HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-07-03, Page 71891, or gra4inate of All dissasse Calls protopill, Vetaehren7 Wehle Rays. 11124 eon,. Gradual. Ilene, Toronto heal Society :Attended to. Intly on bank otel, Eons r and Surgery nea.5. ate of Ontario, ,itenber of the treat* ail dia. fl oalia • daY or night ution given to Main Street,. ld's Hardware 1112 KY.--Cornisr entdoer ao Dot. AU Ma, iny of the. do. ;rested at nap lortest notice 1LDICR, Vetere ok of Winne tandt on. Inaltranoe, king affidavits, at the loweate S Notary, &e.. earth ot Com - door to C. Le eet, Seaforth. and Cameron - 1215 aisters, Salle!. J. T. Gamow. 881 N, Barristers. [odetich, Ont. Bori M. Q. 506 aveyanoer, ne Office -Over saforth. Pii ;ern- 1035 as, Solicitor), rt for the Bank may to loan. 'Uri°. A. L. 781 e. Ate firm Barrister, 116. &Atelier tot lioney to lend. Block, Naha - with Messrs. [Ulrich B. - and Brussels. fain Street B. DICKSON.. 1117 a over Ham-- , corner Mahn no Nitrous • iinIeset extrao- 1189 th Rot-aI Col - Ontario. Ale - Pennsylvania clelphia. Gas tOtt of teeth.. Store1. Sea - v torenoori at Lipper' in the a at Prender- 1226 elitist, L. D. at. Will be at LHotel„ @nth' MACH 4011111, On the maw • . Teeth ex. ie. All work 971 iccessor to IL Royal College - Cent inserted Inloid or rub - the p 'sinless,. • DaNeiln bank, 120a.• he mouth by am" at 6 par I o Nommen, lousy at any - 11, Barrister 850 inn Surgeon,. W. H.. ' 1225-52 University aysicians and; at New f ork_ with', 1890. ercial Hotel,. 1224x26 kOKAY L te Methodist ext Agricul- Arbor and, ) F. T. M. C., College of- , Seaforth, site Corn- ence, nortbe west of the - la -t0 tr. an, Surgeon. Oat. 11.21 - fiord, Laietn• McLane and, at, MI MambriV Surgeons, residenoe 848 iltiev of tlie - LkLid. id.. Office: ain Street,. ria Square,. noeve 1127 leer for the ended in al left at Us- Itanded to. tioneer and/ by mail to- ,aive prompt - 11.35;5.`1 rY, con -rev uountani e Insurance ndence, na of these ion. Omni, STREET, SRA.* 1184 148E11 ,4703LY 3, 1891. .100.0=0"mk, The Vegetable Garden. for many a month in the year the table of mealy an industrious country home has rarely any other vegetable than potatoes. Some have tomatoes for g few months, corn for a few weeks, and new and then there may be a . dish of _Lima beans. We say nothingof the .eabbage or a few other ki inds n some ,pnwes bat as a general thing, good .vegetables are not the particular attrac- tions of a farmer's table. When we,, come to meat preperations, pies pud- dings, sauces, and all such knick-knicks, the farmer' girls are not behind the rest of the world. But it is not their fault. If it were unressonable to expect the Israelities to make bricks without straw, it is a worse cone here. If the head of the household .doe a not raise the vegetables, how shall -the girls cook them? And that they do not raise them is a general complaint a,nd lamentable fact. Even when they are brought to feel that the women will have vegetables, they go to workgrudg- • jingly. They must "get the corn ground ready," " put in the oats," or -something or another, and can't afford the time to be blowing up the truck patoh, or digging up the garden. But the "power behind the throne insists ..on it. A little manure is dragged on to some out-of-the-way piece of land, the .,soil wretched over with the plow, and sthen with the harrow, and then the wo- -men and boys meet get along as best -they can. Now, this is not the way the thing is --always done but our readers will bear •witness to the fact that they have none of them to go far to find the picture we have drawn. Now, most men like good vegetables, preferring some kinds to others, of course, and the indifference can only be through supposing it costa more to raiae them properly than it does. One of the mistakes of vegetable grow- ing for one's own personal use is to grow more than it required. Too much ground is taken up. Too much labor then has to be given in proportion to the desired results. Vegetables as a rule require a much richer soil that the aver- age of farm crops; but when once they have a deep rich soil, it is wonderful how many a very small piece of ground will produce.—Germantown Telegraph. News Jottings. Dan Rice, the veteran show-nan, has gone into the circus ring again. —Minister Phelphs is ill with influ- enza and Bismarck with lumbago. —George II. Storms indicted at Ba- tavia New York, has f iour wives. Most people get along very well with one. —Twenty conductors on the Illinois 'Central railroad were discharged for stealing fares. —A Spanish duchess has been arrest- ed in Madrid for maltreating a maid servant, —General Da Fonseca, President of Brazil, will shortly psy a visit to Europe. One factory alone in Temps, Flori- da, expects to turn out 15,000,000 cigars this year. —The Shove mill weavers at Fall -River, Massachusetts, struck the other day la:scause of unjust dismissal"; by the overseer.- -John Brooks, of Waldron Michi- gan, celebrated his 105th birthday anni- versary this week in good health. —Ata Pittsburg fire the hose kinked And escaped control, knocking the fire- men down and into the Allegheny river. —Hawthorne, New Jersey, was swept by a tornado which destroyed buildings, -crops and orchards, killed domestic -animals and broke nearly every window in the town. —American worried in the gallery of the House ard mmotas disturbed Sir William Harcour with loud talking. —A syndicate f English capitalists have purchased the silver mines in Mex- ico owned by the / Omaha Mining Com- pany- -The cargo of the City of Richmond, lately arrived at Liverpool, was found to ;be still burning briskly when the hatches were opened. —Doctors' bills have been presented to the New York Central railroad for .over $5,000 for attention to the injured in the Tarrytown explosion. How to Keep Cool. Cleanliness, not only next to godli- ness, is part of coolness, says the Ladies' Home Journal. So take a plunge bath in the morning, letting the water be tepid, and afterwards giving yourself a -cold shower. Omit starch from your clothes as far as possible. Eat a light breakfast. Greasy food, or a great rquantity of food, taken in the morning, will most certainly heat your stomach for the entire day. A woman who stays in the city and is always cool, gives this -as her bill of fare : A cup of coffee in the morning, ,with bread and butter; A luncheon of cold beef and baked potato, with lemonade or iced tea; and 4 dinner after sunset consiating of Mae soup, a bit of meat and one hot vegetable, a cool green salad, a cold de- ,sert, and a small cup of coffee. Keep this in mind also; there is no better ;preventative against heat than good - temper, when you combine good bath- ing, proper food, and evenness of di. - position with it. An Unexpected Result. Farmers not infrequently meet with (results that are of such a nature as to -cause not only disappointment but great mortification. We have recently mark- -ed a case of this kind when a fine field had been reclaimed from a bush pas- ture,had been brought under careful cul- tivation, highly manured, and had pro- duced excellent cultivated crops. One year ago last spring the field was sowed with oats, and an average crop secured, although attacked slightly with rust. Last fall, to secure a better seeding, the -field was again plowed and dressed with manure and seeded to grass, which, up to the commencement of winter, pre - tented an appearance of great excel- - Ince. The grew started last spring, but was soon overrun by sorrel, which continued to grow to the great disad- vantage of the hay crop, and to such an extent, that at the middle of July the grass upon the lot would hardly pay - for mowing. The owner, very proper- ly, was so thoroughly disgusted with the complete failure of his severe labor to make a beautiful field that he expressed a wish that it would sink forever from Ills sight, Now here would seem to be a ease for investigation by experiment stations. It is very evident that there .was some element in the soil that was injurious to grass growth. Our 1_111F HURON EXPOSITOR. pression is that the soiliwas Itoo cold, a and ' is sometimes "WO+ IF° shotild f like see the field treated to & liberal dress ng of lime, which we firmly be- lieve would greatly improve it, or if plentyr of horse manure was at hand, we beliete a bountiful dreseing of that would also bring about a very decided and favorable change. Such fields are experimental • n, although it carry on too 0A8.—German the very places where work should be undertak is not always pleasant t much of it at a decided town Telegraph. Items of Int —Ice in Maine is sellio ton. —Earthquake shocks Italy. — Atlanta, Georgia, ha on bobtail cars. —The Emperor of Ger nize the Chilian insurgen —A meeting of the Un Congress has been appoi —It is expected that Vesuvius will assume va —The grip has suspen industry at the Magdale —Three mad dogs wer York city last Thursday, —In Chicago the Satu day has extended to —Harvard students h gailty of maintaining ance. a --The New Jersey A ciety voted to forbid poo tember fair. —Secretary Proctor d sertions from the army creased this year. —Two engines and tw cursion train of fifteen b bridge in Switzerland, over fifty lives. — Deer, it is reported, plenty in the Dead Rive ion as they are now. — In Norwood, Rho week, a house was built moved in all in twenty -f —Ten police stations New York for detention the new matron system. —A subterranean rive covered in Benton Coun the caving in of the eart stream is said to be 25 fe —Pacific Coast item deco daily :- "The yid ,the south will be unpr prunes will show the since 1883. —Chicago is being stories about the spirit haunting the Carison co ral nights the house has ed bylan excited crowd. rest. at a dollar a continue in opened war any may recog- s. iersal Postage ted for 1897. he eruption of t proportion. ed the fishery Islands. killed in New day half-holi- he letter•car- • ve been found liquor nuis- ricultural So - 8 at its Sep- clared that Ide- ave greatly de - cars of an ex - oke through a ith a loss of were never so (Maine) reg - e Island, last nd the family ur hours ere selected in f wornen Under has been dis- ' , Missouri by over it. •The t deep. a San Fran - of apricots in cedented, but smallest yield tirred up by f Dr. Cronin age.' For sieve- een surround - A Smart soy. "1 am sorry for yot , Welty," the kind-hearted surgeon s id. " but the thumb will have to com off." "My hand won't be o much account, will it, doctor ?" requir d Walter, tear- fully. "You will have our sugers left, but you will not be able to grasp anything firmly." "1 can't help papa p 11 plantains out of the front yard, ner wed the garden for mamma, either, can ? "1 am afraid no1, my boy." " Woop-la Cu 'er o, doc."—Chice ago Tribune. Well Hi "Miss Rosalie, a th re a corner in your heart for me ? ' " Well, Mr. Bu d, c naidering that hearts are never sq are, fall to see how you are going to fin any corner in mine. Two lines divergi g t right angles make a corner." Why The Letter Was Short. Re—Why didn't iou end me a kiss in that letter, dear st ? She—Because, dar1ing1, it would have made the letter too Ion Afraid or, till) Rain. A gentleman accOmp flied by a lady 'wearing a handsom dr as and bonnet, came out of a conce t h 11 one night to find it raining, whil th y were without umbrella, or water- roof clothing. 6' Why, Charles" t e lady cried, " it's raining !" • "So I see," said ha les, calmly. " Why, what shall w do ?" "1 rather think ve hall have to let it rain," replied the m tter-of-fact hus- band. I Excited by the disas er awaiting her garments the ladyntimu ed the bystand- ers greatly by sayi g : Why, Charles, ho can we, when I 6 have on this light tresa and bonnet?" Buttermilk or Freckles. ,i There is nothin th t equals fresh buttermilk for re ovi g tan, freckles, sunburn or moth spots, ays The Ladies' Home Journal. It ha the great ad- vantage that it does not iejure the skin, but renders it soft, like a little child's. Take a soft cloth or s onge and bathe the face, neck and arms throughly with buttermilk before retiri g for the night; then wipe off the deops lightly. In the h. off 11 the tan and morning wash it t oro ghly and wipe dry with a crash t wel. Two or three such baths will taki freckles. It will eep the hands soft and smooth. An Intimate R lationship. Mother—Why does 't Dr. Brown come to see you nofr, qarrie? Daughter—I can' tel, ma. He came three nights a weel4 up to three weeks ago. Then he sudd nly stopped coming. Mother—Did yoa 8 y anything to him that could offend h m. Daughtee—No. n he contrary, I was more tender an1 affectionate on the night of his lest clall than I had ever been before. In f ct I called him a duck. Mother—(in a hatsh, grating voice)— A what ? Daughter—A du k. Mother —I am not surprised that he hasn't called. My Chit when you are receiving the atten io a of a physician you cannot be too ar ful in the selec- tion of terms of endear ent. Remember that there is an inti ate relationship between a duck an a uack. If your sho When you come don't throw aside y and moldy. Stand in shape, and then such as they feed t in a few hours, dra s are Wet. o e with wet feet, ur boots to get hard them up, put them 11 them with oats. horses. This will, all the moistens i out of the leather, keeping tie boot in shape meanwhile, and lea, ing it soft and pliable. The oats can b use agaip and again. This is a relic a the days when no railroads existed, and traveling was done under difficulties, and in weather the present generat on has no coirception of. sisummime Do *You Cougli? Don't Delay." Take Kempn Relearn, the bes cough cure. It will cure coughs and colds. I will cure sore throat or a tickling in the Throat It will cure pains in the chest. It will cure in fluenza and bronchitis and all dithases pertain ing to the lungs, because it is 0, pure balsam Hold it to the light and see how lear and thic it is. You see the excellent effect after takin the first dose. Large bottles, 50q and Sa. ianninassrannannrosseems A Pleasant Herb Drink -A • Spring Medicine. The druggists tell us that people call daily fo the new cure for constipation and sick headach discovered by Dr. Silas Lane. It is said to b Oregon grape root (a great rethedy in the fa west for those complaints) combined with sin) pie herbs. and is made for use by pouring boiling water to draw out the strength. It sell at 60 cents to 81 a package, and is called Lane' Family Medicine. The Usual Way. THE usual way Rath neglect bad blood unt I boils, blotches and sores makeite preeenc forcibly known ; Etery wise person ought to b careful to purify the blood by using the be -t blood purifier and tonic, Burdock Blood Bitter. Its purifying power is unrivalled. The Australian Common- wealth. The Australian Commonwealth will have gen I results, but the reaulte of using ilurdock lo ,, I Bitters for diseases of the stomach, liver, bowe s and blood surpass all expectations. Dyspepsi headache, biliousness, scrofula, etc.,arepromp ly cured by B.B.B. Goldwin Smith. Goldwin Smith is opposed to Sir Charles Tu per in many ways, but doubtlese both wou d agree that no better remedy for dyspepsia, co 1- stipation, biliousness,headache, kidney trouble , skin diseases, etc., exists than Burdock Blo d Bitters, the leest family medicine known. •-- For Many Years. WE have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wi d Strawberry for many years in our fami y and find it aa excellent medicine for all forms f summer complaints." Johd A. Valens, Valen Ontario. Fewler's Wild Strawberry. Price 35 Sold by all &niers. '. It Saved Saved His Life. GENTLEAIEN,—I can recommeneilDr. 'Fowler s Extract of Wild Strawberry, for ' it saved m life. We have used it in our family when r quired ever since, and it never fails to cure a 1 summer comraints. FRANCIS WALSH, Dalkeith, Ontario. Unbearable Pain. DEAR. SIRS,—I suffered for three days very aerely fromaummer Complaint, and could g t no relief, but kept getting worse till the pa n was almost uabearable, and I was very weak. ter everything else had 'failed I tried Dr. Fo ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. The first do gave relief, end it did not fail to care me. • ' WM. T. GLYNN, Wilfred, Ontario. Destroy th worms or they may destroy t te 1, children. F eeman's Worm Ponders destr And expel all kinds of worms. ,smessemsimasemmseesi National Pills are sugar coated, mild but th ough, and are the best Stomach and Liver Pi In use. A burn or cut will heal quickly end leave le scar if Victor a Carbolic Salve is aPplied at one lemeremeseseeemeessemel Malarial 1e er and chills are beat broken u and prevented by using Milbur 's Aromatic quinine Wine. r - Is 11111018.111111111.8811IMA=111111 c,HANGE ,OF BUSINESS. , — The undersigned degires to inform his old eustomers and the public that'he has dispoeed of the Blacksmithing business, which he bae Carried on in Seaforth for over 25 years, to his 80n, J. A. STEWART, Who will hereafter Carry on the same in all ite branches, and he hopes that the same `liberal patronage so long extended to him will be con- tinued to his son and successor. •ALEXANDER STEWART. 'in connection with. the above, I beg to say that I will carry on the general blacksmithing bueiness in all ith branches in the old stand, and by close attention to the wants of customers, I hope to -receive a continuance of the liberal patronage so long extended to my predeeeethr. Horeeshoeing and general jobbing a specialty. All work guaranteed to give -satisfaction, and charges reasonable as usual. J. A. STEWART, 1205 Main Street, Seaforth. G 0 N S. The greatest invention of the ago is the New Chatauqua Ili -non, without hounds, front axle and boulster always upright. No pitching of front gear, fifty to seventy lbs. saved in weight, and half expsnses on repairs saved, stronger, lighter, turns! easier and shorter, draws from bottom of axlie close as possible to the hubs, prices reason ble, call and see it. Also wagons of different s yles by popular makers. BUGG' ES and CARTS. If you wnn4 a tidy neat will finished BuggY, or Cart call and ee my stock, can supply any style desired. -Farming Implements Month13/ Prizes for I4oys an Girls. The " Sualight " Soap Co., Toroheo, offer th following prizes every month till farther none to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Pr vince of Ontario, who send the greatest numb r, of " Sunligh " wrappers : 1st, ; 2nd. 3rfi, 83; 4th, 7,1 ; 5thto14th,&HaiidsomeBoo and a pretty picture to those who end not le than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers o " Sunligh Soap Office, 4p Scott St., Toronto, hot later th n 29th of each' month, and naarke " Compe Mon ;" also give full mune, address, age a d number of wrappers Winners' zames will e published in the Toronto Mail on lrst Saturd y in each month. 1 1218-2 ; 8 Itch, Mange and Scratches` of every kind, humans or animals, cured in a0 minutes Woolford'e Sanitary Lotion. Thie never fai Sold by I. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 1180 mmensmintacimememomm. Engliah Spavin Liniment rem soft or calloused Lumps and B horses,Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splin Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore • Throat, Coughs, etc. Save iS50 bottle. Warranted th most won Cure ever known. Sold by J. S. forih ves all ha mishes, fr s, Ring Bo and Swoll y uee of o erful Blem Roberts, S 1180 8. 52 d, tu e, a- 52 INT,PAINT, —WITH— Li M.1 ID PI HOUSE AND VILLA PA THE ONLY PURE LIQUI IN THE MARKE AIN 1NT T" NTS, PAINTS They are made from GENUINE )COLORS sold under a GUARANTEE. They dry quick with a HA SURFACE and can be applied by Be sure you buy the " ELEPHA It costa the same or less than the c aid D, GLOSSY nyone. T BRAND," lemon trash. " ELEPHANT White Leadi3, Dry Colors, Coach Colors, Varnishes and Japans. FERCUSSON, ALEXANDER & CO., GLASGOW AND MONTRAL. *GILL, UNIVE111 SITY MONTREAL. A Special Announcerne —OP E -- FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIEN has been prepared, stating he details of ' the NEW CHAIRS, LAEORAT IES, WO K. - SHOPS, APPARATUS and ot e impro 8- MIAS in its several aDe a tments of Civil, Mining, Mechanic*I and El c• trical _Engineering and Practi al Chemistry, which will afford in he Session of 1891-2 advantages not hith:r- to accessible to Students inthia count y. Copies may be had on application to the undersigned, who can also sup ly detailed announcements of the other 'a- cuities of the UoiversitY, viz.:. w, Medicine, Arts (including the Dona da Course for Women) and Yeterin Ty Science. J.W. BR AK ENRI DGE, 13.C. 1216-26 - Acting 8ecre Of every desc-iption. Fifteen different styles of Plows, 3 different makes of Twin Gang Plows, double and single Sulky Plows, Grain Drills, 'Cultivators, Ifarvesting Machinery, Wind Mills for pumping, nc., &a. Plow outings and re- pairs of all kihds. SEWING MACHINES. The wond rful vertical Fred "Davis," The New William , Washing Machines, Wringersand Churns. 0. C WILSON, Seaforth. ,A T. McatAMARA, Leadbury, breeder of ./Ae, pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winners of 26 first prizes in 1890. Young pedigreed stock for sale, also two prize winner Boars kept for ser- vice. 1203 cR,11 § t-1 gi; 0 O ,eg f -FL cricq eiC:5" :41 MI".3 Orn Cr3;° CD 5 A' t::5a C-174 P e+. oCD PA 0 0 0 n•1 1:11 CD las w g21- 0c° • ere pp ▪ 0--4 0 aa a) nen ° fan • CD pp el- ee, I tan' 0 en one it"; 0 aer at- CD (1) et- . 0 1:Y4 ni ti) C) o.cO 4=1 5 ea- t+ 0-9-0 CD a -a ea CD sa, ne sea gl) 1=1' c) ccg- Cfla C) -1 al ebseae-tne - Palleenaersi t _CD F'RE P-1 - Z tla 0-3 0 1"'t CD nt CD CT' Pa el- CD 'ae..CD FL' ea lag • p 0 v .C4 h7 -t , po frt P 5 e+ <T. CDI:24 0-1- - 0-1 • aa CD Cs) Z1 1g:LJ CD CD 0-1 CD m , a -P- O CD rea eca en Fa ° en a., ra'J CD na I at `133315 NIVIN 3®15 'J.NO `H3.HO,IY35 L.4 a° 0 1:11 CD CD 0 rn1 th CD 1-45 0 HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment 00 This Compan Farm See o Mortg SAVINGS 3, 4 and 5 per Deposita, OFFICE. and North Str ary Givisrloh, A 1 is Loaning Money on ty at lowest Rates Interest. es Puchased. BANK BRANCH. nt.Interest Allowedos rding to amount and me left. rner of Market 8g et, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, Masks*, 50,1885. SPECIAL NOTICE — URDOCK +-TO THE- PT_TI3LIC, CharlesWorth & Brownell, Sea - forth, is headquarters for Tea. We are 1 importers and profit sharers. We have the choicest India and Ceylon brands, the finest and most delicious Tea the world can produce. Also a large stock of Hysons, Blacks and Japan Teas. Look and see if you can find any- thing to match our cup quality at the prices we offer you. We ask your personal inspection. We stand as squarely by our qualities as by our prices. Why shouldn't we. We can well be frank, we can well. be fair with such goods and such prices. Whyl Because we im- port in large lines, buy and sell tons every few weeks. Parties buy- ing in 20 lb. lots we will sell at wholesale prices. A word to the farmers who are buying Tea from certain tea companies outside of their own county. We will guar- antee to sell equally as good—we think better—a may pickings Japan Tea at from five to ten cents a pound less, according to quality, and take your butter, eggs and pro- duce in payment. By doing this you save money, leave your money in your own county where it will do you the most good, and support your own merchants instead of sending the wealth of the county to assist to build up outside sec- tions. Remember, we warrant the Tea, and it can be returned if not fully better in cup quality at from five to ten cents per pound less. Please do not forget this. One trial will convince you this is no blow. We do but very little ad- vertising, as the public knows. This is the first printer's ink we have used for over two years. Our business does not, nor never has, required any booming—it has been gradually increasing and becoming more solid every day, for which we are thankful. Farmers and others will please call and secure their Tea, and in every case the Tea can be returned if not more than satiA- factory. We keep a full stock of General Groceries. Yours Respectfully, Charlesworth & Brownell, THE FARMERS' Banking House (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) L.OGIAN & 00., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. REMOVED To the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street A General Banking Business done, drafts issue and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. • MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. 1058 FARMER Where are you going with your next grist. Remember we are giving from 38 to 40 lbs. Of Flo7 to the bushel for ood wheat. FLOWER AND FEED At the lowest living prices. Dealers and others buying in quantities, it will pay you to calr and see us before purchasing. Remember Roller Mills, the Red the place, Seaforth formerly known as W. H. CODE & Co. ALLAN LINE • ROYAL MAIa STEAMSHIPS, CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE( EVERY WEEK. Montreal and Quebec, TO Derry and Liverpool CABIN, 860 50 880. According to Steamer and location of Stateroom. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE SERVICE OF t STEAMSHIPS. Wt ALLAN LINE NLEINE YORK & GLASGOW, via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Casua$35 and upwards. Returan66 and upward . Steerage at low rates. Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C. BETHUNE or Ws G. DM', Seaforth. 1222-52 Regulates the Stomach, Liver andBowcla, u n locks theSecretions,Purifiesthet 'Blood end removes all Im- purities from a Pimpie to theworst Sc rofu u s Sore. B OOD • CURES DYSPEPS IA. BILIOUSNESS: CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCOOFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS. DROPS' IRHEUMATistA, SKIN DISEASES Seaforth Dairy. Having purchased the Dairy Business fronaMr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage which he has re- ceived in the past. With the advantages I have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to be able to give my customers satisfaction as to quality of milk even in the very ht weather. Realizing that the cash systgn is the meet just and satisfactory th all concerned, I have decided to sell for cash only. ter Tickets supplied at duced rates 1171 D . D. W LS ON 13 1..10.A.24/1'S Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR, --TO, ITS— Original Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growth, and will _stop the falling out in a few days. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate headdresia 1 FULL DIRECTION8 WMI EACH BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE T;ONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottl Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SPENCER CASE, Chemist and Druggist, 50 King St.; West, HAMILTON, - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. "The Coming School of Medi- cine "—The Histogenetic System), Chicago, Jan. I, 1888. This is to certify that I have made a thorough investigation of the Histogenetic Medic:nes pre- pared by Dr. J. Eugene Jordan, and of his unique methods of research, a d am, therefore, competent to form a correct j idgment. Ipro- nounce them marvelous produ th of the highest skill, showing an acquaintance with the natural sciences far in advance of any avant with whose works the world is acquainted. The amount of time and painstaking which t e doctor has ex- pended upon the single branc of spectroscopy is enormous, and his discoveri s startling. Also having used these medicines n my own prac- tice, I can say that their actual success in curing disease is as great as is their diScovery. The re- volution of the medical faience of to -day is no dream -it is at hand. J. 13. S. Ells°, M. D. P.D. Prof. Chem. and Toxicolngy, Halaiaemann Medical College of Chicago. The Histogenetic theory of reaching disease Is: Rebuilding the diseased cells and tissues of the body, with the same proaimate principals and ferments, organic bodies, and so on, which are normally prepared in the body by the glands. The medicines are propared by chemical pro- cesses, in a perfectly pure eondition, and are quite tasteless. Diseases heretofore considered incurable are cured by thee medicines. In acute diseases such as LaGnppe, Pneumonia, Typhoid, Diphtheria, etc., the patient improves at once. TESTIMONIALS. Mrs. McCullough, 60a Adebeide street east, Toronto. -Very rapid cure of ongestion of liver and inflammation of kidneys. J. C. Sinclair, 53 Victoria street, Toronto - Bronchial trouble, effects of I grippe, cured in cne week. C. H. Wood, 122 Jarvis str et, Toronto -Kid- ney trouble, gravel and const pation. Henry Hoperoft, 744 Menai m street, Toronto- -Consumption cured in a few weeks. Mrs. ea Fawcett, 102 John street, Toronto - Female troubles; had been i Toronto General Hospital; also treated by -s veral physicians; after using Histogenetic medi ines for two weeks was s new woman. ' Joseph Perkins, 135 Tecum h street, Toronto -Remarkable cure of paraly John Burlangett, Mattaw , • Ont. -Nervous debility, etc., 30 3 ears. Tw weeks medicine did more for him than all the then remedies he had taken in the 30 years. Thomas Williams, 100 Robe street, Toronto - Consumption cured in a few,eeks. T. M. Hammond, Springfield on the Credit, Ont.-Hemmorrhages from ti e lungs and bad cough htwo years; consumpti cured in a few w Call or send for free book xplaining the His- togenetic system. One of our staff will „eerree Visit Seaforth eve -AT THE COMMERCIAL two weeks HOTEL. CONSULTATION FREE. Histogenetic Medicine Assn. Rooms 2 and 3, Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, head office for Western Ontario. Head office f or Canada -19 Yonge street market, Toronto. 1222-52 Planing Mill,Lumber Yard W.R. Counter, —THE LEADING— Jeweler of Huron A Dead Sure Tip. Times are hard, and I must have money; therefore, I .will offer for the Next Thirty Days My large and well -assorted stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- ELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE,FANCY GOODS, PIPES, SPECTACLES, &e., at rock bot- tom prices. This is a genuine dis- count sale for cash. Call early and be convinced. Repairing fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, tic., a specialty. W. R. COUNTER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. FLAX-SEEE 'EMULSION COMPOUND 3RONCHITIE 183 Lexington Ave., New York City, Sept. 19, 1888. I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in seven nes of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages hthisis, and have been well pleased witheneresult. JAMES K. CROOK, If.lk :ONSUMPTIO Brooklyn. N. Y., Feb. 14th,1889. have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthis- onsumption) with beneficial results, where patict ,uld not use Cod Liver Oil in any form., J. H. DROGE, M. D. IERVOUS PROSTRATE Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 20th, 1 1 can strongly recommend Fkul Seed Emulsion a - :lpf u I to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lun : -onchial and Nervous Affections, and a good ger al tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. lee ;ENERALDEBILIT) Brooldyn, N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1888. 1 regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior t e Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. VASTING DISEASE 137 West 84th St., New YorkeAtig. 6, 1888, I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion C.ompoute a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result wa are than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con .uous. I recommend it cheerfully to the professin d humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. IHEUMATISIV. Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. LAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. Knight's Blood Cure. _A STANDARD household remedy in success- ful use more than 40 years. A positive cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra tion, Constipation and all diseases- of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear :Complexion. A botanical compound, put up in packages and sent by mail at one third the cost of ordin- ary medicine. Large packaaes, sufficient for 3 quarts, 81.00 ; half size packages, sufficient for 3 pints, 50c.; sample packages, 25e. A reliable Agent wanted in this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-62 262 Broadway, New York. Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in tack worst form, Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases. HIRST PAIN EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatfea, Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Toothache, Fame in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey et Co. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. " Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Olin. ton; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan- non, Walton ; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilane, Harloek ; Robt. McMillan, Sea- ortha S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. 1189 - - - Notice to Depositors THE AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION Post Office Savings Bank. The sueecriber would beg to call attention to the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber which he always; keeps on hand, at tbe 'yrY e lowest prices. Bill Stuff cut to any order on ShOrt Notice. Good Cedar cut filth timber or poste. A good stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot 29, Concession 16, Grey, which will be cut to any order on shortest notice. Lumber delivered at reasonable rates when desired Orders by mail eromptly filled. Address BRODHAGEN P. 0. 1105 Charles Querengesser, Concession% Lifeau• Deposits in the above Bank may now be re- ceived to the amount of 61,000 during each year, ending 30th of June, and a total balance of $3,000, exclusive of interest, which, if desired, may at any time be transferred th the Finance Department for investment in —INSCRIBED STOCK— In sums of eloo or multiples thereof. This stock will bear interest at the rate of 3t per cent. per annum, payable on 1st of March and let of September of each year, and is redeene• able lst of March, 1896. SAMUEL DICKSON, Postmaster. Pot Office, Seaforta, Mareh,2nd, 1591. •1216-26