HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-07-31, Page 3.y 1891. see ha --e3,•. tee :T trument taT1v others, rafts,. ONT. ism, New York Dominion Pians r. Bell & 0e:, e rpm Nara & cc'o» so ways on bend, ass %nos ands omen toe instrunieatsasie es .terms to snit ens - le and small awn. it iesic books,,: no. BROS. rte's AND H I N O Ontario. largains in dor Stoves, aranteed, mus stoves mile Agesits. hie and Library ITN Y, SEAFORTH ' er S md . Fla ONTARIO. a 'OMBINATIONa 1 Fe shores ashes Urge 1111061- qdShrouds,See � The `. of charge and, hdrecton Beat- directly P ieh in the wise L G ►TING- ijWL..ERS, pition pais to ntilaton cation, care- attend- Solicited. ttend_a ici d. FORTH PAY. RATED. busineee tri nate;;. id. - eposi. anted, or taken norEh of I. tore. Mier. JULY 11`:91 eieememeeseeserseeeda r THE. HURON EXPOSITOR. it, or Iota i' te be built up, for of course au to niuke a at'mmer re- sort of oae for asking so Thiry te-ne,,,,l,ut as you seem to know uv „boat building, I thought you might Lye able to enlighten me ;" and he looked at her with a reminiscent smile. The girl grew rosy, for she felt that be might possibly be laughing at her ; but she answered in her straightforward way. •• No,she didn't tell me any- thing of the plan. She only , told me whit farms had been bought, and she said it looked as if father and I would have plenty to do, for there'd be a lot of building this next summer." " Your father and you ?" ' " Yes, that was what my 'utter said." " Oh yes, certainly. Well,, I heard something of the project downtown to- day, sad as Mrs. Potter had told me you came from Sewell's Point, I took the liberty of speaking to you. I think I'll run down there to -morrow or next day and have a look at the place. ' Can I lake any message to your father, if I happen to see him ?" ©h, thank you. I write every week t , them. You can say I am well, and had been a you g man ? She tried to shape her answer i;; urda ; it could only mean one tbinco. She was sorry for him, but it couldn't be helped. She was not going bp make a mistake. "Mies Mollyi!" She looked up. " I wish you'd epe k instead of just looking at me ; yon die onoert me dreadfully." and he laughed nervously. "I've been wanting to ask you something for a long time, but I declare I'm afraid I am getting to be a coward." Molly ga zed at him in helpless fasci- nation. He didn't look cowardly ; in- deed he looked ,brave and handsome. She had never noticed before what fine eyes he had;ut she didn't love him, she didn't want him, and she was not going to nary him. Presently she answered, inwhat she considered a non- committal v•o tc:e, " Oh, well, you needn't be afradof me ; I'm only a girl." •` Only a girl indeed ! That's just what a fellow in my fix is afraid of. ile never knows what a girl is thinking of - whetter she's laughing at him or not ; whether the lies hjm or not. You can ally my fears.' He really to ked very unhappy ; she ie ..l my love." This, when she heard felt heartily a rry for him, and said, i. e words, seemed rather an intimate kindly, " Of ourse I'll do anything I r - -sage to iutruet to an uuknown young can for you." Z:. -a, eco she tried to give the affect of not " I think fyou rnuet know what I 1 h.iue given it, by etifity eayping, "Yea, want," and he:caught her hand away y . u can say I am well," which sounded from her wdrk. " you must have es stiff that she hastened to soften it by guessed -you i re so bright and so ob- adding, My father will know, all about serving," entr atingly. what is to be done, and will tell you. " What doyou want me to tell you ?" Be will be very glad to see you. If you " Do you think your sister cares for ask at the post -office for Andrew Me- me ? Do you think she would marry Thnald, they'll show you where we me ?"-Anna 1 Howells Frechette, in 1've." Harper's 13azar. When Mr. Neil returned from Sewell's 1 Point, . they met like old acquaintances. 14teciprocity. After shaking hands in the ha 1 they had Pray tell me," the said as they stood together a chat in the parlor. He way in high By the garden gate in the bright Spring spirits over his trip, and told her so weather -- much home news that she declared she " Pray tell me, s+ and tell me without verbosity, felt as if she had been ther1e herself. what is meant b the system of reciprocity?" He had been invited to tea at her fath-Tis a system 1 arranged between two nations er's, and wan well acquainted 'with them For the fostering of friendly trade relations, all, from the carpenter down'; - to little A system of mutual interchanging, Johnny, who wanted him to pack his Which Blaine has a long time been arranging. kitten up and bring it to his sister. And he told how Julia had bidden him not to forget to say that her tea rose was in full bloom. The prospect was so good that he had about - made up his mind to go to Sewell': L' ri n b. After that they were good deed. By the middle of May Mrs. Arnold's house was enclosed, and Molly McDon- - ,,t,4 N a9 in it,; hard at work with chisel F 4ouge, and busy too with many a aical plan which years: after she Fulfilled. Her father was hard at v too, with the several men he had. foetid no difficulty in hiring,: now that he had taken his stand as a builder. Indeed, it was a busy time at Sewell's Point. The new lots were caching fast, and }1r Neil., who had opened an office there, found himself the;architect of ter. The Attu' is this : several: pretty villas and clottages, and A very learned professor of astronomy Mr. ideDonald, upon the recommend- -one who Was skilled in the signs of ation of the architect, found himself the skies and the winds and the clouds engaged to build them. -was once` travelling. While on his journey he let his way, and, wandering about, cam across a simple-lodking countryman who was sitting under a tree tending; a flock of sheep. "Friend,'r said the professor, " can you inform tepee of the Now the _ the professr was very wise, from the long words he used ; but he presently managed to - understand him, and re- plied : " Yes, si ; it is all of five miles ; but," he ad led, " you will get a good wetting before you get there." This surprised the professor. He could not discover any signs of a storm, and he wt -s so sure of his own know- ledge in such matters that he laughed at the countryMan, and started his horse on the road pointed out to him. But before he had gone two-thirds of the distanc friends in- " You don't and Then 1 will give 1 kiss you tius— And you kiss in rstand my explanation 'ou an illustration : this is not audacity— back, and that's reciprocity," She kissed him 1}ack, and a flush as tender And soft as.the sunset's dying /splendor Stole over her lane as she giggled sweetly, 'Tis a system that takes my heart completely." —Detroit Tines. How He knew It Would Rain. Pic-nic parities and travellers of all sorts during these summer months would be especially pleased if they nd some way of discover - there were to be heavy ot before night. Herrper's le gives us an account of could only fi ing whether showers or n Young Peop and, with replied : till I I will or n leave Butel Advice successor : hour of the to take. I last momei with you, In the (Methodic a debate w settled th saying : • an elder, voice husky from emotion, William, my boy, if I live end goodness knows whether :t -I'll see Boston before I sport." -Lewiston Journal. f an olid cab -driver to hie " Always know the exact train your passenger wishes each the station at the very t, so that he cannot dispute hatever price you ask." few England Conference a member took the floor in soh he wished toclose and hash of the discussion by Not an angel in Heaven, not not a bishop -yea, sir, not even an ed tor, has anything new to say on . this a bject."-Louisville Western Recorder. how one manat least could surely know whether it vas safe to venture far or whether it Was safer to stay near shel- - el 'nobody was idle, according to pro- verbial wisdom nobody ought to have been unhappy. And yet -n -well, Molly was worried, if not actually unhappy. She had come to look upon herself as much too occupied with her work to think of anything else, and she thought Mr. Neil ought not to hive time for nonsense, as she severely: called it to herself. If she had been obli ed to put this "nonsense " into words her task would have been" difficult e at 11 she felt that there was nonsence in the air. She could not deny (even when disposed to treat the case with the utmost justice) that he was very often at her father's house, and that he carne altogether to often, and interrupted her at her work, when he ought to have tieen ,talking to possible patrons. She . was -very holiest in analysing her feelings toward him, and she found not a particle of tender sentiment. Therefore she hoped he was not going to be foolish, but she greatly feared he was. She didn't want to marry. It would be to provoking, just when she and her father had got to go- ing so nicely, to spoil it all. She gave a hint of what was passing in her mind to her sister Julia about this tirne, and, as she afterward remembered, ;Julia had been almost cross with her and had maid she was a very queer girl to pre: me of the direction and dis- nearest adjacent town ?" countrman perceived that ered the sk rents, and inn, soaked For A girl's -along convent. te muscles a the test r power to not best sending t about thet the paren to other s a sudden black cloud cov- , the rain poured in tor - the wise man reached his and disgusted. The next morning, before he had proceeded on his journey, he determin- ed to ride back, and, if possible, find out by what hidden signs -of which he, a great professor, vi'as ignorant -this foolish countryman had foretold the fer to work like a man to having that 8b)rm' splendid- handsome - good- 114 ell ! If Jnlia's opinion was worth anything,it Was decidedly that any girl might be glad and thaukful if Horace Neil did get foolish about her. This opinion had its weight, and Molly thought the whole matter over again very seriously and calmly, but only to find herself wishing he was" back in New York, with so many good com- missions on his hands that he'd forget all about her. There were times when she'd back off from her work, and scan it critically with her head to one side, and approve of herself as succeeding admira,bly, when she would say within° her heart, " it is very' aggravating ! Why mightn't it have been some other girl !” in spite of Julia's opinion, One efternoon she had paused to look Waig just thinking that she would ask her father to look 'at it, when a cheery voice called in st the window. " That's well done, vary well done, Mies She turned around, frowning. " Are you. there. I thought you were in your " Then you were thinking of me ? That emboldens me to come in. Are you too busy to give me a few minutes? limn the young architect sprang in at the low window. " T can talk and work tee'. " You look very severe this " And are you always eevere you. are interested ? Molly laughed reluctantly. Do you really mean to keep on at Vein kind of work ?"-looking around. Yes ; why shouldn't ? " Because it isn't natural for a young girl, suppose. It isn't feminine. ' " comes natural to me, and it's as cony as the work my sister does, and much more to my tastia" " Your sister is very feminine -and very sweet." Molly worked away without replying but she thought, " If he thinks he can alarm me into liking him by praising Julia he is mistaken." Her visitor turned her toole about on her beneh. She did not look up, bat she knew he • was watching her. She was desperate- ly afraid that what she had dreaded was corning to pass. Why couldn't be have been content to like her as if elle wh So he rode back, and, alter spending a day in the search, found the country- man, and eeplained what he wanted to know. " I will 'sot tell you my sigu," said the countryman, " without a good sum of money.' They struck a bargain. The profes- sor was so anxious to hear this valuable secret- that he willingly paid the large amount deManded. `` Do yetii see, sir," aelted the coun- tryman, tint black sheep with a white face pv er there -the only black The professor said he did. " Well, said the countryman, " when it lis the fairest day in June, and wheuithere is not a cloud in the sky, I surely khow that it is going , to rain if I dharm-e to Bee that old sheep! caper arouhd, with her tail held straight' Bits of Fun. An English publisher announces a new' book entitled " He Always Pleitie His Wife.' It is a work of fiction. At a prayer -meeting one brothe prayed th t the Lord would " carry th lambs in is bosom and lead them on,t great victories." Another that ." th wheels of the gospel chariot should' g to the hOrts of sinners." Still anothe asked the Lord to be " a father to th fatherlessi, and widow to the widow less." It is well for brethren' who le in praye paper to prised th He studi able to brought fy Your Daughter. haracter can hardly be made rtain lines, at least -in a t is only by meeting and re- ptations that one's moral e strengthened, and not until lly comes can one tell her eet it. For this reason it is to isolate young girla ; yet em out into the real life all throws a responsibility on s which cannot be shifted on oulders. - The Congregaticnalist gives the fol- lowing witie and very pertinent eugges- 11 tion in th Every c conscious pathway ter the pe The d most droa as they jo as they g considers The class means b friends a father. the sweet they hav hand upo in doubtf Mother daughter ner whio familiarit laid dow though rrt/ must co way the modesty of conta to be careful to avoid se owever finely they may sound lle Western Recorder. student recently handed in the professor; and was au next day to have it returne with a note scrawled on the margi d it intelligently, but was u decipher the note, and so h is paper back to the profess() reful father and mother are hat peculiar perils lie in the their daughters iva they en- tod of womanhood. gers which these parents cannot be ofienly warned They lie in wait as their go back and forth to school, rney in steam and street cars, shopping, or as they crone in whatever way, witi: nien ly older than then,,slvee, 'f men referred to are 1 no associates of the girl's own ey would not wilfully roar hnocence of girlhood. Y a familiar way of laying a her shoulder or of indulging 1 pleasantries of speech. should cultivate in their a certain fine reserve of man - will not tolerate these little ute rules of conduct can be against such impalpable 1 dangers, but the aafeguard from .within, rather than Strengthen in every possible nee of delicacy and maidenly your girls. e has said that all contact of risks, but safety lies in pres- racter rather than in absence Many L when it is " payable takes t trying t told of i appreci A se Albany to us on t e who fir t the boyit by sayi • IMPORTANT NOTICES —Two mare colts, well bred, one other corni: g..three, by Raneleigh If. Both are in excellent 'condition; Apply at . ALBION FARM WANTED.—Wanted to rent for a term of years by a responsible man, a good hun- dred acre farm, well improved, with fair to good buildings and convenient to markets'. Parties having -farms of this description may find a good tenant by addressing HENRY McGAVIN, Varna P. 0. 1281x4 . between the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, and Varna, a Ladies Black Brocaded Velvet Coat. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 1231 ccomodating Captain. man objects to showing off expected of him in a sort of at sight " way, and truly it spice all out of the funny ings when you know he is e funny. The old sea -captain he New York Sun evidently d the situation : aptain who was going up to see his friends came out with discerned his presence, gave he wink, and followed it up ork it right we can get some awful lies out of him, Let some one ask him atiout sharks and sea -serpents." t, and when we had become acquainted the inquiry was CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION.—Two strong, healthy phildren for adoption—a boy over three years of age, and a girl two years. Homes are desired Air them in respectable familiea, where they' would be properly cared for and reared. Apply at TILE EXPOSITOR Offiee, Sea - forth. 1231-tf ESTRAY EWES AND LAMB'''. — Strayed from Lot 29, Concession 8, McKillop, a Cotswold Ewe and Lamb, also a Leicester Ewe and two Lambs. They are marked by two email holes in the left ear. Any person giving inch information as will lead to the recovery. of these animals; will be suitably rewarded by the owner. ARCHIBALD WEIGHT, Winthi•op P. 0. Four pertme Slightly made : . " Catitailn, you have doubtless seen some Very . large whales. How long ou say the largest was ?" 1 tlemen, I never saw a whale in il , " Well, ou have seen serpente in the warm seas " " Bu .y u rimst have seen some extra " Gehtle en, I hope you will believe, me when I tell you that 1 never itaw a. " Bet you have been wrecked ? " would my life sea for NTOT10E TO DEBTORS.—Allipartiee indebt- ed to the undersigned eitaer by note or book account, are requested to settle the same by August lat, or costs will be incurred. No exceptione will be made. S. S. COLE, Con - 1230 -3 stance. STORE TO RENT.—To rent the. store lately occupied by Mr. Georoe Ewing as a butcher shop. This store is situatebd in the best business locality on Main Street, and is a firet-clast open- ing for a good butcher. Immediate possession given. For further partieulare apply to GEORGE TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division so.) Court, County of Huron, Commissioner, Conveyancer,..Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Seafort1h2.89 yon please," said the student. " Tha , sir,' said the professor, " why, that says, Iican't read your and writingr You write illegibly, sir -Springfiel epublician. Speak ng of people who mean wel , they tell' of man down East who felt very bad. when his son left him to take up his residence in Boston. The boy, eiseing the old gentleman's grief, said : " Never mind, father, you must came and seie me at tile first opportunity." The father looked at the son eernestly so ry ,,for you, gentlemen, very Bony.; bu the fact is I am only a plain, every -day sailor, and my mother made me take a vow when I first went to sea that w uld always speak the truth. As for lying, I can't do it -not even about sea -serpents," • OS EV TO LOAN.—Private and company 1 funds to loan at lowest rates. 810,000 of private funds have been placed in our hands which we will loan -in sums to suit borrower. Loans can be completed at once if title flatisfac- PASTURAcE FOR STOCK.— like undersign- ed has 85 acres of good pasturage on Lots 7 and 8, Concession 1, McKillop, on which there is plenty of good water, and all well fenced, and no Stock has been on the grass until the present time. A number of horses and cattle wP1 be taken in On reasonable terms. Apply to TOBIAS 1229-4, NASH, McKillop. FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his valuable farm consisting of 100 is of firsteclass quality and ie well cultivated, fairly well fenced and drained, 76 acres cleared,8 tecres good hardwood hush, and acres cedar down. There are also good out-buildinge, orchard and well, and brick house. For further partici-flare apply on the premises to DAVID MAGUIRE, or addrees Brussels P. 0. 1236x12 .4 000 FARNI -0311. SALE.—Being north half of Lot 22, in the fith conces- ston of Morris. The farm contains 100 acres of choice land, 90 cleared, and balance good hard- wood. The farm is in a good state of cultivation well fenced, a never failing stream runs through the farm, a first-class orchard, brick bongo and good frame barn and other outbuildings. The farm ie within three miles of the Village of Brue- rels. Title perfect and no encumbrance on fame. For further particulars apply to IL P. WRIGHT, on the premises, or Brussels P. 0. 1227x13 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—The sub- scriber offers for sale his new frame House and Lot No. 12, on the south side of Goderieh street, in the town of Seaforth. The house con- tains 9 good sized rooms and stone foundation with good celler, hard and soft water also. A good summer kitchen and woodshed, and a large frame barn. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. A. G. AULT. 1226 THE EVENT f the SEASON, GREAT BARGAIN OPENING, BUIL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has purchased from Mr. Thomas Mackay, of Oxford County, the young thoroughbred Dur- ham Bull, "Duke of Woodbine.' He is one year old, of ro1 color, and has been a successful prize winner wherever shown. He is from im- ported stock on both sides. He will be kept for service on Lot 16, Concession 2, McKillop. Terms—For thoroughbred cows, 84 ; grade cows, ; and for cows not in calf 75e, payable Novem- ber 1st, 1891. TOBIAS NASH. 1229-4 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The Blake Butter and Cheese Company, at a meeting of the Directors and Shareholders,_held on the 27th of March, it was decided to offer the above named factory for sale or to rent. This is a good oppor. tunity for any person wishing to enter into the business, as the factory is in good running order for the manufacture of both butter and cheese, and situated in one of the best farming districts in Onta.rio, and will be sold at a very reasonable rate. Apply if by letter. cr rsonolly, to Mr. HENRY FICHERT and Mr. lo 1;. STEICKLE, Blake P.'0., Ontario. 1:110 TO TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY, JULY 25th, A.ND FOLLOWING DAYS OF PYP E R & BEA ITIE'S DRY GOODS STORE, P-uncan's Old Stand, Main- t., Seaforth. u TOPE FOR SALE. The snbsoribar now a'D offers his fine two sLorey brick store for sale. It is situated on the east side of Main street, and in thc flourishing Town of Seaforth. It is well fitted up, and adapted for almost any business. It has two gond front tihow windows, and 20 feet front by 70 feet deep, with Etood solid walls on either side, and a first-claes cellar, and the upper story is well fitted up for a private residence, or well arranged to let to two tenants, with good front and rear entrance, and a good gravel road coming in at rear of lot. The store os one of the best in the town, and has always commanded a firet-class business. For further particulars, apply to the proprietor, A. G. AULT, Goderieh street, or to Seaforth P. 0., Ontario. C re For. Insomnia. lt-h s een found in most cases that insom la is caused by a disordered stoma h. I3etween the stomach and the b ai there is a close communion .and, he one is out of order the other is not only apt, but sure to be. Worry will nsettle the stomach, as indigestion will i fl te the blood vessels of the brain. eeognizing this, medical men are n w rdet ing the use of hot water inter all and externally. Before going to be , he persou so afflicted should bathe th lower limbs in hot water -as hot an p asible. This is for the pur- rawing blood from the head, pose of for whe the blood vessels are inflated, they pas against the skull, and fears, apprehe sions, and a dread of going to sleep re tilt, But with the hot water applieat on, the blood is cinculated and the pros ure relieved. Next the sleep- les.s one ie advised to drink hot water, with ,the juice of a lemon or. a little table ealt added. This will settle the stomach and distribute the gases. There will of curse come times when the hot water ill not have the desired effect, or it m y be slow in its curative effects. But do 'not be impatient if it will not put you to sleep to -night, though it did last ni ht. Persist in the application, and as the prescription contains no " deadly drugs " you can afford to wait, for by so doing a permanent cure is sure to folloiv. Albion for alle Having purchased the Dry Goods and Millinery stock of the estate of Messrs. Duncan & Duncan at a low rate on the dollar, puts us in a position to place before the people of Seaforth and surrounding country an opportunity such as is seldom given, to buy Dry Goods at the very closest and lowest of prices. After fifteen days, with closed doors, stocktaking, remarking and rearranging the goods and improving the store, we are at last ready to' greet the numerous friends and customers of this old and: popular dry goods house, and'are pleas,d to announce that our doors will be thrown wide open for business on Saturday, July 25th, 1891. Our great opening will undoubtedly be the event of the stason, and ono of the biggest sales of Dry Goods ever held in Seaforth. Mr. J. II. Pyper, manager of the firna, and who for the past ten years has with pleasure greeted and served the many patrons of this famous dry goods store, will be pleased to see among the first in attend- ance at our big sale on our opening day, many_of the old and familiar faces. Cannot enunitirate baroains here. See circular. Something in FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 5, concession 1, II. R. S., township of Tnekersnah, con- taining one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres (geared, 65 of whichare seeded to grass, well un. derdrained, three never failing wells. On one fifty of said lot there is a log house, frame barn and very superior orchard, and on tthe other a good frame house and barn, stables, and good orchard. The whole will be sold together or each fifty separately to suit purchaifers, located miles from Seaforth,will be sold ieasonable and on easy terms as the proprietor is retiring from farming. For fuither particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises, and if by letter to Seaforth P. 0. MICHAEL DORSEY. 1224-26 Stratford Gas Company is suing . Gordon, proprietor of the and Windsor Hotels, for $5,040, ed tapping of one of the corn - FURNACES. FURNACES. Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. • BULLS FOR SERVICE. TERSEY BULL.—The undersigned will keep e) during the present season on his farm, 2nd concession, 11. R. S., Tuekeremitit, a thorough. bred Jersey Bull, sired by Canada's John Bull. Terms -81.50, payahle at the. time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN HANNAH. N. B.—Also for sale a Jersey bull calf, eleven montha old, thoroughbred. 1104 • 3 IMPORTAN WATCH REPAIRING. Ha.vine opened the store lately occupied by Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Having 14 years practical experience, afol re- commendations from some of the best jewelry houses in Toronto as to my ability as a first-clase watchmaker, the public may rely on gettine their Watches properly repaired. I have ad the necessary tools, and can duplicate any broken or worn out parts. ger SATISFAUTIO.N GUARANTEED 't I am selling- off my present stook of Watches, Cloeke, Jewelry and t'ancy Goods very cheap, to make room for new stook. If you want a good Watch, don't miss this opportunity. For good a nrk, promptness and fair prines. gioe no: a trial. GARNET COAL FURNACE Tour sizes—S. 6, 7 and 8—Steel Radiators, portable or brick set. THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNING FURNACE in two sizes—Nos. 43 and -53. No. 43 takes wood 43 inches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long ; Steel Radiators, portable' or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX ; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Strong, Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up Under the supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 25 years in the -filr - na ce business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every time. gar ESTIMATES FURNISHED CRE BitED HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN OAT- TLE.—The undersigned breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Friesian cattle will keep for ser- vice on his premises a thoroughbred bull. He has also a number of young bulls for sale, de- scendents of "Netherland Prince," all registered pedig,rees. Prices reasonable. Apply on Lot 8, Concession 11, Hullett, or address JOHN* McGREGOR, Constance 1'. 0. 1211 • Notice to Depositors Post Office Savings Bank. Two Doore from .Post Office, POPULAR STALLION& Lord of the Mannor, No. 2971. A, Menzies & J. P. Fisher, Proprietor. The Prize Medal Clydeedale Stallion, Lord ot the Mannor, No. 21)71 will make his home stand at Arch. Menzies, at 12, Concession 11, Mc- Killop, after Saturday, July 18,will remain there until Wednesday morning, then proceed to Walton for noon ; thence to Bly-th for night, and remain until Friday morning ; then back to Walton for noon ,• thence to A. Menzies, where he will remain until the following Wednesday morning. This route will be -continued until the 15th of August. MO 4 Kidd's Hardware d Stove House, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTR THOMAS BROWN, Agent, Seaforth 0_1; 1.4. La 0 r. oar 0 1/2 o "ri CD co 0 0 rn --1 Emulsion OF Cod Liver011 Deposits in the above Book may now be re. ceived to the amount of 81,00e during each year, ending 30th of June, and 'a total balance of $3,000, exclusive of interest, which, if desired, may at any time be traneferred to the Finanee Department for investment in INSCRIBED STOCK— In sums of $100 or multiples thereof. This stock will bear intereet at the rate of 31 per cent. per annum payable on 1st of March and 1 1st of September of' each year, and is redeem- able 1st of March, 1890. Poe C.Ifffoe, Cmforth; March 2nd, 1891. 12111-20 CO GOLDEN LION, )EAFORTH. ANC THE Ilypophosphites of Lime and SRL No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Disease& Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for all others. PRICE 60C. AND $1 PER BOTTLE. t HURON AND BRUCE Loan and investment „f fatere. 'SAVINGS BANK BRANCa. Deposite, aceording to amount mei 'Mine left. and North Street, Goderich. HO -RACE HORTON, eft M. ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. My facilities are unsurpaeeed. / am pre- pared to conduct burials in a most satin- Wsory manner. Allonodern undertaking appliances. Compel ant management guar- anteed. A full line of burial goods on hand. ahn to be prompt, considerate and reliable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN 8TRZET. 1223 Seaforth Cheap Store. WE SHOW THIS WEEK A FULL LINE OF AN We have on heed a large line o! GOLA SHIRTINGS, GREY FLANNELS', NAVY TINWARE, OURY COMBS, BRUSHES, FLANNELS. ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN BLANK- ETS AND COMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM Whioh we are selling cheap for Caeh $1.50 TO 117. BEST VALUE UN THE. TRADE IN CREAM AND WHITE LACE, CURTAINS, TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOW E. Lt.. I rms, &C., IN GREAT VAFIETY. R. ‘.1 MIESON We laave the best and cheapest Goods to be found anywhere. 'Remember the place. No. 1 Campbell's Block, Seaforth. McDonald & Menzies. Auction Bale on Saturday afternoons. 1221 PHOTO - ENGRAVING. 17 PATS TO ILLUBTRATZ roue 131:7512111815. Portraits, and auto of oollegeo,hotels, factories maohineryoko.mode to order from photographs. Prices 14w—liend stamp for opedmen sheets. Metropolitap Press Agency, lea.52 New York Oty