HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-13, Page 1ITS. ed pieces are nate lifferent pattern. ..ETTES. srna in plaids and AMS. patterns in good DNS. heavy .in white or [NG& B, fast in color, and ices. 4ADES. the best patterns, the kind to give etion. t we hold in large italic may rely up - the very closest, IVIeFaul, Menharghey were received muela ali- en' sang, " We'd and reapanded to h "Tit for Test." a firat appearance ape to have the her again. Miss o' Hazeldean,' "Robin Adair." [ce is very flexible readily lends itself of songs requiring iss O'Dea gave a that favorite Irish and fairly brought She sang for en- ne Home Again." zeta were also well duett, " Gipay otham and Profee- onded with "A B- arisal has a rieh, if good ranges and .ering of that beau- aidshipmite." He Irieh song, " Bel- ded with " Ennis - lied again he gave, Van- INGS.--COUlleil as - aliment on March present, Minutes, 1 and signed. L. that he would ap-- lave both his farms Lon 11. Trustees of may govern them- reHicks to look after stitate in Centralia. r, seconded by I. r be passed t� raise $2,000 each year at in. Debentures to iet, 1891. Moved ded by H. Eilber relay granted to a arnpany to erect a ance across somuch - i necessary to reach passing the follow- ealjourned to meet ay in April at 10 th masters will be ZI11811, use of house Keys, D. R. C., $3; )$1; W. Brenner, , $5.U; I. Kenny, 3i; L. McDonald, ; W. Eagleson,keep inilmer, tile across I miscellany, $1 ; ; G. Brown,salary, • charity, $5 ; G. altections, $4. C. res of Whalen, had Is 'bitten by a marl [Were playing with re not aware of its pbeli,vof S. Mary's, econie pastor of the t church in Lindsay, nthject to the acacia nittee. ttheridge, of Downie, B 'on Friday _while , Otte of the brokea i her wrist, severing rteries. r Cameron, of Mit - b. Oxford county on 'it, to see his dying 1 away on the follow - horning. Mr. Cara - bout- two years ago. near Monkton, met i accident the other l'iave proved fatal. t of the bush a log, it sapling which flying irce struck Mr. Hot- i.g his knee cap across !ill -health, Mr. James litchell, has decided [ye business. He is korn a severe attack isut his constitution paired, and he does- gged enough for work rs. girty ?was given by a Dickson, ath C011 - :achy night last week. , IS couples present, 'inselves with social until a late hour, ;(1 for their homes feel- ir kind host and hos- r rrr .140WMPIPP - IOW WHOLE NUMBER 1,213. TWENTY-THIRD TEAR. 1 SEAFORTH FRIDAY, MA {McLEAN BROS. Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. MARC H. Now Ready for Inspection, arge Stock . . —A OF • ••New Goods , he Spring Spring Trade. SSORTMENT—Extensive, QUALI,TY—First-class, —AND WOES put at the very Closest figures for CASH. Edward M'Faul, SEA FORTH. Words of Cheer. Sir Riehard Cartwright has ad- dressed the follewing letter to his con. stitnents : To the Etectors of South Oxford: Gentlemen,—I desire to return you my most sincere thanks for the generous confidence you have diaplayed in me, and more especially for your kindness in leaving me at liberty to prosecete the recent campaign in other quarters. Although the result of the contest is not in all respects such as I could have desired, enough has been achieved to justify high hopea for the future, and to amply warrant my prediction that at the very worst all the Liberal party had to fear was a temporary check. As some of you; looking merely at the numerical results, may not fully com- prehend the magnitude of the stride which we have made towards freeing ourselves from the malign influence of the orga.nized system of corruption (misnamed government) under which we have been suffering so many years, 101,1Y. I have thought it well to take this citizen opportunity of pointing out how greatly For our position has been improved as corn- son, a pared with that we have hitherto occu- the ethat h n pied. For the first time since 1874 we have gained the two central Provinces vent of this Dominion, and we have gained save o them upon a clear and distinct issue in the teeth of an absolutely unlimited ex- penditure of money, and of every other engine of corruption which a reckless and utterly unscrupulous administration was able to bring to bear—backed by a gross a.buse of. the prerogative—by a gerrymander act which, as you well know, cost at least eight constituencies in the Province of Ontario, and by a franchise bill which not only deprived an entire eighth part of the population of their right to vote, but which left a whole horde of absentees upon the voters' roll under circumstances which very gravely handicapped our party in many constituencies. In spite of these influences and of the resort on the part of the Premier and his colleagues to a, series of slanderous attacks on their opponents of the small- est and most contemptible description, Ontario and Quebec have done their duty nobly, and in a manner which warrants nae in saying that no leader with such a homogeneous phalanx at his back—in whose ranks, as far ad I know, not one single coward or traitor finds place—need feel any doubt of speedily defeating a far stronger com- bination than that which now confrontsO UR. Iur opponents' array on the otherChief Magistrate. - t , blind nor indifferent to .. the difficulties on the financial aide of - the subject which welve years of gross mismanage- ment and corruption have imported into the se tlement of this great issue, and with t ese we aro prepared to grapple when the time conies, but we see more clearly that this is pre-eminently at case in which the difficulty of standing still a,nd of seeing our country driift helpless into financial and political ruin is indefinitely more to be feared th n , any temp.orary fiscal enibarrassmenis, and also that it is our plain duty to , e- lect the most feasible method of extri- cating ourselves from our present posi- tion without -conjuring up idle visions of obstacles which may never occur, or ac - (witting loose and hap -hazard calculatiens of possible !losses of revenue, madel in complete ignorance of the data on which alone any reliable estiniates can I be frame first, t ada, a Caned free a . Two thing e at least are cl ar, at the general prosPerity of elan- d most of all the farmer d of , will be enormously increased by cess to the markets of the United State i and that with that increased prosp rity will come greatly increased spend'ng power and increased ability to bear a y necessary taxation.; and, sec- ondly which is scarcely of less impor- tance, that the steps that we propose to take t secure this end will indireatly but m at effectually lay the axe to Ithe root o that vast system of corruption which has at present intertwined itself with ur whole fiscal and politicalor an- izttio , and which threatens, un some trong and stringent remed applied, to choke out every vestig honor a larg Of th k now, hour momept, and I venture to hope that also kih now me well ough tb be a that I am making no idle boast wh pledg myself to you that I will and self-respect from the min number of the people of Can s system I have been, as the sworn opponent from the f its initiation down to the pre CBS be of s of da. OU ery ent you are en I not cease y opposition, in season or °et of seaso , till we have succeeded in fre ing our country from the shackles which the nd ignorance of a portion of her a have imposed upon us. 6 my own part I see very strong rea- 1 havestated, for believing hat is near, and even very near, and manly speaking nothing can i re- ihe success of the Liberal pai ty, ly dissension in its own rank', of which as matters now stand, I am h to be able to assure you there appea benddanger, so far at any rate a parha °erne gentle PPY s to its eamPa cational Association in July next. Sub- scription books are being passed around by an energetic committee. Manager H. J. Hill calculates on fronal5,000 to 18,000 visitors. REV. T. W. JEFFERY'S DEATH. That Itvell-known city divine, Rev. T. W. Jeffery, of Berkeley street Metho- dist church, died of heart disease on Monday. The deceased was a great favorite here, and has served in Metho- dist pulpits in Brampton, Cobourg, Brantford, and elsewhere. He came to Canada first in 1857 from the' West In- dies, his native land. The funeral ser- vices at Berkeley lttreet iChurch on Wednesday were very. impressive., The city clergy were present almost to a man to render a lett testimony to the worth of their late brother. THREE POLITE POLITICIANS. On Wednesday a novel sight was presented to passers-by on King street. It was in the middle of the day, just when taat thoroughfare is busiest. The two fir -eating colonels of the Denison family jivere seen advancing with mili- tary detpatch 'along the icy paeement. Perhaits Col. George T. was thinking of the way he got back at Goldwin Smith the other evening by dubbing him " Cataline." Col. Fred was thinking, -b mayhep, of his chancee in W;st Tor- onto, ut, anyway, they sudde ly con- fronted that traitor -caitiff." Sir Rich- rtwright, who was also ding the ade. The trio laughed and joked- ly,a quarter of an hour. Citizens by in hundreds to take in the n, and more than one thought of ion and the lamb lying down to - ard C prome for fu troope situat the " gether." skull smashed, and was kicked in , .face and body. He is at present st ing at the Central hotel, Winghani, the ex able he of Geo time w town, depart ago. • r. McDonald Returns Thanks. To th Ejectors of the East Biding of H iron :• GENTLEMEN, —NOW that the conteetl bacon is over and the smoke and dust of bat- 1$707.: tle ial cleared away, I take this, my tion,earliesZ, opportunity to thank yeti for a renew 1 of your confidence. sent a I an deeply grateful to everytne who Sprin contri uted to my election by Vote, in- fluenc4 or -work. But while cordially thanking ALL for their valued abd high- ly appreciated services I am under specia obligations to many of my friend . To the speakers who sp ably me upen the public pletforms-et who se skilfully organized the gn "—to the executive • effectually carried out e the organization—and -t kindly came from a dist their votes for me, I ten gratitude and sincere (belly thank my political the great courtesy the me deribg the campaign, etingi and in my genera with them. • now, by the will of th4 major-, e representative of ,Eas Huron other 'Parliament. 1 An4 while d with that position I shall en: le abil- pirit of s keep - native cies of ense of that town'and it is pi - will pull through. Bob is a, ge bleKay, Esq., who at s held in high esteem in ut who fell from grace before re to Winnipeg, some two ye It is Parlia spatch —M Sherbr $14,00 —T pany nary fo West —11 pointe • he at 011 b- 011 ne he is rs Canada. undenitood that the Dominion ent will be called for the cle- f business on April 29. sers. tleney & Seiveright,groe4rs, oke, have assigned, with abut liabilities. ! 11djon General Electric Cm - ill lupp1y the appliances ne es - the efectric tramway at Tew inster, British Columbia. nry Clarke, Elora, has been by the Ontario G-overnm p- nt, clerk of the'ixth Division Cour of • Wellin ton, instead Of Hugh Hamilton, deleas d. ' —U Wards of 69,300 tons of English salt w a exported to Canada during last year. Exports to the United Stettin from t e same source reached a tota4 of 106,74 tons. ' —Go. Goodwin, who has been w ed by Ph e police in connection with murder of Richard Langford, at C Lauer county, ome time ago, - arrest d Friday n ght near Ottawa. —op Saturday ast Squire Jarvill, of London, required Edward Brooks, an Arva hotel -keeper, to pay $20 for se ling liquor on Sunday. —About 19 o'clock Wednesday right of last1 week ire was discovered in Fra.- lickBros.' carriage factory, Picton. The loss ill be heavy, as the buildings and conteits were totally destroyed. . — be dutiles of excise collected at St. Thoma during February ' were: To - $32'27� ; cigars, $276; spirits, 1; ma t, $198; petroleum inripec- 25,10 ; to ekl, $1,529.61. the rp, was entary representatives are on- who so I have the honor to rem in, tail of an, your obliged and obed'ent who s servan , record Torclonto, March 7. - I co ••ents fo Not O from the Queen 0 shown TORONTO, MarChl 9th, 18 my m COUT813 Toronto would have been a pr I a ,RICHARD J. CARTWRIG II' • deepes ty. tty &it dull place for the past fortnight h not been for politics. A more h drum eriod we have not had for ye Munie pally, we will shortly wake to all the horrors or the Waterw and reasury investigations. T will b yet to ed Bo Clark m - re. up rks ere spice enough then. And we have ea what becomes of the resurr d of Works investigation. M still rests a few hours per d in his City Hall chair, E. A. Mac ald's 1 wsuit apparently giving him twing s of conscience whatever. T it will be rernembered, was instit to unsiat Mr. Clarke on the ground t h t'll h d d round connec e s a un erg with the City printing, by which he had pecuniary gain. Things do not point to Mr. Macdonald's ever becoming et - or em on is, ted at 10D hand, is moat literally a thing of shreds WATERWAYS TO THE SEABOARD and patches, made up from ragged DISCUSSED. remnants from half a dozen minor Pro- The Canadian Society of Civil En- vinces, the great majority of whom do gineeri, through its branch here, is not even pretend to be actuated by any principle save that of securing a good slice of booty for themselves and the sections or constituencies they respect ively represent, and who know besides that popular feeling in thoae very Pro- vinces is strongly and distinctly in favor of our policy, though actual cash in hand or in the shape of railway sub- sidies has proved too much for the vir- tue of a majority of the voting popula- tion in many instances. It goes without saying that these discua seaboa has se read a thorou the p route, States porta the route's enlargement. Mr. Corthell's paper leo dealt with the proposed ship - railway between Toronto and Coiling - wood n the Georgian Bay. The Board motty forces, held together by the co- of Tr de will depute a few members to hesive power of plunder and by that discus this matter with the engineers alone, are wholly inferior in quality at an arty date. and in staying power to the men who , MORE ROOM FOR THE INDUSTRIAL FAIR. composs the existing Liberal party, and It i about decided that at the In - even in the calmest and least troubled times are certain to be exceedingly difficuly to keep' in hand and to stand in need of constant and heavy refreshers whenever their services are most par- ticularly required. But the times and the questions now confronting us are certain to be anything but easy to deal with. On the contrary, Comn on as soon as the city provides it is evident even to the most careless a sub titute. If this point of disagree - observer that there never was a period ment, so long-standing, is settled, the in the history of Canada in which a will be greatly pleased. The have alwaye been a source of dan- occupants of boats moving about ke outside the Gap. A LIVELY CORPSE. old man at the House of Indus - as found in a seemingly lifeless ing the reat Lakes route to the d. Mr. Corthell, of Chicage, the ball a -rolling by his paper their last meeting, Which went over the matter land gave eference to the St. Lawrence as benefitting equally the United and Canada. The coat of trans - ion would be much lessened with destrial Fair next September the associ- ation I will have the use of 38 acres of land it present under the control of the military authorities. This additional land swill effectually do away with the cl crow ed state of affairs noticeable at past firs. The military men also agree to st p using the butts on Garrison ool citize yl butts the ger t for the I to- Anven judgment, backed by a strong and 1 majority of the representatives Of people, was more urgently needed the conduct of public affairs than day. Both of these requisites are conspicuous for their absence. Not Sir John Macdonald's abject worshi ers try can fail to see that he has blundered ter- condition the other morning. A doc- ribly many ways, and most of al in tor was sent for. He came and applied his dellings with the United States,and the ordinary testa to find whether life that he has led his followers into a cul_ was extinct,„ only to give a confirmation de -sac out of which there is no escape of the pauper's death. Attendants save through a genetic' of pitiful and , shrouded the body for burial and it was . probably wholly useless humiliations as removed on a stretcher to await the un- even his lust for place and power at all dertaker. The servants had just de- haearcis and at any sacrifices can scarce- posited their burden on .the floor of the the world ae the place or city ly tempt him to undergo. For ourselves, dead house when the supposed corpse are manufaetured the wonder tubul r ity, t for an honors. sedated 'those plena of orkers, -ery d e - those nee to der my thanks. oppon- have both at inter-' deaVoie to the best of my hum ity, to discharge my duty in a firmnetts and impartiality, alwa ing 5 view the good of my country rather than' the exege party. I If I pan be of any service to stituents—Liberals and Conse alike -+in transacting any busine Administrative Departments at it will 'afford me much pleasure ing mY services at their disposal I have the honor to be,ger your humble and obedient serve • P. MACDO WINGDAM, March 9th, 1891. , Ai Mammoth Enterpri j BRADFORD Orr, Pen ' March 2nd; 18. y COD- vatives s with Ottawa plac- tlemen, t, ALD, 0. sylvania, 1. Deep. EXPOSITOR, --Ill the Telegram's letter ieveral months ego was chron- icled tie possible establishment near this city of an immense enterprise known as the Steel Tubular Car Works. There Was much comment at the time, but the Board of Trade.Seemed inactive, and it was thought that the enterprise would be located- where more induce- ments Were, offered. Within the last few days, howBver, our hopee have been revived, and n w the immense industry seems ane.ssu ed fact. J. S. Britian, the chief architect Mad engineer of .the company, with a corps of assistants, arrivedin the city last Saturd y from Phila elphia,jand J. W. Post, the in- vent° °Utile bteel tubular car , is ex- pecte to areve in a few da. s. The comp ny, wh ch has a capital tock of $5,00Q,000, hits secured abo t 5,000 acres f land in the valley be ow the city; end wok will soon be - b gun on one. o the greatest manufacturi g plants in thiUniteil States. The ma build- ing w 11 be a mammoth one of stone, iron ahd briok, and will easily accommo- date 5,000 Workmen. The entire enters ill b prise same whic brate pose laying out streets and erecting the buildings in which their employes shall live. It will be in itself a city of 8,000 or 10000 inhabitants. The whole affair seem almott incredible and appears like a dream t indiceltions believe tha Mr. riean has brought his fan and will make Bradford his ho in a few daYs we expect his for busy with heir plans, etc., a conducted someWhet on the Ian a in Pullman, Illinois, at plac are manufactured the cele- paktee cars. The company-pro- ayor Rea , of Brantford, 1 has cheque for $235 to the Mayer- of Hill Nova Scotia, towards the relief of the miners. The money was voluntarily ubscribed by Brantford's citizens. — A despatch from Winnipeg on the 4th inst. say: A squaw named tlize i Kennedy wat cut to pieces on the ana- dian Pa.cific Railway track this orn- ig ht - Tie] e • into many, but from present we have every r ason to it will become a reality. ilv here e, and against him and his work; but th e will be given way for respect and true ap d a all over t which ul steel year radf rd will be lahown strong in our own convictions, and for- frightened them out of their wits by tided by the verdict of the two hief sitting bolt upright and setying • "Can Provinces of the Dominion, our co is clear. We propose to puraue wit wavering' the line of policy marked in the sucoessive debates and resolu already thrice recorded in Parlia on the question of free trade wit rest of thio continent. We are ne rse out out ions ent the ther you give me a smoke, byes?" Unaided the old man walked back into warm quarters and vastly enjoyed his pull at the clay pipe. PREPARATIONS FOR THE PEDAGOGUES. Preparations still go forward for the prop r welcome of the National Edu- —Bob M out the -v Yours very truly, JAMES .LANYR NCE, Formerly f Huron. Kay, well known through- cinity of Wingham, is at ering from a wound' received ing, her body being mangled fr fully. . . — The Canadian Paeific Railway graph Comp ny have just removed new offices i the Toronto Board of Tradebuildieg. The wires enter b a tower pn the roof and are diatribut to the tables uuder a false floor, whichis removable. The battery room contains life from these meetinga—the main object tor which they were held. Though full of promise' as ever they closed Friday night. —Mrs. Hannah Harding, aged 83, relict of the late LieuteCol. Wm. B. Harding, died Tuesday morning of last week at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. C. Sheere, 197 Bathurst street, London. Deceased came with her hus- band to this country in 1834, and • has lived in London from its early days. The surviving sons are: William R., James, Richard, Frank and Fred, and the daughters, Mrs. L. Lewis, Mrs. James Gray, Mrs. C. Sheer°, Mrs. Jas. Watson and Mra. Pickard. Mrs. Harding was a most estimable lady and a loving mother. Besides her own children she leaves 57 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. —An old man named Pat Murtagh was arrested by P. C. .Egelton, of Lon- don, Saturday last, on a charge of assaulting his wife at the family resi- dence in London. A broken broom han- dle, numerous blood stains, and the bat- tered condition of the woman herself were evidences of a brutal assault. -Mrs. Murtagh was confined to bed with a broken leg at the time, an accident caused, it is saideby previous ill-treat- ment from her affectionate husband, to whom she has been married two years. She has been removed to the hospital, where she lies in a serious state. Mur- tagh was remanded by the police magis- trate Monday morning for a week. —The tailoring establishment of Mr. A. Vanderhart, Berlin, was burglarized on Saturday night or early Sunday morning, 1st inst. A number of over- coats, suits, cloth, etc, were carried off. The • burglars affected an entrance .through the back door, having chiseled out the lock; A number of windows were also broken in the rear of the shop. About two o'clock on Sunday morning the night watchman arrested two tramps as suspicioue characters, not knowing, however, of the burglary. It is not certain whether these two actu- ally did the stealing, but it is thought that they know something of it, and therefore were held for examination. Mr. Vanderhart's loss will be about $200. —On Wednesday night of last week the water in the Grand River remeto the highest point which it has reached for many years. Little damage has been reported, however, except to the "Foot Bridge," a few miles below Galt. One of the piers of this bridge was carried away, together with two of the spans on the east side of the river. A new span was put in last summer, which was one of those swept away. A quantity of flour and feed at Cranston & Scrimger's mill was damaged, and the cellars of the stores of Messrs. John Sloan, Charles Philip, and others on Main street, Galt, were flooded, and goods damaged to a larger or smelter extent. —A German machinist named Schwe- gatt committed suicide at Winnipeg Friday by blowing his brains out with a rifle. He had been sick for a couple of weeks, and the same morning sent his wife out to call one of the doctors who has been attending him. When she re- turned she found her husband lying dead in a pool of blood, with the instru- ment of death lying beside the body. Schwegatt leaned forward over the muz- zle of a short rifle and pulled the trig- ger. The bullet struck fair in the cen- tre of the frontal bone and wiled out at the back of the head, carrying pieces of the skull and brain into the ceiling above. The cause of Schwegatt'm rash act was despondency brought on by ill - health. —A young man named Pelton, be- longing to Beamsville, met with a very serious accident on Saturday evening, 28th ult., while driving along tbe Gov- ernor's road near Paris on his way home. He, was driving along at a pretty good rate When a man named McLeod stepped out of a field and asked for- a ride. McLeod evidently scared the horse, for it broke away, and the driver, losing control over it, it collided with a telegraph post, throwing Pelton out on his head and smashing the rig all to pieces. Pelton had his head badly cut and two or three of his ribs broken. He was removed to his home and is getting on as well as can be expeeted. —Hon. Gilbert MeMicken died sud- denly at Winnipeg on Saturday morn- ing, 7th inst., aged 77 years. He was for several years collector of customs at Niagara Falls and in 1857 Was elected M. P. for ;Welland. He 'Moved to Essex ill 1850, and was appointed in 1864 stipendiary magistrate. He suc- cessfully quieted the frontier excite- ment, especially in the cities of Detroit and Buffalo and received special thanks from Lord Buffalo, He discovered and arranged the settlement of the disputed line of the international boundary at the St. Clair flats canal. He staS elected in 1879 to represent Cartier in the Legisla- tive Assembly of Manitoba, and held the seat until 1883, being elected Speak- er of the House. —The Embro correspondent of the Woodstock Sentinel -Review writes: A lamentable scene was enacted in our neighboring township, Nissouri, on Saturday last. A regular attendaet at our Division Courts from that favored land, a general law breaker and default- er, having failed to appear in court in accordance with His Honor's ruling (Judge Finkle), a warrant was iseeed for his arrest and cornmital for contempt of court. The warrant -was put in the hands of our big constable. After seve- ral unsuccessful attempts to catch the bird, he and an assistant with • a sur- geon in case of serious work being re- sorted to, made a descent on the house about day break, the constable covering the front and the assistant the back and the doctor standing sentry at a little distance. The first sound caused the man to bound through the back door past the guard in an almost nude state, having nothing on him but one sock, ht drawers and a thin ahirt. This, 2,00 atterhis, all in use. -J lin Letter, of Shannonville, Alex. Lestet, Of Newburg, bro while walkibg on the railway Marys, ille en Saturday last, were struck' by a t'tain and instantly Med. John Lester was a married man, and leaves his wife and aged mother t tally unprovided Mr. —A despaltch from Winnipeg n the 8th inst. sate? : -Father Graton, ' who, after visiting Wood Mountain, w s re- turning hom to Regina, was dead five mils from that town. 22 miles out his horses played ou he started to walk, but leavin trail died fro exhaustion and exposure. He was not frozen. land hers, near ound W hen and the 1 I —Fire broke out Sunday last i , the Eli stationery department of Mr. Louis Fortier, St. James street, Montre II, and spread to the adjoining premises, doing damage amounting to over $4101000: Mr. Fortier's loss is $32,000 iyit‘. J. Wilson tailor, $5,000; Jas. Ba 1 is & Co., $6,000. ill.. Fortier has $24,000 insurance, and the other firms are) all covered. I —Robert Hutton, of Toronto, a fire - 1, man on the Grand Trunk Railway met with a peculiar accident last riday evening, which may result fatally Ele was standing on the end of the ender of his engine as it ran out of the °mid - house when he was caught by the big drop door- and severely crushed He was removed to his home, where he id doing as well as could be expected —Cane day last week James, a Robert Wright, of Minto, had h broken in a very peculiar mannerIle went into the stable beside a Young stand oppo- right as to -and this n. , the 11 of $ arm horse, gave it a slap and told it to over, but the edit did directly the site, as he crowded young against the stall with such force break his arm between the wria the elbow' This is the fourth o family w o have had an arm tarok —Mar aret Mullen. of Picto cook of tbe schooner Flora, now ly.ng at the Church street wharf, Toronto, is at police headquarters, Toronto, c arged with uttering two forged cheques. On February 23rd the Bank of T ronto cashed a cheque for $60, and on hum - day last week one for $95, both igned by Mrs.' Keeble, of 102 Shuter treet, Toronto. It was subsequently lbCOV- ered that both were forgeries. bout $75 of the money has been recover d. —The Woodstock Sentinel- view says: Evangelist Schiverea had full house Thursday night. is, now closing his fourth week of aospel Services, and no man could have • orked more earnestly and faithfully. As it always is the case at first, some were unthinkingly and rashly prej diced at has recia- o the ospel• scrip - been emor- ed man's outfit for a three mile race 011 bard frozen plowed fields and swamps. The constable ordered him to surrender, but he would not, and theconstable fired his pistol in the air, caifiting the terror-stricken fellow to fall prostrate on the ground. When he discovered he was not hurt he took to his sore feet again, but was eventually treed in a turnip pit and made to submit, not- withstanding his weapon, the pitchfork. He was taken to the house, dressed and ornamented with a good strong pair of wrist bands and was conveyed to the county boar'ding house for twenty days without much ceremony. —1 he lumber shipments from Ottawa to the United States for January, as shown by returns prepared in Cousul- General Lty's effice, amount to $14,- 611.69. Of this, $3,741.98 was in bond for export to South America, leaving the amount actually disposed of in the States at $70,869.71. These figures do not include the returns from Carleton Place, whieh are not yet in. Last year the returns, including , Carleton Place, which was not then established, amount- ed to $88,645.52, of which $69,029.18 was actually used in the States. There is an apparent decrease this January of about $14,000, but it is expected when the returns from Carleton Place are in that the shipments will be fully equal to those of January, 1890. —The midnight Mechanic got in some of hie work at Granton on Monday night of last week. Bernard & Clarke's blacksmith's shop M that place was entered by the Window where the necessary tools were secured, together with a revolver and Mr. J. E. Murray's place of operation. handkerchiefs and were- taken and the till, a iittle over a d half miles west frorr Whalen's horse and by the same party or parties which was evident by the traces of blood on the stable door, one of them having cut his hand while climbing through the window of the store door. Mr. Whalen's horse and harness have since been found near Mooresville. While climbing through the window they dropped about three dollars in change; which Mr. Mur- ray credited them With as part payment of _goGodeos.r ge Prentice, a wealthy farmer residing on the 9611 concession, Dere- ham, a mile and aeihalf from Browns- ville, committed suicide on Thursday of last week by shooting himself in the breast with a revolver. In the morning he went to Culloden to vote, and about 3 o'clock in the afternoon his son found him in the barn, dead. He was lying on his face in a pool of blood; in his hand was a revolver; his vest was un- buttoned and his shirt drawn open. The coroner decided that an inquest was unnecessary, as it was clearly a case of suicide. What induced the deceased to take his own life is a mystery. , He was well off, having a farm of 200 acres un- encumbered, and had recently' realized over $3,000 by a sale. He leaves a wife and family of two daughters and one son at home and one daughter married. Deceased was a man of about 48 years of age. During th past week or so it was noticed that he was Buffering from fi t s_oAf nmoell da neceht to the person of Mr. Wm. Swindlehuret, 'died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. C. B. Taylor, in Guelph, on Sunday evening, let inst., at the advanced age of 78 years, He came to this country about 1832 and set- tled in Guelph some 40 years ago, when Guelph was a small village, and had the pleasure of seeing it expand to its pres-, ent dimensions. To the older inhabi- tants he was familiarly known aa '601d Billy." He was a machiniot by trade and followed that vocation for a number of years. Some two or three years ago -he had an operation performed at the General hospital for a cataract on the eyes, when his eyesight was billy re- stored. He remained conscious up to the last, and spoke distinctly to those at his bedside one hour before his death. He leaves a large number of descend- ents, together with a brother in Geor- gia, to mourn his loss. Three of his sisters retided in New York State and died recently of old age. tion of him, as a map devoted great mission of_publishing the His teaching has been eminently thrill, and all denominations hay profited and delighted in these able services. Never did the Central Methodist church by its great Beating capacity serve the public to bett r ad- vantage than during the past onth, when eager crowds felt it to be a grand privilege to assemble in a chu ch so present au commodious, open alike and free to all, last .8undaY evening, in a drunken me- the poor having as good chance any lee w4th a gang of toughs. Bob had_hia others. Many will date their r a few other articles. store was the next A number of silk other. small goods loose change in the ollar. Two and a Granton, Mr. Wm. buggy were stolen day to Mr. John Gropp, of Brunner, for $1,r00. Messrs. Witt and Malchow are both going to look for a home in Michigan. —Mr. John Blows of Mitchell return- ed from his trip to the old country last week. He enjoyed his trip and visit to old England very much, but declares his preference for Canada as a country to live in. —Me. David Carroll, has disposed of his beautiful homestead, near Hamp- tead, to Mr. Stine, of the township of East Zorra, for the handsome Bum of $6,000, and intends becoming a resident of the city of Stratford on or about the first of April. —On Friday night, 27th nit., Mr. George Leversage of Fullerton, was upset out of his buggy as he was turn- ing into his own gate. Ilia head was cut in several places and he received some internal injuries. A doctor was called and dressed the wounds, but Mr. Leversege is still in a very precarious condition. —Mr.J oseph R.Robb,ofPoole,bas sold half of his farm, 75 acres, to his -son-in- law, Mr.IIM. Lichti, for $4,000. He has also leased the other half to the earne party for a number of years, and goes to Musselburgh to live in othe house now occupied by Mr. Lichti, who of course goes to the farm to live. —What might have been a very seri- ous accident happened to Messrs,. W. and J. Butler, of Hibbert, one day last week. While returning from St.lelarys, and nearing home, the epring of the cart on which they were riding broke, and the two men fell to the ground. No serious damage was done, only both got a bad fright: —A happy event occurred in Ellice township, on the 23rd ult., when Frank Ruston, son of the popular reeve, Francis Ruston, and one of the firm of Norfolk & Ruston, Stratford, became a benedict, and Miss Lizzie Moore, eldest daughter of Thonees Moore, became a happy bride. The wedding took place at the home of the brideat parents, where a large concourse of relatives and friends assembled to witness the young couple plight their troth. Rev. D. Deacon, rector of the Home Memorial church, Stratford, tied the knot. —In Listowel on Saturday night, 28th ult., about half -past ten an alarm - of fire was given, when it was found that the Oddfellow's Hall, in Campbell's block, was on fire. The firemen were promptly on hand, and in a short time had the tire under control. The anti - rooms of the ball were badly damaged, together with carpets, furniture, etc., which is insured. The greatest damage however, was caused by the water run- ning down into the stores of Messrs. G. B. Ryan-& Co., and .McMillan & Ballard. —The eighth anniversary of the opening of the Motherwell Presbyterian church was celebrated on Sunday and Monday lat and 2nd inst. On Sunday two excellent and profitable discourses by the Rev. Dr. McMullen, of Wood- stock, were delivered to large and at- tentive audiences. On Monday evening a large number assembled and partook of the many good things prepared by the ladies of the congregation. After which the intellectual nature of man was re- galed by vigorous and racy speeches from the Rev. P. Scottsof Cromarty, the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of Kirkton, the Rev. Mr. Tully,of Mitchell, and the Rev. Dr. McMullen of Woodstock. The chair was filled' offectivelY by the resident minister, the Rev. Afr.Hamilton. Good music, furnished by -the newly organized choir, sandwiched the speeches. The proceeds, amounting to over $90.00, go towards liquidating the debt incurred in purchasing the organ. —About two o'clock Sands), morning two masked men seized the night watch- man at Hess Brothers' furniture factory at Listowel, tied his hands behind his back, filled his mouth with cotton and tied a strip of wood over his mouth, threw him to the ground, and one held him there'while the other proceeded- to fire the premises in several places. When the watchman was liberated he made his way to the nearest dwelling, and by kicking at the door aroused the inmates. When he was freed and the - alarm was given it was found the whole premises were on fire beyond control, also that the pumps in connection with the water works had been tampered with and were useless, also the wire in con- nection with the alarm bad been cut. The oils used in the factory had been turned on the flames and everything done to make the work of destruction complete. The whole premises are in ruins, with several dwellings and other places damaged. There is about $31,000 insurence on the building and machin- ery, besides large amounts on the con- tents. The oely companies interested as far as known at present ere the Western, $5,000; Lancashire, $5,000; National, of Ireland, $2,100. Perth Items. Mr. Joseph Witt, of Ellice, has sold his farm of ainety-eix acres to Mr. Taylor, of Mornington, for $3,300. —There were registered with the Stratford City Clerk during the month of February, 17 births, 8 mar- riages and 6 death. —Mr. A. J. Hamilton, of the firm of Hamilton Bros., boot and shoe dealers, ,Stratford, is retiring from business on account of ill -health. " —Mr. James Cousins, of the Russel - dale hotel, has given up business there and has moved into Mitchell to reside. —The Listowel Gesand Electric Light Company have purchased the electric plant from the Ball Company, and in- tend completing the +cult in that town immediately. —Mr. Win. Rowland, of Avonton, has rented his farm to Mr. Frank Hos- kins, and is going with his family to Manitoba about the latter part of this month. —Mr. E. Gording, of St. Marys, hap- pened with a painful accident one day last week, by falling on an icy place, breaking one arm and dislocating his shoulder. —After April first next, .Avonbank, Motherwell and Carlingford will have a daily mail, to be distributed from Paul's station. Mr. Porteous, of ul- larton, has been given the contract of carrying the mail. —The farm stock and effects of Mr. John Malchow, of Ellice, were dispoeted of on Thursday, of last week, by Mr. Wm. Weir, auctioneer. The stock sold at good prices. There was a large at- tendance and the day all that might be desired. Mr. Malchow's fifty acre farm t. A Kind Voice. In speaking of the power of kindness, Elihu Dirritt once remarked of the voice: "There is no power of love so hard to - get and keep as a kind voice. A kind hand is deaf and dumb. It may be rough in flesh and blood, yet do the work of a soft heart, and do it with a ooft touch. But there is 110 one thing that love so much needs as a sweet voice, to tell what it Means and feels; and it is hard to get and keep in the right tone. One must start in youth, and he on the watch night and day, at work and at play, to get and keep voice that shall epeak at all times the thoughts of a kind heart. It is often in youth that one gets a voice or tone that is sharp, and it sticks to him through life, and ite stirs up HI will and falls like a drop of gall upon thesweet joys of home. Watch it day by day LS pearl of great price, for it will be -wairth more to you in days to come than the best pearl bid in the sea. A kind voice is to the heart what light is to the eye. It is a light that silage as ligious with a pit-chfork, constituted the wretch- was also sold by auction on the same well as shinec"—Congregationalset.