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The Huron Expositor, 1891-01-23, Page 2
i y: 1 IIIId IN(i! I.ozs FOB BAia,.- Th* under- . T OF GOLD Ilse world --a pare hestrte�� aobTe-iniad- whito l rra��i o . b�: ad English girl. To'thiinit'of you is my' •` Have you fined-th _day 'W ked Ce- I s number of a lasale, at Lata � ells* . L• T. ; D� home makes me happy. Will you come, c l of him that aatn a ewing.. on t;Eode rim and Jamey streets Parr sales, at taw �- es v+ prices. ForparttcuIarsapplg to D_ D. �II.9o24 dice .1 I or will yon say no `` use of a wall, not exactly rep " Mark- 9W , (Published in Pamphlet Form bT John. LoTell A shadow s" - . . ham. "Hope is wait to h from me ,-) . "i will come," said Hope. " �' , I Diss Jocelyn.. Shea wondrerf y at• oUgE t1ND LOTS FOB SALE. the snub • _ ': scriber offers for sale the house north of l I will come: Sc'oa have spoken very ocd taehed to her sister. Yon sympathize `- `''i I the �dsfile manse, together with three CHAPTER XVI. words to me, and I thank you; but re- with her in that, eh, ley?" �' I acres of land, suitable building purposes- It S L , j. -Witt Cbntimted from last week.) mlem r—don't ever forget—that where "Staff t" said G Tey. >� wouldn't ,tit, AND BOYS OVERCOATS. on the trE, erg a quantity �f young trout trees : commen ' g to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 � far , 1!<!y dear fellow ! It was at your re- you vi a little, I give all. Dont forget if I we;e Hjope. Ill peak to tier to- 1i star quest ,it was shut. No," continued that. God help me, if the shadowgrgiws morrow." I ��AR Ut 31 Con- i� - Markharra, in a mleditatve fashion, "I..e•" "M;y d r fellow, orgive me; yon 3i Foie BALE.—Fax ale, axe left anQ thP, balance of the r n fi, McKillop, containing 100 acres, never did bear the girl's name. I'll just ` 1`c ahan t—it ` won t—it melts al and Hope eve al wa m, been excellent A, fair assortment about 90 > cleared and astI in a good state ofP IS IL df . � tell you absolutely: what Dame. ed, You ready," Paid Markham with enthusiasm. friends„ but!" regards her marriage with Stock 1�3t go. Profii not taken into consideration. i cuit#vatio . It is well underdnined and well cif .t wilt -ad e for ourself howmnchand how He folded his arms round . Hope and me, I- think I am the right person to I i, fenced. 7jhere is a good br#eic house and II - J g y talk with her -1 m n that she fs uo�t ( frame barkrs, stables, sheds, kc. There is a little it meant.I was in St. Peter's church, kissed her. - e wa derin about.• the priests were likely to yield a at ongly expressed UL, larlre beinit is situated within g orchard and a never tailingoii B m , a g s P cc ►++ " ot�segwill. and wall; be sold hes thee miles 1.cultere was What a delightful arrangement . wish.to any one'else. D W A RD � �V1cFA p. pp �y';chantia in the distance • and th . g said Katie Don las when she was told. " It's all rubbish !" s „id Grey again, in Jo13ii 3IcCLL'BE, lrirrteta Bill P. o. 1151�ti =c that s"okl smell of incense I was g I >L y , �r walking down one of the many aisles, " And you began by disliking him., so . a very ill-tempered Ito e. " Hope i. a r. irl:r, �AMBU KKMI when I yaw s girl standing with her pro mach, yon know, my dear. Anyone goose—yon ll � forgis+e my saying Jso, -_ f PSI FOR aALE --A valuable 2tm acre farm , gazing could see that. S'on could not bear even Markham, blah what does it matter, ajn a 1 EA �� R H situs ed on concaesion 13, tats 2a and `3, file slightly turned towards me, g g , i • 'JdcK' ,op wnahip. They are close to the beet I rip at sn exquisite bit of painted plass. to have his name mentioned, and Bee case of th�i kind, w ether she gel's a . ` markots i western Ontario, an good crave! For all Affections of the 1.It was s treacherous ,ds —the sun hot, and Maud Chatterton even now talk of 'letter frofn Jtx llyn or of ." I I °road o ce, s bin a fear minutes walk of store. the wind cold. She held a far wra how cross you !Dotted when yon found "For my own pert, agree with you, t post office, schaoi; churches and suers necessary convenien _ The soil is of the very best and 1<i p oat anzio a to be married ! c�e f j� loosely on her arm. Her hat was posh- YO on. Rossiter's back. Gr y. I am m , wel%adapted for either sloe!: os min raising, - ed back. I was attracted by the delicacy "I am ao deliE;ht'ed obont it all my for„ codependent of ny sentiment in i as bolo tars are watered by a lining spring Q of her rafite, and the ea>!y grace of her, dear," snit! b1cs, Chatterton : "don't the a' atttr, it Is extremely inconvenient creed- There are about 30 acres of choice tin- Et'i►FO ��r7 P mind that sill rl and her ridiculous trottin backwards an4 fgrwards from i her an both fauna shouse and stables, and 3 j'� '' attitude, She started when she heard y g i orchards of choice unit. The annus will be sold my step turned towards me. `I am nouaenae, It is sometimes true=is it Oxford. I am absolutely neglecting my separately ortogether to suit purchaser. For -so glad,' rrExe said, in a low voice. ` Yon not ? that we. conceal -our real feelings necessary Work. Ido trust Hope ve Duet price and terms apply to the proprietor PE?EB e - are an Englishman, re on not by pretending to dislike." mind our having a very short honey- i �icEw'Eti, Leadbi�ry P. O_ 1lSltt' 1iILiS1C.� IstrumeI ' y Ho a smiled and blushed. moon." C net ra i F r n' t I a use I ' you are an Engliph lady',' I replied.— p 1 I FARM FOR SALE CHEAP_ --$5,500 will bur Yea I have Moet �iy party, and this " I don't think I ever did dislike him Next d Jocetyn's eagerly looked for loo acres ort the 9th cow-e:ssiori of Me- I 1 big plaice frightens me so dreadfully.'— really," she ,said in a low voice. ." At `letter arr ved. It contained all the T K lop, het nging td Thompscm Morrison, who 1yM]P0TZZ�i � - i r3 resid _ in Dakota and does not intend to , `Yon will doubtless find yon'r arty least, not since he sang Farewell to nanajl eo atalationa, and ended with t��l STREET SE�'ORTH. ► ' 5 pp LOclaber.' �" an almost pss!sionate request - " Don't t ' return, eihty acres cleared and the baanee c again very nick! I answered. Tnen } $ quickly,' r "And you are ver ha now, dar- get married until I et back to you, m r ; good hardwood, maple and mak elm, w;mhin of I made a commonplace remark —I ,bink y Y 'happy g rte I 6 •a 1 I e wish to (draw the attention o the people of Seaforth and sur miles of sq�ol rth arra within of a mile of o he bit of hinted }ass efts had ling, said Katie. wn dear, sw t, pet Virtue. h ! � school hoMethodist and Presbyterian Scott Brotb'l S about t p g eek roundi l Country to our large, extensive and varied Mock of ��'11 //�� 1iV t V �} _been studying. `I am too nervous to `'`,Yes, Katie, I am certainly very remit m+y heart if yon. do; aad . Aunt i a i , I Churches, res, Trills, blacksmithin13 and 1 L1 V Z. ;l j - wagon Huai; -n sha t office, &c., good build tiargaret I am cure v�ill allow rine tt► 1'y' p' P� admire; it," she answered. ' Will you happy, -• Ings and wtfter for cattle, and good gravel roads s v walk down with me as far as the near- "You . have made an excellent a.rd porde baci to England a little before her- } 3 � to soy part!. of the towns3 taxes the lowest : r � g p y HODS HOLD ' TURNITURE6 of env of the borderin, toanshipe. �, mort� a PRt3P IETOR ,eat entrance? Perbaps I shall nee my wise choice, said Mrs. Chatterton, heli and �o tie. Tele ra b, when ouvL[ people coming n.p,' I bowed again. She drawing•ng her clieir luxuriously to the getth's, what -is the very lat"t date to I w#1► be taken for 3_cJ00 at 6 per cent_ Apply was a very beautiful girl; it ayes a are, fond gazing at the flames with s which you can Defer your marriage, and to JOIN C_ jiORRlvOti, Winthrop P. O., Our,. 11 I w leased smile. "` :[ may as well ea I will be. witYi you in time. I wi[!,I tffanst, le manufacture the oat of our ll;stt SAS+ )g,''$ Q°' j'' pleasure to walk with her even a few p Y y I Furniture, and can Guarantee it"to i e ars- She had a certain meaner—I Dope, now that sl.t chance of such a I shall ! Do grant the tisis one little pe- I the public. At present our Stock i.s Very lame, and is daily increasi3 ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 12, concvs- - �- F sion H. R_ S.,,Tuckersmi.h, containing pI�' N�8� Dunham, NewTYork , dont know how to describe it—which thing is at.an end, that you are not at . tition; My own Oope, forlthe sake of�old I To reduce this enormous stock our rices have been ugarked away down, Seto acres �-3 cleared ' 53 seeded to. 8 f r P gram, R', Bel kGo., Guelph ; Dominion Piano I prevented my thinking it strange that all the sort of girl to run abont Landon times, and beceuae—because.-well, be- Q sown to fall wheat The Sarin #s well -fenced, At our low prices everybody erybody can afford to purchase., Our establishment Company, Bowtnanville. she should oak the to do this trifling ser- alone. It's all very wellforsome, but cause, ,in ,cpite o everything, your Jo is well underdrain,d and well watered by a FAY vice for her. -- We met her art at the you are not, ki"d. not rho happiest of mortals. 37 is open to you all, and we want tosee you and all your friends. Bring never faili g spring which rine through pipes i ! party into a tro'h, There is a brick house and - entrance. I bowed -= she thanked me "I took .very good care of myself, I There were pages more in this volam- the *1iole family �with� your and pt. us a Visit. We will be Eery happy kitchen, frame barn, i,table an t driving shed. l ORGANS:— W. Bell � ICs: with a smile. That's a13 Gre I fell aware you, 1Mrs. Chatterton." . ino�ul letter, but the sum! and substance to show : ou'our ods, whether o1purchase or; not. Hoping ,soon to Good orch. The farm is situated within 1 Guelph ; )ominion Organ Comp$ny;,Y y go in loves with her. Thinking of it calrti " I daready, my dear. `• BnL it was a of all upas the same : Hope mast not give i i r � two and a half miles of Seaforth, with kood , I,owma,nville ,, D. W. Karn & ICD a thorhsand alias. 'Now as bar. h rsell awn tin til Jocel n stood b her have''a visit from you, we remain, respectfully yoiurs, `THE CErTRAL li gavel road leading in all directions_ Lfiill be ; i ly, I am inclined to attri[iute such pity, r, p - Y , Y Y FURNITU�tE ]ROUSE, opposite IcPaul's Dry! Goods House. sold on easy -teas. For further particulars ; 1�oodatcek• i sudden fancy to the fever from which I Markham swife—he holds an excellent side: ii. I apply on the premises or to JOILN PBE: DER- 1 - - had Jnet recovered." posction at Ozfocrd'., .you know, dear, a " Aiid: I won't," said the girl, tears I I Gc1sT; r'eatorth P. O., Ont. Il36tt ' The above iastcamenta always on band; slstt " What was she. Dick? The girl, diatngaiahesd manin.himeelf,very—aa his filling kaeR big bright eyes. You won't j ROBEFTSOiV PROPRIETOR" a few goo3 seeohd-hand Pianasand Q�cgzri9 for F wife the ai f whietr was so unsuitable in sink tut p ick. Jo hoe set her heart an this ! FAB3I FOR SALE= For sate, the south halt , sale at from S?i upwards- Instruments soja on rA i I mean." , �i ; "I can't quite describe her. She had an oinuibus'will be really becoming." and it is ,lick. m�ich " grant. I should i' of Lot 33, Concesrsion t3, 3are c e�rnta! well 1 the instalment plan, pe on terms to snit cos- I _ 415 -b 100 acres. a -soul 90 of which are cleared, `ave#, l tomes. Violins, Coapertirras and nabs!! in=cru'- :�� cc - menti on hand; also sheet muiic boo &c. Mrs. hatterton means 'that on like he 'to stand b try aide when I vee _' ,r�, _ fenced, about :0 free from stumps and well e. , i. a look of !Pope 1%srron, brit her face Y Y 9 o 1 was chore delicate, •fend altogether more have'euch a proud way of talking,', ez- myself to you, Dick. She is the only H =t' I underdmined. The balance is well timbered beantifnt, Her voice, too, was like — I plained Katie. one ve = vey near to the—and q nits ab a with r ►rciwood_ The !eared part is nears !-all �1 /'� k ay' „ , y' `""• i f' =�l 71 seeds! tp gram- There is a frame house:and. ��J��T B MJ . , aeon t think. I could take her features to And of looking, my love, added eosntelly belonging to me She is not ndel~t - �e aTt2llt, ursine s,;rn, also a small orchard. Thra is Dale of 1 pieces, even to oblige you, Grey." the good lsAy. only m. sister, but we are twins. � )o ; ! t the nest farms in the township and has no ; s` Dick. It's a queer "It's no matter,"' said Hope, sudden- you L-r�ow we never hail a quesrrel in our _ - / broken or bad land on it, and is Rood for either ; ' Ohy never mint!, F uranin or s ock and will t sold cheap. It is � s j story -1 mean your falling in love • like Iy facing rdnnd upon them both. " I lives ? Of course I ditferea from her w- - - ..- , within thr a miles of Brufsei;' and .rithin a i t %'� - s , that. There I believe I've caught cold. am not marrying for position. I am fully duce, but we newer said unkind uarter of a mile of a school. Apply an the A Wh I i. / 1 'V g This department is complete in every aspect, and prices the low- q p - , n • �` • That window is chilling me again. 1 marrying because I love Dick more than things oto each other s other girls do— premises b:r to Brussels P. O. WM. or JOH�ti , may, Markham, Why didr''t you folluw all the. rest of the world. I am 'proud never, She only asks to give her time est. Two first-class hearses on hand. Fu$1elalg attended to at the ftOBB, Jr. { 114�tf _ Q f her up, when you were so—so far gone?" of that; if you like. But as to position, to ,come. `fe w'ill ' iv her time, wbg't shortest notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. ! AR3I Z Op. cAhE.—Containing 139 acres, I �T�v E A N D That's ' just what I did do, and it I think a girl may keep up her dignity we ?" r , F bean; its at Lots 1 and 2, on the sth 1 ROBE,TSON' Funeral Director. was just in that particular I absolufe,ly even= if she does ride in omnibuses. I " Cert inly,'' skid I Markham. Hie � Mncevsion of 3iorris, 100 acres cleared and 5 = failed, Remember: I had not the slight- -was very ha in London and very in- face as1rave • he did not know wh he `s ' acres chopped_ The i well Road hardwood g rY PPY ' ' bush; fairly fenced and n eft underdraine d, good ! F• U R N I S H , N G eat: clue -1 could not identify one of dependent, and I had no idea of going sudd�nlJ felt quite depressed. Ae hat r • frame house and kitchen with woodshed her party—I could not ;even tell you about in a poor•spirited sort of a way." mom�nt Cecil sauntered into the roo I attached, two -frame barns and frang stable, I ' - now what dress the girl herself wore. I "You couldn't, darling—it wouldn't ' You have heard !" he ezclai ed. EXTRAORMNARY i BARGAINS g� orchard and three wells and asoft water r �0� cistero. within two milers of Blyth, .There > Hi remembered the soft white fur she car, be in yon, "explained the adoring Katie. " oreign -paper ?— you have bear at I there is a mood market far all kinds of produce, ' I ried on her arm; Iremembered the color Mrs. Clic; terton looked at the girl as las ,Hope? liow—how i3 Jocelyn,?" school within fivci minutes' walk from the house. _ • _ ' of her hair, her face, her voice.. I dare if she would read her through. ' " All right," answered Hope. . " She � would take fifty acres in part pay. This is a' S�emor�h, "ntarl`af sag I did not remsmber that face as it "She's. a fine young thing," she said . 'wants to come to the wedding;, and icl: Are. ften made by puttiug an extra price on ordinary goods, Its ; first class ,farm and parties wishing to buy appeared to others. I hay"e'no doubt I to hereetf. . "It would t*ke a good deals'' Dick kind. He nay=e abs uiay. S'cu'll real! a dive -awn when a merchant advertises as an would do vdell.to call and nee it. Apply on the y a y premises or address Bluth Po-st office. NICII- We are offering Bargains in idealized it. Perhaps the girl I have to break her spirit. 1 cannot help.ad-', be glad, won't you, Cecil?" l _ OLAS CL31INf,. 1139tt dreamt of does not exist at all. At miring her. I wonder if she will be' tiope:was still glancing over herr let. ~---?---- - any rate, I have not seen. her since, at- happy with that rather queer professor. ter. She looked up with an arch, Igay EXTRAORDINARY NARY ATTRACTION i` SRM FOR �ALE.-For sale, lot ', coneeasion . /� ��! though I have looked for her,.and morn He has, a temper—I am sure he has a senile now- full into Cecil's face. i I F i, 11 R township of Tuckeamith, con- Vial + Yat a Par{�raf;' - in after morningwaked uwith the tens tr. - How will Ho et on with a ' Y oq'tt be ver lad !" she exclai ed tainine one hundred acres more or less, fi acres l . >' P g Y g • That he is °sellino• his roods' cheap. If that is extrao..rdinary then his cleared, Eo of which are seeded to grass, well nn- ' AlI Stoves Gaaratnteed. vague hope that I tnght find her. She mad who possesses a temper ?" a note of sympathy in her volts, ordinar rices a e not thea and that is usual! the fact: 'S,�T don't ` derdnined, three never failing wells. On one f flashed into my.life and weak away. She = . Glad II. Yo man ever yet looked1less y P ; Pt y fifty of Laid lot there is a log house, frame barn T I ' and very Eupeiior orchard and on the other a A full line of took something—the beat of me, with C¢APTEi. XVIII. glad, cry , f ; ec , ry„_ I good frame house and baro, stables, and good her. 1 have: not been the came man When Cecil heard of Hope s engage You're not going to be each sa fo 1. i 'CH 'CHEAPER THAN EVERT orchard. The whole will be sold together or 1 ; McClarys Famous'Sto res . Z, since.” - . anent, he did not say a word, A friend said Cecil, turning white to his cry each fifty separately to suiti purchasers, located —The train was fast nearing its dea- broke the neve to him at his club, a lie and nlancin :ft Mark Clam, " 1 oc- Sim 1 because we sell eve da at as cher rices as` can ossibl be 1} miles fromS�aforth, wit be sold reasonable �, a g P y ry y P P P y tination, the daylight had long depart- friend who! knew Markham and who elyn's at the other side of the woti : made,. Chea Hess is an rdinar future nOl; an i on � terrns,as the proprietor is retiring irons For which We are .Sole Agents. + p y , For further particulars apply to the etc. Markham's voice died into silence was much interested in the fact that he and to put +aff the weddin ou'lli re• I undersigned ed ori the premises, and it by letter to • P 8—Y I ' 1 y'" p Great Bs,r ins in Table and Library and Grey did not articulate a single was about to in^ur the risk. of matti- pent this, MArkham. I say, but you're EXTRAORDINARY FEATURE Sento P_ U. q;ltICHAELDOEtSEY. 31;5t! l - word. As they ap'proaehed Peddtngton, mony. This friend, Clavering by name, no going to do itt you two; y�u are my Lamps, �, the younger man. roused , himself with . plied, Grey with questions, to which he jo'4ing !" Of our business. R- e sell the best goods. alb the time. That is why we `-ALUABLE PROPERTY Folt SALE_ _ A I F an effort, received such short and unsatisfactory "'I don't understand you, Cecil " ald N Good Dwelling Rouse, main part, 361_ 1 cc :, „ Y Y + don t adrertlse It gs if It were and 14s1 , 12' storeys srjth kitchen 1 18 and a' - About Rossiter, he began : shall replies that, he left him, under the int• Hoa in.astoniahment. first Claes cellar under all the main kart. There I • M. WHITNEY, I meet you to -morrow at Tatt call's ?" pression that he (Grey) wus°" so#c" on But Markhaam'ti tome showed real! an- I is alio a rood! well and cistern and mune I SOMETHING WONDERFUL • '''I forgot; did I not tell. ydu ? I am the girl himself. . nbyance. , i I orchard, with plenty of land for both garden and MLAIN-ST., - SEAFORTH. lawn purposes, oleo Cider 31i11,?5e#o aZth stable not going to sell the horse. When Grey got home to his neat tittle " I would do anyt*g to pleaee m fu- 'That we are giving customers but •the 'best for the money. Bear in � 1 r I I a za a y and w heel house attached,- in first class work- ``No? �'Phat do yon mean ?�' flalt in Curzon` street, he found a letter tore wife," he said sternly. •'An in order, with good trade established. The sis 1 I mind that the best Goods and the fairest prices ars ay' ordinary and ane r, with lots - What I say, I have ehanged my from Markham, a very brief epistle., also this matter I shall most certainly yield to , � g to and formingpart of everydaymatter s sunlight and shower at the Partain Dr Goods the shove mentioned s. ill be sold se rately or io?. mind; or rather Miss Karron ha3 for announcing the fi t :— - her very natural wish.: Hope, dear did ,- a y �' and' Clothing House of Seaforth. together to suit purchaser or purchasers, afford- JA( _ E 1a'e• 1�"ash me j.oy, Grey ; it is all right. Forget yon not once tell me that SI rs, Se ton b crag a gond chance tri any one desiring to pun - P . . our conversation coming up to town last week. and your sister and edusin were congaing ' . chase a good dew dwellinz, first class in every 1 1�_� I Hope knows and to eatistied_ Forget it and 1 C;HAPTE.K XVII. i to town in May ? This is the first week respect, or lots on which to build an the situa-- 1i J "S"es "said t3o ;` �Tes "—she COII Come down to Bournemouth ; we ail want you. tion ra etlual to that of any in the village This I It + lpe• Yours, in Slareh. We will be married in b by. PTC K A � - - hill be sold at a bargain as the owner 3 c c .; - :, s t 1 11 .L ��JJ property tinned very slowly— and that is all, Dim 3lAttsrr_kx. '• Write aad tell your sister on. . y intends securing a farm. For Il p•,rticulars - ' You never saw the other girl again ?" " Forget it "' muttered Grey : •' I'm _This ar4ri-ement wan 'finalty rulde. J apply to BERNARD THO3IPSgN or G, J_ = SC - I SUTHERLAND, both of Hensalt. 1 11;5tf. M Iti'evar." so likely to, of tonna®! Wasn't it al Cecikc�id riot interfere by soother W rd. .,11 _-'y - _ "And you think I should make yon a ways the sort of thing I dreaded ? The only ,thing he did do was to ask f for Corner 'M a rn and Market streets, Seaforth . ` T , ZE ,;, good wife ," Didn't I long ago say to Elope that if , Jocelyn s addreee;, which,Bope gave inn, .I -I!LE.`DT FAR3[ FUR A> —For bale, I ---- „ pr •Lot 19 Ist uonces�ion Tuckersasith, Con- ,REMY! �_ Cr � ,' �1 Honest! 1 do. Honestly, I also she—she mat Markham i't would be 911 •wondering why he looked so pale nd taining 10f acres, nearly all�cleared, Real fenced i " t _ ' <C - 4, I LLL hill 11 1 believe that you will be happier with up with me ? Doesn't instinct tell me careworn. ! (`1 A 'p �ji �1 ander-draimd and all seeded to grass, There is me than living alone in Bayswater." who the girl is that ha� bewitched him'. "Are you going to try your ck Ljll.LltD�O B�0�_A.L.' 0 1 a Iargebriek house rith tin roof anti eoagain- " I was not unhappy there ; I had a —the girl with a look of Hope, only ,again ?" 5he asked. `` Oh, I hope on % ing all modern improvements also a larze bank �} barn with stone r:tahlin:; capable of accomodat- ° . _ ; full and busy life. The boys interested more beautiful • with, Hope's voice only'Rill succeed !" r11 „ ► Pe . - � � cur 3 horses and :3'3 Castle, also straw house, toe. I was independent, sweeter. And she was in Rome then • • " I sha-11 never succeed !" he answered ''root house, tt,ane pig pen, drivinz and imple- `'` Practically you shall be so still. I and wouldn't it be just the sort of thing almost brutally. , I went homes and ail out buildings ms-ually found Will never coerce you," she'd do -to appeal to a strap er to help And he hurried.out of the room b n on I anal class' faro . Tbe'bssildings are all' in It + I+ „ ? PP , g P - - �' ' g GREAT S 8•A L E p� containing JO acres, adjoining II alarm being %and ► _ � ' Oh, it isn't that, Hope frowned. her . lie wouldn't take a liberty—he ing the door noi3ily niter him. g They were walking up and dovrn in wouldn't dare; and she—she would have Markham was obliged to o back to seeded to crass! There is not a foot of waste the shelter of one of the pine woods at her own way with any fellow. Forget . Oxford, and sn arrangemeat$was made i land on either farm. on Lo there h, a gewd IzErVER Bournemouth. The aromatic slyest r + r*v I h frame. horse, frame barn, twlo large sheds etc. it Fes, that s so like! that Ho should live with the Dqn I r, t smell came lesaantl on the ;air. Ho Y Pe g There is a good bearing orchard on each farm_ P Y Pe Cecil did, howevef, come down ,to lasses during the short time -that wduld OF T �•"—� r -' � 1 These tams are situated on the Huron road one m"LER walked slowly; alae was still weak, and Baurnemonth ; end there be trade him- elape� before her mar cage. bSrs, ea- ' i , mile 1:nd a halt from Scl forth, and are: among her face hal only a faint color. self eeceedia I a reeable ton Lottie and Jocel jrn were a an'*n the best faro in lite Harron tract. They will be l $ y g eongratu- . p g gold cheap and on easy terms. They will be sold " Suppose," she said at length !sup lsted Ho warm! cut a number of the winter and spring in; Alge{rii, i and ` Nether or se , L Pe Y. , separately. Apply on the peen igen f RFS %, STRONGEST, £3 ll� G E S, B` y p ose I say yes, and you mart e e and C ®mmepking January 2. 1891 or address, «'11_ FOWLER, Seaforth F. U. Y y n , stale, but time-honored jokes, delighted Jocelyn wrote enthusiaa.ticaliy at�ont f 1 Then—then—afterwards you see the Katie Douglas, to say nothing of Bee Pe g other E1. Ho 's goodness and blarkh m's ii23-tt, COiY rAf�1S Nt3 g Chatterton, and was altogether the life 'kindness in patting off the .wedd ng- I mum+ Aiaaonaa, Lanae, Paspha:e� `'` Is it likely ?" said Markham. "What of the party, day. IL w:as finally arranged that it . ae ROPET'.TY' �'OP s+iLk: —The undersiened Cfl k1JY fP1Ri lRl�irJ3 SitaTAgfiF» P offers for sale cheap, hii valuable Village � 2� m�-T,o, o� ;. is one face'. There are millions in the to tate lace on the first Saturda in And continuing fo one month Grand opportunity- for buyers Of Property, known as lots msuiher 63 and 64_ on ((( E. W. GI LL1=TT, blaikham wanted Hope to become his P , c ac.k6o, r,,,3 world. I have spent two ears looking r a liens Your hs and Bos 'inter j, nderwr�ar at iron! 1:3 to ? per the north side of (,! seen street, Pett3'. saucy, f P Y S wife with as little delay as possible. May, and evr n for this Jocelyn nst r , p lit .`tier t1 E4 C. - for it and never cin ht a glimpse or „ �►p i z illarie (if Hensall, and east aide of Railcar• 1 >; g P travel back a day or two before her don- Cent, cheaper than tl , value. This «-ill be without doubt the best trar_k, on whwh lot, there is a fine frame duel � � C LZBEAi'TI,.� ��?� i CAKE got s clue, The face may have gone You have nothing to wait for, he anions. said : you can rig yourself out after- P I opportunity ever offeAd in the town. �ti e ti -Auld say buy now at our ling `'t`3- in tlrrt-clams repair, dna a good fra:,;e I _ away into the said girl may be Mrs. Seaton wrote a lou letteal to ! 210x26. p stabir: There is a splendid well on the dead. In an Lase, the chances ares wards, What do a lot of clothes signi- g Great Special Sale ah.d save money. and the Y fy ? We want one another. Come to Hope, begging of her to overlook I the P ' premises eti+ire fenceoin s orrt,re ctha flog ac rtalso thousand to one thrat I may Heti°er Bee ,,; peat atld offering her house and Oar stock of lI= nes and Bogs' .Cas is unexcelled and for this nieelr planted out `Hitt, ornamewal trees and r_ her again." i s i - me at once Hope . . p "It is not the clothes," said Ho e, her cwn .chaperonage .for the v�' ed- + i shrubs, also �s th all kinds of small fruit_ This "You ask me to ba •your wife. And . , P div ceremony, But Hope's an7w..r I11oTl h, we will make prices so lo�v that it Ail_''' l,P all olrjeCt t0 bu of valuable property X111 be sold the -p as the you loge this ottrer girl. You don't say You dant sappos I care about them ? g Y• P ; y l John Po ter s11 owner intend] stiortii #zas in;- the vii,age, For l • But I should like t hear from Jocelyn was.a decided one. us at the present gre4t sale. full particulzr- apply to JAMES R. BERRY or! anything at all about loving nee• Don't Y I don't want, to think any before I quits 6]: the'�day. `ro, I have y ! i G. J. St•THEHL A\D, Conveyancer and \otar-.- s you think: you are ver unkind to me ?" '' , r T Public, Ilensall_ �Il er and - - y y y , not seen her for two years but she is thoughts of you, Aunt Margaret. lam Fancy Flannel 'Shirts, Tlltw�_ ,11 :Handkerrl.it f5 (�:oves ecl; - 1bisrkharn looked, full into Hopes even grateful to you for being good to Scarfs Read made CGlothino till l t 7 - ti-B•—Posses-ion of the pre nr�e9 ran ase : is; ne es, She. raised them frank! to meet my only sister, and I lova her dearly. I , y .,,�e sod at prices that will make in a nionth-s• time if desired. Tbt; owner ha. 1 tiilre Emporium, t his—they Y want to hear from her before I ehan a Jocelyn ; but I Fannot be married f Mo I also a tine Trotti Stallion risine 3 years over, owe fwere full of pain. 'Then she I g our house, -it would pain me, I cannot evetybcxly haply. i which he still ,ieit or r\than ;e fora tr of -oo�l i SEA;=ORTE � - QI+c'TcSP.IO j them of , aameth ng had . name. I have written • I may hear y P I , P"' do it. I'iesidea, w e have de�cad nares. Tri- til allign �s l,ral;eu to h lru«?. in a day or two. After that I dont I struck her,an.d a crimson wive ole. calor ed not to have any so-called waddling, (� �j� c JA1rIE - R 13FR1:Y. I OUTSIDE OF THE C031BL�i�TIOK caused b some dee emotion !nave t mind how Poon Von take me, Dick.. g >;morningi V�iW�!O ��Usos 1 Zardno'sloek T Y P P «-n are Din to church one ? Q �LtiA1,LF' Al.3I PROPERTY FOR SALE, Funerals tura��hed cn the ehortE;,'t notne i over her face. Elope was looking very radiant just earl and we shall be very lad to Clave 1 - •'• " I DOW, If th'e ells O y' y �' F The follt�s+link sal sable. farm properr•3 in t` and satisfactiongu, anteed. A large assort- �. Gi a nae your hand, said Markham. d w troubled her, she Jocelyn i ith us—very lad for that,! but � Tu�kersmith is f•ar sale!l: The farms consis. of ' meat of Caske'.s, Coffins and Shrouds,&c;., .- f±Ere gave it without a word, 1 certainly never let it flit across her g 1 Y } there is of to be any wedding in the Lot 31, t'onets ficin S,L. , .. .eontiinin; acre=, son hand -4 the best quality. The best. " Listen, he said slowly. "Listen : bright face. Markham found new charms �••� of wrich bo acres are Clcerred, the ren�3indgr { f Enihalsriiag Flail sued free of charge rid , y• lacune of requiring a grand bonne or �Sa,t - I I e C e n ra B U s n e S S well �mbered c �th haul, wood. There is a .food I prices the !Divest. Fane Il�rse. I am, a very, earnest and a ver ' honest in her tiny by day ; and once or twice C o ! l e' � } ing numbers of strugge, people, l who , G.:CI, hau�c ?_%4J,--1;zo' s good bearir_g orchard, I S. T. 11OL31M. Funeral Director. Regi- than. I won't say a word that I don't (it even occurred to him to wonder; how care for one, looking on." iov�i frame l.arn tt}tit?, kood stabling in Crsnnee- 3 encs — GODERICid STREET, directly op11 - - fully mean. Even to help m • own suit I he ever conid havepreferred an unRhowu ce tion, luso ne.er=ta'tinzsl�rin ,welt ;meed, well I ite- the Methodist church in the ha r.,e i } "Your sister roust be -a very odd young l q ;'+� ('� i underdrained, ai.d in a high statrt of - -il:ivation. i �rmeriy occupied by Dr. Scott, t - even to bring sunshine into anv shad _lace and .'the echoes of a voice to this =� ��/"rT�OV tangible, vigorous -minded person, said firs, Seaton, after she has t_ , V i �lT� - Also, west half 1. •t :I9, Concession: 3, L. R. S., owed life—I could not say one avoid that 8a + b and tascina- read F , - this letter aloud for the benefit of car,tainim;:.„ acres. There is 36 acres cleared, I do not ascan with my own heart: f I ting girl, f I the remainder ;Neil timbered with hardwood, „ the two girls. dont love -you as I love the face that After sIl, I should not be afraid . c� 1 - well fenced an underdrained ; there is an or- I — -- Delightful and ' ori3inal, I should - i flashed across me and went sway, I , nee the other face," he said once to him- v, o- I chard and a logi i+arr on said place. xbout 15 + �� �TA� don't love you with the unieasonin self• . Be was standin` 15 HQ e who call her, exclaimed Lottie. I _serer in the history cif this popular training school has the attendance been so Fres fa!1lrtoh:alF dune_ And west half Lot tl, ? AR`D <'flE� Conces4ion ?, L_I A. S,. ,*ontaining 50 acrR s near- i «ell, my�dear, it always ccaa F oar t. IL seems that th young men and women of Canada are determined to have I ' all citared, his farm #3 Muitahle for urn )";'lli1e C°iitns,Geceiot.ChasIes P,esdz,l passion which I feel when I thiUk of i i wins dressed in white, and .chore slight way to admire rude aiYd unconvea- the best. Three times `aa the seating capacity j i Steilkie C, Rider l: r But I do love. you, Iiope, in a way that hand rested on hie arni as the thought h g p i y thus College been increased, and as thyro is a gp rig. creek running through the ! aRgard and other .an>e.i_ g tionality. Of course, Ishan seed Ho a now,we must state to those r G ;, , •arbors All I never thought to lot's a wamaa; I came to him. He felt clad, "I can P - persons who still bane any idea of attending a Com- l Th:s pmpert, , situated on the 3f,.? a wedding present ; but beyond that I mer cal College, that w cannot admit you now, Ou Taesl3ay, January 'Z0, we ' Road.- fay.r nri1 Iron, Seaforth ani 2i trona ( �Oi'''.oio! love you in.the beat way because Ikon- give my whole heart tb the , girl I am don't suppose anything further is expect- i tville able to v Bru.ef eld, cons enierrt to schools and rh�srche�a, ,r g p acres a a}ore students, and it will pay yon to vvsit and enter at a aro^d :el rasa? lead►Ag in all directions• Post paid. I Well bound and handsomet ;:1n- f _ or and respect you, because to Ions in going to marry," he murmured, with in- ed of nae." that time. CataloQuea quailed free. The Pannus wttl iic e+ald seratel3 or tozether, t©� gti3ted. The gretitest offer ever e.ended to to your eyes comforts me, and to taxa ward rejoicing. "I` lou® :you, Aopa, .� . , , the Canadian brie. Rensi, Your hand in mine gives me a sense of better every day," he said aloud., an I be Not even that, if I understand 1 snit pssrehaeser_ Fal further particulars apply re attired letter. by P. O Dada=,r cr { Hope aright, replied Jocelyn, tanning W. J. ELLIOTT,SHAW toJOH �t:ALriK .: Jr., and JA3t�tt"ALREP.I ,' g I DOM NIO�; Pi. BLISHING iORONTt). } peace. You are the best thing in all imprinted a kiss on the girl's broad ( H. I E.iee:•rrtnrg, Y,ru{�tirkti l'. u. Conant~ of iiuron, t i (Continued on 3rd p•ige.) 1 SECRETARY. PRI\QPAL. 12ti? CO, I�90-1 _ - Agents Wanted, , , . _ - - L' - I ! , - 3 ,I '11 lI, ♦_ , .. ,I 3 - ` I � aG . . I _ � - h - I . . i _ -i - F O i S _ , E1. r_ I 1 1 -�,�. . - . { . I . . _ .. - ,F, .... P.., _.__ r. _ __ - ,. _ . .....,. ...z L ' _ ., .. e> ... _ro ... _, __,.. ,L 1 ! 3 ,. F . -. . . �r = t d - '_ . — _ _ Elm _. r ,. , - yam, - _ ii4Ek .— , _ _ . ._ ' va � _ 7 M__ '!M*9_0_00"�151 __- � , _ j - _ ` I i i �- . ; I j ,, .' , i y: 1 IIIId IN(i! I.ozs FOB BAia,.- Th* under- . T OF GOLD Ilse world --a pare hestrte�� aobTe-iniad- whito l rra��i o . b�: ad English girl. To'thiinit'of you is my' •` Have you fined-th _day 'W ked Ce- I s number of a lasale, at Lata � ells* . L• T. ; D� home makes me happy. Will you come, c l of him that aatn a ewing.. on t;Eode rim and Jamey streets Parr sales, at taw �- es v+ prices. ForparttcuIarsapplg to D_ D. �II.9o24 dice .1 I or will yon say no `` use of a wall, not exactly rep " Mark- 9W , (Published in Pamphlet Form bT John. LoTell A shadow s" - . . ham. "Hope is wait to h from me ,-) . "i will come," said Hope. " �' , I Diss Jocelyn.. Shea wondrerf y at• oUgE t1ND LOTS FOB SALE. the snub • _ ': scriber offers for sale the house north of l I will come: Sc'oa have spoken very ocd taehed to her sister. Yon sympathize `- `''i I the �dsfile manse, together with three CHAPTER XVI. words to me, and I thank you; but re- with her in that, eh, ley?" �' I acres of land, suitable building purposes- It S L , j. -Witt Cbntimted from last week.) mlem r—don't ever forget—that where "Staff t" said G Tey. >� wouldn't ,tit, AND BOYS OVERCOATS. on the trE, erg a quantity �f young trout trees : commen ' g to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 � far , 1!<!y dear fellow ! It was at your re- you vi a little, I give all. Dont forget if I we;e Hjope. Ill peak to tier to- 1i star quest ,it was shut. No," continued that. God help me, if the shadowgrgiws morrow." I ��AR Ut 31 Con- i� - Markharra, in a mleditatve fashion, "I..e•" "M;y d r fellow, orgive me; yon 3i Foie BALE.—Fax ale, axe left anQ thP, balance of the r n fi, McKillop, containing 100 acres, never did bear the girl's name. I'll just ` 1`c ahan t—it ` won t—it melts al and Hope eve al wa m, been excellent A, fair assortment about 90 > cleared and astI in a good state ofP IS IL df . � tell you absolutely: what Dame. ed, You ready," Paid Markham with enthusiasm. friends„ but!" regards her marriage with Stock 1�3t go. Profii not taken into consideration. i cuit#vatio . It is well underdnined and well cif .t wilt -ad e for ourself howmnchand how He folded his arms round . Hope and me, I- think I am the right person to I i, fenced. 7jhere is a good br#eic house and II - J g y talk with her -1 m n that she fs uo�t ( frame barkrs, stables, sheds, kc. There is a little it meant.I was in St. Peter's church, kissed her. - e wa derin about.• the priests were likely to yield a at ongly expressed UL, larlre beinit is situated within g orchard and a never tailingoii B m , a g s P cc ►++ " ot�segwill. and wall; be sold hes thee miles 1.cultere was What a delightful arrangement . wish.to any one'else. D W A RD � �V1cFA p. pp �y';chantia in the distance • and th . g said Katie Don las when she was told. " It's all rubbish !" s „id Grey again, in Jo13ii 3IcCLL'BE, lrirrteta Bill P. o. 1151�ti =c that s"okl smell of incense I was g I >L y , �r walking down one of the many aisles, " And you began by disliking him., so . a very ill-tempered Ito e. " Hope i. a r. irl:r, �AMBU KKMI when I yaw s girl standing with her pro mach, yon know, my dear. Anyone goose—yon ll � forgis+e my saying Jso, -_ f PSI FOR aALE --A valuable 2tm acre farm , gazing could see that. S'on could not bear even Markham, blah what does it matter, ajn a 1 EA �� R H situs ed on concaesion 13, tats 2a and `3, file slightly turned towards me, g g , i • 'JdcK' ,op wnahip. They are close to the beet I rip at sn exquisite bit of painted plass. to have his name mentioned, and Bee case of th�i kind, w ether she gel's a . ` markots i western Ontario, an good crave! For all Affections of the 1.It was s treacherous ,ds —the sun hot, and Maud Chatterton even now talk of 'letter frofn Jtx llyn or of ." I I °road o ce, s bin a fear minutes walk of store. the wind cold. She held a far wra how cross you !Dotted when yon found "For my own pert, agree with you, t post office, schaoi; churches and suers necessary convenien _ The soil is of the very best and 1<i p oat anzio a to be married ! c�e f j� loosely on her arm. Her hat was posh- YO on. Rossiter's back. Gr y. I am m , wel%adapted for either sloe!: os min raising, - ed back. I was attracted by the delicacy "I am ao deliE;ht'ed obont it all my for„ codependent of ny sentiment in i as bolo tars are watered by a lining spring Q of her rafite, and the ea>!y grace of her, dear," snit! b1cs, Chatterton : "don't the a' atttr, it Is extremely inconvenient creed- There are about 30 acres of choice tin- Et'i►FO ��r7 P mind that sill rl and her ridiculous trottin backwards an4 fgrwards from i her an both fauna shouse and stables, and 3 j'� '' attitude, She started when she heard y g i orchards of choice unit. The annus will be sold my step turned towards me. `I am nouaenae, It is sometimes true=is it Oxford. I am absolutely neglecting my separately ortogether to suit purchaser. For -so glad,' rrExe said, in a low voice. ` Yon not ? that we. conceal -our real feelings necessary Work. Ido trust Hope ve Duet price and terms apply to the proprietor PE?EB e - are an Englishman, re on not by pretending to dislike." mind our having a very short honey- i �icEw'Eti, Leadbi�ry P. O_ 1lSltt' 1iILiS1C.� IstrumeI ' y Ho a smiled and blushed. moon." C net ra i F r n' t I a use I ' you are an Engliph lady',' I replied.— p 1 I FARM FOR SALE CHEAP_ --$5,500 will bur Yea I have Moet �iy party, and this " I don't think I ever did dislike him Next d Jocetyn's eagerly looked for loo acres ort the 9th cow-e:ssiori of Me- I 1 big plaice frightens me so dreadfully.'— really," she ,said in a low voice. ." At `letter arr ved. It contained all the T K lop, het nging td Thompscm Morrison, who 1yM]P0TZZ�i � - i r3 resid _ in Dakota and does not intend to , `Yon will doubtless find yon'r arty least, not since he sang Farewell to nanajl eo atalationa, and ended with t��l STREET SE�'ORTH. ► ' 5 pp LOclaber.' �" an almost pss!sionate request - " Don't t ' return, eihty acres cleared and the baanee c again very nick! I answered. Tnen } $ quickly,' r "And you are ver ha now, dar- get married until I et back to you, m r ; good hardwood, maple and mak elm, w;mhin of I made a commonplace remark —I ,bink y Y 'happy g rte I 6 •a 1 I e wish to (draw the attention o the people of Seaforth and sur miles of sq�ol rth arra within of a mile of o he bit of hinted }ass efts had ling, said Katie. wn dear, sw t, pet Virtue. h ! � school hoMethodist and Presbyterian Scott Brotb'l S about t p g eek roundi l Country to our large, extensive and varied Mock of ��'11 //�� 1iV t V �} _been studying. `I am too nervous to `'`,Yes, Katie, I am certainly very remit m+y heart if yon. do; aad . Aunt i a i , I Churches, res, Trills, blacksmithin13 and 1 L1 V Z. ;l j - wagon Huai; -n sha t office, &c., good build tiargaret I am cure v�ill allow rine tt► 1'y' p' P� admire; it," she answered. ' Will you happy, -• Ings and wtfter for cattle, and good gravel roads s v walk down with me as far as the near- "You . have made an excellent a.rd porde baci to England a little before her- } 3 � to soy part!. of the towns3 taxes the lowest : r � g p y HODS HOLD ' TURNITURE6 of env of the borderin, toanshipe. �, mort� a PRt3P IETOR ,eat entrance? Perbaps I shall nee my wise choice, said Mrs. Chatterton, heli and �o tie. Tele ra b, when ouvL[ people coming n.p,' I bowed again. She drawing•ng her clieir luxuriously to the getth's, what -is the very lat"t date to I w#1► be taken for 3_cJ00 at 6 per cent_ Apply was a very beautiful girl; it ayes a are, fond gazing at the flames with s which you can Defer your marriage, and to JOIN C_ jiORRlvOti, Winthrop P. O., Our,. 11 I w leased smile. "` :[ may as well ea I will be. witYi you in time. I wi[!,I tffanst, le manufacture the oat of our ll;stt SAS+ )g,''$ Q°' j'' pleasure to walk with her even a few p Y y I Furniture, and can Guarantee it"to i e ars- She had a certain meaner—I Dope, now that sl.t chance of such a I shall ! Do grant the tisis one little pe- I the public. At present our Stock i.s Very lame, and is daily increasi3 ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 12, concvs- - �- F sion H. R_ S.,,Tuckersmi.h, containing pI�' N�8� Dunham, NewTYork , dont know how to describe it—which thing is at.an end, that you are not at . tition; My own Oope, forlthe sake of�old I To reduce this enormous stock our rices have been ugarked away down, Seto acres �-3 cleared ' 53 seeded to. 8 f r P gram, R', Bel kGo., Guelph ; Dominion Piano I prevented my thinking it strange that all the sort of girl to run abont Landon times, and beceuae—because.-well, be- Q sown to fall wheat The Sarin #s well -fenced, At our low prices everybody erybody can afford to purchase., Our establishment Company, Bowtnanville. she should oak the to do this trifling ser- alone. It's all very wellforsome, but cause, ,in ,cpite o everything, your Jo is well underdrain,d and well watered by a FAY vice for her. -- We met her art at the you are not, ki"d. not rho happiest of mortals. 37 is open to you all, and we want tosee you and all your friends. Bring never faili g spring which rine through pipes i ! party into a tro'h, There is a brick house and - entrance. I bowed -= she thanked me "I took .very good care of myself, I There were pages more in this volam- the *1iole family �with� your and pt. us a Visit. We will be Eery happy kitchen, frame barn, i,table an t driving shed. l ORGANS:— W. Bell � ICs: with a smile. That's a13 Gre I fell aware you, 1Mrs. Chatterton." . ino�ul letter, but the sum! and substance to show : ou'our ods, whether o1purchase or; not. Hoping ,soon to Good orch. The farm is situated within 1 Guelph ; )ominion Organ Comp$ny;,Y y go in loves with her. Thinking of it calrti " I daready, my dear. `• BnL it was a of all upas the same : Hope mast not give i i r � two and a half miles of Seaforth, with kood , I,owma,nville ,, D. W. Karn & ICD a thorhsand alias. 'Now as bar. h rsell awn tin til Jocel n stood b her have''a visit from you, we remain, respectfully yoiurs, `THE CErTRAL li gavel road leading in all directions_ Lfiill be ; i ly, I am inclined to attri[iute such pity, r, p - Y , Y Y FURNITU�tE ]ROUSE, opposite IcPaul's Dry! Goods House. sold on easy -teas. For further particulars ; 1�oodatcek• i sudden fancy to the fever from which I Markham swife—he holds an excellent side: ii. I apply on the premises or to JOILN PBE: DER- 1 - - had Jnet recovered." posction at Ozfocrd'., .you know, dear, a " Aiid: I won't," said the girl, tears I I Gc1sT; r'eatorth P. O., Ont. Il36tt ' The above iastcamenta always on band; slstt " What was she. Dick? The girl, diatngaiahesd manin.himeelf,very—aa his filling kaeR big bright eyes. You won't j ROBEFTSOiV PROPRIETOR" a few goo3 seeohd-hand Pianasand Q�cgzri9 for F wife the ai f whietr was so unsuitable in sink tut p ick. Jo hoe set her heart an this ! FAB3I FOR SALE= For sate, the south halt , sale at from S?i upwards- Instruments soja on rA i I mean." , �i ; "I can't quite describe her. She had an oinuibus'will be really becoming." and it is ,lick. m�ich " grant. I should i' of Lot 33, Concesrsion t3, 3are c e�rnta! well 1 the instalment plan, pe on terms to snit cos- I _ 415 -b 100 acres. a -soul 90 of which are cleared, `ave#, l tomes. Violins, Coapertirras and nabs!! in=cru'- :�� cc - menti on hand; also sheet muiic boo &c. Mrs. hatterton means 'that on like he 'to stand b try aide when I vee _' ,r�, _ fenced, about :0 free from stumps and well e. , i. a look of !Pope 1%srron, brit her face Y Y 9 o 1 was chore delicate, •fend altogether more have'euch a proud way of talking,', ez- myself to you, Dick. She is the only H =t' I underdmined. The balance is well timbered beantifnt, Her voice, too, was like — I plained Katie. one ve = vey near to the—and q nits ab a with r ►rciwood_ The !eared part is nears !-all �1 /'� k ay' „ , y' `""• i f' =�l 71 seeds! tp gram- There is a frame house:and. ��J��T B MJ . , aeon t think. I could take her features to And of looking, my love, added eosntelly belonging to me She is not ndel~t - �e aTt2llt, ursine s,;rn, also a small orchard. Thra is Dale of 1 pieces, even to oblige you, Grey." the good lsAy. only m. sister, but we are twins. � )o ; ! t the nest farms in the township and has no ; s` Dick. It's a queer "It's no matter,"' said Hope, sudden- you L-r�ow we never hail a quesrrel in our _ - / broken or bad land on it, and is Rood for either ; ' Ohy never mint!, F uranin or s ock and will t sold cheap. It is � s j story -1 mean your falling in love • like Iy facing rdnnd upon them both. " I lives ? Of course I ditferea from her w- - - ..- , within thr a miles of Brufsei;' and .rithin a i t %'� - s , that. There I believe I've caught cold. am not marrying for position. I am fully duce, but we newer said unkind uarter of a mile of a school. Apply an the A Wh I i. / 1 'V g This department is complete in every aspect, and prices the low- q p - , n • �` • That window is chilling me again. 1 marrying because I love Dick more than things oto each other s other girls do— premises b:r to Brussels P. O. WM. or JOH�ti , may, Markham, Why didr''t you folluw all the. rest of the world. I am 'proud never, She only asks to give her time est. Two first-class hearses on hand. Fu$1elalg attended to at the ftOBB, Jr. { 114�tf _ Q f her up, when you were so—so far gone?" of that; if you like. But as to position, to ,come. `fe w'ill ' iv her time, wbg't shortest notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. ! AR3I Z Op. cAhE.—Containing 139 acres, I �T�v E A N D That's ' just what I did do, and it I think a girl may keep up her dignity we ?" r , F bean; its at Lots 1 and 2, on the sth 1 ROBE,TSON' Funeral Director. was just in that particular I absolufe,ly even= if she does ride in omnibuses. I " Cert inly,'' skid I Markham. Hie � Mncevsion of 3iorris, 100 acres cleared and 5 = failed, Remember: I had not the slight- -was very ha in London and very in- face as1rave • he did not know wh he `s ' acres chopped_ The i well Road hardwood g rY PPY ' ' bush; fairly fenced and n eft underdraine d, good ! F• U R N I S H , N G eat: clue -1 could not identify one of dependent, and I had no idea of going sudd�nlJ felt quite depressed. Ae hat r • frame house and kitchen with woodshed her party—I could not ;even tell you about in a poor•spirited sort of a way." mom�nt Cecil sauntered into the roo I attached, two -frame barns and frang stable, I ' - now what dress the girl herself wore. I "You couldn't, darling—it wouldn't ' You have heard !" he ezclai ed. EXTRAORMNARY i BARGAINS g� orchard and three wells and asoft water r �0� cistero. within two milers of Blyth, .There > Hi remembered the soft white fur she car, be in yon, "explained the adoring Katie. " oreign -paper ?— you have bear at I there is a mood market far all kinds of produce, ' I ried on her arm; Iremembered the color Mrs. Clic; terton looked at the girl as las ,Hope? liow—how i3 Jocelyn,?" school within fivci minutes' walk from the house. _ • _ ' of her hair, her face, her voice.. I dare if she would read her through. ' " All right," answered Hope. . " She � would take fifty acres in part pay. This is a' S�emor�h, "ntarl`af sag I did not remsmber that face as it "She's. a fine young thing," she said . 'wants to come to the wedding;, and icl: Are. ften made by puttiug an extra price on ordinary goods, Its ; first class ,farm and parties wishing to buy appeared to others. I hay"e'no doubt I to hereetf. . "It would t*ke a good deals'' Dick kind. He nay=e abs uiay. S'cu'll real! a dive -awn when a merchant advertises as an would do vdell.to call and nee it. Apply on the y a y premises or address Bluth Po-st office. NICII- We are offering Bargains in idealized it. Perhaps the girl I have to break her spirit. 1 cannot help.ad-', be glad, won't you, Cecil?" l _ OLAS CL31INf,. 1139tt dreamt of does not exist at all. At miring her. I wonder if she will be' tiope:was still glancing over herr let. ~---?---- - any rate, I have not seen. her since, at- happy with that rather queer professor. ter. She looked up with an arch, Igay EXTRAORDINARY NARY ATTRACTION i` SRM FOR �ALE.-For sale, lot ', coneeasion . /� ��! though I have looked for her,.and morn He has, a temper—I am sure he has a senile now- full into Cecil's face. i I F i, 11 R township of Tuckeamith, con- Vial + Yat a Par{�raf;' - in after morningwaked uwith the tens tr. - How will Ho et on with a ' Y oq'tt be ver lad !" she exclai ed tainine one hundred acres more or less, fi acres l . >' P g Y g • That he is °sellino• his roods' cheap. If that is extrao..rdinary then his cleared, Eo of which are seeded to grass, well nn- ' AlI Stoves Gaaratnteed. vague hope that I tnght find her. She mad who possesses a temper ?" a note of sympathy in her volts, ordinar rices a e not thea and that is usual! the fact: 'S,�T don't ` derdnined, three never failing wells. On one f flashed into my.life and weak away. She = . Glad II. Yo man ever yet looked1less y P ; Pt y fifty of Laid lot there is a log house, frame barn T I ' and very Eupeiior orchard and on the other a A full line of took something—the beat of me, with C¢APTEi. XVIII. glad, cry , f ; ec , ry„_ I good frame house and baro, stables, and good her. 1 have: not been the came man When Cecil heard of Hope s engage You're not going to be each sa fo 1. i 'CH 'CHEAPER THAN EVERT orchard. The whole will be sold together or 1 ; McClarys Famous'Sto res . Z, since.” - . anent, he did not say a word, A friend said Cecil, turning white to his cry each fifty separately to suiti purchasers, located —The train was fast nearing its dea- broke the neve to him at his club, a lie and nlancin :ft Mark Clam, " 1 oc- Sim 1 because we sell eve da at as cher rices as` can ossibl be 1} miles fromS�aforth, wit be sold reasonable �, a g P y ry y P P P y tination, the daylight had long depart- friend who! knew Markham and who elyn's at the other side of the woti : made,. Chea Hess is an rdinar future nOl; an i on � terrns,as the proprietor is retiring irons For which We are .Sole Agents. + p y , For further particulars apply to the etc. Markham's voice died into silence was much interested in the fact that he and to put +aff the weddin ou'lli re• I undersigned ed ori the premises, and it by letter to • P 8—Y I ' 1 y'" p Great Bs,r ins in Table and Library and Grey did not articulate a single was about to in^ur the risk. of matti- pent this, MArkham. I say, but you're EXTRAORDINARY FEATURE Sento P_ U. q;ltICHAELDOEtSEY. 31;5t! l - word. As they ap'proaehed Peddtngton, mony. This friend, Clavering by name, no going to do itt you two; y�u are my Lamps, �, the younger man. roused , himself with . plied, Grey with questions, to which he jo'4ing !" Of our business. R- e sell the best goods. alb the time. That is why we `-ALUABLE PROPERTY Folt SALE_ _ A I F an effort, received such short and unsatisfactory "'I don't understand you, Cecil " ald N Good Dwelling Rouse, main part, 361_ 1 cc :, „ Y Y + don t adrertlse It gs if It were and 14s1 , 12' storeys srjth kitchen 1 18 and a' - About Rossiter, he began : shall replies that, he left him, under the int• Hoa in.astoniahment. first Claes cellar under all the main kart. There I • M. WHITNEY, I meet you to -morrow at Tatt call's ?" pression that he (Grey) wus°" so#c" on But Markhaam'ti tome showed real! an- I is alio a rood! well and cistern and mune I SOMETHING WONDERFUL • '''I forgot; did I not tell. ydu ? I am the girl himself. . nbyance. , i I orchard, with plenty of land for both garden and MLAIN-ST., - SEAFORTH. lawn purposes, oleo Cider 31i11,?5e#o aZth stable not going to sell the horse. When Grey got home to his neat tittle " I would do anyt*g to pleaee m fu- 'That we are giving customers but •the 'best for the money. Bear in � 1 r I I a za a y and w heel house attached,- in first class work- ``No? �'Phat do yon mean ?�' flalt in Curzon` street, he found a letter tore wife," he said sternly. •'An in order, with good trade established. The sis 1 I mind that the best Goods and the fairest prices ars ay' ordinary and ane r, with lots - What I say, I have ehanged my from Markham, a very brief epistle., also this matter I shall most certainly yield to , � g to and formingpart of everydaymatter s sunlight and shower at the Partain Dr Goods the shove mentioned s. ill be sold se rately or io?. mind; or rather Miss Karron ha3 for announcing the fi t :— - her very natural wish.: Hope, dear did ,- a y �' and' Clothing House of Seaforth. together to suit purchaser or purchasers, afford- JA( _ E 1a'e• 1�"ash me j.oy, Grey ; it is all right. Forget yon not once tell me that SI rs, Se ton b crag a gond chance tri any one desiring to pun - P . . our conversation coming up to town last week. and your sister and edusin were congaing ' . chase a good dew dwellinz, first class in every 1 1�_� I Hope knows and to eatistied_ Forget it and 1 C;HAPTE.K XVII. i to town in May ? This is the first week respect, or lots on which to build an the situa-- 1i J "S"es "said t3o ;` �Tes "—she COII Come down to Bournemouth ; we ail want you. tion ra etlual to that of any in the village This I It + lpe• Yours, in Slareh. We will be married in b by. PTC K A � - - hill be sold at a bargain as the owner 3 c c .; - :, s t 1 11 .L ��JJ property tinned very slowly— and that is all, Dim 3lAttsrr_kx. '• Write aad tell your sister on. . y intends securing a farm. For Il p•,rticulars - ' You never saw the other girl again ?" " Forget it "' muttered Grey : •' I'm _This ar4ri-ement wan 'finalty rulde. J apply to BERNARD THO3IPSgN or G, J_ = SC - I SUTHERLAND, both of Hensalt. 1 11;5tf. M Iti'evar." so likely to, of tonna®! Wasn't it al Cecikc�id riot interfere by soother W rd. .,11 _-'y - _ "And you think I should make yon a ways the sort of thing I dreaded ? The only ,thing he did do was to ask f for Corner 'M a rn and Market streets, Seaforth . ` T , ZE ,;, good wife ," Didn't I long ago say to Elope that if , Jocelyn s addreee;, which,Bope gave inn, .I -I!LE.`DT FAR3[ FUR A> —For bale, I ---- „ pr •Lot 19 Ist uonces�ion Tuckersasith, Con- ,REMY! �_ Cr � ,' �1 Honest! 1 do. Honestly, I also she—she mat Markham i't would be 911 •wondering why he looked so pale nd taining 10f acres, nearly all�cleared, Real fenced i " t _ ' <C - 4, I LLL hill 11 1 believe that you will be happier with up with me ? Doesn't instinct tell me careworn. ! (`1 A 'p �ji �1 ander-draimd and all seeded to grass, There is me than living alone in Bayswater." who the girl is that ha� bewitched him'. "Are you going to try your ck Ljll.LltD�O B�0�_A.L.' 0 1 a Iargebriek house rith tin roof anti eoagain- " I was not unhappy there ; I had a —the girl with a look of Hope, only ,again ?" 5he asked. `` Oh, I hope on % ing all modern improvements also a larze bank �} barn with stone r:tahlin:; capable of accomodat- ° . _ ; full and busy life. The boys interested more beautiful • with, Hope's voice only'Rill succeed !" r11 „ ► Pe . - � � cur 3 horses and :3'3 Castle, also straw house, toe. I was independent, sweeter. And she was in Rome then • • " I sha-11 never succeed !" he answered ''root house, tt,ane pig pen, drivinz and imple- `'` Practically you shall be so still. I and wouldn't it be just the sort of thing almost brutally. , I went homes and ail out buildings ms-ually found Will never coerce you," she'd do -to appeal to a strap er to help And he hurried.out of the room b n on I anal class' faro . Tbe'bssildings are all' in It + I+ „ ? PP , g P - - �' ' g GREAT S 8•A L E p� containing JO acres, adjoining II alarm being %and ► _ � ' Oh, it isn't that, Hope frowned. her . lie wouldn't take a liberty—he ing the door noi3ily niter him. g They were walking up and dovrn in wouldn't dare; and she—she would have Markham was obliged to o back to seeded to crass! There is not a foot of waste the shelter of one of the pine woods at her own way with any fellow. Forget . Oxford, and sn arrangemeat$was made i land on either farm. on Lo there h, a gewd IzErVER Bournemouth. The aromatic slyest r + r*v I h frame. horse, frame barn, twlo large sheds etc. it Fes, that s so like! that Ho should live with the Dqn I r, t smell came lesaantl on the ;air. Ho Y Pe g There is a good bearing orchard on each farm_ P Y Pe Cecil did, howevef, come down ,to lasses during the short time -that wduld OF T �•"—� r -' � 1 These tams are situated on the Huron road one m"LER walked slowly; alae was still weak, and Baurnemonth ; end there be trade him- elape� before her mar cage. bSrs, ea- ' i , mile 1:nd a halt from Scl forth, and are: among her face hal only a faint color. self eeceedia I a reeable ton Lottie and Jocel jrn were a an'*n the best faro in lite Harron tract. They will be l $ y g eongratu- . p g gold cheap and on easy terms. They will be sold " Suppose," she said at length !sup lsted Ho warm! cut a number of the winter and spring in; Alge{rii, i and ` Nether or se , L Pe Y. , separately. Apply on the peen igen f RFS %, STRONGEST, £3 ll� G E S, B` y p ose I say yes, and you mart e e and C ®mmepking January 2. 1891 or address, «'11_ FOWLER, Seaforth F. U. Y y n , stale, but time-honored jokes, delighted Jocelyn wrote enthusiaa.ticaliy at�ont f 1 Then—then—afterwards you see the Katie Douglas, to say nothing of Bee Pe g other E1. Ho 's goodness and blarkh m's ii23-tt, COiY rAf�1S Nt3 g Chatterton, and was altogether the life 'kindness in patting off the .wedd ng- I mum+ Aiaaonaa, Lanae, Paspha:e� `'` Is it likely ?" said Markham. "What of the party, day. IL w:as finally arranged that it . ae ROPET'.TY' �'OP s+iLk: —The undersiened Cfl k1JY fP1Ri lRl�irJ3 SitaTAgfiF» P offers for sale cheap, hii valuable Village � 2� m�-T,o, o� ;. is one face'. There are millions in the to tate lace on the first Saturda in And continuing fo one month Grand opportunity- for buyers Of Property, known as lots msuiher 63 and 64_ on ((( E. W. GI LL1=TT, blaikham wanted Hope to become his P , c ac.k6o, r,,,3 world. I have spent two ears looking r a liens Your hs and Bos 'inter j, nderwr�ar at iron! 1:3 to ? per the north side of (,! seen street, Pett3'. saucy, f P Y S wife with as little delay as possible. May, and evr n for this Jocelyn nst r , p lit .`tier t1 E4 C. - for it and never cin ht a glimpse or „ �►p i z illarie (if Hensall, and east aide of Railcar• 1 >; g P travel back a day or two before her don- Cent, cheaper than tl , value. This «-ill be without doubt the best trar_k, on whwh lot, there is a fine frame duel � � C LZBEAi'TI,.� ��?� i CAKE got s clue, The face may have gone You have nothing to wait for, he anions. said : you can rig yourself out after- P I opportunity ever offeAd in the town. �ti e ti -Auld say buy now at our ling `'t`3- in tlrrt-clams repair, dna a good fra:,;e I _ away into the said girl may be Mrs. Seaton wrote a lou letteal to ! 210x26. p stabir: There is a splendid well on the dead. In an Lase, the chances ares wards, What do a lot of clothes signi- g Great Special Sale ah.d save money. and the Y fy ? We want one another. Come to Hope, begging of her to overlook I the P ' premises eti+ire fenceoin s orrt,re ctha flog ac rtalso thousand to one thrat I may Heti°er Bee ,,; peat atld offering her house and Oar stock of lI= nes and Bogs' .Cas is unexcelled and for this nieelr planted out `Hitt, ornamewal trees and r_ her again." i s i - me at once Hope . . p "It is not the clothes," said Ho e, her cwn .chaperonage .for the v�' ed- + i shrubs, also �s th all kinds of small fruit_ This "You ask me to ba •your wife. And . , P div ceremony, But Hope's an7w..r I11oTl h, we will make prices so lo�v that it Ail_''' l,P all olrjeCt t0 bu of valuable property X111 be sold the -p as the you loge this ottrer girl. You don't say You dant sappos I care about them ? g Y• P ; y l John Po ter s11 owner intend] stiortii #zas in;- the vii,age, For l • But I should like t hear from Jocelyn was.a decided one. us at the present gre4t sale. full particulzr- apply to JAMES R. BERRY or! anything at all about loving nee• Don't Y I don't want, to think any before I quits 6]: the'�day. `ro, I have y ! i G. J. St•THEHL A\D, Conveyancer and \otar-.- s you think: you are ver unkind to me ?" '' , r T Public, Ilensall_ �Il er and - - y y y , not seen her for two years but she is thoughts of you, Aunt Margaret. lam Fancy Flannel 'Shirts, Tlltw�_ ,11 :Handkerrl.it f5 (�:oves ecl; - 1bisrkharn looked, full into Hopes even grateful to you for being good to Scarfs Read made CGlothino till l t 7 - ti-B•—Posses-ion of the pre nr�e9 ran ase : is; ne es, She. raised them frank! to meet my only sister, and I lova her dearly. I , y .,,�e sod at prices that will make in a nionth-s• time if desired. Tbt; owner ha. 1 tiilre Emporium, t his—they Y want to hear from her before I ehan a Jocelyn ; but I Fannot be married f Mo I also a tine Trotti Stallion risine 3 years over, owe fwere full of pain. 'Then she I g our house, -it would pain me, I cannot evetybcxly haply. i which he still ,ieit or r\than ;e fora tr of -oo�l i SEA;=ORTE � - QI+c'TcSP.IO j them of , aameth ng had . name. I have written • I may hear y P I , P"' do it. I'iesidea, w e have de�cad nares. Tri- til allign �s l,ral;eu to h lru«?. in a day or two. After that I dont I struck her,an.d a crimson wive ole. calor ed not to have any so-called waddling, (� �j� c JA1rIE - R 13FR1:Y. I OUTSIDE OF THE C031BL�i�TIOK caused b some dee emotion !nave t mind how Poon Von take me, Dick.. g >;morningi V�iW�!O ��Usos 1 Zardno'sloek T Y P P «-n are Din to church one ? Q �LtiA1,LF' Al.3I PROPERTY FOR SALE, Funerals tura��hed cn the ehortE;,'t notne i over her face. Elope was looking very radiant just earl and we shall be very lad to Clave 1 - •'• " I DOW, If th'e ells O y' y �' F The follt�s+link sal sable. farm properr•3 in t` and satisfactiongu, anteed. A large assort- �. Gi a nae your hand, said Markham. d w troubled her, she Jocelyn i ith us—very lad for that,! but � Tu�kersmith is f•ar sale!l: The farms consis. of ' meat of Caske'.s, Coffins and Shrouds,&c;., .- f±Ere gave it without a word, 1 certainly never let it flit across her g 1 Y } there is of to be any wedding in the Lot 31, t'onets ficin S,L. , .. .eontiinin; acre=, son hand -4 the best quality. The best. " Listen, he said slowly. "Listen : bright face. Markham found new charms �••� of wrich bo acres are Clcerred, the ren�3indgr { f Enihalsriiag Flail sued free of charge rid , y• lacune of requiring a grand bonne or �Sa,t - I I e C e n ra B U s n e S S well �mbered c �th haul, wood. There is a .food I prices the !Divest. Fane Il�rse. I am, a very, earnest and a ver ' honest in her tiny by day ; and once or twice C o ! l e' � } ing numbers of strugge, people, l who , G.:CI, hau�c ?_%4J,--1;zo' s good bearir_g orchard, I S. T. 11OL31M. Funeral Director. Regi- than. I won't say a word that I don't (it even occurred to him to wonder; how care for one, looking on." iov�i frame l.arn tt}tit?, kood stabling in Crsnnee- 3 encs — GODERICid STREET, directly op11 - - fully mean. Even to help m • own suit I he ever conid havepreferred an unRhowu ce tion, luso ne.er=ta'tinzsl�rin ,welt ;meed, well I ite- the Methodist church in the ha r.,e i } "Your sister roust be -a very odd young l q ;'+� ('� i underdrained, ai.d in a high statrt of - -il:ivation. i �rmeriy occupied by Dr. Scott, t - even to bring sunshine into anv shad _lace and .'the echoes of a voice to this =� ��/"rT�OV tangible, vigorous -minded person, said firs, Seaton, after she has t_ , V i �lT� - Also, west half 1. •t :I9, Concession: 3, L. R. S., owed life—I could not say one avoid that 8a + b and tascina- read F , - this letter aloud for the benefit of car,tainim;:.„ acres. There is 36 acres cleared, I do not ascan with my own heart: f I ting girl, f I the remainder ;Neil timbered with hardwood, „ the two girls. dont love -you as I love the face that After sIl, I should not be afraid . c� 1 - well fenced an underdrained ; there is an or- I — -- Delightful and ' ori3inal, I should - i flashed across me and went sway, I , nee the other face," he said once to him- v, o- I chard and a logi i+arr on said place. xbout 15 + �� �TA� don't love you with the unieasonin self• . Be was standin` 15 HQ e who call her, exclaimed Lottie. I _serer in the history cif this popular training school has the attendance been so Fres fa!1lrtoh:alF dune_ And west half Lot tl, ? AR`D <'flE� Conces4ion ?, L_I A. S,. ,*ontaining 50 acrR s near- i «ell, my�dear, it always ccaa F oar t. IL seems that th young men and women of Canada are determined to have I ' all citared, his farm #3 Muitahle for urn )";'lli1e C°iitns,Geceiot.ChasIes P,esdz,l passion which I feel when I thiUk of i i wins dressed in white, and .chore slight way to admire rude aiYd unconvea- the best. Three times `aa the seating capacity j i Steilkie C, Rider l: r But I do love. you, Iiope, in a way that hand rested on hie arni as the thought h g p i y thus College been increased, and as thyro is a gp rig. creek running through the ! aRgard and other .an>e.i_ g tionality. Of course, Ishan seed Ho a now,we must state to those r G ;, , •arbors All I never thought to lot's a wamaa; I came to him. He felt clad, "I can P - persons who still bane any idea of attending a Com- l Th:s pmpert, , situated on the 3f,.? a wedding present ; but beyond that I mer cal College, that w cannot admit you now, Ou Taesl3ay, January 'Z0, we ' Road.- fay.r nri1 Iron, Seaforth ani 2i trona ( �Oi'''.oio! love you in.the beat way because Ikon- give my whole heart tb the , girl I am don't suppose anything further is expect- i tville able to v Bru.ef eld, cons enierrt to schools and rh�srche�a, ,r g p acres a a}ore students, and it will pay yon to vvsit and enter at a aro^d :el rasa? lead►Ag in all directions• Post paid. I Well bound and handsomet ;:1n- f _ or and respect you, because to Ions in going to marry," he murmured, with in- ed of nae." that time. CataloQuea quailed free. The Pannus wttl iic e+ald seratel3 or tozether, t©� gti3ted. The gretitest offer ever e.ended to to your eyes comforts me, and to taxa ward rejoicing. "I` lou® :you, Aopa, .� . , , the Canadian brie. Rensi, Your hand in mine gives me a sense of better every day," he said aloud., an I be Not even that, if I understand 1 snit pssrehaeser_ Fal further particulars apply re attired letter. by P. O Dada=,r cr { Hope aright, replied Jocelyn, tanning W. J. ELLIOTT,SHAW toJOH �t:ALriK .: Jr., and JA3t�tt"ALREP.I ,' g I DOM NIO�; Pi. BLISHING iORONTt). } peace. You are the best thing in all imprinted a kiss on the girl's broad ( H. I E.iee:•rrtnrg, Y,ru{�tirkti l'. u. Conant~ of iiuron, t i (Continued on 3rd p•ige.) 1 SECRETARY. PRI\QPAL. 12ti? CO, I�90-1 _ - Agents Wanted, , , . _ - - L' - I ! , - 3 ,I '11 lI, ♦_ , .. ,I 3 - ` I � aG . . I _ � - h - I . . i _ -i - F O i S _ , E1. r_ I 1 1 -�,�. . - . { . I . .