HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-27, Page 2NIAR0R 20, 1891. THE NEWa, llineryOpening now been in Seafortli and not of you heve ley be all of our elegeee, Opening dame Bee aware of the long, tedions r entailed upon the melee - amount of damage dontaa.. making these variety ea, teen the graceful hanging', ilka and Satins—you home eork of Ribbons need lacee •om the ceiling, and the" Dd vvith flowers and beau*, , all beautiful to Iook ee Olathe opening day. )ut take a look behind the- - e opening waa over, elle not be quite so enchant. y net have thought of it re, but experienced mete eel', that when these deli taken from their they loose their fresh- 3.ny cases become subset t utasaleable.As it is our dee stantan tly the choicest for our customers, we in- tesent to cease from our e decorations, and giva ettention to a first -oleic: - mei Millinery, which after - object to every lady on Will Be. , Friday and Saturday,. and 4th, our Trimmed ie open to the public for e shall make a very fine and bonnets, all ready to rge mirror. The shapes- [ be the latest and the culariy good. Flowera dmost every variety,and dahlias, and forget-n•ie- laminate. Ribboria in tinsel effects will be will also. have [ as pearls, beads, span- nts. We have a very da in store for you, and elves aud °minters will ['here will be no famine. la are cjimerned. The 6ded, and upon extend- itetion to all, we mey e NO HALF SHOW, • fl td come and see, All L McFaul9 eFORTH. tied health and happit pare the hopes exprese- - be apared to celebrate, aing MeeteleIs. tess is quiet just now,. of the year that such ;ed.—Dr. W. J. R. town this week.—Mr. flenfryn, has sold hie , to Mr. John Weiss, $2,700, possession to - This is a good sale. Monday morning last yeroft, widow of the rcdt, died at the rui- n-, David Ross, Mrs. sick for a long time. ainer in Kansas for the -- [th, bat with no avail. . Isumption, the same as, ae deceased leaves a - toy and one girl.— , the 16th of March, of his son-in-lawe Mr. Robert Leckie, n passed away. Mr., the early pioneers of came here from the tario, and hewed out on the -12th copces- le eat of Cranbrook.- ew years age to Mr. He also last his patt- this time, and hu with the family, e and then with sp- aying last summer ✓ Mrs. Gar row, fit Icold from a vrete shing, and never got ins were interred at sclay. —Mr, John Keefe, da number of cattle. bert, to be delivered tiday last. On the mailed cards to. the era not to take the aunt of the storm,. between Dublin and t that day, and con - ea did not get their - cattle to Seaforth eed upon, but they- ointed at not meet-. the cattle and had [ again. Oa hearing ment, however, and got the notices sent them all, paid for expenses for their lelivered at Seaforth , when they were church, S onday mornin oticeil at about 7 asement. Throe h n charge,both stets ere out of order ant d the rnagnificeat estroyed before t e without the fir$t eg thrown upon i from the furnac smouldering near] g is insured 1 add the Ion s 151000, TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 1,215. SEAFORTH, FRIDAI", MARCH 27, 1891. THE HALF.. , , —HAS NOT— BEEN TOLD In this paper about our magnificent stock of New Goods—for the Spring—they are in now aud ready' for our inspection. A few words abdut our New Prints—There are miles of them, not stow pieces, but miles of yards of them— Not a few patterns, but hundreds of them, and every pattern a select one. Then about the colors—The bulk of thern are fast, the cloths wide and the prices from five cents up to thirty cents per yard. What a range and open freely to your inspection. Edward PO'Faul, SEAFORTH. Perth Items. The total debt of the city of Strat- ford is $397,763.70. - Jo. Witte, of Milverton, has disposed of his farm containing 96 acres to Mr. Joseph Taylor, of Morington. The price paid was $3,300. —On the 12th inst., a two-year-old colt, the property of A. Roza'', conces- sion 10, FAmie`died from strangles after about two weeks' illneas. The animal was valued at $100. —Oa Tuesday of last week Mr. John Farrell, of Poole, had an auction sale of his stock and effects, prior to going to Manitoba. The stock brought good prices, bat the farm, 100 acres, which was also offered, only brought $3,560. —In London, on Tuesday Of last week, the St. Marys curlers deafeated London by 21 shots. This was the last match for the Western Ontario Tankard, so that St. Marys will hold that tankard for this year. —Mr. John Byers has been appointed town engineer by the Mitchell electric light committee in place of the late Mr. John Tait. Mr. Byers will also have charge of the dynemos for the electric light. —The Ladies Aid Society, of Trafal- gar street Methodist church, Mitchell, held a bazar in the town hall in that town on Thursday and Friday, 12th and 13th inste. They realized the sum of $125 out of the undertaking. —Mr, John Tait, overseer at the elec- tric light station, Mitchell, died on Saturday, 14th inst., of inflammation of the lunge. Deceased contracted a severe cold while attending to his duties, which ultimately turned to inflamma- tion of the lungs. —A sad and painfully sudden death occurred juat two miles and a -half north of Mitehell on Friday, 13th inst. Mrs. Simon Swinburn died in child -birth, at the age of 41 yeers. She was only a few hours ill. The baby is living. De- ceased was a highly -respected woman, and was beloved by all who knew her, and the neighborhood deeply mourns her loss. She leaves a husband and three children. —On Tuesday of last week Mr. Thos. Richards, of St. Marys, was found lying on the road with the sleigh and load of ashes on top of him. He was rescued and taken to Mr, Chas. Sterritt's resi- dence in an unconscious condition. He has since regained taciousneas and was taken home. It seeds he was walking aloegside the load when it upset on him. His face and chest are badly bruised. —There passed away on Wednesday evening, 18th inst., after an Bitten of about four weeks' duration, an estimable citizen and pioneer of North Heather, in the person of Mr. John MeDermid, in the seventy-fourth year of hie age. He died at the residence of his son-in- law, Mr. Hugh Nichol, Stratford,where he was visiting.: Deceesed was born in Glengarry, and was one of six sons of the late Hugh McDermid, who settled in the "banner township " in the year 1841, which at that time was a howling wilderness, and after carving out a home lived to secure a fair competency. He was a manof strong religious principleil and of strict integrity. In all his deal- ings with hie fellowmen he was never known to depart from the golden rule. In his earlier days he took an active part in the politics of the day and was a Liberal to the core, but of late years, through religions scruples, remained neutral in a degree. MILLINERY OPENING. Our display of Millinery will take place on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd and 4th. All are cordially invited to be present and inspect our stock. Hoffman & Go., CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH, - ONT. New York Letter. (Regular Correspondence.) TiTy.w Yong, March 23rd, 1891. x' Mr. John S', Kennedy, one of our wealthy citizens, has made public an offer to erect a. large building to be used as a headquarters for all the principal charitable and benevolent orgeeizations in the city. "The United. , Charities B ilding," which is the propelled name, is to be.erected on the corner Of Fonrth avenue tend 22nd Street. It is to con- tain the general offices of the Children's Aid Society, the New 'Shark 'City Mite den and Tract Society, the Association for Improving the Condition of - the P or, the Charity Organizetion Society a d others. The leading benevolent or anizetions of the city will therefore b brought together udder one roof in a building centrally located, so that a plicants for aid will have no difficulty in reaching the societies and then have th ir eases promptly ..considered. The fojindiug of ouch an institittion is an exhibition of practicable philanthropy, and reflects great credit upoh the head ahti heart of Mr. Kennedy. No rent will be charged the societies, and Mr. Kennedy offers his ownservices in the management of the Institution. TOM THUMB'S COACHMAN. General Turner Wood, the colored midget who drove Tom Thumb's car- riage when he visited Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace, died in this city last l -week. He was advertised as, the oldest and smallest colored midget be- fore the public, and was on exhibition at the Globe Museum on the Bcivvery. Hs right name was Charles J. Fletcher, and he was 60 years old. He Was 40 inehes high, his lags and arma each measuring one foot. He wore a No. 7i silk hat. For more than thirty years he traveled with various companies and wes exhibited as a curiosity in many pahts of the world. There was a stand- ing joke between hirn and the fat wo- -man, over the price they had been of- fered for their bodies after they were deed. A physician offered the fat wo- man $900, but would give only $500 for the midget. The General met his death aceidentally, being suffocated by escap- ing gas while he slept. A GOOD REG U LATOR. CY The famous Western !Union time ball, which used to drop daily from a pole on, top of the telegratih building, will seen be in position again, and: down toin people will welcome their old way of regulating their tireepieceemorrectly. Fot twenty live years the time ball had drepped every day, . with but few ex- ceptions, at 12 o'clock exactly, accord- ing. to Washington time. Since the fire in the Western Union last July this has been greatly miesed by hundreds who were accustomed to stand in crowds at the hour of noon waiting for the ball to descend. The new ball will not be on the roof as before, but will be in a more coospicuoua position, projecting out- wards iroin the eighth floors It will be visible as far uptown as eighth street, and in the other direction as far as Staten Island. AN ELEPHANT'S ADVENTURE. Much amusement was caused the past week by the adventure of the 4 year old triCk elephant, Fanchon. A -few days ago the animal, which was kept in a stable in 55th street, broke away from its firatenings and quietly walked up- stairs and into her keepers parlor. When she got up there she oould not get down again without great trouble, and a lerge amount of thinking on the part of her owner. After several days a strong timber truck was laid from the window of the keepers house to the ground and the elephant was pulled upon it, About this time Panchen 2 playful' swung her trunk around and knocke her owner, Mr. G. Reich, to the gr und, 1feet below. The ele- phant then slipped and fell but was caught,between the timbers, from which she warefinally extricated and led to the stablemininjured. All this was done in sight of a large and highly interested audience consisting of thousands of men, women end childten, who had gathered in the Eitreet to enjoy the free exhibi tion. [ -;, Toi,RAISE HALF A MILLION. A meeting of friends of the University of New ,York ' was held last week to make a formal appeal for $500,000 to be used in erecting a new college building uptown, and in changing the present structure in Washington Square into a building for business purposes.' The growth Of the University within recent years aid. the encrochment of business make a me such, change' an absolute necessit . Washington Square is too far dowii town for an ideal American college and the old atone building, which is a stood for half a century, is : entirely inadequate. It is proposed to purchaa five or ten acres of greund somewhere above -42nd street, on which will be erected a handsome and com- ii, modious building, with all modern. college f cilities, $100,000 has already been p emised by a gentleman whose name is not known. EDW rN ARLINGTON. Canadians In Boston. Boston Globe, March 6th.) The v ry intense excitement attend- ing the election in Canada extended far enough across the border to include the former residents of the Dominion in Bos- ton and vicinity, and they were almost as intensely interested in the outcome as M.acdonald and Laurier's immediate fol- lowers. - A great many of them went down to their native pieces the first of the week, either to take a personal hand in the fray, or to watch the exciting contest from cles'e ramp, but a large proportion of the 50,000 who remained right around the Hub„ found their way to the Melon- aon last !evening, where arrangements had been made for the bulletining of special despatches announcing the result of the election in the various provinces and counties. The hall was filled, the great majority of the men and wonaen present being from t le maritime provin- ces, most of them from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The election retur s from the various Canadian centres we e bulletined as fast as they were receive . The news of a prominent candidate s election or defeat was hailed with voci erous applause or hisses, according as it met the views of those present., The meeting was about evenly divided between Conservative and Liberal sympathizers, and they sim- ply "made Rome howl." A more en- thusiastic and excited gathering never essembled under the roof of Tremont Temple, in all its istory of political Portraits of Sir Jo n Macdonald, Hon. Wilfried Laurier, Si Charles Tupper, Sir Richard Cartwri lit and othera were ,interspersed, and ere greeted with wild cheers and appl use. As the tesult in each county of th maritime provinces was announced, vie• s of local scenery and portraits of its leading men were displayed on the set en.h The humorous sen 'manta of the audi- ence were appealed o by a number of facetiousbulletittr, s oh as "'Dear Mr. McKinley, please le us hare free pota- toes," "Johnny has evidently got his gun," " St. John, ew Btunswick, is lost in the fog," tc. A number of funny cartoons; app icable to defeated or elected candidate, were also shown. The preepectevib ated so rapidly from Conservatives to Li eral, and vice versa, that the audience bicame worked up to a high degree of exa tement, but at 10 o'clock the complet result Beemed still so far off that tie closing bulletin, " May the Beat Sid Win," was dis- pleyed, and the big udience dispersed. Matters ane Things In Southern Manitoba. SNOWF AKE, March 12th,1891. DEAR EXPOSIT° . — The political battle throughout the length of our fair Dominion has bee fought and woe. After the result was known a cansual observer co ld hear in the Con- servative committee rooms, cheers for the old man and the old flag, and in the Reform committee r oms might be heard heartfelt expression of "what will be- come of our fair I) tninion." I think, to view the whole si uation impartially,' we must sum it up a one of the mese mixed up political contest that has been fought since the eistm provinces joined hands. The Cons rvative war -hoop was "elle old flag,' and some thing very indefinite about closer trade re- lations with the United States. On the other hand the Liberals, or at least a portion of them, talked Unrestricted Reciprocity, and th other portion talk- ed in a very far off ind of way about a revenue tariff, an so the elections have decided, appar ntly, in favor of a modified National elicy in preference to the Liberal plat orm of "Give us a chance bow, boys." I might say that Blake's retirement as a eerious draw- baoktto the Liberal auto in Manitoba. -It was in direct opp sition to Abe Lin - coin's practical- advice not to "swap horses when crossin•a stream, Our local fight i Selkirk between Daly and Martin wa a hot one, but as I predicted in a fort er letter, Martin was snowed under -by 400 majority. .The people of Selki k cannot trust a man to send him to ttawa who has en- riched himself in tw. yeara. And, Sir, Mr, Martin's boaste • prowess as a plat- form speaker, gaine k in the Winnipeg tHouse by having onl a weak opposi- lion to contend aged st, was very mea- gre ; indeed when fa a to face with a !speaker of the oalibr of Mr. Daly, who hasnot a Canadian equal for his 32 years of age, and wh was able to ex- pose Martin's sine so very forcibly 'that Mr. Martin did no turn up at the nomination at Brand n. It is a very unusual thing for a andidate to absent himself from nomination when within twelve miles and ind his usual health. The vote in Selkiik, which comprises fifteen local constituencies, can be en- tered in the ledger 14 Mr. Greenway, that the dreaded handwriting'is on the wall for his own dea self. So much for politi a, which, to my mind, is an extreme' funny game, but then apologists say tie new version of " everything is fair lIu love and war" simply includes polit es, and if there is any truth contained in that unlikely statement,let us by ill means sit 'down and consider wisciam's waye. Well, Mr. Editor, I can t uthfully say that the smoke and din o the political bat- tle did not:in the lea t mar the beautiful weather that has pr veiled throughout Manitoba for the pas three months, and old Sol smiles 'delve as gracefully as ever on the wicked Tiories that so un- fortunately inhabit t is province, and the farmers are boginjiing to talk of a wide acreage being a wn to help meet the extra demands t et will be made upon them when the duties are raised.. Never was so little fed given to stock, and stock never was 4n better condition at the approach of aring. Large con- signmenteof fat cattl will be shipped from Southern Manit ha this spring. I am told that in anoth r month 500 head will be ready to ship rein Pilot Mound that are being fed by farmers, and this is only a sample of s ipments that are to be made from othe ilhipping points along the South Wes ern road. Horses are dull here at preae t, and as I see from time to time of shipments being made from Ontario points, I cannot understand how thoserseingaged in the business cen make a s Vaess of it at the present time. I migh say to intending emigrants that if fair frices can be ob- tained for cowa in On ario, that it will not pay them to ship hem here, as good cows can be bought h re at from $25 to $30. I would say, br ng sheep and fowl, for aside from the pro t to be derived from eggs, the care of the chicks will cause employment fo the neWly-mar- ried ladies, and diver their attention at times from that dear, dear old honie in Ontario, around which cluster so many sweet memories of the past that they {McLEAN BROS. Publishers. *1.50 a Year, in Advance. consented to exchange r the company of a poor being that iher call a man. I might say in cone" sion, that the Misses Judd, lady evan °lists, are ex- pected here shortly, an4l from the press comments on their abili y and zeal, they may be expected to pour hot shell into Satan's stronghold, and it is to be hoped they will be able to induce his Satanic Majesty to beat a permanent retreat. So may it be. Your, W. BARBER. me. [The renferks of our orrespondent on the Selkirk election for na strange com- mentary on the peoulia ities of [human nature. Our correspondent, and many of the other Protestant of that constitu- ency, have long been p oclaimin them- selves earnestly oppo ed to S parate Schools and the official se of the French language, and their ea nestneaa would almost induce people to believe in their sincerity. Mr. Martin ook his political life in his hand, and ev n at the serious risk of destroying his overnment, oar- ried through the Legisl ture a law abol- ishing Separate Schools and doing away with the official use of th French language, just the very things th t these people had been clamoring for. And how do they reward him for hi courageous self- sacrifice in championi g their cause? On the first opportunit they turn their backs on him because of the flimsey ex cuse that he had enrich d himself in two years, (which is no doubt false), and gave their votes and support to Mr. Daley, a political adventurer an petty hack, whose highett ambition s ems to be to retain his seat and receive the ap- . proving smile of his par y leader if not something more substa tial. It would seem as if this is the so t of men that takes in Manitoba as e sewhere; while the man who acts hoeestly, straight.: forwardly and is the [interests of his country, is left behind. It is astonish- ing how people like to lje fooled n poli- tica. It is not surprisi g that, under such circumstances, th people green under growing debt and, increasihg taxa- tion.—En. EXP.] Canada. The disease known as " black rot" is cart ying off pigs in Frontenac.' —The customs officiale at Quebec last week seized a. quantity of smuggled whiskey._urpe —Grapegrowers in Essex county say this year crop will ,be #reater than it has been for years. —Mr, Birkett, of Ottawa, who was elected Mayor of that city in January, has been unseated. —Police Magistrate Cahill, of Harrill - ton, is now 75 years old. and has dis- pensed Police Court Justice for 28 years. — Mies Scott, who went from King- aton as a zenana missionary to India with Miss Sinclair, is en her way battik to Canada because of ill -health. —In hie prayer on a recent Sunday morning in Sydenham street church, Kingston, Rev. R. Whiting said: "Lord bless the city council,' f r they need it." — Canadian Pacific traffic retu no for the week ending March 14th were 5329,000. Same week last year, $267,000. Earnings of the New Bruns- wick Railway are included in both years. —On Thursdaylast week the death was announced in Brantford t wnship of Mrs. Alexander Carlyle, Mete -in-law of the great Thomas Carlyle. D ceased, who was 83 years of age, reme nbered well the Chelsea philosopher. —The valuable farm- of Mr 1?. 11. McCrea, aituatedabout one mil from Brockville, and familiarly kn wri as Mount Pleasant. Dairy, has changed hands ndosto a relative. , The price p ad was s —Mr. Benjainin Drake, of alaing- ham Centre, died Thursday even ng last week at the advanced age of 83 years. He was one of the first resident of St. Thomas, and in his day was one of the wealthiest residents, of the distri t. —R. H. Holland, police magia rate of Port Hope imposed a fine of $1 and costs on Fe. Sculthorp, grain me chant, of that town; for obstruoting a d im- peding Mr. 5. Irwineassistant i specter of weights and measures, in t e dis- charge of his duties on the 14th nat. —W. E. Harding, traveler for Laing & Co.; of Montreal, shot himself ead at Campbellton, New Brunswick on Tues- day, 17th inst. He complained that trade was dull and said he would soon have to give up traveling. This seems te be the cause of the rash act. —Miss Hamilton, of Grand Point, while playing with a toy whi tle the other day, accidentally swallow d the end, which was of brass. It could not be extricated from her throe , was lowered in her stomach and, as i could, not be removed from there, a e died from the effects of it. —A Michigan Central Railway freight train composed of 30 cars of aug r left Suspension Bridge last Tuesday morn-. ing at 8 o'clock and arrived in ' indeor in- cluding ne the same day, thus eking the run of 227 miles in nine hou a, stops. This is the fastea time on record for a freight train. —The Bay of Quinte bridge, etnn‘eea% ing Belleville with Prince Edwart ,v opened for traffic on Saturday las.. The structure, which is of steel, is about _1,900 feet long, with a northe n ap- proach of 800 feet. It has oc upied about two years in building, an will cost $105,000. —The verdict has at last gon forth from the Toronto hospital th t the Koch lymph is a most disappointing failure. The alleged remedy fon tub- erculosis has been given a eareful scientific trial for the past three montas, and while at times it seemed to accom- plish all that was claimed for i1 when given to the world, the final resul have dispelled all doubts in regard ftotihtes supposed curative qualitiea. patients who have been admitted 10 that hospital one has died, two have t mpor- atwmrraiao,icianYe. Montreal _ryne eoecano lov f the oldest men in the gratine b ered sufficiently to leave the institution, and the balance, about 20 in number, are hopelessly drifting toward the grave. The best that can be said :of the lymph is that it temporarily allevi- ates mild cases of tuberculosis, but to permenently benefit an advanced ease it signally fails. The hospital authorities are, however, hopeful that some great discovery will really follow what has been done, and in that way Dr. Koch will have conferred a great benefit on mankind. —The by-law for expending $75,000 on an electric railwey between Pert Arthur and Fort William is E aid to be illegal, and before the active work.of construction can be proceeded with it will be necessary to submit it again to the _ratepayers. Grave doubts ere entertained ae to whether it will new carr yi —he death of Mr. John M. Youn oiseof Montreal's oldest and moat e- apected merchants, was announced en Saturday last from Milwaukee, where he had been visiting. Mr. Young was born in Cobourg, Ontario. He was a nephew of the Hen, John Young, arid Moon, the manager of the h of the King /1Ye Cheong, a big Chinese importing firm, has been arrested at Piatts- burg, New York, charged with smug- gling 30 pounds of opium, the duty on which would be $780. Mr. Moon was accompanied by a student named Chee Ping, who was also taken into custody. —Through the explosion of a pet of boiling japan in the works of Brayley & Dempster, Hamilton, Tuesday morning last week, a fire broke out, which did damage to the amount of $4,000. it he building was partially burned down, the pulleys andshafting were warped and spoiled, besides moat of the machinery. The insurance will probably reach the amount of the loss, . —About 2 o'clock Thursday morning A.Laing's store, Wyoming, was entetecl by burglars, who blew the safe open, but obtained nobooty. The glass in the gore windows was broken and other slight damage done by the force of the explosion. The burglars, apparen'ly two in number, ran off, but were s sequently captured about three mi CB from Courtright. —A highly esteemed lady, aged 79 years, named Mrs. Bone, got struck by a Gtand Trunk railway express, Monday about noon, and was instantly. killed. The, accident happened at a crossing a quarter of a mile froin Dorchester sta- time She had beeu visiting at ber grandson's, who lived on the opposite side of the street, and on her retuen, while crossing the track, was struck by the exprets train and killed. ! --.At Paris station Monday morning a little before eleven o'clock, a man named Rattan, about 20 years of age, belonging to Brantford, who was dia. tributing bills for Montgomery & Co.,. of that , city, was run over by freight ears end instantly killed. It appeers !he was standing on the side track waieng ; train, while shunting, ittruckihim, end for the express to pass, when a frei ht the cars passed over ilia chest, breakfug his back, calming instant death. —On Saturday while Wellington veld James Graham, of Brechiu, brothers, were engaged in removing some hay from the loft over aeroot house, the rchif suddenly collapsed. Wellington was standing on a beam when the roof cone on him. He was instantly killed. Jatnea was more fortunateems he was standing on the floor, and was crushed thronigh Into the root -house, .and escaped %nth some slight injuries. —Tuesday nigbt of last week burglars effected an entrance into Sterrett & cash etore, Forest, and stole a quantity of shoes, shirts and other small articles. Not apparently finding goods to suit their tastes, they tried to break into Ill.. Harter's liquor store at the rear, but were discovered by a constable and beat a hardy retreat, firing their revolves. They are supplied to be some 1041 parties, although there is no clue to their identity. , --The Wholesale Grocers' Guild of Toronto, passed at a meeting on Wed- nesday of last week, a resolution bind- ing 'all its members to sell no goods to any wholesale grocer selling under the fixed Guild scale of prices. This is 'Op- posed to be directed to Mr. James Luba - hers, wholesale -grocer in that city, who has for years defied the Guild. Mr. P. C. Larkin, a member of the Guild, de- clined to accept the agreement, and was expelled from the organization. —The St. Louis express last Thurs4y morning, which left London at 4.80, jumped the. track just as it was goig Into the Hamilton station. The engi, e kept the rails, but the cars were ell thrown off and ran into the platforin, tearing it up and damaging some of t e car trucks. The passengers were giv n a shaking up, but nothing worse e - suited. The train that met with tie accident was the first section of the express. —The mortuary statistics for Feb- ruary show the following figures of mor- tality. Tctionto, 1.03; Hamilton, 1.53; Ottawa, 1.52; London, .87; Kingston, 1.09; Brantford, .56; St.Thomart, 1.60; Guelph, .85. Windsor, 1.61; Belleville, 1.14; Stratford, .50; Peterboro, 1.07; West ratio was that of Thee Rivers, vi., 2.73. Quebec's was 2.59, and Montreal 1.7o7odstock, .75 ; Breekville, 1.46 ; . Chatham, 1.48 ; Galt, 1,23. The high- -On Thursday last week Russell Ap- kinsort, a lad about eight years of aii, and living about two miles away, was sent to St. George, in compute/ with 'a brother, on an errand. As the roa a were muddy they started acroes t e fields. In getting over the reilroed fence he fell and proke both bores Of his arm. Notwithstanding that he was in great pain, the little fellow proceed- ed on his journey, accomplished his er- rand and returned home, when, upon removal of his clothing, the nature of the accident was discovered. On the way Russell ineisted that his arm must be broken, as it was so crooked and painful, but his brother made a wager with him that it was not, giving as his reason that if it had been he could not have walked. —A fire broke out Saturday afternoon in the reservoir building of the Longue Pointe Lunatic Asylum, near Montreal, and damage to the amount of 542,000 was done. Four men in the fourth storey, finding all hope of escape cut off, leaped from the window and one of them, J. B. Lachappelle, was fatally in- jured. The others were injured in a minor degree. The loss is uninsured. The institution narrowly escaped such a disaster as overtook it last spring, by which 94 lives were lost. —A sad accident happened on Tues- day of last week at Maxville station, on the line of the Canada Atlantic Railroad between Ottawa and Montreal, which resulted in the death of Mr. Walter Shane, reeve of Pendleton. The tinier tunate man was driving a team of horses on a crossroad near the station, and just as the animals were crossing the track the train from Montreal came up, smashed the pole and threw the team on one side. Mr. Shane received a severe blow on the head frem the front part of the engine, from which he died in the course of 15 minutes. —Mr. Lewis Springer, of Hamilton, has been appointed registrar of Went- worth to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr, J. M. Williams. Mr. Springer was born in Hamilton in 1835, and has spent his life either in the city or county. He was one of the chief promoters of the Hamilton, street rail- way system, and has been interested in various other business enterprises in that city. In the general election of 1882 he was returned to Parliament for South Wentworth, but was not a candi- date in 1885. —Mrs. Quigley, sister of Arthur Day, who was hanged at Welland, Ontario, December 18, 1890, for wife -murder, and who was with him at Niagara Falls on Sunday, July' 27, 1890, when he pushed his wife over the precipice, near the whirlpool, and was a witness against him on his trial, died at Rochester, New York,. on Thursday last. On her death- bed she confessed toher mother that she had incited Arthur to. the murder, and had helped to commit the deed by aid- ing him in pushing his wife over. She hold Mrs. Day's dress skirt over her head and pushed On one !Moulder, while Day pushed on the other. —Mr. Frank Jamieson, who is em- ployed at the Grand Trunk round house, at London, with the boiler makers, met with what may prove a fatal accident, Saturday afternoon. He was in the act of holding a rivet while standing under a locomotive, when another engine was moved too far on the turntable, causing some planks to fall where he was stand- ing, Jamieson thus getting the full force of the engine on his side. He was re- moved to his home and medical aid was at once summoned. The doctor pro- nounced it a serious ease, the victim be- ing hurt internally. —On Thursday evening last while Mr. Alexander Campbell, a bailiff, of Kincardine, was making a seizure on some stook on the farm of George On - strum, near Bervie, and while leading a horse from the barn, Onstrum came to- wards him, and pullitig a revelver out of his pocket when a few feet distant, fired, the ball striking Mr. Campbell in the breast. When Mr. Campbell saw that the man was desperate, he let go the horse and rap, followed by Onstrum,and when overtaken by him he was fired at again, this time the hall striking him under the shoulder blade, —A serious accident happened in Hamilton's carriage works, Lindsay, on Saturday last, by which one of the em- ployes, James Staples, had his hand eut off by a circular saw. A man came into the shop to have a board ripped, and Mr. Staples who worked at the shaping machine went to do it for him, the board being only about one inch thick, and deeper thin the saw project- ed above the table, Was liable to break or fly, which Mr. Staples perceived it was going to do, and turned to tell the man. to get out of the way when hie hand came in contact with the saw, severing it off with the exception of the little finger. —The doctors of the Montreal Gen- eral Hospital declare that Koch's cele- brated lymph has been a failure so far as their experience is concerned. Ex- periments with the lymph were com- menced at the hosbital during the last week of December, and have been care- fully continued lei' nearly three months. Every precaution was taken, but the lymph has failed 1)o cure_ in any ease, and its use has been discontinued. In the lupus cases there wasm slight im- provement, but it could not be called a cure. Nearly all the patients who were under treatment have left the institu- tion. —A horrible murder was perpetrated at Belleville about five o'clock Monday afternoon. The victim was Mrs. Kane, wife of a laborer named James Kane. The murderer was the woman's hus- band, who killed her with a blow from a butcher's knife thati penetrated her heart, causing instant death. It was the woman's dying shriek which led to the discovery of the crime before the murderer had time to escape. Two men who heard the awful cry rushed to the spot whence it came, and opening the door saw the women- lying dead on the floor and her elver standing over his victim with the knife in his hand. An alarm was at once given, the police were sent for, who arrived in a ehort time and arrested the assassin,. —Wesley R. Warner, a well-to-do farmer, living on lot 20, concession 5, London township, together with his two daughters, Clara and Maggie, aged 16 and 9 respectively, were killed Saturday evening last about 5 o'clock, at the Can - adieu Pacific Railway crossing on the first sideroad west of the proof line, two miles and a half west of London. They were struck by the east bound express death being instantaneous. Both horses which they were driving were killed and the vehicle smashed to atoms. The ap- proach to the crossing is a very danger- ous one, and until within 25 feet of the track it is imposeible to see a train go- ing east. A !sad tfeature in connection with the lamentable affair was the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Warner had held their silver wedding celebration the previous evening. —The congregation of the Grosvenor Street Baptist church, London to the number of about 100, surprised their pester, Rev. M. E. Siple, the other evening by invading and taking posses- sion of his residence. When they had made themselves quite at home, a short impromptu programme was presented,to the enjoyment of all. The concluding number was the reading of a kindly worded address by the congregation to the pastor, and the presenting to Mr. Siple, of a well filled purse. Mr.Siple is shortly to remove from London and his congregation took this opportunity to express the regret they feet at his —w.ede- parture. rd has reached Ottawa from Victoria, Britith Columbia, of the dis- covery of six new cases of leprosy right in the heart of the eity,which the China- men were endeavoring to conceal. It appears that it became necessary for the municipal authorities to drive a large number of Chinamen eut of their hovels which were erected on ground required for the building of a market hall. The stampede disclosed the fact that six Chinese lepers in the worst stages of the disease had been dwelling with their countrymen in the vacated hovels. Two of them were subeequenily found, but four of them are still in hidingand their friends refuse to disclose their places of refuge. Immediately upon hearing of these facts the Deputy hlinieter of Ag- riculture ordered an investigation by local medical officers, and a medical ex- pert who bits cearge of the leper colony of New Brunswick, will be despatched to the Pacific coast to follow the matter rep. —About five o'clock on Wednesday afternoon of last week a terrible ex- plosion took place at the factory ef the Ottawa Powder Company, which is situated about a mile and a -half from Hull on the Chelsea road, a short dist- ance from Ottawa. Fortunately no lives were lost. Three employes were on Abe premises during the afternoon. At 4.45 one of the men noticed that the building was on fire. An effort was made to put it out, but, seeing that the attempt was useless, the men judiciously ran for safety. They proceeded a distance of 300 yards froth the building when they stopped to watch developments. The factory contained over two tons of ex- plosives, including 300 pounds of nitro- glycerine. The force of the explosion was something terrific, The three men looking on were felled to the ground. Trees were uprooted and many windows were smashed in Ottawa city, although the factory was three miles away. Not a trace ofthe factory buildings was to be seen after the explosion. —On Saturday afternoon a most mel- ancholy affair occurred on the town line between Caradee and Metcalfe, about six miles from Strathroy, by which a yong man lost hie life at the hands of a neighbor and relative. It appears that an old feud had existed between Robert Murray, of concession 10 and 13, Met- calfe, and Wm. 0. Rowe, of lot 2 on the sante concession, ever some Govern- ment drain that runs through their joint properties. Saturday afternoon, as Mr. Rowe was talking to Mr. Herrington at the corner of the town line and /3th concession of Metcalfe, Robert Murray and Ilia wife drove up on their way hoine from Strathroy, and with an oath Mur- ray said to Rowe that if he did not get out of the way he would ride him down. This he did, running over Rowe and throwing him into the ditch. Blows followed, in which it is said that both uaed clubs, Rowe apparently getting the worst of it, and had to be helped to his home, some half -mile distant. At one o'clock Sunday morning Rowe died inane the effects of his injuries. A warrant hes been sworn out against Murray, charging him with murder. d -Miss -Quinn, teacher of shorthand at the Central Business College, Stratford, was agreeably surprised on Saturday evening last by the presentation of a handsome photograph album by the members of a graduating class in short- hand. The presentation was made at Miss Quinn's boarding house, the mem- bers of the class, eight in number, being present. Miss Quinn was so completely taken by surpriee that she could scarce- ly find words to express her apprecia- tion of the kind feeling ithown by the cia—miThe anniversary sermons of Trafal- gar street Methodist church, Mitchell, were preached by the Rev. Mr. Casson, of Seaforth, on Sunday, 15th inst. The discourses are said to have been interest- ing, instructive, full of scriptural truth, and delivered with great pathos and force. Although the roads were next to impassible, owing to the heavy fall of snow, 'both congregations were good. $200 was asked for, and the whole amount was raised, which *ill, with see° previously collected, be applied to- ward—ms rt.hejacmhtterschrtodhebertiy, Stratford, is confined to his house, and will, likely continue to be confined to hie house for the next three or four weeks, as the re- sult of an accident which befel him at the Grand Trunk Railway coal shutes in that city on Saturday, 14th inst. A quantity of coal and snow had lodged over the entrance of one of the shutes, and Doherty was standing on an engine poking at it to loosen it. AU at once the obstacle was dislodged and Doherty WAS thrown between Vie engine and the shute with such force as to cause inter- nal injuries and to bruise hirn severely aboutthe body.