HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-27, Page 4Reir 27, 1891, L S LIM REEDY ffections of the r„ KIDNEYS FORTH [nstrument )/ZITTIVE 3rothers, 3ETORS, - ONT. .Dunham, New York ilph ; Dominion Piano iville. — We Ben & In Organ Company, . W. Kern & OO„ its alvrays on hand, also ind Pianos and Organs for rd. Instruments sold on r on terms to suit cuss artin.ast and small instru. met music, heaoles, &c. TT BROS. 'hitney's E.ANO PIING -Ontario.. ug Bargain* in Parlor (9toues, Guaranteed. mous Stoves e Sole Agenta. Table and Library HITNEY, SEAFORTH. GEST, BEE 4,5 N Inae, Phosphates, 3 SUBSTANCE. r,Royro, ovr. CHICAGO, ILI FUR OF YAlt YEAST CAKE orter s nd Furth - °rim?, ONTARIO. *OMBINATION. the shorteet notice d. A large assort - and Shrouds, &c„ quality. The hest ree of charge and (wise. 1 Director, Reai- EET, directly op. rch in the house ott. RAVING. YOUR, BEISI:VEM. geinhotels, factories r from photographe- r Srpecimen sheets,. Ss Agency, New Yor "v. Muter( 27, 1891. isamesssemn issemed to watch me closely, -and had now almost caught her in the act. "What do you want?" said I, angrily. "Nothing, Monsieur Maximilian, nothing," answered she, greatly agitat- ed ; "I came to prepsne the gas." I shrugged my shoulders and came away. Night came. I could then walk in the most frequented places without fear of panful recognition. I was obliged to throw away my .cigar, which made me sick. My promenade lasted two or three hours—cruelly long hours. There is something specially terrible in being a victim to hunger', that scourge of savage life, in the midst of all the abundance end pomp of civilizetion. It is al if a tiger were to spring at your throat in a crowded street in full day. Hunger It is not then an unmean- ing word! It is a real evil, a positive malady; there are human beings who suffer ordinsrily and almost daily what I suffer, by chance for the first time in my life. And to how many among them is not this suffering made keener by complications which I am apered ? The only being whom I care about in the world I know is guarded frorn the suf- fering I endure; 1 see her dear face ruddy with health and happiness. But those who suffer not alone, who hear beloved lips ask in vain for food, those who see in their cold cheerless homes only pale faces, and children who knew not how to smile! Oh, unhappy peo- ple! Oh, holy charity! These reflections took away all idea of lameuting my own condition; they even gave me courage to bear the trial to the end. I could have shortened its dura- tion. There are two or three restaur- ants where I am known, and where I did not scruple to enter when I was rich, although I had forgotten my purse. I mild do so now; nor would it have been difficult for me to borrow a hun- dred sons in Paris, but these expedients, which savor of want and trickery, are very repugnant to me. This inclination to borrow opens a slippery path for poor men, and I will not take the first step in it. I would as soon lose my sense of honesty itself as to lose the delicacy which is the crowning honor of this vulgar virtue. I have too often ob- served, with what terrible facility the exquisite sentiment of honesty is lost in the moat gifted souls at the first breath of poverty, not to keep a stria watch over myself, not to reject as guilty those parleyinge with conscience which seem most innocent. Fatigue and cold caused me to return at nine o'clock. The door of the hotel was open, end I reached the staircase with a light step, when heard the sound of an animated conversation in the lodge cif the concierge, of which I was apparently the subject, for at that moment the man pronounced my name with an accent of contempt, "Be so good, Madame Vanberger," said he "as to leave me in peace about your daximilian. Is it I who ruined him? Well! what art then taiking abont then? If he kills himaelf, he will be buried—that is all right !" "1 tell you, Vanberger," replied the woman, "it would have broken your heart to see him gulp down the water in his carafe—and 4i I believed you were in earnest in what yon say—' if he kills himself, he will be buried '—but I do not believe it, because you are a really kind man, though you don't like to be disturbed. Think, Vanberger, of lack- ing both fire and fond! A young man who has been fed all his life with dain- ties, and reared as carefully as a pet cat! Is it not a shame and a disgrace, and is it not a queer goverument which permits such things ?" "But the government has nothing to do with it," said M. Vanberger, with reason; "and then you are mistaken, I tell you; it is not so; he cannot want bread—it is impossible !" " Well ! Vanberger, I will tell you all! I have followed him, I have watched him, 1 have made Edward watch him; I am sure that he did not dine yesterday; that he did not break- fast this morning, and, as I searched all his pockets and his drawers, and there is not a farthing in them, it is certain he has not dined to -day, for he is too proud to eat a dinner he cannot pay for," " So much the worse for him! When one is poor, one should not be proud," replied the man, who seemed to me to express the sentiments of a porter. I wished to hear no more of this dia- logue, and ended it therefore by open- ing the lodge -door, and demanding a light of M. Vanberger, who could not have been more alarmed if I had asked for his head. Notwithstanding my great desire to be resolute before these people, I could not help tottering and stumbling once or twice on the stair- case. On entering my chamber, hither- to so icy cold, I was surprised and touched to find the temperature of the room soft and warm, and a clear fire burning. I was not so rigid and harsh as to extinguish it; I blessed the good hearts there are in the world; I seated myself imam old velvet arm -chair that had been moved like myself by the re- verses of fortune from the drawing. room to the garret, and tried to sleep. I remained for half an hour in s sort of stupor, during which my dreams were of plentiful and sumptuous feasts, when I was roused by the opening of the door. I thought I was still dreaming when I maw Madame Vanberger enter, bearing a large tray, on which were two or three savory dishes, smoking hot. She had placed her tray on the fimar, and was spreading a cloth on the table, before I could rouse entirely from my lethargy. I then rose quickly, saying, "What is this? What are you doing ?" Madame Vanberger pretended to be muck surprised. "Did not monsieur order a dinner ?" " Not at all. Edward has made some mistake; it must be another lodger." But there is no other lodger on the same floor with monsieur; I do not understand." "At any rate it is not I. What do you wish, to ssy ? You trouble me ! (iirry it away," The poor woman began to fold the table -cloth with a sad air, casting on me the imploring looka of a dog that has been whipped; "Monsieur has proba- bly dined ? she resumed in a timid voice. " Probably." "it is a great pity, for the dinner was all ready; now it will be lost, and the little boy will be scolded by his father. If by any chance monsieur has not dined, monsieur would have greatly obliged me—", (To be continued.) —The Hibbert Agricultural Society wilt hold its annual spring show at the ;village of Staffs, on Monday, April 6th, , THE HURON EXPOSITOR. A Young Mother's Resolution. "I'm tired of "earryin'. this baby, Just as tired as I can be ; My arm is &ebb"' awful, There's no rest in the world for -me, It's mendin' and etitehin' between times, An' cookin' and dear knows what, An' "min' buttons that won't stay on, An' my biscuits is hard as shot. "I'm tired of nursing this baby, It seem like it's always ill; Pinot measles an then scarlatine, An' too little to swallow a pill, I used to irriagine that babies Was a laughing altday long, An I thought the prettiest picture Waa a mother singing a song, ," I'm tired a walk, walk, welkin', But I daren't sit down to rest, For the doctor said this anornin', " Ma'am less you do your best A.nursin' you'll lose yomr baby,- -An' what would I do that day? 'Though it's little an' weak an' puny, I'd cry my heart away. It's your own fault,' mother tells me '11 you'd listened to what I said, And not been in such a hurry Towards Hymen's alter to tread, If you'd stayed right here with 3 our mother An' learned to cook an' sew, You wouldn't he at me forever With your tale on tale of woe." "You had better mind your mothers, They're the wisest persons round, An' they're sure to rule they're daughters With a common-sense that's sound. - Now I'm going to make this baby, Do everything She is told, An' I ain't going to let her get married Till she's fifty or sixty years old." —Louise R. Baker. Gaieties. —Struck a job.—Young Doctor—" I prescribed for my hest patient yester- day." Young Lawyer (anxiously)— "Has he made his will yet ?" —The newspapers are forever talking of "blushing brides." It is no wonder ,they blush when you consider the kind of husbands moat of them marry. —Knocked out at last. —Mrs. Stanley —" Will you kindly land me my , hand- kerchief from my dress pocket, Henry-?" Mr. Stanley (after a pause)—" I can't find your pocket." —Clara—"Jack intends • to have everything his own way when we are married.' . Clarais Mamma—" Then why do you marry him ?" Clara— "To relieve his nand of a false impres- sion." —In his father's footsteps.—Mr. Bingo—" Tommy, when you get to be the head of a family what will you say to your BOW ?" Tommy (thoughtfully) —" I will tell them how good I was when I was a boy," "Dear Mr. Hicks," she wrote, "1 am very sorry that what you ask I can- not grant. I canhot become your wife. Yours sincerely, Ethel Barrows." Then she added : "P. 8.—On eecond thoughts, dear George, I think I will marry you. Do come up to -night and see your own true Ethel." —" Your friend seems to be a woman of strong endurance." " She is, in- deed ! You know that good-for-noth- ing husband of hers ?" "Yea." " Well, she's loved him all his life." "My wife is a great and noble wo- man, of wonderful domestic endow- ments." "Why this sudden advance in your estimate of her ?" "She left me to take care of the children a couple of hours yesterday." —Diner—" Waiter,this is indigestible cheese, isn't it ?" .Waiter—" Yes, in- deed, ash. Dat am de pure indigestible, j es' in from de fect'ry. —Physlologiets say that the older a man grows the smaller his brain be- comes. This explains why the old man knows nothing and the young one every- thing. —" Say, mamms, how much am 1 Worth ?" "You are worth a million to me, my son," "Say, mamma, couldn't you advance me twenty-five cents ?" He Thought So. A middle aged woman called at a Grand River avenue drug store the other evening and asked for morphine, and the clerk replied to her request with: "Is it fon' your husband ?" "Oh, no !air ! I haven't got arty." "You dc't think of suicide ?" "Far from it." "What do you take it for ?" "Must I tell, sir ?" " You must." • "Well, then, don't you think that a woman forty years old, who has had her first offer of marriage less than an hour ago, naturally wants something to quiet her nerves and give her a good night's sleep ?" - The druggist thought so, and she got her nerve soother, "Looking Up." The following story is told of old "Father Taylor." He once went from a certain town, noted for its apathy in religious matters, to a conference meet- ing, where his brethren in the ministry were comparing notes as to the condi-1 tion of church work in each other's lo- cality. Presently. some one asked Father Taylor how the religious interest was in --, "Oh," replied that gentleman, " re- ligion is looking up in —." This occasioned much eurprise,aa.sech a declaration seemed directly contrary to general reports. How is that ?" was asked. "Is there any general awakening of the churches ?" " No." "Any special interest on the part of those outside the churches." " No." "Well, then, how do you explain your remark that religion is looking up in ?" "Why," said Father Taylor, dryly, religion is flat on its back in --, and has to look up, if it looks any- where." A Serious Battle. The political battle is over, but the battle with digests must be constantly and unceasingly waged else the grim reaper will come out victorious, ad loved ones will be gathered to their long home, On all sides may be Been pale and listless girls who should be enjoy- ing the health and glow of rosy youth. Everywhere we are met with women young in years, yet preniaturely old,who suffer in silence almost untold agonies, the result of those ailment. peculiar to the female system. To all such, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills come as a blessing. They restore wasted vitality, build up the nervoue system, enrich the blood, and transform pale and sallow complex- ions into glowiug, rosy cheeks thstalone follow perfect heaith. In a word they are a eertainenre for all these distress- ing complaints to which women and girls are peculiarly liable.-- A trial of 1 these pills will convince the roost scep- tical of their wonderful merit. For suffering men . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are equally efficacious For overwork, mental strain, loss of $leep, nervous de- bility, and all those dieases that lead to broken down manhood, they are a cer- tain specific, stimulatilng the brain, re- inforcing the exhausted system and re- storing shattered vitality. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are nature's restorative and should be used by every weak and debilitated person. For sale by all deal- ers or sent postpaid on receipt of price (50 cents a box) by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, On- tario, 1214 4 --it- IS it I ? . BY PATTY TUCKEB. Do you, Mary Ellen or Sarah Jane, belong to this class of stingy, grinding women? I hope not, There is not much t real out-and-out gener sity a -going with pectple in general. Thy expect pay for what they do. Would there were more kindness among women to women. Here is Frances Nolan, a rich maiden lady, alone in the world, She hungers to see and know more of life and its possibili- ties. Franees is too tirnid and unac- quainted with the world to venture far beyond -her own : parsnip patch. She yearns to visit Niagara, Chautauqua and the East. She cannot go alone. fhere are plenty of women friends who could accompany her were she willing to pay their way. But no ; she foregoes these delights because 'she is stingy, too penurious to do BO. She is not willing to share her means with those leas favored. I don't like such r;,-oplo, for their field is too narrow tonessit me. One spring day I called on ITrances, and before 1 left I asked her if Oho could Spare' me some milk, as our cow had failed. For politeness I said, "skimmed milk will do," supposing of course she'd give me the cream of two crocks at leaait. She went to the cellar and brought me up a pail of blue stuff that I'd hardly offer to our mangy pig without first begging his porcine pardon. I said; "Frank, don't rob yourself," "Oh no," said she "I've eighteen crockeful in the cedar, • an' all have yellow cream on them." I was mad, too mad to be e. Christian and purposely I poured it in the path where she'd get her skirts drabbled in it when she went to the baro; it did no harm, not being rich enough to soil her skirts. That is not all. I will give her a good blowing up while I'm about it. She is a devout church woman. Once she called on a neighbor who was a non -church goer. Frauces said : " Re- becca, you ought not to reject the means of grace. Why don't you go to church ?" ' " Well," said the honest Rebecca, "1 am too poor to wear decent clothes. By the time' I get My children and my two step children rigged out, I've nothing left for myself. I have neither shoes nor bonnet.' "11 that is all I'll help yore" said Frances. The bonnet came. It was old style,with the ties ripped off, for as the giver said, " They were too rich for her other clothing." The flowers were missing, "as they were unbecoming for a poor widow." There was the skeleton of a bonnet on which peon Rebecca pinned a veil and wore it so, uncomplainingly; for she did not wish to be ungrateful. Penuriousness rude in the family of the Nolans. The sister is. the joke of the neighborhood. They tell of her stingy streaks. Harinah Nolan Hib- bard had to buy mill one summer and it almost broke her heart. She was a close manager and her plan was this: She suggested to this poor Rebecca that she would trade her a washing machine valued at four dollars and take her pay in milk, a pint a day, for two cents per pint! She could easily have afforded the machine, for it stood unused in her cellar year after year. But that's the old Nolan way. I often wonder if such greedyegrasping people will not have a tight equeeze to enter the kingdom' of heaven. What think you, friends? Care of the Hair. Nothing is more desirable or beautiful than a head of beautiful hair. If the hair is harsh. dull -looking and thin, one of the elemental of true beauty is lack- ing, no matter ' how perfect the com- plexion and eyes may be. In order to have heavy handsome hair the scalp must be healthy and clean. It must be brushed thoroughly if one wishes a glossy look that reminds one of satin smoothnesa. In combiug the hair, great pains should be taken not to snarl or pull it. I have seen women lose their patience in combing long, beautiful heads of hair and jerk it out by the handful. Thoae who read human nature well say that the hair shows plainly whether a person is sensitive, refined and cultured or the exact opposite. Fine -haired people are said to love the beautiful in art, pictures, music, etc. Red hair usually indicates a quick temper. if you would have handsome, lux- uriant hair, avoid the use of hair oils, dyes and washes. Bleaching the hair soon takes the life out of it, and It is likely to fall out afterwards and become stiff and dull. Sage tea is excellent to wash the hair and head in when the hair comes out badly. Walnut water is, often used for toning down the hair, or darkening it when red. Beware of al- lowing the hair to grow too long without clipping the ends, as it hi apt to split end weaken. Children and young girls should wear their hair short until they are grown up, is they ,desire to have it heavy and handsome. It is well to wash the hair in bcrax water or warm water that bas a beaten egg in it, occasionally, for the head, like everything needs cleaning. The woman who has beautiful hair should prize it Very'highly and give it her very best care. The Farmer and Prohibition. "Why should a farmer be a prohibi- tionist when the liquor business helm, him by buying his grain ?" asks a wet - ern farmer. Helps him !" does it See how it helps. A farmer sells a bualiel of corn for 14 cents. A distiller buys it and makes from it 3.6 gallons of whisky. The Government 'taxes this $3.24 to begin with—withdrawing that; amount from circulation and piling it up in the Treasury vaults. The wholesale and retail dealers get their phenomenal profits, and then the consumer pays ql 9 for, and makes his Wife and children go without anything to eat or wear in r - der to keep up the market for that, farmer's; one bushel of ieiarn at 14 cents. This may be good political economy, but it is difficult to see how the farmer Is going to get. rich at it.—N. Y,Voice, Ltd:PORTANT NOTICES -von SALE. ---A first-class residence X corner of Victoria and George Good stable andorchard. Apply to A. C Saforth. on the treets, ilDNO0 183 CITORE TO RENT.—To refit, the middle tore 0 in the Bank of Commerce Block, Main Street, Seaforth. The hest business pa I the town. Apply at the Bank, 1 3 tf TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second livision e) Court, County of Huron, Cornmi4sioner, Conveyaneer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. Offic —Over Sharp & Livene' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 WANTED.—Teacher for Ancrutn so ool, to commence 18t of April, and te ch 011 December 31st, 1891. No holidays. Sal ry 835 per month. • Appli to JOHN HAYS, See etary- Treasurer, Lothair P. O., Manitoba. 114-2 {npany ,000 of hands lower. tisfac- k, Sea - 430 MONEY TO LOAN.—Private and co funds to loan at lowest rate. $1 private funds have been placed in our which we will loan in sums to suit bo Loans can he completed at once if title s tory. DICKSON & HAYS, Cardno's Blo forth. ]DESIGNS LOST. --Lost on the 6th of March, on the Clintoni road between Blytlfi and Kippen, a roll of MONUMENT DESIGNS. Te fin- der will be liberally rewarded on itendi g the same to the undersigned. JAMES S ALE, Blyth P. 0. 12.14 3 TllOROUOILBRED CATTLE FOR S LE— For sale two thoroughbred Bull calves one 12 inonths' and ihe oilier 10 month ' old. Also a young thoroughbred Cele, with Iheifer calf at foot. Appl on lot 8, Comes i4n 10, Tuckersmith, or address Kippen P. 0. JOHN McKAY & SONS. 1214-4 -9STRAY DOG. ---Strayed from ilot 5, clonces- sion 12, Hibbert, on the 12th of Match, a Black Collie Dog, ausweting to 'the battle of "Keeper.' lie has a white ring round his neck and a white strip on the face, and ehort tail. One car sticke up moie than the other. Infor- mation that will lead to the recovery of this ani- mal will be libemlly rewarded by GEORGE Mc- EWEN, Hensall. 1214 .TIURHAIll BULLS FOR SALE.—For Sale j j two pure-bred yearling Durham Bulls,first- class pedigrees, eligable for registration n the Dondnion Herd Book, will be sold reasonable or exchanged for a good one or two-year-old, heavy . draught mere colt or a young heavy qaught breeding. mare. Apply to JAMES BRAITH- - TALLION FOR SALE—For sale, a Catha2d13iaxn4 SWAITE, Lendeeboro P. O., Ont bred Stallion, rising three years old. He was aired by imported " Auchemeairrn" and front an "England's Wonder" dam. He fis dark brown color, good substance, and a very Super- ior and promising aninial. He will bo sold gheap. Apply to the undersigned on Lot 20, Concession 2, Hay, or Hensall P. 0. JOHN MeEWEiti. 111-4 EED BARLEY FOR SALE—For Sale:quan- ___ tity of two -rowed Barley, suitable for, seed, 15 is the Highland Chieftain variety. The seed was imported from Philadelphia last spring. It Is fully two weeks earlier than the ordinary two - rowed barley, and will yield from 50 to 60 bush. els per acre and will weigh from 56 to 68 pounds to the bushel. This barley can be got for a per bushel at the Seed Stores of Robert Scott or E. Hinchley, Seaforth. JOHN STAFFORD. N.B. —Also the Empire State Potato for seed. They can be got at the above stores or at Mr. Staf- ford's farm, concession 13. McKillop, for SI per bushel. 1213-5 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN HAYFIELD FOR SALE.—The property in Bayffeld of the late Rev. George Jamieson is offered for sale. It is composed of 9 acres of land on which is a comfortable brick house and frame stable. It is beautifully situated on the hanks of the lake, and is a most desirable residence for any person desiring to live in this pleasant place. It will be sold cheap. For further particulars apply to ALEX. JAMIESON, Seaforth P. O., or JOHN MORGAN, Hayfield. 1213 tf. VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. —For Sale in Tuckerstuith, Lot 31, Con- cession 2, L. R. S., containing 100 acres, 90 of which are cleared, the remainder is well tim- bered with hard wood. There is a good frame house, nearly new, also good fratne barns and stabling, plenty of hard and soft water, well fenced, well underdrained and in a high state of cultivation. There is a good bearing ercha.rd, also a young orchard of first-class variety. There is about 30 acres of fall ploughing done and the remainder is seeded to grass. This is one of the best farms in the Township of Tucker - smith and has no broken or had land on it, and is good for either grain or stock. This property is situated on the Mill Road, 1 mile from Bruce - field and 6 from Seaforth, it is within a quarter of a mile from the sehool house, with good gra- vetroads 1 ading in all directions. Possession can be given to suit purchaser. For further par - Meatus apply on the premises or address to MRS. MARY SINCLAIR, Brucefield P 0., Ontario. 1210 tf. BULLS FOR SERVICE. DURHAM BULL FOR SERVICE.—The un- dersigned will keep for service on his premises, on Lot 18, -Concession 1, Tuckersmith, a Thoroughbred Durham Bull. Terms -41.50, with the privilege of returning if necespary. JOSEPH FOWLER, Seaforth PO. 120751 DURE BBED HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CAT- TLE.—The undersigned breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Friesian cattle will keep for ser- vice on his premises a thoroughbred bull. He has also a number of young bulls for sale. Prices reasonable. JOHN IdcGREGOR, Constance P. o. 1211 FOR SERVICE. --The undersigned wishes to inform stockbreeders that he has purchased a choice Short Horn Bull, "Baron Knightley 9th," frorn the well-known Bow Park Herd, to _ which a limited number of cows will be taken. Terms—thoroughbreds, $8 ; Grade, $3, payable at time of service, with the privilege of return- ing. R. CORLEY, Belgrave. 1211 TERSEY BULL.—The undersigned will keep ej during the present season on his farm, 2nd concession, H. R. S., Tuckersinith, a thorough- bred Jersey Bull, sired by Canada's John Bull. Terms -81.50, payable at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN HANNAH. N. B.—Also for sale ...Jersey buil calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred, 1164 BULL FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will keep on Lot 9, Concession 2, McKillop, for the iinprovement of stock the well known Thoroughbred Short Horn Bull, " Grand View Lad," 13,050. The following is his registered certificate: Red, calved February- 17, 1889, bred by Noah S. Shantz, Flaysville, Ont.; 2nd owner, Tobias Nash, Ssaforth, Ont.; 3rd owner, Mat. Purcell, Dublin. Ont; got by Kuight of Ver- mont, (imp) 4109 [54521], dam Jennie Mips 6397, by Hiipa Doke 1891, Alice 2331, by Libera- tor (imp) 148 [36893], Beauty, 2432, by Yorkshire Lad, 2602, Rose of Spring Clack, 4643, by 3rd Grand Duke of Oxford, s57, Cowslip, 799, by Victor, 1134, Lily, 13437, by Sultan, 1098, Victor- ia, 2001, by Wolveston, (imp), 266, [21125], Snow- drop, 1929, by Prince Albert, 943, May queen, 1527, by Comet, 432, Daisy, 838, by Young For- ester, (imp)276, Young Lily, 2059, by foung Far- mer, (imp), 275, Lily, (imp), 302, by Warden, (1563), Beauty, by Rockingham, (500, by Sir Harry, (1444), by Colonel (152), by Colling's Son of Hubback, (319). Teas.—$l.50 payable at the time of service, with the privilege of return. ing if necessary. MATTHEW PURCELL, 1207-9 mlIOROUGFIBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service on lot 3, concession 7, Stanley, half a mile north of Hills Green, the thoroughbred Durham Bull, " Chisselhurst Prince," 13,990, to which a litnited number of cows will be taken. The following is the registered pedigree of this bull in the Dominion Short Hory, Herd Book: Red and a little white. calved February 16th, 1890, bred by Walter Shillinglaw, Chieselhurst, Ontario, got by Victor Hugo 12,240, dam, Violet 3rd 13,393, by Golden Prince 3,255, Violet 8,139, by Marquis 2,081, Clara 5,607, by Duke of Went- worth 1,723, Duchess 5,830, by Colonel 427, Duchess 4th 892, by John O'Gaunt 2nd, (imp), 140, [13,0 1, Duchess 2nd 887, by Master Gra- hame (imp), 167, [14,928), Roan Duchess (imp), 460, by Lord Ducie, (imp, 154, [13,41], Duchess by Red Duke (8,694), Jernima by Tenantry (13,- 829), Lady by King Lear (8,196), Ora by Orontes (4,623). Minerva by Mercury (2,301), Empress by Monarch (2,324), Duchees by St. Albans (-2,584), by Jupiter (342) by Sir Oliver (605), by Trunnell (659), by Favorite (252) by Dalton Duke (188), by The Old Studley Bull. HENRY WADE. Secre- tary. Txams.—To insure a calf, 81.50, payable January let, 1892. JOSEPH HUDSON, Hills Green P. 0., Ontario. 1208 tf, it THE) CA.NADIAN T0A.Nli OF COMMERCE Established 1867. HEAD fOFFCE, TORONTO. T CAPITAL- (PAID UP) SI MILLION DOLLARS - $6.8000,000 RES, $00,000 B. E. W KER, GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Banking Businees Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts issued payable al all points in Canada, and the principal cities in the United States,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,&c. SAVINGS ,BAN K D PARTM ENT. Deposits of $1,00 and upwardii received, and current rates of interest allowed. l 1ETAgR.RE s T ADDED TO THE PRINCIliAL AT THE END OF MAY AND _NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. Special Attention given to i+ Collection 9f Commercial raper and Farmers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager. B ANK4UPT STOOK. Shaw! Never Mind the Cost BUT HAND OUT THE GOODS. _ Small profits, no risk - and quick returns. Great bargains in Hardware. Extensive stocic of Tinware for the - spi ing trade. Full assortment of small goods, donsistina of Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, &c., all at bankrupt prices. ' r2r Auction Sale every Saturday after- noon1 and evening. Call an I see for yourself. Brown & Shaw Campbell's Block, C4th. ORSII ?IV* SUIMili TO TOE EDITOR: - - Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy tor be above named disease. I3y Its timely use thousand S of hopeless cases frwe Leen permanently cured. I shad_ be glad to send two bottles of my remedy MEP ay of your readers who have cos. sumption if they will send me their Express .litt 'Pelt Office Address. Respectfully, A. *LOCUM, 186 West AtioIaldts 8t., TORONTO, ONTARIO. FURNACES. FURNACES. Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. GARNET/ COAL FURNACE sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8—Stee1 Radiators, portable or brick set. THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNING FURNACE in two sizes—Nos, 43 and. 53. No.,43 takes wood 43 inches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long; Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Strong, Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 25 years in the frIr- nace business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every time. gSTIMATES RNISHED. four Kidd' s Hardware & Stove House, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Important Announcemen BRIGHT BROTHERS; SM.A.F01=3:- The Leading Clothiers of Huron Beg to inform the people of Seaforth and surrounding country, that they have added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the Most Complete and best -selected stocks of Youths' and Men's Readymade Clothing THE COUNTY. Prices Unequalled. We lead the Trade. Remember the Old Stand Campbell's Block, opposite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. BRIGHT BROTHERS. MORTGAGE SALE —OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, THE— Township of McKillop, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage made by Aberhart Krauskoff to the Vendors, which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, and on which default in payment has been made. There will be offer- ed for sale by Public Auction at Prendergast'e Hotel at THE VILLAGE OF DUBLIN In the County of Perth, on MONDAY, APRIL 6th, 1891, At 2 o'clock p. m,, by John S. Coppin, Auction- eer, the following property namely: Lot No. 4, In the 8th Concession of the said Townehip of McKillop, containing 100 acres, more or less. The property is well eituated about 11 miles from Mitchell, 10 from Seaforth and 6 from Dub- lin. There are upon the premises a frame dwel- ling house, a fmine bank barn and other build- ings; also a large orchard. The greater part of the land is cleared and under cultivation. TERMS OF SALE.—A deposit of 10 per cent. of the purchase money is to be paid at the time of sale, and sufficient to make with slush deposit one third in one month thereafter, with interest at di per cent. The balance may, at the option of the purchiser, be paid in (tub or secured by a first mortgage on the property on such terms as may be agreed upon.. The Vendors reserve the right of ene hid. For further particulars apply to DENT & THOMPSON, Vendors' Solicitors, Mitehell, March 8511, 1881. Mitchell, Ontario. W. R. Counter —THE LEADING— Jeweler of Huron A Dead Sure Tip. Times are hard, and I must have money; therefore, I will offer for the Next Thirty Days My large and well -assorted stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- ELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE,FAN CY GOODS, PIPES, SPECTACLES, &c., at rock bot- tom prices. This is a genuine dis- count sale for cash. call early and be convinced. Repairing fine Watcl..es, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., a specialty. W. R. CO N TER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORD", Wellington, Gorse NORTH—. Ethel. .. Brussels Bluevale Wingham.. Goma Semi— Wingham Bluevale Grey and Bruce; Psessenger- Mixed. 2.51r. x. 8.88r.s. 5.06 9.46 9.20 8.21 10.00 9.50 3.30 10.10 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. 0.39 .a.x.11.10 A. M. 7,261'. 6.48 11.22 7.55 Brarreela 7.02 11.45 8.55 Ethel.... .. 7.14 12.00 9.31 London, Huron and Bruce, GOEMI NORTH— PASSeDger. Lendea, depart..... ....... 7.55a.x. 4.35r.x, Exeter 9.16 5.57 Ilensall_. .. ..... ... 9.23 6.09 Kippen . 9.34 6.17 Brueedeld . .. 9.42 5.2:6 Clhiten — . ....... - .. .... 0.00 6.4 Londesboro . 10.19 7.03 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Belgreve 10.42 7.27 Wingharn arrive 11.00 7.45 oina SOUTH— Paeeenger, Winghain, depart #3.50,eat Belgrave 7.05 4.00 Blyth 7.18 4.15 Londes13oro...... . ..... 7.26 4.25 Clinton .—. .. 7.65 4.46 Bracefield 8.15 5.04 _ Kippen_. . .... .... 8.24 6.12 Henbane 8.32 5.19 Exeter 8.50 5.33 Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton follows: GOING Weer— SRAPORTH. Paseenger .. 1.03 r. M. Passenger... .. .. 9.10 P. M. Mixed Train.. ...... 9.20 A. X. blind Train.. 6.lbr.M. Goose EAST— Passenger. .. 7.59 a. x. Passenger 2A3 P. H. Mize 530r Freight Train.. .. 4.30 is station CLureoss 1.201% X 9.27r. x 10.05.e.x. 6.40 7.43 a. 2.26r. 4.55 r. i- 8.80?. For CRAMPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, use PERE,Y DAVIS' Ueed both internally and externally 34 It acts quickly, affording almost inetan relieffrom the zoverest pain. 13E SURE to GET THE GENUINE 25e per bottle. $zafizinanTizzvs=sasasrminolow"" MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED . .EMULS1ON' I CT COD LIVER OIL S I. itAiEswq increases Weight., strengthens Lungs and Nerves. Price 50o. and $1.00 per Bottle. • • . : Ministers and Public Speakers use SPEN CER'S Chlorsmine Pastilles For Clearing and Strengthening the voice. Cure Hoarseness and Soreness of Throat. Price 25C per bottle. Sample free on application to Druggists. TO MOTHERS PALMO-TAR SOAP Is Indispeneable for tho Bath, Toilet or N arsery , for cleaning the Scalp or Skin. THE BEST BABY'S SOAP KNOWN. Price 23c. .11.4 r . Physicians stre-ngly recommend 177'yeth's Malt' Extract! (Liquid) To patients suffering fron:t matrons maims - Lion; toimprove the Appetite, to assist Di- gestion, a valuable Tonic. 40 Cents per bottle. The most satisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER is Channing 's Sarsaparilla, It is a Grand Knerrn RESTORER. Will cure tho worst form of skin disease; will oure Rheumatism; will cure Salt Rheum. leetrge Bottlem, ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For CONSUMPTION, :loughs, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma sad all diseases of the Langa- n' three sized bottles 25c, 50c, -and $1.00. FOR HEADACHE AND tiitIRALGIA, 9) ME Mt:SINKER For Lumbago, Sciatica, "Cricks.'. Tic, • Stitcheig: R.heurnetic Pains and Chronic Rheumatism. Each plaster in an air -tight tin box. 25o. WYETH'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE For Pallor, Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Valuable Restorative for Convaleeeents. Combines Nutriment with Stimulus gar Be careful to ast: for WYET11 8, the only GENUMIL DAVIS& LAWRENCE CO. MONTREAL, Proprietors or General Agents FOR. MOST OF THE POPULAR. Proprietary or Pharmaceutical Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery. THE FARMERS' Banking House, SMA_.001:=SE_ (In connection with the Bank 01 Montreal.) LOGAN & 00 BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now in heir own premise' on Market Weed Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office. General Banking Buteneas done, drafts his and mated. Interest allowed on deposit'. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. 1058 EXCELLENT Lines and values in Hosiery and Gloves at HoFFNAY & Sea - forth.