HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-11-04, Page 74, 1881,, • esearreentr.a.... octercial Rotel-K. - Esters, Goderichno Grins Hotel. - 97 Priva interest °fleY Offiee--- Iran, Gone rico. 7.14 citor, &c. Ogles_ of the OQmrnr to Beams & ulitCher ?MDR. 870 arrieters, ars r ct- - T. Gramme, 688 r,[ERQ,,Ig; Ea/Tidier r-sa 9 -soder -kb, 0,4 -is. aera Horsr, M. 506 te with camerre jobs Barrister T;), neY to Lean•. 'Ben' Seaforth. 788- `i Conveyance ce-O Ofil verjr4 !et, Seaforthpsis per cent. 1035 rriters SOlklitom acitors for the Banii Money to roan. rt, Ontario. A. ur 781 to the late rim ea ted, Barrister, SO: !era% Solicitan- for Me- Money tolend. !ottai Block, Maw ight loans ,_at if per lege to uorrower pal money i%t any ,RSTED, P.assaste; 860 Y. tor Graduate, mem.. liege, Toronto sue - B. _MORRIS: as. leratzons carefully Chloroform, etheri' xtraction of teeth. eed upon with Mr. )11s Hardware, Sea. work cart be done ▪ occaspied by Mr. 980 Its C. and 19. S., at . Latest irapmvs• r ;fine. Satisfaqtion Office,- In Caidra .I Hotel, Seaketa, m Street. Etal WIT & SON, Den. Exeter, Ont. One - will visit Blyth the and following Fri- es Hotel, will visit •of every month at ho following Thurs- tcl's Hotel, where he rations. Teeth et- nesthetic, which re- rties desiring new the morning of the Terms cash. 984 Dentist, L. D. terr Ont. Will be at Huron Hotel, on the! ns ISACU Id.ONTN. it pa,inpossibIes Ali !r.s. 971 nor graduate of the etal surgeons, Tors Dee of any reliable- ruaranteecl. Mee - LS. 10064. f. L. C. 31., Graduate of Physician, Surgeon int. Office and re - h street, first brick :hurch. 961 Bracefield, Limn- : of Physicians Mit afield, Ont. 930 NS, Office, Meyer'. aforth. Residence, ist either the Office 894 Physician'Surgeon, th, Ont. Office and lerich street,'Seconet Church. ' 842 D C. lit...Member dans. and Surgeons, ee and reardence oe. 848 S. graduate of the CchIege. Office -In 1036x12 -ARY.-All diseases • or any " domesti- cated on the short - if Veterinary medi- icierate. *WALTER 1018 RMARY.--Cornerof ,ets, next door to the- ith, Ont. All die. In or arty of the dos !illy treated at the the shortest riotioe. W. ELDER, Veber- ge stock of Yeterin v on hand Auctioneer for the des attended in al orders lett at The aptly attended to. ORTH 11. A GE. orepared to receive st-elass and Butter lime Apply at the ieaforth. ting large t with. numbers HAMMER. '-'7/ith.Shop MtTH 5itnection with pilI- tweefl the Commer ery Stable,. and coin - I account. Ile is 'o -neral and Carriage ad REPAIRING • an hand, or made cited. 1033x4 iVi D NOVDTABER 4 1887. News Notes. --The steamer Great Eastern has been sold at auction for $105,000. -Intelligence has been received in Londonl Eng., of the destruction by fire of Ketab, a town of Bokhara, Central HaIf of the inhabitants perished in the 'flames. -The Russian schooner Johannes was towed into Copenhagen Thursday of last week. The carpezter had murdered the captain and five of the crew, and -*Town their bodies overboard. -For the past week the surplus grain crop of Manitoba has been exported at the average rate of 105 cars a day. The total export is now expected to reach 10,000,000 bushels. - Michael McInerney„Puslinch, died -very suddenly the other morning. Mr. McInerney came from the Scotch Block, Esquesing, sotne four or five years ago, ivEtS a quiet, much respected man, a. strong Reformer in politics and over 70 years of age. -China has applied to the army authorities in Germany for officers to instruct and organize the Chinese army, and the Emperor has consented to allow officers to go there. Many have volun- teered for the work, though the salary is smalE-leven Russian detective officers have just been found guilty of conniving at the crimes of notorious robbers. Five of them were sentenced to hard labor in the mines of Siberia, and the others to various terms of imprisonment. The proofs of their guilt were few, but the -Czar commanded that severe sentences be imposed. -An attempt was made to evict a widow named Foley from her house at Ballykerogue, County of Wexford, a few days ago. Twenty-eight men defended the house and the attempt was a failure. The emergency men were smothered with vitriol, boiling tar and red-hot iron. The military were summoned. -Excavations in Jerusalem, on ground belonging to the Russian Government have resulted in the discovery of the remains of the ancient town wall, and the position of the gates of the town through which the Saviour passed to Golgotha. Grand Duke Sergius, president of the Palestine society, invites subscriptions to a fund for the purpose of preserving these relies. --Joseph E. Hamilton, a printer of Waco Texas, has fallen heir to an estate, the amount of which is over $2,000,000. The money was left by an uncle who went -to California in 1850. The other day the lucky printer received letters from W. Bliss, public administrator of Butte county, Cal., requesting him to provehis identity and forward the papers, which he has done. -The London Sportsman has received .a dispatch, from Sydney, N_ S. W., which says : Hanla,n, the oarsman, is suffering from a carbuncle on one of his wrists, and will be unable to row for ten days. His race with Beach will pro- bably be postponed until later in the year, Beach being willing. -A fire was discovered at Govern- ment House an Sunday afternoon in His Excellency's sitting -room by a footman, who gave the alarm. The household quickly responded, and the flames were speedily extinguished. •The curtains, drapery and furniture were all destroy- ed. -A Vienna dispatch says inquiry re- cently instituted into the condition of the Viennapoor attending the element- ary schools resulted in appalling dis- closures. Upward of 4,000 children were suffering the pangs of hunger, some of them being on the verge of starvation. Along list of heartrending cases came to light. It transpired that their principal -food consisted of dry bread, and occas- ionally a little soup or coffee. -Sir Wilfrid Blunt, and Mr. Roche, a poor law guardian, who were arrested at Woodford on Sunday the 23rd ult., were taken from Loughrea jail to Wood- ford on Monday under a strong escort. At the station they were met by Messrs. Rowlands and Sheehy, menabers of Par- liament, who led a procession and band, which followed the prisoners to the courthouse. Both prisoners were re- manded until to -morrow for a hearing. -Despite the alarming reports con- cerning Mr. Gladstone's health there is absolutely no cause for apprehension. Be is suffering froni one of Ms- usual colds consequent upon exposure to draft, etc., while travelline, which is some- what aggravated bybhoarseness resulting from the exactions of his series of -speeches, but all reports agree that he is much better now, and the indications of his complete recovery within a few days are unmistakable. -Before Judge .Livingstone, at Sim- coe Calvin Kellers was charged with ab- decting and seducing Susan Eagles, also of the township of Woodhouse, a girl under 18 years. The girl said she was -willing to marry the prisoner, and he said he was willing to take her. The law, however, enacts that the parents' consent is necessary in all marriages of parties under 21 years of age, and the father of the girl with -holding his sane- tion,it became necessary to proceed with the trial. His Honor found Kellers not guilty oia the charge of seduction, there being no corroboration of the girl's testimony. The prisoner was sentenced to six months in the common jail, with hard labor, for abduction. -The decision of the English Board of Trade with regard to the loss of the steamship "City of Montreal " is being freely commented upon both by English and American papers. This vessel, laden with cotton, was destroyed at sea by fire, and the Board, which is the very antipodes of a coroner's jury court and never gives a white -washing verdict, has decided that no one is to blame. The general opinion both ha England and America appears to be that this decision is tantamount to a declaration that against fire in a cargo of cotton there can be no absolute safeguard. It is, there- fore, suggested that passenger steamers should be prohibited from carrying cotton. -For some days last week a well- dressed man has been stopping at the Great Western Hotel at Windsor under the name of George WT. Millen. He professed to be looking for a site for a huge saw -mill, and finally closed a bargain for half of John Davis' farm. He hired twenty men at salaries vary- ing from S75 to $200 a month. Chief Bains watched the fellow closely. When gave it to the pigs. Bot the hotel people presented a bill for were in Ma'. board Millen gave a check on Curry The third was a two Brothers' Bank. FIe had no money broke her fare leg almost there and Chief Bains soon had him in bp stepping through a ho custody. A lot of love letters were . . found on his person written by a Flint, Michigan, girl, and one letter from his home in Orillia, Ontario. He had just 5 cents in his pocket. Since his arrest 'Chief Bine has learned borrowed money from the hired, had ordered a $50 a local tailor,, and h several large bills He is obtaining goods by fratid.,, -Last week Wm. Henderson, senior, died at his homestead in Beverly, near id Rockton, one of Beverly's be4t known and most respected pionee6. He came to Canada in 1835 and settl at An - caster, and during the Canadian rebel- lion carried dispatches betwe? Hamil- ton and Brantford. He was or many years actively engaged in thei Agricul- tural Society work, being president some ten years, and for 29 years was collector �f taxes for the township. Mr Hender- son was a staunch and hard-working Reformer. -Mr. Con Losee, wbo lives in Green - hush, near Picton in the County of Prince Edward, is one of thd most re- markable specimens in the A gentleman driving past his Greenbush the other day moti body ahead,on. the road chasin rel for all he Was worth and s it with a stick4 He was surpris ting near to find it was Con. THE HURON EXPOSIT R. ..smearisereweeralmemseetnese Oaf Millen bathing. Splinter4 of wood wound with men he had cottonlannel wereffilled in tight as con- veycoat from venient. She was fed the same as the /contracted rest of the cattle, except now and then arged with 'selecting a choice lock of hay for her, and occisionally giving a few oats, but not many, fearing it might create fever. She got her leg a little out of place in a few days, but not enough to make it ad- visable to alter it. We let it remain so. She soon got up, and in short time we allowed her to go and drink, and before spring she was put in the stanchions with our other cattle, and ran in the pasture all summer. Is now on the place and bids fair to make a valuable cow. These were young. I suppose older cattle would be more difficult to heal. I set the bones in each case myself, with no help but that of the boys on the farm, and I had had no experience except that I once held in my arms a five-year-old boy while the doctor set a broken arm. I believe that 90 out of 100 can be healed. -Simon Hunt in Country Gen- tleman. - country. place in ed some - a squir- iking at d on get - lively old man says be is 94 years o age, and can remember six generations of a Pic - ton family, and that he has attended the funerals of them all. The other day he stood at the tail of a threshing ma- chine all day and did a man's work. He is small and. wiry, and a native of Cork, Ireland. -George Whitfield, a youthful prison- er now confined in gaol at Brantford,has, a very bad record. Although he is not yet 17 years of age he has been charged with various offences over al score of been con - 1 Central s and the , commit - Larceny in r trespass , for lar -- is and bod- rancy and larceny in 1887. For this later convic- times. -Of this number he ha victed and sent to gaol an Prison ten times. The offenc years are as follows :-In 188 ted for horse stealing ; for 1884, for larceny in 1885, f in 1885, for vagrancy in 188 ceny in l 886; for doing grievo ily harm in 1886; and for va tion he put in the time at Ca for all the previous convicti in gaol or at the Central IE will likely spend a long term for which he is now awaiting convictions from 13 to 17 yea period of four years, is a rec dom equalled. Demolishing The Bible is a boo refuted, demolished, o ploded more times tha you ever heard of. EVE -somebody starts up and u and it is like upsetting granite. Nis just asi bi one other, and When upset, t is uP still. Every little whil blows up the Bible; but wh down it always lights on it mins faster than ever throng They over -threw the Bible ago, in Voltaire's time -e molished the Whole thieg. than a hundred years," a " Christianity will has' from existence, and ha history." Infidelity ran r France, red-handed and i century has passed away. "passed into history,"and no history either ; but his o press, it is said, has been u he whi erthr any ry set SO uga gaol; ns, either ison. He or charges rial. Ten s af age, a rd but sel- ble. h has been n and ex- ther book ittle while this book ; id cube of way as the right ' side somebody n it comes feet, and the world. a century tirely de - In less Voltaire, een swept 'passed Into ot through pious. A Voltaire has respectable d printing - ed to print the Word of God ; and the very house where he lived is packed w-th Bibles, a depot for the Gen va Bt. Thomas Paine d.ernol shed tl finished it off finally ; but crawled despairingly into grave in 1809, the book too that since that dater more ' tirries as many Bibled- have and scattered through the' were made before since th man. Up to theyear 1800, six million copie Of the 8 some thirty di erent lang prised all that had been pr the world began.' ' Eighty y le Society. e Bible j and fter he had drunkard's such a leap han twenty been made orld aar ever creation of from four.to riptures, in ages, com- duced since ars later, in A Rare Combination. There is no other remedy or combination of medicines that meets so many requirements, as does Burdock Blood Bitters in its wide range of power over such chronic diseases as dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaint, scrofula and all humors of the blood. 1007.52.2w. National Pills are a mild porgative, acting on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, removing all ob- structions. 1007 52m Invariable Indications. If you have sour stomach, heartburn, sick headache, rising and souring of food, wind in the stomach, a choking or gnawing sensation at the pit of the stomach, then you have sure in- dications of dyspepsia, which Burdock Blood Bitters will surely cure. It has cured the worst cases on record. 1007.52.2w. Prof. bow's Magic Sulphur Soap is highly re- commended for all humors and skin diseases. 1007 52ni Multum in Parvo. There is much in a little, as se -lards Burdock Blood Bitters. You do not have to take quarts and gallons to get at the medicine it contains. Every drop in every dose has medical virtues as a blood purif3ing, system moil -Wing tonic. 1007.52.2w. 1880, the statistics of eig ty different Bible societies which _are l ow in exis- tence, with their unnumbe -ecl agencies and auxiliaries, report, mor than 165,- 000,000 Bibles, Testament, and portions of Scripture, with 206 new ranslations, distributed by Bible societi s alone since 1804, to say nothing of t e unknown millions of Bibles and Test. ments which have been issued and c rculated by private publishers througho it the world. For a book that has been exploded so many times it still shows' igns of con- siderable life. I have hp rd of many travelling around the .coun ry exploding this book, and showing up the reistakes of Moses," at fifty shilling a night. It is easy work to abuse M ses at fifty shillings a night, especiall as Moses is dead and cannot talk back. It would be worth something, after hearing the infidel on " the mistake f Moses," to hear Moses on " the mi takes of the infidel." When Moses co Id talk back, he was rather a difficult man to deal with. Pharaoh tried it, ad met with poor success. James and ,ambres with- stood Moses, and, it is, Oaid, found a grave in the Red Sea. Kdrah, Dathan, and Abirarn tried it, and went down so deep that they have not yet got back. But now Moses is dead, an abuse him. It does Dot brave beast to kick a de lected. SEAFORTH ROLLER MILLS THOMAS SMITH & CO.1 F. W THOMAS' SMITH. Freeman's Worm Powders are agreeable to take and expel all kinds of worms from children or adults. 1007 52ua A Cure for Deafness. There have been many remarkable cures of deaf- ness rna,de by the use of Hagya.rd's Yellow Oil, the great household remedy for pain, inflamma- tion and soreness. Yellow Oil cures rheuma- tism, sore throat and croup, and is useful inter- nally , and externally for all paius and injuries. 1007,52.2w. Mrs. Mary Thompson, of Toronto, was afflicted' with Tape Worm, 8 feet of which was removed by one bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup 1007 52m Among the Indians. While my husband was trading in furs he came across an Indian who was taken to his lodge to die. He had inward pains and pains in all his He gave some Yellow Oil internally and applied externally, and eured him. It also cured my husband of rheumatism, and I find it valuable for coughs and colds, sore throat, etc. Mrs. A. Besaw, Cook's Mills, Serpent River, Ont. 1007.62.2w. Beyond Dispute. There is no better, safer or more pleasant cough remedy made than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cures hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds, branchitis and all throat and lung troubles. 1007.52.2w. GREATFUL-'-COM FORTING. it is easy to take a very d lion. -[Se - Setting Broken Legb of Cattle. Sore time ago I noticed the cure of a eow with a b of the doubts of many of t cure. Since I have been, on a farm I have had three cases of brOken legs, and in each case they were healed. The first was a two-year-old heifer, found in a rocky pasture by some bee hunters, with her right leg broken between the knee and h put into a idump cart, dra in a suitable place, and he an account of oken leg, and he chances of bout midway of. She was n home, put r leg set. , It soon healed so that she walked about and fed in the pasture, and it became strong in a short time. The next was a three-year-old, broken in nearly the same place, caused by fighting, and being thrown over ;a cart tongue. The leg was bady splintered, and I took out several p eces of bone with nippers before it he ledt but she got strong after some tim . 4.3heiwas in milk and we milked her e -ery day and of these cases year-old. She upto her body e in -tle floor where we were building a new barn; this was in December. warm stable where she c her leg put in place, an o leg drawn on, with holes EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate- ly flavored beverage whidla may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by, the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Ilundrecle of sulale maladies are floating around us ready to attank wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."-" Civil Service Gazette.' Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO., lionneopathio Chemists, London, England. 1033-42 We have pleasure in intimating to the public of Seaforth and snrrounding country, the forrhation of a partnership as above, and that we will now be in the very best position to give satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patron- age. Our best attention given to farmers' trade in Gristing and Chopping. Special grades of Flour for domestic use and bakers, made from carleful selec- tions of wheat. ,itarAsk your grocers for our Family Flour. he was Put in a uld not turn, d east -off boot - cut to admit of wonsan.orass, AMMO StillAheadOfAll. H. L. SMITH & Co., CATERERS, CASH PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD WHEAT. T. SMITH & C \ \\\,,,,:k::f.„k..\\s, • s ‘.• • - • And dealers in American and Canadian Confec- tionery. Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of Fruits. Families, Hotels, and others Wishing Ice Cream in bulk, can be supplied at reasonable rates. Canned Goods, Tobaccos and Cigars of the beet brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to customers. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, in the Canadian Bank of 1Commerce buildings, first door south of the bank, Main street, Seaforth. H. L. SMITH & Co. 959 MANITOBA Land Owners! for Infants and Children. "Castorts is so Well adapted to children that recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A- Ancnza, M. D., 111 Be. Oxford 81., Brooklyn, N. Y. ICasterfa cures Colic, Constipa on, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Erucation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and romotee di gestion, Without 'Onions medication. THE CENTAUR. CompArrv, 77 Murray Street, N. Should' be in Every House. The Surprige Washer, The best Washing Machine Ever Invented - G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich, Has purchased the sole right to nianufactune, and sell the " SurPrise Washer and Wringer in the County of Huron. It is without doubt the best and most satisfactory washer ever invented. There are over 200 now in use in this county. and every one gives the best satisfaction. , They are cheap, simple and efficient. Send for circulars, or address - 0. HOLTZMAN, Zurich. N. In -Agents Wanted, and liberal terms given. Undertaking -Mr. Holtzman still con- tinues the undertaking business in all its branches: 1027 ,.14,77.4.M.ftZur141.• ; f•';; ; I • TWO ERKSHIRE ,PIGS. -The undersigned will . _L) keep for service, on Lot 7, Concession 3, Stanley, a thoroughbred Berkshire pig, about 5 ' months old, whinfi lgfrom the stock of the eele- . brated breeder ,and importer, Mr. G. Green, Fairview', Ont. Also a thoroughbred Berkshire boar, a 3 -ear and a half old, from the stock of Mr. James Smith; Maple Lodge, Ont. An inspect! ion of the above stock is respectfnlly solicited. TERMS. -One dollar, payable at the time of ser- vice, with the privilege of returning if necesaary. HECTOR REID. , 1036-4 Do you wish to dispose of 3 OUT MANITOBA FARM LANDS OR WINNIPEG CITY PROPERTIES ? If so you will find it to your interests to place them in our hands for sale. We have had TEN YEARS' ex VERIENCE in the land business in Mani- toba, and are thoroughly acquainted with every part of the Province. We attend to the pay- ment of Taxes„Value, Inspect, or act as agents for the sale or renting of Farm Lands and Win- nipeg City Properties. Charges moderate. Manitoba,Vinnipeg and Ontario Properties exchanged. Timber Cattle iyanches and Mining Claims for Sale. Bargains in Winnipeg City PtoH perties. , Real Estate Exchanged /or floods of e ye? y descriPt ion Improved _Farms and Vacant', Lands for sale inall parts of Mani.", toba and Northwest Territories. Our Agent for Northwestern Ontario is W. D. M. RADCLIFFE, Agent of the North American Life Insurance Company, Seaforth, Ontario. GLINES & CO., Real Estate Agents, 457 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 1030-13 D. S. CAMPBELL, ROVINCLAL LAND SURVEYOR and Civ Engineer. Orders by mail promptly at tended to. D. S. CAMPBELL Mitchell. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE; VOR SALE. -The north half section No. 6, 12 the South East quarter Section S, and South half Of legal subdivisions 9 and 10, Section 18, all in township 6, Rg. 4, east, County of Provencher,Manitoba. Price reasonable. Applj to, or address A. STRONG, Seaforth, Ontario. 1037 VARII FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 3, Conces- sion 1, Hullett, containing 100 acres, 70 mires free of stumps and in a high state of cul - titration. There are 15 acres of hardwood bush, never culled. There is a never -failing spring, and no waste laud. This farm belongs to the estate of the late John Hugill, and must be sold. Apply to the executore, A. STRONG, Seaforth, arid, GEORGE PLEWES, Tuckersmith, or to Abraham Hugh), on the farm opposite. 10334f TILES TILES , I HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF _ -- TOON FOR ,SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for the improvement of -stock dur- ing the present season on Lot 30, Conc-eesiOn 6,: Usborne„ a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar and a Shropshiredown Ram. Terms for the Boar -S1,. payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. THOMAS CUliMORE, - ---I- Proprieter1039x4. BOAR: FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned have a Thoroughbred Suffolk Bear, a Rh regis- tered pedigree,- for eerviee on Lot 4, Huron Road, Alma. Terms -$1 at the time of service, with theprivilege of returning if necessaryJ. CHESNEY, MESSRS. FOWLER BROS. 1036x BOARS FOR SERVICE. --George Trott, Sea - forth, has a good young Berkshire Pig for service, from the stock Of Mr. Win: Fowler. Also a young Suffolk Boar, with a full pedigree on both, sides. Tenits-81 per sow, with the privilege of returning if necessary, but positive- ly no credit. Residence on Sperling- street, near the show grounds, Seaforth. 984 1 ! ' mo PM BREEDERS. -The undersigned will I keep at his place, Hills Green, during the present season a thoroughbred Chester white pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. TERMS. -One dollar, with the privilege of returningif necessary, CHARLES TROYER. 1007x7 UFFOLK BOAR. -The undersigned still keeps sj for the improvement of stock, on Lot 21, Concession 2' L. It. S., Tuckerstuith, that well- known thoroughbred Suffolk boar, "Ring Tom." He was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the county of Peel, and both his sire and his darn were also imported. lie is as good a pig as was ever offered for service in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigree whioh is registered in the Canadian, Herd Book. Terms 61, with the privilege of returning if neceSsary. GEORGE PLEWES. 91 NOTICE TO, PIG BREEDERS. The under- eigned will k-eep during this season on TIROPERTY FOR SALE.- For sale, a com- fortable frame dwelling house, on William Street, Seaforth. There is a good well, also a good garden, well planted with fruit trees. For sale cheap and on easy terms, a two storey brick dwelling house, and one and a half acres of land, and a good orchard, now occupied by Mr. Quin- lan. There is also a good stable. This property is admirably suited for a retired farmer. Apply to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Sea.forth. 1033 FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the North half of tlots 61 and 52 on the 1st Concession of the Tos riship of Turnberry, containing 100 acres, ov r 70 cleared. Goqd frame house, barn and etablles. Situated 4 miles from Wroxeter and 3 miles from Bluevale. Will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to M. McTAMAltfT, Clinton. I First -c ass rain, es 'versomeare FARM FOR SALE. -For sale or to rent, Lot 38, Concession 14, East Wawanosh, contain- ing 150 ares, about 70 of which are cleared, and the balairce mostly hard wood timber. Terms easy. Apply on the premises or to GEORGE THOMPSON, Box 125, \\Ingham P. 0. 10204.f. TIOUSE AND LOT FOR 4ALE.—Tho under signed has a comfortable House aud Lot' situated in Egmondville, which he will offer for Sale. The house has all modern conveniences, is nicely located, and will be offered on very reasonable terms. To a retired farmer this house would be just the thing. For particulars apply at CHARLESWORTH & BROWNELL'S store, near the post office, S. aforth. 1023.tf Of all sizes, from 2..; to 81 inches, on hand at present, which I am offering at low prices, so as to clear out the entire stock. Any one in need of TILES will do well to call and get my prices, as I can guarantee 1manufactured to suit. Lot 26, Concession 6, Hibbert, the Thorough- bred Berkshire Boar,, " Ilibbert King ;" also a Chester White Boar. t3oth these pigs are thor- oughbred, have registered pedigrees, and .have this year taken first prizes wherever shown. They are as pure bred as any animals in the County, and they show for themselves. Teams. -31 cash at the time of service, with the privi- lege ofreturning if necessary.- If cash ig not paid, e1.50 Mill be charged and collected PETER, DeCOURCEY, proprietor. Seaforth, Oct, 11, 1887. -This is to certify that Peter DeCourcey was awarded the following prizes for Chester White Pigs, by the judges on Pigs, at the Fall Show held in Seaforth, on Sep- tember 29 and SO, 1887: Aged boar, 1st ; boar littered in 1887, 2nd ; sow littered in 1887, 2nd. -Gordon McAdam, Secretary of Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural Society. 1035x4 • '6000 REWARD. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany will pay a reward of s500 for such -infor- mation as will result in the detection ancon- viction of the party or parties who, on the night of the 0th of October lastset fire th and burned the barn of Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth. THOMAS E. IIAYS, President. W. J. SHANNON,"Secretary. 1646-4 them as good a Tile as Anywhere, and at prices Conrad Kulm. CREDITON, ONT. VARD-Part Lot 10, Concession 5, Stephen; entrance from the Crediton Road. 1036-13 Removed I Removed I TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For sale, cheap, teo houses and three lots, situated near the High School. One house contains seven rooms and the other four rooms, all comfortably atted up. There are a eumber of excellent fruit trees and bushes. The property is pleasantly situated, and will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises, or to A. SHAW or MARY ANN SHAW, Seaforfh P. 0. 1029-8 FARMS FOR SALE. -For Sale Lots Nos. 12 and the east half of Lot 13, on the 9th Con- cession of McKllop, containing 150 acres, of which 130 acres are cleared and in a first-class state of cultivation. There is a good house and good frame barn, stables and outbuildings on Lot No. 12, also tWo good orchards. A spring creek runs through both Lots. .There is nearly 100 acres in grass. It is convenient to Schools, churches, post office, &c., and is within eight miles of the town of Seaforth. It is one of the nicest lying and best Farms in the county of Huron and is well adapted for either grain grow- ing or grazing.. It will be sold in one Lot or in two parts to suit purchasers. Apply on the premises, or address Winthrop P. 0. ROBERT G. ROSS. 10304. 1. cp_ w"iv" G-, SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises _immediately oppOsite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pletu3ed to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may „see fit to favor him with their patronage. CTRemember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. Dominion House CONSTANCE. In thanking his numerous patrons for past favors during the two years of residence amongst them, the undersigned would respectfully call attention to the fine stock that iii now open for inspection at the DOMINION HOUSE, where everything usually- kept in a first-claes country store is to be had, and at THE FARMERS' Banking House Now in their own premises in rear of KIDEYS OLD STAND Opposite A. Strong's office on Market streetr General banking business done, Interest on posits, MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. LOGAN & CO., S. G. McCraw -urn W. LOGAN, Seaforth. FIRST-CLASS Farm for sale, being Lot 30, on the llth Concession of the townehip of - McKillop, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. There are 10 acres of good hardwood bush. Fences are good. There are on the premises a good frame barn 40x64,frame EP able 30x50,a log stable 30x36, and a good log house. There is an orchard of 1 acre of choice fruit trees, and a never -failing well. This farm is Well located for markets, being only 7 miles from the town of Seaforth, a town on the Grand Trunk Railway, and 21 miles from the village of Winthrop, where there is a post -office, grist -mill, saw -mill, a church, and a school house. This farm will be sold cheap. For further particulars apply to JOSEPH CRAIG on the premises, or to J. M. BEST, Barrister, Seaforth P. 0. 1011-tf Prices that Cannot be Beaten, Quality being always as represented. A large stock of Dress Goods, New Prints, Cottonades, Shirtings, Cretonnes, Boots and Shoes, Glass and Crockery ware, Hardware, Teas. Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Roller Flour, Boiled Oats and Salt alwaye on. hand. -?'Don'ttrforget the Dominion MARRIAGE LICENSE House. so! Highest Price paid for Country Produee. ISSUED AT ' THE,HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE 111.1LFORTEI, ONTARIO. J. A. STEWART. loos 200 AfCalntiEl f locAsRaai el iFnOtRheSANLvnE;h-ipAofif rmst Morrias ss, in the County of Huron, being south half of north half lots 25 and 26, and south half of 26 in the 5th concession„ containing 200 acres, more or less, 125 acres mostly clear of stumps and in a good state of cultivation. There is a young bearing orchard, & good house and bank barn 55x56 feet, with stone stable underneath. The farm is situated within a mile of the Village of Brussels, and is a good farm for grain or stock - raising, as it id watered with the river Maitland and a never -failing spring creek. Possession will be -given at any time. For further 'particu- lars apply OD the premises, or to A.R. ROBERT- SON, Brussels P. 0. 102N4f FARM FOR SALE. -In order to settle the af- fairs of the estate of the late Donald Mc- Gregor the executors offer for sale Lot 16, Con- cession 6, township of McKillop, eontaining 100 acres, 5 miles froni Seaforth and 2 miles from I3eechwood, gravel roads to each place. There are about 85 acr s cleared, web fenced, and in a good state of. cultivation. thesbalance is good hardwood bush. There is O. frame house, frame barn and other outbuildings, all nearly new. Two wells which furnish an abundant supply of water, and there are 10 acres sown with fall wheat This is one of the best Farms in the township. For further particulars apply to the Executors. M. Murdie, in, Lot 24, Concession 7„McKillop, or A. Ferguson, Lot 13, Concession 7, McKillop. All claims against the Estate of the late Donald McGregor must be filed with the Executors be- fore the firet day of November, 1887, otherwise they will not be considered. 10344.f M. MURDIE, jr., 1, Executors A. FERGUSON, THE BRODHAGEN SASH and DOOR FACTORY —AND— PLANING MILL. Charles Querengesser, Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, etc.. This establishment is situated on Lot 31, Con- cession .8, Logan, and six miles north of Dublin, a good road all the way. Parties intending to build will find they will make ID0110y by buying from me. Good work and the best material guaranteed. Good Dressed Flooring and Siding at 817 per thousand. Charles Querengesser. Broadhagen P. 0. 1005 Liver Complaints Dyspepsia, Bili- ouen es s, Sick Heada,cheKidn ey Troubles, Rheu_ matism,Skin eases,and all Im- purities of the Blood,from what ever cause ari it) mg. Female Weaknesacs and General Debility. Pure- ly vegetable, highly concentrated, pleasant effectual use. Ask for Dr. Hodder's Compound. Take ne other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. FiCDDER'S COUCH A1D UJHC CURE. Sold everywhere. Priee 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Can- ada. 1026 52 Girdles and Belts (NEW) FROk NEW YORK, At Counter's, Money to Lend. We have Unlimited sums of money to lend on good farm property, at lowest rates of interest. payable once a 3 ear, with privileges. Charges very moderate. Mortgages bought: DENT & HODGE. Barristers, Mitchell. I AM NOT— Selling at Cost, But still 1 will sell a Ladysf Gold Wa.thh for $e arid upwards; a Ladys' Silver Watch for 86 and upwards; a Gent's Gold Filled Watch for 816 and upwards; a Gent's Silver Watch for 813 and upwards; a Cruet Stand, full plate, 82.50 and upwards; a Pickle Stand, full plate, 81 and up- wards; a fine Cabinet Album, large size, for 600 ditto, in plush, for : a pair of Spectacles 10c. All other goods as cheap in proportion. All goods guaranteed RS represented. Personal attention given to all repairs, an guaranteed 40 give Satisfaction. M. R. Counter, SEAFORTH. You Can Buy A Solid 14k Gold Open or Hunting Ladies' Watch, for $20; or a Gent's Gold Filled Stem Wind American tor $20: or a three ounce open face, with P. S. Bartlett movethent, for $I5; and Clocks and Jewelry at reduced prices at PURVIS 8‘ MILKS, FOR THE NEXT- --- ITITIRTrY" 1JAS- See our Watch without hands. Hardwood taken in exchange. Pi-1,12vis & Milks, STREET SEAFORTH. ilaby was sick, we gave her Caatoris, When she was s Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became Ifise, she clung to Caetoria, When she had Childr•eia, she gave them Castor'?