HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-13, Page 713, 1891„ WIsomfolcsotiroom~wialIF iARY. Honor graduste ale Celiege. All ated. Calla tempter noderate. Veterinsey le -At Weir's Roya 1112-t y Surgeon, Graduat rary College, Toren* te Medical Society omptly attended to. constantly on hand. sherry's -Hotel, Hen- araestry and Surgery 11664 , graduate of °uteri& %trot:steer Menber of the y, etc-, treater all dile Animals. All ealle'; ther by day or night. ial attention given to lice on Main Street, of Kidd 's Hardware 1112 FIRMARY.—aornsr to wee* next doer to th tierth, Ont. All die oep, or any of ths do- lefully treated at the I the shortest notice 'S. W. ELDER, Vetere e rgo stook of Vittoria ttly on Mind, I.L ;-; ----- NWalton, Insurance r for taking affidavite, to loan at the lowese. on. Bettor, &o. Office - h of the Cornmerolsa oor to Beants hutch., OLT acCAM11108‘ 870 - - kaTe Barrister's, Solid.. )ntario. J. T. Gaaaows , 686 AMERON, Barrister,, a ate., God.ertch, Planar Howe M. ea, 508 Convey -armee, aro - C. Office-Oyea - itreet. Seaforth. Pre d eper cent. 1035 Barristers, Solioltole. ISolicitore for the Bank le. Money to loon. iton, Ontario. A. II. 781 ror to the gate firm nested, Barrister, 80. ahtary. Solicitor fop. nerce. Money to lend. Seott's Block, Main ormerly with Means. oot, Goderieh ; Bar- saforth and Brussels. ;Block, Main Street. W. B. DICKSON. ;Loan. • 1121' } LOAN. traight loana at 8 pet ivilege to borrowee wipe' money at any LMEf3TED, Banister 850 MY. D. S., Dentist.. oa's Hardware Store,. 1164 ist, Office over Ham- oe Store, corner Main th. Ontario. Nitrous at the painless extract - 1169 MAN, Dentist, L. D.. rxeter, Ont. Will be at he Huron Hotel, en the SRAT LI EACH X on% Reiman, on the enter h month. Teeth, ex. in possible. All w,ork wn mtist, (successor to II. r of the Royal College • Lance Teeth inserted gold, celluloid or rub - oven for the painlese e -over O'Neil's bank, 1201 'lay he the mouth by )AL. D.,. C. M., M. C. P. S. ✓ T. Daly's Grocery- iptly answered at the - 1173 Physician, Surgeon ronstance, Ont. 112T 127-N, Bruceffeld, Limnge of Physicians and. rucefielci, Ont. 980 • Phyrdoisn„ Surgeon torth, Ont. Office ands etclerickt street, Set:toads rian Churoh. 842 D , o. M., Member asiolans and Surgeons, Offiee and reaidenoe remote 848 r of the College of geons, etc., Seaforth, dence, north side of west of the Methodist lay, promptly attend- ; 1210 tf. . D., Fellow of the . yeiciansandSurgeons Dr. Mackid. Offloe alackid, Main Street,. er of Victoria Square.. sr L. E. Danoey. 1127 Auotioneer for the Salets attended in el orders left at Tns meetly' attended to. eral Auctioneer unde rders Rent by mail to will receive prompt - 1185-52 UFF, E COUNTY, Convey per and Accormtant nt and Fire Insursnce , Correspondence, era. ViCDS in any of these; nett attention. Orriost RS), MAIN STREET 13ws- 113a BRUCE.. :/1 vestment aning Money op t lowest Rates rest. Puehased. BRANCH. -nterest Allowed on -g to amount and left. of Market Squats • erich. AGE HORTON, MADTAums,- On MARcH 13, 1891. ireleelesasemes esse • . _ THE HURON EXPOpITOR. • Useful Recipes. Seesei CReeKERS. — Four pounds of dour, half a pound each of loaf sugar and butter, and a pint and a half of witer ; add soda and cream of tartar, .and make as you do soda crackers. Buma CRACKERS. —One cup butter, two quarte fl teaspoonful salt. Rub the butter into the flour, wet up with cold water, knead thoroughly; pinch ,off bits of dough, and roll each cracker "PS'ilernaeteCIYRA. CReRs.—Nine cups flour, one esep lard or butter, two teaspoonfuls emit, one of soda, and two of cream of tartar;_ rub all thoroughly in the flour, asheei add two cups of cold water; mix well and rola thin • prick eehti with a fork and bake quiCkly. OATMEAL CRACKERS. -Sift three cups of (mamma and mix it with two cups of rich milk, Set it in a cool place for six hours. Sift a cupful of Graham flour with a teaspoonful of atilt and one of baking powder. Work this into the oatmeal. Roll the 'dough to the thick - mem of & quarter of an inch and cut -into squares. Then lay them greased tin, wash the eurface of the ,crackers with milk, and bake in a mod - i -vete oven. for about fifteen minutes, be- / jug careful not to let them burn. %'ICTOR1A PuDDING .—Tak e the weight of four eggs in butter, rub it to a cream with two toblespoonfuls of sugar, add the yolks of the four eggs well beaten, sift in the weight of four egga ia flour, ; to which has been added a teaspoonful .of soda and two of cream of tartar, whisk ' the whites of the eggs light and stir them in with four tablespoonfula of raspberry jam. Steam ia a buttered mold for two hours-. BALACLAVA PUDDINC.. - Melt a half . up of butter and stir it into one cup of molasses, add one cup of milk, two eggs well beaten, one teaspoonful -of soda sifted through the sieve on themixture .and well stirred in, o'ne teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon and allspice, enough 11011t -t0 make a stiff batter. Put in a battered mold or bowl and steam for two hours. A cu.p of raisins, stoned,cut in halves and floured before putting them ,in is an improvement. LIMOS.; SUETUDDING. -Chop 81X •ounces of beef auet very fine, mix it with three quarters of a pound of bread erumbs, a half a pound of sugar, one teaspoonful of baking powder, and two eggs beaten very light. Add a little salt, the juice of two lemons, and the grated rind of one. Steam for three hours. POUND CAKE PUDDING. -Rub togeth- er one cup of sugar and hall a cup of butter, add one cup of milk and the yolks of three eggs well beaten, sift it one teaspoonful of soda and two cups of flour with two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar mixed with it. Add the whites of the eggs last, beaten to a stiff froth. Put in a buttered. mold and steam an hour and a half. Serve with sauce. CANNING PEARS.--Att excellent recipe for canning pears is to, use sufficient water to cook the &ars safely and sweeten to taste, making rather a rich sirup; then pack the pears closely in he hot jars and fill up with the scalding .sirup. To prevent discoloration in pre- psring the fruit drop each pear when peeled into a pan of cold water, then put them carefully into the boiling sirup and cook until they can be pierced easily with a silver fork. CHICKEN PATTIES, —Chicken patties are made by picking the meat from cold chicken and cutting in small pieces. Put it in a saucepan with a little water or milk, butter, pepper and salt; thicken with a little flour and the yolk of an egg; liae some patty pane with nice but nat very rich crust; rub them over with the white of the egg and bake. When done fill with the chicken and serve MINCED BILEFSTEA1C ON TOAST. - A favorite and without doubt the best way to use cold beefsteak is to mince it fine- ly, and to put it to etewing for fifteen minutes, with quite a little water. Add to the gravy a good.siz.ed lump of but- -,ter, a small onion and a small teaspoon - Jul of catsup, and serve it smoking hot .ou nicely browned toast. Lamb, mut- ton, veal, game or fowle may be used in the same way. Now and Then. 'You very often hear your elders com- paring the present with the past. "When I was a boy," says white-haired graudpa, leaning on his cane, "we had only two books in the house -the Bible and Webeter'a spelling book. I learned to read at night, after all the farm chores were done, by the light of the logs burning in the fireplace. " When I was a girl," says grandma, beaming • through her spectacles, "1 had only two calico dresses, one for Sunday, with .cowhide shoes and woolen mittens,while a cornstalk doll was all I had to play •with." Very likely you look with pity and perhaps with considerable contempt for the times which they describe -upon the poor souls who lived in such a beg- garly and benighted condition. But, beggarly as it may have been, they were really rich in their possessions and fortunate in their surroundings • compared to still more distant ancestors. Think of the dark days when books were so rare that the cost of one equalled the price of a house; when persons of the higheet rank and most importsnt sta- tion could neither read nor write, and many priests had never in their lives even seen a copy of the Bible; when men lived in huts, and wore the akins of wild boasts, and ate raw the roots they slug out of the earth, It is almost im- possible for us to imagine what the world -was like in those days, or even in grandpa's and grandma'a day, before there was such a thing as a steam-engiue, • or a sewing -machine, or a telegraph wire; before a railroad had been built, or a steamboat had crossed the water, .or a florae car had been used; before -there 'as such a thing as a water faucet, or a gas jet, or even matches to light it with if there had been; before side- walks were laid, and paved streets open. ed, and free schools established; before libraries and musuems and art galleries and books and papers and magazines and lectures and exhibitions and excursions abounded on all aides and for every- body's benefit It fairly takes our breath away when we try to imagine what the world would be without these things with which we are 80 laminar, sort f thing she hurts and which scene necessary for every hour make her conscience weak of our existence, yet which a hundred I befor she is conscious of which the coming centuries will bring. is not all improbable that the chil,d- ren born a hundred years from now will call onetime benighted, as we call that 1 of our grandfathers. Speed of Pigeons. The power of pigeons on the wing is proverbial. All trained birds of this species have two qualifications in a marked degree. The first is speed, the eecand long and sustained powers of ; flight. This proposition can be amply demonstrated, and the following are some of the most remarkable records: On October 6, 1850, Sik John Ross dis- patched a pair of young pigeons from Assistance Bay, a little west of Welling- ton Sound, and on October 13 a pigeon made its appearance at the dovecote in Ayrshire, Scotland, whence Sir John had the -pair taken out: The distanct direct between the two places is 2,000 miles. An instance is on record of a pigeon flying twenty -tree miles in eleven minutes,and another flewirom Rouen to Ghent, 150 miles, in an hour and a half. An interesting incident of flight is the case of a pigeon which, in • 1845, fell wounded ad exhausted at Vauxhall Station, then the terminus of the South- western Railway. It bore a message to the effect that it was one of the three despatches to the Duke of Wellington from Ichaboe Island, 2,000 miles away. , The message was immediately sent on to his Grace, and by him acknowledged. i In a pigeon competition some years ago .1 .the winning bird flew from Ventnor to ' Manchester, 208 miles, at the rate of 50 milee an hour. As an experiment a trained pigeon was recently despatched from a northern newspaper office with a request that it might be iiberated for its return journey at 9.45 a. m. -It reached home at 1.10 p. m., having covered in the meantime - 401miles, flying at the rate of 40 mile an hour. In the North, pigeons have longibeen used to convey messages betw encountry houses and market towns, jand in Russia they are now being employed to convey negatives of photographs taken in balloons. The &et experiment of the kind was made from the cupola of the Cathedral of Isaac, and the subject photographed was the Winter Palace. The plates were packed in envelopes, impenetrable to light, end then tied to the feet of the pigeons, which safely and quickly carri- ed them to the station at Volkovo. Flere is another interesting inetance of speed and staying power. The pigeons in question flew from- Bordeaux to Man- chester, and not only beat all existing records, but flew more than seventy miles further than anything previously attempted by English fliers. The win- ning bird flew at the rate of 1,878 yards a minnte, or over 64 miles an hour, • and that for a distance of 1421 miles. The 2 same !club has flown lairde distances of 613 and 625 miles- These latter, • how- ever, were several days in returning, and in their case the only wonder • is that they could accomplish the distance at all The following is still more in- teresting, as itsentailed a race between birdsiand insects. A pigeon fancier of Ilanaine in Westphalia, ade a wager that a dozen bees liberated three miles from their hive would reach it in better time hats a dozen pigeons would reach their cot from the same distance. The competitors were given wing at Rhyn- hern'a village nearly a league from liftini'ne, and the first bee finished a quarter of a minute in advance of the first pigeon, three other bees reached the gal before the second pigeon, I the main body of both detachments finishing almost simultaneously an instant or two later. The bees, too, may be said to have been handicapped in the race, hav- ing been rolled in flour before starting for purposes of identification.—The Corn nill M agazine. Hoiw Clothes -Pins Are Made. If there is one article that is an ab - solutelnecessity to a house keeper it is a clothe -pin. Canadian clothes:pins are made at Newularket, Ontario, Eastman, Quebec, and Rhndhill, New Brunswick. They are ushally of white ash, but we have them Of beech, birch and maple. The wood hi; taken to the factory in logs, and cut into 'lengths of thirty-ene - inches by circular saws. These are then eut into blockswhich are reduced to sticks, then placed under another saw and reduced to clothes - pin lengths. Next the turner takes a hand at them, and from him they go to the slitting machine. They are placed in troughs by the operator, the mulling picking them up and slit- ting them. Then they are placed in a revolving pipe prier, going thence to the polishing cylihder. Each pin passes through eight bands. A single plant consistfeof a board saw, gang splitters, gang chunker, turning lathe, drying house and polisher, and costs from $10,000 to $19,000. The little blocks of wood, five and one- half inches long, are placed on an end- less belt, which feeds the blocks auto- matically into the lathe.' As the lathe is turned th-e` pin is taken automatically from the spindle and placed on a turn- table and carried to a circular saw, which whittles out the slat into a pin. It is then finished and thrown' out of the turn -table by the same appliance that puts the pins on the table. Falling, they are caught in a basket or barrel, and are taken to the drying house to remain twelve hours or until dry. The poliehing cylinder holds from twenty to forty bushels. •This is' run at a slow speed, about thirty turns a min- ute, and by simple frictioni and contact they become polished. They are sold to the trade at a little over a dollar a bushel, and are packed in boxes of our to the bushel. • The industry is an in- creasing one, and alrnoet $50,000 worth of pine were manufactured in 1800. - Canada Lumberman. The, Girl Who Exaggerates. A glood many girls -girls who mean to be truthful—drift into a bad little habit of exaggeration that in time will become something more. girl with a vivid imagination hears story told, and seized with a desire to outdo' her companion, tells- a marvel!, us one which is abselutely without exist nce except in her _own brain. It is a fic ion that will hurt riobody, she thinks. hat's where she is 'mistaken. Every tim she does this herself. She r, and almost it, she will be use mischief. Hy and men- ak of her as d, and who nd. She be - about whom, I prefer her ago—some even fifty years ago—would have seemed wilder than the wildest fairy story ever written. And as the tallow candle is a poor affair compared to our modern electric light, so is the is very undesirable as a fri grandeur of our present century Corn- cornea the sort of woman pared to the greatness and the glory in tithe, people will say, teilink things that will c She will ruin herself mor tally, and people will sp one who is not to be trus enmity to he friendship, because when she is my enemy she doesn't knoiv about my private affairs, and can't exaggerate them and tell them to everybody; whereas, while she is my. friend, she may, without me niug to do it, tell in detail all of my lie, and mike me very uncomfortable." Fancy having made yourself so undesi able that your enmity is preferred to ypur friendship—it is possible. Now, atop in time. With the first inclination to give the history of two thousand rather than of two cats, put a memory ribbon in your frock, and whenever you feel the inclination to en- large upon stories already told, that little ribbon will flutter a warning, and remind you to stop in time. School Reports. EGMONDVILLE. -The following is the report of the pupil, of the Egmondville aehool for, the nonth eof February: Fifth class, Harry VenEgmhnd; Albert Colbert, Flora Ad ms and. Harry Col- bert, Coneie Ruclo ph. Senior fourth class Aggie Keh e, Samuel Jackson, Laura Kehoe, Lizz'e McMann. Junior fourth class, Till e McMann, Albert Morenz, Willie K le, Willie Burgard. Senior third class, Ethel Garden, Gertie VauEgmond, Ed ie Martin, Lillie Bristow, Junior third class, Willie Bolan Robert Adms, Robert McKay, Minnie • Young. enidr second class, Arthur Colbert, IA alter Powell, Alex. Ross, Katie Bruner. -Junior second class, Eddie Jac son, Bessie Elliott, Lorne Porter, Ag ie Turner. Senior second part, Mary Finlayson, George McMann, Willie IBruner, ; Allan Me - Mann. Junior Part second, Josie Collie, Alfred Powell, Sa.rah Folland, Annie Bubolz. ' - Met His Match. John Van Burma, the Arr4erican law- yer, at one time known s "Prince John," had undertaken the representa- tion of a, certain came befor the courts, very much to the disgust o one of his friends. Having, vainly xpostulated with him, his friend lost his emper, and ,exdaimed, " Van Buren, is there a case so low, so vi e, that you w uld decline te represent it." " I do not know," re- plied the lawyer h'esitatingl ; and put- ting his ear close o the lip of the in- quirer, he whispe ed, " t have you been doing ?" • -Mr. John MuIrray has had the mis- fortune of getting his foot b dly crush- ed by the saw carriage at t e Avonton saw mill. -The heavy rans of last • eek swell- ed the river at St. Marys damaging the dam at Mr. S Knight's ill to the extent of about 1,000. So e parties also lost consider ble cord -w od. - Returning theComP1liment. Jack DedbrokeL" Ah, Miss Somers, you look as fresh as a rose this bright morning." Miss Somers-" You are fresher than that, Mr. Dedbro e." --West Shore. Ov rboard. , Throw all the un holeeome Baking. Powders overboard, and use may the linperial Cream Tartar Baking Powd r. The Homelie t Man in Seaforth As well as the han somest, and others are in- vited to call on any ruggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's B team for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy th t is selling entirely upon its merits and guaranteed to relidee and cure Jhronic and Acute oughs, Asthrria, Bronehitis and Consumption. arge bottles 00 cents and 81.. 1197eow ; ; SomeFd Allow a cough to ru reach of medicine. will wear away," but away. Could they b cessful medicine call sold on a positive gu immediately bee the a dose. Price 50c an olish People until it gets, beyond the hey oaten say, "Oh, it n most cases it wears them induced to try the suc- d Keinp's Balsam, which is rantee to cure, they would xcellent effect after taking $1.00. Trial size free. At all druggists. 1197eow ; asymmimiliffitsaramommi English Spavin Li soft or calloused Lu horses, Blood Spavin, Sweeney, Stifles, S Throat, Coughs, etc. bottle. Warranted t Cure ever known. S forih iment removes all hard, pit and Blemiehes from Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, rains, Sore and Swollen Save 850 by us& of olio •e most wonderful Blemish Id by J. S. Roberts, Sea -1 •, 1180 52 For Nettle Rash, Suninier Heat and general toilet purposes, use L w's Sulphur Soap. Sonie sy-mptoms of Worms are :,Fever, colic, variable appetite, re tlessness, weakness and convulsions. The unf fling remedy is Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. As a Pick -Me -Up after excessive exertion or exposure, Milburn'e Beef, Iron and Wine is grateful and comforting. Itch, Mange and Se humans or animals, Woolford's Sanitary Sold by I. S. Roberts, retches of every kind, on cured in 30 minutes by tion. This Inever fails. Seaforth. 1180 52 Dark ana Sluggis • DARK and sluggish describes the onditien of bad blood. Healthy blood i ruddy and bright. To cure bad blood and its c nsequenees and to secure good blood and its be efts in the safest, surest and best way use Buridock Blood Bitters, strongly recommended by all who use it as the best purifier. Knight 'of Lab r. The Knights of La or aim to pri tect their members against financial difficulties, etc., Hag - yard's Yellow Oil protects all who use it from the effects of cold andiexposure, such as rheum- atient, neurregia, hunbago, sore throat and all inflammatory pain. , Nothing compares with it as a handy pain cure for man and beast. • Napoleon's Flea. Napoleon's head was of peculiar shape, but ,l that did not protect him against heal ache. Sick headache is a common and very disagreeable af- fection which may be quickly remov d, together with its cause, by th use of Bu dock Blood Bitters, the never-faili g medicine f r all kinds of headaches. Editorial Evidence. ENTLEMEN.--YoUr Ihigyard'e Yellow Oil is worth its weight in gold for both internal °rid exteinal use. Daring- the late La Grippe • epidemic aye found it a most excellent prevent- ive, and for sprained 1 mbs,etc., there is nothing to equal it. Arse PEM BERTON, Delhi Reporter. Natiiral Filter. The liver acts as a ffiter to remove impurities the blood. :To keep it in perfect wcrking order use B. B. the great liver regulator. ' 1 used two bottles ;of Burdock BI od Bitters for liver complaints and can clearly say I ant 11 well woman to -day. Mi. C. P. Wien, • Upper Otna og,IN. B. Stan' y Books. Stanley books are now as commo and colds. To get ri1 of the lett yard's Pectoral Bals rn,the best Can cure for children br edults. It soothing, healing ahd expectorant every form of threat and lung monary complaints, ete. as coughs r use Hag- dian cough ures by its properties, rouble, pul- IMPORTANT NOTICES. RENT. -That desirable property on Turn= berry Street, Brussels, owned by the estate of the late .Thomas Dunford, being about 8i acres of land with good frame dwelling, barn, stables and dairy shed, good well with pump, ale° good orchard. Will be rented for three or five years to a good tenant. Itumediate pews- sion can be given. Apply to E. C. DUNFORD, Merchant Tailor, Brussels, or to A. HUNTER, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. 1212 tf. QCOTCH SHORT -HORNS FOR SALE -For lej Sale, 6 Young Bulls, got by the pure Cruckshank Bull, "Perfection," 9,100. They are good bulls of the low down, thick, blocky sort, and have first-class pedigrees in Dominion Herd Book. Also a few females. various ages. I, will sell at BOTTOM Num, and on terms to suit :purchasers. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. 1210 tf. MENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will be re-' ceived by the undersigned until Tuesday, March 10th, at noon, for the erection of a new brick school house in Section No. 9, Tucker - smith. The contractor will be required to do all the work and furnish all material except the stones and bricks. Plans and specitications can be seen at the residence of the undersigned, Lot 10, Concession 7, Tuckersmith. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address, JAS. CUMMINGS, Secretary, Eginondville P. 0. 1210-3 A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PRO - Ile PERM- IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GODE- RICH.-Under and by virtue of ; the powers of sale contained in a mortgage, which will be pro- duced at the trine of sale, there will be offered for Bale, at public auction, hy W. G. Duff, auc tioneer, at Swartz Hotel, in the Village offlay- 'field, on Tuesday, March 17, 1891, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon. These lands are sit- uated in the Township of Goderich, inAhe Coun- ty of Huron, being,composed of Lot number 5, in the Bayfield concession of the said Township of Goderich, containing 85 acres of land, more or less. • The above property lies close to the Village of Bayfielcl, and partly within it. Terms -8100 at time of sale, balance within fourteen days thereafter. For further ,particulars and conditions of sale, apply to the auctioneer, or to Kingstone, Wood & Symons, Vendors' Solicitors, 18 and 20 King street west, Toronto: 1211.3 --- - EXECUTORS' NOTICE.-Puruant to Chapter 110 of the Revised Stet ites of Ontario, 1887. ' All parties having any claim against Jas. Snell, late of the Township of Hulled, in the County of Huron, Farmer, decreed, ho died on or abont the 6th December, • D., 1890, are required on or before the ist day of July; 1891, to Fend by post prepaid or deli% er to the under- signed Executors of the estate 91 the said de- ceased, a statement of their respective claims, with their christian and surnames, addresses and deseription, the full particelare of the claims and the.nature of the security (if any) held by them. After the raid let day of July next the said Executors will distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard to the claims only of which notice has been reeeived, and will not be liable for any part of such assets to any person of whose c'airn they have not notice at the time of • sm. h distribution. JAMES SNELL, Con- stance P. O.: HENRY SQUIRE; Whalen P. O. Dated February 24th, 1891. , 1211-3 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEXENTS.-Mr. George Kirkby has received instructions from Frank C. Wright, to 8.11 by Public Auction on lot 1, concession A, Turnberry, on Wednesday, March 18th, 1891, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the gravel roe, between Brussels and Wroxeter, seven miles north 0,1 the former and three south of the latter. The follow- ing valuable property, viz.: 1 registered mare, 1 aged mare, 1 registered filly rising 2. years old, 1 gelding rising 2 years old, both sired by War- rior ; 1 colt rising one year old, legible for regis- tering, sired by Young Teshall ; 3 cows and 1 heifer in calf, 2 farrow cows, 1 steer rising four years old, 4 steers rising 3 years old, 2 steers coming two, 1 heifer coming two, 3 spring calves, 1 calf four months old, 32 well -bred - Shropshire ewes, all young sheep, all supposed to be in latnb to a Thoroughbred Oxforddown rain,1 thoroughbred Oxforddown ram,4 fall pigs, geese, ducks, turkeys aud over 50 hens, princi- pally well bred leghorn. Impleinenta.-1 lum- ber wagon.nearly new, 1 hay rake, 1 bob -sleigh single buggy, 1 portland cutter nearly new, 1 reaper, 1 Toronto mower, 1 combined seed :drill, 1 sulky horse rake, 1 plow, 1 set of wooden harrows, 1 fanning mill, 1 Maxwell turnip cut- ter, 1 set of double harness, 1 set of single har- ness, scythes, chain's, forks, cradle grindstone, cross -cut saw, also a quanity of hay and other articles too numerous to mention. All must be sold without any reserve as the proprietor is going to rent his farm on or before the date ot sale. Nine months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes, .A discount of six cents on the dollar will be allowed for caah on credit amounts. FRANK C. WRIGHT, Proprie- tor; GEORGE K/R;KBY, Auctioneer. 1212- W. R. Counter, -THE LEADING - Jeweler of Huron A Dead Sure Tip. Times. are hard, and I must have money; therefore, 1 will offer for the Next Thirty Days My large and well -assorted stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- ELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE,FANCY GOODS,PIPES, SPECTACLES, &c., ati rock bot- tom prices.. This is a genuine chs - count sale for cash. Call early and he convinced. Repairing fine WatcheS", Clocks, Jewelry, Szc., a specialty. W. R. CO U N TER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned desires to inform his old customers and the public that he has diiposed of the Blacksmithing business, which he has carried on in Seaforth for over 25 years, to his son, • J. A. STEWARt Who will hereafter carry on the same in all its brandies, and he hopes that the same liberal patronage so long extended to hini will be con- tinued to his son and successor. ALEXANDER STEWART. In connection with the above, I beg to say that I will carry on the general blacksmithing _business in all its branches in the old stand, and by close attention to the wants of customers, I hope to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage so long extended to my predecessor. Horseshoeing and general jobbing a specialty. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, and charges reasonable as usual. J. A. STEWART, 1205 Main Street, Seaforth, MISS M. CASH Is prepared to take a few pupils for tuition in piano or organ music. For terms and partici'. Ian call at reaidence, Goderich street, Sea - forth. • 1208 • TAKE A LOOK At the Underwear for Ladies, Misses and Childrens at HOFFMAN Sr, Co's., Seaforth. se A T. MeNAMARA, Leadbury, breeder of 1-1_. pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winners of 26 first pnzes in 1890. Young pedigreed stook for sale, also two prize winner Boars kept for ser- vice. 1203 MHOROUGIIBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service during the present 'merlon, on his prem- ises, Lot 20, Concession 12, McKillop, one and one-fourth miles east of Leadbury, the well- known Berksh're Pig "Bourbon King," from im- ported stock on both sides, and to which a number of sows will be taken. Terms -81 per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE HALL. 1199x12 BERKSHIRE BOAR. -The undersigned will keep during the present season on his farm lot 26, concession 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, the Thoroughbred 13, rkshire Pig "North King," [1332.] North King was farrowed March 2, 1890, - bred by J. H. Davis, Woodstock, sire, This is Him, (hp.,) [1362J dam, North Queen, [1592,] by Royal Harry, [663,] Violet, (imp.,) [610,] by Prince Vatlens by Warwich, first by J. Smith, etc., etc. This pig has taken' prizes where ever shown. Terms gl por sow, payable at the time thne of service, with the privilege ci/ returning if necessary. CHAS. ROUTLEDGE. 1198 tf Imported,Improved Yorkshire VVhite Pig, Despot. Pedigree CertifIcate.-Sire, Sutton, (Tmp.) [12] dam, ,Duchess 3rd, (Imp. in dam) 38, by Magis- trate 3rd, (539). -Derry, (Imp.) [20J, by Madam 3rd, (747). -Lady Derry 3rd, (1742),by Magistrate 3rd, (539). -Lady Derry 2nd, (1210,) by Magis- trate 2nd, (343). -Lady Derry, (372), by Colonel, sister to Greet Eastern, by Duke of York, York- shire Lass. The undersigned will keep for service during the present season, the Improved Yorkshire White Pig, Despot, on lot 4, concession 6, Hui - lett, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Terms $1,payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. 1191 tf ANDREW SNELL, Constance P. O. FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP. East half 9 on 9th concession, 50 acres. West half 7 on 10th concession, 50 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. South half 21 on 5th concession, 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Lots 11 and 12 on 13th concession, 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. Lot 38 on 3rd -concession L. R. S., 300 acres. For ternis itc., apply to the undersigned. F. HOLMESTED, 1197 tf ; Barrister &c., Seaforth _ McKillop Directory for 1891. JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Brodhagen P. 0. JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrep. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, BeeehwoOd. JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Beechwood. W ILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Lead - bury. JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- throp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. GODER1CH Steam Boiler Works. (ESTAB1[..ISHED1 1880.) • Chrystal Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary, Marine, Upright& Tubular BOILERS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Int Works, etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines, specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe fitting constantly on hand. Est'mates furnished short notice. Werks orrposite G. T. P. Statioi Gouerich. TI -1F Br- MILLS„ SEAFtyRTH. The shove mills have now been Jtoroughly built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. Th Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new maohlnery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS —AND --- Flour Dressing Mac1iiiies From the best Manufacturing Finns have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable - her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving grate from fanners and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grein can now X taken from farmers' wagtons, weighed, end taded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR ---- CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary nach1nery for hendling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded und r cover. WHEAT EXOH4NGE8 Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLO FLOUR GUARANTEED. ClaST'OM F,MMTD Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. • Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARFELS FINE, COARSE COARSE AND LAID SALT • FOR SALE Only firet-claes and obli attend motet:nem T mere and general trade •gmen will be kept e liberal Wrong° of espectfully solicited. A. W. OCI IE & CO., PROPRIETORS 33 LC)MA.3NGE' S Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR —TO ITS— Original Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean Cool and Free from Danclinff. Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days Will not soil the skin or the most delicate headdress.' FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottl • Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SPENCER CASE, 1 Chemist and Druggist, 50, King St„ West, HAMILTON, - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 0.1\TT.A.R2 Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE. CO. Head Office: Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company in Ontario having a Government Deposit and being duly licensed by the saane. Ate now carrying on the business of Live Stock Insur- ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For further particulars address JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas. 1164 Removed I Removed 1 •G- E 0 a V7 -i INT 0- • SEAFORTH The Old Establlened Btitchee has removed; to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will .be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see Et -to favor him with their patronage. gefrRemember the place cetween lienderson' Hartess Shop, and McIntYre s Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. A FINE ASSORTMENT Of Frillings, Corsets and Ribbons, at HOFFMAN & Co's., Seaforth. 1 `MYS av-mo HO NIVW 3019 STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT. CD CD c-y- tJ 1=1 ao, 0 1:71 CD hens+ Fe" CD Oro. CD "(11 t -t 0 0 ' rfi 0 c+ w 0 'PL CD 5 w 4 19 ari C114 8. CD t -t - CD CD CD P-1 4004S TTnJ q oAreq O1 & P rell Jo Planing Mill,Lumber Yard AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION The suoscriber would beg to call attention to the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps on hand, at the very lowest prices. Bill Stuff cut to any order on• Notice. Good Cedar cut into timber or poste. A good stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot 29, Concession 16, Grey, which will be cut to any order,on short,est notiee. Lumber delivered at reasoeable -rates when desired Orders by mail promptly filled. Address BRODHAGEN P. 0. Charles Querengesser, 1105 Concession8, Lgoan. TOTEM SPECIAL MAKES Of Grey Flannels at HOFFMAN & Co's., Seaforth. OF ---- 4; EALTJI CT_TIZS Rheumatism. 1154-52-1* The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seatorth P. 0;. John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. eureceons. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clin- ton; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton /• George Watt. Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Robt. -McMillan, Sea- otth ; S. Carnochan Seaforth. John O'Sulliezes nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Ilnsumances or traneaet other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addreseed to their respective post -offices. 1189 Knight's Blood Cure. ASTANDARD household remedy in_ Enema- ful us_e mote than 40 years. A positftse cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra Conetipation and all diseases of the Blood-, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear :Complexion. A botanical compound, put up in leackages and sent by man at one third the cost of wan- ary medicine. Large paekages, sufficient for 3 quarts, 81.00; half size packages, sufficient far 3 pints, 50c,-lsample packages, 2.5e. A reliableAgent wanted in this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Cures Burns; Cuter, Piles in their worst form, Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases. IIIRST PAIN EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Toothache, }ains in every form. By all dealers.J Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co. ALLAN LINE -.ROYAL MAIL 8TEAMSHIPS, CHEAP EXcURSIolis TO EUROPE. ' Fortnightly Sailing from PORTLAND OR HALIFAX, TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES 840, 850 and 860 Single. 880, OD and 5110 Return according to location a Staterooms. - NO CATTLE CARRIED.. INTERMEDIATE, outward, e25e prepaid, $30. Steerage at lowest rates. Accommodation Unsurpassed. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C. l3ETHUNE or W. G. DUFF, Seaforth. • 1168-52 List of Lands For Sale In the County of Huron, belonging to The era. ado. Company. Only 10 to 25 per cent. of pur- chase money required down, balance at any time within 10 years at 4 per cent. Instead of going to the Northwest, farmers looking for land eels secure Rome of the finest land in Ontario on the easy terms mentioned. County of Huron's Va-- ca.nt Lands : GODERICI1-13 eon -S hall 37. - Bayfield —13 half 37, Maitland Concession -Island opposite 53, 54, 55. HAY. -4 con -W half 5, W half 6, N half 7, W half of W half 11. 5 con -E half -of W half 5, W half of la half 5, S half of E half 6, Ni 7, 8, Ni e, 10, W half 11, 8 half and NI 12, 13, W half -15, W half of E half 20, W half of E half 21. 6 con --14 half 4,W half 6, Ea 6, 7, 13, 9,30, 11, 12, S half 13, W half 16. e half 3, S half of N half 4, N half 5, 7, 8, E half of 8 half and N half 's9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, WI 16, W 16. 8 con -E 6 14- 15, E halt 16, NI 18, E half of fi half 19, N half 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 9 con -F, half of E half 25, E of V,- 26. 13 con -W half 9. 15 cot -N1 7, W half W pt. 21, 25. 16 con -E half 6, N half 9,10, Wly pt. 11. 17 eon ;al e, 5, 6, S half 7, 8. N. By. -14, 15, E half 16. S. By-Wl1O,EL 33, N E 70 ac 35. L. R. East - E half 22. HULLETT-4 con -W half 12, 13, 14, N half 15, N half 16. 5 con.-Whalf 13, 15, E half 17. 7 con. --.E half 19, N half 20. 8 con. -E half 21. 14 con. -N half 23- McKILLOP.-13 con. -1, N half of E half 2, N half 3. 14 con. --Item. 1, 2, 3, st, 6, 6, N half 7, 1:: half of 8 half 7, la half 8. STANLEY. -5 con. -14. 8 con. -9 3, W half 4, W half 5, 7, 8. 8. By. -We 14, 15, El 16. STEPIIEN.-6 con. -W half of al _balf & N half of 8 half 23. 10 con. -E half of W half 10, E half W half 11. 13 con. -S half of S half 17, 'N hail 22. 14 con. -NI 4, N half 8, S half of N half 17, Ea 20. 15 con. -3, N half 4, si 6, E half of W half le, N half 16. 16 con. -Na 17, Ni 22. 17 con. -Rem. Sa 7, Na 19, NI 23. 18 eon. --N half 7, S half 8, 15, N half 16, S half 19. 19 con. -N half 4, W half 11, E half 16. 22 eon, -Rein. 8, E half 9, 8 half 10. North By. -IC half W half 33. L. R. West -Rem. 1, S. hail 3. Aux Sables -0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, W half & N half of E half 15, W half 16, 177 lte 19. Rented 'Farms for sale at expiration of existing Leases G0DERICIL-13ayfield-57 HAY. -4 con. -N half 4. 5 eon. -N half 14. 6 con. -W half 3, 14, 17. N half 17, Se 18, N half of S half 19. 8 co7L-13, 14, S 17. 10 eon. - 13 half 28. 13 cone -8 half 4, 7, 8. 15 COIL— S/ 4, N half 8, 19. 16 con. -W half O. N. By. - W4 18, 28. 8. By. -11, Ni 31, 32, 34. L. 11 - West -10. L. R. East -Rem. 4, E half 0, E half 10. 8 half 14, E half le. 1ULLET1'.- 2 con. -E half 17. 5 con. -18, W half 17. 9 con. -8 half 23_ 14 con. -Rein. W half 14, S. pt. of N half 21, N half 22. 14cKILLOP.- 1 con. -W half 2; F. half 3, W half 4, S half 6, E half 7. 2 con. E half 7, Rem. E half 8, E half 10. 3 con. --81 5, E half 8. 4 con. -3, E half 4. 6 con, --N half 61 11 eon. -- E half of W half 7, N half of S half and S half of N half 10 STEPHEN. -13 con. -S half 14,8 half of N half 17, 8 half 18, N half 19. 14 con. -5, 6, 7, 8 leer 8, 9, 12. 15 eon. -S half 4, W half 5. 16 -acre - 6, N half of W half 21. 17 eon. -S1 151 F. half 16, Wi 16. 18 con. -S half 7, N half 19. 10 con. -E half 7, S. half 8, Ne 9, E half 11, 23 eon - half 12. N. 13dy.-N half 32, 1.1 half 33, Wi 33, 34. 8. Bay. -27. L. R. W.-2, 5. TUCKERSMITEL-H. Rd. -5 con. --N half of g half 1. 7 con. --E half 4. USBORNE.--S. By. E.-19. For particulars as to prices Erce, apply to TIT COMMISSIONER, Canada Co'y., Toronto. ••1187-26