HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-01-30, Page 3,RIEDY E the NEYS 14 (mint p7Atfc hers,: ONT. New York minion Piano & Co., Li Company, Arn. & Co„ or hand, *lea and Organa or - .frmuelits, sold on al+ to snit cu.e.- d small instrw books, &o. • 3ROS. 'ney's 4D IING Intario. gains- in )1- Stoves. oiteed. is Stoves e Agents. . and Library 'NEY, KAFORTH. TARTAF ._. E ST, BES: Oa Phospates, STANCE. . l axle), o•;7;1'. elm. 4i;o, nil OF . I, 'YEAST CAKX alter s d Furni- ium, ONT IBINA,TI 0 N. shorte 1st notk- ' A large assoW Shrouds, &c.; lity. The best of charge and 80. ector. Rest - T, directly op - in the house t. NOVELS ;Chariest Red , uid other famou 0 andsomely Mu - ever extended to y1. 0. order or CO.,. TORONTO. ilt10:12 J'ANuAity 301 1891. HE HURON /EXPOSITOR. an unselfith man, as a rule. Now, all his thoughte ware iielficontrol ; at this monsent the pun ghrlby hisside wasab- solutely nothing to him. It seemed as if hours had passed away, although in reality not many minutes had gone by, before Hope raised her voice and spoke quietly. " You wore quite honest with me, Dick ; you told me about the other girl before we were engaged. You did not think you would meet her again, but you ,admitted the possibility. You never ter a moment gave me to under- stand that you loved me, or could love me, better than her." "It would have been a lie if I had - said it," answered Markham, suddenly rising, and beginning to pace the floor. "1 am not myself when I think of her - that I should have seen her to -day, -of ell days! I am not myself'I have had an awful blow. You had better leave me, Hope. I canenot talk to you now." "You were quite fair about it," con- tinued Hope; " you told me at the time. It is an awful thing for me all the same. You gave me so little, and, I gave you so much -all. I have nothing left, Dick; I am going away empty. Gcod-bye, Dick You are not sorry for me now, but you will be presently. Good-bye, Dick 1" She went up to him, took his , band, raised it to her lips and kissed it. Then she went out Of the room: He scarcely saw her go, and scarcely °felt her kiss; but when she was gone, really gone away; when he heard the house - door being shut quietly, he staggered up and leant against the mantlepiece, and burying his head in his hands, gave one or two great tearless sobs. 4' Does she know ?" said Cecil, who came into the room. 4 I Did you tell her? Did you really break her heart ?" "Yes, old man," replied Markham, she knows. She spoke of it herself - she guessed, Yes, she knows." "Then you have broken her heart. Hope's heart broken 1 -think of •it -the brightest, the bravest heart any girl ever possessed! But, Dick, one ques- tion more. Does she know who has robbed her?" "1 did not ten her," replied Mark- ham, rubbing his hand wearily across his forehead. "She may guess, of: course, but I don't see •whf she should ; I did nottell her. I am going upstaire, (trey. I feel dazed and queer; I ought en be in an awful state, but I'm not. Don't worry me -Any more to -night, like a good fellow. The beat news I can now hear is that you are engaged and married. Do it quickly, and tell me nothing until you send me a paper an- nouncing the fact." "About Hope -what about Hope, Dick ?-' "I don't know. I can't think of her, somehow." This *Little Pig Went to . Market When the shades of nigh _ the quiet skies The tittle stars peep sly' eye.; When even bird has et) hers on its fleet, My little girl, with Runt her rest. We romp together for a -her down, And tekes her shoes many A dainty frown ; begin to fail, and in out jike baby angels' d its song and slum - y hair, gets ready for ime, and then she site nd stockings off with Then Minh, upon my te papa, one more tit Tell me about the little rhyme: This little pig went to t stayed at home; This little pig, he had ro he hadi none: This little pig cried wh/ek ! wheel(! wheek ! I • 1 can not find my w y honie ; This little pig cried wh ek ! wheek ! wheek ! I cannot find my way home. ee and says : "Please ige ?" and so I sing the market, this little pig t beef, this little pig Five little dainty, rosy toes, I count them each in turn, And all in vain the. aby tries the jingling i rhyme to learn •, . . She mixes all the piggielup and misses half the toes, But still she tries, and (every time is Intro that, now she knows. She thinks I'm very. tnean to laugh,and then a frown appears, And then her lips begir • with tears. But long before the teardrops fall I kiss them all away, And once again I countahe toes, and once again This little pig went to the market, etc. She makes one hist endeavor now, she says . it very slow, 1 But still there's not enough of pea, or else Tetn extra toe. She don't know what's the matter, 'and guesses that will do, She says, I don't thins anyway tha.t. Pigs nice, do you? Her little eyes grow he y and she thinks she'll go to bed, So kneeling in her gee Lay Me's" said A last good night to on ' and sweet, And as I leave her to still repeat : This little:pig wept to to pout, her eyes to fill she are n of white the ," Now I e and all, a last kiss long her dreams, I hear her market, etc. -Buffalo News,. add it, t)ien alternately flour (lifted with baking wder] and milk, Until both these Ingredients are stirred in. 'Butter a rpund1 pr equare tin, or small tin moat& ad bake in a quick oven. Ser'he ith lemon satiee, or canned stewed f uit. TO PUDDINGS WITHOUT EGGS. Riolf lum-Pudding,-Waeh carefully and soak over night half a teacupful of •rice. Dealteand place it in a buttered pudding disii in which are a quart of sweet m lk,i, saltepoonfui of salt, half a cu ful o au&r a heaped tablespoonful of butter an a ,teaspoOnful of cinna- mon or " elf , the quantity of grated nut- meg. Stir in at least a ooffee-cu ful of stoned deigns, and bake in a slo oven he ric a soft hiring th first or hve lines, aisins s ttling Serve with - A Startling Contradiction. To the Editor of THE HURON Exrosteone DEAR SIR, -There is an old adage that says "a prophet is not without honor save in his own country,'' and the saying is generally accepted as containing much truth. Indeed it is expanded into the generally accepted belief that true merit, whether it be tba that ot some med much more likely approval at a die Nasal Balm, ackn greatest remedy f. catarrh, ever offe Canada, affords a fact that popular ieast, is wrong. popularity in the h has been unbounded and constafitly increasing. In evidence of thia we offer testimonials from two Brockville gentle- men who are known throughout the Dominion. D, Derbyshire, Esq., Mayor of Brock- ville, and foe the past two years Presi- dent of the Ontario Creamery Associ- ation, says: -'Your Nasal Balm is. truly a wonderful remedy. I may any that I was afficted with a distressing case of catarrh, accompanied by a num- ber of its disagreeable symptoms. I hut tried other remedies, but' without avail, and well nigh despaired of a cure,when I was induced to give Nasal Balm a trial. Its effects were wonderfuhand the results arising from ite use surprisinik Briefly stated, it stops the -droppings -into the throat, sweetens the breath, relieves the headaches that follow catarrh, and in fact makes one feel altogether like a new man; No one who is suffering from cateerh in. -any of its stages should lose a moment in giving this remedy a trial." - James Smart, Esq., Brockville, Sher- iff of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, says :-" It would be impos- sible to speak too extravagantly of the wonderful curative properties of Nasal Bairn. I suffered for upwards of a month with a Severe cold in the head; which, deepite the mei of other reme- dies, was becoming worse and develop- ing -into catarrh. I procured a bottle of Nasal Balm and was relieved from the first application and thoroughly cured within twenty-four hours. I cheerfully add my testimony to the value of Nasal Balm." These are but two illustrations out of the hundreds of testimonials the pro- prietors of Nasal Balm have had from sll parts of the Dominion, but they ought to convince the moat skeptical. If your dealer does not keep Nasal Balm it will be sent on receipt of price -50 cents small size and $1 large size- bottle -by addressing IVULFORD & Co., Brock- ville, Ont. 12054 CHAPTER XXII. A fortnight after the events mentioned in the last chapter, a girl might have been seen standing in an expectant atti- tude on the steps of Mrs. Douglas' small but daintily -kept house. It was a very bright day, and the girl, who was ex- quieitely dressed, had a face so radiant that in itself it seemed part of the May sunshine. She stood on the steps, drawing on her gloves, and looking half - expectantly, half-abeently up and down the street. • • At that moment a hansom cab was eeen to dash round the'corner a rather restive horse was pulled up short, and Cecil Grey, springing out, ran up the ateps, Have I kept you, Jocelyn? I didn't mean to. What a day it is Will you come now? My mother came to town last night. We shall meet themt in the Park; I told them you would be there." "Yon were imprudent, Cecil, and I never gave you leave to be that. If your mother sees us together, she will think -oh you know naturally whah she will think.' "But it is true, dearest. We are en- gaged." Yes, yes. Did I deny it? I will drive with you, Cecil, not to the Park, but to Regent street. I want to make a ohange in a rather important order. Now let us be off; all the housemaids in the street will soon have their heads out of the windows, wondering what we are talking about. Yes," continued J')celyn, as the hansom whirled the pair away, "1 admit that I am engagedto you, but I also admit, and -you must ad mit, that all this is nrider the seal of secrecy-seorecy inviolate." 1 " You aaid so, Jocelyn; not that I could see the smallest necessity for it. My mother is most anxious that we should both be heppy ; my father has withdrawn any opposition he ever felt, and -and -but don't let us talk of it. Your wishes are mine, darling. I am the happiest fellow in the world -too happy, under the circumstances." "Yea, the circumstances are grave," responded Jocelyn. “ What a tric person -to use the "mildest your friend Dick must be. I eccen- term- should like to see him, really, out of cur- iosity." " The powers forbid 1" ejaculated Grey. Then he forced a laugh, looked into the radiant face of his betrothed, and said again, almost apolgetically- “ I'm the happiest fellow, and I'm ashamed, of myself when Hope is so ill." "I cannot understand Hope," an- swered Jocelyn. "She certainly is very ill; the doctors say it is a sort of low fever. Oh, I don't think they are really alarmed, Cecil. They say she has had a ii.00k of some sort, and will come round if she gets time, and isn't worried. What puzzles me about her is her fret- ting at all for a man who would behave so abominably. Fancy his breaking Off the engagement at the eleventh hour. Hope will never give any reason for it, and she won't blame the wretched fel- low. Shouldn't I blame him, though, if it were me !" "}o, you wouldn't, Jocelyn, you, least of all." "Why should I blame him least of all ? Oh, how mysterious you all are, and 1 hate mysteries !" "Forget what I said, Jocelyn. Don't think of it again. Dick has gone out of oiir lives -poor Dick. Hope is right not to blame him. Hope was always right, and some day he'll remember it. Some day her face will come back to him as the sweetest memory." "It's all most ntelancholy, said docelyn="melancholy and mys erious ; 1 came back, as I thought, to awedding, but it's tnech more like a funeral." 'Von came back to me, darling," said Cecil. His eyes glowed, and he tried to take het hand. (To be continued.) of an individual, or cinary preparation is o meet with popular ance thenat home. wledged es being the r cold in the head and ed to the people of triking instance of the pinion, for once, at roin the outset its me of its manufacture for two houre, or until and the milk creamy. hour sti thoroughly fou to piev nt the rice and at the bottom of the dis outaauce. GERMAN SUET PUDDING. Ralf a pounlof chopped suet, half a pound of muffins weighed after being atoned,alf a ound of flotir, three quarter o _tit f a en fill of milk,:a p nch.of salt. ' repare t e beef suet bh ca efully freeing it from skin, and chop it finely, or until it ie like meal; stone the raisins and cut then in 'halves, and m x both thee ingredients with the salt an n flour; moi ten the whole with sweet mi k, stir the mixture well (it will be . ve y iitiff) and tie the puddieg in a fioure cloth, whi h has 'ellen prehioufily wrun s out in boil ng water. Put the puddine in a pot f boiling water with a plate at the bot om on -which the pudding should reel, and let it boii 'without ceasi g four houfrs and a half. Serve wit sugar on)r, or, of course, a sauce may e made , • if r$referred. Itlow Children are Spoiled. It is easy enough to spoil a child.' No great art is demanded. Only three or -our things are requisite to '.complete Ah workh Make all the nurses wait on ,iiim and fly at this bidding; let him learn never to go tor a drink, but always e it brought to him ; at ten ye9.rs of ag have Bridgehtie his thoeestri gs ; le him !strike auntie because she will no get him a sugar plum. He will le rn that' thkhouse is bib realm, a isto trule. JO He will come. up : m nhood I one of those precious 8 ' thi t demand obeisance and service (with the theory that the world oyster, which, with knife, he will ceed to open., If that does not him, bay him a horse; i and enlargiug for a Man animal. A good horse -b up the liver and helps virtuous ; for it is almos • be good with too much spleen, orta stomach off gratulate any man who own a horse ; but if a b will probably ride on to ha is exhilar own au ick ride e the man impossi ile an enl uty. W can affo yt owns 01 estructio will stop at the tavern for drink s. There w niel saddle fo tO ride, o ot them b' strong eno place. The $ have been son is bat i ide a orse got going so fast th t they ave been able to stop.-T.De Witt Ta 1). D., in Ladies' Home Jou will bet at the rac room enough in the s nese and dissipatio thein before, and one 'The bit will uot b rein in at the right men who all, their liv down hill, and the re hood they shrang sat If I Were You, M 1 wouldn't turn my head fine frocks lor impertinent m n, I wouldn't forget to se* the braid around the , bottom of my iikirt, or the button on my ehoe. •1 I wouldn't donclude that every man who said something pleasant to ine, had fallen iii love with me. I wouldn't feel that I was an ill-treat- ed peinonage because, though I could play pleasantly, my friends didn't count me a enodern *inert. I wbuld net, when I could only have one frock, choose a conapicuous one that mad mark me as the girl in the red plaid. • _ I would not, because I was tired and nervous give snappy, ill-natured replies to questions asked me by those who really cared for me. i I would not gek in the habit of speeking in a familiar way of the men I know; when you make t em Tom, Dick or Herry they are apt tb consider you as Kete, Nell or Molly. 1 I would not permit any girl friend to complain to me of her mother -Lit is like !listening to blasphemy. I I wbuld not when I brush the dust off my hat forget the cobwebs of distrust and suspicion in my brain. • 1 I would not tell my private affairs to my most intimate girl friend, nor would 1 ask her impertinent questions. ' I would not write silly letters to young men nor permit .them to be familiar with .1 me. ' • I would not grow weary in well do- ing -instead, I Would keep on encour- aging myself by trying to live up to my ideal of a woman, and the very fact of my trying so hard would make me achieve that which I wished. -The La- dies' Home Journal, for February. 1 . - A Philanthropist's Oa to . Congress. "Put those in the members'.boxes," fisid an 'old man, staggering ttP - to the window of the house post -office the other day with Ian immense bundle of pamph- lets. " Put et book in every box. Be sure you don'tmiss any." "What are they ?" asked the young mart the window. " We can't take it unless it is something that the members are likely to want." " Want ? Why, man alive, they must' have it. Jteit let me tell you what it is." He leaned forward and whispered some- thing in the young man's ear and then stepped back to give him room to expand his astonishment. " Yelesiathe bretin ! It is a treatise on the development of the brain. Why, man, the reputati66 of the nation depends on their having* at ,,. once 1" The clerk tapped his forehead will; his fingeY and lei,' the bundle aside for dis- tribution.-Vt ,shington Star. WINTER GOODS. Whatever we have left in Mantle Cloths, Ulster- ings, Overcoats, Furs, or any other lFin4 of Winter Goods, you can have them at a gieat reduction in price. EDWARD MTAUL, SEAFORTH., Goon d he into kits and Le his pro spoil ting h80 akes to be le to rged con d to e, he ; he ; hid 11 be idle - e of hind. gh to e are going boy - and never mage, nal. • Dear, 0.104 after IMPORTANT NOTICES DOR SALE, -A first•elses residence on . the X corner of Victoria and George Streets, Good stable and orchard. Apply to A. CARDNOe Worth. 1183 lral:1111Arl' BULL CALVES FOR SALM- I./ For safe, two Durham Bull Calves, about 15 months old. Tbe dams are registered in the old herd boOk. Apply to G. E. CRESSWELL, Egniondatilq. 12054 f 161011. SALE -BARGAIN. -One large Taylor X Safe, cerabination lock, double door, just as it left the teeters?. Also, 250 acres on bank a Lake Hitron ; 150 acres cleared. E. N. LEWIS, Sollcitor, Goderich. 1168 MONEY TO LOAN. -The Township of Tuckeremith has assurn of money to loan on first -mortgage on fann property at 6 per cent. interest, for a term of years, ae required by borrower. -Apply to 11. B. McLEAN, Reeve,' Kippen P. 0., or to JAMES MURRAY, Treas- urer, Rodgerville P. 0. 1205tf JJ OUSE FOR SALE. -For sale, the house on , Godtrich street, at present occupied by • the undersigned. There are eight rooms and pantry, including five bedrooms. There is a • good well and cistern, als6 a stable. There are six very fine bearing apple trees. Will be sold cheap. Apply to ANDREW CALDER, or F. HOLMESTED, Seaforth. ' 1205x4 "PRO 1:30NO PlijBLICO; - LTINISDEN & WILSON'S Royal .GlYicerated BalOm of •Fir, For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, 'Hoarseness,. Asthma, Bronchitis, and such kindred affections of the Throat and 'Bronchial Tubes. It is truly wonderful how the most harassing cough will give way to the healing and soothing properties of one or two doses of this Balsam. If you need any such medicine,`,give it a trial. For sale by druggists. Price, 50c per bottle. LUMSDEN & WILSON'S Burdock and Mandrake Bitters, An effectual cure for Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Constipation, Kidney Troubles and Impure Blood, &c. There is a rapidly increasing demand for this remedy and we can confidently re- commend it to the public. .Price, 25c pei- package. Prepared by LUMSDEN & 'WILSON MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT. For the Household. TO COO: A TONGUE. in cooking a tongue first choose one with a smooth skin, as thenii is young, and should be tender; soak for two or three ledurs in clean water if the tongue is just out of the pickle, or let it lie in the water all night if it is hard and thy: next put it into a stew pan with as much cold water as covers it, put also in bunch of savory herbs,let it gradually come to a boiling point, then skim, and simmer gently until boffied peel off the skin, and send to the table, garnished with tufts of cauliflowers or Brussels sprouts. It can also be served cold,gar- nished with a paper ruchiug around the end of it. INDIAN MEAL PUDDING. Boil a pint of milk, and set it off from the fire. Then stir iu a -large teacupful of Indian meal, a cupfel of finely chop• ped beef suet, half ai cupful of white flour, the same of melaeses, and a tea- spoonful each of salt, ginger, and cinna- mon. (.4rease thickly a deep pudding - dish, and pour in the mixttire • then stir in a cupful of cold milk. mixture; in a • moderate heat two hoots, and serve with sweetened cream or rich milk. MINUTE PUDDING, Sift a pint of flour, take enough milk from a quart to wet it and make a smooth paste, and place the remainder of the milk over the fire. When the milk boils add the paste, half a tea- spoonful of salt and two well -beaten, eggs. Boil ten minutes, stirring con- tinually, unless a double boiler is used, in which case the podding should be boiled fifteen minutes and be stirred less frequently. Serve with rich milk or cream, flavored with sugar and nutmeg. • COTTAGE PUDDING. One cupful of sugar, one ,and a thalf cupfuls of flour; one tablespoonful of butter, one half cupful of milk, two eggs, a teaspoonful of baking powder. Best the sugar and eggs together until light, heat the butter to a cream and FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For Sale or to rent the North Half of Lots 51 and 52, In the let Concession of the Township of Turn- berry,scontaining 100 acres, over 70 cleared. Good frame house, barn and stable, situated 4 -miles from Wroxetcr and 3 miles east of Blue- ' vale. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to M. DicTAGGART, Clinton. 1205-7 OrlEY TO LOAN. -Private and company funds to -loan at lowest rates. 810,000 of private funds ave been placed in- our hands which We will loan in sums to suit borlower. Loans can be completed at once if title satisfac- tory. DICKSON & HAYS, Cardno's .Block, Sen - 1 orth. 1143t1 L�rs VRE /IDIOM COMEISAIN=E R • G•A17811101% Welltuirton, Grey and Bruce; 601110 NosIrn-. Pestenger. Mixed. YAW ... 4.... 2.61 r. N. 9.81 au, 8,88 r. • 3.06 L45 9.20 Bluevalel. .. 3.21 10.00 9.50 Wiaghani.. 3.30 10.10 1.1./0 Goma Bonin- Passenger. Mixed. , Winghatd.... 6.89 .i.s.11.10 M. 7.26 r. 6.48 11.22 7.55 Brusselse7.02 11.45 8.55 Ethel...; 7.14 12.00 9.81 London, Huron and Bruce. Goma Nolirn- Passenger. Londen,4 opart............ 7.551.s. 4.35r.u, Exeter.................... 9.16 • 6.57 Rennin'. .. 9.28 6.09 iPPen•- • • • • - . • .. - ,9.34 6.17 ruoefle d . 9.42 6.26 Clinton .. 0.00 8.4 Londeoboro 10.19 7.03 Myth . 4. , . 10.28 7.12 Deigns* • .........10.42 7.27 Wineinto arrive.... .. . ... 11.00 7.45 Gonto Sonzn- Passenger. Wingharn, depart .......... , 6.50ess Beigrave... ........ .. 7.05 4.00 Blyth.. ; . ... ..... ...... .. 7.18 6.15 Londeehoro . 7.26 4.25 Clinton i 7.55 - 4.46 Brueefitild .. 13.16 ' 15.04 Kippen 4. ... .. . .. .... .... 8.24 5.12 Hensalr........... ..... .. 8.82 5.19 Exeter.. ; . 8.50 5.88 JERSEta BULL. -The undersigned will keep' during the present season on his farm, 2nd concession, II. R. -S., Tuckersmith, a thorough- bred Jergey Bull, sired by Canada's John Bull„ Term8-81.50, payable at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessary: JOHN HANNAH. N. 13.--A1so for sale a Jersey bull calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred, 1164 TALLION FOIL SALE. -The undersigned 0 offers his celebrated Clydesdale Stallion, "Scotland's Farewell," for sale. He is 10 years old, is pure bred, and a sure foal getter. He was imported by Thomas Bell, of Londesboro, and has left behiod as many good, high priced horses as any horse of his age in Canada. He has always travelled in the some locality. Ad- dress JOHN J. PARISH, Winthrop P. 0: 12Cr2tf The growers and blenders of It= Lal's Teas ask you to give them a fair trial fpr the following reasons 1st -They are absolutely pure. 2nd -They are grown. and prepared on the estatJ by the most skilled labor and improved machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teas are picked andcarried by natives long distances before being made °ready for the market. 3rd -Ram Lal's is a blend of three Teas grown and prepared especially,for this brand. Will always be the same flavor to -day to ten years hence. • 4th---riTis cheap; only Fifty Cents for a pound package, which will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas. When giving Ram Lal's a trial, if the first cup does not strike your palate, try a second one weaker than the first. After using a pound you will only drink Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea from henceforth For Sale by M. JORDAN, SEAFORTH ONT. FOR SALE Olt RENT. -Td, Blacksmiths :- I desire to sell or rent rhy property and blacksmith business at Grand 3end. The shop has a good trade. No opposition within five miles., I will also sell my residence, shop and several lots. This ti a good aliening, and the terms twill be made easy to a good man. Buei- nese has been running for many years. Write for particulars at once. Good reasons for stett- ing. DONALD PATTERSON, Grand Bend. II9Dtf • r G oter aol nWs nd Trunk Railway. T live Seaforth and Clinton station touow SEAPORTS. CLINTON Paesen er --------1.08 e. M. 11.2.05e. Passen er... .. .. .. 9.10 r. x. 9,/A:. r. is MMixixeded TrainTrain:: :: :: '.'. 60:2Q15 F. Mid.. 0. 6.40 GOING EAST -- Passenger. 7.59 R. M. Passenger --------2.43 P. S. Mixe I Tram.. . 5.80 r Freight Train.. .. 4.30 r. BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undersigned offers for sale or to rent the blaekemithing businesa, situated on Concession 8, McKillop. It is a good sized shop and Will be sold or rented with all tools, on rea- sonable terms. For further particulars apply to MRS. KEHENY, Broadhagen P. 0. 1204x3 II -OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale, a large frame cottage on William street, Seaforth, containing eight room, with simmer kitchen; hard and soit Water; woodshed and coalhouse ; in counectioo with this there is is good stable and garden. •• For further particulars apply at the Exeotirroa Office; or on the premises to MRS. JOHN LEE. 1204x4 11ARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For sale _IC cheap, the East half of Lot 20, Bayfield Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 acres are cleared and in a good state df cultiva- tion. The balance is well timbered with hard- wood. There are good buildings, a bearing orchard and plenty of water. It is within half a nide of the Village of Varna and three miles • from Brucefield station. Posseseion at any time. This is a rare chance to buy a first class farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth. 1144t1 iV is MEN Oi.: BOTTLES EN AWAY YEARV ' When 1 sa'y Curo I do not meat 1,1s merely to stop them for a. time, and their I tave them return again. 1 MEAN A RADICALCURE. I have made the diseases of Fits Ipilopsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study: I warrant myremedy to k*:.ure tht vorst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send a: ince for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Exptsss an ?ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will 1 cure you. Address :--14. O. ROOT Lehr Illesin6h Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. • A Comlination. "You see those two men coming down the street ?" "Well, One is a janitor6of an lispart- ment hotel and the other is a critninal detective." "That so ?'1 "Yes. What a splendid mrieician they would make in combination.," "How do you make that out ?": "Why, one is familiar with the flats and the other with the sherps."t--Bos- ton Courier,• 1 ICVIERS, REAP THIS, AND PROFIT THEREBY ONTLEMEN We beg leave to inform you that the SEAFORTH ROLLER MILLS have been recently refitted and improved by the addition of Large Quantity of the Latest Improved Machinery, making this mill second to none in Canada 7.43 A. 2.25?. 4.85?. 3.30 r. MEACHERiWANTED.-A Female Teachet for J_ the jun or department -of the public school of No. 9, Hy and Stanley, Blake. Duties to commence at once. Applications stating salary required, . accompanied by testi- monials. Apply immediately. Address by letter or apply personally to ALEX. THOAIPSON, Secretary, Blake P. O. 1199 FARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE. -Next to the Corporation of Brussels; 60 acres un- der grass, 35 arable; no low or wet land except river; 50 acres was never plowed; this is a de- sirable etook farm; comfortable frame house of six rooins and cellar hal; size : "frame barn 40x60, and stables; easy terms. Apply to JOHN BROADFOOT, Mill Street, Brussels. 120841 For the production of a first-class article of Flour. Our chopping stone, which has a capacity of 2,500 lbs. per hour, will ,be running steadily. Farmers can depend upon getting their chopping done in a first-class manner for SIX CENTS PER ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. t All Choi° will be weighed in and out of the mill. ' - The gristing trade will be in charge of MR. J. SUMMERVILLE, i . an obliging and experienced miller. Those who patronize us Can count i 011 . i - , • . . ibberal, Honorable and Oayrte.ous Treatment. , 0 For CRAMPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, use- - PERRY DAVIS/ TALLION FOR SALE. -For stale cheap, a ' Heavy Draught Canadian Bred Stallion, three years- old past. Bred from Kinmount Willie, and eligible for registration in the Tor- onto Stud Book; weighs 2,000 lbs.; a beautiful dark chestnut; will be sold cheap, or will be exchanged for a breeding mare or young cattle. Address THOMAS CUDMORE, Lumley P. 0. 1206x6 Used both internally and externallg It acts quickly , affording almost instant' relief i rom the zevereet pain. BE SURE to GET THE GENUINE "25e per bottle, 11111120101EMEMERMSSUIRIE9ljgallial. MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINED I -EMULSION !OF COD LIVER OE. 4-HYP-1 LIME4N08PDA, Increases 'Weight, Strenntb.ens Lungs and Nerves. • Price 50e. and $1.00 per Bottle. GOOD FARM FQR SALE. -For sale, north half of Lot 25, Concession 5, township of Hay, containing 50 acres, 45 acres cleared and free from stumps; clay soil, well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation. There is a frame house and a splendid stone milk house, and a good frame barn and stabling, also a young orchard,,and two good spring wag. This farm fronts al sideline, and is a splendid farm. For further partieulara apply to WM. BELL, Hen - sail P. 0. 124.6-tf Give us a trial, and be convinced' that this is the best place in this part of the country 'to get your gristing done. FLOUR, CHOP and all kinds of mill feed for sale at the lowest H'yg prices. Ten thousand (10,000) bushels of Wheat wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. Remember the 'place, near the railway freight sheds, formerly 'known as the red mill. W. H. CODE & CO. • • • ••••••• THE SEAFORTH BANKING COMPANY. (NOT INCORPORATED. , ••••ammoslamimim..• Ministers and Pnblic Speakers use SPENCER'S Chloramine -Pastilles For Clearing and Strengthening the voioe. Cure hoarseness and Soreness of Throat. Price 25c per bottle. Sample free on application to Druggists. wommummemommilim""m" TO MOTHERS ALMO-TAR SOAP Is Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet Of Nursery, for cleaning the Scalp or Skin. THE BEST BABY'S SOAP KNOWN. Price 213c. 1111111MISMIIIIMMINEM.1"1111.1.21211.1.1111.11 Physicians strongly reeommend Wyeth's Malt Extract, (Liquid) To patients suffering from nervous exhauit- tione to improve the Appetite, to assist.Di- geetion, a valuable Tonle. • 4,0 Cents per bottle. The most satisfactory BLOOD 'PURIFIER is Channing's Sarsaparilla, A General Banking business trans- acted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold. Interestallowed on deposits. SALE NOTES discounted, or. taken for collection. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. OFFICE -In the Commerciel Hotel building. J. C. SMITH, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor 105 Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insuranc e Company. O The Annual Meeting of the members of the Usborne and. Bibbed Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will be held in Gardiner's Hall, Far- quhar, on Monday, the 2nd of February, at one o'clock p. m. for the purpose of receiving the annual reports, the election of Directors and one Auditor, and the transaction of any other beef - nese that tray be deemed necessary for the wel- fare of the Company. All members are request- ed to attend. D. MITCHELL, President; TH06. CAMERON, Secretary. 1205x3 FAN D-1101ADE 1 Boots andShoes D. McINTYRE. it is a Grand ELEALTR RESTORER. Will cure tbe worst form of skin disease; will ouretlitieumatism ;ivill cure Salt Itheunat Large 13ottlea, $1.00. 111111=.111111.111110.11.111.11"""1.1111,11111 ALLEN'S LU NG BALSAM For OONSUMPTION, '3oughs, neglected Colds, 13ronchitis, Azthisaa ma all diseases of the Lungs. In three sized bottles 25o, 50o, and $1.00. IIIIIIIIIMMiEtillealle="13.22111311.111221111.11.1 FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, .14AEN:piOINAgER For Lumbago, Sciatica, "Cricks," Tic, ' stitches: Rheumatic Pains and Chronic F.' heurnatisin. Each plaster in an air -tight tin box. 25ta 11111111111.1111.11111111.111M11111111.111111111.1.1.1 Has on hand a', large number of Boots and Shoes of his own make, best material and Warranted to give Satisfaction. If you want your feet kept dry come and get pair of our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, Repairing promptly attended to.AlAllt partkinitadewhoof BohalcetensontdpaShideetehreeiade r accoto eurdaseniox last year win please call call and septt.lemucpniTYRSeforth. . . E 1162 WYETH'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE. For Pallor, Weakness, • Palpitation of the -1f.lirt. Valuable Restorative for Convalescents. Combines Nutriment with Stimulus of' Ile careful to ask for WYET11S, the only GENUINE DAVIS ez LAWRENCE CO. Lim., MONTREAL, Proprietors or General Agents • FOR MOST OF TliR POPULAR, Proprietary or Pharmaceutical Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery. THE FARMERS' Banking House, sm_ALFOIVTIEC.. (In connection with elle Bank of Idontreal.) LOGAN & CO., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now in heir own premises on Market &erect Seaforth, opposite A. Streng's office. General Banking Business done, drafts les to and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. \ MONEY TO LEND On gam, nos-- or mortgages. ' ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. 1058 EXCELLENT Lines and values in Hosiery and Gloves at lioFFAELN Sea - forth.