HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-12-02, Page 6, THE 'HURON EXPO.SITOR. DECEMBER 2, 1887. Nicknames for Wives. 'WE ENDEARING TITLES GIVEN Inr FOND HUSBANDS TO THEIR BETTER HALVES. When a lounger on the veranda of one of the big hotels at this place hears a man say "Hurry up, little one," or "Come along, birdie ,» he may be sure that it is a husband ;seldressing his wife, and that• she is enormously fat— Appar- ently, all husbands of fat women- address their wives with diminutives, if not with nicknames fit only for small wo- men or little girls. "Daisy," " Birdie " and "Baby" appear to be mammoth women. The very swell and exquisite young married men call their wives with mono- syllables, such as Puss, Chris, Hen, Fan, Loo, Tot. Oddly enough, the fathers of these same fellows, men so well kept that you can't say whether they are 45 or 65, are fond of drawing out the full name of their helpmates, as for instance, "Come heah, Frances," or "Now,'my deah Eleanor, you must have -a wrap. Equally fixed is the rule that thin and sickly women, dyspeptics, neuralgics, and the like are addressed by their liege lords as wife, madam, or Mrs. Thomp- son, Mrs, Brown or whatever. The in- valid husbands, and all the prim and precise ones as well, address their better kalves as "my dear." This, by the way, is the established custom with the He- brews, though they are usually heard to pronounce the words mine teer." The clergymen seem to have united upon tile word " mother " as title for their wives, and the men who are so common here, and who seem to be wrapped up in an only girl or boy, call their wives If There is no end to the Dollies and the " my loves," while one hears a miscel- laneous lot of passers-by addressing their comrades as ',Pet" and there are three Popsies. One plump little wife is gradu- ally becoming known to everybody in one of the hotels as "Sugar. She is not the only feminine confection, for there is a dimpled brunette who answers to her husband as " Sweety," and yes- terday a very prim -looking wife some- what the shape of a board, was address- ed as " Sweetness " before all the crowd at the spring in Congress Park. It may be an oversight but there doesnot seem to be- e "darling" in town. A ruddy -faced cor- pulent man not 40, who looks as if he was born and brought up in the Stock Exchange, always address his wife as "Precious," and in the same hotel a husband, who appears to hail from the West, replies to his wife with "Yes, Pigeon' " "All right, Pigeon," and so on.-- As it happens, there is something about the wife's appearance or manner, or perhaps it is her shape, that renders this oddest of nickname's peculiarly ap- propriate.—Saratoga Letter. Household Hints. SAUSAGES. Sausages and sausage -meat when made at home are so much more satisfactory in all respects than any that can be lought ready-made, that the trouble of preparing them is more than repaid. It is not necessary to stuff the meat into skins; made into little balls or pats, and rolled in flour before frying, it will not yrecessarily break apart, or at any rate will hold its form if a . raw egg be mixed with it just before frying. The meat, when prepared, should be either put in jars with an inch layer of melted fat on the top, or in small muslin bags. If the bags are dipped in lard just melted, after they are filled, the slight coating of fat thus gained will exclude the air and retard. the injury its action entails en all fresh meat. Sausage -meat in bags can be salted and smoked like ham, and so prepared is excellent boiled with fresh vegetables. SAUSAGE : NO. 1. Take one-third fat and two-thirds lean pork; chop them very fine, or, bet- ter still, grind them in a sausage -mill; to ten pounds of the meat thus prepares' add'eight teaspoonfuls of fine salt, ten of powdered and sifted sage, six of •black pepper, two teaspoonfuls of powered cloves, two of powered mace, and a little grated nutmeg. Work the sensoning in thoroughly with the hands, fry a little to see if they are satisfactory and pack in jars or stuff into cases. M. Max O'Rell on "Parritch." The following extract is from M. (Y- Rell's new book, entitled L'Ami Mac- donald :—" The national dish of Scot- land is oatmeal pudding, called por- ridge,' pronounced parritch ' by the na- tives. Porridge is served to breakfast in all Scottish houses,from the castle to the cot. It is the first dish at breakfast, or the only one, according to means. Por- ridge is a food which both strengthens and satisfies, and which,it would appear, is a considerable aid to the normal de- velopment of the bony system. More than one sturdy Scottish student, with healthy hue but empty purse,breakfasts on a plateful of porridge that he prepares himself ; while the gilded youth of Ox- ford and Cambridge breakfast like prin- ces. I have met a roadman near Dum- fries, who, with a wage of twelve shil- lings a week,has raised a family of eight children, all very chubby and radiant with health, thanks to porridge. The oldest, a fine lad of eighteen years, had gained a bursary at Aberdeen University. in England none of the liberal profes- &ions would have been open to him. The lower classes do not condescend to eat porridge. They must have their butcher meat twiee a day, with beer and other liquors. Twenty years of prosperity and high wages have spoilt and ruined the working class in England. Now the wages are low, or rather there is less work; these people never dreamed of laying past a penny during their palmy days, and. they now pull a wry face. They are not cured for all that. Tney would feel insulted if you offered them porridge. A young lady, who, quite recently, wished to confer upon_ us the honor of serving us in the capacity of cook, refused one day to take some por- ridge that my wife offered her, saying, It is good enough for poor people in the workhouse, I have not come to that yet.' No, but it will come to that. When a Scottish servant receives her wages she imitates the wisdom of the French ser- vant of the provinces; she pays a visit to the savings bank. When an English servant receives her wages, she goes right off to buy a new bonnet and to have her photograph took.' I had al- ways imagined that porridge should be taken before other food. But having heard a stout Scotchman asked to be servey with his porridge after sausage a.nd_potatees, I ventured to ask him the reason. How is it you take the por- ridge last ?' said I. Ay, mon,' replied he, it8 to fill up the chinks.' Ask a Scottish country lad what breakfast, and he will pro 'Parritch, mon.' And for rritch.' And for supper? If he had a fourth meal he to introduce an 'r' more. I ple who roll their 'r's';o the vim. To make hareksoup, catch your hare; to make must have a Frenchman; krout you must be a Germ also); to make porridge, y Scotchman." • A Broody Aff ay he had or ably reply, inner? 'Par- 'ParrrritCh.' ould manage like the pleo- have solute on must first Zouave, you make sour - n (to eat it u must be a is often the result .of bad bloo comnaunity, but nowhere is bad structive of happiness and he human system. When the life and sluggish with impurities, an tributino its poisons to every p the peril to health, and life ev Early symptoms are dull and d severe headaches, coated tongue, indigestion and general lassitude meet ma.y entail the most seriou Don't let disease get a strong h stitution, but treat yourself by ij Golden Medical Discovery, and 1) blessings of health. All druggie n a, family or lood more de- Ith than in the current is foul is slowly dis- rt of the body, n, i8 imminent. owsy feelings, poor appetite, Delay in treat - consequences. Id on your eon- ingDr. Pierce's restored to the The Golden -Brown Afghan. BY ANNIE M. LIB Y. I would like to tell how the Thayer girls made a pretty Af han for the lounge in their mother's itting room. They were positive at first hey couldn't get it; that is, Geneviev and Helen were, but Sophie thoug t -something might evolve itself if they hought long enough and hard enough. Helen says that the verb evolve should. never be used except in th passive, for something never evolves for them— Sophie always evolves som thing. She did this time. She appear d before the two other girls one day, 1 olding up a little gray wool shawl that ad seen snch long and hardy family se vice that it had been retired to the bac entry, and was used only when one wa hanging out clothes on a cold day; or w en one want- ed to run out of the door t Mrs. Greg- ory's, the next neighbor. Helen and Genevieve thought they ha an inkling of what Sophie meant to do with the little shawl, but they waited in silence to hear her unfold her plan . The first was to send the shabby lit le sh'awl to the dye house. It returned a beautiful rich brown. The girls then spread it en heir dining table (it was about a yard a d a quarter square) and laid a layer of c tton batting on one side. They crus ed lavender leaves to a fine powder ad strewed through the batting, and thoin covered it u tint, and outside pr they turn - side upper - tired down chalk every above this other rosv, e with those y threaded with three phyr, and, the afghan s bed -puffs f the worst - fluff at each with a silefoia of a pretty ec basted the lining and the shal,v1 firmly together. The ed the afghan over, shawl most, and with a tape mea one side, making a dot with three inches, Three inche row of dots they marked a making these marks alterna in the first line. Now th large -eyed darning needles shades of gold and brown z doubling each thread, tacke in the marked dots exactly are tacked,leaving as much ed as would make a pretty tacking. , The afghan was square, side they left the tacking from the edge for a motto space they embroidered, eac word, "Rest and Sleep." Next they turned in the outside and lining all aroun them together with broWnI dainty, almost invisible o but on one far enough and in this I doing one dgesi of the , and sewed silk in the er-and-over stitch they learned to put into their patchwork years ago. . They made a square pil ow of stout ticking, filled it with ,fir leaves, and slipped over it a case of brown linen, on which they had emb oidered the words, "Sweetly Dream,' in golden waste silks. On one cone they put a bow of old -gold ribbon, and a ad a pretty and useful gift made 4 littlo cost. • The Tramp. 'Madam,"- says the tr mp, as e stood at the pack door,' would y u mind givin' a poor man wo hain't h d nothing for two days, a fi w gold y e- tuals ?' "Yes, sir, I would mind able to work, and you wal thing here." "Good -by, ma'am; if 1 b. to drag myself away fe you'll never see me ag'in. madam, to be thus unfeel after Brandin' up for yer fan was slandered !' "When did you do that 7 " Jea' now at the next little boy was over there an called him a red-headed, him to go home. She were a great floppin' jag o' grub o at the time, but I couldn't s says, sez I. Madam, the 1 hair ain't red.'" "Ah, I see, and you lost it 1 But hold on, I'll make with you. Red-headed, in child's head is no more red " Thankee, madam, that t. You re 't get an n hold o t rn yer ya d t it is her , n'ly trea d 'ly when it ouse. Yr the woman, rat an' told bringin' nie a platter an' it, an' I ttle feller's our food 13y it all rig1it eed ! T e han mine ." looks li e s. A litt e ith it. I d—better n ckon. u •nes out. ustard r the stuff. Cold ham, yes—y too salt is the only trouble 'low this is baker's bre you'd be likely to make, 1 r should al'ays take the s plum sauce, madam. No the ham? Ah, yes, you has e, thanke . Don't keer for any beans, rn dam—fead 'ern to yer husband ! I'm v ry fond is' pie—keep the plate, 'mad re—though the under crust on this is jet a little mite raw and doughy. You should a' warmed the coffee a little—t y an' mind it next time I call. Jes do up that chicken an' them tarts for m —in print- ed paper, please, mornird p per prefer- red, then I can read an' mprovetrny mind. Yery keerful of my mi d, noadann very. Well,good-.by !" "Just a moment, my goo man—did it make her pretty angry w en you told her his hair wasn't red ?" "No, ma'am, not at all I guarded agin it, madam! I say like this, sezi : Madam, the little feller's hair ain't red !' an' then I adds o an' says, It's more of a brindle, mac am; but I don't blame you for not wa tin' such a pizen-lookin' kid 'round—h 's IiIble to steal small things !' Her grub were better seasoned than your n, madam! Don't get mad ! Hey? Dog? You hain't got no dog, an I can't scare! Good rnornin', madam. There's yer kid comb' now!"—The "Dakota Bell" Man in Chicago Tribune. • Uses of Wood. Shoe -pegs require 100,000 cord P of timber annually in their manufacture; matches, 300,000; last and boot trees, 500,000. All this is of the most supe- rior quality, straight grained and clear o knots and gnarls. To raise the tele - g aph poles of the oountry required 811,000 trees, and 300,000 more are re- quired for annual repair. The railway t es of the country annually consume 7 ,000 acres of timber at least thirty years old, and the fencing of railways ✓ presents $45,000,000, and the annual ✓ pair $15,000,000. These are but a oiety of what is required of our forest • pply. The burning of brick alone • quires 2,000,000 cords of wood an- ually. —A London editor tells of a charac- t ristic piece of wit from a Kerry beg- gar: "One of the fraternity, who took n y sister (who refused her alms) for my le, thus adroitly struck at both with a single keen cut -and -thrust stroke: h, thin,' she cried, in a tone of heart - f It commiseration, ah, thin, God help t e poor man that couldn't say no to ye !' I say, Smith,I saw a great agician last night. He could give you 1 monade, or any drink you wanted, out o a white high hat" Smith—" That's n o thing ; we've got a grocer on our cor- n r who can give you thirty-five, forty, a d forty-five cent butter out of the el me tub." —Teacher—" Tommy Traddles, spell " cigarette., " Tommy Traddles (who h tea study)—" Well—er—my pa won't 1 t me smoke 'em, and I don't think he'd c re to have me spell 'em." a CI a 18 80 te 80 os as ta e no other kind.966.1v. Advice to Mothers. Are you dietuibed and broken of your rest by sick child suffering and crying with pain of tting teeth? If so send at once and get a ttle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for ldren teething. Its value is incalculable. It I relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. pend upon it, mother; there is no mistake out it. It cures dysentery and diarrhcea, regu- es the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, tens- the gums, reduces inflammation, and es tone and energy to he whole system. rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children thing is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- iption of one of the oldest and best female ysicians and nurses in the United States, and for sale by all druggists throughout the world. ice twenty-five cents a bottie. Be sure and for "MRS. WIN8LOV8 SOOTIIING SYRUP," and on or Wall Papers —AND—. Decorations, Window Shades AND FIXTURES, Children's Carriages, WAGONS AND CARTS ---1 —CALL AT - 0. Papst's BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. The largest assortment to choose from, and the cheapest prices to be had in the county. ARMBRECHT'S 'it 0 1\T- I COCOA WINE, —FOR— FATIGUE —OF— Mind and Body —AND— LEEPLESSNESS Experience and scientific analysis reveal to us n Cocoa the most tonic plant in the veget. abi kingdom."—Manuel Fuentes. • It (Cocoa) is, in a word, the most powerful resporer of the vital forces."—Dr. Schwalk. rmbrecht's Cocoa Wine, though more tonic than Iron or Quinine, never constipates. ee Medical Reviews. Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., 2 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London, England. or sale by leading druggists throughout the wo ld. 1035-12 Ljimsden & Wilson, Agents FOR SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. C DERICH BOILER WORKS. hrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine, Upright and Tr.bular Boilers. S LT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron work. • EAM AND WATER PIPE FITTINGS constantly on hand. n hand, ready for delivery: I 30 H. P. New Steel Boiler. I 8 H. P. New Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit, Bo in re R. ler, Engine, Separator, &c., all in good work. order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders wil eive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T tation. P. 0. BOX 361. oderich, May 26th. 1886. IPHTHERIA CHALLENGED. DIERLAMM'S D phtheria & Croup Remedy Is a Sure and Reliable Cure. o child needs to suffer, far lee..s to die, from th se dreadful diseases, if this remedy is used. Ov r 6,000 vials have sold with best results. Best of .estimonials on hand. I challenge every case wi h this remedy if rightly used. For testi- monials and liberal terms, apply to the under - sig led, REV. II. DIERLAMM, Gowanstown, On . For sale at Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth. Combe's Drug Store, Clinton. J. H. Hamilton's, - Blyth. G-orge Rhyme's, Goderich. Dr. Lutz's, - Exeter. George Baker's, Brussels. D. S. Faust's, Zurich. W erth & Co.'s, Crediton. Giving Up Business PrivateMoneycoLoan IN SEAFORTH. The undersigned will sell his entire stock of Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Robes, Whips, Fur Coats and ibriving Gloves, And everything found in a first-class harness shop. -THE STOCK WILL BE Sold at Cost for Cash Until the Whole is Disposed of. All parties indebted to me by either notes or book accounts, will please pay up at once, as I am determined to close the business at as early a date as possible. JOHN WARD. Division Court Notice. The Office of the Second Division Court, County of Huron, will be found open every lawful day at the residence of John Beattie, Goderich Street west, from 10 o'clock a. m. until -4 o'clock p. m., and everything will be done that is possible in the interest of Suitors. Telephone communication in the office. 'Any amount of Money to Loan on goed prop- erty, farm or town, at the very lowest rates of interest, and terms of payment made to suit borrowers. JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk. asott WHY WE ARE OUT OF THE UNION. A concise statement of the reasons which in- duced "the few" to stand (against the Unions of 1861 and 1876, which culminated in the for- mation of the united body now known aa The Presbyterian Church of Canada, By A. 1. D. R. This little work, a neat pamphlet of 22 pages, is now offered to the public, and can be had on application to MRS. McINTOSH, Brucefield. PRICE.—Single copiee, 10c; twenty copies for $1; ten copies for 60c; five copies for 35e. For sale at the store, or will be sent in packages to any address on receipt of the Money. Orders by mail promptly filled. 1030 MRS. McINTOSH, Brucefield, Ont. FARMERS, IT WILL PAY ' YOU —TO CALL AT THE ---- HURON FOUNDRY, —NEAR THE.— HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTH And see our stock of Whioh have been made especially for this county I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for this season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is th • best in the market. Our LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, running light and doing good work. Our GRAIN Ci-ZUSHERS Are made from Hard Iron, and will last longer than any other machine made. Hiving specia tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to ae. pairing. Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. To Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished on application. tOrAlso Agent for the Implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A fu line of repairs con• stantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY., When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was 'a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave thera Castori THE UNDERSIGNED have received Trust Funds to loan on Real Est te Securities at a moderate rate of interest and n terms of re- payment to suit borrowers. MEYER & DIC Barristri, Wingham. 1082-13 11oO-1avd ISM 1H11IO.dii3S "SUIVID allq.reD LSI 9 <1 CD CD (71 JOHN T. WEST COTT, EXETER, ON Collect Notes and Acc( shortest notice in any part and at the most reasonable Correspondence unts on the f the world, rates. olicited. JOHN T. WESTOOTT, Real Estate Agent, Ex REPAIR1 We want every reader that we make a specialty of Cleaning and R pairing ALL KINDS 0 Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. ter, Ont. GI o remember Skillful Workmanship Promptness and Reasonabh always be relied upon wi entrusted to our care. NI finest work and good satisf W. J. Northg Opposite Commercial Hot Neatness, Prices may h any work e guarantee ction. aves, 1 Seaforth. Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE, BELL & CO'. 1 Guelph, Opt PEN-NYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who Ifr....., ha's had a life long experience in treating female diseases 18 used '‘Isi • monthly v ith perfect success by 0 over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant,safe a eve , Sn'is effectual. Ladies ask your drug- g-ists for Pennyroyal Wafers, and take no substitute, or inclose ' . 05( '14•441 Sold by all druggeists, $1 per box. ; eta vivo \ postage for sealed particulars. Address THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., De- troit, Mich. Zff" Sold in Seatorth by Lumsden & Wilson, and by druggists generally. 1034-52 DUNN'S BAKINC POWDE THE CODICS BEST FRIEND SEAFORT Fu rn it u re Warerooms. If you want solid comfort call a t M. Roberts n's, And buy one of those Celebrated elf Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the hove cut. 11 can also supply Invalid Chairs and 1 arriages. He also sells the most comforta le and durabi SPRIl\TG- That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Inte ding puniest- ers would do well to give him a 11 before pnr chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, a eaforth. ROBER SON. KIPPEN MILLS. The undersigned having purchased the Kippen Mills, is prepared to MAKE A SPECIALTY OF GRISTING & CHOPPING Having secured the services of a first-class Miller, will endeavor to give the best of satisfac- tion to customers. D. B. McLEAN, Kippen, Ont. 1009-t.f. W. N. WATSON, General Insurance Agent —AND --- Dealer in Sewing Machines. All kinds of peoperty insured at lowest rates In first-class reliable companies, and losses set- tled promptly. Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterloo, from 76c to $1 (cash plan) for three 'years. Mills and factories in- sured in these companies at a saving of 20 per cent. on stock c,ompanies. Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prices ranging from $25 to $75. All ma- chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma- chines repaired. NCT_ N -VTTS co iv, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. HURON AND 'BRUCE Loan and- Investrneni This Company is Loaning Money or Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER, 922 Goderich, August 5th,1886. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, $6,000,000. Rest, - 500,000. PRESIDENT, HENRY W. DARLING, ESQ. GENERAL MANAGER, B. E. WALKER. ASS'T GE:s.eL MANAGER, J. H. PLUnIMER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to eceive deposits, on which interest is allowed at curreet rates. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office—First door Sotrru of the Commercial Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Manager, F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor GREAT ENGLISH PRESCRIPTION. • A successful medicine tested (3,4' -gs- over 30 years in thousands of #' cases. Promptly cures Ner- vous Prostration, Weakness of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Gen- erative Organs of either sex, Emissions and all ills caused by indiscretion or over exertion. Six packages is guaranteed to effect a cure when all other medicines fail. One package $1, six pack- ages $5, by mail. Sold by druggists. Write for pamphlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. tgrSold in Seaforth by Lumsdeft & Wilson, and druggists generally. 1034-62 Arouse the liver when torpid with National Pills, a good anti -bilious cathartic, sugar-coated. 1007.52m. D5 CHASE'S' 1 MANDRAKE DANDELION [L. IVER 'CURE] TRY THE GREAT KIDNEY LIVER REMEDY) As made by the cele- brated Dr. Chase, for all diseases arising from a torpid and in- active Liver, such as Dyspepsy, Indigestion, Billiousness, Jaundice, Pain in the Back, Headache, Sour Stomach, &c. From one to three bottles is guaranteed to cure the very worst case of Liver Comp aint. One dose cures sick Headache ; one to two doses stimulates and invigorates the whole system. .A FRH1E Book is given away with every bottle of Chase's Liver Cure. It contains over 300 choice receipts. The ladies' department is devoted to the secret of embellishing the complexion, giving receipts for making Magnolia Balm, Cream of Beauty, Golden Hair Dye, Eye Bright, &e. No lady or gentleman should be without the -p 0 orr Sold by all dealers at one dollar. 1 1. V. FEAR, AGENT, SEAFORTH. 1023-52 ST_ TI—DOMA_S WHITE BRONZE Monument Co. The Only Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. Our material is endorsed by leading scientist, as being practically imperishable. It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affect- ed by the 1r6st. Send for Designs and Terms to W. M. GIFFIN, Clinton. LEGAL Ta C . HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Prirate Money to Txrli. `BilAck.:,_ _po_ _____ IoNpGS,BSitoeeollcitomrm,eete---------______ vIlore. la0ffiir-scootel, 8 Office, ope4rs. :h.. lend at lowest rates of interest. Office-- 074 OEAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich.— 0 posite the Colborne Hotel. rig Corner of Square and:W_e_f_(t_S_treet,_Goderieh. ris T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office— s) . Rooms One Door North of the Commercial Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher Shop. Agents—CAMERON, HOLT &CAianoti. 870 MWICGCAMERON. I_M. '';..,CILI°r_iRAUsLM°iDltar:IR,or'468:TNii::,_12, C., _PIII_LIP- _Hlvr_iltt. G. OLT & CAIIER,u0iNtthirErciasterarrfirisa:08ars:: 506 GPodROeUDriehli:00(Yrnt4xli3oa.rrjis. tie.rea,ARSolloiejw: Chancery, &e., Goderach, Ont. vete funds to loan at 5i, and 6 per cent. 1035 siDTiocnijto,:.FTrol: I, ji cod. UloitioSpna&ffivtoEeeelyCv. e oN, A/TANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, j ji Conveyancers, &e. Solicitors for the Balla 13ank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pri. 301nontaeyrio-.to lito.alin: ancer, tee. Money to loan. Be amDAerNonC,EYG,odleartiech Cardno's Block, Seaforth. oga EY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, sac f Victoria, B. C. Office—Over ..rOoftlijc1H—nsoBt:eft:eTsrTisdBEIADolc:Itsu,85eCG.eleinailte:o.rnte, the ht3 firm ot MrANN:MG:Cja:Mg7:3037:11. ohnested, Ba.rester, So. licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lee& Farms for sale. Office in Scott's 13lock, Main Street, Seaforth,. MONEY TO LOAN. - N TONEY TO LOANS—Straight loans at 6 per cent,, with the privilege to borrower o- f repaying part of the principal money tit any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Banker Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. GL. BALL, L. D. S. Honor Graduate, mem.- „ ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, suc- cessor to D. Watson. B. B. MORRIS, as- sistant operator. All operations earefally performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether,. gas and local agents used in extraction of teeth. Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with Mr. Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. Prices as low as good work ean be done - for. Residence same as that occupied by Ka Watson. 980 tT_ :Ft _zSi_R 3 TD. S., M. R. C. and D. S., 4 et J Ontario. Latest improve- ments in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office, -1n Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence,—The Poplars, John Street. 941 ri CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den. j. tists, of Exeter, Ont. One of the above will visit Blyth the last Thursday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Hensall the following Thurs. day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- _ tracted with a new Ja.pan anesthetic, which re- moves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will please call early in the morning of the first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 9 TT- KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. ( LA S.. Exeter, Ont. Will be at -to:: ee..nses Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the- _ LAST TOURSDAY IN EACH MONTH. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work first-class at liberal rates. 971 Martin, L. D. S-., Honor graduate of tha- t's Royal College of Dental surgeoes, Tor- onto. Charges as low as those cf any reliable dentist, and satisfaction guaranteed. Office Garfield Block, BRU b SE LS. 10064. 1. MEDICAL. %ITM. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician,. Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence—North side Goderich street, first brick house cast of the Methodist church. • 081 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Bruccfield, Ont. 930 DRS. MACKIDD & EVANS, Office, Meyer's Block, Main Street. Seaforth. Residence, John street. Calls at night at either the Office or Residence. 894 _ T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician'Surgeon, . and Aecoucher, Seaforth, Ont. office end residence South nide of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. _ 842 W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D, C. M., Member . of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seafofth, Ontario. Offiee and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 VETERINARY. WM. CARMICHAEL, V. S., graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office—In rear of the Royal Hotel, Seaforth 1036x12 8—TAFFA HORSE INFIRMARY.—All diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any domesti- cated animals successfully treated on the &m4 est notice. A large stock of Veterinary medt- eines on hand. Charges moderate. WALTER SHILLINGLAW, Staffa. 1010 OEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.—Cornerot 0 Jarvis and God( rich Streets, next doer to -the Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. An din eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. mestieated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veten luau- Surgeon. P. S.—A large stock of Veterla ary Medicines kept constantly on hand, AUCTIONEERS. P.BRINE,Huron. , HLicennsedEeLucticattendedneefor rfotte par:is County they oCounty. " s All orders left at Tar Exposrroa Office will be promptly attended to. e. THE SEAFORTH COOPERAGE. The undersigned is now prepared to receive orders for any number of first-class Apple Barrels and Butter Firkins, Also any other work in his line. Apply at the works, old Baptist Church, Seaforth. and PackerseasonablwiDllebaeleNr•e8raa• a -dealt taking with. P. large number' P. KLINKHAMMER. 1022-tf ST. jAME5' HOT.CL, TORONTO. SHARP & BRIGHAM, (Formerly of Sharp'eHotel,Beaforth, PROPRIETORS. rpHIS Hotel, which is situated directly opOdiltv ethhearb: pe and refurnished throughout, and is now one 01 I the Union Station, has recently been refitteer tgfrEvery possible attention paid to ahen' estna:nodd tenraotest.comfortable hotels in the ens Money to Lend - We hal e iiiiIhiiit soma of money to lend on good. farm property, at lowest rates of interest. payable once a 3 ear, with privileges. Ch8rir0_ very moderate. Mortgages bought. Dal' HODGE. Barristers, Mitchell. 1029 tf DECEMBER t, General d° -G ; 7th EaBen- Bwo:FhFeTD h.1j, se IS • some1F sggEeYstFiGoLLS1 practising in Low eeepsd oi si et natnaa d y twas • ane 1rn lie could be derivina general Raid that oaey, tare. 44 Never mind," a ,dent, "go to the real estate, bid off an .,8050gfeolrofeyaiimnboey‘trevli.bshiiesnfilon or: Ith cno°Gen;YoeuraYtolauTI 31hurati;eelri ina ote •vameye.r ta'.i nt time, itii He tine became the ow af valuable reel est Two classes will souveehr-caadvutiigs7t17,''''h to say ** It woue those dreadful prem are always running sick they do net welli;e're is this eb 033C can make no In out sofle. risk, and acquired by recent , Oaalse of most ort-,' mtheostmoufa utlie f ,cun: Irons that eource. origin in demi:los:di the chief blood pur and when disorde sre p eS2:1V e, Nis1 1 r t ditiOn 15eliminate, t e entire ttianinor systeua: Put 1 pp ea IrCnina:, ii,D1:pethe 81e3saa2tsa' dent of sfe%1:01 Johns, liows head pained me • tite was uncertain soundly. I attribl treme pressure of I grew wore, and fir my bed for two ma though I would • former health. 1..Y tants I gradually that in a few to attend to busines, only with the ash • then in a slow aw I continued somew dition until Februa Warner's safe cure I consider it a vain' highlyirecommend I Young men have piudence, and Wit occurs if they use t this successful busi feel a constant asse, to carry to SUCCO ordinary businesa the care of their pr d COUNCIL MEETS council of lIay , Zurich, on Sider< The members all took the chair at li the previous minut and approved. ing for the erect] concession 111 wi Moved by Mr. Ka Mr. Heyrock, that L. R. E., be remit' as the oecupant of of adverse eiremnsi the same. Move seconded by Mt. S seyer be charged lot 23, concession through error °poi ment roll. Moveo seconded by Mr. I lowing persons be turning eilleers foi elections for 1h88, division No. 1, .L Aiex M e Laren 4, Moses 1;eiger Schnell; No. 6, 7, Chas. Troyer, passed confirmi By-law No. 6, al of School Section sum of<Z400 to pa tions to the school of Zurich, was rea laid over till th, final reading. A vof II. L. Peine was b charging him with walk by ereetinc. front of his hotel ii: No action at pre matter. After pa counts the council Thursday, Deeeni New —The estimated new building for ol as is $20,000. —Seven thousar els of chestnuts - American Expre;o ford, Pa., one day —One of the tal died last week nen name was Willil height was 7 feet —Six cars of a ro railed the other train breaking in coming together —Of the eight < of wheat, the toti the North-West, < els have as yet country. —A vessel env Friday evening for the St. Law will resume busin complete its nuNV machinery. —Saturday afte kinson, a London farmer's wife to st in her wagon son the store and ro $40 in bills and si —Father Chini4 mense meeting at treat, last Frids being " Romero. I the audience was Canadian student bent on causin Father Chiniquy of Romanism he