HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1891-01-02, Page 5iT
ANTYARY 2121391
pa bell Owed in itnew
sides and ceiling ioard-
k lumber oiled, the whole
costing nearly $390, and
t, except $300, whet* the
k borrowed for a eerrrt of
ix per cent. intermit.- This
or Nen enter -prime 'of the
the Seotion. The pro -
lengthy one, consisting
truntental muele, red.
and dialegues, The 's
n -by -Mr. G. Sherrket,w1r0
duties of that positina
mennere' The 1004 sp,
how lunch the grotto nr
wore ApprAelfetAtii Tho
tialtsrf (Warm grost
oroftil way fo Whitt tho
Wu trained to porforfo
tho plossing manner its
met INTIgul'Atilm.gxt,--
ratting tha-lleituti elierch
held their mimed °inlet-,
eta. The weirther was
et deeired, and the midi -
'rid in the heat of humor.
memo from the surround -
Parkhill, and when the
started the church was
some were standing at
dug able to get any
[mous for their number
earance were the little
Tamale was a lengthy
of vocel and instrii-
adings, recitations and
chair was taken by the
ef the school, Mr. W.
carried out. the pro-
ud as speedily as possi-
pplause and namerous
how much the efforts
era were appreciate(1.
nmted to $35.15.
a• ria.
r. John Morrow, who
i tet • the second. yeer, te
tenth Univeraity, hats
te to spend his viva -
-The nominations W ere
John Torrance wasi, re-
'-. Isaac Errat, Depty_
ira—Robert M ellvelert,
: John' Ketchen.
re' James Aikenhtesde
'ccount of his reeler-
ing„ and he woulq be:
the affairof the to
,of Stanteerare getrini
.,- )) ' ivii-
;„ the expense of an
tildes- Wells and wife,
and Mrs. Tlegmas
are at pre ent
n this locality.-- Mr.
t son of Mr. j ;cob
I 4; Stanley, is h erne
Inaba, to spend his
• Year's -
vim has been attired-
- College at Toillato,
flying visit ate
ea here.—Mr Ti
teacher of the Ve--,
e Manitoba to ael
iozne of httepare
d hearty.—Mr.
rising townsman,
Pment of geese
ern market for
k very snecessful in our our pudelic schipo/
eek. Over a. hinulted
, were present. 3 he
were so tastefully
irgreens, roses, hit
ring mottoes, ti at
admiration of tril
e who were clost ly
*dons subjects hy
lareGrant,W.Bale r,
Fgatty, D. Walk( r,
Elliott, and Mies 'S
t, showed by the 'r
ont answers thet
Lt to observe er 4
' Ali present we e
, the advancernei t
during the pal 1;
.the principal, M)
is assistant, Mi a
1 of highest praist'.
•oughont was er
ered: kizetiergarte e
es- pupils; instrt -
dr. A. MoKenzie,
d Mrs. John: Toer
recitations by t14
Mare of the dot+
inner which wal
S of the sectior
er room. At till
• is leaving th(I -
r studies at Gode• .
k her pnpils with e
dyte Companion,
nehy-worded ad -
so touched by
d love toward)!
he could acikrce-
-ter a numbeh of
y the trustees,
, the exaanina-
he Rev. elarnes
e benediction.
homes but once
mes it brings toil!.
trees, . shooting
and students.—
ephornore, Of To.
"teen heme fox!,
pelled, to i leav(t
account Of 641
-evastateci Knett
.—The athleti(
hers grace once
busy st eetsi
ones and elece
an exciti1,g ar:-
gle between th e
"7- for the; po',-
ts. ")Bob" jii
various Imre! .s
g troublesort e .
rey is now eta-
, detneeeoe fie-
ld& name la! a '
ned by a4 ede
te- In colt tge
gnished tfn me
'. Agnew Irtfein-
ing the weight,
ceeded in )teap-
tnile end aVhalf
Wyllie, ;',Ietith
erpriee, geee a
mas day. As a
• were prohided
en had a) good
in conne etion:
ay school was -
g in the =For -
y, the 20t In an
Sehool. S r etion
dren acqiitted
hly, andi Mr.
DawkRY 2, 1.891.
'Blackwell, the popular teacher, .is de-
serving of & great dela irf praise for
the interest he las shown in the school
and for the enthusiasm he has display-
ed in promoting the welhbeing of the
-most successful Railed examinations of
the swore was held in Section No. 8 on
December 23, upward* of eighty vioi.
tan being present during the day, The
,bleeliboerds ond wails were very taste,
fay ornanionted with drawings And
offorgroonot whilo tho bosutiful Uhrifitt
ines-troo lode) with gifts for *tho !ltd.
folifoisft nothing to ho 4osiro4 t tho
Wiey of d000ration, Tho difforont °WW1
tO thorough oxandoo;
ton in tho tsrlotis *studios of studios
by Itiggififf fitiotiert, likhinson, Fowlor
iod Catueron, and Atititiliteet themselves
in a fs‘shion most highly oroditsble to,
themseivos and to their tueekero Mr, Oa
.Bowerman, who, AS Waft evident from
the high standing and general intell1.
gence of the pupils, has been. doing
solid eani thorough work during the
year. A somewhat lengthy programme
teofee. music' and literary character was
then rendered by the pupils. The mu-
sical part was remarkably good and
fully appreciated by all, while the dia-
logues and comic readings kept the
audience in continuous laughter. After
some nicely performed instrumental mu-
oid by Mrs. Smith, addresses were de-
livered by the estimable chairmen, Rev.
Mr. McCrae, and by the trustees and
teachers present, who expressed theiri
unanimous satisfaction with the able
and efficient manner in which the school
has teen conducted, and the progressive
condition of the pupils. A distribution
of gifts from the Christmas tree was,
then made, and the assembly broke up,
all feeling that they had passed a most
enjoyable day.
great credit in the performance of the
teak &Weed, them,their various ef-
forts being greeted with hearty sp.
platers, and notwithstanding the very
1t4w entrance fee Of 10 and 15 cents,
while all the sohael ehildren were ad-
mitted free, the proceeds at the door
&Mounted to over VW The report of
the secretary %hewed a marked advatere
in every department of the Sunday
school work, especially the large . in -
The teachers and films alike are to
crease in attendan7 during the year,
be congratulated en.the present prornis.
ing *tato of affair.,
Chionturst, ,
Jr 1404*ti'e potirm,—One of those
6°0141 evelittithat mute so if aflutter of
exeiteffiefft afoolg he you g folk, too*
place oft Wedmoday lsot. IVe 'refer to
tho marriage ofMr, Riche d Motors, pis,
Non of Mr, itielfarti Metet§, for" to Iiii§§1
jtoilion§, Hannah, daughter of mr, MOSeti
ilaouah, Thsouptial knot WAS tied by
the ReVi el, Ottowell, of Waltoo, st the
residence of the bride's lather, in Mc=
Killop. The bridesmaid was Miro Liz-
zie Meters, sister of the groom, whilepn
the other hand the groom was supported'
by Mr. Samuel Hannah; brother of the
bride. ' After the ceremony the guests
sat down to a grand dinner prepared for
the occasion.. After dinner was over,
the young couple took the one o'clock
train at Seaforth for a wedding trip to
Shelburne, where they will spend the
rest of their holidays, We extend to
them our congratulations, wishing them
a happy and prosperous voyage through
EXAMINATION. ---t Ti'e scholar)! and
teacher of Section No. 1 held their ex-
amination on December 24th. It was
in every reepect k sweeping success. The
room `was elaborately decorate& and
the dinner did much credit to the ladies
of the seetion. The teacher, Mr.
Tough, was] &Basted by the following
teachers: Misses Taylor'Diek, Kelly,
Hillen, McDougall and Rath; Messrs.
Richmond, Sloan, Black, Blackwell,
Erwin, Morrison, Stalker, McFadzeart,
4cCall, Wood and Nicol. The exam -
enation was interspersed with music,
dialogues and readings. The singing by
- the senior scholars, led by Miss Stalker,
. deserves special notice. The kinter-
gartens by the wee folks showed careful
training. Selections on the violinsnd
organ were well received. After the
teaching was done the chair was occu-
pied by Mr. Nicol and short addresses
were delivered by Rev. Mr. McLean,
, Rev. Mr. Campbell, the teachers and
ratepayers, all of whom expressed their
full satisfaction with the general state of
. .
affair. This done the scholars present-
.. ed their teacher with a handsome plush
.. dressing case and a brown morocco
. double folding album, accompanied by a
very complimentary address. Mr.Tough
replied in suitable terms, thanking the
scholars for the presents and urging on
the parents the great . necessity of send-
ing their children regularly to school.
The scholars than sang their farewell
piece, and Mr .° McLean pronounced the
benediction.—Oete WHO WAS THERE.
The entertainment given by the Good
Ternplars in the Temperance Hall on
Christmas eve was a grand success.
Theehair was taken by Mr. John Mc-
Millan, M. P., and the efficiency with
which he filled that position reflects
credit on himself. The selections on
the musical glasses by Mrs. and Miss
Sage, of Walton, were the attraction of
the evening, and the reputation they
have earned abroad was well sustained
on the present occasion, judging by the
hearty encores which they received
after each selection, and the willingness
with which they responded was gratify-
ing to all. The einging, music, dia-
logues, readings, etc., rendered by
members of the lodge,goes to prove that/
they had spared no pains to make the
occasion a success. At the close all
joined ,in singing the National Anthem.
The receipts amounted to $31.90.
ed the city for the Christmes trade.
They; weighed 3$75 pounds and hrought
a good figure,
—James Stewertjeoneession 4, Elma,
who lost his been by fire, has been
awarded 81,018 by the Elm& Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
—The other day .a two year old
daughter of Mr. J G. Sehmidt,of Strat
ford, fell into a tub of boiling water and
W&8 so severely scaldedthat she died
shortly afterwards, -
shooting match in Listowel
on Tuesday afternoon of last week, Ur.
Michael 8tricker was accidentsdly shoat
by sf gun in tho hands of another frAo,
expiring Almost Instantly, •
—Wilbert Nugent, ootk, pf itev, Mr,
Nugent, Mitchell, hafo been Pommeled
so tirst assistant toaohor in tho 'High
/mhos! stEssos Contro with so inerett§e
°MOO to hi§ Wary,
USW OHM, of Mltiiheil,'Me
Nen engaged to teach the §chool near
hayfield, taught during the past term
by Mi§§Carrielfent, The latter goo/
to the Normstfer the doming term, i
- Currelleye who taught in the'
Public school, Stratford, up to the
holidaym, was married on, Friday night
last at Stratford to a Mr. Louch,
young farmer of Niseouri.
—Mary ADD, daughter of Mr. James
Kelly, of Kinkora, aged 24died recent-
ly from typhoid fever. She had charge
of a school near Chatham and was a very
efficient and successful teacher.
—A Hamilton butcher purehased from
Messrs Ballantyne & Son, Stratford, the
first -prize Cow that carried off the
sweepstake and silver medal et the
, Guelph Fat Stock show. The carcase
weighed 1,855 lbs.'
—Last Sabbath evening, iRev. P.
Gerrie, of the Congregational church,
'Stratford, took for the subject of his
'sermon, "The living of 1890," and next
Sabbath evening beproposes preaching
on "The dead of 1890."
—Miss A. Mulheron, of Mitchell, who
hoe been teacher of No, 5, Downie, but
who has retired from that school and
joined the teaching staff in Mitchell
Public School, was presented by her
Downie pupils with a cdreplimentary
address and a handsome writing desk.
e—One of the late shipmente by Mr,
Burritt, of Mitchell, of woollen .goods
•Ottawa included toque, sash, stockings,
and mitts for Lady Stenley. The arti-
cles on delivery gave such satisfaction
;that the firm received orders later
for some more gewgaw l3 andgoods for
members of the vice regal court.
• and perfurnc (It Is a beauty), and Is geed value
$10 ; 4th, a German ibm Whisk Holder, value
5; 50, a pair of No. 7 Steel Acnie Spring Skates
(any size), price $1.50; Oth, a $1,50 Game of Cir.
eination ; 7th, a beautiful pair of bronzed in3agee ;
8th, a One washable doll, 'price 81; Otb, a br r
pipe in case; 10th, a?' beautiful combing' n
pocket book. Our stock of drugs, medicines a ,d
Christmas novelties is very largo, and prices
always right. We extend an invitation to every-
body to take part in the above competition, as
it is conducted in a thoroughly honest and up-
right way. The beans will be counted on Satur-
day night, January 10th, 1891, by Mayor Wilson,
R. Jamieson and M. Y. McLean, and the awards
made at once by them.' Buy 50c worth of goods
and take a guess at the Iledieal Hall, Seaforth.
I, V. Feelt, slingtfiat, 1108
Hills Green.
WEDDING Beees.--e-A very , pleasant
event took place at the residence of
James Jarrott, Esq., of this place, on
Christmas night. This was the mar-
riage ol Mr. Robert Love, second son of %
the late Hugh Love, Esq., and one of
our meat prosperous young farmers, to
Mina, the amiable daughter of Mr.
Jarrott. The interesting ceremony was
performed by Rev, Mr. Irwin, and was
witnessed by about sixty of the relatives
and friends of the young couple: The
ceremony and congratulations over, the
entire cornpe.ny were invited to the
spacious. dining -room vrhere_they par-
took of a most sumptuous repast pre-
pared by Mrs. Jarrott. The remainder
of the evening was most pleasantly
spent, vocal and instrumental music
and social converse taking up the time
nail -nearly one o'clock. The young
-couple then left for their beautiful new
home, which Mr. Love had just cornpleted for his bride, on the old farm
in the towneihip of Hay, where his late
lamented father first settled when laq•
camb to Huron. Mrs. Love was one of
• our most amiable and popular young
ladies, and hosts of friends will unite
with us in wishing herself and her
worthy husband a hippy and prosperous
married life. The presents were numer-
ous, handsome and Useful.
IP you want to boy *farm ohosp and
elleY toms Pail and sso §sott, It ro,
Psis, ter he alwsa's heti* number of good ohoap
feriae le Horrid, firey and Pdefililee ler little
Aloe a eteebor of Whiff@ PM With ll011#081- or if
you want to will your thrifi #66 ifs will
also soli yOUr mteek by ewe/Wei satisfaction l(1.1$P
We D11ttt competition I we admire
°salmi, anti wider no tefidiftlefi Will We irtidele
froth Our etteltiote A, it, eteltirte ertted hew
stock of Pry esoods, teething, (eotst
itigq, 13004 8ild,FPIOOf.41 ivietettlee brick Wok,
opposite the Central Hotel, A. B. Surril:
THE most beautiful Atock of Ready-
niade Suits and Overcoats that taste and in-
genuity can Produce. awaiting your inspection.
Call and see no, and bring your children, A R.
West Waivanosh.
CHRISTMAS TREE.—Quite an enjoy-
able time was spent at the Christmas
Tree Entertainment on Tuesday even-
ing, 23rd ult., held by the Donnybrook
Sabbath School. Notwithetanding the
blustery evening a large number were
present. After a lengthy programme
was ended, consisting of recitations,
singing, etc., by the Sabbath School
scholars, the heavily laden- tree 'was
denuded of its various kinds of fruit,
making glad the hearts of the children,
and also many of the older ones.
Many of the presents were not only
beautiful but usefnl.
NeTes.--rMrs. John Barbour has
taken advantage of the holiday excur-
*dens and gone to visit friends in Erin..
—Mr: .Robert McAllister of the 7th
concession has taken a life partner, in
the person -of Miss Wilson. We wish
them a Merry Christmas and many
Happy New Years.—The infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Har-
rington, aged five months, was beried
on Tuesday. Inflammationlof the lungs
was thought to be the trouble.
OPEN MEETING.— The Royal Temp-
lar» of Temperance contemplate holding
an open meeting shortly. This seeiety,
which was the last formed in the vil-
lage, has about sixty members and is
still increasing.' -
SONG SERI/RM.—On Sunday evening
another of those attractive and edifying
song services was given, entitled "The
Messiah." The large and appreciative
.audience which gathered together went
away feeling that they had enjoyed ts
.great treat. The singing throughout
reflected great credit on the choir, who
are well known for their ability in that
line.It is expected that another service
of the same kind will be given before
very long.
which meets in the Methodist church,
every Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock;
have iesued a well got -up programme up
to March 31st. The -meetings are de-
voted to the Christian Endeavor, enter-
tainment and literary department of the
league. The officers are Rev. J. S.
Cook, Honorary -President; Rev. H. N.
'Casson President ; W.- Nevin, Secreo-
te.ty ; kiss L. Short, Treasurer ; Miss
He, Welsh, Organist. Cornmittees,--
• Fol-
41'. F. EDWARDS is still inaking a clear-
ing sale of ell his goods. Now ie the time to
buY a good Overcoat or a Suit, as they are being
sold at a great sacrifice.
4- 1201
OTES.— Miss Susy Burgess and Miss
M. Erwin, qf Point Edwerdeare home
for the holidays.—Mr. Albert Osmond
and Charles Logan, of Saginaw', - are
spending the ,Christmas holidays at
home. --Mr, John F. Ferguson was in
Goderich Christmas attending the mar-
riage of Miss Nellie Reid and Mr.Hurd,
of„Londma—Nolnation day is past and
there will likely b some -excitement in.
the selection' of our councillors. Reeve
Castle was elected by acclamation. For
councillors, E. Routledge James Poi -
hick, Dr. Wright, T. J. ilarks, James
Thompson, Jos. Wilds, Geo. Woods.—
The Methodist Christmas tree on Fri(
day evening, 26th ult., was very largely
11.4ended. The programme was provided
by the choir of North Street Methodist
church, Goderich, and consisted of a
cantata and solos, duets, recitations,
etc. The singing of Miss Wilkinson
was very much admired. Miss
Cook also rendered some excellent
solos; Mies Martin gave a .very good
recitation, and Robbie Beatty, of clin-
ton, pleased all with his recitation.—On
Monday evening a very entertaining
concert was given by Professor Harry
Morgan and daughter, Fairy. Solos,
duetts and recitations were rendered in
an excellent manner. Instrumental
selections were given by Mr. T. McDon-
atileand Miss Flo McDonald and Mies
McPhail. The concert was under the
auspices of Porter's Hill Independent
Order Good Templars.—The largest
audience yet as.sembled at a Chriatmas
Tree, wits present on Tuesday evening,
when the Chtirch of England held their
annual 'Christmas entertainment. A
very good programme was presented,
and the trCes were well filled with pres-
eats.—The proprietcrs of the rink ex -
pea having it in operation New Year's
night. •
ANDERSON.—In Exeter, on the 22nd ult., the
wife of Me George Anderson, of a daughter.
CLARKE—In Usborne, on the 23rd ult., the
wife of Mr. Ww. Clarke, of a daughter.
SIATORT11, December Slth, isoo
Fall Wheat pWbushel... 0 85 to 0 90
Spring Wheat per bushel.... .... 0 86 to 0 9
O 41 to 0 92
Oata per buahel
0 60 to 0 6
Peas per bushel
O 40 to 0 4
Barley per bushel
Butter, No. 1, • • 0 13 to 0 1
Butter, tub .... 00 1137 two 00 11
2 75 to 2 7
Flour, per 100 lbe
Hay new per ton
Hides per 100 .
Swhoeoeip. Skins -
POMONA per bushel,
Salt retail) per barrel.. .... 1 25 to
60 to
1 60 to
e 0 80 to
• 3 75 to
061 007135 tott°0
CURRIE—NICHOLSON.— At the residence of
the bride's father. on the 24th ult. by Rev.
R. Henderson, Mr. Samuel J. Currie, to
Miss Agnes Nicholson, both of Goderich
HAMILTON — OLIVER.—At the residence of
the bride's mother, Avonbank, on the 24th
ult., by Rev. Robert Hamilton, assisted by
Rev. J. A. Tuiebull, L.L. B., and Rev. A.
Hamilton, B. A., the Rey. James Hamilton,
B. A. of Keade, to Isabel, youngest claugh-
s ter cd the late Adam Oliver, Esq.
GRAFTON—HICKS.—At the residence of the
bride's father, Biddulph, on the 24th ult.,
by Rev: Ir. Allen, Mr. George Grafton, of
Blanshar . to Miss Mary Jane, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. anmel Hicks.
BROHER1CK—KESTLE.— In Stephen, at the
residence of the bride's father, one the 24th
ult.', by Rev. R. Redmond, Mr. George
Broderick, of Hay township, to Miss Mary
Ellen ligstle.
ASKIN—ALCOCK.---In Grey, on the 17th ult.,
hy Rev. W. T. Cluff, Mr. earnuel Askin, of
Teeswater, to Miss Susie Alcock, of Grey
McCUTCHEON—ROE.—in Morris, on the lith
ult., at the residence Of the bride's parents,
by Rev. Mr. Godfrey, of Belgrave, Mr•David
MeCutcheon, to Miss Eliza Jane, third
daughter of Mr. John Roe, all of Morris.
MAIRSHALL —SKELTON.—At the Methodiet
* Parsonage, Blyth, on the 241h ult., by Rev.
W. F. Campbell, Mr. Thomas S. Marshall, of
Blyth, late of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba,
to Miss Betsy L., second daughter of John
Skelton, Esq., of Morris.
LOVE—JARROTT.—At the residence of the
bride'e father, Stanley, on the 25th ult., by
Rev. J. Irwin, Mr. Robert Love, of Hey, to
Mina. daughter of James Jarrett, Esq.
CHURCHILL—JOHNSTON.—At the residence
of the bride's father. on the 24th ult. by
Rev. L. W. Diehl, Mr. Nelson Churchill', of
Ohio, to Miss Lottie, second daughter of
Mr. James Johnston, Uoderich toWnehip:
• 5 fz,0 to 6 00
3 60 to 400
0 60 to 1 00
0 17 to 0 18
0 30 to 085
1 26
11 00
1 00
2 •25
5 60
g 05
Woo per cord (long)
Wood per cord (short)
Arles per bag
Literary, Mies L. Gook, Miss li.
lick, T. Palmer. Christian Ende
Miss Larnmie, Miss B. Wilson, W.
- Look Out Committee,• Miss C. Joh
F. Manna, E. Rehinie.
CHRISTMAS '' TREE. —On Christmas
-evening the heat and most largely at-
tended Chriletmas Tree entertainment
ever held in the Methodist church here,
was given. The Church was tastefully
decorated, and when the time came for
opening, it was packedlto the doors.
The tree fairly groaned under its load
of Christmas presents which ,kind and
thoughtful ,hands had placed thereon.'
The 'children sustained themselves with'
C over Seed
Timothy Seed
. • •
Pork, per 100 tbs
Tallow, per lb
CM roe, December 31 189
Fall Wheat per bushel . 0 86 to $0
Spring Wheat per bushel..... 86 to 0 89
Oats per bushel ...... 0 40 to 0 40 ,
Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 45 ,
Peas per bushel .... : . e 60 to 0 60
0 13 to 014
Eggs ....... . • .• 0 16 to 017
0 36
4 CO
0 18
5 26
If se, come land see the magnificent value
we are giving intLJottonades, Slaikings,Tiek-
ings, Flannels a , d Tweeds. the qualities
are all guarantelea, and you will find the
lowest cash price flaked only.
Commencing January 2,1891,
89 ;
Hay rer ton
Pota oes per bushel,
Hides per 100 Ms
Wool peril)
Pork, per100 the
Od ;
_ .
" 5 00 to
5 00 to
0 30 to
4 00 to
00 to
0 17 to
1371RPOOL, Dec. 30. -- Spring wheat, 78 07d;
winter, ,7s 05d; California No. 1, 76 81 s
ifornia No. 2, 08 00d: oats, Os 00d ; barley, 0;
peas, 58 81, pork; ne 06de; cheeee, 50s 00d.
Toaotrro, Dec. 30.— Fall wheate$0.93bo *0.98;
spring wheat, $0.86 to $0.00 ; oats; 41cents
to 45 cents: peas, per bush, 00 cents to
60c; barley,;47c to 54e ; hay, per ton, e6.00 to
*8.00; 4 butter, 1,6e to 180; potatoes, per hag
$0.80 to s0.85 ; eggs, per doz., 270 to 28.3;
dressed hogs, per cwt.. $5.25'10 $5.75.
Live Stock Markets.
Toeotsro,December 31.—Cattle.—The offerings
though sina,11 were in. excess of the demand, and
at the closeiabout one-half of the stuff, includ-
ing -the best stock, was left over. Medium stuff
was bought at 2ec to 3A-cper lb. The local
butchers have their stage well supplied with
good- beet 'and have enough to last them for a
week or ten day days, so that all good stuff for
that time will not be in much demand. Sheep
and lambs were - almost .unsalable, only a few
head being disposed of, and these were bought
by small butchers for heinediate use. The
ptices were about the same as last week, sheep
being so'd at $4 to $5 mid lambs at 83.75 ea $4.50
per head. MI the hog a `trere wanted and found
a ready sale at $4.25 tee4.40 per cWt. for heavy
fat, about -$4 to $4.25 for light hogs and about :$4
for stores.
Perth Items.
—TheLifeboat Crew, r. M ills, Mr. and
Mrs. McDonald, are expected to be a
week in Listowel;rbout the 8th of Jan-
--Mr. Philip Reed, of Fullerton, and
Mr. Patrick McLaughlin, Dublin, start-
ed last week on a visit to the old coun-
—John M. Curtie, Hibbert, has pass-
ed the examinations of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, Toronto, and is now a
full-fledged V. S.
—Mr. T. O. Robson, of St Marys,
sold one of Messrs. Weir's exhibition
steers, (winners of the gold medal, at
Toronto Industrial), to Mr. Mc-
CraCken, butcher, of Cornwall, for the
Christmas trade. This steer was two
yeers old, weighed 1,735 /bee and ,sold
for 6e cents per pound. The other
two were disposed of to the Canada
Meat Company, of Montreal, and were
said to be the best catttle that enter -
On Monday, January 26th, at 1
o'clock p. m. sharp, on Lot, 33, Concer
Bien 3, McKillop, Farm' and Farm
Stock. RoberMcMillan, Jr., Proprie,
tor '- W. G. Duff, Auctioneer.
On Wednesch,ey. January 71h, at one
o'clock p. m., on Lot 23, 6Peneession 6,
Hibbert, Farm Stock, Imiileetients and
Household 'Effects, the estate 'of-4the late
Joseph Connolly. All without reserve.
Thomas Connolly, Executor; Thomas
-Brown, auctioneer. "
Local Notices.
ACCOUNTS are now ready, andntes
who have not yetsettled will oblige by doing so WILLIS,efere the new year. RoemeWILLIS, Boots and
es, Seaforth. '
feeFINEST retail Stock o Groceries in the
Doeninion to choose from and all at the ..ve y
'1oWest prides at J. C. LAIDLAW'S, Seaforth. L1?9
hA $750 COTTAGE or its .equivalent
And continuing for one month. Grand opportunity for buyers of
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Winter -Underwear, at frona 15 to 25 per
cerd. cheaper than their value. This will be without doubt the best
opportunity ever offered in the town. We would say 'bu'y now at our
Great Special Sale, and save money. 1
Our stock of -Men's and Boys' Caps is unexcelled, and for this
month we will make prices so lbw that it will be an object to buy of
us at the present great Sale.
Fancy Flannel Shirts, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves,
}Scarfs, Readymade Clothing, that will be sold at prices that will
, everybody happy.
• 1 Deaths.
BEI/T.—In Seaforth, on the 301h ult., Sophia
Mary Belt, relict of the late Henry Belt,
aged 44 years, 9 months and 23 days. .
CHARLESWORTH.— In Egmendville, on the
e 28th ult.,Alexander, son of Mr. Alexander
Charlesworth, aged 10 years, 9 months and
1.1 days.
ROBSON.—In Stanley, on the 19th ult., Amy
Robson, aged 86 years and 7 months, relict
of the late.W. Robson, -and mother of Mr.N.
• Robaon, Clinton.
JACKSON.—In Grey, on the 19th- ult., Eliza,
relict of the late John- Jackson, aged 82
-0TRAYED.—On the 22nd December last there
' 0 came to the undersigned a Fox Hound.
Parties proving property and paying all expen-
se 6 can have the same. WILSON SWINERTON,
1T ,S , Hensall. 1203-1
. •
A T. McNAMARA, Leadbury, breeder of
pure-bred Berkshire Pies, winners of 26
first prizes in 1890. Your]; pedigreed stock for
sale, also two prize winner Boars kept for ser-
vice.. 1 1203
hill at Egmondville, between Fach'a Ho-
tel and the top of the hill, on Christmas evening-,
a pair of Heavy Homemade Horse Blankets, red,
brown and green check on one side, and striped
on the other. The finder leavingthem at THE
EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth, will be suitably re-
warded. PETER McKAY, Tuckersinith. 1203-tf
cash will be given to the person detecting t
greatest number Of errors, (wores wronely
spelled or misplaced) in the December issue of
" Our Homes. In addition wilt be given two
cash prizes of $200 each, four of $100, eight of
$50, ten of $25, twenty -fie of e10, fifty of 85, one
hundred of ea2, and one hundred and fifty of $1,
distributed in the order mentioned in rules and
regulation, which will be sent with a copy of
Decembereseue on receipt of 15 cents in stamps.
. Special cash, Prizes given awey almost every
day during opmpetition which closes Febreary
let, 11891.• Address Cur Homes Publishing Co.,
Broaleville, Canada. -1197-8
GRAND 1:10,11day Sale at Laidlaw's will
commence to -day and continue -all this month of
December. A Grand Sale Of the finest assort-
ment of China, Glass and Ornamental Goods in
Canada. We would ask our customers to give
us it call before the great rush Any goads now
chosen for Christmas can be laidaside until
then. J. C. LAIDLAW, Seaforth. 1199
\Lii'r of prizes at the popular bean
guessing sale at Fear's drug store,Seaforth. A
guess with every 50c worth of goods you hey.
To the person glossing neere,st the correct num-
ber of bans in the jar in out window e ill be
given a beautiful 817 guitar ; to the sectind, a
fine "toned Salzard Violin, worth e15 ; a -
lovely combination cardinal plush Dressing Case
for holding collars, cuffs, gloves, handkerchiefs
SALE.e-For sale, the house and Lot own-
ed and recently occupied by the undersigned.
•The house is a neat frame, pleasantly situated,
arid contains four rooms and a kitchen. There
is a splendid cellar full size of the house, also
hard and soft water. The lot is one-quarter
acre, and is p'anted with eellekinds of bearing
fruit, such as apples, currants, grapes, &e.
There is a, large stable. It is admirably adapted
for a retired farmer or any person desiring a
pleasarlt, quiet residence and good garden. Ap-
ply to DAVLD GRUMAIETT, Seaforth. 1203x4
CARDNO )3110g., No: i Cardno's Block.
il.. STOCK.—Mr. W. G. Duff has reeeived in-
structions from Mr. Robert McMillan, Jr., to
sell by Public Auction, on lot 33,, concession 3,
e.lcKi lop, on Monday, January 26th, 1891, at 1
o'cloc p. ne, sharp, the following valuable pro-
perty viz : Horses.—One driving mare 4 years
old, 1 spring colt sired by Joe Gale. Cattle.—
Ten s eers rising 4 years eld, 18 steers rising
years old, 2 steers risme two years old, •
s rising two years old., These cattle are
- all in shipping condition. Farm.—South
half f lot 20, concession 13, McKillop, contain-
ing 5decres, 45, of which are cleared sand in a
high tate of cultivation. There are gebd build-
per c
plenty of water and a kood orchard, an
nient to markets, schools and post office.
9.—Nine monthEi' credit will be given on
hing approved joint notes. A discount of 7
nt. per annum will be Allowed for cash on
amounts. Terms for the farm made
n on the dey of &Lie. W. G. DUFF, Aue-
r ; ROBT. MeMILLAN JR" Proprietor.
South Huron Agricultural
Slociety. 1
Annual Meeting of tho South Huron Dis-
Agrichltural Society, for theelection of
, receivine the annual report of the
ore. &c., will be held at DIXON'S HALL,
Wednesday, Januery 2Ist, 1891,
' M. Y: McLEAN, Secy.
T RUSSELL; President.
People expected at the
Medical Hall before
Christmas. Our stock
of Chriktmas notions
and presents delights
every one who conies
to see it, and then you.'
- get a g11055 011 tlifi jar
of bowls with ovary ri�O
worth of good g yon
at the: Modiottl
1. Y. FEAR,
Sputh Huron Farmers',
e South Huron Farmers' Institute will Ito
hl in DREW'S HALL, EXETER, on st
January 16 and 17, 1891,
•CoMmencing at 1 o'clock p. rn. on the 16th,
when addresses will be given by the following
gentlemen on the subject named:
Ontario Agricultural College, \Hereditary
Unsoundness in Horses" and The Preservation
of the Horses' Feet."
Ontario Agricultural College. "Feeding of
Live Stock" and " Leakages on the Farm,"
T. H. RACE, ESQ., Editor Mitchell Recorder,
" Proper time to purchase and plant FruitTrees
and care after plaetirg," and Frauds and
Humbugsin Horticulture; to be avoided by
F asr.mje.ll. re,0'
GARTH, ESQ., Stephke, " Poultry
JOReel KITCHEN, ESQ., Stanley, Profits of
ShaeoeptiNB Breeding.
ESQ., Mitchell, "Profits of
Pig Breeding."
Tare all five subjects and should produce
much useful information and elicit interesting
A Literary and Musical Entertainment.will he
held on Frieley evening, when addresses will be
given by Professore Greensides and Rayner, and
by Mr. Race. Vocal and instrumental musics
easill also be furnished by several talented mug -
clans. Look out for programmes. .
A cordial invitation is extended to alt.
saYAll the Meetings and Entertainment are
12e3 -e President. SecretaTy
There will be quite a number ot people vAao will neecl sornething
now for Christmas in the way of Clothing, and to those who can ap-
preciate something good at low figures, we ask an inspection. Any
store can sell you cheap readymade clothing, but in our eStablishment
we manufacture all our owu readymades, and ItcStancls to reason that
there is no co'raparison as to style and, fit. Our large business
dence that we must do the trade right.
,000 People
And also as many more to get all their repairs
• done at the
ew Jewelry Store,
Next Door to Reid & Wilson's.
PIANOS and ORGANS in connection.
a •
0141RIST*AS -7:- TRADE
Is now completecil. Everything pos1ible has been done to make our
stock the, most attractive we have ev 9: shown. -
. .
Par stock of Raisins, Currants, Peels, 'Spices, Canned (ods,
Pickles,! Sauces, &c , are all of the newest and the best, and will com-
pare fa.aibrably with city stock.
ruckersmIth Agricultural
Annual 31eetingof the Tuckersnlith
Branch Agricultural eoeiety will be held at the
AT 2 _O'CLOCK P. Me'
For the election of Officers and Directors and
the transaction of other business.
G. McADAM, Secretary.
JOHN McLEAN, President. 1203
We are prepared for a large trade in Hanging Lamps and Table
Lamps, Dinner and Tea Sets, Fancy China andGlassware:-; You 'will
make a niistalie if you purchase anyAhristmas presents for ' your
friends until you see what we have to offer you.
OUr us41 large supply of Oranges, Lemons, Candies Nuts,
We have ha.d over hal If a ton of Pure, Granulated Sugar made inet.:
will be; well wan-th seeing, whether you purchase br not.
In /the Boot and Shoe Department
Walton Cheese Factory.
T1143 annual meeting of the Walton Union
Cheese and Butter Factory Company, will be
held at JONES' HALL, WALTuN, on 'TUES-
DAY, January 6th, 1801, at I o'clock p. in.„
Shareholders and Patrons are particularly re-
quested to be present -
R. H. FERGUSON; Secretary.
JAS. SMILLIE, President.
The next Annual Meeting of the members of
the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurence Company,
will be held in the Town Halt, Seaforth, on
FRIDAY, January 16th, 1891, at the hour of one
o'clock p. m. Business—Receiving the Direc-
tors' and Secretary's reports, the election of four
Directors, „and -any other bnsiness in the interest
of the Company.
W. J. SHANNON, Secy-Treas.
We offer a splendid choice in Gents' ,Fane Embroidered Slippers,
Ladies' Opera and other Slippers. Overshoes in all quali,,ties. Nice
things in warm Felt Boots and Slippers.
, 1
you ell ant a useful present for a friend, the above goods are just
Men's High Grade Fur aps in Persian Lanab, Beavers, &c.; Boys'
Winter Caps in Cloth and Imitation Lamb; prices right.
the thing.
TotheElectors of Seaforth
to the wishes of a. large number of Ratepayers,
I have consented to enter the field as a candidate
for'the office of Deputy Reeve, of Seaforth, for
the year 1891, and respectfully askyou for your
support in the earning contest,
Yodr Obedient Servant,
1201 E. 9. COLEMAN.
Mayoralty, 1891.
Your vote and influence
respectfully sohcited for
Progress, Prudence and
-Economy in Municipal
c.Aani -
Having been your Deputy Reeve for the past
year, and at the urgent request of many friende,
'teeing decided to offer myself as a candidate for
the same offiee for 1891. I will, if elected, en-
deavor to scree 3 ou as faithfully as heretofore.
Thanking eoe for past favors nd hepingthat
my candidature will meet with '.ur approval.
I Remain Respectfully You
1201 GEO. E. HE 4. MON.
Electors of Se4for
-Are Respectfully Solicited
F. Hohilested
For M4or for 1891.