HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-27, Page 7• T , , ••••• THE HURON EXPOSITOR a • - MARCH 27, 1891. e Items' —The Blanchard Agricultural Society will hold its annual Spring Show at Kirkton, on Thursday, April 9th. —Mr. Wm. McAlpine, of Mitchell,: has purchased the Wilson block, oni Main street, in that town, and will fitI it up ss a place of business. —On Tuesday, last week, Mr. Fred.] Eisler, of Logan, left for Manitoba, 'tak- ing with him a splendid draught mare, and his imported entire horse, "Knight of Rossdne. _Mr, Walter Baker, who has been . spending a few months visiting friends in Fullerton, left for his home at Brane don Hills, hianitebe, on Wednesday, llth lost, —Two rinks of curlers from Platte- ville played the St. Marys curlers on the rink at St. Marys on Tuesday, last week for the Ben Wyvis trophy. The game resulted in a victory for St. Marys by 19 shots. —On Saturday morning, 7th inst,, couple of freight cars were derailed by a run off on the Grand Trunk Railway west of St. Marys. Little damage was done. The thorough express was de- layed about three hoers, being sent roiled by way of London. —Miss Julia Dunsmore, a pupil of the Stratford Collegiate Institute, has been awarded the highest prize—$15 in cash • —offered by the publishers of "Our , Home," in a young folks competition" counected with the January number of that journal. —The painful intelligence reached Mr. Peter Tully, of Dublin, on Monday, last week, that his brother Michael, of Grand Forks, Dakota, was ,stricken with paralysis. Mr. Tully immediately departed for there. A •telegram since received held out no hopes for his re- covery. —Prior to his departure for Toronto, Mr. Ormoston, Barrister, of Mitchell, was entertained at a supper at the al Hotel, in that town, by some of his est friends. Dr. Hurlbert presided at the head of the table, and after oyaternand other delicacies, had been disposecterof, ...Song and sentiment flowed freely and pleasantly for an hour or so. —Mrs. White,_ another old settler, died at her home in Elma about three miles west of Milverton village, 'Ion Tuesday of last week. Her husband, John White, who bo:e with her the hardships incident to early pioneer life, died some years ago. Her family of two -sone and three daughters survive her, all in fairly good circumstances. —On Tuesday evening of last week, fire broke out in a small frame house in Listowel, the property of Mr. John McNight, of Blanchard. Up to Tnesday •afternoon the house had been occupied' by „Mrs. Bodfield, and it is supposed that the ffre originated from some ashes with live coales in them, which had been thrown out. The loss will be small. —Monday afternoon of last week tie 11. W. Kerr was driving home from Millbank he was but a short distance from his own gate when his horse be- . came frightened and turned -suddenly around in the road, throwing r. Kerr out, and then made tracks for Millbank again. It was caught by a man who met it on the road. Mr. Kerr was somewhat frightened and received a shaking -up, otherwise none the worse. —We regret it is our duty to chroni- cle the sudden death of Mr.Lewis Kerk, of Kirkton, who dropped dead on Fri- day evening, Gbh inst., when returning home from a sale which he had attend ed that day. His son was with him in the rig and he was near their own gate when he expired without a minute's warning, or making any complaint. In the morning when he left home he ap- peared as well and hearty as usual, —Mr. Henry Gibson, of Stretford, met with a misfortune at St. Marys on Friday 6th inst., while coupling cars on a way freight. His right hand got caught in the coupling and austaitied a severe smash, although it is thought no bones were broken. Mr. Gibson has been on the road between three and four years, and the present mishap it the first he has experienced. Under the circumstances be escaped luckily and will be fit for duty again in about three weeks, —On Monday morning, 9th inst., many in Stratford were startled as the intelligence spread around that at an early hour that moining Mr. James Kennedy, i:wholesale wine and spirit merchant, an old and much respected citizen of that city had succumbed to neuralgia, a disease with which he had been long afflicted. Deceased was a native of the county Tipperary, Ireland, and emigrated with his parents to Brentford, at an early age. - Subse- quently he remo ved to Ayr, • residing there for some years. After a time he travelled in the United States, and fin- ally returned to Canada and settled in Stratford, about 33 years ago. De - cased leaves a wife, three daughters and two sons to mdurn his loss. —Mr, James Barton, a respected citi- zen of Stratford for about 15 years, formerly a resident of Downie, died of paralysis at his residence in that city on Friday morning, ;6th inst. Deceased was in his 82ad year, and came from his native county of Dumfrien Scotland, to the township of Downie, forty-two year ago. Subsequently he removed to Jersey City, but returned to Downie in 1875. After a short stay in Downie he came to Stratford in which he spent the remainder of his days. His second wife, who nursed him during his illness with unceasing care and dewitedness, one son living in the States, and two brothers survive hi a. He was a man of good intelligence and friendly dis- position. • —A team of hors -Cuthbertson of belonging to James Ima got loose from where they were tied tinder the hotel shed in Milverton, one evening last week and speedily made for home. In turning a corner 1 in that village they madly dashed into a cutter belonging to John hleCloy and demolished the vehicle beyond repair, and taking Mr. 3.1cCloy's horse along with them in some mysterious way as far as the church about 60 rods, *here she was found stripped of the harness, which is said to have every strap and attachment broken. Dr. Park and Mr. Cuthbertson pureued the runaway team and found them about one mile and a half ont, the off one lying in the ditch and held down by the sleigh tongue, the nigh horse standing up. I ---4.-i—i How Loudon Grows. One of the most singular facts about the growth of Lor don, says Dr. Albert Shaw in the Century, is its regularity. t It may) be rough' taken that every month about 1,000 houses are added to London. In Aug -at of last yew. 766,577 c„ houses had to be supplied brthe water companies with water; in September that number had increased to 766,797. • In August of 1889 754,464 houses had to be supplied, or 12,113 below the number in the same month of the year after. In September of last year the companies had to supply 10,976 houses more than in September. of 1889. This extensien is not confined to any one portion of the capital, but a prefer- ence is still being shown for the north and northwest suburbs. • • Three Weeks of Christmas. A well-known citizen of Detroit, who always does sogiething for a number of boys about Christmas time, was yester- • day approached by ii lad about ten years 1 of age, who asked: are you going to de any- thing for us this Christmas ?" "Very likely, my boy." " It will be the day before, won't it ?" "1 promiae so," - ' . "Air much as a dollar ?" if yem./7 . , d Well, I was thinking that if you • gave it to us only the day before we don't have much fun thinking about -it. If you'd only give me my dollar now, I'd string out the fun for three weeks, and have one of the awfulest, biggest times a 'boy ever enjoyed !" He got ft. -et -Detroit Free Press. 1 Death in March Winds. Poets and novelists go into ecstscies ever what they romantically cisll "beau- tiful spring," and "gent -be spring," and while, no doubt, every one is glad to see winter release its icy grasp, "beautiful spring "is, after all, one of the most deadly seasons of the year. Sudden transitions from warmth to extreme cold, with piercing, chilling winds; from dry to sloppy, " muggy " weather, all com- bine to make the season a most trying one, even to the hardiest- constitution, while to those with weak constitutions the season it one of positive danger. Undoubtedly the greatest danger at this season of the year is from cold in the head, which very few escape, and which if not promptly and thoroughly treated developes into coterie', annually destroying thousands of lives. At this trying • season no houshold should be without a bottle of Nasal Balm, In calms of cold in the head it gives almost instant relief, and effects a speedy cure, thus preventing the development of catarrh. Where the latter disease has already secured a hold it is equally effi- cacious, and with persistent use will mire the worst case. From the outset it sweetens the breath, stops the naus- eous droppings into the throat and lungs, dispels those dull headaches that can affliet the sufferer from catarrh. Nasal Beim is not advertised as a cure- all—it is an honest remedy which never fails to cure cold in the head or catarrh when the directions are faithfully fol- lowed, and thousands throughout the country have reason to bless its discov- ery. Nasal &din may be had from all dealers or will be sent post-paid on re- ceipt of price (50 cents, small, or $1, large size bottle) by addressing Fulford & Co., Brockville, Out. Contrasts. - , The bell at a basement door of a house in New York was rung by a wo- man. She held in her arms a baby, one month old, and clinging to her skirts was a child who, in a different walk in life would not yet have bit its mother's arms. Poverty has a wonderful effect on muscles ; they develop very early under its pressure. The woman wanted to know if she could not come and scrub. tier husband, a sober, industri- ous man,, could not get work. He was a !stranger, and spoke the language in- differently ; the family, wor some weeks, had been on intimate terms with hunger and cold. Everything brought from " home " that could be sold or pawned had been, and work of any kind that would Affordshelter from the cold for the chitdren, and food that would f save them from starvation, was all for which the family asked. The night before, within easily travel- ed distance, a dinner was given by,. a gentleman to gentlemen, for Which all that art could do had been done. Speci- mens of every kind of game were etand- ing before the gnewts on a bit of swamp land, so perfectly imitated that dead leaves were curled up as if blown by the wind to their resting place; while an eagle poised above a stump, in whose hollow depths rested her nest, filled with satin eggs, whose contents would be souvenirs of the dinner. That means life in a city, The other morning boy, just ar- rived at the dignity of knickerbockers, rushed down the brown -stone steps to kiss his father a good -morning. Hardly had the door closed upon him before a tiny boy, surely not a year older, came along the street, carrying over his shoulder a bag and eagerly looking for stray lumps of coal, or any other don- ation from the waste of his neighbors. So every hour the sharp contrast of our civilization is seen. Waste and starvation tivalking side by side, meet- ing and passing, but surely seeing, the heart diegnieed by each. The end and the beginning the , same for each, but the short span between so different • , Animals Tried For Crimes. In the Middle Ages the lower animals were frequently tried, convicted, and punished for various offenses. Mr. Baring -Gould has collected some curi- ous cases of this kind. In 1266 a pig wets burned at Pontaney-aux-Roses,' neer Paris for having eaten a child. In 1386 a judge of Falaiee condemned a sow to be mutilated and hanged for a similar offense. Three years later a horse was similarly tried before the magistrate, and condemned to death for having killed a man. During the four- teenth century oxen and cows might be legally killed whenever taken in the act of marauding ; -and asses, for a first offence had one ear cropped, for a sec- ond offence the other ear, and if after this there were asses enough to commit a third offence, their lives became for- feit to the Crown., " Criminal " animals frequently ex - pirated their offences, like other male- factors, on the gallows; hut subse- quently they were summarily killed without trial, sad their owners mulcted in heavy damages. In thee, fifteenth century it was popularly believed that cocks were intimately associated with witches; and they were somewhat credited with the power of !eying ac- cursed eggs, from which sprang winged serpents. In 1474, at Bale, a cock was publicly accused of having laid one of these dreadful eggs. He was tried, .ent�nced to death, and, t+ther with the 0 was burned by the , executioner in t o market place, amid al great con. coue of people. In 1694, during the witoi persecutions in hew England, a s dog exhibited such strange v mptoms of sefflich on that he was belie ed to have been ifidden by a warlock, and he was &coo ingly hanged. Swale flies, mice, ante, paterpillar., 13 and ther obnoxione creatures, have been similarly proceeded against, and cond mned to various pniishmente— mostr in ecclesiastical courts. And, etre ger still, inanimate objects have /wife d the same fate. In 1685, when the rotestant Chapel at Rochelle was condemned to be demolished, be bell there f was publicly whippd for hey- ing' ssisted heretics with ita tongue. Aftee being whipped it was I catechised, corn lied to recant, and then baptized and ing up in a Roman Catholic place of we ehip. Pre ably similar absurdities may have been; erpetrated in our own Country; for ii must be remembered that only in the present reign was the law repealed which made a cartwheel, a tree, or a • beastI which had killed a man forfeit to the Stehe for the benefit of the poor. It has been said that punishment is not likely to be effieacioue nultii* it swiftly fo1Iow the offense. This -ivies improved on bY Barbary Turk whowhjever he bought a fresh Christialet slave, ad him hung up by the heelsand basti- nadoed, on the principle, it is suppoaed —though the application ii decidedly singu ar—that prevention is !better than cure, --41I the Year Round. ; 4. I Tough Titah Beef. "Spy," remarked a tit to the butcher of whom he purchas d his daily supply of mean, "Oat last piece of steak 1 bought of yofi must have been from a steer old enough to vote," " Was it tough ;" inquired the man of the neat. I " Tough l Well, I should 'say it was. I coud hardly cut it." "0, ii that all? Welt, Ira' ought to haye beard another mini kicking a day ot two ago. He bought a piece that he said was so tough he couldn't get his fork in he gravy."—Salt Lake Tribune, ; • On the greatest charms of char- ' Cultivate Simplicity.tOf actor fal simplicity, but it is the charm which uf all others appears to be most difficUlt of attainment or preservation. -Siinplicity is the note of reel irefinement, of tiler ugh taste and genuine culture. The ati nce of it is the evide ce of some -form of immaturity, som kind of crudity of taste. The gres it things, the meet beautiful things, an the most enduriug things are aliva s simple. When Savonsiola was pat tn the rack with the expectation that many secrets would be wrung from him, be declared that secrets were few because his purpopes had been great. The more compiehensive Ithe man's cheracter, the greater' the work of art, the more mark- ed be the .element of aintplicity in both. :Reel elegance is a rere quality; rare, apparently, because most people confuee it with some form of display or elabotaitiou. There are countless houses where one finds every kind I of comfort and !dewy, but there are very few houses where one discovera ;tie! elegance because in very few houses which repre- sent iarge expenditures of Money has the element of simplicity been pre- served. Over ornamentation, crowded room, -and a general sense of oppres- siv'eneas are, as a rule, chameteristics of most handshme homes.; Simplicity lie the exception, and yet simplicity is the nu infalliple sign of geine elln egace. In mind .arid character, as the instruments of influence and of pleasure' multiply, simplicity seems to slip away. There are feiv 'who can secure prosperity with- out parting with simplicity. 'flint elab- oration and then some false note of con- sciousie ss, inflation, or that kind of so- cial pride which is only another name or veigarity, are likely to manifest themselves, The man or woman who can pr ' rve entire simplicity in a life which ii constantly enlarging; has a fine nature. 1 In this country especially, where e ere are no social liines which rigidly idetermine social position, men and women who lack thorough social training or thorough intellectual cul- ture are constantly tempted to some form of social self assertion,' to some kind of elaboration or display which will catch the eye and give a new sense of implortance. It is well to remember that he all this there is an inevitable element of vulgarity; that nodal life, on it finer sides, is a delicate and beautiful art, and like all are, must be simple and sincere if it is to I be really beautiittl. Here, as elsewhere, the soued rule is to hold constahtly before aims express theinselv,es I naturally one thr, highest aims ; and th let those through all one's actions and surround- ings. I To preserve simplicity, one must 4 , br unEt ectedly attached to neble things. —Chr tian Union. ' A Cheerful Beggsr. A lady, deeply interested in charitable worke had occasion to approach " Old Hutelt," the other afternoon (writes Eugene Field in the Chicago hewn) and was sit exceptionally bright and exub- erant that the crafty millimea re gave up a crimp twenty -dollar bill al oat before he was aware of it. And then, as we CAD esily suppose, he began to regret it. On lber part, the fair s licitor was e consi erably surprised; she Iliad heard had he lpt responded promp ly and gen- erously I to her appeal? he was so grateful that she insisted n slieking hand il with the old man, and as she did so, s ' e rem:Liked feelingly: "We do - not a ways get our reward here, Mr. Huto i son, but we ghoul remember that " ye , I've often heerd tell "answered atchinson, dryly, "b t I'm more sted in findin' out the Lord's opi- v a cheerful beggar." Mr. intik nion All Men young or old, or middle aged, who flea themselves nervons,weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight„ palpitation of the heart,emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotutn, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the =melee, eyelids and elsewhere,. bashfulness, deposits of urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin etre, are all aymptome of nervous deleility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permit- ' nently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases to man, Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front ntreet , Toronto, Ontario. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint apells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LITBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ontario, 118152 JUDICIAL SALE. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE CHANCERY DIVISION. HOULDEN VS. LEDSTONE. -DURSUANT to a judgment given herein, and 3_ bearing date the 18th day of February, 1891, there will be sold, with the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson, Esquire, Local Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, at Goderich, by the said Master, at the COM- MERCIAL HOTEL, in the VILLAGE OF IIEN- SALL, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in„ on Saturday, the 28th day of March, '91, the following valuable farm property, viz: Lot No. 27, in the 6th concession of the Town- ship of Hay, In the County of Huron, contain- ing by admeasurement 100 acres more or less. There are erected on the Oreinises farm build- inge, consisting of a frame house'two frame barns and frame stable. There is a good orchard on the premises. 'This property is situated in a first-class farming community, and is about five nines froni Hensall and four miles from Zurich. TIMMS OF SALS.—Ten per cent. down on the day of rale to the plaintiff's solicitors, and the balance without interest to be paid into court within one month thereafter, when the pur- chaser will be entitled to the conveyance and fut. possession. The purchaser at the time of sale veill be required to sign an agreement for the completion of his purchase. The property will be put up subject to a reserved bid. In all other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this Court. For further particulars, apply to Mesons. Garrow & Proudfoota barristers, Goderich; John Hoskins, Q. C., Tordo, or to S. MALCOMSON, Master at Goderich. Elliott in Elliott, Plain- tiff's Solicitors, Exeter. Dated this 7th day of March, 191. 1213-3 KIPPEN PLOW SHOP, T. T -J S On hand again with a new supply of all kinds of Plows, Gang MOWS, Land Rollers. Cultivators and all farm implements, which are all good,and sold away downen prices to suit the times, PLOW REPAIRING. A larger stock than ever of plow repairs. Plow carstings of all sorts and discriptions, cast- ings to fit all plows. Farmers wanting genuine mould boards on any line of plow, plow handles, plow bolts. The best American Plow Boards always in stock for all lines of leading plows. All plow repairing done with neatness and duribility at bottom prices. Farmers now is the time to bring along your plows and get them ready for spring. You will always find them in good order and ready for business. T. MEL LIS, Kippen. 1213-16 NOTICE. Belgrave Cheese [ and Butter Manufactut ing Company. Tender* will be received up to the 2 ist day of March, 1891, for the sale of whey per ton of cheese. There are good yards,troughs and shed in connection, and the pumping of whey will be done by the factory wen. JAMES OWENS, President, Belgrave P.O. Belgrave, March 2, 1891. 1212-2 ' Tavern and Shop L.icenses, Applications Mr Licenses for the sale of liquor in the License District of South Huron for the license year 1891-92, will Ite received by the un- dersigned up to the first day of April, inclusive. Persons applying for premises not now under Rearm must also file a petition in favor of the license asked, ined by a niatority of the elec- tors in the polling sub -division in which said premises are situated. WM. BALLANTYNE, License'Inspector, Seaforth. TN THE GOODS OF 1VILLIAM COOK, THE it ELDER, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF LIENSALL, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, LABORER, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of the said Wm. Cook, the elder, to send in their nlaiins to me within one month from this date, and at the expiration of that time I shall forthwith proceed to distri- bute the meets of the said deceased amoung the Indio; entitled thereto, and notice is expressly given thst under the provisions of the statutes on behalf of the adminisrafion of estates I shall not be liable for the wade or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim I shall not then have had notice. MAR- GARET COOK, Hensall 0,, Adininistratrix. Hansall, March 9, 1891. [ 1213-4 _ - THE S EAFO RTH BANKING COMPANY, Raro and Valuable Stamps. (NOT INCORPORATED. The Duke of Edinburgh is a great etamp collector, and has stamps which are worth a very large su of money. Officers in the navy who kno his Royal Highness's weakness for; th e valuable little 1 pieces of paper colle t those of what ver foreign nation th y may be at, and tend them to the Royal Admiral. There iis one private collectien in Eng- land, which has been valued at £50,- 000; and even the heads Of the sums imag- abovinvesting considera e b e n nifieetit house of Rothschl are not the il)nrchase _of rare and valuable stampat rl 1 1,1 ee- imam•••••••MmIlW A General Banking business trans- acted. Farmers' notes discounted, Drafta bought and sold. Interest alldwed on deposits. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for collection. MORTGAGES PURCHASED, OFFICE --First door north of Reid & Wilton's Hardware Store. J. O. SMITH, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor 106 IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1 eE8IRABLE RESIDENCE IN HARPURIIEY FQR SALE.—For sale cheap, the property of Mr. McCulloch in Harpurhey. There are two dwellint houses with an sore of land, and plenty of good water. It is pleasantly and convenlent- ly situated, and would make a most desirable residence for s retired farmer. Apply to DAVID McCULLOC El, Seaforth. 12134n 910 RENT.—That desirable property on Turn - _L berry Street, Brussels, owned by the estate of the late Thoniss Minton!, being about 81 - acres of land with good frame dwelling, barn, tables and dairy shed, good well with pump, also good orchard. Will be rented for three or five years to a good tenant. Immediate posses- sion can be given. Apply to E. C, DUNFORD, Merchant Tailor, Brussels, or to A. HUNTER, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. 1212 tf. • ,o•••••••••• SCOTCH SHORT -HORNS FOR SALE.—For Sale, 6 Young Bulls, got by the "pure Cruckshank Bull, " Perfection," 9,100. They are good bulls of the low dowe, thick, blocky sort, and have first-class pedigrees in Doininion Herd Book, Also a few females, various ages. I will sell at Borrow PRICKS, and on terms to suit purchasers, DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. 1210 tf.- CIPLENISID FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, on tj easy terms, the east half of Lot II, Bay- field Road aorth, containing about 85 acres, of which about 7, are cleared, well fenced, and in O high state of cultivation. There is a good frame house a d frame barn, stables and eheris ; aleo a good bearing orchard, and lots of living water. It is within two miles of Varna and four miles front 13aytield. It is pleasantly situated, and in one of the hest farms in the county, and will be sold for what it is worth. Apply on the premises. or address Varna P. 0. SAMUEL TURNER, 1214x4 _S UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY.—Mr. E. Boesenberre , of Hen - sail, hasreceived instructions from the uuder- signed, to sell by public auction, on Saturday, March 28th, subject to the terms and conditions to he made known on day of sale, the following mentioned valuable village property : Being known and described as park lot A, on the cor- ners of Queen and Alfred streets, Petty's survey of part of farm lot No. 21, This park lot eon - tains 14 acres, and there is s good comfortable frame house with kitchen attached, good well, a eumber of trees, bushes and plants. The eitua- tion of this lot and its size would make it pro- fitAble investment for anyone dooring to build another dwelling or two for renting purposes, or it would afford a splendid chance for anyone wishing to have a good market garden, as the soil is A No, 1 for raising fruit and vegetables. For further particulars apply to MARGARET COOK, Ilensall P. 0,, adminietratrix of the estate of Wm. Cook the elder, laborer, deceased, or to E. BOSSENBERRY, auctionerer. 1213-3 rpo STOCK BREEDERS, —The well-known Je thoroughbred Short 110111 Bull, Srneensan [1,807J will stand for the improvement of stock this season at the premises of the undersigned in Varna. The following is hie registered certi- cate : Red, calved October 1, 1888, bred by C. M. Simmons, Ivan., Ontario; got by Lord Strathal- Ian 8,757, dani Adelina 5th, by Sir Christopher 3,877, Adelina 231, by Lincoln 762, Princess 4,304, by Prince Louis 970, Nellie, 020, by Joe 79, Fancy 996, by Ethelbert (imp) 103, Dairyspot 821, by Victor 1.136 (12,268), Katinkah 1,208, by Halton 681 (11,552), White Rose 2,026, by nfay Duke (imp) 173, Young Lily 2,059, by Young Farmer (imp) 275, Lily (imp) 802, by Warden 1,563, Beauty by Rockingliam.560, by Sir Harry 1,444, by Colonel 15a by aeon of Hubback 319. All numbers are not allotted yet. Teams.—To insure 81,60, payable 1st February, 1892. WIL- SON COOK, Proprietor. N. B.—I would like to thank the people of Varnr and vicinity for the liberal amount of patronage given me last sea- son and I hope to receive an increased patron- age this year. 121.4x4- ArrORTGAGE SALE—Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sele, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Commercial hotel, in the town of Seaforth, on Tuesday, March 31,'91, at 2 o'clock p. in., by Mr. J. P. l3rine, Auction- eer, the following valuable property, situated in the town of Seaforth, known as lot No, - 63, in James Beattie's Survey of part of the town of Seaforth, containing one-fifth of an acre of land. Upon the lot is erected a comfortable frame dwelling house, at present in the occupation of Mr. Martin Charlesworth, TERMS OF SDE—The purchaser will be required at the time of sale to pay a deposit in proportion of $10 for every $100 of his purchase money to the Vendor or her Soli- citor, and the balance within 30 days thereafter without interest, and to sign an agreement for completion of his purchase. Upon pay- ment of his purehase money, the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into receipt of the rents. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at time of sale, and in the meantime may be obtained on application to the undersigned. F. HOLME- STED, Vendor's Solicitor. Seaforth, March 13, 1891. 1214-2 MORTGAGE SALE.—Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cettain Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on the premiees'in the town of Seaforth, on Tuesday,. March 31, 1891, at 2. o'clock p. m„ by Mr. J. P. Brine, Auctioneer, the following va,uable property situated in the town of Seaforth, known as lot No 25 and the north half of lot 26, in Gouinlock's Survey, of the said town of Seaforth. Upon the lot is erected a large frame hotel, known as the Cen- tral hotel, and large frame stables, at present occupied by Joteph Bell, and a mathine shop at present in the occupation of A. 31. Campbell as a tenant. Teams OY SALE.—The purchaser will be required at the time of sale to pay a deposit in proportion 01 810 to every 5100 of his pur- chase money to the Vendor or Ins Solicitor, and the balance within thirty dive thereafter with- out interest, and to sign an agreement for com- pletion of purchase. Upon payment of his pur- chase money the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into possession of the premises, subject to tenancy of A. 31. Campbell, as aforesaid, and as to the part of the premises occupied by him, the purcbNier will be entitled to be let into receipt of the rente. Further par- ticulars and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of eale, and in the meantime may be obtained on application to the under- sigrned. F. HOLMSTED, Vendor's Solicitor, Seaforth, March 13th, 1891. 1214-2 1 IMPORTAN T. WATCH REPAIRNG. Having opened the store lately occupied by a D. YOUNG, I am prepare,d to do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Having 14 years practical experience, and r • ai commendations front some of the best jewel houses in Toronto as to my ability as a fireteel s watchmaker, tbe public may rely on getting their Watches properly repaired. I have all the necessary tools, and can duplicate any broken or worn out parts. /Cr SATISFAC,TION GUARANTEED Inn I am selling off my present stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods very cheap, to make room for new stock. If you want a good Watch, don't miss this opportunity. 1 Pci- good work, promptnees and fair prices, give me a trial. R. MERCER, SEAFORTH, Two Doors from Post Office. F.A.Tt MR s TAKE NOTICE. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For EGGS at No. 3 Campbell's Block, Corner Main and Goderich Streets. Call and see me'. 1214-4 WM. DILL re - HAND MADE VETERINARY. TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor graduate of Boots and ShoesDomesti ei Ontario Veterinary Callege. All diseases of c Animals treated. Calls promptly attended to said charges moderate. Veterinary D. McINTYRE Hotel, Seaforth. Dentistry a speoialty, Office—At Root - 11124 Has on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of his own make, best material and Warranted to give Satisfaction. If you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair of our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASII. Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Boots and Shles made to order, All parties who have not paid their amounts for last year will plesee s“.11 and settle up. 1162 D. MeliNTYRE, Seaforth, DUNN'S BAKING OWDER wr rnnICS REST PM THE New Jewelry Store Is now in full blast, and is run and managed by Chris L. Papst, the Jeweller. Strikes are all right if struck against wrong, Strike not the weak because you are strong; Strike not your father, strike not your mother, Strike not your sister, strike not your brother. Strike downs cliesp scheme wherever yeu find it, Strike at all trickery, don't be behind it; Strike s h.rd blow when the iron is hot, Strike a deal with Chris Papst and you'll strike the right spot. Bring on your work to the New Jewelry Store. N. R—Any watch or clock sold by C. L. Papst and guaranteed will be kept in order by calling at the store. . L PAPST MANAGER, SEAFORTH. riOn PIANOS and ORG. ANS in connection. W. SOMERVILLE, General Express and Telegraph Agency, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. Two Express Trains each way, daily. Ask for our special produce and money rates. Telegra- phic connections everywhere 1192 '›loo1a v d 0, i=t3 gm 18. CD CD 2'3 aDCD cl 0 p e+ O PCD et* CD l'f21. go 51- CD CD c -r- -4 02 i•-# c+ 0 1- CDrri 0 1-" I=13 44 116 CD 0 rn 1ct- 'CDD AD° t:71 CD PN cb3a rn CD PCD (S' it rya cp CI14 CD '71" PJrj 0 0 F t EFc ,. o. frtoANontario,VeterinaryVeterinary rgeoarSyucollegn,Gc,Troscluoron'to, Honorary Member of the Medical Society Calls from a distance promptly attended tee Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand, Office opposite E Boesenberry's Hotel, Hen. sall. N, B.—VeterinaryDentftry and Sur specialty. 11 lETRANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of On je Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber oft Veterinary Medical Society, eto„ treats all die eases of the Domesticated Animals. All oral, promptly attended to either by day or night Charges moderate, Special attention given to veterinary dentistry. Offie,e on Main Stu* Seaforth, one door Beath of Kidd% Hardware store, ille QEAFORTPI HORSE INFIRMARY.—Corosts fa Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to f Preebyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. All die • o Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. neaticated anirasit, suwapecilly treated at * „Amery or elsewhere, on tho shorteet Inoiles- _,horges ni xierfite. JAMES W. ELDER, VAN. nary Sure n. P. S—A large stock of Veterin ary Medicines x constantly on handl LEGAL /fATTHEW MORRISON, Walton„ !r JY[ Agent, Commissioner for Oak:ingot/14r*, Conveyances, &e. Money to loan at the lows* rates, M. Mozorsoto Walton. T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, itc. Hol• Booms One Door North of the Commercial e', ground floor next door to Beams but**, shop. Agents—Causocer, goer &CANIELOO, 8711 6ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid, tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. 3.. T, Clara0W, Q. C.; Wu. Ptionoreor. :184 C,4,11EKON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barriaism Solicitors in Chancery, Ate., Otelerich, Oak 31. 0. CAMSBON, Q. 0,, Puma' How, 31.(o. Oaxentorf. 60e DOWNP.!,Y, Solicitor, Conveyoncer „ Late of Vietorise B. C. Office Box& of Commerce, Mein street, Seaforth. - PA -- vete funds to loan at ,54- and 6 per cent. 1036 'TANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, sone**, eanveyanceir, ie. Solicitors for the Binh of Johnrion, Male k Gale. Money to law Oce—Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A E. Massa/Da, Jams. &OTT. 781 TI HOLMESTED, successor to the ate firm J(.! MoCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, $0. licit:or, Conveyoncer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Money to lend. - Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Make --- Street, Seaforth. ICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Meant. Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich; Bar- risters. Solicitors, etc, Seaforth and Brussels. Seaforth °nice— Cardno's Block, Main Street. R. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON.. Money to Loan. 11/7 MONEY TO LOAN; ONEY TO LOAN, --Straight loans at 6 per jfl cent., with the privilege to borrower, of repaying part of the principa1 money at sca time. Apply to F. HOLM ED, Barrister Seaforth. 8641 DENTISTRY. QF. BELDEN, D. D. S., L. D. S., Dent*. , Office—over Johneon's Hardware Store,. n‘eaforth. 1164 "E't W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Hare- ilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Main - and John Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous. - Oxide Gas aduneistered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. 116in eee KINSMAN, Dentist, L D. •,".b.--f-f-• 11. S., Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, oath* LAST THURSDAY IN SACH YONIT, and at Murdocies Hotel, Henson, on the mar AND THIRD FRIDAY HI each month. Teeth rk. tracted with the least pain poesible. All aerie first-class at liberal rates. Ell ])11. 0.11. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to H. L. Billings), member of the Royal Colleget of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Teeth inserted' with or without a plate in _gold, celluloid or rub- ber. A safe anaesthetic given for the imlnlese extractien of teeth. Office—over O'Neil's bsnk. Exeter, Ontario, not, N. B.—Plates secured firmly in the mouth by Yemens' Patent Valve. MEDICAL, aT S. FERGUSON, M. D., C. M., 31.0, P. 8. a V if 0e—Offiee, over T. Daly's Grotiwy. Colis night and day promptly answered at Vir- e, o office. 1173 4411. 1Chopping Mill in ICinburn. Grain Chopping will he done at the mill in Kinburn every day in the week, except Monday. The work will be done with the greatest prompt - new poseible. Farmers bring in your grain and satisfaction guaranteed, 1209x4 ADAM BLATZER, Proprietor. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE BEAFORTH, ONTARIO, ••••••••••••••••••1 NO WITNIIESSES REOUIRED "1-) E. COOPER, 31. D., Physician, niusgeoit Ite and Acomucher, Consta,nce, Out. ufr DTER ELLIOTT k GUNN, Braoefield„ Lima - titles Royol °Mtge of PhyskOane *MI Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 91 T and G. SCOTT', XDiieist;3.. PhYgionsi,nfosoelaurgoatip, reaer, dence South side ef Goderieh dreet, Smoot - Door east of the Preebyterian Church. SU Mu W. BRelLCE SMITH, M..D , C. IL, Member of the liege of Ph. ysicorgens andSesfortb, Ontario = same as occupied by Dr. Verdoe. Sit DR.. McFAITle 'Member of the College of: Physicians and Surgeons, ad., Seaforth, Ontario. Offie,e and Residence, north side of' Goderich St„seventh door west of the Metbodist Church. Calls, night or day, promptly attend- ed to. 1210t1. ALEX. BETalUNE, M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons gston, Successor to Dr. MacIdd. Oen- lately occupied by Dr, Mackin!, Main Strut, Seaforth. Residence—Corner of Vietoria kw", in house lately occupied by L. E. Dewey, 1127 AUCTIONEER -Q. ir P. BRINE, Idoensed AtioVerafer Ise tbst eJ County of Huron. 'Sales attended la al a the County. All orders left 4 TziP Office will be promptly Wended le. IneIL PORTER General Auctioneer sern4 „Land Valuator. Orders wit by mail te, my address, Bayfield P. O., will receive pronini' attention. Terms moderate. 1185-52 W. - Q. DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, sneer, Collwtor. Book-keeper and A Real Eetate, Life, Accident and Fire IIIIMISSCE Agent; Money to Loan, Corroospondenee, Parties requinng his services in any of these branches will receive prompt attention. 017101P nt DALRY.8 BDOCR, (HPSTAIRS), MAIN BUM, Bile POEM. 1114 HURON AND BRUCE Loan and investment COM] - This Company is Loaning Mons y �fl- Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCIL 3, 4 and 5 per Cent.Interest Allowed Deposits, according to amotmt and time left. OFFICE. --Corner of Market Spam and Worth Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, KANAaars, noderich, August 5th,1S85, Bill 1 lov berg *Titer ballY 0:41. coll :for i gtile poistal. tO.S1 • /toil, tee ..ger face oil ai sure!' AV:mien dtirthg gh ,as a ainie leg of Rock h nilities, Sinocelui somew taking -tech Pe „or her waW it well the Int while t restless noticed „sit° Co- -are the no wor peel ty but in tite an stroyed honey a their the hie -twelve the bus "TheY hasty honey-. es str go timo bu likes to _Liam tr A t�l. fruit sto mOt nOu veater Coarse' stitute fi WhileI ] drying the hig 'mride ot and spii mixed I them. nation. two lar; bends. gloves ti and to mite tW are dipl they bee worth W ous rubi circulatil conditio Biting of maul should e habit i or cut the title W4iter fo down a moon atl ragged P isharp, ci these p thet has tioo of o will no little col rubbed natIs she and all t underlies etiek„ a ly polish the hend `toilet so -nein po sof the ot nariegh thorougl be deism I Said a to a sum me is reel all e sante -''' Ithil hweitetic periods - we, pal it 51 micrrattor done. Cage of 04 from thill L march gi ditiously not left - ins their an athlee gioet-eZt Treater AP Livin e neon ree gold vial his chan of the * wteering, Thet gih to do erh to Chrisl for whic and died 44 asp= mind* of nwediusp the eaptl deek, wi and eta/ Whe? LiyingeO skin wi irpeech h bot, tha die ern i3tf tale WAS more piu ewore el