HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-09-11, Page 3; E P:110,5Phateff, ONT., calic0 CF YEASZ c4All rument )thers DRs, ONT New York pominion Piano - Boil & co La Company, - Kam & Pt ' -a on handowiso •ig and Organs for laiiiieuts sold ott ma to suit wus. td- SrniLnyu. e be< <11. 3ROS' • e Wait some satis- i have the and .1 ant numerous all doubts itis ;stock of L. ware, Kis :des BS &C • s stern On - thing in calling on where. ill be en - ,y Clocks T E RP t-RIII. ssommossr. 1 er, s Furth - 4 TARIa nos. st notice itc assort- nds, &O., The best arge and r. Reel.- t,etly op- # xe house 1 mossm•- id to caTe-: tend • - TEMBEIt 11, 181. sot yetgot over his wonder at finding biinRSl Lena, in he got axerciee order to live again, shook he ds with uired of Max how ia thunder there, and then proceeded to ith both hands and feet in keep himself warm. The co d was intense. Max wrapped the wari blanket he had taken with him aro ad. Lena, i pillowed er, head Against bis shoulder, and supp rted by his enciraling arm and protept, d from the wind and the anow, she lay smiling and hipPY. Several hours elapsed befolre they heard anYthing from their friends above, during Which Bender, having , stamped and thratihed and beaten his arena till he was tired, and drank up ell Max'e whisky, except a little which *as given ab beginning to beOeme pro- ftsonLee:t he subject of the cid, when they pe ceived corning dow 1 toward them the basket which Ma- I had di- rected to be brought from the Feldberg esive. Max arose when he saw it I and as on as it reached them, takini hold of to see ened so salanced ; ake sure sed that Bender should be the first to up. The rescued guide looked askance at this proposition, but seeing t1 ere was no alternative, he seated himse f in the basket, which was quite larg enough foone person, his feet hangin outside, r and resigned himself to his he. Max pulled the rope as a signal to those above to draw up the basket, end after it started he guided it as far ae he could reach, in order to keep it from hitting against the rock, I It was not long till a glad shout from overhead, which was heard ehove the noise of the wind, announced I that the first aerial voyager had arrived in safety. Again the basket was let down, and this time Max, with much reluctance, placed Lena in it He trembled with leer lest she might again meet, With some mishap, but concealing from her as well as he could his disquietude, and exhort- ing her to be ',elm and courageous, and not to lose her presence of mind what- ever should happen, he gave tbe signal for her te be drawn up. , The Moments eeemed like 'hours to , him, and he remained in a state border- ing on distraction till another !succession of glad shouts conveyed to him the de- lightful assurance that she tool had ar- rived in safety. With a heart filled with gratitude to the Almighty, he breathed a prayer of thanks, and then walked up and down, in order to calm the turbulent condition of mind in which he found himself, until he saw the basket again descending for ' himi it only the work of an instant to seat himself in it, and giving the signal, he was borne upward in a mnoh more ° comfortable manner than he, had de- ; scended. , With an overwhelming shout of accla- mation lie was received as he reached the brink above, and was drawn in by means of drawing in the ledder until, he could be safely landed on " terra firiha." They , all rushed to meet him, declaring I him their brave and conquering hero, and ' Gretchen, who had not yet recovered from the ecstacy into which 1 she had been thrown by the arrival of Lena, I threw her arms around him ,over and ! over again. 1 It wa necessary now for them to , What do we do when we plknt the tree? make eo4ne arrangementa for their on- ward nareh. Max declared that as ' much th most dangerous portion of the route ha1 been passed, it would no longer b4 necessary for them te be roped together. Lena was of course too weak and shaken to be equal to the effort of descending a mountain, 80 a litter was , iraprovieed for her by means of the same, ladder which had proved useful on so, many occasions, with some blankets placed o fully an Johann it., he examined it careful) whether it was strong, and fat as to be Sure to remain evenly then he looked at the rope to of its reliability, and then pro am told that there ar up the Kukla river, of from 12 to 20 inch ranging from 20 to 60 :This ie the timber oh for bows and arro paddles and auythiig where a tough piece is needejl. 1 consid better timber for spok s, felloes, ha etc., than the beat A erican hicko oak, Or white ash, as it is very when reen, dries stilt harder, and - much i f a timber to Warp. I have it on aixe huasdles and other plac over a year, and it has proven far than the best imported split ax shovel handles. It is very spring W that why it is used for bows and handles." —Oppressive headaches, partia of vision, hawking and spitting, ar tain symptoms of catarrh. Nasal never fails to give immediate relie effect a permanent cure. Easy t pleasant and agreeable. It has thousands of others and will cure Sold by all dealers or sent on rece price (50c and $1 a bottle) by addr G., T. Pafford & Co., Brockville, I l'he Old Man's Dream. Oh, forlan hour of youthful joy ! Give back my twentieth, epring ! I'd rather laugh, a bright•ltaireff boy, Than, reign a gray-haired king. Off with the spoile of wrinkled age, - Away with learning's ernwn ! Tear etit life's wisdom writtten page And dash its trophies down ! - large forest of it ostly trees ia size s over the at mps, feet to*first I nibs. tam by the n tives s, epear ha dies, cdlodt ardes, r i ha y Or not used s for atter and and pear One moment my life•bloo From the boyhood's fon Give me one giddy, reelin Of life, all love and item stream of flame ! dream My listening angel heard te prayer And, cattily limiting, said; " H I but touch thy silvered hair, Thy hasty wish hath sped. But is there nothing in thy track To bid thee fetidly stay,, While the swift seasons hory back To find the wished -for day ?" "Ah ! true sold of woman Without thee what wer One bliss I can not leave b 111 take—my—precious The angel took a sapphire And wrote in rainbow de " The man would be a boy And be a husband, too.' "And is there nothing yet Befnre the change appea Remenaber, all their gate With those dissolving ye " Why, yes; for memory ould recall My fond paternal joys; I could not bear to leave tem all— boys 1" hid ! -life? hind— ife !" en, v gain, nsaid ! ave fled I'll take—my—girls—and The smiling angel dropped " Why, this will never d The man, would be a boy again, And he's a father, too !" his pen— ! And so I laughed—my laughter woke 0i80— morning wo e, boy. r Wendell H Imes. The household with the And Wrote my dream when To please the gray-haired --Oliv When We Pia: What il o we plant when we We pl nt the shipe which c We pl nt the meet to carry loss cer- aim and ured you. pt of ssing nt. t The Tree. plant the tr e ? oss the sea ; the sails ;. We plant the plauks to wit stand the ga es -- The ktiel, the keelson and leam and Ito e; We plant the ship when wi plant the tr e. What do we plant when w(li plant the lir, e? We plant the houses for yon and me, We plant the rafters, the ehingles, the flOers, We plant the studding, the lath, the doors, The beanie, the siding, all parts that be; We plant the house when wa plant the tr er it, and on this she was care - tenderly carried by Max and duller. It was not an easy 'undertaldng, but love and patience are, powerful aids in overcoming all the ob- stacles teat we meet with in oar passage through life, and so it proved in this case. The snow ceased before they had reachedtheir journey's end, and by the time the had arrived at the neve of the Faulberg the stars shone out as brill Healy as they had done the preceding evening. They were all very glad to have a warm supper and a good night'a rest. 1 The n xt morning Lena deoletred her? self quit litrong, and able to walk as well as 4ver, while Bander testified by his rubi und appearance aid he excel- lent apioetife which he .dietilayed at breakfailt-time the.t he was not inateri. ally the worse for the previous day's thrillin4 adventure. They returned that day to the Jung.-, frau Hotel, where they rested anothee night, fer fear of injuring Lone by too much exertion, and on the evening of the next day they reached their homes. Helfebstein was net a bad f4l1ow,after all. H was not long in aseing the "lay of on the all pre t admire impres that sh during tfl the land "after their!adventure Finsteraarharn, and he resigned: enaions to Lentes hand grace - e more so that he had begun to retchen greatly. Ile was much ed by the unselfishdevotion e had manifested for her friend the time iihe was in Such deadly Then, when he began to look at her more attentively, he wondered that he had not noticed how pretty she‘was. He Hided hy being completely subju- gated ; and when he came to the point of offerling his hand and his forturie-- sueh as it wae--to his fair enslaver, he , did not meet with a refusal. I I So Gretchen and he were married on the earrlie day as Max and Lena and (-ketch n became the mistress Of the White ta ear Hotel ; but never for one instaat did Lena envy her, nor regret that 8 e had chosen her faithful, loyal, tender as it w the en heart. A thonsand things that we We plant the spire that ou We plant the staff for our We plant the shade, from t We plant all these When w daily see ; -towers that crag, - country's flag, e hot sun tree ; plant the tree. 0. , Hdow the Epwo Learned t Mr. Susanna Wesley Wee very in advance of her age in one peal and that was in waitiitjg till her ones were five years old before teeching them t� read. Many I babies ,in I those days Were teught the alphabet at two, and could read quite ij.uently at three, while of a noted Sootc I divine his bi- ographer tells that at quired the Greek as alphabet, and at five the Greek TestaMen considered precocious Mrs. Wesley displaye well as discretion by fifth birthday had co men and women were , schoo1room. The way of teaohin day before the child houselwas set in ord given hat none shout room irom nine till t till five, which were Ooe day was allowed all its letters, and eac that time know all it th Child en Read. much cular, little ,••-• THE HURO EXPOSITOR. after about three m nth' appeared agai In the chapel. He 4ame book to say tha he wa under the 1 pression the boo was n t complete; Ithat surely it mus have ther parts; 4nd so he came '' t get th Old Testam nt, as he had rea and at died the Ne . What had he don with he.New Test ment? He had.take it to his home,and s own it to the aohool maste and the re ding people. The said, ' ThP is a g od book. Confuoiu hunts) f mdst have ad something to d with t." As they was only one copy, they nstitched th s one, and took i leaf by leaf ; and a 1 thosewho coul write, took a ' lea home. Thus they made twelive or fift en complete copies of t,he New estamen , and heti educed it 'into t eir chools a a class b ok through rut t at d strict.' I Vari Africa forests abnun other the Af lingua entire' appear grain black Milne seen 0 Max, who made her lifo as happy s possible for it to be made by ire devotion of a true, noble JTHE KN1). lack Teak in Afr ca. U3 writers who have visited ttest the enormous wealth of the of the country, which seem' to in valuable hardwoods. Ameng .00ds a recent writ it mentions ican black teak. • TO quote Ihiti e : "The black eak is an new wood. It ha the full ee of teak in tree, leaf and bark, ✓ rowth. But it Is nearly a drill or, and splits just about the the yellow teak. What I have it has been iu mill trees, but I # # • • hree he h ell as the as wrestlin . Nor w or singnla independeipoe as waiting till the 1 e before he tiny brought int the d ac- nglish with s this . So Re firm !on gonuline, , 'ea yod tall lung to its Many rhem. People compaey. hips and Bark. constant element in luck lid, old T utonic pluck; haft; it fe t the earthquake's thrill, ase, and greets the sunrise still. ood sawlogs have knots oil like te travel in cheerful I Cover a nail w th soap and it will drive iinto herd wo d easier. Men se dorn co ceal their virtues . or dc ther faults !conceal them. Creakin boots May be prevented .1) riving a peg into ithe sole. The man that never committed a folly 'ever appreciated evisdom. The roots of a tree are of more con- sequence than its highest branches. A busy baker may not he an idler, but it inust be admitted that he is a loafer. , The only people who are discontented are those who are not doing their whole duty. _ "Bring up the child in the way he should go," and then follow him and keep him put of bad company. "Did you put flowers on the old soldier's grave ?" "No ; 'I did better. I sent a barrel Of flour to his pobr widow." I Teacher—" In the sentence, ' The sick boy loves his medicine,' what part of speech is loves ?" Johnny—" It's ' lie, mum." la "Only a belt manufacturer and worth over a million? How did he ever ma,ke it ?" By attending strictly to his zone business." I The horseshoe .,orab chews its food with ;its 1egs, which is a very curious thing even for a orab to do, vvhile the oyster feeds with hit beard. The saw mill proprietor, desirous of paint on the panels of his carriag8he"thide an appropriate coat•of-arms, Min motto, " Vidi," which by inter- pretation is "1 saw." ,Grandps—Yes, its a good thing for a boy to travel, Freddy; , it develops him. If he has anything in him travel will bring it out. Predeiy (who is pre- cocious)-7Yes I dliscovered that when I was crossing t'he Atlantic. " Hello ! said the Pine Log to tie Hickory Log, "How have you been ?" " Pretty well, thanks. What has be- come of your brother ?" "Oh, he has gone into a large in - porting in New York. Where is ' I "Doing picket duty on a back ya)rd fence." The more the girls pine for some young man, ,the more spruce they be- oome.—Timberman---Yes, and did yew ever notice how lovers elab-ber over each other's dimensions, and how rejoist they aro when cypressing each other's hands', and how soon life becomes la chestnut to them if they carry the j oak so far as to -get spliced? By gum, it's all queerious, every way, is life from.la lumbering point of view 1— I The small boy's view of it: "Papa," inquired the editor's only son, " what do you call your office ?" " Well," Was the reply, " the world calls an editor's office the sanctum sanotorum, but i 1 don't." "Then, I guess," and the bey was thoughtful for a moment, "that mamma's, office is a epanktum span torum, ish't it ?" was this : The egan to lear, , the r, and a harge d come into the elve, or from two ur school hours. the child to learn of them ( id in letters, great and small, excepting Molly and Nancy, who were a day and a half before they I learn - I/ ed them perfectly,1 for which , then thought them very' d 11 ; but the reason why I then thought t ein se was, because the rest learned then so readily; and their brother Samuel who was th first child I ever taught, learned the al habet in a few hours. He was five years old the tenth of Februar • The next day he began to learn'a d as soon i as he knew the-lettere'be DM et the firet chap- ter of Genesis. He as taught 4 spell the first verse, then o read it corbr and over till he could re out any hesitation ;a till he took ten vers he quickly did. Doter fell late Whitsuntide he lc very well ; for he re had such a prodi0o not remember ever same name twic stranger, any word leeeon he knew .w either in his Bible o which means he 1 I read an English aut d it off hand on with the :for a lesson with - second which hat year,: and by uld read a d continual' amemory th o'have told h . What Was yet e had learned in his •erever he elaw it, any other book; by anted very lioon to or well. hapter , and t I do In the The same metho was observed with them all. As seen as they kn w the letters, they were first put to s ell and, read one lino; then a verse neverl leaving till they iwere perfect n their lesson, were it shorter or long r. So one or other contin time, without an before we left set what he had learn ere we parted in t had learned that d Gd A Chineee mere American Baptist Shanghai, and, aft4r talking wi for a short time, 1r. Yates sold copy of the New 'estament. it home, three hula red miles sew ed reading atIschool- ; and d read ng and that he intermissio obl each chi d,that morn e afternoon y- d Book. j ant came i to th mission chapel i t1i hi him Jo too ay p an About tour Boys. Treat your boys as though they we of some importance, if you would ha them madly and self-reliant. Be careful of the little conrtesies. Y cannot expect your boy to be reepeotfel, thoughtfdl and kid unlesii you first let him the example. If you would have your boy make you his confidant, take an active interest in all he does, don't be too critical, rued ask for his V i8*8 and opinions at itll iitimes , IMPORTANT -NOTICES WIN B EATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division Court, Countv of Huron, Cemmissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Eeaforth. 1289 QEED WHEAT FOR SALE.—The subscriber hae for sale a limited quantity of good clean Seed Wheat (Seneca variety). The wheat, was grown on lightish soil, and is tree from wil or other obnoxious seeds. RORERT DEA DALE, Drysdale, Ont. . 1236x Or;EY TO LOAN.—Private and company funds to loan at lowest rater. $10,000 of private funds have been placed i our hands which we will loan in sums to si it borrower. Loans can be completed at one if t tory. DICKSON er HAYS, Cardno' forth. tle satisfac- Block, Sea - 1143t1 ARM WANTED TO RENT. -1A anted to nn- . for a term of years a good h farm with fair buildinge and convex kete. One f.n the Township of Tue Stanley. Satisfactory reference eiv ed. Address, CHARLES ROIJTL forth P. 0. ndred acre lent to mar- ersmith or en if requir- EDGE, Soa- 1234 t.f MO RENT OR FOR SALE.—Th perty known as the Beirailler ed in one of the finest parts of the Colboroe. Will be either rented o parties cssession given at once, ti opening. Apply to 31.PraAmidzit,B hotel pro- otel,situat- ownship of sold to suit is is a good nruiher P.O. 1225-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAL dence of the late Mrs. Kell on Church Street. House contains besides halls and pantry. Good sui fruit in garden. Apply to JAMES BEATTIE. 1238-2 .—The resi- m, situated seven rooms ply of smal T1OR SALE OR TOF RENT.—A good Brick _12 Dwelling House and Shoe Store, with work et in Brus- good busi• rni of years.x2 12380 shop attached, on the; principal str sele, house good and Commodious, nese chance, rent reasonable for a t Apply to A. BRUCE, Brussels. OUSE AND LOT -FOR SALE. House and Lot on John Stre There are three bed -rooms, sitting r room, kitchen; pantries and wood -s good cellar, stone foundation, and h water. A good stable and first-class Is pleasantly and conveniently situp. be sold cheap. Apply to A. STB.ON I Do 't it:eep your boys in ignorance of things they ehould know. It is not the wholesome truth, but the unwholeeoine way in which it is acquired that ruihe many a young man. Don't ect as if you thought your boy amounts to nothinlg, nor be continuOly making comparisons between him and some neighbor'e j son to his disad- vantege ; nothing will dishearten 14re 'quicker. Don't think that anything is good enough for the boys and that they do 't care for nice things; have their roomfix- ed up as nicely as possible ; let them understaini it is to be kept in order, and the result - will justify your pains. 1 Furhish your bby with good, wh le - some reading matter. Have him read to and with you. Discuss with him willat you read'an.d draw out his opinions nd thoughts upon the subject. Help him to think early for himself. Make home a pleasant place; see t it that the boys don't have to go somewhere elee to secure prdper freedom and cpn- genial companionship. Take time and pains lye make them feel comfortable and contented, and they will not wint to, spend their evenings away fr m hopmeic.k your son's associates. See t it that he has no friends you know hot about: Take, an interest in all his trou- blefi and pleasures, and have him feel perfectly free to invite his friends to the house. Take a little pains to make him and his friends cemfbrtable and happy. He will not be slow to appreciate it. - Rev. George Plowman died at Shef• field two weeks ago, and the funeral took place to Guelph cemetery on Sion- ' day. Mr. Plowman was a very old man, and has been in failing health for some time past. A number of years ago he was Minister Of the Morrisonian b dy i which worshipped in Ayr, be reiddin at Freeport at that time. Of late year he had been connected with the United Brethren church' and many membeis of that society will regret the death of "Father Flowman "as he was afleotpm- atety aalled. ' For Sale a t, Seaforth. ow, dining ed. Also a rd and soft garden. It ed and will . 1234 t.f. FARM FOR SALE.—The underei for sale his valuable farm conei acres,being Lot 10,Concession 6,Grey is of first- close quality and is well culti well fenced and drained, 75 acres cle good hardwood bush, and 5 acres c There are also good out -buildings, o well, and brick house. For further apply on the prernisee to DAVID or address Brussels P. 0. ned offers ting of 100 The land ated, fairly red,8 acres dar down. chard and particulars MA GUIRE, 1230x12 FARM FOR SALE.—The underei ned Execu- tors offer the John Lowe farm t r sate. The property consists of 100 acres, being Lot 10, onl a tint- ard, wells, .; about 70 ion .will be lora as to DICKSON, El and E. cession of 1236tf Concession 5, Grey, and having ther class brick house, bank barn, ore} never -failing spring, good fences, & acres cleared, balance bush. Posses given next fall. For further partic price and ternis, apply to W. B. Solicitor. Brussels •, or to JOHN SMI J. IlIcARTHUR, Executors, 6th co Grey. ILTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Li scriber offers for sale his new f and Lot No. 12, on the south side street in the town of Seaforth. Toe tains 9 good sized rooms and stone foundation —The aub- arne House Goderich house con - with good celler, hard and :wat,r also. A good summer kitchen andwoode large triune barn. For furtln r parti to the proprietor on the prerises. ed, and a ulars apply . G. AULT. 1226 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The B ake Butter and Cheese Company, at a niee Mg of the Directors and Shareholders, held on the 27th of Maroh, itwas decided to offer the above named factory for Falo or to rent. This is a ood oppor- tunity for any persen wishing to en er into the busine s 28 the factory is in good running order for the manufacture of both. utter and -tuated in one of the best farmi in Ontario, and will be sold at a very rate. Apply if by letter, or person HENRY EICHERT and Mr. D. B. Blake P. 0., Ontario. nd cheese, ng districts reasonable I y, to Mr. TEICKLE, 1216 QPLENDID FAR3I1FOR SALE.—F 1.3 16 and 17, on the 6th concession containing 2‘ 0 acres, -about 130 acres tivation, being free from stumps, v and well underdrained ; thirty acre ture land and the balance well tim hardwood arid cedar. There is a house. good frame barn and other o all in good repair. There is a sple orchard of three acres, also a n spring at the house and the river M across the corner of one of the lots. swamp or waste land. It is within and three-quarters of the prospe of Brussels, and there is a school on ing lot. This is one of the best fa county, being well adapted for brit' stock. It will be sold cheap and on Apply on the premises or to SAM Brussels P. 0. r Sale Lots of Morris, under cul - ell fenced good pas- ered with ood frame t-buildinge did young ver failing itland runs There is no three milee ous village the ad join- ing in the grain and easy terms. EL LOVE, 1235 tf. - J. C. SMITH & JE3-A-1V3KM1=1 A General Banking busi acted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposit SALE NOTES discounted for collection. - - _ NEW FALL If WINTER GOODS COMING DAILY. "MM.. Last week we opened up a large new stock of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's made up Suits and Overcoats; also Tweeds, Coat- ings and Pantings for our order department; also Carpets, -Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Flannels, White and Grey Cottons, &c. This week we have been very busy opening and mdrking our importations of British and French Dress Goods, Scotch Tweeds and Coating, apd numerous lin.es of notions. Also a large line of. Ladies', Girls' and Children's readymade Jackets and Ulsters direct from foreign manufacturers, to which we would especially beg to draw public atten- tion, as they will be found particularly good value. Our Miss McLachlan has returned from the Eastern markets, hav- ing completed purchases of Millinery goods, and gleaned from the best Canadian and American artists the latest and nobbiest ideas in trimminl g. The harvest being good, we are laying ourselves o-ut to do the largest fall and winter trade.in the annals of our business. If we don't get there, it will not be any fault in the variety and quality of our goods, nor the prices at which we will sell them, for we assure you on the confidence which the purchasing public have placed in tis in the past, that our PRICES WILL BE ROCK BOTTOM. WM. PICKARD, Corner Main and Market streets, Seaforth. BOOTS FOR TEE FALL. Fall Weather Calls for Strong Boots d Shoes HAMILTON & 1FINNIS Have made great preparations for the fall trade. We have had our premises all refitted so as to accommodate our customers properly, and we have our store well filled with a first' class stock of goods. Everybody should see our stock of LONG BOOTS before buying. We have imported our long boots frem the United States, and they are, without exception, the finest goods we have ever handled for the money. Come and see them they are from 10 to 20 per cent. better value than our Canadian goods. Also a full line of Women's, Misses' and Children's staple goods in kip and split, which we are selling at close prices. Another shipment of Slippers for 25c a pair. Come and get a pair of our Men's Bals., nicely made and tipped, at $1.35. A good strong neatly made laced boot for women, all solid, for $1. ess trans - or taken OFFICE—First door north of Reid & Wilson's Hard ware Store. SEAFORTH. W.CAMERONSIITH, BARRISTE Solicitor of Superior Court, Com taking Atlidav its in the Hig of Justios, Commisinon Money to Lend OFFICE.—Soott's Block, over Wilson's Drug St -ore. iissioper for Court r, Lumsden 1284 PAPST THE JEW41LER, - MAIN STREET, SEA4ORTH. If you cannot cross the one And the heathen land ex You can find the heathen n You can help them at yo - If you cannot speak like an lf you cannot speak like] Youcan tell a lot of people Papst has watches tor Mr o, lore. arer, r door. els, aul, rn PAPST THE JEWE LER'S Is the cheapest and best place to buy your Watches, Clocks and Jewellery ir Seaforth. Repairing a specialty. TRUNKS AND VALISES. A large shipment just to hand, which will be -sold cheap at HAMILTON & McINN;IS', Corner of Main and John Streets, in John Logan's' Old Stand. HAND-ra DE Boots and hoes D. MINT'RE: FURNACES. Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. GARNET COAL FURNACE in four sizes -5. 65 7 and 8—Steel Radiators, portable or brick set. Has on hand a large number of Joots and Shoes of hie own make, best material and Warranted to give tisfaction. If you want your feet kept dr come and get a pair of our boots, which will bt sold CASH, . All kinds of All parties who r last year will CHEAP FOR Repairing promptly attended Boots and Slaws made to order. have not paid their amounts please call and settle up. 1162 D. MANTY 3 - IMPORTAN T. WATCH REPAIRING. Having opened the store lately occupied by A. D. YOUNG; I am prepared to do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewell. Repairing. Haring 14 years practical experience, and re commendations from some of the best jewelry honses in Toronto as to my ability as a first-clase watchmaker, the public may rely on getting their Watches properly repaired. I have all the necessary tools, and can duplicate any broken or worn out pa‘rt0. /VT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED '11 I am selling off my present stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods very cheap, to make room for new stock. If you want a, good Watch, don't miss this opportunity. For good ork, promptness and fair prices, give me a trial. R. MERCER, SEAFORTH, Two Doors from Post Office. Notice to Farmers. PLOWS, PLOWS AGAIN. T. 3IELLIS reminds all again in need of Plow Or Gang Plows, and all Plow repairing, that he now ready to supply all their wanM. A new stock of the best brand of Mould Boards, Plow Castings, Gang Plow Castings No. 1, Plow Han- dles for all lines of plows, Skimers, Wheels, Bolts, everything in the plow line to be bad by going to the Kippen Plow Shop. Plow Repair- ing of all kinds done with neatness and dura- bility and small profits. T. MELLIS, 1236 Kippen. THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNING FURNAOE in two sizes—Nos. 43 and 53. No. 43 takes wood 43 4nches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long; Steel Radiators portable or brick set, has an EXTRA -HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Strong, Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the. supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 25 years in the fur- nace business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every time. tar ESTIMATES FURNISHED Kidd's'Harciware d Stove House, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Seaforth. • THE CANADIAN I-ANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. QAPITAL (13AID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - REST, ▪ - - - B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. king Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. ed payable at all points in Canada, and the principal he United Sta.4es,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,dic. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. _ .00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OY MAY AND ;NOVEMBER IN EACH A6Genera1 B Drafts iss cities in Deposits of $ INTEREST ADDE YEAR, S6.0001000 $900j00 Special Attention given to the Collection of Sales Notes. ; F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. Commercial Paper and Farmers' M. MORRIS, Manager GOLpEN LION, SEAFORTH. WE SHOW THIS WEEK A FULL LINE OF AN- GOLA SiHIRTINGS, GREVE FLANNELS, NAV FLANNELS. ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN BLANS- ETS ANO COMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM $1.50 TO $T. BEST VALUE IN THE TRADE IN CREAM AND WHITE LACE CURTAINS, TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS &O., IN GREAT VARIETY. A CA11.1. SOLIOITEO. R. JAMIESON. Emulsion I 0F od Liver NI AND THE Ilypophosphites of Lime and Soaa. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not sepaiate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. I. PRICE 50C. AND $1 PER BOTTLE. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L." Emulsion, and refuse all others. ; • HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment cam ? "17. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at loweit. Rates of kterest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent.Interest Allowed en Deposits, according to amount and time left._ OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderieh. HORACE HORTON, MANAGgil# DU Goderleh, August 5th.18R5. M. ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL My facilities are unsurpassed. I am pre- pared to eonduct burial* in a most antis- famory manner. Al] modern undertaking appliances. Competent management guar - ant . A full line of burial goods on ham - I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. ViT Charges most reasonab:e. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. 1223 tortimonageumangnommimummit Seaforth Cheap Store. We have on hand a large line o TINWARE, CURY COMBS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, &O. Which we are selling cheap for Cash_ We haee the best and cheapest Goods to found anywhere. Remember the place. No. CarepbeIrs Block, Seaforth. McDonald & Menzies. Auction Sale on Saturday afternoons. 1221 PHOTO - ENGRAVING. 171 PATS TO ILUTOTILATI TOUR BUTINT88. Portraits, sod ants ef oolIeges,hotels, factories asashiseeyoke,isado fie order frost photographs. lyees Low—Ssott stamp kir spealimen sheet'. Metropolitan Prow Agency, 18342 Now York City 'CS