HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-05-08, Page 5hi tb .7 ran si received a. prove. the necesity of Mine mar_ r Of Mr.B,ebe, untold deputy , which wane. BlIth.uit. De_ o• months age, *done for bee, lining emeah. who enjoyed esteem, of her 1 as well as re - the early age ;loom and feta - Was a mem. lurch, Ion, 26th ult., h called away Samuel Bir- th year. Her et, but of ceased was a 5cot1and, oone- 'a M&Y Of the ed at Harpur- rtner, and be_ ails, She was ous and two r dying some WM: nal ho - Presbyterian lany.years and r enjoying the people of God. , 4th ult., about =met met at stattrant to en - dor to his de- ' After all had I spread pre - 's welt known egg, who act:m- ile, and laving f the evening, id called upon, read a oompli led address on lee. Mr. Kerr i• Past Master's 1_ in appropri- mother Orange- tment and the - this the usual d replied to in r by gentlemen been a resident ten years, and re. -- Ines heve been Huron Limn". a : Howick,- inn ; Fordwich, John Campbell " LskeIet, John. )hn Lamonbyt irt and Andrew srry,-Blueeale, Belgrave, Robt. is -Sage. Grey, sis; Efenfryn, John Burton; and. C. Penske-, el; Jamestown, ind wine license. Stretton Broth - nu Hall. Mee leaFulton ; Dub- - , The case of adbury, was laid Licenses were Dili, Ethel and he Island, New* s the following 1 a former resi- son of the late the pioneers of Win. E. Craven. It9. o'clock,after t a week. The for the past few Early unfortunate - ved from I'leas- county, New me three • weeks • zn, belonging to Nevr York,which md to improve. r arrival and be - the family were e, pneumonia de - lite daughter. Mrd itself, kept about 1 he was obliged last week, Rob - 'mown resident of hirty years„ pass- [ Wan seized by la ronchitis set in, reIve months he *alth. Deceased Won -Tyne; Eng - `a his 59th 'fear. aw of Dr. J. -11. eweastle's moat Walton in earlier tirring life. In Australia and C: years, daring of that country. in 1856 here- ', after which he New York. fte Oret, but shortly he entered the __- Trunk Railway" inxportant post - h that line. lie Ind his wife and nrvive. th nit, Goderich led resident by the y, well known_ to if that section. For te had been grad reme oid age, and altogether tine* 1 and friends. ile odge,in the county' and, on the 18th ad wee married in Id celebrated hie 11. Hisfather, lie most extensive • his native parish* died in 1823, egad is covering an ID Upon the deeds, 823 Mr. Mosely m of the family i it himself until ha retired to the lie,t,ogether witle to Canada in 1852, e Bruce county. In d a Justice of the a 1864 he remove& Goderich, and for It was a resident of a was a kindly, , and rives most, ap- l so came in persona He was a devoted street Methodist] ul leaves a widorr daughters and ono Mete. IOW 11. the . Cou roo Kippen. -An opals meeting of empleies will Be Ntld in their on Monday evening next. OS of the new tomtit/ill in almost an assured fact. An enema - committee are making all ✓ isible manta with this in view. , --The Me' 44ist camp meeting is crest - lag oot.isid ble Wit, but the majority savor IL t will probably be held in Mr. R. Ke tie's grove. The large tent ?is *already I hired, and a number of the apeekers secured. We soon expect to 4•60 potters out, making definite innonce- raente',-Our worthy townsman, Mr. John Jeff tt, is laid up with an attack ef 1agrip e, but we hope to see him around ag 1it soon. Beeers. Mr. John Weismiller, who las been'i the employ of his brotIrr 1 -for the p1 t four years'leaves this week ' for Cro rty where he has secured a by whom ill be missed. Their beet situation.lh0 will has many friends here wishes fot his future success accompany iern,-hifss S. MeClymont is home ;lapin. Mas McClymont returns to Lon- don this *eek. -Mr. J. P. C. Markle, of London, called on friends here this week. -Mr. A. J. Jones, who has been i'M Winr1ipeg for softie time, paid his -friends it flying visit last week. -Mr. James Miller left on Monday for St. Louls. !VVe trust the trip will prove benefieiel to hie health. -The Royal Templar, intend holding an open meet- ing in Kyle's Hall, on Monday even- ing next, May lith. They are making proviiioi for an excellent programme. A silver collection will be taken up. CHUB.Ir MATTERS. -An interesting 'quarterly religions service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday, a zumber'being present from Chiselinirst and Elias Green. On Monday the Board meeting of the Kippen eireuit was held here. The Sunday School reports show- -ad theehools on the circuit to be in an iv Wares Icondition. The *dor re- ported n increase in membership as the result of the year's work. The stewards paid up all money due for ministerial support, excepting $11.70, which they promised to make good in a week's time. Thus the circuit reports its minister paid in full the first week in May. This must b very gratifying to the pastor, Rev. H Irvine, at the close of the first year o the new Kippen cirouit. This --circuit ill pay from $700 to free salary next year, thus taking its place among the t dies' country circuits. It is poasibl& the present parsonage in Hen - :nail will be sold, and a new one erected •en the icirouit during, the coming year. _ Goma. BRIEFS. -Mr. Jas. A rnetrong. V. S., -is htvi g a new fence p it in front of his let. r. David Sande son has the job. -The v. Mr. Torri nee is suffering .1rom a attack of lumb go. -Mr. Doig, our esi emed jeweller, qs married on Weiln sday last week to Miss Annie Watz, f Mount Forest They returned from t ieir wedding to r on Saturday -aftern on. We wis Mr. and Mrs. Doig kpleasant trip do TD the stream .of time. SPORTS. -The "F f Brussels, pl same ith the "Rang 4on Sat rday afternoon our ho s with a score :Some the "onlooker the" " our boys -cent one," and that it the cheap move they si -feat. if the Bangers they. Must practice energY and enthusias club as been re -or boys practice, three week. GOO Se 'to) nol cse the very cred the s -pupils of th -.Schoo , who are atten High Ichool, took at `ton Id at Easter. mon of Mr. James Perk taine 4th place in * leavin candidates • ten 7 h, and H. A.1 Fk1 s began to atte last y ir, and Watters In Jai nary of the *pre Mary Padfield was fi Trims y candidates, a send 'eel -another stud They ommeneed to last, 5 wrote in thi Pe kin. hu just r meda won at the entr 1n Ji y, 1889, at <Soho . It is very p bie " rizes it highly, is a g od student, a -pleas re to oongratula ;sue under fall wh the popie do birtM and d deaths in one. ere recorded n •-r THE HURON XPOS1TOR t.. The 0 ot give an he bird of th the wh Roll, while th returns clerk as Reglitrar do with the repoijts to the sus enumerato e. lie al Mind those wEo give fal they are snbj t to a he is satisfied returns of got is many township as le Asaessment made to the: ot correspond ssessor or Oen- o wishes to ro- e returns that vy penalty. IF YOUR IV to J. C. Stonems first-class wadi Naughton of Ho tab don' , Hensel: 1 watch ndon, and you first-class w k in the eh We heettesome pleat bargain and Jewelry. Cell and see. 1 , CLEARING SALE OF 113 -Having decided to giveii trade to make roam for our Goods, we will offer our enti cash only, and t e public ea SE. -.110 of the gr atest bar Shoos ever offered in Menge of the beet makee in Caned assorted, parties in need cafl .see our prices as thle is a ge _Everybody come and get Bc RANNIE & TOI7EG Bnezes.1--, T e weath few days has been ver the tail far wes less" foot ball yed a friendly s of our burg ast, and defeated f 2 goals to 1. "declared that • ad on was a "5- u on account of stained their de - re to be a success ith more vim, .-Our base ball snized, and the evenings every BE lave week -comp -Sun but t have deal -John a co try .$on been neigl boring towns. eof th Queen's Arms of a i ish box last wee -in m ney, besides val At ti e annual meetin Insti ute, on VVednes Mr. anus Ireland w -dent; Mr. W. awri Mr. . B. Sand rs, tr -Mr'. Thomas Sa teria on the gfeun .vene r his home as so is fa orable. were pleased table stand that Gorrie Public ing the Herndon the test examine- r. R. J. Perkins, ns, of Gorrie, ob- oes of 32 junior - r. William Wat- worth 10th. R. d in August of .and Aylesworth ant year. Miss t• in the list of d Mr. Ed. Town- ut for 4th place. ttend in January class. Mr. R. calved his gold ince examination Harriston High etty, and " Bob- nd why not ? He d it affords us Le hint upon ,his flurries. fJus friends in the sing through vicinity are g .-The ening their seeding, many finished several days village, considering t the farmers, is very Moore, our energetic townsman, is buy- ing in potatoes by the wholesale. -Mrs. J. Blatchford jr., who was in Kamoka fer the treatment of a after a number of wee Ithe treatment of Dr. home much improve .returned to Kanioka,,havmg only oome home for a week or s in the firit place, and while shehas suffered considerably would advise anyone suffering from cancer not to neglect it as long as she did. Yet we are pleased to say she is getting along inicely, and we trust when she next retutns it will be for geed and free of her trouble. -Mrs. Holmes, who has been here for some time past visit ing her dau returned hom many friends Mrs. Heade go well, take it He has secured a, er in Mr. J. Mo - now guarantee rtest posdble time. in Watches, Clocks J. C. STONEMAN. 1221-2 OTS AND SHOES. the Boot and Shoe ergs Stock of Dry e stock at cost for depend on getting ins in Boots and 1. As our Stock is and hair been lately not do better than ulna Clearing Sale. ti and Shoes. COAD, 1218-4 r during the past cold with snow end of what our have beep pas - armors in this splendidly with of them having go. -Trade in the o busy times with ood.-Mr. Wm. cancer, and who ks' absence, under Edwards, returned . .She' has again Wroxeter. Nos.—Farming operations eau rendered u by the spell of c ied by .now, comfortable this old weather, ac - which set in on y last, Growth has been checked, legs are not far enough ahead to received any flamage. A good of seeding has Ibsen done. -Mr. Hamilton will personally conduct ignment of cattl to the Old Conn- arket shortly. 14r. William Wil. ill accompany iin.-There have burglars at work here as well as in r. John Gofton, otel, was relieved containing $135 able seouritiet.- ef the Mechanics' ay of last week, re-elected Presi- , Secretary, and &surer and librar- e has all the ma. ready to brick - n as the weather Mc op. WELkT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SHOWS. e following interesting particulars been abstracted from the Assess - Roll of this township by the Clerk. ssessment of real estate and income nts to $1,802,395; church pro- , $12,700; statute labor on farms, days, and on church property, ays. The population of the town- ship is given at 2,820. There are 773 -T` •have men The amoi pert .3,71 184 - hter, Mrs. (Rev.) Irvine e this eek- to Ayr. -Th of Rev. J. S. Henderson son ai d Mr. and Mrs Harold, all of whom left here about week ago foi an e tended trip to th Peel& i Coast, and which trip • wa spetaelly tahen Ix the interests o the health °If the gentlemen named will be Pleased to learn that they thn far report hring had an exceeding], pleasant trip and are in the enjoymen of renewed health already. •Aa they ar remaining of at all the different piens of interest w Lere they have friends, th usualweari omenesp of travelling i overcome an pleasu e made of the e tire trip. I is the Carnest wish of the very large c rale of friends that the r pleasure, he lth and enjoyment will be only daily increasi g, and that the will find even before their return th$t their spring suits re altogether to small for them, and only useful to le given to some of the r smaller and 1e. favored brethren.- he Rev. E.A. Fes, of the Nile tlnd form rly of this villa was here hist : wee accompanied Mrs. Fear and the c ildien. The oce Rion was the fu1fi1rient by the Re'. gentleman 4 a lect re be had promis d to give the brethren of Hensall lod e Independent Order f Oddfellow's. T e lecture was n exceed ngly interesting o Le on the subj et of" riendship," and e only regret hat spa e would forbid 13 giving any hing lik a lengthy or fi 11 account of t. Suffi e it to say ti at the address was bri full of good pre H- eal truth ,a d could • ot fail to leave a good and 1 sting i preseion on all. - Messrs. R. Coed a d J. Caldwell, r., are enjoying a trip e Manitoba. They are both fond of tra el and adventure and right good fell° s withall, and .we trust they inay have a very pleasant tip throughout. -Mr. ames White, he well -know horse b yer, is purchasin a number of geed hot es. pars leav age chil year bet non the roll eligible as- -voters, cc 5381persons in the township over ho are not voters. There are 751 ren between the ages of 5 and 16 ; 423 between 7 and 13, and 335 een 16 and 21. There are 5,423 catt e ; 1,859 horses, 2,814 sheep, and 1,79 hogs. There are 3,418 acres under fall lwheat. The Assessment Roll this yeaif shows 100 more cattle than list yeaif; 0O more sheep; 500 more hogs; :100 nioe horses, and 300 more acres Deaths. : Hensall, on the 20th ult., John Gilehrist,Eaged 60 years and 1 month. BUR.00.8.-eln Bluevale, an the 25th ult., Wm. F., son of Mr. :oho Buries", clerk of the township of Tuniberry, aed 11 vein and 11 day". JOHNBON.-ln Wingham. 4i the 29th ult., Maggie J., wife of Mr. F.1 Johnson, aged 24 yeare'snd 5 months. MOSELY.-In Goderioh, on th 26th ult., John Mosely. aged 99 yeare. WALTON.-In Goderich, on t e 29th ult., Robt. L. Walton, aged 66 years, 0 months. GINN.-DiGoderich township on the 29th ult., Elizabeth Ann Walters, wife of Thomas Ginn, aged 47 years and 5 months. SCOTT. -In Hallett, on the 2 th ult., Margaret, third daughter of Mr.Rol rt Scott, deputy reeve, age442/ years. DICKSON.-In Seaforth, onl the 2nd inst., Elizabeth Gibson, second danghter of Sam- uel Dickson, Postmaster, 4ged119 yeses and 1 month. efiNELL.-In Mullett, on the 2 d inst., Mary J., younges1-, daughter of the late Wm. Snell, _ sr. aged 22 years. CURR E. -In East Wawan inst., Mrs. John Currie, PRICE. -In Toronto, on the relict of the late James of Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw, years. DAVIS.-At Belleville, at th son -1n -law, Dr. Tracey, Griffith ,Daris, formerly 75 years, B1 II. CANED 4ND CH ED. -Dr. and re. Sloan and family le t here this week for their new lome at Veat Toronto Junc- tion. On Monday vening a large n m - it bar of the citizen , headed by Re ve Hamilton nd ex- eve Kelly,waite on the doctor sat his re idence, and pres nt- ed him with a ha dsome gold•hea ed cane and an elegi nt easy hair. he gift was intended a a parting toke i of esteem oni the , pa t of the people of Blyth, The doe or very feeli 'gly thanked the donor for their kindn ss, and prornited that ie would long c er- ishthe handsome p aunts as memei4tos of his Ion and leasant residence in Blyth, an the many kind and w rm II friends he had been fortunate in making. An hour was very pleasantly spent in sentiment and social conversation, i n d before leaving, th company sever Ily wished the doctor nd his excellentife many happy days n their new hom in Ontario's metro* 0. -On the folio mg evening, Mrs. So n Was made the Te - 1 ; cipient of i a hap eome gift from the ladies of the vine* . I I (Local Notices. NURSiRi STOCE FOR SALE. -The un- dersigned has a large uantit of Norway Spruce 1/2 for este, frerir 1 to thre feet ' h ; Horse Chest- nuts, 6 to 8 feet, 25e h; Re Cherries, E to 6 feet, 25o. each; Gral e Vines in variety, I25c. each, and two green h uses . full of Ithuse and Bedding Plants. All kinds of Vegetable Plants in season. Tuomas leseee, Brussels. 12194 BEAR MIN MIND that Robt.. Scott's Mammoth Seed andFeedStore is the place to buy your Field ad Garden Seeds. . Having bought our Seeds trcm one of the most reliable firms in Caneda, we Ire confident we c,an give you satisfaction. Otir parrot and Mangold Seed is first-class and at rock bottom prices. We have also on hand a large stock of Seed Corn, com- prising Red Cob Emil age, Giant Prolific, White Flint, Yellow WestertiLand others. PotatoeS of mostly all kinds. Giv- us a call before you 'buy and you will find that we are offering you Seed that is second to nen. Our Flour and Feed Department:you will nd well supplied in all lines. ROUT. $cOTT, Seaforth. . 1219-3 h, on the 2nd ed 35 years. . 4th inst., garde rice, and mother Seaforth, aged 78 residence of his n the 13th ult., Seaforth, aged KEATING.--ln Seaforth, on wife of !Mr. Patrick Kest FEAR. -In Seaforth, on the, of Mr. I. V. Fear, of a d GRA -HAM. -In Wingham, o MELDRU .-In Wingham, wife Mr. R. 4c. Grabs, w ife of Dr. Meldrum, of GRANT. -In Exeter, on the of Mr, John W. Grant, o a son. HEDDEN.e-In Stephen, on the 28th ult., the wife of Jar. Wee. Hedde , of a daughter. HAMILTON. --In Turnbertry6 on the 19th the wife of Mr. John Hamilton, cattle buyer, of e daughter. SANDERSON.- In Wingham, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. Albert Sanderson, of a son. HOCKRIDGE.-In Morris, oe the 26th ult.,. the wife of Mr. Richard Hockridge, of a daug,h- , ter. , - JERMYN.--In East Wawahosti, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Jabez Jermyn, of a son. • the 25th ult., the , of a daughter. t. inst., the wife ughter. the 4th 'inst., the , of twin sons. n the 2nd inst., the 3011. 22nd ult., the wife Vita THE MARKETS. seaman, May 7th, 1891. Fall Wheat per bnuthel Spring Whest per bushel.... :... Oats per bushel .Peas per bushel Barley per bushel . Butter, No. 1, Butter, tub ur, per 100 It" .. ........ Hee new r ton Hides per 100 lb" Grubby Hides Sheep Skins Woo) Potatoes per bushel, Salt (retail) per barrel.. .... Wood per cord (long) Wood per cord (short) Apples per bag Clever Seed ... .......... ........ 6 00 to 5 50 Timothe Seed 1 50 to 175 Pork, per NO the Tallow, per 1 07 to 1 10 1 07 to 1 10 O 46 to 046 0 70 to 075 O 48 to 0 50 O 13-40 0 16 O 18 10 0 16 O 10 to 010 3 00 bo 315 6 00 to 600 4 00 to 500 2 60 to 2 60 0 76 to 1 25 O 17 to 0 18 0 40 So 060 1 25 to 125 2 60 to 500 1 50 to 200 O 80 to 100 • 5 25 to 6 60 0 04 to 0 Oli Ltesageroe, May 6.- Spring wheat, 7s 08d - fed winter, 7s 07d; California No. 1, 8a 6d; California No. 2, Os 00d; mite, Oe 00d ; barley, Os Od ; peas, 61 44, pork, 52806d oheme, e9s Od. TORONTO, May 7.1 -Fall wheat spring wheat, $1.04 to $1.05; -to 56 pent.; peas, per b 86e; barley, 650 to 57o; hay, 115.00 ; butter,,, 220 to 26o; $1.10 to $1.15 ; eggs, per d dressed iliogre per cwt., 86.50 1 • Marriages. RANNI HAPMAN.-In Hensel!, on the 3rd ult., by tev. Mr, Ceok, Mr. Erastus Rennie, of Hensel', to bliss Jessie Chapman, dabgh- ter of Mr. Wm. Chipman, of Hay. BELL - SPROAT.-7At the residence of the bride's father, Tockersmith, on the 22nd ult., Mr. Robt 3611, of Hensel!, to Miss Sarah Ann, seeond daughter of James Sproat, Esq. WALKER - StIEP1PARD. - In Clinton, on the 29th ult., by 1R -v. A'. Stewart, Mr. Will Walker to Miss Belie Sheppard, daughter ef Me J. L. Sheppere. KEMPSON-MOSE.--At the residence of the brid 's father, Goderieh township, by Rev - F G. Newton, Baefield, Mr. Wm. Kempton, of Ashfield, to Idles Mese, Goderich town- $1.12 to $1.13; oats, 55 cents; sh, 84 cents to r ton, $13.00 to toes, per bag, , 133 to 14o; $7.00. •, Dairy Mar TOEONTO, May 5th. -Butter will bring lfle to 20e, and rens ium butter 14 to, 16c, and old ery rulee at 24 to 26c in a jobbi This maiket is steady, with pffe to -day at 12 to 121e. MONTREAL, April 28th. -Che is arriving more freelyi. We q Butter --The choicest creamery new Morrisburg and Brockville new ToWnships, 21 th 28c; fin rolls, - 19 to 200; choice new held Western dairy, 12 to 16c; 8c. Eggs --The market is u very steady. We quote at fro Lintz FALLS, May 4. -The good trade in cheese to -day. 1 lot at 9, 8 lots at 90, 2 lots a 10e, 9 lots at 10-1e, 5 lots at 10ec Iota at 110; total, 2,511 bozes. 80 packages of butter were m being fa!m dairy, selling at 24 bulk at 5c, and 109 packages going a 27c. ets. The best tub 8 to 21c. Med. b 10e. Cream - way. Eggs.— ngs fair. Sales se -New cheese ote at 10 *0 110. ells at 26c; fine 20 to 23c; fine new Western creamery, 24c ; Id butter, 6 to changed ,and is 111 te 1210. e was a pretty e sales were :- 910, 6 lots at 5 lots at 101a, 6 Butter -Sales of e, 61 packages 26c, but the creamery butter ESTR red oow Any pe to her J. LIND. °TIC= Y COW -Strayed from Lot 10, Con. 0, rris, on the 26th April, a large, dark with heavy shoulders and 10 years old. n giving such information as will lead very, wfll be amply tewirded, las. 1221x1. -1116IGS.r-W7i. MCALLISTER, Yams F. 0., breeder ..L of Ipure.bred Improved Berkshire Swine. Two Boin, Well months old, and -young stock for eel cheap. Also will keep for service " Hrn'ofl Chief" (915), bred by George Green, Fairvie Ont. Sire, Roisal Hope (777); dam, Alton lilie (458) imported, by Artful Joe, iin- ported Sally (116) by Hopeful 1st • Swan- wick (Sally) Tenth by Plymouth ;eoond ; Sallie th by Athello, Sallie 6th by Heber Et boar, 8 e 4th sister by Dewe boar, Sallie 3rd by Duke o Glencester, Sallie 2nd be King Tornt's boar, e let by Duke of Glenceder 1st. WM. McALLtSTER. 1221x4 MHO OUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR ,e. 8 E. -The undersigned has For Sale a Thorou -hbred Durham Bull, 17 months old. This bu 11. dark red In color, and is a first-class animal n all respects. Will be sold on reason- able te e. APPLETON ELCOAT, Lot 35, Coneee on 3, Tuckersinith, Brucefleld P. 0. 1221x3 0 ElSTRAY CATTLE. -Strayed from the farm rlof the undersigned, Mill Road, Tucker - smith, on Tuesday night, the 6th inst., ten young Made, viz: 7 last year's calves, two of which are white; 1 two-year-oid heifer, 1 two- year•old steer and 1 three-year-old white heifer that hail been giving milk. Any person giving such information as will lead to the recovery of these animals will be suitably rewarded. ROBT. CHARTERS, Egmondville P. 0. 1221 tf. NOTICE. 1 Horse Mark MONtEAL, April 5. -The ho Horse )(change during the active, rind 26 horses were sold from 51.10 to $160. Live Stook tel. e trade at the eek was fairly t prices ranging kete. Cc • OT of Apri 881116. Crawl° day of vision Assam tered. 1221-4 B. Lenteroore May 4. -The are e mixed ship- ments eold to -day at 60, With middling cattle Much lower. MONTREAL, May 5. -Trade as rather slow, and prices ef alekinds, except g choice beeves, have a downward tendency. . ames Eakins, of Port Hope, bought 80 gdod shi Ping cattle on this market to -day, paying 5e r lb. for steers, and from 41 to 41c • do. for bulls. The best butchers' cattle sold at from 6 to 51c per lb., with pretty good stock st fron 4i to 41c do. Common dry cows and rough, elf -fatted deers, mold at from ai to 4a per lb., a d some of the leaner milkmen's .trlppera at ot over- Bc do. MacDuff Lamb boughtten cho ce beeves at 51c per lb., 7 calves at $5 each, 10 heep, that were shorn, at $7 each and 10 lambs t from $4 to $5 each. Sheep that were unshor sold at from $5 to $8 each, and the shorn ones t from $4 to :$7 each. Lambs sold at from $2.i to $5 each. Fat hogs Were in fair eupply, but p Lces are advanc- ing, or, from 51 *0 60 per lb. • BUY ALO, May 5. -Cattle- e shipping die mend vae light, and there wits o export inquiry to spe4k of. The top price of t ie day. was paid by a 1oeal butcher for a selectie of 10 head of 'choice steers at 116.15: good to rime lots selling at $5. to 86; good s ppere, $ .60 to $5.80, an fair to medium at $5.26 to $5. ; rime to light butchers' steers, $5 to 55.25; g mixed butch- ers', 54.75 to *5.10; common, .50 to $4.35; old to good fat cOwe, $8 to *4; eh ice, $4.25 ; bulls were in good supply, and good to prime fat lots sold at $4 to $4.25, with a few 1 ney and still fed at $4.40 to *4.50; light hutch re' bulls, $3 to 53.75. Milch cows and springe were dull, and good choice lots sold at $30 to 0, and common to fair lots, $18 to t25 per h ad. Sheep and Lambs -A deck load of good 13 te wool lambs brought $8.25, the highest pri of the season thus far,and good clipped lam sold at $7.25 to $7.50; fair tegood, $6.25 $ ; eheep ranged from $6 to $7.25 and clipped sh ep 65.00 to $6.00. Hogs-York.weights of 180 to 10 lbs. were at $5.20 10 85.30, mostly *5.25; ood, 140 to 150 lbs., W $5.20, with a few ight hogs of 116 to 130 lbs. at 85 to $5 10; mix d mediums and packers of 225 to 250 lbs, 85. to 55.30; good heavy, $5.20 to $5.40; plis wer in good demand and the bulk of the best lots ere sold at $4.75 to 54.80; common, $4.25 to 54.;I; roughs, $4 to $4-25. Toeosro, May 6. -Cattie...-T sales to report. One lot of 22 medium sold at 41c to 410 per 21 heed, averaging 1,000 lbs, e apiece; 19 head, 1,02/3 lbs, 41c and bulls, averaging 1,800 lbs. ere are not many head of butchers' Ib, live weight; ch, brought $44 per Ib; 10 oxen each, were taken A acted Fa Dr Int SA for c utt of Revision for MoKillop. CE is hereby given thet the Assessment 11 was received by me on the 28th day , 1891, and any person can inspect the The Court of Revision will be held in 's hotel, Dublin, on Saturday the 80th sy, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the re - the said roll and to hear all appeals if to high or too low, and all dogs not en - JOHN C. MORRISON, Township Clerk. OF & E SEAFORTH NKING COMPANY. (NOT INCORPORATED. General Banking business tr era' notes discounted. ta bought and sold. rest allowed on deposits. , E NOTES .discounted, or taken 'action. CE --First door north of Reid on's Hard ware Store. T. 0. SMITH, Manager. Not ce is hereby given to milk. ,drawers and patro a of the Winthrop Cheeseyactory that it will a art on Monday the llth day of May, and all pa roes are requested to send word who have pigs sell as we want them about the 20th of May, nd want to buy from patr ns first. Pat- rons 111 please seed no milk froii cows sooner than one week after calving, an& air and cool all milkII. We will supply strai r and airestor milk* 1I. ned 'for $1.50. As we t to take the Gold edal this year we hope ev ry patron will do hit best. • 12414 - Secretary and Treasurer. at $4.40 per cwt : 7 cattle, ex ra choice steers and heifers, out of the same car load as the oxen and bulls, brought $6.12e per cwt.; 25 stockers, -1,050 lbe. average, sold at $4.40 per cwt. There le a good demand for stockers weighing from 950 to 1,050 lbs. One or two ex- tra fine springers sold for 849 per head, and as high as 850 was reached for orie animal. The zeneml range of prices is from $32 to 860 per head, and milch cows about the same. One dealer bought 12 calves. averaging about 140 lbs apiece, for 86 60 per head, and this was al- most the best tranFaction of the day. A few of better quality went up as far as $7, and one sold for $7.50. Sheep and Lairtbs.-Good fat Sheep brought from e7 to $0 each with the weol on. Two or tbree shorn animals came in, and were sold at from 85.50 to $7.60 per bead. Cheice spring lambs are in good demand, some 35 -lb to 45 -lb ones going to -day at from 83.50 to $5 apiece. according to quality. Hoge. -Prices range generally from 41c for poor light fat up to 51c for mediums. Good heavy fat hogs bring tic,„ but few offered to -day. JOHN C. MORRISON, 13 NIT Y PL 1 MBING AND HEAT NG. 4.E X. SAU DERS, G-013 1=R,I LATEST METH 1 DS-: articular attenti n- paid to Sa lation and Vent tion. lans and Specific tion care - f y prepaired. tepairing Prorap g attend- ed] to. - ee Trains Dail elephone No. 28. Correspondence $ licited. PtiLAR STALLIONS. Somet hand. qualities fi the wide $ dollars per be, 10c, 1 You, of co and we ha dreds of t entire satis ED BROIDERIE S. mg very nice, right from the manufacturers', vely patterns, the designs of true artists; e ; all widths from the narrow edging up to irting. Price l range from a cent or so up to yard. We have some really good values at e, 20e, 25e, and 50c,, 65c, 75; 95c, $1.25. rse want the choicest patterns to select from, e been very careful to pick them out of hun- e best samples, with the view of giving you action both as to quality and price. WARD McFAUL, SEAFORTH. IF IT DZYR 2 C T E VERY LATEST DESIGNS IN WALL & CEILING PAPERS he following well-knonn Stallions wi 1 travel during the seasOn of 1891, as fol owe : CRYSTAL CfiTY. - WM. HABEIRK, Proprietor. ONDAY—Will leave his Ownitable'Seaforth, an go by. way ,pf Roxboro to Robert McElroy's, Mc illop, for noon; thence weit and north to Th . Beattie* Town Line, for night, TUESDAY —.1 ill proceed north and east te Aler.s. Gardin- er's 14th Concession,,McKillop, tor noon; then ass to Cameron's Corners, then south to Thos. We sh's for night. Wens -neat -West to John Gri veal, llth Concession of MoKillop, for noon ; the south to Winthrop, then east to John Ty rman's, for night. Tudeseae-South to Re rt Campbell's, for noon; then south to Th mal Grieve* on the Narth farm, for night. FRIDAY—South to Peter McCann s, Tuckersmith bo dary for noon • then west by way of Eg- mo S., wa to to ville to John Sproat's, Concession 8, H. R. • ekeremith, for the night. SA'rURDAT—By of the Huron Road to Carroll's Hotel, fles- h, for noon, remaining uutil 6 o'clock, then is own stable. CALL AT LUM DEN & WILSON'S. There are so prices. You can roll upwards.° see he latest at KENILWORTH. sr m ON M CK ENnEPioprietor. ONDAY—Wid leave his own stable, Lot 26, Co cession 2, L. R. S., Tuckeremitb, and go by wa of Brucefield to George Stanberry's, London Ro4d, for noon; thence to the Commercial ho 1, Clinton for night. TUESDAY—Proceed by wajt of the Huron Jtosd Jo Alms, for noon-; the ce to Milburn at P. Fiche! ', for night. We NE8DAT -Will go to Harbo4k at Thomas NeIan's, for noon; then east Leadbury at Mc *mare hotel, for night. Tiwuo&—Pro- ceeI south. to Fulton's hotel, for noon; thence e to first side-rdid, then south to Duff's chi rch, then east to Beechwood at Jas. Evan's, for night. Pamir -I -Proceed south to Philip Ca lin's, Huron Road, for noon; thence south by ay of Cemetery to P. ArkInson's, or night. SA ranAv-By way of the Town Line and Huron Ro d to the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, for no n; thence by way of the Kippen Road to his ow stable, where he will remain until the tal- bov ng Monday morning. 1 "DUTCHMAN" AND "CLEAR THE TRAM." Taos. MCMICHAEL, Proprietor. e Canadian Bred Heavy Draught -Stallions, "1 utchman" and 'Clear the Track," will stand for the improvement of Stock this; season at the eta les of the proprietor, Lot 8, Con. 2, Mullett, an to either �f which a Ihnited number of mi res will be taken. Dutchman is 3 years old an Clear the Track is two, they are both very su erior colts. Teams.-Toineure a living colt, *5; payable when coltsare born. Parties di. - p0 Ing of their mare* before foaling time will be d responsible for the money, foal or no foal. 1221x2 e really elegant patterns just to hand at :moderate suit yourself at almost any figure, from five cents per so in WINDOW SHADES and Rollers, you can LUSSDEN & WILSON'S, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT. GB JAT IMPORTANCE. Quality is t making purchas $10 Men's Suits pre. We em the best possibl e most essential thing for buyers to consider when s, and for this reason we ask you to see" our $7 and which we can truthfully say the quality justifies the oy only skilled labor, and every garment is made in style; good trimmings, seams virell sewn, .buttons firm- ly sewn on, and altogether the best goods in the market. A visit to our establishme kloy's Clothing. t will convince you that we are leaders in Men's and Send for our illustrated catalogue. JACKSON BROTHERS, THE FA OUS - CLOTHIERS, CLINTON. GOVENLOCK'S Spring d Summer Advertisement SAWMILL— For sale, low prices, a large and well:assorted stock of Hemlock and other lum er, suitable for building, fencing an.d ditching purposes. Also the finest lot of Hemlock Logs that have been in the yard for ,years, suitable for tutting into bill stuff GRIST MILL— A general Flouring, Gristing and Chopping trade done. Custom Work promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. STORE— Comprisir Shoes, Crocker special day for be undersold. A. GO g a large stock of Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots and , Itats, Caps, etc., for sale away down in price. No bargains. Call any day, and be convinced that we can't ENLOCK, WINTHROP LADI ' Now is th Shoes, and the best looking a Don't make an HA In John Loga where you will bought stock," place to deal i We have i eral wearing s Also great bar tion to chobse Kid, with tips common sense always have a for the little f TRUNK stock to chooe HAMIL 8 AND GENTLEMEN 1 READ THIS. Mrs. F. Kestle says: I was bedfa# with stomach trouble, and doctored both in Mit- cheli. and Seaforth without benefit. My husband got me a bot- tle of Mandrake Blood Bitters, and. before the bottle was finished I was as wel as ever I was in my lifo. This is over six thonths ago, and I have had no re- turn of tljte trouble. Truly Man rake Blood Bitters is worth its weight in gold. Price, 76c a bottle. Prepared at the Medi- cal Hall, S afortb. I. V. EAR, DRU IST. PROSPEROUS A 0 PROGRESS!E time that everybody needs a, pair of new Boots or question arises itt your mind where will I go to get the d best wearing pair of Shoes for the last money 1.? mistake, but come direct to ILTON & McINNIS , THE SUN Life Assu anee Co1y, OF C NADA. Incorporated 1865. Capital, $500,000.00 HEAD OFFIC, MONTREAL. Features of the Report for the Year 1890. Life Assurance in force, 1st January, 1891.... $16,759,355.92 Increase over previous • 3,421,372.81 s old stand, corner of Main and John Streets, Seaforth, End a well -assorted stock of Boots and Shoes—" a well a large stock to choose from, and a nice comfortable mense values in Men's high cut Plow Boots and gen- oes, and in Men's Fine Goods we cannot be surpassed. "ns in our women's goods, and the very choicest 'elec.- rom in Toe Slippers, Oxfords in French and Dongolia Buttoned Boots plain or tipped; opera heel and toe or omen's Balmorals, vamped or with seam to toe. We ery nice stock of children's goods, which is a nice thin Ike, and prices are right. AND VALISES lavrer than the lowest, and a large from at IT ON & MIMS, SEAFORTH. year New ed Ainp1p819icoa.t.io. s. .r Increase over 1889 Cs.sh Income for yea end- ing December 31 1890 Increase over 1889 Assets at 31st Dec mber, 1890 Increase over 1889 Reserve for Scour ty of Policy -holders Increase over 1889.— .. Surplus over all iabili- ties, except Cap tel, Surplus over all iabili- ties and Capital 8tock Increase over .1889...... Death Claims fa len in during 1890 6,371,599.15 2,268,888.60 889,078.87 325,938.35 2,173,514.19 687,691.47 2,109,222.6% 567,732.71 294,675.69- 232,175.6W 75,649.05 143,961.65 - Robertson Macaulay, President ; Hon. A. W. Ogilvie, Vice -President; T.B.Macauly,Seerettiry; A. S. Macgregor, Manager London District, Lon- don, Ontano. JOHN FAIRLEY, Agent, Seaforth, Ont. 1221 FOR THE LADLE, .-Mise A. Stark, of Seaforth, has a full s ok of the celebrated Ver- melyea Corset Comp y's Corsets, the very best and most comfortable Corset in use. Psrtjea desinng corsets would find it to their advan to call on Miss Stark. Hair vombings also made Into Switches, Puffs, &c. Address Miss A. STARK, Seaforth. 1220-12 SPE -CIA NOTICE T THE - PTU Ilia_ CharleSwort forth, is heaalq We are sharers. We India and Cey and most deli can produce. Hysons, Blom Look and see thing to mate the prices we your personal as squarely by our prices. We can well be fair with s prices. Why port in large & Brownell, Sea, arters for Tea. porters and profit have the choicest on brands, the finest ious Tea the world Also a large stock of s and .3 apan Teas. if you can find any - our cup quality at offer you. We ask nspection, We stand. our qualities as by hy shouldn't we. e frank, we can well eh goods and such Be,cause we im- lines, buy and sell tons every few weeks. Parties buy- ing in 20 lbliots we will sell at wholesale .pries. A word to the farmers who are buying Tea from certain tea companies outside of their own county. We will guar- antee to sell equally as good—we think better—a may 'pickings Japan Tea at from five to ten cents a pound less, 9,ce,ordipg to quality, and take your butter, eggs and pro- duce in payment. By doing this you save money, leave your money in your own county wh.ere it will do you the most good, and support your own merchants instead of sending the wealth of the county to assist to build up outside sec- tions. Remember, we warrant the Tea, and it can be returned if not fully better in cup quality at from five to ten cents per pound les. Please do not forget this. One trial will convince you this is no blow. We do but very little ad- vertising, as the public knows. This is the first printer's ink we have used for over two years. Our business does not, nor never has, required any booming—it has been gradually increasing and becoming more solid every day, for which we are thankftiL Farmers and others will please call and secure their Ta, and itt every case the Tea can be returned if not more than satis- factory. We keep a full stock of G neral Groceries, Yours Respectfully, Charlesworth & Brownell. • .A