HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-02-27, Page 327. 1891. LE REMEDY ions of the CIDNEYS RTH Stritmeilt ONT. riltarn, New York ; Dominion Piano - de. _ :W. BeU & Co., ,Organ. Company, W. Karn & Co„ always. on hand, alao 'Pianoa and Organ a for Inatrumentss*..1d on n termW totfujit ens- iles' and Small linstria- music, books, &e. T BROS. Fiitnets AND 'MING Ontario. Bargaina in IrIOr Stoves. ana,ranteed, nous Stoves e Sole Agents. Table and Library -SEAFORTH., GEST, BEV rto erne, Phosphates, '3 21133TAUCE. , assaossiss, csss, CIIICAGO, ili OF tYAL. YEAST CARY Porter and Furrd- Oorium, - ONTARIO.. COMBINATION. � the shortest noticeli tee& A large assort - Is and Shrouds, &c., est quality. The best d free of charge and Ilearse. eral Director. Resi- TREET, directly op- qiurch in the houses r. Scott. rmoramamosmemsma IGRAViNG. 8TR TOUR BUSIESS. rolleges,hotels, faetories rder from photographs. - for apecimen sheets. iress Agency, New York City. FEBRUARY 27, 1891. _ Two Boys _Go To a Round - House. BY TM OW BOY. The old boy Wall nearly forty years old; the lid was just five, and he had had the promise for some time that on that 'Articular day -his birthday -he should visit ai round -house, and have the opportunity of seeing a "real live engine. He was ready bright and -early, and soon the, two were on the very front seat of the open street -car which would take them to Ninth Avenue, the nearevt point to the round- house. Wheu the car stopped at the crossing, the lad needed no second invi- tation tenget off, and was soon trudging along, rather faster ;than the old boy cared to go, past the three blocks, with- out, looking to the right or left or ask- ing a question. There was the- round- house, and on the entrance a big sign, "positively No Admittance ;" but the two soon found a peth leading around one aide, and, following it, were soon on the tracks. Several men were there at work, banwhen they saw the small boy they did rigt beve the heart to forbid entrance. There were several big en- gines, looking bigger than one had ever looked outside ou the track, and the small noise of eecaping steam seemed, louder than a whietle ever had before. So the little boy kept tight hold of the old boy's finger. Soon, however, he , • would go thundering -into the front sec- tion and make a general smash up. There was a wonderful machine there, too, with a cloek and all kinds of gear- ing, which registered on X slip of paper just the speed the train was going at all times duringthe trip, and also showed at just what points the train was at all times. In case of accidents these tell- tales say whether or not the train was at just the point it should be at at a certain time, whether the engineer was running too fast or too slow. There is one alip used for each trip, and then it is filed away, and the slips can be compared at any time to see with whet regularity and care the condi:rotor and engineer run their trains. In the next pelt were tools such as would be useful in case of a wreck to clear the track or get a car on the track -small jackscrews, bars, etc. And lastly a water tank, an important thing in the eyes of the little boy, who was very thirsty whenever he caught sight of one. Next was the emigrant sleeper, and through the locked door were seen the seats aud berths, arranged nearly in the same way as in a Pullman car, but everything was made df cotton instead of cloth and upholstery; this made the cars easy tolteep clean and free from vertain. A refrigerator ear was not to be pass- ed. The boy was lifted in, and saw the space above for ice; the hooks for meat, and then the whole system of the coun- try's supply of meat had to be explained. Nothing now remained but the freight - house. Here, among other things', were some boxes of °reaps, a sewing - machine -just such things as were at home, but on their wey to other homes, \ and so the little boy understood how what he had had come to him and his home. Then past the long rows of clerks in the office who take the money," and the homeward trip was be - gull. From a bridge Over the tracks all the switches were seen and explained and understood. the office was reached, and the old boy found that he had wasted just two and a half hours of business _time. "Wasted ?" he said to himself.' "1 have learned more this morning than during any time of similar length which I can remember. Wasted? I heve had more downright enjoyment than I could have gotten out of any other occupation I know of." On the, whole, he con- cluded the time had not been wasted. But the little boy must be home for his nap -he was thoroughly tired. s9 the young man of the office was dile4 patched with him, with instructions tel tell the street car conductor to let , the little boy off at Twenty -Seventh street, and then he was to get 'eg at Twenty. Sixth, and, unknown t` the lad, keep It an eye on him till he had arrived safely home; and from all re orts it would seem that a_ more proud or happy boy had never made his way for. the first time from the car to his home than our young friend who had been to the round house with the old boy. got hit head enough to begin the inevit- able questions. "What is that hole for ?" A long space had been dug out about three feet deep between two tracks not occupied by an engiue. That is the place where a man stays while the engine is run over above him se he can make repairs on the under side of the engine, or 'mend the engine' if it needs it.' "Do they mend it with glue, as mam- ma does my engine ?" "No, hardly ; but here is an engine, and a teen is under it. See him be- tween the big wheels; he has a torch -which he can put up under and between the machinery, and he hap a long wrench, and with it he is tightening ep some bolts, just as papa tightened some bolts on little John'a carriage a few days ago." Then about the cowcatcher: "What is that long thing on top, with a hole in the end ?" The old boy lifts it up and shows how it is used to couple cars which are in front, instead of behind, the engine. "My engine does not have that." " No ; why doesn't it ?" "it was not made so. Will you put one on when we get home ?" Another job, for a spare evening! Then the drive- w heels, cylinder, steam cheat, were explained in detail as much as possible, and whether the lad understood it all is a question; but the old boy learned that a five-year-old boy could understend a great deal more than he supposed he could. Just here a man in coarse clothes, covered from head to foot with grease and oil, through which a very kindly face was seen, came up. "Would you like to get into the en- gine, my boy ?"he asked, in a gentle, persuasive way. The little.. boy drew back, tightened his grasp on the old boy's finger, and no urgiug would start him. Se the tender was exatnined frotn the outside, and they passed on, going carefully behind the engine, as nothing would induce the little boy to go on the tra,ck in front. On the next track stood a switch en- gine, with such a funny tender, so low, and•cevered over the top, and the old boy had to explain how switch engines go backwards as often as forwards, and the engineer has to see over the tender on to the track. " See 1 this engine has no cow -catch- er." (Cow -catchers have always posses- sed attractions greater than auy other part of him.) "No. Switch engines do not have cow -catchers; but here is a step the brakeman stands on and takes hold of this bar." And now the little boy was standing on a real, "truly engine," grasping the rail with one hand and almost taking off the old boYsii finger witi the tight grsep of the other, his eyes showing the excitement and pleature to be intense. The old boy remembered well, a good many years ago, the first time he got on an engine, how a friend and he worked their way into an old and almost for- saken round-houte of one stall, tnd crawled up into an old, worn-out en- gine ; but, nevertheless, it was an en- gine, and the sensations of a boy for the tirst time in a real engine are not soon forgotten. The lad could hardly be tempted off the step, but further attractions are urged. two ol no fire In the next stalls are one or engines -at any rate, there are in them, no escaping steam, and no etre gers about; and so the boy fin- ally -got on to the old boy's shoulder, and the two climbed into the cab. Once in and seated on the engineer's box, looking out of the small front window, his satisfaction was complete; there was the lever for setting the machineey for running forward or backward, the all- important throttle, the air -brake valve, all within hie reach. In the tender was coat ready for the fire -box, the bell -rope and whistle ready to sound by the pull- ing of a rope. Hardly a word was spoken, but the look of satisfaction was more than enough to repay any trouble that the old boy had had. The engines had now all been thor- oughly seen. and the two went out for new sights. The big turntable was not new, as the little boy had seen engines turned in the station -yard, but seen a caboose was spied, and into it he must, go. The old boy looked 4n and saw some beds which trainmen had recently left, or, at any rate, they had not been made since they were occupied. Soon 2-1. man in shirt and trousers was seen looking inquiringly at the strangera, and the little boy'a face here proved, as before, a sure passport, and he was in- vited in. What is harder to resit than -the silent appeal of a small, honest face? Now, a caboose is quite a sight; first a room where the trainmen elept-beds, tailet arrangements, • etc., somewhat crude, to be euro; then in the center a room with a raised roof, with side win- dows looking front and back, sot that a -person sitting in one of the chairs on the t that ; before he lost it he must ha .e. Q 1 ' THE. HURON other. It occurred to me ther: that ishe was not long for this world. 1 --" What is -a 'cant hook ?V said a teadher in one of our ()Dmitri), schools the other day, addressing heripupile in general. There wae a long flesh of eil- once and then a little hand went hp in the remote corner of the room. " Well, whet is it, Sammy ?" . "A milley cow," said Sammy, triumphantly. 1 Me. Jones had marred little Jo nny's maiden aunt, and they wetat the wedding breakfast. Lit4e Johpny his grandfather) -When. are you g to begin on him grandpa? Grand - Begin on who, Johnny? iJohn4- II r. Jones. I heard you tell grand. he wouldn't be so bad if you Could put some brains into him, Break- fast was finished witheutJohtiny. -Widow Casey -" Ah, Mr. Dolan, when my ould man alied it left a big hole in my heart." 1111r. Dolan -Mrs. Casey, would ye moind patchin' -it wid a bit out of mine ?" 1 -Mr. Tangle-" MariaI'm going to make it warm for you." 'Mrs. Tangle - "You are a perfect brute? I shall go right bac le to mother's-" Mr. TEM- gle-" Now, don't be •too hasty, my dae,cqaru.e.I'm going to buy you a sealskin s e ,-Bronson-" Did You hear of the sad fete of poor Offaloffski, the' Russian ?" Johnson -4" No, what was it ?" Bron- sen-" He got into au altercation with a fellow countryman, and the other fel- low pulled a revolver and made Offeloff- sia eat his words. It killed -Ddllie Littlesense-" Aw, this cane won'tdo. It-aw-don't fit." Dealer 13 -" Why, it seems just the eight length ,and and • tityli h !" "Y& as; but how on earth midi get--aw-e-this big head into my mout ?) -Patron-" I thought you were a dry goods merchante and yet you; have steels of books' in stock." Merchant- • " Those, sir, are bankrupt fete of ser- mons, and Ili consider that they come legitimately. under the head of dry goods." -First Belle-" I should advise, you, d ar, not to marry him. . You know he so much above you, and -Second elle-" Oh, certainly, darling 1 I o ght to take your advice. You are so ,much older than I am, that it seems quite motherly of you to tell me 1" -DumPsey-" Blabson's wife ie very all, isn't she ?" Popinjay-' Yes ; ou would hardly believe it, but have eard it said that she goes throu h his ockets every night." 1 i -Doctor-" You look thin, nervous end tired out. What you want is to ough it .in the country for a while, amp out and that sort of thiug. Pat- ent -Why, doctor, that is what II have f.1 een doing for two mouths. Dector- ;_th ? Then that is what ails you 1 -Lawyer-" If anybody asks for me his afternoon, tell them I sunl called way on most urgent business." 1 Office Boy-" Yes, sir. (11e.11 an hour later) Stranger-" Is 'Mr. Quill in ?" ' Office Boy-" No, sir • he's been called away to the base ball game on moat urgent business." -A Washington lady has attended many games of base ball recently' to gain acquaintance with the game, and lately at the dinner table announced the result arned," pitcher so that (to goi pa - On rna onl - Don't Fret. When Worries and troubles surround you, Don't fret. Go to work ! You will always have troubles around yon You bet, If you shirk. The world doesn't care for your woes, Oh, no Not a bit '. The man wbb is ss -Ise never shows • His foe That -he's hit. Every one of your neighbors has griefs of his own; • He greatly prefers to let your griefs alone, And he doesn't at all enjoy hearing you groan, So take warning, and quit ! -Somerville Journal. 1 The Old Folks' Longing. Don't go to the theatre, lecture or ball, But stay in your room to -night : Deny yourself to the friends that call And a good, long letter write - Write to the dear old folks at home, Who sit, whea the day ia done, With folded hands and dovvneast eyes, And think of the absent one. . XPOSITOR. IMPORTANT* NOTICES SALE. -A first-class reiiidence on the en corner of Victoria and eremite Streets. Good stable andorchard. _Applyto A. CARDNOe Saforth. 1183 OHEEP FOR SALE -The undersigned has 15 ewes which he will sell at reasona'sle prices and on ternasIo suit purchaser. Apply on Lot 25, Concession 2, McKillop. It. COMMON. 1210 -von SALE- BARGAIN. -On r Safe, combination lock, de as it left the factory. Also, 250 of Lake Huron; 150 acres c e,ared. E. N. LEWIS, Solicitor, Goderich. I 1168 ONEY TO LOAN. -To loan at 6 per cent. for a terni of years, on first mortgage on farm property, several thousand ; dollars of pri- Vete funds. Apply to MOORE BOYD, Sea - forth. 1208tf flAUTION.-The public are hereby cautioned against giving any person whatever credit IT my name without rny written order or con- sent, as I will not be responsible for any' debts so contracted. PETER GRANT, Kippen. 121Cos4 Jedlle BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division Court, County of Huron, Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and 'Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. Office -Over Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 large Taylor hie door, just acrts on bunk Don't selfishly scribble, "Excuse my haste, I've scarcely time to write." Let their brooding thoughts go wandering back - To many a bygone night, When they lost their needed sleep and rest, And every breath was a prayer That God would leave their little babe To their tender love and care. Don't let them` feel that you've no tore need i • 1 Of their love and counsel wise, For the Iheart grows strongly sensitise . Wheniage has dimmed the eyes. It might, be well to let them believe You n ver forget them quite - That 'yoii deem it a pleasure when far away, Long letters home to write. . I • Don't think that the young aud giddy friends, Who make your pastime ,say, Have half the anxious thoughts for you That the old folks have to -day. The duty of writing don't put off, Let sleep or pleasure wait, • Lest the letter for whisk they waited and longed I Be a day or an hour too late. .. For the sactold folks at borne, With the locks fast turniog white, Are longing to hear of the absent one, ' So write them a letter toright. _ __. Gaieties. -At a Grocery Store. -Mrs. Snoozers -Land alive! What are you going to do, Mr.' Greengoods, with all thot coops of chickens? Mr. Greengoods A great scheme of mine. Eggs lai while you wait, you know. I am tire of the kicks against my evil. -4' I suppoee you can give .me a nape kin ?" the istranger hazarded as he sat down at the aupper table of the Skew+. hosh hotel. " Why, certainly," said the host, heartily. "It kinder slipped my mind that you was from Bostown. Abbie, britig the napkin, an' don't for- get to put the tooth -brush on the wesh- eta_ judaienkNBoo.r2r.0'w' it -There's no use in trying to economize, Tom.. . The moneY is hound . to go either one way or an- other; Wiggins -Why, what's the. _ matter now? Jack Borrowit -Why, I have been walking home every night fqr a month to save my car fare, and no* Mrs. Pancake has raised my board on account of increased appetite, -Mabel (looking Out of the window at, a maimed cur) -0h, thow dreadful ; who could have cut off that poor does tail? Philosophical Charlie -Oh, the dog don't mind it; he is used to it hy this time. Mabel -I don't know about -e high platform could see the whole of the been strongly attached it. train top to the locomotive, and be ready to act and give orders in case of accident. The man explained that the greatest danger came from the breaking of a coupling, and so the dividing of the train, in which case, if the forward part were stopped and the trainmen were not -Mrs. Lachrymose (sadly) -Yes, dear little Rebel is dead. She was tee good for this world. Strange, inde are the ways of Providence. Ma. Coldphacts (grimly) -Dear iittlo m tyr ! I saw her last sitting on front porch with a lenge piece of ie r- ly 41)11 the alerCto atop the rear part, it e cake in one hand and a sausage in On of her observation. " I have le Fihe said deliberately, " that the does not try to throw the ball the man can hit it." • • OHORT-HORN BULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, two pure-bred Short -horn bull calves, 10 and 11 menths old, 1 red and the other roan. good animals with first-class pedigrees. 13red from prize winning sires and darns. Apply on lot 16, conce-sion 10, Morris, Blyth P. 0. NEIL McDONALD. 1209x5 1!----- A Startling Fact. "Life is sweet" is an old sayiog, and just as true RS it is old. ,No 0118 in his or her right senses courts death; all wish to prolong life to the utmost limit, and yet, iti spite of this universal desire to live the allotted three score years and ten - and even longer-thousande upon thous- ands of people thi±gle carelessness and neglect, are haste ing the tittle when they must stand face to face with the grim reaper. and make the plunge alone into "the dark valley of the shadow of death." No , diseape On this continent claims so many victims as consumption, and reliable statistics prove that fully two thirds of the deaths occurring from consumption had their origin inl catarrh. Nothing but negligence emitted this las dieease to develop into consuroption,and the person who neglects to prompt! and persistently treat catarrh until al trace i are eradicated, is simply hasten ing the coming of death. Even should catarrh not develop into consumption it eievertheleas shortens life, as ever breath the patient inhales paesee ove poitionous secretions and thus affects th whole system'. l'i• the cure of catarrh no remedy ever di covered equals Nasa Balm, which' is redognized from the At- lantic to the Pacific as the only eertai cure for this disease. It removes th secretions from title nostrils, stops th poisonous droppings into the throat an lungs, and makes the user feel that new lease of life has been gieen him t This great catarrh remedy i on eel -with all dealere, or will be set on re emit of pr ce-50 cents for stnall and $ ii for large s ze beetles by addresaing Ful ford & Co. Brockeille, Ontario. 1209 • r , . 1 Uncle Sari's Post Office. 'Ben Abou " says in the New Yor " Press :" • I received a letter recent -postmarked, Nigger Foot, Va.' Th name seemed so odd for a governmen post office that I consulted an officia postal guide to see if Uncle Sam enders ed it. A glance through the guide die covered hundreds , of others little cred itable to his taateanddignity. For in stance, Big Foot is an office, in Indiana Pig in Kentucky, Skull Bore and Mous Tail in Tennessee, Bnzzard's Roost i Georgia,and Corn Cob in South Carolina Number One is a Maine Post Office, an Vernione has a Bread Loaf. In Ne York State we have a 'Promised Land, Painted Post, Good ' G -round, and Ha Moon. Pennsylvania Might have selecte better sounding Denies than Bird i Hand, Bean,: 'Bald Eagle, Burning Bush Darling, Goad Interest', and Gum Tree Gunpowder is in, Marylande while 01 Hundred and Alotie with Negro Foo are in Virginia. '‘Vett Virginia boasts Left Hand4n4 North'Caroline the grac of Charity, blessing of Prosperity, an Forks of Pigeon. Georgia is discredite by a Dirt Town, and has Alligator,Fis and ColdtWater. Pay Up arid Cut 0 are 'also Georgia offices. Big Coo Coal, Fire and Red Retie areie Alabam and Bananas in Florida. 1-1111LHAM BULL FOR SERVICE. -The un- dersigned will keep for serviee on his premise. s, on Lot 18, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, a _Thoroughbred Durham Bull, Ternis-S1.60, with the privilege of returning if necestairy. JOSEPH FOWLER, Seaforth P. 0. 1207tf TIARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For Sale 12 or to rent the North Half of Lots 51 and 52, in the 1st Concession of the Township of Turn- berrs, containing 100 acres, over 70 cleared. Good frame house, barn and stable, situated '4 miles from Wroxeter and 3 miles east of Blue vale. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to M. MoTAGGART, Clinton. 1206-7 -neiONEY TO LOANs-Private and company funds to loan at lowest rates. $L0,000 of private funds have been placed in our hands which we will loan in sums to suit borrower. Loans can he completed at once if title satisfac- tory. DICKSON & HAYS, Cardnies Block, Sea - forth. 1143t1 JERSEY BULL. -The undersigned will keep. during the present season on his farm, 2nd concession, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, a thorough. bred Jersey Bull, sired by Canada's John Bull. Terms -$1.50, payable at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN HANNAH. N. B. -Also for sale a Jersey bull calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred. 1164 •rt NEW SPRING GOODS. ...mommten••••••11 The Bargain Dry Goods and Clothing House have received and opened for inspection the following lines of new goods, which will be sold at the closest possible margin for cash on cost: 300 pieces new Prints, 110 pieces new Shirtings, 50 pieces new Cottonades, 50 pieces new White Cottons, 140 pieces i new Grey Cottons, 100 pieces new Tweeds, Coatings, 86c., 100 pieces new Embroideries. STALLION FOR SALE. --The undersigned offers his celebrated *desdale Stalnon, " Scotland's Farewell," for sale. He is 10 years old, is pure bred, and a sure foal getter. He was imported by Thomas Bell, of Londesboro,, and has left behind as many good, high priced horses as any horse of hie age in Canada. He has always travelled in the same locality. Ad- dress JOHN J. PARISH, Winthrop P. O. • 1202t1 New Dress Goods, Hosiery and Gloves; new Ticking, Shirtings, and Pillow Cottons; new Hollands, Towelings and Linens; new lines of Clothing, Hats and Caps; new Carpets, Lace Curtains and Oil Cloths, and hosts of other new goods too numerous to mention. All of which have been selected from the best market and at the lowest possible prices which capital and good credit can command._ We cordially invite you to inspect, whether you buy or not, at the Bargain Dry Goods and Clothing House, Seaforth. WM. PICKARD, Corner Main and Market streets, Seaforth.: STALLION FOR SALE. -For sale cheap, a Heavy Draught Canadian Ilred Stallion, -thredi years old past. Bred from Kinniount Willie, and eligible for registration in the Tor- onto Stud Book; weighs 2000 lbs.; a beautiful dark chestnut; will be sold cheap, or will be exchanged for a breeding mare or young cattle. Address THOMAS CUDMORE, Lumley, P. 0. 1200x6 DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. -For Sale a Thoroughbred Durham Bull, eligible for registration in the new Dominion Herd Book. He is of red color and one year and eight months old. Apply on Lot 18; Concession 1, L. R. S., Tuckersinith, or address, ROBERT B. BlcLEAN, Kippen P. 0. 1210x4 fruit - forth, • ther forth. • , ' i i i i i i , ) . 1 ' • ; . r 3 t , • • - • ' 1 ' 1 . 1 ' V a f I 1 , . i - ;1 a e A ' d ss A " ! e "'OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For Sale or to Rent a large and com- modious frame house. In connection with this house there is four-fifths of an acre of land with trees in it There is also a good stable. The house contains all the modern conveniesces and is situated south of the railway track in Sea- Immediate possession given. For fur- particulars apply to JAMES ST. JOHN, Hallett, Seaforth I'. 0., or Ed. Dawson, Sea - 1210 tf. MENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will be re - 1 ceived by the undersigned until Tuesday, March 10thjat noon, for the erection of a new brick school house in Section No; 9, Tucker - smith. The contractor will be reqraired to do all the work and furnish all material except the stones and bricks. Plans and specifications can be seen at the residence of the undersigned, Lot 10, Concession 7, Tuckersmith. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. Address, JAS. CUMMINGS, Secretary, Egmondville P. 0. 1210-3 VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale in Tuckersmith, Lot 31, Con- cession 2, L. R. S., containing 100 acres, 90 Of which are cleared, the remainder is well tim- bered with hard Wood. There is a good frame houee, nearly new, also good frame barns and stabling, plenty of hard and soft water, well fenced, well underdrained and in a high state of cultivation. There is a good bearing orchard, also a young orchard of first-class variety. There is about 30 acres of fall ploughing done and the remainder is seeded to grass. This is one of the beat farms in the Township of Tucker - smith and has no broken or had land on it, and is good for either grain or stook. This property is situated on the Mill Road, 1 mile from Bruce - field and 6 from Seaforth, it hi within a quarter of a mile from the school house, with good gra- vel.roads 1- ading in all directions. Possession can, be given to suit purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises or address to MRS. MARY SINCLAIR, Brucefield P 0., Ontario. 1210 tf. rpHOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR I SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service on lot 3, concession 7, Stanley, half a mile north of Hills Green, the thoroughbred Durham Bull, " Chisselhurst Prince," 13,996, to which a limited number et cows will be taken. The following is the registered pedigree of this bull in the Dominion Short Horn Herd Book : Red rind a little white, calved February 15th, 1890, bred by Walter Shillinglaw, Chisselhurst, Ontario, got by Victor Hugo 12,240, dam, Violet 3rd 13,393, by Golden Prince 3,255. Violet 8,139, by Marquis 2,081, Clara 6,607, by Duke of Went. worth 1,723, Duchess 5,830, bY Colonel 427, Duchess 4th 892, by John O'Gaunt 2nd, (imp), 140, [13,089], Duchess 2nd 887,, by Master Gra- hame (i:np), 167, [14,928], Roan. Duchess (imp), 460, by Lord Ducie, (imp, 154, [13,181], Duchess by Red Duke (8,694),, Jemima by Tenantry (13,• 829), Lady by King Lear (8,196), Ora by Orontes (4023), Minerva by Mercury (2,3011 Empress by Monarch (2,324), Duchess by st. Albans (2,684), by Jupiter (342) by Sir Oliver (605), by Trunnell (669), by Favorite (252) by Dalton Duke (188), by The Old Studley Bull. HENRY WADE, Secre asy. Trans. -One dollar and fifty cents, pay. able January lst, 1892. JOSEPH HUDSON, Hills Green P. 0., Ontario. 1208 tf. A,UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK ANI IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. A. Bishop Is roil ceived instructions from Mrs. Wm. Cunizillni to sell by Public Auction on Lot 9, Concessior 7, in the Township of Tuckersmith, on Friday .Marth Oth, 1891, at 1 o'clock p. m,, sharp, tin following valuable property, viz.: Horses.-: Imported mare coming 8 years old, having rale ed 3 foals and in foal again to 'Stud Bool Chief ;" 1 filly coming 2 years, of the Irnportec mare, sired by •' Mark Laddie;" 1 mare in foa to "General Gordon," 1 mare coming .5 years, : filly corning 3 years, sired by " Strannier ;" : WOO filly coming 3 years, sired by "Joe Gale.' Cattle. -2 03WS supposed to be in calf, 2 heifer in calf, 1 steer coming three,years, 2 steers com ing two years, 3 calves, also 4 sheep and 6 fal pigs. Implements. -1 wagr, 1 hay rack, ' gravel box, 1 double buggy, top 'buggy, 1 cut setdeli drill,, : l efyigbs,1 nrosyhe:ip, lnin‘ian ter, 1 l ti,tti.,r,, b otiinl..9mi ,,,1 -Mr. Cecil Rho ee, whose wealth reaches S:2,000,000,is just now the social lion in London. H� is interested in South African development, and is on a, visit to the metropolis. 'He looks upon Matricaland and Maehonaland as of greater promise than any other British possession. Atm•••••tmot, BANKRUPT STOOK. Shawl Never Mind the Cost BUT HAND OUT THE GOODS. Small profits, no risks, and quick returns. Great bargains in Hardware. Extensive stock of Tinware for the spring trade. Full assortment of small goods, consisting of Wftips, Curry Combs, Brushes, &c., all at bankrupt prices. Far Auction Sale every Satday after- noon -and evening. Call and see for yourself. 1 1 1 Brown & Shaw, Campbell's Block, C4th. unolst tURE111 Wittio TO THE EDITOR: • Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy lot he abova named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been psxmanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of iny remedy FM,. sy of your readers who have cow gumption if they will send me their Expresett 'Pelt Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. $LOCUAlt ACC., 186 West 4delaid0-8t., TORONTO, ONTARIO. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867. • HEAD OFFICE 0 TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - $8.000,000 REST, - - - - - - - - - $8001000 • B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. BEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. rirafts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal cities in the United States,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,&c. SAVINGS BANK DE PARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. INTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OP MAY AND .NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. , fier. 1 set iron harrows, 2 fanning mills, 1 al- most new; 1 stone boat, 1 turnip cutter, 1 grind stone, 1 churn power, 3 milk cans with tanks, 1 set double harness, 2 set single harness and col- lars, 2 stacks of hay andther articles. The cl whole will positivety be sold without reserve as i, the farm has been rented. ERMS.-Ail sums of $5 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' Credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. will be allowed fcr cash on credit amounts. MRS. WM. CUMMIN'0, Proprietor; A. BISHOP, Aectioneer. . • 1210-2 Special Attention given to the C• ollection of Commercial Paper Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORE[ Wellington Genie NoR111-. Ethel........ Brunelle Bluevale Wingham... GOING SOUTH- Winghaan Bluevale Brussels • Ethel... Grey and Bruce; Paseenger. Mixed. 2.51 P. x. 9.31 e.x.8.38T.x. 3.06 9.45 • 9.20 8.21 10.00 9.50 3.30 10.10 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. 6.39 A. m.11.10 1. 7.26 r. 6.48 11.22 755 7.02 11.45 8.55 7.14 12.00 9.31 • • London, Huron and Bruce, GOING Nom- Passenger. London, depart. .... ....... 4.35r.x, Exeter._ Ilensall. Kippen. Brimfield. Clinton.... . ...... - 0.00 6.4 Londeaboro 10.19 7.03 Blyth.... 10.28 7.12 Belgrave 10.42 7.1.7 - Wingham arrive.. ..... 11.00 7.45 Gorse Sotrra- Pasaenger. W Ingham, depart 6.50a.st 7.05 4.00 7.18 4.15 7.26 4.25 7.55 4.45 8.15 5.04 8.24 6.12 8.32 5.19 8.60 5.33 9.28 6.09 9.34 6,17 9.42 6.26 nd Farmers' IS, Manager. FURNACt S. FURNACES. Belgrave. Blyth Loodesboro Clinton Bruceflold Kippen.. .... ... Hensall Exetr Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seadorth and Clinton station followa: Goma Wage-• SRAFO/ITX. Clams! •Passenger --------1.03 P. M. 1.20 r. x Paseenger... .. .. ... 9.10 e. m. 9.27r. x Mixed Train.. ...... 9.20 A. M. 10.05A.m., Mixed Train 6.15 P. M. -6.40 ' GOING EAST - Passenger. .. .. .. 7.69 A. is. 7.43 A. Passenger .. .. .. 2.43 r. m. 2.25P. Maw' 'ream.. 5.30 P ii. 4.55?. X . Freight Train.. .. .. 4.80 P. Id,. &SO P. Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. • GARNET COAL FURNACE' sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8 -Steel Radiators, portable or brick set. THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNING FURNACE in two sizes -Nos. 43 and. 53. No. 43 tako! wood 43 inches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long; Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Strong, Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 25 years, in the fru.- nace business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every time. fEr ESTIMATES FURNISHED, Kidd's HaMware d Stove House, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. four For CRAMPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, use PERRY DAVIS, Important Announcement. BRIGHT BROTHERS, The Lead!ng Clothiers of Huron, Beg to inform the people of Seaforth and surrounding country, that they have added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the Most Complete and best selected stocks of Boy • Youths' altILd Men's Readymade Clothing COUNTY. Tjsed both internally and externally it act s quickly, affording almost instate relief froi.i the coverest pain. BE SURE to GET THE GENUINE 25e per bottle. tententessesee seenteeseeteseresetee ten e, , MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED I -EMULSION LOF COD LIVER 1,11 .4-IMEAtin Increases "Weight, Strengthene Lungs and Nerves. Price 50o. and $1.00 per Bottle. IMMESSISERNWESMEGM;55311CMPIIIIMIMI Ministers and Public Speakers use SPENCER'S Chloraxame Pastilles For Clearing and Strengthening the vele.- Cure Hoarseness and Soreness of Throat. Price 250 per bottle. Sample free on apphattion to Druggists. TO MOTHERS PALMO-TAR SOAP Is Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet or nursery, for cleaning the Scalp or Skin. THE BEST emirs SOAP KNOWN. Prioe 2130. Prices Unklulled. We lead the Trade. Remetab0 the Old -Stand, Campbell's Block, opposite the Royal H,otel, SeafOrth. BRIGHT BROTHERS. t ' 41%. • 't • • • WI, Physieians strongly recommend Wyeth5s Malt Extract, (Liquid) To pationte suffering from nervous exhaus- tion; to improve the Appetite, to assist sestion, a valuable Tonle. 40 C.:erits per bottle. ° The most satiafactory BLOOD PURITIER is Channing's Sarsaparilla, It is a Grand HEALTH RESTORER. Will euro the worst form of skin disease; wifl cure Rheumatism; will cure Salt Ithetun. Leirge Bottles, IHNEINWERMEMENESOMMINMMIMNIIIIIIS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For CONSUMPTION, 'Jonah!, neglected Colds. Bronchitis,- Asthma Led all diseases of the Lungs. In three sized bottles 25e, 50c, and $1.00. issimensinmezaimmaniummumm, FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, 00. MENTHOIPtAi4TER For Lumbago, Sciatica, " Cricks " Tic, • Stitches; Rheumatic Pains and Chronic Rheum Ism - Each plaster in an air -tight tin box. 25e. WYETH'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE. For Pallorp, aiWpietaaktinoensszf the Heat Valuable Restorative for Convalescents. Oombines Nutriment with Stimulus ar Be careful to ask for WYETH 5, the only GENUINE. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Limn • MONTREAL, - Proprietors or General Agents FOR HOST OF TI1R POPULAR Proprietary or Pharmaceutical Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery. THE FARMERS' Banking House, S.001=V1111.. (In connectien with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN & 00., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL! AGENTS. Now in heir own premises on Mprket &loot Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office' General Banking Business done, drafts 1st ie and cashed. Interest allowed on deli/opine. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. 1058 EXCELLENT Lines and values in Hosiery and Gloves at HOFFM AN & Sea - forth.