HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-01-30, Page 8'ey 30, 1891, Nommigammommi = , /tenor graduals se Callege. All dela, dad. Calle ieerenin= roderate. Theetif41. ete---At Weirs* NG*. nizt r Surgeon, Graduat ars College, Tomato a Medical SOdety nuptly attended tie, constantly on hank Iberry's Hotel, Hee. entistry And Surgery 1160-fe graduatg of ereeeeke oronto, Neuter of teee r, eta., treater sell dee d Animals. real °elle Gher by day or night al attention given * flee on Main Street, of Kidd's 'Hardware 1112 FIRMAKY.--Corflet 'Teets, rtextdoor taik 6ferth, Ont. All die .top, or any of the do, ifully treated at tha , the shortest notice s virs ELDER, Veto". age stook of Voted* itly on handl kis , prN, Walton, Ineurarrei rr for taking affidavits, to loan at the lowest on. • Gle, olioitor, &o. Ofilos- rth cif the Corarnerelel `cm to Beams hutahse lora &CAIIIIROIL 870 — OT, Barristers, S ntario. J. T. ason ono. 686 ERON, Barrietere, Y , &e., Goderlcb,4 Ont. PILMO HOLT, M. a. 566 iitor, convoyanoer , B. C. Office-Ovet 'street, Seaforth. 'Pee ad 6 per csent. 1036 [-Barristers, . Solieltelei - Solicitors for the Barer be. Money ite loos. ntone Ontario. A. H. 781 aster to the ado firm boosted, Barrister, So. ,Notaiy. Solicitor for imeroe. Money to lend. • Scottee Mock, Mils formerly with ileum 1foot, Goderich Bar- Seaforth and Brussela. k Block, Main Street W. R. DICKSON. a Loan. 1.12T "0 LOAN. ,8treight loans at 6 pet arivilege to borrower rincipal money at any' aLMESTED, Barrister 860 ShditY., S„ L. S., Dentist. isori Hardware Store,. 1164 - ritist, Office over Ilant- aloe Store, corner Main orth, Ontario. Nitrous- ' for the painless extrae- - 11139- SISMAN, Dentist, L. D. ,Exeter, Ont. Will be at thelturon Hotel, oaths 1-Ii.e.DAT IN 1.0.Cli MONTE, , Hensall, on the NUT ads month. Teeth ex - pain possible. All work !Kr 971 Dentist, (successor to H. -ler of the Royal College. tritario. Teeth inserted iit gold,. celluloid or rub - given for the painleas Roe -over O'Neil's bank, 1204 /CAL. ret T. Dalees Grocerymptly answered at the 1173 D.., Physician, Surgeon Constance, Ont, 1127 WITS, Brumfield, Lioert• liege_ of Phyeloiana and. Brucefield, Ont. 030 , atc., FbssiCian, Surgeon Waforth„ Ont. Ofiloe LVOV t Godench street, Seooad terian Church, 842 rEt, D G. M., Member Physicians and Surgeons. Oftlee and regdeiros- r. Vercoe. 868 M. D., Fellow of the r Physicians and Surgeons to Dr. Mackid. 1r. Mackid, Main Street,. a'orner of Victoria Squarer d by L. E. Da.ncess. le to the Northwest meet icen his practice. The. . in Dr. Mai:skid's offiee his own residence during:. 1127x12 ONEERS. need Auotioneer for the - rt. Sales attended in al All orders left at Tar promptly attended to. General Auctioneer and) - Orders sent by mail tee P. O., will receive prompt /derate. 1186-52 D:UFF. THE coms-rv, Conver -keeper and Accountant ; sicient and Fire Insurance. Loan, Correspondence, i&o. r services in any of these prompt attention. Ornate( evens), Mese ST, SP1A 113e. ----- AND BRUCE Investment s Loaning Money on. y at lowest Rates Ir-terest. s. Puchased. 3ANK BRANCH. nt.In.terest Allowed, Mr rding to amount and me left. rner of Market Squares Goderich. IGRACE HORTQ-Ne Meaeatels1ts- Sth,1886. - tale jANIJARtY 30, 1891. , Township Councils. HashieThe first meeting of the new council Was held on Monday, January 19th, vehenlhe following business was transacted : Moved by Mr.Kalbfleisch, seconded by Mr. Schnell, that Samuel J. Letts be appointed clerk for 1891, at a salary of $100. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Voelker, seconded by Mr. Schnell, that it. R. Johnston be appointed audi- tor for 1891, at a salary of $6. -Carried, The Reeve appointed D. S. Faust as second auditor. Moved by Mr. Moir, -seconded by Mr. Voelker, that Wm. Stoneman, D. Steinbach, Jos. Schnell, F. Hess and Samuel J. Latta be appointed membere of the Board of Health, and that they be 'allowed the ssme remuneration for each sitting as members af the council -Carried. Moved by Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded by Mr. Voelker, that Dr. Buchanan be ap- pointed Medical Health Officer for 1891. -Carried, Moved byl Mr. Moir, sec- onded by Mr. Schnell, that John Scott be appointed Sanitary Inspector for the Eastern Division, being that part of the township east of concession 7 inclusive. Carried. Moved by Mr. Voelker, sec - ended by Mr. Schnell, that Henry Greb be appointed Sanitary Inspector for the Western Division, being that pert of the township east of concession 8 inclusive. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded by Mr. Moir, that Michel Zeller be appointed treasurer for 1891, at a salary of $80.-Cerried. Moved by Mr. Moir, (no seconder), that James Bonthron be re -appointed assessor for 1891, at a salary of $60. Moved in .amendment by Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded by Mr. Voelker, that Henry Lipphardt be appointed assessor at a salary of $55. -Carried. The assessor was reminded - that he should call at all the houses in the tovsnship. Moved by Mr. Voelkee, oeconded by Mr. Schnell, that Thomas Johnson be appointed collector for 1891, at esalary of $55. -Carried, Moved by Mr. Voelker, seconded by Mr. Kalb - &loch, that Mrs. Leinhardt be appoirit- ed caretaker at a ealary of $15. -Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Voelker, seconded by Mr. Kalbfleisch, that tenders for tedar and red beech, for the use of the township, be received by ihe Reeve and Mr. Moir, at Zurich, ujp to two o'clock en February 7th, and that the clerk notify parties to that effect. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelbfloisch, seconded by Mr. Voelker, that the following accounts be paid, viz: Samuel J. Latta, election expenses, $72.25; Hart & Co., muni- cipal blanks, $8,45; White & Co., for balance on priuting, $25; 11.Well, goods for Curry, $4,25; F. W. Farn- comb, engineer, $33.50; EL Randall, washing Curry's bed clothes, $2, Deic- • hart & Weseloh, $8.45, Coswold, gravel, $6.51.--tirried. Council- adjourned to meet on , arch 7th, at 10 o'clock a, m. -SAMUEV. LATTA, Clerk. Seesseen.'ea, The council met on the 19th inst., wheu the following officers were appointed: Geo. Stewart, Clerk; John Reid, Treasurer; John Tough, Assessor; Andrew Stinson, Caretaker; Abel S. Weeks, Engineer; Geo. Baird and Jas. R. Belfour, _Auditors. The following accounts were ordered„ to be paid: Thos, Brownett, $26, keeping John Bartley for 1890. John Torrance, George Stewart, Wm. Clark, J. B. Secord and Dr. Elliott, were appointed Board of Health. By-law No. 5 of 1890 was rescinded,and by-law No. 2, of 1891, read a third time and passed. Tenders will be eeceived for 5000 feet cedar cov- • ering, 3inches thick, 6 or 8 inches wide, and 16 feet long, and about 8000 feet 6 by 8 inches, and 16 teet long. l The treasurer was instructed to have the township books audited,on or before the _ 14th of February next. The council meet again on Monday, IFebruary 16th. at one o'clock, p. m. of the table. Invite people who will help make your dinner a success, people who talk well, and yet do not talk too much. Flashes of silence are as much of an art in conversation as are fleshes of wit. 'Put together the people who will grow interested in each other, and under no circumstences yield to the sel- fish desire of some young woman who wants to be near somebody who wont be interested in her at all, and who will in this way cause a rift in the harmony you' desire to achieve. Have your table as prettily decerated as you can, have your linen as immaculate as possible, have everything hot, as hot as it can be, and everything cold, well iced. Do not make the mistake of serving anything tepid; and as for yourself be as cool as your ice, as bright as the candle light, as charming as the flowers and as evSeet as the bonbons that mean dinner is over. Taking care of the Pennies. It is really surprising to know how many people there are who live "from hand to mouth," who never save any money and have nothing laid by for emergencies. Many families, too,with good income, spend as they earn it, and are always out of money. Every boy and girl should learn to save a little, always to have a balance in their favor. The habitslearned in child- hood would prove invaluable in after life and prevent many a crime as well as much misery. To be thrifty is such a good thing and brings more happiness than some people guess. A prominent man of one of our large cities ?nee said •' I had rather have my boys mieers than 'spendthrifts." Of course either extreme is bad, but it is not necessary to choose between the two evils; wise economy is what is desirable.. Every young person should • have a little account book, where everything should be set down and balanced, once a month. Many a penny would be saved in this way ; simply seeing itset down in black and white, reininds you that meney is being received and spent. Parents cannot begin to teach the habit too !DOM, of carefully managing the income, no matter how small it may be. • THE HUR ceased to exercise his proficiency in that direction, owing, perhaps, to a lack of demand for his wok. Ele was quite ti happy, apparen1 ly, to sit en his side porch most o t e day, smoking a pipe, though h occasionally did a little oeing. 1 _• There was a half•dilapidated arbor on the city women's place, which, after un- successful attempts to cover it with vines, she decided to haveyulled down. Seeing Mr. L—, the carpent A-, seated with his pipe, as nenel, she p ticked up courage to step across the road to proffer her request. Beier she eached the house the man had vanish d, but his wife answered her k ock. " Well, :I don't keow as se'd feel like dein' it," she said, doubtful y, in answer to the question whe her M rl L ---would , be willing to come ov r and pull down the arbor, if Le wasn t buey, that morning. 4. 1 "I'll go and see," she a ded. " Per- haps he might." Not Good Enough. Nothing is good enough that is not as good as it can be made. The verdict "good enough," says a well-known writer, Which in boyhood passes the de- fective ta.skewill become 'bad enough" when the habit of inaccuracy has spread itself over the life. "You have planed that board well, have you, Frank?" asked a carpenter of an apprentice. • ." Oh, it will do," replied the boy, " It don't need to be very , well planed for the use to be made of it. Nobody will see "It will not do if it is not planed as neatly and as smoothly as possiblA" re- plied the carpenter, who had the ,repu- tation of being the best and most consci- entioui workman-inthe city. "1 suppose I could make it smoother," said the boy. "Then do it. Good enough' has but one meaning in my shop, and that is perfect.' If &Ailing is not perfeet it ie not good enough for me." "You haven't made things look very ,neat and orderly here in the back part of the store," said a merchant to a young clerk. • C—o—u—l—d. Spelling is an art which occasionally is " lost art," even to the natural speller. The way in which it eludes the pen and vanishes from the brains of its pursuers, deserting the inveterate letter -writer, .and the child in a opening -match at the time of greetest need, is really surpris- ing. We all know the sensation of uncer- tainty as to whether we have spelled a common word correctly,because it "looke •queer " on paper; and any one who has had experience with the various letter - games which are so popular with some people, knows how quickly one begins to feel that almost any combination of letters must spell something. One of the quickest -witted journalists of a Certain city proved himself quite a wonder in the way of anagram guessing, one rainy day, among a party of people housed in a country hotel. At last one of the lookers-on picked up five letters from the heap lying on the table and handed them to him, saying "Of course it will not take you a minute to form a word from -these.' To the amazement of those who were watching his feats of orthography; the five letters absolutely defied his efforts -to arrange them in such a way that they spelled anything ; at last, when he had Inoked`at them and worked over them -so-long that he had grown to feel as if there was something uncanny about diens, they suddenly took their proper positions in the following order - c -o -u -l -d. Just as the lookers-on were about to congratulate him, however he swept them together in a heap again, saying as .he did so : "It's a pity I'm not Scotch, for then I might have said that was the proper way to spell something, -perhaps and he looked greatly surprised at the shout of laughter which followed his announce- ment-Youthe' Companion. / • "Well, I thought it was good enough for back there where thing cannot be seen very plainly, and where customers seldom go." "That won't do," said the merchant, sharply, and then added,in a kinder tone, "Yo# must get ideas of that kind out of youriatead, my boy, if you hope to succeed in life. That kind of 'good enough' isn't •much better than bad enough.'" The girls who don't sweep in tJhe cor- ners or dust under things and the boys who diepose of tasks as speedily as pos- sible, declaring that things will "do' if they are not Well done, are the boys and girls who are very likely to makefail- urea in lite because the habit of inac- curacy has become a part of their char- acters. The old adage, "What is worth doing at all is worth doing well," is as true now as it was when first spoken, and it will always be true. Points For Clerks. A gentleman, standing beside a calm, self-possessed old captain on the deck of the vessel, remarked : " I suppose, Captain,you know where every rock and shoal is along this whole coast, do you not ?" " I know _where they are not !" W58 the decided reply, and there was Where- in lay the safety of those who intrusted their lives and property into 'his hands. There is a great deal of knowledge which one is the wiser and better for not possessing. If yeu learn exactly where there are no rocks or hartn, you may sail safely and prosperously. A good old merehant prince once met a man who approached him in a very con• fidential way on a new scheme by which he could make a great sum with a small outlay. He was never averse to making money in a right way, so he patiently heard him propound a theory for mak- ing an imitation of vinegar which cost but a trifle, but could be sold as the real vinegar. The old merchant came down upon hinf like a thunderbolt when he understood fully the scheme, and hurried him from his presence with euch words of stinging rebuke and warning that his ears must have rung for a day. He did not know how soon an officer might be in` his wake. The grandsons of that merchant carry on his great business to -day with honor and,. pros- perity.-iAmerican Grocer. In a moment she Caine b with more firmness,, "No' can't do it., It aint in his and he don't feel that he c ck, and sail, 1, he says he line, he says, n spare the time to be doin' things like' that?" • A Letter From the liron Duke. Anything about the great Duke of Wellington is interesting! I suppose that we think of him fregeently as being seated on hie ewar-horael waving his sword and calling to hi men, 'For- ward 1" Here are two p that show that there were was not on horseback, no to death: " Strathfieldsa 1837.-Field•Marsha1 the liogton is happy to inform' William Har- ries that his toad is alive and well." During one of his cows Duke 'found a little bo ground bending his hea toad, and crying as. if hi break. On being asked matter the child explaine crying ‘l• for his poor toad it something to eat ever he was now to be sent a long distance off, and he nobody else would give it anything to. eat, and that it would die. The Duke, however, consoled him by saying that he would himself see the toad well fed, and by further promising to It the boy !war as to its welfare. During the time that the boy was away at school be received ,no less than five autograph letters simi- lar to that given above, and when be re- turned for the Christmas holidays the toad was still alive to 'gladden his heart. ctures of him imes when he leading men e, July 27th, ake of Wel- ry walks the lying on the over a taine heare would what Was the that he was " He brought morning, but ay to echool ts ai afraid that To be a Model Hostess. All the beautiful decorations on the table will amount to nothing unless the hostess herself wears, as a decoration, a charming manner and an absolute ig- noring of anything except that which will give pleasure to her guests, says The Ladiee Home Journal. If mistakes should occur it will be wiser for her not, to. see them. If an awkward servant should stumble and upset a dish she should be as equa'ble peen some one had thrown a crown of roses about her. While it is her duty to permit no guest to be neglected, it is her duty not to seem flustered or worried, and she is the best hostess always who manages to make purple feel most at ease. Don't attempt to do too much unless you have servants Who are capable of carrying oat your orders. A simple dinner well served,is always better form than an elaborate one badly served, and with a half -cooked hostess at the head • The Chewing Gm Habit. A. prominent New iork physician told me it few days ag4 that the con- stant chewing of guile has produced weak mInds in fourteerl eases of young' girls nevi, under treatmelete the constant moven-le/it of the mouth causing too great a strain on the head. -Ladies' Home Journal. - The,perfeet purity of mpe 'lel Cream Baking Powder is ackiowledg1 by leading pi sicians and chemists. The Homeliest Ma lin-Seafo ar N EXPOSITOR. NEW GOOD. We are receiving our New Spring Goods early this season, and in a short tinie our place will be filled ip with a very choice and complete stock for the sp ing trade. EDWARD • *FALL, SEAFORTH. gommnavomavol•••=•••••1•1•0 .on•mmresmomel.a.m.• GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. As well as the handsomest, nd ethets are n- vited to call on any druggist and getaree a trial hot* et Kemp's Balsam for the _Throet and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and guaranteed to eelieve-And cure Jhronic and Acute Coughs, Atethma,13eonchitis and.Consu iption.- Large b ttles 5cnts and 11197eOw . Some Foolis Allow a cough to run until reach of medicine. They will wear away," but inonaos away. Could they be indu ceireful medicine called Kemp's Weenie which it sold on a positiveguarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excellent effect after taking a dose. Priee 5.0c and $1.00. Trial size free. At all druggists. ' 1197eow immosmais • WE SHOW THIS WEEK A FULLii..INE OFIVAN GOLA SHIRTING% GREY FLANNELS, NAVY FLANNELS. ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN BLANK- ETS AND COMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM $1.50 TO $i.t BEST VALUE IN THE TRADE IN CREAM AND WHIT d LACE CURTAINS TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLING% IN GREAT VARIETY. A CALL SOLICITEO. People it gets beyond the ften -say, " Oh, it cases it wears them ed to tryl the sue - The Keyetone. EGULAR action of thq bowels is -the key- , stone of health. T e use :of 13, B. 13. In- sures it and cures • coristipat on, dyspepsi'a, ete. Mise F. Williams, 445 B oor Street, Toronto, wiftes "Have need you _,Bnrdock. Blood Bit- ters for Constipation and ain methe head with great success• improve froin the. second dose." Keep ofk th Wet wintry weathercat sore throat, croup, colds, swellings, chest swellings, tain mire eXistS in Hagy best pain expeller for inte Keep it on hand in case of bottle is a little giantin cu Claps. - see chapped hands, pain in the cheat, etc., for which a cer- rd's Yellow Oil, the nal or external use. emergencies. Every ative power. A Cash rize. The proprietors of Bunt ek Blood Bitters will, give a prize of FIVE Doha RI for the cleverest and best -es -say, (not to ex eed 100 words,) upon the merits of 1.3.13..B. as a Cure for dieease. The competition will, close Jan. lst, '91, after whiCh the suceetisful essay will 1 be 'published, (with the anthor's name if desir d.) They will pay each for any of the eesayjs they may select and publish. No restrictions. Try your skill, and address, T. SIILB RN & Toronto, Ont. Lazy. It is strange 'how many countrymen who have a particular trade prefer to go without work, and consequently with- out money, rather than do any " job " which they consider a little beneath thetn. It coati so little to live that a few weeks, more or less, of idlenees, seems to make no difference to these high spirited wOrkinen. A lady who had a summer home in a little town in Northern New Hampshire found the greatest difficulty in getting anybody to do "odd jobs" about the premises. " Why, I never can tell," she.. con- fided to a fidend, whether they will be willing to do*hat I ask, or whether they'll consider that I've insulted them." She had a near neighbor whose hus- band was a "ne'er-do-well." Re was ,e. carpenter by trade, but had long ago' R. JAMIESON. The gost Popular Christmas Present in the World is Medical Hints. TA' rheumatism, neuralgia,- lumbago, sore quickest, surest and best remedy for throat, soreness and laroeness, is liagyard's Yellow Oil. It quickly cures sprains, bruiees, burns, frost bites, chilblains, etc. For croup, colds, quinsy, etc., take 10 to 30 drops on sugar, and apply the oil externally also, when imme- diate relief will result. osimmasmaramaramsasrpo BISSEL'S CARPET SWEEPER "moocAmer's •Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR —TO,ITS-- Orig,inal Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growtb, and will stop the falling out in a few days. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate headdress. FULL DIRECTIONS 'WITH EACII BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINGED. Price, 50 cents per bottle Refuse all Substitutes. 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, With latest improvements. These sweepers .are medium _in:tprice4yet , as perfect as the most expensive. We have also a choice selection of Family Groceries of the very best quality. Select Valencia Raisins; Vestizm Currants, new Peels— Lemon Orange and Citron; extracts of all kinds, Chocolates, Cocoas, Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, and everything to be fouiad in a first-class grocery. Our Teas are giving excellent satisfaction. Blacks, Greens and Japans selling very cheap. Now is the time to buy Teas. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Read these Lines. 1 to 2 bottles of B. 13. B.will ;cure Headache. 1 to 2 bottles of B. B. B. will cure Biliousness. 1 to 4 bottles of 11. B. B. will cure Constipation. 1 to 4 bottles of B. B. B. will cure Dyspeosia. 1 to 6 boitles of B. B. B. will cure Bad Blood. 1 to 6 bo ties of B. B. B. will cure Scrofula. In any case relief will be had from the first few dloses. Ooiiing Events. Coning comorimptioa is foreshadowed by a hacking cough, light siveats, pain in the chest, etc. Arrest its progress at -Once by taki Lgr If ag- yard's Pectoral,!Balsam, which never fails to cure coughs, cc ds, bronchitis,' hoarseliese, etc., and even in confirmed coosuMption alt ords great relief. Skin diseases noticeable. Dr cleanses theiski Burdock Pill the stomach, li There is no kind in childre yrup. 31i1burrOs Brief, Iron and Wine is prepared are most annosarig because so andLow's Sulphur Soap heals nd G oods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. T. FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. cure sick headache by regulating er and bowels- etter_ remedy for worms of any or adults than Dr. Low's Worm FURNACES. f oin fresh best, soluble iron, and pure sherry sine, cornbinell with choice aromatics. FUliNACES. Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. H. SPENCER CASE, Chemist and Druggist, 50 King St., West, HAMILTON, - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. GARNET COAL FURN OE in fonr sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8—Steel Radi6,tors, portable or blick set. THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNIN FURNACE in two sizes—Nos. 43 aid 53. No. 3 takes wood 13 inches long, and No. 53 takes wo d 53 inches Ion Steel Rt3kliatots, portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FI 1,E BOX; is the. most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Stroilg, Durable Wood Furnace made. hese furnaces are put up under the supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 25 years in the nace business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every tie. Itch, Mange nd Scratches of every kind, on uman or a imals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sa itary Lotion. This neVer fails. Sold by 1. S.,l4oberts, Seaforth. 118652 gar ESTIMATES FURNISHED. QIN-TART a Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office: Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company In Ontario having a-Giivernirent Deposit and being duly licensed by the same. Ate now carrying on the bueiness. of Live Stook Insur- ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For furtivI particulars addrJas JOHN AVERY Sec.-Treas. Kidd's Hardware d Stove Hous, MAIN' STREET, SEAFQRTH. 1164 Important Announcement. The 1 Ic4-ELT *BROTHERS, sm.A.PoTzfri-r: Leading Clothiers of Huron, T. MeNAMA.RA, Leadbury, breeder of _Li. pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winners of 26 first prizes in 1890. Young pedigreed stock for sale, also two prize winner Boars kept for ser- vice. 1203 CHESTER WHITE.' PIG.4-The undersigned will keep on his farm, .Huron Road, Mc - /Sinop, two miles west of Seaforth, a Thorough- bred Chester White Pig. Terms 81, payable at the time of service, with the privilege ot return- ingif necessary. GEORGE CHESNEY. 1194 tf Beg to inforria the people of Seaforth and surrounding country, t iat they have added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the TOTEM BERKSHIRE PIG. -The undersignedwill keep on Lot 27, Concession 8, McKillop, " near Winthrop, a Thorosighbred Berkshire Pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Terms -81, Payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. ROBT. GRIEVE. . . 1205x4 OTTP,111S It hewn atisin. 1154-52--1 The McKillop Mutual Fira Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seatorth P. O.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, CUD - n ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, arloek ; Joseph Evans, Beeahwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea- orth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors. - Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. 11E0 "DIGS FOR SERVICE.i-- The undersigned will 1_ keep at his premises, in Hensel], a Thor- oughbred Berkshire.and a Thoroughbred York- shire Boar. To the Yorkshire pig a limited number of sows wilt be taken.- Terruse for each pig el, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. F. O., 'MEYERS. 1198x8 Most Complete and best selected stocks of Eos', Youths' and Men's Readymade Clothing IN THE COUNTY. Prices Unequalled. We lead the Trade Remember the Old Stand, Campbell's Block, opposite the ROyal Hotel, Seaforth. BRIGHT BR THERS, TOROUGFBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service during the present season. on his prem- ises, Lot 20, Concession 12, 31eK1llop, one and one-fourth miles east of Leadbury, the well- known Berketere Pig "Bourbon King," from im- ported stock on both sides, and to which a number of sows will he taken. Tenns---el per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of retuarting- if necessary GEORGE HALL. 11119x12 BERKS HIRE BOAR. -The underldgned will keep during the present season on his farm lot 26, concession 4, II. R. S., Tuaketemith, the Thoroughbred Bs rkshire, Pig " Ni rth King," j [13a2.1 North King was farrowed M rch 2, 1890, bred by J. II. - Davis, -Woodstock, o re, This is Him, (hops; [1362,1 dam, North (4 een, 11592,1 by Royal Harry, [663,] Violet, (impA) [510,3 by Prince Vatlens by Waxwich, first by J. Smith, etc., etc. This pig has taken prizes where ever shown. Terms .81 per sow,aiayable at the time time of service. with the privilege of returning if necessary. CHAS. ROUTLEDGE 1198 tf .SEAFORTH F UNDRY. I m'ported, I p roved Yorkshire White Pig, Despot. Pedigree Certificate. -Sire, Sutton, (Imp.) [12) datn, Duchess 3rd, (Imp. in dam) ' S, by Magis- trate 3rd, (539). -Derry, (Imp) [DO by Madam 3rd, (747).-L0d3; Derry 3rd, (174 t'..),b v Magietrate 3rd, (539). -Lady Derry 2nd, (121 ,) by Magis- trate 2nd, (343). -Lady Derry, (372), ;by Colonel, eister to Great Eastern,' by Duke of ork, York- shire Lase. The -undersigned will keep for se rice during the present season, the- Improve Yorkshire White Pig, Despot, on lot 4, cc:ince ion 6, Huh lett, to which a limited number of .ows will be taken. Terms 81,paye,ble at the ti e of service, with the privilege of returning if n cessary. 1191 tf ANDREW SNELL, Go stance P. ,O. Removed I Removed I Or 1\•,T Gr., SEAFORTH The Old Establisned Butcher h new premises immediately oppo Knight's Blood Cure. ASTANDARD household remedy in 8UC"088- fill use more than 40 - yeara. A positive cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous ]?rostra tion, Constipation and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear Complexion. A botanical compound, put up in packages and tent by mail at one third the cost of ordin- ary medicine. Large packages, sufficient for 3 quarts, 81.00 ; half size paekages, sufficient for 3 pints, 50c.; sample packages, 25e. A reliable Azent wanted in this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 118'3-52 252 Broadway, New York. 5 Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, wber Pleased to meet all his old patrons neW °ries as may see fit to favor hi patronage. Pi -Remember the place, cetwee Harness Shop, and McIntyre e Sho • Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE A FINE ASSORT removed to 'te his Old he will be nd as many with their tenderson' Store, Main EWING. ENT Of Frillings, Corsets ani Ribbons, at HOFFMAN & Co's., Seaforth. FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP. East half 9 on Oth concession, 50 a.cree. Wcst half 7 on 10th concession, 50 acres. TOWNSHIP OF ,MORRIS. South half 21 on fith concession, 1(0 arcs. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. • Lots 11 and 12 on 13th concession, 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITII. Lot 3s on 3rd ooncessioraL. It. S., 300 acres. For terms &c., apply to the undersigned.. F. HO Lal ESTEE), 1197 tf Barrister &c., Seaforth Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in their worst forta,- Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflarnmatldn, Frost Bitas, Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases. HIRST PAIN EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Toothache:, 1 ains in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co. Seaforth Dairy. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL 'STEAMSHIPS,- - CHEAP EXCURSintiS TO EUROPE. • Fortnightly Sailing froin PORTLAND OR HALIFAX, TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES 840, 850 and 860 Single. 880, 800 and 8110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, outward, 825; prepaid, 830. Stesrage at lowest rates. AccommOdation Unsurpassed. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN', Montreal, or C. BETHUNE or A. STRONG, Seaforth. nos -52 List of -Lands For Sale In the County of Huron, belonging to The Can- ada Company. Only 10 to 25 per cent. of plir- chase money required down, balance.at any time within 10 years at 4 per cent. Instead of going to the Northwest, farmers looking for land c In- secure 'Lome of the finest land in Ontario on the easy terms mentioned. County of Huron's Va- cant "Ands : GODERICH.-13 eon -S half 37. Bayfield -E half 37. Maitland Conceeelon-Island opposite; 53, 54i(.-55. HAY.-4 con -W half 5, W half 6,'N half 7, W half of W half 11. 6 con -E half of W half ria, half of E half 5, S half of E half 6, Ni 7, 8, f)s 10, W half 11, 8 half and NI 12, 13, W half 15,W --- half of E half 20, W half of E half 21. 6 con -N half 4, W half 5, Ea 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, S half 13, W half 16. S half 3, S half of N half 4, N half 5, 7, 8, E half of 8 half and N half 9 10, 11 12 13, 14, Wi 15, WI 16. 8 con -E:1 6 15, E halr:16, NI 18, E half of S half 19,- N half 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 9 con -E. half 01 E bait 25, E of Ee 26. 13 eon --N half 9. 15 con -Ne 7, W half Cie pt. 21, 26. 16 eon -E half 6, N half 9, 10, Wly pt. 11. 17 eon -N1 4, 6, 6, S half 7, 8. N. By. -14, 15, E half 16. S.. 13y -We 10, E I 33, N E 70 ac 35. L. R. East- Ehall 22. 16. 5 con. --W hall 33, 15, TT -4 con-W.half 12, 13, 14, N half 15 E half 17. con. -E half 19. N half 20. 8 eon. -13 half 2.1. 14 con.-, X half 23- McKILLOP.-13 eon. -1. N half oTE half 2. N half 3. 14 con.--Itern. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, N half 7, E half of 8 half 7, N half 8. STANLEY. -5 con, -14. 8 con.-ee 3, W half 4, W half 5, 7,8. S. By. --W; 14, 15, El 16. STEPHEN. -6 COn.—W half of N hall &N half of S half 23. 10 con. -E half of W half 10, Z half W half 11. 13 con.- S half of 8 half 17. N half 22. > 14 con. -NI 4, N half 8, 8 half of N half 17, EI 20. 15 con. -3, N half 4, SI 6, E half of W half 10, N half 16. 16 con -NI 17, Ni 22. 17 con. -Rem. SI 7, N1 19, NI 23. 18 con. -N half 7, S half 8, 15, N half 16, S hell le. 10 con. -N half 4, W half 11, E half 10. 22 con,. -Rem. 8, E half 9, S half 10. North Ba half W half 33. L. It. West -Rein. 1, S. half 3. Aux Sables -9. 10, 11, 10 13, 14, W half & Nhaif of E half 15, W half 16. 17, la, 19. Rented 'Farms for sale at expiration of existing VADyE-R4I sh•liegizlIldse-46.575 hall 14. 6 don. -_W half 3i-14. 17. N half 17, SI la, X half of !8 half 19. s con. -13, 14, Sl 17. 10 con. -- E. half 28. 13 con.- 8 half 4,7, 8. 15 con. - N't 4, N half '19. 1.6 con_ W half 6. N. By. -- la, 28. S. By. -11, NI 31, 32, 34. L. It. West -16. L. R. East -Rem, 4, E half 6, 13 half in Ohalll4.Ehail 16. Having pnrchased the Dairy Business rTirT.LkTT. 2 E half 17. 5 con. -10, from Mr. ROderick Gr'ey, 1 beg to solicit a eon- fee half 17. 9 con.- S half aa. 14 con. -Rem. the patronage whi h he has k Vbr half 14, S. pt. of N half al, N half 22. I alcKILLOP.--1 oon.-W half 2, E half 3, W he past. With the advantages I Re have in my cfrigerator and situa ion, I hope to )1elf 4, 8 half 6. E half 7. 20011. -E half 7, m. E half 8, E half 10. 3 con.-- SI 5, E half 13. 4 be able to give my customers sat sfaction as to 'oon.---3, E half 4. 6 con,-- N half 6. 11 con. - quality of milk even in the Very 1 ot weather - S halt of W half 7, N half of S half and S half tinuance of ceived in • i th Id found'. and Realielng that the cash syste n i8 the mosi .of N half 10 Ulf to to 'all ce cerned, I have 1! STEPHEN. -13 con. -S half 14,8 half of N half 1 If Having completed rebuilding intr duced the latest equipments I an now prepared to do AEnglish Spa -in Liniment removes ail hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood pavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, 1 Sweeney, Sti es, Sprains, Sore and Swollen 1 Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warraoted the most wonderful 13Ieniish Cure ever known.Sold by J. S. Roberts, Sea - 1 forih 1 118052 '• 1 ' ! este, 1 and repa r e o Y9 just and sat ac ry and the most improved mach es, decided to sell for eaeh only. r :17, 8 half 18, N half 19. 14 con. 5, 6, 7, la 0, 121 15 coo. --S half 4, W half 5. 16eon. 6 1171 . LS 0 N !, half 16, Wl 18. 18 cen.-li half 7, el half 19. 19 1 Kinds of Machine Repairs AND GENERAL FOUNDRY WORK', T. T. COLEMA* • :sr Tickets supplied at r dueed rates i' _ so4 , N half of W half 21. ri. eon.- Se 16, E halt 7, S half 8, Nl 9, le half 11. 23 eon - 8 lialf 12. N. Bey. -N hale 32, E half 33, Nvi TUCK ERSMIT11.-. 13.d.--5 con. -N all of 5 1.a , USBORNE.- S. By. E.-. 1 MAN & Co's . 1 commiSSIONER, canada 64:fy., Toronto. Seaforth SHIRTINGS 33, 34. S. Bdy.-27. L. It. W.-2, h. 11 • Cottons, Carit0118, Tickirgs, Cottcn- half 1' 7 e"* -E half 4. •ades, etc. Choice stock at HOFF- ; Foe rerticulara " to Prieeg te- aPPIY Tii5 1187-26