HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-09-18, Page 6INMAN The Man Who Cannot 'Laugh. There'll a grocery clerk on South -Hale geed, near 18th Street who can't laugh. He gets tickled, ;snickers, enjoys pro- digiously the droll, the witty, and the ludicrous of life's oheap penorama, but is ebsolutely unable tn emit that cackliug, gurgling, wave like eound known as laughter. Ile's a good grinner, tells a tuuny story capitally, excepting in that part of the coloring where the facial representation of laughter is demanded and then he looks as rueful and sad as if he were unreeling a funeral sermon at thegrave of a deed friend, who had be- queathed him a fortune. He is a plunger at the races and ia lucky. When he wins heavily only a igrin attests his joy. He is a theatre goerbut at thetracking there of the newest, most whisherless jokea he merely smiles. He is a practical joker, and when agood joke matures and all otlaer bystan ere are holding their ribs nnd tertqag th air with laughter be opens his mouth a if to laugh, but the laugh seems frozen in transitu,a case of arrested divelopinent, and he lets the flaps of his mouth slowly fall back into position, and that timid, shanie-faced grin creeps slowly over his features,then dies away in his eyes and face. He talks pleasantly over his inability to laugh, and says he enjoys fun as well as any- ene, but he can't get his mouth, lunge, th roat and face organized into a laugh. He has had several narrow escapes from laughing,but thus far; has never laughed. Ile is the veritable reverse of Victor Hugo's hero, "Tho Man Who Laughs," After reading that iwonderful work he drawled: " Well, I'd sooner not be able to laugh than to have my mouth eplit my entire face, like that man, and go cantering through the world cackling at everything I saw and heard." John C. Ferguson. The announcement in the evening papers of Thursday,August 20th, that J. C. Ferguson, Chief Engineer of the Toronto Waterworks, was dead, carne to his large circle of mechanical friends with all the soreness of a personal be- reavement, ,It was known to some of them that he had been unwell -to a few that he was very ill -but to the great majority who had heard nothing of his indispo- sition (and who knew of his anxiety to have everything right, and his close at- tention to his duties, and were there- fore not surprised at not seeing him on the streets ocoasioually), it was quite an :Unexpected paragraph. 1 have known him both as a mechanic a student, end Christian gentleman for 4111Yarcig of twelve years past, and I deem it due to your readers -and espec- ially the younger men with aspirations_ Viet. 1a1011id give a few " points " out of his life history. I write utder my old nom de plume because it brings back to me pleasant recollections of the times when he used to criticize my "Proctor's Points " and take great delight in pleasantly disput- iug my theories. To mechanics who were not personally acquainted with him, it was a matter of some surprise that he came out at "the hcad" in the crucial examination through which the applicants for the position of waterworks engineer had to pass in 1887, but to some of us who knew him as a careful, critical student in mechanical matters, as an engineer who accepted no theory or method unless 3 1 • 1 l• • • • .1631, were nor, expanse or doing much more than half duty. Just at this time, too, with all this 'aurelen and anxiety upon him, some " Daniel come to judgment," seeking for a kind of fishwife notoriety by fault finding, in the preas and at the council board, said a number of things that seemed to reflect on his department, every word of which, though entirely undeserved, hurt him like the sting of a Russian knout, and be simply broke down under the combined pressure. It was hoped that a few months' rest would restore him to his usual vigor,but he came home two months ago after a two months' absence only to find himself unable to give any further attention to his duties-, and went to his quiet home to die, as be had lived, a true man. I remember the first time I saw him. In the winter of '78, I think,. passing through one of our city machine shops in a liesurely way, looking at the men at work, I noticed a tall, well built, athletio workman,chipping on ft machine casting. The man himself attracted me at first -he was working as if he meant to get his job dome in time. But the swing of that hammer? I never saw but one other man who could swing a chipping hammer with John Ferguson. On the occasion referred to I remarked to the owner of the shop that he had one firat class hand up stairs. " Oh, yes," he said, "butpay hien good wages." "How much ?" "3.6O per day ; but," he added, "he's worth it." Ordinary vise hands were worth $1.7 to $2.00 a day, in those days he engineered on a lake steamer in the summer and wrought as a journeyman machinist in the win- ter. Every spare moment was spent in f.tu-ly. Line after line was taken np and gone into as thoroughly as if it were an absolute 'necessity that he should master both elementary princi- ple,' and mechanical construction - hydraulics, steam engineering, bridge work, a:wahine building, marine work, etc., etc. It became fully known, early in the eighties," that anything he did was done well, and he always had a choice of situations. The only reasen why he did not attain to special prominence was simply the lack of any important mech- anical eniFeCpriees ia Canada. His re- modelling of the large pumphig plant, And the eereplete efficiency obtained, neemme justified the confidence of his friends in his mechanical 'He was always gentle, quiet and re- servecilin his intercourse with others ; and whether as journeyman or master mechanic, kind, considerate and helpful to all around him. In his personal and private life he wae ever -since I have known him --a consistent, earnest Christian. Reticent almost to a fault sometimes, it is yet true that he spoke very freely to those who came in heart' touch with him', ofTeligious matters. No man could buy or sell him. He lived above the petty ambition of private gain out of public relationships. I well remember the indignant scorn which flaehed in his face as he told me of some fellow who -not knowing him -offered to pay him a commissien on all the goods he sold to the city, if he would recommend the good's. I interrupted him in his narration by interjecting the question : "What did you tell him, John ?'"` Tell him," said he, straight- ening up, "1 fired him out of the office !" Just passing out of his manhood's prime, sooner than some of us, he has entered that other and higher realm where force bath origin, where law is eternal,and life and being butthe pulsing of the Infinite. , i Not the dying but the ° with its trusting, -- With its motives, broadand ample, and its purpose strong and deep- Measuree up the worth, of being. All adjusting Is with One who knows the balance end cloth righteous record keep. „. senesie.e..- - Every beating brain and throbbing heart are factors In the mystic revelations of the hidden and unknown, And each toiling hand iss helper. But the 11 Actors "- Never thinking,loving, doing -live for self and earth alone. They who knock at Wisdom's portals, in ro- gation, Have the promise,she will " open " and reveal her golden prime, And, no doubt, it will, to crown each aspiration, Take Eternity to answer all the questloning•s_ of Time. Every action with a motive hath its promise Of eternal bane or blessing as its ultimate reward; Let us (fearing, lest our good be taken froni us) See that every thought and purpose clearly glorifies the Lora. TO God's Acre, where nor fear nor care moles t eth, We resign the puleeless mortal, of life's sen- tient forces shorn; He was true and so we leave him where he resteth, Whence the Christ-" The Truth "-will call him on the Resurrection Morn. -By "PROCTOR" in the Canadian Elec- trical News. tIsborne Council. The Council met on the 5th It., pursuant to adjournment. All the members were present. Minutes of previous meetings were read and adopt- ed. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by T. Cameron, that 1.25 mills on the dol- lar be levied on the rato of property of the Municipality in order to raise the sum of $2,341.25 for local purposes for the current year -Carried. Moved by J. Halls and W. Kydd, that 1.8.32 mills on the dollar be levied on the ratable property of the municipality to raise the sum of $2,429.86 for county Tate - Carried. Moved by T. Cau,eron and,J. Shier, that .48 of a mill on the dollar be levied on the ratable property of the Municipality to raise as a special rate for school purposes the sum of $900, as provided by section 109, chapter 55, Si9tutes of Ontario, 1891. -Carried. red by W. Kydd and J. Halls, that several sums legally required by the itees of the various school sections he Municipality be entered on the lector's roll and collected with the er rates -Carried. Moved by J. er and T. Cameron, that by-laws alizing the levying of the aforesaid es, be prepared -Carried, Moved J. Shier and J. Halls, that the Col - tor be instructed to prepare his bond :he sum of $12,000 and lay the same ore thia Council atits next meeting The' Clerk was instrueted prepare the Collector's roll by the h of October. Moved by T. Cameron J. Shier that T. Brimacombe be 1 $10 for keep of A. Carmichael- ried. The following orders were ited on motion of W. Kydd and J. !s :-George Hawkins, three under. ns, $4.50; T. Brimacombe, keep of ;armichael, $10; P. Madge, repair- ing bridge, 75c; George Hogg, do., $3.62; J. liewitt, spreading gravel and cutting thistles $6 ; W. Dinnen, cov- ering bridge, $4,66 • H. Cornish; clean- ing watercourse; 51.25; A. Dempsey, culvert and ditch, $3; T. Veal, grad- ing, culvert, ditch, repairing approaches to bridge, $4; W. J. Cave, grading on 4th and 5th poncession, 59.85; M. Samwell, keep of J. Hewitt and wife, 526; T. C. Hodgins, repairing culverts, 52; J. Ogden, gravelling, 520; town- ship ef Stephen, culvert, Usborne's half, 53.80; R. Skinner, cutting thistles'$3. The Council adjourned to meet on Sat- urday, October 3rd, at 11 o'clock a. m. News of the Week. RESPECTING THE SABBATH. -At a late meeting of the World's Fair Com- mittee in Chicago, thel Sabbath Union presented a petition praying that the fair be dolled on Sundays. YALU ABLE RACE HORSES BURNED. - The Streele stables of Ayr, Scotland, were burned on the night of the 1st inst. and nine valuable race horses perished. BALOON ACCIDENT. -Geo. F. Woods got caught in the ropes of a baloon at Oswego the other day, and was carried 70 feet, when he fell head foremost and was instantly killed, Ur IN THE AIR. -The new Odd- fellowa' Temple at Chicago will have 34 storeys altogether, with an aggregate height of 556 feet. DEVASTATION TIC IRELAND. -The river Barrow has overflowed its banks and is flooding thonaands of acres of land and destroying the crops. Manybouses, barns and other buildings are being swept away. OVER CannoN.L-Mrs. Lougheed had her pocket picked of 81,060 at the Detroit fair. She had taken the money with her fearing it would be stolen if she left it at home WILL NOT COM . -Both Mr. Par- nell and Mr. Mc arthy have declined invitations to be resent at the conven- tion of the Irish National League of America, which opens in Chicade next month. CROPS RUINED: -The 'Dublin Free- man's Journal says that the wheat crops in West Clare and other western districts of Ireland are,owing to the recent severe rains, " only fit for the litter; ", the potato blight is general, .one-third of the crop being already gone; while the barley and oats are rotting. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 'At the & rira7L eas6 an 70u buy it - e3 it unless AftIer two o year, you can return it and !av your'rnoney. SgPteittEn 18, 1891. Autmenenr s is the wat . corset: if you shapeliness, ut you don) you like it. ' three weekd TB S YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR CORSET:4. Ti -T Exeter Fall Show. PRIZE EDALS. At the South Huron Fall show to be held at Exeter on Monday ct Tuesday, Sept. 28 d 29. '91. The following Paizi Meens given by the °aerie Agrieultural and Arts Association, will be offered for competiticin in addition to the premiums mentioned in the regular published prize Het, viz: 14or the loest herd of cattle any breed, said herd to consiet of 4 females and a bull, -a silver medal. Per the best pen of sheep of any ,breed, -pen to consist of one ram, pair of aged ewes, pair of Shearling ewes and pair of ewe-lainbs,-a bronze medal. No special en- trance fee requirSd to compete for the above. M. Y. McLEAN, JOHN KETCREN, Secretary. President 1222 -td NN IN DE EiveFArmiA4D THE COOK'S LARGEST SAL. Th McKillo Mutual Fire nsurance ompany. FAFIll AND IS LATED TOWN POPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFTIORB. 'Nos E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0.; W, J. Shannon, Seoy-Treare, Seaforth P. O.; John Hannan, Manager, Set& h P. 0. DIRE OREL Jas. Broadfoot, Seafor h ; Donald Ross, Chu ton; abriel Elliott, plinton ; George Watt, Harlock • Joseph Evans Beeehwood ; J. Shan. non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGIFAITS. Thor. Neilane, Harloc ; Robt. McMillan, Sea. orth ; S. Carnochan, `Se forth. John O'Sullivan nd Go. Murdie, Audit rs. Part es desirous to effect Insurances or trans& t other business 111 be promptly attend, ed to cn application to ny of the above officers, aderte ed to their respe tive post offices. ' 1189 CIO s. n the High Court of Justice. Judicial Sale OF VALUABLE ARMIN STANLEY. Pursuant to a decree and final order for sale made in a ceetain cause of Murray vs. Oster,there ill be sold at Swartz Hotel, in Hayfield, on S turday the 19th Of September, at 12 o'clock, n n, the south half of Lot No. 18, and the • rth halt of the north half of Lot 19, Lake Road eet, in the Township of Stanley. Property ill be sold subject to reserved bid. Ten per e t. down and the balance with in a month; 14 subject to standing conditions of Oonrt of Chanoary. For further particulars apply to S. ALCOMSON, Matter at Goderich. or to I/Wm C ERON. HOLT &CAMERON, Vendors' Soli - tore. Godevich, September 51h, 1891. 1230-2 , PREPARE TO BE PLEAS 11 Nevebefore have better goods been s own 1 Never hav6 greater varieties been offered I Never have prices een so low. The e is no room for improvement 41 the bargains we aie offering in HOUSE OLD FURNIT RE. Of every description. It's a blessing to be within reach of such an opportunity. Our beautiful stock is all b ight, clean and fresh, and consists wholly of thelatest and ,most ppjjrnlar styles., and t prices which you cannot resist. No e1)erieI1Cedtand judicious buyer can escape such temptations. If the best is godd enough for you,come and get it at rock bottom prices. M. Robertso's Central 1urnituret OPPOSITE E. McFKUL'S DRY GOODS STORE, MAIN STREET, ouse SEAF0i3TH. NEW F44. d WIN cogING D#ILy. TER GOODS •••••••••30113•11 Last week we openied up a large new stock of Men's, ouths', Boys' and Children's made up Suits and Overcoats; also Twee s, Coat- ings. and Pantings for our order department; also Carpets, Underwear, Hosiery, GlOves, F1ann41s, White and Grey Cottons, &c. This week we have been very busy opening and mark ng our importations of British and French Dress Goods, Scotch Twe ds and Coatings, and numerous' lines of notions. Also a large line ofLadies', Girls' and Children's readymade Jackets and 'Meters direct from foreign manufacturers, to whichlwe would especially beg to draw publi4 atten- tion, as -!they will be four d particularly good yalue. Our Miss McLachlan has returned from ing completed purchases of Millinery goods, Canadian and American artists the lates trimming. The harvest being kood, we are laying largest fall and winter t *ado in the annals of get there, it will not be ttny fault in the v goods, nor the prices at which we will sell th the confidence which the purchasing public past, that our nuoEs WILL BE R601( the Eastern !markets, hav- and gleaned from the best and nobbiest i eas in ourselves out to do the our business. If we don't riety and quality of our m, for we assure you on ave _placed in us in. the BOTTOM. WM. PIMA RD, Corner 'Main and Market treets, Seaforth. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. .._ I GOING NORTH-. Passenger. Ethel 2.61 P. M. 9441 r.x. 8.66 P.M. Brussels.- ,. .. 8.06 0.55 9.46 Bluevale 8.21 10,10 10.10 Wingham.. .. 8.81 10,20 11.10 pr' Genie Some- Passenge . Mixed. Wingham .... 6.80 A.W.11. OA. w. 7.36 r. el Bluevale .. .. .6.89 1149 8.05 ' 0 Brussels .. 6.63 1L52 9.05 Ethel.... .. .... 7.05 12.97 9.41 X London, Huron and Bruce, I Gone} NORTH- Passenger. London, depart .15A.M.14.85r.a, Exeter -9.16 5.57 Heneall- 6.09 , Kippen. , 11 6.17 Broomfield 9.42 6.26 Clinton. ... - 10.00 6.45 Londesboro , . 10.19 7.03 Blyth. , 10.28 7.12 Belgrave 1032 7.27 Winghom arrive ' 11.00 7.60 Goma Soirrn- , Paseenger. Wingham, depart 6.45a.re 8.20r.. selgrave , ,7.00 3.46 Blyth '' '7.14 e.t6 Londesboro '7.22 4.19 Clinton' 7.66 4.4e Brumfield 8.16 5.01 Hippen.. .. . ..... .... .... 8.24 6.12 Hensel. 8.82 6.19 Exeter . 8.60 6.33 Grand Trunk Railway. Tlorliwiss: sleeve Seaforth and Clinton station as fol Goma Win- Sieeen9rn. 1,28111r. wg. Passenger .. .. .. .. 91..2102 PA.. :: Passenirer. . .. .. .. 9.15 P. id. Mixed train. 9.82 A. It. 10.05.8.w Mixed Train.. 6.15 r. W. GOING RAW-- 6.65r . tr. Passenger. .. .. .. 7.59 ao1m. 7.48 A. w. Passenger .. .. .. 2.50 P. GC 2.3 Mixed Train.. . . 5.80? *. 4.63 r. ;I 6p.t. Freight Train.. .. 4.80 P. ;at. 8.30P. Ir. McKillop Directory for 1891. •1 JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Brodhagen P. 0. 301114 motaisoN, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beeekwood. JAMES EVANS. Councillor, 'Beachwood. WILLIAM ABCH1BALD, Councillor, Lead - bury. JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, ITreasurer, Win- throp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, ! Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. GODERIQH Steam Boiler' Works. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary, Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILE R Salt Pans, Smoke Stack, Sheet hoe Works, etc Also dealers in Upright and ilIorizontal Slid Valve Engines. Automatic CO*, 1:4! Engineso specialty. All sizes of pipe and p.pe tting constantly on hand. E 4.mates furnlshed_ short !notice. Works onposite G. T. h Station Gounieh. Notice to De6ositors -IN THE -1 - Post Office Saviligs Bank. Deposits in the above Bank may now be re. ceived to the amount of $1,000 during each year, ending 30th of June, and a total balance of 83,000, exclusive of interest, which, if desired, ma e)- at any time be transferred to the Finance Department for inveetment in ' -1NSORII3ED STOCK - In SUMS of 8100 or multiples thereof. Tk stock will bear inteeest at the rate of n per cent. per annum, payable on 1st of March and 1st of September of each year, and is redeem- able lit of March, 1896. SAMUEL DICKSON, Postmaster, Poet Office, Seaforth, March fend, 1801. 1216-95 •Htaodvas 5 hd (1). 1:27- cn L.) , 1=10'iPP " �-x. rise - 0 2. cc -DP- 4.a mpg LZI pp I • et 1:::/ )--4, Ppl -1 0 0 0 0 6 It ^4) 50wp.02 .40 ' • Pt 51' --1! ct, C1) fly. V ae ! O e -eel Cia CD Cr' o P !t01 O 1=ri 8.. Po 0 lim! Pe t7:1 0"' ca OeSJ. 0 I CD CD " CD 11.0 g 01" `-cl 17:im, 5 ID (fc2 Cla 1 PT) • LD. ett.-41 fiD2 P ee • c-,3 1, -Th 1:$ teel R" Ctj re; 0 I 0 CD le0,54 1C21 M: 5 =JJ .4 cp 0 on g.; 0:1 cn ID cJzt 1-1 copP--1 n, 0 lei - 16.4 F+)Pjti VeJ 91 e-t- cr. CD a) p 0. 0. Pc -1-.) 0 al Pe BULLS FOR SERVICE. THIMEY BULL. -Th undessigned will keep during the presen season On his farm, 2nd soncession, H. R. 2 .eersmith, a thorough- bred Jersey Hull, eired y Canada's' John Bull. Terms -$1.60, poynble at the time of service with privilege of returning if necesskry. JOHN HANNAH. N. B. -Also for sale n Jersey bull eaW, eleven menthe old, thoronghler IDURE BRED HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CAT- TLE. -The undersigned breeder of Pure. Bred Holstein Friesian cattle will keep for ser - vies on his premises a thoroughbred bull. He has also a number of young inills ler sal., de. 'menden% of a' NetherlandWrince'" all registered pedigrees. Prices reasonable. Apply on Lot 8, Ooncasion 11, Hullotte or address JOHN Mc41REGOE, Conetanee P. 0. FACTS For Seaforth people who are not parti- oularly anxious to have to call in an undertaker TO THINK ABOUT. I have been a great sufferer .from a female weakness along standing, and have been t eat - ed by several physicians, and have also been un- der treatment in the Toronto Hospital,. and all failed to cure me. I saw a medical book ex lain- ing the Histogenetle System, and resolve1 to give it a trial. I consulted Dr. Rear, who pre- scribed these remedies, and assured me they would cure me. I had my doubts, but wais ae- termined to try once more: 1 took treatn,ent two weeks and am utterly astonished at the results. I am nearly well, and no language can describe how thankful I am that my life is spar- ed. This testimony is voluntary, and .I' give- it hoping that hundreds of my sex may try -the medicines and receive the seine marvellous good that I have. They are good to take, and, unlike any medicine I ever took before, leave ne bad effects MRS. J. FAWCETT, 102 John Street, Tor nto. June 5th, 1890. I was attacked with congestion of the liver and inflammation of the kidney); attended with excruciating pains in my side and ack. Could not lie en either side -could sea oely breathe. The slightest movement caused gon- izieg pain. Nothing gave ma relief. I seri for Dr. Rear, knowing he had cured my daught r of a dangerous illness with Histogenetic Med eine after she had been given up by four skilful phy- sicians. In one week my pain was gone and liver and kidneys acting as well as ever. The cure is complete. It acts the most like ma ic of any medicine I ever took. I sincerely hope that the suffering ladiis of Toronto and else ere may try the superior merits of these pure and tasteless medicines. My object in - giving this testimony is purely through sympathy for the sick and dying. MRS. McCULLOUGH, 60i Adelaide St.', east, Tor nto. Our representative will be at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, ON WEDNESDAY, Sept. 9th, Fran 16 a. m. to 4.30 p. m., for convenience of Sereforth Patients. CONSULTATION' FREE. Send for free book explaining System. Histogenetic Medicine Asn. Rooms 2 and 3, Albion Block, Richmond Sret, London, head office for Western Ontario. Head office for Canada -19 Yonge t eet market, Toronto. 1222- 2 PURE, POWDERED PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. toady for use in any quantity. For making $ore °.tening Wator, Disinfeetingtand a hundred °the 0. Aeon equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. field by All Grocers awl Druggists. . 4:34.17.sia..1i1WW, Micsx•smsztes THE BIG MILLS, SEAFGRTH. The above mills hare now been thoroughly built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill end Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery a plied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED R LLS ----AND- Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything neomeary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilit.es for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have Alia deen exteneively improved. Grain Can now 4 taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and osded into oars at the rate of 700 bushels per boor, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE CUSTOM CHOPPI Has been put in, and the necessary mochinery for bonnie ohop and ooarse grains. A •• , shed has been erected, so that vilagens can unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. - CT:TSTOM PM33:11D Chopped satisfactorily and without de14. ROLLER FLOUR, 1 BRAN, SHORTS, And ail kinds of •00/m•mi0/0 APPLE BARRELS -AND- FINE, COARSE AND LAND S . FOR SALE. CHOPPED FEE Constantly on hand: ALT Highest Market Price Pai4 in C.3seh for any Quantity o Wheat. Only Ant -clan and obl4ing men will be kept ; attend oustemars. The liberal patronte of more and general trade respeetfully solicited. A. W. OGILVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS Seaforth Dairy Having purchased the Dairy Bus ness from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a, con- tinuarice of the patronage which he re- oeived in the past. With the advan es 1 have in my refrigerator and situation, I ho 40be able to give my customers satisfaction as to quality of milk even in the very hot weath r. ReaRzing that the cash system is the mos( Just and satisfactory to all concerued, hay: decided to sell for cash only. grr Tickets supplied at reduced .e.tes 1171 D, D. wiLsioN 0INTT.A.Mti Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO.., Head Office: Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company in Ontario having a Government Deposit and being duly licensed by the same. Are now carrying on the business of Live Stock Insur ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For further particulars address JOHN AVERY Sec.-Treas, 1164 VETERINARY; TOXIN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor graduate of e) Ontario Veterinary College. All disease. _ of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty. Office -At Weir's Roya Hotel, Seaforth. 11124 M1RANK S. Beattie, V. 5., graduate of Ontario eU Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the Veterinary Medical Society, etc., treats all die. eases of the Domesticated Animals. All calls_ promptly attended to either by day or night. Charges moderate. special attention given toe veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Streak., Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's Hardens% . store. EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Corner 0 13 Jarvis and Goderloh Streets, next door% th, Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont.. All (Use elm o Horses, Cattle, Sheep or any of the doe masticated animal'', sueoesehilly treated at the . Airman, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice Jhorges m >deride. JAMES W. ELDER, Veber. nary Su ore en. P. 13.-A large stook of Veterin ary Medicines e constantly on Until LEGAL AirATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances, &e. Money to loan at the lowest rates. M. MORaniole, Walton. T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &o efi , Office -Rooms, five doors north of Com- • mercial Hotel, ground floor, next door to C. L. Papst's jewelry store, Main street, Seaforth. Goderich agents -Cameron, Holt and Cameron. _ 1215 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Belief. tors, &e., Goderioh, Ontario. J. T. (semi -ow. Q. C.; Wk. PaorrereoT. 686 nAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Berristert, It.) Solicitors in Chancery, dec., Godericht_Ont. M. C. OAMH BRON, Q. 0., PHILIP OLT, M. G. CAMERON. 505 DDO . Late of Victoria, B. 0. Offide-Ovel 'WNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &13 Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pd. vete funds to loan at 5i and 6 per cent. 1085 1JEA.NNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Soliciitors, Conveyancers, ke. Solicitors for the Bank, of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. humane, JAHN! Soon. 781 HOLMESTED, successor to tht. late firm . MoCoughey & Hohnested, Barrister, 80' Heiser, Cotiveyaneer and Notary. Solicitor for - the Oanadion Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Mohr Street. Seaforth. DICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderieh ; Bar- risters, Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brussels. Seaforth Office- Cardno's Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON. Money to Loan. 2127 DENTISTRY. -U1 W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Mon- t'• ilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Main and John Streets, Seaforth, .Ontario. Nitrous , Oxide Gas administered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. 1169 DR. BELDEN, Dentist, Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. As- sistant -Dr. Atkinson, Graduate Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgeons, Philadelphia. Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, Sea- - forth. Will visit every Wednesday forenoon at Dixon's Hotel, Brumfield, and at Kippen in the afternoon. Every Friday forenoon at Prender- gast's Hotel, Dublin. 1226 TT KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. 11 . "S., Exeter, Ont. Will be st Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the LAST THUP.SDAY U RUIN MONTH, and at Murdock's Hotel, Hensel', on the FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth ex- traoted with the least pain possible. All work first-olase at liberal rates. 971 DR. C. H. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to 11. L. Billings), member of the Royal College - of Dental Surgeons, Ontigio. Teeth inserted') with or without a plate in gold, celluloid or rub- ber. A safe amesthetic given for the *blew extraction of teeth. Office -over bank, Exeter Ontario. 1290- N. 11: -Plates secured firmly In the mouth by Yemen' Patent Valve. MONEY TO LOAN. TONEY TO LOAN. --Straight loans at 6 nes IVI /sent., with the privilege to Wrrowsti of repaying least of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Sarristes Seaforth. 869 MEDICAL. DR. C. SHEPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, Hayfield, Ontario, sucsessor to Dr. W. L. Wright. 1226.52 DR. T. P. MoLAUGHL1N, M.O.P.S., Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouckeur Night calls promptly attended. Office, Dash- wood, Oat 1225 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY, OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Methodist. Churoh, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricul- tural Grounds. J. G. SCOTT, M. D. C. M., (Ann Arbor ande Victoria) M. C. P. S. a - C. MACKAY, M. D. 0. M., (Trinity,) F. T. 31.0.,. M. 0. P. 8.0. D R. MoFAUL, Member of the College ofe Physicians and Surgeons, eta., Seaforth, Ontario. Office, Cady's !Block, opposite Com- mercial Hotel. Night hell at residence, aorth. side of Goderich St., seventh door west of the - Methodist Church. 1219 tf. --1-) E. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon, IA,. and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127 TARS. ELLiorr & Bruoefield, Limn. Lf totes Royal College of Physioione an& Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brumfield, Ont, 930 Ta W. BRUCE sairrEr, M. D C. M., Member _no of the College of Physicians and 8 &o., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and donee -- same as moupied by Dr. Verooe. 848 A LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the II. Royal College of Physicians andSurgeons Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid. Offies lately occupied by Dr. Illackid, Moin Iltresto. Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Square, In house lately occupied by L. E. Danoey. 1127 AUCTIONEERS. T Fa BRINE, Licensed A.uotioneer for the . County of Huron. Sales attended in al parte of the County. All orders left at bre Faoreerron Mee win be promptly attended to. TA H. PORTER, General Auctioneer and • Land 'Valuator. Orders sent by mall to , my address, Hayfield P. 0., will receive prompt • attention. Terme moderate. 1186-52 W. GI DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Convfry. sneer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant; Real Estate. Lifo, Accident and Fire Newsom • Agent; Money to Loan, Correspondence, ire. Parties requiring his eerwiees In any of these broiracurranDActsesir'swiBULOCIEre°:ifortsrve prrutell, MAimattentrrpiffn. SBA: 1134 T. W. E to 11611 heir,,,, ......ovtr 4 -- bas beT 897 mow:lulus!, --Granite 1, well is the Se thee been reac twice. _vv. MUC ecounty, thre lina natural engine- 11 interested PI ,lying fu': --City Gir by the wa ,cauctry CO 4 'city Girl ,. 40,W8 00/ -1- V" A Ing.T° ;soathwolds ,kicked a rail, bind leg an4,,!!' .hone- Dr. ' three inches -Rev. :,1 .!!kin Street N bits returned AGrimsby Par cinch refresh occupied his and preach yir, San -tired farraer i 48bing in Ce!' week, and ttl ,caegkt a ve entagnifleeut about five pe, _The war -daughter ef t at London, E .of Chicago. the 2nd hest! -church, near -The two SoutbW0 1! large clnalit _ of wheat We r ecently. T- $3,000., on tvi The fire origi steam threat --James , Teeswater a - heart failure health and ei pick fruit. heavy fail ai Mrs. Austin -daughter the grown up fa! -At Inte mechanical I -discovered 1 that he cal maturai gat 1 He has prod ,grees below, is shown in i -Mien. -At the farmer, one -county, the Henry B. 1 tremendousl action at t the enginee .barn. The in all direeti injured. T! -A Mont ports of livs toff. Last el head of cat -this is the b, kete. Pric porters hav is being en, far this aea with -about: season. Ca less. -A sad a Monday aft ton, where). Joseph Hill lost his life - and in reac of gear, o -caught his of the kni completely -was also ee -died in ta= -The en tinier Take 'Dr. Talmo. Divine, to wealthy y „flounced, take place be the first 'Ilya taberii ihaautiful tfavorite in her fattier Holy Land literary wO The Gre - ed in nort' north of De a barren pli ditches pal -monk buil tun, and ..wiperitrin proven a -time upwa toes; are All °yet t. bushels of grown to -country illiteCOBB 0 irrigation. -lionol •John De Hawaii been ill' fo turned Pneuenon Lillokamo elea,th of h was born 1 My 10th -Italian a istdy of Bo •vhsen a eh 1849, a spent sem VSPR8 ma Hawaii so -The for Sick C inst., for teeny denor. Secretary and labo -$25,000 to . of thariti , ing ws.,.1 consisted two neoe In. 1888 a aocomm re la 944 i .good. wor 3111g IV Ur Mr. Ro