The Huron Expositor, 1890-02-21, Page 61 8 .. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. \ How Mr. Bowser ran for Alderman. 'Well, what do you think ?" in- quired Mr.- Bowser, as he looked up to me acrose the supper table one evening. " You -you haven't -be -tine -and bought another horse, Mr. Bow,ser ?" " Horse ! Can't you think of any thing but horse? I suppose you will throw that horse up to me to your dying day. It was all settled this afternoon. I -earn going to be -nominated for alderman of this ward." "Mr. Bowser, is it possible that you are going to let them lead you into any such foolishness ? I thought you had a more level head than that, in spite of all your mistakes." "My mistakes," he shouted. `“ never made one in my life, except when I married you! Level head! I'd like to Am some one who ca.rriee a more level head than I do !" And so you are going to be alder- man?" "If I live.", 'But what for ?" "Because it is the wish of the peo- ple, My country calls. The committee has canvassed the ward and concluded that I was not only 'the best man.for the office, but the only one who stood any show against the vicious opposition. It is a sacrifice on my part, but the true patriot must be ready to sacrifice." so sorry 1" "So sorry! For 'hat? Because 'I have been select&d above all others ! Because honors have been thrust upon me! Mrs. Bowser, you have never ap- preciated the man you married, and you probably never will." "Well, I shan't say any more. I think it is a put-up job to extort money oat of you, and I know what a gang will be running here after you. Its your own affair, however. Don't blame me if you get left," "There you go! Always opposed to me 1 I can plainly see why some men never get along. If I had a wife like some I know of I'd have been governor of the state long ago. I'm going to run, hoWever, and after I'm elected you'll probably be just mean enough to say you brought it about." I didn't say any more. As soon as he left the house next morning I prepared for visitors, and I was not disappointed. He was hardly out of sight before the bell rang, and I opened the door to find a dirty -looking fellow with his hat on his ear, who asked: " Is Bowser home ?" "No, sir," "etGst1 out pretty ear y; doesn't be ? teaye any money for me ?" No, sir." "He didn't, eh! Purty specimen of a candidate he is ! Expects me to do -all the figurin' for nothin', does he?" Who are you, ,sir ?" "Who are I !" he repeated, as he slanted his hat a little more and spit over his shoulder. "I'm the party as carries this ward in his vest-pocket, I am, and if old Bowser don't come do wn liberally he gets left. Tell him to come and see me. Nine times that forenoon I answered the bell to find a ward heeler or some other sort of political parasite on the doorstep. One of them even went so far as to ask me to • pledge Mr, Bowser to vote for him to run one of the city hall elevators. There were three others waiting for him when he got home to dinner, and I eanv him give them money. He came in excited and jubilant, and when I told him what had occurred he replied: "Let the dear people come ! They know that I am the nftan to.do all I can for them. if I am elected, and elected I I shall be as sure as the sun rises on that day. What do you think?'I was talking with a prominent man belonging to the opposition, and he said it would be no use for his party to put up a man against me. Bowser stock is away up, hey !" 1 For a week I lived in a state of mis- ,erable agitation. Every hour in the day a ward heeler rang the bell; and when he wasn't ringirig, it was some man wanting a sewer --or other contract. Every evening the houSe was full of poli- ticians laying plans and guzzling down my currant wine; and j on three nights Mr. Bowser had to "go the round of the ward and "see the boys." On the 'alit night I had to help him upstairs, and the tears rolled down his cheeks as he whimpered : "Shay, Mrs. Bowser, it "just breaks my heart to shee how e'r people love me. They cry f'r me, and -and I cry f'r zhem !" This went on for a week, and then the caucus was held to nominate. Mr. Bowser said he would go through by ac- clamation, but as the boys would expect some sort of speech, net to say a keg of beer, afterwards he !you'd have to be on hand. As soon aft nominated there would be no more haters running after him, and a nomination meant election by a large majority. I didn't -say much, but I felt perfectly sure how it would come out,, Along about nine o'clock he came home. He was running. He also breathed hard and looked. white. " What on earth is the matter now ?" I asked as he banged into the hall. • "G -gone 1" he gasped. "Row gone ?" "Gone up," "Mr. Bowser, tell me what has hap- pened. You act as though you had met a ghost and lost your senses." • "1-1 didn't get the nom-nomina• tion!" he whispered, his knees quaking so that he had to sit down on a chair. " Why didn't you?" "Because they concluded tliat Mr, Scott was the more popular and . the stronger man." What ? The °foss -eyed loafer who was arrested only last week for whip- ping his wife?" " Y -yes." We looked at each Other for a long time without speaking. Then I said : "1 thought the dear people loved you, Mr. Bowser." You were to be selected above all ethers, and honors thrust upon you." - "Yes." • "Your country called upon you to down the vicious opposition. You were the patriot who was ready to sacrifice himself." oyes:, " flow much has the experience cost you?" • " Four hundred." "Well, you have made a fool of your- self, and I hope it will be a lesson to You. You'd better go to bed." _ I -I guess I will." At midnight he wokeup, sat up in • Allen' a Lung Balsam was introduced C 0 ughsj ,, to the public :after its merits for the positive ,, cure of such diseases had been fully tested. . It excites expectoration and causes the Lungs 0 s Croup 1ithe to t.hsrerretoi secretions st haen it lpurifiesegmoormucus;,bio0dc;h ahnegaei : 1 the . . . I rritated part.s ; gives strength to the diges five organs; brings the liver to its proper action, and imparts strength to the whisle system. Such is the immediate and satisfactory -effect that it is warranted to bretak up the most distressing cough . in a few hours' time; if not of too long standing. It contains no opium in any form and is warranted to be perfectly hal-mless to the most delicate child. There is no real necessity for so Many deaths by consnmption when Allen's Lung Balsam will pre. vent it if only taken in time. For ConsuMption, and alldiseases that lead to it, such as Coughs, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all diseases of the Lungs, ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM is the Great Modenn R4medy. For Croupeand Whooping Cough it is almost a specific. It is 9 an/old standard io remedy, and sold universally at no cehts and $1.00: per bottle. The 25 -cent bottles en s are put "oat to answer the constant call 25 -cent bottle to test,it. If youlai4 not tried the Balsam, call for a Lung Balsam for a Good! and Low -Priced COUGH CURE. bed and exclaimed: "Look here, old lady, I hope you feel better, having accomplished your -villainous object ?" "What do you mean?" "1 mean that you defeated me in the caucua. Everybody knows you, and this opportunity for revenge could not be passed over. Mrs. Bowser, you have gone a step too far! To- morrow I shall bonsult a lawyer about divorce proceedings !" • " 0-o to sleep." "Yes, I'll go to sleep; but don't im- agine' I shall forget or overlook your base duplicity. I have borne and borne, but this is the end !» • Next morning, however, he made no reference to the matter, and as some of his party made hint believe that he had been withdrawn in the interests of harmony, he came home one day to observe: "I hear that my naine is being men- tionecrfor mayor, but I shan't take the nominatio I prefer to be a plain, humble' cit zen. " Contributed Recipes. COTTAGE PUDDING. -One cup sugar, one tablespoonful butter, two eggs, one cup sweet milk, three cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake in a square tit. Sauce : • One half clip but- ter, one cup sugar, one egg. Stir in a bowl to a cream, set the bowl over the tea -kettle. When you are ready to serve your pudding, fill up the bowl with boiling water, stirring all the time. 1 Flavor with lemon vanilla or nutmeg. M MOCK INCE PIE. -One cup bread crumbs, orte cup sugar, two-thirds cup good eider vinegar, two-thirds cup mo- lasses, half cup water, one and one-half cups chopped raisins, half cup butter, one tablespoonful aach of cloves and cinnamon; one small nutmeg, grated, Mix, and heat thoroughly on the stove, stirring often. Bake with two crusts, seed a few nice raisins and scatter them on the meat before you put on the top crust. EGGLESS CAKE. -One and a half cups of sugar; one half cup of butter -scant; one and a half cups of sour milk; one half teaspoonful of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg ; one teaspoonful of soda; three level cups of flour, one cup of chopped raisins. This also makes a good fruit cake by putting in all the kinds of fruits usually found in a cake, of that kind. BAKED APPLE SAUCE. -Cover the bottom of a deep baking dish with nice tart applee, pared and quartered; spread sugar over them with a liberal hand; add another layer of apples and then of sugar until the dish is full, finishing with sugar, add no water, but bake thoroughly and you will have a dish very much nicer than stewed apple sauce. FILLING FOR LAYER CAKE. -A cheap and easily made filling for layer cake can be had by leaving a small ;quantity of dough in the mixing dish; turn enough boiling water into it to make the filling. Stir smooth, sweeten and season to taste. Half a cup ' of -chop- ped raisins stirred in at last Makes it extra good. • SPICED BEEF. -Take four or five pounds of lean fresh beef, put into an iron or porcelain kettle, and cover well with cold water. • Set on the back of the range and when it is thoroughly boiling, season to taste with salt- and pepper, a few blades of mace, two doz- en cloves and the same of allspice whole, • let it just simmer slowly until it is all in shreds, which will be about all day, if necessary add boiling water as the water boils away, so as to prevent burning. Watch closely. When done pick out any pieces of spice there may be left and turn the whole into a plain tin mould and press hard. Turn out upon !a platter ,when perfectly cold, which will be the following day. 'Gar- nish with slices of cold egg, lemon and. parsley. • VEAL LOAF. -Three pounds of lean veal, one quarter of a pound of salt pork, two eggs, one teaspoonful of salt, one of pepper, one of- thyme or savoy, three rolled soda crackers, » one table- spoonful of milk. Knead like bread, shape like a iloaf, and put small cut pieces of stale bread all over ontside, to look like a porcupine,also bits Of butter, bake in a slow oven three hOurs in a dripping pan, baste often, serve cold. Moon DITCK.-Take good round steak, make a Stuffing of mashed potatoes, with onions well seasoned with salt, pepper and butter, place in the centre of the steak, fold over and 'sew or tie together, put in a pan with pieces of butter, place thin • slices of salt fat pork on top . of meat, baste often, and roast in an oven until brown. Evi!s of the Credit Syt4em. "Many a young man has started out in business life with hopefulness and courage, with brains, capital and energy -posiaessing all the requisites of the successful business man. But when he met the credit system and allowed it to insidiously fasten hilm within its grasp _it beceme only a matter of time when he would succumb," says, an experienc- • ed merchant. "The natural result of extending a liberal creditais an in- veigling oneself heavily into debt. A business man overloaded with debt is in a sad plight. He loses hisondepen- 1 dence and his grip; the constant worry aotsinjuriously snpon his health, some of his best abilities become lateni, and not infrequently he loses his -reelect for promises 'made and his word is no longer honored. The singular part of this whole foolish crelit system is that it works disastrously to both creditor and debtors." Minard's Liniment is used by nhysicians. W. N. WATSON, General Insurance Agent Dealer in Sewing Machines. All kinds of property insurecrat lowest rates in firet-class reliable companies, and losses set- tled promptly. Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterloo, from 76e to $1 (cash plan) for three years. Mills and factories in- sured in these companies at a saving of 20 per cent. on stock companies. Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prices ranging from $25 to $76. All ma- chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. Needles, oil and repairs for, sale. Ma- chines repaired. 1T W..A.rTS 0 I\T„ MAIN 6TREET, SEAFORTH. Mia r...2 Roe erz. ezmingio e=1 04: Et* p aiIiiallf • dal= priwi,ei.im ,... • 4, ,..... • d • Vali P it!. pri ....,,...••.....„. 61-gce44 el 2 a 4 z, • lgt...-5- i ab -r-' i ., corsozoPoolyfrrin :eV 1 gii" 4-50412E ego le 0,9 P i geP3 trm : Wan& 34 a : lo,OF: 11 ll 1 seew Ise al; • Ohl' is Piethig 11 • " k0 di.gestion IS not only a distressing conaplaint,-o I itself, but, by causing the become depraved and the system feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.: - "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came ending my existence. For more four years I suffered untold agony, reduced almost tb a skeleton, and had strength to drag myself about. ltinds of food distressed me, and the most delicate could be digested all. Within the time mentioned physicians treated me without giving lief. Nothing that I took seemed any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, has produced wonderful results. after commencing to take the rilla I could see an improvement condition. My appetite began to and with it came the ability to all othe food taken, my strerigth proved each day, and afte months of faithful attention directions, I found myself ' woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given new lease of life." Ayer's Sarsapa . PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Price $1; six bottles. $5. Worth $3 il lood to en- even near than was hardly All only at several re- to do which Soon Sarsapa- in my return digest ira. a few to your a well me a Ma, Mass a bottle. THE SEAFORTH COOPER AGE. . reoe ve utter at the numbers • The undersigned is now prepared to orders for any number 'of first-class - Apple Barrels and FirifillS, Also any other work n his line. Appl works, old Baptist -Church, Seaforth. Dealers and Packers taking large will be very reasonably dealt with. P. KLINKHAMMER. 1022-tf John C. Morrison, -AGENT FOR THE- -woo") With one canvas ; the best in the Farmers are requee ed to see it bef 3hasing any other. Also the U. T. ROW. , market. re pur- -. HAR- p. . _ Auctioneer for McKill re. t.,...4. nr -,#-,,...-44.,.. ____ ___ _._ , notes purchased. Will also be willing to execute Wills ments, Mortgages, &c., at his office, W tar A fair trial given with all Implem na sale • Agree- Dthrop. nt. JOHN C. MORRISON, Vir throp. •1106, ow* TO THE EDITOR: SUREIN i" CURED , Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have cow, gumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. Ar 8L0CUNI, M.C., 186 West Adelaide 8t., TORONTO, ONTARIO. IgPORTANT NOTICE. Read Carefully the small print, and realize the great inducements that are offered by the undersigned in the several branches of business carried on by him in this place: GRIST AND FLOURING MILL. On ac'count of the inferior quality d much of the wheat brought in for gristincrb this season, we have found it necessary to make some changes I in our cleaning system, adding some of the most improved machinery, which will enable us to five our customers the very best Flour their wheat will imoduce. We are satisfied that our system of giving the customer th, product of his own grain, with the offal it produces, will commend it .elf to all. The best of stone flour always on hand. GENERAL STORE. Large nd carefully selected stocks have been bought in the best markets at jrery low prices, to supply the fall and winter trade in Dry Goods, Reajlymade Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Groceries f 'esh and cheap continually arriving. Farm produce taken in exchange for goods. SAW MILL - A larg .qtnintity of Lumber on hand suitable for building, fencing and ditchin purposes. Some Hemlock and Black Ash logs, from 10 to 24 feet lang, on hand to cut to order. Also Cedar Posts and Sawn and SPlit F nce Rails. All orders sent in promptly filled. And ew Govenlock, Winthrop. 1c THOUSANDS OF UTILES MVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure I do not meat merely to stop them for a time, and thet lave them returnagain. 1 MEAN A RADIO LCUR E. I have made the disease of Fite F.pilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study. I warrant myremedy to Cure thi vorst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send a) ince for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express au( ?ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :-14. a. ROOT 11•0•1 Orfklich Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE $TREET, TORONTO. Tt-1 Zjiki ET4 eense are those put- up by . P. FERRY & are the Large ,:3 IC cosmen in the world. L..4 D. M. Fru -in -8:03's IJ Beank-iini!y11!:!..tratri1, Descriptive !'•,. f,p,i 4.0 r_ a:.,.! Prie!:d. .9 ,, p, p ,"I 1 k.C1 il g al •.•,- Y.,'• b,4 v pf-t .. tor :Cr:, -0.11; i .: : :::,1,-:(1 .t.",..,::. F.E to all api;ii,,.r.,nr:: :.= h.i 1il-t.serti;on's r.ii-, - tonies. 1 t .0 i, i-,tt r t Aan (.1%,.. Ev- ery p•rcoli tudni.; 0', (fen, Flower or F1 .1d !=E1hou1d send ferit. I). a . rtP.Rv a. co . -; wim m. ---,,DR, oNT. ,. 12-& el" 1.1 Important Notice! -TO- Farmers and Others. F. N.CRIOH Having pure Mr. Robert S tinue the bus and by keepi ased the Seed and Feed Store of ott, begs to state that he will con - nese in all departments as before, g only Good, el an and Reliable Seed And the very choicest FLOUR AND FEED, hopes to me it a continuation of the liberal patronage given his predecessor. FALL WHEAT I Several of the choicest and best varieties of Fall Wheat, suitable for Seed now on hand and all guaranteed as represented. -FLOUR AND FEED - Flour and Feed of every kind kept constantly on hand and delivered in town free of charge: Leave yonr orders and give me a trial. Satisfaction1guaranteed. Remember the place -0. C Willson's Block opposite Forbes' Livery Stable, Main Street. N. B. -Some first class Timothy Seed now on hand. "W".. SEAFORTH. R liAMOVAL. W. J. HA Jewe • Northgraves REMOVED HIS Establishment To the Ca pbell Block, corner Main and Go erich Streets, Soaforth, Where he keep a large stock of Gold and Silve Watches, Fin Jewelry, Clocks, &o. A fine stock of Hese* Plain Gold Wedding Rings, &c., cheap as the oheapeat. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repair d with despatch. or Charges Reas6nable. • W. J. Yorthgraves, No. 1, Ca pbell's Block, Seaforth, Executor' Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of David Dorrance, Jr., Deceased. 1 THE creditors of David Dorrance, Jr., late of the townlaip of McKillop, deceased, who who died on the 20th day of January, 1890, are required to send to the undersigned executor on or before the first day of April, 1890, full particulars of their claims and of the securities (if any) held by them, verified by affidavit. After aaid date the executors will proceed,to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitlefil thereto, having reference to such claims orily as they shall have received notice of and after such distribution the execu- tors will not be liable to any person in respect to any portion p1 the assets of said estate, This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Dated the 5th February, 1890. THOMAS E. HAYS. Executor. N. B. -All parties indebted to the estate of the said Iate David Dorrance, Jr. are also hereby notified1 to pay the same immediately to the undersigned, Seaforth'P. 0. 1156-6 THOMAS E. HAYS. let ,4."" . 1 •• . GrAj;;-7- ' intnen.1 etv-- t=3 `• ACTS AT THr: T 22 F. err THE t'v! rzs r.11 T E-. THE .BOWELG„ and th3 This combined action give;"'it a-oe- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Because we allow the nerves to. remain weal:m.7.1 arid irritated, and these great hreome clogged or torpid, and p;i;:Ious humors are therefore fereed ino te 1,1cod that should be expelled naturally. :PAINE'S CELERY 1 COMPOUND WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COM- PLAINTS, VRINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS,RICEUMA- Tint, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneyseand restor- ing their power to throw "Off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aches I Why tormented with Piles, Constipation T Wh3- frightened overDisorderedEidneys1 Why endure nervous or sick headaches 1 Why have sleepless nights1 Use PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold by all Drzwists. Price $1.00. - Six for ,ttg.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON &CO,Propiletorsi MONTREAL, P. Q. s HURRAH FOR THE 1-101aY-S_ Right now we are. ready for business with our immense assortment of Christ- mas Gifts. Even Santa, Claus is aston- ished at our display. The New, the Novel and the Beautiful Are all includedin our splendid line Of FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES, SILVER-PLATED WARE, BOOKS, TOYS and NOTIONS. We offer a great variety of appropriate presents for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. We can supply a suitable gift for old or young, at any sum you may lesire to expend. Our Elegant Holiday Stock is a Popular Stock in all Respects. Selected to meet all requirements, which we are prepared to furnish at prices lower than the lowest. 0. W. PAPST, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. PENNYROYAL WAFERS used ronthly by sure in effect; a lady's greatest frien over 10,000 ladies: are sate, pleasan at home or abroad: #1 per box by mail . or from druggist. 'Sealed particulars 2c stamp. Address A\ EUREKA CHENICAL CO., DETROIT, men. Sold by .LUMSDEN & WILSON, Chemistand Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. 112142 Wellington, Goma Nowt's-. Ethel Brussels Bluevale Wingham.. Genw SOUTH- Wingham.... Bluevale Brussels Ethel.... .. a Grey and Bruce. Passenger. Mixed: 2.51?. M. 9.81 EX. 8.38r.. 8.06 9.45 9.20 8.21 10.00 9.50 8.80 10.10 11.10 Paseenger. Mixed. 6,89 a.m.11.10 a. E. 7.26r. 6.48 11.22 7.55 7.02 11.45 8.55 7.14 12.00 9.31 London, Huron and Bruce, GOING Norm-• Passenger. London, depart.- • 7.55A.u. 4.35P.1 Exeter. ....... ....... 9.16 6.57 Hensall 9.28 6.09 Kippen. 9.34 6.17 Brumfield.. ..... .9.12 6.26 Clinton ... ..... 0.00 6,4 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Blyth .. 10.28 7,12 Belgrave 10.42 7.21 .Wingham arrive-- . .. 11.00 7.45 Goma Sours- Passenger Wingham, depart • 6.60A.m • Belgrave 7.06 4.00 BIyh 7.18 4.16 Londeshoro 7.26 4.25 Clinton 7.56 4.45 Brumfield 8.16 5.04 Kippen ........ .. 8.24 6.12 Hensel' 8.32 •,; 5.19 Exeter 8.50 5.33 Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton.station follows: GOING WEEP- SEAFORTH. Passenger .. 1.03 P. M. Passenger... _ .. 9.10 P. M. Mixed Train.. 9.20 A. M. MiXed Train. 6.15 P. M. GOING EAST- Pasaenger. 7.59 A. M. Passenger243 P. Mixed Tram.. .. 5.80 r t. Freight Train.. .. 4.30 P. N. CratzTOR 1.20 P.M e.n7e,m ia0Saar. 0.40' 7.43A. t.2.2.6 4.55 P. H 3.30 P. Me Most Successful Retuedy ever disec ered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof below. (ENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE °erten OP CHARLES 3. Barxenn OF _ CLEVELAND BAY AND TROTTING BOZD HGRSEI; ELMWOOD, ILL., Nov. 20, US& B. B. Z. KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your ains Spavin Cure by the half dozen betties, rould Jae prices in larger quantity. I think itt ne of the best lintmente on earth. 1bave usedj a my stables for three years. Yours truly, CRAB. A.. Stitblat. (ENDALL'S SPAM CURE KENDALL Illooirrem, N. Y., November 8,1888. CO. - Dear Sirs:I desire to give you testimonial of III sod opinion of your Eendall's Spavin Cure. I has sed it for Lameness. Stiff Joints AR (paving, and I have found it a sure cure, 'cord Uy recommend it to allhorsemen. Yours truly • ‘. A. II. Grimm; idanager Troy Laundry Stable (ENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE SANT, WINTON COUNTY, onzo,Dee.19, 1888. B. J. KENDALL CO. Gents: I feel it my duty to say what I have dos rith your Kendall's Spavin Cure. Ibave care wenty-live horses that had SiwrInA, ten Ling Bone, nine afflicted with Big Heed an even of Big Jaw. since I have had one of gee coke and followed the directions, I have neve )st e. case of any kind. Yours truly, ANDREW TURNER, • Horse Doctor (ENDALL'S SPAVIN COE Price VI per bottle, or six bottles for it. All Dile ists have it or can. get it for you, or it will be ses ) any address on receipt of price by the propre )rs. l3e. B. 3. KENDALL Co., Enesburgh Falls, Vt 'OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTH McDonell & Waugh HENSALL, ONT. Hardware 'Merchants, -DEALERS IN ALL THE LEADING - STOVES AND RANGES. All kinds af light and heavy Hard- ware, Mechanical Tools, Cutlery, etc. COAL delivered on shortest notice at lowest prices. UNDERTAKING I A large assortment of Caskets, Cof- fins and ,Shrouds, etc. of the best hand.quality always on and. The purest Embalming Fluid supplied free of charge. -Emblems of the different societies, Everything new andr first class. The beat Hearse in the County. Funerals conducted at moderate cost. •dive us a call for anything in the line. • DICDONELL & WAUGH. 1147-12 THE HAY TOWNSHIP Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. A purely Farmers' Company. Live Stock also ipeured when in the fields or on the road in 13Iiiirge of owner or servant. Also manufacturer of the Improved Surprise Washer AND WRINGER MACHINES. Agen for TOMBSTONES and the WATSON COMPANY'S IN( 1::) WIMI•TrTS- UNDERTAKING promptly attended to a moderate rates. G. HOLTZ/WI', Zurich. FEBRUARY 21 18 TOTEM BEAU CURES ---- Stomach Troubles and Blood and DISAASES. 1157 -52e -Ne. •Halsted. 84 Sco Josephine street, Via/wham, J. A. HA.LSTED, Monht Forest. W. SCOTT, Lisiorit Deposits receivtd and Interest mlowed.oyne advanced to Farmers and Buil. Men, On long or s3hort time, on endorsed no* collateral security. Sale not -ea bought at ra valuation. • Money remitted to ail parte Canada at reasonable _charges. Special Attention given to colic Notes and Accounts. Agents in Canada --The Merchan Bank of Canada. Office hours -From 9 a. rn. to 5 p. m. A. E. smira, Aget 1154-52 ' >1001C1Vd 11 rne old. by hi sot in asPe there cause neve cold You plea sc I -Or 44,1 WM, She 'break J damp befor quiet base. ' newe • -bass. refit 4 CO the 46 split 4 CO f thr oe a wild , 3 •-• pttt [dols .ind 00 P-1 CD 0 „1-i• f=3 CPcl 0 out ten 0 CO u• nt,p rest) h band • si e ,4)3 ten o JEte it • B 44,1 He • ikno it S thing At " murir At -He moth bed. , by th and for leas • attl saif it. give havi hard sned e looke ing 44 w boy when Ano ea fo Fath gran wllI =crawl to 1306 eti1). then. THE FARMERS' Banking Hous (In connection with the Think of Montreal) LOGAN 81. 00.1 BANKERS AND FINANCIAL 3600 Now in heir owia premises on Marketigtelll- Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office. General Banking EMMONS done, Jratklifilli and cashed: Interest allowed en deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. JOHN WEIR. WM. LOG 1058 Allan, White Star and Loa United States &Royallitail Atlantic Steamships. Cabins, 850 to 8100: Return, $i00tC1. Intermediate, 830,, return 860. Steerage., return 840. All classes of passage to and ail points in Great Britiain to any Canada. If youare sending for your fne not fail to secure one of our prepaid clear through and avoid all trouble. Canadian Pacific Railway and 8 Tickets to all points. Special rates to and Pacific Coast points. Through secured free. Best connection to all polo the United States, Australia and China. air, agency for the best stock and mutual ineuraint companies. Money loaned on all awe* security at toweet rates of interest. NO to give information. Real estate said Office -MARKET ST, Ticket, Steamboat Telegraph Offiee.-MAIN 8T. ,A. STRONG, "The" law 44 real • thing moat • mean Th - trial aurre fart the s Bu gro apiri child tiona Fa him This two thb3 X can whe shou • fen_c and work pull way dig his -laws find. and fron shad hom the ay Weta it .1 repa, read toe farm 18 pay. DUE _AUG Coni t