HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-02-24, Page 3__18884 Dements Store, LTIL e from now until Also Silverware-, large assortmente is the third sea- -;, giving the par- • e we are in Sea ought before well business. We do zia per cent. dis- sent, full •well it simply sell our awe of 10 per until, the end of this opportuuits . ry, Silverware, Sets, etc., at iry Store, ONT. Oct. '27, LW- ntario. it ef the public. in 3 our own interceas, arc the only author- olumbus Watches in otla r dealers wbo cured them in ea kat there are now ;ions of our Watch, [laic at almost an, k responsible for the -of the Columbnk ir authorized agent. CoLt-stBes WAr' leFront. Store. 11 do our best tn lowest possible rate eonsizta of a fun eeuails keit iu Clothing, Groceries, Tea ••, are, Machine Oils, 13Iaek, Intl Castor (Nils, uncut of Stand- a'; - anv in ouble to show 1.1ean, wishes to inform hat havina secur 1-GaILY CON P E - :N ORD MILLE it, an ever before te who favor I,ire 110 PPI Nt; :ended to. (;i:e• lour that can Le AN, Kippen. SALE, encession J. and an 10, Ifallat, 1A0 1:„ Mrs. Elinfot c'essi011, 1, Ton Li 5ale cheap, 0. Concession ES-, good soil, Is C.1 les from Paish Farm and Toren free of all eoats sreCCIf, , Stasforth, ( t. arnships. Interrnedia.t e, *enlz'ent are llook- eilstowtt, Derry, es as Liverpool. we can for -rtificate to itrina - errnany, Sweden, -always as loxv a4 o done as ustid.I. anitoba, British at=ige c.+beckf d per cunt. per 1007 STRONG,. Gibson tt.t he hL, t.r FAGTORY. C a. CS, CEVee far as 1P14,1.ft.t..., ,Ar Vt)rking Or.1;:r orkuten, mat €,d ER MILLS. Proprietor, FEBRUARY 24, 1888. glibly over in the catechism ; but to the meaning of this she never gave thought. And so all through that summer day Nan carried a load on her heart till kiwi Sophy comforted her. Nan little knew how often she had been the subject of conversation between Maraaret and soehy until the young minister became the all -absorbing topic. Ma rg tret's observation was as sharp as her neck was long; and from little remarks dropped by her father, as well as what she saw of Nan's ways and gifts, she had confided to Sophy that she believed the child was a genius. Sophy had a great admiration for geniuses, although she Was by no means one herself ; and as, in conunon with many other young peo- ple, she fancied a genius was a person doomed to a lot as gloomy as it was asand, Nares sadness and tears had seemed quite en regle, though she had none the less faithfully tried to banish them. And Sophy was successful. Before the party came back from the Warlock's Crag, or the minister had finished his crack with Merron, a gentle melancholy had taken the sorrow's place. How sweet it was to be at Sophy's side, a new understanding between them— something Tory knew nothing about— and watch the western sky marshal its fiery hosts! The Manse children were bv no means blind to the beauties of nature; but Nan had that sixth sense, which is possessed by the poet and the artist, of discerning "The light that never was on land and sea." She had the artist's eye and the poet's quick and sensitive imagination. But it is one thing to appreciate" and another to express,; and the extent of Nan's gifts was ;till to be discovered. But was it not delightful that, just as she began to regret not having made bet- ter use of her day, a new pleasure should be at hand ? " What wad ye think, sir," said Donald, "o' my takin' ye a' hame in the boat? The sea's like glass, an' yet there's wind enough to haud." What the young people thought shouts of delight_ told ; and of course consent was given. So there were part- ing libations, and what Merron. called a piece a' route." And then Merron's hand was nearly shaken off; and with cheers that made the Warlock Crag birds rise like a cloud over them, they sailed away. And Sophy sang "Isle of Beauty;" though whether to the Reverend Hugh's island or the Warlock's Crag, I cannot say. And Tory, dangling her hand in the water, wished herself another Undine to call up pearls and coral at command. And Nan, who had an un- ending array of What If's ,in stock, sat silent, but not unhappy. building castles in the air: What if those blue and misty islands were the Islands of the Blessed ! What. if some day she, Nan herself, should waiader off to seek her fortune, and find it and fame together, and, coming back, be taken to Ars. Leslie's heart as Tory was. And then everybody probably thought his or her own What If, for deep silence fell upon -them all. And the light in the western sky grew paler, and the hills drew about them their robe of amethyst, and the nets of the fishermen slowly rose and fell far off on the silver - ray sea. And old, Donald, tiller and rope in hand, had his dream too: " What if the minister was the Maister, an' the Atlantic Ocean the Sea o' Galilee !" THE HURON EXPOSITOR 3 CHAPTER V. Well, Jean,' said Mr. Leslie, as the tserridge-plates were being carried off next morning, how did you and An- drewina get on with the blankets ?" Jean tossed her head. The blankets is weel enench," said she. "And is anything the matter with Andrewina?" 1'm thinkin', sir," said Jean, mak- ing an effort to speak calmly, "that Andrewina an' the Manse '11 hae tae pairt company. Dawvit Dick's a dacent body." " But what ails you at Andrewina, dean ? Have you auarrelled ?" Then Jean's wrongs were poured forth. Jean was in her own sphere as celebrated for anecdote as Miss Grizzell Macalaster in hers. For ten years Andrewina had been the humblest of her clients, the most ardent of her ad- mirers. For ten years, weekly, on washing -days, had Andrewina demand- ed, and Jean related, certain standard incidents, in all which the narrator had berne a prominent and a glorious part. And now the worm had turned ; _kndrewina had told an anecdote her- self. The reader is not to suppose that this is exactly Jean's account of the affair. Her objection, she declared, was purely a religious one. Andrewina's story had been of o. " blaspheemous" character. Pressed for proof, she gave the anec- dote itself. Andrewina, it appeared, had farther followed Jean's excellent example in making herself the central figure. Her nephews, she represented, looked up to her as a great Bible authority—a sort of conoorda.nce and commentary combined. And. one of them, having got into a- controversy with a fellow workman as to a certain passage, had cried on her to come (loon the stair and settle Sandy Gordon." The passage, it appeared, was nothing more obscure than the often quoted one: " It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle," etc- Sandy declared the Bible said nothing of the kind; that it would not say anything so foolish. Then they had appealed to Andrewina. Andrewina, Jean averred, had stood up "as brazen as a grawven image i' the second commandment," arid had repre- sentetl herself as saying as follows : " I says, Losh Sandy Gordon, says ye"re nae better nor a infidel. It dis se.y rt. needle, an' a tine caw:I:tie needle of Mr. John Hutcheson, lot 13, conces- sion 7. The bear's den was in saturn- up, and the animal was discovered by a hound belonging to Mr. Donaldson, Mr. Donaldsdu is an experienced follow- er of Nimrod, and Nettled the bear with the first shot. In the den was a smal cub which was only a few daYs old, had scarcely its eyes opened, and was ° about the size of a bit, rat. The cub wilt be tamed. Mr. Donaldson was offe'ed $11 for the carcase, but refused to ace -pt it. A ying Christian to His Soul. A vers that repl Sea We uple of weeks ago wq published the first of this beautiful little poem, with a request some one furbish the author's name: Cm reet es have been sent us by Mrs. Chas. Lowrie, rth, and Mr. A. M. Campbell, of Stanley. ow give the poem in full. 'Vital spark of heavenly flame -Quit, 0 quit, this mortal frame! Tremblingahoping,1ingering,alying, Oh, the pain, the base, of dying! Cease, fond Nature, cease thy strife, And let die languish into life ! Hark !the y whisper ; ang,els say, Sister spirit, come away." What is this absorbs me quite, Steals My senses, shuts my sight, Drown e my spirits, draws my breath, Ten me, my soul—can Oa be death The world recedes !---ardsappears ! Heaven opens on my eyes l—my ears With sounds seraphic ring: • Lend, lend your wings I mount! I fly ! 0 grave ! where is thy victory? 0 death! where is thy ating'! Trees in Winter. —POPE. Site t they stand -with their look upturned To the Wondrous azure; loving brothers they closely crowd In their winter pleasure. The open green of the hemlock's robe Has a dazzling border; The little firs stand ail in white In reverent order.. • ng the arches of diamond fret The wind goes sighing, • sets the now like a 'fountain's Round the tall pine flying. -en light seems the forast floor In its level brightness; - Ord • the squirrel has dared to touch Its perfect whiteness.r fuwe look down tae pearly aisles To the still, dim spaces; ord is etruck on the vibrant boughs In the pillared places. Lik Am An Fro Wis Ac Lik Thr mist a grand amen Is the rushing sound, A mute prayer ending; • ugh the blinding glory we look to see Angels descending. Sai tif that serve in your starry crowne . At Nature's altar, Wh • should we in your circle stand? Our hearts that falter. • Co By e that they may be lifted up To the heights of duty, he holy Pressence abros4 in the woods, By the gospel a( beasitys13 e —M. F. crrs. 4. Gaieties. -e-In spring a young man's fancy light- ly turns to thoughts of new clothes. Many are shut out where tailors do not trust. 7--" Pa," inquired an up -town boy, hat is a sage ?" "A sage, my son, rep ied the father gloomily, " a sage is man who. -never marries." - Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and !frets his hour up n the stage, and then is heard no MO e. --(till make you dance !" cried an irate mother, pursuing her erring son, slimier in hand. "Then," remarked the juvenile, " we shall have a bawl." It iz highly important that when a ma makes up his. mind tew bekum a rasica.1, he should examine hizself clusly, and see if be ain't better konstrukted for a phool. —First Artist—" How are :things looking, 'Jim, since -I saw you last ?" Second artist—" Looking up—decidedly looking up ! Last year I was floored : now I'm 'skied'!" —No time like the present.—He: "Ab yes, that is the dearest little hand in the world; and, Lucinda, Inlay some day ask you for it ?" She : "Ask now, George—ask now !" —A minister having preached a very long sermon, as his -custom was, some hours after asked a- gentleman his opfaion of it. He replied that," it was very good, but it spoiled a dinner worth two of it." —A note from a rural post...office in Tennessee reads : —"Dear : The reason I didn't lafl when you, left at the in the Post Offis yesterday was because I had a bile on my fase and kan't laff. If I laff she'll bust. But I love you, bile or no bile, laff or no laff." • —" Papa, what is a model ?" inquired little Johnny.—" A model is a small like-ness of anything."--" And is a model man the small likeness of a man ?"---t" A great many are, Johnny," replied his father musingly, "a great many of them are."- — Hotel Clerk — "What does 938 want?" Hall Boy—" Nothinh He didn't ring. Must 'a' been sOrne other number, sir. He says -he's very corn-, fortable, sir." — "Very comfortable! He's got one of the cheapest rooms i the houso. Go turn the heat off." — He (just introduced)—" What very homely -man that 'gentleman near the piano is, Mrs. Hobson." Mrs. Hobson—" Isn't he! That is Mr. Hob- son." He (equal to the -occasion)—" Oh,. indeed ! bow true it is, Mrs. Hobson, that the 'homely men always get the prettiest wives !" , —It is stated that when Senator Faulkner was a ten -Year-old boy, he got lost in the mountaius While hunting and wandered into a den of bears," where he killed four of the animals with a single -barreled shot -gun." We don't know which to most admire—young n Faulkner's courae, or a single -barreled shot -gun that scattered so awfully. • —Lawyer (in court)—Lite boy, do you knoW the nature of an oath ? Little Boy -,—Yes, sir. We something tny pa uses to put up stovepipes with. tae.. 't .1 —Six -months after marriatre. She—, 0 _ An' 11.60, sir,- adds Jean, "if ye doot "Why 4-q you look so unhappy, George ? ma -word; 'co -me into my kitchen au' I'll Don'tyob knowWe are one, now ?" show ye aheavery spot she stood when she •aid it. An' wham). ye :Lae her afore the Kirk Sees -ion, sir !'. " mid the minister. " must:a- l:now first what punishment ohe has had already. What did you seta to ;or your- self. Jean ?" fie—Ye, I've hearal thatabeferee but when it comes to paying the weekly board bill the landlord don't seem to. think •ao. • t 'Cheap Dinners. _ Poor children have for sOme, time " ! No' a word, sir I is teIrd her been supplied with substantial dinners tlne Rible itsel' had condemned her. I- in London, England, for the small sum of one penny each. The success which has attended this. London benevolent/ work has led other cities to try the same experiment, the best result, so fair at least as chea.puess is concerned, being achieved in Birrninglia,41, We read that dinners are supplied il in that city to - hungry sehool hoard children for a half penny and a farthing each; But the most wonderful part of the story is that told by Ur . George H. Sargeant in a I • loulsit up Revelatione,twenty steered and auchteenth, an' I read it ,;te.e her. An' then f keys to her, AnAaesaiea,' says I, arare enawthemy maraaawt:e; (To be contiad-si • s • - -The other day Ma i'ran I esnald- son, lot 8, concession 6. Meno township, was in Orangeville with the carass of a ehe bear, weighing Ist;i, postude, which liekatl shot the day before oa the farm pamphlet. He states that the half- penny charged has not oaly co-iered the whole cost of the dinner (including current expenses), but has left in ad- dition a suin to the ertAit of the fund. The dinner consisth id two courses— first, bread an.1 milk or soup, anti then bread and jaut or marmalade. Dealer in Isthmuses. N. de Lesseps, the ' inventor ' of the Suezand 'Panama Canal, is ' said to spend more time in traveling than he does at home. He is a white-haired and very brisk old gentleman and always wears the air which looks like business.' While traveling lately in France. M. de Lesseps happened to be placed in a compartment with two commercial travelers, who did not know him. The two 'drummers' found that he had traveled much, and fancied that he be- longed to their fraternity. 'Beg pardon, sir,' said one of them finally, but are you nota traveling man too?' 'Certainly I am.' ' We thought so. What is your line?' 'Isthmuses, said M. de Lesseps. - ` Wh-wh- what ?' asked the puzzled drummer. • I am introdacing ship canals,' said de Lesseps. The commercial travelers feared that they had fallen in with a lunatic, but when de Lesseps made himself known, they were much delighted with their distinguished fellow traveler. -Madder. This coloring matter is more exten- sively used by the cotton dyer and -calico printer than by -the wool dyer. It has been the subject of much research, and the composition and nature of its color- ing principles are now well understood. It has long been used as a dyestuff. The ancient Egyptians, the Greeks, and the,Romans are said to have used tia. Though not a wood, it will be best to discuss it here in connection with the redwoods, as it holds, as a. wool dye, a position intermediate between that of the redwood and ithe yellowwoods. It is the root of a plant called Rubio. tine- torum. Dr. Schunk states that the coloring matter exists in the plant as a giueoside, that is, in combination with a sugar. He calls the glucoside rubian. The principal coloring matters yield- ed by madder are alizarine, purpine, mud pseudo-purpuririe, of which the first is by far the most important, being the only madder color which may be considered fast and permanent. The artificial production of alizarine from anthracene, one of the products of the distillation of coal tar, is one of the most important and interesting appli- cations of chemistry to the arts that has been made of late years. In 1868, Graebe and Liebermann found that when alizarine and zinc dust. were dis- tilled, the hydrocarbon anthracene was obtained, and by reversing the process they _ succeeded irt obtaining alizarine from anthracene. The artificial color- ing matter seems to • possess all the properties of the alizarine of madder. In wool dyeing the chief uses of madder besides acting as a ferment in the indigo vat, are for the production of drabs, browns, and olives, for which its color- ing matters are well adapted. The colors obtained with madder on wool are very fast and pertnanent.—Indus- trial Record. An ugly complexion made Nellie a fright, Her face was all pimply and red, Though her features were good, and her blue eyes were bright, " What a plain girl la Nellie !" they said. But now, ss by maair, plain Nellie has grown As fair as an artist's bright dream ; Her face is as sweet as a flower -new -blown, Her cheeks are like peaelies.and cream. As Nellie walks out in the fair morning light, Her beauty attracts every eye, And as for the people who called her fright, " Why, Nellie is handsome :" they cry. And the reason of the change is that Nellie took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which regulated her liver, cleared her complex- ion, made her blood pure, her breath sweet, her lane fair and rosy, and removed the defects that had obcured her beauty. Sold by druggists. IMPORTANT NOTICES. TIMBER. FOR SALE.—For sale --Ash- Rails Cedar Posts, Brick and atone, on Lot 29, Concession 7, Meliillop, or address Winthrop P. O. CHARLES DOLMACI E. 1051x4 - a-- • -- MONEY TO LUN—Anym . au -count of money to loam -on Mortgages, a " lowest rates of interest. Easy tonna Apply to Wal. B. Me - LEAN, Heneall, Ont. . 1007-t.f. TOCK FOR SA L E. --For :3'10, a heavy draught. aD Colt 9 months old, s red by " Mark Laddie." also ft -number of young Cattle. Apply to C. R. VAN EU -MON D, Egmondv e. 1063 -ti MEACHER WANTED.—Male or female, hold - big a second or third class certificate, for eight niotiths. Duties to commence on the lath of March. Apply to ROBERT CHISHOLM, "Secrettiry-Treasisrer, Ancruni, S. D., Lothaie P. 0., Manitoba.- . I053-3 - - Unfaithful Servants. lhackeray, in one of his "Round- abouts" papers, tells, apropos of the stolidity of English servants, the story of a chalk -mark which some boy had made above the door -bell of his house. There it remained weeks and months, although Jane, the housemaid, daily polished thci bell and door -plate. That was her-thity, for which she was paid ; but the • chalk -mark was "out of her beat," and, although it disfigured the house, and a touch would havecleaned it away, it never occurred to her to give that touch. A lady who had passed some time in Holland tells as similar story of the ser- vice ef the Dutch laborers, who give to their employers the hand -work which they have bargained for, but do not sup- plement it by a single voluntary move- ment of their brains. Two men had been hired to water a certain flower -bed. Every afternoon, at &given hour, they poured on the water —the watering -pot pust so many times fulL -- One day it rained, incessantly during the whole night and-. the next morning, until the .flower -garden was drenched and the paths were running streams ; yet, prompt at the accustomed hour, out came the two Hollanders, and began de- liberately sprinkling the soaked earth with their little pots as usual. When they were laughed at, they re- plied, "This is what we were engaged to do. Why should we observe the weather ?" This seems ridiculous reasoning. -Yet how many of us act through our whole Jives on the principle of these hireling servants? We go on, day after day, doing the little work that we have chos- en and for which we shall be paid in money or in worldly gain ; or briefs, our banking accounts, our round of visits in the doctor's wagon, just as Jane scours bell, plate and steps. But if a hungry -child or neglected pauper eome in our way, or any private .or public means of doing good,. we treat it as ;Jane did the chalk -mark. It is Out of our beat, it is none of our busi- ness. It is not for that we shall be paid„ - money. The Levite was, no doubt, "attending -to his own business when he saw the wounded man lying in the road and •pissed by on the other side. Eldridge (I. Merrick, a prominent ssel owner, of Detroit, died. suddenly Saturdav morning, aged 86. He early engaged in rafting timber from Lake -Ontario down- the St. Lawrence, and subsequently became a wealthy vessel - owner. rSTRAY 4LAMB —Came into the premises of a the undersigned, Lot 20, Conctssion 4, L. R. S., Tueltersmith, about the 1st of November last, a Rain Lamb The owner can havethe same on proving property and pas ing charge-. JAS. SPROAT, Kippeu P: 0. 1051x4 THOROUGHBRED BULLS FOR SALE.—For sale, a 12 months old Durham bull, red color, registered in the new Dominion Herd Book- Apply to .the undersigned, Londesboro P. 0., on Lot 22, Concession 13, liullett. JOHN CUMMING. - 1050-t.f. y MEI' BULL FOR SERVICE.—Having, pur- chased a thoroughbred Jersey bull, coming two years old, I intend keeping him for Service the coming season. Terms.—One -dollar, cash, at the time of service except Jersey cows which will be charged Three Dollars. GEORGETROTT, Seaforth. 1051- TIOR SALE.—A good, sound, !brood and working mare, blocky built, brown color, aud weighs 3480 lbs. ; in foal to a fiest-class im- ported Clydesdale stallion, Price $160. Apply to THOMAS PEPPER, Lot 5, Concession 9, Grey, one mile east'of Brussels, or Brussels P. 0. 10484 f CiEDAR POSTS.—The undersigned have on hand on Lot 16, Concession 5, Hay, three miles from Heneall, any amount of first class Cedar suitable for Posts, Rails, &e., cut, also stakes for Russell fence, at a.2. per hundred. Ap- ply on Lot 21, Conces -ion 3, Hay, or to Hensall P. 0. WM. 13UC1{aNAN & SON. 1041-t.f. BRICK COTTAGE FOR SALE.—The sub- scriber offers for sale a commodious Brick Cottage in Egnmedville, with a quarter of an acre of land attached. Good well, also good stable on the premises. Apply to GEORGE SPROAT, Tuckersusith, Seaforth P. 0. 1e.524 -f. TEACHER WANTED.—Wanted immediately, a female teacher as an assistant in School Section No. 6, Usborne. The engagement to continue until the summer holidays. Appli- cations stating qualifications possessed and sal arse desired will be received by the undersigned. THOMAS HAYWOOD, Elinsville P. 0. 1952-3 DULLS FOR .SALE.—The undersigned has 1_) several young Durham Bulls, from 13 to 16 months old, tor sale. Sired by " Duke of Kent," and dams registered in the old Herd Book. Ap ply on Lot 14, Concession a, H. R. S., Tucker - smith, or Egmondville P. 0. G. E. CRESS - WELL. 1052-4 W HE Y FOR SALE.—Tenders will be received by A.-. McLean, Belgrave P. 0., Out., for the Whey made at Belgrave Cheese Factory dur- ing the season of 1688. The Whey will he pump- ed without charge. 1052-4 THOR° BRED STOCK FOR SALE.—For sale 1 aged Thoro Bred Durham Bull and 2 yearlings-; a few Shropshire ewes and ewe Iambs and three Rain Lambs and an aged Ram ; also several 'High Bred cows in calf to a Tnoro Bred Bull. These animals are all -as represented and pedigrees will be produced to intending purchasers. Terms very reasonable. Apply on the premises of the undersigned, Mill Road, Turasersinith or Brucelleld P. 0. WM. COOP- ER. 30504. f. ETIBBERT TILE AND 'BRICK 'YARD POR SALE—For sale, lot IS, concession 3, Hib- bert, containing 100 acres, about 85 of which are cleared, \ ell fenced under drained and in a good strte of cultivation. The balance is timbered with hardwood. - There is a flame barn and two good houses, and a good orchard. The Bayfield river runs through the farm and there is no waste land. There is also on the farm a well equipped STEAM TILE AND BRICK YARD CapablO Of turning out $4,000 worth of material in the season, and an abundance of excePent clay for either tile or bricks. The yard is in first class running order, and is well fitted up with engine and boiler, tile and brick machines, kilns, shed, etc., and a very large business can be done. It is situated within two miles of Dublin station. This is a splendid opportunity for any person wishing to go into the business and make money. The property will be sold cheap, owing to the recent death of one of the proprietors. Any amount of draining tile on hand, all sizes, and $1 less per thousand than usual prices. Apply on the pre- mises, or to Dublin P. 0. ROBERT COLLIE. 1029tf THE LATEST See It. Try It. TT= The Great Cough Remedy, LUMSDEN & WILSON'S Royal Glycerated Balsam of F1114 STILL EXTENDING. Combining as it does the healing and soothing properties of Glycer- ine, with the well-known virtues of Fir Balsam, it is astonishing how _quickly it brings reliaf when distressed and torn by a lacerating cough. Few who ever tried it would be without a bottle in the house. Price 50c; for sale everywhere. Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail Our Self -Lighting Lamps and Lan- terns. No matches required ; always ready; at a slight extra cost over old style burners. Call and see them --AT---- C. M. Whitney's, Cheap Stove House, MAIN -ST., - SEAFORTH. Sole Agent for Seaforth. ST_ `111-10M.A.S WHITE BRONZE Monument Co. The Only Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. Our material is 'endorsed by leading scientist as being practically imperishable. It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affect- ed by the frost. Send for Designs and Tenn.§ to W. M. GIFFIN; Clinton. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership hitherto Subsisting- between the undersigned, un- der the firm -name of Thomas Hendry & Sons, as manufacturers of agricultural implements, ac., in the Town of Saaforth, has this day been dis- solved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be carried on by Thomas Hendry to whom all debts due the late firm must be paid, and ay whom all debts due -by the firm NViil . be liquidated. THOMAS HENDRY, ALBERT HENDRY, II. A. STRONG, Witness. Seaforth, February 9, 1868. 1053-4 by LUMSDEN & WILSON, SCOTT'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. GEN iLE MEN, ATTENTION Eyes Front ! Quick March I TO W. D. BRIGHT'S Popular Clothing and Gents' Furnishing House, Campbell's Block, AIisr S CoRTI-1_ Some of the finest SUMMER SUITINGS in the county; prices cheap or dear, to suit your pockets and your tastes. A splendid selection of the very Ra Choicest Cloths of all kinds to choose from. Having a practical knowledge of the business, and doing all my own cutting, I can guarantee satisfaction as to FIT and workmanship. ARNIBRECIIT'S C COCOA WINE, _voE FATIGUE Mind and Bo'd. —AND— SLEEPLESSNESS "Experience and scientific analysis reveal to us hi Cocoa the most tonic plant in the veget- able kingdom."—Manuel Fuentes. "It (Cocoa) is, in a word, the most powerful restorer of the vital forces."—Dr. Sehwalk. Armbrecht's Cocoa Wine, though more tonic than Iron or Quinine, never constipates. See Medical Reviews. Armbrecht, Nelson 85. Co., 2 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London, England. For sale by leading druggists throughout the world. lo Lumsden & Wilson, Agents FOR SEAFORTII, ONTARIO. 0 CD CD CD GENTS' FURNISHINGS—We have as nide a stock of Gents' .. Furnishings as can be found in the county. iTs. AND APS ---Our Hats and Caps show for themselves. e pay particular attention to this department. VT Give us a call, whether you buy or not. It won't cost anything, and you may make money by it. Remember Campbell's Block, Campbell & Bright's Old Stand, Opposite the Royal Hotel,•Seaforth. W. D. BRIGEI.T. BOOTS AND SHOES. Fresh Arrival f New Fall Goods. As all my stock of Boots and Shoes is fresh from the manufacturers, you may expect good value for your money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful. Give me a call and judge for yourselves. Custom Work Warranted. Repairing Promptly Attended to E. LATIMER, Main Street, Seaforth. CASIO for Infants and Children. "Tasted* is so well adapted to children that reconunend it as superior to any prescription hewn $o ma" B. £ ARCUMR, M. D., M S.. OnfOrd SI., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1 Castor's cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gesti on, Without injurious medication. Tax CE!,ITAITR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Should'be in Every House. The _Surprise Washer, The beet Washing Machine Ever Invented, G. HOLTZ MAN, Zurich, Has purchased the sole right to manufacturea and sell the "Surprise Washer and Wringer in the County of Huron. It is without doubt the best and most satisfactory washer ever invented. There are over 200 now in use n this county, and every one gives the best satisfaction. They are cheap, simple and efficient. Send for circulars, or address G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich. N. B.—Agents wanted, and liberal terms given. Undertaking—Mr.Holtzman still con- t,inues the undertaking business in all its branches. 1027 REPAIRING I Bell's Saw We want every reader to remember that we make a specialty of Cleaning and Repairing ALL KINDS OF Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Skillful Workmanship, Neatness, Promptness and Reasonable l'rices may always be relied upon with any work entrusted to our care. We guarantee .finest work and good satisfaction. W. J. orthgraves, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, TID1=31•1"_ This well and favorably known has commenced operations for the sea son, and is prepared to receive any I) number of legs to cut on shares, or at so much per thousand. The highest market price paid for good, sound logs. Custom Work promptly attended to, and charges moderate as usual. 1046-4 Robert P. Bell. 1 0 2 cn .71 0 0 01 I dea 091i$ 01 P.) r+ 0 CD 0 CD 'A) CD CD r+ 0 CD CD )-1 0 ,OuxuJfEr iexisv P.) r4" CD CD 0 CD 0 CD 013 �Qea- )-+) 0 619. ND tmt Isestelessa.. Lerasal 6=au The First Symptoms Of all Lung diseases are much the same: feverishness, loss of -appetite, Bare throat, pains in the chest and back, headache, etc. In a few days you may be Well, or, on the other hand, you may be down with Pneumonia or "galloping Connumption." Run no riska, but begin immediately to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Several years ago„Tames Birehard, of Darien, Conn., was severely ill. The doctors said he was in Consumption, and that they could do nothing for him, but advised him. as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Peeaoral. After taking this Medicine, two or three mOnths, he was pronounced a well man. Ms health remains good to the present day. .T. S. Bradley, Malden, Mass., writes : "Three winters ago I took a severe cold, which rapidly developed into Bronchitis and -Consumption. I was so weak that I could not sit up, was emaciated, and con -glued incessantly. I consulted several doctors, but they were power- less, and all agreed that I was in Con- sumption. At last, a frierxl brought Jae a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. From the first dose, I found relief. Two bottles cured me, and my health has since been perfect." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, REFARND BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. aold by an Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $L KIN OWDE THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND