HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1887-10-07, Page 71887. reial 4.24 Clotlerlake. le Row - rategrort tPrest. , to m.00deik;h7-7,-,1 !' the eme:e7100.-., et. Beams CiLlea114,/ 16-C4103)10N. ir :1-1115teV8' 891144. . J. nolo, See God Minflibell, 1.- ROL?. 60e. Barresee-r---t!s- e to lease 'er" seatorsse ntess, eauci [tore for thetBaekt°41 !Money te ban; . Ontario • A.k. 781. the rate (1' Banister, ge.r4 Y. 8olfeiteeeee Money to teen ins meek Italt • ht Loans at 6. to. be Pet InwleY a arffi 859 r Graduate,nteal ' Bge, Toronte MORRis: 'atiOII8 caret* Ihloroforra. ether traction of teeth: d • -71 with mr 4N Hardt:tare, Sq. ork can be dega occupied by lc 980 - e.A.1=t - C. and sas ss Latest •, line. Satjf. lffice,___In cite. Hotel, Segeeetja ; Street. gal HT & gm, Dee. hceter, Ont. Ono at visit Blyth the rid following Fri - 3 Hotel, will via f every month on following Thtua Hotel, where he ;tions. Teeth isthetic, which re• iest desiring new h e morning of the 'ernes cash. 984 r;, Dentist, L. D. .r,Ont. Will be at won Hotel, eatha IN RADII None pain possible. Alt 071 or graduate of th. ;al surgeons, Ter- 5eof- any reliable, laranteed. Met LS., 10064. f. I. M., Graduate of hysician, Surgeon It. Office and fe- street, first brick 961 Brumfield, Lieen- of Physicians and field, Ont. 930 !Se Office, Meyer's, forth. Residence - t either the °Me; 894 rqvysician, Surgeon, h, Ont. Office and rich street, Second Church., 849 , a Membei fans and Surgeons, lee and residence re. 848 tY. RL -All cliseaSe4 , or any demean- 'stted on the short Veterinary niedi- erate. WALT 1010 MARY. -Corner at ta, next door to the h. Ont. All die, , or any of the do ly treated at the e shortest none*. Y. ELDER, Vetere e stock of Veteria on hand uctioneer for the es attended in al refers left at Tow pay attended to IDRTH E, repared to reedire t -class Butte' tne. Apply at the ,eatorth. in large nunibera- , LAW:MER. 7 Treats:tient. mare succese that medich:e has boto tment for Cantrell: .during the PaatM ti have been eurg- is is none the legir red that no. IWO themselves to tbC, _ nefitted, while the or advertised °ref , starting with ,ves by the mosteclat' tee to the Pereseuro, ewe, Jr. Dixon 'eir extermination -- the Catarrh is Prs nency IR linqUeigare°1P- four Years Sr° ter ever attempted , and no otherh. tre..10- DOW The aPP at; d can be &n11 ett_ of the Year iii slw nd permaaent,„„1„ cured at ont,rf:,;_ espond with ialwallyr, King Strati"' *bet 0811Lttamp fof eal Star, 1:801410Aw- OCTOBBEIt 7, 1887. par.a. art' • • e I . tTHE HURON EXPOSITOR. 7 ending a Cow's Broken Leg. It le a question whether the broken ieg of a horse or cow can be made Use - The veterinary surgeon who was called after an accident ef that kind to one of my cows, gave no hope, and he is -considered one of the best in. Boston. The animal in question broke the shank of the fore leg just above the ankle. It was set by the village dootor with splints, and the Boston veterinfery sur - gen' said he could not better(lt. She was slung in a common horse sling, but with pullies, so that the ropes played with each movement, thus saving eeafieg and other discomforts. . Great .are was taken to keep the-caevas sup- port smooth, and a thorough grooming was given every day. The dolor of the box was so arranged that partial support could be had from the three sound legs, but the broken one could not touch. She was in full milk, having just .calved, and did not fall off at any tine, but rather gained toward. the end of her confinement. I fed four quarts of ground oats, four of shorts, a peek of apples, and as much hay as was wanted_ the last two weeks, in addition to the two quarts of Indian meal. our weeks after the accident the swelling had nearly disappeared, the broke u bone had regained its position, but little if •any union had taken place. We then put the leg in a plaster cast and 4ave a pint of bone meal per day to help • the secre- tion of bane matter. To -day, a little over 11 weeks since the accident, the cow is standing in her box on four legs, well and feearty. The shank, although larger than the others, eeems strong and there is no reason why it may not be -as useful as the others. The doctor who set the Ieg, and those who took „care of it, had no experience in such cases, and. there could not therefore have been, exercised especial skill or care. - T. S. Cunningham, Worcester County, Massachusetts. 24 hours after applying. The becost time to put it on 'is in the eaIiy morning, when the dew is on and the ale q ilea You can use a coarse mesh Cloth or covered tin sifter (I use the latter, as you may prefer. If the whirl is llab e to blow toward a pasture fiel ,adjo. at the time of application, leave a rows on that side till the te' cleeey i ifllpness has ei blow off. is planted, blow from it. After Etuy d reached the plaster it will In gardens, where a varlet Got What he Wanted. The following story is told of a well known gentleman of Buffalo, who re- cently married a belle from a neighbor- ing „Pennsylvania city, after his case had.. been given up as hopeless by all the managing mammas of Buffalo : It seems_ that the gentleman itt questiqn regarded his abnegation of bachelorhood -with a sort of rueful misgiving, which increased afi the days of his liberty waned. His last revolt against the shackles of matrimony occurred when he was °sent to secure the necessary Pennsylvania marriage license, a few days before the ceremony. He sought the eity official who presided over the license depart- ment, and asked gravely: "Is this where the license$ are kept?" "Yes, sir," answered the clerk politely ; "what kind of a license do you want ?" "Well, what kind hareyou got" rejoined our friend, with 0uperhurean gravity. The clerk had begun to look upon his visitor as a lunatic, but he obligingly rattled off the list. "Give you a license to drive a hack, give you a license to pull teeth or to practice medicine, give you a pawn- broker's or a huckster's license,give you a license to keep gunpowder in the house-" - " Stop," said aur friend, quietly; "that's what I want." -Buffalo Courier. • Great Memories. ing, few to the liquid poison is best to use; but 1 why go to the trouble and xperuie of a two -wheeled sprinkler th4t rnust fen - avoidably waste a good deal of poison and tread down and damag iiuc1i at the end of the rows, when t men with proper dry sifters will in a w hours go through the rows • of sever acres and dust on the mixture just jhere most needed, about as fast as on 8.13 walk ? I have found the use of a edial State fertilizer, rich in potash (is ele a pre- ventive against the attae f scab.. I am not old at farming, but " be sure I'm right and th [Reuben Moore, Columbia York. A Pair of Notable Broadbritn, the versatil correspondent thus refers once notable characters, 1! time created no little sens cc want ahea ty, to 1.4» ew haranteree N ev York 0, othiple of at bne thro rgh- 0 'w out the world. THE TICHBORNE, OLAF:1%414NT. It only seems like the otlher day .since all England was ablaze wi h t e excite- ment of the Tichborne i I. • Vium Lands End to Yarmouth, fruiii the Isle of Wight to the Twee eat meet- ings were held to sustain 1 ichboree claimant, and over two hu e hoesand pounds were raised in'his was squandered in the En evv courts'. The lawyers engaged on ides were among the ablest men 1 in and whatever the merits the Australian fraud we judge who presided atth infamous notoriety by the his rulings and his brutal the opposing counsel, whi English love of fair play, the distinguishing chera ons back to the remotiest$ pathies of an Englishman with the under doginthe feeling it was which rouse f and tTi ndl ! 115 h I II Is the tre h'6 hi ria ate figb d I T 1- Of modern historians,Lerd Maceuley's memory is farno,us. to all, many interest- ing instances of which are related by Mr. Trevelyan. Thus we are told how he could recite not only the whole af "Par- adise Lost," but Riehardson'e great prize romance, " Sir Charles Grandison'" a work of prodigious size. As it has been truly said, "His mind, like a dredging net at the bottom uf the sea,. took up all that it enconetered, both bad and good, nor even seemed to feel the burden." Iu short, so nicely was his memory stored that in a list of kings or popes, or senior wranglers or prime ministers, or battles or palaces, or as to the hoses itt Pall Mall or about Leicester Square, he might be followed with implicit confi- dence. Lord Nelson, like, George III., it may be remembered, never forgot a face that he had once seen. During a visit to Salisbury, in December, 1800, he recog- nized one sailor among a crowd who had served under him at the Nile, and an- other who had assisted at the amputa- tion of his erm, after the ,unsuccessful attack on Santa Cruz. Sir Walter Scott had a wonderfully retentive, memory, two striking illustrations of which are recorded -one, of his having repeated the whole of Campbell's Pleasures of Hope," after only twice perusing it ; and the °thereof hie going through the whole -of a ballad three years after he had firet heard it. Byron, also, had a very fine memory,and often astonished his friends by the versatility of his knowledge. Andrew Fuller, after having heard five hundred lines twice, could repeat them without a mistake. It is said that he could repeat verbatim a sermon or sp•ccch, and could tell either backward or for- ward every shop sign from the Temple to the extreme end of Cheapside, and the Reticles displayed in each of them. 4 Porson's memory was so retentive that he once remarked it was a source of misery to him, as he could not forget anything, even what he wished not to remember. Some idea of his memory may be gathered from the fact that he could, repeat several of Shakespeare's plays, not to mention his extensive ac- quaintance with the Greek and Roman classics. In short, so marvelous was his memory that there were few su.bjects concerning which he was not able to illustrate his leuoWledge by quotations from the writings of his own and other countries. The late Professor Conning - ton could recite the works of Virgil and Hamer from beginning to end. Thomp- seri, like Fuller, could tell the names, trades, and particulars of every shop from Ludgate Hill to Piccadilly. Wood - gate was noted for his powers of mem- ory, and one feat he wets noted for was carry leg itt his head a debate, and re- peating it a fortnight after. -London Standard. k ingdom , Merits of Nee 1learnedned gaieed an tialley of writ tent of en" °eked the h has been Wail ic of Brit- Fien that sort of e pleased tOcal to the feeling man's mind' One -legged fel limb than h ,Sstith One arm -With artifiei defy Smile almos peopl &S. other kind and more k their •olidit o more run Why an A tragica of rornaupe l. the prison young solde standing gill vy, or whatever yoti are is as nothing compared that exists in a one -legged hen he beholds another ow with a better artificial as. I have known men one Ito be positively con- tivntt the sight of one 1 arm was so perfect as to etection. These sort of er sensibilities than the en, and feel more deeply ly the difference between and that of some one else e than they." ustrian Soldier Shot Tlimself. uicide, which has a touch out it, has just occurred at arthaus, near Prague. A r named Kazowsky was rd there. ' In his early youth he, haldllost his father, not through death, but i a far more melancholy way. -1 His father had committed murder, had been i pi° ounced guilty, and con- demned Ito twenty years' hard labor. The youeg $ n was then eight years old, and is lathe 's features remained firmly imprinted upi n his memory, as well as the whole painful impression of the event, sir iclaproduced a severe shock upon his'yoh hful mind. While Stand- ing s nt y Wore the prison of Karthaus, and seei g the convicts led past hiiin on their way o the open air, he recognized • own r did ut on uietly bullet " wn hands. , , at hI. and n hich had driven him to seek fla('. ' Dying, he confessed Ito his des t horrible discovery he had , t 1 lfe ancd Stonewall Jason. , 1 aele er in the Montreal G zette, - ere is imotlier unknown refer- 61fe tio Cana a keton s on the spot Where the hero ioes." s he approached the great e er too off his cap, and after g ietentl for awhile rose on tip - tined his face toward the, setting weeping his arm around the , e cleimed, ''` I die content?' To he died who would not d e con- nt ?" Within e few years, n the ro de field of Chancellorsville, land in the !flea of victory the Southern Chris- tian so die murmured, " It is God's will r flie d n tent." - in one of h hoary criminals hi father. IHR ispoke no word, neith he discafrer himself to his father; bein re ieted from his post he load;d is pin and discharged a at hi com mad deat The sym_ Viet generally ou I and this oak England 1 o• to aid this gigantic was the !mu, common people of E4 lan agi inst a sup- lai posed crime by its tit1 ed 4 -jot cra,ey, and ¶IIe yet in defence of the rights , f e titled aristocrat,ever was there udh L) paradox. The hod carrier, the coal eaver and the poorly paid navvy gave f eely part of his scant earnings to fight battle. The result, s th was the conviction of the tor after one of th trials on the crimi financial ruin of th ruin from which it ever recover. Th is now in New York tiona,ble company. For many years C been a most unsavory loco, Ite city ; where it joins Chatham sq are and runs into the Bowery it s'arms with sharpers and thievee. Che p restaur- ants, dirty rum shops end isrenketable lodging houses linethe stree on 'either vhose win- inkets 531(1 1111 hie ichborne worldi knows, sOch-1 on8pi ra• st r markeble calentlar and the ichborn is doubtfu anise Of a and 'tin &them •.family; a if it will 1 this ruin ery q es- treet iity in as side, while many of t claws are filled with plated jewelry are sirn burglars know they stolen goods and pie of a welcome by the gold and silver boug ,rt and saloons are of the loWest an la,inous class and fincVno par other part of Newl: York. Points is within pists4 Shot ; with its dives and iteloPium a stones -throw; Mottstre foul smelling,Chinese and it isa lazaroni, forms apart of ons colony; and it is, here in No. 10, Chatham Square, th of Tichbornishas cast his lot A man carrying in hie vei blood of a race -eat came ov Conqueror would have die would have sunk in this w miserable estate. Death less terror for him than sue when he can be seen daily de vile liquors to those who vi and if there is any man in elsewhere who still believes borne claimant one sight of his dirty bar will banish forever. O'DONOVAN ROSS When Jerry O'Donovan fame or infamy as 0' Donova kicked out- of the Fenian many innocent people bell was because he was a 1 -blatherskite whose associafo Brotherhood. was doing it thin good. He had a dir here which he called his Offi here that the assassinatio Phelan was attempted by t Dick Short. For some yea been a mystery with the how all of its most trusted out. If a secret movemen foot, or a confidential ag abroad on a mission of ven land Yard had all the detai full description of the emis business by the arrival of t' e very first steamer. Embry plot misc rried ; every conspirator was nabbed. Milesian pa- triots scratched --their hea s and said, "the devil is in the dice.' Some long heads on the inside bega 1 at last to smell a large size mouse, a d the conse- quence was that the renew ted Irish pa- triot O'Donovan R,ossa, at our' service, was• ingloriously kicked o t the back door. From that day to ti is there has been no leak in the Fenia, Secret Ser- vice Bureau, not a than ha been appre- hended, not a secrat has been blown. This looks rather squallt for Jerry O'Donovan. These Feni n gentlemen do not sta,nd upon trifles; a man more or less makes very little difference to them, so I shall not be urprised any morning to take up the pa er and learn that the remains of the x -Fenian pa- triot have been identified I y the rim of his hat, his boot heels, an a receipt for Scotland Yard. e shop t aded ly fe ai get ,pocket sign out Fighting Potato Bugs Again. . It is well known among practical po- tato raisers that a too strong applica- tion of poison to the vines will turn them from a natural dark green to a light yellow color also cheek their growth. If farmers will. put 150 lbs. of line, dry plaster in a box of sufficient depth and length to mix thoroughly therein 1 Th. of pure paris green, at least a week or more before using, they will find it will kill every potato bug that eats cri it, if it is not washed off within - es wri �f ti re ir re assured Id he il- By The I ive _Pell street, hin its tel- in - op, ord ide, " old." most lel in **ins wit t, )lirmiith tyl his vill the L s the proud r with before tched ou Id life; ing eu :it Iiis nglan the the he nd ave but the en, or im behind romance ' 1 known to Ross a, was rotherhood ed that it d -mouthed with the flore harm little den 6, and it was of Captalie- e murderous, e past. it has Brotherhood - wets leaked was set on nt was sent mum, Scot- s of it, and a, any and his 8 0 nd the Plains. Is before the war oocl before \Voile's uring Stone- monu- " died A wh kni thi lik ers cut np 0 ton °fore sh whi shd beciame fat and hearty, and of N eak lungs!, constipation and debilit in g of flesh, feorn which tWo doctors 1 to telieve her!" Mrs. Samuel Todd, ! • S�tisfaotory Explan tion. oprie r of the restaurant /"Mike, t is the matter with thi$ !carving e? I ade it as sharp as razor morning, and now it is not lied up a ike : ure, sor, one of the ustom- • abbe it from me this niorning,and a sand ich ie two wid it, sor.' i Fro a Grateful Mot er. My little bild stiffered from a se ,ere cold the lun , until she was like a lit le skele- took Burdock Blood Biters, after as cured or wast- ed failed Sturgeon. 1 7 52 2iv A Peculiar Kind s f Envy. ; "Did you know that th re is a 4ort bon ton aristoaracy among the men who wear artificial! legs and arms ?" "No, what do you mean ?" Why, tide : There are among men p ssessed of all their limbs a kind of env as to the kind of clothes they wear, that is, with those who lay great store by suc • things. One fellow sees another who i well dressed, and the fact of his better ppearance ex- cites a keen sort of desire to be like him. rhat sort of thing is muc more general than people. are willing to admit. Well, Bae wi t by , Ont. .• , eaane es, •z..• for Infants_ and Children. I "Castorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription .A,. known to me." H. ARCHER, D, 111 801 Oilord Bt., Brooklyn, N. Csatorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation. Kills Wornas, gives sleep, and promotes di eestion, Without injurious medication. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. A Should be in Every House. The Surprise Washer, ThehesteWashing Machine Ever Invented• 11... 0. HOLTZMAN,. -Zurich, Has purchased the sole right to manufacture„ and sell the " Surprise Washer and Wringer in the County of Huron. It is without doubt the best and most satisfactory washer ever invented. There are over 200 now in use in this county. and every one gives the best satisfaction. They are cheap, simple and efficient. Send for circulars, or address G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich. • N. B. -Agents wanted, and liberal terms given. Undertaking -Mr. Holtzman still con- tinues the undertaking business in all its branches. 1027 ' i ' • rs. Mary 4hompson, of Toronto, wa afflicted 1 Tape W1 rue 8 feet of- which was removed ne bottle of Dr. Low's Worm SyruP - ! ' 1007 52m Certain Cure. 1 A Cure for Oholera Morbus. -A positive cure for his dangerous complaint, and for !all acute or ( hrenie forms of bowel complaint incident to sun tiler and fall, is found in Dr.Fowler s Extract of 'ild Straa berry ; to be pD rocured from any _ dru 1007 . -W `orm Powders are agreeable to take Kinds Of.wornis from children or ! 1007, 52tu rand Results. •• or severallyeass R. H. Brown,of Iebicardin, su erod from dyspepsia, he said he triea several ph .-sicians and a host of remedies without relief. Ili- druggist recommended B. B. B. which he de( lares produced "grand results," for which he gii es it his ighest reconimendatiore 1007 52 reeman's an expel all adt Its. 'rot. Low'. cot intended 10 7 52111 th an saf be ha th st An he season of green fruit and summer drink is . time whet the worst forms of cholera morbus nplaints generally preyed. As a Fowler's Extract of Wild 'Strom- e kept at hand. For p years it most reliable remedy. 1007.52 2w 31agici Sulphur Soap highly re- ar all !humors and skill' diseases. ld Time Favorite. I -bowel co guard Dr DY should been the 'rational P Stomach, uctions. A lis are a mild pargative, acting on Liver and Bowels, removing all oh - 1007 52in Severe Attack.i I never f ;It better in my life than I have sir cc taking Burdock Blood Bitters I had a se ere biliouie attack ; I could not eat for several d ys, and was unable to work. One bottle cur- ed me." John M. Richards, Sr., Tara, Ont. For al bilious triubles use 13: B. B. 1907 52 2w Be Prepared. Cr th D re Ilc fl fi ly si SI a well fortifie urished - ade simpl iany of the worst attacks of cholera, =thus, naps, dysentery, and eolic come suddenly in - night, and the meet speedy and prompt ans mud be -used to combat their dire effects. . Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the . edy. Keep it at hand for emergencies. It ver fails tq cure cr relieve. • 1007 52 2w GREATFUL-COMFORT7NG. COCOA. BREAKFAST: "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws !ich govern the operations of digestion . and trition, and by- e careful application of the e properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps s provided our breakfast tablee with a delicate - flavored beverage which May save us many avy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use such art gradual!) t REMOVED 1 SeaforthAlusicallitstrumenti les of diet that a constitution may built up until strong enough to re- t every nclency to disease. Hundred's of btle nial4ies are floating around us ready to tack wherever there is a weak point. We may cape mane a fatal shaft by keeping oureelves with pure blood and A properly fraine.''-" Ojai/ Service Gazette." with boiling water or inilk. Sold ly in p ckets by grocers, labelled thus: \SEES EP S & CO., Ifonaeopathic• Chemists, L ndon, England. ! 1033-42 11 OHM T WESTCOTT, EXETER, OT. • M/1173401ZITTM_ Messrs, Scott Bros, Beg to announee that tluiy have remov- ed to the premises next door to Messrs. I Joseph Kidd and Son, Main Street, : where they ,will be found with a large and well -selected stock of -1 Collect! Nodes and Accounts on the iortest 4otice in any part of the world, and at th T most reasonable rates. orrespondence Solicited. JOHN T. WESTCOTT, Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. ORGANS St. PIANOS Of the very makes. best and most reliable Second-hand Instruments taken exchange at full value. Agents wanted. IA liberal discount during the Christmas holidays. in SCOTT BROS., SEAFORTH. - BOARS FOR SERVICE. -George Trott., Sea - forth, has a good young Berkshire Pig for service, from the stock of Mr. Wm. Fowler. Also a young Suffolk Boar, with a full pedigree on both sides. Teems -81 per sow, with the privilege of returning if necessary, but positive- ly no credit. Residence on Sperling street, near , the show grounds, Seaforth. 994 • aaa.4 MO PIG BREEDERS. -_-The undersigned will 1 beep at his place, Hills Green, during the present season a thoroughbred Chester white pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. TERAIS.-One dollar, with the privilege of returning if necessary. CHARLES- TROYER,. 1007x7 sUFFOLK BOAR. -The mid ersign ed 4111 keeps for the improvement of stock, on Lot, 21, Concession P L. R. S., Tuakeremith, that well- known thoroughbred Suffolk boar, " King Tom." He was bred by Messrs. A.. Frank & Sons, of the county of Peel, and both his sire and his dam were also imported. Ile is as good a; pig as Was ever offered for service in 'Torun as can be proven by the extended pedigree which is registered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms 81, with the privilege qf returning if .necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 91 - , - ALLAN LINE. Royal Mail Steamships. V A 0 Fri 1-1 FurnitureWarerooms. If you want solid ciOntfort call at M. Robertson's, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TIARM FOR SALE. -For sale or to rent. Lot 12 38, Concession 14, East Wawanosh, contain- ing 160 acres, about 70 of which are cleared, and the balance mostly hard wood timber. Terms easy. Apply on the premises or to GEORGE THOMPSON, Box 125, Wingham P. 0. 1020 t.f. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -The under. signed has a comfortable House and Lot' situated in Egmondville, which he will offer for sale. The house has all modern aseveniences, is nicely located, and will be offered on very reasonable terms. To a retired farmer this house would be just the thing. For particulars apply at CHARLESWORTH & BROWNELL'S store, near the post office, Shaforth. 1023.tf TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. ---For sale, cheap, two houses and three lots, situated near the High School. One housecontains seven rooms and the other four rooms, all comfortably fitted up. There are a, number of excellent fruit trees and bushes. The property- is pleasantly situatedeand will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises, or to A. SHAW or MARY ANN SHAW, Seaforfh P. 0. 1029-8 And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. El can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the most comfortable and durabl SPPRING- T�LED That is made. His stock of * CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending porches ers would do well to gave hbn a call before pur• chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. 1P1EEITS'Ori Cabins -850, $60 and -870. Intermediate, 830; return, $60. Steerage passengers are book- ed to and from London, Queenstown, Derry, Belfast and Glasgow at same rates as Liverpool. If you are sending for your friends, we can fur- nish you with prepaid passage certificate to bring them from England, France, Gerrnany, Sweden, Norway, &e. • Rates of passage alWays as low as by any other line. Fire, Life and Marine Insurance done as usual. C. P. R. tickets issued to Manitoba, British Columbia, and all pointseast. Baggage checked. through to destination. 825,000 to loan from 51 to Gi per cent. per annum. Office -Market .t,rect. 1007' A. S'IrRONG. THE Bl'iL7 MILLS, SIF RTt4I IVCHEAP 4frARM.-A 100 acre farm for sale, composed of south half of Lot 15, in the township of Morris, and county of Huron, about 60 acres cleared and under grass, with about 40 acres of bush and beaver meadow. -It is 3 miles from Belgra.ve station, 4 miles froro Eluevale arid - a miles from Brussels, good frame bhildings, and never -failing springs', good roads. It will be sold for a small sum as the Proprietor is old and wishes to retire from farming. Title perfect: - Apply on the premises or to Breissels p o. ADAM SCOTT. 10,31-4 FA.B.31 FOR SALE., --For sale, Lot 3, Conces- sion 1, Hullett, containing 100 acres, 70 acres free of stumps nd in a high etate of cul- tivation. There are 15 acres of hardwood bush, never culled. There is a never -failing spring, and no waste laud. his farm belongs to the estate of the late Jobb. Hugill, and enust be sold. Apply to the exec-116ns, A. STRONG, Seaforth, and GEORGE PLE VES, Tuckeramith, or to Abraham Hugiil, on the farm oppoeite. 1033-tf pROPERTY FOR SALE.- For ;sale, a com- • fortable frame Welling house, on William Street, Seaforth. . There is a good well, also a good garden, well plented with fruit trees. For sale cheap and on ear ternis, atwo storey brick dwelling house, and me and a half acres of land, and a good orehard,Inow occupied by Mr. Quin- lan. There is also a eood stable. This property is adniirably suited for a retired feigner. Apply to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 1033 ' FARMS FOR SALE. -For Sale Lots Nos. 12 and the east half of Lot 13, 'en the 9th Con- cession of McKilop containing 150 acres, of which 130 acres are Oeared and in a ,first-class state of cultivation. There is a good house and good frame barn, stables and outbuildings.; on Lot No. 12, also two good orchards. A -spring creek runs through both Lots. There is nearly 100 acres in grass. It is convenient to Schools, ohurches, post office, Sic., and is within eight miles of the town of Seaforth. It is one of the nicest lying and belit Farms in the eounty of Huron and is well adapfed Tor either grain grow- ing ot grazing. It Will be sold in one Lot or in two parts to suit purchasgrs. Apply on the premises, or addiesa Winthrop P. 0. ROBERT 0. ROSS. 10304. 1. The above mills have now been thoroughly re. built 'upon the complete ! HURGA4Likil ROLLE.H PROCESS. The Mill and Storeb-Ase Buildings have -been greatly enlarged, a. aew machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPAOVED ROLLS - —AND— Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out !lour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The fs.eilit.es for receiving grain 1 rom farmers and for elevating, and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now . r taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. • A LAWE FEED STOW: —FOR— CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. e A good shed has been erected, BO that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. OT_TSTOIVI Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, Still Ahead Of All. BRAN, SHORTS, H. L. SMITH 84. Co., CATERERS, And dealers in American and Canadian Confec- tionery. Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of Fruits. Families Hotels, and others wishing Ice -Cream in bulk, can be supplie.d at reasonable rates. Canned Goods, Tobaceps a.nd Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to customers. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, in the Canadian Bank of Commerce buildings, first door so-ath of the bank, Main street, Seaforth. H. L. SMITH & Co. 959 And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. MANITOBA LandOwners! Do you wish to diepose of 3 our MANITOBA FARM LANDS OR WINNIMO CITY PROPERTIES If so, you will find it to your interests to place them in our hands for :Fiala. We have had MX YEAR'S EXPERIENCE in he land business in Mani toba, and are thoroug ily acquainted with every part of the Province. We attend to the pay- ment of Taxes, Isalue,i Inspect, or act as agents for th_e sale or renting of Farm *ands anti Win- nipeg City Properties. Charges!' mderate. Manitoba, Wironipeg 4d Ontario Properties exchanged. , Timber Limits, Catt e Ranches and Mining Claims for 'ole. Bargains in innyeg Cay Pro- perties. Real Estate Exchanged for goods of eve? y descriplion. Improved Fdrms and Vacant Lands for sale in all pa7-ts of _Mani- toba and Horthtoest Territories. IRST-CLASS Farm for sale, being Lot 30, on the llth Coneession of the townehip of 31cKi1lop, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres cleared, and in a go d state of cultivation. There are 10 acres -of good hardwood bush. Fences are good. There are oii the premises a good frame barn 40x64,frame sub1e 30x50,a log stable 30x36, and a good log hou e. There is an orchard of 1 acre of choice frur trees, and a ,nevee-failing well- This farm. i well located for markets, being only 7 miles from the town of Seaforth, a town, On the Grand Trunk Railway, and 21 miles from the village of Winthrop, where there is a post-iaffice, grist -mill, saweniil, a church, and a schoOl house. This farm will be sold cheap. For farther particulars apply to JOSEPH CRAIG on the premises, or to J. m. BEsr, Barrister, Seaforth P. O. 101141 Our -Agent for Northwestern Ontario is MR. D. M. RADOLIFFE) Agent of the North American Life Insurance Company, Seatotth, :Ontario. GLINES SE CO Real Estate Agents, 457 Main Street, Winnipeg, . Manitoba. 1030-13 gyen ACRE FAR I FOR SALE. -A first-class 'NIA/ farm for ea e in the townl3hip of Morris, in the County of liluron, being south, half of north -half lots 25 aad 26, and sonth half of 26 c in the 5th concession, containing 20OlacArLesE1,0,12178rreo_ or lens, 125 acres 111 stly elear of stumps and in a good state of cul ivation, . There is e young heeling orchard, a rood house and bank barn 55x56 feet, withm tudo le eitable underneath. The ' plia faris siated IVI ,hin a mile of the Village of lars !a rstitefi BruSeels, and is it g od farm for grain ot stock - raising, as it is wate ed with the river 1.aitland -and a nevet-failin spring reek. Phssession will be given at any time. For furtherpply on -the premises, or t� A. K, 14013E11T- u- SON, Brussels I'. 0 tI ylARMS FOR SAE. -For sale, two farms, X Lot 14, on th-efeth concession, and Lot 15, me:i on the 7th cosle(' of Morris, containing 100 acre is each, about 00 acres cleered, free from stemps on one farm, and about 00 ogres cleared on the other. The cleared land- is ' in a good stet° of cultivation and well fenced. Geed frame a .. . . barn and stables, and log house on one, and o11. the other a log hoe. e and log barn. There is a . good bearing orcha d on Lot 14. A never -failing sprieg- creelc runs, through bah plaees. The soil ie first class, there being no better fame in the township. These places are admirably adapt- ed fig grain growing or graziiig, and are within five miles of the flourishing town of Brussels. The places will be sold together or separately, and can be hought eheap and bn easy terms. Apply on the premiees, or address the proprie- tor, Sunshine I'. 0. 0E0110E1 si: prietor. — — Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS —AND - FINE COARSE Al LANn S.M.T FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kept jto attend customers. The liberal patronge of artnere and general trade respectfully solicitc-d. A. W. OGILVIE & C0.1 PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. 1 Money to Lend. We have u11Ih1lit64 sums of money to lend on good farm property, at lowest rates of interest. payable once a year, with privileges. , Charges very moderate, mortgages bought. DENT & HODGE. liarrietere, Mitrhell. 1029 tf THE BRODHAGEN SASH and DOOR- FACTORY Look Right Fere! --AND-- PLANING MILL. Charles Querengeeser, Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Thia establishment is situated! on Lot 31, Con- cession 8, Logan, and six milcs. north of Dublin, a good road all the way. Parties intending to build .will find they will make Money by buying from me. Good work and the best material guaranteed. Good Dressed Flooring and Siding at err per thousand. Charles Querengesser. Broadliagen P. 0. 1005 The Old Stand. Refrigerators -AND _ Ice Cream Freezers URFS Liver Complaints Dyspepsia, Bili- ousness, Sick If eadaeheKidnee- Troubles, Rheu- iatisin,Skin Dis- easegand all Im- purities of -the Bloed.froni what ever ea:Ise aris- ing. C. M. Whitney's, SEAFoRTH. OTT -J; The thing fOr suremer use, at less than cost: Bargain in them. - For. an Al job of Ea.vetroughing, Roofing, Meta lie Shingles, &c, call at 0. M. hitney's, SEAFORTH. Girdles and Belts (NEW) 1? Ok NEW YORK, At Counter's. Fen;2.3e wea-knes:(-s and General Debility. Pure- lv highly concentrated, pleasant effectual use. Aek for Dr Hodder's Compound. Take no other. Soli everywhere. Price 75 cente per bottle. DR. }DDER'S CaU,A1 AML LUNG CUBE. Sold every where. Priee 25 cents end 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, THE. UNION MEDICINE 00.., Toronto, Can- ada. 10241 52 AM NOT— Sel i n at Cost, But still 1 will s ell a Ladys' Gold Watch for $9 and upwards; a ;Julys' Silver Watch for 86 and upwards; a Genes Gehl Filled Watch for 415 and upwards; a (i1entls Silver Watch for 88 and upwards; a* Cruet Stand, full plate, 82.50 and upwards; a Pickle Stand, full p)ate, :el and up- wards; a fine Cabinet Album, large size, for 50o ditto, in plush, for 81: a pair of Spectacles f 10c. All other goods as cheap in proportion. All goods guaranteed as represented. Personal attentiort given to all repairs, an guaranteed to give satisfaction. D. S. CAMPBELL, 1DROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR and Civ Engineer. Orders by wail promptly al tended to. D. 8. CAMPBELL Mitchell M. R 1Counter, SEAFORTH. You Can Buy A Solid 14k Gold Open or Hunting Ladies' Watch, for ;7-720 ; or a Gent's Gold Filled Stem Wind American tor $20: or a three ounce open face, with P. S. Bartlett movement, for $15; and Clocks and Jewelry at reduced prices at -PURVIS 84 MILKS, —FOR THE NEXT— See our Watch without hands. Hardwood taken in exchange. Purvis & Milks, STREET SEAFORTH. - - e • • eee ;•i • Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried foC asteria, When she became Miss, sb.e cltmg o Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Cae-veri