HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-27, Page 88., H treated. charges moderate. ty. Ofiloe-At Weir's Itoya, 11124 . ---e, ft _ eterinery Oradte44 trio Veterinary CoIe5, Tonna*. nber of the MdiaistanSOCiaty ce promptly 'attended 00., MIMS kept constaatly on hand, E. Ftorsenberry's I Motel, nese 'efts -Imre Dentistry! and SMUT: 11064 V. S., graduate of Onreals liege, Toronto, Member of the ical Society, etc., treats au itio. PierneetieSted ALtiMgall. oar* ed to either L day or night Special attention given ge tisiry. Office on Xata eeath of Kidd's Headway* 1111 OBSE rripTimutv.--Corite a GoderiahStreete, next door to lit. Mock Seantrth, On. All dit Cattle, 01 this ewe at kalliirsu�es ere, on e. JA5lr-8 W. Era) P. S. -A large stook constantly on hand/ LEGAL MORRISON, Welkin, Triennia:ma timmissioner for taking affida e. Money to loan at the low laso3r, Walton. larrister, Solicitor, &re 021 e Door North of the Conernerciat por next door to Beams butcher - Annette, HOLT kCABEIROX. 870 RO3DY0011, &Milting, Solid. erich, Ontaxio. J. T. Gertanla, 601 1OLT CAMERON, Barnet/se, Chanary, Goderieh, Oak Q. C., Putter Ikea, 566 EY, Solicitor, Conenyanoes, ke Victoria, B. C. Ofiles-Ovst roe, Mein street, Seaforth. at 5.1 and 6 per cent. 1016 SCOTT, Barrister* Solielloos, ,rs, Ao. Solioitonfor the Beals tale A Gale. Morey to balk look, Clinton, On 1117. A. 11, Sema. 781 D, samoneor to the Ate Linn ly & Motu:tasted, Biltristar, 50. leer and Notary. Solicitor toe air of Commerce. lirey lend. Office in &etre look. KW* -HAYS, formerly With Messna Proudfoot, Goderich ; B. Vs, etc., Seaforth ad _Brussels.. -Cardno's Block, M '31 Street. W. 1. DICKSON. Money to Leen. tZEY TO LOAN. LOAN. --Straight loans at 6 psi th the privilege to Narrowes- t the principal money et en, o F. MOLMESM, Barrisist ' 860 tENTISTRY. :N, D. D. Se L. D., S., Dentist- rer Johneon's Hardware Store,, 1164 )LE, Dentist, Office over 1n Innes' Shoe Store, corner Maier ts, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous nistered for the pahaless extrae- 1169, T KINSMAN', Dentist, L. D. L. S., Exeter, Ont. Will be at urich, at the Huron Hotel, en Ma LET TBEBBIDAT niBACH IIONT14. a Hotel, Hensel!, on the MET' iY in each month. Teeth ex - least pain poasible. Ail work- ral rates. 171 ;RAM, Dentist, (isuccessor to H. ), member of the Royal Collegeet eons, Ontario. Teeth inserted plate in gold, celluloid or r-uh- nrthetic given for the painless tie °flee -aver O'Neilat bank, 1204. secured firmly in the mouth by Valve. MEDICAL. ISON, M. D., C. M., M. C. P. St Fee, over T. Daly' s Grocery. iay proraptiy answered at thr 1173 It, M. D., Physician, Surgeon richer, Constance, Ont. 1.127 & GUNN, Brucefield, Mona al College of Physicians esti trght Brucefield, Ont. 931 M. D., &a., Physician, Surgeon her, Seaforth, Ont. Ofiloe an41 ide of Goderioh street, alseonde Ftesbyterisal Church.. 841 11. D ,0. M., 'Iambs* ge of Physictiane and 0 titan°. Offiee and r duos by Dr. Verdoe. 848 'Member of the College 4 - and Surgeons, eto., Seaforth, area Residence, north side or nth door west of the Methodist light or day, promptly attend - 1210 tL iUNE, M. D., Fellow of the rge of Physicians andSurgeon. Maar to Dr. Mackie!. 011ies - by Dr. Mackid, Main Strook- ace--Corner of Victoria Squall. cuped by L. E. Danoey. 1127 CTIONEER.S. Licensed Auctioneer for Ilse Iuron. Sales attended In 41 inty., All Orden left at Telt rill be promptly attended to. ER General Auctioneer an& ator. Orders sent by mail to. let(' P. 0., will receive prompt - 1 moderate. 1185-52 G. DUFF, DE THE COUNTY, Convey. Rook -keeper and Accountant Accident and Fire Insurance to Lean, Correspondence, his services in any of the*/ ive prompt attention. °Prints (UP13TAIRS), MAIN STEM, 81Li• 1184 r AND BRUCE Investment 7 is Loaning Money 0 rity at lowest Rates f interest. ;es Puchased. BANK BRANCH. tent.Interest Allowed tne !ording to amount and time left, orner.of Market Square et, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MAITAGIEL 0111 t 5th,1885. MAR0H 27, 1891. amoomemr Bin Nye's 'Study of the Bee. love to study bees,. and once kept bees niyself. I often think of what waiter has said "that within so small a body should be contained an apparatue :for converting the various sweets which it collectsisto one kind of nourishmen :for itself, another for the commbn brood gine for its carpentry, wax for its cells poison for its enemies, honey for its mas ter, with a proboscis as long as the bod itself, microscopic in severe1 parts, tele scopic in its mode of action, with sting so exceedingly sharp that were it /waffled by the same glass which makes; is needle's point seism a quarter of an inch across, it would yet itself be invisit hie, and this, too, a hollow tube—thati ,an thiim varied operations and contri-1 vince of length and two grains of matter -ases should be included within half aal is surely enough to crush all thoughts of atheismand materialism." The queen, during the propogating season, lays as i high as two thousand eggs in a day, and I have given mach thought to the graft - lag of the queen bee upon the Plymouth Bock hen, with a view to better egg fa- cilities, but so far meet with but little success. My experiments have been somewhat delayed by the loss of time in taking the swelling ont of myself after each perusal of the bee character in hied or her home.life. A writer says the beet way to ascertain the location of the ceneen is to divide the awarnaafter which! it will be noticed that the one having the queer. will quietly settle dawn again, while the other portion will become very restless indeed. I tried this myself, and noticed that they were regime They aIso communicated their restlessness to I me. All of us got restless. The drones; are the male bees of the hive. They do no work except to act in a parentel ca- ecity and vote. They have no ginger, ut in its place they have a good appe• tite and a baritone voice. They are de- stroyed by the worhers soon after the honey season, and the widows have it alt! their own way: About nine -tenths of; the hive are workers, or females, say twelve to fifteen thousand. These are the busy bees referred to in the books. They get up early in the morning, eat a hasty meal, and go out looking for honey. They fiy witb great force, and as straight as a bullet. Sometimes they: go through a man on their way to the hive but they only get part way. A bee likes to have a tender young man with ..linen trousers sit down on it. - -- Care of the Hands. A solution of oxalic acid will remove fruit stains from the ban& but it must not touch an abraded surface. Borax water is good for washing the hands. Coarsely ground oatmeal is a fair sub- stitute for soap in washing the hands. While unscented soaps are the best, as the highly scented soaps are usually maade of rancid fate, After washing and drying the hands thoroughly, glycerine and spirits of camphor in equal parts mixed together is good to rub over them. Cocoanut oil is a pleasant appli- cation. Wearing kid gloves two sizes two large is helpful in preserving the hands. One shouid have an old pair of gloves to take up ashes in, to sweep in and to wear in ail dirty work that per - mite the wearing of gloves. If gloves are dipped in not very hot linseed oil they become waterproof and may be worth while washing. Frequent vigor- oue rubbing of the hands will promote •eirculation and, keep the skin in good condition. Biting the nails has spoiled the shape of many beautiful hands. Parents should use every means to break the habit in their children. Never scrape or cut the nails with a knife. Place the tips of the fingers in a bowl of warm water for a few moments, and then push' down all the skin that hides the half- moon at the base of the nail. Trim the ragged edges of the skin with a pair of sharp, curving scissors, and then touch these pieces with a small paint brush that has been dipped into a weak solu- tion of oxalic acid. The first time, dile will no doubt cause some pain, and a little cold cream or vaseline should be rubbed on tie ,sooth them, Next the nails should be nicely shaped with a file and all particles of dust removed from ,underneath by means of a little wooden otick. After thie the nails are thorough- ly polished with a chamois rubber ; then the hands are washed in hot water and toilet soap, after which the nails are :again polished—this time with the hand -of the operator. Once a week is often (enough to manicure the hands so thoroughly, but every day they should be cleaned and polished. essmempoimemommonsmale THE URON EXPOSH-OR. A Matter of Style. Said a young writer, the other day, to a successful author, "What troubles me is not getting the story, but forming the sentences. How do you do it? t" It's a very simple matter," said the nettilstic anth9r ; "pet put in plenty of periods—that's alt. When in doubt, al- ways put in a period." This is good advice to a young writer. Short sentences are conducive to clear- ness of expression and vividness of narration. But the thing may be over- done. In fact, done to death. Take the case of certain writers. Their sentences, trom this cause, seem to hop painfully along. Like toads. Whereas they might march gracefully, beautifully, and expo- -ditiously away, turning neither to right 'nor left—nor pausing much, and reach- ing their destination just th o same, like an athletic Wellesley girl going to the rpost-office.-[" Listener" in the Boston :" Transcript. ' A Picture of Livingstone. Livingstone, to be sure did little to 'encourage the idea of gold. The only .gold visible about him was the gold of his -character, and a remarkable hat -band of the same color he always persisted in wearing,whether in Africa or in Europe. That gilded hat band had probably much to do with the conversion of the savage to Christianity, which was the purpose for which Livingstone traveled, toiled, and died. He had probably found it an "open sesame" to distinction in the minds of the natives. It was a most awe-inspiring diadem, and if it avails on the captain's head or the merchantman's • deck, why should it not help discipline and enforce awe on the children of Ham? Wheu there remained little to mark :Livingstone as an Englishman, when his akin was burned dark brown and his speech had become almost wholly Make- lolo, that goldeti hit band remained to distinguish him outwardly from all oth- ers. But how far above ordinary mor- tals was that man's character! None more pure, more faithful, more unselfish, snore calmly courageous and merciful, was ever formed by God. To lift the dweller in heathen degradation in heart and body to happier coromiouoness and higher w4stence, and to learn the 'secrets of his land, that it with him, should be open to better influences, was his sole and simple end and aim. He delighted, too, in the majesty of the new scenes he was the first to see and to describe. I remember how i af- ter a long walk in the Highlands, he threw himself down in quiet delight on the heather on a hill summit, and com- pared his ovinacotland with the coun- try in Which he had spent so many try- ing years. He liked to describe in his slow speech, full of the acquired gattrals and liquid sounds of the African tongue he had so long sleeken, his impressions of monied of the great wonders ef na- ture in Africa,—North American Re- view. News Notes. ---Rev. John S. Smallwood, the young negro orator of Boston, has signed a contract to lecture in Europe, on "The Race Problemin Arnerica,,' and on "The Negro in American Poli- tics." The price for six months is $6,980, expenses paid. —There is a project on foot to have the World's Fair opened by the only living descendant of • Columbus, the Duke of Seragua of Madrid. The plan is to secure his presence there with his collection, and to have him start the machinery of the fair, —Nearly $10,000 was found at St. Pant, the ether day, in the lining of a coat belonging to the late Judge H. M. Cooley. The dead juriet had been one of the leading lawyers of the State, bat for ten years bad been doing nothing, and was supposed to be penniless. —Work at the coal mines of Kind- ville, Poking county, Ohio, has been suspended for several weeks. The miners are destitute and the families of many of them are suffering for the necessities of life. The other day fifty of them proceeded in a body to McCoy & Williamststore at Zanesville, broke it open and carried off thirty barrels of flour and several hundred pounds of ineat. They made no attempt to con- ceal their identity, but said they had to steal or starve. Active measures are being taken to enquire into the wants of the people and relieve the suffering. —Hon. John E. Carr, of Haverhill, Massachusetts ex -member of the New Hampihire Legislature, was killed the other morning by a mad bull. Mr, Carr went into the pasture where the bull was confined, armed with a pitch- fork. The animal rushed at him and tossed him in the air. Mr. Carr, although dazed, rose to his feet and lunged at the bell with the pitch forki severely wounding the beast. This enrag- ed the animal, which again rushed upon him. Mr. Carr drove the prongs of the fork into the beard's shoulder, but, be- ing weak from many bruises, it threw him to the ground. The bull rushed upon him, gored him frightfully and stamped upon his senseless body until, life was extinct. A neighbor who ran to Mr. Carr's assistance was tossed by the bull, but escaped through the gate. The bull was then killed, and the mangled body of Mr. Carr removed to his house. —Nicholas Eaton, of Kansas Cityi was mysteriously shot and killed -the other day. Whether he committed suicide or was murdered is not known, Late in the afternoon Eaton drove to the farm of Seth Ward to look at some stock. About 7.30 o'clock his dead body was found two squares from his resi- dence, on the outskirts of the city, There was a bullet hole in the right side of his head, and a revolver with two chambers empty, was lying by his left side. About two feet to his right was found his hat with two bullet holes in it, one through the rim and one at the beck, corresponding to the wounds in the head. Mr. Eaton owned a ranche in Texas Mines, Joplin district, and considerable property in Kansas City; Hie wealth is estimated at $500,000, His family relations were of the most pleasant character, and hia business was in the best condition. His wife says he never carried a revolver. It is thought probable that he committed suicide. .A Polite Judge. At the Old Bailey it was customary to sentence the whole of the prisonere found guilty at the sessions ikt one time; It fell to Baron Graham's lot to perform this duty, and he accordingly went over the list with due solemnity, but omit4 ted one peroon brought upfor sentence —Mr. John Jones, The Judge minion :the point of finishing the sentencesi when the officer reminded his lordship of this omission. Whereupon the Judge said grately—" Oh, I am sure I beg John Jones pardon," and then sent•I pieced hire treeeportalion for life. • A Wonderful Car. There was a car in the yard of the New York Central at •Forty-second street a few cleys since, says one of the daily papers which was a novel speci- men of a labor-saving machine. Ineide the car is some clook-like mechanism which, as the car goes over the track, records every defect in the rails. If the rails have spread; the thirty-second part of tan inch beyond the standard ividth,or there is a loose joint or defect- ive connection, the machine notes it all down, as well as the distance from one place to another. Formerly this work was done by an army of men called track -walkers. Now a single machine does it with unfailing accuracy. It is proposedlo develop the invention so as to combine the detective mechanism of the car with on ordinary coach, to that the mechanical examinations of the tracke can be made by the regular trains. A New Allan Liner.—S. S. ," Mongolian." The already large and well appointed fleet of theAllan Line has just received the valuable addition of a steel screw -steam- er, named the Mongolian,. The vessel is 400 feet long, 45 feet beam, 33 feet 6 inches. in depth, with a gross tonnage of 4,750 tons. For the accommodation of first.class passengers there is a handsome dining saloon on the promenade deck amidships, tastefully Idecorated and pan- elled in solid oak; the upholstery is in fine Utrecht velvet. 'Off this eoloon is a smaller one set apart for the use of ladies. The main saloon is lighted from above by a well through the music sa- loon. Aft of the dining room are the state rooms. These ; are of large size, and contain every rhcognized conven- ience for the comfort of paseengers. The saloons and state rooms a4 fitted with the electric light. The heating is done by means of steam pipes Combined hand and steam steering gar is fitted, ID the poop with connection led to the controlling wheel on the lridge. The vessel has been fitted with eery modelle improvement for the mapi4 working of the cargo making her one f the most completdy equipped caro carriers afloat. She is fitted with riple-expen- sion engines. Our Guide. ..Remember, then, that however strange the changes of life may seem to us—however dark, howe er ead—we may be consoled by the thou ht that He, who is wiser than the wtsest parent, and kinder than the most tendek shepherd, is guiding our affairs. .He 1 ads us into the wilderness of temptetion sometimes, and he leads us to the green astures. • Very Profitable Investment. -• One gallon of whisky coats about $3, and containe, on the aYerag , 65 ten - cent drinks. Now, if you must buy whiskey, buy a gallon, and Make your wife the bar -keeper; then, !when you are dry, give her ten cots foi a drink. When the whiskey is pine, she will have after payiog for it, $3.50 leftand every gallon thereafter will ield1 the same profit. This money sh oho Id put a- way in the Saviogs Bank, so that when you have become an inebriate unable to support yourself, and shunne and des- pised by every respectable pe son, your wife may have money enoug to keep you until your time ccmes to fill a drunkard's greve. Round ShoUlde s. Round shoulders are filmes t unavoid- ably accompanied by weak ungs, but may becured by the siniple and easily. performed exercise of tieing one's self upon the toes leisureiy, lin a erpendicu • lar position, several -rinses d ily. Take a perfectly upright position with the heels together and the t es a an angle of forty-five •degrees. IJrop the arms lifelesely by the sides, ant ating and raising the eheet to its full capacity •muscularly, the chin Well drawn in. Slowly rise upon the haPs of the feet to the greatest possible heigth, thereby ex- ercising all the muscles of thie lege and the body; come again into the standing position without swaying the body out of perfect line. Repeat this exercise first on , one foot and th n on the other. • Value of a Christ an ° Conscience. Every Christian father or Mother who has ever heard the click f the latch (that cruel pistol shot ai heart), as it springs for the 1 hind son or daughter going fo world, knows that the most b for the wounded heart is th thatthe loved 6ne carries the ed at the at time be- th into the leesed balm o assurance surest anti dote against mOral poieenithat safeguard againet moral contagion—a Christian conscience. Y t how many a e left with the bitter thou ht that they have ne- glected to incu cate this peineiple. Bet you fathers an mothers who yet have your little o es about yo, see to it, before the heartaches come, which shall start a hitherto unopened foun- tain of tears, that those tears are robbed of this bitterness.—Christian at work. • • An Afghan Trick. When Major Lumsden was in Afghan- istan, the Sardar or lndabak expressed a desire one daY' to see the rifle practice of the English.; In the course of the shooting he eider some sparrows' heath; shot off, and, !whilst exprelising great astonishment at the feat, remarked that it was much mere difficult to shoot at a hen's egg and smash it than to knock off any number of eparrowe' heads. The Major and his friends laughed at this nice difference,but the Sardar was deter- mined that his aosertion should at once be put to the test, and accordingly or- dered one of his attendants to fetch an egg and outspend it aeainet the oopoeite wall of the court. This beingl done, fir- ing was commenced by the English,and, to their amazement, after Berne dozen shots, the egg was unharmed. The Sar- dar and his attendants maintained their gravity, and every moment volunteered some excuse for the miss, as each bullet failed to smash the egg. Presently, by accident, a ball happened to sever the thread by which it was suspended, and down fell the egg upon • the psvement below,- but, • the astonishment of Major Luinsde. and his friend, did not smash. The trick was now apparent, and they joi ed the Sardar and his friends in a he rty lough at the decep- tion. The heir apparent had , prepared the egg by hav ng its contents blown hole at the end. The eomutEittyhreogurshe aslight as a feather, was pushed bullet, and cou d not be etruek, side by the wind of the Cour. , e in Life. Life is not es tirely suede up of great evils or heavy rials, but the perpetual recurrence of petty evils and small trials in the rdinary and appointed exercise of t e Christian graces. To bear with the f ilings of those about us —with their infirmities, tkieir bed jndgment, their ill breeding, t eir pre - verse tempers; to endure neglect when we feel we de erved attention i and in- gratitute when eve expected thanks ; to bear with the Company of disegreeable people whom Providence hats ielaced in our way, and whom he has perhaps provided or purposed for the trial of our virtue—these are best exorcises of patience and self-denial, and the better because not clutsen by oorselves. This habitual acquiescence appears to be more of the essence of self-denial than any little rigors of our own imposing. These constant, inevitalte, but inferior evils, properly1mprovedt, furnish a good 3 moral disciplin ., and might. in the dap of ignorance have superseded penance. —Hannah tijogre. Rulin& the Tongue. Do not talk Too much; Leafn how to be silent. There is nothing like the man or woman that can keep the mouth shut. Not thet people shoulii always keep the tong1e stilt; it is made for use ; but there are times when silence is the best ad most effective reply. When a boar speaks roughlti or un- civilly to you, when you are asked an impertinent -qiistion, when a sneer is conveyed unde cover of an inquiry for information, o when, having appealed to you on a uestion of taste, your opinion is met with ridicule, the best answer to these or like exigencies is MSS did silence , bespeaking reserve powe , conscious strength, dignity, self - COM and • and nothing at times ix so effec ive as the silence which springs from contempt. He who can endure re- proach silently, and can keep silence utder trying circumstances, is a man of no common character. He who is irritated, and who loses control of tong de and -temper, is at the mercy of his opponent. He who can keep calm and cool, can mold men as he will. The cold hammer bends the hot iron, "1 any man offend not in word, the same is a Perfect man, and,able also to bridle the whole body." A Smile. Who can tell the value of a smile? It costs the giver nothing, it is beyond price to the erring and unrelenting, the sad and cheerless, the lost and forsaken. It diearms malice, subdues temper, and turns hatred to lovc,revenge to kininess, and payee the darkest path with gems of sunlight. A smile on the brow betrays kied heart, a pleasant friend, an effec tionate brother, a dutiful son and a happy husband. It adds a charm to beauty, decorates the face of the deform- ed, and makes a lovely woman resemble au angel in paradise. • The Cranks of New York. " Inhould say," remarked an expert, "that there are at least 50,000 cranks in the city of New York, and I think they should start a newspaper to be called the Crank. It is proper to define a crank as a person who differs in his opinions for condhet from tlie majority of other penitents. We used to say that a. short - haired womsn or a long-haired man was a crank. There are cranks in religion, and in politics, and in style. Some talk like eranks, but don't act that way. I know a man who was called a crank, yet made a fortune in business. A great many of the wise men of the world have been regarded as cranks. Some people are cranky at one time, but not at an- other. Few men are cranks before thirty and after fifty. A. crank may knoth a good deal. Few of the men who are 'poked on as cranks ever go to she maddionse, and that is a fact."—New York Son. . Th Next Total Eclipse of the Sun, Visiblesin Canada will occur Get. 1st, 1891. Put this in your ecrap book, Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder eclipaes' all others mac. Absolutely Pure, AIM Th Homeliest Man in Seaforth As w vited bottl Lung its ni Jhro and Sle 11 as the handsomest, and others are in- to call on any druggist and get free a trial of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and , a remedy that is selling- entirely upon rite and guaranteed to relieve and cure ic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis onsumption. Large bottles 50 cent and 1197eow 111111111•1111110=1111•1111111MIMMININI Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the suc- cessf 1 medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is eold o a positrve guarantee to cure, they would liately see the excellent effeet after taking a dos . Price 60e and 81.00. Trial site free. At all dr iggists. 1197eow Taa, dock from hunio cerou Consider this F et. fact that rheumatism is c4tusqd by -an Id in the blood points to thd reinedy,Bur- lood Bitters, which removes all impurities he bleied not only poleonous rheumatic , but even obstinate scrofulous and can - taints. An Accident Policy. The best Accident Policy is to keep Hagyard's Yello Oil on hand. As a pain cure Itis uurival- led, ss hile for croup, sore throat, quinsy, rheu- lanais n, neuralgia, etc., its results are almost mageiC Used externally and internally. Price 25c ,In Darkest Gloom; miii ons of men and women are in the dark gloom of disease. The way out is by ising Bu - dock lood Bitters, a tried and sure rm dy for dyepe biliousness, constipation, scrofula, bad hi od and all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowel rind blood. -- and holds tholis houeel Mle compl Bu rdo final r the st Caned SNAIMMEMAIMMININMINIAll The Best Protection. protection from the results of colds, prains, bruises, burns, scalds. sere throat 11 painful diaeases, Hags ard's Yellow OR rst place. Its efficacy, has been proved nds of times. It should be in every old. Misery vs. Comfort Ty is one result of biliousness or liver int. Comfort lo the first result of tiring k Blood Bitters as a remedy. Cure is the -suit always obtained. We back this with nigeet proof by testitnonials from reliable an people. Should be Loosened. A cough should be loosened at once and all Jr ritatio s allayed. To do this nothing excels Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Obetinate coughs yield a once to its expectorant, soothing and !wenn properties, which loosen phlegm and allay irritation, Eng 18h Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin, Curies, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throe, Coughs, etc. Save e50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderfuI Blernieh Cure ver known. Sold by J. 3, Rotlorts, Sea- forih 1 1180 52 An inactive or Torpid Liver must be and al[ bad bile removed. Burdock beet f old or young. wassisiess aroused Pills are For Nettle Raeh, Summer Heat and general toilet aurposes, use Low's Sniphur Soap. Son e symptoms of Worms are: Fever, colic, varlet) e appetite, restlessness, weakness and convu skins. The unfailing remedy is Dr. Low's WornSyrup. As e Pick -Me -Up after exceesive exertion or exposire, Milburn'a Beef, Iron and Wine i8 gratefhl and comfortieg. Itch humai Woolf Sold b 11111111111111111111111 Mange and Scratches of every kind, on $ or animals, cured in 30 minutes by rd's Sanitary Lotion. This never Nils. J. 8. Reiberts, Seaforth. 1185 62 3VITTSIC_ MISS M. CASH Is pre; ared to take a few pupils for tuition in piano r organ music. For terms and particu- lars call at residence, Goderich street, Sea - forth. 1208 FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSFHP OF McKILLOP. East half 9 on 9th concession, 60 aeree. West half 7 on 10th concession, 60 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS}, South half 21 on 5th c,oneession, 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Lots 11 and 12 on 13th concealer', 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSIIITH. Lo 38 on 3rd concession L. R. fie 100 acres. Fo terms &c., apply to the undersigned. F. HOLMESTED, 1197 1; Barrister &c., Seaforth *4. - es rot r • 41- 11. I , it COL' P7 'S the grozau --the B. & C. corset. It i; 3erfect in shape and fit, i: )6ned with Kabo, which wil lot break nor roll up, and i TOU are not satisfied, aitel vearing it two or three weeks 'turn it and get your money "ifiK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR 'MESE CORSETS. A T. MeNAMARA, Leadbury, breeder of pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winners of 26 firet pnzes in 1890. Young r te 'greed stock for sale, alto two prize winner:oars kept for ser- vice. 1203 -1101.11lE CHESTER WHITE. -The undersigned will keep on Let 21, Loudon Road, Stanley, the well-known pure bred Chester White 11g, recently owned by- Mr. George Plewi, of Tuck- ersimith. This is one of the best stock pigs in the county, and as only a limited number of IfrOW8 will be taken, first come first served. Terms -81, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. FRED - ERIC TOMLINSON. 1214x4 MHOROUGITBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE -The undersigned will keep for service during the present season. on his prem- ises, Lot 20, Concession 12, McKillop, one and one-fourth miles east of Leadbury, the well. known Berkshire Pig "Bourbon King," from im- ported stock on both sides, and to which a number of sows will be taken. Terms -81 per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GF,ORGE HALL. 1195x12 Seaforth Dairy. Having purchased the Dairy Business f rom Mr. Roderick Grey, 1 beg to solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage whichhe has re- ceived in the past. With the advantages I have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to be able to give my customers satisfaction as to quality of milk even in the very hot weather. Realizing that the cash system is the mosi just and satisfactory 10 ali concerned, I have decided to sell for cash only. L er Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 D. D. WILSON GODERICH • Steam Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of alli, kinds of Station ary, Marine, Uptight & Tubular BOILERS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Works, etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal ; Ilde Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Oft Engines. specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe 1 tting constantly on hand. Estimates furnished short notice. Works oteposite 0, T. R Station Goaerich. THE Br, MILLS, SEAFtoRTH. The above mills have now been thoroughly built upon the complete HUNCARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have beeo greatly enlarged, and aew machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS —AND— Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufactlaring Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE! In the Dominion. The facilites for reefs! ng ,mitt from farmers and for elevating and shlpping haves also deen extensively improved. Grain can now 1 taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and eaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A !LARGE FEED STONE! --FoR--- CUSTOM OHOPPING1 Has been put in, and the; necessary machinery for! handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed hes been erected, so that wagons on be unloaded and reloaded under cover. -- WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and • FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. CITSITOM Pmmr) Chopped satisfactorily and without delay, ROLLER FLOUR, f BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARREL FINE, COARSE COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kept attend euetcmers. The liberal petronge of men and general trade respectfully itolicited A. W. OGILVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS 331.10MA...7.4'S Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR —TO ITS— Original Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful glom and perfume to the hair; produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate beaddrese. FULL DIRECTLOgg WITH EAU! BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 eentaarer bottl Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SPENCER CASE, Chemist and Druggist, 50 King St,, West, HAMILTON, - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 01V`11.A.:RI Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office: Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company in Ontario having a Governwent Deposit and being, duly licensed by the same, Me now carrying. on the briefness of Live Stock Insur- ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For further particulars address JOHN AVERY, See.-Trepx, 1164 Removed I Removed I INT SEAFORtH, T.he Old Establieneel Butcher has removed to new .Premises immediately opposite bis Old Stand, Main Street Seaforth, where be will be pleassed to meet alt his old patrone end as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their Pstrolulge- jarRemember the pleat, oetween Henderson' Harness Shop, and IleIntyre s Shoe Store, IWO Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING, `MVS avimouIJ 3H1 `H.l.a®.1V3S CD *I act - c° CD e -t - CD 12s- CD tl CD Planing Mill,Lumber Yard AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION The suoseriber would beg to call attention to the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps on hand, at the very lowest prices. Bill Stuff cut to any order on Short Notice. Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. A good stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot 29, Concession 1.6,rGrey, which will be cut to any order on shorteet notice. Loather delivered at 1 reasonable rates when desired Orders by mail I promptly filled', AddreesBRODIMEN F. 0. Charles Querengesser, 1105 Conceesion8, Lgoare McKillop Directory for 1891. JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Brodhagen P. 0. JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Lead - bury. JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- throp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seatorth. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned desires to inform his okt euttorneris and the public that he has diepoaed of the Blacksmithing business, which he has carried on in Seaforth for over 25 yearo, to Ili* son, - J. A. STEWART, Who will hereafter carry on the same In .ell its branches, and he hopes that the same libeled patronage so long extended to him will he con- tinued to his son and successor. ALEXANDER- STENITART. in connection with the above, I beg to ray that I will carry on the general blackamithing business in all its branches in the old stand, and by close attention to the wants of customer», I hope to receive a continuance of -the liberal patronage so long extended to my predeceesor- /lorseshoeing and general jobbing a speci-Ity. All work guaranteed to give ratirfaetion, and chargat reasonable as usual. J. A. STEWART, 1205 Main Street, Seaforrie The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Corapany. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. ors/erns. Thos. E. Hays, Presideut, Seaforth 1'. 0.; W. J. Shannon'Secy-Treas., Seatorth 1'. On John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth I'. 0. LiTRET:SOR.I. Jas. Brotedfoot, Seaforth '• Donald Rose, Clin- ton; Gabriel Eiliott, Clinton ; George %tett, Matlock; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos, Garbutt, Clinton. AOENTB. . Thos. Nagano, Matlock; Robt, McMillan, Sea- orth ; 8. Carnochan, Seaforth; John O'Sullivent rod Geo, Murdie, Auditors. Parties •desirous to effrxt Ineuraneee or traneset other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices, 11e9 Knight's Blood Cure. A. STANDARD household remedy in Emcees& fill use mate than 40 years. A pomitive cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Proetra Conetipetion and all diseases of the Mood, Stomach and Liver. • Unequalled for Producing a Cie r :Complexion. A botanical compound, put up In packages and tent by mail at ane third the cast of ordtn- ary medicine. Large packages, ri ut11eient fer 3 quarts, $1.00 ; half size packages, sufficient fir 3 pints, 50c.•'sample packages, 25e, A rellableAgent wanted in this loeality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in their worst fora, Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Froet, Bites, Chapped Ha.nps, and all Skin Diseases. amsT PAIN EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural-. gin, Toothache, Fains in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, CHEAP EXCURSIDNS TO EUROPE. Fortnightly Sailing from PORTLAND OR HALIFAX, TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES $40, 550 and $60 Single. 880, 00 and $110 Return according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, outward, 525'prepaid, $30. Steerage at lowest nees. Accommodation Unsurpassed. , Apply to 11. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C. BETHUNE or W. G. L'F, Seatctrth. 1168-52 , List of Lands For Sale In the County of Huron, belonging to The Can- ada Company. Only 10 to 26 per cent. of pur- chase money required down, balance at any time within 10 years at 4 per cent. Instead of going to the Northwest, farmers looking for land eau secure eorne of the finest land in Ontario on tho easy terms mentioned. County of Huron's Va- cant Lands: GODERICH,-13 con -S half 37, Hayfield half 37. Maitland Conceeeion-Island opposite 53 54,55. con-W half 5, W half 6, N half 7, W half of W half 11, 5 con ---E half of W half 5, W half of E half 6, ti half of E half 6, Na 7, 8, N"; 10, W half 11, 8 half and NI 12, 13, W half 15, W half of E half 20, W half of E half 21. 6 eon -N half 4, W half 5, El 0,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,-8 half 13, W half 16. 8 half 3, fe half of N half 4, N half 5, 7, 8, E half of 8 half and N half 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, W1 15, WI 16. 8 con -Fel F 15, E half 10, NI 18, E hale of 8 half 19, Is ha! 19, 20, 21, 22; 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 9 con -E half of E half 25, F4 of E20. 13 con -N half 9. 15 con -NI 7, W half W pt. 21, 26. 10 con -E half 6, N half 9, 10, Wly pt. 11, 17 con -Ni 4, 5, 6, S hale 7, 8. N. By. -14, 15, E half 16. S. By -WI 10, E 33, N E 70 ac 35. L. R. East - E hail2. IiDL2LETT-4 con -W half 12, 13, 14, N half 16, N half 16. 5 con. -W half 13, 15, F, half 17. 7 con, -E half 19, N half 20. 8 con. -E half 2L 14meocKnaoN hpa.l.f.„31233 -core-1, N half of E half 2. N half 3. 14 con. -Rem, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, N half halfofS half 7, N half 8. STANLEY, -5 con. -14. 8 core -WI 3, W half 4, W half 5, 7,8, S. By. ---Wel 14, 15, E,} 16, STEPHEN, -6 con. -W half of N half & X half of S,half 23, 10 eon. -E half of W half ID, F., half 'lir half 11. • 13 con. ---15 half of S half 174 N half 22. 14 con. 4, N half 8, 8 half of X half 17, El 20. 15 con, -3, N half 4, 81 6, E half of W half 10, N half 16, 10 con, -Ni 17, Ni 22. 17 con. -Rem. SI 7, NI 10, NI 28. 18 eon,. -N half 7, S half 8, 15, N half 16, half 19. 19 con. -N half 4, W half 11, E half 16, 22 con. Rem. 8, E half 0, S half 10. North By. --E half W half 33. L. It. West -Rem. 1, S. half 8. ux Sables -9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, AV half &N hail of half 15, W half 16, 17, Iss, 10. Rented Farms for sale at expiration of eheaileltiln4ei Leases 6 con. -E-NR.v4lhecaHoinf.737B1Na4y.hfilallfd-4;7h5alclolni:81N18, 14 hall of 8 half 19, 8 con. -13, 14, WI 17. 10 con. - 14 l8N,128h628,a. I.f 1L838,. e.1 °ORB.: ;lats. -6-8 colt1hf.R1:Nef esiWin4'3.h17a4:1,f38E2.0,. haa_115N1 West- aellifeLSE_2c harril14, EolniaLf Eh 16. uf 17, 5 con. -10, W half 17, 5) con. -8 half 23. 14 con. -Rem. W half 14, S. pt. of N half 21, N half 22. McKILLOP.-1 con. -W half 2, E half 8, W half 4,8 half 6, E half 7. 2 con. ---E half 7, Rem. E half 8 E half 10. 3 con.-- S -0,E. half 8 4 eon. -3, E half 4. 6 con, --N half 6. 11 con. - E half of W half 7, N half of 8 half and S half of N half 10. STEPHEN. -;13 con. -8 half 14,8 half of N half 17, 8 half 18, N half 19. 14 con. -5, 6, 7, 8 half 8, 9, 12, 15 con. -8 half 4, W half 5. 16 ecu- -El 6, N half of W halt 21. 17 con. -S1 15, E half 16, WI 16. 18 con. --S half 7, N half 19. 19 con. -E half 7, half 8, NI9 E half 11. 28 eoni S half 12. N. Pely.-N half 32, E hall 33,1187-20 33, 34. S. Bdy.-27. L. R. W--2, 5- half 1. 7 con. -E half 4. FoUrSpaE°rtiticullErlarr-Sa's Etoricy.pE.--es19&e., apply to THia TUCKERSMITH,-11. core -N half of COMMISSIONER, Canada Cote, Toronto.