HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-09-18, Page 3n# P12‘ose.ols .17.hee. .;70. ewc„ C ExICAGG, rt./ ,•i-.71uts.T °Asa FH "urn, ent ',Triszt 4hers, ON% New York (minion Piao Re11 & C°n1Palli :Lam & Ci�„- . i; on hand-011st and Organa flirientssokt. tit to suit d small insliter hooks, ar,e. 1ROS. 'e Wait tn. • some satiit*.' have the :and 1 ma numerona ali doubt( it is an stock of &ware, yeds, *des„ • , pes, 7;estern On- Vtliing 11- 'Re calling on Sewhere. wilI be en - hes, Clocks' * TER, ORTH. F NTARIO ortest notPai lave mood' Shrouds, Sy. The bed &ergo ma' entor. Beg - directly or a the holies PARINd NG. DERS, paid tO tioTh tien care - attend. cited. 4 4 grain= 18, 1861. ow The Revival Clihrete, *woo Saisday nht in the Olean** Chitreh 'Aied OA preacher's work wraa don. with weary eyes and an anxiOns heart, stallestly welched to no if a dart Ned entered the hauls of stone.” leithsolemnly silent, most orthodox air, They listened to all that he said alba Savior's love and hie tender cart, of ;herders he will tenderly, lovingly *hare, Of the beitutifid home just alte.ad. Audthen on the people there settled down • And then the Preacher's heart grew heavy leith silence longnad deep ; ,Atal t. dock ticked over and over again, While the people 'seemed to Bleep. Thea one of the brethrea slowly are, And with solemn voice and slow, He what the Lord lead done for him About fifty years ago. Aselhis face was as long aa the moral law, As he spoke of the heavenly Prince, And it *seemed as if God had forgiven his sin Ballad never done anything since. Theo followed a silence longer still, That covered the Church like a pall, And the people with hungry, empty hearin Just wondered if that were all, An& the pastor thought with a wistful fatal, Of t.he lands far over the sea, Where the servant of God toils night and d flat the people hear with glee. Then another brother slowly arose. A man of most godly life, Rho, while loving the cense and the eons of men, Hut grown weary in the strife. t %steed was heavy, his faith was weak, . Audit seemed, when he was dime, Asif the Lerd was a long way off, And couldn't take care of his own. Then followed a prayer of most awful lengt Grammatical, polished and cold, Bot it reached to the uttermost parts o the earth, As the waters did of old, And the cireless, ungodly, but hungry hes That were just outside the fold, Could but wonder if they had as good a c • nee . As the sinners near the pole. Then a trembling sister slowly arose— God's spirit shone in her eyes; A woman whose heart was true as steel, Whoa life was a saorifiee : nut her voice was timid, and weak, and le d few were the words which she said, eudthe sinners beckby the door couldn't ear, So they rattled the seats instead. Then the pastor arose with a sigh of relief, For the hour of dosing had come, And the rustle of wraps and of overshoes Proclaimed that 'twee time to go home; When slowly, timidly, down the aisle, With a child's unconscious grace, Came a little figure, poorly clad, And gazed in the preacher's face. Her voice was as clear as a sneer bell, And she 'spoke with, & childish ease, As she, timidly- touching the pastor's hand Said, "1 want to see Jessie, please! You say he has gone to prepare a home For the homelesis, and that means me; That he tenderly cares for us every day, And I lore him for that, you see." Then followed & silence most strangely sw For all felt that God was there, As the preacher knelt by the little girl And lifted his voice in prayer. An hour pissed swiftly, silently on, But the eongregation stayed, — While voices' that long hag'been silent thee, Thanked God for his strength and aid. Then hearts that were weak grew .114111 and strong, And a mighty faith was shown, Antithe angels sang in the heavenly choir The Lord brings back his own. And the preacher's heart grew fight as a Though he labored both early and late, For the night was passed, the mornin had dawned, And the old stone Church was awake. —Margaret J. Bidwell, in Zion's Herta Old Dog Tray. The morn of life is past, And evening comes at last; It brings me a dream of a once happy day, Of merry forms I've seen • Upon the village green, Sporting with my old dog Tray. _ CISORUS Old dog Tray's ever faithful, Grief oannot drive him away, • He's gentle, he is kind, rn never, never find k better Mend than old dog Tray. The forms I exiled my own Have varnished one by one, The loved ones, the dear ones, have all aws,y ; Their happy smiles have flown, Their gentle voices gone; I've nothing left but old dog Trey.—Cmott When thoughts recall the past, His eyes are on nee east ; I know that he feels what my breaking would say, Although he cannot speak, rn vainly, vainly seek A better friend than old dog Tray.—en , 77'7 THE HURON EX OSITOR. two o'olook, when the fo amen came to See what he WAS about. The boy shout- ed out, "1 dines think I I ever be dune; It. tannin' u fast as ever." heart The Axeej. of the Siege. . I In the Franco-Prusean War there teens scareely any pigeons to beused f, or communi eating with th unfortu nate palatine. , Fifty seven b rds were taken ut of Paris by balloons and they car- ded many messengers fr m the outside World to the besieged. One of these birds escaped the crac shots of the German army six times, nd was known as "the angel of the sie e.e ; To enable the birds to aril, so great a number of menages ph tography was called in, and by using ti ma it was pos- sible for one bird to e rry a hundred communications in a sing e quill. Thus was the Times," t e well-known ifonglish newspaper, red cad to a micro - Beep form, and on ite arrival in the besieged city it wae enla ged and eager- ly scanned by anxious or wde, The military pigeon 1 fts of France. are now on a large s ale ; birds are selected from renowne -*rains, and tests and experiments ar Made with as much care as the trial o a new gun or torpedo. Official retur $ give about 250,000 as the number of pigeons avail- able for the use of the rench Govern - Mont in case of war. The Germans, too, after the war, decid d to not only foster and increase the °its, insuring complete arrangements or every mili- tary establishment and d'etriqt, but in- ducements were offered o private indi- atiduals throughout tbe ountry to rear end train the birds, in rder that a re - Serve Woe should be -ready in an emergency. The Russians, who wi I not injure a pigeon because of religious ; sentiment Connected with the Holy Ghost having been made manifest in the form of this bird, were quick to -put theneselves on an equality with their German neigh- bors. Italy followed sui ,ancl, although In quite a different sense the pigeon is held almost sacred in thait conntry. In mike) and the e sons of the d fOr purposes Gaieties. He had just received by ail a photograph of his boy who Trati away at college. "It was thoughtful of Fred to send me this," he said, as he 1 oked at it and laid it down, "but, great Crams 1 I don't need anything re- mind me of him 1" And the old g ntle- man sighed heavily as he opened a fresh lot of bills from Fred's tradesmen. —An Agricultural Experiment Sta. tion.—A farmer named Hilton hired a very raw boy to help him &bent the place. One morning he told the lad to go and salt the calf over in the pedatire. The boy took about a quart, of sett and rubbed it all over the calf, working it into the hair. A gang of colts in the pasture scented the salt and got [after tits. calf. They licked tbe hair all tiff the calf's back, and tried to lick the hide off too. The farmer tried to eatoh the calf to wash it, but the creature, hink- lug he wanted to lick toe, kept t of his way. The boy, salf, and farm ,r are all unhappy. The colts are the only ones that got any fun out of it. —It haseost Canada an avers nearly WAX) a year for altered° pairs and maintenance isf the Gov Generara residence. It must be barn, too, because some years an ppro- priation of $8,000 is not sufficie t to light and heat it. —He Didn't Need It.—" What Mr., e of II, re- rnor- uite 1. the future the pets of general favorites of t sunny South are to be us cof war as well as peace. —Pale, drooping girl with a burden of disease than they can bear shoul suffer no longer. Dr. Pills are a certain cure eases peculiar to woman etore the blood, build ai and leave happiness an tired. Sold by dealers o of price (50e a box) by Willieme Med: Co., Bro wbrn weary almost greater take heart and illiams' Pink or a1 those dis- ind.1 They re- ew the nerves, health when. sent on receipt addressing Dr. kville, Ontario. Soda pubili whio Beeo piotu Cabi mous ies of tribn ybar. Out-DoorI Work For Women. FROM THE NEW YORK WORLD. • Within a few miles of New York there are to -day probably a hundred women working in the fields getting in , the vegetables for market or for storing. The custom of employing women upon the truck farms near the oity has grown of late yews almost unnoticed. It has reached the dignity of a new and toler- ably well-filled profeuiofl of the gentler ex, and the demand fortheir services is still rapidly increasing. At least, so Mr. Garrett Van Dine, f Flushing, one Of the bestl known far era in Queen's County, says. ; Mr. Van Dine was farmers of ;Queen's Con ; ,t any women. His a Meant : "Well, some years, ort and who live in lit by. They are not, of c Strong as Men. Can't h rapidly.. But they don' fight. They don't tal know if two or three m they are so apt to lea handle and other. 1 " Are th during the throughout ' " Oh, for months woolly," said they do about th work that the men do the wagons to market. are almost invariably for mans or Poles, • They work in, the Old Cou their children tending h are gene to little cookin home." " And the "They get about a dollar a pday, though that varies with the seaeoia and the amount of work to be done, of .f. course." A Jamaica farmer told later about a widow with four children living. in the village who does not wet* regularly in the fields, but every year about this time takes r little brood of children out into tit, fields and earns with them $20 or $26 week at piece work mita the busy seaso is over. Most of the/ wo- men farm ands, however, live in the are more regularly employ - M--," said a wedding guest elergymart, " don't you drink win wedding ?" "No, sir," was the ": I will take, a glass of water." sir," said the officious guest, "you kat the advice of Pant to Timet take a little wine for his infirmity have no infirmity" was the sente reply. —A fishwife arrived in "pKi sometime ago. She went to tit Man (a true speeimen of a Highl to announce the arrival of her fre ring, which he did as follows; " There's a, freah herring to be sold comer of the old post office. He With the one o'clock trains. Be tas at a eply, But, recol- to ,,/ ntious vomits bell- nder) h het - °tics. t the cams along, ked why the ty employ so ewer was sig. hey are us ally women of who have families to imp- act houses near urse, quite so e corn quite *so get drunk or either. You n get together on their hoe talk about something or y hired just or a few days taking in o the crops, or the season?' the season o to Mrs. Maine. He is a very respect- able woman's, and he's a very good her - tin', and twelve for sixpence." —Not many years ago a yonth; 13111[110 from the north to Edinburgh, and got Fork with gardener. The first, morn- ing he was sent to water some :Rower' with a watering pan, carrying the water !mei 9- pipe, the foreman telling him, " When that's, done come to me, land I twill tell you what to 4o .next." The boy kept carrying the pan until nearly Th vited tiefie sacks scrip of th Caval ii thing Is performing a ' grand work by hing "Black Beauty," a book is doh% for horses what Harriet er Stowe') world-renowned pen e of the negro—" Uncle Tom's. "—did for the slave. The, enor- umberiof over half O million cop- " Black 'Beauty " have been die- d by the. Society during the past • A Cossack Drill. • • • - FROM GOLDEN DAYS. Goverdor of NO8COW ,reoentlY in - of the on, and here is the de. t some P risian journalists to wit drill g ven by a regiment of Cos - ton whioh ODO of the writers gives wonderful performances of the y of the Czar :— he drill of the Cossacks is some - marvelous. We ome to witness it jut at the moment when the Colonel rode p at full gallop in front of the aqua rons in line. ,In Russia the com• man, er of a regiment never appears be- fore his troops without sainting them and ronounomg the following words :— ood mOrning, my fine fellows 1" 6 6 " o this salutation the entire regi- ment reeponds :— " ' We wish your lordship good •healt r " ' he troops then scattered, and the man euvring began. It was simply as- toun ing. Imagine the most extrava- gant equestrian programme of a circus, enri bed by the moat extraordinary • variations—everything that is delicate, comi al, magnifibent, and wild in the equestrian art. "All this woks displayed before us for two ong hours by a thousand men in a tem est of dust and movement sufficient to m ke the coolest head dizzy. 4 i e saw horses bounding like pant ere and men jumping like monkeys. We aw the cavalry men booted, with thei carbinee across their backs and thei sabres in their hands, _charging whil standing upright upon their sadd es. t . " thers would pass at full speed be • side Cossacks stretched upon the gron d, pick them up like pocket hen kerchiefs and carry them off across the Croups of their saddles. Others, . ; again, would pivot upon their saddles and lay all the antics of circus clowns. itlp One horse, tripping upon some obstacle, app rently rolled completely over the ride4. We thought -he was killed upon 1 the pot; but he jumped up, laughing heartily, while he, rearranged his dam- age garments. ' I • When the manoeuvre was finished the efile began. ; Thrice the squadrons defiled before their Celonel, first at a walk, then at a trot, and lastly at a oha ge. The charge was something terr,fic. a' The Cossacks are armed and equip- ped in such a manner that at a distance • ?boil' sca ores flail seven or eight Ir, Van Dine. e same kind of except driving These women eign born, Ger- re used to the try. ,They set use while they the fields, a d perhaps do a g themselve when they get ir earning ?" *wintry an ed. They feed pigs, hoe corn, haul manure, plant, hoe and harvest potatoes Ind corn and make themselves generally useful. They wear coarse, strong oloth- ing fitting to the work. They de net wear demi-trains, though it is the fashion. IDockeld Tails and Check Reins. *sow THE ,AMERICAN SIiIPBUILDER, NEW YORK CITY. The (looking of horses' tails by anglo- maniacs who ape Briglieli manners and customs should be made a criminal of- fence, puniehable by iniprisonment for net Lees than one year. Nature pro- *ided the l4orse with a tail to brush off the flies'osquitoes, arid other insects, just as tho hands to no mosqui Creator furntehed man with roteet, himself. There are oes and scarce:y any flies in Great Britain to bother animal.. A nous who will wantonly cut a horse's tail should be compelled to stand on a sugar doek in hot weather with his hands tied behind his back; and he Would then know the agony torture a poor horte suffers with n g but a , stump of a tail to drive toff these pests and tormentors. Another species of cruelty is keeping a horee's head raised to a painf 1 and unnatutal elevation by Mesas of the cruel ()heal -rein. We have iseen hore eyes fairly I bulging out of their heed ,on account. f this dreadful pnrashment which foolia atm ad wo- men practise upon dumb: missals. Away "h "i02 bsrb.rg. f!Aff iolin in this on- ligittenict its *mums age and otiuntey. The American Humane Educational impossible either o see or to hear . The uniforms are sombre, the bards are of leether, and their ns are darkened. There is no ing or clashing of gee', and little or no mound, and yet the whole troop of men and horsee pass noiselessly by at full speed, like a living squall. "The Colonel scrutioized the appear- ance [of each squadron, and, 'satisfied with the performance, shouted• :— ";" Very good 1' • , . "Toewhich the double row of Cossacks replaed :— "YVe will do still better yet, your lordluhip !' " . , Leebut.n. IMPOR *NT NOTICE TWIT BEATTIE, Clerk of the Secon e./ Court, Count of Huron, Com ; Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurao Funds Invested nd to Loan. Sharp* Livens' store, Main street, Sea Division issioner, e Agent. oe—Over orth. 1289 MONEY TO LOAN.—Private and eninpany funds to leen at lowed rates. 10,000 of private funds hs,ve been placed in ur- hands which we will loan in sums to suit , °newer. Loans can be competed at once if MIS satisfac- tory. DICKSON & HAYS, Cardno's ook, Sea - forth. 1 1 1143t1 -LIAM WANTED TO RENT.—Wanted to ren for a term of Years a good hundred acre farm with fair buildings and convenien kets. One In the Township of Tucker Stanley. Satisfactory reference given ed. Addresa, CHARLES ROUTLED forth P. 0. to mar- mith or requir- E, Sea- t.f mo RENT OR FGR SALE.—The h tel pro- perty known the Benmiller Ho el,situat- ed in one of the finest parts of the Tea nship of Colborne. Will be either rented or sol to suit parties csaession opening. Apply given at once, this i a- good M.Pmemitae,Benm her P.O. 1222-tf TIOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A go J2 Dwelling Howie and Shoe Store, shop attached, on he principal street eels, house good arid commodious, a g nese chance, rent reasonable for a term Apply to A. BRUCE, Brussels. d Brick ith work in Brus- od bug - of years. 238x20 ST AY COW.— slightly t trayed from Clinto ago, a small red infich Cow, wi be straight. Any o , a week h horns e giving information of he whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. MRS. FERGUSON, Townsend St. 1239-2 NoTzs.—The weather has been very - unsettled of -late and the farmers almost despair of getting io their oate and peas, the latter is an excellent crop and. t • a pity not to get them in in good e. Some of the farmers are through ing while others have not turned a w.—.Again- we have to chronicle the h of one of our neighbors, Mrs. J. J. ght of the Point Farm, who died on nesday of last, week, she had been ✓ many months and was a great but ant sufferer, in her ease death would happy release. ;The funeral, was largely attended, the deceased was ears of age—There was a crowded e on Sabbath evening at the Tem - nos Hall and the people, listened wit great attention and benefit to a well wo ded.address by A.1.1. Moure R. A. of Go erio High Sehool,lalso a few remarks fro Me. Wm. Chinon of Stratford, Mr. D. =ming ably ocellpied the chair.— Mr Joh Horton and Mr. D. Cumming at nde the meeting of Presbytery held at Blyt on Tuesday the 8th to see abo t fu see sha see fur deal Wr We ill f pat be ver 50 hou per —iir. JioTe in am ng h are pl [Ths was isisd. Jure supply for Leebura Church. m. Clutton retnrne4 to his Stratford after a ple ant visit s old neighbors and I lends we ed to see him looking so well. ve woe intended for last week, but rtently overlooked.] , ‘ , School Report ctsto DVILLE.—The following is the report, f pupils of Egmondville School forthe ontia of August: Senior Class, --Copal Rudolph, Tommy Jack SOn , Agi/ie Kehoe, Laura Kehoe. Junior Foirth, Willie Kyle, Richard Elliott and Al rt Morenzequal, Tillie McMann Gertie anEtimond. Senior Third,--Min- Me Bub lz, lti innie Young,Arthur Colbert W lter owell. Senior Seciond,—Bessie 111 iott, Annie Flintoff, Katie Moro3nz Ar hur Redden equal, Lorne Porter. Junior oond,—Mary Finlayson, Aggie Kyle, eorge bleltia30, Allan McMann Joe - Winter equal.; Pert Second,— Meggie Elliott, Jesie Collie, Willie Menlo. John Burgar. - Bit of Fun. '11 ye tells many funny stories, but he deol res the following his best, be- e& se it is true and happened to himself: 4 6 was arn-storming in a small town in ex , and went to the leading hotel for dinn r. The larder contained only a too gh piece of steak, so I had that and a up of hoot -leg coffee. When the bill was handed me, I asked the proprietor, who was also waiter and cashier, how much I owed him. '?Two dollars !' was the calm reply. 'Two dollars 1' I said; 'what for ? For the steak and coffee.' 'But that is outrageOtis,' I answered: '1 can get a really good ;steak and coffee, and ether things, t�, in New York for $L What makes you charge so much?' 'Well, to tell the truth, I need the money.'1" Eniglish Spain Liniment removes al har soft or calloused Lumps and Bl mi. es from horses'Blood Spawn, C rbs, Splints, Ring Bone, dweeney, 8tifiee; prains,Sore and Swollen Throat, ughs etc. Save 00 by use of ope tties,i , iWarranted'the most wonderful Biondi; Cure ever known. Sold by J. S. Rob as, ' I237y "A/VONEY TO LEND.—Wre. Campb 1.1?1.. forth, having been appointed the Hamilton Provident Loan and Savi pany, is now prepared to effect loan most favorable t rins. Interest 6 p payable annually charges very light desiring money wi y callfng 9h me WM. CAMPELL, 11, Sea - gent for gs Com - on the •r cent., Parties 1 consult their own interests before borrowing e sewhere. Seaforth. 1239 tf. HOUSE AND House and There are three b OT FOR SALE,—F t on John Street, ✓ Sale a Seaforth. d-roorns, sitting roo 1, dining room, kitchen, pantries and wood -shed. Alse-; a camdation, and hard and soft ble and first-class g rden. It onveniently situated and will ply to A. STRONG. 1234 t.f. good cellar, stoue water. A good et is pleasantly and be sold cheap. A TIAR51 FOR SA _U for sale his acres,being Lot 1 is of first- class qua well [fenced and d E.—The undersign aluable farm consist' ,Concession 6,Grey. ity and is well cultiva ained, 75 acres clear lgood hardwood bush, and 5 acres teed "There are 11180 good out -buildings, ore and brick house. For further p apply on the premises to DAVID M or address Brussels P. 0. FARM FOR 5 tors offer th property consist Concession 6, Ore class brick hone never -failing epi acres cleared, ba l given next tall. price and terni Solicitor, Brume' J. McARTHUR, Grey. d offers g of 100 The land • 4, fairly d,8 acres ✓ down. ard and rticulars • GUIRE, 230x12 LE.—The undersign Execu- John Lowe farm for ale. The of 100 acres, bein Lot 10, , and having thereo a firet- , bank barn, oreha d, wells, g, good fences, &a.; about 70 nce bush, Poseessio will be or further partioul rs as to , apply to W. B. DICKSON, ; or to JOHN SMIT and E. xecutors, 6th con ession of 1236tf ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The sub- scriber offe s for sale hie new fra e House and Lot No. 12, o the eouth side of Goderich street, in the tow of Seaforth. Tbe h use com tains 9 good sized rooms and stone f undation also. A , and a ars apply . AULT. • 1226 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The Blake Butter DireLand Cheese Company, at a meeting of the ore and Shareholders, held on the 27th of March, it was decided; o offer the abo e named factory for sale or to rent. • This is a gcod oppor- tunity for any person wishing to ant r into the busine 8, as the fectory is in good run ing order for the manufactiire of both butter ard cheese, and tuated in one of the best Vermin districts in Ontario, and will be sold at a very easonable rate. Apply 1 by letter, or personaij y, to Mr. HENRY EICHERT and Mr. D. B. S EICKLE, Blake P. 0., Ontario. 1215 _ SPLENDID F RM EOR SALE.—For Sale Lote 16 and 17, oI the 6th concession f Morris, containing 2 0 ares, about 130 acres iinder cul- tivation, being f iee from stumps, w411 fenced and well underd ined ; thirty acres good pas- ture land and the balance well thnb red with hardwood and ce ar. There' is a g ed frame house. good fra e barn and other out -buildings all in good repro . There is a splen id 3?oung orchard of three acres, also a nev r failing spring at the ho se and the river Mai land runs across the corne of one of the lots. here is no r/ swamp or waste and. It is within t ree miles and three -qua ere of the prospero s village of Brussels, and there is a school on tie adjoin- ing lot. This is ne of the best fa s in the county, being w 11 adapted for both rain and stook. It will b sold oheap and on e y terms. Apply on the pr mimes or to SAMU L LOVE, Brussels P. 0. • 1235 tf. , with good celler, ard suid I water good summer kitchen and woodshe large frame barn. For WAN r partieu to the proprietor on the pret lies. A. 3E3 ITH & CO., t'' - 3, WE ARE READY PYPER, - A General Banking businette trans- soted. • Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposit'. SALE NOTES discounted, er taken for collection OFFICE-- irst door north of Reid & Wilson's 1ardware Store. , SEAFORTH. _ • SEAFOR OR THE FALL TRADE. - BEATTIE, H, ONTARIO. PURCHAS Departments F ......... S WELL FORWARD. 11 &Choice Goods Eir Everything that is new a A splendid range of Dres Irr A. bik pile of Mantle Clot d fashionable in Millinery, Goods at the lowest possible prices. lis in great variety. Itar Several lines of fine Wool 112F" A large assortment of W IrinAr.lot of beautiful Table L Ezr Men's Colored Overshirts, Ur A grand range of Kid a Wool Hosiery. Men's Fine White Shirts, [EP', Floor Oil Cloths, ranging WO- Fancy Goods and Small Er New and Seasonable Goo W.CAIV1ERON SMITH, B RRISTE R. Solicitor of Superior Court, C01101141130Pei for taking Affidavits in the High Court of Jastioci, Cesnasiesdener, —Money to Lend OFFICE. --Scott's Bleck, >Deer Lumeden A Wilson's Drag Slitorre. 1264 PAP8T THE JEWELLER. MAIN S REET, SEALORTH. If you ca not cross the ooean, And thi heathen land explore, You can nd the heathen nearer, You csi help them at your door. If you et et speak like angels, lf you gannot speak like Paul, You can tell a lot of people Papst has watches for deem all. PA PST Is the 6heapes Watches, Clock Repairing a s PYPER DRY GO Shawls in the newest colorings. ol Flannels in Greys and Fancies. ens and Napkins,Towels and Towelings. Wool Undershirts and Drawersi d Cashmere Gloves, fine Cash -mere and Collars and Cuffs. in widths from yard to 2 yards. ares in abundance. of all kinds at BEATTIE'S DS STORE, SUCCESSORS TO DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. •••11••1•111==n THE JEWELLER'S and best place to Ibuy your and Jewellery in Sealirth. cialty. HAND -MADE BOOTS 110 Fall Weather Calls HAMILTO THE FALL. or Strong Boots Shoes Have made great preparations premises all refitted so as to a we have our store well filled w Everybody should see our We have imported our long bo are, without exception, the fine money. Come and see them, t value tinkle our Canadian good and Children's staple goods in close prices. Another shipme get a pair of our Men's Bals. good strong neatly made laced YFINNIS or the fall trade. We have had our commodat-e our customers properly, and th a first dais stock of goods. tock of LONG BOOTS before buying. ts frem the United States, and they t goods we have ever handled for the ey are from 10 to 20 per cent. better Also a full line of Women's, Misses' ip and split, which .we are selling at t of Slippers for 25c a pair. Come and nicely made and tipped, at $1.35. A oot for women, all solid, for $1. TRUNKS 4tNND VALISES. A large shipment just to HAMILTO and, Which will be sold cheap at & McINNIS', Corner of Main and John "treets, in John Logan's • Old Stand. IMPORTANT. . WATCH REPAIRING. Having opened the store lately oeoupied by A. D. YOUNG, I am prepared to do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelr Repairing. 1Taving 14 years practical experience, and re commendations from some of the best jewelry houses in Toronto as to my ability as a first -visas watchmaker, the public may rely on- getting their Watches properly repaired. I have all the necessary tools, and can duplicate any broken r worn out porta. Aar SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I am selling off my present stock of Watches, locks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods very cheap, • make room for new stock. If you want a ood Watch, don't miss this opportunity. For good ork, promptness and fair prices, 've me a trial. R. MERCER, SEAFORTH, Two Doorefrom Post Office. Boot § and Shoes D.Aellj cINTYRIE Has on band a large number Of Boots and Shoes of his own make, best material and Warranted to eve 8ai4cUon. If you want your feet kept dry corns and gat a pair of our fa, which will be midi ,011EAP FOR CASH.. 'khakis Boots aitended to. 'All hinds of Esadetti Order. AI padien wins have not paid their accounts fer Iat year will plow oall and Mile up. 1102 • D. MANTJYRE, i?maiortb. ee. • FURNACES Leading Coal and -GARNET 0 sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8—Steel Notice to Farmers. PLOWS, PLOWS AGAIN. T. MELL1S reminds all again in need of Plow r Gang Plows, and all Plow repairing, that he 1 ow ready to supply all- their wants. A new tock of the best brand of Mould Boards, Plow sittings, Gang Plow Castings No. 1, Plow Han - les for all lines of plows, Skimers, Wheels, olts, everything in the plow line to be bad by oing to the Kippen Plow Shop. Plow Repair - ng of all kinds done with neatness and dura- ility and small profits. T. MELL1S, 236 , Kippen. mulsion OF od LiYer Oil • AND THE Hypophospites of Limo and Sono. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. 1 Beware of all iatitations. Ask for "the D. & I.." Emulsion, and refuse all others. PRICE !SOC. AND $1 PER BOTTLE. Iseasiammesee HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment COM ? This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH, 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed an Deposits, according to amotuit and time left. FURNACES. OFFICIL—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderloh. ood Burning Furnaces. HORACE HORTON, MANALoan, AL FURNACE in four Gaderieli, August bth,1986. 915 iators, portable or brick set. THE ATLAN FURNACE in two takes vrood 43 inches long, an Steel Radiators, portable or b BOX ;D is the most POWE Durable Wood Furnace made. supervision of a mechanic wit mice business, and are guaran Bar ESTIMATES YU' Kidd's Hardw MAIN STR IC WOOD BURNING ;izes—JNos. 43 and 53. No. 43 No. 5 takes wood 53 inches long; ck set, has au EXTRA HEAVY FIRE FUL ItEATER, Economical, Strong, These furnaces -are put up under the an expeilence of 25 years in the fr.r- ed to giive good satisfaction every time. NISHED. re ef Stove House, ET, iSEAFORTH. THE CANADIAN B K QF COMMERCE Est: 1.Iished 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. QAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX ILLION DOLLARS - $6.000,000 REST, - - — - - $900,000 B. E. WALK R, Gralania. MArtAazu. SEAFO TH AkGeneral Banking Business Drafts issued payable at cities in the United Sta • SAVINGS B Deposits of $1.00 and upwards hum= ADDED 10 TEE PE112011*A.L YEAS!. -sPiefit -Attention gives to tke Salsa Mast F. lEIOLUBSTED, Solicitor. ransacte Farmers Notes Discounts . points in Oanada, and the principal Great Britain, Franoe, Berraudaoirc. NK DEPARTMENT. ived, d ourrent i-Mes of interest allowed. Al ME OE MAY AND :NOVEMEEB IN ZACK 11. ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN sramir, SEAFORT11. My facilities are unsurpassed. 1 ani pre- pared to conduct burials in a most matis- bAtory manner. Ail modern undertaking appliances. Competent mainigement roar- anteed. A full line of burial gof.xis on hand. I Min] to be prompt, considerate and reliable. tar Charges most reasonable. SISIDENCE, NMI' MAIN STREET. 1221 Sea/lath Cheap Store, We have on hand a large line TINWARE, • OURY COMBS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, &O: Which we are selling cheap for °ash. We have the best and cheapeot Goode to found anywhere. Remember the plaoe. No. Camphelre Block, Seaterth, McDonald & Menzies Auction Sale on Saturday afternoons, fni PHOTO - ENGRAVING. IT TAU 10 11.1,171TIL4TII YOUR sumo& Pertwatts, lad 00t4 osilesni,boinln. inounine . maeltinw,ho.,made to order loom photographs. Cosansercdal Paper and rarnots- pease Lew-44nd damp for specimen she. Metropolitan Press Agency, M. MORRIS, Manager is3 • New Yak [.• • e