HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-05-29, Page 729, 1891 NARY. ., Honor partite*. W r College. All demists reated Calle .rairiptt, moderate. Vetertnilly 1810e—At Weir's Iton 1112., ---------------- x3r Surgeon. Gre4124 inary College, Toronto 2ie Medical Society Tortiptly attended to,. a constantly on hand. inherry's Hotel, Rene Dentistry and Surge 1100.6 ., graduate of Pate*. Toronto, Menber of taa, eto., treats all dia. 4aa Animals. All ither by day or night tial attention given kei Iffice on Main Street,. of Kidd'e Hardware, 1112 rpnwAny•ro, ftreeta, neect•door to ib .afarth, Ont. All dir etep, or any of the de. Issfully treated at lbw n the Shorted- notfee t:S_ W. ELDER, Vets, - large stook of Vet*,. ntly on handl nt, Walton, Insinuate • er for taking affidsvit% to loan at the loWeet Lan. iOlicitor,. Notary, are,. doors north of Com - or, next cloor to C. L.. lain street, Seaforthe 1, Holt and Caineron- 1215 OT, Banister', Relief. httario. J. T. Gamic", 086 411ERON, Barridert, robe. Godericb, Oat. -Pular' Hour, IC Q. 606 tor, Conveyanoer, k. B. C. Offloe--Oreft treet, Seaforth. Psi. d 6 per cent. 1086 Barristers, SolloiSOM Solicitors for the Bank le, Money to ken - ton, Ontario. A. B.- 781 tor to the tate firm lasted, Barrister Bo. lotery. Soliolte; for r memo. Money to lend. Scott's Block, Mati. r merle, with Mum ea, Goderich ; Bar. aforth and. Brussel% Rietekeldain Street. , W. B. DICKSON. Mr' LOAN. raiglat loans at 0 per vilege ta berrewer toipal money at say M-V&TED, &menu 860 7RY, L, L. D. S., Dentist. as Hardware Store, 116t - rt, Office over Ham - e Store. corner Maha- n, Ontario, Nitrous • r the paitelesa extract - 1169 •' IAN, Dentist, L. D. :eter, Ont. Will be at, Huron Hotel, en the IN LICHMOM meal!, on the nee; month. Teeth ea. poseible. All work. List, (successor to H. if the- Royal Ca/lege rice Teeth inserted eld„ celluloid or rub. :ten for the pitini "-over O'Neil's ban t-ly in the mouth by Hensall,. Ontario,. and Aceouchettr. ed. 1223 oi the College or ons, etc.. Seaforth, tck, opposite Cone at residence, north - h door west of the 1210 tL _Physician, Surgeon. itance, Ont. 1127 Bruaefleld, Limn. Physicians and) efield, opt. 930 -Physician, Burgeon Ont. Mos artY erioh street, Sewn& Church. 80 D C. M., Member fans arid SurgeOnse ee and retddenor 848 - D. Fellow of that. ciamiand Surgeons r. Mackid. (Aim kid, Main Sired'. of Victoria 8qm/rte- . E. Dancity. 1127 RS. knotioneer for fibs les attended lo *1; left at Tleli Jetty attended to. 5 ti Auctioneer andt retilient by mail Co rill receive prOmpt- 11g-52 JFF, OUNTY, Convey and Accountant ; nd1 Fire Insurance orrespondenee, &0. as. in any of thole' --attention. Omar MAIN STREST, SSA-. BRUCE Vestment ing Money on west Rates t. chased. est Allowed es _:- arac•unt and arket &pan 110111'0Nrni Mecums, MAY 29, 11891. a- A Tale of Barttelot. The late mayor Barttlot was educated ` at Rugby, where he is still remembered as the hero of one of the most delightful schoolboy blunders. t' What is the meaning of the word 'adage '?" was the 'question which ware asked by the muter. Various shots weremade of the usual l wild description, wen it came to young Bsrttelot, who, without hesitation, re- plied, "A place ;to put cats into." Everybody laughed; and the master who was as much mystified as the rest, alined him up at the end of the lesson, and asked him who had put such an idea into hie head. "Well, sir," said Barttelot, looking Feery much injured, 44 doesen't it say in Shakespeare, 'Like the poor oat in the adage '?"—Ex- change. The Te Taster. There are about 200 tea -tasters in New York, a well paid class of men, most of whom in t e course of nature will die of kidney di ease superinduced by their unwholeaor e occupation. The habits of these m n are exceedingly eurious. Some of hem refuse to ply trade save in the morning, on the ground that the Bens of taste cannot be trusted after it has been bewildered by hours of work. Mo t of them avoid the use of tobacco and of highly -seasoned food. Their accuracy of taste is aston- ishing. A tea -taster will grade and price a dozen qualities of tea all from the same carp. All this accuracy seems unnecessary, howe4r, for grocers un- hesitatingly sell the rime tea to different persons at very different prices, 80 'ignorant are most rk none of quality in teas, • An Unpleasant Situation. Mand—I don't knew what I am ever going to do. Ethel—Why,what is the matter ? Maud—Why, Me Fearer, of Paris, was talking very earnestly to me in French _last night, seapd I didn't quite •understand him, an he spoke so iim- petuously, and I re lied "Oui, ouie". several times. It ha since occurred to me that perhaps he was proposing. ' Oysters Cooked With Rice. Pick and wash carefully one pint of rice. Put it in a pan, salt to taste and pour on it one pint of fresh oyster liquid that has been strain- ed to free it from shell. Set the pen in a steamer and cover closely. From time to time, as it cooks, stir it with a fork, When perfectly done and tender remove from the steamer and stir into it, while hot, a quater of a pound of butter. beat two eggs very light, teperately, and, when the rice cools, :Air them in. Batt'r a baking dish, put the rice in it and smooth it over the top. With the bac Of the tablespoon make undulations al over it, close to- gether and deep en ugh to held an oyster. Into each oi e put a teaspoon- ful of bits of butter then lay in each, one large, or two or t ree null oysters, freed from any pestle e of shell. Sprin- kle over these salt and a little black pepper, and half ft teacupful of fine cracker dust. Cut into bits and sprink- le over thema quarter of a pound of butter. Set in a hot oven and brown -quickly. Serve at mice. Use about one quart of oysters and nice fresh but- ter. A shallow baking dish is best. The rice should not be more than an -inch and a half deep in the dish. Be .sure to brown quickly. Tilth and its Effects. The Arkansas Experimental Station asks the world to be surprised at one of its recent " discoveries. The station managers proceeded to test the effects of tilth on four different plots of wheat. The first got one plowing and no hare rowing, and yielded 16 bushels per acre. The second was ploughed and harrowed once and gave bushels. The third, 'ploughed twice and harrowed once, yielded 21 2-3 bushels. The fourth, ploughed and harrowed twice, gave 23i .bushels. It is altogethei doubtful whether wonder will materialize over those results. Had the yield been, under the circumstances, reversed then sur- prise would be legitimate. Everybody lout of the Arkansas) has long known that good cultivation is of the very first importance in growing crops, good tilth not only enabling the soil to get fully oxidized and its silicates weathered so as to render available its stores of plant food, but affording free course also to the ramification of the rootlets in their learch for this very sustenance. Tenderfoot Versus Pioneer. " What's the matter ?" asked:thelearly bird's mother. "Didn't you get, the -worm ?'„'L " Yes," whimpered the early bird. " Wel, then, what are you sniveling about ?" "The late bird came along and took it away from me just because he was bigger than I."—Washington Post. Economical Translation. A young man called upon a retired School -teacher not long ago, to consult him about studying French. He wished to learn the language, but could not id; ford to take lessons of a regular teapher, and asked what beoks would be suitable to enable him to aequire a reading know- ledge of French. I The old pedagogue fitted him out with a Gimp, book for translation, a vocabulary and a grammar, and left him to work out the problem for himself. A few weeks later they met again. "How are you getting on with your French ?" asked the teacher, "Oh, first-rate .I first-rate Why, yesterday I translated two whole pages of that book you told me to buy. I got out the meaning perfectly, and had a lot of French words left over !" The Brasses and Bronzes of the Hindus. The brass and bronze trade is kept alive by the religious customs of the Hindus, who are not allowed to use wooden and earthenware vessels freely, and brass and bronze are to them as im- portant as glase and china to the west- erns. Almost all Hindu utensils are of brass, copper or bronze, and it is the 'custom to present the female portion of e Hindu family with a valuable batterie de cuisine made either of brass or cop- per, and a still existing Hindu ceremony is that of carrying the utensils in a pro- cession at the wedding, The result of this custom is that almost all the plat- ters, trays, bowls, nut crackers and all brass and copper utensils are most beau- tifully ornamented, and there are lovely combinations of brass and copper and silver mind copper. All Hindu lamps are Made of brass. The Hindu women used' Winn,e lovely brass caskets cover- ed with ermine atations called chellams, manafa tared in Malabar, in which they kept th ir jewe s, but they are fast be- ing rep aced by the vulgar English iapannei despatch box. At Sivaganga a beautiful, but seldom patronized, bras a trede existe, which make toys and Most lifelike representations f lizards, frogs, eto.—'Tbi Nine teienth Century. Home Notes. Never whip es child when it is in a tantrum,. P1dying with cats will give children ringwornis„ , Retno e egg stains from table silver by ribbing witb salt. A0) le 'peeling thrown on the stove will erfume th ooni. . An extensive ut and fruit diet will cure qhilOren of ie fidgets. A bag Of char al hung up in the cis- tern will purify he water. A fruit diet w I clear the complexion and make you m re loving and kind. A weak soluti of oxalic acid will re- move 'rust and fr it stains from linen. Neer I drink vater that has been standing uncove d over night in 'a room. Proper Ex Dr. Mary Pu recentcommuni " All etrercise according to the girl. "It is sery inj denly in summ walks of ten a previous astern a day. " Wom n enti all froM h steric educted t do s to take to o step the nekatnd so gradual i crease i easily app ied to "It is never dangerous to pr cise to misch. of skating'. Fewi an hoar ; becaus ice does nilim t a allow of - the g pliriod of wo ho "It sh uld b that nd exercises isfsztoey which clothing Or cors corsets under the chest would have full development breathing would proper-fitt ng co worn with impuni 1 rcise for Girls. am Jacobi says in a tion: should be graduated review' habits of the rious to start off sud- vacatioma and take fifteen miles, when • d not exceeded a mile ly unable to walk at paralysis may be re - by being encouraged n one day, four steps . This principal of of course, still Morel ell persons. well, and sometimes' ng any form of exer- is is especially true iris can skate even in this climate the last long enough to dual increase to a s. unnecessary to add It be considered sat- e performed in tight ts. If no girl wore e of twenty-five, the chance to acquire a the habit of proper be established, and ets could then be I HOw to M ke a Haggis. The ie1 of " S ttish Haggis" which is so highIr estee ed in Scotland, and which tvas,mentio ed by her national bard as; the " grea chieftian o' the pud- diug rani)," is mad with tongue, heart, kindeys and liver f a sheep, and some- times, when a v y large dish is re- quired, the meat om the sheep's head is added also. The various ingredients, when properly pr pared, are boiled in the paunch or stem ch -bag of the sheep, which ;latter mu , of course, be thoroughly dense previous to using. This is best accom lished in the fellow- ing mannee : Wa h the paunch well, soak it foe two o three hours in cold, salted !wo, er, the turn it inside out, scald arid a rape it rinse again in clean, cold, salted water, nd dry carefully by , pressing it gentl with a soft cloth ; exam -in tIie bag ery closely, and if there aie aiiy thin laces or holes in it, repair he e wit a fine needle and thread befcre fillin . The following is a very tellable sudi well -tested method of preparing the gredients which are th form the " hagg ' Weigh the meat, then miece it finel with half its weight in fat brood, and ii x it with two large tablespoonful's of nely minced onion, a good seasoning f salt and pepper, a pinch'of cayenne, one tablespoonful of mixed herb, powd and an ordinary - sized breakfast -c 1 oful of " medium ' oatmeal. When horoughly mixed, moisten well with ood, brown stock or gravy, and turn th preparation into the paunch which has ecu mule ready for it. Sew it up sec ely—being careful to leave plenty of own for the haggis to swell during the progress of cooking —then plunge it in o plenty of boiling water, and boil ge ly and evenly for three home. ng the first hour prick the skin h e and there with a needle several time in order to let the air escape and so prevent the haggis from bursting—a ery annoying acci- dent which someth s happens when the dish is being prepa d by inexperienced cooks. When don enough, serve the haggis just as,it is on a'very hot dish, with a simple garni of sprigs of pars- ley and sliced 1 on placed round about. Good bro sauce or gravy in a hot tureen, may ccompany this dish if desired, but in S otland it is generally served quite dry. Sometimes a ha gis is served as a sweet dish, and en this is the case, bread -crumbs and •eaten eggs should be substituted for the Oatmeal and gravy, while chopped raisi e, well-cleatied cur- rants, lemon -juice nd grated nutmeg should 'be used in lace of the cayenne pepper, onion and herb powder. Fine, white sugar and wh te sauce may then, if desired, be served as accompaniments. When parboiled, well inade iaggis will keep good for we or tbree weeks ; one is often sent, th More, in this state from Scotland as a •reeelit to friends at a distance. Perth I tems. —Mitchell has ha another fire. On Friday, 8th inst., a re broke out in the premises occupied b. Mr. George Pearce at the east end of th town and resulted in the destruction f a barn. The fire started from a defect re stovepipe in the roof of the back ki hen and a spark flew from that to t e straw scattered about the barn. T e house was saved without much diffiailty, but the -barn could eot be. The 'remises belong to Mr. W. Squire, of Ligan, and he had an insurance placed u .on the buildings only a few days b fore the fire. Mr. Pearce iost a good alining mill and a straw cutter. , —The !summer m eting of the South Perth Farmers' Institute will be held in the town hall, Mitchell, on Friday, the 29th inst, to begin ith fa morning ses- sion at 10.30. Hoi. Thomas Ballan- tyne will open the I ssion -with an ad- dress and a discussio on the question of dairying; the best Iairy cow; how to • THE HyRO EXPOSITR. feed a dairy cow for the best result.; the silo as. a profitable thing in dairy feeding. Mr. John Hobson, of Guelph, will treat on the care, value and appli- cation of manure. Mr. John Whyte, on feeding and breeding hogs for profit; Mr. Wood, of Nissouri, on mixed farm 'in; ; Mr. Legge, of St. Marys, on 'the value of the root crop in stook feediugl etc. In the evening there will be an- pther session, addreased by Mr. Hobions and. others. —On Sunday afternoon, 10th inst., just as Mr. Mountain, of gt. Marys, or seed a bridge in that town with a horse and buggy, he met some ladies, ho raised their umb ellen, as a shower as corning on. Th horse shied and umped down the nbankment. Mr. euntain remained i • the buggy, which apsizeds forward on top of the horse. Os almost a miracle that Mr. Moun- On escaped as easil as he did. He uetained a severe br Ise en the should - ✓ and other 'minor c ntusions, but' the op buggy was almost -cemplete wreck. --On Friday evening, th inst.,Mr. gam- • el Edwards, of Mitch 11, was driving his I ttle girl about town n a cart and when ear the wollen mill the horse became f ightened at a bicyc e. Mr. Edwards jumped out of the v hicle and caught the animal by the head, but the fright- ened beast soon broke away and went eacing up the hill with the child in the dart. When halfway up the hill the child was thrown viol ntly from the cart nd alighted on the 'ard gravel road, ut strange to say wa not hurt at all. he horse circled a ound a telegaph pole at the top of t e hill and was hought to a standstill apparently none t e worse for its mad r n. Mr. Edwards ae pretty badly brus d and shaken up, e cart was consid rably damaged, t the escap; of the ild was miracul- o S. —The town of St. g eatly excited of la ancement that Mr. former well-known arys, had been murd regon. go far very ve been received by &rye. These show t ho has been engaged c andise business at - f r about a year and a P rtland to purchas rived there all righ h tel, and next mor started out to attend is failure to return h hied raised suspicion. hid been kept up unti ri Marys 'has been e over the an - W. M. Barbour, resident of St. red at Portland, little particulars he family at St. at Mr. Barbour, in geueral mer- ebanon, Oregan, half, had gone to stook. He ar- , put up at an ing, April 16th, to his business, me when prom- onstant search May 3rd, when s body was found in the Columbia er. Upon examination it was found at Mr. Barbour had been shot through nd that his head se vs. Wanless the Chancery aturday before e head from behind, was badly bruised in fr —The case of Wanl for alimony was tried i Court at Stratford on Justice Ferguson, Geo. A. Wanless,the defendant, is a sewing machine dealer in the town of Waterloo. His wife, the plaintiff, is decidedly a prepossessing young woman, who wasenarried to him on january 5, 1887. The honeymoon was scarcely spent when the husband begen to illtreat- his young wife and commenced a curse of persecution whieh finally drove her, to the courts for protection and suplport. Her evi- dence, which was given in a straight forwerd, candid manneri, drew forth a comidliment from the bench. It was shown thatthe husband not only sub- jected the wife to personal violence on seveeal occasions but had applied to her at various times epithets of the most insulting character. He continually found fault with the way in which she performed her household duties. About two years ago she decided to leave him, but he signed a promise to amend, and she therefore decided to give him an- other trial. He, however,, did not show any genuine reformation. The defence endeavored to show that the wife was ail bad tempered as the husband. In this they failed, and the judge decided in favor of plaintiff, with full costs, the amount 9f alimony to be fixed by the master in chancery. at Berlin. Thunder Must be Paid For. The following, which we take from the Toronto Telegram, will be of inter- est to some in this county, as one of the parties is personally known to a good many, and the other is politically known to all: During the Dominion political campaign of 1887, so reads the bond, William Mulock, M. P., in order to spread Liberal enthusiasm over his North York constituency encouraged young lawyers of Grit persuasion to go out and stump the townships. Among Mulock's missionaries was Mr. Archi- bald IticAlpin Taylor, barrister, poet and novelist, who, it would appear, had some arrangement with his political principal, whereby he was to receive a financial compensation for his oratorical efforts on behalf of the Liberal cause in general and Mr. Mulock in particular. For speeches delivered during the - campaign of 1887, Mr, Taylor claims that Mr. Mulock still owes him $175, or as the account reads: William Mulock, M. P., Dr. To A. McA. Taylor, , To 7 Reform stump speechea at $25 each $175 To sundries 12 Total. , $187 For some reason e or other Mr. Mulock has not seen fit to pay this account, ac- cordingly Mr. Taylor Issued a writ against him for the above amount in the County Court. Ask Your Friends About It. Your distressing cough can be cured. We know it because .Kenip's Balaam within the past few years has cured so many coughs and: colds in this community. Its remarkable sale has been won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some friend•who has used it what he thinks of Kemps Balsam. There is no medicine ao pure, none so effective. Large bottles 60c. and $1 at all druggists. Imms•••••••ssma • Bad, Worse, Worst. Cold, cough. consumption, to cure the first and second and prevent the third use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the 'never -failing family medi- cine for all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest. • A marvel of healing in pulmonary com- plaints. Caught in a Shaft. AFREQUENT source of accident is found in shaftihg. Great care should be used and • a supply of Hagyard's Yellow Oil kept on hand In case of wounds, bruises, sprains, burns, or scalds. It is the proniptest pain reliever ob- tainable. anammimmeass•meeasesi A Cure for Constipation and Headache. Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Mountains, discovered a Toot that when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and certain cure for con- stipatior. It is in the form of dry roots and leaves, and is known as Lane's Family Medicine. It will cure sick headache and is the best spring Medicine. For the blood, liver ad kidneyreand for elea in up the -complexion itIdoes wonders. Druggists sell it at 500 and $1 a package. A Canadian Cape. The:case of Mrs.it.A.Storey, of Shetland, Ont., is rematkable proof of the effica4 of Burdock Blood Bitters in Headache. She writes: "For over 40 years I %TOR martyr to headaehe,having s vere attacks about once a lweek. Have n w used 3 bottles of B. B. B. and have, had no tack for 4 or 5 months." The Single Ta Thersingle tax may relieve poverty, but as a remedy for painful ailment it ca not compare with Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the oi1 reliable mire for rheipmatism, neuralgia, crou , sore throat lumbagb, colds and inflammatory Jiseases. Mor4h1y Prizes for ioys and Girls. • boys and girls under 16, residin in the Pro - b rhe !' Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the fo lowing prizes every month till f rther notice, t,o vince of Ontario, who send the gr atest number of " Sunlight " wrappers : 1st, $1 ; 2nd, 86 ; 3rd, ea, 4th, 81.; 5th to 14th,a, Ha dsome Book; arid a pretty picture to those who end not less ti4n 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, cot later than 29th of each month, and markel. •` Competi- ticin ;" also give 'full name, add ess, age and nnmber of wrappers. Winners' names will be piablished in the Toronto Mail on first Saturday In 'each month. 1218-52 I ifF he red color of the blood is caused by the Ir n it contains. Supply the iron yhen lacking by Usieg Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. s an aid to internal remedies or skin die - ea, es,Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap prov s very value. essimmemomer ' Many men, many minds," but lall men and all minds agree as to the merits of 1urdoek pills, small and sugar-coated. • tubboin children readily tak Dr. Low's W rni Syrup. it pleases the child and destroys th • tch, tItiange and Scratches of every kind, on humane or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by 1. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 1186 52 Eng1411 Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused Lunaps and Bl mishes from ho es, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Su eenei„ Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Th oat, boughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bo tle. Warranted th most wonderful Blemish Cue ev r known. Sold by J. S. Roberts, Sea- forfii 118052 •:30,11•111•171TwirraliMMENURIMISSIMIMM. W. SOMERVILLE, Gnerai Express and Tslegraph Agency, EAFORTH, ONTARIO. wo xpress Trains each way, daily. Ask for our spee'al produce and money rates. Telegra- phic corinections everywhere 1192 SPECIAL NO TICE 1 —TO THE— - Ch lesworth & Brownell, Sea - forth, is headquarters for Tea. W are importers and profit share s. We ,have the choicest India and Ceylon brands, the finest and ost delicious Tea the world cani roduce. Also a large stock -of H343 ris, Blacks and Japan Teas. Lo4. and see if you can find any- thi I to match our cup quality at the[.rices we offer you. We ask your personal inspection. We stand as •Itiarely by our qualities as by our prices. Why shouldn't we. W an well be frank, we can well be with such goods and such I priges. Why? I3ecause we im- poit in large lines, buy and sell ton ti every few weeks. Parties buy- ingi in 20 lb. lots we will sell at wholesale prices. A word to the farm rs who are buying Tea from cert in tea companies outside of theici own county. We will guar - ante to sell equally as good—we thirUk better—a may pickings Japan Teai at from five to ten cents a poU d less, according to quality, and1 take your butter, eggs and pro- duci e n payment. By doing this you aye money, leave your money in ur own county where it will - do u the most good, and support you I own merchants instead of sen ing the wealth of the county to sist to build up outside sec- tior i.• 'Remember, we warrant the Teai and it can be returned if not fully better in cup quality at from five to ten cents per pound less. Please do not forget this. One trial! Will convince you this is no bloviir. We do but very little ad- vertising, as the public knows. is the first printer's ink we used for over two years. Our ess does not, nor never has, red any booming—it has been ally increasing and becoming solid*tery day, for which we ankful. Farmers and others This have busi requ grad, mord are t will please call and secure their Tea, land in every case the Tea can be returned if not more than sati8 factobT. We keep a full stock of General Groctiries. • Yours Respectfully, Charlesworth & Brownell. THE FARMERS' .Ba,nking House, In Connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN & C BANK RS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. REMOVED To the ommercial Hotel Building, M A Genel I Banking Business done, d and eaS ed. Interest allowed on de In Street fts istue MONEY TO LEND On gpod notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER, 1058 BreaN.ng sn't needed with the Bal :o set. It's easy from th( ;tart. Coils of tiny wir( ;prings in the sides make i co. Try it, and you'll like it If you don't, after a fem veks' wear, just return il aid get your money. Ask YOUR DRY QOODS DEALER FOR THESE CORSETS. A T. liloNAMARA-,- Leadbury, breeder of _a,. pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winners of 26 first prizes in 1890. Young pedigreed stock for sale, also two prize winner Boars kept for ser- vice. 1203 pMcAtbumta, Varna P. 0., breeder 1 of pure-bred improved Berkshire Swine. Two Boars, seven months old, and young stock for sale cheap. Also will keep for service "Huron Chief" (016), bred by George Green, Fairview, Ont. Sire, Roisal Hope (777); dam, Alton Sallie (458) imported. by Artful Joe, im- ported ; Sally (116) by Hopeful let ;- Swan- wick (Sally) Tenth by Plymouth second; Sallie 7th by Athelle4 Sallie 6th by Heber boar, Sallie 4th sister by Dewe boar, Sallie 3rd by Duke of Glencester, Sallie 2nd by King Tornt's boar, Sallie 1st by D ke of Glencester lst. WM. ALLISTE R. 1221x4 FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP. East half -9 on Oth Concession, 60 acres. West half 7 on 10th concession, 60 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. South half 21 on 5th concession, 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Lots 11 and 12 on 13th concession, 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITII. Lot 38 on 3rd concession L. R. S., 100 acres. For terms &c., apply to the undersigned. F. HOLMESTED, 1197 ti: Barrister Ste., Seaforth Seaforth Dairy. Having purchased the Dairy Business from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage which he has re- ceived in the past. With the advantages I have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to he able to give my customera satisfaction as to quality of milk even in the very hot weather. Realizing that the cash system is the most Just and satisfactory to all concerned, I havc decided to sell for cash only, kr Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 D WILSON GOD RICH Steam Bo/ler Works. (ESTABTrED 1880.) Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of ell kinds of Station` ary, Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS • Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Weeks, etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontafl lid Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines' specialty. All sizes ef pipe and pipe 1 tting constantly on hand. Etti.mates furnished Works notice.rksotm °site G. It. R Station Gouerich. PROSPEROUS AND PROGRESSIVE, THE SUN Life Assurance Coiy, OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865. Capital, 8500,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Features of the,Report for the Year 1890. Life Assurance in l'orce, let January, ;891 .. :. $16,759,355.92 Increase over previous year 3,421,372.81 New Applications receiv- ed in 1890 6,371,599.15 Increase over 1889., .... 2,268,888.60 Calif) Income foryeai end. • ing December 31,11890 889,078.87. Increase over 1889., .... 325,938.35 Assets at 31st DeceMber, 1890- ; , le . . • i ' 2,473,514.19 Increa e over 18891. ... 687,691,47 Reserie for Securi4 of Policy -holders. .1. 1.... 2,109,222.68 Increase over 1889. .• .... 567,732.71 Surpluifover all L abili- ties, except Capi al. .. 294,675.69 Surplus over all Dahill - ties and Capital Stock 232,175.69 Increase over 1889 ..:!.... 75,649.05 Death Claims fallen in during 1890 ...... -, ... 143,961.65 Robertson Macaulay, President; on. A. W. Ogilvie, Vice -President; :T.B.Macauly,Secretary; A. S. Macgregor, Manarr London District, Lon- don, Ontario. [ 1 ' JOHN FAIRLE , Agent, Seaforth, Ont. 1221-4 SeaforthaCheaRStore. - We have on hand a large line of TINWARE, CURY COMBS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, &C., Which we are selling cheap for Cash. We have the hest and cheapest Goods to be found anywhere. Remeteber the place. No. 1 Campbell's Block, Seaforth. McDona d & Menzies. Auetion Sale on Saturday afternoons.' 1221 mitpcD±A.ms-ls Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR Original Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few da s. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate headdrase. FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. TRY IT AND . BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottl Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SPEN ER CASE, Chemist and Druggist, 50 King St., West, HAMILTON, - - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth., THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogge•i avenues of th' Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carryin off gradually without wealiening the sys tem, all the impurities sncl foul humor of the secretion's* at the saine time Cor, reeting Aeiclity , of tir Stomach curing Biliousmcs, 'Dyspepsia. Headaches, Diziness, Heartburn Constipation, Drync35 of the Skin Dropsy, Dinesof Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum Erysipelas, Sere - 43 f fula, Fluttering, the Heart, Ner- vousness, and G neral Debility ;al these ancl many other similar Complaint; yield to the happy iulduence of BURDOCE BLOOD I31TTE:t1S, Tor gate by an .Dealero. 51,11111)27 CT, 1 * f . 3,1 rTopyletarsI Toronto ')OQ1aVd N30100 JO NOIS 0 e+ )-f• ' tj AJ CI) 0 r+Crq CD Leh • (71 eal:r cn p 4-4" cr.17i (11 a - sl) CD cr) CD )-).1 r"4- 4FD rlit 4. 0 cn (t) ).4 P' ES CD CD e-4- cn cn tCD r -n0 N, 0 ela 510 Cls I gsP"‘Cts44540-00.e. 0 co n rn t< P "" e.).''- )•••4-4 7 • 1c1 cp (t) 4). w v.po t, m (-4-. CD A) CD < ca " C411 Cas 0 1-d tjj :1461 P") g4 0 W'. cla eeea hi fa. 0D ra, CD r, st- 0 )1 w p 1-$ Pt, p.4.4 0 0' ea S)0 ti a CD tl CD g" PF -1 .0 CD . CD Pl rel E4 Cf.g ata "sols.. osAHo2 Planing Mill,L mber Yard AND SAW MILL INI CONNECTION The suoscriber would h the large stock of dressed a which he siways keeps o lowest prices. to call attention to d undressed lumber hand, at the very Bill Stuff cut to Any order on Short NOtide. Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. A good stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot 20, Conceaaion 16, Grey, which will be cut to any order on ehortest notice. Lumber delivered; at reaeonahle rates when des red Orders by, mail promptly filled. Address BRODIIAGEN P. O. 1105 Charles Querengeiser, Concession8, laceein. McKillop 'Directory for 1891. JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Brodhagen P. 0. JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. JAMES EVA.NS. Councillor'Beechwood. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Lead - bury. JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- throp. ROBERT G. ROS8, Assesar, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. W. R. Counter, —THE LEADING— Jeweler of Huron A Dead Sure Tip. Times are hard, and I must have money; therefore, I will offer for the Next Thirty Days My large and well -assorted stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- ELRY, SILVER-PLATED WAREIFANCY GOODS, PIPES, SPECTACLES, &c., at rock hot -- tom prices. This is a genuine dis- count sale for cash. Call early and be convinced. Repairing fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sze., a ,specialty. W. R. GO U N TER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned desires to inform his old eustomers and the public that he has disposed of the Blacksmithing business, which he has carried on in Seaforth for over 25 years, to his son, J. A. STEWART, Who will hereafter carry on the same in all ite branches, and he hopes that the same liberal patronage so long extended to him will be con- tinued to his son and successor. ALEXANDER STEWART. in connection with the above, 1 beg to say that I win carry on the general blaelismithin4 business in all its branches in the old stand, ani by close attention to the wants of customers, hope to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage so long extended to my predecessor. Horseshoeing and general jobbing a specialty. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, and charges reasonable as usual. - J. A. STEWART, 1205 Main Street, Seaforth. McGILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL.I A Special Announcbment —OF T11E— FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE hasibeen prepared, stating the details of the NEW CHAIRS, LAB0RATORIE8,WOR - SHOPS, APPARATUS and other improve- ments in its several Departments of Civil, Mining, Mechanical and Elec - trical Engineering and Practical Chemistry, which will afford in the Session of 1891-2 advantages not hither- to accessible to Students in this country. Copies may be had on application to the undersigned, who can also supply detailed announcements of the other Fa- culties of the University, viz.: Law, Medicine, Arts (including the Donal da Course for Women) and Veterinary Science. J. W. BRAKENRIDGE, B.C.L., 1215-26 Acting Secretary Knight's Blood Cure. 2‘..STANDARD household remedy in success- ful use more than 40 years. A positive cure for Dvspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra - Mon, ConstEpation and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear A bota,nical compound,:CompIeX1pount, up in packages and sent by mail at one third the cost of ordin. ary medicine, Large packages, sufficient for 3 quarts, $1.00 ; half size packages, sufficient for 3 pints, 50c'.• sample packages, 25c. A reliable Agent wanted In this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in their worst form, Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diaeseee, HIRST PA1N EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Toothache, lions In every form. I3y all dealers. Wholesale by P. F. Dailey & Co. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED, osyreauts. Thos. E. Have, President, Seaforth P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth I'. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Harlock Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton, AOENTS. Thos. Neilans, Ilarlock ; Robt. McMIllgn Sea- orth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors. Parties destrous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their reapective post offices. 1189 Notice to Depositors THE— Post Office Savings Bank. Deposits in the above Bank may now be re- ceived to the amount of $1,000 during each year, ending 30th of June, and _a total balance of $3,000, exclusive of interest, which, if iiesired, ma.y at any time be transferred to the FinanC41- Department for investment in ----INSCRIBED STOCK— In SUMS of 8100 or multiples thereof. Thi8 stock will bear interest at the- rate of 3/ per cent. per annum, payable on let of March and lst ot September of esch year, and is redeem- able 1st of March,1806. SAMUEL DICKSON, Postmaster. Post Office, Seaforth, March 2nd, 1891. 1210-26 _ea-ea:ea