HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-02-24, Page 51888. ie. Aftergradua- mica at Toronto r first prize for ;oak a year of iversity in men- ce and modern ping to Prince - :01711"9e. He asee iew York to gee i with city rnis- ago he accepted of Tara, in the harge he would gate physically, extent, for the hat he had im- a which had, to is health. It is a his efforts in proved uneven- st week, the re- ts Cadzow, son of of the 13th con- •ived at Landes- gan in charge of aged, Mr. Jamea o was shout 22 nlichigan in the ser woods, and a death was taken there was no . le died, after a The young man sid his relatives thy in their sad if lest week says: : was moved to snday morning. tiled for a time, misea the office r, it is said, for- Cmaster, Mr. R. is, (Mr. Hay's) s overcome and taken in charge postmaster,. Mr, gned it to Mr_ Mr. Duncan as > endeth a long )arley between a 'ely little burgh. ming last week, Virigham, a boy age, meywith a a accirlint. NEte he pieced some the shot in the wanted pt. hear Ould make when smplish this set get out of the tis he failed, end s eyes were burnt ome of the ghat [houId infianama- a slight chance eht of his eyes. of his being left ter. It is a bad mother, a woman o keep the wolf known residents sd to the Great ,ast week --Mrs. nd Mrs. Rbynas, .1s Rhynas. The Ly ill, for about a:be—nearly 74- 1be. not urtexpec- taken to Bay- nent, and as the 'esident of Gode- ege was largely • to the ceme- d very sudden - f heart disease, lectedly that be- er family could ad passed away. :ars of age, and settlers of the death. s, tlse 6th inst., Robert Inglis, died at Tyner, fever, after an n his 27th year. est about seven land in Dakota, nce. Two of his e neighborhood. ied. The father esday afternoon n reaching his ia son dead and a arris-al before uterment. The he sympathy of unexpeeted be - was a very He paid his da here a visit titetian of the ing, which will era : Change p subject of the ng discourse at edeemer, based in Ephesians • are no more rs, but fellow ts and of the Turk preaches er, pathos and -es it attractive,. His sermons vith the Scrip - are invariably s and testimony ,s- The sermon ting to the oc- by many pres- he has pres.ch- te. swered. correspondent y 17th asks in - registration. of s, and ads° the y of such stal- the rules gov- mals, the pro- , whose dam is accepted sire, ion in the first rI Stud Book. registered their forever, unless worthy ; there- ndigree which • of his stadlian, ✓ from accepted also- asks if this the interest of orters, but from t by registering gat up by far- erest, enabling of worthy ani - eligible in any 1. In, ). D. H. B. n: of Mr. T. M. , has been ap- quhar, in place esigned. FEBRUARY- 24,i88. r THE HURON EXPOSITOR. - OUTI OBA LETTER. R MAN (Froin Our Own Correapondent.) After the blizzard in politics and weather that came down on us in the middle of last month, has come a "soft snap in both. For a few days we felt like shaking off our winter wraps and people were shoveling the snow off the side walks. We are even favored with telegrams from Medicine Hat that an industrious granger up there was plowing a week ago. The patriotie gentlemen who labor in this ssinT every spring or -rather winter to boom the Hat may perhaps one day be enjoying a climate where it is a good deal warmer than 600 even in January. In politics there has been considerable el a softening down also. The out- going party are indeed, with the help ef• the "old guard," which cannot die while Sir John lives, trying to make it hot for Attorney -General Martin at portage, arid Ei.n't. Howell, the rising hope of the Conservative party, went west to do a little spreadeagling for the good cause, but though they owe Mar- tin a good deal which they are very willing to pay 'nwith full interest, it is hardly probable that they can oust him unless aided by a few sore heads of his own party. D. E. Wilson, ex -minister of works and Hamilton, ex -Attorney - General, are both prospecting for a new departure at St. Paul with the intention of going both out of politics and out of the couatry, and Norquayism is scarce ly Inore than the ghost of its former self, though the late supporters of that ism may meke by and by a harder fight than some people now give them credit for. The man who was adroit enough to drop Harrison into the hole, when his own downfall was imminent, and thus form a bridge over which he might retreat without suffering the coup de grace of an adverse vote is still capable of giving trouble to the Greenway ad- ministration upon a fitting occasion, and certainly will not miss his oppor- tunity. Greeuway is pretty certain to keep his present position in the next ..„Parliament, whenever that happens to be eleeted but he may then find as others heve done before him, in the same position thet it is easier to grapple with the avowed enemies that confront him, than to nateage the rank and file of the army behind him. Patriotism wants pickings to keep it alive very much the same here as it does elsewhere. wheat. The Ontario millers ism buying all the clean wheat they anget hold of, and are more particular about thet than the grading by the inspitor. Clean wheat grown anywhere here makes choice flour, even though only graded " spring wheat" and sense have )ought, and been well satisfied with, *beat that through the pressure of• a few frosted grains caught no grade at all; from the Inspector. Much of our wheat is being now sent to England hy way of BoSton, and finding favor everywhere. The new administration is doing two, very wise things. They are getting a list of all the vacant lands in the pro- vince and of their owners, • as a step to organize means • for their sale and settlement. And the Attorney -General has intimated to the civil servants of the province, that men among them, earning good salaries, are making their position a screen against the payment of their lawful debts. This, he says, is a discredit to both themselves and the country, and plainly intimates that instead of being screened they are pretty certain to be bounced. A, few more moves of this sort will give strength to the pretensions of the Reform party, and win for them the approval of all honest men. The most contemptible of, all " beats " is the man who, earning a good income, aims at paying as little as he can to his tradesmen, and we have a good few of that sort here:—W. Horse Pedigrees. DEAR EXPOSITOR.—In your last issue a letter appears over the Signature of " A Farmer asking information from the Dominion Draught Horse Breeders' Society as to whether or not the pro- geny of his horse is eligible for registra- tion in the Dominion Stud Book &e. A man of good sense, wishing for the in- formation asked for and having no ul- terior motives, would have signed his name to his letter, if indeed he had not chcsen the better way of writig to the President or Secretary. I am under the necessity of concluding that the gentlninan has a. motive beyond the apparent one. To impugn his good sense would perhaps hurt his feelings and this I have no desire to do, so I will answer him cautiousle, as follows If you can prove that. your horse has the breeding that you claim he has, he may be registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book, and so be- come an ' accepted sire under the rules of the 'Dominion Society. As to the question whether or not your horse is as good as the get of a Canadian bred, pure Clydesdale stallion crossed with a Shire mare, this is a question, I think, on which men may; reasonably differ in opinion. After yoti have trayeled him for a year or two, you will be able to answer the question yourself, as the patronage you get will fairly repre- sent what is the general opinion of breeders. My own opinion in that your horse would not be so valuable as a stock horse, as the horse bred from a long line of pure Clydesdales on the side of his sire and frona a, Shire mare. My opinion rests on the well- known fact that many of the best draught horses the world has seen were so bred. I regard the Clydesdale and Shire . as substantially the same breed. There is no more difference between them than between individuals of either breed. The Scotch breeders have aimed to produce a horse with a greater slope of shoulders with its consequent greater slope of pastern. The Eoglish breeders have recognized the wisdom of the Scotch breeders in thus breed- ing the more oblique shoulder and have for many years been following closely after che Scotch standard, NOith manifest advantage. It is observed that upright pasterns go with "upright shoulders, and that a horse of this con- formation is much more liable to have Bide bones than is the horse with slop- ing pasterns. Such has been the suc- cess of English breeders that the Shire horse is to -day as free from sidebones as is any other horse of equal weight. I meet few men who pretend to be able to distinguish between the Shire of to- day and the Clyde, and of the few not one, I believe, can certainly distinguish between the two so called breeds. These are some of the reasons that lead me to believe that a horse bred from Ei clam of four pure Clydesdale erosses will not have the characteristics of a breeding horse in ecinal degree with one bred from a pure Clyde stallion and a Shire mare. Not having "a farmer's" letter before me 1, may not have fully answer- ed all his ghestions, but I hope he will be able to gather from tely remarks what will do him. I close with the hope that his enquiries will lead lam to become a member of our very eseful society. Yours truly, one who assisted in making the standard, SAMUEL SM1LLIE. THE EVENT OF THE Horn is the victory achieved by our curlers at the St. Paul Carnival. We have two clubs, the Thistle and the Granite and constant practice makes them • ugly customers to tackle on any ice. The Granites are mainly drawn from the south end of the city and Harry Came- ron, a young man who may not be Quite u.nknown to you, is their Secre- tary, s well as a pretty effective mem- ber. After every American rink but one had been scooped in the first day's tussle, the u beeten Granites were drawn to knock out each other. McCul- loch, of St. Paul, the skip of the last out- standing rink of America made a strong and uphill tighnonly securing a. chance in the final by a wonderfully ,good shot in the last end. In fthe last tie of all, he was beaten by a erack Winnipeg rink and earned a well -merited second prize. Lorimer, the most - formidable of the Americap •party, was knocked out on the first rotted by a rink from Portage la Prairie, and McCulloch's desperate stand against so able opponents is worthy of note. In the " points " competition five out of six of the highest honors came to Manitoba, Wood, of Chicago, being the American representa- tive and making third place. The first prize in the East vs. West competition also went to McKechnie, of Winnipeg. The aggregate result was that 14 out of 16 prizes,including all the firsts, came to Manitoba, St. Paul making a second, and Chicago a third. The Americans are a little stiff over such a lot of defeats and aver that we live half the yeer on ice which is the secret of our superiority in curling. THE GRAIN BLOCKADE. Our hie crop is causing a good deal of bad blood between the Board of Trade and the Canadian Pacific Railway. The company have already hauled equal to 7,000,000 bushels of wheat and are getting more overloaded with freight than ever. rhe western division was sending along far more ears than the section north of Lake Superior could get away with, and the snow storm of the first week of January aggravated the difficulty. The same storm did com- paratively little to hinder teaming here and the last week of fine weather has brought in so much wheat that cars cannot be provided to take half of it away. I saw at a country station men waiting with their loads till a late train came in with cars, and. loading them up by midniglat that the same train going out early next morning might clear them off, and hundreds of bags, covered' with snow, could be seen piled np in the streets and around elevators, where, in some cases, they have lain for a fort- night. This state of matters would partially be got over, but last night we had a drop to 460 below zero at the most sheltered spot in the city and three engines were froze dead between this and Port Arthur. This is the coldest " snap" we have had for ten years and it becomes almost impossible to keep the engine from. freezing even when drawing half a load, as the frost makes wheels almost a dead lock. VHF. BOARD OF TRADE. Composed of our best business men, is kicking with all their might against this state of things. No one blames the working management, they are doing wonders with the force at their com- mand in the face of an extra. severe winter. But there is a spirit of bitter, hostility, growing more bitter everyday, against the political management that maintains in its integrity the position of the large and powerful corporation that will neither do the work itself nor permit any one else to touch it. It is an unpleasant outlook, altogether, for those, who, like myself, desire most of all to see a rising and prosperous community built up, with a clue regard to the just claims of the farmers and business men, and the fair claims of the railroad, if we knew exactly what these claims are. The party of compromise, which wants to bridge over the gulf, are about the least valued of our pro- fessed. friends at the present moment, and we will have little peace for mouths over this painful difficulty. There are a good few points from which only one half of our big crop have been moved out, and it is plain that a syltetn of elevators, both in the coun- try and at Port Arthur, must be got up, that will both store and clean our ence of the proprietors, who run a large lumber business in the Burg. The water in the St. Clair River, from some mysterious cense, lowered 6 inches in the week ending on the 18th. This unprecedented fall is reported to be com- mon throughout the whole lake system. Stag Island, in the river, seven miles below Sarnia, is to be converted into a summer resort. It contains 2000 acres of high and dry land. A company has been formed and plans are being pre- paied for a $60,000 hotel with the usual drives and walks, &c. It is pro- posed to run a line of excursion boats from Sarnia and Port Huron. Among the other exports we notice Essex sent 901,000 bushels of charcoal to Detroit iron works for the production of charcoal iron. BRITANNIA. simmmemsum Perth Items. Mr. R. Thomson, hotel -keeper at Fullerton village, fell and broke his arm the other day. —A Stratford barber was the other day fined $2 and costs for conducting his business on the Sabbath. —Two rinks of St. Marys curlers, the other day, defeated the Stratfordites by a majority of 15 shots. —The Mitchell checker club have secured rooms which ire open to mem- bers of the club every week night. — Miss Cdates, an evangelist of Lon- don, England, is holding a series of Gospel meetings in the Baptist church, St. Marys. ---Mr. J. Hodgins, veterinary surgeon, Mitchell, has been laid up for several weeks with a severe attack of inflamma- tion. —The Misses Dimsdale, evangelists, are this week holding revival meetings in Main street Methodist church, Mit- chell. t —Mr. Thos. Robinson, of the 4th con- cession, Fullerton, has rented one of Mr. Barley's farms on the 3rd concession for &term of five years. —Mrs. Turnbull held an " at home " for the young people of the First Pres- byterian congregation, St. Marys, sit the manse, last Friday evening, from seven till eleven o'clock. -Mr. J. Livingston and family have re- moved from Fullerton to New Westmin- ster, British Columbia, where they in- tend to locate. Mr. Livingston was one of Fullerton's first settlers. —Messrs. J. & J. Livingstone, of the flax mill, and Hess Bros., of the furni- ture factory, Listowel, had to close up their establiehments for a few days last week on accouet of the severe weather. —Mr. J. Me -Scott of the Royal hotel, Mitchell, has removed to Stratford to assume charge of the Royal hotel there, and Mr. G. Finley, formerly bar tend- er at the Hick's House, has assumed the management of the Royal. I —Rev. W. Burgess, who has been pastor of the Congregational church at Listowel for the past two and a half years, severs his connection with that church on the 1st of April next, his resignation having been reluctantly 'ac- cepted at a recent meeting of the mem- bers and adherents of the church. —Mr. Alex. Hart, a farmer, of North Easthope, was found in his stable on Saturday, llth inst., in a sadly crushed condition. He had been kicked and knocked down by a horse and then trampled on, suffering a fracture of sev- eral ribs and other injuries. It was feared he was injured fatally but the latest news is hopeful as to his recovery. —Mrs. Alex. Matheson, from near Harrington, met with a very painful ac- cident a few days ago, while driving to Strie ford to see her brother, who is ill. She met a load of cordwood, and turned out with her cutter to pass, when the rig upset, throwing her out with her face against the wood rack. This black- ened her eyes and cut her face terribly. The man drove on and did not as much as ask her if she was hurt. —A very mean and cowardly act was perpetrated one night recently, on the farm of Mr. John Donelly, near Dublin. Some thief or thieves entered an out- building in which Mr. Donelly had all his summer supply of meat stored away, and carried off about $20 worth of pork. The people in that neighborhood think it is time something was done to put a stop to such depredations, as this is the third time such a thing has occurred. —There appears now to be no pros- pect of a settlement between Messrs. Kidd, of Dublin, and their creditors. The former offered 50;cents on the dollar, at 18 months, with good security, but the latter would not take less than 60 cents. The stock is now to be jobbed off, and the chattels come under the auc- tioneer's hammer on the 27th inst. Mr. George Kidd talks of going to British Columbia. —One day recently a young man in the employ of Mr. Clark, making ties on the 10th concession, Elma, split his foot the full length of a chopping axe. His Icomrades rolled him up in blankets, put lhim on a lumber sled and had him in Dr. Hamilton's surgery in 15 minutes after the accident happened. The young man after having his injuries attended to was removed to his home, and is now doing well. —John Wilson, of Atwood, had a nar- row escape from drowning one day late- ly. He went to water his team at a hole in the Maitland river, when the ice gave way and he went down. In his frantic efforts to get out he dislocated his arm, and only for the presence of mind of a lad who caught him by the clothing he would have been taken under. The water was 7 feet deep at the spot. He had to go nearly a mile to the nearest house, and almost perished from cold. 1Dr. Hamilton attended to his injuries. —It is very seldom, indeed, that we hear of a farmor getting in the toils so far as to be compelled to make an as- signment for the benefit of their credi- tors. The community of Mitchell and vicinity, however, were greatly startled last week to hear that Messrs. John and Henry Watson, of Hibbert, had made an assignment of all their effects to Sheriff Flossie. Rumor has it that the liabili- ties figure up to nearly $20,000, and that money had been borrowed by every means and from almost everybody, and that slims had been applied for and some of them obtained up to the very day the assignment was made. Among those frclin whom the Messrs. Watson have borrowed money on notes or otherwise, and who will lose by the crash, are :— George Baxter, S400; Mrs. Hawkie, $300 i; James Tilley, $700; Thos. Skiu- nen sr., $400; A. Roy, $100; R. ney, $500; J. E. Davis, $200; S. Couch, $100 ; Alex. Murray, $200; W. Squires, $100; II. Sawyer, $130; J. E. Williams, $150; H. Eisler, $100; John Inwood, $1S0; Mrs. Jolly, $100; Mrs. Hibbert, $100 ; Mrs. Aldsworth, $200 W. Thomson, $180; Chas. Brooks, $200; W. R. Davis, $50; S. M. Edwards, $50; Geo. Larkworthy, $100 ; James Hutch- inson, $300; Mrs. Dowling, $350; D. Williams, $400; W. Jackson, $250; F. Elliott, $200; W. Jewell, $100; George Baker, $108; Mrs. Sloan, $500; George Davidson, $50; J. W. Mc- Laren, $350; Mrs. George Roy, $100; John Young, $400; W. Porteous, $100 ; P. James, $125 ; George Kramer, $200: W. J. Levy, $200; A. Forrester, $500 ; C. Lynde, $72; Alex. Laing, $300; John Sharsel, $300 ; Jabez Jewell, $100 ; John Hodgson, $600; M. Stoscopp, $500; John Harburn, $200; Mrs. Awty, $150; Wm. Harper, $200; James Jones, $104, with several counties yet to hear from. The farm in Logan is mortgneeed to the amount of $10,000, and the Hibbert farm $7,500. • —A libel suit was tried before Police Magistrate O'Leary at Stratford on Mon- day between Mr. Davis, of the Mitchell Advocate, and Mr. Race., of the Recorder. These two papers have been from time immemorial at war with each other, and a couple of weeks ago the Advocate published a very strong article concerning the opposition sheet. It was responded to in the Recorder of the fol- lowing week in a very scathing article, in which Mr. Davis was characterised as a thief, liar, scoundrel and almost every- thing else that was vile. An action for libel was immediately brought by Mr. Davis. Mr. Race was discharged until the assizes, bail being taken for his re- appearance. Local Notices. JUST arrived. a Large Assortment of Teas at CHARLESWORTH & BROWNELL'S, Seaforth. 1045 IF YOU want your Watch, Clock or Jewellery repaired by a first-class workman and at a reasonable prim, take it to YOUNG, Purvis & Milk's old stand, opposite the Commercial Ifotel, Seaforth. 1045-tt CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED WANTED. —WiasoN & YOUNG, Seaforth, will pay the high- est prices for Choice Clover and Timothy Seed. Call and see them before selling elsewhere. LAIDLAW has Lake Huron and Labra- dor Ilerring, Some fine Lake Huron in pails split and heads off. Call and see them. 1049-t.f LAIDLAW sells Tomatoes, two 3 -Ib. cans for 25 cents. 1049-t.f LAIDLAW still takes the Lead in Teas. Prices and Quality considered. Samples on ap- plication. 1049t.f LAIDLAW is offering his entire Stock of Crockery at greatly reduced prices. Call and inspect. 1049 -t -f Fsts.-nn Sea Cod Fish at WILSON & YouN0'8, Seaforth. Along the St. Clair River. WALLAGEBURCI, Feb. 20, 1888. DEAR EXPOSITOR.—The present style of Commercial Union received a severe shock this morning as the thaw has struck- us in earnest,1making nature's bridge over the St. Clair is little unsafe for crossing, but we have had almostun- broken sleighing since New Year,though never having more than 6 inches of snow, and the mill -owners are going around wearing an elongated smile on account • of the large amount of lngs that have been banked this season. ' I stated in a letter a short time ago that the value of our timber business for the laFst six years averaged over half a million (rollers, and this year the piles on the batiks are more than in any one year of the previous six, so we are in for the distribution of a little more than the usual pile of gold - dust, asithe prices this year are up to former years and some of them a little in advances especially walnut, a Detroit buyer offering $90 per thousand feet in the log. Mining the winter there has been some "tall drawing" done here, and although Huron -it' admitted t8 have as fine horses as there are in the Province, I think few will beatthe, drawing record of a team in Chatham township. The , largest load was three elm logs which aggregat- ed i74456 ifeet, and their next load had 4,46/2 feet. The loads were • hauled a distance of about four miles. The pres- ent thaw will disuse hundreds of men and teams to leave phd shanties as the sleighing is entirely gone and Very little if any more is expected this season. Wages have been 'very good, a man and team getting from $2.25 to $2.75 and board per da.y ; men $18 to $264per month. About 200 feenfrontage of es w dock is being built in connection with the Erie and Huron Railway dock. The spiles are driven, and *hen the work is finished will greatly add to the, conveni- 1049 WILSON & YOUNG have now bne of the Largest, Best Assorted and Beet Bought Stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, &c. in the county, and will not be Undersold by any one. The highest prices paid for all kinds of Protium. Sonic Good Apples wanted. V41014I1J- SON & YOL7NO, Seaforth. WHO WANTS MONEY ?—Money to loan on first mortgage on Farm Property for any term desired, at the low rate of (312- per cent., interest payable annually. Charges very mod- erate, and everything guaranteed satisfactory. Parties desiring loans should apply at once, as there is only a limited supply at this low rate, and firEt come first served. Apply at or address EXVOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 1052 A GOOD CHANCE.—The first ten volumes of the ninth edition of ," Encyclopedia Britannica," can be procured for less than half the original cost, thus affording any one desirous of becoming possessed of this valuable work an excellent opportunity of doing so at a small cost. Apply at the EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 1052 DUNCAN & DUNCAls. HAVING OPENED OUT LARGE PILES OF Prints, Denims, Cottonades Chambrays, Seersuckers, Dress Goods and Embroideries. ALSO A , VERY LARGE AND CHOICE LOT OF COTTONS IN GREY AND WHITE, A LARGE stock of Dry Goods still on hand at J. L. Smith's, Seaforth, and only a short time left to sell them. . We are bound to make every day tell. Low prices now the order of the day. No reasonable offer refused at J. L. SMITH'S, Seaforth. 1052 A -Culls FOR HARD TIMES.—G. Good is selling three Cans of Tomatoes for 25c ; good Syrup for 45c. per gallon ; 25 lbs. of Prunes for $1 ; 12 lbs. of Japan Tea (Siftings) for $1 : 6 lbs, of good uncolored Japan Tea for $1, and the whole of Kempthornels Boots and Shoes at cost 1052 HENSALL SAW Mune—Wanted, any quantity of Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Hemlock, Pine, Basswood, Cherry, Maple, &e. The h'g-hest prices. Lumber for sale ; Custom Work atteed- ed to. A quantity of Cedar Posts on hand. D. Usetoesita, Hensall. 1047tf EXTRA. value in all kinds of Groceries, at CHARLESWORTH & BROWNELL'S, Seaforth 10 THOSE wishing to preserve theire4y5e- neht, by using' genuine spectacles, shou'd not fail to call at the jewelry store of M. R. Counter, Beaforth, on the 28th int., when Mr. Morris, a practical optician, will be in attendance, pre - pa ed to fit the most difficult sights. 1053 2 To FARMERS. —Thomas Hendry of the Seaforth foundry, has still on hand a few of his celebrated Straw Cutters, which he will sell very cheap and on reasonable terms, in order1t0e5get thein out of stock before the close of the sea.- Son. 3 NOTICE. —Charlesworth & Brownell will, after this week, send by mail all accounts not called for, as they wish to have every dollar collected on or before March Ist, 1888. Short accounts make long friends; we wish for long friends.1053-2 sswasameausmossmsaniss • DUNCAN & DUNCAN Would call special attention to the fact that to secure more room for the further arrival of a large consignment now en route per steamer "Celtic," invoice of which is to hand, it will be necessary to sacrifice the ba lance of Shawls, Clouds, Tweeds and winter wear at such startling reductions, as will be an inducement to those in search of Bargains to purchase while such bona fide Bargains can be had. Births. LOVE.—In Seaforth, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Jas. Love of a daughter. S.MITH.—In Seaforth, on the lath inst., the %vife of It. W. Bruce Smith, M. D., of twin sons. FEAR.—In Seaforth, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. W. J. Fear of a son. McCURDY.-=-In Usborne, on the llth inst., the 'wife of Mr. Thos. McCurdy of a son. McCURDY.—In-Usborne, 011 the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. Arch. McCurdy of a daughter. CONERY.—At Sunshine, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. John CaConery of a daughter. KELLY.—In Morris, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. Michael Kelly of a son. ( Marriages. McCOSII—TOVELL.—On the 1(3th inst.'at the residence of the bride's brother, Reuben Tovell, Esq., Guelph, Mr. Thos. MoCosh, of Paris Station, to Louise Mary, youngest daughter of the late Nathan Tovell, Esq., of Guelph. KING—LAKE.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the ).4th inst., by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. John King, of Grey, to Lucinda, (Laugh- ter of Mr. Wm. Lake, of Ethel. - , Be sure to remember .the old and reliable House. Every one knows Duncan & Duncan, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, the south half of Lot 30, Concession 9, McKillop, contain- ing 50 acres, all of which is cleared, well fenced, underdrained, and in a good state of cultivation, mostly seeded to timothy. There are on the premises a good frame barn and stable, and st log house. There is a good, never -failing well on the place. The farm is six miles from Sea - forth and one mile from Winthrop, where there are churches, school, store, etc.'with good roads leading to both places. Apply to JOHN ALEX- ANDER, Winthrop P. 0. 1054x4 - CARRIAGE STALLION FOR SALE.—For sale, a Carriage Stallion, wining four years old, sired by Rysdyck,s Hambletonian, owned by J. F. Dulmage, of Wingham, and out of a well-bred mare. Ile is it light bay, stands 16 bands high, weighs 1,200 lbs.,. and shows splen- did speed. He has proven himself a sure foal getter. He is a model of his class, and bas never been beaten in the show ring, taking fir.t prize and diploma at Walkerton two years in succes- sion, and when shown against aged horses. Ile will be sold on very reasonable terms, as the owner has no means of handling him. Address JAMES STEWART, Wroxeter P. 0. 1054t1 TO CONTRACTORS.—Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon on Monday, February 27th; for the erection of a brick building for a Ward School, in the Town of Seaforth. Tenderers must state in lump sina the amount for which they will complete the whole job, as required by the plans and specifica- tions, or they must give a lump sum for the completion of each otik_of the followino- depart- ments, viz.: Stone work, brick work, pastering, carpenter work and glazing, tin work, painting. The contractor in all eases to furnish all ma- terial. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted unless otherwise satisfactory. WM- BALLANTYNE, Secretary. 1054-1 •11•111=1•••••....1=1... THE MARKETS. SAAVORTII, February 23, 1887. Fall Wheat per bushel $0 78 to $0. 82 Spring Wheat per bushel.... 0 70 to 0 80 Oats per bushel ' Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Butter, No.1, loose.... Butter, tub Eggs Dressed Hogs Flour, per 100 lbe Hay per ton Hideo per 100 lbs Sheepskins each Wool Salt (retail) per barrel.... Potatoes per bushel, (new) Salt (retail) per barrel Wood per oord • Deaths. DICKSON.—In Clinton, on the lith inst., Win- nie, daughter of Mr. Chris. Dickson, aged 3 months and 27 days. INC; LIS.—At Tyner, Dakota, on the 6th inst., Robert Inglis, son of Mr. Robert Inglis, of Grey township, aged 26 years'and 8 months. the 12th inst., John 15th inst., Kate, wife ged 60 years. • on the 10th inst., IllarNTER.—In Morris_ 01 Hunter, aged 26 years McKAY.—In Grey, on the of Mr. Hector McKay, SLEAMON.—In Usborne George Sleamon, aged 85 s•cars. McGOWAN.-10 Blyth, on- the 14th inst., Mary, relict of the !ate Robert McGowan, aged 85 years and 6 months. GIBSON.—At Alma, Michigan, on the 19th inst., Lida, wife of Mr. Geo. Gibson, and daughter of Dr. Worthing -ton, of Clinton, aged. 41 'years. 0 3S to 0 60 to 0 65 to O 18 to 0 18 to O 16 to 6 50 to 2 00 to 8 60 to 5 00 to 0 40 to O 23 to O 00 to 0 60 to O 75 to 2 60 to O 41 O 60 O 75 O 18 O 18 O 16 6 75 2 26 900 6 00 0 70 O 26 O 75 O 65 0 76 3 60 -• Ciassrost, February 23, 1887. Fall Wheat per bushel (new)..... $0 78 to $0 82 Spring Wheat per bushel.... .... 0 70 to 0 80 Oats per bushel ...... 0 38 to 0 41 Barley per bushel ...... 0 65 to 0 75 Peas per bushel ...... ...... 0 60 to, 0 60 0 18 to 018 0 15:to 016 8 00 to 900 seat) 50 to 070 6 60 to 700 (3 50 to 6 75 2 50 to 350 6 75 to 6 50 Butter Eggs Elay per ton Potatoes per bushel, new Hides per 100 lbe Pork Cordwood Dreesed Hogs, per 100 lbs TORONTO, Feb. 21.—Fall wheat, f,10.80 to $0.82 spring, $0.76 to $0.81 ; oats, 47e to 48c ; peas, 670 to 70c; barley, 72 to 78e ; hay, per ton, $12.00 to 17.50; butter, 20c to 25o; potatoes, per bag, 51.00 to 51.05; eggs, per doz.,21c to 26o; dressed hogs, per 100 lbe., $7.00 to $7.25. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 21. --Spring wheat, 6e ; rod winter, 6s 08d ; California No. 1, 6e 86; California No. 2, Os 006 ; oats, Os 00d; barley, Os Od ; peas, 5s 6d ; pork, 68s 9d ; cheese, *Ss (3d. • OYSTERS. — Fresh Oysters arriving daily at the St. Julian Restaurant, Seaforth. Oysters served on the premises and for sale to • customers. 1032 The Horse Market. Moantrase, Feb. 20.—The horse trade is brisk. During last week there were shipped from here to the United States 103 horses at an average of $97.69 each. The highest priced lot was 16' at a eost of 81,553, and the lowest priced 19, costing 51,730. . TORONTO, Feb. 21, --The following were the sales to -day at Grand's : Dun m., 15.3 hands, $?89 b. m., 15.3 hands, 574; g. g., 6 years, 15.3 hands, $75 ; g. g., 7 years, 15.3 hands, 5130; brn. g , 8 years, 16 hands, 5115; b. g., 5 years, 16 hands, $174 ; g. g., 5 years, 16.1 hands, 5197; g. g., 5 years, 16 hands, $110 ; br. g., 7 years, 16 hands, 564; g. g., 5 years, 16 hands, s180; b. m., 8 years, 15.3 hands, 572; b. g., 7 years, 16.1 hands, $124 • b. g., 9 years, 15.3 hands, 5110; brn. m., 16 hands, 543; b. m., 8 years, 16 hands, 580; blk. g., 7 years, 15.3 hands, .a65 ; b. m., years, 15.2 hands, 576; brnsg., 16.1 hands, ; - 4-'90 • AUCTION SALE REGISTIII. On Saturday, February 25th, at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, at o'clock p. m., Household Furniture, &c. Mrs. John Abell, Proprietress; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. - On Saturday, February 25th, in the stornnext the Post Office, Seaforth, at 7 o'clock p. m., Fancy Goods, &c. Mrs. D. Hogan, Proprietress ; Thos. -Brown, Auctioneer. On Friday, March 9, at 1 o'clock p. on Lot 20, Concession 13, Hays Farm, Fern's Steels and Implements. D. B. Steckle and H. Otterbein, Executors; E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. brie g. 15.3 ha.nds, $75 • blk. g., J. ., .,. , ch. g., 10 hands, 5(39; brn. m., 15.2 bands, 884. Al . Also Baking Soda, 4e per pound. Live Stock Markets. - -prunes, 30 pounds for $1, or 4c per pound. prime from 3A. to 4e per pound: from 3 to 31c for ; TORONTO, Feb. 22.--Cattle—Prices ranged for 1 Gl secondary qualities, and inferior and lean in the I it()CER for the times. neighborhood of 21c per pound. In a few cases. exceptionally fine animals sold up to 41 and 4:c p oyal Yeast Cakes 7c per box. one lot Of 36, averaging in a pound, but not often. AmoNi‘igeitglahet sla,12e0s0 wiehrse, iiiils of all kinds at Scott's. which -sold on it basis of 4c a pound (less $5 the e ion; a batch of ten butchers' eattles averaging Cloolsed Corn Beef at Scott's. . 950 lbs, sold for $32 each ; a lot of 23 cattle, aver- aging 1,150 lbs, sold for 839; four head, averag- 1 Fvery person should see the 15c ing 1,000 lbs, sold for 832.50 each ; 12 cattle, 1 Scott's. ..4 averaging 850 lbs each, sold for 1'427.50 each ; it lot : P oll Wheat and Oats at Scott's. of 22 head, averaging 1,100 lbs, sold for $38 each; t a mixed lot of 8 sold for $28 each ; and minor Dairy Markets. MONTREAL, Feb. 21.—Butter—We quote to -day: Fall creamery, 22c to 25c ; Townships, 200 to 23c; Morrisburg, 18 to 21c; Western, selected dairies, 16e to 18c; common grades, 10e to 12e. Cheese —The English circulars lead to the impression that the best price to be got for cheese is about 56s, grades being valued at more than that fig- ure being difficult to get quit of. Homemade cheese is said to bi plentiful and lower in price. We quote at from 11c to 12e. Eggs—Business continues dull. We quote at 18c to 20e for limed, ?.5c for fresh, and 15e to 18c for limed. EMIIIIN=11111. LENT. FRES,ll Sea Cod at Scott's, Seaforth. Red Herrings at Seat's. Everyone should enquire Scott's prices for fish. alt Water Herring at Scott's. Haddie, very nice, at Scott's. . FISJs II of twenty kinds at Scott's. In Canned Fish a splendid variety at Scott's. Scott delivers fish to any part of town. Half barrels of Trout and White Fish Scott's. AT at abnost any price you can buy nice China at Scott's. Tea Sets, the very latest pattern, at Scott's. SCOTT sells ten bars of good Soap for 25 cents. Christie's Biscuits fresh to -day at Scott's. Oranges 20c a dozen at Scott's. Tobacco 45c a pound at Scott's. Teas that there is no equal for value at Scott's. Sugar, 18 pounds for $1 at Scott's. SCOTT Testimonial. WINTHROP, February 3, 1888. MR. I. V. FEAR, Druggist, Seaforth. DEAR Sin: I willingly give my tes- timonial in favor of the A. B. C. remedy, as by its use, and only one dollar's worth at that, it restored to me my wife who had been wasting away for eight or nine months, and for whom there seemed no for the finest and cheapest Groceries in Seaforth. Candles just received at Scott's. Oatineal Soap at Scott's. Try Scott's new Maple Syrup. Trout and White Fish at Scott's. I tried doctor after (lector, traveling . many miles 'and layin out a great amount of money to no good, till I tried these remedies, and her (sure was .4 44 Sauces and Pickles at Scott's ave just received Canned Vegetables of all kinds. • veryone should try Scott's Fresh Mince Meat. M TR, _A_ C ITIAD ITS For she lost all coughing, spitting and wasting, and in its plea gained health, ruddiness and strengtli, and brought happiness to our home. Recommend it to everybody, and use my name as authority. Brooms at ------ -- and inferior lots at lower prices. Sheep and FARM FOR SALE,—For" sale, the farm at Lambs- Sheep were very scarce and .more were present occupied by the undersigned, ad - wanted. One bUlleh of eleven, . scaling 110. lbs joining. the Village of Brucefield, in the Tovvn- eadh, :-old for 55.50 a head ; it punch o.f. eight, ship of Stanley, containing 118 acres, nearly all averaging just over 100 lbs, sold for 5.2D;sit lot cleared and in first-class cultivation, and with of five, scaling elose on to 120 lbs each, sold tor good buildings. Apply on the premises, or to 8'5.50, and various small lots at prices ranging Brucefield I'. 0. PETER McGREGOR. 1054z4 from s4.25 to 85 each. There were seareely any 1 Iambs offering, but what there were found a ! a quick sale at an average of $a.50 a head. Hogs— I V ' A ' AI t; PLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—F. 0. Prices keep easy. There is no demand for stores„ Sperling offers for sale the following valu- but fat hogs were selling pretty freely at 5 to 51c ' able property, viz: His house and grounds, per pound. Calves—Are still scarce and %visaed. ; which is one of the most desirable sites that Some changed hands here today at prices vary- can be had in Seaforth, being situated on Gode- i»g from 86 up to ;412 each, calves at the latter i rich street. Also a house and lot on Market figure weighing about 140 to 100 lbMHO) • street. Several town and park lots, both north s. Cows There ibut little eniiiir ( sold at and south of Railway, within five minutes walk s .; me 35, two at isle, and two at 25 each. of Market or Main street. Parties intending to >: Mos -meat, Feb. 21.—Cattle Trade dull, prices buy property would do well to call on F. G. Spar - lower. 13eet cattle sold at 4, pretty good at 3 las ling before purchasing elsewhere. Parties in- tending to purchabe the house can inspect it on common stock at 2-4'e to 31c. A iew sheep offer- ed, but not of good quality, at Ir- to 41e. Prime Wednesdays and Thumlays. F. G. SPARLING, yearlings scarce, would bring Sea Spi•ing lambs Seaforth 1'. 0. WM. DYNES. The A. B. C. Remedy is the best medicine for wasting diseases, and is sold at $1.00 per bottle at coming in sell at S4 to 80 each. BureaLo; Feb. Cattle—Two cars fat Michigan butchers', a3:60 ; one car do., Shipping, 1,205 Fos, 4.35 ; one load, 1,430 Ihi, a ; butch- ers' stock ten vents lower. Sheep and lambs -- Five cars in, seven over. Market dull ; common sheep still unsold ; lambs active ; one load, one hundred pounderssbrought 57; one load, 78 lbs, Michigans, 86.30; a deck of 90 lbs, 80.75; a lot of Canadas, 136 lbs, $5 one earprime Michigans, 93 lbs, 85.40 ; common Michigan sheep, $5.15. Hogs —Twelve loads; trade eteady but slow. 1054 Fear's Drug Store, SEAFORTH, ONT. Londesboro the Place. Something Unparalleled. Cure for Hard Times. Clearing Credit Sale OF Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c. —AT— Adams' Emporium, LONDESBORO. ESTACII.V>.;"T BCSINESS FOR SALE.-- ka The undersigned wishes to dispose of their Restaurant and Confectionery business and stock in Seaforth. Tlaere is a. fresh and varied stock of Confectionery, Tobaccos, Cigars, &c., to- gether with ice cream and table fixtui,s, and a good and profitable 1,usiness is being done. Satisfactory reasons will be given for selling. Apply at the Restaurant, Bank of Commerce buildings, Seaforth, or address Seatorth P. 0. II. L. SMITH it GO. • 10544f From now to March the 1st, I will offer for sale the entire stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes and Wall Paper, on credit to reliable par- ties, till the 26th of December, 1888, at the RA - lowing discounts from present prices: All sales of 56 and under, no discount; from 85 tO 810, 6 per cent off; from 810 to 516, 7 off from $15 to $20, 10 -off ; from $20 to 830, 12 off.; from 830 to 850, 16 off. The stock is good, but too large at present, as I want room for Spring Goods coining in. Thanking my customers for past favors, I would cordially invite them all to take advantage of this sale, and those who have not purchased frotu me before will find it to their profit to try now and be convinced that this is the Place for Bargains. 1060-5 R. ADAMS. WATCHES, WATCHES. Notwithstanding the immense sale of goods during the holidays, my stock is more complete than ever, every line be- ing fully assorted. A full stock of the Aurora, Rockfrid & Columbus And a great stock of the Hampden, Waltham, Elgin, Trenton and Swiss Watches, The Aurora is the best AM- erican Watch made for the money. The Colum' ill be sold at one-third less. than 1, All goods at rock -bottom prices for cash -7 he Leading Jewelry Store of M. R. Counter SEAFORTH, ONT.