HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-10-14, Page 3Fronts Store. to oar best ZtaisPossita ofbiasaate na, kept )thing, )cerie-% Tea& oTaohine 0.11ti Black, Castor Gils, sat of stand. as any in isle to ahow - s arisilda s GibSOn tat he has he 04m FACTORY „ I '4:ivo good val. CGS, [NCEYS, A Ft rg 8. and gulling d to. far as possible, t THEM, and sa :Working Order Korkmen, !ranted. rER SON, Proprietor, WORKS. rump customer* erteing business, order to sup S ecb, and more new V work quicker t the best ma- vork as 1 know ice of your pat - AND BAND .LUFF. 3ceipt all the ac- es years. Must 96641. '0 Re-- tail Rs, - ONT. d at Whole- tfrownell, t Office. LLS, ON 16, G.T.R. Atr [s - RS OF Elm and r SHINGLES, AND. - mager, brook P. O. 1015-tf !Notice. Second ix, wilt be found 5i.dence of Sohn i!oro. 10 o'clock a. ra-thing will be erest of Soitors. he OffiCe. t On good Pr°1/' lowest rates of Lt made to suit TE, Clerk. • - TF D. GHANA!, geafora, i re etly 0001,U itly been refinqv, la now one 01 otels in the city paid tO gnei‘ber° : A - , ft OcroBtri 14, 1887. ; THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 9 - cambridge, .I‘ady Bassett r she mitad brand -by. "He has had a severe cold, and I do not permit him to ctuit his own apartment yet, but he will he very dip/vaulted if yon,go away without see- teCertainly, ' Baia Lady Bassett, and rose at once. " The young ladieli can amuse each other, I suppose," Ia6ghed Mrs, Cam- bridge, and. followed her gueigt, not dreaming how unspeakable a service she viaz doing to them both. Whenever the door closed, both girls instinctively rose, and a wave of feeling swept across Barbara's face. The next nmment Winifred's arms were about her neck, and her golden head pillowed closely on her breast. Barhara ! Barbara! what does it mean? Haw came you here in company 'with lady Bassett?" shkma,naged to ask at'lengisth. " a long story, Winifred," re- turned Barbara, and- the cool, self-pos- owed voice was broken and trembling. "Lift up your face, my darling, and, let me see it. I have hungered for it many times since I saw it last that night in the darkness at Little Wymar." Winifred lifted her face, and Barbara held it back, looking at it with fearing eyes. Winifred I" she said, sharply, "what is it? Why should you look for Winifred Guest turnecl her eyes a mo- ment through the window up to the sunny sky, and when they came back to •Barbara's face again they were filled ivith a deep, sweet peace. "It means, Barbara, that when Robert comes back to me," she said Without hesitation, "he will find only my mem- ory, and a green grave in the church- yard at Little Wymar." • "Oh, Winifred I" No more could Barbara utter • and she hid her face on her hands, and there followed a long silence. "What has caused this? You were quite well when I left Little Wymar," she asked by-and-by. Not quite well, Barbara," corrected Winifred, gently. "I never was strong, you know, and I have had much, to bear at home." • Barbara did not speak. In the depths of her soul there was unutterable bitter- ness born of the knowledge that her brother had brought such a cross to the heart of the girl who had loved him far beyond his worth. "You remember Wymar Grange, Mr. Trevlyn's place ?" asked Winifred. "Yes, I remember it well." (To be continued.) • The Sugar Camp. The sugar camp that I have in mind Was reached by paths that downward wind Feom fertile fields to the valley, where Therapies hung out their arms in air, The freezing lrost and the melting sun Brought boys and girls, mixed toil and fun; The toil was to empty the filling trough And the fun was had in the "sugaring off.' The sap was boiled in the freezing night And the boys arid girls in the glaringlight Would sit and sing, or walk and "spark,' Where trees cast shadows long and dark. The sap in the pot that boiled and steamed Was not so sweet, and the fire that gleamed 'Neath the iron pot had not such glow As the love their hearts had come to know. 'Tis years since then, and the maple trees Are dead to suns and frosts that freeze, But love goes on, as in other days, For love has a hundred thousand way s. jog him. 7 • who preached in the morning fro Cor. vi -2, and in the evening Rev. Young, M. A, of Drummondville, Isaiah ii -3. The Presbytery was represent Revs. Messrs. McLean, of Blyth, son, of Brucefield, Ramsay, of L boro and Cameron, of Dunga Maitland Presbytery ; Mr. Fore Bayfield, was unavoidably absent. Methodist brethren, Revs. M Kestle, of Benmiller, and Irvin Nile, were present, and were ' flak correspond with the Presbytery. examination at 11 o'clock Mr. Mo satisfied the Presbytery, and at 2 came forward for ordination anddue- 1 tion. Mr. Simpson preached a ve y able discourse from Proverbs xi -30, after which Mr. Ramsay performed the cere- 1 ds of insay, •e peor n has ! yet, !I ld of seem brit- ologi-; 2nd John from d by im p - ndes- non, t, of Two essrs. e, of d to [nthe illan 'clock mony, Mr. McLean addressed wo wisdom to the pastor and Mr. R in the absence of Mr. Forest, to t pie. Thus the lot of Mr. McMill been placed so iuickly in this, a strange land. is his first fi labor as pastor. Boyhood's day hardly to have left him, yet he is liant graduate from the U. P. Th cal Hall, Edinburgh. The seri/cos of this day must have greatly rejoic d his heart. Mr. Simpson's sermon sfas in-[ spiring to all. The kind, yetJ stern1 words of counsel by ;an exper enced, devoted and successful ministe —Mr. McLean—need to be viAell weighe , and the address of Mr. Ramsay to te per ple will not be forgotten. In the evening a very success' 1 tea - meeting was held. Tea was, ser ;ed in the hall. The Goderich choir church) was in attendance in full and delivered choice music, to t (Knox force, e ap- preciation of all. Mr. Ramsay in the chair, and short speeches abo nding with humor were given b Messr • Gaieties. - —A rousing appeal—Time te get up ! —The most obnoxious form of "light literature " is a gas bill: —When is a clerk like a gun ?—When he's discharged. —Polished delivery:—Cuffs and collars from the laundry. "Ne," said the hackdriver, "I don't stop, my business is driving." —Something for professional teetot- lars—"I take the pledge and keep it," says the pawn -broker. —Advice to the bashful yOung man who never enjoyed the ecstatic bLis of courting : " Get a little gal -an -try." —It is admitted that a woatan may not tell her age, but it is astern fact that her age is leas considerate. It tells on her. —Where all the children are " perfect little lambs," there is danger of there being a goodly proportion of " mutton - heads." —"What's in a name ?" a recent traveler Was heard to exclaim. "Why, about the hottest country on the globe is Chili !" —Ruskin has only recently been con- vinced that a woman can paint. Rusk- in is not as observing a man as we took hire to be. • —"I don't know, my son, why they employ faculties at college at high rates, unless it is that the students have none of their own." —Overheard in an elevator :- "Say, John, I see they have fonnd opt what run into the Oregon." "No L What was it?" "Water." —One of the most trying moments in the life of a married man is the first night be tells his wife be is going try' lodge meeting. —Ohio has 15 cows with wooden legs. Up in 'Vermont they have arty quantity of cows with wooden arms, but they call them pumps. • ---A Kansas man "points with pride" to the fact that his wife has worn one bonnet for 25 years. The feeling with which the wife points to the 'husband has not been described. —A boy's description of having a tooth pulle& was the best example of boiled - down vividness ever gi=ven: "Just before it killed me the tooth came out." Noth- ing could express the idea better. • — Ordination and Induction ()E win.. ALEX. MCMILLAN, LATE OF EDIN- BURGH, TO THE l'A:iTORATE OF THE CHAIWEs (W MANC1IES1Ele AND SMITH'S HILL. Ten months have elapsed since these charges were declared -.vacant by the Presbytery of Huron on the translation of Rev. Jas. Pritchard, the then pastor, to Forest. Rees. Mr. Ramsay, of Lon- desboro, wae appointed Moderator of the sessions, and the charges were supplied by probationers and others. After some attempts to give a call, which was riot accomplished, and after having had fourteen candidates the fifteenth, Mr. McMillan, was =minim -Nisi' choeen, the call given was accepted, and Mondav, the 26th ult., at Smith's Hill, the Pres- bytery met to ordain him to the holy ministry and to induct him as pastor of these charges. The ceremony took place in the church, which on 'the Sabbath previous was formally re -opened by Rev. .1). M. Ramsay, B. D., of Londesboro, Lean, Kestle Simpson, Cameron Somerville, of Goderich, and co with a short address from Mr. Mc The proceeds of the evening $83.50. Huron Notes. —Mr. Charles Stewart, of the 8th concession of Hullett, died very sud- denly on Tuesday of last iweek. He was working in the field and Without any previous warning he fell doWn and expired almost instantly. , e was father of the post master at BaIt on and was an old and very much I- spected resident. ! —Mr. Wm. Moffat, of the cession of Stanley, sold a six, horse to Mr. John McMann, forth, last week for the snug $250, and it was worth it too, would not have got it. Mr. Brown, ifif llullett, also srlld to dealer a heavy draught team for —The Howick Agricultural show held in Gorrie last week so successful as In some former years. The ladies department in the ball was very poorly represented. Th p horses and cattle were the principal patt of the show, there being some very , Ole speci- mens of young horses shown. —One day last week as Mr. George Martin, clerk in Mr. C. Hip.milton's hardware store, Blyth, was ex ibiting, a not sup - the trig - the ball Irvine, eluded Millan. were • 3 `Isememissimilwailmiasstsorstiassicsimmiesommilanismaimon.• they arising, frightened the rascals away before they had completed their wprk. Mr. Farran keeps a, very valuable pair of horses, and no doubt the object was to get at them. —Mr. James Campbell, of the -town- ship of Grey, is the owner of a turkey gobbler of a rather peculiar disposition, there being something of the setter breed about him. During the past sum- mer he sat on and hatched out several duck eggs. As the wiuter evenings and debating schools will soon be at hand, the question as to which is the mother of the ducka, the gobbler that hatch- ed them,or the duck that layed the eggs, might' be discussed ane finally settled. • Perth Items. rd con - ear old of Sea - sum Of else be !George e sante ociey's was .not The new county jail at Stratford will be available for use about Novern- ber lst next. Nineteen persons are' at present incarcerated in the old jail. —Adam Keay, a boy of 14 years, liv- ing in Stratford broke the bone of his leg in two places •the other day while imitating some Barnum evolutions on a ladder. He will soon be all right again. —Mr. Noel Green, of Mitchell, has started the manufacture of a spring bed, made with copper wire coil, and an- other one of wire netting, which he has secured the right for. —The Hess bonus was carried in Listowel on Monday of last week 'by a majority of 342. The bonus party worked hard all day and for several week's previous, but the large majority was scarcely anticipated. —While returning from the Western Fair at London, a St. Mary's boy lost his hat off the train. He walked back three miles but to his chagrin found that the old hat—" The hat my father wore "—was left instead of his own $3 On Monday of last week Mr. P. M. Nichol, post master of St. Marys, de- parted this life. His death was caused by internal injuries received a few days previous by falling down stairs. De- ceased was highly respected and great sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. —A meeting of the Perth Teachers' Association, which was fixed for the 29th and 30th ult., has been postponed, as Dr. McLellan cannot be present at the time. The new date has not been settled, but the postponement will not be more than two weeks. —The Stratford Times is our author- ity for the following :—Mr. James Ken- nedy owns.a pear tree which is quite a novelty in its line. It is of two years growth, is 5 feet 10 inches high, and this year bore 12 pears averaging 91 inches around, and 5 inches in length. The' tree's trunk is only 2-i inches in Cir- cumference, and the bearing limbs lut half an inch. Undoubtedly this is N. P. tree. —The other day at a baseball match in Stratford a boy named O'Connell was accidentally stabbed by another boy who was handling a sharp knife rather care- lessly. O'Connell received a rather severe wound in the Bile. A doctor who was on the ground succeeded in stopping the flow of blood and had the boy conveyed to his home, where he is getting along nicely. —Messrs. Ford & Murphy, of Mit- chell, succeeded in carrying off the second prize at the London exhibition for their handsome trotting stock stal- lion, " Thornwood." The competition was keen, as the ring contained thirteen fine animals. Mr. Martyn, of the same place, did not get anything for , his steeplechaser, although he was general - lythe most admired animal in the ring. His two splints and contracted front feet alone defeated him. —On Monday morning of last week, Mrs. Gibson Mahaffy, of Mitchell, com- plained of illneSs, and her husband, who teaches a school in Logan, sent for the doctor. The latter did not think there was anything seriously the matter, so Mr. Mahaffy went off to his school. Shortly after Mrs. Maffay grew worse, and the medical attendant called in two othendoctors, but before twelve o'clock the woman was dead, having given birth to a de d child. Mrs. Mahaffy was buried on Foresters, her of that order. —The two Baker, charg store of Messr revolver to a customer, and posing it was loaded, he pulled ger when the charge exploded, passing through the forefinget• of his left hand inflicting a very setere and painful wound. —On Saturday last Mr. J. P. Brown, of Auburn, had the misfortune to lose a valuable colt. It appears the boys were taking the mare and colt to the river to water, and while on the back street leading to the river the colt was hooked in the breast by a cowl owned Dawson. It bled to death in a utes. The colt was valued at —On Saturday . last , Mr, Clinton,was summoned, before Magistrate, on information la'd by In- spector Paisley, charging him Fwith vio- lating the Scott Act, by selling liquor on the driving park on the day of he kaces. Whaley refused to be put on ot.th, when the Magistrate, in accordancewith the law, ordered him to be committed to jail for eight days, or until such time as he should be willing to take the oath. Afterwards Whaley relented and ex- pressed his willingness, to testify, Lavhich was accepted, and as be plead guilty to selling the liquor, he was fined $50 and, costa. , —One evening last week as Rev. John Gray, of Clinton, was driving from his residence to town, his pony suddenly shied at a passing thresher, and Mr. Gray was pitched out of the -buggy and over a fence before be knew what hnd happened. He fell on the side of his head and shoulder, and struck the fence in his fall. Quickly regaining his feet he got in the rig and drove on, feeling n� more effects from , his tumble that a little sorness. The next day, however, he was so bad that he was confined to his bed, and he kept there for several days but is now nearly recovered. i ____iir.Vice-Chancellor. Proudfoot open- ed the Chancery Cottrt for this county at Goderich, on Monday of last week. The only cases before His Lordsbip : were: Fraser vs. Johnston, the celebrlat- ' ed cheese case, which was dismisSed with costs, and- Thompson !vs. Bairdi an action for account between partners, which as referred by consent to the Master of Bruce county. The court Only lasted about fifteen minutes, the shortest on record in this county. It would seem from this as if the people of pis county were becoming more sensible than to squander their substance for the benefit of the legal profession. We hOpe the next court will be equally light. c . --7-A very successful tea -meeting 'was held at the Bethel , appointment, 12th conCession, McKillOp, on the Walton circuit, on Wednesday evening of Oast week. The edibles 1 previded by ithe ladies supplied the wants of the inner man, and prepared 1 the audience for the musical , and liteiary feast. At eight o'clock Rev. Mr. Tor- rance, the pastor, took' the chair, and his good humored way of managing things made everybody feel at home. Addresses were given in the follosting order: W. H. Kerr„ Brussels ; RevsMr. Ballantyne, W al ton ; and Rev. M. Swan, Brussels. A number of choice selec- tions of music were given hv two yOung gentleman from Seaforth. the proaceds amounted to nearly $30. , —One night last week an attempt was made to break open the stable of : Mr. W. W. Farran, in Clinton: As the!door is barred on the nside entrance . siould not be obtained in that say, and so tvvo panes of glass were broken in tlael Will- t) dow, and one of the iron bars which ro- tects it was wrenched off, a crow bar having been used fin the purpose. ' The noise awakened some of the inmates of the house, which is near the stable, and by Mr. few min - 60• haley, o he Police GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. IMPORTANT NOTICES. ANTED TO ltENT.—A good Farm wanted to rent. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, GEORGE CHESNEY, Sea orth P. 0. 10334-f 910 BB, a eL Ak8CinliiSt hM !Ted. —; oo ur e !la si he ,0 paa nsdpl endiTools;d half acre lot; will be sold cheap. Apply to T. V. NUGENT, Sunshine. 1033-4 WANTED.—A good man to iepresent a good Life Insurance Compiny in Seaforth and vicinity. Apply to JOHN T. WESTCOTT, General Agent, Exeter Ont. 1026 MONEY TO LOAN.—Any amount of money to loan, on Mortgages, at lowest rates of interest. Easy terms. Apply to WM. B. MC - LEAN, Hensall, Ont. 1007-t.f. IlepRIVATE FUNDS TOILOAN.—We have pri- vate trust funds to lend on mortgages, at the low rate of 5/. per cent per annum. Write o call for particulars. SEAGER & LEWIS, Gode- rich. * 976 TO LOAN at 5/ and 6 per cent., $50,000 straight loans. Interest payable yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repay- ing part of the principal money at any time. Apply to J.M. BEST,Barrister,Seaforth. 989-tf. DOSTS FOR SALE.—For sale 2000 cedar posts at 8c. for all round, 9c. for sa.wnsit Benne- wies, mill 61 miles north of Dublin or 61 miles north of Seaforth then 61 miles east, a good road. JOHN BENNEWIES_ 9914.f. an FOR SALE.—Blacksmith Shop, with one set of tools, situated in the Village of Win -1 throp ; size of shop, 27x43; also stable, 17x48 both stable and shop veneered with brick on inside; Dwelling House, 18x24; kitchen, 14x21, and one acre of land. Terms to suit purchaser Possession given at any time. W. COOK, Win- throp P. 0. 1025x4ti ESTRAY STEER.—Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 4, Concession 7 Stanley, a 3 year old steer, red and white with more red than white, big white star on forehead' short horns with name (F. C.,) cut on the horn FRANCIS COLEMAN, Hillsgreen P. 0. 1034x4 ile*ERKSEHRE PIG.—The undersigned will _L) keep for service, on Lot 13, Concession 8, Tuckersmith, a thoroughbred Beikshire Pig, with registered Pedigree, to which a limite01 number of sows will be admitted. TERMS.—One dollar, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. CHARLES UPSHALL, 1034x4 MEACHER WANTED.—A male or female J. teacher wanted for School Section No. 10, Grey, holding a second or third class certificate. Applications,with teetimonials and stating salary, to be sent to the Secretary up to the 20th day of October next. Personal applications will also be received. Duties to commence January let, 1888. ROBERT COUTTS' Secretary, Cranbrook, P. 0. 1033x4 uesday afternoon by the husband being a member young men, East and d with burglarizing 1 the . Kidd & Son, of Dublin, some time ago, were tried at the Perth assizes on Thursday of last Week and acquitted. Mr. 13. B. Osler, Who ap- peared for the accused, forced deteotive Graham to acknowledge while he I was giving his evid had served a ter for larceny. Hi mission did not the judge inforrr was no case,;a verdict of not gu made but a poo -ter, and proved much cleverness H'..A_141_1, 1887_ We have received ex-S.S. Parisian, Grecian, Nevada and Carthagenian, the bulk of our imported Dry Goods. We show good value and newest styles in all classes of goods. FINE RANGE IN— Black and Colored Satin Marvelleaux, Black and Colored Silks And all kinds of Black Dress Goods. TO CONTRACTORS.—Tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Oct. 8, 1887, for the erection of an addition to the Seaforth Curling and Skating Rink. Plans and specifi- cations can be seen at the office of the under- signed to whom tenders must be addressed The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE E. HENDERSON, Secretary. 1033-t.,f 0 ALL TaosE CONCERNED.—Rags, Bons, old Rubbers, Iron and all sorts of Truck. Those indebted to the subscriber for last years' accounts, are requested to prepare their truok, so that when I call they will be in a position to pay up without pressure. Having been sick and under the doctor's care, I require all due me to meet liabilities, and will take all sorts of truck as well as eatables for man and beast in payment of accounts. W. MARTIN, Peddler, Box 64, Clinton. lins EXECUTORS NOTICE.—All parties having claims against the estate of the late Donald McGregor, in his lifetime of the township of c- ,Killop, in the county of Huron, Farmer, are he by notified that a statement of such claims, prop- erly attested, and giving full particulars of the nature of the security held, if any, must be filed with either of thc; undersigned Executors, or must be addressed to them at Seatorth p. 0, in registered letter, postage prepaid, on or befOre the first day of November, A.T., 1887,as oily such claims as are then in will be taken into con- sideration in the final distribution and settlement of the estate and effects of the said deceased. 31. MURDIE, jr., ) E A. FERGUSON, xecueora. Dated at McKillip, this 5th day of October, 1887. 1034 -Cf. ence that he (Graham) m in the Central Ptison evidence after thiS ad- arry much weight; and ed the jury that there d the jury returned a lty. Detective Graham fist of thiit wholeemat- hat he does not possess or ability. holas, an Indian from erve, appeared at Lon- don last Friday to anstver the char e of assaulting and Wounding SimonChris- john, another Indian from the 'same locality. On the. previous Monday the two were drilling from Belmont to Oneida Town in rel arose betwee who was the wo —Thomas Ni the Muncey Re e- • sat! A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. In' R JAMIESON, SEAFORT a wagon, when a guar - them, and Nicholas, Look Right Here I rse of liquor, is said to THE GREAT QT:ESTION. MANITOBA Land Owners! Commercial Union, is engrossing millions of enindS with its many phases, favorable or otherwise, and the question that is not qnite so complicated, yet nevertheless means dollars and cents, which every person is concerned iriore or less, is the Dry Goods question. We have now marked and shelved the bulk of our FALL AND WINTER STOCK, COMPRISING— Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Tweeds, Hats Caps, Gents' Furnishings, &c., Do you wish td dispose of your MANITOBA FARM LANDS OR WINNIPEG CITY PROPERTIES ? . If so, you will find it to your interests to place them in our hands fcir sale. We have -had TEN YEAR'S EXPERIENCE in the land business in Mani toba, and are thdroughly acquainted with every part of the Province. We attend to the pay, inentof Ta es, Value, inspect, or net as agents ; for the sale r reeting of Farm Lands and Win- nipeg City Properties. Charges moderate. Manitoba,;Winnipeg and Ontario Properties exchange(l. , . Timber ILinlit,g, Cottle Ranches , : and 31inmg fitaiins for Sole. Bargains in Winnipeg City perties. . . . , . Real Estate Exchanged for of evety deScription. Improved II Farms and Vacant Lands for Sale in, all parts of Mani- toba and Northwest Territories. Our Agent for Northwestern Ontaricals THE SEA FORTH Harness Emporium JOHN WARD, And for quality and price is equal and many lines surpassing anything shown by us heretofore. Pro - goods MR. D. M. RADCLIFFE Agent of the North American Life Insurance Company, Seaforth, Ontario. GLINES & CO Real Estate Agents, 467 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. • 1030-13 THE OLD ESTABLISHED HARNESS MAKER, OF S 13..TI-1, constantly of hand and makes to order nere oalls k Light and Heavy Harnes3. Also a full stock of Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Whips, Lashes, Horse Cloth- ing, and everything usually found in a first-cla.ss harness shop. I sell as cheap as the cheapest for cash. You will make money by ex- amining my stock and getting prices before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place—On Main street, opposite Marleet street. JOHN WARD., Inspection and Comparison Invited at J. L. SMITH'S, Staple d Fancy Dry 'Goods Store • have thrown Clirisjohn out and kicked him so that he vas left on the ground in an unconscious ondition. A farmer whoa was passing by picked the injured ,ma up and took bhji home, where he 'not lies in a very 1 w condition, the docto expressing the bpinion that he may neve recover. Nich las was committed fc trial. —About thr e -o'clock Sunday morn 'ing last it w dastardly ince three panes of of the paint Burlington, a Mr. Magee, wiIt k a discovered that sorn lass in the front window i ice Cream. Freezers diary had broken two or -y• , hop of a Mr. Hall, of d started a fire there, is mother and sister. occupied room The Old Stand,. Refrigerators . M.Whitney's/ He was awakes ed by smoke in his room, ,} • , in the rear of the shop. which nearly stifled hitn. He gave the C. alarm, and w ith the aid of a' few , neighbors succeeded in quenching the —AND— GENTLEMEN, ATTENTION SEAFORTH. flames before the building was greatly 1, • injured, although a considerable quart- tity of the stock was badly damaged. , About 35 gallons of turpentine was a i T...., sill ci-v- s, stored in the shop, and was with dif- ficulty removed just as the flames reach- : The thing for summer use, at less than ed it. Had this ignited a number of . cost. Bargains in them. , buildings must have been burned and For an- Al job of Eavetroughing, probably several lives lost. The only Roofing, Metallic Shingles, &c, call at explanation of the fiendish deed is found in the fact- that Mr. Hall is a strong , - Scott Act man and openly denounced . (1 'IVI ' Whitn ey's the late Zimmerman outrage, since N.J. Eyes Front 1 Quick March! TO W. D. BRIGHT'S SEAFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS. We are this year prepared to pay higher price for.good fleece Wool than any other buyers in the market, either in CASH OR TRADE. Having been a number of years in the business' It has always been our endeavor to pay the high- est price going, In exchangirig goods for wool we will allow a few cents more, and guarantee goods at 0ASE11::"TZIOMS_ Running the year round enables us to carry a very large stock. This year, having a larger stock than usual, we offer you the largest and best assortment of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, &c., to choose froni, than any other mill in the Do- inifloir the • Fe speoial benefit of our customers we have had our goods returntd from the Colonial _ Arid London Exhibition, where we isave obtained three medals_ and three diplomas, so that our customers may expect something extra. Ail patterne of the newest and latest designs. Custom work a speciality, and done on the short- est notice. Your Patronage Solicited. Popular Clothing and Gents' Furnishing • House, Campbell's Block, 1111!!...I1\T STIRMMT, 8M_A_POIRFT-1_ which he has been several times threat- ened. SEAFORTH. Some of the finest SUMMER SUITINGS in the county; prices heap or dear, to suit your pockets and your tastes. A splendid selection of the very Choicest Cloths of all kinds to choose from. Havieg a practical knowledge of the business, and doing all my own cutting, I can guarantee satisfaction as to FIT and workmanship. GENTS' FURNISH1NGS.—We have as nice a stock Of Gents' Furnishings as can be found in the county. HATS AND CAPS —Our Hats and Caps show for themselves. We pay particular attention to this department. egr Give us a call, whether you buy or not. It won't cost anything, and you may make money by it. Remember Campbell's Block, Campbell & Bright's Old Stand, Opprite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. W. D. BRIGHT. THE HURON SEED EMPORIUM, SEAFORTIT, ONTARIO. Fine, Fresh MANGOL6, CARROT, and TURNIP SEED, at -O. C. WILLSON'S, SEAFORTH. Fresh Garden Seeds of all Varieties. All Kinds of House Plants now in Stock at A. G. VanEgmond's Sons. Farmers' Attention. HENSALL MILLS. The undersigned have leased the above Mills for a term of years, and BEING BOTH PRACTICAL MILLERS, having had a large experience in some of the best Mills in this Country, are in a position to turn out Flour, equal, if not supenor, to any made in_Ontitrio. We are giving our personal attention to the Business, and therefore Farmers can rely on having their Gristing and Chopping 0. C. WILLSON'S, SEAFORTII. Done in the shortest possible time, as we wili make this work a specialty. Oise 11.3 a trial and you will be sure to come again. LOUNSBURY & NICOL. 1003 • BOOTS AND SHOES. Fresh Arrival of New Fall Goods. Removed I Removed I G -M Co_ M "SAT T TV GE, SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite hie Old Stand, Male Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to Meet all his old patrons and as many new *nee as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. iff'Remember the place, between Henderson's Harnese Shop, and kicIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Sesforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. As all my Stock of Boots and Shoes is fresh from the manufacturers, you may expect good value for your money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful. Give me a call and judge for yourselves. Custom Work Warranted. Repairing Promptly Attended to E. LATIMER, Main Street, Seaforth. Dominion House CONSTANCE. In thanking his numerous patrons for past favors during the two years of residence amougst them, the undersigned would respectfully call attention to the fine stock that is now open for inspection at the DOMINION HOUSE where everythieg usually kept in a first-class comitry store is to be had, and at Prices that Cannot be Beaten, Quality being always as represented. A large tock of Drese Goode, New Prints, Cottonades, Shirtings, Cretonnes, Boots and Shoes, Glass and Crockery ware, Hardware'Teas. Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Roller Ketir, Rolled Oats and Salt always on hand. Z47 -Don't forget the Dominion House. Highest Price paid for Country Produce. J. A. STEWART. 1008 CODERiCH BOILER WORK Chrystal & Black, trE• •7. ..•EA a • Manufacturere of all kinds of Stationery, Marine, Upright and Tabular Boilers. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron work. STEAM AND WATER PIPE -FITTINGS - constantly on hand. ' On hand, ready for delivery: I 30 H. P. New Steel Boiler. 8 H. P. New Boiler. A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfit, Boiler, Engine, Separator, &c., ail in good work- ing order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders will re,ceive prompt attention. Works opposite G. T R. Station. P. 0. BOX 361. Goderich, May 26th, 11386. 1 e•_