HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-07-31, Page 7!DIA 311 18.91.
rit.A.IR.1 0 -
Live: Stoo.
iCe Seaforth
e Steck insurance Otentele,
a Government Depeetreii
tiff hy the same. Ale ikow
wiliness of Live SteekInsett
patronage of the importers
aulare address
AVERY, Sea.-Tieaa,
V. S.. Honor gladness si
rinary College. All dilemma
alit treated. Calls peesaath
arges moderate. Veleeiiii;
T. Oflioe--At Weir's Rom
e,IT. S., graduate of °mak
liege, Toronto, Menbee at ate
Society, etc:, treats all eie.
esticated Annuals. All coat
h to either by day Oink*
Special attention ern fc
rs. Office on Main Sets*
eouth of Kiddis nestliftre
'rich Streets. next doer tau;
Sealerth, Ont AU
Re, Sheep, Or any of the the
successfully treated at ilia
ere, on the shortest nolo,
'JAMES- W. ELDER, Ifetee,
h -A large stock of Visfiselai
;onetantly 011 band}
'RRISON, Walton, Interne%
hission.er for taking gild*
Money to loan at the leer
ester, Seliciter, Notary, &c.
e five dool:- north of ewe.
nri tor, nee e doer to eel,.
-Man s reat, Seaiorth.
:eleven, Hell and Gamma.
'1,-DFOOT, Barrister*, Uhl -
:rich, Ontario. T. Gerresell.
r at CAMERON, Ea
teeeery, etc., Goderieh, Ost.
PLUMP Ifmr, 8.
Selicitor, Conveyancer, $0
rtoria, B. C. Office--Oese
Main street, Seaforth. Pin
61 and 6 per cent. 1035
'OTT, Barristera, Solicitoil,
&c. Solicitors for the Beek
et Gale. Money to lesa
Clinton, Ontario. A.
rr. 781
meeessor to th., tate tins
; llohnested, Barrister, nd Notary. Notary. Solicitor fat
Commeroe. Money le kat
ee in Scott's Block, Mils
YS, formerly with Mews.
roudfoot, Coderich; Bea
Seaforth and Brutes.
inters Mock, Main Street
hey to Loan. lift
Dentist, Office over Ham
esShoe Store, corner Main
Seafortii, Ontario. Nitro
;red for the painless- exiles-
ritist, Graduate Royal Col.
U Surgeons, Ontario. As -
m, Graduate Pennsylvania
nrgeona, Philadelphia. Gas
iuless extraction of teeth.
We Hardware Store, fits,
ory Wednesday rorenoos
field, and at Kippen ia the
rriday forenoon at Preeder-
KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D.
S., Exeter, Ont. Will bit at
1, at the Huron Hotel, nil*
T1flUlt8114Y XN IAOH WSW,
tet, Hensall, on the Me
t each month. Teeth ors"
et pain possible. All Ivo*
rate.. 971
31, Dentist, (suece.ssor to R.
ember of the Royal College
Ontario. Teeth inserted
ite in gold, celluloid or nib-
tie41ven for the veiniest
_Office -over O'Neil's bank,
red firmly in the mouta by
'c.-Stralght loanat G
be privilege, to borrewet
principal money et acj
Pht-sleiatramd ;:eiegeee,
-0, suceeseeer. to Dr. W. IL
M.C.P.S., Ontario,
eeon aod Aecoue.here.
• attended. Office Doh -
Street, opposite Irethodityt
-:SIDENCEe next Agriotk
C. M., (Ann Arbor ana
S. O.
(Trinity)K T. M. C.,,
'tuber of- the College Of
Surgeoust eto4 Seaforth,
Biotic opposite Cosi-
; hell at residence, nor*
tenth cleor w-eeit of tin
D., Phyeiciare Surgeen
Cermstanee, Ont. 1127
G UNN'Brizoefield, Liinst
)liege of Ph,ysielana sa
Brucefiehl, Ont. OS
TH, M. D ,0.M., Member
PilIsiciane and Surgeons,
Offiee an: rattiest*
r. Vercoe. 843
M. D. Fellow of the
f Phy sicia.ns ancl Surgeon!
to Dr.. mackid. Otos
r. Mmkid, Main Wok
( terrier of Victoria Square.
be- L. E. Lancey. 11:11
. _
sed Auctioneer for tke
Sale. attended 10
All orders left at T11,1
promptly attended tc-
neral Auctioneer and
Orders sent by mail Mt
. 0_, %tell receive prowl*
erate,, 1185-52
TM COUNTY, Cony -I/ -
keeper and Aceoturtao,
dent and Fire Lasuranoe
an, Correspondence, SW
services in any of IMMO
' °nape atteotion.
tteel, Meer areetrir
jULY 31, 1891.
Is Beauty a Blessing?
ef beautiful, WoMet1 I laave koown
very few who have attained euperiority
et any kind. 1n marriage they have
often made failures. Why, I doL not
knovr, unless the possession of great
lovelinesa is incompatible with the
possession of an equal amount of good
judgement. So much ie expeeteedLby
the woman accustomed to admiralaon
that she plays and palters with her fate
till the crooked stick is all that is left
her. This we tee exemplified,again and
&gain. %I -Wier the earnest, lefty, sweet-
woms.ni of the pale hair and
doubtful line of nose has, perhaps, one
true lover whope worth she has time to
reeognize. An acknowledged beauty
will find herself surrounded by a crowd
of showy egotists whose admiration so
dazes and bewilders her that she is
stenetimes tempted to bestew herself
upon the moat lunfortunatn one in order
te end the unaciemly struggle.
Then the incentive to education, and
to the cultivation of one's especial pow-
ers is iacking. Forgetting that the tri-
umphs which have made a holiday of
youth moot lesion with the year', many
a fair one neglects that training of the
mind which gives to her who is poor in
all else, an endless storehonee of wealth
from which she can hope o produce
treasures for her own delectation s.nd
that of those shoat her, long, after the
fitful bloom upen her handsothe sister's
cheek had faded with the roses of de-
parted summer.
Though the world can show inetances
here and there of woman in whose daz-
zling glances genius and beeuty strug-
gle for egtusl recognition, are they not
the exception proving the rule ? -To
win, without effort, and yet to ignore
theee victories for the sake of the more
listing and honorable ones Which follow
the attainment of excellence in any one
thing, means character, and character
added to loveliness gives ni those tare
specimens of weenanly perfection which
assures us that poetry and zip are not
solely in the minds of men,l but exist
here and there in an embodted form for
the encouragement and delight of
Inman nature. --- Anna jKatherine
Greeu, in the Ladies' Home aleurnel.
Sunday in Toronto.
"The Sebbatarians who 'think that
Chicago is the favorite abiding -place of
his Satanic Majesty would be pleased
with Toronto, I imagine," said a Chicago
drummer last night. "1 spent Sunday
in that town and escaped by the earliest
train on Monday morning. Sunday
observance in Canada is carried to ex-
tremes that seem inexplicable to those
who are familiar with matters in our
larger cities in the United Statee,
Trains ere not permitted to ran on
Sunday, the only exception being a few
through trains -that are forced to make
important conned -done. I landed in
Toronto early on Sunday morning ou
one of these trains and found eVerything
at quiet as the grave. Street -cars were
lot running, and there were nci hacks or
cabssee the depot, so I was !forced to
find my way WI best I could to a livery
stable, where I hired a carriage to take
me to my destination uptovan. This
cost me $1.50.
"It was a very sultry day and I was
as dry as people ever get In this life.
The water was execrable and 'I tried to
ind a place to get a glass of soda. -
water, pop, ginger -ale, lementede, or iu
fact anything else that was moist and
palatable. But I couldn't do it. I
sought to find solace in smoking, but
sould not get a cigar for love er money.
Across the way was a big saloon and
the proprietor-. sat just outside lazily
smoking a pipe. I turned to him and
tried what effect money would have.
He said money had no attractions for
him -none whatever. My friend,' he
said, pity you, but I can't help you.
The saloon licensee in this town are
limited to 150 and the fee is $350 a year.
The saloon business at those figures is a
snap. The limited number , destroys
competition and makes business good for
u the year round. Licenses are bought
and sold like valuable street -railway
franchises. I paid $3,000 for mine. I
can't afford to take any chanees of for
it. It nets the City only $350,
but it represents $3,350 to nee.'
"Disconsolate, and perhaps a trifle
disgusted, I went back to the hotel and
*eked for a morning paper to see wheth-
er our base -ball boys won Saturday's
game. The clerk started at Ind in open-
mouthed astonishment. We 'eve no
Sunday papers in Canada,! he finally
gasped. And I found on inquiry that
newsboys are not permitted to handle
papers on Sunday, whethet the papees
are printed in Toronto ot not. The
Canadian is shut out from the newt
world completely on Sunday. One
paper, the World, prints what it calls a
Sunday edition,' but it goes to press at
eight o'cloek on Saturday night and is
sent out of town for sale to passengers
on through trains.
"1 fivally eLipped a dol`ar into the
hand of the hotel clerk and. said: 'I'm
going up to my room now. I'm so dry
that I'm likely to blow away as dust.
H there is any way to moisten me so
that fll hold together till I get out of
town I want to find it. There is a bar
connected with this hotel, is there Y
Then I went to my room and waited.
A half hour later there was a timid
knock on the door and in came the clerk
with a most mysterious Beg
pardon, sir,' he said in a load voice,
but you left your valise hin the hoffice.
'Ere it his, sir.' Then in a stage whisper
he added. 'Hit's unlocked ; stuff the
valise hunch.r the hed we'n yoa're
through with hit.'
"1 slipped another dollar into his
hand and he glided out of the roma just
as I dove into that gri pack like euite
turkey going for a glasebopper. ,1
found in it "a nice large bottle of pop.
Oh, Teronto is a line town or those who
like ikejuthatt kind of a town."-Csil-
to make au investigation, and un ler
cover of night 4 perty of, them secured
boats and rowed over from the oppo ite i
shore. They found, as some of them
had anticipated, a platform constructed
a couple of inches below the level of :the
water on which the imposter walked to
aud fro whilst reading passage e from the
Book of Mortncin. A hurried consulta-
tion ensued and the midnight investi-
gators decided to have a hand in de-
termining the result of the next exh bi-
tion. To this Purpose they secure a
handsaw and almost severed the planks.
The poor prophet,according to this st ry,
was not only discornfitted but ne rly
Curing la Bad Memory
Our readers have doubtless hear of
mnemonics, the name given to any ye -
tem of rules intended to assist the m m-
ory. The practical working of an h a
system is hindered by the fact th t it
requires a go d memory to remen ber
its precepts, ben the occasion co es,
to use them. A writer in the ' St.
Nicholas" gives two rules for the im-
provethent of memory, Which ca be
easily recolleeted and readily put in
practice. You memory is bad perh pe,
butl can tell you two secrets that will
cure the worsmemory. First,' to teed
a subject whet strongly interested ;' the
other is not only to read but think.
When you have read a paragraph or
page, atop, close the book, and try to
remember thelideas on that page.; and
not only reeol!ect them vaguely in your
mind, but put them into words and
speak them out. Faithfully follow
these two rul s and you have the golden
key to knowlidge.
BesEdes inate ntive reading there are
other 63ing1 injurious to memory. One -
is the habit of skimming over news-
papers, all in a fast jumble never to be
thought of again, thus diligently culti-
vating a habit of careless reading hard -
to break. Another is the reading of
trashy --novels. Nothing is so fatal to
reading with profit, as the habit of run-
ning through atory after story, and for-
getting them as soon as read.-Audrew
Gray, Sandusky, Ohio. ,
i .•
Enlarge lYour Vocabular).
Patience and perseverance are iequir-
ed, of course in reorganizing your
vocabulary, but you will find it fasci-
nating to learn to discriminate between
synonymous words, and there is real
satisfaction in every acquisition you
snake. The 'Wellesley professor's advice
is good when he recommends that each
day some new, unfamiliar word be
noted, and then -used often, until it is
made one's oWn. Once made a habit,
this would eneurei delightful ease in
expression'and wbuld also facilitate
thought. Hafper's Bazar says :-
A certain father constantly told his
daughters, "Girls, get new words into
your vorabuleries i' It was plain his
adrnonition was heeded. Seldom were
girls met whotie language was as varied
and picturesqlie as theirs. They ere
never at a loss to express exactly 4hat
they intended.. They used diffe ent•
phrases to desoribe different feelings nd
sensations, and the proper one appeafred
where it was needed. After talking to
the average girl, to whom everything is
"awfully sweet "or " simply dreadful,"
and whose terine for joy or grief, assent
or denial, can i be confidently predicted,
it was a pleatiure, as well as a relief, to
listen to those bright young people,
whose conversation showed what might
be accomplished with a little effort.
The Englielanguage, made up it
s of words derived from the pr nci-
pal language; of the world, holds im-
mense poesi ilities for the student.
Those able to speak or write it freely,
who have a ready command of a correct
pharaseology,i possess a power qui kly
recognized anti strongly felt. And it is
a power whiah a sufficient amoun of
study can give to those willing to ke
the trouble to acquire it.
Every one May not be able to rite
freely and wilh the most agreeable e ect
to the reader,ialthough, with the re uis-
ite amount ofipains, more could be u one
in this direCtion than most p ople
suppoee. Btit it is at least possibl for
young people -I -and some older peo
to "get a few new words into heir
vocabularies.? A book of synony es is
an easily acicessible help. It c uld
teach a few adjeetives besides tho e in
every -day lite, which are frequ oat;
worn threadbare, indeed, some of hese
stock phrasesi have become meanin less.
A family which, established a fine fo the
use of any one of them, coupled w th
reward for a elever application of a new
word, mightlinstitute a reform hich
would 'Tread, as do the ripples, un il it
covered a whi)le corner of society's mill
, pond,
-Men an Women -young and old
---will find health anew by the ne of
Dr. Williams Pink Pills, an unf fling
blood builder and nerve tonic. ure
suppressions, bearing down pains, erv -
of weakness. No other remedy ei uals
mistime genre" debility, and all f rnis
receipt of pri e (50c. a box). Dr. them. All lalers, or sent post- d on
liams Med. Clo., Brockville, Ont.
Never Too Late to Laug
Pastor Bea) was a most lovable an,
but absent-minded and grave : he could
never see a jeke.
Once when; the monthly " Sociabie "
was more than, usually enlivened 4 the
, presence of seine visiting story -teller,
the pastor was sen hovering on the
edge of the group of laughing listeners,
lookiog very wistful, evidently trying
hard to understand what it was all
about. The etory was that told of a fun
loving family gcing out for a drive one
day and leaving on the door a card that
read : " Were all out, If any one
• calls before we get back who cen't read
this he nay inquire of the blacksmith
over the wa.e."
The next moraine', while the pac,tor
was busy o -ver his eertnen, straihee
noiees were heard in the etudy. ti
wife hastened to look in, and there sat
the pastor, laughing uproariously, clap-
ping his knee and hugging himself with
deliglit. 1 t'e felt sure he had foum3 the
poiut of the story. • I
" So ',pose," he gasped, with fresh
buratS of laughter between, "suppose
the -blacksmith hadn't beeu home !"
His Faith Not Strong Enough.
The Stratford Herald is waging war
with some Mormon missionaries who are
apparently trying to rmke converts in
the city. Among the queAions in dis-
pute are the extent to which the Moi-
rnone have renounced polygamy and the
character of Joeepli Smith. On the lat-
ter point a citizen contributes to the
Herald a bit of history which show -3 that
the Saint's faith cou'd not cope with the
operations of a buek -sew. He says that
Joseph Smith visited Toronto in lS32,
and announced his intention of walking
Upon the waters of the Ulster Humber.
Thoueituds of people assembled .to., evit-
mess the feat which, to all appearances,
was suecessfally eecomplieleed. Some 1.
incredulous persons, however, diradeete
Th 0 Wrong Man.
The " Pall Mall Gazette" tells this
story of a modern Jenny 'Geddes, who -
seems to have been as pronounced in her
convictions and as candid iu the expres-
sine of theell as- the original one: A
stastlingducident oceurred at the anni-
versary seri/ices of the %Vest United
E'reabyteristd . Church 'at Kirriemuir,
ntirely w thout a parallel in the history
f the °Meet inhabitants. On the
fternoon of Sunday, April 5, the
inister was calmly preaching his
ermon, when a modern Jenny Geddes,
nfuriated at one of the male members
sf the' chpir being asleep, hurled her
. ible at the head of the delinquent from
he gaiter where she was sitting. The
ible miss d the sleeper, but struck the
houlder �f another man in the choir,
ho atart4 up amazed. The minister
• ecame psle, paused in his discourse,
nd excl imed. " What's wrong ? "
'The Bi le struck the wrong men,"
he cried, ising up in her pew, although
er friends vainly attempted to hold
er down. ,• "'twas meant to weaken
he sinfu' pleeper."
Perth Items.
- While working at the barn raising
f Mr. Rodgers, near Motherwell, one
ay recently, Mr. Wm. Snook had the
' nisfortune to break one of his arms.
-The rand Trunk Railway eM-
loyees at Stratford will have theinart-
ual exc,ur ion this year to Point Ed-
ard, on aturday, 25th inst.
-Miss Lydia Dent, one of the Public
chool teachers of Stratford, had the
isfortune to fall from a cherry tree,
ne day recently, and brake one of her
-Mr. Walter ThoMpson, of Mitchell,
as retur ed from his trip to Mani-
oba. He, was very much pleased with
he country, and says that prospects
are very bright for a bountiful harvest.
-Another change has taken place in
he Beacon office, Stratford. Mr. Abra-
am has sold out his interest in the old,
taunch Liberal organ to Mr. . B.
tephens, pf the Walkerton Telescope.
r. Steph ns formerly belonged to Mit'
hall, and i&s spent most of his life in
he news per profession.
- Mr. Jease Balkwell, of Mitchell,
as dispo.d of his driving mare to Mr.
eorge D. Finlay, of the Hicks' House,
f that t wn. Mr. Balkwell intends
saving sh rtly for Manitoba.
- Mr. J hn Bennewise, of Brodhagen,
ad severalteams engaged hauling low -
r from h a mills to the railway station,
t Mitchel, last week. He shipped to
ne firm in Boston 100,000 feet of black
sh withinithe past few days. Lumber
as not been very brisk for the past few
ears, but Mr. Bennewies is having a
ood tradelthis season.
-On Wednesday, last week, at the
aising of John Crofts' barn, on the 6th
ine of Wallace, while raising a. bentl by
eans of a misplaced shove the bent
as thrown over and fell on Ad.
enny, a son of Leonard Denny, of
allace. He was very severely hurt,
nd at lasti word it was feared fatally.
he injuriee are for the most part exter-
• -The residents of Elma,on the south
4de of the Listowel town limits, have
been agita d during the pat few days
by the apparance of a beatwhich has
een hangi g around in thiet vicinity.
number pf the Listowel sports have
een after him, but up to Ithe present
ave not ie cceeded in capt ring bruin.
-On Tuesday, 14th inst., Mr. Robert
.1 eid, a rest ent_of Listowel for the past
t enty-fourj years, died in tie 64th year
o ,his age. , He has been a, more than
ti ually active man in his hay, but of
1 te years lis lunge became fleeted. He
as confinel to the house, h wever, but
a:short tim.a before death. 1tobert Reid
was a son of John R3id, and was born in
the county of Derry, Ireland, in 1827.
He came with his r - n ts td Canada in
1834, settl"'g first ia t'oe town of Corn-
all. He learned the trade of shoe
eking, an .was married in Stratford in
154, to le aria Beattie, add came to
Llstowel in 1867. Three sons and two
daughters were born to them, all of
whom servlve. Mrs. Reid 'died about
twenty years ago.
- The hardware store of Schenker &
othaermael, Milverton, MIDIS entered
last Sunday( night and a qur tity of ra-
z rs and jackknives stolen therefrom.
E trance w s effected by lifting a win-
d w at the ear. The driver of an egg
w gon gave ,the clue to the; hereabouts
e a suspicieus looking char cter whom
Li brought from Poole._ to Milverton
s ation. There he boarded ithe freight
a d went north as far as Ne*ton, where
h was followed and captured by Con-
s able Hartimeir, of Milverten, and the
s olen goods were identified by Mr.
othaermaell. At the magistrate's court
onday af rnoon he wee adjudged
g ilty and ommitted to Stratford jail.
Other mem ere of the gang have been
sen, but s yet no further captures
h ve been made.
-On Satxtrday and Menday, last
eck, a fampy reuuion was Held at the
sidence o NI r. Henry Grube, of Lo-
n, it bei ig the first time the whole
his'funi1j were together in their life -
t me, the'ei•ciimstances being that the
o dest daughter wa4 paying 1er parents,
b others_ ai d isters a vier , after an
a sence of borne 27 years in the birth
ace of Jr. °rube, Flane,ven, Germany,
ving beer Urn in New Hamburg.
hen at th age of 15 year§ she went
t stay at er uncle's, wilt*, estates
s e iuherittfd and is now living on.
There were besides the parents, Mr.
a d Mrs. Gr be, their tleirteen childreo,
a I of whon are grown up. Some of
t em carne f om Elmira, Baden, Brant-
( rd, New Hamburg, Fullerton, and
Louan. In all there were some forty
c ildren and children's parents.
Do You Cough?
iirlret Delay. Take Kernp's Balsam, the best
o ugh cnre. It will cure coughs and colds. It
a 11 cure sore throati or alickling in the Throat.
It will cure paiusio the chest. It will cure ire
fl len= and brohchitis and all diseases pertain.
in to the twigs because it is a pure balsam.
11 ld it to the Iiht end see hbw clear and thick
ie is. Yon see te excellent effect after teeing
tl e first dose. jarge bottles 50c and
herbs, makes an easy and certain cure for con-
stipation. It is in the form of dry roots and
leaves, and is known as Lane's Family Medicine.
It will cure sick headache and is the beet spring
Medicine. For the blood, liver and kidneys and
for clearing up the complexion it does wonders.
Druggists 901 it at 50c and 81 a package.
The Grand Trunk System.
rriliE Grand Trunk system differs front the hu•
J_ se-steni differs from the hania.n system in
that the same troubles do not affect it, and the
same remedies are not needed. For all diseases
of the human system there is no tonic purifier,
renovator and strengthener as good as Burdook
Blood Bitters. A weak system system can be
built up by B. B. B.
A Nationalist Plan.
A proposal which would obtain favor with
even the opponents of Nationalism, contem-
plates the placing of a supply_ sufficient for each
huffily of Nature's great dyspepsia upecific and
Blood purifier, B. B. B. in every home in the
land. The benefits of such a boon to the ,pub -
lie wonld be incalculable.
Health, Happiness and Pros-
All these depend on pure blood, for without it
health is impoesible ; without happiness pros-
perity is a mockery. No means of obtaining
pure blood and removing bad blood excels the
use of B. B. B., the best blood purifier known.
Imperial Federation.
WILL present an opportunity to extend the
fame of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry, the unfailing remedy for cholera,
cholera morbus, colic, cramps. diarrhoea, cl, son-
tery, and all summer complaints, to every part
of tbe Empire. Wild Strawberry never fails.
Mining News.
Mining experts note that cholera never attacks
the bowels of the earth, but humanity in general
find it necessary to use Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry for bowel complaints, dysen-
tery, diarrhoea, etc. It is a sure cure.
What's the Reason?
The oausee of summer complaint, diarrhoea,
dysentery, cholera morbus, etc., are the exces-
sive heat, eating green fruit, aver -exertion, im-
pure water and sudden chill. Dr. Fowler's Wild
Strawberry is an infallible and prompt cure
for all bowel oomplaints from whatever cause.
This disease may be traced to a variety of
muses, such as constipation, liver troubles, im-
proper food, etc. There is one cure -Burdock
Blood Bitters -which may be thoroughly relied
on to effect a permanent oure. It has cured ob-
stinate cases of 25 years standing.
Destroy the worms or they may destroy the
children. Freeman's Worm Powders deetroy
and expel all kinds of worms.
National Pills are sugar coated, mild but thor-
ough, and are the best Stomach and Liver Pills
in use.
A burn or cut will heal quickly and leave leas
scar if Victoria Carbolic Salve is applied at once.
Malarial fever and chills are best broken up
and prevented by using Milburn's Aromatic
Quinine Wine. e
Monthly Prizqs for Boys and
The " Sunlight " Soap Co., Toronto, offer the
following prizes every month till further notice,
to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Pro-
vince of Ontario, who send the greatest number
of " Sunlight " wrappers: lst, *10; 2nd, $6 ;
3rd, *3; 4th, *1; 5511 to 14th,a Handsome Book;
and a pretty picture to those who send not less
than 12 wrappers. Send wrappere to "Sunlight"
Soap Office, 48 Scott St., Toronto, not later than
29th of each month, and marked "Competi-
tion also give full name, address, age and
number of wrappers. Winners' names will be
published in the Toronto Mail on first Saturday
in each month. 1218-62
A Pleas nt Herb Drink -A
Siiing Medicine.
The d netgists tell us that People call dail% for
tee new curd fo constipatiml and sick headache
ditem ered hy D. Silas Lane; It is said to be
Oregon grape oot (a great remedy in the far '
west for those ci inplaints) combined with sho-
p e herbs, and i. made for uee by pouring on
b iling water to irew out the strength. It Belle •
at 50 cents to el a packzeze, and is called Lane's
I" smile. Medieimr
Ask You .Friends About It. I
!Your distress ng copgli can be ' cured. We '
,know it because licrep's Balsam seithin the past . FARMS FOR("ALE.
. o
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'1.33E11.8 141111A1
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rl, e'
`squ"etTaaa aarem
feW years has cured so many coughs and colds !
in thiscommuni y. Its remarkable sale,has been , - TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP.
won entirely by 'Is genuine merit. Ask some I Lot 10, ' on 95h concessien, 100 acree. We
friend whe has sed it what he thinks of Kemp's half 7 on 10th concession 50 acres:
Balsam.: 'There s no medicine so pure, none se .
effective. eargc bottles 50e. and e1 at all
A Cure f r Constipation and
eadache-, -
Or. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Mountains,
discovered a root that when combined with other
South half 21 on 6th concession, 100 acres.
Lots 11 and 12 on 13th concession, 200 acre .
Lot 38 on 3rd concession L. R. 8., 100 acres.
For ternis etc., apply to the undersigned.
1197 ti Baerister etc., Seatorth
By -Law No, 8 for 1891 SPECIAL NOTICE DR, F W Ls&
By-Law. to raise by way of loan the
sun, :4' Two Thousand Fire Hundred
Doti trs fur the prirpos.e hereinafter
WHEREAS, the Municipal Council of the
Town of Seaforth has reeiolved to raise by
way of loan the sum of Two Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars, for the purpose of meeting
the necessary expenditure for completion of the
electric light plant, and te raise the said sum of
money it veil be necessary for the Municipal
Council of the said Town of Seaforth to- issue
debentures for the sum of two thousand five
hundred dollars.
And, whereas, it will require the sum of
eighty-two dollars and shxtyseven cents to be
raised annually by special rate tor the payment
of the said debt as hereinafter mentioned.
And, whereas, it will require the euro of one
hundred and twenty-five dollaos to be raised
annually by special rate for the payment of the
interest as also hereinafter mentioned.
And, whereas, the amount of the whole rate-
able property of the said corporation, irrespec-
tive of any income in the nature of tolls, inter-
ests, dividends, rents or fees from the ea1lt pro-
perty, and also irrespective of any incom to be
derived from the temporary investment lof the
sinking fund, or any part thereof, aecor ing to
the last revised assessment roll of the said cor-
poration, being for the year one thousand eight
hundred and ninety-one, is the sum of six hun-
dred and forty-five thousand, three hundred and
ten dollars.
And, whereas, the existing debt of the said
corporation of the Town of Seatorth, is as fol-
lows: Six thousand dollars, borrowed under
She authority of By -Law No. 3 A, of the said
Town of Seaforth, and interest thereon at the
rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable half
yearly, from the first day of January, A. D.
1891; and eleven thOusand dollars, borrowed
under the authority tit By -Law No. 6 A, of the
said Town of Seaforth, and interest thereon at
the rate of aix per cent. per annum, payable
half yearly, from the fifteenth day of April, A.D.
1891; also five thousand dollars, borrowed under
thelauthority of By -Law No. 24 B of the said
Town of Seaforth, and interest thereon at the
rate of six per cent. per annum, payable half
yearly, from the first day of February, A. D.
1891; also five thousand five hundred dollars,
borrowed under the authority of By -Law No.
11 A of the Town of Seaforth, for 1886, and in-
terest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per
annum, payable half yearly from the let day of
June, A. D. 1891; also nine thousand dollars
borrowed under the authority of By -Law No. 2,
of the Town of Seaforth for 1887, and interest
thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable half yearly, from the let day of May,
A. D. 1891; and also six thousand dollars, bor-
rowed under the apthority of By -Law No. 3 for
1889, and interest thereon at the rate of five per
cent. per annum, payable half yearly, from the
first day of January, A. D. 1891, and there is
nothing in arrear either for principal or interest.
And, whereas, it is made necessary to appoint
the time and place for taking the votes of the
duly qualified electors, and for appointing Dep-
uty Returning Officers th take the votes of the
said electors at the meeting.
Be it, therefore, enacted by the Municipal
Council of the Town of Seaforth,
I. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the
said corporation to raise by way of loan from
any person or persons, body or bodies corporate,
who may be willing to advance the same upon
the credit of the debentures hereinafter men-
tioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the
aggregate the sum of two thousand five hundred
dollars, and cause the same to be paid into the
Treasurer of the said Town, for the purpose and
with the object above recited.
II. That it shall be lawful for the said Mayor
to cause any number of debentures th be made
fer such eums as may be required, not less than
one hundred dollars each, and not exceeding in
the aggregate the sum of two thousand five hun-
dred dollars, and that the said debentures shall
be sealed with the seal of the corporation, and
signed by the Mayor and Treasurer thereof.
III. That the said debentures shall bear inter-
est at and after the rate of five per cent, per
annum from the day mentioned for this By -Law
to take effect, which interest shall be payable on
the twentieth day of October in each and every
year, at the office of the Treasurer of the said
municipality at the Toe n of Seaforth.
IV. mat, the eaid debentures shall be made
payable it the expiration of twenty years from
the date mentioned for this By -Law th take
effect, at the offioe of the said Treasurer at Sea -
forth, and shall have attached to them coupons
for the payment of interest.
V. That for the purpose of forming a sinking
fund, for the payment of the said debentures, an
equal annual sum of eighty-two dollars and sixty-
seven cents she'', in addition to all other rates,
De raised, levied and collected by special rate
upon all the rateable property in the said cor-
poration during the currency of the said deben-
tures, or any of them, and for the purpose of
paying the interest of the said debentures the
sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars
shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised,
levied and collected from all the rateable pro-
perty of the said corporation during the cur-
rency of the said debentures or any of therm
VI. That it shall be lawful for the Municipal
Council of the Town of Seaforth to appropriate
the said sum of two thousand five hundred dol -
plat: plant. r the purpose of meeting the necessary
expenditure for completion of the electric light
VII. This By -Law to conic into operation on
the twentieth day of October, A. D. 1891.
VIII. That the votes of the electors shall be
taken on the 6th day of July, A. D. 1891, com-
mencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the morn-
ing, and from thence continued till five o'clock
in the afternoon at the following !daces: For
the North Ward, polling sub -division No. 1, at
E. Cash's store on Goderich street; foe the East
Ward, polling subdivision No. 2, at Thomas
Stephen's sample room, Main street, and for the
South Ward, polling sub -division No. 3, at the
Town Hall; and that E. Cash be Deputy -Re-
turning Officer for pollingsub-division No. 1;
S. Stark be Deputy -Returning Officer for polling
subdivision No. t2, and that Wm. Elliott be
Deputy -Returning Officer for polling sub -de, ision
No. 3.
"IX. That the 'Mayor ef the said municipal
eorporation shall ettend at the Council room on
Friday, the 3rd c.;ty of July, at the hour of eight
o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of ap-
pointing persons A attend at the venom; polling
places aforesaid, nd final summing up of the
votes respecl•ivell on behalf of persons interest-
ed in and promoting or opposing the By -Law re-
Xthe Clerk of the municipal corpora-
tion shall. at the lhour of twelve o'clock. noon,
on Tuesday, the seventh day of July, A. D.
1891, at the Town Hall, int the said Town of Sea -
forth, sutn up the votes given for and against
the By -Law, and grant the requisite certiffeates
Finally Passed Jnly 1350, ltel.
The above is a true and correct copy of a By.
Law passed by the Municipal Council of the
town of Seafortb, On the 13th day of July, A, D.
1891; and all persons are hereby required th
take ootice that any one desirous of applying to
h9.ve such By -Law or any part thereof quashed,
must make hie applimitioe for that purpose to
the High Court at Toronto within three months
next after the publica ion of this notice once a
week for three succe iv e weeks in the news-
paper called TlIF. HUM )N Exeosrroe, or he will
be too 'ate to be heard in that behalf.
1232.3 \VM, ELLIOTT, Cleile
A Special Announcement
---OF THE --
eat been prepared, etw Mg, the detaile of
the NEW CHAIR.8, L 11;t1;{ "..VOTtlEi, WORK.
SROPS, A PIARATUS. aod ether improve -
plants in its-- several I tehatments - of
Civil, Mining, Mechanieal and Elec-
trical Engineering „and Practical
Chemistry, which wiil afford in the
Session of 1891-2 advelete.,:fee net hlther•
to accessible to Students in tide country.
Copies may be h el en apnii.ca...i.Gn to
the uutiersigneil, wio c in uppIy
detailed aeneuneethents of the Gther Fa-
culties of the Uuivertity, viz. S Law,
Medicine, Arts (including the Donalda
Course for Women) and Veterinary
J. W. ,
A•:!;!1.: iecret4ry
Oharlesworth & Brownell, .Sea -
forth, is headquarters for Tea.
We are importers and profit
sharers. We have the choicest
India and Ceylon brands, the finest
and most delicious Tea. the world
can produce. ALso a large stock of
Hysons, Blacks and Japan Teas.
Look and see if you can find any-
thing to match our cup quality at
the prices we offer -you. We ask
your personal inspection. We stand
as squarely by our qualities as by
our prices. Why shouldn't we.
We can well be frank, we can well
be fair with such goods and such
prices. Why ? Because we im-
port in large lines, buy and sell
tons every few weeks. Parties buy-
ing in 20 lb. lots we will sell at
wholesale prices. A word to the
farmers who are buying Tea from
certain tea 'companies outside of
their own county. We will guar-
antee to sell equally as good—we
think better—a may pickings Japan
Tea at from five to ten cents a
pound less, according to quality,
and take your butter, eggs and pro-
duce in payment. By doing this
you save money, leave your money
in your own county where it will
do you the most good, and support
your own merchants instead of
sending the wealth of the county
to assist to build up outside sec-
tions. .Rentember, we warrant the
Tea, and it can be returned if not
fully better in cup quality at from
five to ten cents per pound less.
Please do not forget this. One
trial will convince you this is no
blow. We do but very little ad-
vertising, as the public knows,
This is the first printer's ink we
have used for over two years. Our
business does not, nor never has,
required any booming—it has been
gradually increasing and becoming
more solid every day, for which we
are thankful. Farmers and others
will please call and secure their
Tea, and in every case the Tea can
be returned if not more than satis-
We keep a full stock of General
Yours Respectfully,
Charlesworth & Brownell.
Banking House,
BM -A -WO Eta' S..
(In connection with the Bsnk of Montreal.)
To the Cominereial Hotel Building, Main Street
A General. Banking Business done, drafts tome
and embed. Intereet allowed ou deposits.
On good notes or mortgages.
,Where are you going with your
next grist. T RemenalJer We are
giving from
38 to 40 lbs.
Of Flour to thc. bushel for ood
At the lowest liring prices.
Dealers and others buying in
quantities, it will pay you to call
and see us before purchasing.
Remember the place, Seaforth
Roller Mills, formerly known as
the Red 1E11_
W. H. CODE & Co.
Montreal and Quebec,
To Derry and Liverpool.
CABIN, e50 Aecording to Steamer
and looation of Stateroom. .
Intermediate and Steerage at low ratte.
via Londonderry, every Fortnight.
Ceefeet3.5 and upwards. Rau/13,865 and upward.
BETHUNE or W. G. DI,•'FF, Seaforth.
Apple to 11%, A. ALLA.Nettiontreal, or C. SEAPORT/3, ON1T-b-
. Steerage at low rates.
CUr:: ES
Ola I C --z--; -'
RAF/ 70Z,
W. R. Counte--,
Jeweler of
A Dead Sure 7:
Times are hard, and I rott,--
money ; therefore, I will c4i, -
Next Thirty I):
My large and well -asserted -
SPECTACLES, &c., at rock
tom. prices. This is a gmutin,
count sale for cash.
Call early and be convince.:
Repairing fine Watches, C
Jewelry, &c., a specialty.
..•3110NCHIT ;21
138 Lesinoos Ave..
New York City, &pc
I have used the Flax -Seed Emnbasse
airs of Chronic Bronchitis, and the earl
- htlaisis, and have been well pleased with
Brooklyn. N. Y., Feb. 14 (
have used your Emulsion in a are ci
onsumptioa) with beneficial remit; be.
itild not use Cod Liver Oil in rely lone.
J. H. D111.0671,
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dee. ir
can strongly recommend Flax Seed E,
epful to the relief and possibly tbecureol
-oncbial and Nervous Affections, and &I.
atonic in physical debility,.
Brooklyn, 11. Ira Oct.
t regard Flax Seed Einmsion as gneatIrs
e Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally
137 west sie -
New York, An.
have tfsed your Flax -Seed EmntowJ.
a severe etre of Mal -nutrition and the
)re thas hoped for -it was marvehries.
tuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the
d humanity at large. Jl. GILBEF •
3old by Druggii:' 5, Price $
35 Liberty St, Newito
For sale by I. V. FEAR,
Knight's Blood C
A STANDARD heueehold remedy's
IA_ fel use more than 40 years. A
cure for Dyspepsia, Sc.roinia, Nerves*
don, Constipation and all dieemes ot 51
Stomach arid Liver.
Unequalled for Producing a t
A botaukel compound, put up ,10
and sent by mail at one third the gest .
pry medicine. Large packages, suffreie.
quarte, $1.00 ; half size packages, *IC
3 pints, 60e.; sample package', 250.1
A reliaoie Agent wanted in this lomei•
11834.2 252 Broadway, Nee
. '
cares Burns, Cuts, Piles n their woe
Swellings, Erysipelas, Innen:in:allow, Fr'
Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases.
Cures Luteleaeo, Sciatica, Rheumatism,
gia, Tooth:nix, I ains in every for
By ell deelers. Wholteale by F. F. ball,