HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-04-06, Page 7ri, WEST°
>tea and Accounts 0
tat in any part of the
est reasonable rates,
indence Saki
te Agent, Ete`aeter, Oat.
teresser, Manufaeturer of Soak
rent is situated on Lot n, ow.
'and ids tnilee nortr. of Dublin;
way. Parties intending to b
11 make money by buying frost
the best material guaran
Flooring- anti Siding At 417 pot
Broadhagen P.
IL wow
& Black.
all kind a et Stsethanery Slarina,
;and Tabular Boiiers.
ids of Sheet Iron work.
ttarently on hand.
tor delivery
New Steel Boiler.
. New Boiler.
t -hand Threshing Outfit,
la.rater, ad in good work-
' 6oict cheap. Mall orders ani
Dation. Works opposite G.?
P. 0. BOX 361.
Enron and Bruce,
9.35 5.48 -
9.46 6.00
9.5 1 8.07
9.59 '6.10
10.4a 6.55
10.46 7.05
11.15 7.35
. - 11.20 7.40
7.00Aat, 3.10 -eat..
7.17 3.33
• ---- 7.31 3.47
7.40 3.56
e.00- 4.15
a.19- 4.34
8.27 4_42
8.33 4.48
- 8.47 5.02
...... 10.00 5.50
'Grey and Bruce..
' Paseenger. Mixed.
:1.41 P. Ia. 9-.31 1a/0.8.40A-14
2.53 a.45- 0.30
3.11 _ 10.00 10,00
S.25 10.10 11.25
rassenger. Mixed.
lettt A.m. 11.10 A. itn. 7.25 P.11.-
0.43 11.25
7.02 11.45 8.55
7.14 12.00 9.31
ham at 8.I0p m. for Kinear--
e, Wednesdaes and Fridayta
unk Railway.
th. and Clinton stationsaa
1..50 r. M.
9.10 P. M.
.„ 5.10p M.
2.20 P. M.
9.27 a. M.
1.15 P. U.
_ 4.20r. L.
Seed House.
ing purchased O. C. Wilt
rd Seed Grains, and hav-
tacks for the Spring Trade
r the Choicest and Fresh -
and Seed Grains, consis•
Galt,, Seed Wheat, Oats
of Western Seed Corn,
eed Clover, Red Cloven
e, White Dutch, Lucerne,
.n Grasees : Timothy, Or -
Red Top, -Italian Rye,
Fiseue, Hard Moue,
laretall and Lawn Grass.
t 'at ret and Turnip Seeds,
ble, Garden and Flower
Mar, atuelewheat Flour,
fiteba. Oil Cake, Flax
ingot Foods and Horse
n Meale.
- House for your
any paxt of the
e Oid Stan -
carer !
y fret/Y.(' t floats of
errata tinie, to snuff out
aid eat it is to the
'Inderlettid efforts more
tr er, with one of
a:id ',et seieeted stocks
•trte fr,,h and new, as
eates. glassware, hats
and ordered elothing,
e and undertaking -
„Arlin, 6, 1888.
COUNCIL MEETING. —Council met at
Damea' hotel, Cranbrook, on March 9,
pursuant to adjournment. Members all
present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes
.of last 'needs% read and approved. Jas.
Houston applied for 80 rods of wire
lence on sideroad between lots 10 and 11,
-concession 16, laid over for further con
sideration. The Reeve and Clerk were
instructed to notify Engieteer Bolton that
Beauchamp Creek is meufficient as an
outlet to carry away all We water in
to be brought into said Creek from
the Township of Dina. The auditors
report an4 abstract of the Township ac
counts for 1887 were laid on the table
and examined - by the Council. Moved
by Walter Oliter, seconded by Wm.
Brown- that the auditors' report be ac-
cepted, aud that the abstract be publish-
ed in the Brussels Poet two weeks.—
Carried. Moved by Walter Oliver, sec-
onded by Wm. Brown that the Clerk be
- instructed to procure 200 copies of the
Ditehee and Water Courses Act of 1883,
and amendments thereto, for the benefit
of the ratepayers.—Carried. . Moved by
Edward aryans, seconded by Archibald
Hislop that the towuthip printing be
ft -Omitted to pubiie competition, and that
the Clerk be :attracted to make out a
list of printing for 1888, and that ten-
ders be asked for the dame up till the
15th April next. — Carried. Moved by
Arch. Hislop, seconded by Wm. Brown
that the Reeve be authorized to open
the tenders for the printing and let the
contract. — CarrieaN The following
pathinestere were appiinted for the cur-
rent year, viz.: Cdticession.1, boundary,
Alex. Thompiem, Duncan McTavish,
Joseph Arnestrong,Geo.Saugster, Horace
Cummitige, Jas. Seem ; Concessions 1
and 2, Alex. MeDeneld, Joseph Coombs,
Malcom, Fraser, John Thompson, Wm.
Fraser, Win. N.I iteh,11, Samuel Holmes,
Daniel By r es,
Thos. Smith ; Concessions
3 and 4, Thio-. Strziehrin, Wm. Bates,
John Smith, Joseph Raynard, John Sav-
-age, Aadrew Bremner; J. J. Lindsay,
Robt. Pirie, Jas. Bowers ; Concessions
5 and 6, Frank Oliver, Bart Laing, Robt. ;
McKee, John. Biellope John o Baynard,
-Wm. Elliott, Chet. Meisel), Relit Ben-
nett, Truman Smith ; Concessions 7 and
8, James Cardiff, Hugh Lamont, James
MeD aigeti Maleehn Lemont, Daniel
Monier, !tuba Dilwerth, John Gill, -
Edwerd Collie, Wm. McDonald, Richd. I
. Rupp, David Mime; Concessions. 9 and
10, rhos. Pettper. John Crearer, James i
Menzies., Win. Wilson, Win. King, Isaac I
Lake, John K. Biker, Wm. Cook, WM. I
Dark ; Canceseiens 11 and 12, Alex, ;
Delgatty, Edes Dickson, John MoLauch- I
lin, James.Stenmen, John Knight, Val- 1
entier Fterster, John ‘Vhittield, Louis ;
BoPer, Rollo Menzies ; Coocessions 13 :
and 14. John ilislop, David Grant, John i
Caah. Peree Sinclair, Areh. MeNeil, Jas. 1
McNair, Luke _Speiran, Joseph Whit-
field, Wm. 1 larben tie ; Concessions 15 ;
and 16. Peter Watson, John Buchanan,
John. H. trrie, Win. Fulton, Dougald Mc- i
Tage ire II ittwell Speiran, Geo. McKay, I
Jas. Fulten ; Concestions 17 and 18, I
Don ilit Res-, Thos. Williamson, Arch. :
Dune ineon, Jas. Casio, Win. Smith ; '
Gralusei tut %fey, Geo. Celvin; Welton :
villaaa- it. H. Ferguson ; Gravel road, i
Jamee Simpeere Jas. Strachan, Thomas I
MeLauchIin, Deoald Mcfeenchline Jas. ;
eley, John Ilislop, Adam Sholdice.
Feuhe viewers: Alex. Roes, Jas. Turn- I
bull, L i wet -ewe Debson, Robt. Bowen, l
Malcolm L anima Joeeph kV hitheld,Geo. i
Welsh, Philip Butz, Peter McDonald, !
Wm. Fulton, H irtivell. Speiran, George !
Avery, John Whitfield, James Oliver. !
Pound -keepers : Thos. NIL:Ewen, Mr.
Ward, Joliet Robertson, Jacob Tuck, !
Hartwell Speiran, Thos. Turnbull, Da- i
yid Millard, Wm. Memos. The follow- 1
ing accounts were presented and paid :
A. McNair, postage and stationery, :
$10,23 ; Jas. Mitchell, plans for stone '
pier lot 4, concession 12, $2 ; Alexander
Stewart and Jacob Kreuter, each $10,
salary as auditors ; A. McKey, error in :
dog tax, $1 ; Win.. McKelvie,balance for '
ditch in front of tots 6 ande7, concession !
I, $5. Council then adjourned to meet ,
again at Robertson's Hotel, Ethel, on I
Friday, the 25th day of May next, as !
Court of Revision at the Assessment !
Roll- — Wm- SP-1,NC4, .Pleric. .i
. :
Tennessee Mountaineers. !
"I always had an idea that the stories .;
we read about the igeorance of the
people living in the mountainous regions
of Tennessee were exaggerations, " said
a Chicago man who lately inede a vitit '
to- the southeastern part of that State.
" But now I know better. These re- i
parts are not only true but the facts ,
have not been half told. - I am not ens- ,
ily astonished, hut I confess I was aston-
ished by what I saw in Tenneesee.
Why, there are lots of men down there :
who have grown old and have raised
families who can neither read nor write,
and who have never in their lives been
far enough away from their homes to
lose sight of the smoke that curled out
of their chimneys. I knew there was a
tune when people lived in houses that ,
had no windows in them, but I nevee
dreamed that such a state of affairs ex-
isted in this enliehtened age. Yet there
are plenty of such habitations in Ten-
nessee. And the people who live in .
them are quite as much representatives
of civilization as their dwellings. Theyeiv
he no knowledge whatever of a world
that extends beyond the range of their
vision on a clear day. I will say, how-
ever, that with them ignorance is decid-
edly blissful. To possees a rifle or a
shotgun and a jug of whiskey is the
hunt of their ambition. They know
nothing of he value of money except as
regards its power to purchase liquor
and ammunition.
"One day a man whom I met had
occasion to go from his home to the
connty seat. He was a man of more in-
telligence. than most of his fellows, but
he had never in his life been'away from
home before. - He had never seen a
town. The nearest approach tit one he
had seen wae the collection of houses
about the store where he sold his truck
and bought his bacon. When he got
back front the county seat I asked him
what . he thought of what he saw.
'-Well,' said he, 'all I got ter say is this:
If pltid world is as big on the right uv
ut as it is on the r,.. ft sh.. :.-.-.1 it be a reg-
ular whale.'"
I was mese lading up in the Cumber- f
land Meentains," continued -the Chicago •
man, ii,,he.„ I saw a bearded monntain- i
ter splitfine tiebig tree he had felled. It a
was a hug- black walnut. I said to o d
him : 'My friend, what are you oing!' . t
'Pm a makin' fence -rails,' was his re- u
ply. 'Well,' I said, 'you don't mean to : I
tell me you are making fence -rails out , o
of that pieee of timber ?'
Tain't it hat's a good log, 'Why,sartain. i
?' It was as ; J
fuaT a blatek walnut log as I ever saw,and s
if my friend had known, enough
somebody with a few oicen or
drag the leg to the railroad h
have sold it for $200, forit w
more than that.
"But it is not only th
whose density of ignore
ing. I observed a case
ing in a striking manner
`is so far behind the rest
e mon
ice is
why t
of the
in the matter of progresti. The
used in Tennessee for Wilding
is poplar, as the inountams are f
and pine is scarce. Satiamills
tablished in the 'coves,' and t
man cuts up logs hauled to his
the mountaineers. He pays a
sum for logs, and then figurin
pensation for his work o i3awin a sets a
price on his product. I happe ed that
at the time I was in Te nessee t le price
of lumber was $18 per 1,000 fe p. A
man of my acquaintance was h -Hug a_
house built, and deterined to aye the
interior finished with hark' wood nd red
cedar, which abounded n that region.
Accordingly he asked the sawm 11 man
what he would cha,rge foe lumbe of the
kind wanted. My frie was
astonished on being told
would be just the same
$18 per 1,000. That sa
probably never get rich.
his hardwood and cedar
railroad and shipped it
or Nashville it would the
him $50 or $66 per 1,000'
"One more yarn," add
man. "A big strapping
the grocery store while 1
offered a bee of hickory
He wanted a quarter f zr the
afford me a little amusen ent the
keeper threw down a $5 gold pi
asked the boy if he Won' sell ti
that. `No, siree,' he sad, 'yo
cheat me. I want a qua ter.' The
keeper afterward told me that t
didn't know what the .id pica
ost . pe
ney ex
to carr
to get I same attitude that the Trojans did
Wes to ' toward the Greeks, suspecting them
could even when they bestowed gifts?
s show -
e -South
11 of it
are es -
e mill-
aws by
certain -
that th priat
s for p plaa
Vitali n wit
Had h take
umber te th
o Chat a.noog
e have rouglit,
d the hicago
oy ea a intp
was th a.ntl,
'nuts fo sale
T• I
C An
enaf o
e bo
pie iii
He said the boy, like
that region, had no col
ever of any amount of in
a dollar. That was his
which his fancy declined
: I suffered with fever, hot head and foul beath
With stomach disordered-wassick tint th
bore t a week -surely I was a dunce
Then 1 took a few "Pellets "-they cured Inc a
What a dunce, indeed, to neglect stich
remedy and suffer a week, when quick relic
could have been found in Dr. Pierce's 'llasan
Purgative Pellets.
Blackberries and Appl
. Me. C. H. Hamilton, q.Wlsco sin,
very successful sinall-fruiegrowe ,is on
of the kind of men chosen to instr ct the
farmers at the great gatherings at the
institutes in that State. Altho gh he
has several acres of bleckberries; is av-
erage yield per aeft for the pas eight
years has been 123 bdshels. II finds
the entire cost, reckeining jute est on
land, etc., is five cent per quart. He
receiveseten, and with no expense of ad-
vertising, finds reedy, sale, end lways
has for all he rai4es. Surely $2110 net
per acre is no bac inc me. Ir. amilt
ton built up his usinessisiondy thui
his knowledge 1 s worked on ; nd he
made no mistakes. In this w y his
market grew wi h hi,: business, nd. so
his sales are glatayse made in a vance
with no effort. ]the b rries are c ltivat'
ed the suminerte rouga always keeping
thegtound clean. H manures h avily;,
keeping the soli r eh, ets the ber ies in
rows, running, . refe ably, nor h end
south, seven feettaper • • I
The idea that tart pples are n_ecesi
sary for cooking is Vvi espread a d etel
roneous. No sauce an be more tooth-
some than that prepa ed from th goo(
old Sweet Bough. - L ter in the season
Jersey Sweet tales it, place, and lurini
winter TalmanSweet Ills the bill. There.
is more nutrition.. and fattening roper -i
ties in a sweet than i a tart ap le, .a.S
all our stockraisets or well awar , and
animals as a rule pref r the forme . AS
regards economy, th points are al in
favor of the saccharin fruit. Ev n the
deprecated FallaWatei is delieiou when
converted into dumpli igsd Taste, didifferin preference for the d -sseet, but share
for ;the mild sugary a -plea the pr dilee-
eion of my pee Jer.eys! and hester
Whites. In fact I c neet enjo a tar
fruit ; the acidity h is such an effec
upon the ename; of my teeth tha I .ant
made to suffer foe t1 e indiscreti m for
hours after eating the n. ' Ther is ah
el 1 Pennsylvania pie Allem g in
September,which perheps' Contain more
saccharine juice than au fruit of its
season ; it is very rich with a criep,yel-
lowish flesh. I can -ell remem er the
admirable qualitiee o this fine, sweet.
fruit, which was growl under the name
of Caleb, and wits fort erl,t., in ev ry or-
chard in this sectibiab t with the i dvent
of highly praised novelties it h s be-
come like the "Great Auk"— a th.ng of
the past.—Josien Hot essein Nese York
Tribune. -,_ _
The Box of lowers.
I remember once e mite; alon
mine Street late. at ni ht, 'holding
hand a pasteboard box full of be
flOwers—nasturtiums, believe.
had been left over et the Flowel
(don, where we had on distril
these tokens of God's itiva to be C
to the bedsides of the sick. It
warm evening, .and there were
groups of children playing iii the.e
On one doorstep there! Were seate
call little girls of the *West class-
ier drtseed,and eng in pla
conversation. Ilaid the box do
the midst of thcm, e Walked
rapidly, casting a glaa „ however
my shoulder to see -% :hat would 1
result. They started Is ek from t
dismayed, as if it cot aimed som
pent or infernal mach n Very
however,. one of th girls mu -
enough courage to r love the
while they all prepare 1, o 'beat A..,
retreat. What was ti er surprfse
joy to behold the swe t fresh east'
urns, which they pro -eeded at one
divide and appropria.t m. ow, it
te me that this simple 'Co union pia
eident illustrates just Ion- we po
tiers treat God's gift- of salvatie
everlt.'s- ting life. W ' sl rink an
almost angry ,win -n o4tr b 's -It frieni
proach us on the toibjee, f rcligi
tif they were -didn't is at -cry dot
avoe, as if that gift wide t they
,ontained some poison or snake or
nite. It is really the (io,,t boa:
ocl precious thieg there is,but alt
-ur friends who have Inic-ome Chri
ry to persuade us of that, I,et we u
pen regarding God as Pur enemy;
le had some furtive design to rob.
ur liberty and peace, flittead of
n very truth the best Friend w
lave.. Have we any gond. reason f
'uming toward our heaeoleeFath
Car -
in my
utif ul
Al is-
'as a
n in
e the
e box
ser -
o 'er,
✓ sin-
1 are
I tful
• na-
t es
s of
as -
. This and That.
—The Tigers were a little behind in
India last year; 1,464 of them were
killed by hunters, and'they killed only
about 1000 persons.
—A gifted speaker, always a favorite
at lodge meetings and reunions, was
begged the other night by the chairman,
who could not refrain from calling him
up, thnugh the hour was late,
to be short! "I admit," answered the
orator, gracefully, "that I am some-
what lacking in terminal faoilities I"
- —At Guelph on Wednesday, W. - H.
Cutten, solicitor and ex -private banker
of that city, was committed for trial on
a charge of fraudulent conversion of $900
given him to discharge a mortgage, and
was admitted to bail. The hearing -of
two other charges of - obtaining money
under false pretences was rioatponed till
next Wednesday.
—A correspondent of the.- • Boston
"Transcript" writes; "George was a
negro boy owned by my friend, Judge
W—, in New Orleans, He was a
devout fellow, • and enjoyed his evening
prayer beside his gentle mistress, where,
believing in sound rather than sense, he
innocently and emphatically always
said ; "Forgive us our -precipices, and
lead us not enter a plantation !"-
-They have some original characters
in these mountains. Once I heard a
really eloquent sermon at a- church ten
miles north of the park. But .you can
imagine my surprise when, in the midst
of a burst of rhetoric, the reverend
orator clasped his hands in ecstacy
above his head, and, lifting his eyes
heavenward like a saint, exclaimed,
"My friends, all the world shouted for
joy when the good news of Christ's
birth flashed over the wires !"
—It has, no doubt, says an exchange,
been a mystery to many how the iron
ball inside of sleieh-bells got there, and
it is said to have taken considerable
thought on he part of the discoverer
before the idea struck him. In making
sleigh -bells -the iron ball is put inside a
sand core just the shape of the inside
of the bell. Then a mold is made jiisl
the shape of the outside of the bell.
This sand core with the. jinglet ineide
is placed in the mold of the outside,
and • the melted metal is poured ' in,
which fills up the space between the
core and mold. The hot metal burns
the core so that it can be all shaken out,
leaving the ball within the shell. Ball
valves, swivel joints, and many other
articles are cast in the same manner..
Romance t. I Wedded Life.
James, dear, will you bring me up
a hod of coal from the cellar?'said a
busy wife.
.` That's just the way with you, ' Said
James, with. a blaak frown, as .he put
down his book and rose up from the
'Jut the way with me?'
Yes, "he snapped. As soon as you
see me enjoying -myself you have some
chore or Other fPr me to do. , Didritt
you see I was absorbed in my reading'?'
Well ,dear, I will do it myself. '
Yes, and telt everybody,' • especially
your mother, that you have to carry
your .own coal up from the cellar. No,
I'll do it. Let me mark my plaee. '
So he marked the place in the book at
which he had -ceased reading, and when
he went down, to the cellar, grembling
all the. way, ehe picked up thei volume
and found it was a love story' and that
the passage -he had been a sorbed in
was es follows :—
darlinga'when you de. My wife
I will shield and protect you from every
care, the winds of heaven shall dot visit
your. face top roughly, theset tender
hands shall neeer he soiled by any men:-
ial tatks, your wieh thall be My law,
• 'our happiness
Just then he reappeared, and dunip-
ing_ the hod on the floor, taid
There's your darned coal, gite me back
my book. '
Is life worth 'living?
. e • If you have catarrh,.use the surest remedy --
Dr. sage's.
Remove the Cause.
To remedy an evil the cause must be removed.
It is by os ening the elogeed aaenues of the
system and thus removing- .the impure Poisonous
- and e orn out matter ss hich • is the anise cif dis-
ease that B. II II. is so unPormhs successful in
-overcoming, all diseases of the Stomech, Liver,
Kidneys and Blood:
Like a Thief in the qight.
Croup is a disease which etrikee quiekly and
severely. To be pre pared for this dangerous
disease a bottle of ii a--\ at d's Yellow Oil should
be kept in the house, it is a prompt and sure
The Four Cardinal Points.
The four cardinal points ofe hcalth are the'
stomach, the liver, the kidnee't and the blood,
any failure of their action brings disease and -
derangement to the whole system. Regulate
th it condition with Burdock Mood Bitters to
secure perfect health.
Without a 'Doubt.
There is no doubt that. Hagyard's Yellow -Oil is
the beet remedy for Sprains, Bruisee,Sore Throat,
Colds, ulletimetisni, Croup and all _news, Paine,
Lameness aed ,-on-em:--4. It is listed eaternally
and internally, aml aleadd always belmt It in the
- High Praise.
Mrs. John Neel:tad:a writing from the Meth()
dist Parson:tee, Adelaide, Ont., says, " I have
used Hag.% aro•a Pectoral Balaton tor 3 care in our
family. For heavy Colds, Sore Throats and dis-
treeeing t'on,Jis no other medicine so soon re-
His Friends can Testify.
Mr. C. If. Vought, of Peterboro, Oita, says
that his friends can teetify to his bring (aired of
Indigestion, Constipation and Torpid Lit er
laming two and a half bottles; of la. B. B. -`‘ It
seems to act like magic, and I hi artil recom-
mc:nd it " arc the rloaina• orda of his letter.
's By a thorough knowledge at the natural laws
whieh govern the operatiors of digestion -anid
nutritimiaand by a careful application of the
flee properties of wt. il-saleeted Coven, Mr. Epps
has pi-ovidt,id our brea k fee t talilee with a eltaleate.
ly tlavoret1 hot rage a hich tray save os many
heavy do:fere' bills. It is by the ju lieioes use
of sueleartaaee of diet that a con s ft tin ion may
be am:Juane leeia, it until strong eneneh to re-
sist every ft:mite:co to tlieease II und reds of
subtle maladies are iloatiog around us •ready to
attack a herever there :a a weak may
escape many a fat alatft by keeping,. cm r,t-IN es
well fortified with pure beecel and a properly
nourished frame:a- "Cie if NI, 7 vire r ;,zzi tie."
Made simply milli beilint water or mils. Said
only in packet; by gnawers, i lodl d thus :
JAMES EPPS. ea Co., Hemaeopathic Chemists,
London, England. 103-42
gentleman. should be withou.t the 1..)
MORTGAGE SALE, Building Lumber
Hodgins Hotel, Hensall, Sawed Frame
• Timber.
Saturday, 7th A pray
At one p. m. there will be sold Lots one and two
in the 3rd Concession from the London Road in
the Township of T,uckersmith. For further
particulars see posters or apply to
Vendors' Solicitors, London,
Or to A. BISHOP,
Auctiopeer. 1058-3
If you want solid comfort call at
M Fic) be rtson s
And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjusta.bit
Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. 1-1
can also supply
Invalid Chairs and Carriages.
He also sells the most comfortable and durabl
That is made. His stock of
Is very large and Complete. Intendin,g purchae-
ers would do well to give him a call before par
chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South
of Telegraph -Office, Main Street, Seaforth.
Oiled Iron and Steel Wire.
• a
- -
tria •
ea▪ ;
ee •
r -t•-•
Having just eompleted the best long timber mill
In the county, is prepared to furnish on the
shortest notice the following kinds of Lumber:
Bills of Hemlock and Cedar Lumber, Hardwoed
Poets, Girts, Plates, Beams in length to 40 feet
- furnished at the mill, flve miles north of
B13 th Siding, or on ears at siding. Rates of
freight, $12 per car to Seaforth. •
Apply for prices, giving length of bill.
1047-26 Saw Blyth P. o.
Diphtheria & Croup Remedy
Is a Sure and Reliable Cure.
No child needs to sufferafar less to die, from
these dreadful diseases, if this remedy is. used.
Over 6,000 vials have sold with best results. Best
of a stin onials on band. I challenge every case
with this remedy if rightly used. For testi-
rn and liberal terms, arm]) to the under-
signed, REV. II. DIERLAMM, _Gowanstown,
Out. For sale at
Fear's Drug Store,
Combo's Drug Store,
J. 11, Hamilton's,
George Rhyme's,
Dr. Lutz's,
htorge Baker's,
D. S. Fauet's,
Witerth & Co.'s,
- • Seaforth.
- Clinton.
- _ 'Blyth.
''---o-. IVe ••-• :-;
t• 7 j
The above mai have now been thoroughly re-
built upon the complete
I 40C
I..- I4 • e "••
The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been
greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied
Flour Dressing Machines
From the best Manulacturing Firms have been
put in, and everything necessary added to enable
her to turn out flour
In the Dominion. The -facilit.es for receiving
grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping
have also deen extensively improved. Grain can
now . taken from farmers' wagons. weighed,
and loadeQ1 into cars at the rate of 700 bushels
per hour, by the work of two men.
CU f.:3"1* 4.:
Has been put in, and the necessaey machinery for
handling chop and coarse grains.
A good tilled heti been erected, so that wagons
can be .unloaded and reloaded under cover.
Prompt13., attended to, and
GU:A 132 Alf fltr r:
C SIT -101/1' -1:71±-1 H it ID
Chopped satisatetorily and a ithout delay.
And all kinds of
t t :ea to) re tot tan,
in r- 1- Lai
Constantly on hand.
Highest Market Price Paid in
- Cash for any Quantity of
Only arst-cla,es and obligiare men will be kept
to attend customers. - The liberal patronge of
farmers and general trade respectfully solicited_
A. W C-,111111`..' & C34
T. 0. K EMI', Manager.
Liver Complaints
Dyspepsia, Bill-
ousn es s, Sick
e- yr yr railac
eases,and all Ina
Blood,frcan what
pitritita of the
troubles, Rhein,
aatiam,Skin Dia.
! Female Weaknesses and Gen, ral Debilitt . Pure-
13- eetalite, high)- enr.oentratial, plaasant,
l'",g safe. Ask for Dr /ladder's, aampantati.
1 tk t im lield re wee r". 7.5
(Tints iier bottle.
Ae, made la the et-le-
brated 1)r. Chase. for
all diseases ariehig
from a tereill and in-
acta e Lever, -seta as
Dyspepey. Peetetien,
I:Miter-epee: -Lou (lice,
Pain in the Beek,
Headache, Sour Stomaca, ke. Preen one to
three bottles .is guarantt tin tore the N t ra-
warat case- of Liver Comp inn. naa 11. ••••• •••tri
sick Headache ; -one to tao stanetaato ar ii
ins igorates the whole *tittle.
fl IIIREE every heetl • of Che•-• a Litt r
Book is els ass-- v
Cure. It contairs over els) Y eeiete. The
ladies' department is devaid to rite GI
I embellishing the eoznp1c::ion, ;nil 04: reet te
for making Magnolia Bean, Cr. ton of 11. aat3,
411 Golden flair Dye Eye Bright eye :No L11:: or
e •
• - • - Sold ty all dealers -at one dollen •J
Engineer. Orders by trail promptly at I ORTII.
tended to. D. S. CAMPBELL hitched, 1023-52
• • p
• .,.r fax
ta era a la re.P1-•,-
Ws? tt'
tei ,11
e: elee- ae.1 aa
per 'tante. Preera tete aed 3..'r". Se -tear ,
TIIF. UNIoN alLitaa:NI: Co. I.-...Y1f) (7%.:4- '
ada. • , . . .
Jt,,; S.2
,SeAbej204,4r.0AHlliiiiblargrACUW-41•••••••• 14*%' *JO ••••••••••,• ••,••• ••• g* 41.1P600=C42-.14110...
See it.
Try It.
taoll SALE. -The north half section N. 11,
J the south East quarter Section 1a, ••• d
South ball of legal subdivisions 9 and 10, Sen
is, all in township 6, Hg, 4, east, Canna af
Proveneher,Manitoba. Price reasonable. A) i ly
to, or address A. STRONG, Sea.fizath, Onlanita
au! 7
- pAIIM.,FOR SALE. -The proprietor offers tis
1. valintble farm for sale, being Lot 6, cola x
aftin tanunty of Huron, containing 100
acres mare - r l• ss, ao es cleared. Good 0 a 0
and tog: baras al -a wait' log house. 1 0
bold %cry reasonable. Apply to Rollam 7-ae-
Our Self -Lighting Lamps and Lau- e tat iToN. Brussels P. U. • h
terns. No, matches required; always
ready; at a slight extra cost -over old
style burners, Call and see them
C. M. Whitney
Cheap Stove House,
Sole Agent for Beaforth.
Removed I Removed
G= CD_ i W I i\T a-,
The Old Established Butchet has mewed a
new premises int:et:dandy oppeeite his (ne
Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will la.
pleased to meet all.his old patrons and as nutria
new ones as may see fit to favor him with their
ifOrRemember the plata., between Henderson'
Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main
Street, Seaforth.
Landed Credit Co.,
Is preparkd to lend on mortgage, on the security
of improetd farm property, at the lowest current
rates of interest, and on the most favorable
terms as to repayment of principal. Apply to
1053-12 WM. CAMPBELL, Blyth.
Manitoba Lands
• —FOR --
I have 8,450 acres for sale in -the best settle -
merit of Southern, Mongolia, thee to Railways
and Schools_ tit ill sell on easy terms, one-sixth
castabalance On time at tiller i• -eat. interest, pay
able at Seaforth, or will take prodnalive Real Es-
tate in the county of Iluroti inn exchange at cash
valuation for a portion. These lands can be
bought in parcels of 160, 320, 40 or 640 acres, to
suit purchasers. Farms can be rented for the
first year close to ally of thetie Lands. 1051x12
WM. M. GRAy,-.Seaforth, Ont..
;:5•' v
rpo mi.:reigned will
keep dining this season on his premises at
Hillsgreen, a TnnizorGinntED Cunzsvrttt WItint Pig,
to ‘k hah a limited e umber of SOWS Will be teken..
Terms ea, %% WI the privilege of returning if
necessary. CHARLEs TROYER. Beata:13
(SEFOLK P- IG.- The malereigned will keep
during the present scaaon on Lot 31, Con-
cession 3, McKidop, a good, well bred Suffolk
pig to which a limited mnaber of sows will be
taken. TERms.—:1, payable at the time of. ser-
vice, with the privilvve of returning if neceasary.
JOHN elcallIaL.AN, Jr., 103ex12
Lt.kRM .1. -We SALE OR TO RENT.-alieti.
.12 Cull 1.!:•01iOn 12, Lr• e been Line, SW.
. 0 Ilt.:Ming 100 at ICS, 140 sen -s cleared, oNe; i n
aeres of n. 1 wheat, a go. d frame barns, . ad
brick lanuat ants oreliato., well watered. 'iris
faint it i mit be bold • and On eas) terms. a i t
' ninea moneeyx.anteo di a . Pos-ession w ; :.0
i given as sati na ao d or rented. At, , :: to
i It. 1 - ELGATY, aeent tor the Proprietei . • at
I Brow mann Linie or Baa Beal, R 0.
li is I I th at: let'dqiii-i t:Ftkr:g\l'ITI;C:Iia.:1:(11.11111;.,:fs'el';r111 iael.A1'11 It h' Till:TIT lel: tOa: ::: ' ' t7:1-17
i I I ' ' ' ' . -• '1 '. ',
4.--- ,J
salt . 'I hi- li,ust: has ali n-onicrn V." VV., II ' ' '
I is Inita-1_ loratee, anti A ii ie alien d xit
1 reivamait'e tent :a 'I a -ii tall red fame I : 1::
11011111: I1 411111 i.e j11r-,1 ti, i. t hi: is, e'er earrsee ..ei
I apply at CliAlil.E.:-V. 01.111 a. BROWN i . 1.--8
I stare. hear LI -I? I). t.t t llit•I , :, alOtth. 1-0-„, 1II.
1 e
l'ARM FOR sALE.--Foe :eta , the north 1,..lf
• I of Lot ae, Come -0;40a s. toe, ship of MOriis,
eonfamMg lou i/e es. nn:<out (..0 or t4linc1.j an eita.r-
x•d and in a goad state. af i. »AR anon., anii iht)
- 0
bundni) 1 two 11 (-13-, tne mem r. iii e ; two
and lair erealiunklimes. It ia a it I in two ulna-. of
one Li 1 al the OnaN t I Loan. It 5'. iii In sten et ry
ehearural'and . n eats) tenni,. of pas meat: At pa to
the piastarotta vdiaga of inans• la. and is a -thin
D. 31 RA I CLIFF E, station t In P. 0.
Noah, il li, II tnnbered. .71,0Te is a ,Mallo i-i,...,,.t!,11i.!-C
t...i colin t-ellen.4.' : :-1 ant; I .-id a mei o
; ne
good fraline licuae, \Nal, got d lame ; no tut-
gee d Learn g mt tenth, et t hoice lrab ; nu i arid
a half napes from ataiorth. 1 or I artieu alb ap-
'AII3I, It'll bAI.E. - la la eale. lot 3 , i
I ly to Ilre )»oi. rictor 4.19 ti.t. pr • mime Le Jill
excellent land e tam well buiit I rnx t hi -r, us itk
;lea 1, Mt Kilka . n-. i teming It 0 a. ten. of
Ra -.1-.-f,
V aparinig offers a r aale the &how» g Nam-
able prOpert , viz : his boute aad graumis,
winch is one of tin in. Ft tieseable sitea that
can be had in beatorth, hying situated :614 -G4do-
rich uto et.Also a In use and let on Met het
street. Several tot: la and park lots, bitl».orth
and st•uth of Railway. a it bill the ibinlittli stalk .
of al arket or Main et reet.. lair its int eedieg to
buy property would do well to call On F. 0. apar-
hag before putchasin g elaeala-rt 1 to 1 'WS, Ill.
tending to purchase the beuse can in •set el it . on
Weduerela3s and Thmedat s, F. G. SPAM -ENG,
beafarth P. 0.
. IARIi rOI: SALE.--. For t,Lot No. 6. [-on-
1 y, containing 148 acres under good cultivation,
: cession 13, Brobson Lime towinehip al sten-
with a I.:a:ad batik barn 4474, aith eeed stabling
for herae ;me can e , u ith can.fantabie nat e:ling
houae and a largo orchard 14 ii.11 t•berrivs, pears
and peaches and a good Nafety of .41_s t- fruits_
Tin re arti 110 acres turner good eu1t nvation and
wet 1 at neiid, •• Ali 30 aeres fail pi aue le el, abd, 20
acres in fall win at. Th s pr -per te will Inc sold
cheap, and on rine cemale tern,. Appbto the
undersign:ad, 110111:1IT WALKER, on the Free
misee or Blake la o,
*ALE. -A fillr's4iLtafase* .-
201) Ararlu(IfirsrA.:21. iFnOtlirlt• town -hip ot Monis,
hi the Comte of Baron, 'acing south half of
north half kee 25 and 26, arid south half of 26
inn the nth eonwessko. containing •.:00 fiefea. more
or leas, 125 acres mostly clear of stumps and in
a goad atO.te of -cultiNation.There is a young
hear Oar orchard, a got a house and hank barn
eaeee feet with atone stable underneath. The
farm is eieradad within a tulle of the Village of
alilrhilz-satle,:-.aed is a rood Lola for grain 'or anock-
ising, aS it is watt-nd with the river Maitland!
naver-failiter sprieg ereek. Possession
will be eisee at any time. For fur flier partieu-
- I:77701 . . 1_, -
airs anlaS on pn the wises, or a:R
to A. K. RollT.-
1110-1Ni Ir11;e18s :::%:(I,1,..-, I t r 1-0e, Lot 12, CoateS
. i 10:latf
eat ni 2, 31en-e-, carata of Boron, canitain
mg. Ili ii al rxs. gt ed iriam- I ar» ugh etame etah
Beg underAla and frame house. There- are;
Si) aeaes (-leered and t o aeres free from stumps
and in a good state of cultivation. A spring.
ertak rub* through the premises and eupplian
water in 4nm:dative the •ti; teat time of Um 3 ear_
Tine Farneis it desirable one and ver: ' colt:Ili:1A
on i aaa terms. For further partivulars fippl3 to
to Sehooli, Chinch, Cheese Factory, Saw Mill,
Criet alill, a!e. The price cit this Fan; IS $1,0(0
.1“.8;T. KING, Illuevale P. 0.
c)• Farnt, for n<ale cheap, being- Lot 23, Coulees-
aliia 5, al pie Taman -hip of ,31eRillop, 'Comity uf
eire Huron, comainiag RO acres. ,Ct Ulsieh a5 acres
are clear ; and the remainder al-od hardwood.
The Farm jS in a good state of aultivation, arid is
either for a koelf. farm or for cultivation.
'There 11.41ever-failing stream running through
the Farina It. is Natal underdrained and well
fenced. There is a good frame barn 36 by 1;6, a
frame stable 50 la 44, mid a leant() 17 by 46, him -
pin merit house all complete. There is a large
frame house, with kitehen and woodshed attach-
ed ; also goad autbuildings. There is a good
well at the barn and raw at the 10118C„ and a
bearing. orchard. The Erni is located near V..in-
sitaied uslaitta; to retire, on aeemmt of health,
.itil,N‘Nziiiicb(eltsioKit.1 cheap mid on t•asy terma. Al ply
o» the premises or to Winthrop P. 0. DART-
thrap, from Seaforth. As theiTrali]lit--r-
- •
a7) Lots 7 and la in the sth Coaresaionn of Tuck-
ersmith, contaiaing- 200 acres, alteleared and in
a first class state of eultivation. On No. 7, there
is a vied, TWA' brie]; honee and .a Inn rulj barn 146 by
4e with atone stabling underneath arid other nee-
e,ea ry build ine aleo a al ae OrChard of Chotee
fin& and plynly tf%%titer. On Lot 8 there is a
hew (Taint: Imese an .1 a geed hank barn arid filet,
elass orchard. Path placea are well flawed thar-
mighty malerdrained e from stumps. Al -
1 so the inert -It half of Lot 5 on the same 'Canoes-
aian nteinin:z nsc!rf s, I 2 a-rcs of minin-In are
cleared ;tad tt•e balaece wi II thalierad. These
plata a are Is :thin 11- it miles of Seatorth and the
mine diatanee from Kipple ugh ;rood travel
rotate It adine in every .direetien. These :ands
Ain. lam aald to -it flier or sip -irately. They are
among -thin beat farms in the Camita anal will be
sod (-heap. Aeply on the prentiat s or to Kg -
naiads die P. in. W. S. aira DELL. lo5e t. I.
T)ERRSDIRE BOA11.-The undersigned will
J.) keep, during the present seaton, on his
farm, St c•diad Concesaion Tuckerateith, one mile
est al Egmond vine, a Thoroughbred Berkshire
Baar, from the us ell-knotsn breeders. Messrs
Simmons & of Delaware. Tamms--1,'
payable at the titre of aervive, With the privilege
of returning if necteemy. .10IIN ILANNAIL
4 CHESTER. WHITE riti. - The undersigned
n_ will keep during the present season on Lot
el, Coneeesiob 2, L. it. S. Tuckersinith, a Thor-
ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited
number of S'INN14 will be taken. This pig was
farrewed on. Mey 15th, 1--7, Vtati tired by S. II.
Todd, of Wakeman, Iluron Ceenty, (thin, one of
the tenet exieesive and reliable bre n tiers
i 11 it el at Thi ri
IT be Il t. :qcS. S I.; has also taken
first prizes whereever shown. Terms $1, pay- .
' . ------ --
able at the titer of eerviee, with the privilege .of:--
returning if neeee-ar:„ G1:1)RE GPLEWEe.
The Post Office Store,
itt C41
The ia now prt par' -'l , to rnl-fiti-
ornicr for any ronn.bi r fir-t<olass
Apple Barrels and 'Butter
Ale:. any ether 's irk in las lime Apply at the
us ort'-, el.1 11 tpt t Chnreh, Scforth.
Dealers and Peela re takina hero miniters
win be very reeeebaely 'halt usith.
, 1,r22.er
Jr-,'- a ha e
...tee.. trete =01
• Lad,. of aiana,.
• ai f.- '
L. • . . • r
Asive- ....fel raesaaa
er e • m- i ,".".- ar
l'e•i•elle !ere:
• ieeis Pre -:rat -.ere • al.maa
aaaaaatiraini, !••paizt, •.al. aeo Gee.
rative ore.tine et eitaer e, • awl all
eatiaed .by indiaeret ion er -e'er oe• rtion. Six
paekaeta i tilarantaed to etaet ft cure -Alien all
other reedit:ales fail. One paeheae si, six pan.!k_
ages tl, Is mail. SoN 1,y dnareate. Write for
pamphlet. Atidreas ECREIN:A CHEMICAL CO.,,
Detroit, Nlieh. Vit -101+1 inn ainfarth Lin:laden
tt. Wilson, and druggietsgeetaally. 1031-52
When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she citing to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castor:
Of Headquarters Geurral Stort , us isle's, to thank
netheriale eeettine e ter Ili,. ;r tnttpatr44.-
age during the past three N l
and o)pets to
:htr ding It, ivr,,z,11,,in ;itif. sotairltairtiigeiftt!,tyr:
ea 1 a by he pita; failliites hin1 nre,b and new
g-' ''I'-, liy sallnaa as iatear a- a -a -able for good
It valaiiit tail lo pleaie flte most
gaiela, 1"W. (41.. belt 1111 Thq' 1:.(,4- of -our new
him• -: .-.a OtandS, anti IAD' 14tU iltih anal figured,
amid our famtay goods. Onir Bat t - and Shoes are
rieny worte in-peetiam ,we onia- from -
tf:e l'est maaufata lir. ra pima- (-an rely on
getting goods that a -:-..a.-faation, We
La:l• Lid in Ali t sera !ante eral a p a -c -on -ted
sto"lt for a a -enteral •.tere, co lee I: aid :coarse
ts anal ni..d v -II .tt
S.. in -i --c- tat of fee a rat- in at -a., 'Jima, very
▪ < nte-n a; -I ti)., -0 iii
It 15 nit patterns. '
Ap.:o a 1.,, - 11 --t .hi. r fonn
Pe ten.
T, :,
•nee.a.- - -e ee heed,
n : tea ea •.- .ast,
atel. at -1 the a. a; 1„nate. (.1.1 .
1.11r111.14111.-: t'a oil inn
0.itnn t n!, ta•rtinleal,
:,,ea i,f Pal. %I,
--!' <-1( I .orits. Fee.,
.1 Bardeen% an -a, that extra
;Nell Dart •
-rantol ;erre alenal.1. 1 eall .tel as
th- • -..• -asb far
anr. Ina .•to rale t an I tira e. 4.±4 eeral -
• •.* 141(1:
s• ,- .e 1i aal !Lae.- ,•
• i bt oaalain-•:-. tar atia-1-. c• ea, at ••,•".
se,s „es. perea 7.:. *I.,