HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-27, Page 6Rolf gi, 1891.
0 firm. Mr. Wm.,
f the -4th conoessior4
a. _valuable addition *
purchased from Mr,„
11 known breeder of
Isomayoung Shorthora
Burnside," Re is e,
color, and is a
likely.looking mai
al animal, not only in
re* herds but itt this
The euotion sale of
ey, of the Kippen road,
W- very sucesseini,
attendance and stook
I prim., A breeding
, sold for $166; hen
• $7# /arrow oowso
eteare from 141 tea
sf4fttf, i**km
lockost4 skdiv from
Timt ssis,
$1 51000 irre# 614
ri Wee kohl
*14 Ito
rnst atikuoie-
agit, The members
, After reading the
eeting, * petition WAS
by Mr. George Wal -
r ratepayers,: asking
conceasion 5, L. Re
an school section No,
aim a Mr. Walker
Ipport of proposed
noved by Peter Me-'
John Shepherd, that:
rsseci valuation of
3, is $265,250 and
$195,250, eherefore
he general interest
:hange be made. This
id unanimously. A
presented by John
ire, asking to he re -
on No. 2 to No. 9.
otion of J. Walker,
iber, shared the fat;
petitiort of certain
tion No. 8, asking
in several seetions,
over from leet meet-
neantime been with-
saa necessary. Now
loard is replaced by
the old bickering is
rtraggle is reaewed,
that the burden be
rite auditored report
mined and accepted.
tructed to get 209
distribution. The
a ordered to be paid.
toted to order a copy
&cation called the
any," for the use of
r. Some small ac -
d the following sums
o thelpartiea mimed :
R. Reid, $2;
was moved by John
by J. "Walker, that
rig overseers of high-
miiking the follow- •
rrt Stewart instead
ebert Eigie instead
. G. Plewee instead
t Scott instead of
neat, jre
, instead of
Campbell instead
.3rich Instead of W.
Reinke instead of I
ph Upshall instead
Elder instead of T.
instead of J. Doig,
g G. E. Jackson,
ad of J. Brunner, 1
ad of 3. Collie,John
• McCloy, R. T.
Plewes. The fol- 1
ea fence viewers for
Andrew Story,
'Wilsie, James Pat-
e, John McLean, I
Lendesborough, J.
an John Shepherd
Brucefleld. The
B. McLean, James
• Chapmen, J.
ie, Brian Cleary,
.Alexander Bu -
en, S. Carnochan
The council wilt
may, at 1 o'clock,
IPS Block, Exeter, on
3rd and 4th. 1215-1
the date of the
t E. J. Specimen .16
d Saturday, April Srd
chard Welsh, one
settlers, passed
yond on Sunday
a few weeks' ill -
disease, He wan
ths and 12 dtsys,
wife, one son and
rvive him, Mr.
Devonshire, En
settling 012 t
rne, where he,
'chopped and
that concession
ow resides, who
. Welsh has been
for the past
was universally
• me acquaint-
s member of the
tiara now Metho-
ber of years. The
rom the house to
ell, on Tuesday
funeral sermon
A. L. Russell --
some beautiful
appropriate. The
e °Futrell to the
nterment The
our sympathy
ands, from Pen -
load of splendid
on Tuesday last.
ert, whittle WaS
last, was 'apt 00
omaa Bissett, jr.,
nday last The
d the latter for
We wish them
nded the funeral
n Tuesday last.
who has beer&
sapids for a few
day last.—Mr.
resent seriously
Ilard, who has
te, is reported
ries Eacrett and
he beginning of
funeral of Mr&
Mr. R. WeIshe
Maar 27, 1891.
Toringotr.-The literary entertain.
oat for this place held its last meeting
het Friday evening, It was made up of
diseuesiona recitations, singing and dia-
logues, The subject for discussion be.
ing,“ Harried and Single Life,' Four
speaker* en each aide. The ohsirmen
vim unable to decide ib, and tha de
Alien was left to the audience, who de.
.cided that married life was the happier,
F.oeitations by Miss Scott, teecher of
Sodom school ; G, Pesthole and N. Sten-
.uks; dialogues by Prank Sweet and
Wm. Isaac ; zinging by Samuel Sanders,
'Kiss Mlle Isaac, VV.*, Isaac, C. Isaac,
`Wm, Sadao, Wm, Carrick, and an
known in Mark, also Hinging by
oa a Nis Ford, Ploomptniod on OR
John Yogi, *Ad oinging
iftittgo AYMPIROANY ---Affi and
Mut 04141/411 hiker, y of tom,
Maslow tackling In fEIfemlitly
wetitystAtt1#*Istiotti AtifilifeP
sity 40 thefthisfth,to, The cid
,50-Tvis aes halo and lilady,
•nd 81 ysaes ef*go, rooetivelp
--Mei and Mete Gook& Mood, of this
000# celebrated the forty-first miniver -
stay of their merriage last week. On
this ealesion three of Mr. Hood's
daughters, who are now married, to-
gether with their husbands and children,
paid a visit to the parental home, viz.:
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Conery, Wingbam ;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Jackson and Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Cole, of Morris, including
six of Mr. Hood's grandchildren. Mr.
and Mrs. Hood were presented with
half a dozen cane bottom chairs; a par-
lor lamp and Bible, hy those of their
friends who met on the occasion,
Rimier ITEMS.—Several farmers
are preparing to make sugar and mo-
lasses. It ie a general complaint that
the sap does not run very good.—The
snow blockade of two weeks ago is
pretty well settled now. For the amount
of .now there was poor sleighing.—The
entertainment, given by the pupils of
School Section No. 3, on the 17th inst.,
was fairly well attended, notwithstand-
ing the bed condition of the roads.—
Mr. D. Kelly has rented the Seale farm,
on the fith line of Morrie... It is a first-
class grazing farm.—Mr. Adam Smith,
of the 6th line of Morrie,' has taken unto
himself a wife, in the person of Miss
Annie Hanna, third daughter of Mr.
Hugh Hanna. Adam no doubt believes
in annexation, although he does not vote
that way,—Miss Annie Meiklejohn has
returned to her home, on the 5th line
of Morris, after a lengthy visit with
friends in Bruce county.—Mr. Adam
Halliday, of the 5th line of Morris, at-
tended the salelof thoroughbred stock
belonging to Mr. Cowan, near Galt, on
the lith inst. Mr. Halliday was not
suited with the stock, and therefore
did not purchase anything.—Mr. John
I3oldrow, of the 7th line of Morris, re-
cently sold off his farm stock and imple-
ments, and has moved with hie family
to Dungannon. Mr. Bielby, of the 4th
line, will succeed Mr. Boldrow as ten-
ant on the farm, which belongs to Mr.
John Kelly, of Blyth, Mr. Bielby is
moving to hie new premises this week.
—Mrs. Thuell, of the 7th line, has
rented her farm to her eon Williams and
has sold off her stock and implements.
—Mr. Albert Cole has purchased a
self -binder, which he will use on his
farm the corning harvest. —Mr. Chris.
• Michie is suffering from a severe attack
of neuralgia in his head and face. Mr.
Michie, sr., ha also in pier health at
present. —Mr. John Watson, our as-
sessor, is making his annual tour.—Mr,
George Hood had a calf dahorned re-
cently, in a very simple though some-
what rough manner. It was done by a
tick trona one Of the horses.—The Jubi-
lee Simeon came to hand on the 13th,
but owing to the night being stormy
the audience consisted of an only three.
—Mr. James Newcombe, ex -treasurer
of the township of Morris, is about to
.remove with his family to Newark,New
Jersey, United States. It is stated
that Bushfield post office will be extinct
after Mr. Newcombe leaves.
BRIEFS. -Chas. Logan, who is taking
a course at the Detroit Medical College,
is home for the holidays.—Frank Kee-
gan, who has spent the winter in De-
troit, returned home last week. This is
the young man who is celebrated for his
fondness for trading, but the boys eay
he got badly done up on a hat deal re-
cently.—F. Edwards has given up
charge of the public scales, and now
Edward Elliott does the weighing.—
Annie Erwin returned to. London last
Saturday after an enjoyable visit at
home. --On Tuesday morning about day-
light, a burglar broke in the Post -office
here and proceeded to help himself.
Fortunately very little money was left
in the office, Mr. Gardner and John
and Charles were aroused by -the noise
.and proceeded down sitars, when the
burglar made his escape. An sttempt
was also made to enter J, Card's shoe -
shop, -The Agricultural Society has
_ purchased three acres adjoining their
show grounds, and intend making a race
track and reereatioe grounds, This wilt
be a decided improvement, and will
make a grand attraction for future fairs.
A subscription list is being circulated,
and already quite a large amount has
besa signed towards paying for the new
grounds, fencing, Sic. Parties desiring
to assist the Society by donating afLiew
dollars will find lists with J. E. Swartz,
Reeve Cestle or Jos, Wilds.—On Thurs-
day evening, 19th inst., a pleasant time
Was spent at the Star Rink, when a
programme of races was provided. The
main feature of the evening was the 40
Jap race between G. M. Baldwin, of
Seaforth, and W. R. Adams, of Eg-
mondville. Adams led for about 35
laps, when Beldwin passed, Just then
Adams fell and claimed a foul, which
was not allowed. The race between J.
Jewett, J. Beattie and H. Elliott, was
won by J. Jewett after a close contest.
Wes. Erwin, C. Dresser and Jno. Whid-
don had an interesting race of 20 laps;
won by the former. There were several
other races of less importance. The ice
was excellent and a large nember pres-
ent.—fl. F. Edwards, having purchased
from Mr. Morrison the premises he has
occupied for the past four years, will
not now be leaving Bayfield, and has re-
newed his stock, and now in showing an
excellent assortment of new- spring goods
and will be pleesed, to see all his old
customers and many new ones.
frightful accident occurred at 3 o'clock
a. ma- Wednesday morning, last week,
opposite the famous Bridal Veil falls,
near Goorptow;3,Colorado, Sixteen
young people had engaged & team and
bandwagon to bring them home from a
St, Patrick'u ball at Silver Plume. At
the point named thi team became un•
manageable and turned the entire party
down tha mountainside upon the rooks
below, Those who wero not hurt by
the fall suffered from the kids and
plunges of the horses, so that but one
of the 16 escaped injury. Several were
so badly injured that they will die,
of he
DOM, —The census of the United ICing,
dom according to the estimate of the
Re6fttf*T4oatral, giv*; * population of
Jumm Ovxn, 10,04,4,-,4 rnan
*nod ova' 1)140* Falls ho forowst
Foibt igoit waitgo4my *Itorsoone If
outmo ffoo tfto woot iffm4 inomfog mid
hod * 044 ,gor 148w Yofil#
W84 Stiff@iaijo#4 He Wie# *boot Vd,
pm of ogoi good fookftw, *fid
demi/di and wsigheii *limit 160 pun&
Ile had its liprieSlilifidS 6/ tie lefiffidtitiltiff
Mid thtikilIn bYlikett
A fikaleta Valiit I efaa
Knock, aged 12 made s decorate at-
tempt to kit' his father and mother on
Friday night last, in, their apartments in
New York. The boy, in a moment of
passion, assailed his father with a large
knife, cutting a terrible gash in his left
temple, and then attempted to kill his
mother with a coal shovel, and narrow-
ly escaped breakiug her skull. The
murderous assault was the outcome of a
quarrel between father and son, the boy
accusing his father of working him too
AN Ex-CON8UL bEAD.-Charles P.
Kimball. of Chicago, formerly United
States consul to Stuttgart, Germany,
died on Thursday at the Brevoort
House, New York. Mr. Kimball was
appointed consul by ex -President Cleve-
land in 1885, but had to resign two
years afterwards on account of failing
day night last week, Mies Millie Hamil-
ton visited Daniel MeAvoy and wife at
their home at Peterson, New Jersey,
and accepted their invitation to remain
over night. Mrs. AMeAvoy went up-
stairs to her room, leaving her husband
downstairs talking with Millie. Mrs.
MeAvoy, who had prepared for bed,
finally became uneasy and very jealous.
She started downstairs to see what was
going on. She found her husband still
chatting, and began upbraiding him hi
a violent manner. MeAvoy lost his
temper and struck his wife. Mrs. Me-
Avoy then rushed upstairs and, it is
alleged, threw herself from the third
storey window sustaining probable fatal
injuries. MeAvey and Miss Hamilton
were arrested pending an investigation.
McAvoy said his wife was jealous of
Miss Eleanilton without ause.
McMICHAEL-In Hullett, on the 22nd inst.,
the wife of Mr. James G. McMichael, of a
SUTHERLAND. -In Gorrie, on the- 10th inst.,
the wife of Mr. 3. Sutherland, of a son.
MUSGROVE.-In Wingharn, on the 14th inst.,
the wife of Mr. A. H. Musgrove. of a
TAMAN.-In Blyth, on the 15th inst., the wife
of Mr. T. Taman, of a daughter.
GRASPY.-In Morris, on the Ilth inst., the
wife of Mr. Joseph Graspy, of a son.
WEBER. -In Wawanosh, on the 12th inst., the
wife of Mr. Wm. Weber, of a daughter.
STEWART-WAKEFIELD.-In Trowbridge, on
the 4th inst. at the residence of the bride's
father, by lees,. James Caswell, Mr. Alex. 0.
Stewart, of Molesworth, to Miss Elizabeth
Wakefield, of Trowbridge.
SMITH -HANNA.- In Belgrave, on the 11th
inst., by Rev. Mr. Law, Mr. Adam Smith to
Miss Annie, eldest daughter et Mr. Hugh
Hanna, both of Mortis.
DICK-SCHAFER.--At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 39th inst., by Rev. S.
Achesen, Mr. James Dick, to Miss Susan
Schafer, all of Kippen.
SPENCE--TOWLER.e-On the 18th inst., by
Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Mr. John Spence, to
Miss Annie Towler, both of Morris.
ARSCOTT.-In Winghatn, on the 16th inst., the
infant eon of Mr. Richard Arecott, (late of
London,) aged 3 months and 10 days.
AGNEW.-At Marnoch, East Wawanosh, on the
15th inst., Thomas Agnew, aged 78 years.
LOWRY.-In Turnberry, on the 13th inst., the
infant son of Mr. James Lowry, aged 8
JOHNS. -In Usborne, on- the 22nd inst., Wil-
liam Jo hos, aged G3 years.
WELSH. -In Exeter, on the 22nd inst.'Richard
Welsh, aged 78 years, 2 months, 12 days.
HAY. -In Brimfield, on the 20th inst., David
Hay, aged 53 years.
BOULGER.-In McKillop, on the 22nd inst.,
Martha, wife of Mr. Joseph Boulger, aged
32 years. -
ROSS. -In Seaforth, on the 21st inst., Jennie
Dorrence, wife of Mr. R. G. Ross, of Mc -
Killen, aged 26 years.
WILSON. -In Seaforth, on the 21st ult., Alex-
ander Wilson, Sr,. of Silver Creek, aged 82
CUMMING.-10 Winghatn'on the 22nd inst.,
James Cumnaing, aged85 years.
Local Notices.
WANTED.—A smart, energetic man to
sell sewing machines. Apply to 0 C. Witneon,
Seaforth. 1211
WANTED, a quantity of choice clean
Clover and Timothy Seed, for which we will pay
the top price. Wtesox & YOITNO, Seaforth.
J. TWITCHELL, of Clinton, has just
received two cars of those famous X X X
Shingles, which he Is selling so cheap. 1218-3
SOME extra bargains in Teas and
Sugars this Week. WrImox & Youxo, Seaforth.
$745 in gold for a wife. We will give
to the first person telling us before June 1st,
1891, where in the Bible the -word " wife " is first
found $100 in gold; to the next, 850; to the
third, $25 ; to the fourth, 820; to the fifth, 815;
to the sixth, 810; to the next 25, $5 eaeb ; to
the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in
the last correct answer,we will give 81.00 in cold.
To the next to the last $50, and so on game as
from the first With your answer send 25c in
silver, or 27c in stamps, for a box of Dr. Cole's
Blood and Liver Pills, the best blood, liver and
stomach pill ever made. Sure cure for sick
headache. Don't gripe. Remember the pres-
ents are absolutely free, being given away to
advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family
Remedies. At the close of the Contest the names
and addresses of all the prize winners will ap-
pear in this paper. We refer you to the Traders'
Bank of Onlha. Send at once and be first. Ad-
dress, HOME SPECIFIC Co., Orillia, Ont. 1214x10
FOLLOW THE CROWD to Robt. Scott's
Mammoth Seed and Feed Store, where you will
find us better prepared than ever we have been
to attend to your wants in the seed line. We
are prepared to offer you a/ first-class stock of
Clover and Grass Seeds,Field and Garden Seeds,
including new varieties such as Campbell's
White Chaff Spring Wheat, American Banner
and Rosedale Oats. The Rosedale Oat is with-
out doubt, one ofthe heaviest yielders we have
on the market to -day. We have also a nice eam-
pie of Mummy Peas, and Pine etown Peas. We
received our stock of Crown Peas from Toronto,
so that they will be a good change here. Also
remember that our stock of Mangold and Car-
rot Seeds is second to none, every person should
try a package of Steele Bros. Improved Short
White Carrots. And last but not least is our
Flour and Feed Department, which you will al-
ways find well supplied in an lines. Try a pack-
age of our Oriental Corn Flohr, it is giving good
satisfaction. Remember the place, Wilson's
Block, Main Street, Seaforth, ROBEAE 8ccrrr.
Once said, "you can fool some people all the time, all of
the people some of -the time, but you can't fool all the •
people all of the time." Our policy is not to fool any of
the people any of the time. We want to represent eiiery.
thing honestly, no matter what it is. We have op6ned
up several new lines of Boys' Suits, among which are five
lines that we would like you to see, viz,:
Albert (nest and jaunty) $3.00, J'une (fancy) $3,50,
nom° (nobb ) $4,00, Olarenee (stylish) $4,1)0,
4aergi4 (0, (JA y)0,00, Any of tbe Above lineewifl
04'49114/4 !PAW for dp) money, 0411 NW gem
Ting MARICirrig,
sworn% March 2611i, 1891
IL BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &o1 05 to 1 08 ,
, Office -Roadie, five doors north of Com -
1 06 to 1 08 mercial Hotel, ground floor, next door to C. L.
0 65 to 0 66 Papst's jewelry store, Main street, Seaforth.
0 73 to 80 Gederich agents -Cameron, Holt and Cameron.
0 50 to 055 1216
0 13 to 018
FOR SALE.-FOr sale, cheap, the resi-
dence and lot owned and occupied by the under-
signed. It is sifuated on aajnes Street. The lot
has a frontage of 72 feet. There is a two storey
frame house, 28 by 26 feet, and kitchen 12 by 20,
all on a stone foundation, also a good wood
house and stable. The lotis well planted wAli
fruit and ornaniental trees and is pleasantly alt.
usted. and the buildings and fences are all in
good repair. Apply to ISAIAH HOLMAN.
Fall Wheat per bushel..... ... ..
Spring Wheat per bushel.... ....
Oats per buehel.,
Peas per bushel
Barley per bushel
Butter, No. 1, loose.. ..
Butter, tub 0 18 to 016
Eggs • 0 13 to 014
Flour, per 100 lbs 2 35 to 250
Hay newper ton 6 60 to 6 00
Hides per 100 tbe A 50 to 6 00
Sheep Skins 0 75 to 1 25
Wool 0 17 to 018
Potatoes per bushel, ,• 0 40 S 0 45
Salt -($WI) per barrel.. .... 1 25, t 1 26
Wood per cord (long) 2 60 t 8 00
Wood per cord (short) 1 60 2 00
Apples per beg ' 080 54 100
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed 1 60 1 75
Pork, per 100 the 5 25 50 6 50
Tallow, per lb 0 04 tei 0 04
Cuero*, March 2di, 1891
Fell Wheat per bushel. 105 td $1 08
Spring Whest per bushel........- 1 05 led! 1 08
Oats per bushel...... . 0 50 0 60
Barley per bushel. 0 45 t 0 60
Peas per bushel
Butter • •
Hay per ton
Potatoes per bushel,
Hides per 100 fl
Wool -per lb
Pork, per 100150
O 70 t 0 75
O 13 to 015
Cr 18 to 014
5 00 to 600
0 40 to 048
4 00 'to 4 95
3 00 to 3 05
0 17 to 010
5 00 to 526
LrVivir001., Mar. 25. - Spring wheat, 7e. 084 ;
red winter,7e 07d; California Ne. 1, 8r bid;
California No.2, Os00d ; oats, Os 00d.; barl y, Os
Qd ; peas, tis 6d, pork,62e 06d ; oheeee, 56e 00d.
TOItorrro, Mar.26.-Fall wheat, $1.07 to 11.08 ;'
spring wheat, 80.93 to *0,95; oats, 68 cents
to 69 cents; peas, . per bush, 76eente to
760; barley, 65c to 57c ; hay, per ton, 810400 to
$12.00; butter, 23e to 25c; potatoes, per bag,
$1.00 to 81.05; eggs, per 'doz., 20e to 22o;
dressed hog; per cwt.; $6.00. to 85.50.
, 'Dairy arkets.
TORONTO, March 24th. -Butter -Choice quali-
ties scarce and prices firm. The best tub will
bring 19 to 20c, and rolls 15 to 20c. Medium
butter 14 to 16e, and. old tub 10c. Creamery
rules at 22 to 24c in a jobbing way. Eggs -
There is a, quiet trade, with offerings limited
and prices firm at 19 to 200.
MONTREAL, March 24th. -Eggs are in better
supplY, and the demand is good, so that prices
are firm at 23 to 24c per dozen. Butter -The
market is firm, especially for choice. Finest
creamery is quoted at 23 to 24e ; fine, 21 to 220 ;
dairy fine, 20 -to 21c ; Morrisburg and Brockville,
19 to 210 ; Western dairy, 14 to 15e ; old butter,
6 to 8c per pound. Cheeae is steady. We quote
finest, 110 fine, 101 to 1010 ; medium, 94 to 10c.
POIllt17 and Potatoes.
Tozosero, March 24th. -Poultry-Trade dull
and prices unchanged. Chickens firm at 60 to
70c per pair. Ducks nominal at 81, and turkeys
at 13 to 140 per poimd. Potatoes -The receipts
are fair and prices steady, loads selling at 86 to
90c per bag,
.Live Stock Markets. .
TORONTO, March 25th.--Cattle-A bunch of
six picked steers were purchased at 4,1c per
pound, and that was probably the highest price
paid. Good fat animals leant at 3./- to 4c per
pound, and for fair to good from 3 to 13ie was
paid. ,Some sales were : ' 22 cattle, 1,000
pounde, $38 each; 14 do., 1,000 pounds, $40
each; 5 do., 1,010 pounds, $1.25 per clivt. ; 6
do., 1,060 pounds, $1.60 per cwt. ; 18 do., 1,100
pounds, 4c per pound; 17 do., 975 pounds, 832
each ; 22 do., 1,000 pounds, $3.75 per cwt.
Sheep and liunbs-The market was steady for
all good stock but weak for poor grades. Good
lambs were wanted and a bunch of 190 y rlings,
was purchased at' $6:25 per cwt. She6p and
poor lambs are not much wanted. Hogal-Good
fat hogs sold at from $4.30 to $4.50 per cWt., and
all were wanted. Stores were somewhat weak,
but all were taken at 4c perpOund. Calves -
Good heavy veal calves are wanted. The run of
prices was' from $6 to 810 for good to chdice, 84
to $6 for fair to medium, and inferior down to
$2 each.
Museasao, March 24th,-Catt1e-Priles of
anything not very prime were 1rwer than they
were last week. Extra beeves s,:ld at 5 to 61e,
and first class animals at about 41c per pound,
with the rougher beasts down toc ic per pound,
but trade was elow in anything ut prime ani -
Maki: If:ille extra beeves -were bought at 51e
per pound, anti 20 prime' anim Is at 41e per
pound: 4ie per pound had ben previously
offered for ten of the best anin ls in this lot.
The best calves were bought up, b fore reaching
the market to -day, an there is a ery beak de
mend for good seats. Six win calves were
bought for $72, also fifteen s tperior ',beep
earlings) at 6c per pound, liv weight, and
ve gm' spring Jambe at 67 each, There were
a good many spring lambs oflere1 here to -day
which were much too small, and me of them
would scarcely bring 83. Fat hc are plentiful
and sell in large lots at from 5 to e per pound,
but a few choice porkersold ip to Oc per
13tivreno, March 24tit.-Good lexport steers
sold readily,' but there were bit few here.
Good to extra ranged from $5,35 t 86,00, while
undo, ranged
dy butchers'
o $4.80 ; light
good mixed
and light
sold readily
supply, and
were about
50 to 83.75:
nd butchers'
re selling at
eeders ; thin
1 calves slow
heavy fed
cows $30 to
good ehippers of 1,150 to 1,276
from $4.90 to 55.25, and good, ha
and medium steers brought $4.60
to good butchers', $4.20 to $4.50
butchers', such as cows, heifer
steers, 63.60 to 54.10; good heife
*583.25 to 84; oxen were in libera
ranged irons $3.25 to 84.26: bull
steady, good to choice heavy lots,
fair th good, 83 to 83.25 ; bologra
hnlis, 52.50 to $2.75 ; stockers rv
$2.76 to $3.15 for light to good
but well built, $.1.25 to 83.60. Ve
at $4.50 to 85.50; for fair to goo
calves $2.60 50 83. We quote goo
536; extra fine family cows, 540; fair to good,
$18 50 825 per head. Sheep and lat lies -Good to
best sheep sold at 56.75 to $0.15 a few fancy
lots bringing $6.25 th 56.30; fair I ts, 65.40 to
55.00; common. 84.50 th 85. La s -Fair to
good, 85.76 to 86.50; extra, 56.Th to 86.90;
common light, 85.26 to $5.50. H gs-Geod to
choice Yorkers sold at $4,40 to $4. ; light lots,
54.30 to 54.35; good medinms. 64 45 to 54.50;1
a few choice heavy, 54.50 to $4.55 Pigs, $4 to
84.20; roughs, 83.50 to 84.75. f
LIVER POOL, March 24th. -The average mixed
shipments of American stock '-day sold at
Stanley market at 51d and steers and rnaiden
heifers at 6d.
On•Tuesday, April 7th, a(1 o'clock
p. m., on lot 15, concession 9 McKillop,
two and a half miles east from Winthrop,
Farm Stock and Implement amnel
Smith, Proprietor • Georg Jirkby,
On Thursday, April '2nd, 10 12 o'clock
noon, sharp, on lot 12, conaession 9,
McKillop, 3 miles east of Winthrop,
Farm, Farm Stock and Irnplements.
R. G. Rossio Proprietor; W G. Duff,
A SPLENDID OPENING.-Fer sale the Car-
riage Shop and Business in the Village of
Winthrop, at present owned and occupied by
the undersigned. The shop is frame With a
comfortable dwelling house attached. There is
also a good eider mill and a stable. There is
one-fifth ol,an acre of land. The shop is also
supplied with a full steels of carriage -makers
tools. A good business is new being done. There -
is a blacksniith shop to work in connection with
close by. This property and business will be
sold cheap as the proprietor has to retire on ac-
count of ill -health. A steady, pushing man
could do a good business and make money. Ad-
drees Winthrop P. 0,, or apply on the premises
to WM. HORNEY. 1215x4 tf.
AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. W. G. Duff has
received instructions from Mr. R. G. Ross, to
sell by Public Auction, on lot j, concession 9,
MeKi1lop,3 miles east of the Vil age of Winthrop,
on Thursday, April 2, 1891, at 2 o'clock noon,
sharp, the following property viz.: Horses. -1
good breeding mare 7 years old in foal to Eng-
land s Glory, 1 mare rising four years old, got by
England's Glary and in foal to Rankin bay; 1
filly one year old got by England's Glory, 1 year-
ling cols, 1 driving horse eight years old, 1 driv-
ing horse three years old. Cattle. -2 Grade
cows with calves at feet, 6 cows in calf, 1 fat
cow, 1 heifer three years old, 1 well-bred fall
calf, 2 yearling steers. Sheep and Piga.-2 good
ewes in lamb, 1 sow in pig to a thoroughbred
Berkshire boar,. 7 fall pigs, stockers; also a large
number of hens, ducks and geese, and a collie
dog siXenonths old. Implements, &c.-1 Brant-
ford b14der, 1 Champion mower, 1 heree rake, 1
lumber _waeon, 1 buggy, 1 cart, 1 pair bob-
sleighs arad 1 long sleigh, 1 cutter,1 gang plow,
2 single Plows, 1 set iron harrows, 1 seeder, 1
land roller, 1 fanning mill, 1 set good double
harness, 2 set plow harnees, 1 set single harness,
1 neckyoke, 2 set whiffietrees, 1 sugar kettle, 1.
cook Move, 1 heating stove and pipes, 1 cup-
board, 2 tables, 1 dozen chairs, bedsteads,
scythes, forks, rakes chains and various other
articles too numerous to mention. A quantity
of good hay will also be sold. Farm. -The farm
contains 100 acres, 86 acres cleared and in a
good state of cultivation. All will positively be
sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving
up farming. Teems. -All sums of $5 and under,
cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes. A
discount of 6 cents on the dollar will be allowed
for cash on all credit amounts. Terms of sale of
farm made known on day of sale. R. G. ROSS,
Proprietor; W. G. DUFF, Auctioneer. 1215-1
A Special Announcement
has been prepared, stating the details of
SHOPS, APPARATUS and other improve-
ments in its several Departments of
'Civil, Mining, Mechanical and Elec•
mica! Engineering and Practical
Chemistry, which will afford in the
Session of 1891-2 advantages not hither-
to accessible to Students in this country.
Copies may be had on application to
the undersigned, who can also supply
detailed announcements of the other Fa-
culties of the University, viz.: Law,
Medicine, Arts (including the Dohalda
Course for Women) and Veterinary
1215-26 Acting Secretary. el
Montreal House, Seaforth,
..3rd and 4th- 1891,
!Allis will be spared in making our SHOW ROOMS and
STORES more attractive than on any former opening.
Everything that is new and fashionable in MILLINERY,
MANTLINGS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, -84c., will be placed
on exhibition and displayed to the very best advantage.
Every lady of Seaforth and -vicinity is cordially invited " to visit
our premises on our opening days.
Every gentleman is also invited to pay a visit to our Gents' Fur-
nishing and Clothing Department on above dates, to witness a mag-
nificent display of Suiting,s, Spring Overcoatings, Hats and Caps,
Collars and Ties, &c.
Duncan & Duncan's,
Having completed rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and
introdu6ed the latest equipments and the most improved machines,
I am now prepared to do
Kinds of Machine Repairs
We are ;low turning out some of the best improved Land Rollers,
and invite thq farmers to se them before buying elsewhere.
From the best while you are about it. It won't cost you any more to
have all the advantage of selection from
We al.' showing by far the best selection ancl. most complete line o
new st les and late novelties for the present season.
For you are bound to find just what you want. .Another very impor-
tant thing for you to know is, that we give
And show in all departments goods of the highest grade 'of value and
general excellence. And lastly, be it remembered, that
With the best figures it is possible to make on honest goods. Come
and see the best and cheapest in Staple and Fancy Dry ,Goods Dress
Goods, 'Clothing to order, Readyma.de Clothing, Hats, Clips, Carpets,
Oil Cloths, &c., at the Bargain Dry Goods and Clothing House.
Guardianship Notice.
Notiee is hereby given that after the expire -
Von of tsver ty days from the first publication or
this notice in the HMO* EXroinsen, whieh was -
on the 274h day of March, 1891, 1 ehall apply to
the Judge or the Surrogate Court a the County
of Huron, t be appointed guardian of the per.
son and eetate a :Samuel Carnochan, a minor
under the age ef twenty-one years, only child of
Samuel Carnochan, late of the Township of
Tuckersteit , in tiro County of Huron, ian»er,
deceased. w o died on the 8th day of December,
A. D. 1879, i testate, without having appointed
any curator or guardian for said infant.
By F. HOLMESTIp, his Solicitor.
We have been specially occupied for
some time hack with CARRIAGE COL-
ORS IN JAPAN", and have laid down
some more machines to help us keep
pace with the demand for these fine
goods. !
rangement e are as near perfection as we
can think ef.
FLOOR PAINTS have been further
hardened. For beauty and hard glees
we never hope to produce finer goods.
MANEN " GREENS are, thia season,
brighter than ever.
In VARiCISHES we have prepared a
supply of heautiful, well matured stock.
All our departments are well equip-
ped and able to deal promptly with all
requireinen s.
Oorher Main and Market streets, Seaforth.
Hoosier Steel Frame Grain Drill
Over 27,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeders, with our
Posive Force Feed, in Use in Canada.
607--sses - ....7feassos.
GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and the only drill that can be instantly regu-
lated to run the desired depth in hard and eoft ground while moving.
THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that &Mb all kinds of grain and seeds evenly, and at
the depth desired in all kinds of eon.
THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the Instant the horses move.
THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the only drill that deposits
the grain evenly just the depth you want it in hard or soft soil. REMEMBER THIS.
THE HOOSIER COMSINED DRILL, with cultivator teeth, is the best cultivator made, and
is the only Implement made with teeth on independent draw bars that can be set for hard and
soft land while the teatn is in motion. THE HOOSIER is lighter on the horses than any other
drill made. The points of excellence in the Hoosier that other Drills do not have are worth more
to the farmer than any Drill in the world.
THE COMBINED HOOSIER ean be changed from drill to seeder, or seeder to drill, in less
time than any Drill made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testiironial sheet. Beware
of purchasing Drills that infringe our patents.
NOXdN BROS. MFG. CO. (Ltd.), Ingersoll Ont.
THOMAS BROWN, Agent at Seaforth.
N. B.—Oall and see sample Drill, at 3. Dorsey's Carriage Shop.
Mrs. F. Kestle says :
was bedfast with
stomach trouble, and
doctored both it Mit-
chell and Seaforth
without benefit. My
husband got me a bot-
tle of Mandrake Blood
Bitters, and before the
bottle was finishod
wo,s OA well 01 ever
vow in iny lifo, Tltio
jg GTO? Mx months ago,
atid1 have fitta no re-
itifit of the tro-uble,
Truly Mandrake Mood
'Bitters is worth its
weight in. gold.
Price, 750 a bottle.
Prepared at the Medi-
cal Hall, Seaforpi.
Much has been said during the recent
political campaign of the great import-
ance—and the actual necessity—of mak-
ing our farmers in general a more pros-
perous and thriving people. It has been
asserted that this is the only true
foundation upon which to build up our
dear Canada, to make it cope success-
fully in all branches: of industry and
production with all the countries of the
earth, which undoubtedly is its destiny
sooner or later. While it is true that a
great many good, practical arguments
have been advanced and discussed, and
a number of schemes anti propositions
laid before the people, and while there
are great diversities of opinions, the fact
still remains that the farmers in the
vizinity of Seaforth still have the oppor-
tunity of supplying themselves with the
best line of finplements in Canada at
O. C. Willson's. There are. fifteen
different styles of plows to select from;
culitvators and seedeis, four styles;
road carts, buggies and from wagons in
numerous styles; wind mills for pump-
ing, sewing machines, washing machines
and churea, plow castings and repairs of
all kinds. Farmers, come and see for
See the New Line
Hand -made Opaque
0. W. PAPST,
Still They Come,
AND --
There's Room for More.
We wish to return our thanks
to the farmers and others ha this
vicinity for their very liberal pat-
ronage during the past three
We are now in a better shape
than ever to attend punctually to
our largely increasing thisting and
Chopping trade. We are pleased
to find our efforts to give satisfac-
tion in both quantity and quality
have proved satisfactory to our
patrons. To those who have not
yet given us a trial, we say by all
means do so, and be convinced this
is the lest place in this country to
• get your gristing done,
We have on hand and to arrive
• a large quantity of Manitoba wheat,
which we hope will add to our
steadily increasing flour trade. We
uarante our flour as good or be -
ter than any manufactured in this
part of the country, and will con-
tinue to sell at prices which -will
defy competition. Dealers and
others call and see us and get quo-
tations before purchasing elsewhere.
Remember the place, Seaforth
Roller Mills, near the railway
freight sheds, formerly known as
the Red Mill.
W. 11. CODE & Go.