HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-01-23, Page 723, 16.91.. S., Honor gradnets te, 7 Cellego. AII dimwit& :rested. Calls prom)* a moderate. Veterinary, Office -At Weir's 'Rays 11124 airy Surgeon, Gradual rmary College, Toronto - the Medical Society promptly attended tee, pt constantlyit on end.! 3erIberrV Ilotel, Rgb,„ •Derctistry and Surgery. 11664 • graduata of Outerifi, , Toronto, Menber ot 07, eta., treats radii,. eted Animals. All calk either by day or night eclat attention given* Office on. Main Strom, th of Kidd' et Harderens 1112 NFIRMARY.--Corner • streets, next door both Sraferth, Ont. All di, ;heels, ox any of The iessfully treated M on the shortest notice LES W. ELDER, V,,,, 're stook of Veteria antl3r on hand] lAL Soler, Walton,. In -lumina ner for taking affidavits, 7 to loan at the Iowa* LItma. Solicitor, &c., Office.- iorth of the Commereiat t. door to Beams butcher , HOLT kC.iiuo. 870 l!ooT, Banisters, Bonet. , Ontario. J. T. O-aaaow, 886 CAMERON, Barristers,. ry„ &o., Gederich, Oat. . PHILIP Hove, 14. 506 ihitor, Conveyancer, am a, B. G. (Moe -Over r street, Seaforth s Pri. mit 6 per cent. 1035 Barristers, Sachem% Solicitorsfor theBanks. late. Money to lams inton„ Ontario. A. R. 781 or to tht. ate firm ihnested, Barrister, 50. Notary. Solicitor for-- nmeroe. Money 1st lend. • Scott't Bleck. Make formerly with Meters.. clfoot, Goderich ; Bar= ;Seaforth and Brunel/ - a Block, Main Street. W. B. DICKSON. *Loan. 1127 7o- LOAN. Straight loans at 6 per privilege to borrows,- rincipal money at any OLMESTED„ Barristet 850 STRY. h S., L. D. S., Dentist..sonts Hardware Store, 116a tis, Office over Ham - ;hoe Store, corner Main erth, Ontario. Nitrous Ittisr the painless extrac- 1169 • ISMAN, Dentist, L. D. ,Exeter,Ont. Will be at • the Huron Rota, en the lisDAYIN HAM moms, Hensall, on the FIRS/ ida month. Teeth ex. iain possible. All work a 971, Sentist, (successor to H. er et the -Royal College - steno, Teeth inserted . old or rubber. A safe palinlesa extraetion of eil'a bank, Exeter, On - 1204 GAL. f, D., 0.14., 14.0. I'. EL T. Daly's Grooery. nptly answered at the - 1173 • ihysician, BurgeonAmtance, Ont. 112r LIN, Brumfield, Moenee ot Physicians and lrucefield, Ont. 950 ., Physician, Surgeon forth, Out Office anti' Goderich street, Spoon& rims Church. 842 std.; D , 0.14., Member yeiciana and 4uriteene, Offiee and residence Terme. 848 M. D., Fellow of the- hysWians and Surgeons Dr. Mackid. Office • Maekid, Main Street... rner of Victoria Square,. y L, E. Dancey. to the Northwest runt - ix his practice. The In Dr. Mackici's office I -own residence during. 112742 NEERS. • Auctioneer for the - Sales attended in al All orders- left at Taw tromptly attended to. enersil Anctioneer and: Orders sent by mail to - • Will receive prompt rate. 1 1185-52 DUFF, ()LINTY, Convey' „eper and Accountant ; nt and Fire Insurance ▪ Oarrespondence, &c. rvices in any of these mpt attention, Ormond- ras)„ Maui STARRY, SRA - 1134 FD BRUCE flivestment Ar kaning Money on. t lowest Rates crest. Puchased. II( BRANCH. hatereat Allowed ow g to amount and left. ,of Market Square )derich. - ACE HORTON, MANAGRII, 0111 JANUARY 23, 1891. Stne THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 4 .~istewo From Southern Dakota. Sarowreala, Manitekba, January 5th, 1891. DEAR EXPOSITOR, -I noticed in your issue of December 26th, a comment on What the Medicinal:1st Times says con- cerniug the beautiful winter that has prevailed, and is still prevailing, throughout the Province of Manitoba and Western Terri ories, so much ao that Superintendent Niblock was able to plow his garden by way cif an appe- tizer for his Christmas feast. The idea has frequently beenadvanced by scien- tists Oast the settlement of this country evould materially change the climatic conditions, and we are almost led to believe that the climatic changes were endeavoring to keep pace with the rapid strides of settlement. But, be that as it may, it is a very pleasant fact to be in a position to chronicle abroad that up to this date, January 5th, the cattle are still feeding on the prairie and se no inconvenience thereby, neither frost, snow, nor lack of feed, an, wheel vehicles .are running on Iroads vastly different from what Dickens pic- tures to ua in Pickwick, when that- some- what celebreted chub used to tta.vel in the stage -coach days of good old Eng- land. While their roads were deep with 111 ad and difficult to travel, ours, at nsresent writing, are as level as a iplank -road, and we can go bowling along at rate equal to Brighton speed and with .overhead a bright, 11 mil in g canopy of sky, and earth131 objects stirred gently by a southern breeze, which almost causes a fellow to atop and ask himself the question, "Is this an April dey ?" I might F ay, Mr. Editor, we are en- deavoring to be as humble as possible and do not wish to be boastful, but as we read of the cold eastern wave, our hearts go out in sympathy to our fellow- zeuntrymen down by the sea and as far west as Seaforth. The inunicipel elections arp over, and -the smoke has cleared away, and we find that different municipalities have hon- ored a good many iiiiron boys by elect- ing them Reeves and councillors. Their manly actions being endorsed by the electors might lead us to conjecture that the teachings of THE EXPOSITOR had not been wholly in vain. I might add that ,as. far as I am informed our elections were conducted in a friendly and peace loving way, standing out in bold con- trast to the noisy electionthat at times prevail south in the domain of Uncle Sam, who is at present possessed of a Secretary of State that is engaged inrthe rather doubtful buainess of twisting that venerable animal's tail, viz., the British, Lion. Ho wever, we trust that wiser' counsel will prevail and not allow the pique of an unscrupulous politieian for political effect to try; the patience of that noble old animal, a.nki just over a few teals up in Behring Sea. The United States looks at this matter just opposite to what they did when Russia was pro- prietor up among the seals, and I would suggest that that eminent and gond man, Dr. Talmage, deliver a sermon to the government of his country on con- sistency. The holiday season has been enjoyed to a greater extent this year owing to the very favorable weather. Chtistmas I trees, lectures and divers entertaihments haVe bsen the order of the day.It has r that o. On ering from all also been unhealthy as Initial f old firm, viz., Turkey, Goose & the days after Christmas a goo many citizens thought that in grippe had re- turned. It probably was the new -version. The markets have been up and down, caused by stringency of money, the many different grades of wheat andthe gusto of the buyers to take advantage of every available point to get possession of the almighty dollar. Wheat piles at I present from 40 to 60 cents; bar eys 25 to 30 cents; oats, 28 cents; beef $5 to $6 per cwt.; pork, $4,_ to $6 per ewt.; hay, per ton, $3 to $5; potatoes,1 40 to -50 cents, with a prospect of bringing a fancy price before silting. - 1 I am sorry to inform you thet Hon. Mr. Winram, Speaker of the 'Legisla- ture, is still confined to his- residence with hut slight hope ii of his recovery, which will necessitate the election of a pew Spea,ker when the House meets. S -ince the libel suit it ie generally thought by men of both perties alike that Martin a aboutequal to any emergency !and will get Over the little difficulty of elect- ing a new Speaker as he blindfolded hid supportere on that deal with the North- ern Pacific, when so much public money was practically hivenstway. It is quite unnecessary for me to go into the detaile of that bargain, but it is quite certain 'thatwhen the electors are called upen to render their verdict upon a ratio that lets made himself rich in two -yeare, it will at leest be as strong a verdict as the jury gave. I will conclude rather abruptly as this is the tri -weekly meeting of the Ladies' Western Convention, and I am left as a sort of foater mother to several juveniles, besides assuming the duties of a bekerti novice. Wishiug you all the compliments of the season, I am, Yours truly, W. B. Mrs. "But." Mrs. " But" is our next door neigh- bor. Her reel name is Green, but Jonas, whenever he sees her marching up -the walk, remarks, "My dear, here comes Mra. But." He is not given to calling people names ; he saya it merely to put me on my guard, for he knows -our neighbor's Wang. She is a bright, breezy little woman, and as long as the conversation is qonfined to the weather and household affeirs I quite enjoy chatting with her, but the moment tnat a human being, living or dead, chances to be mentioned, I begin to quake. The filet time she called -it was soon after we moved into the neighborhood- ' happened to say that Mrs. Goodwin, from the opposite side of the street, had been in to see me, and that she impress- ed me as a very lovely character. "'Oh, ahe is indted," said Mrs. "Bt," heartily, " ah is such a devoted wife and so good to the poor. But," , she went on, lowering her voice, "there used to be a good deal of talk about her when she was a girl, and though I don't suppose half -the things that were said Were true people dou't seem to fdtget it." Graya had no piano, I had offered her mine. "1 can't help loving the child, she is such a warm hearted little crea- ture, and so eager for music," I said, as the door closed behind her. My visitor gave a scarcely perceptible shrug. " es, Nellie seems to be a -very nice girl," • she admatted ; " but I suppose you know that she is a poor home waif." "No," I said. I know nothing of the kind. Mrs. Gray had introduced Nellie to me as her eldest daughter, and the information volunteered by Mrs.. "But" was utterly uncalled for. One evening, oii), our way home from prayer -meeting, Jonas remarked that he alwaye enjoyed listening to young Spaulding, he was so devout and earn- est. "Yea, he is a very interesting speak- er," said our neighbor, who had joined us as we came out of the lecture -room,. "and he seems very sincere, but I delft help feeling a little suspicious, I knew him when he was a boy. Jonas made haste to change the sub- ject; a word of encouragement Would have resulted in our hearing the whole history of the young man' h boyhood. '6I've no patience," he exclaimed the monient we were by oureelves, "with people who are always bringing up the past. Jut imagine what heaven would be if the inhabitants were disposed to indulge in that sort of retrospection ! The Angel Gabriel himself would hardly be safe from their disparaging 'buts," and the whitest :robe in all the 'enhite- robed throng' would be in dangethof be- ing smutted." '.'And yet," I said, 't Mrs. But', evidently considers herself- a Christian." "Oh, I don't dispute her title," said Jonas, "but I can't help thinking that she might be able to read it clearer if she would rub up her glasses with the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians. - Christian Ictelligencer. : People I Havn't Met Since I was 14 years old I have made frequent tours ,among many different sorts of .people, and now have to confess thee" have failed to find most of then characters presented on the stage and in currE.nt fiction. They, exist or course, for a multitude of witnesses so testify, but the problem now troubling my mind is -how did I miss them? I have been in very large cities in the United States and'Canada and have never seen the " brutal policeman at work in any of them, though I have seen • him (in very few instances) in smaller places. During seven years' life and travel in the Rocky Mountains, including the last year of Pacific rail- way construction and many tours through the mines, I saw but one man shot down; in my travel in Canada. I did not once meet the " overbearing Engliehman," and in seven extended tours of the Gulf States I utterly failed to see the 6' arrogant southerner." The lazy and luxurient -southerner I found rattler top easily, and if I had plenty of money 'a' d nothiug at all to do there is hose society would suit me Where the ether kind' kept s I cannot imagine; they cer-i reted theinselveaavhen I was They probably heard that I no man better. themselv tainly se around. was corn a 'The fear is" I have often" read of, and al- ways with enthusiastic admiration, ; but I have never seen him, though I have served , in the army, militia and civil posse anscouted among the Indians. I have sh ot and been shot at (a little), and if one man's testimony goes for any- thing I a when the head I et ng. Ian Who does not know what m perfectly ,free to say -that first shell burst above my ould have rein like a scared speriding it—nor vanity, nor yet licen- tiousness. Our nation 1 viceis, to put it bluntly—lying. Th: is is alil the more remarkable as our En lish °busing sre the most inveterate truth tellers in the world. We Americans exaggerate or de- precate everything; not one article or incident in a hundred is juetas it is re" presented. If tie reader thinks this a rash statementl let him , eidnsider the question: How many eminent men are there whose statements on 'any political matter would be accepted in full, as of ing tp tell the fearf very 1 broaci ation. And this habit is prnbablef the real reason why the people in each sec- tion know so little of ;hose of othe sec tions, why they expect Oen tray !Brig to meet the people I have mentioned - most of which people I have not met. J. H. BEADLE. course? Even in ai truth they illuminate i illustrate it wail cuts Our humor is chief! lly ; they beril cuts. exa ger- Around The Belt. A postal card Was sent on June 13 from Loridonl to Singapore, in the Straits Settlements, via Brindiei, and returned froM that port to the 'sender, via Hong Kong and San Francisco, reaching hondon on the 5th of I August. The time taken by it in travelling the entire belt of the earth was only fifty- three days. I ' dog had I not been more afraid of ridi- cule and 'disgrace than of being shot. . I know many good soldiers, but he , who "never f It fear " la a gentleman whose acquaintence I have yet to make. He it numerOus of course, for all the .books mention himabut he has so Lir escaped an introduction to me. I have seen Indian tribes from Winni- peg to Chihuahua and from Newfound- taud'to Florida, and Once traveled uriany hundied miles with EL band„ not seeing a white face for weeks, but the "noble red man " was absent on business- travelidg with a circus, perliape, or a delegate at Washington -et any rate I did not see him. Being myself a fariati- cal believer in the Aryken and not a can- didate, I am free to gvere nay view of the aborigines -viz., that after the mission- aries and post traders have worked on them for another century they will be .so far developed as to be fit for exter- mination, ,unless indeed, they are absorbed into the American race of the future. T 1 was born and mostly reared within cannon shot of the Wabash river, yet Eggleeton's "Hoosiers," are as mach a novelty to me as to any Bostoniari ; though many New Englanders are my friends I have not Been the "typical Yankee," and in the south and south- west I wee Atli more unfortunate. ' In Texas I found the law against concealed weapons enforced with a vigor unknown in the Northwest; the most generous people I ever lived with were from Ver- mont, and if I were asked to name the two states in which the sabbath is most strictly observed:I should select Georgia and Texas. In fact, Atlanta and Austin were during my travels the only con- siderable cities in which whisky on Sun- day could not be obtained by love, money or stratagem. It the latter state Galveston is an exception, being more - like a French or other foreign city as to Sunday while in Other sections I suspect the Tenans feel tolward whisky and con- -coaled weapons much as the old wonia.n of the story did about dancing -they , have" seen the folly of it." L In the course- of about 100,000 miles railroad travel I have not run 'Against the insulting brakeman or conductor. , Without exception those gentlemen hey° acted in my presence as gentlemen indeed, and even the sleeping-cer por- ter has usually kept within bounds. Be- :ginniisgas the sun end aesistant of a stock fermer, and continuing as student, explorer and health seeker, and fivally as Journalist, I hive travelled at least 000 miles in lengthy trips on horse- back, as much on foot and by stage What necessity there was for this drop coach, and much more by water, in of poison to be instilled into my mind I every'State west and south of the Lind- coutd not „see. Mrs. Goodwin's youth was in the far past, and in the gossip concerning her in that remote period 1 had no interest whatever. I was quite valling to take her as she was in her sweet, ripe womanhood. One clay wheu Mrs. " But" dropped in the found my little friend, Nellie The Worla's Homage. 1 To a gentleman who recently asked Bismarck w hether he did not sometimes find the popular enthusiasm rather irk- some, the prince replied. "By no means. The people wish me well.: Sometimes, howet en it doee go a little too,far." He added that photographers more particularly gave him no peace. On taking his usual, walk the othor morning at the Upper Saltwork an American visitor greeted -the prince and held out his hand. Ilia highness re- sponded; and the stranger took hie hand and shoek it with uhusnal vigor: " Well,note I pawl I han,say over there in America that the g eateat statesman in Europe has taken that he bowed and de • Mr. E. J. !Bristow, eon of Mr. Isaac Bristow, of Atwood, has successfully passed his examinations at Lawrence University,. Appleton, Wisconsin. -On New Year's Eve a number of the friends of Mr. William Dawson, who has been blacksmith RA Science Hill for nearlyi twenty years, lassembled at his residence to wish him and his wife and family good-bye. And wish- ing to show theii regard for them, pre- hiented Mrs. Dawson with some hand- some silverware, consisting of a cruet stand, cake basket ;and some !silver spoons. They left Monday of last week for Medina, Oxferd couuty, where Mr. Dawson has purchaeed a shop. y hand." With arted. You are Safe In buying Imperial Cream Tartar Ba,king Pow- der. It is the purest made. All grocers sell it. sommsemilemesommesesess • son and in Canada and Mexico, and Oe rude or insulting people I have met have not been RS one in five hundred. All these things make me think that we Americane, of all sorts, are a pretty fair set of folks, and if 'we knew each other better we should love eech other more. We have a national vice, however, dtray, at the piano. Nellie is a shy, and it is mit intemperance,* as so many lgown-eyed girl of fifteen, gifted with a think. Nor is it avarice especially - 'wonderful ear for melody, and, as the ; we want money chiefly for the fun of The, Handsomest Lady' in Seaforth Remarked to a -friend' the tither day that she knew Kemp's 13alsam for the Throat arid Lungs was superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no ef- fect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give. you a ample eopy free. Large size 50 cents and 81. The Population of Seafort4 Is about 3,000, and we would say at least half are troubled with some affection of Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, cording to statistics, more ntimeroua than o ers. We would advise all our re4ders no neglect the oppertunity to call on their d • no he ac- tth to rug - gist and get a bottle of Kemp s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Darge bot - le, 50e and 81... Sold by all druggist* The Keystone. • -ID EGULAR action of the bowels is the It stone of health. The use of B. B. B sures it and cures constipation, dyspepsia, et. 'Miss F. Williams, 445 Moor Street, Termite, mites : " Have used Lyour Bnrdock I3lon1 m it- , tefor Cont stipation nd pain in the head -ith great success. I inn roved from the spc nd dose." ey- in- MINIIIMNIIIME111101111•1111111111 Keep pff the Chaps. Wet wintry weather causes chapped hands, sore throat, croup, colds, pain in the chest, swellingse chest swellings, etc., for which a Cer- tain cure exists in Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the. best pain expeller for 'internal or external use. Keep, it on hand in case ilot emergencies. Every bottle is a little giant in Ourative power. • 1 A Cash Prize. The proprietors of Burdock Blood Bitters will give a prize of Elva DOLLARS for the cleverest and best essay, (not to exceed R.00 words,) upon the merits of B.B. B. as alcure tor disease. The competition will close Jan. 1st, '91, after which . the successful essay will be published, (with the aathor'S nati3e it desired.) They will pay $1 each for any of the eesria s they may select and publish. No restrictions. Try your skill, and address, T. 3,11LBURN & oo., Threinto; Ont. itee.s.:eesees. Medical Hints. rn.HE quickest, surest and *4 remedy for 1 rheumatism, neuralgia, luinbago, sore throat, oren Yellow Oil. Frs and lamenes, is kiagyard'S s quickly cures sprains, bruise4, huins, frostbites,' chilblains, elm For croup, colds, quinsy, etc., take lo to 30Idrops on Sugar, - and apply tne oil externally alSo, when imme- diate relief will reshit. Rea4 these Lines. 1 to 2 bottleof 13. B. Swill -...cure Headache. 1 to 9 bottles of 6.13. B1 will cure Biliousness. 1 to 4 bottles of 11. B. 13. will cure 0,4nstipation. 1 to 4 bottles of th 13. B. will cure Dyspepsia. 1 to 6 bottles of b. B. 13. will cure Bad Blood. 1 to 6 bottlea cif 3. B. B. will care Scrofula. In any ease relief will be had from the first few doses. -Coming Evehts. co” ing consumption is fotesha4wed by it hacking cough, niehtsweate, pain in the chest, etc. Arrest its proaress at once by t1king Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam, 'which! Dever fails to cure coughs, [colds, bronchitis, ;hoarseness, etc., add even, in confirmed tensumption affords great relief. • I aassmmsassaaamsasassamss - Skin diseases are most annoying beeause so noticeable. Dia Low's 'Sulphur Soap heals .and cleanses the skin. • assa ' 1 Biirdeek P,1118 cureaick headaclhe, by regulating L the stomach i liver and bowels. There is no better remedy t 6t worms of any kind in children or adults than Dr. Low's Warta Syrup. Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wipe is prepared from trash beef, soluble iron, and pure sherry wine, combined with choice -aromatics. en's and Boys' Readymade Suits! A big lot, at a bargain, all kinds, all .sizes, all pries. Call and see them. EDWARD McFAUL, . SEAFORTH. GoLOEN LION!, SEAFORTH. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on human or annuals, cured in 30 minutes by woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by I. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 118(352 an English Spavin Liniment eethoves all hard, soft or calloused Lamps and Blernishres from horses, Blood Sprivin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney. Stifles, Sprains, .Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, "etc. Save- a50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the niciat wonderf al Bleiniah Cure ever known. Sold by J. S. nalerts, Sea- forih 1180 52 Vi/E SHOW THIS WEEK A FULLILINE OFVANis GOLA SHIRTING'S, :;REY FLANNELS, NAVY FLA.I4NELS. ALSO SPECIAL. VALUE IN BLANK- ET COMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM , $90 TO $7. BEST VALUE. IN ,THE _TRADE, IN CREAM AligID WHITE LACE CURTAINS, TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, &O., IN GREAT VARIETY. A CALL SOLICITED. II JAMIESON The Most popular Christmas Present in the World is B SS EL'S CARPET SWEEPER i\V4h latest improvements. These sweepers as perfect as the most expensive. are medium ,in:fprice,lyet 1 We hive also a choice selection of Family Groceries of the very best quality. Select Valencia Raisins, Vestizza Cnrrants, new Peels— Lerlion Orange anti Citron; extracts of all kinds, Chocolates, Cocoas, Cro se &-:Blackwell's Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, and everything to be fou id in a first-class grocery. Our Teas are giving excellent satisfaction. e to buy Teas: Satisfac- Blacks, Greens and Japans selling very cheap. Now is the ti 'tioid. guaranteed. I I 1 , . 1 Goods deliVered promptly to.all parts o • 1 the town. J. lo.tairiliEY, SE FORm-Fr. FURNACE SI iiNACES. Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. ,•••411,00.441••••• , GARNET COAL FURNACE in four sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8—Steel Radiators, portable or brick set. THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNING FURNACE' in two sizes—Nos..43 an,d 53. No. 43 talFes wood -43 inches iong, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long; Steel Radiators portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER,' Economical, ,Strong, Durable Wood. Furnace made. These furnaces, are put up under the supervision of -a mechanic with an experience of 25 years in the fi:r- nace business, and are.guaranteed to give -good satisfaction every time. Or ESTIMATES Fli_TRNISHED. Kidd' s Hardware cf. Stove House, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Important Announcement. tRIGHT BROTHERS, The Leading Clothiers of Huron, Beg to inform the people of Seaforth and surrounding country, that tiaey have added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the Most Complete and best selected stocks of Boys', Youths' and Men's Read3rMa/le Clothing . —IN THE COUNTY: Prices ,Unequalled. We lead the Trade. .),„ - Remember ithe viid Stand, Campbell's Block, opposite the Royal Seaforth. BRIGHt BROTHERS. THE SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. 131:0M-A.M'S TOTER Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR —TO ITS— Onginal Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free • , from Dandruff. Cures Iritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out th a few days Will not soil the ski -a or the most delicate headdress. FULL DIRECTIONS' WITEI RANI HOTTLE. TR y IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottl Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SPENMI OASE, Chemist and Druggist, 50 King St., West, HAMILTON, - - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. R3BERTS, Seaforth.' 01\1"T_A_RI Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office: Seaforth. THE ONLY Live Stock, Insurance Company in Ontario having a Goviknirent Deposit and being duly licensed by 'the same. Al d now carrying on the business of Live Stock Insur- ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For further particulars'address JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas. 1164 —OF-- , 11E41111 OTTIR,§ Rheumatism. - — • A 1-T. McNAMARA, Leadbury, breeder of se -V. pure-bred Berkshire Pigs, winners of 26 first prizes in 1800. Yoing pedigreed stock for stale, also two prize whir vice: r Boars kept for Fen 1203 I CliESTER WHITE IG. -The undersigned > will keep ors his firm, Huron Bead, Me- Killrp, two miles west of Seaforth, a Thorough - i bre Chester White Pig-. Terme 81, payable at the him of service, with the priailege ot return- ing if necessary. GEORGE CHESNEY. 1194 tf IDERKSHIRE PIG.—The undersigned: will 1)1; :keep on Lot 27, Concession 8, McKillop, near Winthrop, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig, to which a limited number of sows will betaken. Term—I, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if nenessarSa ROBT. . ' 1203x4 GRIEVE. -DIGS FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will I keep at his premises, in Ilensall, a Thor- . oughbred Berkshire and a Thoroughbred York-, shire Boar. To the Yorkshire pig a limited number of sows will be taken. Terms for each' pig 81, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. F. G. 1195x8 MEYERS. riltIOROUGFBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service during the present season, on his prem- ises, Lot 20, Concession 12, McKilldp, one and one-fourth miles east of Leadbury, the well. knovo Berksh're Pig "Bourbon King," from im- ported stock' on both sides, and to which a number of sows will be taken. Terms -SI per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege_ of retanning if necessary.- GEORGE HALL. 1199x12 -IDERKSHIRE BOAR.a-The undersigned will LP keep during the present season on his farm lot 26, concession 4, II. R. S.. Tuekersinith, the Thoroughbred Btrfltshire Pig "North King," [1332.) North King was farrowed March 2,1590, brdd by J. H. Davis, Woodstoek,. sire, This is Hina,(han.,) [1362,] dam, North Queen, 11592,1 byiRoyal Harry, [663,] Violet, (inip.,) [50,j by Prince Vatlens by Warwich, first by J. Sulith, etc., etc. This pig has taken prizes where O'er shown. Terms sl per.sove, payable at the time time of set, ice, with the privilege Of -returning if necessary. CIIAS. ROUTLEDGE. 1198 tf Imported,lrelproved Yorkshire White Pig, Despot. Pedigree Certificate. -Sire, Sutton, (imp.) [121 dain, Duchess 3rd, (Imp. in dam) 38, by 'Magis- trate 3ni, (539). -Derry, (Imp.) l2e), by Madan) 3rd, (747). -Lady Derry 8rd, (1742),by Magistrate 3rd, (539). -Lady Derry 2nd, (1210,) by Magis- trate 2nd, (344 -Lady Derry, (379), by Colohel, sister to Great Eastern, by Duke of York, York- shire Lass. The Undersigned will keep for service during the preSent season, the Improved. Yorkshire White Pig, Despot, on lot 4, concession 6, Hul- lett, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Terms $1,payable at the time of service, with the privilege nf returning if necessary. 1191 tf ANDREW -SNELL, Constance P. 0. • Having compLted rebuilding and repairing the- old foundry, ana introduced the lat st equipments and the most improved machines, 1 - I am now prepare to do Removed 1 Rerroved 1 SEAFORTH, The Old Establisned Butchet has removed' to ROW premisee immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as maysee fit to favor him with their patronage. tsITRernernber the place, cetween lienderaon' Harness Shop, and ,kellatyre Shoe Store, Main Street, &Worth. 898 GEORGE EWING. . • A FINE'ASSORTMENT Of Frillings, Corsets and Ribbons, at HOFFMAN & Co'., Seaford). AIL Kin s of ‘Machine Repairs, AND GtNERAL FOUNDRY WORK. TT. COLEAfAN. FARMS FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP. East half 9 on Oth concession, 60 acres. Wrst half 7 on 10th concession, 60 acres. TOWNSH I P OF MORRIS. South half 21 on 5th concession, 110.m:res. 1 IowN6n1P of GREY. Lots 11 and 12 on 13th coneeision, 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKEILSMITIL Lot 38. on 3rd concessioreL. R. S., 100 aeres. For terms e.c., apply to the undersigned. ' F. HOLM ESTED, 1197 tf Barrister &c., Seaforth - Seaforth Dairy. 1154-52-1 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. --Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. a; W., J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seatorth P. 0.; Joins Hannah, Manager, SeIafocrrtoithsp..0. pRE - Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beeehwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos.- AGGaErNbiustt, Clinton. Thos. Neilane, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea- ortha S. Carnochan'Seaforth. John O'Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. -1139 Having purchased the Dairy, Business from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage which he has re- ceived in the. past. With the advantages I have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to be able to give my customers satisfaction as to quality of milk even inithe vtry hot -weather. Realiz:ng that the cash system is the mosl just a.nd Satisfactory. to all- concerned, I havt decided tq sell for cash only. nr Tickets supplied at reduced rates 1171 D. D. WILSON SHIRTINGS, Cottons, Cantons,, Tickings, Cotten ades, etc. Choice stock at Hon MAN & Co's., Seaforth Knight's Blood Cure. A STANDARD household remedy in success - ...A_ uee more than 40 years. A positiver cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra lion, Constipation and all diseases of the 131°0, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear Ootriplexion. A botanical coMpound, put up in packages and sent by mail at one third the cost of ordin- ary medieine. Large packages, sufficient for S quarts, 81.00 ; half size packages, sufficient for 3 pints, 60c.•'sample packages, 250. A reliableAgent wanted in this locality. 7 KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in their worst forms Swelliegs, Erysipelas, InflammatIcin, Frost Bites, Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases. HIRST PA1N EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Tohthache, 1 sins in every form. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & C�.. ALLANLINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, CHEAP EXCURShiNS TO EUROPE. Fortnightly Bailing from PORTLAND OR HALIFAX, • TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES 840, 850 and 860 Single. 880, 390 and 8110 Return according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, outward, 825; prepaid, $30. Steerage at lowest rates. Accommodation Unsurpassed. Apply to II. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or a BETHUNE or A. STRONG, Sea -forth. 1168-52 List of Lands For Sale In the County of Huron, belonging to The .Can- ada Company. Only 10 to 25 per cent. of pur- chase money required down, balance at any time within 10 years at 4 per cent. Instead of going to the Northwest, farmers looking' for land cats secure .otne of the finest land in Ontario on the easy terms mentioned. County of Iluron'e Va- cant Lands: o 0ODERIC1I.-13 con -S half 37. Bayfield -13 half 37. Maitland Concession -Island opposite 53,- 54, 55. HAY. -4 con -W half -6, W half 6, N half 7, W half of W half 11. 6 con -E hell of W half 5, W half of E hail 5, S half of E half 6, Ni 7, 8, NI 9, 10, W half 11, 8 half and NI. 12, 13, W half 16, W half of E half 20, W half of E half 21. 6 con -N half 4, W half 5; Ei (3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 8 half 13, W half 16. -S half 3, 8 half of N half 4., N half 5,- 7,- 8, E half of ri half and 'N half 9, 30, 11. 12, 13, 14, WI 15, 1177 16. 8 eon -Et 6 Ei- 15, E hall 16, Ni 18, E half of 8 half 19, Is half 19, 10, 21, 22 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 9 con -E: half of E half 25, El of INJ- 26.- 13 eon -N half 9. 15 con -N1 7; W -half W pt. 21, 26. 16 con -E half 6, N halt 9, 10, Wly pt. 11. 17 con -Ni 4, 5, 6, 8 half 7, 8. N. By. -14, 15, E half 16. S.. By -WI 10, Et 33, N E 70 ac 35. 1.. R. East - E half 22. HULLETT-4 con-Wlhall 12, 13, 14, N half 15, N half 16. 5 con, -When 1;-3, is, E half 17. 7 con. -E half 19; N half 20. 8 con.-- 0 half- 21. 14 con. -N half 23- ticKILLOP,--13 con. -1, N half of E half 2, N half 3. 14 core -Rem. 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, ta N half 7, li: half of 8 half 7, N half 8. STANLEY. -5 con. -14. 8 eon. -'V 3, 3, W half 4, NV hal15, 7,8. S. By. -W1 14, 15, El 16. STEPBEN.-6 n Ob. -W half of N half & N half of 8 half 23. :10 con. --E half of W half 10, E half W half 11. 13 con. -S half of S half 17. N half 22. 14 Con. -NI 4, N half 8, 8 half of N i half 17, El 20. 15 con. -3, $ half 4, SQ, E half of W hall 10, N half 16. 16 core -ell 17, N. 22. 17 con. -Rem. SI 7, Nj 10, Nl 23, 18 con. -N half 7, S half 8, 15, N half 16, 8 half 19. 10 eon. -N- half 4, W half 11, E half le. 22 con. -Rein. 8, E half 9, 8 half 10. North Py. --- hall W half 33.L: R. West -Rem. 1, 8. half 3- 1 Aux Sablo3-9, 1 , 11, 12, 13, 14, W half is:',.: half of E half 15, W alf 16, 17, le, 19. Rented .5.'arms for sale at exPiration of existing Leases GODERIC II.-etay fi eld -57 HAY. -4 cons -N half 4. 6 con. -N half 4. 6 con. -W half 3, 14. 17. N half 17, St 18, N half of 8 half 19. 8 con. --13, 14, S1 '17. 10 con. - 1 E half 28.- 13 non. --S half 4, 7, 8. 45 eon.- : NI 4, N hail 8, 19; le non. - W half 6. N. By. - W1 18, 28, S. Ly. -11, Nt 31, ,32, 34. L. R. West -16 L. 11 Eice--Rem. 4, E half 6, t1 half 10. S., half .,4, F.' half 16. II ULLETT. 2 con. - E half 17, 5 con. -16, W half 17. 9 con.- aS half 23. 14 con. -Rem. W half 14, 8. pt. of N half 21, N half 22. McKILLOP.- 1 eon. -W half 2, E half 3, W 'half 4, S half fa E half 7. 2 con.- • E half 7, Rem.. E half 8, E half 10. :; cop. -81 5, E halt 8. 4 eon. -3, E half 4. 6 con, -N half 6. 13. con. -- E half of W half 7, N half of Shall and 5 half of N half 10 STEPHEN.- 13 con. --S half 34,8 half ef N half 37, r3 half 18, N half 19. 14 eon. 5, 6, 7, 8 half 8, 0, 12. 15 eon. -S half 4, W half 5. 16-e00. Et 6, N half of W half 21. 17 con, --S1 15, E half 16, WI le. 18 on.--SChalf 7, 14 half 19. 10 eon. --E hall 7, S half 8, Ni 9, E half 11. 23 eon S hall 12. N. Pely.-.N half 32, E half 33, Wi 33, 34. S. Bdy_-27. L. It W.-2, 5. TUCKERSMITH. --H. Rd. -5 con. -N half of S hall]. 7 con --elt half 4. US BORN E. --48. By. E.-19. For rarticulare es to -prices &c., apply to TITS COMMISSIONER, Canada Co`y., Toronto. I 1187-26