The Huron Expositor, 1891-01-16, Page 7ABY 16, 1891. PRRINARY. V. S., Honor gredtrafis et srinary College. Al! disease*, treated. Calls promplty. rges niodersate. Veterinarr ey. 01110e -At Weigel Rome 11124 tetinary Surgeon, Urethrae Veterinary College, Toronto t of the Medical Seciety- ,nee promptly tattended toe CM kept constantly on hand. Boesenberry's Hotel, Be. inaryDentiseeer and Surgery 1168-5 ' e,,sg„ 8, gruete of Outride liege, Tedoronto, Menber of Ms Scetiety, W., treats all die. esticateci Asemals. All calla 1 to either by day or night Special attention given so ry. Office on Main Street, south of Kidd'. Hardware 1112 SE INFIRMARY.-Cornee rt- t.deteetreets, next doer to lb Seaferth, Ont. All die Sheep„ or any of the do. 'ociec:u.sfully treated at the ere, on the shortest notice ef Assn W. ELDER, Vete,- 3.--A large stook of Veterbs !distantly on handl e.EGA]-. R.RISON Walton Insurance rssioner for taking affidavits, etoney to loan at the lowest Walton. er, Solicitor, &o. Ofott- f. North of the Commercial - next door to Beama butcher HOLT &GAIEsitore. 870 heDFOOT„ Barristers, Solid. - noir Ontario., J. Geatadr, tee 689 r a athrzrcozi. Barristers, Incery, &o.„ Goderich, O. C., Plume Eform, M. G. 4508- - --- Solicitor, Conveyancer, &4a• toria B. C Office -Over - Rain street, Seaforth. Pei - and 6 per certt. 1035 DIT, Barristers, Solicitors, ere. Solicitors for the Banes a Gale. Money to loan. , Clinton, Ontario. A II. 781 uoceseor to: the rate firm Holmeeted, Barrister; So. and Notary. Solloitoi for Conamerce. Money lo lend. * in Stott's Block, Main CS, formerly with Messes. roudfoot, Goderich ; Bar- e., Seaforth and Brussels. eo's BIock, Main Street. W. B. DICKSON. !,y to Loan. 112? TO LOAN. ie -Straight loans at 6 pep ie privilege to borrower principal money ail hay HOLMESTED, Barrister 859 TISTRY. s D. Sa L. D. S., Dentist- ahnsons Hardware Store, : 1184 1)entist, Office over Ilam - Shoe Store, corner Main iraforth, Ontario. Nitrours- 'eel for the painless extrao- 118et EINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. S.,Exeter, OntWilI be at at the Huron Hote1. on the ttURSDAY IN EACH mortise el,. Rennie on the MST each month. Teeth ex - I pain possible. All work d.es: 971 Dentist, (successor to H. nber of the Royal College Ontario. Teeth inserted n gold or rubber: A safe ;he Rainless extraction of l'Neies bank, Exeter, On )FOAL. , M. re, C. M., M. C. P. Se leer T. Daly'a Grocery. !omptly answered at the 117a , D., Physieiare Surgeon- , Constance, Ont. 1127- leTeleNe Biercefield, Limn- elege of Physicians and, Brumfield, Ont. 980 ..to., Physician, Surgeon leaforth, Ont. Off/cm-and f Godertch street, fieoond tartan Church. 842' P12, D, C. M., Member Physicians and Surgeons,. ()Mee and residence Vercoe. 848 M. Fp., Fellow of the .:PhysiciansandSurgeone. ;to. Dr. Mackid. Office Mackid Main Street,. forner of Victoria. Square. by L. E.: Daneey. to the Northwest and en hf� practice. The in Dr. Maeleld's, office lie (nen residence during 1127x12 )-NEERS. Itod Auottorieer for the Sales attended in, at All Orders left at Tnie ,promptev attended to. pieneral Auctioneer and Orders sent by mail to - O., will receive prompt trate. - 1185-52 DUFF, UK Gown% convey, :eeper and Accountant; Int and Fire -Insurance en, Correspondence, ic. erice e inany of these Mipt attention. Ornate ants), Mane &ram, 8s1- II4 • TD BRUCE Investment -,oaning Money on st lowest Rates ;erest. iK MANCE. Interest Alio-wed on ig to. arnourit and left: of Market Square- ederich. '.,ACE HORTON, Maereeteue,.. • - , JANUARY 16, 1891. 410=1111.1=11011.11.1..b. -- The Widow's Cow. A poor widow, With five children, 'who lived in a village in Germany, with all her labor made but scanty.support. After a whileasme a year of drought; -everything she planted failed to grow,' and her only cow died. It began to be lard with her, with little to eat for her -and her five oh1drei and in her m- e ,patience she mad: "1 do not wish o beg; labor and diligence do not help i1e; it would be 'better if 1 couid die.." As she thus; sat in d stress she heard the ringing of the church bell in the ...village, and julst then her little daughter entered the roses and said :ea "Mother, the church bell is ringing; if you will go to church I will take care of the house." 1 The child said this because, when her mother wag at ehnrch she always came home with a glad heart, The mother answered t— " Why ahould I ge to church when everything goes ill with me ?" But, with al sad heart, she went to church and sat !behind a pillar, no that others might not see her sadness. Dur- ing the service she wept, and could not hide her tears. The preachee spoke of the love and 000dnese of God, and she went home humble and comforted. "The Lord," she said, "has seen my tears and He will dry them if it is for the better." A good and wealthy man in the church saw thepoor woman was in dis- tress, and made inquiry about her and her family. ' • In. the evening, as she and her child- ren sat by their. poor light, they heard a -bellowing at the door as of a , cow. A rap was heard on the door; itj opened, and a man entered and said :-- " A friend hat sent you this cow and some flacks of corn as a present, with a kindly greeting," 1 - The woman was astonished and over- come, and before she could ask who it was the man. was gone. The cow, however, stood tied to a tree, a much nicer one than the one she had lost. She put the cow in the stable and carried the corn in the _house, and thanked God for Elis goodness. The next •inorning the rich man came to the widoeh mad said :— " Yesterday in the church you poured out your tears before the Lod, and He has now given you comfort. For a long time I have -been indebted to Him for the great earthly blessings He has be- stowed upon me, ',therefore accept the co* as a gift from Him. I thank God that He sent you; to the church, and so awakened in my heart an iatereet in your behalf."—The Angelus. Tricks In Trade. While I stood 'chatting with him in the doorway a rather overdressed youth was looking in at the window with a longing geze. It Nies the scrutiny of an uncertain buyer.; Presently he entered the store. The suave proprietor, beam- ing benignantly at him through his eye- glasses, approached. "1 want to look at that Windsor tie in the window" said the customer, pointing through from the back of the window to a blue scarfing in the front row. "Certainly," said Mayer, "1 will get it for yon," and n reaching for it he knocked down seyeral boxes of collars and .we other goods awry. "Sorry to have', troubled you,', said the swell, as he beheld the havoc his curiosity hisd caused. "No trouble at all. One of the clerks will straighten things up in a moment," " What is the price ?" "One dollar." This seemed to stagger the youth, al- though the scarf was made of a hand- some texture and :well worth the money. " Ten't that is little high ?" he queried "Not for that scarf; but 1 min show you some at twenty-five and fifty cen ts. Accordingly the assortment was brought forward and looked over; but the youth was true to his first love, and although I have no doubt it cramped his finances somewhat, he selected the $1 Windsor. "Ther, you see," said the diplomatic Mayer, after the customer had departed. 4' I knew just how to catch him ! He was one of those distrustful sbrt of fellows; and if, ieetead of immediately geing into the whadowetfter the scarf, I had said I 'had one in stock jast like it,' it would have been cernein to look dif- ferent to Mull, anal should have failed to land his money. 1 instfuct my clerks that when a window article is Asked about always to get it out; It the surest way, and really saves tirne in the long run, for you frequently have to get it out anyway to prove that it and the stock article are of one and the same lot. Besides, did you notice that I knocked over a tot of stuff in reaching for it? Well, I did that on purpose That just settled him ! He made up his mind- then, after having given me all athat trouble, ahd my 'being so polite 1 about it, that he icould not go out of the store without buying something. I tell you there are tricks in every trade now- adays, and you'ee got to know them all —that is, the legitimate ones—if you are going to keep up with the procession !" —New York Town Topics. Did Not Da Miracles. A little town pear Providence bossta of a church whoile pastor, besides being an eloquent preacher, is a man; of stal- wart prc,portions.. At one of his even- ing prayer meetings the services were disturbed by two young men, who audi- bly scoffed at everything they saw or heard.. Finally the pastor remonstrated with them on their behavior, and asked them why they attended the meeting. "Wo mile expecting to see miracles performed," impudently replied ono of the rascals. Leaving the desk and walking quietlY down the aisle, the pastor seized oe'e after the other by the collar, and, as they disappeared out of the door, remaeked : " We don't per- form miracles here, but we do cast out devils."—Bostdn Globe. The Rooster Swam Away. It is not often that a rooster has any particular desiie to take a bath, but one Saturday a Port Orange, New Jersey, bird showed that, under the pressure of neceesity, he could swim like a duck. He was chased by a dog to the edge of the Morris canal, and seeing no other mode of escape, he jumped in. the dog followed, but the rooster, using both wings and feet as propellers, forged _rapidly through the water. The canal iwfir is very broad at that place and he look- ed over his shoulder several times to_see whether his pursuer was gaining on him or not. He was olearly the faster swimmer of the two, and when he -strug- gled up the opposite bank the dog was a bad second. The triumphant rooster stood upon the shore, crooked his neck, and crowed until he couldn't see; and while thus indulging • in self -laudation the dog landed and almost succeeded in cateihing him by the tail. Ile had hard-. fly time to save himself by fluttering into a tree. New 'York Sun. -A Curious Dream. A laborer at the Dundee harbor lately told his wife' on awakening, a curious dream whichhe had during the night. He dreamed that he saw coming toward him, in order, four rats. The first one was very fat, and was followed by two lean rate, the rear rat being blind. The dreamer was greatly perplexed as to what evil might follow, as it has been understood that to dream of rats denotes coining calamity, He appealed to -his wife concerning this, but she, poor wo- man, could not help him. His son, a sharp lad, who heard his father tell the story, volunteere o be the interpreter. "The fat rat," he id, t` is the man who keeps the public hou e, that yegang till sae often, and the tw lean epee aie me and my mither, and hablihd ane isyer- self, father."—Scot Paper. • A Mean Man. A 6 -year-old child with a large ap- petite and al special fisndness for pan- cakes and maple syrup arrived at the breakfast table the other morning and forthwith demanded cakes. "Eat your oatmeal first," said her father. • "How many cakes can I have," said the greedy young lady. The father, who is given to practical jokes, cogitated for it moment and then. said: " If you eat one plateful of ()atm* you can have three' cakes; but if yell eat two platefuls you can have four cakes, and if you eat three platefuls you can have six cakes." The child accepted the arrangement promptly, and one plateful of oatmeal disappeared in a twinkling; then an- other plateful followed slowly and • a 'third waahonsumed with evident diffi- culty. A cake and syrup were then prepared. The youngster had been growing more solemn every moment, .and when nee mouthful of cake ha,1 been disposed of suddenly roared out 'n anguish: " My tummy's ful f oatmeal and I can't eat any cakes a11—boo—hoo !"— Newark Sunday Call. Following a Prescription. Doctors haye a great deal to contend with when Tthey prescribe for incorri- gible wags. One of this latter frater nity, after having been prescribed for, paid his physician a visit. " Well;" said the doctor, "did you follow my prescription ?" " ! ' exclaimed the funny man; "1 should have been dead if I had." I "What do you mean ?" " Why, 'left the prescription for a moment on my bed -room window in the fourth story, and my wife, supposing it was a mere waste neap, put up the sash and threw it out into the street. You'd have lost a patient if I'd followed it." What Makes a Man Old. To himself, a man is as old as he feels; to others, as old as he looks. There is nothing strikingly new in this observa- tion, but it applied well in an amusing case the dther day; Oa a train that was coming intiaBoston there were two gentlemen sitting in contiguous seats. One of them was grey and bent. As the 'train approached the white-haired man rose, took up his overcoat, hesita- ted,and glanced nervously around. Then he said :— "Young man, I will be much obliged if you help me on with my overcoat. The other rose quickly, and gave him the &indigence that was asked for. " There—ow ! a little stiff. Thank ou," said the old man. "You are kin1. Some time you may be old yourself, and then you will be glad of a young man's assistance." • The other laughed. "Perhaps, sir," he.said, "you? wouldn't object to telling me how old you are?" "1? 06,4 no," said the old man. "I'm sixty-three years old—almost sixty-four." he said, with a sigh. 'Indeed?" said the "young man," "and now tell you how old I am. I shall be seventy-one years old my next birthday." It was his actual age, but the first man flatly refused to believe it, and went off with an air as if he thought the other was trying to play off.a rather bad joke.—Boston Transcript. ,The Inutility of Grammar. In a locality near Dawson there re- cently existed a flourishing school,taught by it lady. The teacher, wishing one of her pupils to study gremmar told • the child to get one, whereupon the mother sent the following'note to the teacher: " I do not desire for Lulu shall ingage in grammer as i prefer her ingage jjflT yuseful studies and can learn her how tosspoke-preperly myself. I have went throughtwo grammars and can't say, that they did no good. 1 perfer her in - gage in german and yokel music, on the piano."—Dawson Times. • Wide Margin For Gratitude. Of the late Bishop Amee, the follow- ing anecdote is told: While presiding overa certain conference in the West, a member began a tirade against uni- versities and education, thanking God that he had never been corrupted by contact with a college. After proceed- ing thus for a few minutes, the Bishop interrupted with the question, "Do I understand that the brother thanks God - for his ignorance ?1) "Nell, yes," was the answer :, "you can put it that way if you want." . "%%Tell, all I have to say," said the Bishop, in his sweetest musical tone,. "all I have to say is that theeibrother has a good deal to thank God for." • Solomon in all His GlorY. We have recently read e most humor- ous description of a donation party given to a good of clergymen, in part payment of the email salary ; the principal result being twenty-seven bushels of beans and a large variety of second-hand clothing for his five child- ren. The patience of the clergyman's wife gave out. On the next Sunday she dressed all her five children in the don- ' THE HURON ExPliosnemi.. ated second-hand clothing, and under her direction they *arched up the aisle . I just as the pastor wai reading that heedful pessage, "Yet SOlotrion in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these," We need not add that the next denetien party was °feta entirely differ - ell character. A[ -New Year is leginning an perhaps this story May sttggest to some of eur readers that there are bet- ter things to give the pastor than second-hand clothing. and twenty-seven bushels Of beans. fJtreet•Car Courtesy. A sallovi-faced woman, with a wealth of fiecklesion her long nose, entered an Austin striiet car. There were eight or ten well-dressed gentlemen in the oar, but nnne of them showed any in- clination to give her a seat. After she waited a reasonable time, she remarked with ,asperity : " Ef any df you galoots air waiten for me to 'spat in your laps, you are a sucked -in crowd, for I want you to un- derstand 1 an a lady from the grohnd A dread that she Was not in earnest about not sitting in their laps caused six of the gentlemen to leave the car.— Texas' rings. 'Self. Reflected. The world is a:looking-glass, and gives back to eery irAn the expression of his own face. Frown at it and it will in turn 'look sourly upon you ; laugh at it and with it, and it is a Jolly, kind com- panion eend so let ell young persons take choice.---Thackeray. _ 4. Woms: Vcruo GA3 BLE. -The preval: ence of p ty gamblin among women is a matter f concern td the authorities of the larger cities and manufacturing formed, h ch person giving a shilling a t tOWns of ngland. Women's clubs are week and the members throwing dice for the amount. IMME8SE POST OFFICE DELIVERY. --?, It is officially stated that 1,150,000 Christmas parcels have been delivered by the British post offiee, of which 115,- 000 comprised turkeys, fowls, ganie nd Christmas puddings. Y. M. C. A. HEADQUARTERS. -The n- nouneement is made that theYoungM n's ChristianlAssociation of Chicago is Ito erect o megnificent building on the c r- ner of LeeSalle and Madison streets, at a coet 'of $1,400,000. The buildiog is to have 14 stbries. 1 VALUABLE GI. -The Queen Regent of Spain forwarded to the Pope a hand - ionic malecca cane as a New Year's gift. When thd Pope touched the cane the top opened, emitting al shower of gold' pieces. The Pope wee greatly pleased with the gift. I I Take Care of your health. Use pure articles in preparing your food. Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Pow- deri coneai s no impurities or 'adulterants. All grocers sel lit. , , rimensesio==eem I--7 ' . The Keystone. REGULAR action of the bowels is the ke;- jl stone of health. The use of B. B. B. in- sures it and cures constipation, dyspepsia;etc. v ' Miss F. , Whims, 445 Bloor Street, Toronto, Wiftes : " Have used your Bnrdock Blood Sit- ters for Constipation and pain in the head sith dose."aetsuccess. I improved from the eeednd d K1 ie I step off the! Chaps. Wet whit y weather calms chapped hands, isore throe , croup, colds, pain in the chest, swellings, e est swellings, etc.; for which a cer- tain euro' xists in Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the best pain e peller for internal or external use. Keep it on iand in case of emergencies. Every bottle is a little giant in curativelpower. I I A Cash Prize. ,4 The proprietors et Burdock! Blood Bitters -will give &prize of Five DOLLARS for the cleverest and beat essay, (not to exceed 100 words,) upon the meritstz I B.B. B. as a cure for disease. The compeeitiorwill Nose Jan. lst, '01, after which i the success 1 cagey will be published, (with the anthor' name if desired.) They will pay $1 eachfor, any of the essays they may select and publighe No restrictions., Try your skill, and addreee, I T.MILBI5RN & CO., e ' ; Toronto, -Ont. IN! ? Medical Hints. • THE quielcest, sureet and best remedy for rheurealtism, neuraIgi , lumbago, sore throat, so eness and lamen$1ss, s Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It quickly cures sprains, bruises, burns, fros bites chilblains etc.' For croup, ' colds, quin k, etc., take 10 to 0 drops on sugar, and 'apply ne I oil externally also, when imme- diate relief will result. 1 a ead ithese Ilsirbs. 1 to 2 bottle of B. B. B.will ;cure Headache. 1 to 2 bottlesof B. B. Be will cure Biliousness. 1 to 4 bottl s of B. B. B. will cure Constipation.' 1 to 4 bottles of B. B. B. will c re Dyspepsia. 1 to 6 bottles of B. B. B. will ure Bad Blood. 1 to 6 bottles of II. B. B. will ure Scrofula. In any case relief will be had trom the first fee+ dosee. Coming Events. COD ing consumption is fo ershadowed by a hacking coug6, n' rht sweats, ain in the chest, etc. Arrest Uzi p ogress at orn e by taking Hag - yard's Pectoral ijalsani. whicb never fails to cure coughs,' geoid brorichitis hoarseness, etc., an even in confirmed eons= stioi affords great reli f. The Homeliest Man n Seaforth As well' as the handsomest, aed others are in- viteeeto call on any druggiat and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for j the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is sellieg entirely upon its merits and guaran ed to relieve and cure Jhronic and Acute C ughs, A thine, Beonchitie and Consumption. Lrge bott es 50 cents and 1197eow Some Folish Allow a c,clugh to run until it reace of Medicine. They ofte will wear away," but in meet ea away. Could they be induced cessful medicine ealled Kernp's sold on a positive guarantee to immediately see the excellent e a dose. Price 50c and $1.00. all druggists. 1197eow Neeeselews • Skin diseardes are most anno ing because so noticeable. Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap heals ,and cleanses -the skin, eople ets beyond the say, "Oh, it es it wears them to try the sue- aleam, which is ure, they would ect after taking rial size free. At Burdock Pills mire sick heada he by regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. There is no better remedy kind in children or adults than Syrup, or worms of any De, Low's Worm • ' Milburn's Beef, Iron and N ine ie prepared from fresh beef, soluble iron, and pure sherry wine, combinee with choice ar matice. i Itch, Mange and Screeches 1 every kind, on human or eternal& cured in '40 minutes -by Woolford's Seeitare Lotion. hi never fails. Sold by le S. Roberts, Seafort 1186 52 i 1 d , 4iglieh S I4vin Liniment enioves all hard, soft or calloueee - Lumps and Blemishes froml horseseBloorl Spavin, Curbs, plints, Ring Bone, Seeeney, Stifles, Spmins, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,. etc. Save 850 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by .7. S. Roberts, Sea- forih , 1180 52 Men's and Boys' Readytiade Suits. A big lot, at a bargain, all kinds, all sizes, all prices. Call and see them. EDWARD MbFAUL, SEAFORTH. GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. WE SHOW THIS WEEK A FULL1 LINE OFIAN.• GOLA SHIRTINGSs GREY FLANNELS, NAVY FLANNELS. ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN BLANK ETS AND COMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM $1.50 TO $7. BEST VALUE IN THE TRADE IN CRAM 4/1.11D WHITE LACE CURTAINS, TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, &C., IN EAT VARIETY.! A CALL SOLICIirEO. R. JAMIESON. rs • Tae Most Populai Christmas 13seserit in the World is 13,IS3EL'S CARPET SWEEPER With latest improvements. These sweepers, are :medium ,inprice,ryet as perfect as the most expensive. .1••••••• ••••• We have also a choice 'pelection of Family Groceries of the very best quality. Select Valeneia Raisins, Vestizza Currants, new Peels Lemon, Orange mid Citron j extracts of all kinds, Chocolates, Cocoas, Crosse & Blackwell's Pickle, Catsups, Sauces, and everything t9 be found in a first-class grocery. Our Teas are giving , excellent satisfaction., Blacks, Greens and Japans selling very cheap. Now is the time to buy Teas. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. I Goods delivered prOmptly to all parts of the town. LT: FAIRLEY, §E.A.FORTH. FURNA0E5. FURNACES. Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. .Giy:INET COAL FURNACE in four sizes -5. 6,7 and 8—Steel Radiators, portable or brick set. THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNING FURNACE in two sizes—Nos. 43 and 63. No. 43 takes wood 43 inches long,;and No. 53 takes wood; 53 inches long ; Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Strong, Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 25 years in the fi3r- nace business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every time. lar ESTIMATES FURNISHED. idd's Hard are- & Stove House, ' MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH., mportant Announcement. BRIGHT ]ki0THERS, SM.A.P101V111:1:: The Leading Clothiers of Huron, 1 - Beg to inform the people of Seaforth and surrounding country, that they have added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the Most ,Compete and best selected stocks of Boys', Youths' an4 Alen's Readymaide Clothing IN TOE COUNTY. 1 -4; Prices Unequalled. We had the Trade. Remember the Old Stand, Campbell's Block, opposite the Royal BRIGHT BROTHEPS. Hotel; Seaforth. OM. HE SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. intr I a Having complated rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and duced the latest equipments and the, most improved machines, now prepared to do Al' Kinds of Machine Repairs AND GENERAL FOUNDRY WORK. SHIRiINGS, T, T. COLEMAN. 33DC, =AM's Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR lOriginal Color ;Beauty, Softness. 1. Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss andperfume to the heir, produces a new growth, and will stop the, falling out in a few days. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate eeaddress. "ee FULL DIRECTIONS RADII BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottl Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA, H. SPENCER CASE, Chartist and Druggist, HAMILTON', Sold by J. S. 50 King - - RDBERTS, St., West, ONTARIO. Seaforth. - - 0 1\Trr.A.P,I i Mutual Live. INSURANCE I 0 Stock CO. . Company Deposit and Ale now Stock Insur- the importers Sec.-Treas. • Head Office: Seaforth._ 11 THE ONLY Live Steck Insurance in Ontario having a Governivent being duly licensed by the same. carrying on the business of Live ance and solicit the patrbnage of and breeders of the Province. For further particulars address JOHN AVERY, 1164 I 'Kt . 4. , • • 1 Leadbury, breeder of Pies, winners of 26 pedigreed stock for Boars kept for ser- 1203 - - - -The undersigned Huron Road, Me- Seafeeth, a Thorough- 'Ternes 81, payable at privilege ot return- CHESNEY. 1194 tf • t T. McNAMARA: _rt. .pure-bred 13erkshiee first prizes lie 1890. Voun sale, also twq prize whine vice. CHESTER WHITE PIG. will keep on his fares, Iiillop, two miles west of bred Chester White Pig. the time of service, with the ing if necessary. GEORGE MO PIG BREEDERS. 3,_ BERKSHIRE BOAR. will keep at hie place in B bred Berkshire Pig, eligible to which a limited numbee Times --$1, payable at the the privilege of returning HILL, Brucefield. . .- . -DIGS FOR SERVICE. -The I_ keep at his premises, oughbred Berkshire and a shire Boar. To -the Yorkehire number of sows will be taken. pig el, peyable at the time privilege of returning if MEYERS. — THOROUGHBRED -The -undersigned ueefield a Thorough- for registration, and of sows will be taken. time of service, with if necessary. GEO. 1200x4 -- undersigned will in llensall, a Thor- Thoroughbred York- pig a limited Terms for each 51 service, with the necessary. F. G. 11988 - relHOROUGPBRED BE I SERVICE. -The un service dering the prese ises, Lot 20, Concess on 1 one-fourth miles e st o knowe Berksh're Pig "Beurbon ported stock on both s number of sows will. be sow, payable at the tin' privilege of rat/ming if HALL, ', KSHIRE BOAR FOR ersigned will keep for t season, on his prem- MeKillop one and Leadbury, the well- King," from im- des, and to which a aken. Terms -81 per of service, with the necessary. GEORGE 1199x12 leDERKSIIIRE BOAR. --The Je) keep during the preeent lot 26, concessioh 4, H. R. Thoroughbred Btrkehire [1332.] North King was farrowed bred by J. IL Davi, Woodstock, Him, (imp.,) [136,2,] eam, by Royal Harry, [660,]V Prince Vatlens by Warw etc., etc. This pig has taken shown. Terms el per sow, time of service, with the if necessary. CHAe. ROreLEDGE. ' undersigned, will season on hie farm S. Tuekeremith, the iig "North King," March 2, 1890, sire, This is North Queen, [1592,] olet, (imp.,) [510,] by eh, first by J. Smith, prizes where ever payable at the. time privilege of returning 1198 tf pIG.-The undersigned present seardon on Lot Tuckersmith, a Thor Pig to which a limited taken. This pig was was bred by 8. H. County, Ohlo, ono of nd reliable breeders is Pig bas also taken wn. Terms el, pay , with the privilege of EdILGE PLEWES, 10394.f. Yorkshire White 1 4, . Stilton, (Inip.) [12] in dam) 38, ley Magis- [20], by Madam (1742),by Magistrate 2nd, (1210,) by Magis- (372); by Colonel, Duke of York, York- service during Improved Yorkshire 4, conceesion 6, Hui - of sows will be at the time of service, if necessary. Constance P. 0. ii... CHESTER WHITE will keep during the 21, Concession 2, L. R. S ough Bred Chester.Whi number of sows will b farrowed on May 15th, 187, Todd;of Wekemaii, Huro the most extensive In tee United States. first prizes whereever sh able at the time of servic returning if necessary. Imported,Improve Pig, D6spot. _La Pedigree Certifleate.-Sire, dam, Duchess 3rd, (Imp. trate 3rd, (539). -Derry, (Imp.) 3rd, (747).-Ledet Derry 3ed, 3rd, (530). -Lady Derry: trate 2nd, (343). -Lady Derry, sister to Greet Eastern, by shire Lass. 4 4 The undersigned will keep.for the present season, the White Pig, Despot, on lot lett, to which a limited number taken. Terms $1,payable with the privilege of returning 1101 tf ANDREW SNELL, A -FINE ASSORTMENT f Frillings, Corsets at HOFFMAN tie CO's.) and Ribbons, Seaforth. , . FARMS FOR SALE. f acres. West 100 acres. 200 acres. S., 100 acres. &c., Seaforth 4 • ... Tow-ssHip 0 East half 0 on 9th tone alt 7 on 10th concession, TOWNSHIP outh half 21 on 5th Concession, TOWNSHIP Lots 11 and 12 on 13th TOWNSHIP OF i Lot 38 on 8rd concessio tel For terms ke., apply , F. HOLMESTED, 1197 tf : Barrister Seaforth McKILLOP. scion, 50 50 acres. F MORRIS. OF GREY. concession, UCKERS3IITIL L. It. the undersigned. Dairy. . . . ..... Having purchasede airy usiness rom Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a eon- inuance of the patronage which he has re - Titled in the past. With the advantages I lave in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to he able to give my customers satisfaction as to suality of milk even in tee 'wry hot weather. Realizeig that the caeh system is the ems; 5ust and gatisfactory to all concerned, r havr decided to sell for cash drily. 1 VT Tickets supplied at reduced rates 11171 D. D • w LS 0 N Cottons, Cantons, Tickings, Cotten- ades, etc. Choice stock at HoFF- MAN ck: CO's., Seaforth TOTEM HEALTH CITIRims Kidney Trouble 1157 -52 -NO. 4 The McKillop MutuaA Fire; Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Ilays, Presideet, Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seatorth P. O.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watte Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Bee:Atwood ; J. Shen - non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt: Clinton. AGENTS. • Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Robt. Sea- orth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sellivan nd Geo. Marche, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officer, addressed to their respective post offices. 1189 Knight's Blood Cure. ASTANDARD household remedy in suceess-- fill use more than 40 years. A poxitive cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra tion, Constipation and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Producing a Clear Complexiete Aebotenical compound, put up in packages and sent by mrel at one third the cost of ordin- ary medicine. Large packages, sufficient for 6 quarts, e1.00 ; half size packages, sufficient for 3 pints, 50c.•'sample packaees, 26c. A reliable Agent wanted in this locality. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Cures Burns, Cuts, 1 Piles in their worst form, Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped Hanps, and all Skin Diseases. HIRST PAIN EXTERMINATOR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Tootha'ehe, 1a1138 in every forme By all dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Dailey & Co. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE. Fortnightly Sailing from PORTLA1'? OR HALIFAX, - TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES $40, $60 and $60 Single. $80, $90 and 8110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, outward, 825; prepaid,e30. Steerage at lowest rates. Accommodation Unsurpassed. Apply to IL & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C. BETHUNE or A. STRONG, Seaforth. 1168-62 'list of Lands For Sale !nine County of Mixon, belonging to The Can- ada Company. Only 10 to 25 per cent. of pur- chase money required down, balance at any time within 10 years at 4 per (lent. Instead of going to the Northwest, farmers looking for land can secure settle of the finest land in Ontario on the easy terms mentioned. County of Huron's Va- t a 101 EnLandsuc: 11.-13 con -S half 37. Bayfleld -E half 37. Maitland Concession -Island opposite 58P154Y, 5.1. IIAY.-4 eon -W half 5, W half 6, N half 7, W half of W half 11. 6 con -E half of W half 5, W half of E half 5, S half of E half 6, lee 7, 8, Ni 10, W half 11, 8 half and NI 12, 13, W half 15, half of E half 20, W half of E half 21. 6 eon -N hall 4, W half 5, te 6, 7, 8,9, 10, II, 12, s half 13, W half 16. 8 ealf 3, 8 half of N half 4, N half 5 7, 8, E helf of 8 half and N half e, 10, 11, 12, 14, We 16, W/ 16. 8 con -El 6 15, E halt 16, NI 18, E half of S half 19. N haif 19, 20, 21, 22, 9,3, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 9 cori-ee half of E balf 25, Ee of El: '26. 13 eon -N half 9, 15 eon -Ni 7, W bait * pt. 21, 26. 16 eon -E half 6, N half 9, ea, Wly pt. 11. 17 con - 4, 5, 6, 8 half 7, 8. N. By. -14, 15, E half 16. 8. By -Wl 10, E e 33, N E 70 a.e 35. L. R. Ease - E hall1.41,22E HtiTT-4 con -W half 12, 13, 14, N heir 15, N half 16. 6 con.-Whall 13, 15, E half 17. con -E. half 19, N half 20. 8 con. -E half 24. 14cIrliiLL-NOTIPa.1112331 eton.-1, N half of E half 2, X hall 3, 14 con. -Rem. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, N hall 7, "R. hall of 8 half 7, N half S. STANLEY. -5 co. -14. 8 con -WI 3, W hall 4, W half 5, 7, 8. SI By. ---We 14, 15, El 16. STEPHEN. -6 con. -W half of N half & N half of 8 half 23. 10 eon. -E half of W half 10, E balf W half 11. 13 con. -8 half of S half it. N half Te. 14 con. ---Ne 4, N half 8, 8 half ef N half 17, El 20. 15 con. -3, N half 4, SI 6, E half of er half 10, N half 16. 16 con. -ell 17, ese 22. 17 con.-Rern. Si- 7, Ne le, NI 13. 18 eon_ -N half 7, S half 8, 15, N half 16, 8 half jg. 10 con. -N half 4, W half 11, E half 16. 22 CDD. -Kern. 8,-E half 91, 8 half 10. North ily.---E half W hall 33, L. R. Weet--Item. 1, 8. half 3. Aux Sables -9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, W half & N halt of E half IS, W half 16, 17, le, 19. Rented Farms for sale at expiration of existing uases GODERICIL-Bayficed-57 HAY. -4 con. -N half 4. 5 con.- N half U. con. -W half 14. 17. N half 17, Sl 18, N half of el half 10. 8 con. -13, 14, fie 17. 30 corr.- 11 half 28. 13 con.-- half 4, 7, 8. 15 eon. -- NI 4, N half 8, 19.. 16 con_ W half 6. N. Bee - WI 18; e8. 8. By. -11, Ni 31, 32, 34. L. R.. West -16. L. R. East -Rem. 4, E half 6, E half 10. 8 half 14, le half 16. HULLETT. 2 con. E, half 17. 5 eon. -16, e - W half 17. 0 cone -el hell 23. 14 eon. -Rem. W half 14, 8. pt. of N half 21, N half 22. McKILLOP.- 3 con. -W half 2, E half 3, W half 4, S half 6, E half 7. 2 con.- E hall?, Ron. P. half 8, le half 10. 3 eon. -Ss 5, E half 8. 4 eon, -3, E half 4. 6 con, --N half 6. 11 eon.- oEf tNiaihtaoiff NiVo half 7, N half of half and half STEPIIEN.-13 con.- S half 14,8 half of N half 17, S half 18, N half 19. 14 eon. 5, 6, 7, S halt 8, 9, 12. 15 con.- 8 half 4, W half 5. 16 eon. - El 0, N half of W half 21. 17 con. -Se 16, le half 16, WI 16. 18 con. -S half 7, N half 19. 10 con.- E half 7,8 half se Ne 9, E half 11. 23 eon 8 half 12. N. Bey. -N hale 32, E half 33, We 33, 34. S. Bdy.-27. L. R. W.-2, 5. half 1. 7 eon. -E half 4. TUCKERS34ITIL-H. Rd. -re eon.- N half of(t U8B1',RNE.-S. By. E.-19. , For rarticulars as to pricee &,, apply to TIT'S COMJIISSIONER, Canada 'Co'y[, Toronto. , 1187-26 044