HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-20, Page 7s Aty, insommommow otbi graduals of elfete- dieeliest . teen„s pretepeey irate. Veterinary Wefes Roy 11124 lefeeen, Gradual, College, Toronto, Ifedical Sotlety attertded to. staidly on hand. yet Hotel, 'Hen. try and Surgery 11664. Mute of- Ontsrio. heellttenber of the �., treats- all die. etnals. Alt ogle - by day or night ;tention given to, on Main Streele iiddes Hardware 1112 etRY.--Cornsr 0 , next-door tla Ont. AB die le see' of the doe r trosted et. ehe - shortest notice . ELDER. Veber- rtook of Vetere' a handl !Alton, Insurance taking affidavitee In at the lower* • - Dr, arc l the Commercial* eteame hutches k.Gamisa0s1-. 870 larristers, &ghee �- J.. T. ilaaaelt. 681 tON, Bsrristers, Goderieh, On r Hoer, IL G. 5015 - — :loneeyancser, &a Office-Oesp Seaforth. cent. 1035 str rs, tors for the Bates tonoyisO loan. Ontario A, H. 181 'the ate firm Barrfeter, r. So- 8ltaitor lot Money to lend. eit Block, Main ly with Meseta,. Goelerich ; Bar - h and Brussele. Main Street. V. B. DICKSON'. 112T AN.. e Immo- at 6 pet ee_ to borrower money at any rED, Barritesee 850 D. S., Dentist. fardware Store, *Me lice over Ham- - ,ret corner Mahe ntaeio. Nitrous-, painless extract. 1169 Dentist, L. D.. , Ont. Will be at em Hotel, teethe N 11.4CH KONTa„ 1, on the num* ith. Teeth ex - bible. All work 971 (successor to 11. ie Royal College • .Teeth inserted celluloid or rub - for the painless O'NelI's bank, 1204 the mouth• by 51., M. tr. P. a )alyes Grocery. eswered at the 1173 ^sedan Surgeon De, OA. 1127 rueefield, Liam. Physicians and d, Ont. 990 - Peleliu], Surgeon nt. Offlos and It street, Swat, uroh, 842 eCeif„ Member exiled Sergeens,, and reeidtrao. Safi the College of eto„ Seatorth, north side of f the Methodist mptly attend - 1210th Fellow of the s and Surgeons ackid. Office , Main. Street,. letoria Square,. 1Daneey. 1127 :gam 20, 1891. .1.1ast Huron Teachers' Conven- tion. The regular annuaP- meeting of the *eat Huron 'Teachers' Association, was held in the Public School, Brussels on Thursday and Friday. February ifith end 27th, the president, Mr. Taylor, of Wroxeter, in the chair. At the request of the West Huron Teachers' Association, Mr, J. J. Tilley brought before the n3eeting a matter dis- cussed by them regarding a change in the method of distributing the grants to Public Schools. He thought the pres- ent mode of apportioning the grants un- fair to highly -taxed sectious, and sug- it is the best for many purposes, for it mere and others but if a tree e of trunk or branch large enough, cut into conven- ientlengthe, e saved. 1 No wood m kes a better axe -helve than elm, and ofte the natural run and crook of the wood ill have the exact shape of the helve. For handles, for gimes, hatchets, h mere and many other tools, elm is he best, and after splitting, only the good jack-knife and sand -paper are needed toi make it ready for use. The jack-knife has a busy time before is tough and 41aatio. 'Fa are loth to pat with el must go, lot very pie it, and every Iblade is ea, or hal • d that the amount each section re- work. It ma ge vivre depend on the qualification of the teacher and the expenses incurred in kezpiog up the school. The matter was .referred to the committee on resolu- tio ns* Mr. Tilley then addressed the aesocia- • lion the subject, " Priuciples of Edu- cation." He held that principles are of more importance than methods of teach. jag, and that we should follow nature's ,loar in edticiNting the child. The four principles noticed were; • 1. Mind and body are inter-dependeut-the physical ;must keep pace with the mental ; 2. A faculty grows Only by exercise of that facility; 1 Perfection in physical and -mental action can be secured only by (repetition of the act ; 4. Mental action not only produces development, but re- sults in the acquieition of • knowledge. Ile warned young teacher() against tell- ing a child too much. It is the work of .a teacher to select theskiod and amount of work, to direct the child's efforts, to .stimulate him to greater effort when in .difficulty, and to make c4reumstances -favorable for learning., The able ad- dress Was highly appreciated by the teachers present. • The roll -call showed an attendance of 49. After the readingofa humorous selec- tion in the Saotch dialect by Mr. • J. G. McLeod, the report of the committee appointed to draft a constitution, was .presented by Mr. Lough. The report, after a slight change, was adopted on motion of Mesars. Lough and Robb. In the evening a public meeting was ifield in the'l'uwu Hall, at which Mr. 1'. :Farrow presided. The programme con - ;slated of vocal and iustrumental music, reading, tebleaux, et., and a lecture by Mr. Tilley on "Success in Life." lie spoke perticutarly to young men, im- preasing the fact that succees depends on: 1. Lebor ; '2. Persel•erance ; 3. Self.reliance,And 4. Character. On Friday business was resumed at 9 in. The election of officers was pro- ceeded with, and reeulted as follows : ;President, A. H. I1 ; lat V ice. Xresident, Mr. M. Black; 2ad Vice- 4Preeident, Miss Iltilen ; • Secretary - Treasurer, Mr. A. Scott ; Executive Commitee, Messrs. Musgrove, Leugh, Shearer, Matted and Cowan ; Delegate to Ontario Teachers' Convention, D. Robb, Inepector Public Scheele • Audi- tors for 1891, Metiers. Lough and Turn- s The Treasurer') report was read and adopted, and; showed a balance on hand of $6.80. Mr. Tilley gave an example of his -method of • teaching reading, with a clam He held that the prompt and correct recognition of words is the -first regah•ement of reading, and that pupils should be taught the word as a whole • before taking up its parts. • Miss Abraham then took a lesson in history with a class. The subject mat- -ter of tho lesson took the form of a story which interested the pupils very mind,. She frequently referred to the rnaps,and at the end a complete outline of the les- son appeared on the blackboard. Mr. Rebb then gave a talk on the dif- ficulties he had met with owing to care- leaeneas in making up the reports. Some of the mistakes were ludicrous in the ,extreme. Mr. Musgrove then gave his method of teaehing, " How we Lire Governed." • He showed how to get the pupils to un- derstand our syrrtern of goverume,nt, by directing their thought to their munici- pality. Discussion by Metier:3. Lough and Blackwell followed. The committee on resnlutions pre - anted their report which, in addition to resolutionof thenks to various persons, contained the following: Resolved that this Institute recommend. that $100` -'-be • raised by the county for each school thereiu, and that a further sum of $100 be raised by the township council for each school., and that the legislative ,grant les distributed on the basis of salaries and certificates. The Association adjaurned to meet- at thii call of the Executive Committee. foneer for the ttendect in al, re left at Ts* attended *0. uctionear an& nt by mail, to - receive prompt. 1185-62 -1F* NIT, Convey d accountant Fire Inauntrice pondenee, &o. n any of these iation. Omar s &man, Slut- -- ,5trnent Money on et Rates • ased. ANCH. Allowed on •ount and rket Square ORTON, Massetin, eti ready for the 3 tO ma e, pins or pegs, a goo half busi el, in si e from that of a pendll to that of a ship -pin, the sizes corresponding to I those of • the auger -bits. the busY season, if a plow -beam be cracked,] or a wagon - tongue be sprung, these pine mend, tem- porarily at least, and bridge disaster D MitIlly pegs orse and cow and break -down. There cannot be to around the barn, in the t stables, on wi4ch to hang harness and many things, peg for eery collar and bridle, anothe breeching, pe in differeot everywhere f "peg system time and mobey. A g od jack-knife, the combination jack and pruning -knife is a mainstay everywhere,-Gzooe Ay- rhymer-, in Farm and Fireside. School Reports. < . 2, Ittv.-For the month he pupils stood tiet follows Homer 'tinsel!, James for eve et for tools arts of t r many 'is a grea y saddle and for the lantern e barn, pegs erposes. The economizer of SECTION N of February Fifth Class Campbell, Fed. AlcTaggart. Fourth - Chas. Chatiman, Nelson Northcott, Devid Smith. Third -Henry Jackson, Ches. Northott, Frank ;Rose. Junior Third -Isaac Jackson, Beatrice War- ren, Annie Northcott. Second -James Shirray, Nellie Northeott, Nellie Gould. Senior Second Dart -Willie Jackson, Sarah Northcott, Willie War- ren. Junior Second Part -Flora North- cott, Milton Russell, Carrie Gould. First Part -Edward O'Brien, Rechel Essey, Francis Essey. No. 1, U$BORNE. -The following are the reports for School Section. No. 1, Usborne, fer the month of February : Fifth Claes-Bernie Jeckell, Addie Jeckell, Janes Horton. Senior 'fourth -Caleb Ceudrnore, Robert Stewart, Peter Moir. Junior Fourth--Tenie Sean, Maud Horton, Almeria Keddy. Seuior T ird-Ed-ward Melaggart, Albert Ale:Taggart, Allen Jeckell. Junior Third -Minnie Dunn, Clarissa MitchelleSusie Case. Senior Second - Ernie White, George Hawkins'Luther Oke. Juoior Second -Ruby Horton, Nettie Keddy, Edith ; Lowe. Part Second-Jitmes Stewart, Laura Jeckell, George Dunn. Pert First Bert Keddy, Harry White, Herb. Blatchford. Average attendance, 53. The Winter Jack-knife. The jtek-knife atands torment among -our gaud and teseful institutions. It is .applied to and relied upon in all seasons for'sundry helps and lifts that piece out and fill in. Iu winter, however, in the lolig even- ings, un stormy days,between chores," whim the wood pile anti logging camp are abandoned, the jack-knife play is at les height. Men and boys like a whittle, to mike something -a litter at least- -even if chips and ehavings for the morn- • iag'a are be the only product; but eeretteer satisfaction cornea when the keen blade, the skillful hand and the acearete eye unite to form things which are immediately useful. Although the farmer is benetitted by Modern inventi-ons, yet some old de- vices in the interest of economy and et:utilized usefuluees will never give Way to the new. The hem:ly, home - ;nide will rsmain. Among these are the wooden latch, cateti aod button on getemand doors, indoors and out, iu and al -Num the farm buildings. Iron is chilline to the toneh in winter, and when full ot freer, brittle and easily broken, for doors and gates around the turn and Rheas are etten subjected to hard nsage. All getts leading to sheep, or even pig-peus, in stalls for all animals, should have wtoden latches or hers. The inmates of these, pens and stalle thiy "lose flesh " on frosty mornings if they bring their noses into contact with the iron letches or hantlies. The old- faraiened, wooden latch, with raw hide lift, fills the (Alice better and longer than iron. The latch gives way to the slid Ing bar when the door will permit. The broad, wooden button, with screw through it. often accompanies the latch, and then if rubbing nosea lift the latch -sr slide the bar, the button keeps the door or gate shut. During the winter on many farms, the jieleknife turns out these door fixtures awl many other things from good otticl, biekory or elm. If elm be obtainable, Township Councils. GREY. -At the last rneetiug of Grey, township eouncil an applicatiorewas read from II. Savage fdr liberty to, perform his statute ls.bor on side road between lots 15 and 16, concession 3, inrctead of on the coucession. Moved by Edward Bryan, seconded by Thos. Ennis that the etatute labor for lots 15 and 16, on 3rti and 4th concessions be granted. - Carried. 'The auditors' report and ab- stract of I township accouros for 1890 was laid on the table, thoroughly exam- ined and finally audited by couueil. Moved by Wm. Thos. Eneis that adopted and that lished in The Bi weeka.-tarried. to close aid diep ancea for road on 20 and 21, betw concessions, was r passed. Thos. have side road 2, opened up betw concessious. Mo seconded ; by W • Reeve be in Mr. •IlabSon, - G; engineer, : to 1 culverts Made -Carried. Move seconded lay -T. E instructed"te go pound keepers up melte the Oeclaratlion of office, -C trried. Moved by I‘Vm. Brown, seconded by E. Bryens (end carried) that the following accounts be paid plies to the Legit Stewart and Jae salary as Auditor ing ditch on 11 -John Millef, kee digent, five mont gravel, $108 ; Logan farnily, gravelling iit lot: 2,co Alex. Cuthherts n, road 6, cencession Dougherty e gray ling concession 13,.$21.49 • perrees townsl for 18?0, $18.44. ed to -noct, age Ethel, on Tuesd next, as Cuart o ment roll. Hale -The co mei' met pursuent to adjeurnrnent on Saturday, the .7th of March ; all the i iit'll:16m present. Kalbflisch-Volke -Th4t, the, sum of $8 be refunded' to Mr.Dise-sford, being the amount of err r iu _school tax ; said amount to be ch rged to No.. 13. -Car- ried. Moir -K Ibflei eh -That all lots borderiegasia th town -fillets be placed on the town lines f( r statute labur.-Car- ried. Kallifiedich-S ell -That in refer- ence to a petirio arnIll a number of rate- psyere front Soh NI Section N.r. 10, the clerk notify paries concerned that the matter will be b ought up at net meet - .This petition was in g of a new e -- part of No. 10. That in refer -- petition trern Union '0. 9, 1fay and Stanley, ot's taken from seid see ounci appoiut R. R. 111-1E lots 5 and 6, concession 1', be exhanged for a new road.ailowance from let 5 in the 17bh concession, belOnging to the Canada Company, and that the ineces- sary by-law be passed. -Carried. Snell -Moir-That tenderer, be reeved for It gravel for the Centre Road in he fol- lowing divisions, viz,: DivLou , L From London Road " to road !between concessions 4 and 5. Division II., From said road to road between conceseions 8 and 9. Division III. From marl react to road between' conceseiions 12 and .13, and that the Reeve and Clerk prepare the necessary specifications. -Carried. Poundkeepers, pathrnasters an fence - viewers were then appointed Thom officers are the same as last year ' With few changes. After passing a few Ito - counts the council adjourned until April 11 at 10 a. m. 1 1 1 • A Turkish Diogenels. • 1 s One of the Sultans, .of Conste itinople, not so very long ego was in the abit of going about like the famou Caliph Haroun al Raschid in disguise. Oa one occasion, passing a place wher a: nasn was excavating a cesspool, ho hard him say to himself in a- loud voi •e : Per - serve, my soul, or I will plunge thee ju- te deeper filth than this. A few hours afterwards an o ce,r proached the unfortunate man, nr1 s to him : " Come with me." Um. took postession of the labor r, w Brown, seconded by he Auditors' report be the abetract be pub - uremia Post fur two By-law No. 4, 1891, se. of !original allow- ide road No. 4, -lots en the Sth and Oth ad three times and 1cGregor applied to eltween lots 10 and 111 en the 8th and 9,h ed by ".1.bos. Ennis, . Brown,' that the tructed to notify and Trunk Railway ave the necessary t railway crossing. d by E !ward Bryans, nis thet the Clerk be round te the ,seaeral- ointed and have them -John Stewart, sup - family, $5.0.1 ; Alex. b l(rauter, each $10, ; John 1-leibein,clean• wie boundary, $1 ; tug Vet. Mullin,an in- s, 0 ;• Geo. Welsh, hos. Ennio, supplies to 350; darner) Minnie, cemeion 14, $3.12 ; raveling 'on side 13, $1,65 ; John on te road 6, A. McNair, ex- ip business and postage Co ncil theu adjourn. n Burton's, Hotel, y. t e 211th day of May Rev siou of the Assess - lip. aid f'Or o, when found by the efficer, was dree ed like a g ' entleman and was ta ing his ease in a cafe. He tried to tseertain from the person who bad him i charge why he was wanted; for some vent in- to the secret place uuder the stenittol of the Government and never ea ne out ;'• ould be ✓ along at last ery high Finally, settee of etonis led coVered ,.,, so ell • %pp ar- you the a C058 - but not fatisfactory answer given. After being detained fr time in fearful suspente, he wa brought lute the presence of a official, end dasined there, he was taken into the very pr the Sultan. The Sultau was to see the man, who had bee. with filth a short time before, dresaed and intelligent in ance. He eald to him : "Are man whom I Saw at work i pool?" - "Row is it that I find ylort this way?" " I am well paid for my wo .k, which is very filthy and disitgrecable;_ nrI afterward I cleanse Myself and ease." "But .what did you mean said : Perserve, my soul, or I will plunge thee into deeper this ?" The man trembled, knowin word his head might be smitt shoulders. Speak said t He answered that a man oftea says ackn ing.-Cat•ried. reference tol the formi tion of the Inert rent 1(albfleisolise-Vo Iker once to a School Section s to have certain tiou, tharthis Johnston a bitr tor ts tiou with an ari itratt accordance i wit) the 1 Moir -Snell- hat t he accepted, en 1 that '200 copies, pti tett Carried. Ka btleis HURON EXPOSITOR. leaping from the burning house broke' one of her own legs at the knee joint. All tbe children are more or less injured by tlie fire, one of them so mach that its life is despaired of. Mrs. Babcock pass- ed through the burning house six times, each time bringing child fn her arme. -About noon on Mornln.y of last week a Mare belonging to Mr. J. C. Dietrich, of Galt,, met with a very peculiar acci- dent which resulted in the breaking of one of her legs and. the subsequent shooting of the aninial. Mr. Dietrich aud hie man had just driven into the barnyard with the team when this mare began to kick and got her leg over the pole and under the whiflietree. In try- ing to extricate it the leg snapped, the bone sticking out through the flesh, and some of the bone even falling out alto- gether. As nothing could be done for her, she was shot to end her sufferings. The mare was a valuable one, Mr. Diet- rich holding her at about 8500. --10n Monday, March 2ud, a young coloted woman, who resides neer Dray- ton, was corning to Harriaton to work. As the train Was coming into the sta- tion', at Harriston the girt left heti seat and, apparently, deliberetely walked out of the car door down the eteps and off the car, while it was still running at the rate of some ten mile% an ' hour. In leaving the car, the force of speed turn- ed her completely round some 10 or 15 feet clear and shot her of the train. She fell heavily to the ground, staking her'heaci nom) the frozen snow. Con- ductor J. Lillie, R. Dowling and others ran back, picked her up and assisted her to the station, where she revived Ruth; cieetly to be taken to her destination. It Was finned th t she was seriously bruised, but no b nes were broken. It is ekpected she wi I be all right in a few iN11111111 7 ppoacAmtrs Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR A McNAMARA, Leadbury, breeder of . pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winners of 26 first prizes in 1890. Young pedigreed stook for sale, also two prize winner Boars kept for rev . vice. 1203 rellIOROUGPBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SER.VICE.-The undersigned will keep for service during the present seaeon. on his prem- ises, tot 20, Coneossion 12, McKillop, one and one-fourth miles east of Leadhury, the well Berkshere Pig "Bourbon King," from im- ported stock on both sides, and to which a number of sows Will be taken. Terms -81 per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of retaining if necessary-. GEORGE HALL. 1199x12 ellee ERKSHIRE BOAR -The undersigned will _V keep during the present season on his farm lot 26, concession 4, II. R. S. Teckersmith, the Thoroughbred rkshire North King," [1382,) North King was farrowed March 2, 1E90, bred by J. li. Davis, Woodstock, sire, Thie is Him, (inee.,)11362,) dain, North Queen, [1692,) by Royal Harry, [663,) Violet, (inip.,) [510,) by Prince Valens by Warwich, filet by J. Smith, etc., etc. This pig has taken prizes where ever shown. Terms et per sow, payeble at the time time of serviceewith the .privilege of returning if necessary. CHAS. ROUTLEDGE. • 1108 tf FARMS FOR SALE. • TOWNSHIP OF MeiteLLOP. , East half 9 on Oth concession, 50 acree. West half 7 on 10th concession, 60 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. South half 21 on 5th concession, 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Lots 11 and 12 on 13th conceetion, 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITIL Lot 38 on 3rd concession 1. R.: S., 100 acres. For tering &c., apply to the undersigned. F. .1101-,SIESTED, 1197 tf Barrister &c., Seaforth • - Consider this Fact. TlIE fact that rheumatiem is caused by an • acid in the blood points ta the remedy, Bur- dock Blood Bitters, which removes all impurities from the btu,: d not only poisonoue, rheumatic humora, but even obstinate iserofulotte and can- cerous taints.' ressed in take mine when you lth than that at a n from his e Sul an. in w- auger what his heart will uo ledge. "13u1 what dost thou mean Ile hesitated, and the Sul .ated his command : '• What mean ? 'What deeper filth is that in which thou deist work He still hesitated. The sured him that no herrn shou him, and the man then replie net ill CO Di: • ✓ from Stanley in ablie School Aut. e autlitore' report the clerk order or dist ribution.- h-Voelker-That oo retter- dost thou there {dam IP ' ? • ultan as - d come to • " My work was disegreeeble, and I was almost tempted to leave 't when I thought, • I am still free, I a to flutter no one; if I give up, I may be compelled to take s der the Government, to live 1 and falsehood,' and so I said 'Perserve, or I will plunge deeper filth than this.' e The Sultan according to was so pleased' with this atria gave him abandsorne present ed him to go away uumoleste News Notes.. .-The Manitoba Lecal Le.00 opened on Tuesday !stet week. Thorriae :Mowat, in fisheries Bettis!) Col-mibit -Mr. Goole, of -Colborne, 15 000 barrels of Canadian a British market this year: -It is estimated that over of ice have been cut on the b Mort this wioter. • -St. Catharines !muted a 1 other day. h-ndibg pieties's. 1 Cotbia $9,000 to‘, atart a factory. • g -Constable Herron, of the Mounted Police, is believed a) have per- ished wittecold and exposur Kipp and St. Marys. -Probably the oldest pers a vote on Thrireday, 5-h inst -Wrn. Gtinner, of 'Hamilton. - ner is 95 years of ago. -There were ten cases of eighenf typhoidaud six of reported at the medical he Itb office, Turonto, last week. • -Mr. Ite R. Gould, of Mo freal. has won the $1-,000 priz of the owe Fesoi- nator Cohipany. entitli s him tu trip nround the -world on the next Cana- dian Pacific Railway stearne !1■11111APIPSAMEN11!flir11111111111011_IMPE An Accident Policy. The best Accident Policy is to keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil on hand. As a pain cure it is unrival- led, .While for croup, sore throat, quinsy, rheu- matism, neuralgia; etc„, its results are almost iALageicrlti atii Used externally and internally. Prioe • msseasmessres, In Dark st G -loom.. Millions of men and hwomen are in the dark gloom of disease. The way out is by ushig Bu - dock I3lood Bitters, a tried and sore rem dy for dyspepsia, biliousness, 00118! ipation, Scrofula, bad Mood and all oiseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Isse11111111131ENNIIIIRIVISF_WHI The Best Protection. AS aprotection from the results of colds, sprains, bruises, burns„ scalds sore throat and all painful diseases, Hap ard's Yellow Oil hold e first place. its efficacy has been proved thousands of tinier. It should be in every household. Seaforth Dairy. Having purchased the Dairy Business from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg Ito solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage which- he has re- ceived in the past. With the advantages I have in my refrigerator and sithationd I hope to he able to give my ciutamere wtisfaction as to quality of milk even in the Nary hot weather. Realiz'ng that 'the cash sys em hi the mosf just and satisfactory to all (oncerned, I hay( decided to sell for cash only. VI" Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 D.D. WI iris 0 N McKillop Directory for 1891. JOHN IIENNEWIES, Recve„ Brodhagen P. 0: • .l(:)11N MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. J AM EIS F,VANS. Councillor, Beechwood. WILLIAM ABOHIBALD, Councillor, Lead - bury. JOHN C. MO'RR1SON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win. throp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Afisessory. Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth, Misery vs. Comfort. Misery is one reeult. of biliousness or liver complaint. Comfort is the drst result of using Burdock Blood Bitter.) as a remedy. Cure is the Final result always obtained. We back Ltdi with the Strongest proof by testimonials from reliable Canadian people. n obliged this work rviee un - y fhttery my : tnee into he story, er that he. and allow- . slature re - 18 HE ,MILLS, pector lof dead. as shipped pies to the 0,000 tons y Henr- y law, the atterdon street car North west $1 80 be refunded to . Weigand, on ac-' enunt of overcharge in taxes. -Carried. That the road allow, te 10 nci 11, donceseion la (1 for a new road. allow - hit 11 of concession 16, seCen dis Cumpany, and -mid al °earner bctwetn Voelker-Snell ance between 1 16, be' exchang lined froin part belonging to t also that the between n who cast was Mr. Mr. Gun - i ph t1 eria, arlet fever -Atom mill owned by Duncan Fisher, Paisley, and occupied- iity A rehibuld Fishet was burned en Mr.filday hight of last week. The reccu punts lass $12 000; insuratices unknown. 11 e owner iti $3,000; insurance, $1,200. -Rev. D. J. Mecdonnell, of Toronto, preached farewell sermons t his emigre- gittion on Sunday, 8th ins „ prior to taking a six moieties' trip in the old count, ye His congregation -have sub- scribed $1,250 toward defra ing his ex- penses. . -A,novel het waspaid61 Setuirday, 7th lint., in St. Thomas. J1 G. le urea proprietor of the Wilcox !Heise in thet city, had vragered With D. McCsIluiri, butcher, that Mr. Ingram ' would he .'e 200 et a mijerity in the city, the loser to wheel the winner in a wheekbarrow from the Wilcox House tie the pc back, Mr. Nunn 104i, au& McCallum his ride in the p large concourse (if spectetor -A house at Bay Robert , Newfound- land, occupied by John and George Bab- cock, was burned one night last week: The fire originated in the kitchen of the end belonging to John, and the whole down stairs pert and the at irs leading te the second finer were in 1 trees le -fore the eleepere bad had the least warn- ing of (larger. E.cepe b the stairs was cut off, and John, at er alaeming George, whose end of the h use was now on fire, dropped from the s cond storey witeloW to the ' ground, a d his wife passed the children out, g trig from the window to the sleeping r our through the iltmes until she had al , except one, when her owntnight e,lot hi rg and that of the child she held in her a Ins look lire, and to rave. herself she li d to jump., still ,retaining her hold of he ha lie. She had. to leave the remainin child to be burned to death. ' The he oic mother in stottice rind gave Mr, •esence of a • OMINIIMIIIIIMMIMISININIINIMIN111111111111111 Should be Loosened. A cough should be loosened at once and all ir- ritation allayed. To do this nothing excels Ilagyard'e Pectoral 11-ilsain. Ohdtinate coughs yield ut onee to its expectorant, soothing and healing properties, which loosen phlegm and allay irritation. 11•11111111111•11110111M111111111111111=110101.1 GODERHCH. Original 'Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean Cool and Free from Dandrluff. - I --,a_ Cures Irritation & Itching of the i Scalp. I -Gives s beautiful gloss and perfume to the haireproduces a new growth, and Will ,stop the falling out in a few days. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate headdress. MI, nisscrums wyrn NAM BMUS. TRY. IT AND BE CONVI CED. Price, 50 cents per bottl • Refuse all Substtitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SPENCER CASE, Chemist and Druggist, 60 King St., Nest, HAMILTON, • - ONTARIO. Sold by 3.8. R313ERTS, Seaforth. 01\TTA_Ri 0 Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office: Seafoth. THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Cqrnpafly In Ontario having a Government Depot and being duly licensed by the same. Ate now carrying on the business of Live Stock & !near- anand wile t the patronage of the imOorters it and breeders f the .Province. For further articulare address , JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas. 1164 Removed I Removed 1 G -MO SEAFORTH The Old Eetablisned Butohee has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, wbere he will be pleased to meet al: his old patrons and as many new ones as may eee fit to Mem him with their patronage. rer Remember the place, oetween Henderson' Harness Shop, and hicintyre s Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE- EWING. A FINE ASSORTMENT dfFrillings, Corsets and Ribbon,e at HOFFMAN. & Co's., Seaford). CHANGE OF BUSINESS, The undersigned desires to inform his old- oestoiners and the public thst he has dieposed of •the Blacksmithing business, which he ham carried on in Seaforth for over 25 years, to Was- son, J. A. STEWART, who will hereafter yam on the same_ in all itse branches, and he hopes that the smile liberal patronage oolong extended to him will (b con- tinued to his son and suce,ssor. t ALEXANDER STEWART. in connection with the above, I beg- to say that I will carry on the general blaeloonithing business in all its branches in the old stand, and 'by close attention to the wants of customers, 1 hope to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage so long extended to my predecetsor. • Horseshm ing and general jobbing a speei All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, and charges reasonable as usual. J. A. STEWART, 1205 Main Street, Seaforth. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. Mims, Thos, E. Hays, President, Seaforthe.P. O. W. J. Shannen, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P'0.; John Hauna.h, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. • mns Jaa Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel -Elliott, Clinton '• George el att, Harlock ; Jost -ph Evans, Beezhwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. Acza-rs. Thos. Wellans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea- orth ; S. Carn :chan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors. Patties • desirous th effect Insuranees or trim:ilia other 'redness will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above oificera, addressed th their respective post offices. 1189 Knight's Blood Cure. ASTANDARD hmusehold remedy in sweetest ful une more than' 40- years. A positive cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra tion,"Constipation and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear Complexion. A botanical compound, put up in package* and rent by melt at one third the cost of attain- aey medieine. Large packages, euffieient for 2 $1.0 ; half eize packages, sufficient (er 3 pints, 60c.; sample packages, 25e. A reliable Arent wanted in this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Steam Boiler 14/Qrks. Good Boys Die Young: Unless they are fed on Victual e ma4e with Im- perial Creihn Tartar Baking Powder. T -he Handsomest Lady in Seaforth • Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew liemp's Balsam for the Throat and ,Ltines %V.1114 a superior iemedl , etopped her courh instently when other cough remeiiies had. no ef- fect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit any druggist will give you a ample eopy free. La•ge e,ze 50 cent; and $1. ..............., • . ! The Population of Seaforth 18 abont 3,0011, and we would say I t least one feet are troebled wii h some affection of the Throat and Longs, as these complaints are, ac- cording -to statiaties, more 'omicrons than oth- ers. V‘ e %you'd advise' ail our re• ders not to i neglect the oppartuoity to call on their drug- gist and gut a bottle of Kenip's Balilatn for the Throat and 1.,1111.94, Trial size free 1,,rge bot- - le, 500 and el. "Sold by all druggis s. IMMINIMIN111111.1111611M1.11.111111111‘&41. Feiglieh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or ealloused hump, and Ble niehes from heroes, blood Spavin, these, Splints Ring Bone, sweeney, Spraies, Sore and bwollen Throat, Coughd, etc. Save s60 use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish 0' ire ever knox 11. Sold by J. Roberts, Sea - forth • For Nettle R11411, Summer lleaeand geueral toile; porta:ides, use Low's Stilphur - Solite symptoms of Worms are: variable appetite, restleaaneda, convulaions. The unfailing ruined NVorin Syrup. (F,STABLISHED 1f3-80.) Chrystal Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary, Marine, Upright & Tubular BOIL ERS,. Salt Pane, Smoke Stacks, Sheet lien • Works, etc-. Abet dealers in Upright and Horizontal ; lide Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines. specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe t tting constantly on hand. hetet-slates *furnished short not!e. Works epotite G. T. R :station Gooerich J— O 2 1180 52 Fever,arolic. eaknese d is Dr. Low's exertion or As a Pick -Me -Up after excessiv exposure,. lilburn's Beef, Iron and Wine grateful and conifortitig. SEAFt....RTHf. The shove nelle have now been thorougtuy built upon the complete HUNGARIAN FiOLLER PROCESS. , , The Mill wed Storehouse Buildings have been greatly eribirgeel, and new machinery applied throughoet • THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS r"41 t••••-8 0 0 1-41 1-11 0 t -t) I I ! FlOUF Dressing Machines Front' theitstest Manufaeturing Firms have been put in, add,everything necessary added to enable het to tuenrout flour 9.EPOND TO NONE In the pCimnion: The facilites foe receiving grain frotn lumen and for °leveeing and shipping have also!desse exteueively improve& Grain lean now A taken from farmens' wag,ons, weighed, and sided into oars at the rate of 700 bushels per !Lytle, by the work of two men. • A LARGE FEED STONE [Itch, Mang? and • Scratches of e -ery kind, on humane nr animate, cure 1 In 30 minutes by waolford'a Sanitary Lotion. Thi ti never fails. Sold by E. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 11S6 62 GLASGOW Lead andColor orks, MOINITREL. FERGUSOIsT, !. ALEXANDER & Co., —MANUFACTURES —FOlt— Cures Burns, Cuts,,Piles in their worst form, Swellings, Eryeipelaie Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped Ramis, and all Skin Diseases. mRsT PA1N EXTERMINATOR Cures Lihnbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, 'genre!. gin., Toothache, Tains in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dalley & ALLAN LINE -ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, - CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE. Fortnightly Sailing from . PORTLAND OR HALIFAX, TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. CABIN' RATES $40, $50 and 800 Single. $30, 890 and $110 Return, according to location of Stateroom's. NO CATTLE CARRTED. INTERMEDIATE, outv.-ard, 5.(25 ; prepaid, .?.30. •-. Steerage at lowest rates. - Arcommodation Unsurpassed. • Apply to II. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C. BETHUNE or W. G. DUFF, Seaforth. 11113-52 CUTOIVI c.HOP,PINQ Has hee4 put in, and the necessary michinery for bandling ohop and, coarse grain's. A good shed hail been erected, so that wagone esti tmloaded and reloaded under gover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Prettiptiyattended to, and FIRS,T-CLASS Rbar FLOUR IGU.ARANII1EED. White 'Lead, Zinc, White Paints, Colors, Paints, Drop Black, Varnishes, Japa is, etc., etc. 1 • Highest Market Price Paid in. Gash for any Ouantity of Wheat. • Ch pped satisfaetorily indiwithoutdelay. ROLLER FLO(..in BR/14.i•I, SHORTS And all kirlde of COPPED FEED 11 Constantly oh hand. 1VIT_TSIC_ PIIISS M. C ..S1-1 Is prepared to take a few pii pile for tuition in piano or organ music.. For term.' and partiela hire call ut residence, GvIerit h street. Sea - forth. 1208 A 'V OK At the Underwear or Ladies, Misses and Childrens at HOFFMAN & Co's., Seaforth. APPLE BARRELS /mug 0 t:34 1-1 c-1- r•■•••1 Planing Mill,Lumber Yard FIKE1, CCAPSE Pit LAND SALT FOR SALE. OolY flret-claas and obliging men will be kept fatted oust,: me -re. The liberal patronge of. Luer general trade. reepectfully soileited. A. W. OCILVIE & CO., _ PROPRIETORS AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION The etineeriber would beg tn call attention to the large stock of dressed and tittdreeted !ember bieh he siways keeps on hand, et the very loe set prices. List of Lands For Sale In the County of I lemon, belonging to The Can- ada Company. Only 10 to 25 per emit of pur- chase money required down, balance at any time within 10 ytars at 4 per cent. instead of going to the Northwest, farmers looking for land cen iseeure ...owe of the lineet laud in Onterio on the easy terms mentioned. County of lleron's Va- cant Lan& : CODERICH,-13 ron-S half 37. Bae field -E- hall 37. Slialand Concession-Islend oppoeite 53, 54,55. HAY. -4 con -W half 5, W half 6, N half 7, W half of W half 11. 5 con -le half of W half 6. W half of E half 5, half of E hell 6, N 7, 8, NI 0, 10, W halt II, half and NI 12,13, NV' halt 15, W half of E half 20, W half of E half 21. 6 e011—N half 4, W half 6, Ei 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, lle 32, half 13, W half 16. half 3, 8 hell N half 4, N half 5, 7, E hell of 8 half and N half 9, 10,11. 12,13, 14, We le, We 16. 8 eon-Fer6 let le, E hall 16, let 18, E hall of 13 hall 19,10 tea 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, '24, 25, '26e 27, 28. 9 ene_te half of le ealf 25, E.1 of E, l6. 13 COO -N ealf se 15 eon -Ni 7, W half %V; pt. 21, 26. 10 con -E half 6, N half 0, 10, Wly pt. 11. 17 con -Ne 4. 5, 6, 8 half 7, 8. N. By. -14, 15., E halt He S. By -WI 10,19 e 33,10 E 70 ac 35. L. it. East - 19 half 22. BULLETT-4 con -W half le 13 14 N half N lute 16. 5 con. -W half 13, 11,, E. half 17. eon -19 half 19, N half 2e. 8 con. -E half 21. 14 coneeet half 23 - el di I L1,0 P.- - 13 con. -1. N half °PE half 2, N halt 3. et eon,-Iteel. 1, 2, 3, e, 5, N half 7, half of S half 7, N half 8. STANLEY. -5 con. -14. cnn.-Wi 3, W half 4, W half 5. 7,8. le. By.-tve 14, 15, Ee 16. STEPHEN. -6 con. -W half of N half & 10 half of S half 23. 10 con. -E half of W half E W half 11. 13 che.-S half of 8 half 17, N half 22. 14 con. -NI 4, N half 8, half of N halt 17, El 20. 15 con. -3, N half 4, el 0, E half ol W half 10, N half 16. 16 con,-.Sie 17, Ne '22. 17 con. -Rene el 7, Ne 19, lie 23. 18 eon. --N half 7, half 0, 15, N half le, 8 half 19. 19 enn.-N half 4, W half 11, E half N. 22 con. -1;em. 8.19 had 9, 8 half 10. North hy.-E half W half 33. L. It Weet-Rem. 1, S. half 3. Aux Saelese-9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, W balf s et half of E half 16, W half 16. 17, IS, 19. Rented e'arrne for sele at expiration of eeieting Lealsee GODERICH.- hayfield -57 HAY. -4 eon. -10 half 4. 5 con„ -N half la. 6 eten.-W half 3, 14, 17. N half 17, rie N half of 8 half 39. e con. -13. 14, SI 17. 10 con. -- E half 28. 13 ern). S half 4, 7, 8. ie NI 4, N half e, 19. ' 16 eon,- W half 6. N. By. -- we et, e8. 8. By. -1l, NI 31, 32, 34. L. It. Wert- -16 1,, R. etas ---Rem. 4, E hail 6, E half s half eh ft half 16. HULLETT, e con. - half 17. 5 con. -16, W half 17. 9 eon. - s half 22. 14 con. -Rem. W half 14, S. pt. of N half 21, N half e2. Mel:JUMP.- 1 ewe, W hall 2,19 half W half 4, 8 half O. E half 7. 2 con. E hail 7, Rem. E half 8, E half 10. 3 con.-- -Si 5, E half 23. 4 Bill Sniff cut to any order on f.on.- 3, lt half 4. 6 eon, -N half O. 11 eon. - Short Notice. Gool-Cedar cut into timber or poete. A :tool E half of W half 7, -N half of 8 half and 8 half etoek of Hemlock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot '29, of N half 10 Coneeerion 36, Grey, which ail! be cet to any STEPlIEN.- 13 con. S half 14,8 hall of N hen' order on shortest notice. Limber delivered et 17, e half 15, N half 19. 14 um, 6, 7, 8Itself reeseeatee rates weee deed tirdt Es le mail 3, 9 61,2.s, 1151 aei fo no. ‘Sv hall4,42,1N.V ih7aeol f 81161.6'0,Pg. remptly till d. Address Beoenettes I'. U. Cha half 16, \VI 16. 18 eon. S half 7, N bell 19 11 •con. E half 7, S half 8, 10,, 9 E half 11. :.. colt 1196 Charles Querengesser, Concess:ontz, 1.goa.n. S half 12. N. Bdv.- N hail 32, E hell z33, Wi 83. 34. 8. Pd), -47. I.„. R. W.-2, :s. TUCIeleltSMITIL II. 144.--5 eon. :Chief of S half 3. 7 enn E half 4, USBORNE. S. Ily. V, -19. For I artioulare as to prices Ate,, applir: :141z...77,36N tt., (;(1.11J1I.DSlO,N Elt, Canada Co'y,, Totr;nto, i SPECIAL MAKES Of Grey Flannels at 1101rFAlLN & Co's., Seaford). ••1 s-,