HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-04-10, Page 7RIL 10, 18 WRINARY. v. se Honor nary Celiege. la treated. Calle rges moderate. V • OfiIce-At Weiret 111 Tillery Surgeon, G eterinary College, of the Medical ;e- promptly attend kept eonstantly o loesenberrees Retell ary Dentatey and Su • 11 V. S., graduate of On ,ge, Toronto, Neither of oeiety, eto., treats en dented Animals. Alt to either by day or night epecial attention tie* . Office on Main 8 DIV% of Kiddet Hartr Illt INFIRMAItY.---ooseee. ehStreets, next door so et Seaferth, Ont. All , Sheep, or any of the 4. ieneasfully treated It 6.. on the shortest n utEs_ W. ELDER, le -A large stook of Vete istently ou handl *AL _ant RrsoN, walton, frisuranee gorier for taking affidaeitse 'trey to loan at the Ions* er, Solicitor, Notat7, ere. Ie deers north of Com. floor, next door to C.i.Main atreet, Seafortin sron, Holt and Cameron.. 1216 -V - iFOOT, Barristers, Sellet• h, Ontekrio. J. T. amuse', 68 1 CAMERON, Barteitees, tory, Ara,, Goderiels, Oailk }Iota, M. 606 hextor Conveyancer, eia hia, B. 0. °Moe -over ki street,. Seafortit. eta and 6 per cont. 1035 T, Bare/tern Soiloilerer Solicitors for the B. GaJe. Money to loan. Ilinten, Ontario. A IL 781 sewer to the Aate firm olinestecl, Barrister, 10. Notary. Solicitor for onneroe. Money So lend. In Seoul; Block. Abdo formerly -with /lessee dfoot, Goderieh ; Bars Seatortie and Brunets, Et Bieck, Main Street. W. B. DICKSON. et Loan. 112r O LOAN', -Straight, loans at 6 per Rrivilege ta borrower rinoipal 11201Sey at hay CrLMESTED, Barrister 864 WeitY. s S., L. D. S., Dentist - son's Hardware Store, 116‘ tist Office over Ham - hoe Store, corner Main irth, Ontario. Nitroull- ,for the painless extrsee 1169, MAN, Dentist, L. D. Exeter, Ont. Will be at tee Huron Hotel, enthr tsDAT IN EACH 11011WIt, Hensall, on the more th month. Teeth ex - id possible. All work 971 ntist., (successor to H. r of the Itoyal College - tare:). Teeth inserted- goki, celluloid or tub- tiven for the painless- --over O'Neil's bank, 1204, 6 ly in the mouth by k• kITA. ID., O. M., 14. 0. P. Se f T. Dalyer Grocery- rtly. answered at ther 1 1173 , Physician Surgeon. nstance, Oa. 112T N, Bruceffeld, Liam - le of Physiolans an& ocefietd, Ont. 934 re Physician'Surgeon orth, Ont. Offloe an adorn& street., Simon. an Church. 841 M. D a If., Member siolana and Surgeons, osier"and residenter Owe. 848 r of the College or reona, eke, Seaforth, !exec, north side of treat of the Methodses iy, promptly- attend - 1210 tr. IX, Fellow of the. reiciang apdSurgeons Dr. Mackie!. (Mon Lackid, Main Street,. w of Victoria Square, L. E. Dancey. 1127 MRS. -Auctioneer for She- iks attended in al orders -left at Tow epee attended to. rad Auctioneer and lent sent by mail to will receive prompt - 1135 -52 UFF,. COUNTY, Convey m and Accountant;. -and Fire Insurance orrespondenee, &c. ,es, in any of these. attention. Oerrcee MAIN STREW, SEA. 1134 BRUCE vestment sing Money on mest Rates A. tchased. BRANCH. reat Allowed ow amount and Market Square, ich. E HORTON,- MANAGES:- ArBIL 10, 18911 A Highland Ele on. • The following humorou versio •the Prodigal Son is taken frpm the .n.litr Glsagow periodical, Scottish Nig Freente and neebors, ta dactor .ha --order% ta minister to keep in to -da account of havin' ta go -out (gout), nainsel has been askit to take ta pa and deliver a sairmon on ta, Prodig Son. You'll know very well my free Vatshe is a new hand at ta preec pane's ; but for all that I don't pel -there ie a kiltie in Gtenhoolichan add mak' a laughinstock at her mists wat'efer. Hooch ay, and eurely no.' My freents, there's no date in ta a pook to tell us when this rstory of Prodigal'Son wass happen.But a bow, it innst be a coot way Oirk, for nook Beer is a fery old peek -a fe tory old, old pook. I Dougal McFadyen doon there iss old man, a fery old man. But ta c pock iss older t'an Daugal whatef Ay, and if 20 or 15 Dougals McFaily wager:at in a row, ta coot peok wid elder L'an all ta Dougels together. .offence to you, Dougel, for ta dacen suur's no' in ta parish. 1 Ta sairmon will pe apoot three folk partionlar-tai old man and her twa la Ts old man Wage a wealthy well to carle, and no wonder neither, for a wass a Prodigal -and let me tell yo freente, it wasna, everybody filet was Prodigal in these.days. I'll sink it w a title, like ta- Padogas ot China, or Scissor& and :Centuries of Rome. ,pook says she wales a "certain " ma and you can take your oath on it s was a siccar ,chiel, and didna ale with poth eyes open whatefer. She wasn't ta man you would try to s -to ta coo wise ta moth and foot diseas •erta twice kirned butter, or ta watt wi" ta milk in it. No, my freents, b she wass ta hang heideci carle Vat w .sell you tit twice kirned coo and putter wi' ta milk in it pehind yo fery nose. Yiss, ay, and moreofer. To go to ta pook once more, thie ee tain man had two sons. And here wid notish ta difference in ta size families. Leek at King Solemnnaarf,an ta Shawl of Persins, and ta Sulk= Turkeys, wi' their twa soosand of oo .sp.iece; and here is this ,old Prodig wise only twa. Ta dispositions Provinces is wonderful, and to -day it sheet ta same as it wave in ta time ta story. Dougal M'Fadyen ,here ha her ten pig sons and her twa bonn deciders; and there's Donal' 1 M'Lea her eyes and her ears moreofe . Yis ri' only wan, and she wants tie use -ay 1 and wha for no' ? Now these twa MOM of ta old ma vase of fery differend dispositions. T oldest wass a quiet, steady let, Va took her share in ta sheep shearin' o hairvest wark or whatefer wise dooin' But ta younger -what wiss brew elites arid !Arvin' ta pipes, and pun ta dan eln' echuleit wise ta hilly young quens o eft kintra side -she was guid for naesin -slant the place. There wires no gui feelin', you may pe sure, petween ta tw prothere ; and ta old man was contin- many in ta terror Vat the wen woold commit murder on ta other's life. At length and lang ta old man took the younger son into a quiet corner and says: " My lat here ie twit 1 hundert • pound notes on ta City of Jerusalem Bank. Go and start a ferm on your own account. Don't take your land within •20 miles of a deer forest, for yoiere sure to he pat out; nor within 40 of a pog, , for you're sure to pit taken in. And go and Got bless you 1." Ta younger son wass rael weel pleased tell this, as weel she micht. Se she geed and pit on her new kilt, and tie heather stoekin's, and ta sboon wi' ta tiller puckles, and ta new Glengarry, wise ta, three grouse feathers, end ta tartan plaid wi' ta Cairngorm prooch. Then she stuck a dirk ia her stockin' and puttin' her parse with twa hundert pounds in her sporran, she set oot on her travels -no' forgettin' to take her cha,nter in her hat& to keep her cheery by the road- side. Ay, did she no'? But littlelthocht had the young man of takin' a term. There wass neesing in her held but fun, an' daffin' and mis- chief free monde' tee nicht. Ta pook ssyt she spent her substance in righteous livin',Irat I'm dootfu' of it-rael dootfu'. Anyhow, what wills livin' at ta pest inns ion ta road, and treating ta young lairds she fed in wi, and playtu' wi' te teevire took', moreofer, ta money soon meltit ewe like ta snow on ta top of lien Sevish. Py an' by she got so thin and sma" free want o' meat that her brew fried& couldna see her any more. Then she took to Stravagin aboot the kintra 'lid; playin' on te Ohinter for petebees, and sleepin' in pyres, and pehint stane dykes, wise ta wee emmocks runnin' up 4114.1 down her legs, moreofer. Yies,ay ! end what for no'? But wan nicht ta loon got her chanter stolen, and tae keep her leevin' she had to tookit a job aa a pig feeder. Oh, but wisna this an awfu' dooncome ! ,Frae pein' a young bard and ta son of a Prod - led, to up trostit tatties for twa swine. As ta poet Sookpare says, 'There's only wan jump from ta sublime to te redeekitous.' • Then, aa ta. pook goes on te, continue, she fain would have filled her pelly wise the hulks of ta swine-puir ehtegS !- but no man would give wan to het. My freenta there is an awfa' lesson for us hereaboot sornewheres. Then ta misfortune lat began to sink of her goat horns: and her coot father. One tay te pook nrisrepresents her say - ire to hersel' "Even ta collie doge in my faieher's n of Pf)p" hts: vin' er on her al's nte, hin' 'eve Vat kee oot ta ny- ta ry, an oot er. ens pe No ter in tee do he u, a as to Ta, n, he ep all e, er ut id ta r- 1 of of al of 'a of 9 o' a, a a ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR, the pad poy 've been, spendin' all ,date the telephone, the typewriter, in - miller, but if yon'll give me a eitua- creased demands for stenographic clerks, tion-" But goot old Prodigal wid and a constant advancement of correct hear no more, ut harled eher into ta notions of -woman's placb in the World, kitchen, and ea have opened avenues imtvhich vast num- her ta pest kilt ,bers of women and girls Ore usiefully and ring on her ;happily employed. There al* few occu- feet, and kill ta pations now to which women are been killed fo strangers, and the condition of society roast it, and ca is immeaeurably improved by this mut- be merry, for tiplicatioe of the empl ymente of wee lost and it aliv a to ta se In ta hoo ngers, and fattest calf that has not years and yeara and in the pier, and let us 'e my laddie Vat wase again, and wasa dead ack once 'more.' Yin, and ay, and whet for no' ? Soon after t` tae eld ill fra the fields, nd when ta hoose she heard ta squ a drone- ochin' an servant vents: Give se, and put a a shoe on her men. Greater than thed fluence of the and has come 'schoolmaster or the •pre cher has been., that of the inventor in ringing ableu Inventive Age. the emancipation and el vation of the "better half" of the hutuan family.- ' I ° 1 • A Queen's DilSmma. A sojourner in Englandl thus writes about the impossibility I of the -queen Visiting n gallery to get herphotograph taken: 1 , " Imagine the queen ging up two pairs of narrow etaire in quest of a photograph gallery with for and twenty noblemen iu advance and half a dozen knights in advance of titer* and four- teen equires ahead of the knights; and then back of her -twelve waitiug women With skirts fourteen yard& long, with fear bishops back of them ; the lurd and Mayor back of the bialeeps ; all the fereign ambassadors; a large e.stortment of knights and lords back of' them, and the high sheriff of London driuging up the rear in red cloth and gold lace: What photographer could stand that ?"-Dry Good s Chronicle. 1 , The Married Ma/ • •eli. married man always °exiles his conh dition with him, like a t ade mark, anybody of average discernmbiat can de- tect him at a glance. He doe not pinch his Wee with tight boots. II does not sent himself with violets. He never parte his hair in the middle. He keeps. his seat in the horse car when the pretty . girl, laden with bundles, cornea in; he knowe that his wife wouldn't approve of his rising. He does not get up flirtations with the good looking sales- wemau where he buys his gloves; he remembers that little birds are flying all around telling tales, and he has a horror curtain lectures e somehow, married men never seem to arrive at that state of beautitude where they do appreciate tho kind of literary performances known as curtain lectures. The merried man has come to that stage when he ie. convicted that the way his necktie hangs may not be any more important that his soul's taleation. He knows to a certainty that true happiness does not depend on the amount of starch in his shirt-bosomi but he will have to have been at least three Wares wedded before he will be able to be reconciled to a collar band two sizes Small dr one size large, The man who can smile at fate, wbesa it swoops down upon- hist in the i shape of an ill fitting collar -b nd is near- ly ready for canonization. - Weekly. i _ •i 1 'News Notes. -Freddie Pritchett, a two year old son of Mr. Henry P t son cam' in he came near ta fiddles, and ak-squeak of pipes, and ta h rone of the and she askit a ta dancin', hat was ta matter. And t servant nswert that her brother hal come p ch, and her faither had kill% the fat st calf and ca'd in ta pipers and ta fidd ers and was hievin a kind o' penny weddiagfor a bc- casion. Then the eldest pr ther flew up in a great -rage, nd ran int ta hoose to to her faither, an said: hat for you kill the fattest e If for, ta' would have tookit ta eecon or first prize at ta cattle show next ummer, if ta proon crummie or ta pi ck-and-w ite speckled coo wi' widden le widna 'a une as weel! For her neinsel 'at stays a hame and hard -labors there 8 naethin but braxy, braxy, braxy ta ale year roont. But when Vs raketa country omes hame, you have to g and kill the fattest calf. not st od it no longer, what- efer. But ta good ol .Prodigal says : .1 My lat ! It'll need al ta far, c ta calf. to put a muscle on your po r prother's ponees, for her ere. legs a e as peely- wealy as twa dru sticks. nd what is a prize in, a catt e show a yway com- pared wiss a co t'at giv s nineteen pints of milk efe y week? Now, shust sit down like a ood lat, nd eay ta grace.' Now, it's fery uch to ta redit of ta eldest son Vat ah took all her faither said in coot part and sat d on and paid ta grace. Hooch lay ! and hat for no'? I's 'al finish of ta sairmon alretty, but we will flit up ta Conclusion y singiu' ta whole of ta nineteenth - hundredth psalm. The Fani Mrs. Lionchaset tea)-" Come, I *a to Professor lnoWa is delivering thatIfi before the Institu e Mrs. Giddy-" Y take me up tell e so I can talk to h m Mrs. Lionchase - you know what h I thought everybod Mrs. Giddy -"W ' Mrs. Lionchase - he lectures on -w y platform, of cours . Courier. of Int (giving a nt to in 11, of E ne cours , you kn • llect. five o'clock reduce you gland, who of lectures w. es, but ,before you what he lectures on, .• " Blea e ! Don't ectures o ? Why,I knew tha " ell, I de 't." "He lb tures on - he' le t res on the Come ."-13oston No Remedy For Wi It is common to speak as of the skin beyond personal was foolish and a einful was This is but a remnant of t which rigid Puritans held i 'nkles. f any care cleanliness e of time. e old idea, common •' with Catholic ascetics, that it was in- ducive to a si 1 frame make the dress Rai hideous Iand show one's continpt for it beauty which God as lavish the face of the earth. A sof complexion is certainly a which every woman should any simple means, which d cupy time needed for mor matters, should be tried to hones are feastin' on beet -and braxy, while I have to ehogle alaug on green raeat, and little o't. She will arise and get up and go to ta pig house at hame, andsay to her faither: Faither, it's the pad poynhe's been to you, and if you wiss ta give her to. offish for spendin' all tae money, it wad be ta rale Mackay for her ; but if you'll be givin' a altera- tion on the estate, she'll put you up to a wrinkle or two in the swine bizness.'" And wiss that, she arose and got up, and startit for her faither's estate. .Now, all this time ta old Prodigal had beta wearyinat home, and wishiu' tat 'he had never sent her let awae She litth apeot the garden wan day, when she looked up and saw her poy afar off. At first she couldna believe it Italia her, for instead of ta praw lat Vat Pad awe', she wass more like wan of ta ?tttie doolies for frichtin' ta craws. Yiss1 tat old man's eyes were fery dim, but she knew her troy afar off; and ta old mated limbs was fery stiff, for when Idle was runnin' to meet her poy she turemilt on her neck and grat till the tears ran doon her face. But her son • onne up in the nick of time, and liftit her ult• and says to her: Faither, it's • mind to possible, e natural d all over beautiful. attraction sire, and a not oe- mportant twin such an end. There are many ebthplexions which chafe readily, and ten in the spring winds. A si)le preei sweet cream rubbed into the t washing it thoroughly, is a re this trouble. This Should be' night, just before retiring, an • mornieg the face ,shoulti 1 thoroughly, flint in lukewar and afterwards in cold, to giv the muscles. „, - Some ladies who do not find irritating to the sk a use in ] way a small portion of it, dilu half its bulk of Fos water. ir paration is rubbed in the I Ire.nds, and gloves are worn .A little ammonia in the water toward keepingahe ekin firm and free t from wrinkles. There certaiiy is no remedy for wrinkles after th It should be • remembered, that an amiable temper, a cl ence and freedom from a die worry over the petty annoys= are qualities of rhind and hear keep the face ‘free from wr beautiful to the ripest old age. common with atudieus childIr those who are near-sighted, 1 ration of in, after edy for pplied at the next washed water, tone to lycerine he same ed with 'his- pre - tore and t night.. a a help • I IS I come. owever, r consci- sition to s of life, hat will • les and. A habit n, and to knit the brow. This often causes piemature lengthwise lines in the forehea .-Hall'a Journal of Health. Invention the Frien of Women. The most conspicuous, as seIl as the moat • beneficent, of the sec ological changes which this century, las wit- nessed, has been a steady ah • great improvement in the condition o women as a result of inventive progres With- in the memory of persons who are not very old, the average woman' life was Tee of cheerless drudgery. ixty or rseverity years ago there were mpera- tively few Arnericran famili whose 'women folks" did not, to all the house work without the aid of rvants. It was hard work-1brutallii11 aridwaes should call it in the4rt was days - unrelieved by any ;of the va ied ap- pliances that have since been jdvted to facilitate or obviate it. \A d this tedious toil, -inaluding spinni'ne„ weav- ing and churning was petfoerned in houses whose inmates had never heard or dreamed of the •thousands of ele- ga,ncies, luxuries and comforts that are now within tha easy reach of the'"com- mon people." Then there were but two e nds of occupation epen for ,oung w men - (. housework and echo 1 tea,chin and the 'toter was accessible to brie a tin- ited number at a small compe sation. When invention began to o en up manufacturing industries, the zrea of woman's work grew immensely. Then came the Bewing mauhine, as 4reat a blessing as if it had leen hande down from the G-reat White Throne. Mean - tune, the progress of civilization lfrought about a better appreeiation of w man's value as teachers, add they belgan to supersede men in Ihet great ening. Manufacturing industries, in which women had a place, Multiplied rapid1y between 1840 and 1860. Sine that w York and a half itehett, of London, lost his life by drowning the other dee,. The little folio , in com- pany with his seven year Mid brother, Archie, was playing around' the river bank and fell into the water. His brother jumped in after him, and as neither could swim they were rapidly washed down the swollen stream. • A neighbor named John McNortmatumped in, but was overcome by the chilly waters and had to struggle out. An eighteeni year old boyl named Eli -Griffith, pluckily started Out, and, after a long struggle, managed to get Archie toshore He then started afterthe lit- tle fellow, who was being rapidly wash- - ed down the river. He managed' to se- cure him, and landed the secend time near the sulphur bVhs. Medicel aid was summoned, and, although every. means of resuscitation was adopted, the werk [was given up in about an hour, life being extinct. -Mr. Samuel Larmer, a Beverly farmer, met with a serious aceddent to his team and wagon on the hill near the Dundas Cotton Mill the other- morning. He was drawing a load of oats to mar- ket, and on going up the hill found it so slippery as to necessitate his- blocking • the wheels. but the block proved un- availing, the wagon slippede turned round and backed through the fence, and over the steep hillside west horses and wagon fully fifty feet. The wagon was smashed to splinters, the cans spread in all directions, and One of the horses was so badly injured in the back that it had to be shot shortly afterwards, The other horse escaped serious injury. Mr. Larmer just missed being pulled over with his team. -A powerful Swede became insane on the Soo train due in Ottawa the other day, and terrorized the passengers all night with a huge jackknife. The con- ductor several times tried topacify him, but without avail, and after reaching, Renfrew a telegram messege was sent, to Arnprior, ordering a. constable to await the train and take the man into custody. Finally the man's pent tree fury burst forth, and he declared in his ravages that he -had been prisoped and he would kill any man who came- nsar him. When Arnprior was reached a terrible struggle began. The condustor and brakeman armed themselves with heavy clubs; the constable, who ia well up in years, approached the madman, ordering him to lay down the knife, but was gashed in the arm in two places, Ms wrist being nearly severed. • Seeing fur- ther parley was ueelets, the conductor raising his club broaght it down with terrific force on the maniac's head, with the result that his skull was laid open. This only seemed to stagger him for a tiecond, and recovering himeelf he rb- sumed the attauk, wheu the brakeman, &powerful -little fellow, sprang on him from behind, and assisted by the pas- sengers, after a fearful struggle, over - 'powered him and booed him with ropes. It took six men to hold him when being conveyed to prison. The First Kiss. So far as known the first kiss on re- cord is the osculatory- salute between Isaac and his son Jacob, mentioned in the 27th chapter of Genises ; but it is -not unreasonable to suppose that Isaac had kissed the mother many times be- fore he exchanged kisees with the son. Indeed, the ane,hient Hebrews treem to have reduced, kissing to an exact science, and to have given it a momenclature. We fin1 from the Old Testament that they h d the kiss of homage; the Sub- jection ; of reconciliation ; of aproba- tien ; of welcome; of love and joy ; of sorrow; of peace; of idolatrous war- ship i 4 valediction ; of gratitude, and , Imany, there. We read also in the ia ! Scriptn es of hypocritical kisses, like thet be towed by Joab on Amass when about teday him; and wend nd foul- est of all, of the traitorous salute by It lAt which J' des betrayed the Saviour. the Inn Door. A bun man once alighted at the door of au in, and in commanding tones told a, man s nding near to hold his horse. The man slightly offended at his man- ner, asked, "Does he bite ?" "Bite, no; cat* hold of him," was the sharp reply. " Doee he kick ?" queried the fellow. "Kick, no; take hold of him, you fool" replied the hasty hunter. "Does it take two to hold him ?" came from the man in eery deliberate tones., "No,of c urse it don't," replied the fox ' °beset. 11 Hold him yourself, then," said the zian, as he coolly walked away tvitheut sio much as even removing his hand e from, his nockets.-Birmingham Mercury. Useful Recipes, , FigLayer Cake. -White pert : Two cups of ugar, two-thirds of a cup of sweet milk, white of five eggs, two tea- spoonfull& of baking powder; bake in two round tine as for jelly cake. Dark or fig part : One cup of brown sugar, one cup of flour, one cup of chopped figs, one half dirt) of sweet milk, butter the size of a walnut, one egg, one table- spoonf 1 f baking powder ; when baked place fg , part between the light part with a it le frosting. For 4i4ed beef get about three pounds of beef Wftbe round and boil until very tender. - hen tae out of the water, chop fine, and season to taste. Put in a tablespoo fill each of ground cloves, allapice ar4deinnamon. Mix well and pack in guano tin. Take the water it has been ifoiled in and let it boil down to about two-thirds of a cupful, salt and pepper a little and pour over the meat. Let it get cold. ' The Italian cooks have a way of using up bits, ofliver, pork, ham or bacon, by cooking tl4ein teeth a smooth mush made of salted ater and Indian meal, putting in a layer of muah and then the meat and cover ng again with mush and bak- ing all for half an hour. It is served hot with a rich gravy made from the stock- pot and ithickoneel with flour. This dish is cell:d "polenta," and is consid- ered a v. ry epicurean side dish.-- Chuntry Gentlemen: 1 1 Good:Sense. i A Rhede Island gentleman who help- ed repeal the prohibitory, law by voting "approved," recently urged a Women's Christian • Temperanoer Union lady to sign a emonstrance against a seloon being plac d near her home. .11e Was silenced' b this clear-headed response : " No l.' th4 state ,has pronounced the traffic lega , and I have no right to in- terfere. 1;r the saloonis th be opened at all, it -is much better to have it here on a reepeOtable street where the par- ents can gdard their children, than to have it put among the peer and degra,d ed, who have not the etrength to resist its allurcneSts."-W: C; T. U. Bulletin. : 1 i a : How' ito Live t MO Years. Health Wit enemy years -may easily be attain- ed. Temper nee Abatinenee and care in food eaten are the . ain conditions. Always use Im- perial Creene artar Baking Powder in biscuit, cakes, &c.,c., at1d: that part of food. will be all right. Sold br all Grocers,. Ask Yoiir Friends, About It. Your distreeting cough, can. be cured. We know it becau e Kenip's Balsam within the past few years has iv red so many coughs and eel& in this cot imueity. Its remarkable salehas been won entir lv biy its genuine merit. Ask some friend Whip haa used it what he thinks of Remp's Balsam. Ther is no tnedieine 80 pure, none so effective. Large bottles GOe.. and id at all drugglitel 1 eenesseeeseessem A Cure for Constipation and , Headache. Dr. SilareLente. while in the R:oeley Monntains, discovered a eerie that when combinedwith other belts, makes me easy and certain cure for con- stipation. It in the form of dry roots and leaves, and is koown as tape's Finely Medicine. It will cure disic1headache and is the best spring 1 Medicine. For eie blood, liver and kielneys,and for elearint up he cemplexion it, does wonders. Driwgists sell it at 50e and $1 a package. 011116111111•1111MMINIFIS Hagyard's • Pectoral Balsam. Hagyard's Peeboral Balsam, gives prompt re- lief in cougho colds, hoarseness, whooping cough, croup, 4thina or bronchitis. It is the meet pleasant laiJd perfeote throat and lung healer in the we [Id for children or adult& Price 25ce lensightly pimples, blotches, tan, and all itch- ing humors of he -skin aro- removed by using De Low's Sulphlzr Soap. Constipation Claims Inv victims. Ward off Coated Butdoek , this dread deo Fe by tl use of Small Sugar - e wivnneeded. Itch, Mange a humans or ani Woolford's - d Scratches of every kind, on lids, mired in 30 minutes be ary Lotion. This never fails, , Sold by 1. S. Rolorts, Seaforth. 118G fe Listen :o plain facts about the B. & C :orset. You can't break the )ones—Ifor one thing. If you lo; within a year, you'll have 7our money back. It fits like glove. And hear how it's. ;old: if you're not satisfied; tfter a few weeks' wear, you :an return it and get yout noney.i ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR 'MESE CORSETS. A. T. MeNAMARA, Lendbury,), breeeer of 11' , pure-bred Berkshire Pies, winnera, of 26 firstprizes in 1890. -Young pedigreed stock for sale, G4t30 two prize winner Boars kept for ser- vice.. • .1 1203 e 1DITRZ CH7,STER WHITE.-Theeundersigned will keep on Lot 21, London Read, Stanley, the well-known pure bred Chestersi White Pig, recently owned by Mr. George Plevees, of Tuck- ermith. This is one of the best etock pigs in the county, and as only a limitedt number of sows will be taken, first come erst served. Terms -els payable at the time of eervice, with. the privilege of returning if necessary. FRED - ERIC TOMLINSON. 1214x4 111110110171319311ED BERKSHIRE 'BOAR FORt - 1 SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service during the present season. on his pesin- Ws, Lot 20,, Concession 12, lecKillep, one and- one•fourth miles east of Leadhure, the wellD known Berkstere Pig "Bourbon King," from -im- ported stock on both sides, and 'to which a number of sows will be taken. Teems -el per How. payable at the time of servien with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE HALL. 1199e.12 Seaforth Diary • Having purchased the tairr Business from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to s icit a con- tinuance of the patronage which he has re- ceived in the past. With the aelvantages I have in my refrigerator and situatio , I hope to be able to give my customers satisfalition as to quality of milkeven in the very hot Weather. Realizing that the cash system iS the most just and satistactory to all concerned, Insist decided to sell for °ash only. tar Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 Ev.- D. WILSON GODERICH Steam Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers ref all kinds of Sia' tion my, Marine, 'Upright & Tilbular BOILERS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Icor • Works, etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizental Slide Valve Engines. Antomatic Cut-Ofe Engines. specialty. All sines of pipe and pipe 1 tting constantly on hand. Ett mates tarnished short notice. Works orrposite 0. T. IS Station Gouerich. THE BIO MILLS, SEAR, RTH. ,Theebove nein- Neve now been thoroughly bulitetpon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings havibeen gneektly enlarged; and new =refinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS —AND— Flour Dressing Machines From the beet Manufacturing Nrrns have loam put in, and everything necessaayeadded to one.* her to turn out.fleur fiECOND 70 NONE n the Dominion. The facilites for reeelving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now taken horn farmera'. wagons, weighed, and ceded into cars at tho rate of 7001 -Isabel, per hour, by the work of tvsesmen. English Spavi soft or calloused horses, Blood Sp Sweeney, Stifles Throat, e:011g-hs, bottle. Warren Cure ever, k no we forih • Liniment removes all hard, Lumps and Blemishes from vin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sprains, Sore and Swonen etc. Save $1.0 by use of ene id the most. wonderful Blemish . Sold by J. S. Roberts, Sea - 1130 52 Spe TIP is a p form-1ton Yellow Oil is a creep, h atism, neuralgia kind. Known as king of Tips. eCe of special or valuable in - such as this, that Hagyard's nompt and effectual cure for arsene s, sore throat, rheum- sprai 9 �r soreness, of any reliable for over 30 years. AG sIRS- I have Bleed Ritte for constipation tinue taking it el a great change ii. .eat Blessing. aken three bottles of Burdock sand find ita good medicine nd poor appetite. I will cost - it is a great blessing and I feel my health since taking it. MRS. J. V. GREEN, 5 Sydenham Street, [ Toronto, On+1. We 01 We claim the e true. Nee atso el cures sprains, br throat. Theuinati or inflammatory true. Yellow Oil lainenesS or soren .1t.8 in man or beast. aim the Earth. rth is round, and we know it's um that Hegyard's Yellow Oil burne colds, croup, sore ne neuralgia, and all painful ikeases, ahd we know this is is a true family remedy for Sit Down and Think. Sit down and ti ink: 1st, that dyspepsia is caused by wrong action of he stomach ; 2nd, that _Burdock 13:o d Bitters 8 designed to cor- rect and regulatehe stomach ; 3rd, that it al- ways cures dyspepisia and costs le3s than a cent a dose. Can 3 ou efferd to be dyspeptic! milsommanomormaes - Important an No better cridei ee of the Blood Bitters is a ertain re disorders can be a9 -ed than V. Thorcas, druge-i t, of Hul was curd of can er by B. doctor is certain hat the and that it is now cured. True. act that Burdock iedy for all blood that of Mr. George , P. whose wife . B. The family disease Was cancer A LARGE FEED STONE CUSTOM CHOPPING Hes been put in, and the mammary maokinery for handling chw and coarse grains. A good shed has been eeeetedeso that wagons oen be unloaried and reloaded under coven WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, mere FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. 013str ckm 'mm1 Planing Mill,L 331.10M-AierS 1 Electric Bair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR —To ITS— Original Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Cleam Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days Will not soil the akin or the most delicate headdress. ' FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottl Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SP.ENCER CASE, Chemist and Druggist, 50 King St., West, HAMILTON, - - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. OWIT.A.RI Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office: Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stock Irrsuranee Company In Ontario having a Government Deporet and being duly licensed by the same. Ale now carrying on the busineste of Live Stock ITISIIT- &nee and solicit the patronage of the impeders and breeders of the Province. For furtherparticulars address JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas. 1164 Removed 11 Removed G- EJQ M "i77- I 1\T G-., SEAFORTH, The Old Establiened Butchet has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to fevot him with their patronage. tiltemember the Place, oetween Henderson' Harness Shop, and McIntyre a Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. rft 0 0 0 MP' Oee 7 the New Lino Opaque WINDOW WINDOW SHADES AT THE BOOKSTORE OF — C. W. PIA PST, ONT. CHANGE OF OUSINESS. The undersigned desires to inform his oki oustomers and the public that he has disposed of, the Blacksmithir,g business, which he hos carried on in Seaforth for over 25 years, to hie sop, J. A. STEWART, - Who will hereafter carry on the same in all ite branches, and he hope* that the earn° fibers& patronage so long extended to him will be con- tinued to his son and successor. ALEXANDER STE WART. en connection with the above, I beg to say thet I will [carry on the general blaeksmithing bueinessen all ie brandies in the old stand, and by close settention to the wapts of customers, r hoe to- receive a continuence of the liber pa ronage so long extended to my predecessor. Herseshoeing and general jobbing a specielty. Al \rock guaranteed to give satisfaction, and eh rges reasonable as usual. J. A. STEWART, 12 5 Main Street, Seaforth. *GILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL. A Special Announcement FACULTY —C;AFPIPTE—LIED SCIENCE has been prepared, stating the details of the NEW CHAIRS; LABO ATOMES, WORK - SHIM'S, APPARATUS andother improve- ment/I in its several epartmente of Citeil, Mining, Mecha ical and Elec- trinal Engineering and Practical Chemistry, which will afford in the SeSsion of 1891-2•advantages not hither- to ccessible to Students in this country. opiee may be had on application to th undersigned, who an also supply de ailed ,announcements of the other Fa- culties of the University, viz.: Law, Medicine, Arts (including the Donalda Course for Women) and Veterinary Science. J. W. BRAKENRIDGE, 1215-26 Acting Secretary. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hayti, President, Soaforth P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaterth P. 0.; Jobe Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Denald Ross, Cliff - ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt, Harlock • Joseph Evans, Bee:thwond ; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thes. Neilses, Harlock ; Rae. McMillan, Sea- orth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivaer nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective tx.?st offices. 1159 , Knight's Blood Cure„ ASTANDARD household remedy in suecess- ful use more than 40 years. A poeinve . cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, N-ervous Prostra . tion, Constipation and all diseases of the Blood, . Stomach and Liver. Unequalted for Producing a Clear :Complexion. A botanieal- compound, put up in packagesc cfri and sent by mail at one third tee cost of - ary medicine. Large packages,: sufficient ren 8 quarts, 511.00 ; half size packages, sufficient tbr ' 3 pints, 50e.• sample packages, 25e. A relfable Agent want ed in this locality. RNIGIIT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Chopped satisfactorily and withou delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Pr -ice Paid in Cash for any Quantity .of • Wheat. APPLE BARRELS FINE, COARSE ANDi LAND SALT FOR SALE. ---s Only find -class and obliginThmen will be kept es) attend custcmers. e beral patronge of mere and general trade r ectfully °elicited. A. W. OGILVIE & CO • I t PRO PRIETOIiS AND SAW MILL Is Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in [their worst form, Swellings, Eryai peas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped lientre and all Skin Disease:9. HIRST PAIN EXTERMINATOR mber Yard Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural- • gia, Toothache, Tams in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. Fe Dailey & Co.. CONNECTION The suoseriber would h the large stock of dressed which he always keeps lowest prices. Bill Stuff cut to Short N Good Cedar cut into timb stock of Hemlock Logs a Concession 16, Grey, which order on shortest notice. to call attention to nd undressed lumber n hand, at the very ny order on tice, r or posts. A good Saw 31ill, Lot 29, will be cot to any Lumber delivered at reasonable rates when des red Orders by mail promptly 1111tel. Address BRODIIAGEN P. 0. Charles Querengesser, 1105 ConeessionS, Lgoan. McKillop Directory for 1891. JOHN BENNEWIES, Rec.ve, Brodhagp P. 0. JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. JAMES EVA.NS. Councillor, Beechwood. WILLIAM ABCIIIBALD, Councillor, Lead- I bury. SOLOMON g. SHANNO... , Treasurer, Win- hro I JOHN C. MORRISON Cle k, Winthrop. BERT G. ROSS, Assess r, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, SaT orth. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EOROK. Fortnightly Sailing from PORTLAND Oft HALIFAX, TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES 840, 5156 and $60 Single. 880,830 and e110 Return According to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, outward, $2.5; prepaid, $30. Steerage at loweet rates. Aceommodation Unsurpassed. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or 'C. BETHUNE- or W. G. DIFF, Seafortle 1168-52 EXCELLENT Lines and values in Hosiery and Gloves at HOFFMAN & Cos., Sea - forth.