The Huron Expositor, 1891-07-10, Page 6; N HE HURON EXPOSITOR. Book - No one can fully keeping t He is Do times, be leaks and himself f bane froir keeping h penditure goods, gro knowledge husband's nary to cal ministrator life blood earnings of -and final and court f and childre knowledge s , her to administer her own aff ire. The boy who is permitted tO earn his spending money, and taught to keep his little accouots and compare receipts and expenditure, will the earlier ilearn the value -of money and apply his wits to live within his income. Such a boy will not accumu ate debts for his overwork- ed father to ay; neither is he so likely to fall into f4istcompany or fast living. He is educe d for business, and will be able to hold iis own in the battle of life. The girl V7 0 has her allowance an the value of a dollar and u is taught toi make accounts, will ap preciate discretion in its expenditure. A germ lady once told her lover, when 1 he pr posed, that a_though she lovedihim sh would not marry him until he had te thousand dollars. He was somewhat discouraged, but went to work to obtaid the money and the girl. A few weeka_ later she inquired how he was succeedeTt ing. He replied: "Very well e I hay saved seventeen dollars. " Well," re -1 plied the lady, "1 expect that will b,e1 sufficient; we may as well get married. Did this lady know the value of a dollar? We hear se much in this drily about practical edudation. But practical edu- cation is that which practically Ate boys and girls for the active duties of life and any education which falls 'short of this is neither practical nor complete. Fit a child to earn a living and you do better by him than to give him wealth. Fit him to appreciate and dare for property before he is aafe to be eotrueted with a 1egacy.1 In ase of Fire, Fire requires air; therefore, on its appearance, every effort sheuld be made to exclude air. Shut ell (bore and; windows. By this means fire may be confined to a single room for a stifficient period. to enable all the immates to be aroused and escape; but if tlse doors and windows are thrown open the fan- ning of the wind and the draf will in- stantly cause the flames t !increase with extraordmary rapidity. It must not be forgotten that the most precioua moments are at the commencement of a fire, and not a single second 9f time should be lost in tackling it. In a room, a tablecloth can ha so .used as to smother a large sheet of flameand a cushion may a rye to beat it out ; a coat' or anything al ilar may be timed with - an equally 811C essful result. The great point is prese ce of mind-Loeb:mess in danger -actio guided by reason and thought. In 411 large honses, buckets of water should be placed on every land t ing, a little sal being put ! th;ed of a water. Always endeavor to attack the fire; if you c nnot extin nigh i a fire, shut the wind w, and be sure to shut the door whei making god your re treat. A wel silk handkerchief tied aver the eyes and nose will make breath- ing possible in he midst of much smoke, and a blank t wetted and wrapped around the bo4y will enable a person to pass through sheet of flame in com- parative safetsia -Outward, Bourld. Why Sone Men Do Tot ucceed.. Two of the tnost auccesefal men on the North Am rican continent were re- cently asked the question: ' " What are "ignorance an incapacity." The other the causes of overty ?" One replied, - said that the prevalent cause is: ' "The number of young men who are wanting in decision and fixity of purpepse. If they get into a good place at the start, they should sti k to it, knowing that by perseverance, i dustry and abihtY, they win promotion In due course atevacan- cies occur. Btft they see or hear of some one mahing a fortune hi Wall street, or in ranching, or in mining, and away they go tie try their luck. ; When they lose, as they do in ininety-nine eases out of a handred, that is the end of them; they an never settle down to ordinary ways of earning a living after that, and their descent is rapid." This reason hits the nail square in the head. Go where we ill, we fiind men who able circumsta ces, but who are such er commenced lif under the most favor - complete financial wrecks that there is but little hope, for their reforneation. They may be honest and temperate; they may even possess natural ability of i a high order, bet lacking in ste dines' of purpose, they will never a eceed. Had they eufficient will force to stick to • one thing, no matter how disagreeable it rnight be at Arst, were they Content to advance slowly, they would hove no reason now to talk of thei " luek" of those who have pushed forward iOto the front ranks. Another cause of poverty is a llack of self-confidence. Many men seem to have no faith in themselves, consequent- ly no assertiveness, no indepeodence,no pluck and no push. They are afraid to stand up and speak for therdselveit, pre- ferring to leen on others. They are afraid to make an invettnient, because of the possibility of failure • they are afraid to tell what they can do, as they might make an error in doing itl; -they are cowards in every sense of the word. This is often the result of early treining. A boy, naturally timid, is kept in the background so persistently, and bie mistakes are so severely criticised, that he grows up into an entirely teseleas man. Pugh and fixity of purpoge will alwaye bring a measure of success. -The St. Louis Miller. ' eepinr on the Farm. who has not noted the results ppreciate the value of book - o the farmer and his faneily. found complaining of hard ause he discovers the small pplies the remedy. He saves om embarrassment and his the mortgage. His wife, r accounts of receipts and &- for butter, eggs, oultry,dry eries, etc., acquires- business and sagacity, and at her eath does not find it neces- in a atranger to act as ad- , who, like a leech, sucks the from the estate -the joint husband, wife and children ea with the aid of lawyers es, perhaps leaves the wife in absolute want No, her f business principles enables thing to uay which so presses upon them thet the must say it. "Woe is unto me if I 4c not preaoh the gospel !" They burn with an inward fire, for the word of the Lird is as fire in their bones, con- ( sumingthem. The truth presetss them Int o its gervice, and they cannot escape from it. If, indeed, they be ' the ser- vants et God, they must speak the things which they have seen and heard. The ser ants of God have no feathers in their cae , but burdens on their hearts. • -For the cure of female weakness, suppress ons, nervousness, bearing down no longer a secret. The Government were aroused to a manse of their lose,and the public clomored fora committee of inquiry. It was then found that the blame lay with Lord Mounteagle, Chancellor, of the Exohequer, and that the papers which had been sold for seventy pounds were, at the least worth some three thousand pounds; but most of them had by this time been Int or mutilated, or scattered beyond redemp- tion.-Lippincott's Magazine. Stock Barns. It is hoped that the era of big barns pain's, stid all those peculiar ailments has passed. For twenty years we have that maie woman's life almost unbear- been building immense structures of able, Dia Williams Pink Pills are an un- failing care. They build up the blood, reettre the nerves, and bring a glow of. heal h to sallow cheeks. All dealers, or br mai post-paid on receipt Of price (50c. a ox.) Dr. Williams Med. Co., Broc vill , Ont. i A Fanous Sculptor's Subject. Focard was a poor 'Italian sculptor. He itippe ed one day to be in Preston, a gri y, moky Lancashire town? cast- ing eboutffor work. One morning he rang, for bis breakfast -once, twice -- but no angwer came. Again he pulled the bell, 1 and again with the same re- sult. d He was angry at this inattention to a- his comforts, which is not uncommon 'to se those parts, so they say, and rushed g downstair to see about it. He Paesed o- an open door, when lo ! what etruck e him ? A gnarled old woman fiercely n scrubbing a very dirty boy, who squirm- ed u der tile rough usage, and screwed up hi eye and mouth to keep ou the acme. a " sta clean turnThe Men who Mean BusineSs. The servants of God mewl bnainess. They do not play at preaching, but they plead with men. They do not talk for talking'm sake, but they persuade for Je- sus' sake. They are not sent to the world to tickle men's ears, nor to make gs display of elocution, nor to quott poe- Ary. Their's is an errand of life or death to human souls. They have some - rat t d sti ?" rage to delight. Here was a sebject for Iis chisel, and it was soon arranged that these two should sit to I him. Some, diffic lty was at first experhanced to hit the at boy !" said the old July ; 1, do; will he never become of the breakfasting sciliptor ,xpression on the boy's face, but this wee done by tbe application of periodic bats of cold water an4 soap suds. Too Thin. "I'll jut tell you what it is," re- marked a fat jolly old soul to bee com- panion as the street car rumbled along, "the doctdrs kin say what they please, but I knowit's just flying in the face o' natur6 to bring a bay up on a bottle, You know pally Ann-Jimeon,what lives next door to, us ?" "Yes," assented the other. "Well, She tried to bring her baby up to mil man's milk, and it died of water on t e brain."--Philadelphiii. Re- cord. 1• , he Clerk Fopled Hinni. il Th versatility of the Chicago 'hotel clerk is paramount to hie affability. He is an ardent student ef anthropelogy. and oe his dlever fitnese and 'instantan- eous i petit:, to a dissatisfied guest the exche uer of his hostelry to a certain exten depends. An apt illustration oc- i curred at the Grand Pacific a few -days ago. A St. Louis traveling man was comfortable, pleasing room floor, but in accordance , re he went down to the assigned to on the parlo with his na office and vehemently proteeted ag inat such treatment. "That's a lily room for five dollars a day," tittered the apparently disgusted globe-trottee. " Well, I am surprised," said the clerk. I " ioon't Make any Jay towns, aid I don't want to get the worst of So give ma a larger room." "Its queer about that room," said the clerk, " sone won't stay here unless they c n ha.Ve it, while others don' it. New; Chauncey Depew did mem te fandy 39, but Vanderbilt er." as that ?" nderbilt wen't have any have ay ot "What "I say other." like not on't wood, stuffing them with hay and grain with the stock below it all. An over- turned lantern, a smoker's match has changed many such a pile into a mails of seething flame so quickly that it seeMed to be the result of explosion. The time is coming -may it haaten-when stock will be kept in barns where there is no hay; where there is nothing to burn like a tinder -box. If the stock barn in which there is no inflammable material catches on fire, the result cannot be so disastrpus as before for there is only the shell to burn. II this shell be of iron, as it may be at a moderate cost, there is absolute safety from fire. For the protection and feeding of stock, unpretentious, low building, merely stables (two rows of stalls with a feeding space between), are just as good as larger structures. The only in- convenience is the bringing of the fod- der from the stack outside, or from the hay balm. In winter these stalls are comfortable, for every farmer knows that every cosy is as good as a stove and he space. If the horses ck (pigs in the cellar be - this low roof, between 11 are as comfortable as if tone of hay were piled d they are safe from fire. be no objection to the in the open air. Hay arm, fine_ as it may be, picturesque and thrifty robably less hay is lost n in the barn, for in the latter it often heats if not salted, and sometimes when it is salted. If on a cold pay hay be brought from a stack and placed in the mangers, the cows will turn at once from the barn hay to it. The hay is fresher, brighter and is clean and dustless. stock alone, practically omparatively little, and the assurance that his stock is safe, or comparatively safe. These building may be snug in winter and cool in sunimer. The best stable of this kind wag built with double walla with six inchn of send between. helps to heat and all the a low) are uncle tight walls, they would be above them, a And there can stacking of ba stacks on any give it always appearance. in the stack th from the stack Low stables fo fireproof, coat the farmer has • AUMen s young or old, or middle aged, who find therneelves nervous,weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptotns : Mental depression, premature _old age, loss of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heartemissions, lack of energy, pain in the. kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum; wasti g of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks bfore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits of urine, leas of will power, te derness of the scalp and spine, weak ani flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failur4 to be rested by sleep, constipation, d llnees of hearing, loas of voice, desire fo solitude, excitability of temper, sunk4 eyes surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptpms ,of nervous debility that lead to inanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tensiori every function wanes in consequence. Fhose who through abuse committed in gnorance may be perma- ntly cured. Send your ddress for ok on all digeases to main Address . V. LUBON50 Front street , ronto, Onta io. Books sent free sled. Heart , disease, the symptoms of ich are faiht spells, purple lips, mimesis, palpitation, skip beats, hot shes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with . beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bead, etc., can positively be cured. No cute, no pay. Send for book. Addrese M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ontario. 118152 emesmimmeasesee, ne be M " W!ell, yeu need not change me how. se To Just h ve a re made right away and I wh I guess will stay over Sunday." nu The he alked about the rotun s in flu a hap0, so d-a-bill-of-goode fram of mind and af town oft the heralded the pying the Vanderbilt. The clerk person, and "soft marks/. erward wrote a letter to his Mississippi River, wihich fact that he was now ticcu- avorite rorn of Corn lius concealed a smile abou his uttered something about 21 A Business Head. Husband-" I save four dollars by buying that digar by the box." Wife-" DD you, Jack? How nice it would be if you would buy five boxes right away and give , me the twenty dollars you are for a new dress." Rare Find. A Carious occurrence took pile in the year 1840. An antiquary bo ght 'some sobs frdm one Jay, a fishmonger in Old Hungerford Market, Yarmoath. The soles werewrapped in a large etiff piece of papet torn from a folio volume which stood at the fishmonger's elbow. When the purchaser unsirraped his pule chase hie eye fraught the signatures of Lauderdale, 11Godolphin, Ashley, and Sunderland on the large stiff sheeti of paper. The wr&pper was a sheet ofl the victualing ch rges for prisoners in •the Tower in the reign of James 11. he ere. aye oe. it d I hey aye got three tons of it in he other seven they keep " "All like this ?" ask- ry, his heart in his mouth. " replied Jay; "all odds Fay obligingly allowed the carry home an armful of signatures w ,re those of hie Minis The antiquary went back at once to shop. 1' Th % is good paper of you he said, essu ing an air of indiffere tons of waits paper, a 4 " Yes, but t o stiff. I've got a lot too. I ot i from Somerset Ho They had te offered seven pounds a ton, which t took, and I the stab e. till I want it ed the antiq e "Pretty mu end ends." i 'antiquary to 4theeirouobkoo bishy &pen, His head swazu as n aceounts of the Exchequer Office signed by Henry VII. and He re, VIII., wardrobe accounts of Queen Anne, dividend receipts signed by Pope and Newton, a treatise on the Eucha iat in the boyish hand of Edward VI., nd another On t e Order of the Garter in the scholarly handwriting of Elizabeth. The Governnient in selling the Papers to Jay had di posed of public documents which contai ed much of the history of the country Om Henry VII. to George IV. The an iquary went back to Jay. Little by little he was acquiring the 'whole pile, b t he injudiciously w is - 1 In pered his sec et about, and it beca s PAP8TTH EJEWELLER, MAIN STREET, SEALORTH. If you canno cross the ocean, And the heathen land explore, You can find he heathen nearer, You can hdlp them at your door. If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot speak like Paul, You can tell e lot of people Papst has vatches for them all. PAPST THE JEWELLER'S Is the cheapest and best place to buy your Watches, Clocks and Jewellery in Seatorth. Repairing a specialty. FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF MeKILLOP. Lot 10, on 9th donceseion, 100 acres. We half 7 on lath concession, 50 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. South half 21 on 5th concession, 100 acres. TOWNS IP OF GREY. Lots 11 and 12 on 13th conceseion, 200 acre TOWNSHIP E TUCKERSMITH. Lot 38 on 3rd concession L. R. S., 100 acres. For terms &c., apply to the undersigned. HOLMESTED, 1197 ti' Barristei &c., Seaforth WV/14 OFict HELP, LEO. 9/1b V.. *Si 1114tij ;0 • To take the piaci ,f the old-fashioned cordei :orset, try the B. & C. corset This is just what you car lo. You can try it, and ever wear it for two or thre( weeks; if you wish. Then, li rou're not satisfied, you 'car :eturn it, and get your money ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THESE CORSETS. g • e -s- 17, p pri7 , ci) 0 It rt. -41 § rt(DO _140 57j .1ci ", CD tt 1-g cz) F13. 0, 1--HtP113 cp 0 p P ° r b:i P - 1:S J cn 0 cf- - .3 )0. , w , mu 0 Cfg p 2.D • - $75 t..1 • g,D " -q 0 CD Cip 107.4 I o (f)sn CD P1-4 c/- 021 CI) .<1 20 2.. CD P CfQ " CD 52 es- ° P 121- ate P )-h 0 0 (Th w P e••••• P-• • es - 4:11D -.• 1711 V CD en k...e see CD 0 0 -74 . 0-°• 0 0 I• N" c/a CD CD 1..q McKillop Directory for 1891.. JOHN BENNEWIES, Recve, Brodhagen P. 0. JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Lead - bury. JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- throp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THECOMCS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA ()Will...A.1:U 0 Mutual Live Stock I INSURANCE CO. • Head Office: Seaforth. HURON Loan an co AND BRUCE Investment P.A.1\TM. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Securiy at lowest Rates of kterest j...._L. Mortgags Puchased. SAVINGS tANK ' BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Ce t. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according to amount and thne left. OFFICE. -Corner' of Market Square and North Street Goderich. . 11ORACE HORTON, Mamas', Giederieh, August aih,18815. PU 1 - THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company In Ontario having a Govermrent Deposit and being duly licensed by the same. Are now carrying on the business of Live Stock Insur- ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For further particulars address JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas. 1164 HAND -MADE boots and Shoes D. McINTYRE Has on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of hie own make, best material and 7yarran.ted to give Satisfaction. I on want your feet kept dry come and get a ' pair of our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. 1 Repairing promptly attended to. -All kinds of Boots and She made to order. All parties who have not paid their accounts for last yearwill please call and settle up. 1162 D. McINTYRii, Seaforth, I „lea-„ae-es. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Establiished 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. QAPITTAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - M1.09000488 HES, -‘ - . . - - ..• - - . B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. ••••••••••1, SEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal cities in the United States,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,drc. SAVINGS BANK DEF'ARTMENT. Deposits of $1.06 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. INTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND :NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. Special Attention given to the Collection of Commercial Paper and Farmers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. \MM. •ININIS•••• M. MORRIS, Manager The Richmond Pea Harvester. The Very Best in the Market, This machine can be attached to an ordinary mower. It does its work clean, and is the great- est laborsaving implement that can be used on the farm. Two men and team ean easily cut ten acres per day. It is durable, easily adjusted, and not liable to go out of order, and- will save its price in one season. It is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. JAMES G. MARTIN, Egmondville, Agent. N. B.—Also sole agent for the Township of Tuokersmith for Workman & Word's celebrated Hay Forks and Swinge. Also the Daisy Churn. Repairs kept on hand. 1223-8 DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C: The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0.•, W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt, Harlock -, Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan. non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harloek ; Robt. MeMillan, Sea. orth • S. Carnoehan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd deo. Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances ot transact other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. 1189 CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned desires to inform his old customers and the public that he has disposed of the Blackemithing business, which he has carried on in Seaforth for over 25 years, to his son, J. A. STEWART, Who will hereafter carry on the same in all its branches, and he hopes that the same liberal patronage so long extended to him will be eon. tinued to his son and succeosor. ALEXANDER STEWART. in connection with the above, I beg to say that I will carry on the general blacksmithing business in all its branches in the old stand, and by close attention to the wants of customers, I hope to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage so long extended to my predecessor. Horseshoeing and general jobbing a specialty. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, and charges reasonable as usual. J. A. STEWART, 1205 Main Street, Seaforth. Seaforth Dairy. Having purchased the Dairy Business from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage which he has re- ceived in the past. With the advantages I have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to be able to give my customers satisfaction as to quality of milk even in the very hot weather. _ Realizing that. the cash system is the most just and satisfactory to all concerned, I hay, : decided to sell for cash only. kr Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 D. D. WILSON GODERICH Steam Boiler Works. (ESTAIVSHED 1880.) Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station: ary, Marine, Upright& Tubular BOILERS Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Int Works,, etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal blid Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines. specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe 1 Wog ' constantly on hand. Estimates furnished short notice. Works onpos1te G. T. R Station Goner:eh. Planing Mill,Lumber Yard AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION The suoseriber would beg to call attention to the large stock di dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps on hand, at the very lowest prices. Bill Stuff cut to any order on Short Notice. Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. A good stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot 29, Conceesion 10, Grey, which will be out to any order or) ehortest notice. Lumber delivered at reasonable rates when desired Orders by mail promptly filled. Address BRODHAGEN P. 0. 1105 t7har1es Querengesser, C0nceesion8, Loan. The hest English make now on the market, Price $ 8 5 , Superior to any other Wheel now at ie 0 0 C. W., PAPS T, Direct Importer, SEAFORTH, • - ONT. . Also a few other makes of Wheels we are offering at from 10 to 25 per cent. from catalogue prices. We are auxious to get 100 tubs of fine yellow butter at once, and will make it. worth while to those holding butter if brought out at once. D. WEIS3IILLER, Kippen. THE BIG MILLS, SEAFGRTH.' The above refits have now been thoroughly built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS _AND_ Flour Dressing Machines From the bast Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving pain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deep extensively improved. Grain can now 1 taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into oars at the rate 01 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR— CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the neceseary machinery for handling ohop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagoni can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. ClYSTOM JEJD Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for y Quantity of Wheat. Only first-class and obt*ing men will be kept attend onstcmers. The liberal patrenge of mere and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. OGILVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS JULY 10, KILLORAN & Co. SELPQRT • We are now prepared to show you a fine new stock of Teas,Sugar; Coffees, Spices, Canned -Goo& Pickles, Sauces, Extracts, Currants, Figs, Prunes, etc,, etc. in fact, every line of the best good's to be had in the market. it would be to your advantage to call 2,nd examine their stock. :it will plea*, the eye and qualify the taste of the most fastidious. VETERINARY. TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor grade* a ej Ontario Veterinary- College. All cassia. of Domestic Aninaale treated. calls prmw, attended to and _charges moderate. Vetenia Dentistry a specialty. Office—At Weir's Bei; Hotel, Seaforth. 11124 URANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of 0,44 X Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber el tho Veterinary Medical Society, etc., treats all eases of the Domesticated Animals. All tit. promptly attended to either by day or tigir Charges moderate. Special attention gives veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Sired, Seaforth, one door south of Ridd's Mardwar. store. 1112 SEAFORTH HORSE INF/RI/ART.—Conn", Jarvis and Goderioh Streetn, next doerth ie Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. An du, elms o Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of thee* mesticated animals, successfully treated st-gu ..irmary or elsewhere, on the shortest no jharges m 'Aerate. JAMES W. ELDER, ye*, nary Surre Na. P. S. -A large stock of 'saes ary Medicines JE constantly on handl LEGAL tax-ATTREW MORRISON, Walton, Insnrasai Agent, Commissioner for taking efilda Conveyances, &o. Money to loan at the io rates. M. bloaarsoN, Walton. -r- M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, „ Office—Rooms, five doors north of Cam, mercial Hotel, ground floor, next door to G. r.,. Papst's jewelry store, Main street, Seafedk Goderich agents -Cameron, lion and Cameron 1215 GARWioRreO,&ol., GPodBrrichF,°°TOntari' Barrideo. J. trideasne86114; Q. 0.; Wm. Paounieor. nAlIERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Burkina Solicitors in Chancery, Goderiek, t. M. 0. CAIHERON, Q. C., PnuAr. Hoes, M. a. CAXIIRON. J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyanoer, 44 Late of Victoria, B. C. office -Oyer Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth, vete ftmds to loan at 5i and 6 per cent. 103 lITANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Selieneek in Conveyancers, &o. Solicitors fortheiank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money 10 kW& Office -Elliott Mock, Clinton, Ontario, A. R. MANNING, JAMES 8007T. 781 1G1 HOLMESTED, 611000160Y to the rate Ina 11 „ McCaughey & liolmested, Barrister, is. Bettor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicifiet tit the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to kat Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block Nils Street, Seaforth. ICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Mann. Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich ; Ban tigers, Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brueeis. Seaforth Office- Cardno's Block, Main Street, R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON. Money to Loan. 1191' DENTISTRY. -Li W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office overHann . ilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Maize and John Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous. Oxide Gas administered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. DR. BELDEN, Dentist, Graduate Royal col.' lege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. As- sistant—Dr. Atkinson, Graduate Pennsylvania, College of Dental Surgeons, Philadelphia. Gee administered for painless extraction of teeth.. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, Sea - forth. Will visit every Wednesday torenoon it Dixon's Hotel, Brucefield, and at Kipper'. in the afternoon. Every Friday forenoon at Prender- gast's Hotel, Dublin. 1226 TT KINSMAN, Dentist, L 13. 8., Exeter, Ont. Will be it Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, en the LAST THURSDAY I RADII MOM, and at_Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the men AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth ex- tracted with the least pain possible. All wort first-class at liberal rates. 71 DR. 0.11. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to IL L. Billings), member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Teeth insertett with or without a plate in gold, celluloid or rub- ber. A safe anmsthetic given for the painiest4 extraction of teeth. Office—over O'Neil's bank,. Exeter, Ontario.. I204 N. B.—Plates secured firmly in the mouth by Yemens' Patent Valve. MONE Y TO LOAN. IVIMBeenYt. T?vilit31 LOAN —Sprti "tonli it 6 "err ot repaying part of the principal money ail ur time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 810 MEDICAL. T\ R. C. SHEPPARD, Physician and Surgeon, ▪ Bayfield, Ontario, successor to Dr. W. He Wright. 1225-52 T't R. T. P. MeLAUGHL1N, M.C.P..S., Oaten, ▪ Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Night calls promptly attended. Office, Dash- wood, Ont 1225 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY, OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Methodist. Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricul- tural Grounds. J. G. SCOTT, M. D. C, M., (Ann Arbor and Victoria,) M. C. P. 8. 0, C. MACKAY, M. D. C. M., (Trinity,) F. T. it.Ce- M. C. P. S. 0. DR. McFAUL, Member of the College or Physicians and Surgeons, etc,, Seafork Ontario. Office, Cady. Block, opposite Com- mercial Hotel. Night bell at residence, hot* side of Goderich St., seventh door west of the Methodist Church. 1210 U. -re E. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Sorrow .1.1„• and Accoucher, Constanoe, Ont. 112r 1 -IRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, laws. tiates Royal College Of Phyeloiane Surgeons, Edinburgh. Bruoeflekt, Ont. 980 "Bo W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C, M. KNOW. 1:14 of the College of Physicians and &upend. &o., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and rearm*. same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 - - A LEX, BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of tht tt Royal C,ollege of Fhysiciansand Surgeons • Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid, Moir lately occrupied by Dr. Itlackid, Main Streets. Seaforth. Retridence-Corner of Victoria SqusT4 ID house lately 0c -copied by L. E. De,noey. 1127 AUCTIONEERS. PBRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for tki paits of the County of ninon. inyz Alig41:11arte llec;t6datiri4 Exresrron Office wiu DO promptly attended 10. •••• DH. PORTER General Auctioneer sad' . Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail to, Ilpy address, Bayfield P, 0., will receive prowl). Xtention. Terms moderate. 1185-52 W. G. DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Convey* sneer, Collector, Book-keeper and AN:minter:3 Real Estate, Life, Acoident and Fire Insurance Agent; Money to Loan, Vorreepondenee, Parties requiring his serviees in any of these branches will receive prompt attention. Oereast IR DALEY'S BLOCK, (UPSTAIRS), MAIN STRAIT, BRA'' FORTH.1134 SIMS To Pest. The tie in gie tt PLty 02. ien1,, or time' way Of kill S Certain 'tY °Titiontilrili°r 1311.aiose ear 2eet40n oulY t° a suan:ilirvettbei sytloPhrri, 4 ii: ss .. nWheredr awdr a avyai ny 1yeti) tranhe a: De csna 1411.3..3:1:3811:narVieegIntWillgilOgifegPfutbil ,108111°teteeolf:toal sairt: • time can bi viewing, a ' leg and gr° time can be lying en, th ,, x . g4ta e e aes2 li note °ffn rwhg a 1 noff.vantagea ni3Ve ae age: en le, a:eal ItrtekAii,sgdflt udedea seareoef fraOrtsi neetzPiari ;3iits(1 the Canada especialty, t -cultivation. Lsyefiisttedthat kewtoe ea ycPkiinn6groadohi tisviiii tensively gi eties.orn, 'Iihdeeesa vatre:fttoYdueindcd'it' aud, next case: ebetinimoe" the average country. 1 .11e.'vrrojezmrsyitapaherillr; and from Hnb 3;a1 lIn adei d etanding of school for t It is based tendance Bella Mc: Blanchard, Third,- W emery, M bbie Gi rrison, ter, Mary Claess-Jet -Geo. Hand, No. 2, I June repo Hay. Nati Fred. Mat ray, Four Smith, Cec sell, Ralpt Senior See( Northcott, ond,-Arm sO'Brien. tett, Melv .First Part Sotherby, I LEADEUli ihased on rt duct and g, standing of No. 7,, Mali of 1891, en -Maggie Mamie Mc .ior 4th, Jas. AlcLin -James D Sarah Drisi e ---Maggie John Gard IL -John Win. Scott _Alfred Del Barron, Mt EG XOND1 *01635, Rudolph, TA Katie Pure Kehoe, Tn -Junior 40 Elliott Hi mond, Ti Callaghan, Bubolz. 8 Bessie Ell Morenz. Mann gitol Mary 'Atilt Collie Wi Mand A Phil the asserti tion to the -to the she that, bee& over the not kept f hea wool is th rived fro peatedly a the use sheep, le St; to $10 of the Ian been kept enough to able. Itt of the ,s profit on wool at al tion to in time whe pally far the cattle make wha carcase revenue eept a hid obt.ateeee teal. Recent z.:xperirne tut shee