The Huron Expositor, 1887-10-28, Page 3� A-11 � --
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prepared to give good sal
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yanks to my many cwtow nt
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.dd add that in order taer Wy
L Steam Power and more, new
ail now do my work quid"
BF I use none but the beet ma -
Md do as good work ata I ku w
crit a continuance of your pd
be pleased to receipt slltku-
fist. and previous years Yn*
•FS0N 's Coy
.aleck, Ash, EfM- and
,her Lumber.
, JOISTING, SHlxr,1 4
)BURN, Manager,
Cranbrook F• 0.
n Ccs art Notice,
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County of Huron,
fol day at the from l0sidence of'J0M;-
is h Street Rest, b-
�ek p, m.,. and everyt
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immun%cation in the office'
ai Money to Loan on- pf
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,erms of payment
al-lN BEAT -TIE, Clea`
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which is situated flydirboOf
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asst a-0mfortable hotel , M
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tI elms 'n tie the oung lady left it, followed by a TiPORTANT NOTICES. LION, �E�1FO RT� ■Alt1CI3- the nursery for their infan & Y crowd. The con- , GOLDEN - i i
Cards and. P maples, Certainly our mole 'recentl meek and submissive1
filar in some regsids PAINTER V1'ANTED.—til anted, immediately,
12 drds e! planted parks offer small promise of duetor carried the cat. The brakeman P afirst class Car,fage Painter, ,Apply per- Ha,rn,ess Emporium
es of politics a g- serially to W M. KYLE, Kippen. 1036 2
es o politeemns with equal deal like maturity of be%uty with heir Eur - had the satchel. rhe rest of her ; lu i
surae well and make a d peen oaks and ashes, their cotch an gage was apportioned to the male pa- ANTED TO RENT. --A good F rm wants �-�•-i�17 8 8`7_
1°d never tails to nndersuan hand , Austrian pines, in almost as deplorable a sengers, each of whom received a sweet �]�% to rent. Apply at Tm E;sro ,Tort OFFICE,
An not show, his and a cordial "goo as I GEORGE CiiESNEY, Sea orth P. LO. 1933 -t -f
,,aehouid conceal, N rice tnel tricks only decide state as their Norway situ s. When � smile a g WARD .Si fiber aide,' not ornamental but economic, lantatio 's Brother ,.rim hove in si;ht to clef his i
to rambled back to ANTED.—A good man to iepr sent a good I
victory a As we a0 9
q we wonder, as a rule are in question., past experience tel s fair relative. . � .
�sy+ can wine the pool; ,, Life Inauranoe ✓'omp •ny in eaforth and r
Superior cunning _ d to save very: strongly against Luropean tree •, our train we heard Jim ask ! " H win vicinity'. Apply to JOHN T. l'E3TCOTT,
1026 We have received ex-S.S. Parisian; Grecian, Nevada and Carthagenian, the
And all engaged bat ruin —knave? while the evidence of ;recent =experime 't the world, Pheeb, did you get long General Agent, Exeter Ont.
Th. glitt ring p New'fork Grsphic. with native trees---as,in.the plantations with all those traps. THI OLD ESTABLIS$ED i
of ind'igenoas conifers in eastern Mass - " O, you know, Jim, father brought ONEY TO LOAN.—Any anmou, t of money bulk of.our imported Dry Goods,
of indigene c the 'most encouraging us up to help ourselves Free M to loan, on Mortgages, lattloowe t E� Met �.� � ;A �, E R,
�g "ashier that is Safe. interest. Easy terns: Appy GVe show good value and newest styles in all classes of goods. H A R N E S S
au have a new cashier," re- kind." Press. LEAN, Flensall, Ont. loo? t.f.
,,I see y - FINE RANGE IN— ,
ed the president of one bank to an- i OF
Misplaced Misplaced Benevolence• ; Saved by gindneBB• RIV ATE FUNDS TO LOAN.—IV have pri ,
other. P vate trust funds to lend on mortgages, at i
,t ds we set him to work yester- The venerable Dr. Peaboddy, of H r- We find the following story i the the low rate of 5J per Cent per annu Write o � lYlarv�lleaux, �� A.�' ORT�3,
va�rd, is noted for his.ibenevolence. Oie columns of the Susquehanna Trans- call for partculars. SEAGER do L WIS, Gude- Rle9 ck an Colored Satin
y g • script : Some 10 or 12 years ag there rich 976 L 1Gt,
day�$ad any experience ?" warm da in summer he wafi oin in Has constantly on hand and makes to
is Lots of it. I., Boston from Cambridge. a ha j Jus was employed in the offic� of the late TO LOAN at 6} ant 6 per cent.,
heavy bonds, I suppose. left the Setae car and w hurriedly S, S Merrill, the GeneralDLanager of the�50�000 latraightloans. Int rest payabl® Silks order a111iinda of
, under Y qrid Colored S1
p St. Paul. Railroad Company, a Clerk yearly, with the '.privilege to borrower of repay i Black G�
man is under $150;0(}0.' turning the shay corner .ear the at L��,t� !CL�tffeaZ; ga�'ry2SS
our,c ell no we did not require big were Douse, when he came near coli d- in whom complete confiddnceth man Apply to J Mw%s re Ing P�rt of t BEST,Barriste S aforthA989-tf10
e ' ins with a -- old gentlem;n. The 1- posed. He was entrusts with y _ �___ __— j�'
ootids. ' n off in looking individual stood with ' of the corporation's secrets, and given k Cress Goods• Also a full stock of Trunks, Valises,
rt Teat. heavens; man, he'll run deny g P OSIS FOR SALE.—For sale 000- cedar posts And' d all kinds of Black G bank. hat af; wiping in fire perspiration from is the handling of funds in large am ants. P at 8c. for ptl round, 9c. for sawn, at Benne 11 1 Satchels, Whips, Lashes, Horse Cloth-
o weeks with the wholeP g
li cute in him. brow but he held his hat in such a s- Unfortunately, the young man began wise, n,i116} miles north of Dubti or 61 miles ins, and everything usually found in a
c= -V have every confid , p of seaforth t� A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. `�
dearly enough for ition as. to 've the appearance that he sowing his wild oats; found his salary JOHN BENNEit'I S.e} miles east a gc9o9 ut•of d' first-class harness shop•
:, Well, you 11 pay Y g d y, g insufficient to support his a trava- J _
He'll be in Canada inside of a twas begging. Dr. Peabo d seem ----t--- - - i I sell as cheap as the cheapest for
it onl the hat, dropped a q- arter into it gance, and frequently abstracted small EACHER WANTED.—For t Sclhool Section T �1 �1 i cash. You will make money by ,ex-
- month. y a kind rlemark. r. 1.1J IJ 0 N SEA- O RT H .
You see be has just with his custom ry amounts from the railway co `pony s T No. `?, Grey, a dale Tea�sher, holding a lith 'j `� a M amining my stock and getting prices
cc think not- Y , .Lh V r1. i•�-
a Canadian. beak with Oliver`1lVendell Holmes who :vas h ld- funds to meet the deficiency, these and or third class certificate. ApF�lieations with . t before purchasing elsewhere.
from testimonials, and stating salary, will be received
inn away , p q amounts gradually increased i size H R.emerhber the place—On Maim street,
think he is safe enough.— ing the bat put the uar`ter into' up to the 31st day of October. A dres8 JOHN
' k Paper. pocket, solemnly thanked Dr. Peabodiy, until -the young man, realizing the HARRIS, Secretary, Walton P. O. 1 3 _ oppositei'blarket street.
brew P and passed on. position he was in, made one grand haul and left for parts unknow His STILAY STEER.—Strayed frons the premises UESTION
- 1.
, ' ,
' of the undersigned, Lot 4, 'IGoneesaion 7,
The Haan fed Room. Boots as Re12 B. HE�E
Nee, in the dead heart of the pitiless Boo departure led to a discovery of 11 his Stanley, a 3 year old steer; red an}i white with
I had dawn my good two hand- Among the Chinese n' relit! re osculations, -The informatio was more red than white, bi white star on forehead, SEQF�,IR.T
,winter, , short horns with name, �F. C.,) cu on the horn. G
edlecture tore with the terrible name, and -more valuable than the Ilboota w ich communicated to Mflect on, rs Sent for FkANCIS COLEMAN, Hillsgreen . O. 1034x4
;tin , all the coasts of Pennsyl- have been worn by an u right ma is- after a moments agent, a d or ion is en ossing millions of minds . with its many phases, �{
iia° sm g Davis'snteres in desc ip- the company's specialgi T T�
either • ronounc- trate. In gOR SALE.—The subscriber ha for sale sew- Commercial Un et W®ol/l.•'LN MILLS.�
yam, with it, sparing n (P we are in- dered that official to institute a search
and onoun tion of the Empire of Chin , F Brat good Shropshiredown Rauf Lambs, favorable vorable or otherwise, and the question that is not quite so complicated, y
n tl>er) you,g .nor old,g P
Ynever a judge of un- for the absent clerk. bred from imported stock. AIsD, a Thorough nevertheless means dollars and cents, which every person is concerned more or
It the seal: s of many a pale- formed that who • g , Mr, ?errill, bred Bull Calf, twelve months' old ; color, roan ; question. Fire have now marked and shelved the bulk of
at my be P ed tit resigns hia 1 situation the Follow him, said
"cute. One night I reach .usual integrity y g Sri him ra iatered in Dominion Herd Book. Prices to less, is the Dry Goods q 11 Iwe are'this year prepared to pay higher price
faced aadt if necessary, and g
the pleasant, just as the clocks in people congregate to do him! honor. If c China, su,t the times. JOHN T. DICKSON, Tucker. our for goodleeee wool than any other buyers in the
Erie, P q smith, Seatorth P. O. market, either in
the Lord Mayor's castle struck twenty- he leases the city where he fres relic e8, back, o XePneetin bringing the tyoung _, _ _ . (�1
one. It was bitter, bitter -stinging cold, the crowd accompany him !from his r spare n pe EACHER WANTED.—Applications will be 1_A� [�(0 R Ti k:D E'r•
e was no ambulance at the sta idents to the gates, where his boots are man back to this office. D 1 I V TER S T O `'' K y CAS
d Cher T !rc ceived by the undersigned up to 5th of w L L /\ N
while there was a good hotel there. drawn off with great ceremony, be " The few other P ueresen fined t November, for a teacher holding a second or H /'1 ' 1j Flavins been a numberof years in the business`
tion, of the embezzlernen 7 third) .class certificate, to teach 'Union School
went in and registered ; and a man preserved in the hall of j 4 stice. T sir and ve few eve learn Section No. lfi, Howick and Grey, Services to it has always been our endeavor to pay the high -
commanding presence, tailor -built place is immediate) su lied by a. new strict secrecy, a y eat price changi ,
n beard of moat refined air, which in turn are drawn o to ed of the facts. Any inqui which commence
January 1st, 1883 FRED. BE 103 N, i In exchanging goods for wool we will slow �+
and brow e P _ --
clothes, might be made re ardin the young few cents more, and guarantee goods at
coltnre, followed me,, and under my ple make room for others before he has mans absence wasgmet b the reply - EACHER WANTED.—Applications will be I"IatS C� SH �"RiG`S_
beian scrawl made the register lumWous worn them five minutes,' it being con- Y ' , Tr ceived up to December let, 1887; for a te- S to I e and Fan ey Dry Goods Tweeds,
that he was tat�ing his summer station
with his patrician cognomen: I stood a sidered sufficient to consecrate tem male Teacher, holding a third class certificate, p d
being,— that he should have -morel', drawn item but just where was not known. r Runnit<,g the year round enabfes vs to carrY a
little. in a -we of this majesticg, �' ] to teach in junior department of School Section s� p
d in the n " In the meantime a diligent hunt No. 9, township of Stanley, services to commence, ; C a s G e n C S Furnishings, 06� • y
about as little as I us stand O . _ ro els. 1888. Applicants must state salary p , very lar6•e stock. This }ear, having a larger
presence of any majestic, creature; and for the yoang .man was in gr January 1st, ive refera stock than usual, we offer you the largest and
p . Small Matters. He was traced to Detroit, aid from eex�N�}d Sand TEL( 1 Boso x 30, Blake . 0. 1036 4as best assortment of
when in a deep -base„ commanding voice
room, I had a eat mind There is a cherry -atone of ordinary ary there through Canada "to the Atlantic . T UTHDOWN rice is a nal and mane lines surpassing anything shown by T }CEDS, FL�IVNELS, &C•,
he ordered a. r Kt' 'F -
n that I always carry .with size in the Salem Hussain -�hich eon- coast, where he sailed for Europe special LTRHAbi BULLS AAF L SO Arid for quality and p q �'
_cometh g
1 --to o out and et him tains one dozen silver ',Spoons, hose 12 hours in advwce of p the concession on 8, Hibbert, Three Y ung Thorough- us heretofore. to choo a from, than any other mill in the DO - when I trave g g be well did- agent's arrival. Authorities on Cooc ,
e, The entlemanly and urbane night shape and finish can only g qq minion.;
on g A ch rx - other side of the were cabled, bred Durham Bulls, with pedigrcle. Also, Seven For fife special benefit of our customers we
also seemed to be deeply m- t ngaished by themicroscope. •_Y Southdown Ewe Lambs and Two Southdown have haA our goods returned from the Colonial
clerk, who a boa ht in Russia for ,000 and the young man's arrest ordered. fin, Itismba. For further particulars apply to
reused—as is the habit of the nigh stone was g successfully accomplished, DAVID HILL, Staffs P. o. ! 1036x4 • Ins eCt1011 dnCl (�Or11pd,11SOn Invited and London ExhibitfoD, where we have obtained
P This was s Y P three i#medals and three diplomas, so that our
clerk—with the gentleman's reponsible- on which were carved one huildred and i t something extra.
- sawmbel said he twenty -four heads so distinctly the the the clerk was returned to America and customers may expec g
to -any amount toot -on > Y wanted for school section No. le , All patterns of the newest and latest designs_
transferred to the cgstod of the rail- RIE to Hh r WA1rd for - A male o female
was sorry, but he had but one vacant naked eye could distinguish thou be. Y 1 s IT S Custom; work a speciality, and done on the short-
but one bed. longing to popes and kings by their way company's agent. To that official Stanley, holding a second or third Claes certi8- T T f est notice.
room, and it An old writer says , , Cate. Applications, with testimonials and stat tJ • -+ -• •
,,Still," he said, as became a man who mitres and crowns. Y a full confession was the company's s ing salary, to be sent to the Seceetary up to the YOU r4 Patronage Solicited.
S , ing himself complete y lica-
was bound to stand up for his Fiouse, if that Homer's Iliad with its in so the young man cal ly Con- . 5th day of November next. Personal app
a. bed in it, `` it was a very thousand , verses, was (written power, y g tions will also be received. Duties to commence � ; 0, i/anEgmont s Sons•
it hadn't Dry Goods 8tore-
templated hia fate, expecting nothing January Bayfield
llY��11f led Fancy
wide bed, very wide and quite long.small a space ae to be contained in a rotary, Bayfield P. O. 1038x4 � '
Two gentlemen could sleep in it quite nut shell. A greater won der was per- less than estate -prison sentenc .
comfortably, and i{—" But the com- formed by oris Peter Bales, who rote •c . He was quietlyhstCko lee surpris STRAY HORSE. dA about o e about
t 13 - F, I rmers' Attention.
andn being at my side said that was the Bible in so small a ',book that it Merrill, who, P E years old, stands a .
to g g question en- could be nch�sed within the shell f an approached him pleasantly, took him s,uall black mane and tayi slighted faded; has AFOOT]a. i
chute altogether out of the q } three cornered scar on hip, and a few grayhairs SE J�
Quite. He was sorry for the English walnut.—Illustrated Chr stain warmly by the hand, ane maid u >ltwayed about the_eyes ; stray ed tam Imiy tedeec in E �' A Lf!% / L L.
(heretirel. Q .
(here he looked at me, hesitated, but Weekly. 3 back again, I see. Sorry Y Se on the night of September 9th. Any
away so long, as we needed you. Had person giving such Information as will lead '
finally}—gentleman, brit he couldn't . She Traveled Alone• I a good time though, �i' . A 0 N �I O N The hindersi ned have Ieased the above Mille
I hop • Now, his recovery will be rewarded, and any per. GE -. TEE 'T /j''`am' �' a-�•
share his room -with him. He was sorry yonr desk is just as yo left it. son detaining him will be prosecuted. WM. A. ,lYj, for a term of years, and
for the—gentleman, and hoped he might It was the first time •'she hal ever G g _ 1036x4_
''r s he be could traveled alone, and the .family came No one has disturbed a paper, and you 13AItCLAY, Seatorth. i_ BEING BOTH PRACTICAL MILLERS,
find comfortable lodgings, at once. (ere, look --- , 1
even a portion down to the station to -see her off.' f can get to workAUT( ON.—The public sire hereby cautioned
*not ermit him to occupy P w, ther as he accounts and ties that they urchasing or negotiating havens had a large experience in some of the
P Pheeb said her father,. over these , C against pay ing, p best Mills in this Country, are in a position W
of his bed.: Then the clerk begged par Now, '�� of them checked.' any notes of hand drawn in favor of the under turn butt Flour, equal, if not superior, to ang
sort and all that, helped her on, --
,,don't tet any are properly 1
don and was very y ' mind c c man dumfounded at signed, and dated the 2nd October, such
and ' u i C k March
' feted ou:n fellers come foolin noun ,Jy g F r"O ntmade io Ontario. sin are giving our personal
entleman had regia young The oun ' a able one year atter date, unless such notes Eye
�"+this oilier g � �7 • attentiion to the Business, and thereto. -e Farmers1. y this reception, as in fact was the special are presented by himself personally, as all ethers can rdly on having their
first, and it was for hila to say what what me an our mother' has allus
agent, burst into tears, and could not are valuelesa. •LOUIS GOTTSCHALK, Zurich. -
disposition should be made of this lonely told you, an' don't have nothin' say 1035-4
and solitary bed. I hastened to to strangers. ' -, fully realize the situations, until CMr.
me Ont eve the notes are Or sting and Chopping
room a Y P (Merrill a ain broke in
being that it was all "I won't, father, chirru ed Ihceise� g In connection Kith the ab 7
assure the majestic g , " , box with m best hat . TO
here s the Y what are you doing there?. io all correct, notwithstanding the at3ove notice, Done Jen the shortest possible time, as we wilt
- he was welcome to two-thirds of can and BRIGHT STight, make;this work a specialty. Gfive ua a trial rind
ne nd the ba with the. dried r `spber- that chair as quick a9 y°ui and must be paid to the undersigned 7ti rich •you,41 be sure to Come again.
n -las and o A g the diatel )1iP.S. LOUIS GOTTCHALti, , •
the room, all the loakt g g , y 1036x4
half of the bed. " No," he said cry ries "for Jim's wife ? And the kitten ? check those accounts. An b Ont. J _
4.4 where's the poor little cat ?" way, I don't want to hear word re- _ __ _ ;LOU NS$U RY 1:I'Ciol
abruptly, I will sit here by the stove O, t, Harding certain events of re -ent date, XECUTORS NOTICE. -All parties having 1003
and sleep in a chair. I thank yon, sir, "Here she be," said the ° z�be sL which you perhaps know of. E claims against the estate of the late Donald Popular C 1 of h i n g and Gents' Furnishing
but, I would not sleep with my own showing up with the 'rest of l « •The young man did go to work, McGregor, in his lifetime of the township of Mc- R e rp OYed 1 Removed
brother. I prefer a room to myself. I belongings, at and here's the sit airs of hello ,n the coun.,y of Huron, Farmer, are here • ? 1
that I did not know stockings I knit Reuben', and t e yarn began a nes life, attended to his duties by no ified that a statement of such claims, prop- t"•I ®Use, C am p be l i S g I o C k,
meekly told him I , erly attested and giving full particulate of the
as he never had before adva ted him- �+ Z�-�
what kind of a man his brother was, but towels, and the gilled the con uctor. Gam' �- doubt he did, anti therefore I must `` All aboard i" y self in rank as a railway employee, nature of tbe•securitJ held, ii' d must be tiled
of the
conclude that he
wasn't a fit man to "Good -by Pheeb ! Dont forget the made good to the company t e amount I'll! be add essed to then s� at�scatorthtp�0• 'oin MAI1v STREET, S�AF�ORZ'�' SEAFORTH.,
he bad stolen, and several ears later registered letter, postage repaid, on or before
sleep with;. But his brother was out of news cheese in the hand basket ! Tell left the tom t5y with as goo a letter of the first day of Decembe , A, D. 1887, sis only Thee old Established Butcher has removed to
the question) and if_ he :wanted part of J im s wife to send me the sac et for pa
9 ' in cotton am a primros�: cast. recommendation as any ma ever re- such claims as are then in {will be taken into con- new ; premises! Immediately opposite his Old
nl ,couch he might have it and welcome, dyet g Y sideration in the final distribution and settlement
o Y of his rake leer of kitty, an be sure in ceived. He, to -day, Occup ee a pro- of the estate and etieetai of the said deceased, t3' ► P Stand, Main Street, Seatorth, where he will be
and I would agree not to think << r Don't. 'eke no ;tion with one of ho leading Some of the finest SUMMER SUITINGS in the coup rices cheap or
,,c " aid `' I will- Uood by, Pheeb . s Do minent nos it M. MU RD jr., l Executors. dear to suit your pockets and your tastes. A splendid selection of the very pleated
to meet all his old patrons and as many
brother. No, sir, he sstances with anybody. ails your and for
I said I would ua railways of the Country, A. FERGUS N, new ion,@ as way see fit to favor him with their
lice . in no man's bed, q 'the Lo d help' old employer, �. Merrill." Dated at Mcliillip, the 5 h -day of October, Choicest Cloths of all kinds to choose from. HaviLg a praetic:I knowledge of
PI can guarantee satisfaction as to patronage-
not either,, if I wasn't sleepy, butt when gran father used to say, >� P thanks his,1887 1o34•t.f, the business, and doing all my own cutting, -
I d sleep them as helps themselves.—�----! � FIT and workmanship. 'Remember the place, between Henderson's
1 was ,sleepy I did't care ; A Brave Defence. Main
Shop, and McIntyre's Shoo Store,
with the King of England or the Presi- There was a lot of them—bothers' SALE.—Forsale, I t1$,coneeseion 3, Hib- GENTS'
�'�� N� ■—�Ye have as nice A stock of Gents'
dent, and wouldn't care a cent who knew sisters and cousins—whoPheeb"�ti ere out The Manitoba Free Press s contains bort, containing 100 acres, about 85 of which are Street, Seatorth.
until the train and the folloWinv account of a rave little irdiained and in a good Furnishing- as can be found in the county. GEORGE E1N1'NC.�
it. cleared, well fenced, undt S, $!9$ � _
2lell, I went to bed. I curled up f sight. Then the young reveler boy's defence of a wounds brother, strte of cultivation, The ala{iceistimberedg�ith Our Hats and Capa show for themselves. -
he warm soft blankets, and settled down to business. An we all Y houses, and a good orchard. The Bayfield n!ver [•� /�'T$ AND CAPS
under t , tett who was attacked by a co gar. John hardwood.' There is a irme;barn and two n, od _
heard the wind shriek and wail and watched her, for she was a:ver p Y Rodenberger is a farmer wh lives near runs through the tariv and there is no waste We pay particular attention to the department. Dominion House
whistle and yell—how like all creation girl. ' tfil her the g in the Shelton's Point, Wasbingto Territory, land. There ie also on the form a well equip
the wind can blow in Erie !—anti as the First she heaped 1� luded and has four children—th youngest STEAM TILE AND BRICK Y_ raD capable of fording
h Th `n; she c no school. out v TIL000 worth of mea ri l in the season, and — Give us a call, whether you buy or not. It won't coat anything, and You ooNSTANOE.
nigh grew colder and colder every min- seat facing; her. a thel bracket four and the eldest nine— oto ach an abundance of excellent clay for either tile or may make money by it.
ttte,I fell asleep and dreamed that heaven to put some of them in i The schoolhouse is on the road between
bricks. The yard iw .in first class running order,
ides west of Dunkirk. above. kilns sheds, etc., and a Remember Campbell's Block, Campbell k Bright's Old Stand, Opposite the
was just 38 m o, „ Bi and Little Shookum Ba s. and is well fitted ne with engine and boiler, file In thanking his numerous patrons for past
half -past two or three o'clock Allow me, said . I sprue tray el g
Abort p a mashtn smile. ; The other afternoon, while the chil- and brick machines, favors during the two years of residence amongst
rap at the door, ing man with very large business can be done. It is situsited I{oyal Hotel, Seaforth. the undersi�-Tied would respectfully call
there came a thundering p << g ' dren were going home, the were star- within two miles of Dublin; station. This is a them,
a vague, half waking mores Thank you," said Dflisa Phcebe g g a d the next attention to the fit,e stock that is now open for
and with g. tled b an awful screech, splendid opportunity for aril person wishing e :, W.
' «k to the re�ent '• . y Y inspection at thcs
Sion in my dream that somebody from coolly, ``fit's kind of nconyenint going Y
„ � instant a big cougar lawn Ned himself go into the business aiud eke money. The �e
the other lace was trying to ;get in, I anywhere alone. property will be sold cheap, g HOUSE, �
death ofone of the proprietgrs. Any amount of DOMINION (7 V t/ �Er
said," What is it ?" "Going far ? "asked the traveing m at free, right upon som gyeariold Jesse, who draining tile on baud, all si •es, aril $1 less per
] on the re-
"lt is I," answered a splendid voice, a he sat down, and we all glanced was sturdily tramping. behind the_ other thousand than usual prices.( Appy p
miles, or for Dublin P. O ROBERT COUIE, where everything usually kept in a first-class
Which I recognized at once. " I am the, him with envy. , ! 1029tt + cu><ntrJ store is to be had, and at
gentleman who came on the train with "Only to visit my brothers 'Jidark m in chTheelittle boy was dashed to the ; �•% n (QED EMPORIUMg ewton Centre. I get there afcr , hear aw of the E / / U 4�/ `�N round,, and the y THPrices that Cannot be
`•Yea," I ans�iered, `` and what is the though, and stn awfully afraid they g
cougar caled his scalp down over the AUCTION ALES.
won't meet tae. g :P — — I
matter? i ,. , hat wa m self,E' hazard• right side of his face, and lacerated I TJtiRESERVED AUCTIOv SALE— F FA Q SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. Beaten,
Fhe splendid voice was a trifle. hum- I m going t Y Y cheek tend ear. But the cougar a
STOCK.—Mr. George Kirkby has received
fed I have changed my ed the untruthful traveling mat, •� chance to do further bar.m. I instructions from Mrs. David Reid, to sell by R 'i' and Quality being 3lWatis as rcpr8ar-riled. A large
ble as it. replied, , man." .` Why, how nice ? I wouldn t be a H }� LD� CAR O
ping with anotlier ,� John R-odenberger, eigh years old, Public Auction, on Lot 3I Concession 12, rut • ne Fresh M A I�I'GO f f stock of Ureas Goods, Nciv 11rinta, Cvttonadee
mind about ale p g afraid of on.t I F
�» o 0 ousl bit a Y akin est in fr nt of Jesse, lett, on Wednesday, NeO crud' 18?, One pain of f at Sltrtinga, Cretonnes, Boots and Shoes, Glass an
. 44So have I , I yelled s ] Y Y g ] P. Ri., the following proper y TURNIP SEED,
merry Mew, view, mew! ame from a re- had been w bottle, in wh nt had been ea seven and fight years old ; Ione s Crockery ware, Hardware, Teas. Sugars, Syrups,
that the very winds laughed in y carrying a bigb , matched hors
,, s g uldn't et out mote corner of the ear Dli�s 1'h,Lbe y J; in five years old, in teal 'to "Scotland's F$ re- TabaecoK, Roller Flour, Polled Oats and halt
eche. So have I . Iwo g sde a dive for her kitten's b>i'sket. the milk that formed par of the chit -Id �� t r� I C C ��(�R'�' t always on hand. so Don't forget the Dominion
of this warm bed to open the door for . somebody catch the kitty dren's luncheon. He thre himself up ing sired mare s Farevellar'ooneg311 O �C. W'L�, (�j , �7G v Ilnuse.
O won't sem y
mfr own brother. ne'? O dear, it will be lost. and on the cougar, grabbed hi by the ear four months.,old, sired by "Rankin Boy ;" a ght highest Price paid for Country Produce.
I will close this story here. If I for r_ cows supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred Seeds of all Varieties -
language that went it's a real Maltese. 0, where' the con• the bottle as as bescould. him
ani bull, one cow at calving, two farrow Iowa, flys Fresh Garden J.
A A.
should write ther! ri i31
down that dam, cold hall outside my doctor ? Won't somebody please ring six heifers one year old, four spring calves, six - 1008
vahen for him ?" mal raised its head from it victim, and steers two years old, tour steers one year old,
door, yvu wouldn't print it. And - well-bred ewes, one ram, ix young pigs. The
in down- �'4 a all started to bunt tl�e wicked Johnny gave it abother low with the whole evile be sold, ran
reserve. Ti Torg of All Kinds Of House Plants now' in Stock at I
next morning I went skipping ess idled bottle. It reared to attack the brave t (� R
fresh as a rose, and Saw that kitten, while its excited misti� P boy, but another blow n arly knocked SALE. :Allrmttwelmet onth� credit will be�given 90DERICH BOILED WORKS.
stairs as fie that amount � C
majestic being knotted :up in a hard the bell cord and as ped
and four it over, and ,,itli a yell •t turned and o,l furnishing approved jot it notes. A discount LLSO �-� S, SEAFORTH-0arra-chair,. looking a" hundred years old, ��hen peace w , fled• of six er cent. will be allomved for cash . C� WI�Q� '- nk
I axed " Better i a oor aril wise child traveling men had returned the kitten y credit a mounts. MRS. DAVID REID, propric- 0• Chrystal W Blas
p The children took the wounded bo GEO. KIR IiBT,'laudtioneer. 1036-2
than an old an1.d foolish king; who know= to its owner, Phoebe totor laittet at a ;tome, and the neighbors a t out to hunt tress ; .
eth notlow to be admonished. For out self by Miss p n circiime the cougar. They found and killed it � - Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery, Marine,
of a vison he cometh to reign ; where- passenger must never, under Q r near the place where it had attacked the Wait for Profe�SOr T. (;Ole, OE tipright and Tibular Boilers.
as, also, he that is born in his kingdom stances, touch theibelthe aeaniits came children. It was full gro 'u, and meas I - BOOTS AND SH SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS
lmecometh poor." This also is vanity.— Then the boy w Y P The practical French Dyer
liui'dette, in, ani she snared him into getting used nearly nine feet from tip to tip. and all kinds of Sheet Iron work.
some milk for kitty from the restaurant -A very sudden death occurred in and Cleaner, STEAM AND WATER PiPE FITTINT$
Native or Foreign Trees3. - car.
:�n editorial in the Century closes as The book fiend dropped an ;armful of Fullerton township frons heart disease An of New Fall Goods constantly on hand
y bOf �jIIO will v14?t Seafortjh in a feu' days. He Fresh Ar
followsc` «'e feel ustified in adding to burning -novels into the seat ar last left 'o4inrsThprsCampbellntof he 1 fifth con- �° i h� t,een i,� c.odelsch for the past five on Band, ready for delivery'
_ ]
these *cristal sial emetatg a ovoid of vacant by the conductor. weeks, where he has ivem the .hest of satistac
favor of 1` Have you ` How He 7« on Her' or cesaionhand takininher with
eakfa,st,when tion and has madearuanyl`'a►i;e'nf uclm pleasure 1 30 H. P, New Steel Boiler,
- strong rcco inienclation in fore, We the and r I 8 H. P. 'New Boiler.
sins' fore;_ rn, ox at least as `Love on a Rail Car ? alis asked Ve�1Crauddenly the cup dropped from recommending Prof T. Cele, to our neighboring
natio a as against 6 Y
best sweetly. d and she fell to the floor and towns a practical W'orkuran in all parts of all my stock of 'Boots and Shoes is fresh from the tenantufaetnrers, yon ma
against European, trees. At theexplain that he' was her Nan y
He sat (down to p ref or trnv Ie. The his nosiness, likewise bei g prompt as well as good value for your money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful. - A Complete 2nd -hand Thresh; q outfit,
the latter are uncertain in almost every hat but had " I ry orce at died without a w o ng a fie rotor, ice., all in good work
bornT just out of t lad has been a widow for moderpte in his charges. Goderich References. expect g Boiler, Engine, pa
case, while the former have an. in just ��, oinance of (�h cage. deceased y -t;, McIntosh, Merchant. lt•m, Wallace, Jewel- Give me a call and judge for yourselves. order VI'iil be.old cheap
, Malt orders will
title to be trusted.' sight, or A R some ears and her family are all grown er; L, A. McBride, Albi n hotel ; Jas Porter, —"— p
and swell -proved only man in the tai• who had y receive prompt attention. Works opposite,G. T
TNF most successful ornamental planting Then the y a cold up, bier eldest son being •n the In Tatior ; H. Hawkins, Baker; John Burgej�, aun-
n his knee&, oal Hugh Dunkins, Ba taut Ta Burge�;,Taii- Custom Work Warranted. Repairing Promptly Attended t® Rlstation• P. o. BOX 86t.
that has ever been ;done in America not been down o ders, Albion Hotel: Joe Acheson Merchant; a
shows its results in streets of such towns haughty, soulless man, with a cynical years
in Essex Centre a wasilor 26th, 288x-
ears of age and leave a highly re- irlerhant ; I[. Ain !trent•, Agent ;General
as4tockbrid; e, Great Barrington, Salem, sneer, oppened his valise find banded her petted family in well-to-do Circum Telegraph Company; A olph Saftel, Druggist; Ea LATIMER, Main Street, Seafort t���.�
and New Haven and was the work of `` How He V�oa Her." P. O'Day, merchant. 1039
nzen who went to the forest and not to When the train reached I5'ewton Uen- stances.
� ..I
. --.- -
. �
I ,
..c, - . a . --- I.-.