The Huron Expositor, 1890-02-07, Page 7890 FEI3IIZABY 7 - 1890.
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Ionday, Jana
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Sas dooe, drafts ifseued
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farming commtnaity-
EPPEN MILLS in first- .
d has added various
ke this min second to
secured the services Of
- la well and favorably
'beat stone millersin
vines the moet sc,epti-
i'M to get your Gristuts
e shortest notice and in
'thing done in this mill
0 sold cheap.
0 to me usual.
- -the lesson being taughtn one line of
-Topic 44 More abo.ut the Lie
brarST and publication
s ' was introduced
by jr. James Mitchell, Goderioh. The
library question is one of the knotty
questions of the school. The first Vies -
•'Von ie how much money can the Sab-
bath School spare for a library., and how
very great care ehould be given to se-
lection of boeks. Appoint a committee
to examine -and select proper books and
not leave it to a, dealer to select as the
•school knows its own needs best. Select
books with an aim to improve the moral
.and spiritual tone of the school. Grade
the books for certain classes, and do not
give the smaller scholars the larger and
advanced books. Give the teseher the
number of books for the number of
whalers in the class making the teacher
responsible for the books, and the teach-
er change them in the class, until all
the class has read all the books. The
topic was further discussed by Messrs.
Kerr, Taylor, Sanders, and Carson.
The session,opened 1.45, Mr. Kerr,
eiee-president, in the chair. A. telegram
was read from Messrs. D. D. Wilson and
A. IL Manning, expressing regret at not
being able to be present on account of
• public business, and wishing the con-
vention. great success. The Nominating
Committee reported the following nom-
inations :-Presiclerit, Rev. W. Craig,
of Clinton. Vice -Presidents, Messrs.
Jamea Goderich ; W. H.Kerr,
Brussels ; T. 0. Kemp, Seaforth ; Rev.
0. Staebler, Crediton. Corresponding
Secretary, J. C. Smith, Seaforth. Min-
ute Secretary, Israel Taylor, Clinton.
Treasurer, J. C. Steveneen, Clinton,
Executive committee, Rev. 3. H. Simp-
son, Brueefield, Rev. S. Sellery, Brus-
eels,' We M. Gray, Seaforth, H. Me-
Quarrie, Blyth; A. II. Manning, Clin
ton, W. Grigg, Exeter. The report
was adopted. It was decided to hold
the convention next year in Brussels.
• Mr. Craig, the President elect, being
absent through illness, Mr. Kerr con-
tinued acting as _chairman.
The topic " How to avoid drifting into
mere formality in Sabbath School
work" was introduced by a paper read
by Rev. C. Staebler, and which will be
published in full.
It was moved' by Mr. Bengough that
the Executive Committee be requested
to have the minutes printed in pamphlet
• form for the benefit of Sabbath School
workers in the county, The Executive
Committee repcked in favor of the ap-
pointment of a Statistical committee,
having among its duties to enquire the
cost of issuing the. minutes in pamphlet
form, to consist of Messrs. Bengough,
Israel Taylor, and Rev. Mr. Simpson.
- The convention then adjourned to the
Presbyterian Church, where a large con-
gregation of children and parents were
gathered. After singing and prayer,
which was heartly engaged in, Rev. J.
- Edge was called upon to address the
children. We have a lot of giants to
kill, Talebearer is one of them, the best
way to kill him is to mind your own
business and ask God to help eta to do it,
Another is Selfishness ; he don't care
for anyone but himself, no matter who
is suffering. The Way to get rid of him
la when opportunity offers, give our
money, is to do it, no ms,tter what our
• feelings are, and we shall be the better
for it. Another giant is Covetousness,
wishing for t!verything that belongs to
our neighbour, Another one is drunk-
enness, terrible giant, who will go
home and abuse his family, debases
himself by using foul language, and los-
ing all his selfrespect ; we should never
drink anything stronger than water.
The boys and girls all promised to de -
stray this giant. Another one is Bad
Temper, he does us harm, both old and
young; to prevent and kill him is to
give way to each other, and love one
another. 'the address was very inter-
esting and. much appreciated by the
Aftee singing, the Rev. Mr. Torrance
addressed the children. Another giant
the previons speaker forgot to speak
about was Sabbath breaking; we should
spend that day exclusively in the service
of God, and not talking about things
connected with everyday life ; we should
not go off playing instead of going to
Sunday School. We can kill any giant
just as David killed Goliath, if we go in
the name of the Lord, and trust him for
strength. We must be kind to the un-
fortunate drunkard, make him feel that
we love him and want to raise him from
the depths to which he has fallen.
When Jesus gets into our hearts and
controls them, our life will be full of
happiness and joy. Pray te Jesus
every day, and believe that when we
ask for anything we shall receive it,
if it is for our good. The address was
full of anecdotes, ,and • good points
suitable for the children.
Mr. W. Bengough, Belgrave, was the
next speaker, and gave e blackboard ex-
ercise on the beautiful -scene when little
children were brought :to Christ, the
disciples trying to put them away,' and
Christ's loving invitation "Suer little
ehildreu to come unto me and forbid
them not, -for of such is the kingdom of
heaven The speaker said the child is
• dependent on its parents, so we are de-
pendent on Christ for everything. Ile
also gave a very interesting lesson on
the birth of John the Baptist, using the
• blackboard for iilluatrating the lesson.
Mr. Bengough, I like his relative who
runs Grip, is very handy with the chalk
.and blackboard, and is one of the most
useful and humorous delegates in attend-
ance at a. convention.
children that come out of well
trained homes. They should be
taught to have proper reverence
for sacred things a serious lack
in a great number of homes. It is one
of the most serious difficulties in the
Sabbath School, the lack ol reverence
in the ?paling. and closing exercises,
and the superintendent should aim to
correct this trouble. Parents and
superintendents should not pray and
read too long, so that the child will have
no excuse in this respect. Train
the child to be polite and courteims,
in the home, the teachers have just
cause to complain of the lack of polite-
ness, and respect on the part of the
scholar. It is very easy to distinguish
the child who hail been trained proper-
ly in this respect in the Woe, ihtlr-
eat the child and learn the lesson With
them and go to the school occasionally
with just enough flour to thicken it, and I - He Yielded'to Persuasiofl.
me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, which I did,
F°R years I suffered from dyspepsia in its
hen evils, reached home and, be- I worat forms, and after trying all means
atralch oloksalt. '
in my power to no purpOse, friends persuaded
an to make preparations for dinner, she
found to her dismay that she co ld not , and af r tieing five bottleI was conipletely MOOTS az 81-10-P1S
rememberithe proportion of ingredients ' cured." z
Nsis, MeMeto,—A.T--
required for the cake ; but determined
to have one for dinner, she veeture o ........aesseseseerhe
Leith, Ontario.
draw upo her own limited experieflce, 1
aided by hat she could remember of ,
q I find 110 I etter l'OlOqily tOF it. MINNIE
The Candid Truth.
I USED liagyard's Yellow Oil that whiter for
what Fre 's mother had told her. The
. the -first time for cru' and I must
REVD, Lietowel, ( )itario. Yellow Oil is a specifle
for croup and sore throat ; it never lane.
as well. Never expel a scholar, it is
not his fault. The fault is in
his home training kill him with
kindness. rhe speaker here gave
a very touching incident, in connection
with winning and keeping a scholar in
the school by the persevering kindness
of his teacher, after he had been given
up by several other teachers.
Topic,-" Home religion and its re-
lation to the Sunday School" was in
troduced by the Rev. J. Lieingstone,
w.ho gave a good address, but the late-
ness of the hour at which it was de-
livered and space forbids ns meking
any extended report of it.
Topic,-" Wanted more consecrated
workers" was ably and exhaustively
handled by the Rev. J,H, Simpson; of
Brucefield. After which the Conven-
tion formally adjourned.
Mareui's Johnny Cake.
dinner hour came, and with at °rime
Fred, bringing a friend he had unex-
pectedly iet during the morning. After
the thoug tless fashion of mankind, he
invited ht friend home to zdinner, not
realizing that his inexperienced young
wife would be more disturbed than Mrs.
A (with vhom he need to heeled the
eity)1 yi
elide id
Mal cia's
the neatl
Marcia was a city girl, brought up ,as
too roany country girls are even now -a -
days, in almost total ignorance of the
eares and duties of housekeeping. There
was a Bridget in the kitchen of the city
home, and a foolish indulgent mother,
who left Marcia and her younger sister
Mary to their own devices, to practise
the lest new song, to crochet a little, or
run down town as they pleased. Such
mothers seem to have no e,dequate sense
of the injury they are doing their daught-
ers by neglecting to trainIthem in house-
hold' science, and thus rendering them
unfit for the duties and: responsibilities
of their future lives. No amount of
patient application in later years can
make up for the lack of proper training
in early life. No theoretical wisdom
gleaned from cook books, or learned
treatises on house -keeping, can compen-
sate, for the lack of practical knowledge
and experience, gained froni real work.
Amid such surroundings Marcia grew
to be alwoman. Of course she loved "a
poor but worthy young man ;" they were
married, and went,straightway to enjoy
"love in a cottage "-and a small one at
that, in the country. But married life
is not all love and roses, and frequently
the young bride's first coming down from
the heights, is the necessity of preparing
the first meal in the new home, Marcia
kilsv less than an observing and well
trained girl of six years should know, of
the way to cook a dinner even for a.
fainily of two, which was all our young
housekeeper had to provide for. You
may be sure the presence of her devoted
Frederick was by no means an inspira• -
tion. But as the baker had been liber-
ally patroniied -and two fond mammas
had supplied the larder, the meal was
finally set npon the small round table,
with only the slight mistake of Marcia's
making the tea from -a can of dried sage,
which in consideration of Fred's love of
soups, had been placed by his mother
among ;the household stores. But as
Feed assured Marcia he never cared
much for tea, they' ate the meal in bliss-
ful unconsciounness that Marcia in her
excitement had not salted the potatoee,
and had forgotten the napkins, and put
the tablecloth on wrong side out.
As they together cleared the table and
washed the dishes in a fashion peculiarly
their own, Marcia. concluded housekeep-
ing was very nice after all. The next
morning Frederick awoke somewhat later
than usual to find, not the warm and
cosily arranged breakfast room which
was wont to greet, him at Mrs. eA's, but
e. fireless house and an empty table. His
darling Marcia was informed that it was
time breakfast was ready in order that
he might be at his place of business at
the proper time.
The breakfast hour is an unavoidable,
though sometimes an unwelcome one in
every household. , This our young
friendl discoeered thus early in her
married life. Marcia.was compelled to
bestir herself and set about preparing
breakfast, as her mother was not at
hand to provide it for her. We will not
take space to enumerate the many trials
of our young housekeeper on this par-
ticular morning, nor of the tears which
he shed in the days which stucceeded it.
Very' many young wives can sympathize
'with her, for they know from bitter ex-
perienee that the road to perfection in
'house -keeping is to every Marcia'a briny
'nail had thirty yeare' Mao
house -keeping, Fortunately
inner was nearly ready, aud
laid table looked inviting
ishes of meat and vegetables,
and crowning all a plate well heaped
with the tromised golden johnny-cake.
Fred as h st served well, and he thought
Marcia had never looked more bewitah-
ing, as she sat opposite hito pouring the
fragrant tea (not made of sage this time)
for their
The ea
saying th
e was passed, and Mr. S—
t johnny-cake was his especial
ook a good-sized piece. Fred's
mother had made the butter, so Marc:a
was good, and she felt quite
nt with this her , first atteceet
aining. Fred with approving
the blushing face opposite, cut
red his cake, and eyas about to
la's skill in making johnny-
eanwhile their guest had taken
este and was shedding involun-
, trying bravely though un-
Ily, to conceal his discomfiture.
Fred had tasted his own
he cake he readily understood,
sympathized with his , friend's
knew tha
at enter
glance at
and butt
laud Mar
cake. It
a liberal
tary tear
As soon
piece of
and full
Poor _larch. Her Johnny -cake had
been ma1e of ginger. Will she ever
forget t e chagrin and mortification of
that hour? She had ignorantly bought
six pounds of ginger and half a pound of
corn -me
awe ha
stead o•001,101101.00,0
.A11.1. el it lieltrxwlecigments.
4 4 T AOKNOWLEGE the geed I ;eet ived from Of all kineis of toots and Shoes, Rub -
Bladed< llama Bitters. I had constipa- bers, and Overshoes, also Trunks and
thee hiettehise bowels t115.1 aCetanulation of wind, eve and size. s in leading
Valises in all styles
eatiang severe pain in )-ity stantaeli. Two bet- .
lines of fine and coarse goods. I keep
Ales of 13. B B. cured nit!. It Is ull 3 ou claim it
to ea" seleaCLARAIEAmherstNova co- Cooper & Smith's, and John McPherson
tie. •
s il, , , S
to eux•••••wrAirsezioluesd• it Co's celebrated goods, the best wear-
.... goods Made in the Dominion. , I
THERE have heeri Many reinto kable ci re4 Of • room for new,goods which are arriving 1
A 011ie Deafines. have yet a \large stock to sell to make
dearness Made by the use of Hate ard's dully. No reasonable offer refused.
. Yellow Oil,theIreat, household remedy foe pain,
A call solicited and no trouble to show
flam te salon d eoreness. YellOW Oil olives
Ci M. Whitney's
l'OHN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor graduate of
e) Ontario Veteriniry College. All diseases
of Domestic Animals treated. , Calls promptly
attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary
unoeontisti, oryessisospecirth, alty. Office -At wawa itplat
Veterine' ater:M. edrYitCtIcaleliSeiitSeeradm.etaint°71atetibettsallill
_ _
PrOl;:rSttended to either by day or niglik
,• tapromptly rts of the Domesticated Animals. All con:
Chores moderate. Specird attention given to
- veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Street,
Seaforth, QM) doer southof Iiiddls Hullware
' lag
fheuination, sore throat and croup. and is us• - goods.
ful internally and externally for all paths and Stand, opposite Reynold's Hotel, Mistweb%
• Papules... Block, Hensall.
1135 A. WESELOH.
I, and not knowing the differ -
made the cake of the ginger in -
the meal. Let not the reader
think this is a fancy sketch; i is all too
true. In the years thereafter, when-
ever Marcia reverted to any of Fred's
failings in the presence of others he had
only to ay "do you know hove my wife
most a
man co
. . •
Swimming Niagara
5v way to met life, and suffering dys-
pe.peta to exist le an •easy way te make it
%nisei able. Taking Burdock elood {Miens is
an easy way to eure dyspepei , toidlit never fails
to thoroughly tone and streuethen the entire
system at the 1:19111C titUO.
onnny-cake ?" and she would
at once, suddenly becoming the
iable and considerate wife a
Id desire.
Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
Would not be Withow,
IRS, ---We have used your Bastard's Pectoeal
Balsam for severe c usiis :old colds and can
recommend it to be just what it is represented
to be. We wuuld not he vith ut it.
13 S}MINE.
Cataract, Ontario.
" La Grippe" or Lightning
• bit& EDITOR, La grippe," or Rus-
sian' influenza, as it is termed, is in re-
ality an epidemic catarrh, and is called
by some physicians "lightning catarrh,"
from the rapidity with which it sweeps
over the country. Allow us to draw the
attention of your readers to the fact that
Nasal Balm, as well as being a thorough
cure for all cases of the ordinary cold in
head and catarrh, will give prompt re-
lief in even the most severe cases of "la
grippe" or Russian influenza, as it will
effectually clear the nasal passages, allay
irritation and relieve the 'dull, oppres-
sive headache accompenying the dis-
ease. No family should be without a
bottle of Nasal Balm in the house, as
cold in the head and catarrh are pecu-
liarly liable to attack people at this sea-
son of the year, and Nasal Balm is the
only prompt and speedy cure for these
troubles ever offered the public. Easy
to use and agreeable. If you cannot
get it at your dealers it will be sent post
free on receipt of price (50 'cents and $1
per bottle) by addressing
Brockville, Ont.
Minard's Liniinent Cures Dietemper.
•Cs,f ,••••
- ••••••••1•1,..-.1--"4.•••,,•11,.7,4 • • .
.4d2 -(e°
The evening session was held in the
Presbyterian Church, Mr. Kerr in the
.chair. The singing by the choir in fine
style, of such soul -stirring songs as
Stand up for Jesus and Gather them in,
was much appreciated by the audience.
The next topic was"Home discipline in
its relation to Sunday Sehool discipline.
The influence of home training is impos-
sible to estimate in the future lif& of the
• child. The parents' life, in some cases,
is made wretched, simply because of
their inability to enforce discipline in
the home, If the discipline there is de.
-fective'it will certainly be so in school.
The Sabbath School was never institut-
ed to relieve the parents of the responsi-
bility of training the children in the
home. -Parents fahould train and enforce
a cheerful and ready obedience on the
part of their children. In the majority
of homes children are allowed to do
just about as they like, talk to the
child seriously about his duty in this
respect. The speaker did not advocate the
rod, firmness and kindness, will be much
more effectual in winning a ready obedi-
-ence. There is no difficulty in the
-Sabbath . School in managing the
ICJ, FOR SERVICE -The undersigned keeps
for the improvement of stock at his place
BOAR. Terms -61, with the privilegeof return-
. f ser-
ing if neceesary and payable
vice. FRED. MEYER. •1140x8 ti
CIIESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned
has for service on Lot 31, Concession 9,
McKillop, a thoroughbred Chester White Pig,
to which a limited number of sows will be
taken. Terms -$1, payable at the time of -
with the privilege of returning if neces-
sary. PETER DODDS. • 1152x4
DIGS AND DOGS. -The undersigned has on
his premises in Harpurhey, a good, thor-
onehored Berkshire Pig which he keeps for
service. Tereas-$1 per sow, with the privilege
of returning if necessary. Also for sale a few
good collie does from imported stock on both
sides. ROBERT TORRANCE, Harpurhey.
Seaforth, • Ontario.
We are offering Bargains in
Coal ir% Wood Parlor Stoves.
Jenks had a queer dream the other night.
fle thought he saw a prize-elshters' ring.
and in the middle of it stooda doughty
little champion who met and deliberately
knocked over, one by one, a score or more
of big, burly -looking fellows, as they ad-
vanced to the attack. Giants as they were
in size, the valiant pigmy proved more
than a match for them. It was all so fun-
ny that Jenks' woke up laughing. He ac-
counts for the dream by the fact that he
had juSt come to the conclusion, after try-
ing nearly every big, drastic '3111 on the
market, that Pierce's Pleasant Purgative
Pellets, or tiny Sugar - coated Granules,
easily 'knock out" and beat all the big
pills hollow 1 They are the original and
only genuine Little Liver Pills.
Beware of Imitations, which contaiu Poi-
-.-ionous Minerals. Always ask for Dr.
Pierce's' Pellets, which are Little Sugar-
coated Pills, or Anti -bilious Granule&
One a Dose.
After a few weeks a little incident oc-
curred which is the foundation of our
sketch. One morning as Fred was pre-
paring to go as usual to his daily work,
he said just before leaving : "Marcia,
don't you know how to make johnny-
cake? Mother used to make splendid
ones, and we haven't had one since we
were married." Now during her short
novitiate in housekeeping Marcie had
learned to conceal her ignorance. if pos-
sible, so she simply answered, "would
you like one for dinner? I haven't any
meal, but I think Is will have time to get
some this morning." The only reply
was, "good girl," delivered with a part-
ing salute no doubt enjoyed by those
participating, but not particularly inter-
esting to a third party.
So Marcia had committed herself to
the johnny-cake, though she did not
know in the least how to make one.,
"Where there's a will there is a way,'
and Marcia possessing a large measure of
the former soon found the way to fulfill
her promise. Hurrying her morning
work as much as pcssible, she took her
market basket on her arm and went to
the, nearest supply store for the neces-
sary materials. She stopped on her
way to see Fred's mother and get the
receipt for the famous johnny-cake,
which was gladly given though not
much more definite than old Dinah's ee-
ceipt for fritters. "A little milk, honey
All Atoves Guaranteed.
A full line of
I luraTTBEW MORRISON, 'Walton, Insuranoa
licelary's Famous Sto,ves
gA ent, Commissioner for teking affidavits,
Conveyances, &o. Money to loan at the lowest
Mrate M. osentott, Walton. •
0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, neztiloer to Ike
Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. All di.
eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of Os
mestessted animals, succmfully treated 'it
Infirmary, or elsewhere,. on the shortest
Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Vette*
inary Surseon. P. 13.-A large stock of Voterin ,
ary Medicinal kept constantly on hind,
For which we are Sole Agente.
AITH. HASTDIGS,Solieitor,etc. 02Ice-Cady's
V V . Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea.
forth: •974
Great Bargains in Table and Library •J.M.R0BE0mST4BanerristeDeorNorth
Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butebar
he ' stic-oomm"s"-
shop. Agents -CAN -IRON, Hour & Caatiaotr. 870
BERKSHIRE FIG. -The undersigned has on
Lot 26, concession 3, II. R. S., Tucker --
smith, a thoroughbred Berkshire boar to which
will be taken a limited number of sows. Terms
-$1. payable at the time of service, with the
privilege of returning if necessary. CHARLES
CHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned
1-1 will keep during the present season on Lot
21, Conceesion 2, L. R. S. 'Tuckersmith, a Thor
ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited
number of sows win be taken. This pig was
farrowed on lilay 15th, 1887, wag bred by S. H.
Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio, one of
the most extensive and reliable breeders
in the United States. This Pig bag also taken
first prizes whereever shown. Terms 81, pay
able at the time of service, with the privilege of
returning if necessary. GEORGE FLEWS.
Bilious Headache,
Dizziness, Vont,
gestion, Bilious
tacks, and all derange-
ments of the, stomach
and bowels. are promptly
relieved and permanently
cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Purgative Pellets. They are gently laxa-
tive,. or strongly cathartic, according to
size of dose. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest
to take. 25 cents a vial, by druggists.
Copright, 1888,y Wonma's Ms. Msts. Ass%
"By a thoirough Knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition, and by a careful application of the
fine,properties of well -selected COCOA, Mr. Epps
bas provided our breakfast tables with a delicate-
ly flavored beverage which may save us many
hesivy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use
of such articles of diet that a constitution may
be gradually built up until strong enough to re-
sist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of
subtle maladies are floating around us ready to
attack wherever there is a weak point. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oureelves
well fortified with pure blood and a properly
nourished frame."-" °twit Service Gasette.'
Made simply with boiling water or mile. Sold
only in packets by grocert, labelled thus:
JAMES EPPS & CO., 'llommoPathio Chemists,
London, England. 1041-52
Consumption Cured.,
An old physician, retired from practice, hay
in had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the 1orn:1111a of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive
and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous' I Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
mos, has felt it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve hutuan suffering, I will
send free cf charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent by
mail by addreesing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. -A. NOYEG. 149 Power's Block, Roches-
er, N. Y. 1093-26-e.o.W
Minard's Linthient Cures Garget in Cows.
rop're, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
A General Banking business trans-
Farmers' paper discounted.
• Drafts bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
QARROW & PROITDFOOT, Barristers, Ballot -
'Ur tors, &o., Goderieh, Ontario. .1. T. %mow.
Q. C.; Wm. PROUDFOOT. •6811
Solieitors in Chancery, Goderich, Oat.
M. C. CAYSRON, Q. C., Pima. itoursAt. G.
CAMBRON. 606 .
OFFICE -In the Commercial Hote)
J. C. SMITH, Manager.
F. HOLMESTEID, Solicitor. 105
°WI •
9 .
310' 7. 15--T-1-74•
51 1-
kOlierun Morbw:
0L: C:.
Original and o ly reliable.
Beware of poor l imitations.
Messrs. C. C. Richards &Co.
Dear Sirs. -1 took a severe cold in FebruarY
last which settled in my back and kidneys,
causing excruciating pain. After being without
sleep four nights through intense suffering, I
tried your MINARD'S LINIMENT. After the
first application Imes so much relieved that.'
fell into a deep sleep and complete recovery
shortly followed.
John S. S. Porter's',
Undertaking and Furni-1
ture Emporium,
Funerals furnished On the shortest. notice •
and setisfaetion guaranteed. A large assort- :
ment of Caskets, Coffitie and Shrouds, &c.,`'.
always on hand of the btst quality. The best
of Embalming Fluid ased free of charge and
'Prices the lowest. Fine Hearse.
S. T. HOLMES, Fuperal Director. Reel- .
dence - GODERICH STREET, directly op-
posite the Methodist ,ehureh in the house
formerly occupied by Dr. Scott.
3010 S. Mason.
mismimiimmiosomm•D '
A spring medicine is needed by ' -everyone.
Winter food, largely consisting of salt meat and
auimal fats, causes the liver to become disorder-
ed and the blood impure, hence necessity of a
eleansing medicine The best is Ayer's Sarsapar-
Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap is a dslig-htful sham-
oo. It cleanses the sca p and d -grey
Small sugar-coated Burdock Pills do not gripe
r sicken. They are mild and effectual.
Worms cause serious sickness. Dr. LOVE
Worm Syrnp destroys and expels all kitids of
worms quickly and surely.
Pale, Weak women need a tonic, strength giv-
ing, flesh building n3edicine like Milburn's Beef,
Iron and Wine.
" Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has given .e great
relief in bronchitis. Within a month I have seat
some of this preparation to a friend suffering
from bronchitis and asthma. It has done him so
mueh good that he writes for more." -Charles F.
Dunterville, Plymouth, England,
Having done business in Canada for the past
30 years, our reputation and responsibility are
well known. We pay salary and expenses frem
the start, if everything is satiefactory No pre-
vious experience required. -Write us for terms,
which are very liberal, befoe engaging with any
other firm.
• REFERS/W.- Bradstreet's or Dun Win:an &
C3'8 Commercial Agencies; well known to busi-
ness men; �r Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont.
Clerk of the Second Division Court
County of Huron,
Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent.
Funds Invested and to Loan.
OFFICE -0 -ver Sharp & Livens' store, Main
street, Seaforth.• 1116tf
sed of Cotton Root, Tansy and
Pennyroyal -prepared by an old phy-
• ;
ician. 1-8 successfully ued inonthly
by thousands of women, and has been
• prescribed in a practice of over thirty
years. Price, el. Will be mailed to any address
in Canada and United States. Doctor's consul-
tation hours, 9 to 11 and 1 4. Diseases of
women treated only. Sealed arteulars, tato
stamps. Ladies only. Address POND LILY
COMPANY, No. 3, Fishe Block 131 Woodward
Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. 1135-13
Seaforth Furniture
Undertaking Warerooms
If you want good value for your money,
don't forget to give M. Robertson a call
before buying elsewhere You will find,
his stock very large snd varied, and prices
to suit the times.
The Undertaking Department is replete
with every eanitary convenience, as re-
commended by the Undertakers' Associa-
tions of the continent. We pay particular
attention to the science of embalming, as
demonstrated by emineat professors at the
Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet-
ter prepared than ever to furnish and eon -
duct funerals on more reasonable terms to
our patrons than any so-called "reform
undertakers," with their advertising clap-
s trap.
Warerooms--One door south of the
Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth.
DJ. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Convey:neer, fro
, Late of Victoria, B. C. Offiee--Orer
Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. PrI -
Tate funds to loan at ee and 8 per cent. 1085
-1%iFANING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, ,
Conveyancers, &a. Solicitors for the Bank
of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan,
Office -Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H.
Kamm, JAN'S Scow. 781
10 HOLMESTED, suocessor to the.. tate firm of
J. McCaughey- & Hohnested, Banister, fip•
licitor, Conveyamer and Notary. Solicitor /Or
the Canadian Bank of Commeroe. Moneyto lend.
Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Bleck, Mein
Street, Seaforth.
TIICKSON & HAYS, formerly with Messrs.
Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich ; Bar-
risters. Solicitors, etc.; Seaforth and Brussels.
Seaforth Office-Cardno's Block, Main Street.
Money to Loan. 11211
ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 pair
iVI Gent., with the privilege to borrower
of repaying part of the principal money at may
time. Apply to F. HOLMFATED, Barrister
Seaforth. • 850
day • Of e -ac -h -month, at Milne Hotel, 'will visit
day of every month at Reynold% Hotel, where he
Zurich the first Wednesday of every monthat
Peine's Hotel, and Hensall the follewing Thufs-
New Rooats--Over Daley's store,
next door south of Rohb's grocery
Main street (east side), Seaforth. 941
ci CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den-'etiastaboiv°: evilExletevisir't411;thOthuas
last Thursday, and touowttig.
will perfornl all dental operations. Teeth ex-
tracted with a new Japan saaesthetio, which re-
moves neatly all pain. Parties desiring new
teeth will please call early in the Morning of the
first day. Chargeemoderate. Terme cash. 884
Harness, Saddles, Trunks and
BELLS, &cl.
A complete stock to meet the wants
of the trade.
Call and examine my stock and get
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
No trouble to show goods.
1142-12 JOHN WARD.
on the removal of
worms of all kin Cat
from children or adults
11150 DR. SMITH'S
1.0 Z ENG ES. Alwase
prompt, reliable, safe
md pleasant, requiring no after medicine. Never
failing,. Leave no bad after effects.
Price, WI cents, per box.
Thoroughbred Stock for
MI A. MARTIN, L. D. S., Honor; graduate of
_EL the Royal College of Dental Stirgeons
of Ontario. All the esaastheties =used for the
painless extraction of teeth. Ofilice---Garfield
Block, BRUSSELS. 10064.1.
ANNOMICEMENT.-On removing be Tor-
onto, I have arranged with B. B. moats,
D. D. S., to remain in charge of office for the
future, but will attend personally the list -Tues-
day and Wednesday of easch month. I am
pleased to reoommend Mr. Morries to the eon-
fideece of the public and consider him fully
qualified and worthy of the'same. • With beat
wishes for all, - friends and patients. ' Yours
Respectfully, G. L. BALL, Dentist, 74' Gerrard
Street East, Toronto. • - 1169
•ELNSMAN, Dentist., L. D.
e4ss71ea:atetly S
s • •Exeter)nt
Zurich, be at
at the Huron Hotel, en the
and at McIntyre's Hotel, Bengali, on the new
AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth GX.,
tracted with the least pain possible. All work
first-class at liberal rates. 971
11101 E. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon
J),. and Acconcher, Constance, Ont. s. 1127
TUN. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of
icy McGill University, PhYsioian, Bergsma
and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re-
sidence --North side Goderich street, first brick
house east of the Methodist church. 961
-TARS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, BritMlield, Lioen-
tiates Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Edinburgh.. Brumfield, Ont. 980
Loan and Investment
This Company is Loaning Money on
Farm Security at lowest Rites
of ILterest.
.Mortgages Puchased.
3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to amount and
time left.
OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square
and North Street, Goderich.
Goderich, august 5th,1885. 922
• DAVID MILNE, Ethel, will sell seven young
Shorthorn bulls, from six to twelve months'
old. They were got by imported Red Knight,
4123, (54904) and from cows got by Lord Lovell
2030. They are good sized and will make good
"Red Knight ." he is
show bulls.
four years old, is quiet and a grand stock
getter; also a few Shorthorn and grade females Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. Contracte
and three colts or young horses of either sex. taken for every descriptions of buildings,
As I have more stock than I have room for I 1 ' including all work. •
will sell either of the above cheap and on terms 1
to suit purchasers.
1146 DAVID bilLNE, Ethel, Ont.
T G. scoTr, m. D., &c., Physician, flurgerin,
eat and Amoucher, Se..aforth, Ont. Moe and
residence South side of Goderich street, Samna
Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842
llar W. BRIJCE SMITH, D M., *ember
Jai. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
&e., Seaforth, Ontario. °Mee and rffOenoe
same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. • 848
Planing Mill,Lumber Yard
The eubscriber would beg to call attention to
the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber
which he always keeps on hand, at the very
lowest prices.
Bill Stuff cut to any order on
Short Notice.
Charles Querengesser,
Concession 8. Logan NO
LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the
IV• Royal College of Physicians andSurgebne,
Kingston. Successor to Dr. Ma.clrid. Office -
lately occupied by Dr, Mackid, Main Street,
Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Squamc,
in house lately occupied by L. E. Danoey, '
Dr. Maokid has gone to the Northwest and
Dr. Bethune has taken his practice. The
Doctor will be found in Dr. Mackid's office
during the day and at his own residence during
the night. 11274.2
T r. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer lor the
fej• County of Huron.Sales attended in al
parts of the County. All orders left at TVS
Exreerrou Offioe will be promptly attended to.
The Great English Prescription
Cures Weakness, Spernialorrhe
Emissions, Impotency and all
diseases eaumd by self-abuse or
indiecretion. One package $1,
vplz,pjuresix 85, ;by mail. Write for .
pamphlet. EUREKA CHEMICAL tr •-
Co., Detroit, MIch. For sale by LUMSDEN
WILSON, °herniate & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont.