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The Huron Expositor, 1891-03-06, Page 6
r on e is el s Si I isneelDaas The Pace is Too Past. This is a question that frcni time to time is discussed in scientific journals, land wheel one sees the vast number of 'Broken down, listless and prematurely old men found in every community, 'one is almost forced to adniit that the race is deteriorating. The causes leading to this decline in manhood ate various, and among them may be ne utioned epverwork, mental strain, loss of sleep, iover indulgence of appetites, and ex- -sesses of various kinds, all leading to shattered nerves, loss Of' vital forces and premature decay, and often to insanity. 'To all thus suffering Dr. Williams' ,Pink kills come as a boon. They build up shattered nerYes,enrich the blood, stimu- late the brain, and !reinforce the ex- hausted system. All who are suffeiing Iron! any of the causes that break down and enfeeble the system should use these pills, and will find them a !sure and srpecdy restorative. Dr. Williams' Pink Fills are sold by all dealers, or will be „sent, post paid, on receipt of price -50 *eats a box -by addressing The Dr. Wile limns Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1209 4 the ping of tobacco in my hand, and looking at it intently, said: "I am a man. You are a plug of tobacco. Am I going to boss you or will you 'boss' me ? I will be a man, and not be bossed' by yon." I then put it into my pocket, and every time I felt -a longing for it I would take it out and address it in the same terma. I found it pretty tough the first month, especially when in company with men who were smok- ing, but after that I rapidly overcame the temptation. I believe that the only way to give up tobacco in any form is to Mint down on it. Tlile King and the Shirt. There lived long ago a king, who be- came very sick, writes Leo Tolstoi. " I will give the half of my kingdom to anybhdy who is able to give me back my health," he said. Then alt the wise men of the country. met and consulted with each other how they might be able to cure the king, but they could not find a remedy. One of them, however, explained that he thought it poseible to restore the king to health. " It -only we can find a happy man," he said, " we will take his shirt and put it on the king, who then will regain his vigor.", The king sent out messengers, who were instructed to find a happy man. They traveled through the whole contry, but could not find the one they sought. There was not a single man who was satitfied and happy. One was rich, but sick ; • another healthy, but poor; and a third one was both rich and healthy, but complained of hie wife, as others did of their children. All of them had unaccomplished wishes. One evening the king's son passed by a low cottage and heard somebody with- in say : " _Bless the Lord, now I have worked myself tired, finished my meal and am allowed to go to bed. What more can I ask `!" The king's son listened to the words with joy. Ordering the shirt to be taken from the man, who was to be lib- erally rewarded, the messengers were commanded to carry the shirt to the king. These, as soon as possible, ran into the cottage to the -happy Man and in- tended to draw off his shirt. But he was so poor that he did not have eyen a shirt. • A Child's ense of Justice. Nothing seemslto burn into the mem- ory and heart of a child fie an undeserved ,punishment, however trifling the matter may seem to the adult inflicter. In some children of the sunny, hopeful type the wave of indignation and helpless, unspoken protest against unjust correc- tion passes away, and leaves apparently Ino trace. To other children, with more sensitive natures or more rebellious dis- positions unjust words of reproof kindle • fires of rage, which Emoulder with sullen persistence under the ashes of seeming forgetfulneas, ready to burst out violent- ly and unexpectedly. If this seems an overdrawn picture one has only to think backward to one's own childish days, and to recall the time when careless treatment by an elder first taught us to be bitter, unforgiving, resentful. A child's sense of justice is as keen as his heart is tender, and this is one of the qualities most necessary to a noble character; a quality that must be blended with truth and honor and self- sacrifice to give the right balance to dis- positions which would otherwise work harm. A child's justice is always tem- pered with mercy to those he loves, and when in the home he is juatly and tenderly dealt with, he learns little by little that highers he comes in con - Something About Mrs. P. L. Collins, Who is Said to be the Leading Chirograph- ical Expert of the Country. Of the many million pieces of mail stutter which pass through the hands of the post -office officials there are many which are illegibly addressed, others have the wrong State or city, aud othera Eussess -nothing which can give a clue to aid in ascertaining the wishes of the slender. To decipher the illegible addresees, to correct the addresses, and to start the letters on the -right track for delivery is the task of one of the divisions -of the Foet-Offide Department in this cty, says the Washington Post. The results ac- complished are marvelous. Half a mil - lien letters misdirected =and otherwise lacking in the address reach the office aunually. Of this amount from 85 to 95 per cent. have been delivered. The, envelopes are not opened, and to de- cipher the handwriting on some of them -would puzzle an ordinary parson for a month. And yet there are chirographi- o.d experts in the Dead -Letter Office to wnurn the reading of all the modern lauguages, as expressed on envelopes, beti les a good many of the dead ones, is a peculiar pleasure. They are ladies, of courte. A man could not fill the position. He would take up a letter with an indecipherable address on it and wrestle with it far abeut two minutes, and then in all like- lilmod he would swear for ten minutea or more, say that a person who couldn't wriLe any better had no huffiness to be seeding letters, and conclude by allow - lag the letter to go to the Dead -Letter Office to be opened. - But the ladies who look after this work are more patient. They have be n at it so long and hey° acquired such expertness in defiling with the fool- ishly and illegibly -directed letters that it does not require log to pass on each one. Mrs. P. L. Collins is in charge of thie work, and by years of experience in blino reading is entitled to be readied as the leading chirographical expert of the country. In all cases where the correct address is ascertained and the letter delivered, a request is made for the envelope, and it is usually returned to the department. Some of them are curious samples of chirography and stupidity, while others • show that the fool -killer has little hope for a vacation for some time. Some people like to play jokes and I think it tunny to write the names of parties with whole they are corresponding back- wards. To decipher these is easy, and the letter is delivered. Otheowitty par- te:ma like to show their smartness by writing puzzling addresses. The old chesnut of writing a name under another and over the address is common and the address : " Wood, John, M'ass.,' -teach below the other, is so common that John Underwood, Andover, Massachu- aetts, receives his mei1 as quickly as if the address was legibly and sensibly written. Mrs. Collins takes special pride in the delivery of one letter, which was ad- dreesed : "3 Calverly Perade, Tunbr-." The party had evidently, been inter- rupted in writing the last name. There was nothing in the envelope to give a •clew as to where it should go. There • was a 5 -cent stamp on the letter, and it wee evidently intended for some foreign iiountry. The expert remembered that Tunbridge Wells, England, was a gar- rison town, and that, in all likelihood, it contained a street each as the one named. The letter was forwarded there, and delivered to the peaty for whom it was intended. Another letter addressed to Messrs. Lombard & Odier contained no other direetion. A ten -cent stamp showed that it was a foreign letter, and the ex - Pert happened to know that the firm were bankers at Geneva, Switzerland. The association of names led to the delivery of a letter addressed to Goose N. C.. to its proper destination at Duck Bay, N. C., while by rapid read- iug a letter addressed " Man of York, = America," was made to read Manayunk and properly delivered. The fait that Fargo is the only city in Dakota that possesses a large mail -bot eystem led to the delivery of letters ad1. dressed to box S73, Dakota. Another letter, which was deliverec oorrectly, was addressed simply to St. Francis River, Ark., in care of the bridge watchman. There is no such post -office in Arkansas, and as there ar any number of bridges across the -S Francis river it was a pretty difficult matter to decide where it should go. Mrs. Collins was familial- with th country, and she knew that • the Me phis & Little hook railroad crossed the !river near a village called Mediae'. The letter was thereupon sent to tie t phiee, and it turned out to be correc Instates of this, kind are numerou and many letters that are insufficientl addressed reach the parties for who! they are intended solely through t efforts of these experts. The Man and the Tobacco. An old Canadian relites how he gat op using tobacco. He says ; I had for long time been trying to give it up, a tried various methods. ODD was to alio tuyself only so much per day, but found that would not •work. . I th Cried to ease off gradually, but that w a failure, as my mind kept dwelling it, and the more I tried easing off t more I kept hankering after it. I w about to begin on the last plug of purchase when I hit on an idea. I to tat. When -Ina- own small rights are carelessly 'and contin he, too, learns to pla vent devices to achie he has learned mak Bazar. e ally thrust aside, the brigand, toin- re the might which s right.-Harper's THE HURON EXPOSIT R Di. T. A. Slocum's 0*,,rgenized Emulsion OXYGENIZED EMULSION Liver 011 When Dancing, Is Wrong. It's all very well to say there is no harm in dancing. There isn't. But there is harm in having about you, a sweet pure girl, kept as much as possi- ble from the wickedness of the world, the arm of a man who may be a profli- gate,and not possess the first instinct of a gentleman. He may, as you say, dance divinely, but even for a partner in a round dance, more than that is neces- sary. My little girl, dancing indiscrim- inately will teach you to forget how to blush, and with that knowledge departs one of your greatest charms. Dance, 'sing and be merry, but remember, not only does the world judge us by the company we keep, but just as you and I are made better and nobler by being with those who are true and good, so we are insensibly made meaner and poorer in heart and brain when we consort with those of leas degree in morals. e a d 11 8 n y k FOR1 NSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, • ASTHMA, SCROFULA, AND ALL PULMONARY DISEASES. • DIRECTIOTS° ser rAKE WELL. Take on tablespoonful half an hour after each meal. f the -patient's digestion will •not allow tablespOonful use desert-spOodul. .1111166 pTGE Loo. OtEPARED 014 BY T. sLoquivt,.: 18 Adelaide St. Viest, 11. TORONTO, - 0 TARIO./ forowsionsoirem.verna. MARCH 6, 18911 OF PUilE COD LIVER OIL. Among the merits whic Pure Cod Liv 1st. The excellence 2nd. Its freedom fr 3rd. Its fitness for 4th4 The thorough qualities. 5th And the fact Cod Livr Oil amalgam with h pophosphites foreign mbstance, and AL IF IF IF IF IF PULMONAR OU HAVE' A OU HAVE TI OU HAVE DI OU HAVE A OU HAVE W distinguish Slocum's Oxygenized Emulsion of r Oil above all other preparations are: of its method of preparation. m disagreeable taste and odor ! mmediate absorption ! - ess in which it retains permanently its good. hat Slocum's Oxygenized Emulsion is the only tion in the market in which the oil is not mixed f lime and soda, or_some other equally injurious onSequently rendered worse than worseless ! DISORDERS FINDSPEEDY RELIEF. Y THROAT TROUBLE—USE IT. HTNESS OF THE CHEST—USE IT. FICUFTY OF BREATHING—USE IT. ASTING AWAY OF FLESH—USE IT. AK LUNGS—USE IT IF OU HAVE B ONCHITIS—USE IT. IF eDU HAVE A THMA—USE IT. IF OU HAVE C TARRH—USE IT. IF ll'OU HAVE 'A OLD—USE IT. - IF YOU HAVE A OUGH—USE IT.' IF YOU ARE FEEBLE AND EMACIATED—USE IT. IF ''OU HAVE C • NSUMPTION—USE IT. HEY HO USE IT LIVE. The a proval my Oxygen ed Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil has met with at the hands of the pub ici is no doubt mor4 orless due to the members of the medical profession, who.,have shown a p eference in recomm nding its use in their daily practice. If your druggist has not got Slocu 's'Oxygenized Emu sion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, and will not order it for you, do not take a y preparation that eontains line and soda. In such case rather obtain of him the Pure Cod- /Jiver Oil, which, though nauseous and repulsive to the taste, does not contain any foreign and injurious substance. SINGLE BOTTLES, $1.00 ; SIX BOTTLES, $5;00. Treatise and, Circular on Consumption mailed on application. Address • T. A. SLOCUM, 186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. „00•1•1111% s2 HAND -MADE GO Boots and Shoes D. McINTYRE • W .All Men young or old, or middle aged, who find themselves nervons,weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms: Mental depression; premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart,emissiona, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peduliar sensation about the scrotum, wasti g of the organs, dizzi- neas, specks b fore -the eyes, twitching of the muscle:, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, feposits of urine, loss of will -Power, te 6 derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mutcles, desire to sleep, failur to be rested by sleep, constipation, I ullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire fur solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN CIRCL ', oily looking skin, etc., are alt symp oms of nervous debility that lead to i sanity and death unless cured. The a -ging or vital force having lost its tensio • every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be perma- nently cnred. Send your address for • book on 411 d'seases to man. Address M. V. LUBO1, 50 Front 6treet , Toronto, Ont rio. Books sent free eealed. Hear disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, pa pitation, skip! beats, hot flushes-, rush f blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker ban the first, pain about the breast bo e, etc., can positively be cured. No ure, no. pay. Send for book. Addr es M. V. LUBON, - 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ontario. , 118152 CD 1' 0 P 113 CD smi 0 P rn Ps Orsicat'CD) cp 1-"• P 1:$ 5 c -t. e -is ,(115,10 C12 ig;• aQ ft -I finti - PA 1-1 0 3 CS 24 am 0 Cell -2 cg ,-3.cDp.1 0 ("t1 CD Pj Pa ED Z1 rn rrl g155 rnA. CD (1) *rn ITT1 > ° m • E xi PI:1CD CA mi CD I - 0111‘.P P4- 14 Has on hand a large number of Bots and Shoes of his own' make, best material a d Warranted -to give Satiisfactfon. If you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair of our boots, which will be spld 0 -HEAP FOR OASII, Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Boots and Shoes made to order. All parties who hanv6e2not paid their accounts for last year will please call and settle up. ftJ D. McINTYRE, Seaforth. DUNN'S cep) BAKING POWDER wTF"nk'S BEST FPIFNR THE 1 SEAFORTH 14 BANKING COMPANY. (TOT INCORPORATED. A General Banking business trans- acted, W Farmere notes discounted. •Drafts bought and sold. tj Intermit allowed on deposits. _ SALE NOTES discounted, or for collection. e:1 MORTOAGES PURCHASED. LDEN SEAFORTH. SHOW THIS WEEK A FULL'ILINE OFIAN- GOL SHIRTINGS, GREY FLANNELS, NAVY. FLA NELS. ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN BLANK- ETS ND COMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM $1.5? TO $7. BEST VALUE Oil THE TRADE IN CRE4M AND WHITE LACE 6URTAINS, TABLE LINE S, TABLECLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, &C., IN GRE T VARIETY. A CALL SOLI 'TEC. R. JAMIE SON. 1 ,., .: • • „, ,.,,. THOUSANDS Oi: BOTTLES V GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. u ..,..,,:i,,,,....,,, ,,.,.., .When I say Curo I do not meat Y . • . RE 1" merely to stop them for a time, and that tave the return again. I MEAN ARADICALCURE. I have made the disea.‘s of Fite :pitons or Falling Sickness a life-long study. I Warrant my. remedy to ':urn thf vorst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send a: ince for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Romedy. Give Exp sss am lost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :—H. G. ROOT LO., Branch Offices 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO, TEAS A SPECIALTY. taken The Post Office Grocery has in stock one of the finest assortment of Teas to be found in the county. Greens, Blacks and japans of the best ( ualit and at prices from 25 cents per lb. up. 1 Yf 0)1,1 OFFIRIE--In the Commercial Hotel building. " SMITH, Manager. MALLAWALLA F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor 105 A famous blend of India Teas, is giving excellent satisfaction. Give it a trial. THE New 't Jewelry Store is now in full blast, and is run and managed be Chris L. Papst, the Jeweller. Strikes are all right if struck against wrong, Strike nothe weak bemuse you are strong; t Strike not 'our fathee, strike not your mother, Strike no your sister, strike not your brother. Strike dowtl a cheap scheme wherever you find it, Strike at all trickery, don't be behind it ; Strike a h. d blow e -hen the iron is hot, Strike a 4teal with Chris Papst and you'll strike the rig t iqicit. Bring o your work to the New Jeer elry Stere ' N. B. -Any watch oe Clock sold by C. L. Papst and guaranteed will be kept in order by calling, e at the sto0. Chopping Mill in Kinburn. ea' PI A Grain Chopping wilt be done at the mill in ,Kinburn every dayi in the week, except Monday. _-_ --- The work will be done with the greatCst prompt- nese possible. Farmers bring in your grain and W. SOMERVILLE, satisfaction guaranteed. General xpress wind Telegraph Agency, EXTRA VALUE S AFOR-11-4, ONTARIO. In Grey Flannels at HOFFMAN & Seaforth. C.' L M NA(.; E -OS and 0 PAPST SEAFORTH. ,GAS in connection. ' 1209x4. AItA.31 BLATZER, proprietor. Two Express Trains each way, daily. Ask for our special produce and money rates. Telegra- phic connections everywhere 1192 Peas, Sarclin the 111 C+13,00CIZIS_ •e have also a well -selected stock of +Canned 'Tomatoes, Corn, almon, Lobsters, Lunch Tongue, Corned Beef, Potted Ilam, s, Canned Peaches, Pine Apple, Pumpkin, etc. le agents for "Chicago Yeast Powder," the best 25c powder in diet. A trial solicited. J1. FAIRLEY, SEOORTH. VETERINARY. TOHN GRIEVE, V. 8., Honor graduate or Ontario Veterinary College. All disesees, of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary Dentistry s specialty. Office -At Weir's Roys, Hotel, Seaforth. 1112-1 11 C. DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradual of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto Honorary Member of the Medical Society Calle from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Office opposite E. Bossenberry's Hotel, Hen- son. N. B.—Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. 11436-5 MIRANK S. Veattle, V. 8., graduate of Ontarle, JU Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the Veterinary Medical Society, etc., treats all die, eases of the Domesticated Animals. All cane promptly attended to either by day or night Charges moderate. Special attention given to veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Street, Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's Hardware - store. 1112 QEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.--(Iorner 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next doer bo th Presbyterian Church, Beaforth, Ont. Alt dis. e tee o Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- .nesticated animals, successfully treated at the rwary or elsewhere, on the shortest notice ..;harges rn )derate. JAMES W. ELDER, Teter. nary Sure )n. P. S.—A large stock of Veterin ary Medicines s constantly on handl ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH. gar Wanted—Butter and Eggs. MARRIAGE LIOENSE8 Sea -forth Dairy. LEG -AL it ArrnEw MORRISON, Walton, Insurance LYI Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances, &o. Money to loan at the lowest rates. M. MORRISON, Walton. T If. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office— s) Rooms One Door North of the Commeraist Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher shop. Agents ---CAMERON, HOLT &CAIIRRON. 870 QARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Roflf. tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, Q. C.; WIS. PROUDFOOT. 686 CIAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, IL/ Solicitors in Chancery, &o., Goderich, Ont. Id. C. ClICIRON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT„ M. G. CAMERON. 506 DJ. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &e „ Late of Victoria., B. C. Office—Over Bank of Commerce, Main steeet, Seaforth. vete funds to loan at 5i and 6 per cent. 1035 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, 151 Conveyancers, &e. Solicitors for the Blink of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. Maximus, J11118 Socrrr. 781 HOLMESTED, succeesor to the, Ate fir F rn . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So. Bettor, Conveyancer and Notary. *Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street. Seaforth. TIICKSON & HAYS, formerly with MOSUL Darrow & Proudfoot, Goderich; Bar- risters, Solicitors. eto., Seaforth and Brussels. Seaforth Office— Cardno's Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON. Money to Loan. 112T MONEY TO LOAN. CONEY TO LOAN„—Straight loans at 6 per cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. 860 DENTISTRY. Q F. BELDEN, D. D. 8., L. D. S., Dentist. kJ-. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, Seaforth. 1164 -El W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Ham . - er ilton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Main andJohn Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous. Oxide Gas admieistered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. 1169 ISSUED AT . Having purchased the Dairy Business from Mr. Roderick Grey,, I beg to solicit a con- . tinuance of the patroiliage which he has re- ceived in the put. With the advantages I THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to be able to give my customers satisfaction as to quality of milk even in the very hot weather. Realizing that the cash system is the mos( just and satisfactory to all concerned, I have decided to sell for cash only. tir Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 D. D. WILSON SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REOUIRED HKINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. . 8., Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich, at, -the Huron Hotel, en the LAST THURSDAY IN RACIf 'KORTH, and at Murdock'e Hotel, Hensall, on the nese AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth -ex-- traet©d with the least pain possible. All work first-class at liberal rates. 971 DR. C. H. INGRAM, Dentist, (successor to H. L. Billings), member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Teeth inserted with or without a plate in gold, celluloid or rub- ber. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless - extraction of teeth. Office -over O'Neil's bank, Exeter, Ontario. 1204 N. B.—Plates secured flnnly in the mouth by Yemens' Patent Valve. MEDICAL. TXT S. FERGUSON, M. D., C. M., M. C. P. S. 4ffi V „ 0-0ce, over T. Daly's Grocery. Calls night and day promptly answered at the office. 1173 ItE. COOPER, Id. D., Physician, Surgeon . and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127 D. EnuoTr & GUNN, Brucefield, Men. tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons; Edinburgh. Brumfield, Ont. 080 T G. scan, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon . and A000ucher, Soaforth, Ont. Offioe an& residence South side of Goderloh street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 Tio W. BRUCE -SMITH, M. D, C. AI., Member 114 of the College of Physicians and Stzrgeens, tee., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and mildews same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 DR. McFAUL, Member of the- College a Physicians and Surgeons, etc., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and Residence, north side of Goderich St.,seventh door west of the Methodist Church. Calls, night or day, promptly attend- ed to.1210 tf. A LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the 1 Royal College of Physiciansand Surgeons Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackld. Office lately occupied by Dr. Mackld, Main Street,. Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Square,. in hpuselately occupied by L. E. Danoey. 1127 AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the Oita CcIr it, of Huron. Agatlerd:risttellier aInTt• parts Office will be promptly attended Ilyitittais, - Goderloh, Aufast 01,1885. m -11-1 11. PORTER General Auctioneer and: jj. Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail -tee any address, Bayfield P. 0., will receive prompt attention. Terms moderate. 1185.52 W. G. DUFF, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Convey ancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant ; Real Estate, Life, Accident and Fire Insurance Agent ; Money to Loan, Correspondence, &c. Parties requiring his services in any of these branches will receive prompt attention, OFFICI IN DALRY°13 BLOCK, (UPSTAIRS), MAIN &WIRT, BRA.. FORTIS. 1134 - - - - -- HURON AND BRUCE Loan and - Investrnent 0Ca/11:".A.M\TY".. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANS BRANCH, 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Deposits, according to amount and time left. - OFFICE,—Corner of Market Square. and North Street, Goderieh. HORACE HORTON, • 4 s V 1#1 0 Thehlthese old enol sands in the from t other and Le that in juster the ot* club - 139 usa tive, 5. the sp each turn heard fully is an 0 city, •cluded -of this light crowd from gron they vi hie h cvide haulm THATC march feet h They letter •1 going 111 an .COrribi and i for b the V TIMIS C See hi wate. Tease they yowl aew ; the p th Abon isa th. Do from the t three work all d enou food asth aver was what lug, f ug p selec of w to th no en one h Nyasa speci give that so 1 hung fanc of y a gir left of a 'Atte 4 i or into he il s 1 that s hou Wh horn roon 'Wer Ceti bein ve Oa a was thes ho be i tale. earl for ear perv the peso tee 4;011 (55 for per , Pie the tee de. the ape the pia roo pie usa di by ter we of Xvi is A hi eu he di th tr