HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-27, Page 10et. • ; 1 • 1. 333.331' *WI 44-* . 403J3 -#s* NOT CORRECT. —One- day last week, a little lad, son of Mr. John NeMann, "who was attending Egmondville school was sent home by the teacher, who sent a note with him to his parents explain- ing that the boy was afflicted with a contagious akin disease and asking them to keep hirn from school until he re- covered. This annoyed Mrs. McMann not a little, and she took the;leay to a doctor and had him examineW and got the following certificate, which she wishes us to publish: "Seaforth, March 20th 1891. I hereby certify that Allan McMinn is not suffering from Scabies neither from any other contagi- nue disease. From hie pert( nal otin. ditree there fee felons,* *nett t • n. nenteu. enteneyeen atthi* e•e• '-'410:$-#41#•! Ottft • • • .4-7.,'L• ;•-•••••••-. **-1: ee:44 ."-• • e•-•:, ette '"' • - • • te ••••-e• • ; • - tot1 *it ' t -t- 4 4, / ,t2 544 t 9.Pk-,444_43. 4 V-4 lit?,t /** 14*A4.04 44•10.4 ea le. ets se ,t*itv Igt t -AC pgiV_ 14 1 r.•• 4-44444414444t 441 tt Mr titiril ‘A .4 44 *nil Mr. I-, e. A 4k411411. 44414- brit Manic 1 gentlemen neekleg 9teants wietang the tiret and,Mr. men making Lk; point*, entitling him the Ineond mediae ,These are co -odder ed ri:markably high scores, and th wieners feet justly proud of their troph ies. MORE ; 00 r) STOCK.—Several of th tanners of this vicinity attended the—ex teiasive stock sale of Mr. Robert Ballet' tyne, of Downie, near Stratford, o Wednesday of last week, and the resul is a considerable addition to th thoroughbred stock of the county. Mr Bailautyne had a large herd of ver superior shorthorns; the sale was largel attended and good prices were realized Mr. James Cumming of the Kippen Road, Tuckersrnith, got a very superio eighteen months old bull,one of the best of the herd; Mr. Roderick Grey, of M Killop, near Seaforth got a fine tw years old heifer; Mr. Wm. Chapma of Tuckerernith, near Brucefield, got 811perior yearling heifer; Messrs. Job McKay and Sons, of the 10th conce sion, Tiackersmith, got one of the be t cows,and Mr. Andw.McLellan, Hibber , got a very superior young bull. A 1 these cattle are sired by Mr. Balla tyne's well known imported bull, an w:11 have a good influence in adding t the value and superiority °tithe Huro herds. We hope the enterprising pu - ehaeers will have the best of good luck with their fine animals. 1 ANOTHER PIONEER DEPARTS.—Anoth - el' Of those sturdy pioneers, who have done so much to make this Canada qf ours what it is, has been removed froth ewe midst within the past week. Mr. Alexander Wilson, Sr., of Silver Cree died on Saturday evening last, havin reached the advanced age of 82 year Mr. Wilson has been in feeble health f F, scnne time. On Thursday afternoo last week, while attempting to descen a stairway alone, he fell, receiving auc injuries as to render him unconsciou, lle never rallied, and passed peacefull away on Saturday evening about eig t o'clock. Mr. Wilson was a native f Dee Side, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. H came to Canada in 1832, remaining f r .a short time in Hamilton', then going t the county of Wellington he assited i eurveying what is now the town of Fe gus. He came to Huron in 1842, an the following year took up the 200 acr farm at Silver Creek,adjoining this tow although there was no Seaforth the , on which he continued to reside until hi death. Shortly after coming to Huro he was married to Margaret Govenlocle, .a sister of the Messrs. Govenlock, olf McKillop, and she survives him. Their had a family of eight, four sons and four daughters, and all but two daughters are i3 tin living, and with the exception of Mrs. Bleasdell, are all residing in thi3 *own. Mr. Wilson was a member of the Presbyterian church, and a pro-_ noenced Liberal in _politics. Be was bovvever, a very quiet living man, an TatIRM 1_ irdiVO ttetresit will etteaen the .Annivereini eriu,ts. The sermon in the morning 'mill 1. for tl children. Collections in aid of the Sab-, bath ¶hoo1 Fundi 3. II. PvcEit, Secretary. Hroirese prices paid for Butter and Eggs ii trade or caSh. J. FAIRGRY, Post Office Grace, y. 1215-1_ e WANTED.—Wanted is good gen- eral s rvant girl, to do the work of a small latmly,.. Apply to TIES EXPOSITOR Office, Sea - forth. /\ . 1215 REA DQU ARTERS FOR INDURABLE FIBRE WAhel.—We have just received a large shipment of this indestructible ware, consisting of water pails, Milk pails, basins, milk pans, keelers and wash tubs. Every article •xuaranteed. Jolts EA1lt4T, Post (Mee Grozery. „ 1215-tl -MONEY FOGNI);--- Foumd,,. Mein Str“-ti, nn March 17th, 4 *.1#311 POO Of 313043ty in !nth. **het Fn,'7,1nte.'iht.• mi. pm -vim ' , s.#.thot,.,.. Ator:*•,, •, .; r., o- Ironto, spent ▪ Saturday and Sunday last visiting friends' in town.—LA special Easter service Will be held in the Young Nten's Christian Association rooms on unday morning at half past nine. A ery pleasant time is expected, and all • ho can should attend.—Quite a num- er from here attendedan entertain- ent given by the Christian Endeavor •ociety, of Brucefield, in Union church, in that village, on Thursday evening of 1 at week. Rev. W. J. Clark, of Lon - on, was present and gave a very inter - sting address on Christian Endeavor ork.—Rev. Mr. McMillan Us expected ere o the second 'Sabbath in April to snm hia clutielo as assistant to Rev. Meitmela in the Preebyteriati , t ',•'•;ti ...It. - OA** 44*,44*** 10*.'; glUai 44144,-;1444 444 . Os. 448.14 .1** -4447 UR* 10.4** -441,8 • *00,1' • 4 41*441# 4": , -ft41." •t,t. Ar'.'•;" • 1 , ii„,.. -44. J,J. ..i. t,.. . 4--:.:,,.....i,.:, • ',', .-, .PrIA -.-****-.# • -/.-*: d' ';i'1 **** 411 ,,._:•;;,--;t:;-.. +-3*Ft* t-.41 ,-1,' . t *gi'''-''" /•41,001*".•', - '-'• .*-- .1.1.-• .41. 3,t.'1-t'rt.,A,,.... .*•-.44," *Ki--- ;**,..'-..,44,..4144f.',4- Att_..,-;4„..*4:4,', h*.c.-,-,. , f, . ..., ' .' . ___;•__ ;*-. --C. '• Mia.4 4 '-'t .'": '." 44.- #44-- **I*. '03 *0-01 ###* * 44***f.4; *4444* /44441 **eaeleaa; eelenersatiee.elet One-- '"° 314 I* 44c - *4, anewi *1444 *44131444 44-i.,4 *44 hA 41.ti*** 1- ; 44404 vE,4*-;-•41g t4.4flo c*-„,..100ft tle-y ith tt ,44fri,AtZ 1A2 444 i41* +kit" tertt, -ihii*:,44**owt 4.44h.. 14441-111;4>, • 4.4 11441.41404* "kb 1144W!.414 0i44 84-4414161/4* Pr**441 14/4** hee OCCUStt44 At hit rtlfiAlcue-e thttvoj that resinee * wrestle* bete CArnit4# 410 tb* moim ning. It *re* that on Thiseeday ritmt. night Mr. Hay retired to rest about the tieuel time, but being bed with asthme, BALL.the minds to which he WAS subject, he lay on the Four—In the spirt bed bot removing his clothes. bar of athletic clubs lightly turn to the v in 1.• - thought of organization, and the lirst the morning he was found in the same position, but was quite dead, having whose thoughts took the color of reso- passild away during the night without a lution, was the Huron Football Club. struggle. It ie supposed that heart Lest Friday evening they convened at the Young Men's Chriatia.n Association failure was the clause of death. He was committee rooms and elected offieers, dently suffering much from his old com- in town on Thursday, and although evi- debated plans and discussed prospects. plaint, none who met.him expected they The latter are quite rosy, nearly all th would so soon mourn his death. old members of last spring's' team bein Mr. Hay was a native; of Banffshire, Scot- here, and besides, there atithe towne prenty- land, and came to Canada about fifteen very promising 4dayers i The executive committee of the Weet years ago. For ten or twelve years he ern Football Association Will meet i has carried the Mail and conducted the a stagebetweenBattfield andSeaforth. Few Berlin in a few weeks, to rrange th spring series of games. Who will ente men were better known in these parte t thari " Davie " Hay, as he was familiarly the !wo is not known for an absolut called. Ilia geniamanner and ever certainty, but Berlin, Galt, !Detroit an l, ti obliging disposition made him a univer- Seaforth may be couned 311. Rumo sal favorite witall who had dealings says that Ayr will not be alcompetitor, with with him' and be will be missed on the but will lend a couple of her best me road, andall wbo kneie, him will regret his sudden death and will long remem- ber his cheerful greeting and obliging manner. „He leaves a widow and two small children. LOCAL BRIEF:..—Mr. Finlay Ross has been confined to his residence for some days through illness, but we hope to see him around again soon.—The roads in the country are now very bad, and busi- ness in town is consequently dull.—Mr. Henry Horton, the assessor of Tucker - smith, is at present on his rounds.— Mr. RobertElgi, of Egmondville, has reatoved to his fIrm near Kippen, Mr. Eli's neighbors in. Egmondville will miss his genial morning greeting.—Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Campbell left here on Tuesday for their home in Ellieboro, Assiniboia. Mr. Campbell Ilea beele theee for some time and has a good far, and he returned a -couple of weeks ago for Mrs. Campbell. Her mauy friends here will jdin with us in wishing; her a safe and peasant joupey and health and happiness in her n4ev home. Mr. Robert Jamieson accompanied his sister as far as Toronto. ---Mr. George Sproat has sold his farms , in Tucker - smith to his sons, George, Jr., and John, and has come to Egmondville to reside. We; hope himself and Mrs. Sproat may long and pleasantly enjoy the leisere to , which an indnstrious life so justly en- titles them.—Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Mar- tin,! Mr. and Mrs. David Cairns, and Mr' W in Dorrence, of Chicago, are at preeent n town. They came here on the sad mission to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. R.G. Ross.—Mr. J.M. Best has removed his law office to the rooms adjoining Mr. C. L. Papst's jewelry store. He has comfortable and conimodious rooms in his new premises- -Dr. Belden has purchased from Mr. C. L. Papet, a handsome _"new upright piano, manufactured by Kern & Co., of Woodstock. This looks suspicious, as a ; to her neighbor, Galt. Las did not compete and some players strengthened the P others added weight to the Detroit's team is composed and Scotch teams, and def teams in the South Weste lad fall. The following ar of the Hurons : B.onora R. Jamieson ; Honorary President, G. E. Jackson Second Vice -President, G well • President, W. W. Vice -President, George An retary-Treasurer, W. Prend tain, G. A. Dewar ; Counci Crawford, Livingstone an fall Gil f her crac angers, an Ayr teen f Canadia ated all tie n Pennsu a the officer y Presiden First Vic- ; Honorary . E. Cres Meredit ere= ; Se ergast ; Ca lors,Mess s. McDonal . • 8 Wingham. BRIEFS. —The town hall was open on Monday night for the fir t time. M Bengough, of Toronto, gave his Cha Talk there to a good audience. H cartoons and chat were original and d lighted all,. On Tuesday! night t Fern Lodge, No. 19, true Blues, hel in the hal chair. —M rs of grai $2,000 we paid for grain here one d y last wee —Wm. Ridd, V. S., is awaY at prese on the other side looking for mo business.—Mrs. Herdsman, of this plac was relieved of a gold watch and chai in a -Hamilton crowd last week. — M John Neelans, of the firm of Cline Ce, has retired, and Mr, James Cline will carry on the business himsel . Mr. Cline has had his own time of sic - nese for the last year, and is just ge - ting over a bad attackof inflammation of the lungs.—The Salvation barracks well on the way.—Williatnennett h bought a lot from Mr. Jams Johnsto of Palmerston, and is building a ne implement warcroom on itS—Peter M Gearn, on the boundary, is preparin to build a new brick house the comin the secon Mayor Cle CI from here 1 entertainment g occupied the gg shipped 27 c at week.—Over 1.e • ATRIMONIA.L.—William N, Dia- mond, M..»., of Detroit, Michigen, was married td Miss Maggie Taylor, Of Stan- ley, by the Rev. J. 11. Simpson, Oa Tues- day evening, 24th inst. The bride was assisted by her -sister, Miss Rachael Taylor, while Mr. George Fee at od by the groom during the trying ord al. A large number of useful and eostl pres- ents were given the bride, which Went to show the esteem in which she is held by her numerous friends. There were about forty guests who partook cOpious- ly of the viands provided. The . young couple -hare the good wishes of aumer- ous friends." Harlock. — tt.e 1-4*," we*'4,.,44 4444,4 4144 114/•4*44 ,•4444:1 444444 3.1* $1.,* ,-•:*****4 **a, **** ••*•## Alk,* ttt •;1.:t•-• tt' Oki 3,0141t „OA AVOW * 41** f'• t•-• 1411t 3 t -*11-1 sottotOti- ***.t* - • " .t"4.4.44 4*.; - - , , ,t,t4itt-J . .1:3.414 • • I e- • i eteesie. .tt:Is _ ****1 , *4 -.7 4* ; ii4t1011*****-4 tiettiot***t t 4**, /*IC 444 V****aU re* hit i. --40;g0444 dcoady 84ratm4 el whinie itKe wee* throughout the townehip,. The pound - keepers were all re-appeinted, arid the feuceviewers will be the same LS last year, except that Mr. Enos. IlulL takes the places of Mr. D. Shannahan, A few accounts were passed and ordered to be paid. The council adjourned uitil the 26th of May, it being the day o Court of Revision. Brucefield: SUDDEN DEATH. — Mr. David Hay, who for- several years has carried the mail and driven stage between Bayfield and Seaforth, was found dead in his room last Friday morning. His funeral, which was very largely attended, took place last. Saturday. He leaves a wi- dow and two mall children, who have the sympathy of the village aid com- munity. A SUCCESSFUL MEETING. — The pub- lic meeting under the auspices of the Young People's Society, of Christian Endeavor in Union church, last Thurs- day evening, was largely attended. The address by the Rev. W. J. Clark was full of deep interest and ttractical thought, and as usual, well delivered. The music by the Quartette clu1:1 , of On- tari9 Street Methodist church, linton, was exceedingly fine, Wall selected, and given in good style. g e NOT,ES. —Mr. George Simpsoreleft last Monday to take a position in ;Richard Pickard's large store in Exeter. He was a prominent Sabbath School, tem- perance and Christian Endeavoravorker, and will -be much missed. Hei carries with him the beet wishes of ha many friends, old and young.—Miss Jennie Jameson left on Tuesday for St 1 Marys, where she intends learning tlie milli- nery business. We wish he every success, for she is well deservi g of it. —Miss Minnie Cooper has gone to Rip- ley for a short time. We hope she will not conclude to stay.—Mr. D. t t.Camp- bell is expected to v sit B ucefield shortly and give his lecture oh Paris, illustrated by the lime light. Ele will be here --ia but the 13th of April— ' Don't forget t) ai Farmers' Inatitutei in the Royal y mr?ars' hall this, Friday. Leadbury. NOTES.—Fall wheat has wintered well so far. April is often a trying month on it, however.—Mrs. McKee, Who was seriously ill withan attack of inflam- mation, has, we are pleased to say, again recovered. ---Mies Christina Sti- more, who has been in delicate health for some time, is improvin Sarah Ross, who has been residing with friends in the vicinity of Mol4sworth, returned home on Saturday. Her many friends are pleased to welcome her back. —Mr. John Muldoon has beer,' home on a months' visit to his parents and friends. Mr. Muldoon has beep out in Manitoba for a couple of yealrs. He -the business, and she should receive the patronage of our people.—Mr. Sirhon I t atter is back again from his trip to ichigan. He thinks a good deal of'. t iat country.—Mr. John Moyer has g ne to Ohio, where he intends to stay t is summer. We wish him success.— he directors of the Hay Branch Agri - c Meal Society met here on Tuesday li at. The prize list was revised and judges appointed, and all are now busy g tting inembers forithe fall fair. --There i service in several of the churches to- day as it is Good Friday.—Rev. S. eeker returned last week from a trip t Buffalo; Where he was visiting his daughter and doing business.—Last 'ednesday and Thursday was premot- yee 1444***1 ilkt* Fr4kilt) ItOt * great were*. wee tottew ttrit• it t* 1.4* 44 -rotiti ,t H44,-* 4; * • 4- 41'N - 3* • ' --- *Arm* * 3-'a, . - *4 ,3,1•4.40 * 4.4.* ftilit.-t ***, -**/*Is. - 3*•• *tt. L131*.t.*-tlf #Pftt .13 "*.**# **OA.; *33,* IktOOLW * tt**4110'5 414*--'• k_**4 44,4# for fennana e -a leek** t .-e noent Kkg#333 rt3-3.4-141.***** •;- ;.#43#4 Igt r*****331 isetaette at Lektag tenni rope** en Oita ei *de .tt their feet nusettag t'eay w nutuhm: thy tivtott holden% itieetings Ont3t a wtok, Coy:cum Doinus.—At a meeting of he township council held at Fulton's otel on Monday, a requisition from Ir. Andrew Govenlock for inspection f a ditch on lot 28, concession 7, by thn ngineee, for reconsideration of an ward msde by the fenceviewers, was ranted and the clerk authorized to no- ify the engineer. A motion of condo- ence with Mr. R. G. Ross, and exprese- ng the sympathy of the council with irn in his sad affliction was unanimously •kissed, and the Council adjourned to at - end the funeral of Mrs. Rosa. lYinRoss s an ex -councillor and deputy reeve of he township, and has for several years een, and is now, township assessor. he next meeting of council will be held t Leadbury, on Monday, April 13, hen pathmaeters, poundkeepers and enceviewers will be appointed. • Kippen. WEISMILLER'S specials in the tailoring department of $11, 813 and $15 Suits made to order, are claimed to be the best value in the county. Stock excellent, fit and workmanship guaranteed; 200 pieces of new and stylish Prints just opened out, also a large 28sortment of Shirtings and Cottonades to hand. We invite inspection and comparison of prices. D. WEN - mi LIAR. 1214 BRIEF NOTES.—The Methodist Sab- bath School was re -organized last Thurs- day. Mr. Wm. J. Jones was elected Superintendent • Henry Ivieon, Bible class teacher; Henry Mann was elected Secretary, and Miss Sarah ,Cudmore, Treasurer.—Rev. Wesley Casson, of Seaforth, preaches here next Sunday at 2.30 p. ru. A special collection for the Sabbath School is to be taken up.—A Chapter of the Epworth League has been started. here, and promises to do well. Henry Ivison is President. —The Good Tempters intend having a free concert in Kyle's Hall on Monday even- ing next. WELL DONE.—Rev. II. Irvine was presented with a purse of $36.75 last kTuesday byt his friends of Kippen ccir- uit, to procure.. a watch. As this is the econd presentation Mr. Irvine has re- eived since coming to Kippen circuit, hiselhurst having given him about t$30 worth of oats and potatoes in Janu- rye he is beginning to feel that he is mongst a kind and appreciative people. Kippen circuit is doing itself credit. ANOTHER BURGL4RP.—Burglars have again visited eur quiet village. It is ust about four weeks since the Post Office stere of Mrs. R. Mellis was enter- ed by burglars, and on Monday morning about 2 o'clock, a repition of the ne- farious work was made. Before pro- ceeding with their work the scoundrels evidently visited the shops of the vil- lage, and having secured the required ed tee young men by giving them- a dance at night. At Mr. Campbell's bee there were nearly forty cords of wood cut.—Mr. Archibald Robinson sold his farin on the 18th inst. to Mr. John Crawford, who recently returned from British Columbia.—Mr. Henry Webb left here some time ago to go to the vicinity of St. Marys. Mr. Webb was much respected on the election day by his Conservative friends, who brought him to his old polling place at Crom- arty.—Mr. Jan Duncan' Jr., who has had a very severe attackcf inflamma- tion, is now convalescent. Walton. N the Fl TV --- t reAs r 0f • * t Kibbe eioniaey Reno,. Teenntse 1 hie est r lit; 4 ,- ineitation hi. w t „ivy twetty 4;44 ter Ike A8410 -,w tiWtt 4 e-w_t itit tit0 0 Win .%ts 11 t41enitstee. ett'e** 4 .4 5 s5 44 4 -r 5, t-4 - -'4S1 A 2 444- ""•-'- ;* look iuto our large mirror. Tile tavet and styles will be the latest and the materials particularly good. nowers will be seen in almost every variety,and the Mien', roses, dahlias, and forget-me- nots, will predominate. Ribbons in gOld and eilver tinsel effects will bet used largely, laces - will also have their say as well as pearls, beads, span- gles and ornaments. We have a very - choice lot of goods in store for you, and our windows, shelves and oounters will be well filled. There will be no fatuine as far es goods are coucerned. The .444 #5.* _ tit t seneeteet 4 1 -** * - ° - * *4* _t 4** *It P.- 4,7 tt. **-** ,.**t =4**4 YSS4 4. 4** 444 tvc A*4 14,- fitt,4 **a* t*;.: 51; ***A* A* titt ii.44441** 41**4 41. 41 tk.*..ebt 11.4%,0 fit-, thew at' ';-1W*1444i itf.ectt te Ike -tels4 et Ow trw,trite,‘ vet& 44 welt ** wtth Weir **Otter* *Ati iteet*Itiwe Itiewtia item To eeiebreta thie event, end in recognition of the kintleeee of Mrs. and Mies Sege in coming to $e* - forth on different OneatiOnS to ASSISt the band, the members of the band and * number of friends drove to Walton on the above named evening. It is need- less to say thet they were kindly re- ceived and hospitably welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Sage and family. The even- ing was an eminently musical one. Mrs. Sage gave lseveral selections on the musical bottles, which are as novel and equally as pleasant musical mediums as the celebratia musical glasses. The Misses Sage also charmed the hearts of all with their accomplished perform- ances on the piano and violin. The 'Sages are pre-eminently a musical fe.mily. The band also gave several of their choicest selections, while individual members sustained their - reputation as vocalists. The company were entertain- ed at a most sumptuous supper provided by the worthy hostess. The evening was ono long to be remembered by all present, and came to a close all too soon, and the vieitors were loud in their praises of the genial and hospitable kindness of the Sage family. Hensell. DIED ABROAD.—Ella, beloved wife of Mr..James Reath, died on the 23rd of March, aged 30 years'10 months and 18 days, ,at Moodyville, British Columbia. Shepassedpeacefully away.—Mr. W. A. Calbick, died on the 12th of March, at New Westminster, British Columbia, aged 50 years and 7 days. Both partiee werewell known and highly respected in this community, and the sad events will be a sourpe of deep grief to their many friends. LOCAL BRIEFA,—Sugar making is now the order of the day and the weather during the week has been very favorable for it.—Our merchants still continue 9peuing out large assortments of spring 4,koods.—The many friends of Mrs. J. Blatchford, Jr., will be sorry to learn that she is at present at St. Thomas for treatment of a oancer. We trust the - treatment will prove' beneficial.—Mrs. Thompson, of Toronto has been here for the past week or so visiting her aunt, Mrs. Arnold.—Mr. Wm. 13e11, bf the London Road, has this week moved in- to his fine brick residence, whicle he purchased some time ago from Mr. W. A. Waugh, and of which we made men- tion some few months ago, and we unite with his very many friends in wishing himself and family long life and • happiness in their new home.— The Royal Templars of Temperance marched in a body on Wednesday even- ing to Carmel Presbyterian church, where they were ably addressed by the Rev. J. S. Henderson on the subject of Temperance, and in hie address, which , . e*es a - 4 * ;» - - 5.8 -------------1 c -s 4-t t-ti-t-tettt Itte,e0.3 eie **tr•i 411'.1)*44.-44 *- h *4-X, 1444.- 414. 1*.“ 4etta4f-,4 i*:*- tit si **14 14kr,j`•14, 14 the akemeit h 4--ttt .tterktt tut testructIce end intereeting 1*.f. Ulf* 4ta _ 411* bad ol • E -in -atom Th* attendanee nis the Ort**444-44 W*4 huge, and the lecture, and alai the nineicel and literary entertain - Ment gtven by the *cholera, WWI ex-, cellent and much enjoyed by ell present. The Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Certud Presbyterian elnirch, occupied the chair, and at the close of the lecture made a few remarks, in which he complimented the lecturer on the excellent address he had given and the right ring it had as touching the importance of moral train- ing and a good example always being set by the teacher, also as to the im- portance of cultivating and encouraging the children to make choice of good literature only, and to give the eold shoulder to trashy and sensational books. The lecture should have a good, influence in the community. Stard. ey. OBTTUARY.—Death still continues to, reap his harvest of old residents and pioneers. We are called upon this week to record the death of another pf the old residents of Stanley—Donald Illoss—who- died on March 12th, at the ripe age of seventy-eight. Deceased was a native of the parish of Kincardine, Roseshire,. among the hills, aud in hisyouth follow- ed the occupation of a shepherd. When 18 years of age, he emigrated with his parents, and settled in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, where he cleared alarm and lived for nineteen years. In 1837 he married Catharine Frazer, and by her had two sons. Having the misfortune to lose her by death, he, in 1847, marri- ed Mary Frazer, and by her bad three daughters, Leaving Nova Scotia in 18504 he settled on and cleared lot 27, 2nd concessionof Stanley, where he remain- ed till his decease. He was a quiet, peaceable man, civil and obliging, a consistent member of the Pree by terian church, and in politics a Reformer. He has one 8011 with a family of six, and a daughter with a family of the same number, residing in Cass County, Dakota, a daughter with a family -of two, residing near Ailsa Craig, and one eon with a family of three, on -the old place. His aged partner still survives. —On Wednesday forenoon, lith inst, a fire broke out in the upstairs of the house of Mr. Thos. Hanson, of the 12th concession of Fullerton, and in a short time the house, kitchen and woodshed, were all consumed. Most of the furni- ture and contents downstairs were saved, but all upstairs waselsurned. Mr. Orin Butson and Mies Whitehead, nm- ployes, lost all their clothes exeept what they had on. Mr. Martin Baird had about $'350 in money and a number of promissory notes also destroyed. The fire is eupposed,to have originated in a defective chimney. There was an in- surance of about $600 on the building and contents. - Btu Law and eet the be milet al v persists • nut wh there is especial ting. the -ord they ph ocenpat nothing testa, it 8101-41 144 tttepe 4te *Ale ein t, ..44. - tlt*t*it wdP..-4er, e-i"C *lI:i.3iliAl1:* 4* 5.. k:f'#l31ii4 ':• - 4 tl- tt1 ** yt 4ftW* 1111518 44 us1 theu te.stre.4 seem* t; off ie. ete to put taweine people, hap ti. yforruflirni i :,-aa 4 rrie doe:ti 1 tilrwbeab°mte"edelaainereoakpiPi!dhltvii,idateinryzeill'e'iel:11 ' eil ;III: sThe:det a.11 . 4:1(ion.ilbteu' ivi ril°' etiaaliliwoddhardeiyins:.:ti.; million a ZlilleitiSel is a Jur i nbt i bypoli i rigapitel i til °hi iaic te: ht dl) idiotic viciathy 6e? :1 la tt euryio I. . co. ;'1 )31.h8ob:424vri 1 a df rti;c:i i twent as ens