HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-13, Page 44
BLACK 11081EilY
We have received a large ship-
ment of Blaok Hosiery for Spring
and Summer wear -GUARAN-
LY STAINLESS. They are in
Bays', Girls' and Ladies' sizes,
and will be found very reason-'
able in price. When purchas-
ing your supply, don't buy any
other kind of Bleck Hosiery but
the EVER FAST, which you will
find all through toe season at our
Hosiery and Glove counter.
1 the elections had been held. The fol-
lowing is the Ministerielist showing:
1::7. At Diu. Now.
i Ontario... .... 54 57 47
Quebec 30 35 28
Edward McFaul,
efr The figure between the parenthesis after
each line denotes the page of the paper on which
the advertisement will be found.
MeKiPop Fire Insurance Co.—W.J.Shannon. (5)
Residence For Sale—D. MeColloch. (6)
Blake Cheese Factory—H. Eichert. (5)
Store to Rent—Bank ot Comn•erce. (5)
Shingles—J. Twitchell (8)
Millinery—Wm. Pickard. (8)
Wanted—Wilson & Young. (8)
Auction Sale—W. J. Chesney. (5)
Teas—Wilson fit Young. (8)
Kippen Plow Shop—T. Mellis. (6)
To Rent—E. C. Attrill. (6)
Tavern and Shop Licenses—Wm. Ballantyne. 5
Valuable Property For Sale—A. Jamieson. (5)
Seed Barley For Sale—John Stagord. (5)
Farmers Take Notice—Wm, DilL (5)
Lead and Color Works—Fergusop & Co. (6)
Judical Sale—S. Malcornson. (5)
Spring Stock—H. F. Edwards, (
fairl Wanted—Mrs. K. McLeod. (
Auction Sale—Margaret Cook. (.
Seatorth Roller -Mills--W. H. C
Notice to Subscribers—Y. M. C.
Follow the Crowd—Robert Scott
Notice to Creditors—Margaret Cook. (8)
Clearing Out Sale—Thos. Mattheivs. (6)
Durham Bulls For Sale—Jas. Braithwaite. (5)
Bankrupt Sale—A. Cardno. (8)
*urn xpOMtoY.
SEAFORTEL FRIDAY, March 13, 1891
The Result
In our last issue,and onthe strength of
the returns then received, we said the
Government had been sustained by a
small majority. Several c anges have
taken place since ther on both
sides, and more are lik ly to oc-
cur yet, Several who weie supposek,
at first to be elected, werel afterwards
found to be defeated, and "e versa. In
addition to this there are a few with
very small majorities, which may be
changed on a re-count. For instance,
in Brome, Quebec, Mr. Fisher, the oldl
member, and his opponent, were foundl
when the official count was made, to be,
ties, and the Returning officer gave his!
casting vote against Mr. Fisher, A re-
count has been demanded, and the prob-
abilities are that the Old temperance ad-
vocate will get the seat after all. In
North Middlettex also, Mr. Hutchins,
the Conservative candidate, was found
to have a majority of two. Here also a
recount has been demanded,and a change'
may be made. Several other constitt
imam, are in pretty much the samei
state. As far as can be judged, howevert!
the Government will likely meet Parlia-
ment with a majority of from 25 to 29.!
Whether or not this will be a majority;
sufficiently large to enable them to carry!
on business, under existing circumstances, ;
remains to be seen. Some think that it
will and others that it will not. We are
afraid, however, that unless 'something
unforeseen transpires, the Government
will have a sufficient majority to make
them safe ,for the next four or five
years, or however long the Parliament-
ary term may extend. The Government
have made heavy losses in Ontario and
quebec, and are now in a minority in
the two older and Central Provinces;
they have held their own in the west,
any have mule large gains in the Mari-
time Provinces.
We need scarcely hay that the result
is a disappointment to all who wished to
see their country freed from the shackles
of restriction and monopoly; her trade
extended, and her taxes decreased.
Under the circumstancee, however, the
result is not so much to be wondered at.
The Liberals entered the campaign ter-
ribly handi-capped. They had to face
a disgraceful gerrymander of the con-
stituencies; the fruits of a disreputable
and discredited franchise act; the influ-
ence of a powerful railway corporation
built up and fostered by the money of
the people of Canada; the power, in-
fluence and money of the protected
manufacturers and monopolists, and last
but not least, the skill and prestige of
Sir John Macdonald, a party leader of
forty years standing. And yet, not-
withstanding all these adverse influ-
ences, the merit. of their cause, Unre-
stricted Reciprocity, was such that they
were enabled to convert a large Govern-
ment majority into nearly as large a
minority in the two leading, most
wealthy and most intelligent Provinces
of the Dominion. While, therefore, the
result is disappointing, it is not by any
means discoureging, and gives good evi-
dence that success, although delayed, is
certain in the not distant future. °
It is interesting to note, says the
Mail, the changes that have taken
place in the relative standing of the
two parties in the House during the past
four years. To enable our readers' to
do No we give below two tables showing
the strength of each party, by provinces,
at the general election of 1887, at the
time of the dissolution of Parliameet,
and at the present time. The first
column gives the standing of each party
early in April, 1887, when the last oi
Nova Scotia 14 15 16
New Brunswick. 10 11 14
Prince Edward Island0 0 2
Manitoba 4 4 4
British Columbia.. 6 6
Northwest Territories4 1 4
122 132 121
In the last 3f the above columns all
the British Columbia seats have beep
accorded to the Government. The
attending of the Opposition at the three
periods is aslollows :
1887. At Dia. Now,
Ontario 38 35 44
Quebec e 35 30 36
Nova Scotia 7 6 5
New Brunswick , 6 5 2
Prince Edward Island6 6 4
Manitoba 1 1 1
British Columbia 0 0 0
Northwest Territories0 0 0
93 83 92'
From these figures it will be seen that
the Government majority at the elec-
tions of 1887 was 29, that -it was 49 at
the time of dissolution, and that at the
present moment it is 29 again, with two
seats, Algoma and Huntingdon, not
taken into coheideration. The figures
also show the striking changes that
Thursday's elections wrought in the
older provincesIn Ontario and Que-
bec, as the returns now stand, the Gov-
ernment has lost seventeen seats, and
now holds nine less than it secured in
1887. In the Maritime Provinces it has
gained six seats, and now holds eight
more than it had in 1887. The reasons
for then changes will furnish those who
take an interest in polities with food for
speculation for some time to come.
Mr. Blake's Bomb -shell. -
The silence of Hen. Edward Blake
during the recent campaign has been a
subject for wonder and conjecture by
both friends and foes, and none, ap-
parently, could solve the mystery. The
reasons have at length been given, and
we need scarcely say that while they
occasion surprises, they also cause feel-
ings of the deepest regret in the minds
of all who have hitherto looked up to
Mr. Blake as a clear-headed, true -
hearted, patriotic statesman. On the
day after the election Mr. Blake caused
to be published in the leading Toronto
papers, an address which on the 6th of
February he had prepared for presenta-
tion to the Reform Convention of West
Durham, tn which he gives at great
length his reasons for declining again ,to
be a 8andidate for nomination by the
convention. This address is too long for
our columns, occupying as it does four
columns of the Globe. We can only give
our residers a general outline of it con-
tents. In the first place Mr. Blake
says :
The Canadian Coneervative policy has
failed to accomplish the predictions of
its promoters. Its real tendency has
been, as foretold twelve years ago, to-
wards disintegration and annexation,
instead of consolidation and the main-
tenance of that British connection of
which they claim to be the special
guardians. It has left us with a small
population, a scanty immigration and a
Northwest empty still; with enormous
additions to our public debt and yearly
charge, an extravagant systlem of ex-
penditure, and an unjust and oppresive
tariff; with restricted mankets for our
needs, whether to buy or to sell, and all
the host of evils (greatly intensified by
our ;special conditions) thence arising ;
with trade diverted from its natural into
forced and therefore less profitable chan-
nels, and with unfriendly relations and
frowning tariff walls ever more and
, more estranging us from the mighty
Engliph-speaking nation to the southi
our neighbors and relations, with whom
we ought to be, as it was' promised we
should be, living in generous amity and
liberal intercourse. Worse; far worse !
It has left us with lower standards of
public:virtue and aaleathlike apathy in
public opinion; with racial, religious
and Provincialanimosities rather in•
flamed than soothed ; with a subservient
Parliament, an atitocratic Executive, de-
bauched constituencies and corrupted
and corrupting classes; with lessened
self-reliance and increased dependence
ion the .public chest and on Legisiatite
aide, and possessed withal by a boastful
jingo spirit far enough removed from
true manliness, loudly proclaiming un-
real conditions and exaggerated senti-
ments, while actual facts and genuine
opinions are suppressed. It has left us
with our hands tied, our future compro-
mised, and in such a plight that,whether
•-we stand or move, we must run some
risks which else we might have either
declined or encountered with greater
piomise of success.
In the second place he glances at the
several remedies proposed for the mad
state of affeirs which he so graphically
pictures. He first takes up Imperial
Federation, and the possibility of Eng-
land establishing a tariff wall against all
outside countries and in favor of her
colonies. This he discards as a vision-
ary dream, abhorent alike to all parties
in the mother land. Be then takes up
the question �f Unrestricted Reciprocity
with the United States and refers to its
benefits in this wise:
(11) While that free market which the
United Kingdom, on a just conception
of its own interest, opens permanently
to all the world, is to us of very great
value, and while every prudent effort
should be Made to enlarge our exports
there and Olsewhere beyond the seas,
yet the resits of all such efforts must
be far below those to flow from a free
market throughout our own continent.
(12) Though the United States tariff
will (and, indeed, unless high sugar
duties be reimposed must) for e long
time remain, like our own, decidedly
protective, still there is a fair expecta-
tion, based on the last election there,
that sounder economise views than those
of the sittingCongress will very I10011
prove% and
at their tariff will be re-
adjusted on a basis much more moder-
ate and favors le to the consumer than
that which pr ceded the McKinley Bill;
end may eventually approseh what le
known as a revenue tariff, incidentally,
though still stibetantially, protective.
(13) Havingiregard to this expectation,
unrestricted free trade with the States,
secured for a long term of yeare, would
(even though accompanied by higher
duties against the rest of the world
than I for one admire) give us in prac-
tice the great blessing of a measure of
free trade, much larger than we now en-
joy or can otherwise attain ; it would
greatly advance our most material in-
terests, and help our natural, our larg-
est, most substantial and most promis-
ing industries ; it would, create au in-
flux of population and capital, and pro-
mote a rapid development of forces and
materials now almost unused' ; in three
words, it well give us men, money and
Thus it wouldemphatically be for the
general and listing good. And this,
although of course it would produce'as
all great change)s do, temporary de-
rangement of besiness and local losses,
would strike hard some Spindling and
exotic industries, wholly tariff born,
tariff bred and tariff fed, and would put
upon their mettle a goied many manu-
facturers unaceustomed to the keen
breath of competition, and others who
would be obliged to adopt the specialis-
ation, and the improved methods of pro-
duction and distribution, which to the
signal advantage of the general consum-
ing public, a large market allows and
Thus far Mr. 131ake is in perfect accord
with the leaders and rank and file of the
Liberal party. But here is the point
where he strikes out from them.. Al-,
though he sees such great advantages to
Canada from this policy, a number of
speculative disadvantages rise up in
his mind, and he allows these to com-
pletely overwhelm the fine fabric he
has reared in its favor. He fears that
we will be unable to get sufficient revenue
to meet the obligations of the country
without direct taxation; that Reciproc-
ity will ultimately verge into Commer-
cial Union ; that this will lead to annex-
ationand so on. These fettle, induce him
to declare against what he admits would
be of so great a benefit to the country,and
not only that, but on the strength of
them, to separate himself from his party
with whom he has worked, and by whom
he has been looked up to and honored
for so many years. Moreover, he seems
to think that annexation is the ultimate
destiny of this country, and that Canada
could make a much better bargain with
the United States for political union be-
fore entering into a commercial treaty
than afterwards, but then he even shuts
off hope from this quarter by declaring
that the people are not ready for and
will not have any such change. He
also thinks, that the people are not yet
prepared for any fiscal change, and that
they require longer time to discuss and
considenwhat will be best for them. In
short, Mr. Blake acknowledges the de-
plorable condition in which the country
at present is; he brings up and ex•
amines several remedies, and one by one
he knocks them all on the head and
leaves us just where he started. Ac-
cording to his theory, there is no hope
for us, and all that is left is to submis-
sively fold our arms and starve to death.
This is not a policy that will take with
the people of Canada.
! We can not but feel that the, publica-
tion of Mr. Blake's letter Was- a very
ill-advised step on his part. He inflicts
upon his old associates, and through
them upon the country, a blow from
which they will 'not speedily recover,
and he has failed to do any good that we
on see. More than this, he gives com-
fort and support and encouragement to
those whom he says have wrought such
injury and ruin to the country, as hie
letter will do more to strengthen their
cause than anything they could possibly'
have clone for themselves. While he
has done all this, he has not given us
even one hint of what he consider
would be a bet r policy than that
which he tries t destroy. tears
down, but does no attempt to build up;
he shows us our danger; he cute off
every avenue of escape, and then he
leaves us to perish in our misery. Hav-
ing no remedy to
evils, it would ha
better had he kep
to himself, ins
broadcast to codi
injure his own fie
ting hie country.
propose for existing
e been a, great deal
his doubts and fears
d of sending them
rt his opponents and
nds, without benefit.
What a Ca
Mr. Robert M
dian and a fo
county, but wh
been connected w
adian American
theson, an old Cana.
mer resident of this
for some years has
th the Press of Chi-
cago, in air article in a recent issue of
the Chicago Canadian American, dealing
with the Canadian elections, say.:
"The general 6osition of Canadian
Americans is, I believe, a sense of the
propriety of theit to a great degree
standing aloof. ot that they have
ceased to take ar interest in Canadian
affairs; that is t o deep and lasting
ever to be effacedj If I forget thee, 0
my native land, may. my right hand
forget its cunning, is the feeling of every
true Canadian American. But we have
left our eountry to seek our fortunes in
another land, to which we owe the
duties of good citizenship, and -whose
intereste we are bound hereafter to re-
gard as paramount. We are far from
the scene of conflict in Canada, and
necessarily, lack the knowledge of much
that goes to form the judgment of the
resident Canadian. Therefore we can
only look on and pray that those whom
we have left behind us may be guided
aright, and our old home may be abuntV
antly blessed with peace and prosperity,
and that the righteousness that exalteth
a nation may prevail. Still I feel that
if the opinions of Canadian Americans
could be heard on the great general
issue, it would be almost unanimously
in favor of unrestricted reciprocity be-
tween "our" countries -Canada by birth
and the United States by adoption. I
think, too, that our position as having
experience on both sides of the line
placee us in a peculiarly favorable con-
dition to consider the question in a calm,
judicial and unprejudiced manner as to
its effect as a whole, and net aS it would
effect particular interests. The Cana-
dian colonies in the United States are
becoming so numerous that if the exodus
goes on, Canada will be iij the position
of ancient Greece, whose ettlements on
the Italian peninsula b came greater
than the mother land and ad to be dis-
tinguished as Magna Grec a or "Great"
Greece. It is stated as an objection to
unrestricted reciprocity that it would
lead to annexation. Could it do so any
more rapidly than the preient Canadian
policy, which has already driven a mil-
lion Canadians to practieal annexation
by becoming Americans ?"
THE Local Legislature re -assembled
on Tuesday. The address; in reply to
the "Speech from the Thrown," was
moved by Mr. Tait, of Toronto, and
seconded by Mr. Garrow, of Goderich.
Both -gentlemen made good speeches,
considering the very meagre material
they had to work on. The sessional
programme is a very light one; thei(
opposition seems to be in a ;pacific mood
and it is likely the session will be an
unusually short • one. There are
several needed measures, 1 which •the
country demands, which the Gover-
ment should submit to the ! Legislature
this Parliament, and it ie about time
they were giving them some eonsider-
ation. They are not likely to be touched
this session, however. We hope- to have
our Parliamentary letter ne4ct week.'
Me- Weis -
Milian. miller. Reith.
30 42 3
Bayfield, -
No. 1
Mej. for Weismiller
Hay, -
No. 2 39
,No. 3 102
No. 4 ..... • 80
No. 5 25
No. 6 55
No. 7 43
Maj. for McMillan..
No. 8
No. 9
No, 10
No. 11,
No. 12
No. 13,
No. 14
Maj. for McMillan. 219
McKillop, -
No. 15..........61
No. 16 30
No. 17 62
No. 18 32
No. 19 47
No. 20 27
No. 21 61
No. 22 31
Maj. for McMillan.. 203
No. 23 91
No 24 55
No. 25 55
Maj. for McMillan.. 43
Stanley, -
No. 25
No. ,27
. No. 29
24 2
66 3
39 1
3 1
11 0
35 g
MInat 13 1891.
Ballots rejected, 17;
following are the votes
Usborne and Hibbert
No. 12
No. 13
No. 14
No. 15,...
Majority far Sharp..
Hibbert, -
No, 16
No. 17
No. 18
No. 19
Majority for Trow...
spoiled, 25. The
by divisions in
Sharp. Trow.
133 54
51 103
117 62
62 82
363 301
165 .
-The official count of the returns in
North Perth took place on Tuesday. In
thirteen polls the deputy returning of-
ficers had neglected to make any cer-
tificates as to the number of votes
polled. In one poll there was no cer-
tificate to the -.number of votes polled,
and the figures were written over twice,
thus making it difficult to say what
they meant. The returnineofficer re-
fused to make a declaration, and ad
jourued the proceedings for one week,
although the discrepancies were largely
in Mr. Hesson's favor.
Biddulph 219
i,Exeter 143
lle 129
Parkhill 70
Ailsa, Craig
East Williama
West W idioms
. .
571 569
Majority for Hutchins. 2
There is to be a, recount, which will
probablyr change the majority to the
other side.
The official count in East and West
-Huron was not made until yesterday,
and consequently we are unable to pub-
lish the official returns this week. The
following majorities, however, will be
found to be not far from correct:
Brussels. 46
Blyth....... ..... 2
W ingham. . • 16
Wroxeter 25
Grey 187
Morrie 29
Turnberry. 90
10 Dr. McDonald's mai.. 307
25 3
30 0
, 21 2
20 0
155 5
0 Clinton
0 Goderich Town.
East Wawanosh
West Wawanosh
Goderich Township.
11 0
\ 1
24 04 0
19 2
23 4
29 4
10 2
18 4
— -
.1158 16
.94 49
.39 80
14 48
52 21
199 „198
Maj. for McMillan.. 1
No. 30 65 34
No. 31 90 19
No. 32 106 29
No. 33 85 26
Maj. for McMillan._ 238
Total votes polled.. 1845_
McMillan. Weispliller. Reith
Bayfield... 30 2 3
Hay 344 1i 10
Hullett 374 155
McKillop 351' 148
Seaforth -201 1$8
Stanley 199 18
Tuckeremith 346 108
543 167
Majority for Cameron.. 376
Huron Notes.
Mr. Aaron Huller, of Holmesville,
hint a very valuable mare one day last
week from neuralgia of the heart.
-Messrs. W. EL Verity & Sone, of
Exeter. shipped three car loads of plows
to the Northwest last week-.
-Mr. R. S. Cooper, of Clinton, has
been awarded the contract of buildiug
the new agricultural hall in that town.
-The Salvetion Army in Wingham
have purchased a lot in that town and
2 are preparing to erect a barracks on it.
0 -Mr. Wm. J. Johnston has purch-
2 ased the Dulinage farm on the lat con-
cession of Morris. Three thousand
4 dollars was the price paid.
-The Commercial hotel, Clinton, has
changed hands. The late proprietor,
0 Mr. Watson, disposed of the business to
0 Mr. Schaffer, of Kippen.
10 -Messrs. Doherty & Co., of Clinton,
5 shipped from Clinton station last week
two car loads of organe. The organs
15 were going to Liverpool.
-One of the old residents of the
county in the person of Mrs. M. A.
Cantelon, of Clinton, passed away on
Sunday, lat inst., at the age of 89 yeafs.
08 1
1845 990
Weismiller's votes. 990
McMillan's maj... 855
Reith's votes 54
Majority over both 801
Rejected ballots, 5; spoiled, 20.
The following is a statement of the
votes must in 1887:
Bayfield. 53
Hay 87
Hullett 106
McKillop 282
Seaforth 232
Stanley 150
Tuckersmith 116
McMillan's majority..
Mr. Weismiller saved
68 votes.
. McMillan.
. 28
his ;deposit by
St. Marys..
Usborne ..... .
Majority for Trow
363 I 301
207 191
306 287
405 306
- Messrs. Adam Thompson and Wm.
Lyons have purchased the livery busi-
ness of Mr. Frank .Greer in Lucknow,
and took possession on the lat of this
-Mr. John Dunbar, of Grey, who has
been in Seattle, Washington - Territory,
for the past nine months, has returned
home and will resume farming on the
4th concession of Grey.
meeting of the South Huron
Farmers' Institute will be held at Bruce -
field on the 27th inst. Professor Dean,
of the Ontario Agricultural College,will
be one of the speakers, of which there
will be severel.
-John Stewart, 16th concession of
Grey, sold an entire colt to an American
buyer last week for the sum of $220.
The purchaser offered Mr. Stewart $70
extra if he would deliver the animal in
'Ohio. He declined the latter offer.
=Mr. Hiram Lemmex, of Wingham,
who carried on the blackemithing and
carriage making in that town for many
years, has purchased 'his brother's farm
•in East Wawanosh, and intend. to re-
move shortly. He will continue his
busineas in Wingham.
-We have this week to record the
death Of an old resident of Grey town-
ship, in the person of Mr. John Rob-
ertson, of the 13th concession. Mr.
Robernion was upwards of 80 years of
age, and was much respected by all who
knew him.
--Mr. Wm. Niebergall, who has been
carrying on a sawmill business in Dun-
lop for about seven years, has gone to
British Columbia, where he will reside.
Mr. Niebergall will be much missed in
Dunlop, as he was much thought of both
in business and socially.
-We take the following from the
Clinton New Era of last week : It was
with much sorrow the news was receiv-
ed, on Saturday last, from Seattle,
Washington Territoritye United States,
of the death from typhoid fever,
of Mrs. G. Grant, youngest daughter of
Mr. Hugh Rutherford, sr. The deceased
was widely known, having taught reboot
for a length of time at Hollyrood, Ben -
miller and Dungannon, and being less
than two months since she and her hus-
band left Lucknow to take up their
abode in Washington Territory. The
-bereaved husband and aged parents of
the deceased have the sympathy of a
large circle of friends. The affliction is
sadder, 'teeing it is only ten months
since they buried an older daughter.
-On the 28th ult., while R. Grain,
East Wawanosh, was taking a load of
sawdust at Found & Co.'s mill in White-
church, a heap of frozen sawdust fell
from the top of the pile, throwing Mr.
Grain across a sleighbox, breaking two
ribs and otherwise bruising the body.
-Mr. Mosgrove, headmaster of the
Wingham public school, does not agree
with politics being carried within the
school limits. Consequently he has had
to expel several children of late who
would persist in wearing their colors
during school hours. ;
-Mr. John Mellon, of Lower Wing -
ham, who has been suffering from a can-
cer on the lower lip for the past twelve
months, left last week for the London
hospital, to see whether an operation can
be performed that will prove a perman-
ent cure.
-Mr. Qeorge Payne, of Wingham,
has disposed of the British hotel in that
town, formerly owned by Mr. R. P.
Simmons, to Mr. Alex. Otr, of Belmore,
who took possession Wednesday of last
week. Mr. John Paterson, who has oc-
cupied the hotel for the past year or so,
intends living privately in town, for a
time, at least.
- Mrs. Matheson, of Goderich, who
has been ailing with cancer for some
time past, died at her home on Wednes-
day, 4th inst. On the 9th of April,
1890, three of her sons were drowned,
and besides being afllicted with cancer,
the loss of her sons weighed heavily op
her mind. Her husband and three
children survive her.
-Early Tuesday morning the Railway
hotel, near the !Ad Grand Trunk station,
Clinton, was burned to the ground, moat
of the inmates escaping only partly
clad and some narrowly escaped with
their lives. The bar, stock and „fixtures
were the property of Mr. O'Hara-; the
funiture, Mrs. Kelly's. Lose on these
abdut-$800-; no insurance. The build-
ing was owned by MT. William Butler,
valued $1,200, partly covered by in.
- On 'Monday of last week as Neil
McIvor, second son of Neil McIver, sr.,
of Goderich, was coming home from
school he had his foot run over by a
wagon and badly broken. It happened
that, as the little fellow was riding home
in Dan. Campbell's wagon, he dropped
his ruler and in trying to get it got his
foot under the wheel. A doctor was
sent for at once and had the foot attend-
ed to, hut it is feared that it will have
to be taken off at the ankle.
-On Wednesday of last week as Mr.
L. Proctor, of Holmesville, left his
team with a load of wood standing on
the road for a few minutes, they started
for town at a somewhat livelier pace
than 'usual. Mr. Proctor coming out,
followed them up in a buggy and caught
them before they had gone very far.
They had kept the centre of the road and
no damage was done, except scattering
the load of wood all along the read. ,
-Mr. D. Johns, of Exeter, has re-
ceived from Mr. B. Hickman, of West
Chester, Pennsylvania, a pair of thor-
oughbred Beagle hounds. They are
very handeome and cost him about $35
for the pair. They are used principally
for hunting rabbits, and there is no
doubt before long the owner will have a
nice little pack to assist him in capturing
his game.
- On Friday het, as Mr. Alexander
Brotherston, of the il:3th concession of
McKillop, was assisting to cut wood on
the farm of Mr. Joseph Stenzel, 14th
concession, the log which was being
sawed started to roll, and Mr. Brother-
eton put hie leg against it to hold it un-
til it was cut. As so -on MI the log was
cut, it rolled on Mr. Brotheraton's leg
and unfortunately broke it. He will be
confined to the house for a considerable
time on account of his misfortune.
- A. Allen, a welt -known horseman
of Goderich, on Tueiday of last week
sold his imported hcirse " Pluvius " to
sHarry Bates'a Saginaw buyer, for the
handsome price of $1,200. " Pluvius "
was imported by Mr. Allen last Septem-
ber, and ie a grand -looking horse, which
according to -the North British Agricul-
turalist is registered in Vol. XIII. as
being got by Knight of Lothian. We
congratulate Mr. Allen upon the sale of
" Pluviue "at so good a figure, and Mr.
Batee is aleo to be congratulated for his
enterprise in taking to Saginaw such a
magnificent epecimen of sound and solid
imported horse flesh.
-The pastor's social held at the par-
sonage, Holmesville, on Tuesday even-
ing of last week,was a grand success. In
spite of the weather the house was pack-
ed. A very good programme was listen-
ed to. Among the contributors were
Revds. W. Ayers and L. W. Diehl, Mr.
George Laithwaite and sister, Misses
Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Courtice,
Miss Evans and others. A bountiful
supply of cake, sandwiches'coffee, &c.,
amply satisfied the wants of the inner
man. The proceede amounted to nearly
-On Friday of last week a commer-
cial traveller was driving a horse from
the livery of Mr. Wood, of Ethel, from
Ethel to Listowel. When crossing a
a culvert that was covered with water
and frozen over, the horse got off the
culvert into about seven feet of water,
and the buggy upset, the driver got a
wetting and the travellerti samples got
spoiled. After shouting for some time
the neighbors got there and cut the har-
ness to get the horse out of the water.
After pulling the buggy out the men and
the horse were taken to Wm. Thomp-
son's where they received all needful at-
tention, while other neighbors dried
their effects and brought their buggy
around so that they could get to Listo-
wel by going through Molesworth. The
horse must have been in the water half
an hour or more before he was got out.
The council should put a railing up to
prevent any more accidents.
NoTes.-Mr. David Bremner, who
has for some time past been visiting
under the parental roof, returned to his
home in Manitoba last Wednesday,
followed by the good wishes of all his
friends. -Miss Maggie Hall, teacher
near Drayton, paid her friends here a
flying visit last week. -Mr. Wm. Hart-
ley, teacher in Lower Wingham, is at
home on the sick list, and will be unable
to attend te his school this week. -Mr.
Rs J. Barton, who has for some time
past been teacher in the Bellmore Pub-
lic School, resigned his position and has
accepted a call as organizer of Foresters.
CA ugl e, raolimbTy henameotron o f Mr'
cameot oo work InItt oih
pomition of teacher, but only remain
ahmbessonuv ytaw
b yf otrh tehe
I ea fir oyaid mn gr.t h Anotherjeonwe from
London, came this week. We do not
know how long Mr. Jones will remain
with us. However, we believe the
trustees intend to persevere in their
work until they get one equal to their
old teacher who resigned. -Mr. Alex-
ander Orr, a prominent citizen of this
village, has rented his farm and is go-
ing to live in Wingham, where he has
bought the Patterson hotel. -We regret
that we have this week to report the
death of M.re. John Brooks. She leaves
behind her a husband and five children,
the yeungest of whom is but a few days
old. Iler death is aaid to have been a
very peaceful one. Her sorrowing
friends have the full sympathy of the
community. ,
NOTES.—The great struggle is over,
and the victory is won in West Huron.
The Reformers at this division had 11
majority for the first time, and they
feel elated, while their opponente feet
anything but that. We had hopes that
Protection would be ended and an era
of Free Trade and prosperity would
dawn on our country, but we will have
to wait and hope for better things. -
The Sacrament will be held in the Lee -
burn Presbyterian church next Sabbath.
Mr. Anderson will preside for the last
time as pastor. The people do not
know what they will do for preaching
in the future. The Presbytery meets in
Seaforth this week, and the matter will
be decided them -March so far has been
quite stormy, but the appearances seem
to be that we will not have much more
cold weather this winter, and we may
look for an early spring. There is very -
little ice on the lake, and a little warm
weather would start navigation. -Prof.
Morgan is starting a singing -class in the
Hall. We wish him every success, as
we think this is a branch of home cid-
ture that is sadly neglected. It is a
pity that it could not be taught in the
publit schools so that the young could
gain a practical knowledge of music. -
The lodge intends giving an entertain-
ment about the 20th inst. There will
be an autograph quilt disposed of at it.
The sisters of the lodge have been can-
vassing and have a goodly number of
names. We hope that we will be able
to about pay the balance due on the
NOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and
'John McEwen, of Stanley, are visiting
at Mr. Wylie's.-Mrs. John A. Fortune
left for the Prairie Province on Tues-
day, March 3rd. -Miss Mabel Redde-
way spent a few days last week visiting
friends in Grey township. -Mr. John
Green has returned from Australia after
an absence of four years. No doubt he
feels the effects of the cold alter com-
ing from such a warm climate. -Mr.
Thos. Epplet and family have returned
from Dakota, where they have been HY-
. ing for the past three years. Mr.
Epplet thinks Turnberry far aheadj of
the Arnerieall Northwest. -On ac-
count of the recent heavy rains the river
rose so high that the water covered the
',road to such a depth that it was almost
impassable. The water wadi Mitch high-
er than any of the oldest inhabitants
had ever seen, so that it caused some
destruction by carrying the rail fences
along the fiats of the river.
PRESENTATION. -On Monday evening,
March 2nd, the many Mende of Mre.
John A. Fortune met at the residence
of her father, Mr. Green, to wish her a
pleasant journey and a suceessful future
in the Prairie Province, also to present
her with it few presents to show',how
she was esteemed by the people of the
community. After meeting at the resi-
dence of Mr. Green and partaking of an
excellent repast, Mr. D. Gemmill, who
was appointed chairman, called upon
Mrs. Wylie to read the address, and
upon Mee. Fraser to present Mrs. For-
tune with the gifts, which consisted of
the material for a splendid coat, a shawl --
and a fine fur cap. Mrs. Fortune was
utterly taken by surprise, as was also
Mr. Grepn, who made a feeling -end
suitable reply to the address on behalf
of his doughter, Mrit. Fortune. The
presentation being over, a number
present favored the company with seve-
ral songs and retitations, and the pro-
gramme ended by singing "Auld L:ing
Syne." When the older members of
the company had dispersed to their ,
several homes,the young people enjoyed
themselves in going the rounds of the
mazy circles.
Lower Wingham.
BRIEFS. -The social held at Mr. Robt.
Currieti, Zetland, on the 6th inst., in
connection with the Congregational
church, was a grand success. The pro-
gramme consisted of music on the violin
by the Misses Watson, of Wingham,
which was appreciated very much by all
present. Mr. Scott also favored them
with a few good old Sootch songs. The
choir also rendered some very- choice
music. The remainder of the pro-
gramme consisted of speeches, readings,
recitations and dialogues. -Lewis
Thomson, of South Riven, returned
home after spending a week at his old,
home. -Miss J. Wilson, of St. Helens,
is spending a few days at Mr. Jas. Wil-
son's, of Zetland. -Mr. Robt. Taylor,
who haa been at Gorda for some time, is
back again. -It is rumored around that
another one of those happy events is to
take place, for a certain party is to move
out shortly. --The Patrons of Industry
are progressing very well in Zetland. -
Mr. George Thomson is preparing to
start his mill shortly. -Mr. John Tenit
attended Brussels horse fair this week.
-Mr. Wm. Thome and family, who
have been visiting in this vicinity since
before Christmas, left this week for
their home in Dakota. -Mrs. James
Young -and family, of Dakota, who have
spent the winter with her parents, Mr.
George McMullen, returned home thie -
week. -Mr. Robert Faille, who has
been poorly all winter, died on Sunday
morning, 8th inst.-Mr. John Bowes
and wife, of Clifford, spent a couple of
days in Lower Wingham last week. -
Mr. William Crnikehank has sold his
stallion and delivered him this week irt
Blyth, where he will be shipped to
Manitoba.-MreGeorge Phippen has re-
turned from his visit to Bay City, and
seems well pleased to be back to Canada,
again. -Mr. George Phippen, junior,
has purchased two acres from Mrs.
Thomas Price, and is busily engaged
fixing up and getting things into shape
to move in this spring. -Mr. Elisha
bis farm,
. Mr. Geo
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