HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-02-27, Page 7CARY.
, Honor graelneto
College. All disesteem
dad. cam prompur
moderate. Veterinary
loe--At Weir's Roya,
Surgeon,. Gradua
ary College, Toronto ,
• Medical Society
miptly- attended toi.
constantly on hands.
berry's Hotel, Hen.;
antistry and Surgery.
1166 -5 -
graduate ofOntarke
°rent°, Menber of the
etc., treats all die
d Animals. All WI*
:her by day or night
al attention given tn-
&re on Main Street,
of Kidd's Hardware
qRMARIC.--eorner tt,
repots, next door to tit
forth, Qnt. Al/ die
e , or any of the do
y treated at the
the shortest notice
W. ELDER, Vetes%-
irge stook t Veteria
tly on handl
- _
-1f, Walton, Insurance
1, for taking &Milani*
to- loan at the lowest.
elicitor, &a. Office--
rth of the Commercial
leer to Beams butcher
Deer &Camiame. 870
�T 13arrieters, Sad..
Wee°. T. CiAaam.
9,MEROW, Barristers,.
Goderich, Ont.
tory Conveyancer, Sni
B., a Office -Oyer
treet, Seaforth.
I. 6 per cent. iess
Barristers, Solloitore,
Solicitors for the Bank •
n , Money to loan.
ton, Ontario. A. H. '
ior to the este ftrtn
lested, Barrister, 80-
Iotary. Solicitor for
awe. Money to lend.
Scott's- Blocks Maie
trmerly wich Messrs.
3ot, Goderich ; Bar-
aforth and Bras/els.
Blocky Main Street.
Loan. 1127
;raight losas at 6 pes
nrilege 'as hemmer
aolpal money at any
`AMES-.1110, Barristes
S., L. D. S., Dentist..
)IfsHardware Store,
Office over Haat-
oe Store, corner Main
th, Ontario. Nitrous.,
'or the painless extrao-
MAN, Dentist, L. II.
:xeter, Ont. Wili be at
lie Huron Hote4 en the
snAr IN items mosTet,
iensall, on the ruin'
month. Teeth (la-
in• possible. Ali work
(successor to H.
of the Royal College.
e.rice. Teeth inserted
goici, celluloid or rub-
;iven for .the painless
e-be-er O'Neil's bank,
r,nely in the mouth by
D„ C. 31., M. C. P. S.
T. Daly's Grocery.
iStly answered at the -
Physici&n, Surgeon
nstance, Ont. 112T
fIN,„ Brucefield, Lioen-
ee of Playsioia.ns and
ucefield, Ont. 930
., Physician, Surgeon
orth, Ont. Offioe and,
oderioh. street, Seoond
ian Churoh. 842
M. D C. 111., Member
rsioians and Surgeon,.
,Offiee and residence
ercoe. 848
✓ of the College of
'teeone, etc., Seaforth,
dence, north side of
west of the Methodist.
fay, promptly attend-
- 12I0 tf. „
Fellciw of the
yeicians and Surgeons
• Dr. Mackid. Office.
Mackid, Main Street,
ner of Victoria Squarer
y L & Daneey 1127
Auctioneer for the
Wee attended in al
order e left ad Taw
orcptly attended to,
eral Aactioneer and!
irders sent by mail to-
t, will receive prompt,
Ito. 1185-52
E COUNTY, Convey
ever, aod Accountant ;
t and Fire Insurance
• Correspondence, dee.
vic in any of theme
pt attention. °mole
lue), eie Snows, See -
• --- •
oal4ng Money on
t lowest Rates
ric.- BRANCH.
Aterest Allowed on
to amount and
of Market Square
FEBRUARY 27, 1891.
Good Way_ To Make Good
'There is in Paris what is called a
-Little Seminary, an institution like most
.of our claesieed colleges. • The rules of
the house are looted on the purest spirit
of piety aud virtue. The boys who die-
Ainguish themselves in their climes
:are rewarded in a way that may seem.
:eurprising to our readers. They ari
. allowed to visit and help the poor.
Bat the most beautiful custom is ob-
-served on New Year's night. The day
itself, Which in France is kept as we
keep Christmas, as a hocne and family
feast, is paesed by the boys in their own
families. In the evening they return to
college full of the joys ot the day, with
the affectionate greetings of father and
mother and friends lingering in their
ears, and, of course, loaded with good
things. Night prayers are said soon
after their entry, and the eignal ' given
for retiring. Out they file from the
study hall; but when they reach the
-door, they find two large dishee set out
-on small tables'and each one, as he
passes, puts on these whatever his gen-
-erosity inspires him to give of the good
things he has brought with him from
home. Cakes and candies, toys and
trinkets and money, soon fill the dishes,
and these go to the poor.
A beautiful cuetom truly, and a
Christian one. --Catholic T. A. News,
What To Do With ,The
a' My • dear fellow," said a society
woman of great candor to an awkward,
timid, yeung Harvard graduate whom
she wasi to present. "you have any
amount of talent, you have positiou, you
-have money, but you will never be at
_your ease, never show at your best,
until you know what to do with your
hands and feet. You must lose ' them,
forget them, be unconscious of them."
This hpea,sier said than done ; and yet
it is possible by the persistent use ot a
few eimple exercises . which briug re-
ladration end freedom from stiffeeaa, and
others which encourage flexibility and
strength of muscle. Cultivate the habit
rkf letting the arms fall and place them -
elves as they will when staudingeer sit-
ting without - occupation. Learn to
swing them, one at a time, back and
forth, like a Peedulem hanging from a
.ahoulder, the elbow joint straight and
easy, but not taut. Lift the length of
the arm as a weight from the shoulder
very quietly s.od slowly as high as it
will go, and bring it down in the same
manner. The muscles across the back
are wakened to a wonderful degree.
Try this movement singly, and agaie
with both arm, fifty 'Or a hundred times
a day. With the arms hanging st full
length, elevate the shoulders slowly,
and ternIthern in- a rotary motion to-
ward the back.
A daily practice of such simple move-
ments calls attention to the varied
_actions and use of joint and muscle; the
idea of uising the arms from the shoulder
is underetood, and the habits of -bring-
ing diffeeent sets of muscles into play in
AlIerna,tii.on _end .succession becomes
rces, an
Ji od training them'to do
seeond iTtnre. This is the nunabering
.of one'
'each its Bwn pert. It is aekind of per-
sonal mepeage,Ithe virtue of whieh lies
in the minute search for weakness, flab-
biness and lack of development in the'
smallest muicles, and the daily gentre
manipulation which strengthens it by
.action. No woman wants that close
Omit sinew and knotty, wooden fibre
that many men seek to obtain froni
athletica. It is entirly opposed ,to the
officeof life to which nature calls her;
she does want firmness with flexibility,
staying power and endurance. -Emma
Moffitt Tyng, in Harper's Bezel..
Facts About Flies.
"The popular notion that hoesieflies
walk on the ceiling by the help of the
suckers on their feeteis a inistakeu one,"
said a. man of science to a reporter.
"Notwithstanding the testimony on
this point of many old and reepecterl
euthors;the fact is that the fly has no suck-
ers on his feet at all,but each of those six
members ends in a pair of little cushions
• and a pair of hooks. The cushions- are
covered' with ever Go many knobbed
hairs, which are kept moist by an exud-
ing fluid. Thus a fly is able to walk on
a smooth wall or ceiltng or window pane,
and apparently defy the law of gravita-
tion by the adhering power of the moist
hairy pada. You will understand the
theory of it if you will touch the moisten-
ed eud of lour forefinger to the window
glass or any smooth surface and. per-
ceive the perceptible adhesion. For
-walking on rough surfaces the flY's' foot
'cushions are of no use; but the insect
is provided with the twelve strong
hooks mentioned to do its rough travel
with, clinging by them to any such sur-
face as a whitewashed wall or cloth."
" Another prevalent fallacy is that
the sm.aller flies seen in houses are
,young ones. As is the case with all in-
sects, the lly'a growth is aecomplished
:in the larva states; it ends with the
issuing from the pupa and the expansion
of the wings. Individual flies differ in
size or maturity, just as is the case with
man end other animate. Every: house-
fly that you see was once a crawling
maggot. The eggs laid by the female
lly are usually deposited in warm man-
ure or in decomposing vegetation. Each
- stable in summer that is not kept re-
markably clean is a hatching and pro-
pagating place for flies. Within twenty
tour hours after the eggs are laid they
are hatched out into tootlese maggots,
which inhabit the filth they aro born in,
for a week, and then contract to little -
brown Objects which are called pupario:
Within this hardened skin the maggot
is transformed into the perfect fiy,
which crawls out of the puparium five
days later, already grown to full size,
and wiegs its way to share your lun-
cheon. A fly lives about three weeks.
When the cold weather comes the flies
nearly all die; but a few vigorous
females remain torpid in nooks and
crannies, thus aurviving the winter and
continuing their species."
premature decay, and often to insanity.
To all thus suffering Dr. Williams' iPink
Pills come as a boon. They build 'up
shattered nerves,enrich the blood, stimu-
late the brain, and reinforce the ex-
hausted system. All who are Buffeting
from any of the causes that break down
and enfeeble the system should nee these
pills, and will find them a sure, and
?speedy restorative. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are sold by all dealere, or ee 1I be
sent, post paid, on receipt of priee-50
cents a box -by addreasing The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
• 1209 3
The Prescription.
BY H. A. H.
A mixed company were gathered in
the little chapel. They had come to-
gether from many quarters; there were
old and young, rich and poor. Differ-
ing in many respectenthey were alike in
one ; all were sick ; some sick in body,
some sick in mind, some sick at heart. °
So they all needed 'healing, and there-
fore they were gathered. And, more-
over they all needed to be comforted of
God. The lesson for the evening was
the Thirty-seventh Psalm. One and an-
other commented upon it. Then the
chaplaiu roie, and his words were some-
thing like these:
"Dear friends, here, in sevenverses,
is a prescription •for each one. Fill ,it,
take it, and life will no more be to you
the grievous way it is now. There are
six ingredients : Fret not, Trust,
Delight thyself, Commit thy way, Rest,
and Wait patiently.' Then, as if 'a
double dose was needed, 'Fret not' is
repeated at the end. Try this pre-
scription of the Great Physician, and '
see nor it will raise the spirits while it
quiets 'the heart."
Only these few Words, and the chap-
lain eat down; but the clearing brow,
the uplifted look, lihowed that into
some hearts the words had dropped, and
the remedy was even then beginning its
Do we not all need it?
A little knowledge, and especially
little new knowledge, is a dangerous
thing. A charming young woman, just
entering what is °aired society, met a
distinguished lawyer at a reception
and was mudh flattered when he asked
leave to call Upon -her the next evening.
According tb the Pittsburg Dispatch,
she consulted one or two friends as
to the best method of making his call
"I'm nearly scared to death," she con-
fessed to one of them. "They say he's
awfully smart, and I'm certain I won't
talk well eneugh to please- him. Now
you've kuovin him a long time; do ell
me what subjects to discuss, and run
home and get ready for him."
"Well," said the kind-hearted friend,
"literature is his fad. You can't go
wrong if you turn the conversation into
that channel."
With this valuable hint Miss Budd
hastened home, and devoted the rest of
the day to reading. --
Promptly at eight o'clock the young
lawyer was ushered iuto the drawing -
"Wasn't it a delightful reception
we attended last evening ?" he asked
presently, by way of opening the con-
"Oh yes," was the enthusiaetic re -
spouse; "but wasn't that sad about
poor Mary Queen of Scots ? They cut
her head off, you know."
It is to be regretted that the remain-
der of this very literary conversation is
not reported.
A Receipt for Cement.
A cement which will adhere pee'fectly
to glazed surfaces, repair broken miner-
als, or in fact stick to anything, is made
by taking two ounces of clear gum
arabic,one and one half ounce fine starch,
one alf ounce white sugar. Pulverize
the um arabic and dissolve it in as much
wat r as the laundress would use for the
ua tity of starch indicated. Dissolve
the tarch and sugar in the gum solu-
tion t Then cook the mixture in a ves-
sel suspended in boiling water until the
starch !becomes clear. The cement
should be as thick as tar and kept so. It
Can be keptfrom spoiling -by dropping in
a, lump of camphor, ora little oil of
cloves or sassafras.
Natural History.
A class in natural history was called
up for recitation. The teacher talked
to them a while about the relation % of
friendship between man and animals,and
then asked a girl:
"Do animals really possess the senti-
ment of affection ?"
" yes, almost always," said the little
"And now," said the teacher, turn-
ing to a little boy, " tell me what ani-
mal has the greatest natural fondness
for man?"
, Woman !" said the boy.
Worn Out and Broken Down.
This is a question that from time to
time is discussed in scientific journals,
and when one sees the vast number of
broken down, listless and prematurely'
old men, found -in every community, one
is almost forced to admit that the race
• is deteriorating. The causes leading to
this decline in manhood are various.
and among them may be mentioned
overwork, mental strain, loss of sleep,
over indulgence of appetites, and ex-.
cesses of various kinds all leading to
shattered nerves, loss of vital farces and
She Was Joking.
"No," said she, "1-1 can be only a
sister to you."
"Very well," said he,
"1 must be go-
ing. I had expected a different answer,
but -well, good night !"-
" George, she faltered, as he started
out into the night, "George !"
:" What is it ?" he asked, crossly.
"Aren't you going to kiss your sister
good night ?"
He did not go. -Lawrence Ameri-
Progressive Knowledge.
Some one says : At ten years of age a
boy thinks his father knows a great
deal, at fifteen he knows as much as his
father, at twenty he knows twice as
much, at thirty he is willing to take his,
advice, at forty he begins to think his
father knows something after all, at fffty
he begins to seek his advice, and at sixty
-after his father is dead -he thinks he
was the smartest man that ever lived.
her." She mixed the Powder and the
grease a d smeared it .on the ea 's sides.
Pussy at once licked be th .ids clean
and awe lowed all the pha'sfo.
said the servant girl, " every ody in
Ireland oes know how to give medi-
cine to a Cat."
story of
bee a loc
The ol
who had
I Told You So.
outh'a Companion tells
some country peo
some years ago, ten
motive and train of ea
gentleman Was the
ever seen a locomotive
underto k to explain it Ito the
touching various parts with his
The Id lady cautioned hi
touch it, but he kept on:, The
said not leg until he touched th
when he blew the whistle wit
uneather y screech, which
whole pa ty to flight. -
"The e now, pa," said the
"1 told
with the
pay for. ,
again !"1
le ho
iles to
ly one
, and he
rest by
not to
a -most
ut the
Id Iacy,
you you'd do some mischlef
cane. I a'pect evelll have into
I, ain't going nigh the thiIng
• Dri ks From The Slots.
The atest developMent in the
"penny- n -the slot" eystem is an
automat c coffee tavern now on exhibi-
tion at Birmingham, says Lendon Tit&
Bits. T e purchaser drops in his penny
and pull out a knob labelled with the
drink he desire. Then by pressing the
tap he is able to draw the exact quene
tity. T ere are two plated cups for the
use of en tomerse and a second tap giees
e ervoir of drink holds seven
a coesta, t supply of water for rinsing.
Each r
gallons, 4nd tea and coffee aro kept hot
by an un een gas burner.' The autom-
aton turiis the gas out when the reser-
voir is e hauited and displays a notice
" Empt " in front. Ioed drinks are to;
be sold hrough the seine machi es,;
which cap also be utilized', for the sale of
-sandwiches, .piris and cakes. . I
-, One Humane Driver.
One d y during the whiter a fine look,
ing hors4 attached to a grocer's wagon
fell dowil in the middle of a slippery
pavemen . The driver4' ' ea not jump
down a d belabor the animal with al
club, as ost drivers would have done.
He did alight from his wagon and
loosen t e harness upon the horse.; Then
he took rom the wagon a lap robe and
spread i upon the slippery pavement
near the 'fallen horse's feet. The 'in-
telligent , animal -did not mistake the
mute suggestion. Re eyed the robe for
a moment, then he edged -, around until
his feet Were upon it.. With an effort
he strug 'led to an upright position and,
then lif ed his feet w he the driver
picked u the robe,
Bit it in TWo.
One of our Associates, riding o .a
street ca the other day, 'saw a wonian
give the onductor a quarter of a dol ar.
He pass d it back, , saying, "That isn't
ppd." The woman becaine very angry.
"Why, arm," said the I conductor'1" I
can elle that up like ar quarter cif a
pie." "You may if you can," replied
the won) in Whereupon he calmly bit
It in tw , and remarked Ito our friend :
" I bite two or three a day; a fel ow
How To Give A Cat Medicine.
A New York gentleman has a very
fine Angora cat, and so fine a specimen
of her kind that she is farnoqs in a large
circle of fashionable folk. She is not
rugged in health, yet she cannot be per-
suaded totakephysic. It has been put
in her milk, it has been mixed with her
meat, it has even been rudely and vio-
lently rubbed in her mouth, but never
has she been deluded or forced into swal-
lowing -any of it. Last week a green
Irish girl eppeared among the household
servants. - She beard about the failure
to treat tne cat. "Sure," said she,
"give me the medicine and some lard
and I'll warrant ahe'll be ating all I give
has to keep his eye teeth cut here.
Beaton Sourier. I
in 1848,
drawn b
to Mont
quite de
West M
Win. St
News Notes.
er Maissonneuee, a vete*
y, who went to; the Northwest
hen he performed the greaite
f the ourney • in a vehIcle
steers, is at preeent on a visit
eal. He is 66 years of age, and
f from the .hardships he auffer-
ainful incident occurred at
,Gillivray village recently. Mrs.
eper, of the 19th concession,
had been' on a visit to her mother in
Clandebre, with her oee month old in-
fant, an on returning, the day being
cold, sh,e wrapped the little one too
closely,Hin.her eolicitude to keep it
warm. On arriving at Mr. Pumfrey's
hotel sho undid the wrap and found with
horror, that her child had been smoth-
ered on the journey. ;Every possible
remedy Was applied by those present to
resuscitate it, but it was too late, the
child ha ing been dead apparently for
some tin e.
-Gen, ral Sherman died _on the 14th
inst., in New Yerk.
-Pro ibition is to be pgain submitted
in North Dakota in 1894,.
Ilpox has broken out among
the M.eneonites in Marion county, laah-
sae. I -
-.T. 9.Flett,agent of the Northwest-
ern e1ev4ter at Arthur, North -Dakota,
was murdered and robbed nue night
lately. The murderer secured $10,000
in rhoney and Flett's gold watch.
-TheI pacing station Elector, record
2.21, wned by J. B. Berne, died at
Springfi ld, Illinois, on the 14th inst.
He was valued at $15,000.
-Tb will of Mrs. Elizabeth Fogg, of
New Y. rk, mahlng charitable bequests
to the e tent of $945,000, ie to be con-
_Jfhn H. McCabe,t1-
e veteran actor
and st e manager, died at San Fran-
cisco 4nFriday, 13th inet.
Davis, aged 60, of Greenfield,
Iudiarla has fallen heir to an English
estate v lued at $60,000.000.
-F a ce will accept the invitation to
pertic p te in the World's Fair at
Ch---jca rt°'
Peident Harrison has approved
the bi 1 for the construction of a tunnel
under t e bay of New York.
-Jr Parnell is incensed over the
Cathoi4 Primate's action in having a
pastoral letter read in the Irish ehurclies
on Sun ay last, condemning Mr. Pate
nell's eo duct. It is stated,this is partly
the ca,u e of the rupture ‘etween the
Irih p rties.
• -A eavy snowfall has blocked the
railway in the • mountain districts of
Moravi ,Silesia, and East:Galicia. The
weathe is very cold and the Danube is
frozen f om Pesth down the river for
186 milds. Navigation is at a standstill.
-In he Erie yard at West Susque-
hanna, aturday evening, a switching
engine, loaded with Men, and a caboose,
loaded with a freightcrew and pushed
by an engine, collided. Ten men were
injured two dangerously. r
--Fire on Saturday night, 14th inet.,
did aboht $10,000 damage to the New
York pat office, but not e letter was
burned.' Two newsboys were badly
berned Three dynamos selouging to
the Un ted Stites Electri Light Com-
pany, valued at $15,000,we e destroyed.
ange and Scratches of
or animals, cured in
's Sanitary Lotion. T
, S. Roberts, Seaforth.
Eloped with His /sieighbor's
•Cook. •
Philip Swan has eloped with :his neighbor's
cook. He waseio delighted with the breed, bis-
onite and cake she made with Imperial Cream
Tartar Baking Powder that he fell desperately
In love with her. He hu promised, however, to
return to his wife if she will use the same,
which she will now do, as it is the only reliable.
The Homeliest Man in Seaforth
As well as the handsomest, and othere are in-
vited to call on any druggist and get free a trial
bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and
Lunge, a remedy that is Selling entirely upon
its merits and guaranteed to relieve and cure
elhronic and Acute Coughs, Asthme, Bronchitis
sod Consumption. Large bottles 50 -cents and
31. 1197ecew
. Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gete beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most cases it wears them
away. Could they be induced to try the suc-
cessful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is
sold on a positive guarantee to (lure, they would
immediately see the excellent effect after talting
a dqee. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial size free. At
all druggists. 1197erow
Park and Sluggish.
DARK and sluggish deseribes the condition of
bad blood. Healthy blood is ruddy and
bright. To cure bad blood and its consequenceie
and to secure good blood and its benefits in the
safest, surest and best way use Burdock Blood
Bitters, strongly reconimended by who use it
as the best purifier.
Knights of Labor.
The Knights of Labor airn to protect their
members against financial difficulties, etc., Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil protects all who use it from
the effects .of cold and exposure, such as rheum-
atism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat and all
inflammatory pain. Nothing compares with it
'as a handy pain cure for Man and beast.
• Napoleon's ltead.
. Napoleon's head was of peCuliar shape but
Ithat did not protect him against headache.' Aick
headache is a common and very disagreeable af-
-fection which may be quickly removed, together
;with its cause, by the use of Burdock Blood
Bitters, the never -failing medicine for all kinds
lof headaches.
Editorial Evidence.
GENTLEVIEN.-Your Hagyard'e Yellow 011 18
worth its weight in gold for both 'internal
loud exteenal use. During the late La Grippe
'epidemic we found it a most excellent prevent-
ive, and !or sprained limbs,ete., there is othing
to equal it.
Delhi Rep rter.
A Natural Filter.
The liver acts as a filter to remove im
the blood. To keep it in perfect wcrki
use B. B. the great liver regulator.
1 used two bottles of Burdoek Blood
for liver complaint, and can clearly say
Well woman to -day.
Mits. C. P. WILEY,
Upper Otnabog,
g order
I am a
N. B.
• Stanley Books.
Stanley books are now as common as coughe
and colds. To get rid of the latter us • Hag.
yard's Pectoral Balsetn,the best Oanadiai cough
cure for children or adults. It cure by its
soothing healing and expectorant pro erties,
every form of ihreat and lung trouble, pul-
monary complaints, etc.
Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightfail sham•
poo. It cleanses the scalp and darker grey
Small Sugar-coated -Burdock Pills do not
gripe or sicken. They are mild and effe tual.
Worms cause serious sickness. Dr. Low's
Worm Syrup destroys and expels all inds of
worm quickly and surely.
Pale, weak women need a tonic, s rength•
giving, flesh building medicine like Miburn's
Beef, Iron and Wine.
English Spavin Liniment removes al hard,
soft or calloused Luinpe and Blemish 13 from
horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Rin Bone,
_Sweitney, Stifles,. Sprains, Sore and wollen
Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful 31emieh
Cure ever known. Sold by J. S. Robe s, Sea-
fOrih • MO -52
Itch, 3
Sold by
every kind, on
30 minutes by
is never fails.
Still They Co' e,
There's Room for More.
• We wish to return, our thanks
to the faTmers and others it this
Vicinity for their very libera pat-
ronage during the past three
We are now in a better, shape
than ever to attend punctua ly .to
our largely increasing Gristi' w and
Chopping trade. We .are p eased
to find our efforts to give sa isfac--
tien in both quantity and q ality
have • proved sktisfactory t e our
patrons: To those .Who hav Jot
yet given us B. trial, we say y all
nieans do so, and be convince this
is the: best place in this coun ry to
get your gristing done.
We have on hand and to rrive
a large quantity of Manitoba \ rheat,
which we hope will add t our
steadily increasing flour trad . We
guarantee our flour as emed r bet-
ter than any manufactured irt. this
part of the country, and wil con-
tinue to sell at, prices -whic will
defy competition. Dealm and
others call and see us and 0. quo,..
tations before purchasing ers here.
Remember the place, Si:forth
Roller Mills, near th e r 11 way
freight sheds, formerly kn. vn as
the Red Mill. -
W. H. CODE & o.
The undersigned desires to inform his old
eustoreers and the public that he has .iposed
of the Blacksmithinebbusiness, which he has
carried on in Seaforth for over 25 yea , to his
l, will hereafter carry on the sae .n all its
branches, and he hopes`thatethe sani4 liberal
patronage so long extended to him will Ibe con-
tinued to hie son and successor.
AT. McNAMARA, Leadbury, breeder of
pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winnere of 26
lint prizes in 1890. Ycinktig pedigreed stock for
sale, also two prize winiler Boars kept for ser-
CECESTER WHITE P�, -The undersigned
will keep on his falin, Huron Road, Mc-
Killop, two miles west of eaforth, a Thorough-
bred Chester White Pig. Terms 81, payable at
the time of service, with the prieilegeof return-
lugif necessary. GEORGE CHESNEY. 1194 tf
1 SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for
service during the pfesen season. on his prem-
ises, Lot 20, Concession 12 McKillop; one and
one-fourth miles east of Leselburyal the wen -
known lierksh're Pig 'Bo rbon King" from im-
ported i3tock on bottt si es, and to which a.
number of sows will bo. taken. Terms -$1 per
sow, payable at the time of service with the
privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE
HALL. • 11119x12
I3ERESHIRE BOAR. --The undersigned will
keep during the present season on hie -farm
let 26, cohcession 4, 11. It. 8., Tuckersmithy the
Thoroughbred Bt rkshire I Pig "North King,"
[t332.] North King was fa owed March 2, /890,
bred by J. H. Davis, Wo cletock, sire, This is
Him, (irep„) [1362,1 dam, rJorth Queen, [15,12,]
by Royal Harry, [6(33,) Vi et, (imp.,) [510,] by
Ptinte Vatlens by Warwieh, first by fJ. Smith,
etc., etc. This pig has taken prizes here ever
shewn. Terms $1 per sow, payable a the time
time of service, with the privilege of returning
if necessary. CHAS. ROUTLEDGE. 1198 tf
in connection with the above, I be to say
that I Will carry on the general blacl4n1ithing
business in all it breeches in the old stand, and
by dose attention to the wants of cusaerners, I
hope to receive a continuance of the liberal
patronage so long extended to my predecessor.
lorseshoeing and general Jobbing a specialty
All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, and
charges reasonable as usual. ;
1205•Main Street, Seaforth.
At the Underwear for
Misses and Childrens at H
& Co's., Seaforth.
. •
fen portedrim proved Yorkshire White
Pig, Depot.
Pedigree Certificate. -Si e, Sutton, limp.) [12]
dam, Duchess 3rd, (Imp. in dam)28 by Magis-
trate 3rd, (539). -Derry, (I iip.) [20], by Madam
3rd, (747). -Lady Derry Sr , (1742), -by Magistrate
3rd, (539): -Lady Derry nd, (1210,) by Magis-
trate 2nd, (343). -Lady De ry, (372), by Colonel,
sister to Great Eastern, bei Duke of York, York-
shire Lass:
The undbrsigned will ke4p for service during
the present season, the Improved -"Yorkshire
White Pig, Despot, on lot , conceesien 6, Hul-
Vett, to which a limited n mber of sows will be
taken. Terms $1,paya.b1e at the timed service,
with the privilege of retuning if necessary.
1101 tf ANDREW SNELL, Constance P. 0.
Seaforth Dairy.
Having purchased t e Dairy,Business
?learn Mr. Roderick Grey, beg to eolciit a con-
tinuance of the patronage which he has re-
ceivedin the past. With the adVantages I
have in my iefrigerater and situation, I hope to
be able to give my customers satisfaction as to
quality amilk even in the very hot weather.
Realizing that the easb system i the mos;
just and satisfactory to lall conceri ed, I have
decided to sell for cash only.
tlie Tickets supplied at reduced rates
1171 D. D. wI iS 0 N
East half 9 on 91h concession, 50 acree. West
half 7 on 10th concessien, 60 acres.
South half 21 on 5th c -once even, 100 ares.
Lots 11 and 12 on 13th clonceieion, 200 acres. -
Lot 38 on 3rd concessio L. IL S., I acres.
For terms &c., apply to he undersi ned.
1197 ti: arrister etc.„ Seaforth
MoKillop Directory for 1891.
JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Bredbagen P. 0.
JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop.
DANIEL MANLEY, Coinci1lor, Be ehwood.
JAMES EVANS, Councltlor, Beechwood.
WILLIAM ABOHIBM4D, Councillor, Lead -
JOHN C. MORRISON- lerk, Winthrop.
SOLOMON J. SHAN- ON, Treasiurer, Win-
ROBERT G. ROSS, Asessor, Winthrop.
ADAM HAYS, Collecbor, Seaforth.
The above milli have now been thoroughly
bu It upon the complete
The Mill an Storehouse Buildings have been
greatly enlarged, and) lew machinery applied
Flour Dressig Machines
From the best Manufacturing Firms have been
put in, and everything necessary added to enable
her to turn out flour ,
In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving
grain from farmers udder elevating and Shipping
heve &kw deen exteulvely improved. Grain can,
hew d taken from farmers' wagona, weighed,
and cescled into can at E the rate of 700 bushels
per hour, by the week of two men.
Has been put in, and the necessary mac bury for
handling chop and coarse grains.
A good shed has been erected, so th t wagon.
can be unloaded and releaded under cfver.
Promptly atflended to, and
Electric Hair Restorer
-TO ITS --
Original Color ,Beauty, Softnes .
Keeps the head Clean, tool and Free
from Dandruff.
Cures irritation & Itching of the Seal.
Gives's beautiful gloss and perfume to t e
hair, prod-eces a new growth, and will stop t e
faremost de
littg °olinalitcaeheaddress.
ewtda)sWill not
not soil the s
Chopped satisfactorily and eithout delay.
And allkthde of
Constantly on hand.
Highest Market Price Paid in
Cash for any Quantity of
Priee, 50 cents= per bottl
Refuse all Substitutes.
Chemist and Druggist, 50 KingSt., West,
Sold by J. S. RDBERTS, Seafortb.
Mutual Live Stoc
Head Office: Seafort
THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company
"IOntario having a Government Deposit and
being duly licensed by the same. Aie now
earrying on the huiness of Live Stock Insu :
anoe and solicit the patronage of the importers
and breeders of the Province.
i 7or further particulars address
Only first-claes and'ging men will be kept
attend custcmers. The liberal patronge of
mere and general trade respectfully solicited.
• A. W. OCILIE & CO,,
Of Grey Flannels at HOFF3IAN &
Co's Seaforth.
JOHN AVERY, Sec. Treas.
Removed I Removed I
3- M
The Old Establienee Butcher has removed
new prep:due immbdiately opposite his 0 d
Stand, Main Street, Seaforthawbere he will be
pleased to meat all his old patrons and as 'many
new ones as may sed tit to favor him with then
mriternember the place, oetween liendersott
Hareem Shop, and gelntyre s Shoe Store, Main
Street, Seaforth.
Of Frillings, Corsets and Ribbon's,.
at KOFFMAN & Seaforth.
'MYS av-mout3
`..33I.lLS N I V W Bats
` L JO `H..HO IV3S
CD l -t.
I-1- 0
r:3-1 CD
P-1 1-t
p.Ala. 0
I:I lit
(E) 1--i
11071-m. `spurPT
Rhe nun atism.
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
ThOS. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0.•, W.
J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Sea.lorth P..0.; John
Hannah', Manager, Seaforth P. 0-
Jas. Brsadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clin-
ton; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt,.
Harlock Joseph Evans, Beeehweod ; J. Shan-
non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos. Neilans, Har -lock; Robt. McMillan, Sea-
orth • S. Carnochan Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
,id deo. Murdie, Auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or
transact other business will be promptly attend-
ed to on application to any of the above officers,
addressed to their respective post offices.
Knight's Blood Cure.
ASTANDARD hoaseholdremedy in suceess-
ful use more than 40 years. A positive
cure for Dyeptpsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra
tioa, Constipation and all diseases of the Blood,
Stomach and Liver.
niegealled for Producing a Clear
A botanical compound, pnt up in packages
and Fent by maiTat one third tile cost of ordin-
ary medicine. Large packages, sufficient for 3
quarts, 81.00 ; half size packages, sufficient for
3 pints, 50e.; sample packages, 25c.
A reliable Agent wanted in this locality.
1183-512 • 252 Broadway, New York.
Ceres Burns, Cuts, Piles in their worst form,
Swelling's, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites,
Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases.
Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism,- Neural-
gia, Toothache, I nine in every form.
By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co.
Planing Mill,Lumber Yard
The suoscriber would beg to call attention to
the large Stock of dressed and undressed lumber
which he always keeps on hand, at the very
lowest prices.
Bill Stuff cut to any order on
Short Notice.
Good Cedar cut into timber or poet'. A good
etc.& of Heiniock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot 29,
Concession 16, Grey, which will be co,t to any
order on shortest notice. Lumber delivered at
"reasonable rates when desired Orthrs by mail
promptly filled. Address Moen -tem P. 0.
Charles Querengesser,
1105 Concession8, Lgoan.
Fortnightly Sailing from
CAI3IN RATES 340, $50 and $60 Single. 880, .990 -
and 8110 Return, according to location ot
INTERMEDIATE, outward, 325; prepaid, $30..
Steerage at lowest rates.
Aecommodation Unsurpassed.
Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or Ca
BETHUNE or A. STRONG, Seaforth.
List of Lands For Sale
In the County of Huronabelonging to The Can-
ada Company. Only 10 to 25 per cent, of pur-
chase money required down, balance at any time
within 10 years at 4 per cent. Instead of going
to the Northwest, farmers looking for land can
secnre *me of the finest hind in Ontario on the
easy terms mentioned. County of Huron's Va-
cant ao LT) aEn Rd is c:
11.-13 con -S half 37 Bayfleld -K
half 31. Maitland Concession -Island opposite
53, 54, 65
HAY. -4 eon -W half 5, W half 6, N half 7, W
half of W hall 11. 6 tem -E hill of W half 5, W
half of E half 5, S half of E half 6, Ni 7, 8, M
10, . W half 11, S half and NI 12, 13, W half 15, W
half of E half 20, W half of E half 21. 6 eon -N
„half 4, W half 6, El 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, S half
13, W half 16. 8 half 3, S half of N half
4, N half 5, 7, 8, E half of fi half and N -half 9
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Wt 15, W1 36. 8 eon -F4 0
15, E hall 10, Nf 18, E half of 8 half 19, N ha)
_19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 22. 9 con -In
half of E half 25, Ei of Bi 26. 13 con -N half
9. 15 eon -NI 7, W half W pt. 21, 26. 16 con
-E half (3, N half 9, 10, Wly pt. 11. 17 con-Nri
• 4, 5, 6, 8 half 7, 8. N. By. -14, 15, E half lie S.
py -WI 10, E) 33, N E 70 ac M. L. R. East -
E hallL2L2E
liUTT-4 con -W half 12, 13, 14, N half
15, N half 18. 5 con. -W half 13, 15, E half 17.
7 con. -E half 19. N half 20. _8 con. -E half 21.
14 con. -N half 23-
McKILLOP.-13 con. -1, N half of E half 2. N
half 3. 14 con. -Rem. 1, 2,43, 4, 5, 6, N half 7, E
half of 8 hall?, N half 8. "
STANLEY. -5 con. -14. 8 con. -W1 3, W half
4, W half 5, 7, 8. S. By.-Wi 14, 15, El 10.
STEPHEN. -6 eon. -W half of N half & *
half of 8 half 23. 10 con. -E half of W half 30,
E half W half 11. 13 core -S half of S half 17.
N haif 22. 14 con. -111 4, N half 8, 8 half of N
half 17, EI 20. 15 con. -3, N half 4, 8f 6, E half
of W half 10, 14 half 16. 16 con. -N4 17, NI
22. 17 con. -Rene SI 7, NI 19, NI 23. 18 eon.
-N half 7, S half 8, 15, N half 10, 8 half lg.
19 con. -N half 4, W half 11, E half 10. 22 eon.
-Rem. 8, E half 0, S half 10. North By. --IC
half W half 33. L. R. West -Item. 1, S. half 3.
Aux Sablee-9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, W half & N half
Iteof E hall ttlfO'rhall
8ra119On of eiisting
HAY. -4 COTL-N hall 4. 11 con. -N half 14.
6 con. -W half 3, 14, 17. N half 17, SI 18, N half
of S half 19. con. -13, 14, Si 17. 10 eon. -
E half 28. 13 con, S half 4,7, 8. 16 cm__
Ni 4, N half 8, 19. 16 eon. --W half 6. N. By. -
W:1 18, 28. S. By. -11, NI 31, 32, 34. L. It.
West -16- Le R. East -Rem 4, 5 half 6, R.
half 10, 8 half 14, E half 16. '
HULLETT.e 2. con. --E half 17. 5 con. -16,
I• W half 17, 9 con.- half 23. 14 con. -Rena.
W half 14, S. pt. of N half 21, N half 22.
McKILLOP.-1 vore-W half 2, 5 half 3, W
half 4, S half 6. E half 7. 2 COTI. • E half 7, Ile in.
E half 8,-E half 10, 3 con. -81 5, E half 8, 4
con. -3, 5 half 4. 6 eon, -N half 6. 11 con. -
.E half of W half 7, N half of 8 half and 8 half
of N ha.lf 10
STEPHEN.- -13 con. -S half 14,8 half of 14 half
17, frhalf 18, N half 10. 14 con.- 5, 6, 7, S half
8, 9, 12.1 15 con.- -S half 4, W half 5. 16 eon.
-Et 6, 17 half of W half 21. 17 con. -SI 15, PI
• half Hi, WI 16. 18 eon. 8 half 7, 14hall193, W.ini
con.-'rf half 7, SBhalf 8.., 9 n
half II. 23 co
n8 ha 12. N. dy.- hal? 32, E:ll 3
33, 34 S. Bdy.-27. L. R. W.-2, 5.
TUCRERSMITIL-11. Rd. -5 con. -N half of S
SPECIAL MAKES half 1. 7 eon. -E half 4,
"SBORNF -S By. -11
For pertieulare as to prices &e., apply to THM.
COMMISSIONER, Canada Co'y, Toronto.