours Respectfully, • Charlesworth & Bro orld ck of eas. any - y at ask - tand s by we. well such im- sell KILLORAN, tfiz Co., sln.A_P'bi="71:1 We have now a fine complete stock of Groceries. We have fill- ed up in all lines, and are prepared to supply the wants of the Public. We realize fully that to do a thriving business We inaust give the people what they call for. It is our purpose, therefore, to FIND OUT WITAT THEY WANT, procure it for them, and then put a price on theae Goods,which means only to us a bare living profit. Ton see we are boxind to succeed,: and, with this end in view we WM conquer obstiselss. !I ell. THE FARMERS' Bankini,g House, SMA...pn QITI- (In connection wlh the Bank of Monitreal.) L. 0 G 86 C C!)., BANKNRS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. REMOVED To the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street A General Banking Business done, drafts letut and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. 1058 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver a nd 13owels, uriiocks the Sec retions,Purifiesthe *Blood and removes all Im- purities from a *Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. •.CURE.S DYS PEP S IA. B I LI OUSNE.5: CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMIP,CI-i DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM SKIN DISEASES FARMER Where are you going with next grist'. Remember w giving from 38 to 40 lbs. your are Of Flour to the bushel for ood wheat, FLOWER AND FIEED At the lowest living priot,s. McGILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL, A Special Announcement —OF THE— , FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE has been prepared, stating the details of the NEW CHAIRS, LAIIORATORIES, WORK- SHOPS, APPARATUS and other improve- ments in its several Departments of Civil, Mining, Mechanicai and Elec- trical Engineering and Practical Chemistry, which will afford in the Session. of 1891 2 advantages not hither- to accessible to Students idthis country. Copies may be had on application to the undersigned, who can also supply detailed announcements of the other Fa- culties of the University, viz : Law, Medici ne, Arts (including the Donal da Course for Women) and Veterinary Stier ce. • J. NV• bltAliENRIDGE, B. C. L., 1215-26 Acting Secretary Dealers and others buying in quantities, it will pay you to call and see us before purchasing. Remember the plaoe, Seaforth Roller Mills, formerly knolIrn as the Red Mill. W. H. CODE & Co ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, I CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE. EVERY WEEK. Montrial and Quebec, TO Derry and Livei-pool. CA.BI14, 860 to 830, ,Acecerding to Steamer and location of Setaternoni. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE fr AltKiED. STATE N 1, ALLAN L E • SERVICH OP LINE STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & GLAS OW, via Londondeary, every Fortnigla 'Centel*/ and upwards. Itetnrti,f,65 and 4pwardl. Steerage at low rifles. Apply to H. A. -ALLAN, Montreal, sr C. BMIINE or W. G. DEW, &moan. 12042 ,44 FLAXSEED , EMULSION COMPOUND 3RONFHITI 1 Lexington Ave., New York City, Sept. 19, 1 I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in severs tses of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages( hthisis, and have been well pleased with the result JAMES K. CROOK, MD, :ONSUMPTIM Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th, 1:4:9. I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthis onsumption) with beneficial results, where patier .uld not use Cod Liver Oil iii any form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. IERYOUS PROSTRATIOI Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 20th. 1888. I can. strongly recommend Fla; Seed Emulsion o :lpf al to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung :onchiaPand Nervous Affections, and a good gel al tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. ;ENERAL DEBI Lin Brooklyn, N. Y.. Oct. 106, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly iiperior t e Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. YASTING DISEASE! 137 'West 34th St. New York, Aug. 6,1888 I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compoun a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result wa n -e than hoped for -it was marvelous, and cot .uous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profassio d humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. (HEV MATIS 3old by Druggists, Price $1.00. LAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 1.4berty St., New York. For sal, by I. V. FEAR, C4th. • Knight's Blood Cure. ASTANDARD household remedy in suceees fid use more than 40 years. A positive cure for Dyspepela, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra tion, Constipation and all disease* of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear Complexion. - A botanical compound, pet up in packages and sent by mail at one third the cost ef ordin- ary medieine. Large packages, sufficient for 3 quarts; 81.00 half size paekages, eufficient for 3 pints, 60c.; sample packages, 25c. A reliable Agent wanted in this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 262 Broadway, New York. Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles n rettelf worst Swellingo, Y,rysipelo.s, Inftareroakin,Tiroot Bites Chapped Hanpe, and all Skin Diesesires, linwr FAIN EXTIERNIIRATIPA Cures Lumbago, Sciatieo, Ikhoutaatiorn, V4ura1 gia, Toottraehe, I ains everYolizsa. By all dealert. wholosale by V. F. r& Co FARMS FOR SALE. • TOWNSHIP OF McK1141a0P. Lot 10, on 941 cancellation, 100 scree. We half 7 On 10th concession, 50 serer. TOWNSHIP OF MORI:JIB. South ha/i 21 on 5-th conceeeion. 100 acres, 10'14;318MP OF GREY. .Lote T110 av,n.Nd sliliepn 01 ritTeveioncetelis'Olin,u2t sere •fe kkt on ard concession L. is. 1 acre& For terms &re, apply to•spee un %meth 1• 197 tt" F. 1.101:3-1EST - Barrieter Ae Seaforth -MARRIAGE LICEME8 • ISSUED Ai? 2 ' THE NON Want OFFICE SEALFORTEE, 140 WITN101111111 1111110UIRED i I 9 •