HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-02-24, Page 44
or The figure between the parenthesis after
each line denotes the page of the paper on which
advertisement will be found.
Farm.for Sale—John Alexander. 0)
Farm for Sale—Peter McGregor. (6)
Carriaze Stallion for Sale—J. Stewart. (5)
To Contraetors—Wm. Ballantyne. (5)
Go to Wade's for Photographs. (8)
Rouse to Rent—W. Som,-rville. (8)
Valuable Property for Sale—F. G. Sparling. (6)
New Spring Goods—Duncan & Duncan. (6)
Money to Loan—Expositor Office. (8)
Red Letter Sale at George Good's Store. (8)
Restaurant Business for Sale—R L.Sm ith &Co.(8)
Seed Barley and Oats—Wm. Grieve. (8)
Home Knowledge Association. (8)
81:AFO1.TII, FRIDAY, Feb. 24, 1888.
The Ontario Legislature.
Our Toronto correspondent has not
sent his usual budget this week, the
reason no doubt being that there was
very little to send. To put it mildly,
the Legislature is making haste slowly.
They have been in sesaion nearly a
month and have done a.bsolutetynothing
of importance save the delivery of the
budget speech. At the present rate of
going it will be mid -summer before pro-
rogation iakes place if all the business
promised is taken up, and the Opposi-
tion do not seem to be in any more haste
than the Government. It is possible
that compliance with the necessary fo—r-
malities requires all this delay at the
opening of each session. If this be so it
would be advisable to formulate a more
sfinple form of proceedings. More busi-
ness and less red tape might be
advantageous all around. The mem-
bers and their friends had a trip to
the Agricultural College at Guelph on
Wednesday, and minutely inspected the
property there. A pleasant day was
:spent and the visit will, no doubt, result
in good, as we believe the more that is
known about this institution the more
it will be appreciated.
Monopoly in Manitoba.
THE EXPOSITOR has frequently pre-
dicted that the result of the monopoly
agitation in Manitoba will be a pro-
position on the part of the Dominion
Government to purchase for a fabulous
sum, from the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company, their monopoly privileges in
the Northwest. This, althoh"g,h a mon-
strous and iniquitous echeme, -finds not
a few advocates among the Ministerial
Press even of the Eastern Provinces.
All the Manitoba papers, irrespective
of politics, favor it, but this is not to be
wondered at. Drowning men frequently
grasp at straws, and as they see no
other way of release from the thraldom
of monopoly bondage in which they
find themselves they would be willing to
do almost anything or 'sacrifice almost
anything if by so doing they could get
relief. Their present punishment, how-
ever, although severe is not altogether
undeserved. When the agreement with
the railway company was being dis-
cussed in Parliament and in the country,
the dangers of this monopoly clause were
very plainly and very frequently pointed
out, but the Manitoba Press and people
could see nothing wrong in it then and
they would have bound themselves by
fifty monopolies in order to get the road.
Remonstrance was then in vain, in so
far as the Manitobans were concerned.
Instead of joining in with tire gallant
band who fought that iniquitous agree-
ment and aiding them at the proper
time to eradicate from it the monopoly
and other objectionable clauses, these
impetuous Manitobans threw up their
hats and shouted for the agreement, the
whole agreement, monopoly and all,
and so they got it just as it was. They
are now chewing the cud of bitter re-
pentange and although we can pity
them and sympathise with them we
cermet eee that it would be either right
or honest to furnish them relief in the
manner and by the means in which they
now seek it. The Winnipeg Free Press
in a recent issue says:
"It is impossible, so far as we can see,
to escape from monopoly in the added
territory" and the Northwest Territor-
ies without recalling it by purchase or
upon any terms which the Dominion
parliament and the Canadian Pacific
Railway may agree to. What those
terms should be is not for us to say.
The one thing clearly evident is that
every vestige of monopoly must be swept
away before there can be either pro-
gress or -contentment in this country."
The Manitobans should have thought
of this before they lent their aid, a few
years ago, to forge the shackles upon
their own limbs. It is quite right that
the monopoly should be removed from
old Manitoba, because this was no part
of the agreement entered into between
Canada and the railway Company. The
people of Manitoba are justified in re-
sisting this to the bitter end and they
have a right to expect and receive the
encouragement and assistance of the
people of the Eastern Provinces in their
struggle. But when they demand that
the monopoly be removed from the add-
ed territory and the Northwest Territor-
ies and that too at the cost of the people
of the Eastern Provinces, they ask more
than they have any right to expect.
They undertook this burden deliberately,
with their eyes open and despite the
warnings and entreaties of their best
friends and they have, a right now to
bear the consequences or else wait pa-
tiently until they are able to remove the
burden themselves. If, therefore, as
the Free Presa says, there can be neither
progress nor contentment in the country
until every vestige of monopoly is swept
away, it is a pity, but it is only one of
the many misfortunes which a. wrong
atep taken at a critical time is sure to
bring upon the unfortunate wrong doer,
and it is only right he should bear the
consequence of his folly, or sin, as the
case may be. Canada has tIone more
than ite share for the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway,/ and for Manitoba too
for that matter, and both should now be
able to hoe their own rows. We much
mistake the temper of the people if they
will consent to be taxed several addition-
al millions to still further swell the
profits of the one or furnish unnecesietry,
or at least undeserved relief to the
The Fisheries Taty.
A Treaty for the settlement oft the
fishery difficillty between Canada land
the United States has been agreed upon
and signed by the negotiating patties
who have been vegetating at Washing-
ton for a couple of months. f This treaty
was submitted to the American Senate
on Monday, and has since been published
in full. It is a lengthy document but
the substance of it is as follows:
1. American fishermen are to be allow-
ed to fish in bays more than ten miles
wide at the mouth. Hitherto we have
asserted exclusive jurisdiction over all
bays whatsoever, with the exception of
the Bay of Fundy. In the bays thus
thrown open to American fishermen,
the usual three-mile limit will be enforc-
ed, following theyinuosities of the coast.
A joint commission of four persons is
to be appointed for the purpose of de-
limiting the exclusive and the common
2. The right of uninterrupted naviga-
tion of the Strait of Canso by the Ameri-
cans is for the first time expressly
3. On obtaining licenses, which are to
cost them nothing, American fishermen
may purchase supplies, obtain bait, tran-
ship cargoes and ship crews in Cenadian
harbors, subject, however, to loctil regu-
lations. The report that a tonnage tax
of a dollar and e, half per ton was to be
imposed on Canadian vessels turns out
to have been untrue.
It would seem that everything has
been conceded to the Americans and
nothing at all of an' value to the Cana-
dians. The whole arrangement is a com.
plete give away in so far as Canada is
ccincerned. Thia surrender was no
doubt made et. the instance of Mr.
Chamberlain, the British Commissioner,
who had evidently determined before-
hand to get rid of an irritating question
between England and the United States,
no matter hew recklessly -the valuable
fishing privileges rightfully belonging to
Canada might be sacrificed. Fortunately
the treaty which has been agreed upon
must be ratified by all the countries in-
terested before it becomes finaily bind-
ing, Whatever others may do, \le hope
the Parliament of Canada will h ve the
courage and independence to re udiate
the "give away," and thus sae e their
country from the loss and humiliation
which it is proposed to subje t it to.
No doubt the old flag argument nd our
duty- to the Mother Country will be
brought up to induce the timid o sane -
ion the capitulatiou. But the samet
naked, ugly truths will still cro up in
spite of all these. The fact ca not be
hid that privileges for the use o which,
under the last treaty we receive a very
large sum of money, and even hen we
thought we did nOt receive jus ice, are
now to be given uP and no consi eration
is to be given in return, whle other
evaluable franchises Upon which money
value cannot be set are to be s rrender-
ed. If the Canadian people a e forced
to make this surrender of th ir rights
and property it will do more o loosen
the cords binding Canada Ind the
Mother Country, and strngthea in this
country an already rapidly gro Ting an-
nexationdsentiment,than any oitu er event
that could be devised. The end is not
, Interesting Figures.
HOU. John Carling, Dominion Minis-
ter of Agricultnie, delivered an address
at a farmers' meeting in one of the east-
ern counties of this Province a few days
ago. Mr. Carling's main object seemed
to be to convince the farmers thatithey
are prosperous and ought to be happy.
In order to prove this to thein he quoted
copiously from the Trade and Naviga-
tion Returns. In reViewing his remarks
the Toronto prgan of the Government
"Mr. darling also dealt with the prices
of grains, showing that the home merket
was quite as good/ as the market in the
-United States, with the exception of
barley, and that while the price of wheat
had fallen in recentlyears, the Canedian
farmer realized eel good prices:as,were
obtained by farmek anywhere. He also
cited valuable figures in regard te the
exportatiole of Canadian animals and
farm produce, as follows :
. •
Cattle .. .
Eggs '
Fruits 347,166 852,890
1880 1887
.$1,880,379 8.72,268,833
. ... : . I 2,764,437 6,486,716 aei..ee '
i30 1,592,167
3,898,366 7,108,978
740,665 1,82,5,659
Total 811,048,843 S20,135,145
It will be noticed that in 'these items
alone the value of our agriculturel ex-
ports has nearly doubled ; so that Mr.
Carling was justified in looking hopeful-
ly to the future of our export trade, and
especially to the Mother Country which
admits our products free." 1
Now, in view qf these,facts as set ,forth
by Mr. Carling,viz: That these items
of export which he gives have nearly
doubled within seven years; will it not
strike every one as strange that Mr.
Carling did not explain to his audience
what has become of the home market
which himself and his friends say has
been established by the National Policy.
If the home market which Mr. Carling
and his friends promised to the people of
Canada had been established, these ex-
ports should have decreased or entirely
discontinued, and all these products would
have been. consumed in the country.
But by his own figures he shows that in-
stead of having provided a home market
for us, we have actually been compelled
to send to other countries nearly twice
ae much as we did seven years ago. So
that, instead of the National Policy fur-
nishing us a home market we are worse
off now in that respect than we were be-
fore it was imposed,and all that it has
done for us is to burden us with a loadof
taxes which have gone for naug-ht.
These same Trade and Navigation Re-
turns from which Mr. Carling q uotes,in-
form us that whereas in 1880 the
amount collected in taxes on dutiable
goods was $14,138,849 it was $22,469,-
705 in 1887, thus showing that while we
are paying nearly eight and a half mil-
lion dollars a year for a home market
the home market is not nearly so good
as it was before we commenced to bear
this terrible burden. If Mr. Carling and
his friends are satisfied with this show-
ing,the people of Canada have certainly
no great reason to be so.
There is another important point
which Mr. Carling might have mentioned
but which he evidently over -looked,
that is,that although the "mother coun-
try admits our products free," nearly as
large a proportion of our exports go to
the United States where we have to pay
a heavy.duty to gain admittance,as go to
Great Britain where we have free access,
and of the products above named
half as much went to the States
and paid the duty as entered the free
markets of the mother country, thus
showing clearly and conclusively that
the United States is the natural mar-
ket for the great bulk of our agricultur-
al products and the very great gain that
free access to that market would be to
ALL the members of the Provincial
Government of Manitoba have secured
re-election except Mr. Jones, the Pro-
vincial Treasurer, for whom a constit-
uency has not yet been found. Ex -
Attorney -general Hamilton, who is
going to Minneapolis, has resigned his
seat for the constituency of Rockwood,
and it is said Mr. Jones will run for
that. Mr. Greenway and Mr, Smart
were re-elected by acclamation, but Mr.
Martin and Mr. Prendergast were op-
posed and it was supposed before election
day that the opposition in both cases
would be dangerous. The ballot boxes,
however, proved these - fears to be
groundless. At the last general election
Mr. Martin had a majority in the con-
stituency of Portage la Prairie of only
52, while this time he, had a majority
of 128 in a total vote of 514 and Mr.
Prendergast, although elected last time
AS a Conservative and a Norquayite,
was elected this time as a member of
the new Reform Government by a
majority of 164 although there are only
ele votes in the constituency. The
people seem disposed to give. the new
Government a fair trial. "
THE latest advices from Manitoba.
state that Dr. Harrison, Dr. Wilson and
Mr. Hamilton, three members of the
late Norquay Government, have re-
signed their seats in the Legislature and
are leaving the Province with the view
of settling in St. Paul and Minneapolis.
It is also said that Dr. Orten, who for
several years. represented Centre
Wellington in the Dominion Parliament,
but who has recently resided in Mani-
toba, and who used to claim to be the
father of Agricultural Protection, ie also
going to reside in St. Paul. Actions.
speak louder than words and it certain-
ly says little for the wisdom displayed
in the government of the Canadian
Northwest when men such, as these
leave it and become naturalised citizens
of the American Republic. If they were
disgruntled Grits their conduct might
perhape be accounted for, but they are
all Tories of the purest quill. After all
it seems to be the Grits who are stick-
ing to the country and the Tories who
are leaving it.
(From Our Own Correspondent.)
GrrAwA, February 21, 1888. -
Parliament assembles the day after to-
morrow, and already the House post -
office is in full swing. The Governor-
General has issued invitations for a
State dinner on Thursday night. There -
will be the usual ceremonies. The House
of Commons will meet and sit in sus-
pense till three loud knocks are heard at
the door, when the dignified Sergeant-
at-Arms,stalking to the door returns,and
in response to the Speaker's question in-
forms him that "a messenger from His
Excellency the Governor-General is
without." Mr. Speaker, politely sup-
pressing his /surprise at the unexpected
intelligence, commands " admit the mes-
senger." Admittance is then given to
the Usher of the Black Rod who, bear-
ing his black rod, advances three steps
into the Chamber and pauses to give
three elaborate bows. These bows are
of such a character as to justify the
common belief that Mr. Kimber has no
backbone. Advancing three more steps
he repeats the performance and then
breaks the silence : "1118 Excellency
the Governor-General desires me to in-
form you that he has arrived in the
Senate Chamber and to . request the
attendance of the Commons." Again
bowing, the Usher of the Black Rod
backs out of the Chamber pausing at the
threshold to bend double for the last
time and departs amid a storm of
applause from the amused Commoners
who -then rush pelt melt into the Senate,
where, seated on the Throne His Excel-
lency, wearing a cocked hat and gold
laced uniform, reads the Speech from
the Throne. Around him stand Sir
John Macdonald robed in all his orders,
the members of the Cabinet, a staff of
officers and the aides ; in front sit the
judges of the Supreme Court in their
ermine trimmed robes of office and other
dignitaries, while on either hands sit
the beauty and fashion of the Capital.
The Chamber certainly presents a , bril-
liant appearance.
From the foregoing it is evident that
the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod
performs highly important constitutional
duties and that it would be difficult for
the Governor-General to get along
without him. In his own estimation
Rene Edward Kimber is of even greater
consequence. Unfortunately he is oilly
five feet high and looks it. One day
during the session -he got in the way of
the House of Commons ceicket team
which was playing at Rideau Hall, and
when ordered out of the way by Mr.
Jenkins, a member of the House, looked
up and demanded, "do you know who I
am ?" " No," said Jenkins-, " and I
don't care who the devil you are, but
out you go," and the big maritime
member lifted Black Rod by the coat
collar high in the air and deposited him
outside of the crowd who yelled with
A pecuiiar English Protestant Asso-
ciation is the League of the Rose formed
recently in Ottawa with the object of
branching out through the 'Dominion.
They had the audacity to ask the Prince
of Wales to extend to them his patron-
age, and were told that His Royal High-
ness could not become connected with a
political society. This Society publishes
a little monthly and advocates, among
other things, immigration from Great
Britain a,nd Ireland only. This would
exclude from Canada such highly desir-
able immigrants as the Germans. It
declares for a paper currency, an ex-
ploded American idea, and for legisla-
tive union, rejected by Canada at Con-
federation. The officers of the Society
are chiefly civil servants.
On Saturday the Minister of Marine
received the report of the cormnission
appointed to enquire into the "Oriental"
The petition for Scott Act repeal in
Bruce has been declared in order and
the Privy Council is about to fix a day
for voting.
Canada's exports for January amount-
ed to $3,418.874.
The Scott Act was sustained in West-
moreland by 700 majority, whereas
originally it was carried by only 73.
The Bank of London will apply to
Parliament for power to wind up the
The Presbyterian chur• ch of -Canada
are applyiug for power to extend their
authority over all of Manitoba and the
A rimer has been heard that Bon. A.
Maelsenzie will retire from public life
and resign his seat in Parliament. This
has caused a meeting of the Conservative
Association of East York to be held.
Mr. Mackenzie is thought by many,
however, to be too loyal a party man to
open a fighting constituency voluntarily.
In Missisquoi the Conservatives have
nominated Mr. E. E. Spencer, ex -M. P.
P., for the Legislature. Mr. J. C. Mc,
Corkill will probably again oppose him.
We are likely to have the writ for Rus-
sell issued very soon. In Prince Fdward
county Mr. J. S. McCuaig, ex -M. P.,
has taken the field, but I hear that the
report that he is the nominee of the
Conservatives is not correct, as the regu-
lar convention has not yet been con-
vened. The residents of the Nipissing
District are complaining of lack of repre-
sentation at Toronto and Ottawa, and a
North Bay paper suggests an agitation
by holding public meetings.
Major General Middleton's report has
not yet been made public. The various
Deputy -Adjutant Generals are in a state
of suspense as to where they will be
shifted to this spring, the only certainty
being that a general exchange of districts
is the policy of the Department. It is
not- known When the commission
appointed to consider the defences of the
Dominion is to meet, but probably some-
time in the summer. It will study the
surveys prepared by the ordnance
branch of the regular army when sta-
tioned in Canada which have never been
acted on.
Like a dancing Dervish who gradually
increases his gyrations until he spins
madly round like a top and finally sinks
to the ground and collapses so the whirl
of Capital 'society has been suddenly
ended by the advent of Lent and the
butterflies fetch a sigh of relief and re-
gret. The season was short but gay.
Every Saturday afternoon Her Excel-
lency has been giving "At Homes"
where skating and tobogganing are
prominent features. Govern men t House
has a skating rink, a toboggan slide and
a curling rink of its own. The Gov-
ernor-General is a good skater and a
capital curler. At present His Excel-
lency's brother and Her Excellency's
sister are stopping at Rideau Hall.
The business men of Ottawa, Arn-
prior, Almonte and Carleton Piece are
just now discussing the best means of
promoting the construction of a railway
between Ottawa and Arnprior. There
is an agitation for the speedy construc-
tion of railway communication between
Eganville and Kingston, and a line from
Vandreuil up through Prescott and Rus-
sell counties to Ottawa is being actively
agitated. Eastern Ontario deserves and
desires and must soon have better rail-
way communication. Prescott hasn't a
mile of railway, and in Russell the Can-
ada Atlantic shoots across one corner of
the county.
The day after Parliament meets Hon.
R. W. Scott will complete his 63rd year.
He was born in Prescott, is leader of the
Opposition in the Senate, has been in
two Cabinets, was speaker of -the On-
tario Assembly and Mayor of Ottawa, is
the author of the Ontario Separate
School Act and the Scott Act, and has
been 31 years in Parliament.
The Onderdouk section arbitration
commiseion has been sitting here. They
take evidence and then go to British
Hon. Mr. Mercier is in Rome where
he can call on Hon. Mr. Blake.
The Supreme Court is now sitting
hearing, among other cases, the election
appeals. They will settle the six months
limit question.
As I predicted some weeks ago Mr.
Hardisty. of the Northwest, has been
called to the Senate. It is said that Mr.
Dewdney will enter the Cabinet as
Superintendent General of Indian
Hon. Frank Smith has withdrawn his
resignation from the Cabinet.
News of the Week.
HIGH LICENSE.—The price of liquor
licenses in Boston has been raised from
$800 to $1,000.
LE.—Berlitt military
experts estimate the Russian troops on
the frontier at 800,000.
OSCAR FIELD.—Oscar Field, the well-
known horseman, died at Chicago on the
14th inst.
Heavy snow storms
prevailed on Su-nday throughout Eng-
land, France and Spain, blocking many
A RECKLESS MAN. —Martin L. Scott,
a wife murderer hanged at Deer Lodge,
Montana, OD Friday, spent his lasteven-
playing cribbage.
It is rumored that Lord Salisbury will
8000 declare an Eastern policy, which
will be boldly anti -Russian in character
and upon which he will rely to divert
attention from the failure of his domestic
struck Mount Vernon, Illinois, 'stet
Sunday. The town was virtually
wrecked. Upwards of 20 lives were lost
and many persons injured. Many more,
although escaping unhurt, lost all their
property in the general ruin.
sionary riots have occurred near Foo-
chow, Three establishments were
pedown by natives, one burned and
nine Christians killed in the dis-
Zeitung, a German paper, says the
movements of Russian troops on the
border are being accelerated, and that
the Russian force on the Austrian and
Roumanian frontiers is estimated at 510,-
000 men and 250 guns.
UNEessNEss IN LONDON.—Much un-
easiness prevails in political circles in
London. Col. Ponsonby, the Queen's
private secretary, has recently paid
several visits to Lord Salisbury and W.
H. Smith, the Government leader in
the Rouse of Commons. Such visits are
nuerinusual, except when a crisis is immi-
Fletcher, just elected president of the
Denver, Colorado, Chamber of Clom-'
merce, reached there nine years ago,
almost dead with consumption and with
$7 in his pocket. He got a railroad
clerkship, saved his salary, invested in
land, and is nearly a millionaire now.
coal miners of southwest Lancashire !
have .given notice to their employers ,
that unless allowance be made them for
the dirt unavoidably sent up with the
coal, they will go on strike at the end of
this mouth. If the strike takes place it
will directly affect 100,000 men and their -
steamer City of Pekin arrived at San •
Francisco from China and Japan Friday °
morning with several case --bf smallpox 1
among her passengers. T is is the fifth
successive steamer which has arrived at
San Francisco with smallpox on board.
ter, Ohio, Miss Emma Black, aged 30,
having become worn with loss of sleep ,
watching beside a sick member of the '
family, fell asleep before the fire Satur-
day. Her clothing caught fire and- she
was burned to death.
duction of the anthracite region in Penn•
sylva.nia in 1886 was 32,764,000 tons, I
and in 1887 was over 34,000,000. Forty-
five mines are operated by the Reading
Coal and Iron Company.
How Dans LOOK.—Mr. Gladstone
looks fairly well, but time is placing
limits to his activity. Mr. John Morley
has entirely recovered. Sir Wm. Har-
court is fat and ruddy. Mr. W. H.
Smith is cheerful and hearty. Mr. Bal -
four's legs seem to have grown longer
and his manner more languishing and
ladylike than ever. Lord Hartington
still sleeps like an infant. Lord Charley
Beresford tacks briskly about and is pre-
paring to pour a raking broadside into
the First Lord of the Admiralty. Mr.
Goschen fidgets in and out, his head
filled with big financial schemes. Pri-
vate members generally seem bored to
death. They are a part of the voting
machinery, little. noticed till they are
wanted. Why dothey take so much
trouble to get elected to Parliament?
Some Of them would be very much
zled to tell you.
- --
_ Huron Notes.
MK. 'Joseph Carter has been appoint-
ed assessor of the village of Blyth, for
this year, at a salary of $40.
— The village council of Exeter have
decided to charge a rental of $5 per night
for the use of their new town hall. This
is a very moderate charge.
— Mr. W. H. Cloakey, a former resi-
dent of Morris, is filling a position in the
mailing room of Warner's Safe Cure
establishment at R-ochester, New York.
—Mr. Thomas Passtnore, formerly of
the Exeter Advocate, together with his
wife and family, have returned to Blyth,
where they will permamently reside in
f u tare.
- -Mr. Joseph Hodgins, 16th concess-
ion of Grey, was badly injured by a
vicious bull a short time ago. Had it
not been for a ring in the animal's nose
Mr. Hodgins would likely have been
----During the absence from Wingham.
of Dr. McDonald, M. P. for Ea.st Huron,
at Ottawa attending his Parliamentary
duties,his practice will be attended to by
Dr. McKenzie, a young man who has
recently graduated in medicine with high
--On Friday evening of last week a
large company from the 3rd and 4th
concessions of Grey met at the residence
of Samuel Ames, in that township,
taking the family entirely by surprise.
After the usual preliminaries of receiving
the company had been gone through, a
neat little address was read by John
Smith, after which Robert /41cBlain pre-
sented Mr. Ames with a very handsome
easy chair as a token of their apprecia-
tion of his services in the Sabbath
school. Mr. Ames made a very be-
coming reply. Though the house was
crowded a pleasant evening was spent in
social games, interspersed by music.
A sumptuous repast was also served,
prepared by the lady frieads, td which
ample justice was done.
. —Miss Maggie Hall, of Grey town-
ship, has pieced a quilt with five hun-
dred and twenty-five blocks in it. There
are 4,725 pieces in the five hundred and
twenty-five blocks. She completed it
in ten days.
—Mr. Fletcher Sperling has leased his
100 acre farm, on the 15th concession of
Grey to Alfred Williamson, of the 14th
concession. Mr. Sperling intends going
on a prospecting tour to Oregon in the
—The contract for furnishing the
township of Hay with lumber has been
awarded to Mr. Robert Bell, of Hen-
sel!. The price is, for cedar, $11 per
1000 feet and for red beech, $8.75 de-
—A farm of the late George Weston's,
lot 36, 3rd concession, Colborne, known
as the school house lot, has been sold
by the executors of the estate to Mr.
John Young, of Porter's Hill, at a fair
—Wednesday last week while young
Charlie Swanson, of Goderich, aged ten
years, was sharpening a pencil at the
Central school, his chum shoved his
hand, and the knife blade entered one
of his eyes. The pupil at present pro-
trudes, but the doctor thinkthe sight
can be saved.
—Charles Lingard, of Centralia, who
has been locked up twice before as an
insane man, was again taken up to the
county jail last week, his recommit-
ment having been found necessary. He
is said to be all right when at work, but
when idle for a length of time his mind
becomes unsettled.
—Mrs. Mary McGowan, relict of the
late Robert McGowan of Beet Wawan-
osh, died at her residence in Blyth, on
Tuesday of last week. She had reached
the good age of 85 years and 5 months.
She was one of the pioneer residents of
the district, and was greatly beloved
and esteemed for her kind and Christian
character. She leaves a numerous fam-
ily who will ever keep green the mem-
ory of a good woman and worthy mother.
—At a meeting of the Directors of the
East Huron Farmers' Institute, held
last week at Brussels, it was decided to
hold .an Institute at Wroxeter next
month. The date was not decided on
until word is received from the Agricul-
tural College as to when Professor Rob-
ertson can be present. The pro-
gramme will probably run more in the
line of dairying at this meeting. The
date of the Institute will be announced
—Mr. John Kerr, of Crediton, met
with a serious accident, on Monday of
last week, which will probably lay him
up for a few weeks. While construct -
ha.; a bridge across the stream which
runs through his farm, the spile driver
fell upon him, and crushed several ribs,
and otherwise injured him. His son al-
so received a blow cn the bead, which
rendered him unconscious for a short
time. No serious consequences are an-
ticipated in either case.
—At the third quarterly official board
of the Walter's Falls circuit it was
moved and seconded and resolved, "that
this board extends a cordial and unani-
mous invitation to the Rev. John Ball,
of Woodford, to become our superin-
tendent for the term of years com-
mencing with next conference." Mr.
Ball was on the Hensall circuit a few
years ago and his many friends will be
pleased to hear from him once more.
—Mr. J. W. Shaw, son of Mr. John
Shaw of Brussels, and lately Principal
of Blyth Public school, who is attending
Trinity Medical College, Toronto, has
been engaged by General Gzowski as
tutor to his two sons.. Two hours are
occupied each day with the tuition. Mr.
Shaw was a very successfnl teacher and
will no doubt fill the bill now in every
sense. He was recommended to Gener-
al Gzowaki by Mr. Kirkland, of the Nor-
mal school.
—Two young men named Wm. Haw-
kins and Henry Tippett, of East Wa-
wanosh, were shooting with a revolver
one day last week. The latter was
holding the weapon while the former
stood close by. The revolver, a twenty
two caliber, went off accidentally, the
bullett striking Hawkins just above the
right tetnple, penetrating to and glan-
cing along the skull for two inches or
more. The young men were badly
scared and immediately went to Wing -
ham to have the case attended to. Dr.
Towler cut the bullett out -and l the
wound is healing up.
—On Saturday last a rather serious
accident happened on the farm of Mr.
George Strong, treasurer of the town-
ship of Howick. His three nephews,
sons of the late John Strong, were
engaged in cutting wood, two sawing
and the other splitting. A block had
first been sawed off and William, who
was on one end of the saw, placed his
hand on the end of the block just as his
brother reached with the axe to draw
the block, the axe struck him on the
back of the band giving it a bad cut
which will lay him up for some time.
—Mr. A. Proctor'of Morris, near
Belgrave, has rented his farm consisting
of 100 acres, to Mr. Bilby, at thel rate
of $250 per annum. • A. Stewart, the
proprietor of the Queen's hotel, Bel -
grave, has rented the farm belonging to
Mr. Atkinson, who has gone to Dakota.
Mr. Atkinson's family also inten going
about the first of April. Mr. Donald
Currie, of the 4th concession of A, orris,
has purchased the nicely situated 100
acre farm, just opposite his own,, from
E. Aubery. Mr. Aubery intends re-
moving to California next month. 1 Mr.
Currie has now 200 acres of land., The
price paid for this last farm was .`5,500.
—The Goderich Signal of last week
says: Knox church pulpit was filled
morning and evening Sunday last by
Rev. W. G, Hanna, of Tara, one ef the
cleverest young ministers connected
with the Presbyterian body in Canada.
The manner of the Rev. gentleman in
the pulpit is unaffected and natural, his
flow of language is full, his gestures not
over done, and his word -painting of a
most taking kind. His sermone bear
traces of a cultured mind, and show
that the preacher has more behind than
appears on the surface. Rev. Mr.
Hanna is a Huron County boy, having
been born and reared in the township of
Morris, where he received. his elemen-
tary education. Ile afterwards attend-
ed Clinton Hip. School and Hamilton
Collegiate Institute, preparatory to tak-
ing his University course. After gradua-
ting with honors in classics at Toronto
University, and taking first prize for
public speaking, he took a year of
special study at the T,Tniversity in men-
tal and moral science and modern
languages, previous to going to Prince-
ton for his theological course. He also
spent three months in New York to gee
aepractical acquaintance with city neje.
sion work. Two years ago he accepted
a call to the pastorate of Tara, in the
belief that in a quiet charge he would
be enabled to recuperate physically,
and atone, to some extent, for the
severe course of study that he had im-
posed upon himself, and which had, to
some extent impaired his health. It is
satisfactory to know that his efforts in
recuperating have not proved unavail-
—On Tuesday of last week, the re-
mains of the late Thomas Ca,dzow, son of
Mr. Archibald Cadzow, of the 13th C011 -
cession of Hullett, arrived at Londes-
noro station from Michigan in charge of
the brother of the deceased, Mr. James
Cadzow. Thomas, who was about 22
years of age, went to Michigan in the
fall to work in the lumber woods, and a
few days preceding his death was taken
ill with pleurisy. As there was no
physician to be had he died, after a
brief but severe illness. The young man
was highly respected, and his relatives
have the deepest sympathy in their sad
and trying affliction.
—The Exeter Times of last week says:
The Farquhar post office vvas Moved to
new quarters on Monday morning.
Much excitement prevailed for a time,
Mr. Hay, on whose premises the offiee
has been during the past, it is said, for-
bade the retiring postmaster, Mr. R.
Gardiner, to enter his, (Mr. Hay's)
store. This was filially overcome and
the office paraphernalia taken in charge
by the newly -appointed postmaster, Mr.
John Kay, who consigned it to Mr.
Duncan's store, with Mr. Duncan as
deputy postmaster. So endeth a. long
and somewhat tiring parley between a
few residents of this lively little burgh.
—On Wednesday morning last week-,
R-obert Sheppard, of Wingham, a boy
about .thirteen years of age, met with a
ry serious and painful accident: He
h 1 a bottle in which he placed some
,t and powder, with the shot in the
Lo ctom. He no doubt wanted to hear
how much noise it would make when
di esharged and to accomplish this set
fire to it, expecting to get out of the
way in time. But in this he failed and
the consequence was his eyes were burnt
by the powder and some of the shot
penetrated his face. Should inflamma-
tion not set in there is a slight chance
of his regaining the sight of his eyes.
The chances, however, of his being left
blind are much greater. It is a bad
case for his widowed mother, a woman
who has to work hard to keep the wolf
from the door.
—Two old and well-known residents
of Goderich have passed to the Great
Beyond during the past week—Mrs.
George Sheppard, sr., and Mrs. Rhyne.;
widow of the late James Rhynas. The
former had been seriously ill for about
two weeks, and at her age—nearly 74—
death could be said to be not unexpec-
ted. The remains were taken to Bay-
field cemetery for interment, and as the
deceased was a former resident of Gode-
rich township the cortege was largely
augmented along the road to the ceme-
tery. Mrs. Rhynas died very sudden-
ly from an attack of heart disease,
which came on so unexpectedly that be-
fore the members of her family could
gather around her she had passed away.
She had reached 75 years of age, and
was one of the oldest settlers of the
town at the time of her death,
—On Monday evening, the 6th inst.,
Robert, second son of Rob-ert Inglis,
7th concession of Grey, died at Tyner,
Dakota, of mountain fever, after an
illness of a few weeks, in his 27th year.
The deceased went west about seven
years ago and took up land in Dakota,
and hae resided there since, Two of his
brothers live in the same neighborhood.
Mr. Inglis was unmarried. The father
left for Tyner on Tuesday afternoon
the 7th inst., and on reaching his
journey's end found his son dead and
the friends waiting his arrival before
proceeding with the interment. The
bereaved family have the -sympathy of
the community in this unexpected. be-
reavement. The deceased was a very
promising young man. He paid his
parents and other friends here a visit
last winter.
—The Atranta, Constitution of the
6th inst., has the following, which will
be of interest to our readers: "Change
of Relationship," was the subject of the
Rev. G. R. Turk's morning discourse at
the Church of the Redeemer, based
upon the passage found in Ephesia,ns
2:19, "Now, therefore, ye are no mora,
strangers and _foreigners, but fellow
citizens with the saints and of the
household of God." Mr. Turk preaches
the Gospel with a power, pathos and
logic that not only makes it attractive,
but almost irresistible. His sermons
evince .great familiarity with the Scrip-
tures, and his words are invariably
backed up by the sayings and testimony
of Christ and the apostles. The sermon
yesterday was most fitting to the oe-
basion, and was regarded by many pres-
ent as the most powerful he has preach:
ed since corning to Atlanta.
A Question Answered.
DEAR ExPOSITOR,—A correspondent
in your issue of February 17th asks in-
formation respecting the registration of
a stallion which he owns, and also the
registration of the progeny of such stal-
lion. The substance of the rules gov-
erning entry is: All animals, the pre-
geny of an accepted sire, whose dam is
also the progeny of an accepted sire,
are eligible for registration in the first
volume of the Dominion Stud Book.
When once animals are registered their
progeny are eligible forever, unless
otherwise unsound or unworthy; there-
fore according to the pedigree which
your correspondent gives of his stallion,
both he and his progeny from accepted
dams are eligible. He also asks if this
stud book is got up in the interest of
wealthy farmers and importers, but from
the above he may see that by registering
a two -cross animal, it is got up by far-
mers in their own interest, enabling
them to register a class of worthy am -
mals, which were not eligible in any
other existing stud book.
Jont'eleMemeter, M. P.,
President D. D. II. B.
—Mr. John Kay, son of Mr. T. M.
Kay, reeve of Usborne, has been ap-
pointed postmaster at Farquhar, in place
of Mr. Robt. Gardiner, resigned.