HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-03-06, Page 3e e et. tete -4- 1891.: ['OL'S S HA RE DT • etions of the KIDNEYS DRTH Istrument Ra-orm rothers 11* ETORS, - ONT. iunham, New York ah ; Dominion Piano - W. Bell & Co., t Organ Company, W. Ram & Co 3 always on hand, also et Pianos -and Organs for I. - Instruments sold on__ on terms to suit cus- ranee and small instrue :let music, books, &o. e TT BROS. rhitney's AND SHING Ontario. ng Bargains in Parlor Stoues. Guaranteed. Mous Stoves are Sole Agents. n. Table and Library rHITNEY, SEAFORTH. '0116 E ST, BESt A INS NO , Lime, Phormlaates, lous SUBSTANCE. rentoeero, oNT. Cuicac;0,fltl, :•ACTURE R OF ROYAL 'Mt/ CAlCi imegnimeleememeesseses Porter's and Furni- kmporium, - ONTARIO. • CO3IBINATIO?.T. rd On the shortest notice anteed. A large sesort- :offing; and Shrouds, &c.. be beat quality. The best .esed free of ()barge and kine Hearse, Funeral Director. Resi- lf STREET, edirectly op- st claurch in the house ✓ Dr. Scott. N -GRAVING. r.S'r.KATE YOUR. BUSINRRS. of colleges,hotels, factories to order from pliotographs. stamp for specimen sheets. irt Press Agen.ny; New York CitY• • lifAitcn 6 1891. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Birchalrs Last Night. 'WRITTEN FOR ME DUNDAS BANNER BY THE YHAN. To-goOrroW night these hands Will nerveless be ;: To-morrOvi night no blood Will flow ia me, But yet to -morrow night These eyes: will see ! See what—and whoni ?—oh, God ! Be merciful and dim Mine eyes in that first hour, When o'er the golden rim Of Thy high world I see The watching face of him. I wonder will he speak; What agony in store ! To see him search myface And look me o'er and o'er, To hear him slowly ask, "What did you do it for r Oh! Spare me that great sham; Then quickly sound my knell: Oh ! Every thing but that, ni meekly say 'tis well, Yet, rather than meet that man l'd hide in furthest hell ! And yet I fear and think, Before rry feet have trod An inch of that strange land, From out he living sod His form wile sprin( t' meet me ; Spare—and turbid it, God ! An Old -Time Quilting Bee. Yes, we held a grand reception and had every- thiug in style, With flowers everywhere and fruit as high as eve The aristocracy, was there, all gorgeously could pile, rayed, And everybody acted just as .if 'twas dress parade, Lucinda --she's my wife—appeared in dresses rich and rare, With furbelows and flounces, and with flowers in her hair; But somehow as I looked at her I couldn't h 1p but see The scene when first I met her at an old-time quilting bee. How mem'ry will keep running back to other days and iscenes • 1 sometimes quite forget that part of life which interveues Between the years when all I owned was youth- ful hope end health, And later times which brought me Fiore of worriment and wealth, And so at the reception in the midst of beauty's glare, Her face, thopgh old and wrinkled, was the • sweetest picture there— The one whose smile of 1 friendship has forever welcomed me • Since first I met her glancesat an old-time quilting bee. In these days, which we old " happy long ago." Thc girls would in the morning meet and gaily chat and sew e• They'd keep it up till evening, when the neigh- bor boys would come, Arid hold a party or a dance before they left for home, • And when the quilt was finished then they'd take the old house cat And place It in the middle while they loudly howled F` Scat !" The two the cat would jump between, 'twee said that she and he 1Vould be the first to marry who were at the quiltieg bee. the young father, evidently perplexed wonder by the word " derunninationd " I with t axed you ob what denomination de chile halide, war," repeated the minister a little friends severely. The ',events looked at each other in evident confusion for a moment. then the father etammered out: " doesn't know what you hnean by 'de- nomination,' eah." " Houle yo' don't?" replied the preacher, scornfully. " Well, den, I'll simplify it 'cordin' to yo' ign'ance so yo' kin understand it : Are de chile a boy or a gisl chile ?" • ; Magician Keller's Dining Table Pranks. folks callthe " My wife and I were taking dinner at the • Wyoming Valley Hotel, and a great, big, strapping darkey was waiting on us," says !Magician' Keller in the Hazleton Sentinel. "I was iu a hurry, and told him I wanted dinner as soma possible. So he hustled about for imy order of fish and soon brought it to me. "I caused the fish to 'disappear, plate and all, before his eyes,and then said, I thought I told you to bring me some fish in a hurrx.' *1- The darkey insisted that he had brought it, but as it could not be found he was finally brought to believe that he bad not. By this time the attention of the whole room wail drawn, so as soon as the darkey would bring me anything I caused it to vanish, until the poor old darkey was nearly wild. "Finally, I asked for a cup of coffee, and he had scarcely set it before in when I looked at it and said, " Why, I asked you for ct,ffee ; this is tea.' That was the last straw, and the old darkey, with eyes almost staring out from his head, staggered up to the head waiter, and, throwing up his arms, cried out, "Foh de Lord sake, lemme go home ; dat man is de debit ! Imagine the roar that went up in that dining -room." Sure of His Wife. " Pooh !" said OLIO man in the horse car as a group of business men were on their way down town, " my wife is the most methodicel, cereful, neat woman you ever saw. It is all nonsense for a woman to let a heuse run into disorderly ways. You ought to see how my wife does things." " Well, of course, that is all very well in theory," responded another ; " but the bean housekeeper gets behind, or something, sometimes." " My wife never does. She is always the same. She keeps everything in first-olass abape." " She must be a remarkable person," mid another man. " How long have you been married ?" " Ten years. And she never disap- pointed me. Why, gentlemen, she always puts everything in the same place, and you know just where to find "what you are after. For instance, I went to my handkerchief drawer this morning before daylight, and took out a handkerchief and put it in my pocket before starting out, and I know just as well as I know my own name that that handkerchief is just such a size, and haii my initials worked in silk in one cor- ner of it." And the boastful man put _ his hapd in his pocket and pulled out, and un- folded, a. white night-cap, with long strings dangling from it ! Narrow People. And so that night I speak of when the quilting all • art done The girls were eager then to see which way the cat would run, won't forget Lucinda as she stood there by my side, Noe how we blushed a crimson as they called us groom and bride, I said it was an accident and so I've alWays said, But anyhow before the year had passed we two were wed, And to this very day there are no scenes so fair As mem'ries of that evening at an eld-time to me : quilting bee. Gaieties. —When corn pops it gets ghastly white. It is much the same way with baehful young men. —A woman can drive a pair of daiih- ing ponies, a bargain, an argument, or a hen ; but when It conies to a little flat - headed tack—Oh med! —In a ballroom assembly a soft yourig man said to a sweet girl: May I sit on your right hand ?" Her quick an- swer was; " Why, of course not. You'd better take a chair." What is that dear, delightful, old-fashioned chair worth ?" she ' in- quired. "It is worth, madam," flaid the honest dealer, "just about $1.75 ; the price of it, however, is $9." —Little girl has just returned from market. Mother—Well, Mary Ann, didn't, the butcher bave pigs' feet ? Mary Ann—Oh, mamma ! I went and looked, but I could not see whether he had pigs' feet or not, for he had his boots on. —" What a delicious drink !" said an agriculturally ignorant young woman, who was sipping some konmiss at the cattle show. "Is it made from the product of the grapeenne, George ?" " No," replied George, " it is made from the product of the bovine." —Dilby—Well, Filtrip, you have been on 5 farm for several years ; what is the most troublesome thing you have ever tried to raise ? Filtrip (who is hopelessly in debt)—Why, the most troublesome, unprofitable thing I have tried to raise isyi mortgage. " Co of some man tc afraid o that they lose their influence air children, weary their hu- ---h 1 nd become intolerable to their -DOB SALE,—A first-elass residence on the 12.1 corner of Victoria and Geo ge Streets. Good stable and orchrtrd. Apply to . CARDNOe Saforth. 11 IMPORTANT NOTICES um's Despotism. e in, Patrick, and take a drop hing," said one Chicago Irish another. " No, Mike ; I'm drops ever since Tim Flaherty died." 1 " Well, what about Tim ?" "Ile wits one of the likeliest fellows in these 'arta. But he )3egan the drop businet in Barney Shannon's saloon. It was drop of something out of a bot- tle at fist. • But in a little while Tint took a few drops too much, and then he droppe1 into the gutter. Ile lost his place, his mo thirst —Sir Walter Roott, in lending a book one day to aptind, cautioned him to be punctual in returning it. "Thi. is really necessary," said the poet in epol- agy ; "!or though many of my friends are bad arithmeticians, I observe almost all of them to be good book keepers." — Strauge," remarked Mrs. Brwn, "1 have rung at Mrs. Smith's door sue - the ith three times this week, and I dein t -ceed in raising any one. I suppose family is out of town" " Fogel replied Mrs. Jones, "but Mrs. 5 e IPst hi u coat and hat, he lost ey,1 he lost everything but his r strong drink. Poor Tim ! but the worst is to come. He got crazy rink one day and killed a man. e last time I saw him, he was ing his list drop with a slipping roujid his neck. I have quit the g itnsiness; Mike. Lhave seen ny good fellpws when whisky had p oh them. They took just a orn the bottle, then -they dropped e getter, then they dropped in- _ giiive. No rumseller can get p oh me any more ; and if you ro him, Mike,he will drop you-." •his y business is a lawless des t . Jt tries to " get the drop " on ud• girls' on men and women, on iana andofficers. The train•rob- esehts his 'Adel with the demand, ✓ Money or your life." , Rum no uch alternative; its demand our money and your life." with And t just ta noose droppi too m the dr drop f into t to th the dr don't The perad boys politi ber p "Y� gives is, " told me just now that she could tell your ring among a thonand." —Little Johnny (looking curiously at the visitor)—Where did the chieken bite you, Mr. BMus! I don't see any of the marks. Visitor—Why,: Johny,. I haven't been bitten by any chicken. Johnny—Mantma, didn't you tell papa Mt...BMus was dreadfully henpecked? Why, mamma, how funny you look Your face is all red. John, dear," said the young wife, "you know we agreed never to; have any secrets from each other," ;44 Yes, darling," replied John uneasily. _I" And you know that last night, when I asked you for a little money, you said that all you had was a plugged 20 cent piece and a, bunch of keys." "Yee, love." Well, I found $15 in one of your in- side pockets this morning, John." —Tommy was at Sunday School in his first pair of trousera, and a picture of a lot of little augels was before the class. "Tommy, would you like to be a little angel ?" asked the teacher. "No, ma'am," replied Tommy, after a cs.reful inspection of the picture. "Not be an angel, Tommy? Why not?" inquired the teaoher in surprise. "'Cause ma'sm; I'd have to give up my new troueers.” —" Ob what denomination are de chiie ?" asked an old colored preacher of a young couple who had brought an in- fant to him for baptism. " Sah?" said "After an absence of twenty years/ said Mrs. C—, "1 lately visited the home of my childhood. Some of my old school -mates, now wives and mothers, came to meet me, and it was interest- ing to see how trifling peculiarities and traits of youth had hardened into strong features of character. "The day after my arrival my sister said, Here comes Celia Vaunt. She will spend the day. She is unendurable. I wish we had been out !" " ' Why ?" I asked. I used to be very fond of Celia as a girl.' "'So was I.' "'She was very amiable and gentle.' "That is true of her now, but—you can judge for yourself.' "Celia came in, a stout, low -voiced, placid woman, with pale eyes which looked at you apparently without 'eeing you. She greeted me pleasantly, but without showing the slightest interest in me or my fortunes during the twenty years of absence, 1 heard you had come, and ran over,' she laid, although it is difficult for me to walk on account of my 'rain ed ankle, Yes, it was quite a bad sprain. Five weeks ago it happened,' and thenfollowed a minute account of the misstep, her anguish, the remark the doctors and of her hush she continued, I've t everything, salt, vinegar, mass elastic bandages, arid a dozen of doctor s prescriptions. One of them—' she en- tered into a disquisition on each remedy which lasted until I felt competent to treat an army with sprained lege. "At last an old friend < entered, who had just left Washington. A great political crisis was impending, in which the whole nation, as I supposed, felt a deep interest. I asked General Blank for the latest tidings, but Celia gave way to him but for a moment. "'Dear me! What do we woinen care for politics ? I want to tell you about my children. I have brought all of their photographs." "There were six children, and she gave me ,a history of each, with all of their peculiarities and ailments, from Jane's stammering up to baby's measles. "Dinner was announced. She , sat beside me, and disceursed in a few, steady, singsong voice on her pink china dinper-set and- her blue china tea -ser vice ; on her different cooks for the past ten years; on her husband's ex- traordinary fondness for boiled beef, and the dislike her eldest son shoved for cauliflower. When dinner was over, the party adjourned to the parlor, andpresently a be- d to t she Tricks ,'n All Trades but OursJ "Yes, X know the taste of the stuff,' but I have not touched a glass of liquor for fit e years." I looked in astonishrnent at the eaker, who was proprietor of the two la geet s loons in the city and making money band over fist, as the saying is. I cpuld have sworn that I had aeen him drink many times with customers —moe than once, I am ashamed to say, with myself. If you ask him to drink— fqr he was one of those men who are not above standing behind his own bar—he wiould smile and reach for a bottle and p ur himself out a generous portion. I c uld not understand what he meant, b t it was late at night, he was in a Dial mood, and I felt sere that he ould elucidate the myste Whet I was in Irelan er," said Mr. Flinch, "1 y drop along with the oys. But when I came to nd went to keepin' bar I 1 ea bit. And flays I to m Pat, if you're going to au liusiuess, and indade at a must let your own poison a ade a pledge which I ept to, and I think you w SHEEP FOR SALE—Tho undersigned h 15 ewes which he will sell at reasenaele p ics and on tern e to suit purchaser. Apply on •t 26, C ticession 2, McKillop. R. COMMON. 10 OR SALE— BARGAIN.—One !large T Safe, combination lock, double door, it left the factory. Also, 250 ar, s on Lake Huron; 160 acres cleered. E WIS, Solicitor, Godcrich.1 as of ylor Just ank N. 63 ONEY TO LOAN—To loan at 6 per for a term of years, on first! rnortga farm property, several thousand dpollars of forth. fund. Apply to eloORE ' BOYD, 120 AUTION.The public are hereby cauti kei against giving any person whatever c in my name without my written order or ned edit con- sent, as I will not be responsible for any elite 1214.4 so contracted. PETER GRANT, Kippen. JTOIIN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Divsion Court, Countv of Huron, Commissioner, ConveyancereLand, Lean and Insurance Agent. Funds Inveeted and to Loan. Office— ver Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth —God bleiss sed to drink rest of the this country eked about self, says I, ceed at this y other, you one.' And I ave steadily 11 say that I not altogether failed." " But I have seen you times," said I. "Oh, you have, have yo Flinch, laughieg softly. drop with me." if it contained any ordina y liquor. It Ile pulled met a bottle which looked as was the one he always dr nk from. I poured out a finger or so and drank les and water! ge liquor. As 9 BORT-HORN BULLS FOR SALE—For two pure-bred Shorthorn bull calve audll months old, 1 red and the other good animate with first-class pdigrees. from prize winning sires and dams. Appl lot 16, conceision 10, Moris, 13Iyh P. 0. McDON ALD, 12 drink lots of ?" said Mr. Well bare it down. Nothing dharmles I thought Mr. Flinc ti laughter, and laughed: " Dop't giv me away,' "No," said: I. But a place that night it occur the liquor deider had ,be 1 tem peran re are hun ess who on," as he Herald. Whew ! ola else. Regular at as mlk. tf:4 Dd.; ied ge, young girl, with an exquisite voic gam to sing in the lbrary. I tri induce Mrs. Vaunt to disten b was deep in the midst of a hist ry of her husband's different toothaches. When she at last bade us good -by, I saw her go with a 'snse of exhahstion and anger. "Why should she have occupied my ded my brain with f the lives of these hsppened to be. her pretty powerf And yet th the same bus' their own poi it.—New Yoe sale, 10 oan.. Bred 00 ELL x5 • 1 TAURIIA51 BULL- FOR SERVICE.—Th 1/ dersfgeed will keep for nervicp o premises, on Lot 18, Conceesion 1., Tuckere a Thoroughbred Durham Bull. Terms— with the privilege of returning if nece JOSEPH FOWLER, fireaforth P, 0. 12 OrEY TO LOAN.—Private and col funds to lean at lowest 'ates. si.q, private funds have been placed in our; which we will loan' in sums to slut hoer Loans can be completed at once if • title sa tory. DICKSON & HAYS,- Cardno's Bloc forth. I 11 would die of ith him. he said. ter I left his ed to me that — — ---r- - • DURK BRED HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 1 TLE. ---The undersigned breeder of Bred Holstein Friesian cattle will keep fo vice on his premises a thoroughbred bul has also a number of peeing bulls for sale,' reasonable. JOHN MeGREtluit, Celesta 0. , T1OR SERVICE—The undereigned wie 1 inform stockbreeders that he has pur a choice Short Horn Bull, " Baron Kni 9th," from the well-known new Park H whch a limited number of cows will be Terms—Thoroughbreds, S8; Grade, $3, p at time of eervice, with The privilege of ing. R. CORLEY. Belgravn. un. his h, 1.50. eery. 7t1 pany of ands Wer. isfac- , Sea. 3t1 OATe Pure= ser - Ho rices ee P. 211 es to hexed htley rd, to aken. yable eturn• 1211 The opened f sold at t STALLION FOR SALE—For sale, a Ca bred Stallion, rising three yeaes ol Was .sired by imported " Auchendairn from an "England's Wonder" dam. 1He brown color, good substance, and a \ ery ior and promising animal. He will be old Apply to the undersigned on Lot 20, Co" 2, Hay, or Hensall P. O. JOHN Mc WEr adieu . He and 8 dark super - cheap. ession ST'RING GOODS. Bargain Dry Goods and Clothing House have received and r_ inspection the following lines of new goods, which will be eclosest possible margin for cash on cost: 300 pi ces new Prints, 110 pieces new Shirtings, 50 ieces new Cottonades, 50 pieces ne,w White ottns, 140 pieces new Grey Cottons, 100 pieces new Tweeds, Coatings, &q., 100 pieces new Embroideries. Ne Dre?..s Goods, Hosiery and Gloves; new Ticking, Shirtings, and Pillo Cottons; new Hollands, Towelings and Linens; new lines of Clothing, Hats and Gaps; new Carpets, Lace Curtains and. Oil Cloths, a 4 hosts of other new goods too numerous to menti -. Ali of which have been selected from the best market and at the lowest 1 possible rices which capital and good credit can comman . We ordially invite you to inspect, whether you buy or not, at the Bargain •ry Goods and Clothing House, Seaforth. . ,. WM. PICKi-k_R. , I.. Main and Market streets, Seaforth. 12114 • JTERSEY BULL—The undersigned w 11 keep during the present season on hi 's fa 2nd conceesion, H. R. S., Tuckersinith, a th rough - bred Jerkey Bull, sired by Canada's Jo n Bull. Terrns—$1.50, payable at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessatY. JOHN HANNAH. N. B.—Aleo for sale a Jer ey bull calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred. 1164 TALLION FOR SALE.—The und 0 offers hie celebrated Cl3desdale Scotland's Farewell," for sale. He is old, is pure bred, and a bure foal get was imported by Thomas Bell, of Lont and has left behind as many good, hig horses as any horse of his age in Cana reigned tailion, 0 years er. He eaboro, priced a. I I e has always travelled in the same locan y. Ad• drees JOHN J. PARISI', Winthrop P. 0 202t1 TAURHAM DULL 4OR SALE—Fo 1/ Thoroughbred Durham Buil, eli registration in the new Dominion Her He ie of red color and one year and eigh old. Apply on Lot 18, Concession 1, L Tuckersmith, or address, R013ERT B. M Kippen P. 0. e sermon. ' e , H —For Sale or to Rent a large tit Sale a bit for months R. S., LEAN, 2I0x4 Corn n preaching; a OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR T in. .Inodioue frame house. In connection reds of inen - -house there is fourfifths of an acre of 1 fruit trees in it There is also a goo The house contains all the modern cone end is situated south of the railway trac forth. Immediate ,possesion given. ther particulars apply to JAMES ST Hallett, Seaforth P. 0., or Ed. Daw never drink pleasantly put A Stimding Menace. "Life is sweet" is an old saying, and just as true as it is old. No one in hiser her right senses courts death; all wisheto prolong life ti • the utmost limit, and yt, in spite of this universal desire to live the allotted three score years and ten— all the work and furnish all material ex and even longer—thousands upon thous- stones and bricks. Plans and opecificat ens can residence of the undersig ied, Lot ands of people through carelessness lend 1b0o, s Ce' Ge n ii Caet8tihOeG 7, Tuceersinith. The 1 west or nelect, are hastening the time when any tender not necessarily accepted. Address, lle 1'. O. 1210-3 whole day, and floo the petty details petty pop1e who husband andchildren ? "Vet I remembered presently that Celia Vaunt is not the onlf woman who leavets the world of literature, music, art and humanity in her youth. and forth. RENT. d cow ith this nd with stable. niences in Sen. 'or fur - JOHN, on, Sea - 210 tf. TENDERS WANTED—Tenders wil ceived by the usidereigued until March 10th, at noon, for the erection o brick school house in Section No .• 9, smith. The contractor will be require Be re- uesday, a new Tucker - to do opt the 4,A BANKRUPT STOOK. Sh w I Never Mind th Cost BUT HAND OUT THE GOODS. they must stand face to face with the grim reaper. and make the plunge alone into "the dark valley of the shadow of death." No disease on this continent claims so many victims as consumpti and reliable statistics prove that f two thirds of the deaths occurring fr consemption had their origin in cater n, lly h. Nothing but negligence caused thus list disease to develop into consumptiohrand the person who neglects to proMptly and persistently treat catarrh until all traces are eradicated, is simply hasten ing the coming of death. Even should catarrh uot develop into consumption, it nevertheless shortens life, as every breath the patient inhales Passes over poieonous secretions and thus affect e the whole system., For the cure of catarrh no remedy ever discovered equals Nasal Balm, which is recognized from the At- lantic to the Pacific as the only certain cure for this disease. It remove secretions from the nostrils, stop poisonous droppings into the throat lungs, and makes the user f el t new leaim of life has been iven This great catarrh remedy is on with all) dealer., -or will be ent o ceipt of price -0 cent" fors all a for large size bo ties by addr ford & Co, Bro kville, Ontar Rub the aby to S eep. A Matron wh has an average of fay babies in her c re every year advriies ubbinges a Means of quieting a restless child and getting a nervous one to sleep. Iler plan is to strip the morsel of humanity, sponge it off with tepid, soapy wateredry it thoroughly with a soft towel and, beginning at the little pink soles, rub • it all over. At first 'there may be a rebellion, but gradually it will subside, the youngster will begin to purr and 'goo' with enjoyment, and under the soothing idfluence of magnet- ism it drop off to sleep, rest well and wake up in the morning refreshed and cheerful. The Valu.e, of this opera- tion can be varied by rqbbing the little limbs and body up and down until the flesh becomes warm and pink one time and the next day hating the motion rotary—that is, take the delicate ankle in one ;hand,- wrappihg the fingers as closely about it as possible and not hurt the child. In this way work up and down the legs and arm" until the thild, becomes quiet. The bedy may be rb- bed or stroked in the lame way. This les sage treatment of the tonsils, throat an chest with the haiScl moistened with the the and at a sale re d $1 sing Ful - o. 1094 JAS. CUMMINGS, Secretary, legniondy V — TraLUABLE FARM PROPEWY FO V —For Sale in Tuckersinith, Lot cession 2, L. It. S.,, containing 100 acr -Which are cleared, the !remainder is bared with hard, wood. There is a go house, nearly new, also good firanic b stabling,plenty of (bard- and soft wa fenced, well un T also a young There is about and the remain own small, selfish daily life. la it any I off the thrbat trouble dr relieve a cold, phorated oil or vaeline, will war shuts herself up inside the bars of her aft erdrained and in a hig ere is a good bearing orchard of first-class acres of fall plough er is seeded to grass. SALE. 11, Con- s, 90 of ell Um- • d frame rns and er... well state of orchard, variety. ng done This is Sm Itardw assortm all noon an Bro Wellington, Grey and Bruce:, Goma Nears—. Passenger. Mixed. Ethel... 2.01 r. N. 9.81 P.m. 8.88 le.M. Brassie__ .. 3.06 9.45 9.20 , Bluevale........ 3.21 10.00 9.50 S.30 10.10 1.1.10 • Genre 8OIN7g— Paggsenger. Mixed. Wingham.... .. 6.39 A.m.11.101. M. 7.2b r.M Blueyale .. 6.48 11.22 7.55 Brawls 7.02 11.45 8.55 Ethel.— 7.14 12.G0 9.31 • London, Huron and Bruce. noise NORTH— Passenger. London, depart 7.55a.m. 4.3er.u. Exeter 6.5 Hensel'. 9.28 6.09 Kippen. 9.34 6.17 Bruciefield .... ......... 9.42 6.26 - Clinton:... . . .... 0.00 6.4 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Blythe ... , ... .... .....— . 10.28 7.12 Belgrave . 10.42 • 7.27 Wingham arrive. ...... 11.00 7.45 GOING SOUTH— Passenger. Wingham, depart. ..... ... ,. 6.50a.m Bel rave....._ 7.06 4.00 Blyth. 7.18 4.16 Londeshoro 7.26 4.25 Clinton 7.65 4.46 Brucefiekl 8.15 5.04 Kippen 8.24 5.12 Ransil 8.32 5.19 Exeter ,.. 8.50 11 profits, no risks' and quick -returns. bGreat bargains in e. Extensive stockof Tinware' for the spiing trade. Full nt of small goods, consisting of Whips, Garry Combs Brushes, i.t bankrupt prices. tar .‘uctioil Sale every Saturday after - evening. Call and see for yourself. n & Shaw, Campbell's Block, C4th. one of the best arms in the Townehip Tucker- ionith and has rjo broken or hied land o it, and is good fok eith r grain or stock. This property is situated on' t e elill Road 1 mile fror i Bruce quarter ood gra- essession her par. dress to P 0., 210 tf, field and 5 iron Seaforth, it is within of a mile from the school houe, with vel roads , 1 ading in all directions. can be gieen to suit purchaser. For fu ticulars apply on the premises or a MRS. MARY SINCLAIR, Brucefiel Ontario. relHORUGHBRED DURHAM BU 1 • SE VICE.—The undersigned will service on lot 3, conceseion 7, Stanley mile north of Hills Green, the thor Durham Ball, " Chisselhurst Prince," Which a limited number of cows will The following is the registered pedigre bull in the Doruinion Short Horn He Red and a little white, calved Febru 1.890, bred by Walter Shillinglaw, Chi ntario, got by Victor Hugo 12,240, da rd 13,393, liy Golden Prince 3,255, Vio y Marquire2,081, Clara 6,07, by Duke orth 1,723, Duchess 5,830, by Col Duchess 4th 892, by John O'Gaunt 2 40, [130891, Duchess 2nd 887, by el r6de, (imp, 151, (13,1811, me (iarp),167, C14,928], Roan Duche 0, by Lord Du y Red Duke (8,694 Jemiina by Tena 829),• Lady by King Lear (8,196), Ora by (4,623), Minerva by Mercury (2,30), Eu Monarch (2,324), Duchess by St. Alban by Jupiter (342) by Sir Oliver (605), by (659), by Favorite (252) by Dalton Duk The Old Studley Bull. HENRY WAD tary. TEamS—To insure a calf, $1.5 January 1st, 1892. JOSEPH HUDS Green P. 0., Ontario. 11- XECUTORS' NOTICE—In re AnnI Donkin, _FA Deceased. In pursuance of S ction 36, Chapter 110, of the Revised Statutes o Ontario, 1887, notice is hereby giver) that all Icreditors and othere having dairies against the estate of Ann Donkin, late of the town of Seafor$h, in the County of Huron, deceased, who di4d on or about the 24th day of December, 18904 are re- quired to send by post prepaid, or ce1iver to John H. Ansley, of the town of Simco, in the Count e of Norfolk, one of the Executdrs of the lest will and t3atarnent of the said de -eased, on or before the first day of April, A. D, 1891, their christian and surnames and desenptio and full particulars of their claims and the natere ef the securities (if any) held by them; and jthat after the said date the Executors of the will of said deceased will proceed to distribute th > assets of the said deceased among the perso s entitled thereto, having regard only to the 1 claims of which they then have notice, and the said Exe- cutors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or person of whose claims notice shall not have been r eived by them at the time of suck distributi n. J. li ANSLEY, C. We PANK, Executors. Dated this 24th day of February, 1891. 1211-4 TO TH disease. be glad t snmption T. A+ ai. L FOR keep. for half a ughbred 3,990, to e taken. of this Book: ry 15th, elhurst, , Violet et 8,130, of Went nel 421, d, (imp), ter Gra- s (imp), Duchess try (13,. Orontes press •by (2,584), Trunnell (188), by , Secre- , payable N, Hills 1208 tf. tiVtif?"110111 rulkuvitli EbITOR: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy ror the above named y its timely use thousands of hopeless cases tve been prxmanently cured. I shall send two bottles of my remedy FRUN •ay of your readers who have con. If they will send me their Express Poit Office AddrOss. Respectfully' UNI" NIX., 186 West Adelaide fit.. TORONTO. ONTARIO. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO -1 AL MAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS $6.000,000 - $1300,000 B. E. WALKER, GE2fICRAL MANAGER. Grand Trunk Railway. Train's leave Seaforth and Clinton station follows: GOING W/81— &worm. Passenger ........1.03 r. M. Passenger.... .... 9.10 r. xi. Mixed Train.. . ..... 9.20 A. M.Mixed Train 6.15 r. st. GOING EAST— Pumenger. 7.69 A. M. Passenger 2.43 P. lg. Mixed 5.30 r 41. Freight Train.. .. .. 4.30 P. lir CAPI REST SEAFORTH BRANCH. A Gene al Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes DiscOunted. Dra ts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal citi s in the United States,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,Sic. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. 1NTER.EST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND :NOVEMBER IN EACH YEArt Ctarrom 1.20?. m 9.27e. w 10.05,A.. 6.40 7.43 A. 2.25 P. 4.56 P. It 3.30 P. For CRAPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, lase PERRY DAVIS' Special Attention given to the Collection of Con2mercial Paper and Farmers' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager, FURNACES. FURNACES. Lea ing Goal and Wood Burning Furnaces. • ee r=i0/44.11.40 Used both internally and externally It act s qui chl, afford i n g almost ins tan' relief from the severest pain. BE SURE to GET THE GENUINE 25e per bottle. MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED I •g,aftfiULSION' OF COD LIVER )1.. HP1 rLJMEew&DA. Increaseo WeIght, Strengthens Lungs and Nerves. Price L'Oc. and $1.00 per Bottle. OARNET COAL FURNACE in four sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8—Steel Radiators, portable or -lrick set. THE ATLANTIC WO0b BURNING FURNACE in two sizes—Nos. 43 and 53. No. 43 takes Wood 43 inches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long; Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, tEconomical, Strong, Durabl Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the supervision of a mechanic •with an experience of 25 years in the fen nace b siness, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every time. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. Ki4d' Hardware d Stove House, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. im portant Announcement. Ministers and Public Speakers _use SPENCER'S • Chloramine Pastilles Por Clearing and Strengthening the voice. Cure Eoarseness and Soreness of Throat. Price 25c per bottle. Sample free on application to Druggists. ittEallil=11==a13063"1515111.1.11111111 To MOTHERS PALMO- TAR SOAP Is Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet Or Nursery, for cleaning the Scalp or Skin. • THE BEST BABY'S SOAP KNOWN. Price 200. Physicians strongly recommend Wyeth's Malt Extract, (Liquid) To patiente sufferingfromnervous exhaus tion ; to improve the Appetite, to assist Di- gestion. 11 valuable Tonic. 4.0 Cents per bottle. BRIGHT BROTHERS, The Leading Clothiers of Huron, Beg to inform the people of Seaforth and surrounding country, that they have added to their larg ordered clothing trade one of the Most Complete and best selected stocks of Boys', Youths' and Men's Readyraade Clothing -1--INTHE COUNTY, P ices Unequalled. We lead the Trade. Re ember the Old Stand, Campbell's Block, opposite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. MinilIMMIVMMEZ03106311111111.121.1.1111.111111 Tho most satisfactory -BLOOD PURIFIER la Channing's Sarsaparilla, It is a Grand HEALTH RESTORER, Will cure the worst form of skin disease; will euro Rheumatism ; will cure Salt Rheum. Large )3ott1asg, $1.00. MIIIMMINIIIIIME111115211.111.1111.11M ALLEN'S UNG BALSAM For CONSUMPTION, ughs, neelectecl Colds, T3ronchiti, Asthraft ttod all diseases of the Lungs. I In throe sized bottles 25o, 60c, and $1.00. BRIGHT BROTHERS. OR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA* For Lumbago, Sciatica, Cricks," Tic, • Stitches:' ttheumatic Pains and Chronic Rheumatism. Each plaster in an air -tight tin box. 25e. 1111118.111.11111.1111M111111.111111111111MIMINM VVYETH'S ' BEEF, IRON AND WINE. For Pallor, Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart. Valuable Restorative for Convalescents. Combines Nutriment with Stimulus or Be careful to ask for WYETH S. the only GaNWNI. 1— D bAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim., MONTREAL, Proprietors or General Agents VOA MOST OP TUB POPULAR Proprietary or Pharmaceuticalatdielnes, Toilet Articles and Perfumery. THE FARMERS' Banking House, SM.A.H' 0 TTPE_ - (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN Lk CO., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now in heir own prernisea on Market Wrest. Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office. General Banking Business done, drafte 151 10 and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGETt, 1058 EXCELLENT Lines and values in Hosiery arid Gloves at HOFFMAN gt COS., Sea - forth.