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The Huron Expositor, 1891-01-23, Page 6
-.-. -- _ ,.._ . _, _ __. _._ ._._ _ _ _ ___ - - - _ _ � ,rY• ;. 1 t _ Aft�_ 11 . { t "**r . �____,�E� . ! —.., - - _ I. I - f - - _ -. i ' - -- i _- Q • . •.�. .a I� III 1\ 1. � ;, . i - i _ . _,. - I I I : , o I �_- - .. . r - 11I I I j i r . i - - , I ,_ . �-I . W_ - - - 1 I I . ! I - - - JANUARY Y 2 ,x.891, , . a TSE Fit�R}1�T E�PS�T(3 - --- n I ! ! `� South, _ __xsnitbl , I — - - � ---- BEown * ear be ng --des. Edgar, Wan. Don lar, 1 I . �OHN GRIEVE, V. S. Honor graduate Qp I}� RxPOsr>;OR,- �' Ran eyn�y �p y 'rir-:JV M � .Robert ucott, Wm - McKeraher NO.000!&00 A S1 � Ontario Animals 311ego. is dt issue o€ De ber 26 - R. )lldille{a'£and Edward B ens.0 of Domestic Animals ire ted, Calla pmmpllf _' f _ ry attended to and charges tfiloderate. Veteri What the ieeli beauti€ul - -- The following is the annual report of ? I d i .-.--- ®��o0 Dentistry a epeaialty. O ' At Weie@ $o ing the DISTRICT the Directors : In presenting to your. P Hotel, Seaforth. 11124 -; end ' our annual statement, being for the year Prrough � "— _ 1 ure and ' lE C. D(DAN; Veteran ry Surgeon, Grad t tlfrpuBlto tern, f'An` ens I< rl d *. 189(! ;tt affords res much p� rf n Tera a HarIOck, - of Onto o � of thery Medical Torpeta. th aatisfaetion to be able to report that the � e honorary Member of the Redicat moiety .that SuP "en`de'ar 'n ie the ad- another ver anecea . O u Cabs from a distance pr@mptIy attended ki.. tory garden by Af?DREss. The follows B Company has had Y l i i Veterinary Medicines kept constantly sn harnd, P• ¢j la€s Ghrisi.m �reaa presented the Beat brothers, of fui year. During the past dear 838 ° ;% 1 , which we made mention last week ! - Office o polite E. Bossenlietry's Hotel, Rea.• . sizer policies were issued, granting insurance salt, pB. YeterinaryDent tt been fan AsseCiATEs.--As you have always for $k,19 1,869. On the 31st of Decem• �� N• and su f that t y a specialty. 1i86 gts that the settle bent your services free, and with a her, 1890, there were 2.420 policies in j - _ would ma a ill � isesrty good will, to make our social _ force, covering; iueuranee for 3,408,394, `L. SA: K S. Beaute, V. S., graduate 1. iatereatin kind, f.l0g olieiea rad $219,031 t F veterinary College, Tpronto saber o tnditions� ands `' gatherings of the most g an inferease o p , r - i i veterinary Medical society etc., treats all dW believe that the O'11I3 •se'verance in ° 'raotice, coupled in the amount insured over last y r. eases of "the Domestics to kee nd b eaOILto Animate, All P p ;s endscavoritig e► Y P - �` R - tom tl attended to either b da or n . ./J 1? y Y Yt of sett�lemelat you premium rote capital. �,� musical ability y he available P PT�R� E strides 'with our natural T P <J .�.�/ fat attention , Y�'- _ p have well qualified ed yourselves to per after dodncting all asaeaamenis levied Charges moderate. Spec given it is a Very P p B thereon, is •$161,688 08. The losses veterinary dentistry. ogee on Main sir, it may, form successfullyupon the etrin An u h>}r•e so often and so freely fur- id have amounted- co 142.41 cinder Seaforth, one door soutlr ' of Sfdd's HA,rdwam a clition to chr�" Y �t It �, stare. I1Yt 1a P danu&r.1 .as o niched the music 8o important and so 2g claims ; of these 20 were by light- this ing t we Oak chimneys, 1 cit lamp, Among the merits which distinguish Slocum 8 Oxygenized .tl mulsioli Of , :EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. 10 stili f$atiia'g °i' thou 1 - usemen defective ch n P incouveuieiace " am , n 3 n o r for our na Y ions are Jarvis and Goderich ext door ' rt sisesssa . IM'DISION 1 al at ``l +a tri t>: y g _ Other 1 e iac� c ��� e a 1 _ °r �i � Liver O�1 above p ° to oases ��� d L1Y P i caw a you to lap aside- the.old servant and _and 2 cause unknown'.' To meet 1 Pure Co . -^Coe t thus tree and vi"olio complete,, as and expenses and fbr reserve fund, your I Presbyterian Church, Sea#girth, Ont. All dts frost, av, ,. token of our appreciation of the a9aiat- •� OF �' j � u ►yes o Horses, Cattle, successfully or any a lite do• vhe81 vehicles are pp social Directors levied an assessment of 2 per different fron rendered for our a Dent. on all notes for u er cent. policafs, 1131. The excellence of its method of prepalation,r t i '�Ertn,'rv� rewhe�reontmiheyaho nag". vastly Ance you have P to ua Ift l'i . W en."o meat. Hoping y°a may be long and 3 per cent, on all notes for 3 ger 2nd, Its freedom from disagreeable taste and adc� _har;oLm�doraie. JAMES W. ELDER veter,, tures -spBred to discourse music on many ®nth' Dent. litter, r n the 30th of September I I l I nary ed,clSur s P. constantly o stook of ELDER, what Sgt ,c ach c�L he benefit and many 3rd. Its fitness for immodiate absorption - ` ary;tted;clney s constantiyon hand] e coach day eecasiona:fort last, which °•amountrd to $3,405.3. the stag others. Wishing you There has been 138 92 written off the ® E 4th. The thoroughness In which it retains permanently its gaod land, While heir' of yourselves and Thr - $ i =Heid and di#fivlilt 1 the compliments o€ the season, we re- books as bad debts, ani; $449,27 is atlill LEGAL main our well wishing companions. due on assessments ; $241.55 being for gL1a11t1eS, prEeent writing, ars yr. and we can g' d on behalf of all parties concerned' . the assessment of 1890 and 207.72 for 5th. And the fact that Slocul-n's Oxygenized •�1]1u181 n is the Only ATTHEW MORBIser f Walton, In dalrite road, Signe �/( } , ual to Bright - by,—J. WELT -8 A14D GED. Kxox. riot ; ears. All d&btu and proved 1 n In'the market In which the it is not mixed `� Agent, Comm1 oney r too taking affl oa ; - xve q y= -VV Cod Liver Oil amaigam�at o Conveyances, deo. Money to loan at the losvoe ,overhead a '.rirlgnt, prior/years against the Company have been rates. M. MoRT;Lsox, Walton. thly ob 31,forris• paid,' leaving a cash of of $1,186.83: - -- Sky' and ear with hpllophosphites of lime and soda, or some other e ually injurious with the unpaid asses and t FOR J t' Y. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. ofte-. ' by a �utfigrn b N dTEs nN THR REGENT NO31lYAT1ONS, :This, p - s fellvW to et f foreign substance, anti consequently rendered worse, than {worseless '. Rooms One Door North of the Commerotal� .causes =There w9s a great deal of fun, but the available premium note capital, lees = Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher a uesti°n= 3f 1411 -very solid information, at our retained prerniuma. $65.89, makes s list COsUrp ' _ _ _ - y 29 si`s W. 89, t e net shop. Agents--CumRox, How d1Daiiw*x• 8'lt the m might ray, •Mr- recen municipal nominations.—Too, alert of 5163,268 Y P - ALL PULMONARY DISORDERS Flltill� SPEEDYEi.1EF' t°e aetouch cross firing spoils any meeting,— holders. Tire Auditors' Financial Re- �RONCHITIS*�y ARROY do 1'ROUDFOOT, Barristers, BoIlol• alsavaOg stall the receipts and ex- i , G tors, era., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. (Iaetro�1, &nd do net ' - to, `13eeve Ddooney got badly worked up, port shone in d P I ASTHA� IF YOU HAVE ANY '�'a•iR'DAT TROUBLE—tjhET: • q. C,; Wn.�IIDirOOT. - t he did his beat to give a fair:;, and penditures for the year. — IT we rend of the csld bu 8 r clear etafemeat of affairs. people ! f r("t FLTLA IF YOU HAVE TIGHTNESS OF T;HE CHEST US .. A]fEito�+7, BOLT � CAMERON, Bsrrl.tefall s hearts go t3ii� �� eyII thought that Mr. Armstrong should be Fifth Form Examination. Ga ��RO f C solidbors In Chancery, &e., Goderich, ORL - tonna s S e� d Seaforth. 1'; �ante�l legal adviser or solicitor for The committees appointed b the F YOU HAVE D f F F 1 C td F' TY O F S R E ATH I lit tai=lJ'S E IT. X. C. CsRoa, Q. C., Puu,�r Hour, M. Q. : west as Seaforh AND ALL ° + t�il[ERo�, 556 ,rhe mur►iclpal e1+ the townuhip. ; But that would never East and West Huron by A wAS•TING AVI/AY OF FLESH—LOSE IT. -the smoke haaele.ar y. iF YOU. HAVE .do. He is a wicked Grit.—It was the ciations to arrange for an examination A '� DI�' + �%� � J. Dte of Vi solicitor, Conveyancer, e eneral opinion 'thatif Mr. Howe says fifth form. of the public echoola PIIL�ON�IVEAI+C LUNGS—USE iT D Late of Victoria, B. C. office -Ora the diOeFet muni' the + Bank of Commerce, Main street,' Seaforth. Pri. i oged a b od maul # no moire dithe County Council than he for the in Clinton n Saturday, January IF YOU HAT ,did on nomination day, o will never he ;Fate funds to loan a 6}find 8 per cent. 103b. trig them Reeves .ate 'flet did not loth, l and agreed to the following regu- +-� --- I j I F YOU •H AVE BRONCHITIS—USE i T. - y rrlanlY actieris britt much harm there.—Mr. Mt latione •— I� ��( ANNIT ;OTT, Barristers, solicitvre, g know that he ;was a member of the The examination shall be ,held at �j�(iP� (� IF YOU HAVE ASTHMA --USE IT■ I lr1 Conte ce ,fie. Solieitorney t eBank. $Iec�asmi ht le'id 1' D I 1 ' C �L 10 X of Johnetoo, Tisdaic � Gale. Money to lea. o -� coulioil at the time the late treasurer the some time as the uniform promotion - 'e wholly e' was a ointed to office. But he found IF YOU HAVE CA'TARR1"I—USE IT, i Office --Elliott Block, Clinton,Cltntoll, Ontario. A. H,: been wholly au ykiii PP examinations. ; ldrlrxme, 3iicas BaoIT. 781 out all ri ht. We are Hader- too _old ) " $ Ii�'d'�C�C v�►�i.I.■`mac i - AS far o I sin �n`f I g r2. Each teacher shall preside over ilia IF YOU HAVE A 40OLD—USE IT. ! i �, Ho ESTED, saooemortothc, ate firm were conducted in y to learn, John.—Jim. Proctor is called oi, her own pupils and Examine their the hob councillor, but he taker as in yrs. Take one tablespoonful half an iiovr after e HAVE A COUGH—USE IT. • >;[ fey Hohnotary. Iiarrlsier, 80• loving way, s n�lit y pap W YOU llcltor, Co veyanoer and Notary. Soli for_ terest in the affairs- of the township just, 3, The las `ectors shall prepare and each meal. If the patient's digestion will not — I , the Can BankofCommeroe. hloneytoleaA. trait to the r3o=may e he can make a speech anon of tablespoonful use desert spoonful.` ! E F EBLE AND EMACIATED VSE IT. prevail south i� gib# the same, And P distribute the papers' on applic allow tablespo u I F YOU A R li'arms for rate. Office in sc�tt's Bloot, Pais P who is at e; too if he don't catch cold listening to ' the teachers. " . - j - Street. Seaforth. Sam, _Aome one else.—It is the general opinion The following are the details of the ' e IF YOU HAVE CONSUMPTION—USE IT. � Secretary of State t B ) CKS 6 N & HAYS, formerly with Messrs. € that Sam. Calbick could make a apr�ech course required •— - �n ,� T '` ` Gariow A Proudfoot, Goderich; Sar• rather le auiul i#it if he had anything to speak aborti. As Readin .—Same as form 1 of High RIC .l .00•. '�7 1 �L - IV-J._J 11 tiller.. B liritors,e-C etc., Seaforth and Brussels, t'enerabie ani°:a) v it was he more than laid down the g "- a rFR Y Wg0 U � , i.i .L JL _ Seaforth ffiee-Cardno's Stock, Main Street, School course, Lion HoweVeF, � . S. HATS, W. B. DICKSON .Counsel will preva facts with. his .,fiat.—Mr. 'Kirkby is .a Grammar.—The Public School gram-, - i, i money to Loan. 1147 - great talker. but`then he isan auction mar, P irPA�E� I I v pique of an uziQ tt war ui a evident that Mr.. —Thee structure of ren- f The approval my Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil has met with at the hands political effect tr ver.—Itq Composition. Iabiater wonld.have made a somewhat tences and paragraphs, paraphrasing of BY _' i - of the public Is no doubt more or less due to the members of the medical profession, who have MONEY TO LOAN ,nobleold animal a interesting speech had. lie only got a rose ex aneion and .contraction of shown a reference'in recommendin its use in their daily practice. If your druggist has not + peals up in Behrin g pe g - MONEY Tri LOAN. --Straight loans at a per States looks at; tial cod hearin . But as he war several :P P g prose passages, synonyms, correction of - Of ot' Slocu 'S Ox g�nized F�mulsion of Pur® Cod Liver Oil, and will not qrd� it for you, tlo � �nt<, with' the privttege #o bone..erttmeii internited be took is seat with -y n art of the rind mono at any t° tphat arfey dxilP errors, Lhemes on familiar subjects and . s ®�, i 'n ver much.—Hd the meet- and bust• __ not take any prepat'ation that contains lime and soda. In such case rathe• obtain of him thee>?a a py to F. IOL1,iIsTED, Barriste, Ilrietor up amort t out saying _y the prescribed Text, familiar in'g held out much longer every man in neva lettere. (Text for present year Pure Cod Liver Oil, which, though nauseous and repulsive to the!taste, does not cozltain any i�eatonh.� sso suggest tlia'a that el the hall would have been speaking. So „ i , _ Dr. Talmage, clelia Ivanhoe.) 186 Adelaide S#. West, 6 foreign and injurious substance. Bauch contradiction generally mares a En l"ish Poetical Literature.-lntelli . DENTISTRY. gflvernrnent a€ : hi IIOi9 meeting, people should go by ant tom. rehension of and familiarity SINGLE BOTTLES, X1,4() ; SI dB es TLES,•00• �reatls and Circular oniatency. y B P r facts and not hearer texts from High PO TO, _ O1�' ARID. COrisUmptien milled On application. A Y'`1 . F. ELD];er Jo a n' L. r a Star , The hr�litlay s�aa hearsay., with the following g 1 I O A �j office --- .Tohnson's Hardware Store, � ay greater extgnt SCHUOL MEETING, 'The anneal school School reader, and lremorization of the' T. A. aLOCUM, 186 meat Adelaide Street, TOrOTitO• Neuforth. 1153 sitleeti'n of Suction No. 3, Morrie, �Ivae ' ;the very frsvpxabie B finest passages contained in the same :— �" . W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Ilam- treps, lectures and' bold on' Wednesday of last wgek,land as .• 1he Merchant of Venios " " Rule � + ' usual the attendance was small. Not- �� �� The Isles of Greece Ilton &Melones' Shoe store, corner trous have bsetl the oftde Britannia, . - CO) end John StFeet9, Seaforth, Ontario, Nitrous I - also 'been unhealth ev3thatanding the fact that the school as The Glove and the Lions," `` My ���,`����©� - - } Oxide Das adn,ft,isterad for the painless extras- 3 tax is more than one-third of the entire gate;" " A Dead Rose," "Cane bot , > p = tion of teeth. 1169 • old firm, viz'' Tim] collected from the ratepayers of » „ »; I O the days niter Chr taxes PaY tomed chair Han in of the Crane, , v ' B P etixna =thou h al B g this school section, these seams to be «Return of the $wallgwe," "Dawn®0-�S� d Shoes- "*+ KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. 'sty little interest taken in school mat' Angels," `` To Winter," " Le Roi Eat 7e `�4 • fig, Exeter, out. Will be at - turned. ' It; Prol. p d ated hour the chair S w� I I- [ I f I Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, an -version. Urs. At the C,pMichie, Mr. X. Black Mort. d- M C Y R E Fur Cans and Heavy iTnderW�ar� ,� ' o I.'s tel, KDAY IN iso$ uosrf3, The rke l ryas taken by � � History and Geography.—The lea I J , 0 O / � and at ;;Iurdoek's Hotel, Heneatl, on file sig was appointed secretary. the auditors ing events of Canadian history, geo- � " �• LL report was read and adopted,,alorvang a Lias on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes O ! - 1's7 ' ,axli zuIRD FRIDAY in eulh month, Teeth eseieed hl' striflg' 4,o con- Rraphy of North America and British of his own make, best material and — _� traoted with the ]east .pain possible. .All work niasiy rli$erent gr a balance on hand of $28.48. The P Empire. haat czisse at liberal rates. $7i gusto of the buyer tract for supplyingwood was let to Jno. Arithmetic and Mensuration. warranted I0 glue Satisfaction. We can't sell these goods in summer we must very available p°< Somerville at $1 r cord. Mr• ea loss and If you want spur feet kept 'dry come and get. sell them now—or get left.' Come and take a hared CC 0 DL. -c. ll h s), me Dentist, e (successor C ll H. eat discount stocks and char lJ L. Billings), member of the Royal College the alt°#b'htY dl Walter Miller secured the j - b of light- sin, partnership, square and cube root a pair of out boots, which wrl� be sold in the bargains. � q bf Dental surgeons, Ontario. Teeth inserted present from 40 U ing fires and cleaning pipes for $9,00 per B '"i' with or without late in old or rubber. A safe measurement of surfaces and rectangu- CHEAP . F O CASH'. ^ p g to 30 cents , pats" year, lar solids. Re rin romptly attended` to. All kinds of `.� n . antithetic given for the painless extraction of g pp lei' teeth. Office—over e'Neil's bank, Exeter, On. > ' �r e'vt,; P� ret (The above aboard have appeared two ,weeks Algebra.—Elementar rules,, facto 'n Boots and Shoes made to order.. All parties who 1 O 93 .CD !4 I tario. r2O4 bay, psi' tori, 3 ?ti o, but was inadvertently overlooked.; Y ' B have not paid their accounts for last year will ap 50 Dents,vath a pi ago, fractions, simple equations of one un please call and settle up. ED�V',ARD M FAfiJL, SEAFORTH. known quantity, simple problems. Seaforth. ssi MEDICAL, fancy price before HoWiok Farmers Mutual Fire 1162- D. McINTYR�, (D - I am dotty to i Insurance Company Euclid.—Book 1, problems 1 to 1G, I _ y - , S. FERO SON, M, D., C. M,, M. C. P. S.. Mr. 'Vlxir,atn, . easy deductions. _ �`'"! W. The annual meeting of ithe members of Book -Kee in —Pages 1 to 86 of Me- O.; office, over l Dalye Grocery, tore, as still- ht -h -Keeping. g � � � �� Calls night and day promptly answered at the this Company was held in Campbells Leon's bobk.keeping,' r7�.SQ� V6�0��1 �j ('D with but slight h cessi hall, Gerrie, on. Friday afternoon, Janu• Writing. -7 Copy book No. 8 or 9. O �}. (� office. 11fis hal 9�h, rie, The ay aft was called which will neWhe 0 0 o E. Coo15EIt, M. D,, Physician, Surgeon. new Shaker melte B Drawing. ' Any two books of High $-A,1OT��R.S, `� e.*. F-+• Itoand Accoucher, Constance, tint, n2r Angie the Iibeleull to order by the President, Mr, Jae. school course for Form I• . 2 Edgar, who congratulated the members Optional Bonus.—Subjects either Joaepiure Street, Wingham,0►n+ THE ' - ley men °f aotti P of the Company,on the satisfactory pr_o- Temperance, Hygiene or Agriculture. w L.� D t ELLIoya - liege ,�f Physicians icia s &n (`� os about equal J. A. HALSTED, Mount Forest. T A A �'j� COM �j Tcrt-bates Royal College of Physiclaas rad' q bd teas made during the year 1890. Al aloe of subjects : Reading, 50; J. W. SCOTT, Liatoael.�D1K B{til, 11 OF V V��1��RC11 0 Surgeons, Edinburgh. Banoeftold,Unt, fl6d will get over the ough the losses were heavier than in Grammar, 100 ; Composition, 100 ; —�-- W ung s ne��' the previous year still the rate of Assess- Poetical Literature, 100 ; History and De sits received and Interest sl Established 186?. IDJ�._ � j (i. SCOTfi, lig D., dw., Ptrydoiaa, Snrgeoo supporters on Its p D bFFiGE TORONTO U� V . and Acoaucher, Seaforth, Out. OSiosand ,ern Pacific, wben, msnt had been Z per cent. only. The Geo rah 00 • Arithm'etic and Men- lowed. H E� s H..i. residence South ride of Goderich street Second averaa� actiount collected for losses and enretion, Yr Money advanced to Farmers and Buss- • k-� • Door eist of the Presbgierlan Church. 84S was practically g 150 • Algebra, 5; Euclid, 7I . APITAL(PAID UP) SIX MILLION pOLLARS $6...000 ,0000 O necea8ary expenses fur the past seven Book T�eepin , 100 ; riling, 50 ; ` nese Men, _ e unnecessary for tr, teen ears and six months in wbiich the On long or short time, on endorsed notes ofREST9 ,-9 W. $RC7Cfa SMITH, M. D , C. iI, Member of that l,arpaiu;, t Y Drawing, 50 ; Temperant� and Hygiene, c (lateral security. Sale notes bought at a fait -C+ampany has been doing business, is 50 ; Agriculture, 50. - v�laation. 3foney remitted to all arts of B. E. WALKE GENERAL MANAGER. , of the h, One Ontario, Physicians and �nrgoen o that when the f l 16, elute ou each $100 insured, leaving a _ - _ Canada at reaaonable charges. p e ! 4.J sam as occupied Ontario. Office and reddcaoe V p a � Q same w occupied by Dr. Vetoes, -- -us ratrder their`v ca®h balance of about $1,100, in the Special Attention given to collecting SEAFOATH BRANCH. ' - 91 t4 ila3 triads hitraelf —'�7r. G. Hendrie accompanied by - ~ s�, will at least be a . treasury. Having explained _ to the ' 1Votes and dccorznts; 9 ' O `) LEx, BETHUNE M. D., Fellow of the . ansatiiu various items in the financial Mr. P. Dlalcolrn; of St. MlOys, left ! _ i A General Banking: Business Transacted. Farmers Notes Discounted. g Thursday of last week, with=- several Agents in Canada• he Merchants 3Rn. Successor r to Drisila cloSurgeonsOffic;ury gave. str tenaent, the President called upon B _T Drafts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal � 1—+' (D tl . Kingston, ied b sot ice Dr, Mackf Office. well-bred Clydesdale horses and i:colta Bank of Canada. lately oe4upied by Dr, Kxokid, .Karo, street,- I will coileif the Secretary to read the minutes of Office honrb-•Frot�I 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. cities in the United Stagy es,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,okc, W � atorah• Res[donce—Corner of Victoria Square, this is the tri`w! last. annual !meeting, which were eon- for the markets in the State of thio. n motion of Mr. RobL. Miller During 1890 Mr. Hendrie was aucceasful ! A. E. SMITH, Agent, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. I Win house lately ocaupled by L. E. Dansy.des'esa'; firmed ° ' in dig osier of, s number of homer ata 1164.52 � � ; Dr. Mackid has gone to the Northwest and'; left ni a sort of seconded b Dar. John Knox, t' B Deposits of $1.06 and upwards'received, and currenlr rates of-ntereet allowed. }..+. CSI' Dr. Bethune has taken his raotiee. The, ;uvertiltir, Itesidn Y good in the Western Staten and d . pp The Secretary then read the DireC 1NTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAv .&ND VI;.MBER IN EACH 2 ted � �- Doctor wilt be found -in Dr. Blackid`s office° durin the day rad st tits awn residence daringr a biker's zi°vice„ tors' Report, which on motion of Mr, he is trying it agaia'thie year. MC op Directory for 1896. YaeR. %. the night. 1127z1Z cornplimen.84 ti Ono. Stewart, seconded by Der. Thos. JOHN BENNEWIlaB, Reeve, Dublin P. O. Cd Walker, was receive&and adopted. `° �' Men ' JOHN MORRISON, Deput Reese, Ward s, ` 8paW Attentfon4given to, Oollection of Commercial {Paper mad Farmers;(a Q M Mr. Jae. Foster read the Auditors' young or old,°ori middle aged, who find Winthrop. Sales Dotes, i 0 - AUCTIONEERS. p --- Mr. KANLEX Cauncillor,Ward 1, Beech• JOHN A1RD Manager.11 Financial Report, which was received themselves nervous,weak and exhausted, � F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. r B N � � P. BRINE, Uaensed Auotloneer for the• sand adopted on motion of : Mr. Alex, who are broken I dorm from excess or woJod. EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech. � � � J. County of lffwwn. Sales attended In al fibs. liar, Eryrsns, seconded by Mr. W. R. overwork, resulting'in many of the fol= • wood. - - p� of the County. All orders left 1,6 Tim bor.' Ifer real na Gal teher. lowing symptoms : Menial depression, CHARLES DODDS, Counoillor, Ward 4, Sea• N i-� gam m,L Office will be promptly attended to, whenever he she' - After the above reports were adgpted premature old age, lose of vitality, lose fO�r GODERICH HOW To HAVE A CD :L I bd x. PORTER General Auctioneer r=ed; walk, remarks, JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. „ Mr, Jac. Prain was appointed "chairman of mem ry, ba dreams, dimness of SOLOMON J. SHANNON; Treasurer,{ Win• I • 1 . � M D eland valuator. orders sent by mail to- Dfra Blit. ll for the meeting. sight, p 1pitatio of the heart,emissions, thro . R; J01� Chr�Stlela+7 y � Baylisld P- 9 ,.vitt receive rout i p. Steam �o��er. �Vorks� p p° '$R BERT G. ROSS Assessor, Wtnthroy . attention. Terms moderate, 1185.52 P = Moved by Mr. Jno. Knox, seconded lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, - r rae on any >�u' 3n Mr. Samuel Snell, that Mr. Robt. headache im es on the face or body, AD M HAYS, CoII for Seaforth. Y r P P Y. DR. PKITH, Medical Health Officer, Set�focth.. 1•r� (�;u IC' .• neighbor's €ai.Ji Douglas be appointed Auditor on behalf itching or peeiiliar sensation about the *11.1 ARCHIBALD' sanitary Inspector,' Les{ - `(ESTABLISHED 1880.) �T J ' s breezy nettle i,.•o of the Company.—Carried, scrotum, wasting of . the organa, dizzi• u ! ! + CD t •+ AUCTIONEER. FOR THE COUNTY, Convey: converiation is I ,, Make Presents to your' (A anter, Collector Book-keeper and Accountant; , the.chairman then called for nomina- news, specks before the eyes, twitching Chr stat - W Black r � � ( WReal Estate, Li e,Accidont and Fire insurance and household tions for Directors, stating that the of the muscles] eyelids. and -elsewhere, elsewhere, t I Father, Mother, Slater, Fes+ Agent; Mone to Lookn, Corm ndence, Ae. Q T JOHN BEATTI tz llatn a' with retiring Directors, , no. R: Miller and bashfulness, deposits of urine, loan of i -on Brother, Wife or Husband, �"� Parties requiring his services in any ofahese a huriian being, Manufacturers of all kinds of Statt )0 t.1 } branches will rreeive prompt attention. Orrias p:dwlard 13ryane, were eligible for re- will power, tenderness of the acal and g Children Neighbor, Friends !"1 V in DAL"'s BLOCK, (IIPfYi'AIM), MAA STREW, BRA* ° be InentiOntr€1 d' Clerk of the' Second Division Court a Marine U ri ht ck Tubular g election. The nominees were Jno. R. spine, weak an flabby muscles wire ' Hosztl. 1eg; The firer tiita� P � Y � and Sweetheart, and select � t�--+ Miller and Edward Bryans, and on the to sleep, failurei, to be -rested` by sleep, . County of H1ur0II. ; after we moved them from our ine stock of .. }•� ballot being cast they were re-elected. constipation, dullness of hearing, lose of O V _� ____�_o��__�---•_ " I happened W s Mr. David' Weir, Fire Inspector for voice, desire for solitude, excitability of Commissi ner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan � O � � � 111, SO 1"-4. 5 HURON AND BRUCE froththe oppasi tree Company, in a shoat speech, im- temper, sunken eyes surrounded with �nd Insurance Agent. TOgIS, BOOkB, !4 - been in see to Ilreased upon the members present - the LEADE- CIRCL ,oily looking akin, etc., And Novelties, W # ed me as 's very Importance of exercising great care in are all s m oms of nervous debility alt Pine, Smoke Stacks, Sheat Iroc , = y Loan and lnwet��t me l t � 11-0 , she ,1 B B Y p� Y � Funds Invested and to Loan. w rka etc. 6ily_ erware� e-� th.-0 use of oil lamps, And also to see that lead to i sanity and death unless • , ' 1erw ("r00dS But, hearti',, that all stove pipes are in cod Don- cured. The tin or vital force Navin OF Sha a Livens' store, Main I ' �)p wife and soP P g P B B ry Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide 1 ■ 0� C 'OMPAN'Y_ edition and well secured in passing lost its tension every function wanes in treet, Seatprth. ; i ' 111atf Valve Engines. Automatic Cut-off Engine$• to Notions, SLC.. , she went on, IQ v through floors and partitions, consequence. ' Those who through abuse specialty. All sizes at pipe and pipe Siting �' peed. to be a ge�o This 1Com an is Loaning hlorie ala L%Iessrs. Jno. Fleming and Henryc°mmaLted in i Drente ma be rma• cot 8tantly on hand., Esti reales furnished Alluring Captivating and � Company g y when she was a B y Bn Y Pe Planing i� ,Ltamber aTd short notice. d ' b a Isaa Farm Security at lowest Rates zsu Smith, from the �.orthwest Territory, nently enrol. Send your address for Works opposite G T bcat'ion Goc:er"ch Charming Gifts for ever}r- y l�pos, half th and at one. time members and office- book on all diseases to man. Address • AND SAW KILL IN CONNECTION body. of ''Interest, w�rc true,peop holders in-tbe Company, being present, M. V. LUBON, ,50 Front street: hi , ' i ..f Whatnecest' 2'6e aabeeriber would beg to call attenjtton to PHOTO - E N G RAV i N G. C �y ,,} Ql Dig, h favored the meeting with short apeechee 'Toronto, Ontario. Books sent fr;ce the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber 9 Prices that will receive MARRIAGE LdCNSE� j��A I+�r►eiCBed-• p on the great Northwest. sealed; Heart disease, the. symptoms of wbieh lee always beeps on • aad, At the very IT PATS TO ILLUSTRATE TOUR RUSINX88. � Cflulci I]qt � On motion of Mr. Jas. Edgar„ seoond- which are faint s els, ur le, li to p CO& your favor—none lower. - . s s Pe P P Par Portraits, and cute of collegea,hotels, factorieri _ , $ wag ill the f;ar ,ad by Mr. Win. Scott, a vote of thanks I numbness, palpitati0h, skip beats; hot s machinery,&c.,made to order from,photographs. ISSUZD AT SAVINGS B� �3R"C]L r:oncernin ► het• was tendered to the chairman for the flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull 111 St I Cut t0 ,inj/ r'(i�E' Olt prices Loty- send stamp for specimen sheets. O.. W � PA PST, 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Isiterest Allowed Qat, had no interest able and courteous manner in which he pain in the heart with beats strong, Short NOt1Cd• Metropolitan PI•ess Agency, ONT. according to amount and willing to take; ►ad ,filled that position. The ,meeting rapid and: 'irregular, the second heart Good Cedar out into timber or posts. fA Roel 1183-52 I New York City. SEAFORTH, oIrlT. . THE HURON EXPO OR OFFICE time left, sweet, ripe � o -stock of ;Hemlock iLo at Saw ]Ifill, hot 2A, than adjourned, beat quicker than the first, pain shoat ggsa OFFICE, - - One day w Conc�eion or Grey,. tire. will be out ,er any -korner of Market ,, At a subsequent meeting of the Dirac• the breast bone, etc., can positively be order au'ehortt:st notice. Lumber delivered at 1��.�'O$'I'H, ®I�T'!',�IO, � re' f� slag founts Urs, Mr. Jas. Edgar was zre-elected cured. No cure,, no pat. Send for reasonable rates when desired Orders by mail GOOD V,�RLU E SPECIAL MAKES and North Street, Goderioh. 3 ., •ray, at the Preaidant ; Wm. Douglas, Vice-Presi- book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 promptly filled. Address BRODUAGRIN P. o. brt;wn_e ed A.nd new styles of Dress Goods Of Gre ,Pannels ai HOFFMAN HORACE HOIi� QIi, � Y "' dent, and W. S. 01 Mchercher, Secretary- Front Street East, Toronto, Ontario,: l®gg�reg;r Y wonderful Wiz" Treasurer. The Board for the present 118 52 11oti ConcessiODSI' Lgean, at HOFF MA:� & COS., Seaforth. Co'S., Seaforth. NO WITNESS" REOIJIRIED GaodI erfcii A �loUNAaRS, : August 6th,188b. t _ f t - - i I I -- r i — ! _ 1 . � _i K J , _ _4i - a i. I . • _ - I -