HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-01-30, Page 111--'
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=��� � , I I - � 809 1891q I 1 $1.50 a Year, in Advance. I _� . . . . . . . . I �
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� T"NTY-TIMRD YEAR Ill . I . . � _1 - I I
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EFTEEN DAy& *t0JjE NUMBIDR 41,0207. ,. - i . " � f i� . 1� I
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. ! , their being well covered caught up by the cowcatcher and work- ciothing. All the lower part of the . ,-, . i ��; - I
r- every Sundxy at the same- time as in Peoria, 'IliinQis,l Onei who was Once a and say $35 for the wool of the ewes ; eggs to ensure cl'_ ..
! ;U - ;
. , -
"I -A- 0 -M- , , me $335 in one year for my so as not to become ebilled and thereby ed under the engine, which was thrown dwelling was on fire when they got out, I ,w I
. I - , i8ed by the Sab- that'gives � -
� - the Sunday Schok These are visited street, Arab, but mias rai X -i ;�:
I . '
quarter by the commit- bath ,School till he had risen to his investinent of $200 at the beginning. . i,
-Of INVinter I at1east once a * . . vermin. Do not sengers were on board, but nobody was loss. ' Loss about $1,500-: insured in the , - .
I kinda . JANUARY@ I wasted. Dust the hen and nest With off the track. Some six or seven pas- The furniture and stock were -a total f
; ;herefore, strongly ot the opinion sulphur to keep away - I - . - -
I of the work present position. The address of wel- am, t . 11
� I'll -8 until the day injured. The engine, tender'and one British Americi for $1,100. Mr. Low- i6'_
. . tee, and reports are received . . I I � . �
� I eing kept of them. Prac com� was given by the Governor of, thatif i had a large farm, say 300 or feed or remove the chick I 'Iding will be $500 or .
I � done, recordsl�b . after they are hatched, then feed them car were baqly broken. The born --R be- ery's lose on bui A t I 1
7 . � � We are now selling. any and all heavy tical illustrations- were given of the sue- . Pennsylvania. The Provinc*e of On- 400 acres in grass, I wotild run it largely bread soaked, in milk, or oatmeal, until longed to % farmer named John Black. $600 ; insured for $200. . , .
I I � . ce8s of this, department of Sabbath 'tario pledged itself for $100' for - three with sheep instead of cattle. It takes arm about half -At an early hour last Tu oad my morn- � � �
� . �
.1 , I - - .
� . . Winter Goods at a red:uction in price. School work. Alanj of those reaibhed years to f urtber the interests of Sab- less capital to stock it, and then see how they are large enough to eat small wheat They had run from his f . -
.1 . . mile and wandered on to the track ing three burglars entered the house of � 4.4 I 1,
� I -
. I I - : . this way, after a time joining the batla, School work in- different parts of quickly they come into �profit. They or other grain. During the summer, if a � -, John Hyslop, town treasurcif 1. 'i
. . - - - ; I
� � . If you have anything yet,to bay, call In I at of give one return in the spring and an. you see that they do not get sufficient through -an open gate. . of Ancas- I . �, I
. Sunday School, aud being a help there- the world. The brighteat and' be I � _! I
� � 4 4 1
1 1 -1 . . - the food by foraging, give them some every -While cleaning his gun Friday ter, County of Wentworth, and near' � I
I I I .- both the United States and ,Canada other in -the fall, and by keeping 'e, R;v�ell-known. -Sulphur Springs� and were making m, ' - -, I
I The question must come to every . as I said before, every night. Iftth,oy are confined give Always ', morrifing, Mr. J. B. Snut ,11
I . and see wbat,we have, and the low . to. 11 Am I doing were to be found there, intensely inter- lambs till spring, . M9 near Hamilton� was shot search for mone and other valuublei, I _. i
, - . I - Sabbath School worker, I , ,
� . I . � rork. !4heep will give a profit of .nearly twice such variety of food an will most nearly farmer livi Y, � I I
- we are asking. all I can to help those who do not now ested in the great Sabbath School m The gun waa be- when the old man heard them and . � - 7_1
- .
. I
- -pmes . ' ight have written a c -
I if.
I .
� CAPS, - come to the Sunday School "" In rn,&ny Mr Simps - strongly advocated the itsfirstdost., I in orrespond with what they would get and instantly killed. en it exploded, rose from his bed. Oiie of - the I
- .
� . I homes which have been opened in this hol�ing of It'haese Conventions, and his 'groat deal more on this subject, but I roaming at large naturally. Do not iug held in a vise wb
I - e allow th4 hens to ran into the lofts or blowing the top of the unfortunate burglars, who was armed with a
. -
DERWR" I . wmy- the pastor has been able to reach addres nuot fail to have a good, effect think I have. said i nough to draw out a Hyslop in the I 11
: r . I gobd discussion on the sheep' question, under the barA and into out-of-the-way man's head clean off. The deceased revolver, shot Mr.
. -esent. , � t ,
� Edward M'Faul, 8:11 I i t I .
. 7 - I I . them, where before he could not enter. on the legates pi Committee then and I also think that the day is not far places to lay and sit on stolen nests or was about fifty years old and leaves a- heart, killing Him instantly. De- I � .
I . " The Provincial Association and The Nominating I ceased was aged about -5, and lived f
. BLA-NLKETS, � . di�tant when W e shall see flocks Of hun- there will surely be disappointment and wife and family. -
. . , whip OrganizatiO118,�" by nominated the following as the. officers ' " i - �L
� I . E- A FORTH CoOnty and Town � t- -Mr. William Cavfn Barron has been on the homestead . with his daug-bters. 4, I
, �
— - : S I 'the 'adoptioii 'of dreds instead ofthe small flocks of the lose, and sinsil losses occurripg frequen . .
7 . � I . A.tfiia-,� Day, Provincial Secretary, To- for the ensuing year, - I; I
� I - ved by Mr. Manning, of preient day. ' ly amount to a great deal at the end of 'engaged by- the First Presbyterian The burglars left the premiaes immedi- � I
� . .ront,�. There has not been for the last Which was mo ' I ately after the shooting. Miss He8lop - -.� i
I � . . Rev. J. H. Simp- An 1 said in the outset, I have no t had the year and detract f roin the, profits of Church, London, of which Rev - W - J. 11
i - ve years Isuch a ,spirit of con - Clinton :-President, L . . Uain and choir- was aroused by the noise and alarmed �#� I I
,, . fi u6b experience in raising sheep on 'the b ets. Have a comfortable hen- Clark is pastor, as organiist i I %
t ]gURON SABBATH SCHOOL twenty � I I f� ,
. secration and earnest effort to do work son, ,Brucefield ; Vice -Presidents- W. very in .
tL'&.r�rs_ �� , CONVENTION. R, auttoll,Wilig- a large scale, yet I think I have thrown house, and see that the hens roost in it. mister. Says the Advertiser: Mr. Bar- the neighbors. Noi trace of the burglars - -1 �
- I . . for God- in the Sabbath School as at H. Kerr, Brussels; W. yl - . �._ . . I
- �
- - - I - A. _. ham; James Scott, Clinton; T. 0. out some reflections that wewould do A. hen -house is not necessarily expensive ron, full of energ of fine natural gifts has yet been found. A diamond ring 4� - I I
I .� I (Fromthe Brussels Post.) prese4t. Mr. Day gave a very interest- . ' � advant- because it is comfortable. Mine is built and fresh from studies in Europe, will, was the only proper-ty, as far aa can be - 1 4 . .
I .
. i i .. e- W - .
.,',00ds and th6. ' nineteenth annual Convention of ing account of hiii recent visit to Parri Kemp, Seaforth ; James Mitchell, God ell to consider. The special of double -boarded hemlock, with tarred' give a good account of himself in Can- learned, which was secured by the. I �_
. I
. . The mittee—Rov. W. ages of sheep farming - are thui tersely � ." . �
- I ; . .
I *
. : I the County of Huron Sabbath School -Sound, Nipis8ing and Muskoka, giving ,'rich. Executive Com . -paper betw . een, an,,l floored only under adian musical circles. NIr.Barrouisan burglars. Q I r, , � �
I i , . -
. ; I . - . IX 4
1 . -
, A . I � 1 ation began its sessions in Afel- a statement of the difficultv of sustain- ,Craig, B. P. ; Win. M. Gray, Rev. A. Me- summed'up by Professor Brown: "Fewer - -
� . sts, the feeding part is unfloored able organist and a fine piadist. - —A union meeting of the Christian, � � r
I Assocl Brussels, on Wednesday of ing Sunday Schools' in these sparsely Milian, Rev. C., Staebler, H. Foster ; risks by death ,� two crops per annum ; the roo - which —Professor Bristol, the wonderful. Endeavor Societi's of Toronto was held I I �,.... I
- ---
ville church, ,-ason; Minuite consolidating mad maburing light soils; and covered with straw, among J�� - I
vic-Fau pulated districts, the ha hey Treasurer, J. CL Stev( . . iner,is exhibiting again in Lon- in Cooke's Church on Wednesday night . .
P week Rev'.,i' W. Craig, B1 A., of po ly, the grain is thrown. During the winter horse-tra ; I
� last � I 9 . Secretary, 1. Tayior - Gq�eral Secretar- rich manure at all times; more east food don. Thirty perfectly trained horses, last ,,week, to hear an address on "'Young � " I . .
had to encounter for lack of means, &c. . A�. .1 �
in the chair. After i cost i ' I give marigolds or other green . 4 L- I
,ffH. & Clintont President, , There never was � time when there was ies—A. E. Manning n&J. C. Smith. kept on poor pastures; less n ' L - .
I \. the singing of familiar hyrans, prayer ' ,q the mules andp011ies, a company of 26 peo- People's Work and Influerice," by Rev'. - L
� - � so much work to� be done by the Pro- Other interestin iddiesses, besides buildings and winter management, and every dayi with' soft food from - � . - I
��__� - . was Offered by Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., of 9 I . - . � - I � L
a- " le, their own brasa band and superb D Farrar, of Albany, New York I I : i I
. .
- �ls . Rev vincial Association, and there never was those alluoed to above, were given, but greater returns for money invested." house, made up of,scraps, such as pat p . � r. ,
.. J., H. Simpson,of Bruce- I . - -mit a reference to . . toes, etc., with a little saltand cayenne orchestra are the Attractions. There Thd�e was a ',large attendance, and the, I .- . . . -
Brusse, . . � I -
it, the dalties: of ' ' such a desire on the part of the people space wilk not per � i or monkeys or variety addT'ems was, likstened to with interest by .. � 1,
- . and W. M. Gray, of Seaforth. . lei r mixed in occasionally. are no goats, dogs �� --- I . !
ro, years in, a ver7y field, ion choir urnished exc - pOULT y POULTRY MANAGEMENT. PepPe ; a ; . w.
I Two minute addresses were given by to do more earnest vgork for Christ. � We them all. -A an AND . 11. 1 Dr. Farrar dwelt particularly upon f �
willng. Aent in his. . in school . work, lent music -At intei uring the Con- �Ph We mix in our dust bath both ashes iacts. Persons attending are not alone I �
- - % (By S. J. Hogarth, St ust 'amused, interested and iiistructed but the influence which young people exert I
� I pson,Mc_Miil&n,p&ul, must have organization rvals 4 1 1 en,) I
. I
. M n Ang A, . Revds: Messrs. Siml nuch bet- vention. The Convention was fairly V mud sulphur. , Don't forget the d I . P I WO 11
of appoi ti for " unity is strength," and r I rom the fact that I have consented. to bath. Give them clean water every day. astonished at the intelligence displayed on 'the Christian Church and rid -
� .
. Ross, the President, and Mrs. Leach, I - 7 �
attention of the , - ter work is done by li�ing joined'togeth- well.at"n-ded and was a -very interesting lead the discussion on this subje3t, it Don't neglect to give them plenty of by theseanimals. � of t.o-day, and � pointed out that they - "I . ; �
. I
,esolAred that the . � and Messrs. McHardy, Smillie, Stewart, . I . I
. . I r and presenting a solid phalanx to the and profitable gathering throughout. must notbe supposed that this paper sharp sand or gravel add lime, also .Two American defaulters from were destined to accomplish great things I I I . ! �
,eport the office, Gray) Townsend, Kerr, Foater,Dennis ,e 0 1 . __ I . � . J
I I :
.. . I
. I
13 desirous of fill. I and Manning on 11 Items of Interest world, if,earnest consecrated work is to be i �on�ains all thaV is to be -said on the sub- scrap meat and a mixed grain ration. Bradford, Pennsylvania, named Isaac in the near future for the o% erthrow of -
. -
I W - I �
� . I I � �
concerning Sabbath School work.." The done. We get a. wider sweep of Chr -sheep and Poultry. jeetJ or that the author knows all that is My grain ration this winter consists of Rich and D. W. Robinson, were arrested evil� During the past year there bad I - � I
id applications to .0 tian charity and love by being joined to- I . and - I am equal parts of wheat, oats and barley, at Hamilton: last week, at the instance of been 100,000 converts to Christ on thin .. . . ..,
I !ewity of Teachers meetings for the The following papers were read worth knowing about the matter. I ; - .
datnient will be : nec . . gether. The teachers should strive to. i . continent througk the instrulmen tali ty . � I
. study of the lesson was given a prom,in- discussed At the recent meeting of the here to learn, and if I know thing with treatment sink ilar to that just out- James Warner, of Boston, Massachu- I .
iag of coaocil to� . f e,fficiency su as y Ito inson were- in the of the Christian Endeavor Societies, The "I - I
February eat place in the halt hour occupied. attain a higher state o South Huron Farmers Institute, and of joat will be of benefit to in e w- lined. We always have 'abundance of setts. Rich and Rob - �;� 1 5
L I - which we made mention last week,, farmers I -shall be glad Kfack it - dreiLm. of Edward Bellamy, he said, was . .
%4_oa The other prine I thoughts suggested to compare favorably with public school ' I eggs during the winter, and all winter wholesale boot and shoe business at Brad I - I
�. The, fallo,wing- ipa teachers, as ich a.ro, will compare Mr - for6. They got credit to the extent .of not, altogether a dream; beproposed-to. .... � �
being- -that there should be more child- - ayScho-ol teacher ,They will repay a. careful perusal. . - known. when eggs are dear. Wedoour hatch r �
asistance- to the" reds services in connection with the them and ____ -0 Allison's pa h Lest any one aho*-U'ld think this sub- ing chiefly when eggs are cheap. An- � . I
. per on t e Care of Fruit .S100,000 and shipped. The extent of reform the world -by nationalizing and t_ I
P., Marsh, $3,50 ; I hould not suffer .thereby. Mr. Day - . id to The in the unifying;'bat the Gospel proposed to ; . .
. - public services of the church ; the ne- 8 r Trees, willbe pubpshed next week : . ject too trivial to occupy a, place on the other thing. don't keep old hens ; they their defalcations is sa . - .
: -
er,$5; Jas, 1. cessity of the children attending the .strongly adiocated Normal classes fo, . THE PROF�ITS OF SHELF RAISING. ! programme, or the time and the att.n are not profitable stock. We have no neighborhood of $85,000. ' � - bring about a millenial state of things � , I .1 1.
r I" I achtown,thus helping tomake first- I � iion of tois Institute, I shall remind you Mrs. Henderson, wife' -of Mr. J. B. by the process of regeneration. . _. � �
, - e � .
I aing service and. mpiking' .the ser en,'Stanley.) . more than two hens except last year's — I . I
. mon � � . (By John Ketch :
F . , . . Class teachers who will be all the better that the value of the poultry and'eggs liet Use coal oil about roosts, and Henderson, proprietor of the Thorold . --t-Early Sunday morning, l8th inst,, I .
. isiteresting to them as well as to - �_ I
. . vices ble to win the children for Christ. The I have been urged t rted4 from th i I �
older people I o read a paper at expp I � a Dominion during the pu 101 , It Woollen Manufacturing Company, died w 0 t Sharpe, postmaster at - ; I ., -
ray- ' carb e acid in the lime whitewash. h n Mr. Rober I
an ( .
. - 9 I
-Mr. John, Browm I e nominated by the -address was very instructive and much this Institute on some subject or other yesi 1889 amounted to the enormous is bettir to keep free from vermin than suddenly of heart disease Friday even- Staikville, a small village in Clarke �. � , I
. I .. Committees wer . . -4 L
; % last L � a,ppreciated, by the convention. and as I ;have always been a strong ad- - �_
. horse week : Nominating, A.H. sum of $1,938,468 ; Add to thii the value have the experience I had with lice once The lamented lady was taken with township, in thib county of Durham,
Presidents,s follows I , L I -
. Rev. J. H. Simpson reported for the vocate foi sheep, I tho�gbt I would just Infainting spell while shopping in if -21t. 4i"
Y.. it Appears: be. Manning, W. H. Kerr, R. Foster, Rev. . . ' of that consumed on our ,own tables during the summer, when the hens were a arose and opened the door lead- I. t: : �
ittee that the 'minutes throw out a few hitits on the 11 Profits of � I "I �
' I
�.. Andrew Glew- & H. Simpson and Rev. A.� MeMillan. Statistical Comin actical and in our Carkadiati cities, and the sum shut up from the ripening grain. The Catharines. She wss placed in a. cab ing into. the post office. he was met I � �_i P . I
I L . .
, I
iveto, the woodo. ., —Revds. Messrs. Sellery of the converitioncoii-ld be procured'at Sheep Raising." I am not a pr total of our- poultry product is Vast in motto "Preverktiont is better than cure," and driven homet living long enough to by a fierce rolume of fl ime. Findin . - -1 I -
- I ' .
I � .
Resolutions.9 sheep farmer, and therefore C&DnOt give I 9 I _9 . - �,
,ey.'afarm, and ih - ' I and. Ross and W, M. Gray, H. Mc- 5c. per copy. . - leed,i A lit�le reflection on these figures ry trouble,3as any recognize her husband, who was most that par of the housci was a burning - . .
' �
) Addrpso by A. H.,Manning, of Chn- this paper the j watico, that ,it demandi, 'v�ill is as applicable to p ult] I it . forturkatel t I , �-� I -
� the, horses McHardy. Business, I I ispel any notion that the subject is other ills t-0 which ly I . at his residence. mass, he rushed to his wife's bedroom, 1_�_
. I �.. got I Quarrie and J.. H. I 69 Som neither am I a practical speaker, I - e may app, y detained �_
I . A... Stew. ton,'On . epossibilities of Sabbath and a trifling One, and convince us that any This paper migh be lengthened in- Her huabdrid and five motherless child- gave the alarm and seizing -two children - I
: off the - bridge nor matic . . . _�M
4 —W.H,Kerr, G. A. Deadman, a grain &I wfiter, but I will I �
Vat into the water School work." The possibilities of the . 41 I
q . I - ' ye plan or method of breeding or mariage- definitely, as I hav not dealt with either ren are lef t to mourn her loss. —6 baby seven weeks old and a little - . I
9 4, art, H. Dennis and J. Smillie' � �� 1% - �, �
. �
33' or 4 feet deep, . I SabbiiW School are the same as those of open up the subject for discussion, hop int that Will increase the profits of turkeys, geese, or 4udks, and but briefly —Thursday evening last week Rev. girl four. years old—carried them ou; t __-
I � Moved by Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., see- R . .- I " I
, ' e and returned for his only boy, aged
be got out, they � onded by Rev. J. R,osaj B. A the church, or the success of one. is the ing IQ we all may be benefitted by it. Tbeis industriy is most important arfl with this one branch. I Trusting that an Father .Huntington held an audieue . . �� I I I 1�
� -, that not euccess of the other. " (1) A deeper I don't thirik that'every farmer shou,14 Ir -two hours in Victoria three years, but the flame had made -
� less than.500 copies of the prcceedings of - , Worthy ol our earnest C deration. interesting and profit0le discussion may spell -bound fo . . 8 � ��� -
I .
I i
.- Jenning4reach. . . I t 5 --cents knowledge of the Bible. (2) Inculcat- . go into sheep raising, for the eimple Tiie first question that natz"ailly arises be pr que UY I aP such headway that he could not reach - ...... 4 1 � I
this convention be .printed a d�lf 0 ovoked by this brief and imperfect hall, Cobourg. He 'was fre - I
. I
. y � � ;
I and instructive n " - s efforts to do so was I I I
� I
� Every . sheep. Sheep will not thrive on I W , �t v - i
at all farms are not adapte , r I plar.dedes heeloquently ortrayed
each. �Carrie& � ing a loftier patriotism and a higher 1 reason th . will be, which is the best vAriet to paper'I will closo. p I 8 his bed. and in hi
grade of morals to public life. ' breed ? To-t�is I wonld reply that no 0 social evils of the present dai. Rev. J. Overpowered b '
in Grace church. a. ----*,The Lesson" was then I a - . . y the smoke and fell . : 11
. .
Topic I, orm, of sin - and vice should be de- wet farms. They ii�ust have a ry . 0 senseless to the, floor. His wife rush- - L- . .
rers were highly - cHardy, of Belmore, f l one. breed is bed for all purposes and Canada. Bay, Presbyterian minister, ccupied. ,: �i .
taken -up, J. R". M ars taught so place to lie down on. If they havb this � - I . .. I.- � L
a back after ai!.� speaking first on the sub -d ivision, I I The Bounced, and the schol . conditions, for most of the breeds have the chair. All the clergymen of the ed to his rescue, and catching hold of I i
they will da well evei� if the pasture is A large influx of Mennonites is . q .� I .1
nths in London. i Lemon and the Minister." .' He refeTred thoroughl� that they will go out into have in some good quality or qualities to recom- mily just arrived in churches and the professors of the uni- his legs literally dragged him from the 7 . i .
the world to make it purer and better bare. I think, �loo, that we promised by a fa t burning building. She then clasped her I I ;
e, of Oil Springs, I mend them, but, for my own part after versity had seats on the platform. A ill
tothe high station occupied by the min- r national life. Canada the veri� best climate for sheep. ' Winnipeg from Russia. e of thanks little baby and the little girl and has- I " 11 " I
last Monday on , isteri and the grand serviceperformed by and to promote a highe h an we having iried several varieties, I have, no . —The farmers in Northumbe -land the'elose of the lecture a vot r * 11 - - -
0 (�) f he possi lit f ight raising, for in cold climates, sue I �
_�i yejo � hesitation in saying that I prefer the I wAs moved by Chancellor Burwash, sec� .- I
Dn.d,. where he in- � him, The minister should be posted �on a in hin getting r I � I
� g more than hive in this country, the wool gets a co�nty are considering the propriety of I . toned away about twenty rods to the
I the lessons used Sunday after Sunday. views of life . . ' Plymouth Rock as an all-round farmer's-, onded by Dr. Reynar, and enthusiastic' nearest neighbor's. barefooted and with I I
bllackan�ith'a busi� � r - erecting a boot sugar factory. . -
I f fineritext is therefore nuperio in � 1
[son spent a few I ch mm4ing money or .being votaries ,o are, and -
. fowl. They ire hardy, good foragers, ally tendered to Father Huntington, nothing on her but her night clothes.
: fie should so study it as to be in ton shion. The true'ideal of hiorsl ma quality, while the sa,me may be said in � layers, good mothers, quiet, docile -m-,A seizure of invoices has been mmde —Last Saturday, the 24th inst-, The little boy was burned to 46 cinder, �, . I I
week 'fooking, up with the Sunday School. The minister fe, I good - I from so firm of booksellers in Montreal � 7 .i
; . I 9 Chfirt. He denounce d ithal a, Rood table fowl. While I . I Mr. Irven Teal,and Mr. Ezra -Mo'gre, and the bouse and entire 6ontenta, in- - . 11 .
ag trade. may not be able to attend the Sunday hood is Jeau , rel ds of and w involving go do to the value of 85,000. .. . I
-. every form of wrong -doing, and a I Now, with regard to the b e . say this much for the Plymotith Rock, 1, of Ridgeway, while driving acrose(the cludirig everythin in the post office, . il
1. —The annual School regularly, but at times he should , . - I —The late William Weld, of the � _ t* i 9 I - � .
Aw 16 sheep, I know there are various opin Michigan Central railway track soVth- were consumed. Mr. Sharpe has been . I
� District, of the : do no. Re sh,odld also have regular Sab- 'through Hi life gave us an examp, .ence and do not intend to insinuate thkt - under Farmeks' Advocate, left an estate valued � � _� -
lion,. met in the, I . hile—say that we should follow His step". (4) ions, but as far as my experi nitable conditions and surroundings -1 ward were run into by a special West suffering very much of late from asth- - - --- -
I bath School services once in a w , d observation got, I would preier the 1 long- at $7.6o968� Which he bequeathed to his �., I .
. . � "'i .. . The on g'ioe denotished I
(, January 13th. These services wo The possibility of sending forth a grau many of theother breeds are not pro -fit bound train. ma, and is considerably injured .by this . 1.
, quarterly. . � d wooled sheeV and cross thq'm with one - I widow and family- a a calarnity. . � I
- ct- Master, called k In in the. army of School workers into the worl . able, for I believe they are, but the con- Iffice, Sa- the buggy and Mr. Moore was throw . � � . � I
, . to spread abroad -the glorious news, cross of the lin4r wooled sheep, for one —The deposits in the Post C
in a greater interest being ta e , I . _ distance of 40 feet. Mr. Teal was more I . .
. �
af, 2 o'eloc,k and a by the congregation and everywhere, of _'s 'Crucified and -risen cross always pi�oduces a finer quality of sensus of opinion appears to, be in favor vings 'banks of Ontario for December fortunate in consequence - of having � Perth Items. . . ... I .
- - of the R k as a general-purpose fowl. I
idiges well- repre better i�provisiou being made by the Saviour. The address was interspersed mutton and a �6ol that is always mar , , 04 amounted -to $528,618, and the repay- hold of the lines. Mr. Moo -To suffered Over sixty a
i,g officers, : - Park- church for the Sabbath School. - y. There is quite :Now, as to the management. As men6��to 8666,552.' 1 1
� 1�
J. F. Wilson Win. : (2a — with some practical illustrations, and ketable in any countr ' at!the eds anA different - ther day Dr. Henderson in- a broken. limb and bruised head and died auctioned off on Tuesday, last week,. at . .
31 I d) "The Lesson and the Home." ciated. . a mania'for the fine -wooled sheep, .there are'different bre —The 0 -
I . . Mr. Teal was badly bruised Eden, Fa'rm, Logan, for: Mr. IDWbort I .L
thera; Exeter, J. � 1. of Auburn. At first was much appre . I � e merits of each, jecte& Koch's I mph into the body of a at 9 P- `- �
- 1'ev. A. McMillan, )n,t say much against opinions regarding th i y , r I . ,
c8on, J. Ferguson., to the L S "Elements of success in Sabbath School present time.t :I w( but not fatally. He states that the en- Jones. Fair prim were obtained. � .
. . � there was some opposition 0- C th�m, but I think t6at the wooled so there are different m-etho a of man- young mark suffering from hip joint in gineer did not ring the bell or use the i � I, ,�
work." was intfodu ed by Alfred Day, , — 6. I . .
"Tm. Miners, J. - bath School on the ground that need of Tj)rionto, Priwincial Secretary. The , sheep are the best, is I said X094, with agement and those that follow them. It the Kingston general h6spital. whistle until the engine struck his rig. Mr. Johnston, (father of Mr. J� " , -_
�Qrrieve ; shift a God-given responsibility but the -n, for &I 1 purposes in our iary that ev4wy 0 e follow - Johnston, lot 26, on� the saton A .
� . .&I seSSiOD.9 of the Dairy- 3rd conce ',
� . ,
id, N. - is not nece& —The se�e 1 concea- I �
l thei I —Gilbert Ross, of the fourl :
I Smbliath School started some years ago one.erges in &me rules to be slecessful, men's Convention - at Woodstock last . of Elma,) who lived in the township 1 of � � �
ley; Grand Bend, I roper recognitica of the home duties ve &,greater weight precisely the a . i r � .
p -b - R. Raikes has risen to twenty mil- c9untr`y, for they gi . n of Tyendinaga Township, near .: -
l Wade; Centralia,, 'School duzies ho re- y ,yely attended and 810 Morningt.on, near Carthage, died two � , I
. � - :_
. and the Sabbath _ -iay be said of but there are general rules that cannot week ,were very larf - dropl He . 1-� -W " I .
� Moved tion. The Sab- tons', who are now engaged in Sabbath in mutton, and the same n - be ignored, or failure will be the result th eedi -go were of great interest Belleville, ped dead Wednesday ,� � A
-od-, say such o * h J � . - - . e '. weeks ago, At the age of 88 jears. � ,�� i
Crediton, Win. d not be Allow- meth- fs p O'c generally. Hon. John Dry. I �._
ddalpU, R. H ppos' Sdho61 work. The recognition C.f child wool. ' nighC last week, v�hile sitting in his 11 . .
. to rJers . . was married in 1828, or 62 years ago. - __
If . bath School lesson shoal -of the age. Child � I don't kno t at I would advise I shall briefly outline one or two chs versing with several members rtner atirvived him a few � I _
0 and 50 members -take the place of born life is the barometer * � I ith 100 acres, to g - & i I 1! rk ,
. - ed to e training. life is recognized in all Christian coun- evqry fairmer, my o ode of management and leave it to You don a dressed the convention Thursday His,,&ged pa I
�,,e lodgea repo- - . The parent should not delegate,his or eep,. but if farmers of to decide each one for himself which . i . of �Rhousehold. He had just walked - I
. rt the I One sfternoon.i ; . ro d , her funeral taking place on Mon- 11 _. . � .
.. . - home Iroma, tea -meeting in the Salem .
,, condition, a large I to suother—not even .to the tries. The inoral and spiritual culture exclusively into �ep from .2� to he:will follow. The first, method, or —One of' the drivers:for W. N. Nor d:yy Lat week. This aged couple , hsve
the lodue during, her duty hool teacher. The Sunday -- of the child is lef t to, the Sabbath School this descript* ' 6uld kc : - . Methooist church, and Was feeling in - � I .
Sabbath. Sc . `�P; th, ;they would give a lack of method, would perhaps more �d to n -9v r been separated for 62 years, Jiv-
�, in a,gre&t measure. ' The teacher should -30 ewes I th, . � ton, a Chatham milk dealer, starte lent spirits. The deceased was 62 1 -1- � L �
,Lave be eu"_'expalled- � School lesson should be taught at home urri'in � one year than- any qtly characterize the trestmerit too many drive across the Thames byway of & excel ing ogether without interruption for � I - I
of age. Heart diaisse is supposed I 11 -
: e 8 ag a tha long period and in death were not . I
rLs haveL been re- I , (2ad) for k bw the gospel and the scholars he is greater ret years
�I (lot) for the parent's own sake 4 the farm, while they f�rmers apply to their hens, would be short cut. Th bor e, w on nd 8.�O in
ii �, : eachingi - He should h io have been the cause of death. Mr. i
, ' iNI.; James. the vaike of the child, (3rd) for the. im. tno - ave 'complete other stock U - iewhat as follows: They, ,the own- cash are now at the bottoin of 'the river, Ross was a well-to-do farmer, an was long divided. Mr. Johnston was an I ''I
Dl� - . d -
I I - or quit teaching until would requkir� far less care and atten. son I ., .
V, I 1' a tpon. the mind of faith in the Bible, � . o kill off and the� driver had a close call. Irishman by birth.
, I
. �.; W.. J.. wilsor4 press 0 -of the lesson t be tion'than, cattie, for they require no� ity- era, are too chicken -hear ted't - .1 . I :I
I teach. he has. The scholars - should I highly respected by his neighbors. He ,- �.
G .Grite, Finan- � e - e Andrew, Joseph and Aberbardt �
F I the child, (4th) for benefit to th b ning out of stables, � and the old benst but keep them � on year —William Elton, a tail6r, who lived - � 11, - _J_
� "'r e reasurer ;. thoroughly comfortable in ,the Sib nth, ing up, no cl4a, the �good at West Lorne, Elgin county, went to was a life-long Reformer and did great' - , , f
� � i ' . _W
rie'v , . . I er. The teacher ig, pleased to have � n f ter year in gratitude for they I KrZakopf, McKillop, assigned to .1
� 1� School and have pleasant � surroundings, -no milking to be done, and one min ca a �
. - � �
.. Delaney. and W'. a well prepared scholar in his il finally they pass peace- Buffalo last week and engaged a room in service for his party. : 4
'; -1 �
: � ill be more easily assured. attend to 100 heep, easier than he could� have done, unt Sheriff Gibbons, of Goderieh, -two weeks . N
An - .=
� R. H chinsoa,, ' -h- d'success w This a lodging house in that city. Next day —A terrible accident happen .F
ut cl&se,, and it will lighten the teac : and have a far more' fully away on a hoary 'old age. They were- each owners . of 100, I I
I I The truth of God's word must be pre- attend to -20 c ttle, - Mr. Charles Knight, of Dakota, who is ago. -1
annual meeting the . it job. �Shee� only requi�e a class of poultry men never think of illf us- he was found dead in ,his room, with �cr of land., and were supposed to be � I
� - er's burden and thus help to f ulfil sented in simplicity and love. The lovs pleasm . visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Wt. p �
- �coramsnd 11 Bear ye one another's bur- i it, ing new blood into their flock by intrO- evidence@ of having committed suicide od oircumstances. Their farms, � � . I I .
, � 3) I . of the children must be gained to hav-p. good, dry houseJ with no draugkts In ' I Morris, King street, Hamilton. Mr'. I n t I - � � �
. I i i 'Q ,
I _�
.. Charles MGWil- I . . den, L ; influence for good over them. Give and an Open doo� enhMiug th em. to run ducing a rooster from sombody else's, by'poi8oning. He had been on a drunk- Knight, who -ia a middle-aged mant,y1prit however, are mortgaged for almost their , I �. � .1
:k to seek his for - "The Lenora and the Teacher," by an � -
I I I � Sheep can be wintered but practise in and in breeding until the en spree. and this was the' outcome.! . to Mr. Morria'stable a few days'igo full Quef and the chattles amount to I
� - I — The ,the children something, to do.,r Ourex-. out into a yard.' mad &'few roots in constitution and vigor of their flock, are —Gonny Rudd, of Sarnia, who was In littl� or nothing. Their liabilities are __ _L
, inoia.—M-ir. Johm Rev. J. A. Wright, of Gurrie, mirkple should be such as will 'eunoble easily on pea -straw , : harness a horse to go driving, Sad- � I
�� �-
. I � - ,
�, Michigsti, after ife ran . � li I o
L L - teacher's 1 st be in perfect accord ,t of the w0er, and on' to- greatly impal ed and egg production is the owner of a bear which h,% ! t very heavy. At the meeting Of criedi- �_ '--. .-
. a L er's - their lives, as they are very receptive. the forepar , 1 d a at a minimum. They let their .hens rform many amusiOg tricks, "denly the beast turned on him !'and bi ad the impudence to offer 15 . . ,�
1, is: visiting his, with the lessons taught. ; The teach wards springieed witp clover hay an trained to pe his nose clean off, besides tearing a por- tore they h '. -
I -
-; Ito be a tali heart must have the in -dwelling of the A child is very' imaginative, which can , i with :0ruin the cents on the $i without security, pay- .
Three bf the little grain� : I don't,think that roots have liberty instead of confinement; had a sparring match - . - - .
- . I be utilized or abused. I . I . i L1 11 I
I .
I WE , when he tion of the face away mud biting through _' V I,
. son and wife- Holy Spirit and then the commission, J 1" - aroizoodwfeed for some time before liberty to lay in the hay mows, lofts othernight in Ellison'shote� able in two and. A � hal'f years. Henry
be greatest i-centives to success are ini e the li . - Drs. Baugh andi Leslie were, I � t -
_ 1 ; I -
I at . I I I �
, Carrier. at Grand Feed my lambs." The lesson must . ig.tiiri,e, for th�" lambs have a te'nd- and under the barn, an ini out -of -the struck the beer with his flat iinder th . p wed -�the separated orgL Krouskopf, a b ther, living in Logan, I 11 - I
I I agi�nation, Co-Loperation and cariosity6 lambii Iling the summoned, se � 11 ; _ � I
on - . - :
, Jas mawilson died by the teacher.Leso i fed 4" 0 As6:g)rXd. His estate is no
I b of threff .- thoroughly stu. , What are the faculties peculiar to a ency to come weak if the ewes are , - way places, the skunks . ow,where, but ear, which had the effect of. �, in,place and did all that was possible. has 'all there. Nearly every . '. 71 L
hing last- -kelp& should be studied at home but koPt ners do not. They allow them to valuable animal instant! A,� -
� . child'o life? (1) Faith; Great care ro6ts. Fat example, let us see w ha� 25, the ow Y. - ter has,been owned by Mr. better than the o . *_*_�
Nrilson The man -ex ,I I
as been very saG- there. Much prayer should he mad by —A farmer named Robert C. N one from whom &'dollar could be bor- I
� - e . year. 11t in roost on the fence, or in the fruit trees, I L 4 "
� hould be taken not to break faith with ewes shouO do for us in one I Morris for twelve years, and this is the - ! I
' . Z � I
. .
d tw*steam threall- the teacher to help. him in studying the 8 enefit of the owls, and when residing near Paris, and about fifty � rowed -is a loser. Mr. Dennis O'Leary,
. - � !
n - , ty to teach a child. (2) Love ; 'It showoltself in allowed by most breeders that I a ilo'ek for the b . . first time it ever bit a man's nose off.
I I in -Septeinaber. lesson and for help and abili nt.; th t wo !, 1. I -_ �
� L) very many things in a child's life, eq- should yield �-�; per ce uld winter comes the open shed or on the years of age, was found drowned in a An old resident of Port Dalhousie Mit-hell, in out about ",Fred Weber, . I .
da holding special it to the children. Realize the Divine Ily to those who. reciprocate it. Tlio make my Sock in the spring 62 .Alto- binde r, a beautiful and convenient roost, cistern adjoining his own dwelling. Sat- ' — d Thomas Jon6s, accidentally poi. $600, and J. H. Davis, $500. As the __ I
� I pep A . d' his will on , name L
� L308ton b.1 hodist. pressure in the Sabbath School. Have those lambs is -good enough Accommodation for them, urd my. It Jappeara he in& e I ort time I .
I , :at 1, -im. w ce. Now - if I keep ' a Friday night by taking , farms were well stocked a shr - I - �
. ' .
ance, is. good, and I .faith in the scholars, believe for their Ord ill not honor indolen . # ;hey would lie worth and gc�opfukl of grain 6ccasionaDy, or - Friday, and was' in perfect health. Sui- Boned him elf on ago it . searching en uiry should be in. . � ___ -
�. , . must have a close connection good all sunimer t Paris Green. He got up &bout 11 q � -
a No I
. "D - Havefaith in thelesson, it teachers t ften, ouibt to be enough for cide was the cause of his death. ' hat became of the
. and. instrac salvation.
� .. I -the true vine ; they must have .$4 or $5 in the fall, -alld I wbuld say half ha, o o'clock to get a drink of water, and there stituted to find out w . I t. I I I
- is the message of God. and if duty is with - that by All means cas ate the them, for they.are not laying anyway. reason is aegigned for his ra-gh act. the Advocate.
� to with marked at ng n6ne in the house. he took a pail chattels, 20 says - . �
L light to enable them to -understand the here I f bei
: . Pollock, manager I done by the teacher the word will not . Howcantheylay? Theymayeatenow I —Miss Melissa Carter, daughter � -
I - � ;_
.. . - ir hearts must burn with lambs early in the spring and ey will 0 to the cistern, which was in —The dedication of tbe-new Presby-
. m, has - engaged I return void, but will accomplish that truth ; the nd if not old they for drink, and wait unt;l spring for Mr. Gilbert Carter, who attends the and went h at Avoubank, o Sabbath, : F i
� I Jairdiner- . I genuine love for the .salvation- of the be fatter in the �fall, a . an outside shed,. drew some -water, and terian chure n .1 � .
I 11 . I -
11 . on, I and they will aiill be avel, and until surnineit for a dust- Granton public school, took the diploma I
I as Dee. , whereunto it is sent. .
- and the Scholars, sr. Invite them to. your "home ; can be kept can feeling round in the dark, got hold of a 18th inst., was a very interesting and I �. 1-1
7 heophilus. White- -- 6' The Lesson . " by W, schol I I think that the bath. This plan of treatment may do at the late examinations hel V cu4Rhich had been used for mixing 'enjoyable occasion. Itev. - Princinal L� �_�
autifIl-I new Singer : .M. Gray, of Seaforth.—Th m be interested in their everyday life; creased in va�ue. - - A all ters in _ K__ � r .-
, I - his speaks wellifor the Paris Green last sum
I er how much farmers of this bountry make a great very well for'tired people, or those who taking 25 marks &bead 4 mer, and dipping Caven, a former pastor, preached in the
� week. —Miss R.0se . should do more to bring before the par. never give theni up, no matt e are too'weak, in otbe I r worqs lazy, to th� county. �g, Rev. Alexander Hamilton, . . . .
, ,
. L . I .
. t d forbearance. is needed. mistake in selli�goff the lambli in. 'th � ell &a it in .the pail, took a drink. He then mornii . .. �
ck at L � ents heir responsibility in helping their patience an . overl till carry hi a full basket of eg4o ..from the tea -Cher, Miss � M. McGowan, Rio w � I L 11
in taking sto I 'a p I . .
I . The address was full'of very interest- fall ; if they woold keep them feturnod to bed, and as soon as th ef- son of the resent pastor, preached in
: .113, week. —Parents, I ,Children in the study of the lesson. It is year old'and have them fit, hen -house. But there is another for the pupil I . fest a the �fternoon, and Rev. Mr. Caven again . . I 0
o school. regularly. - I g and practical illustratipris, and was they were a - - . , 1. - I
� 114 ible intensely interesting. This is the second to sell when sheared in the spring; they method, the good way, and few there be —The Dominion Gov4nment bat feet@ Of the poison became mani - -
the duty of parents and teachers to assist in 11%te, at night, each service having s, large at . A �
Ir be'stronyer a, in fortifying ,,the scholars with, B - them that find it. Start right, continue right, served a protest on the c" y of Ottawa doctor was Seat for, but it was too
:I 01 visit of Mr. Day to the county of would pay far better than sellikig . I ,--
't at home or sent . truths to enable them to go,forth to with. I am � told a6d you will end right. Whichever against the laying Of the track of the as he -gradually became weaker until tendance. On Monday evening, although I ri- Z� I
I d when weaned off the ewes. I I five o'clock next the weather was not the best a goodly
. isses, - Rnron Sabbath School ConventiOD," I railway along Wellington death ensued at __ ... _ml.
. er .iA. fine. —M - stand the temptations. A class of im iy future Convention by shippers that yearling sheep' will sell variety you decide to keep, use pure electric street . . � crowd assembled st the'�ocisl meeting' . I � .1
I ; he charge of his presence at ai the Jordi- bred cocks with your hens, one to every street in front of the Parliament build. morning., .
. -ble have gone to I mortal souls committed.to t . rel ....
: Xx. Itobert_ � Pol- a teacher is a very grave responsibility. will be a great .9ofirce of pleasure and for two -pence a lb. more than ntry mar. dozen, and I might say here that it is ings. The Government also served no- —Thursday morning last week a fi � &t.which abundance of good things were __ ... ..
-1 t S%Lb_ _. . instruction. to We army of- Sabbaih nary sheep do in the Old Con to keep cocks with all your tice on the city that the rents due on broke out in a block in. the village ol� provided by the laoies. Most -interest- . .
,na spent las 1 The lesson should be thoroughly studied I a store and ingand instructive addresw 'rte i n I
A I - . being the case, if we farmerr notpecessary we Ive
� black- Scha'01 workers in the County. - kets. This I , 'lands, occupied as the site of Ripley, which consisted of I Wli %ell ; t I
n-lish-,, ---�Oar so that her can' give the children. the very � ep all our lambs heni, as it is a well-known fact that un- ordnance: . ,c -
. -
: ThereL is spir. 11 The international Sabbath School, would make a rule to kei L g and a small shop attached, the - by Reve. Messrs. Tully, of . .
I 14 make a good, feAilized eggs keep much longer elsewhere, ulust dwellin I
than By Wardl market and � contain- Of I - 4
-last - week. .. 'beat truth� in the lesson. nd it is the Convention," by Rev. J. H. Simpson' till spring, that won L latter being emply. Tbe store Campbell, of St. Mary@ ; Dr, MoNt, _. I , .
. 1- __ itual truth in every lesson, & 9 6 1- ; fertilized ones. I prefer to kill off my be &�'onc� settled. ods and groceries Toronto ; Sawers, of Westminster, and , 4 - I
. -field, who was the delegate to market for them. Again, to come C, ,_ I ' ed i a stock of dry go I � , .1 .
� of new books has tb,. believing of Bruce . —T Splendid a, - � I
1 4. __ a ee the trii e tit at male bir4a as soon as ,the hatching iea- ,ue8day night laist week, as the , who also oc- McKibbon, of Mlillbank. � - I �, . ,
11 thn� will surely follow. the International Convention held at to my lambs, thos 37 lamba, to pu ned. by Donald McLeod - �� , .1. ,
I for results . . 'son is over. Select � dozen of your beat late train going north was nearing ow � , � �
� �,
to, the Stratford Pittsburg, in June, 1890. He gave an a low estima i'iig 87 eachl cupie(I the apartments at the back and music was rendered between thespeeches . .-. I �_� �_�
, � � . I
I consisting of the I "The Rome Sunday School," by H. ! I I
y I I And the w e on upstairs as a dwelliDg. T e I 4
- Df the journey, after shearing, ool of each' hens and place with them a pure-bred Paisley, at the usual spe ed and on time, - ancial statement ;
. h family were by the choir. A fin �_ � �
_1 Foster, of Clinton. — Quite a number interesting description i cock, and they will gi.ve you all the e it was noticed that two horses wer I W. Taylor, .
be best authors,, As ion worth 99 , ,
; � cannot poshibly get; to Sabbath School giving an ace6unt oftwo accidents which would be at the least calcilfit ire for hatching purpose: the track, but As it was near a sharp bend, all' sleeping upstairs and were first was presented by Mr. C I I'll I
ha,t ar- attracting : I - that would bring my flock of you'will requ . -aroused -by dense volumes of smoke showing that after all subscriptions are . � � I
,, present.. The lib-- I through various ef Do� If, j therefore, MY UE very eximn *'&vim 881ble to stop the train be. I L - . I
itices. Committees are happened to the trains on which the $1.50 kiess you are going into it ' . it issuing through the floor Daid, with the receipts of the evening . .
ousand - --sent delegates were. Between five ana six lambs to about $31 . chicks, Earl,v pul- fore compfe0tely cutting the head off one which were � I
over five th formed in the vat-ious churches and $8 each, -that would be sively. R,aiseearly _ hen below. The family therd will only be seven or eight hun- � - I �
Qat to endeavor to reach those whc, do thousand delegates were in constant at- �5 ewes cost me hrowing the animal off the from the kite . . I
� L
,� i _ I ne lets make fall and winter layers. When horse and t - � 1 4 f., I
The -Convention was opened $200 in the firat investment, and ih o I 1ad only time to escape with their - dred dollars of debt. � I .
t attend the Sabbath School, getting tendance. , . 'A' L
no . I I
, them to study the lesson in the home by the President, Win. Reynolds, of - yeAr I will have?,remlize(l $3W for lambs' batchiDg early give the hen few enough track. Then the second horse was I - I I Z � � .
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