HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-05-01, Page 11891.
assorted tut-
:our Stock of
laterials very
king a special/
a newbusilyr
le weather this
e for Kit. --,The
tapper will be
eyterian church-
b.—Mr. G. G.
,ash store has-
:.tyte block to,
,ok and is mak--
I:taw premises,
e is now once
heads of the
eh some great
Ac their homes.
t describe, and
Of Mr. He Ne
:1" and general
and who is se
al Collegeois at
-ge of his drug,
McTaggart to,
dek Dater", of
ven menthe' old
ounda, It was
Heiman Flour
)n giving excel -
re ownership of
3 and the able
ens, of Clinton,,
r.—Mr. G. De
hest week visit --
Ad, barrister).—
in connect,ion
ependent Order -
eld in their fine
ning, 28-th inst.
Nile, and fornt-
iU the-
edn esday of this
those pleasant
• reeideuce of
,he township of •
he marriage ofi
ah A, to Mr.
tir. John Bell,
The marriage,
by the Bev. S.
W& e witnessed.
ontracting pare
very highly es -
recipient Of so
and useful pro-
f) good wishes,
equpIets future
, and we most -
many friendee
and continued
commodious -
eh the groom,
rgetie and en --
milder ereoted.
wIrs, Charles •
er have rented,
ed a handsome.
netrong M &nu-
e friends here,.
:r in Michigan.
eug rether sloW
ground is very -
Close, who re-
Napanee, bas
Id family to the -
rat quite a long.
[ntends building
ling house this
is of Industry,
knizing several:
nship of Mor-
a great many -
ring their fruit,
tnd not a few
COMInort prae-
oh on the pub -
recently, while
"xool in Section.
bat got his leg
1.hed at No. 5,
ed. The work
oattes of Haat,
Ias leussell, of
has six Iambs
&mien; in this
a Yankee in
The machine,
d is capable of
providing the
L We caamat
r than the old
but then. you
he crank.
EIMMUIS °filar
Ind if. Lewis
Lratford police
inlawfully dis-
d people who
for religious
V as laid by the
Army. rite
ine of $10 and
.ders, the costa
AY, MAY I,. 1891.
lacLEAN BROS. Publishers.
*1.50 a Year, in Advance.
A3 in season's past, Black Hosiery for Ladies
Ind Children will stili be popular. •There has
been a good deal of annoyance about the color
coming out, hut we have secured a line from
oennany, which are said to be stainless, and are
guaranteed reagy Fast Black. These goods we
have bought in all sizes andin large quantities,
so as to be able to supply them to our customers
all through the season. The price will run for
Cbrildrans' size at 100, 120, 14r, 18c, 18c, 20c, and
the Ladies' size win be 250, 300, 35c, 40c, 45c, 50c,,
These are goods that are sure to give you satis-
faction, so please bear in mind where you will
find them.
Edward M'Faul,
Perth Items.
Thornwood," the well-known
stallion, the property of Messrs. Ford
k Murphy, of Mitchell, carried off first
prize at the Spring Show recently held
in Stratford.
—Mr. E. A. Kastner, who has been
carrying on business in Mitchell for
some time past, is disposing of his stock
in Mitchell and intends going back to
Sebringville. •
—Mr. John Square, a former resident
of Mitchell, but who has lately been
residing in Stratford, died in that city
on Thursday, 24th ult., after a brief,
illness. The muse Of death was heart
—Mr. S. Nethercott, of the 12th con-
cession of Fullerton, lost a valuable
young mare on Monday, last week, of
inflammation of the lungs, for. which he
psid $180 only a few inontles ago.
—A parlor social, undeithe auspices
of the Knox Church building fund, Mit-
chell, wiui held at the residence of Mrs.
Thomas McLaren, in that town, on Fri-
day evening, 17th ult. The social
throughout was a most pleasant and
succeuful one. The proceeds amounted
to $24.
—On Monday afternoon, about three
or four o'clock, the barn of Mr. Edward
Evans, near St. Marys, was destroyed
by fire. Children had taken matches to
the barn to play with is the explanation
of the conflagration. The stock was all
saved with the exception of a young
salf, but the implements and rigs were
nearly all destroyed. -
_ —Mr. T. H. Reds, of Listowel, has
completed the puechase of the Arlington
hotel in that town, and proceeds at once
to fit it up for business. The price paid
wee $5,500 for the entire premises. This
hotel is splendidly appointed with every
modern convenience, and will be fitted
up accordingly, Mr. Rolls intends to
occupy it himself while the' Grand Cen-
tral is being rebuilt.
—On Saturday afternoon last, What
might have proved a serious eccident,
happened in the Atwood plainiiig
One of the belts broke, striking Mr.
Wm. Stewart on the left elm and
shoulder with great force. A doctor
eras called and found that no bones
were broken, although the arm was
pretty badly hurt. It ite now doing
nicely, and Mr. Stewart will soon be at
work again.
—A most pleasing event took phice in
Dublin on Tuesday, last week. The oc-
Citli011 was the marriage of Mr. Patrick
Stapleton, jr., of Dublin, to Miss Katie
Shea, of Hibbert, The ceremony was
perfonned by Rev. Dean Murphy, after
which the company repaired to the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, where a
sumptuous repast was partaken of. The
happy couple left the same day on a
visit to friends in the east.
—In Mitchell, Hibbert, Blanshard,
St, Marys, South Easthbpe and Logan,
sill who held shop and tavernlicenses
last year have again beep granted them:
In Downie T. Rufritch and E. Chowen
have alto been granted licenses, but
decision as to an application from Pig-
eon is reserved, while J. II. Willaby
hes been refused. Fullerton, George
Hoch gets privilege to sell again, while
Russeldale and Fullerton hotels are un-
der consideration.
(Written for Till EXPOSITOR.)
The bees are euppos
example of good gov
flows should strive to 1
ing the case, itwould
governments to folio
When the industrious little creatores
find they cannot support their colonies,
they go deliberately to work and kill
off all the drones. It is full thee both
our governments shotild do likewise.
There are double the umber of officials
employed, who are rec1
lying three times
the pay that either th circumstances of
the country or the state of the labor mar-
ket warrants being p id. No govern-
mentim has any right to ploy more help,
nor pay more for it, than competent
help can be got for. Greater economy
under both governmen
ed; both seem to agre
many officials as posei
big salaries. Then t
parties have a stand -u1
years to see who shall
age of the fat offices.
the only way to remedy this evil into
take the patronage out of the hands of
both government', an
salaries in keeping
labor in other branc
this were done part
cease and governmen
d to be e, living
rnment, that na-
hate. Such be -
be well for our
• their example.
is badly want
in employing as
le and in paying
e two political
flght every four
leld the patron -
It seems to me
to reduce official
'th the price of
el of trade. If
warfare would
would then gov-
ern for the best Inter° ts of the country,
and the people' would have no other
interest in view than to sustain good
government. It will be asked how
could the patronage be taken mit of the
handl of both Govetnmente t Simply
by both the Local and Dominion Gov -
.appoint each a
o act together in
ffichals for each
The Right Place
To Get Suited,
ernmente agreeing
government examiner
securing competent
The positions in t
then require to be gr
and third class. The
should be $400, $601) a d $800. If these
figures be considered not sufficient to
secure competent help, they might be
increased to $50d, $750 and $1,000.
Every young man beteteen the agesof 21•
and 30 who desired to [become an official
would have the ohanhe of making ap-
plication for any cleeelhe wished. Life
being a sort of lottery at best, the
widest way to regulate officialism is on
the lottery plan. In the first place the
examiners would have to determine ho w
many applicants they would require to
pass in each county or ,city, to meet the;
demand for, say, five years. If 50 were
the number required; and there were
1,000 applicants, th re would be 950
blanksland the 50 who
would• require to proc
oharacter and stand 1
If they passed, then the names would be
handed to the countY Judge and the
Sheriff, who would conduct the lottery,
and when these vacannies occurred under ,
either Government they would draw for
the prizes.
Where you can get the
best Goods for the
Least Money.
New Prints,
New 'Sateens,
New Sh irti ngs,
New Dress Goods, I
New F Ian elettes,
New Mantle Cloths.
e service would
ded first, second
salaries attached
Also large Stock of 0ore4ts, Ribbons,
Frillingi, Laces, &c.
Oar Millinery Goods a
Very latest styles. Inspec
e all of the
ion Solicited.
drew for positione
wee certificates col
heir examination
case, it takes the savings of
hundred to four hundred far
port even the smallest dr
Government hive. When
into account the hundreds an
of drones getting from $1,000
a year, it is not to be wonde
the country is getting poor.
other view of the case. T
monthly pay roll on the wh
Trunk system is leas thai
month, per man, including t
the General Manager. Breit
baggage men working full
about $35; conductors, ab
$65 per month, whereas mail
run every other day, get fr
$1,200 for salaries and milea
num. Railway men are li
discharged or killed at any t
rom three
ere to sup-
ne in the
one takes
to $10,000
d at that
Take rin-
e average
le Grand
$32 per
e pay of
amen and
time earn
ut $60 to
lerke who
ni $900 to
e, per an -
be to be
merand if
sick they lose their pay, and when they
get old they are discharged from the
service. On the other hand, when mail
clerks get sick their pay goes on; when
they become old they are p nsioned on
the country for life, at the expense of
those who have fared so much worse
during early life. No wonder the Poet
Office department rune the country into
debt every year. Postmasters in towns
of 2,500 to 10,000 inhabitants have from
$1,500 to $3,000 out of their offioese end
the country instead of getting their
postage for one cent are paying three
cents. There is another numerous class
that ought to be remembered, who have
been in the employ of Street & Walker
all winter in every town and city in the
Province. The -Dominion Government
kindly remembered them in their die -
tress by appointing a " food inspector"
in their behalf, at a cost of about $2,
a year to see they used no unwholeeo
food while they had nothing to eat. 0
age is badly discounted in all the oth
walks of life, but it don't affect the old
supporters of Mr. Mowat. While old
laborerseinechanics,professional men
and even ministers of the Gospel are
fully ripe for the poor house, Mr. Mow-
at, good man, keeps himself busy finding
fat offices for his aged supportere, of-
fices that can be held by their occupants
until as old as Methuselah if they live -so
long, and the great beauty of these of-
fices is,they are two or three times more
profitable then any office the occupants
had ever held in the days of their youth.
Yours, &o.,
P. S.—People may think the selaries
named are too low, but this is a free
country; no man need work for the
Government if his labor is worth more
to himself.
Notes from the Queen City.
TOgorcro, April 27th, 1891.
Major-General Herbert, Commander -
in -Chief of the Canadian forces, hasbeen-
in town, and the volunteer officers have
been shadowing himclosely in the hopes
that he may add momentum to the new
drillehed project. He attended a eon -
cert given by the Army and Navy vete
rens in the Auditorium and smiled be-
comingly on the enthusiasm not yet dead
in the old men who fought for England
years ago by land • and sea. The new
Commander -in -Chief, is the very pattern
of a modern major -general, being tall; in
fact, with curly brown hair and an im-
posing moustachs.:For a tall man he has
remarkably broad shoulders and in every
one of his many inches is the ideal
A chance occurred the other day to
demonstrate the usefulness of the fire
drill, -which the public -school teachers
give their scholars. On Friday last a
• fire started in Victoria -street school.
The flames burst through the floor in
one of the aisles. Mies Wilson, the
teacher, instead of losing her head, or-
dered the scholars to remain in their
seats, and sent a boy for a pail Of water.
The fire was too much for this, however,
and an alarm was sounded. The pupils
were then marched out of the building
into the yard, those in the burning room -
vacating the premises last. By the aid
of pumps the fire was got under control
before the arrival of the firemen, who
found the children ranged l line out-
side. Inspector Hughes fathers the sys-
tem of fire -drill in use in the •schools
here, and is more than pleased at the
practical success it had in this instance.
He pays his system has lately been
adopted in England.
All is grist to the mill, and that is why
we welcome to town another of Hamil-
ton's wholesale firms even before it gets
here. On good authority it is stated
that James M. Skinner & Co. are pulling
up their stakes from the soil of the Am-
bitious City. Another large firm'that
of Knox, Morgan & Co., are said to be
looking up an elij
operations in the
will soon have eve
This plan may be snmewhat novel; if
so it deserves to be
certainly much sim
better than either our
erican system. Accor
no government could
their supporters.
longer go around thcountry talking
politics for the sake o getting an office.
Governments can be i dependent of the
people, and do what is right, and the
people can afford to
pendent of the govel
can get nothing froni
this system would fu
class of officials; wo
per cent. on salaries,
would also improve t
country at least 500
patented, as it is
ler, cheaper, and
own or the Am
ding to this plan
create offices for
ind bags nbed no
b perfectly inde-
ment, when they
them. In short,
ish a much better
ld save at least 200
d all pensions. It
e politics of the
cent. Official-
ism is the backbone of Toryism. Office
holders, even on the Reform side, nat-
urally develop in time into full fiedged
Tories. It is like touching s hornet's
nest to propose any reform in the official
salaries under either the Local or Do-
minion Governments. Mr. Mowat cer-
tainly deserves the thanks of the coun-
try for the noble fight he made in defence
of the rights of the people, and in gain-
ing possession of the disputed territory,
which will be a great source of wealth
to this Province as long as the sun and
moon endure, if properly managed.
While the "good dlclT man" was fighting
thia good fight he wan opposed at every
step by the -Present Opposition, who
were far more Interested in securing the
patronege of this rich Province, than
they were in securing either its rights or
its • territory. Now, however, when
there is no prospect of their ever being
able to get into pewer, they are quite
anxious to have altfet offices done away
with. The time h s fully come when
Mr.Mowat should t
are in the humor,
all fat offices, and a
his government, arid
anceOf his Oppositi, n in carrying the
same policy in the DOminion government.
The only way this can be accomplished
is by adopting the System, I have sug-
gested, The people are just ea anxious
to have the strictest kind of economy
practised under the one government, as
under the other. It is the „duty of our
governments to reduce the burdens of
the producers as soon as possible. Mr.
Mowat can do this by filling all his fat
offices by competent salaried officers,
and making these offices a source _of
wealth to the Province. It is a slur
on our Canadian yooth, and also a slur
on our inatitUtions ef learning, if there
are many young men in the country so
deficient in either brains or learning that
any office under
rnment officials fare
an the people who
Ike the county of
Huron, for example. Every farmer who
owns 100 acres h invested in land,
stock and impleinen ts, at least S7,500.
Taking his laborand the labor of his l
wife and family, t is doubtful if he
saves on an average $250 per annum as
the result of their United earnings and
hie invested capitei. Such being the
ke them while they
and dispense with
1 patronage under
secure the assist-
they could not
either government.
Why should gov
so much better t
support them.
him, and a $20e000 addition to the resi-
dence. To sum up, th s involves, ip ed-
uction now underway, an
ver $200,000. The Uni-
• to enter upon a new
eld of usefulness, for
eady made for an in -
and lecturing staff, as
oreased'etipende for the
as will not fail te find
est American talent.
retirement of Chief Jus-
nd Galt and Mr. Justice
cation time is now being
1 circles. The name of
hie, Q. C., is mentioned
dition to const
expenditure of
vereity purpose
and extended
provision is al
creased faculty
well as such i
present officers
favor with the
The probabl
does Hagerty
Robertson at v
discussed in leg
Charles H. Rit
in connection ith those likely to step
into the bench amides.
The famous move on" episode has
alwas kept R v. -W. F. Wilson, of
Woodgreen Me hodist Church, i.well in
the public's ey , so that citizens gener-
ally as well as his large congregation,
are interested i hearing of his marriage
with Miss Mill e Smith, daughter of A.
B. Smith; Esq. Queen Street East. The
popular pastor ,s change of -state eventu-
ated on tit edne
mony being pe
Briggs, assiste
On l Wednes
Godson was a
rows on two
forgery, the ot
city contract°
aday morning, the cere-
formed by the Rev. Dr.
by the Rev. Dr. Potta.
ay morning Arthur W.
rested by Detective Bur-
dditional charges, one of
er of fraud. The ex
took the thing quite
coon althoug it was unexpected; and
was bailed out{ On the Court's demand
for a good sirety in $2,000 Godsen
smiled sarcastically, saying: "There
need be no trouble about the bail. Mr.
George Gooderham has kindly consented
to be my bondsman." Then the Court
smiled. The sees await the arrival of
leap. Cooper is an ex -
contractor, and testified
the investigation to very
of Elliott & Neelon, one
wn contractors in Can -
from the effects of the
lexy on Saturday. He
ronto in '43, then spent
ible site for future
ueen City. Toronto
y wholesale house in
the Province and rill then advance on
From information at hand it seems
that the disastrous fire which occurred
at Toronto University a year ago has in
one way been a benefit, for besides
awakening wealthy citizens to an under-
standing of their duty towards the insti-
tution, it precipitated a long -meditated
step in the matter of needed extension.
The Hon. Edward Blake and Sir Daniel
Wilson, the president of the college,
have evolved a scheme to this end, ,
which will come up for °onside ation at
the next Senate meeting. As a financial
success the -University takes o mean
stand. Ten years ago ite inc me was
$68,288, last year $93,500, and the con-
jectured income for this year s $106,-
000, with the results of the pre int sale
of lands not -taken into cons' eration.
The restoration of the building now gue
ing on, will cost a quarter of
dollars. The library, which has , jut;
been started, is being built by the pri-
vate contributions of friends, and will
cost $65,000. The new biologi al labor-
atory and milseum will entail ri expen-
diture of $120,000. - The joint report of
• the men maned recommend"' a $100000
chemical laboratory, a $20,000
Cooper from C
employee of th
against him at
good' purpose.
John Elliott
of the best-kn
ada, 'died here
grip and apo
fil rat came to p
a few years in the States, returning to
this pity wher
ship !with the
John Worthin
ford for a long
was Mayor of
buildings, not
jugs! at Q uebec
and Central P
as monuments
wasIthe contra
the new City_
Toronto since
The Hon. F
not accept the
way matter ju
erbitrators, af
thinks their
lously low, an
tor' lawyer w
the contrary t
from all acoou
$2,250,000, fo
his original $5
phantasy as so
sent in their fi
he entered into partner -
ate Benjamin Walton and
ton. He lived in Brant
time, and at one time
that place. Many big
bly the Parliament build -
and the Customs House
loon, in this city, stand
f his life's labors. He
tor for the masonry in
all, and had resided in
hatwork was put under
his time mostly to farming aad garden-
ing. For many years pastih
and conservatories have beim
sights of Halifax. The dee
took any part in public affairi
never married and was 76 ye
ank Smith nays he will
award in the streetreil-
t handed down by the
er months of labor. He
presumably the Sena -
11 be at no pains to prove
him. Mr. Smith's figure,
te, was not less than
of course he looked upon
500,000 claim as an airy
n as the city experts
et trunkful of figures.
All shop licenses have he
in East Lambton and four hot
their renewals,
—The editor of the Oran e
has,been sent for trial on
criminal libel.
—Mr, Mercier writes to
Lealgelier that King Leopold
has expressed the hope of bei
visit Canada.
—The wife of Isaac B.
Kingston, has secured a div
Bay City, Michigan co r
ground of cruelty and deser
—An 8 -year-old child mune
while playing ou the banks.f
neau River at Chelsea last
ing, fell into the wate
—A cablegram from Rev
Canadian missionary at
mosa, on Friday last, a
death of Rev. John Jamie
his assistant.
—Carleton county, can boa
of the oldest inhabitants of
vince. Mrs. Langton, of Mar
reached her I05th year, ia
es all her faculties as well
vigor and health. 1
—An attempt was m d
nigh last week to burglar
the Canadiau Paoific Rail
Dynamite was used. T
known to contain a large
—Eggs ire now being lbo
farmers in the neighborhood
for seven cents per dozen, ;au
ere are furious. At this tim
buyers were paying twelve
—While George Gamble,
POrt Hope, was enjoying iea
on Wednesday night, tl4iev
his place and carried off ;his
trousers, containing $104 In c
gold watch. The 'clotheelwe
—Last Thursday morni
Hornibrook,brakenian on h
train wae knocked froni th
oar by an overhea0 bridge
ton, and falling on the trac
over and fatally injured!.
the afternoon.
—Samuel Couch, son o M
Couch, of Guelph, died on 1:1
'near St. Mary's on is way fr
to hie -father's home at Goelp
nesday afternoon of last wee
an expert finieher, and took
for graining on black lwal
Centennial. - 1
—One day last week Whit
police were searching the ,
Stubbs, a cowboy, i nes
Northwest Territory for 4rain
the Homestead of Inspector
they came across a whisky
had been in operation.
—The Ottawa Citizenilear
D. O'Connor, of Sudbury, co
sale of a nickel mining claim
cago company for $200,000, and the deal
The tenders h ve at last been opened,
although the terms are religiously kept
from the pressl. Tenders Noe. 1 and 3
seem to offer the most temptations to
the city. The fine Italian hand of a
certain New York broker is vieible in
No. 3. The names of J. D. Holt and
W. Millar arealso appended.
of newspaper talk has
in concerning the Tomei-
pening the St. Lawrence
Low large-sized ocean yes
e inland lakes. A knot
iously discussing its vari-
e other evening at the
house of a wel -Itnown civil engineer,and
the people whjo have taken their pleas-
urein castle -building upon the possibil-
ity alluded to, would not have taken
muhh consolation from the result of the
one man:
yeire in cons
Canada. .It
Mireter of M
one the day w
a sea -port t
mind seems
Why, it wo
work, as mueh of it would be through
solid rock. trhere is a great deal of dif-
ference betwin the Government Engi-
t determination to deepen
ence canals to 14 feet and
idea of 25 feet. Take the
hed, for argument's sake,
ould there be much saving
progress through the 43
canal of. one of the big
/4 great dea
been indulged
bility of so de
ale as to al
to enter t
en was ae
aspects t
one of the
Bed never
He was
rs of age.
ed they been present said
It would take a dozen
ruction, as things go in
was all very well for the
arine to say he hoped to
hen Toronto would become
wn, but nothing in my
so much in the clouds.
d take millions to do the
neer's prese
the St.' Lawil
the visionar
wok as fini
and tell me
of time in th
odd miles of
oceen inutile, at the rate of four miles
an hour. They wouldn't be permitted
✓ They would have to
carefully, for if one of
pushed her bow into the
it would be all night with
. The scheme is much too
adieus. American money
go into any such gigantic
n cut off
Is refueeci
ille Post
charge of
. Charles
f Belgium
gable to
ourex, of
en inae
n by her
the• Gt
Dickson, a
r*day morn -
and was
r. McKay,
sui, For -
micas the
M. A.,
t of one
the Pro-
, has just
d possess-
es bodily
• ,Tuesday
he safe at
a at Sorel.
safe WAS
ght from
of Ottawa
the farm -
last year
cents per
thful sleep
s entered
vest and
e h anda
e found in
▪ Samuel
top of a
ear Kings -
e wdais
. Thomas
the train
m Chicago
on Wed -
• He was
first prize
at the
to steam fas
navigate ver
those vessels
end of a lock
the ilock-gre
big for Ca
would have
scheme, 4111 it is a great question
whether Chicago's eyes are wrought to
a sufficientl
put up such
lev 1 a deat
On Mo
a wealthy
figtire in th
monis, lea
$t/0,000. -
in bank s
M optreal ,
chants of
sham, W.4e A. Railway shares, and
real estate worth probably $60,000 or
$70,000. r. Black was one of the very
fe* survivors of a past generation of
prosperous erchants who made fortunes
in Halifax4 After his retirement from
th ei firm of Black Bros. & Co., be devot-
greenish tinge to make her
a sum, even though it be to
blow it New York."
day last, Mr. M. P. Black,
an of Halifax,and a notable
t community, died of pneu-
ing an estate valued at
bout $150,000 of this was
ares, of the Nova Scotia,
erehants of Halifax, Mer-
&nada, Commerce, Halifax
. act., besides insurance
find that in the intervening period the to slip off, and, MeInnis tried
wounded man had hacked off his other him, but before he got there
foot, mortification having also attacked sank like a stone. The cano
it. He was placed on a waggon and when his weight was released
remises of
stolen from
till which
tubba had
s that Mr.
eluded the
to Chi-
a start made for the Winnipeg hes- mediately Campbell disappea
to reach
tilted up
and im-
red. James
pital where he arrived Friday. He is Doyle rowed across the bay and saved
in a terrible condition, and his recovery
is very doubtful. His name is McKin-
—The Grand Trunk tunnel at Sarnia
is rapidly nearing completion. and) when
finished it is proposed to celebrate the
event in a .becoming manner. Thie tun-
nel will be converted into a banquet
hall, andthe president of the United
States and the Governor GeneTil of
Canada will• be invited to clasp hands in
the middle of the tunnel and partiCipate
in the incidental festivities. ,Work
will be finished before the end of May.
—At low tide the water in St. John
harbor, New Brunswick, runs out like a
mill race, and just at Reed's Point pier,
where the steamer Dominion lies, are
the swiftest eddies. A boat load of
men and girls upset at this place Friday
morning about 3 o'clock, and Ethel
Allen and Nellie McAllister were
drowned, the others being rescued with
great difficulty. The young people had
been at a dance in -Carleton.
—While workmen were engaged
Tuesday, last week, in raising an old
wooden building on Fitzgerald's oil re-
finery grounds, near the corner of York
and Adelaide streets, London, the roof
fell in.. Francis Nugent, who was in
the building, sustained fracture S of the
skull, thigh and arm besides nternal
injuries. The unfortunate man is ex-
pected to recover, although he suffers
terribly from his injuries.
—A Jersey bull belonging to Mr.
Joseph Cameron, of Louth township,
broke from its enclosure Sundayi morn-
ing and invaded the premises of Mr.
Tobias Wiemer, wh9, with his son,
started to, drive the animal away. The
brute charged on them, driving the boy
up an apple tree, while Mr. Wilmer took
refuge in the house, but the bbil was
about to follow through a window, when
a shot -gun was procured, and, after
several charges had been- fired Into it,
the animal retreated. -
—On Thursday morning last Week at
12.30 fire caught in the storehouse• of
Mr. Louis Dugal, tanner, River du
Loup. The building, which a board
structure, was reduced to ashes in less
than an hour. The fire commhnicated
to his house, which was also consumed.
A shed containing hemlock bark, leather
and hay, one end of which was Used as a
etable also caught fire, but was saved.
Pert of the furniture in the houee and a
good deal of the stock of leather were
saved. The loes is $15,000. Origin of
the fire unknown; no insurance.
—Mr. John A. McGillivray, Q. C.,
Supreme Secretary of the Independent
Order of Foresters, had interviews with
the Ministers of Justice and Finance,
at Ottawa, on Saturday last, ,in refer-
ence to the introduction of a Bill into
Parliament next Seseion to enable bene-
volent societies, at their option, to avail
themselves of Government inspection by
paying the cost of the same, The Inde-
pendent Foresters are anxious to secure
Government inspection to enable them
to more efficiently prosecute the work of
the Order in the United States.
—Some large profits have of late been
realized by M.ontreal merchants and
speculators in grain and other products.
A leading grain shipper recently closed
a deal involving 300,000 bushels of corn
at a proflt of $75,000, and two well-
known shipping firms are reported to
have made between $15,000 and $20,000
each on a considerable) amount of flour
which they purchased -at low prices some
months ago. A shipowner and agent
at the port of Montreal has just dispos-
ed of a cargo of raw Geiger in New york
at a profit of about $25,000, and he has
two more cargoes of Brazil sugar that
stand to make him still further hand-
some gains.
—Daniel Sullivan, a banker of San
Antonio, Texas, owns a large ranche
300 miles west of th'at city: For five
years he has employed as manager L.
Ploget, of Canada. Under his manage -
was closed, and the papers m
signed on Tuesday of last
teen men were put to work o
—Mr. G. F. Baillarge;
a of Public Works
week presented by the empl
department at Ottawa with
oil portrait of himself, a va
watch and an elegantlyiillu
dress, upon the occasion of
ment from the departme
years' service.
—A fire at Philipeville, n
ville, Tuesday night of bet
ly destroyed Kennedy'* hote
ture. The lower part of the
saved and the stock in t
Kennedy's loss is $2,500, an
$500. There was no ' insu
fire was caused by a drunke
slept in the loft of the hotel
de out and
etehke. 0 htF. i f -
—Rev. Mr. Fatt, rector o
Church, Walkerton, met
injury at Walkerten, lest
horse running away. , He
out of the gig, and becomin
in the lines, was dragged s
through the street. One of
broken bele* the knee, 0
was also suetained.
—The brick farm house
skirts of the town, own
Bald, near Welland, was
Saturday. Owing to e h
'veiling, not MUCII of the 0
saved. The building cost
was insured in the Wate
for $1,600. The tire Icaug
i —The pulp mill of 1 the
Pulp Company, of ont
liquidation, was so d 1
$34,000 to John cDou
Since the company h ve go
dation the mill has 'been
liquidator in the interests
tors. There is a mortgage
tbe inill which will have t
the purchase money. I
—A Winnipeg deapatch
eph Contour, of St. goaqui
Ing in Le,broquerie lett wee
little shanty, in front of
human foot. Entering
found a man lying on
He wies almost famiahe
sane from his suffering .
ago both his feet hecam
mortification set in in
desperation he cut it off w
knife and threw it outsid
pled him completely, an
hut dying of starvation, t
until a pitying Prereiden
dering hunteide footsteps
Contour gave the wounde
thing to eat, and set out
ance. He procure a
men and returned o th
Deputy -
was last
yees of the
uable gold
insted ad -
his retire -
t after 37
r Brock -
eek, near
and furni-
hotel was
e grocery.
Knee. The
man who
table. '
St. Thomas
ith a severe
eek, by his
was thrown
me d is tan ce
his legs was
her injuries
n the ont-
d by David
burned 'on
gh wind pre-
ntents were
$3,000, and
loo Mutual
t from the
eel, now in
t week for
all It Co.
e into liqui-
run by the
f the credi-
of $28,000 on
come out of
says : Jot -
while hunt -
ran across a
hich was a
he lodge he
undle of rags.
nd nearly in -
Some weeks
frozen and
ne foot. In
th a butcher
. This crip-
he lay in his
irst and pain,
sent the wan-
t* \bis door.
man some-
() secure assist -
am and two
hut, only to
McInnis after he had been tinging to
the canoe nearly 30 minutes.
—Quite an excitement woe caused at
Southampton Thursday - morning last
week through the burning of the freezer
and ice -house belonging to -che - South-
ampton Fish Freezing Conipany. A
large quantity of ice was stored for use
during the freezing season, aiso all the
necessary appliances used in connection
with the industry, together with nets
and fishing tackle belonging o some of
the fishermen which were s ored in the f
buildings. The building and contents I
were. total loss. Loss estimated at
$2,500, insured for $1,000. '
—Herman Douglas, eldest Son of Mr.
Charles Douglas, of Sparta, hged seven- .
teen years .was accidentally shot on
Monday afternoon, last -week, by
Charles Minor, son of Jerclon Minor.
Herman was at Minor's pond fishing,
and hearing some one shooting at a dis-
tance, he proceeded in the direction of
the reports and came across Charles
Minor, who was out practicing with his
revolver. Herman asked to look at the
revolver, and while examining it the
cylinder dropped out. He then gave
it to Charley, who, while in the act of
replacing it, discharged it, the ball
striking Herman on the rib, one inch
and a half above the heart.
—Wiarton, Ontario, can boast of two
of her townsmen who have gone out into
the world and become noted. Mr.
Crawford's inventive genius as brought
him golden gain. Bis cotton -gin patent
was sold fax some thousands of dollar',
and a machine for separating gold from
the rock has, it is said,Imade him a
millionaire. The latter doe e work for a
dollar per ton where formerly the cost
was fifteen dollars. Mr. Ctawford is a
flour miller by trade, and is iyet young.
William Wilfred Campbell has won
fame in a different field. His is a poetic.
nature, and every now and then it
breaks out into song, which finds an
entrance into any magazine that the
singer man select. But it is in Harpet's
Monthly and the New York Indepen-
dent that his verses appear most fre-
quently.' , The former, for April, prints
his poem "The Mother," an exquisitely
beautiful thing in its way. Mr. Camp- .
bell taught school in Bruce County While
in his teens, is now an Episcopalian
clergyman over the boarder, and, like
his more utilitarian . towneman, still
—There are some interesting facts in
the Ontario report relating tie the regis-
tration of births, marriages and deaths
for 1889, recently publish & During
the year 48,538 births, 14,80 inerriagee
and 23,229 deaths were regietered in the
Province. Over 1888 the births show an
increase of 1,585, the marriages an in-
crease of 329, and the death e a decrease
of 405. There were 963 more males than
females born during the . year. The re-
turns show that only 259 !males were
married under 20 years Of age, while
2,583 females were in their teens. Forty-
two giddy persons of 70 year
were married during the ye
treat to these marriages
advenced in years, the folio
ful marriages were recorded,
girls of 14 years of age unite
to youths under 19 years,
were married at 16 years
youngest couple married was a girl 14
yeare of age to a youth of 18 years. The
greatest disparity of ages exhibited in
any marriage was that of a Man aged 79
years who married a maiden of the age
of 15 years. Coming to the deaths, it
is found that phthisis is the disease that
causes the most deaths, wi h 2,417 to
ases, general
as the next
highest causes. The olass hat die the
most are cultivators of the soil, there
being 3,387, mechanics coming next with
927. i
—Bailiff John W. GrimiSon, of Port
e and over
r. In con-
qf persons
ing youth -
viz : Nine
and 30 gide
f age. The
its credit. Pneumonia an
come next with nervous die
debility, and heart disease,
ment the cattle and sheep have increased Hope, had a thrilling experience
tremendously. Recently Sullivan learn- Tuesday aftern?on of last week,
ed that Ploget had sold 25;000 sheep
anI a large number of horeen; and poc-
keted the money and fled to Canada,
accompanied by a beautiful woman
named Labriche. Sullivan's loss is
$50,000. Ploget has been ;located at
Toronto, and steps for his extradition
will be taken.
—A large number of purchasers from
all parts attended the horse este held by
D.H.Grand at the Western hotel stables'
London, on Wednesday' of !last week.
About 30 horses were disPosed of- at
prices ranging from $70 to $172. The
principal buyers were T. p. Hodgens,
who purchased six at an 1 average of
$124. Dr. Roome scoured a fine chest-
nut gelding at $172. Robert Craig, for
Boston, eight at an ;Teraiie of $105.
Patrick Dardne thr at $118 for
—The first fatality of the season oc-
ton on Wed-
, by which
the Canada
, and Alex.
cuffed on the Bay at Hami
nesday evening, last week
Fred C. 0 xenham, a clerk •
Life Association Company
Campbell, of the Bank of Hamilton,
were drowned. In company with Stew-
art McInnes, of the Bank 4f Hamilton,
they went out in a canoe.! The young
men paddled over to Bayview and were
on their way back. W
quarter of the way across
set, but the survivor does
utter how it occurred, a
looking, and the first he *new of anyte
finding himselfti
en about a
he canoe up
not know ex -
he was not
which he is not likely soon to forget.
On Tuesday he was detailed to search'
the premises of Robert Hutchinson, of
Cavenville, whom," suspected of being
In the habit of selling liquor without a
license at the Cavanville inn. Mr.
Grimison went in company with his
brother Frank to the premises referred
to and informed Hutchinson of the ob-
ject of hit vita and read the warrant to
him. Hutchinson, who was slightly
under the influence of drink at the time,
got into a passion and deolared that
"one of them would have to die before
they left that house." HI took down a
small rifle, but the officer 1 paid oo at-
tention to it, as he saw t ere was no
cartridge in it. Meantim flutchinson's
wife came into the kitchen and wanted
to know what the row was abaut, and
Grithison was reading th warrant to
her when Hutchinson ruehed into the
rooth carrying in Ms hands the rifle,
which had in the meantime been loaded
with three cartridges. The officer paid
no ettention to his demands to leave the
premisee thinking that the firearm was
not loaded, and was greatly alarmed
when Hutchinson raised the gun to his
shoulder and fired. The bullet whizzed.
by the officers head, and then the two
men clinched. Grimison grabbed his
assailant by the throat and by the hand
h Wing the gun, and was overpowering
h m when in rushed Hutchinson's son to
ke his father's part. Frank Grimison
SO appeared just at thetime and kept
0 son at a distance un ihe officer
d armed his mato Once overpowered,
utchinson CAMO to h s senses and
r alized the position in Which he was
I' ed by his rash conduet, and begged
r mercy. The officer fOund a barrel
olf beer and some stone jtirs of whisky
a the premises. An information was
id against Hutchinson for shooting
ith the intent to kill and he ma &r-
thing being wrong w
in the water. The can
cork cushions and you
to them and handed a
of the others, who w
Campbell laughed at
said they were all rig
be rescued. The t
boat and cushions and
for help, but no one
coming to their auiat
became numb with the
O as ,fitted with
climbs swam
ion to each
oni the boat,
e &cadent "and
t and would soon
ree clung to the
united in calling
ould be seen
ae. Oxenham
Id and began