HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-08-07, Page 7sT T, 1891. Ivo Stook NICE CO. :Seaforth. ck Um -trance Company reeraneent Deposit ant the sante. Ate -now es ot Live Steel( Inane- ; mage of _the importers. ‘I ince. addrees ERY, See:-Treas. ' :NARY. a., Honor graduate of - GelIege. All cliseaiet •eated. Calls proTelly moderate. Veterinary ince—At Weir's- Reye 1112-t • - graduate of Ontark Torouto,Menber of tha ty, etc, treats all Oa ted Animals. All cans - tiler by clay or night nalattention given to nfice on Main Street,' 1. of Eiddls- Hardwary 1112 lFIRMARY.--Corner * ereets-, next door to tit 'forth, Ont. AU- dh bets, or any of therlo. Benny- treated at tee rt the shortest note, S w. ELDZR, Vete/. !arge stook of Voted* atly on hand, - - SN, Walton, Insurance sr, for taking affidavits, to loan at the lotveat ton. 'solicitor, Notary, &e. :doors north of Com- m. next door to. C. L. lain street, Seaforth. a Holt and Cameron... 1215 OT, Barristers, Solids Ontario. J. 7. Gam/674 684 &XEROX, Barrietera, Goderieb, Ont. Inatap Hour, IL Q. 505 or, Conveyancer, ins B. a Office—Over treet, Seaforth. 6 per cent. 1036 Barristers, Solieilen, >elicitors for the Bank e. Money to loan. ;on, Ontario. A. 781 Dr to ttu. rate Inn e sted, Barrister, So. otary. Solioitor for eree. Money to Ian& Scott', Block, Mats rmerly- -each Messrs.. ot, Goderich ; Rai - forth and Bruseela. :lock, Main Street. W. B. DICKSON. 02,2}. 1127 RYs t, Office over Hain- : Store, corner Main I. Ontario. Nitrou& r the painless extrae. 1169 !-raduate Royal Col - eon% Ontario, As- dua.te Pennsylvania ;, Philadelphia. Gas -,etraction of teeth- rtlware Store, Sea- Ineeday torenoon at ad at Kipper] la the ererroon at Prouder - 1226 AN, Dentist, L. Da! ter Ont. Will be at Huron Hotel, tenths ..1" IN HAM MONTH, null, on the FIRST' month. Teeth ex - possible. All work, 971 ist, (successor to IL f the Royal College- io. Teeth inserted' celluloid or rub - m, for the painless - over O'Neirs bank, 1204s y in the mouth by -e0AN. ht bane at 6 pet ege te borrower id money at any, TED, Barrister 850 ''aian and Surgeon,r. ssor to Dr. W. H- 1225-52 LaP.S., Ontario,. rat - Accoucheur. ed, Office, Dash - 1226 IVIACKAY, pposite Methodist. *-E, next Agricula Ann Arbor and nity,) T. M. C.,. the College or s, eta., Seaforth,. opposite Com - residence, north or west of the - 1210 tr. ysician, Surgeon. ce, Ont. 1121 2 C. M., Member a and Surgeon% e and residence. 848 rucelleId, Limn- Physiolane and nds Ont. 980 , Fellow of the ne arid Surgeons Mackid. Office - id, Main Strepeta. Victoria Square,Dancey. 1127 .s. tioneer for the. , attended In PI era left at Tal. rattended to. A-ucticceer and sent by mail to = _ reeeive prompt • 1.185 -aa F, UNTY„ Convey - d Accountant ; : Fire Insuranot espondence. in any of thew ntion.. Orgpso Stazor 1114 AUGUST 7 1891. 'How the Prince Fell in Love. Two stories are related, on Icreditable authority, of the manner in 'which the Heir Apparent to the throne of Eng- land firat heard of the charms of the Prince of Danmark's daughter, and both of them form pretty incidents in the pr(dope of what is regarded as the most charming royal romance in modern to be whiling away part of a times. • Albert Edward chanced, so it is said-, long -Sum - mor afternoon with two or three congen- ial spirits, young men of rank and pos- ition near enough to his own to make even discussiona on domestic questions Possible and the matrimonial outlook for one of the party was brought up. A certain colonel drew from hie pocket the photograph, as he supposed, of his -fiancee, to ahow it proudly to his com-- panions. But insteed of Ledy Maud'a likeness, there appeared It rather poorly takes' carte de visite of the most charm- ing -girl the Prince's eyes had ever rest- ed upon, a girl wearing a simple little -white gown and loose white jacket, with a black velvet ribbon circling her throat, and her hair smoothed back from her brow, leaving the beautiful young face to be admired for itself alone. The eyes and lips seemed te be smit- ing at the Prince, who gazed at the picture, demanding to know who in tee world this lovely "country gir " might be. "The daughter of the Prince of Den- mark," was the answer, and, naturally enough, the carte de visite changed ,ownerS. ft. R. H. showed it that evening toa. confidential friend—oue who knew f -the matrimonial designs of the Que n for the Prince of Wales. a bride from -one of the well-known Crermen houses haviug been selected. The quaint lit- tle photograph had not left the Prince's keeping when a few days later he agai and quite by chance, encountered t the hells° of a certain duchess the sanie noble young face, this tinie exquisite fiminted in miniature, the property of July who had just retUrned from De mark. However the matter was contrived I ea,nnot say, but certain it is that t e ,German alliance was frowned down, a d the Prince's confidential friend was dils patched to Denmark to report fully 4n the Prince's daughter. The coefidenti 1 messenger had his credentials for t e Court of Denmark, but there was notn- ing about him to suggeet his peculiar .and romantic mission. He found t.t -Copenhagen the simplest sort of a roy 1 -family—a prince salsa lived in a very plain sort of dwelling on an inco e which was less than that of many cou - 'try gentler -nen in England. On being invited la 'dine at the mo - est little " palace," the Englieh courtier was presented to the moat beantiful g rl Ju Europe, who wore her gown of -ei .Lple white muslin and a wreath of flo welts royally as though they were tie •-velvet and the crown which later wou :he hers, yet who was as simple in ma ner as though she had indeed been tIie little "country girl" for whom tIe , Prince had first taken her. Odd Bits. The poorest men on earth is the ore who has the fewest trials. —Celluloid in solution .is faid .make a fine lacquer for metal and S. -good wood varnish. '; —If the sun were a hollow air -ball, it would take 1,331,000 globes the size ,134 the earth to fill it. • —Painters are not of a military tur generally, yet they stead by their colors. — Some of the people who are cryi 'slaidest for more money are dot trying ;get it by earning it. —In order to preserve wire rope, t Should be col ered with raw linseed oil, -mixed with vegetable tar. — The effect of removing tassels fro corn is to turn the streng,h of the pla t to the ovaries, and so produce a larger 'amount a grain. — Nearly ell the cities of Utah a e ,controlled by the Gentile populatio This is especially true of Ogden, Sa t Lake City, Park City and Provo. —If a man serves him faithfully si days in the week, the devil doesn't carie much whether he goes to Church on Sue- -day or not. —Brazil is larger than the United States ; but in the whole tweety States which make up the republic there are not as many people as in New York atull Penny' conic. —" The widest plenk on earth" is cell exhibitian at the railroad depot in Hum- boldt, Colorado. It was cut at the El river mill, and is sixteen feet in width It will be among the Humboldt exhibit —A colored brother thus adclresseci at the World's Fair in Chicago. his congregation: "Da fo' perts of ds1 house will please sit down; fo' de hind part canniot eee de fo' part if de fel part persist in standing befo'' de hind part, to de uttah obsclusion of de hind part by de fo' part." —A Scotch dominie, after telling scholars a stor§ of `Ananias and Sapphirai asked them, "Why does not God strike everybody dead who tells a lie ?" Afte4 along silence one little fellow exclaim ed, "BecaUse, sir, there wandna be any, body left." —The largest single building oh th „globe is said to be in Freihatis, a mon • der apartment house of Vienna. In i are 1,500 roams, arranged so as to -Make 400 dwelling apartments. Two thouss and one hundred and twelve persona live under the one great roof,,a popula tion sufficient to make a city larg enough to incorporate and furnish with a full set of aldermen. The immense building has 130 ;staircases and 50 ele-I vators. The postmen say they often de -i liver 1,000 pieces of mail matter at thie house in a itingle day. • o Paper Wheels. For sorne'lfifteen' years ar so car wiree1131 made of paper have been before thse public, and 80 perfect is thelr presen0 construction that they can only 'Scratched by a diaileond, and are said to, last three times as long as the iron Wheel of cOnamon patterne. The me- terial now employed in their manufac- ture is cot:anion strawboard, which is eut into circularedisks, and a small circular hole is cut in the centre for the iron hub. Sheets to the number of ten or a dozen are pasted together, end when enough of these disks have been prepared to fill a powerful hydraulic press, they are sub- jected to a Peessure of many thousand Pounds to the square inch. On being removed frori the press, the °disks are bung on pol • in a steam -drying room for about a week ; thicker disks are next formed bylpasting together two or three of those already finished and dried, and, placing these together in a press as before, the same process is repeated until a block four inches thick is pro- duced. The blocks are next turned upon bb lathe; in the eame manner asiron or wood, after' which the steel tire is fittea, this beigg also done by hydraulic pressure, requiring about 250 tons, The forcing of the hub into the bole in the centre reqUiresta pressure of twenty-five foot tons. The County Directory Man. "The Tramp," its Farm and Fireside, gives it hot and heavy to the getter up of the "County Directory," a literary and geogra,phical work that never turtle out to be exactly what it was promised : Did you ever meet the county direc- torY man? Of'course you have. Don't you:-rernember that pleasant fellow, with cheeks of beasts and double-barrel tongue, who spent a whole day on your farm, going thispugh your field, stables, dairy, barns and so forth. If you recollect aright he praised you for your first-class system of farming, congratu- lated you on being the fortunate partner of an excellent wife, kissed your little children, made love to your grown-up daughter, flattered the boys, and lauded everything armind the farm, from the lame chicken to the pure-bred stallion, as the best in the whole county. , I knew you'd, remember him, There now, don't frown, or else I'll quit. Of coupe he didn't succeed writing you up, and giving a ehort sketch of your life, a picture a you in your store clothes, and a description of your farm. Don't bite your lip that way or it will bleed, Oh, no, you didn't swallow any taffy. Not even when he promised to send you half a dozen books, and scatter hun- dreds all through the county, just to show your neighbors what a clever man you were. You'll null that button off your vest ifyou don't be careful, as it's a little loose already. _ , He didn't want Money ; no,' he was a generous fellow, going about doing kindly actions just because he was built that way. He wasn't a roaring lion seeking whom he could devour, but a thoughtful, considerate man, who had no regard for money, and only wanted you to sign a note. There now, you've kicked the blade off that hoe. I didn't see it do auything to you. You're too cute to be caught by such a sharper, for that is all the fellow was a you would have found out had you - signed the note.e And then if you had ordered some of the directories you wouldn't have recognized yourself in the picture that he would have palmed off on you, and you'd have got up on your heels and kicked because he said your neighbor's fartn, stock and crops were the best in the comity. And then you didn't have the trouble of going to the county town, and hiring a lawyer to defend you when the rascal sued you on the note. I know you too well to imagine that a sleek-angued sharper could rope you into such a scheme, and take from you some ten or twenty dol- lars. Your intelligence and knowledge of human nature prevented you being captured by such a shark. L'erhaps you think this is a fancy sketch of mine, and that such a thing as a county directory man and his victims exist only in my imagination. I won't press the point further than to calmly inquire : Have you made his ticqeitint- ance ? If you have, I'll bet a corn cob to a peck of wheat that oft, in the, solitude of a fence corner, your prayers were scarcely orthodox. • Onions as a.Reinedy. One day I was taken with chills and headache. My quinine box was empty, and I .was.looking forward to a restless night. In desperation I peeled a raw onion and slowly ate it, then went to bed, with warm feet and an extra quilt. I was asleep in five minutes, and awak- ened in the morning quite well. Our homely but strong friend will be appreci- ated in time as a medicine, and if agriculturists wel uld ttfrn their attention to raising a model onion, with the strong scent taken out. that taints the breath so unpleasantly, families will be putting such pills in the cellar by the barrel, and the doctors would take to onion farming., The onion acts as a cathartic and diuretic and may help to break up a cold or :lessen the bad eyinp- toms. A doctor says: "I always store barrel of onion S in my cellar in the fall. We have them cooked twice a week, and whoever of the family is -threatened with a cold eats some onions raw. If this vegetable were generally eaten, raw, there wonld be no diphtheria, gout, rheumatism, kidney or stomach troubles. I know the young men and women are afraid to eat them. One young man went so far as to say to me: "If my wife ate onions,.I would got a divorce the same day.'" How to Have an Easy Wash. Here is a nice easy way to do your washing. Take one ounce:of ammonia, one ounce salts of tartar, and one box of concentrated lye. Mix it in ajar, and pour over it one gallon of boiling water. Stand as far away. from the jar as you can while pouring in the water, and do not breathe. Put this fluid away where the children Ian not reach it. On wash day put half a cupful of it to the water in which you boil your clothes, with half e bar of soap which has been dis- solved in hot water. Put your dirty olothes ditectly, into the boiler and let them boil about twenty minutes ; then ptit them through clear water, rubbing out the dirty spots if any remain, after which they must be rinsed and blued. I have large washings but I usually do them in about three hours. The ingredients ciir the fluid cost twenty-five cents, but it leisfia six or eeven months. If the washing ig /ery large and the water in the boiler gag low, replenish ib from the sudsing wateff eetead of using more fluid and clear water - =4 -- Fun With Mark: TstiAin. 4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. were too large,- he would come for noth- ing. Sol he went and lectured. The young ladies wanted to pay the carriage • fare and hotel bill, but he wouldn't lei them. Mark had more fun than he ever did before, and so did the young ladies!: • Various uses 0? Eggs.. It is an... error to suppose that eggs have nsei considerable use except for food. T ey are employed in calico printing, iu photography, in gilding, in clarifying various liquors and in book- binding. 1 A large business has sprung up in the preparation of photographic paper :with salted albumen, end one establishment alone is said to have used months or this 'purpose. tlany at - more than two million eggs in six tempts have been made to find a vege- Cable or animal substitute for albumen, but in vain. A prize of $2,000, offered thirty years ego by a,n English society for the dikovery of ,a material or pro- cess of • 'replacing albumen in calico printing, atilt eetnains untakers. Nor arel the yenta of eggs' used in manufacttileing wholly wasted. - They are also eMployed in the arts, and a inauufactiirer'in Vienna solidifies ' them. able at t forcooking. At any. rate, i Possibly, 66, the development in can- ning will efore long give us canned eggs, orperhaps condensed eggs, suit - 'it would seem, worth while to raise part of the eggs which are consumed by other else ntries. Bradstreet's. The Wo We- wan ake the n uch bett kitten, h l'fe book.b a d who je 1 . You Ike this? ut they h t eir virtu y can ca 1 p esence hey are t t Le shops en, stran t -quoted rn fashio t be born g Gazette n Who Is Wanted. vomen who are going to home better, the husband r, and whose name will be t in brass, but in the great Him who knows the hearts dges, not severely, but just- hink there are no women Plenty of them, my friend. leg out no sign to tell you of s and their learning, unless a sweet manner, a womanly d a sympathetic word a sign. be found everywhere. In among the workers, and e as it may seem, amone the Four Hundred ; for a be aole does not always mean ad.—Boston Saturday Even - IP Onions. . Joseph iliarris says there is nothing ef tied to ni rate of soda for producing a 1 rge crop of onions. He advises 250 p undo per acre two or three weeks a art, pulv ming the surface soil con - ti uously, hich is about as itnportant a the ferti izer. Experiments at some o the agri ultural stations indicate that i is best sow all the nitrate of soda e rly, at o ce, brosaicast. Macaroni. .Macaron is a peculiar product of wheat, fort terly made only in Italy, and s ill 'popul rly regarded as a distinguish - i I g diet of the natives of that country. T e name is now -applied ouly to the 1 rger pip s, and the smaller ones are k own as N ermicelli, though there is no r al differe ce between the two except t e size o the tubes. The wheat is g ound, wi h the use of heat and tnoist- u e, into a ort of meal or paste called s mole, fro n which the bran is exclud- e . This tseal ia-made into a dough, with water, and is - forced. through g uges, frim which it emerges as macaroni o v.ermicelli, the process re- s mbling that of lead pipe drawing. S eclat vaaietieu of wheat, those ma- t ening th largest portion of gluten, a e demean ed for the suecessful manu- f cture Of iticaroni. Co An old ph, in had plac ni re al and radical straptiori Cured: sician, retired front practice, hey 'd in his hands by an East India ssionary tl e formula of a simple vegetable uedy for th 3,peedy and permanent cure of nsumption Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and throat an Lung Affections, also a positive urce for Nervous Debility and all plaints, after having tested its relive powers hi thousauds of it his duty to make it known to fellows. L Actuated by this motive to relieve human suffering, I will charge, to all who desire it, this nan, Frenchor Engl,Wh, with full preparing and using. Sent by essing with stamp, naming this "roses, .820 Power's Block, Roches- 1128-26-e.o.w NE CS hi an se re di rvous Co nderful c es, has felt suffering a desire id free of -ipe, in Ger ections f mail by add paper, W. A. er, N. Y. kn in sk Yo our distre w it becau years has his commit r Friends About It.. sing cough can be cured. We e Kemp's Balsam within the past ured so many ,coughs and colds iity. Its remarkable sale has been w n entirely b - its genuine merit. Ask sonic fri snd who ha used it what he thinks of Kenip's Ba sam. The is no medicine so Pure, none so eff ctive. fear re betties- 50c. and $1 at all dr gedets. A Cure or Constipation and. Headache. r. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Mountains, dis overed a robt that when combined with other he bs, makes ah easy and certain cure for con- sti ation. It We the form of dry roots and lea es, and is known as Lane's Family Medicine. - It cure Rick headache and is the best spring Me icine. For the blood, liver and kidnevreand for clearing up the complexion it does wonders. Dr aggists sell it at 50c end $1 a package. Consul Al NY one n Blood B nei hber who ma ing a •coin] pation, sick he of the stomach, Your Neighbor. ay find out just what Burdock tters is and does by asking a as tried it. It rarely fails in lete cure, of dyspepsia, consti- dache, biliousness and diseases liver, bowels and blood. suffered 0 sto,nach, and cos'ered with p Bitters, the firs I soon found re became compl thd most power Stephen Edge, rinrich the bl Iro and Wine blo d building colet Notes. ntinual pain from canker of the ily faee and body were almost mples, 1 tried Burdock Blood dose occasioned slight pain, but ief, and after taking five bottles ly cured. I think B. B. B. is remedy known tl) science,"— ictilet, P. Q. Since I have been the head and tried all possibl me to try Burd ing used it thoroughly tee Bredenbnry, As 'od by the use of Milburn's Beef, which supplies the necessary naterial. • 4 number of young ladies in an Atterior 14 for the ourpose of having New York town raised a little over $100 1 a lecture tom ' f Alvah fss-nn, and wrote to him asking I alitris tesatorms. Tabeeyrepwlieerde, ghivlindgeehpiasifirr and I wrote to him that they wei that he would come for $150 es very sorry, land wouid have to give its up, as they leould.not mimeo muct. lwas too muleh, and they wBroe.te then wrote thwhahod: only $1100. Re then replied that lit"hhheiY: second figures Isere $1 50 and r Tstaken uch astonished that they had ml is figures so widely, as he first wrote hem he would come for $5 .00 an "18 hose Hunts HAVE usad Strawberry recommend it f et."—Mrs. Geo hildhood's Days. bothered with neuralgic pains in ce since childhood, and have remedies. A friend pertuaded ck Blood Bitters, and after hay - obtained instant relief, • and mreend B. B. B." --James Inglis, a. e Happenings. Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild in my family and can highly r summer complaint, diarrhoea, e West, Huntsville, Ont. Can Not Compete. liss Maud rant, of Mountain, Ontario, wntes : " I cai reconnaend Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild St a -berry for summer complaints and diarrhoea. There is nothing to compete with as it sueeee s even in the severest cases." Basy Was Sick. baby was very sick with diarrhoea, and after everythin else had failed I tried Dr. Fowler's Ext of Wild Strawberry; the Ant dose gave relief, and a perff et cure soon result. ed."—Mrs. John Clark, Bloomfield, Ontario. Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and remove worms without injury to adult or infant. rm!'"nser.•!!""m! Regulate the Liver and Bowels by the judi- cious use of National Pine, they are purely vegetable. . INNIMMIVINIMI=M1111MIIMMINIMINIM As a healing, soothing application for cuts, wounds, bruises, and sores, there is nothing bet- ter than Victoria Carbolic Salve. Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine is distinctly superior to any other as an appetising tonic and fortifier. Monthly Prizes for Boys and The " Sunlight " Soap Co., Toronrai, offer the following prizes every re/bah till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Pro- vince of Ontario, who send the greatest Dumber of " Sunlight " wrappers : lst, $10 ; 2nd, SG.; 3rd, 53; 4th, $1 ; 5th to 14111,a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than 29th of each month, and marked " Competi- tion ;" also give full 'name, address, age and number of wrappers. Winners' narnea will be published in the Toronto Maiu on first Saturday in each month. 1218-52 frnirl•pro,r6,111;44.1CAI!,.. KILLORAN & Co., 1 - We have now a fine complete stock of Groceries. We havefill- ecl up. in all lines; .and are prepared tcksupply the wants of the Public.1 We -realize fully that to do . thriving business we must .give the people what they call for. - It is our purpose, thenefore, to FIND! OUT WHAT TIIEY WANT, procure it for them, and thenput a price on these Goods,which means'only to us a bare living_ profit. You -see we are bound to succeed, and with this end in view we_will conquer all obstacles. CD 6�i� 3®13 t""1 CFQ r-1 pc) -0 1--.1 ea rs • o go, ti (CIA r(23 •S')D- . Po,, 0 w 0 cro-Q c+- O 000L CD 0 e"" C -6-j 17-1 PD ;--ts P.-1 0 M tee, Ps sa se • 's lsn feeei es %---; 0 0 - . rAD • 6 "-rpe -'s1D • - El_h- ctas. s-1 p•-•, (-t,•• p r -t - ,M ' S—r• . CD 0 ea - - 0 1,--) 5 CD CD P • ••-; : ee. • • rt - i-; • es • tei en- ise 5 F2,...- ,_....,,t--;' • ...... ,. (-) -,-- — r•-, ee 0 I -at i -a e•-; at ,! (--na ,417" 60 0'1 'aelcD sa• P... ,-'• a•-• P ""d ,....e se cen -, ea — 1.-, t/ r''.. ' (13 P" 39:. P l'a+CD CT' 0 2-. P c -t- •,_.*- ,-, . $...) 0 f --\•.-i r-4'...' 0 )..., • et- -•p m :::17 5, P ' li p CD c -t- e -t- ra4 tr'i_p_o CID CD 0•%' rn • ... I.....+ 0 ....1 il.; . 0-1 rile., -, •c- 1;12 CD Something for the '• Ladies. The best Washing Machine ever offered the public. No tearing the clothes, nn breaking buttons, no boiling, the clothes, no slopping or splashing ,around the floor, no steaming the ; house, no backache from working it, washes all kinds of clothing thorougly, given out on trial or sold on approval. Call and see them. Also latest improved wringers. SEWING MACHINES. The celebrated "Davis" and " New Williams," the leading ma.chines, Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. 0. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. FINE CARRIAGES) Including trop Buggies, Phaetons, Gladstone% Kensingto 's, Salisbury's, &c., superior finish, workmanship and niaterial. Road Carts,—Daisy, Hill, and ethers by Gananoque Carriage Co., Thompsonland others. - Agricultural Implements Of every description, Farm Wagons,&e. Special attention given to Wind Mills for pumping. Binder Twine. Also a few Horses for Bale and a few good second hand double and single buggies cheap. O. C. WILLSON, Posit% By -Law No, 8 for 1891 —FOR THE— TOWN OF SEAFORTH - , By -Law 1) raise by way of loan the sum of Two- Thousand Five- Hundred Dollars fur the purpose hereinafter mentioned. . ch WHERToNEe III oSi stehnef 0 ret,T nhiac,i1p)a.elsotilacidi noilraoifs et by 1 ll way of loan the suni of TWO Thousand Five Hundred Do lars, for the perpose of meeting - the rieeessry expenditure for completion of the electric light plant, and te raise the said sine of money it will be necessary for the Municipal Council of t e said Town of Seatorth to issue debentures f r the sum of two thousand five hundred doll rs. And, whe ca', it will require the sum o. raised uy•atii‘n;eda. liars and sixty-seven ceets to be is BEING A -- ly by special rate for the payment of the said debt as hereinafter mentioned And, wher as, it will require•blie sun) of one i hundred an twenty-five dollars to be ritierd annually by pecial rate for the, paymeut of the intet est as ale° hereinafter mentioned. And whereas, the amount of the whole rate- able property of the said corporation, irrespec- tive or any ineonie in the nature of tolls, inter- ests dividenes, rents or tees. ft -cm the Bald pro - _petty, and alio irrespective of any income to be derived frein the temporary invaetinent of the sinking fund, or any part thereof, arcording to the last revis d assessmpnt roll of the said cor- poration, bei ig for the year . one thousand eight hundred anlIninety-one, is the sum of six hun- dred and fortbefive thousand, three hundred and ten donate. And, %viten-its, the existing debt of the said corporation of the Town of Seaforth, is as fol- lows ; Six thousand •dollars, borrowed under the authority of By -Law No. 3 A, of the said Town of SettOrth, and interest thereon ab the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable 'half yearly, hem I the first day of January,. A. D. 1691; and eleven thousand dollars, borrowed under the authority ef By -Law No. 0 A, of the said Town of Seaforth, and interest thereon at the rate of s'et per cent. per annum, payable half yearly, fr rn the fifteenth day of April, A.D. 1891 ; also fiv , thousand dollars, borrowed under the authority of 13y -Law No. 24- B of the said Town of Sea.frrth, and interest thereon at the rate of six pr cent. per annum, payable half yearly, from the first day of February, A. D- 1891 ; also five thousand five hundred dollars, borrowed und r the authority of By -Law No. 11 A of the T wn of Sertforth, for 1880, and in- tereet thereot at the rate of Eve per cent. per annum,. payat le half 3 -early from the 1st day of June, A. I). )91 ; also nine thousand dollars, borrowed uml r the authority of By -Law No. 2, of the Town cf Seaforth for 1887, and interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum, pa -able half early, front the 1st day of May A. D. MU ; a d aleo six thousand dollars, bor- rowed under he authority of : By -Law No. 3 for 1839, and inte -est thereon at the rate of five per rent. per aunt ni, payable half yearlY, from the first day of J tnitary, A. le 1891, a id there is nothing in art ear either- for principal or interest. And, where s, it is made necessary to appoint the time and ilace for taking the votes of the duly qualified eleetors, and for appointing Dep uty Iteturnin Officets to take the votes of the said electors t the meeting. Be it, ther fore, enacted by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said corporation to raise by way of loan from any person or persens, body or bodiett corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures hereinafter men- tioned, a sum of money not exceeding .in the aggregate the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, aud ci use the•saan-e to be paid into the Treasurer of he said Town, for the purpose and with the objet above recited. 11. That it hall be lawful for the aaid Mayor to cause any liumlmr of debenturea to be made for such till ir as may be required, not less than one hundred oilers each, and not exceeding in the aggreg-at the sum of two thousand five hun- dred dollars, int that the said debentures shall be sealed wit the eeal of the corporation, and signed by the Mayor and Treasurer thereof. 111. That t e seid debentures shall bear inter- est at and af er the rate of five per cent per annum from the day 'Petitioned for this BY -Lew lo take effeeti, which interest shall be payable on the twentieth day of netober in each and every year, at the effice of the Treeserer of the said 11111111Cipalitylat the To n of Seaforth. • IV. That OM seicl debentnres ehell be made payable at tl.,.'e emera.tion of twenty years front the date in Mtioned for thig By-L-tw to take t ffeet, at their:di-ice of the eaie Treasurer at Sea - forth, and shaft have attached to them coupons tor the payment of interest • V. That for the p srpoee of forminr a sinking fund. for theipa3ment of the said debentures, an equal annuallsum of eitthty-two doliars and sixty- seven cents shag, in addition to all ' other rates, ne raised, leeied and conceded by special rate upon all the -ateable propel ty in the said cor- poration dur'ng the currency of the said deben- tqes, or 8n3 of them, and for the purpose of peeiter the intdrest of the said debentures the sjriii ef one, hundred and twenty-five dol:are steail, in addition to all ether rat ee, be raised, levied and collected from all the rateable pro- perty of the said corporation during the cure renc3p1 the Said debentures or any of them. _ VI. That it shall be lawful for the Municipal Couneil of the Town of Seaforth to appropriate the said sum of two thousand five hundred dol- lars for the purpose of ineetine the necessary expenditure for completion of ilTe electric light PjanIti V. This By -Law to come into operation on .. the twentiettaday of October, A. I). 1891. VIII. That the votes of the electors- shall be taken on the 0th day of July, A. D. 1891, com- mencing at tle hour of nine o'clock in the morn- ing,. and from thence continued till five o'clock in the atterneon, at the following places: For the North W1Ltrd, polling sub -division No. 1, at E. Cash's sten- on Goderich street ; for the East Ward, polling sub -division No. 2, -at Thomas Stephen's sa,•iple room, Main street, and for the South Ward, polline; - sub -division No. 3, at the Town Hall ; ,-nd that E. Cash be Deputy -Re- turning 011ie r for polling sub -division No. 1 ; S. Stark be D puty-Returning Officer for polling - sub division 'o. 2, and that Wm. Elliott be Deputy-Retu No. 3. IX. That the Mayor of the said municipal eorporation shall attend at the Council room on Friday, the 3ed Gay of July, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening, tor the purpose of ap- pointing.persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid. and final summing up of the 1 votes respectively on behalf of persons interest- ed utand pro oting-or opposing the By -Law re- spectively. X. That th Clerk of the municipal corporal Moo shall. at he hour- of twelve o'clock. noon on e.'eeeday. Ithe seventh day of July, A. D, 1891, at the Town Hall_ in -the said Town of Sea - forth, sum u the votes given for and aeainst the By -Law, and grant the requisite certificates thereunder. Finally Passed Jnly 13th, 1891. ning Officer for polling sub -division ( ";-.E',i-L7 1 -(...__,____-) •I NOTICE. i The above s a true and coirect copy of a By - Law -passed by the Municipal Council of the town of SeafOrth, on the 13th day of July, A, D. 1891; and all persons are hereby required to take notice that any one desirous of applying to have auch BV -Law or any put thereof quashed, must make his applicatioi, for that purpose to the High Court at Toronto within three months next after the publication of this notice once a week for three sueceseive weeks in the news- paper called Tii.g HURON Earoarrott, or he will be too late to be heard in that behalf. 1232-3 WM. ELLIOTT, Clei la F. HOLMSTED, Mayor. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk *GILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL.. A Special Announcement —OF THE— FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE has been p epared, stating the details of the NEW qH4IltS, LABORATORIES, WORK- SHOPS, AP ABATE'S and other improve- ments in its several Departments of Civil, Mirijng, Mechanical and Elec- trical E gineering and Practical Chemistry, •which will afford in the Session of 1891-2 advantages not hither- to accessible to Students in this country. Copies may be had on application to the undersigned, who can also supply detailedeeenouncements of the other Fa- culties of the University, viz.: Law, Medicine Arts (including the Dorwalda Course or Women) and Veterinary Science. 3. W. BRAKENRIDGE, Acting licoretary SPECIAL. NOTICE —TO THE— PIJTBT 'IO. Charlesworth & Brownell, Sea- foNth, is headquarters for Tea. We are importers and profit sharers. We have the choicest In-dia and Ceylon brands, the finest and most deliciouS Tea the world can produce. AlsO a large stock of llysons, Blacks and Japan Teas. Look and see- if you can find any- thing to match our cup quality at the prices we offer you. We ask your personal inspection. We stand as squarely by our qualities as by our prices. -Why shouldn't .we. We can well be frank, we can well be fair with such goods and such prices. Why Because we im- port. in large lines, ,buy and sell tans every few weeks. Parties bay- ing in 20 lb. lots we will sell at wholesale prices. A wofd to the farmers who are buying Tea from certain tea companies outside of their own county. We will guar- antee to sell equally as goo&—we think better—a ma,y pickings Japan Tea at from five , to ten cents a poulad less, according to quality, and take your butter, efygs and pro- duce in payment. By doing this you save money, leave your money in your own county where it will do you the most good, and support your own merchants instead of Sending the wealthE of the county to assist to build up outside sec- tions. Remember, we warrant the Tea, and it can be returned if not fully better in cup quality at from five to ten cents per pound less. Please do not forget this. One trial will convince' you. this is no blow. We do but very little ad- vertising, as the publie knows. This is the first printer's ink we have used for over two years. Our business does not, nor never has, required any booming—it has been gradually increasing and becoming more solid every day, for which we are thankful. Farmers and others will please call and secure their Tea, and in every case the Tea can be returned if not more than satis- factory. We keep a full stock of General Groceries, Yours Respectfully, Charlesworth -& Brownell, THE FARMERS'__ Banking, House, SI -__171_A_ C) (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) L. 0 G A ErA C CANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS REMOVED To the Commercial Hotel Duildine, Main Street A General Banking Business done, draft:R istue and cashed. Interest allowed on depoeits. 1“INEY TO LEO On good mites or mortgages. • -ROBERT LOGAN, _MANAGER. -• 1058 Aft Ti S Where.are you going with your - next grist.. Remember we are giving from 38 to 40 lbs. Of Flour to the bushel- for ood ,wheat. FLOWER AND FEED At the lowest living prices. Dealers and others buying in quantities, it will pay you to ancl see us before purchasing. Remember the place, Seaforth Roller Mills, forinerly known as the Red se‘lin W. H. CODE & Co. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE. • EVERY WEEK. Montreal and Quebec, TO Derry and Liverpool. CABIN, 550 to 580. According to Steamer and location, of Stateroom. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. NEW ORTEY}ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. K S&ERV1;r:.°AFSGOW, LINE via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cases,536 andupwards. Return,565 and upwards. • Stee BETHUNE or W. G. MIFF, tileatorth. Apply to 11.. &rag,: aAtLIZANw ,rates.lfontreal,i222:2C. • Regulates the Stomach, Liver and -Bowels, unlocks the Secretions,"Purifiesthe 'Blood and removes all purities from a Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. .CURE_S-- DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS, CONST I PATION. H EADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY ' RHEUMAT I SM. SKIN DISEASES 'V.' •‘141 • V% • e , —THE LEADING— Jeweler of Huron A Dead Sure Tip. Times are bard, and have money; therefore, I will offer- for the Next Thirty Days My large -and well -assorted stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- ELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, FAN CY GOODS, PIPES, SPECTACLES, &c.„ at rock bot- tom prices.. This is a:genuine dis- count sale for caslh • Call early and be canvinced. Repairing fine Watches, 'Clocks, Jewelry, &c., a specialty. W. R. COUNTER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. EEC E UMW! COMPOUND I • 136 Lexington Ave. Neve York City, Sept. ID,I.S88.. I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in sever: .Pcs of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages c hthieis, and have been well pleesed with the result JAMES K. CROOK, Ma ONSU PTIOt Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th, 18c'!9. have used your Emulsion in a case of Ththis onsumption) with benefieial results, where peeler .uld not use Cod Live( Oil in an v form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. 1ERYGUPRO8TTIii '13rook1yn, N. V., Dec. ,20th, 1888. can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsien a - -1pf ul to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lune -onchial and Nervous Affections, and a good ger at tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. ;ENERAL ilBiLin Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 10th, 3888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as :ereatly superior a e Cod Liver Oil Emulsions ze „generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. USING DISEASE! 1:37 VTest8lth St., Nev Verk, Aug. 6., MS. I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compoun a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result W2. -e-e than 'wiped for—it was marvelous, and col: ,untis. I recommend it clit-e*-fully to the professio. d humanity at Large. M. H. GILBERT,1`,I.D. UrIEU,, 4.1-'ISfr Sold by Druggilsts, Price $1.00. LAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. For sale by I. V. FEAR, C4th. Knight's Blood Cure: A STANDARD household reined3- in success 1-1_ful uee more than 40 3 -ears. A positive cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nerrous Prostra tion, Constapa.rtion and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear 'Complexion. A botanieal compound, put up in package and sent by rnail at one third the cost of ordin- ary medicine. Large packages, eutficient for 3 quarts, E] .00 ; half size pae:taqes, sufficient fez 3 pints, 60c.; sample packages, 26e. A reliatele Agent wanted .n this loealit3-. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Cures Bunts, Cuts, Piles n their worst forth Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites = Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases. • HIRST PAIN EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Toothache, Tams in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co. FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF lifeKILLOP. Lot 10, on 9th concession, 100 acre% We half 7 on 10th concession, 50 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. South half 21 on 5th concession, 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF. GREY, Lots 11 and 12 on 13th concession, 200 acre TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. Lot 38 on Srd eoncesision L. R. S., 100 acres. For termii,tc., apply to the undersigned. F. HOLKESTED, 1107 tti Barrister ittC., Seaforth q